Juniper JonesChapter 14 free porn video

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Cleveland was inhospitable, beating us three out of four at "Progressive" Field (formerly known as "Jacobs Field"). Along with Baltimore's fans in the stands, I found myself hoping that the Orioles never got so desperate for spare change that they would sell "naming rights" to Oriole Park at Camden Yards.

I'd seen an Internet blog where one local man said that on the day Camden Yards was renamed something like Pillsbury Park or Folger's Field, he would be through showing up for ball games there forever.

I can't remember what Detroit's new ballpark's nondescript name is, but we didn't do so good there, either. We lost two out of three and limped home back in third place.

And we were running out of season.

The sickening part of it was, the club's offense was still potent. We were scoring lots of runs -- leading the league in runs scored, in fact -- and both Josh and Zeke the Streak were in the top five among the league's hitters.

In addition to his gaudy .332 average, fourth highest in the AL, Zeke had already hit thirty-six homers by only mid-August. He was "on pace," as they say, to hit about forty-five.

Didn't matter. Our pattern was that Shiggie Nomura and the new kid, Brumbelow, would make good starts for us and usually would win their games, but the rest of the staff would be frighteningly shaky. That meant three of every five games were crapshoots, no matter how many runs we scored.

I didn't like being a naysayer. It was a long, long season with almost forty games still left to be played. But I was getting the distinct impression that it wasn't going to be the Orioles' year.

The local press was especially critical of the pitching coach, Arlie Stone. Never mind that Arlie had been there in the same capacity all through the recent glory days when the Orioles had won two pennants, one World Series, and had reached the post-season three times in a four- year stretch.

What had Arlie done for us lately?

Paul Warren, even, was catching some flak from the fans. It wasn't surprising. The Baltimore faithful had suffered through a long period of hard times before Paul had become the field manager, and the fans dearly loved it when the team had finally become competitive again.

The prospect of suddenly returning to mediocrity after only those few years back in the sunlight made every loss seem more distressing than it might have been.

Franklin summed it up. "I remember when people would have been thrilled to see us at 66-59 and solidly in third place!" he said. "But not this year. This year, seven games over .500 is considered failure."

Now, coming home from Detroit, we had to face Boston and the Yankees for six games. Not exactly a breather.

Juniper and I had been communicating regularly that week, and on our return, Franklin and I drove in a two-car caravan from BWI directly to the Jones' house. It was Sunday evening again, just a week since my last inconclusive face-to-face with Juni.

Despite the importance of this meeting to both of us, and despite my having given the matter lots of thought during the past week, I had no clear idea what I was going to say or do. To the extent that I had a plan, the plan was simply to react to Juniper.

If she said she still felt the same way she had a week earlier, she presumably would be making some kind of pitch for us to give it another try.

At that point, I would be under some pressure either to agree or to be the Bad Guy who had given up on her when the chips were down.

Hell, even I didn't know which way I would go on it. On the one hand, Juniper had proven herself to be pretty weak-kneed when it came to fundamental reform. She had known from the start that I wanted an all-or-nothing relationship, and she had chosen summarily to reject that arrangement back in Toronto.

On the other hand, Juniper also was the one who'd eaten humble pie. She had come back to me and asked for another chance. She also was the one who claimed to have changed in some important respects.

I was very uncertain about whether the change was real. But the one encouraging thing I knew about Juniper was that she didn't dissemble. So I felt strongly that I could believe her when she said she wanted to try again.

I knew, at least, that if it didn't work out, she wouldn't be sneaking around sleeping with other guys on the sly. Nope. She'd just tell me it wasn't working and we'd say bye-bye -- no doubt for the final time.

So what it boiled down to was, if she wanted us to get back together, did I want to say okay?

I didn't kid myself. I really wanted her! I badly wanted to say yes. To me, the real question was, would I be able to hold up if we confronted still-another failure somewhere down the road? How many times could I put my energies into this, only to find out that Juniper's history weighed too heavily on her to permit her to have a normal life?

Juniper and her mother had an appealing light dinner waiting for us when we got to the house. The four of us stayed at the dining room table for a good hour after dinner, mostly discussing the season-in-progress and the Orioles' seeming inability to jell and the repeated failures to compete effectively.

"We're close to it being stick-a-fork-in-us time," Franklin said. "We've got to win at least four out of these six games with Boston and the Yankees, and we had better win both of the three-game series, or it's going to get really hard to come back this late."

After we all helped clean up the dinner debris, Franklin and Mary Jane once again said early good-nights and retired to the upstairs.

"You want to go out for a little walk?" Juniper asked.

"What is it? Ten-thirty? Yeah, sure. I really ought to be going back to the apartment and run a load of dirty clothes. I may have to wear third-day underwear tomorrow. But, hell yeah, let's go for a walk like normal people."

"We could go back to your apartment together," she said. "You could run your laundry and we could drink your cheap white wine and discuss our future -- if any."

"Maybe we shouldn't spend any time back at my place until we've done some of the discussing at a neutral site," I said.

"My test papers are still valid," Juniper said. "I haven't been out with anybody since you left town last week."

"I know that," I said. "I'm not worried about catching anything. I'm worried about the future. We try this again, and it doesn't work, that's just going to hurt like a sonuvabitch, Juni. I don't know whether I'm up to it."

"What about me?" she said. "You think I'm just out on a whim, here? ... That I haven't got anything at stake? Jeez, Travis, this is the first time in my whole life I've been serious about a man! First time!

Juniper was a curious mixture of supplication and aggression. Maybe it was the way she loomed over me when we both were standing.

I guess when a woman is six-foot-four, it's hard for her to cajole.

We were outside now, but not very far along on our supposed walk. Juniper still had the floor -- or at least, the sidewalk: "You stand here and tell me you're all worried about what might happen later ... if we didn't make it," she said. "But for me, I'm facing that pain right now! Tonight! I don't have to worry and wonder about what'll happen if we fail, because if you say no to this, we will have failed right now -- tonight!"

"It's not really all that dramatic, is it Juni? I mean, if you decide you want to change, there are lots of guys out there who'll want you. I'm not the only chance you're gonna have. Not by a long shot."

"It doesn't work that way, and you know it," she said. "Look at you. Look how hard you worked at making me understand that I was wrong about Carla, back when you thought she was the whole reason for my running away from you."

However tall and imposing Juniper was, she was getting teary-eyed now, and working herself up to an emotional pitch. "I ran away because I was afraid of commitment," she said, "and now I've got to where it's the only thing I care about. And not with 'some other guy, ' either. With you! Please, Travis, try to have a little faith, here."

I didn't say anything for a long time. Somebody's dog -- invisible but nearby -- was barking incessantly. Juniper, who'd been close to tears only moments before, how seemed composed. She just stood, waiting for me to say something.

"Do you want to come back with me tonight -- to the apartment?" I asked her.

"I've already packed a bag, just in case you said yes," she said.

"Okay. Leave a note for your mother."

Back at my musty-smelling apartment, Juniper helped me carry my bags in from the car and to get the first batch of dirty clothes into the washer.

We had the cheap white wine, just as Juniper had predicted, and we talked. We talked into the night. We also made love between the bouts of talking. We got up once to fold my clothes and hang up the Perma-Press shirts coming out of the dryer.

It was an enormous relief. For both of us.

Not doing my laundry.

Not the talking.

The sex. It had been awhile. For both of us.

Discussing -- once again -- our future and the obstacles was absolutely essential, but it didn't really bring relief because after it was all talked out, we both still had to just go on from there on faith. You agree to something and then you hope that you and the other person can live up to it.

But the sex! That was right now. Whatever tomorrow would bring, tonight was very gratifying indeed.

"Thanks," Juniper said theatrically after our first feverish coupling. " ... I needed that!"

"No more than I did," I told her, a little short of breath for an alleged professional athlete.

"You gotta admit it, we're good together in bed," she said.

"For me, 'good' doesn't begin to describe it," I said. "For me, it's never been better. But Juni, promise me that for as long as this lasts, it's just going to be the two of us. It's not that you're doomed to be with me for the rest of your life. That part will be up to you. But as soon as there's somebody else, you've got to tell me about him."

"It's just gonna be you, Trav. I promise."

"No, that's not the promise I want, because you might not be able to keep that one. But if you stray -- even once -- I want to know about it. I want to hear about it from you and nobody else. And don't think I'll forgive and forget, either, because I won't. You stray -- even once -- and I'll take it as a clear indication that we can't do this. That it just won't work."

"Didn't I tell you that I'd be able to come -- with you," she said, nuzzling my chest. "Jeez, I was afraid I'd lost them -- all my little extra nerve-endings on my clit! But you tickled every one of them little suckers!"

"That 'I can't come' stuff was just all in your head, and you know it," I told her. But I was secretly pleased to hear her say that.

Who am I kidding? What guy wouldn't be?

"Juniper? I asked you to promise ... To promise that if you had sex with another man, you'd tell me."

Same as Juniper Jones
Chapter 14 Videos

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Author's Note: I've never written from the POV of a woman before, but I like this character and have a love story in mind for her.I entered the exam room and saw the patient, Mr. P, for the first time. He was 54 years old and seemed to be in pretty good shape. I checked his blood pressure and pulse, both of which were a little high, but that's to be expected given the subject we would soon be talking about. The moment of truth arrived when I asked, "So, what are we seeing you for today?""Well,...

Straight Sex
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My brother has this well fit mate called Lucian. Anyway he came to pick up a dvd my brother lent off him. He said he was rollin a spliff and did I want some. I said ok and let him in. I wasn’t dressed yet I was still wearin pink and white pyjama shorts and top.Hes a couple of years older got short blonde hair and was wearing white trackies nd a light blue t-shirt. He always acted tough. was a proper chav and fit fucker wit a nice six pack. We’d already shagged once before. His dick was ded...

2 years ago
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Living Next Door to Heaven 272 The Post

My casa did not let me dwell over 'losing' Donna. It was a transition that we needed to go through. I was sure it was not the only transition we'd see. And I had little time to waste on deep introspection. I loved Donna. Whenever I closed my eyes, I could see her lying in my arms after prom with her breast daringly exposed, knowing I wouldn't touch her sexually because I'd promised. That memory still gave me an erection. But did I see her as eventually becoming my cónyuge? Bearing my...

3 years ago
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Slave For Black Cock

Introduction: After stumbling accross some videos of her best friend fucking a black guy, she starts to fantasize about fucking him herself. I hope she wanted what she got! My wife and I had always joked about having her fuck a big, black cock and how much she wanted it. You know, typical kinky sex talk. We had a great sex life, but we both also knew how wet she could get even thinking about it. A few months ago a friend of hers started dating a black guy names (of course) Tyson. He was a...

2 years ago
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What Goes On Behind Closed Doors

you wanted to get a better look at what was going on. you knew your clit was probably more swollen than it had ever been, and you needed to take a peek at it. you got up to walk across the room and get your mirror. This is the part you will always remember: you nearly fell to the floor. your legs could barely stop shaking long enough for you to get the mirror. When you sat back down and used it to get a glimpse of your pussy, you saw how engorged your clit was and couldn't believe the...

3 years ago
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Pleasure Cruise Part 2

Introduction: Fantasy Pleasure Cruise, Part 2 They got very little sleep that night. He fucked her slow and easy for another half an hour and then they slept for a while with their nude bodies pressed close together. She awoke later to the feel of his dick entering her from behind and he fucked her spoon fashion while he massaged her titties with one hand and her clitoris with the other. It didnt take her long to climax. Around 3 a.m., she woke up again to the feel of his tongue deep inside...

3 years ago
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Johnny PulaskiChapter 3

Sunday afternoon I was back at the Hoffmans', this time it was Richie, Stan, and I lifting weights and talking in the garage. "So Stan is hooked up with my sister, and Michelle is after Johnny. I guess that means I have to ask Katrina out," Richie said. Stan and I gawked at him trying to figure out if he was serious. Richie was the Romeo of our little posse, an accomplished ladies man. But still, this was Katrina Pulaski he was talking about so nonchalantly. Katrina was about as far out...

2 years ago
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Like an Egyptian

The sun was setting behind the pyramids and the golden light made the ruins look even more impressive. Jo and her husband David were on a Nile-cruise and just made a stop at Gizeth. They had covered the usual tourist program during the day (pyramids, camel-ride, dessert) and used the last free hours to roam the ruins on their own before returning to their ship. "Oh, look at the sunset", Jo exclaimed to her husband. "Ain't that gorgeous?" David took his wife in his arms and held her...

2 years ago
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Caitlyns Treatment Ch 09

Comments appreciated. Caitlyn on the Block ‘This young cunt…’ Jevon put his hand atop my head then snaked a finger under my chin to raise it so they could all see my face. I know I was blushing but that might not have been bad – sometimes men like that. He paused to smile out at the crowd and laugh with them. He began again. ‘This young cunt…well, what can I tell you brothers? She really is a young cunt.’ He released my chin and let my face turn back towards the stage floor. ‘Turned 18 just...

2 years ago
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Me and my cousin part two

As my mum left the room and gently shut the door behind her being careful not to wake us… little did she know that her little nephew dale was taking advantage of her sons innocent age. Dale is still fingering my tight arsehole and it hurts where he hasn’t used much lubrication. He then tells me to bend over and put my ‘cute little arse in the air’. His words not mine. Willingly i did so, i pushed it in the air. Next think i know i can feel something moist poking at my arsehole. Its dales...

4 years ago
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I sucked this thirty and disgusting cock

I SUCKED  THIS THIRTY AND DISGUSTING MECHANIC’S COCK   My husband and I were shopping,  strolling the streetswalking looking for the best bargain, watching price tags at every window we stopped in, in Caracas downtown. I was wearing low-neck  T-shirt… which showed my tanned tits a lot,   because I had gone to the beach recently,  wishing to show off.  I stopped to see something more,   while my husband continued to walk ahead by himself to buy some sodas for us to drink,  coz we were thirsty. ...

1 year ago
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Losing Evan Discovering Emma Part 6

Losing Evan and Discovering Emma. By Tanya H. 6 - Loving. Daft really, but in the days between the manicure and the expedition up Kinder Scout, I hadn't been able to stop thinking about Olivia. I watched for her in the mornings when she came to work and felt cheated if I wasn't asked to call her up on the public address each day. A couple of evenings I chased Clint off my bed and loved myself while closing my eyes and imaging some alternate-reality where it was Olivia making me arch...

3 years ago
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The wiper blades squealed and juddered across the windscreen, as they futilely attempted to push the water away. The noise grated in her head like fingernails across a blackboard. If it were her own car, not a hire car, she would have found a Halfords and had them replaced. She still might. The rain was relentless; the only upside, was that it had driven indoors all but the most determined. The roads were quiet. She deliberately drove through another deep puddle, with feelings akin to...

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The Wounds They Make

“Stronger than lover's love is lover's hate. Incurable, in each, the wounds they make.” Euripides, Medea. As I approach the end of my time in this world, I want to plant some things in the record. I don’t want this in the open record, of course. I don’t want to cause my family unnecessary pain: as the reader is aware, this account was sealed among my private papers in the University Library’s Presidential Archives. I’ve no idea who will find it, nor what will be made of this tale. All I can...

Oral Sex
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Picture This

Picture This Lindsay and Cade arrived at the Bellagio in Las Vegas at half past four, Lindsay was nervous and kept twirling her long black hair. “Are you sure you want to do this Lindsay?” Cade asked her and took her hand in his. He was excited, he knew she would be surprised by what he had in store for her. The planning had taken quite some time to put together and he couldn’t wait to see it come to fruition. Lindsay looked at him from under her long dark lashes and thought about how to...

2 years ago
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It was during the summer of 2006 and I was staying at a friends house in Boston,well actually I was working for him and house sitting. I was 24 and always horny Well one day I was really stressed and upset and my friend asked me to smoke some of his Weed. I had never tried it at this point and he smoked infront of me for years and never offered me any. That was the day that I decided that I was gonna rebel and try it. I was that green. Well at first I felt nothinf then about an hour later it...

1 year ago
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Becoming A Man Part 3 Crossing the Line

“Hey, here’s something we could watch,” said my buddy Ron.  And then he started up a porn movie.It was a Friday night, in the second semester of my senior year in high school.  Ron had invited me to his place, to hang out.  This was not unusual in itself, but this time his parents were out of town.  And Ron had somehow gotten hold of a six-pack of beer.  Well, that was all I needed to know!I figured since there would be beer I shouldn't drive home, so I told my parents I'd spend the night at...

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Savita Getting Trapped

Hi Smita this is Savita just mailing what happened to me so you can understand what happens to a women when is taken in to a different world. I married Manohar who was small time worker in MIDC Pune and we come from a very poor family. I never used to wear bra too even after my wedding so my breasts are smooth and big after I had my first daughter. But that doesn’t mean I am so beautiful. I am 5.4 brownish complex and normal looking girl. The second stuff is that I too worked in a net café as...

4 years ago
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Ellies Punishment

Twenty-five year old Ellie looked up at the sign. ‘Correctional Discipline Centre for Adults: Ladies Entrance.’ The men’s entrance was on the other side of the building. She looked again at the letter she had read so many times before. It was from the Court. For stealing the underwear she was sentenced to 18 strokes of the cane. The minimum for theft as it was her first offence. It was a mistake. She had absentmindedly walked out of the shop holding the underpants and when stopped she panicked....

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A WellLived Life 2 Book 7 SakurakoChapter 10 Hold the Mayo

October 16, 1993, Chicago, Illinois Mitsuko arrived at our house at 6:30am for our drive to Springfield. We’d participate in the Aikido class, then have lunch with Sensei Daniel and two other students, as we had the last time. We got into the car and headed out right away. “Are you going to see your sister?” I asked. “No,” Mitsuko replied. “I didn’t even tell her I was coming home because you need to be back before dinner so the girls can go out.” “Are you enjoying being with them?” I...

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50PlusMilfs Trixie Dicksin A 54yearold selfdescribed slut sucks fucks a young guy

“All I want to do is please you,” 54-year-old Trixie Dicksin said when we asked her about having sex on-camera for all the world to see. “If I can put on a good show like a good girl, I am so happy. I’m for sure wet and ready.” Here, Trixie is wet and ready for Parker, who’s only 25 years old, easily young enough to be her son. She likes ’em young. She has him fuck her big tits and swallows his cock to the root before he fucks her in all of her favorite...


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