Juniper JonesChapter 2
- 2 years ago
- 23
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Cleveland was inhospitable, beating us three out of four at "Progressive" Field (formerly known as "Jacobs Field"). Along with Baltimore's fans in the stands, I found myself hoping that the Orioles never got so desperate for spare change that they would sell "naming rights" to Oriole Park at Camden Yards.
I'd seen an Internet blog where one local man said that on the day Camden Yards was renamed something like Pillsbury Park or Folger's Field, he would be through showing up for ball games there forever.
I can't remember what Detroit's new ballpark's nondescript name is, but we didn't do so good there, either. We lost two out of three and limped home back in third place.
And we were running out of season.
The sickening part of it was, the club's offense was still potent. We were scoring lots of runs -- leading the league in runs scored, in fact -- and both Josh and Zeke the Streak were in the top five among the league's hitters.
In addition to his gaudy .332 average, fourth highest in the AL, Zeke had already hit thirty-six homers by only mid-August. He was "on pace," as they say, to hit about forty-five.
Didn't matter. Our pattern was that Shiggie Nomura and the new kid, Brumbelow, would make good starts for us and usually would win their games, but the rest of the staff would be frighteningly shaky. That meant three of every five games were crapshoots, no matter how many runs we scored.
I didn't like being a naysayer. It was a long, long season with almost forty games still left to be played. But I was getting the distinct impression that it wasn't going to be the Orioles' year.
The local press was especially critical of the pitching coach, Arlie Stone. Never mind that Arlie had been there in the same capacity all through the recent glory days when the Orioles had won two pennants, one World Series, and had reached the post-season three times in a four- year stretch.
What had Arlie done for us lately?
Paul Warren, even, was catching some flak from the fans. It wasn't surprising. The Baltimore faithful had suffered through a long period of hard times before Paul had become the field manager, and the fans dearly loved it when the team had finally become competitive again.
The prospect of suddenly returning to mediocrity after only those few years back in the sunlight made every loss seem more distressing than it might have been.
Franklin summed it up. "I remember when people would have been thrilled to see us at 66-59 and solidly in third place!" he said. "But not this year. This year, seven games over .500 is considered failure."
Now, coming home from Detroit, we had to face Boston and the Yankees for six games. Not exactly a breather.
Juniper and I had been communicating regularly that week, and on our return, Franklin and I drove in a two-car caravan from BWI directly to the Jones' house. It was Sunday evening again, just a week since my last inconclusive face-to-face with Juni.
Despite the importance of this meeting to both of us, and despite my having given the matter lots of thought during the past week, I had no clear idea what I was going to say or do. To the extent that I had a plan, the plan was simply to react to Juniper.
If she said she still felt the same way she had a week earlier, she presumably would be making some kind of pitch for us to give it another try.
At that point, I would be under some pressure either to agree or to be the Bad Guy who had given up on her when the chips were down.
Hell, even I didn't know which way I would go on it. On the one hand, Juniper had proven herself to be pretty weak-kneed when it came to fundamental reform. She had known from the start that I wanted an all-or-nothing relationship, and she had chosen summarily to reject that arrangement back in Toronto.
On the other hand, Juniper also was the one who'd eaten humble pie. She had come back to me and asked for another chance. She also was the one who claimed to have changed in some important respects.
I was very uncertain about whether the change was real. But the one encouraging thing I knew about Juniper was that she didn't dissemble. So I felt strongly that I could believe her when she said she wanted to try again.
I knew, at least, that if it didn't work out, she wouldn't be sneaking around sleeping with other guys on the sly. Nope. She'd just tell me it wasn't working and we'd say bye-bye -- no doubt for the final time.
So what it boiled down to was, if she wanted us to get back together, did I want to say okay?
I didn't kid myself. I really wanted her! I badly wanted to say yes. To me, the real question was, would I be able to hold up if we confronted still-another failure somewhere down the road? How many times could I put my energies into this, only to find out that Juniper's history weighed too heavily on her to permit her to have a normal life?
Juniper and her mother had an appealing light dinner waiting for us when we got to the house. The four of us stayed at the dining room table for a good hour after dinner, mostly discussing the season-in-progress and the Orioles' seeming inability to jell and the repeated failures to compete effectively.
"We're close to it being stick-a-fork-in-us time," Franklin said. "We've got to win at least four out of these six games with Boston and the Yankees, and we had better win both of the three-game series, or it's going to get really hard to come back this late."
After we all helped clean up the dinner debris, Franklin and Mary Jane once again said early good-nights and retired to the upstairs.
"You want to go out for a little walk?" Juniper asked.
"What is it? Ten-thirty? Yeah, sure. I really ought to be going back to the apartment and run a load of dirty clothes. I may have to wear third-day underwear tomorrow. But, hell yeah, let's go for a walk like normal people."
"We could go back to your apartment together," she said. "You could run your laundry and we could drink your cheap white wine and discuss our future -- if any."
"Maybe we shouldn't spend any time back at my place until we've done some of the discussing at a neutral site," I said.
"My test papers are still valid," Juniper said. "I haven't been out with anybody since you left town last week."
"I know that," I said. "I'm not worried about catching anything. I'm worried about the future. We try this again, and it doesn't work, that's just going to hurt like a sonuvabitch, Juni. I don't know whether I'm up to it."
"What about me?" she said. "You think I'm just out on a whim, here? ... That I haven't got anything at stake? Jeez, Travis, this is the first time in my whole life I've been serious about a man! First time!
Juniper was a curious mixture of supplication and aggression. Maybe it was the way she loomed over me when we both were standing.
I guess when a woman is six-foot-four, it's hard for her to cajole.
We were outside now, but not very far along on our supposed walk. Juniper still had the floor -- or at least, the sidewalk: "You stand here and tell me you're all worried about what might happen later ... if we didn't make it," she said. "But for me, I'm facing that pain right now! Tonight! I don't have to worry and wonder about what'll happen if we fail, because if you say no to this, we will have failed right now -- tonight!"
"It's not really all that dramatic, is it Juni? I mean, if you decide you want to change, there are lots of guys out there who'll want you. I'm not the only chance you're gonna have. Not by a long shot."
"It doesn't work that way, and you know it," she said. "Look at you. Look how hard you worked at making me understand that I was wrong about Carla, back when you thought she was the whole reason for my running away from you."
However tall and imposing Juniper was, she was getting teary-eyed now, and working herself up to an emotional pitch. "I ran away because I was afraid of commitment," she said, "and now I've got to where it's the only thing I care about. And not with 'some other guy, ' either. With you! Please, Travis, try to have a little faith, here."
I didn't say anything for a long time. Somebody's dog -- invisible but nearby -- was barking incessantly. Juniper, who'd been close to tears only moments before, how seemed composed. She just stood, waiting for me to say something.
"Do you want to come back with me tonight -- to the apartment?" I asked her.
"I've already packed a bag, just in case you said yes," she said.
"Okay. Leave a note for your mother."
Back at my musty-smelling apartment, Juniper helped me carry my bags in from the car and to get the first batch of dirty clothes into the washer.
We had the cheap white wine, just as Juniper had predicted, and we talked. We talked into the night. We also made love between the bouts of talking. We got up once to fold my clothes and hang up the Perma-Press shirts coming out of the dryer.
It was an enormous relief. For both of us.
Not doing my laundry.
Not the talking.
The sex. It had been awhile. For both of us.
Discussing -- once again -- our future and the obstacles was absolutely essential, but it didn't really bring relief because after it was all talked out, we both still had to just go on from there on faith. You agree to something and then you hope that you and the other person can live up to it.
But the sex! That was right now. Whatever tomorrow would bring, tonight was very gratifying indeed.
"Thanks," Juniper said theatrically after our first feverish coupling. " ... I needed that!"
"No more than I did," I told her, a little short of breath for an alleged professional athlete.
"You gotta admit it, we're good together in bed," she said.
"For me, 'good' doesn't begin to describe it," I said. "For me, it's never been better. But Juni, promise me that for as long as this lasts, it's just going to be the two of us. It's not that you're doomed to be with me for the rest of your life. That part will be up to you. But as soon as there's somebody else, you've got to tell me about him."
"It's just gonna be you, Trav. I promise."
"No, that's not the promise I want, because you might not be able to keep that one. But if you stray -- even once -- I want to know about it. I want to hear about it from you and nobody else. And don't think I'll forgive and forget, either, because I won't. You stray -- even once -- and I'll take it as a clear indication that we can't do this. That it just won't work."
"Didn't I tell you that I'd be able to come -- with you," she said, nuzzling my chest. "Jeez, I was afraid I'd lost them -- all my little extra nerve-endings on my clit! But you tickled every one of them little suckers!"
"That 'I can't come' stuff was just all in your head, and you know it," I told her. But I was secretly pleased to hear her say that.
Who am I kidding? What guy wouldn't be?
"Juniper? I asked you to promise ... To promise that if you had sex with another man, you'd tell me."
We lost the final game in Minneapolis, but we managed to take some encouragement from it because for once it was our offense and not the pitching that had fallen down on the job. Sam Bailey had his first good outing since early April, giving up only two runs in seven innings. For Sam, it was a no-decision, but we still ended up on the short end, 3-2. For once, there were no delays at the airport, and we were on the ground in Toronto and busing in to our downtown hotel well before 9 p.m. I...
It was in the wee hours of the morning when I finally drove Juniper home. We said goodnight at her family's front door without any further pyrotechnics. In contrast to my first night taking her to this door, this time she wasn't flirtatious or eager to bestow a kiss on me before we so much as left the car. We just walked up to the front door, she said goodnight, and that was the ballgame. Speaking of ballgames, I was due at Camden Yards in approximately eleven hours. It would behoove me...
Back at my apartment, Juniper and I had the most enchanting night together since we'd met. The sex was exhausting, almost desperate, but we managed to make it loving and tender at the same time. Afterward, we relaxed together, still lying naked on top of the sheets. Each of us was nursing one of my favorite treats -- a homemade root beer float. I felt contentment washing over me like a gentle ocean wave. I felt new confidence that we were going to really make this thing work. Happiness is...
It turned out that Mary Jane Jones (I still chuckled every time I uttered that name) was more than pleased to invite me to dinner. I was to arrive at seven p.m. for dinner at eight. Franklin was to entertain me with old war stories while she and Juniper prepared our meal. When I arrived, Juniper greeted me at the door all cheerful and friendly. I received a little hug and a kiss on the cheek, after which she led me into a very large room where Franklin was watching Jeopardy! on a big-screen...
Boston was only a game and a half behind the Yankees in the AL East race, and since the league's wild card playoff team was looking more and more likely to come from the AL West, the Red Sox knew their only sure path to the post-season was through Yankee Stadium. The same thing was technically true of the Orioles, but we were now five games back, and the likelihood of our overtaking both contenders was, in truth, very slender indeed. So the always-frenzied Red Sox faithful were a few...
When I got to the park, Franklin Jones found me in the clubhouse and told me, quietly, that Juniper had asked him to invite me over after the game. Evidently, she hadn't wanted to count on my hearing by telephone from Carla. "How'd she seem?" I asked Franklin. I was confident that Juniper's stepfather and I were on the same side of this issue. I could expect him to talk straight to me. "Not good," he said. "I got all encouraged when she told me to invite you to come by, but her...
I did go back to Colorado for a quick visit with my family during the All-Star break. I'd told them about Juniper, and they'd been pleased that perhaps I'd found somebody I really cared about. Earlier, before I went home, I'd also told them about our break-up, so when I got there they already knew the bare essentials -- that there'd been this brief romance, it hadn't worked out, and Number One Son was back to his bachelor ways once again. Like parents everywhere would have been, my...
I drove directly to Franklin's house, calling him on the way to let him know I was coming and to ask Mary Jane to start softening Juniper up for a meeting with me. It still wasn't entirely clear whether she would be willing to see me. Franklin said he had spoken to the psychiatrist and that Dr. Mendelssohn had called Juniper afterward on her cell. "They might be still talking now," he said. When I got there, I gratefully accepted a steaming cup of coffee from Mary Jane and sat down...
On Friday morning, Juniper and I got up and dressed for the day. She seemed alert and less affected by her drug regimen, although when I asked her about it, she assured me that she was still taking the prescribed drug as her doctor had instructed. I put my Thursday clothes back on, and we walked into the kitchen together. Mary Jane greeted us without so much as a raised eyebrow and asked me if I was interested in breakfast. I was. "I have to be at Dr. Mendelssohn's office in forty-five...
We lost the Sunday game in Toronto and were back to six games under .500 for the season. My personal batting slump continued, and although Paul Warren was as inscrutable as always, I thought our hitting coach, B.J. Surhoff, was starting to show signs of concern about having to rely on me for other than occasional bench strength. I could tell he was casting about for something to say to me that might snap me out of it. If Warren and the coaches knew anything about the blowup with Juniper,...
The Yankees were in town Tuesday night for a three-game set, and we lucked out on the weather. It was still reminding us that the season was too long and started too early, but it was almost sixty degrees at game time, which seemed balmy after Boston. The Yankees had been playing at home, too, so I figured they were as happy as we were for a decent night. I started the game in my usual position -- two guys down from the water cooler. We had a full house, as was usual for the Yankees, but...
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A brief recap. Carol and I went honky tonking and picked up three young business men. Carol was wearing a snap button cowgirl shirt and extremely tight Jeans. She pretended to be a waitress and flirted outrageously with them. She brazenly flashed her breasts. I drove all of us back to their hotel with Carol in the back seat making out with two of them. At the hotel we took the garage elevator. At the first floor the door opened and there was a young couple waiting. They saw Carol half naked and...
Wife LoversTuesday, March 14, 2006 It was 3:00 AM when the Secret Service came to wake me. I came to with an agent standing by the side of our bed, gently nudging my right shoulder. I was spooned up behind my wife, who wasn’t wearing anything (things had gotten vigorous that evening!) Thankfully she had pulled the sheets up around her shoulders. It took me a few seconds to realize what was happening, and then I groggily looked around. The light in the bedroom was on, and the agent who had been standing...
Becky setzte sich auf die Bettkante und Larry machte ihr den BH auf während sein Mund ihr einen feuchten Kuss in den Nacken gab, was bei ihr etwas wie Schüttelfrost verursachte, und über ihren Rücken lief. Becky drehte ihren Kopf, um Larry zu küssen und drückte ihre Zunge tief in seinen Mund, als sie seinen Slip über seine Beine runterzog und seinen riesigen Schwanz freilegte, der sich steif emporreckte. Becky unterbrach den Kuss und flüsterte Larry zu und sagte: "Beeil dich und leg dich aufs...
InterracialI am Raju 27 years old from Chennai 6 ft tall and fit guy, again with a beautiful true sex story about a relationship between myself and my cousin sister. Her name is Harini and she is 6 years elder to me. This happened in my native village near Chennai.Before going into it Girls, ladies of any age can contact me to have chat, sex chat, sex which will be secure.Please share your views with feedback To say about her she is typical south Indian girl with medium sized boobs any guy will love to...
IncestEven though the sun is shining bright outside your window and the children are happily playing in the streets, you can't seem to muster up the energy to put a smile on your face. Today is the day that you are going to be forced to grow up and leave your childhood home, only to go to the Facility, where you are going to be forced to find a mate to breed with. You're not happy about it because, if you don't find one within the year you stay there, you have no choice but to mate and bond with...
Bob and Sara had moved to our small town three years ago, but had made few friends except for my wife and I. Sara, who was 33, home schooled the children, and Bob worked at the local bakery and served as assistant pastor to a small fundamental Baptist church. We wondered how Sara could home school the children when she had not even graduated from high school herself, but it was clear that she was doing a good job in educating the children. The whole family dressed plainly, with Sara and...
Japanese "sexual examination therapy nurse", Narai, mid 20's. Her job is to cheerfully and skillfully provide patients a 'sexual release procedure' of their description in a comfortable, clean, hospital setting with no prostitution overtones.A summary of the main procedure was reviewed by the nurse. Although vaginal penetration is prohibited, the nurse may otherwise employ possible other stimulation techniques, as directed by the patient, for the best possible outcome. A list of them is...
I though he was so hot. He had short blonde hair, and an amazing body. He must have been from mars, because his ass was out of this world :). In all seriousness though, his ass was perfection. It was firm and nice. Alec would let me feel his ass every once in a while. He was such a grat friend in letting me do that. I had seen him naked before, seeing as we were as close as brothers. Anyway, we first had sex at his house, and this is how it happened. "Hello?'', I said when I picked up...
All the elves are worried when Vixen returns alone while Santa is out on his deliveries. Later in the night his sleigh is spotted, but is flying erratically with only the seven reindeer.Santa lands the sleigh hard. One of the runners collapses and the sleigh smashes it into a snowbank. The elves rush to sleigh and roll it off the old elf.Santa slowly tries to stand up. He looks like the night had not gone as planned. Part of his fur is missing from his suit, his coat is open, the right sleeve...
HumorI was startled by a knock at the door. I looked at the clock and it said 8:11AM. Knowing the rules I opened the door, surprised to see Nate. He had changed clothes and cleaned up from last night. "Please come in," I said invitingly. "How can I help you Nate?" I thought you could use some release after yesterday, and looking at you I see I was right," he said eyes drawn to the tent in my pants. "Clothes off and on the bed, Cocksucker!" I did as commanded, stripping quickly and flopped myself...
Late afternoon, we caught a bus back to the hotel. It wasn't very busy, and we managed to get a seat. Back in the hotel room, we lay on our beds and read until it was time for dinner. Jon had me wear just my short wrap-round skirt and my white bikini top that evening, and I had to be careful as I leant over the buffet table to get what I wanted. We had a bottle of white wine with our meal, and I let Jon drink most of it, I didn't want to get drunk again. Afterwards, we went into some of the...
You know, or maybe you don't know, that it is awkward to try to climb over a collection of pussy and tits when you have a morning hard on as big as one of the girls forearms. It didn't help any that one of the aforesaid forearms had a hand clamped onto the said erection like a set of Vice-Grips. I was about to push away Mel's hand when I discovered Mel had her pantied rear end pointing towards me-a dangerous thing within itself due to the high fibre content which I placed in their diet-and...
Desperate for cash-Mom-son porn“I will do anything for money. I need it by Sunday or else or house will be up for auction next week as the bank people have got the court order for our house eviction already. I need one lakhs very urgently, Please, give me one lakhs rupees and you can use me as you wish for one day.” Mamatha pleaded with her late husband’s friend Reddy with tears in her eyes as she knew that Reddy was looking at her with lust in his eyes when he had come to her house when her...
ok i was ten then and at my friend maddie's house. I was feeling very horny at the time.we were playing dolls when maddie told me to turn around and so I did,and when she told me to turn around she was butt naked(did i tell you she had some big tits)she had a strap on dick on her.She fucked me so hard. there was real cum in the dick and the cum was in my ass. It was the best day of my life.
It’s not often that I give my heart out to a man. Sex is easy to accomplish but when they start getting interested in me, I freeze up. I think to myself, “there is no way he wants to know me.” But this story is different. Slightly. This is the story about the man who it is still impossible for me to hate even though I should. This is the story of my Pancake Man. I admit I haven’t known him long but the things he could do to me made my heart beat faster like it never had before. Don’t get me...