Runner's MoonChapter 14 free porn video

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It was easy to resist the urge to race into the fire station and check his time and restart position, but Josh knew that would be fruitless: it would be several minutes before his time was posted, and the restart position wouldn't be firm until the starting time differential for the teams behind him passed, anyway. Besides, there were more important things to do.

Mike took Alco by the collar and with the help of some finish line handlers, led him down the alley beside the fire station, to the parking lot out back, which had been turned into a dog lot. As they turned the corner off the street, Mark joined Josh as he followed along behind the sled. "Hey, good time," he said.

"How good?"

"By my watch, just under three hours."

That was a good time, however you cut it. "How about the restart?"

"I think you'll have Tiffany ahead of you, but it's pretty close. Unless someone behind you had a real good run, you shouldn't be any worse than second out of here."

With virtually anyone else in the field ahead of him, Josh would have been satisfied indeed to have the second restart spot, but getting past Tiffany and staying there was going to be tough, indeed. "How about Phil?" Josh asked.

"Pulled in here with about a 3:10 or so," Mark said. "That ought to get him in the top five on the restart."

Josh let out a whistle and a "Ho-ly shit!" That was a terrific time, especially considering that Phil wouldn't have been likely to have been as efficient at the rest stop as he had been. "The dogs look OK?"

"Good as these. Now I see why you had such a tough time deciding which dogs to use. I'll go get the truck."

The dog lot behind the fire station stretched between two rows of parking meters, which were used to tie the teams off front and rear. The teams took up spots in the order they arrived. Mike led the dogs into position, and stretched a tieline from the front of the gangline to the front parking meter, while Josh tied off the tieline to the sled. In the first Pound Puppies demonstration, they'd picketed the dogs here, but now, most teams just left the dogs in harness, picketing only troublemakers, harness chewers, or females in heat. Josh had none of the above; it would save him a little effort.

One of the rules that had been started with the second Warsaw Run was that the musher had to do all the team maintenance by themselves; assistance was limited to parking the teams, and parking the team's support vehicle. Along with making things more fair, it also was better for the teams, since the musher would know exactly the condition of each dog, and could be sure that everything that needed to get done was done. Josh had no more than gotten the sled tieline fastened to the parking meter when Mark was backing his truck up to the parking meter on the far side of the row.

With a late start, and a relatively short stop, getting some food and water into the dogs was imperative, now; Josh liked to have the team get around four hours to digest a heavy meal before running them, and he was going to be cutting it tight. Mark hadn't even gotten the engine turned off before Josh had dropped the tailgate, and grabbed a handful of stacked metal feeding pans, and pulled the cooler full of dog food to the tailgate. He'd mixed the food with hot water back at the dog yard, just before leaving; he checked, and it was still comfortably warm. There was rather more meat and fat in the mixture than normal, along with the dog food, and it was soupier than normal, to get more water into the dogs. He reached further inside, pulled out a kid's toy plastic sled, set it in the snow, and set the cooler and pans on top of it, as Mark and the rest departed for the warmth of the fire hall, more to get away from the temptation to help than to get out of the cold.

He drug the sled with the dog food across the lot, just as the eighth musher into Warsaw, Fred Linder, was parking his team. He had a friendly word for Fred, but was really more interested in his own dogs. He plopped the feeding pans down into the snow in front of Alco and Geep with a few words of encouragment, and dipped out a saucepan full of food from the cooler into each of the pans. The two dogs tied into the food like there was no tomorrow, then repeated the process for Scooter and Shack. Down a few rows, he could see Phil spreading straw, for the dogs to sleep on, and farther past him, he could see Tiffany giving everybody a paw check.

In a few minutes, he had all the dogs fed; there was just enough dog food left in the cooler to make up for spillage, if needed, or if any dog seemed to need the extra hydration, and to bait warm water for another watering just before they left. He could hear the dogs slurping the wet food up quickly; already, Alco and Geep had finished the process.

Next up was straw. Though the dogs could curl up in the snow, they used their food more efficiently if they didn't have to use as much to keep warm, and the straw made good insulation on the parking lot. There was a bale of straw in the truck; Josh cut the strings, took about half the bale, and exchanged the cooler on the toy sled for the straw. Again starting with the leaders, he put out a thick square of straw for the dogs to lay on, picking up with the leaders, and picking up empty pans as he went by.

Getting straw down didn't take long; now was the time for a careful paw check of his own. He worked his way down the line, checking each dog carefully in the headlamp. This was a little harder, as the dogs were already winding down and starting to get their naps. On most of the dogs he'd bootied earlier, he removed the booties; he didn't want the dogs to spend good sleep time trying to get them off. Most of the paws got salve, more as a preventative, than anything else, because everybody's paws seemed in good shape, even Pumper's, who tended to be a little tender.

At that, it went fairly quickly; there'd be another paw inspection before they left, and a lot more booties would go on, except on a couple of the real iron-footed dogs; the snow on the way back tended to be looser, and paws would pick up more ice. It took a good half hour of working as efficiently as possible to get everything done, exchanging a few comments with the mushers on either side of him as he went. By the time he finished, the dogs had pretty well managed to lay down and fall asleep, and Josh got a seat on the pickup's tailgate while he watched the rest of them lay down.

All in all, a good stop, so far, he thought. Things would be different on the Beargrease, next weekend; he'd be even busier. He'd have to warm water for dog food at every other stop, and cook two batches, one for eating on the spot, and the second to go into the cooler for the next stop; he'd have to carry the cooker and the cooler in the sled with him, although he wouldn't have to carry food for more than one feeding at a time; Mark would bring the food to him in the truck, along with straw, charcoal and starter fluid. At the places where there were stops he couldn't get to with the truck, there would be straw provided. As a result, the stops would take longer, and there would be more to do. He'd practiced a Beargrease (and Iditarod) style stop a couple times over the course of the winter, and hoped to be able to get in one more such practice stop in the next week.

Only when the last dog was down, and the dogs in the teams on either side were pretty well down, too, did he get off the tailgate, close it up, peel off the bib and parka, put it in the front seat, and head for the fire station.

It wasn't exceptionally warm in the fire station, although it felt hot after the time he'd spent in the now sub-zero night outside. He stopped by the huge coffeepot and drew himself a styrofoam cup full, and wandered over to the restart board, actually nothing more than a clothesline, with a line of cards on it, the numbers written in felt pen. The cards could be shuffled around as the order changed, but by this time, the early part of the restart order was settled. The cards hanging on the clothesline were interesting, indeed:

Bib 4 22 10 7 15 Name L'fer-McM Archer Mears Wines Linder Time 2:52 2:56 3:05 3:08 3:12 Restart 02:36 02:40 02:49 02:52 02:56

He checked his watch: 11:30. A little over three hours to go, and he'd want to spend half an hour or 45 minutes getting ready to go, so he'd have to start getting ready around 2 AM. That meant about two and a half hours to kill. With that settled, he started thinking about what those numbers meant for the race.

Four minutes behind Tiffany wasn't all that bad a place to be, but now Josh was kicking himself for not pushing the team a little harder on the way up; he'd really rather be ahead of Tiffany on the way back. Figuring out pace on the way up to Warsaw was always a crapshoot, anyway, since you didn't have much idea of how fast your real competition was running. Push too hard, and you could find yourself in Warsaw very early, but with exhausted dogs; take it easy, and you could have half the field in front of you, and you'd have to scramble like hell to pass on the harder-to-pass trail. He could have run faster; Phil's time, twelve minutes more than his with a probably less efficient pit stop, with the backup dogs, proved that it could have been done.

Phil's 3:08 was actually the most interesting number on the board. Fourth out of Warsaw! With those dogs, he'd made a hell of a trip. Whether Switchstand could make it back with those kind of times was hard to predict, but he'd have to see. The interesting thing was that he was restarting just three minutes behind Mears, who had also had a hell of a time. Greg would have to run hard, or he'd have Phil right on his butt before they left town, and Phil would run hard, because there was always the tendancy to try to keep up with the team ahead. That meant he'd have to run hard, because it wouldn't take long to make up that nine-minute differential if he didn't. But, he'd have to run hard to keep in contact with Tiffany, and she'd have to run hard or she'd get flattened by the steamroller coming up behind her. Linder wasn't out of it by any means, either.

On the other hand, if Phil had worn the dogs down more than he thought, he might not be as fast, and Greg might not be as fast, with no one on his ass. Josh was sure he had plenty of reserve in the dogs, so taking it a little easy coming up meant that he ought to be able to hold his position, at least for a while.

There was no use worrying about it too much, since the answer was obvious: run very hard at the beginning, try to get more or less in contact with Tiffany, and keep checking six. Let her stay out in front, wearing her dogs down breaking trail -- it wouldn't be the job that had been done on the rail grade -- and then drag race when they got back to the rail grade, when her team might be a little more tired. Squeeze the pickle harder if someone came up behind. Assuming everything went smoothly for everybody, there wasn't much else he could do. At least, on the way back, you had some idea of what your position was, at least some of the time.

He checked farther down the restart board: a couple of people he'd expected to do well had poor times, and there were a couple people he'd been surprised to see doing so well. Dave Stitely, for example, was going to be eighth out of Warsaw -- that was pretty well settled, now -- so he'd done damn well.

When he felt he'd assmiliated about all he was going to out of the restart board, Josh decided he'd better sit down for a few minutes, then get some rest. He looked around; Tiffany and Phil were at a picnic table, along with Mark, Mike, Jackie and Kirsten. He didn't want to spend a lot of time talking with Tiffany, as under the circumstances it could easily lead to playing mind games, and Phil was smart enough to do it, too, especially with that good a run. One thing he and Tiffany had made clear to Phil: once the starting gun sounds, you're competition, whether you're a friend or not, and you get no special consideration; that was the way he and Tiffany played it with each other. He did want to talk to Phil for a minute, though, so wandered over to the table. "Hey, real good time, guy," he said, quite sincerely.

"It surprised me," Phil said. "I mean, I passed some teams, but I figured that a lot of people behind me had to be running faster. It wasn't until I got nearly here and I realized I hadn't been passed that I started to think I might have a good time."

This was quickly leading toward mind game country; he didn't mind bullshitting some of the other mushers, but Phil and Tiffany were another story. "Dogs do all right?" Josh asked.

"Solid all the way, no problems," Phil said. If he did have any serious dog problems, Josh expected that Phil would have been honest with him. "Did have a heck of a time getting Switchstand slowed down, but once we got a pace established, it went pretty good." That was verging on mind games, and Josh decided not to push the issue any further.

"Well, you know the drill," Josh said, draining his coffee. "Just bring 'em back in good shape."

The empty coffeecup gave him all the reason he needed to get away from the table. He refilled the cup, grabbed a donut, and got a seat at a table with Greg Mears and Fred Linder. He wouldn't mind bullshitting them.

"Hey," Mears said. "You've done pretty well with those mutts of yours. All of them."

"I like to think so," Josh said. "You know, you did pretty well, yourself. If you'd get away from those purebreds, the way you train, you'd blow everybody's doors off."

"Yeah, but showing them is as big a thing with me as racing them," the Camden musher said, "And you can't show mutts."

"Those two pups you gave me a couple years ago, jeez, they've turned into good dogs," Josh said. "You let some real good dogs go, there."

"Yeah, I know it, every time I see their assholes go past me," Mears smiled.

"Hey, sorry I didn't make it over to your camp earlier," Josh said. "When we decided that Phil was going to run the spare dogs, we had a lot of catching up to do to get him ready."

"You and Tiffany have got a lot of dogs, there," Mears said. "Keeping ten racing dogs is enough for me. If we could cut this race back down to seven, I'd probably cut back a little."

"Ten really is a little big for this course," Josh agreed. "But, I keep pushing to extend it out to 200 miles, and that's just about the right size team for that."

"If it ain't broke, don't fix it," Mears counseled. "This is short enough that it's about right for someone that wants to do a little long-distance mushing, but doesn't get into it the way you do. This race keeps growing every year, and it's just the right size for a lot of people to work towards."

"Yeah, you're probably right," Josh said. "It's just that I'm looking at longer races, and there aren't that many in traveling distance. It's sort of tough to build the kind of teams we're looking for on shorter races. When you're talking middle distance or long distance, you've got this, the Michigan 200, and the Beargrease, and this isn't really long enough to be a good test. This is getting a little automatic, a little programmed, if you know what I mean."

"I think I know what you mean," Fred agreed. "It's getting more like a long sprint. Something a little longer would get away from that."

Josh nodded his head, and went on, "A couple weeks after we ran the Michigan 200 last year, well, Tiffany and I had some ideas from that we wanted to work out, so we made a 200-miler that could work. We came up through Warsaw, like this, then on to Walsenberg, then down the tracks to Kremmling and Hugo, around south of Thurow Lake, then back up logging trails to here, then back home up the NCT."

"How'd it go?" Greg asked.

"Oh, pretty good," Josh went on. "We really weren't at racing speeds, since I didn't want to go through the schmozzle I went through with Alco and Switchstand in the 200, so I had Crosstie lead. But, it was kind of neat. We carried everything, even some foam pads for the dogs, and slept in the sled baskets. We left on a Friday night, and got back late Sunday afternoon. With a good leader, we could probably get it down to somewhere around 36 hours, with good stops."

"That would be kind of fun," Fred agreed. "A lot more like the Iditarod. We ought to do that some time."

"If the snow holds, we might just do it again a couple weeks after the Michigan 200, just for the practice," Josh said.

"You're saying, the second weekend in March, right?" Fred asked. "I could do that. You know, Mark and Mike started this race with a bet over a six-pack of beer. I'll even donate a six-pack."

"You've still got the time, you could spread the word a little," Greg suggested. "There might be half a dozen guys here that would be interested in a fun run like that. Hell, I don't think I've got anything that weekend, either. But, you don't have time to organize everything that needs to get organized."

"Aw, just keep it simple," Fred said. "That's the beauty of it. You don't need organized checkpoints, and restart times, and all the trail marking and stuff. You don't have to tie it into a winter festival, with all the hoopla and the kiddie rides. Take it as it comes, keep it just for the mushers. Carry everything, no pit crews. Maybe even do one of those LeMans type starts, you know what I mean, so you don't even have to fart around with a start gate and timing and all that stuff."

"You mean, a scramble start, like where the musher has to start the race in a sleeping bag, pack up, harness the dogs, and go?" Greg asked. "That always seemed a little goofy to me."

"Wouldn't have to do it that way," Josh said. "Just start with all the dogs and the sled and gear on the truck, and set everything up."

"That'd work," Fred agreed. "Maybe we could even do it at Mark's airstrip, so we wouldn't have to dink around in town."

"I'd have to talk to Mark, but he'd probably go for it," Josh said.

Greg shook his head. "It's too late this year to set it up as a sanctioned race," he said. "But we could call it a trial run, and work on sanctioning for next year."

"That'd have to be your end of it," Josh said. "You know what hoops have to be jumped through." As much as there was a state association of mushers, it was the Camden Dogsled Association, and Greg was the president, although it was pretty much a paper association, with zero dues and no other officers, in place only for racing sanctions and things like that. In the years before the Spearfish Lake crowd got involved in dogsled racing, the CDA had sponsored the "state championships", more to keep the sport alive than anything else. Sometimes, they'd been lucky to have more than four teams show up for the championships, but it had become a much bigger deal in the last five years.

"I'll call Monday and see if I can get a provisional sanction," Greg said. "The big thing is, they're going to want vet supervision."

"Well, Doc Kunkle is here," Fred said. "We could ask him right now. We can use Warsaw as a checkpoint, both ways, and he wouldn't even have to leave town."

"Go see," Greg suggested. Fred got up, and headed over toward the coffeepot, where Kunkle was standing, talking with a couple mushers. He was an old country vet, going back to the time when Jim Horton used to come to him with dog problems, and he'd served as race veternatian since the second Warsaw Run.

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I watched her run, her hair in a long pony tail, as it swished in time with her long strides. Long, lithe legs extending in an easy stride. Five minutes before they’d been wrapped round my back. This affair, this zipless fuck, had been going on for almost two years now and I still didn’t know her name, still never saw her at any other time and I still didn’t know where she lived… o-O-o Springtime on the riverbank. What a wonderful time of year. Time to be up early at the weekend. Time to be...

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Introduction: This is my first story and I would love to hear your comments! I was running… all I can do now is run. I hear his footsteps fallowing me. I try to scream but Im too scared. I trip and fall, he is so close behind me, I try to get up but he falls on top of me and keeps me to the ground. I struggle and wiggle trying to get out of his grasp. He is too strong.. DAMN! He turns me over and I get the first look at his well shaped face, those hard black eyes filled with passion stare back...

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Runners dilemma

Why? I can’t say. I don’t know why. But I what I did and I don’t regret it a bit. I run with a co-ed club. It’s a fun bunch, some fast, some less so. We finished our run and everyone was standing around chatting, stretching and cooling off. And it was hot. Too hot. My shorts and tank top were soaked with perspiration. I tried toweling off to no avail. The idea of getting into my car, literally dripping with sweat, saturating my leather seats, was not appealing.I parked in the far corner of the...

4 years ago
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RunnerChapter 3

Ocala Florida 4:13 pm Marylyn I looked in fear, as the man tightened his finger on the trigger. Then I snapped out, "You kill me, and you will have every cop in the country after your ass. I'm a Federal Judge, and you have been photographed holding the weapon on me." "What you mean, photographed," the man asked as he looked around nervously. Raising my hand I pointed at the camera on the bank and then at the one on the light pole for the intersection and said, "Firstly, there is...

2 years ago
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RunnerChapter 4

USS Alabama, Mobil Bay, Alabama 7:20 AM Mathew We walked through the gift shop, and went to the snack bar. The girl behind the counter came over and asked what we wanted. We all had scrambled eggs, bacon, toast and coffee. I paid the bill, and we took our coffees to the table. A few minutes after we sat down the lady behind the counter called me. I went over and picked up the tray of food. Carrying it back, I set it down and passed the plates around to everyone. We ate our breakfast...

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RunnerChapter 5

Beaumont, Mississippi; 2:35 PM CodieAnn I saw a movement out of the corner of my eye. I turned, leveled the pistol, and fired. My bullets caught Teddy right in his chest, and he staggered back. I quickly fired twice more, and he flipped over the rail. I walked over and looked down at Teddy and saw he was still alive. With a snarl, I remembered all the rapes he had done to me and Katie, and I fired twice more. His body jumped twice as the rounds hit him. I snarled out at him, "That's for...

3 years ago
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RunnerChapter 6

4:30 AM Pakistan, Skyang Kangri Mountain: Ali Mohammed: High up on Skyang Kangri a small lab was buried deep in the Western flank of the mountain, protected by elements of the Elite anti-terrorism units of the Pakistan military. They were protecting dozens of the most highly respected microbiologist who worked for the government of Pakistan as they developed a new biological weapon. Snow was falling high in the mountains as I entered the base and walked past the security. I showed them my...

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RunnerChapter 7

9:30 AM Arkansas, Entrance to the Crater of Diamonds State Park: Matt: I cursed as the SUV almost made me crash. I watched as the teenagers screamed out the windows, waving beer cans. One even threw one at me, and I watched the spray hit the windshield as I straightened out the RV. The SUV overcorrected and I watched in horror as it went off the side of the road and into the gully that ran the length of the road. "Fucking idiots!" I said as I applied the brakes and stopped near the...

1 year ago
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RunnerChapter 8

11:45 PM: Bella Vista, Arkansas: Ana: I just pulled my panties and shorts down when I heard someone yelling at the teller out in the store. "Give me the fucking money, or I will blow you away, you old hag! Check the bathrooms!" I quickly pulled up my shorts up and picked up my purse. I stepped up on the toilet and waited. I heard the men's bathroom door being kicked in and then the women's. I was crouched there shaking as I pulled my pistol out when I heard several gunshots and a...

4 years ago
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RunnerChapter 9

9:11 PM: Cheyenne, Wyoming: Matt: I ran over to the KFC to get dinner with Marybeth. I ordered two bucket-meals with multiple side orders for all of us. While we were over at KFC, the girls had run into Wal-Mart and picked up a few items. I felt my cell phone buzz in my pocket as I paid the bill, and we carried the food back to the RV. We enjoyed a good meal, and I booted up the laptop. I brought up the news and started checking to see what we had missed in the last few days. We watched...

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RunnerChapter 10

09:01 AM Laramie, Wyoming Matt We watched as the eight four month old Saint Bernard puppies buried Beth under their massive bodies. They were licking her all over, and had her giggling as she tried to recover from their assault. "What's going on, Matt?" Judy asked as she watched the fifteen year old being licked to death. Beth was being licked from all directions and didn't know where to turn to first, until the largest laid down on her belly. "Getting Mary her final birthday...

2 years ago
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RunnerChapter 11

05:50 AM: Matt: I woke up just before six am and looked at Judy sleeping. Ana was behind her, and had her arm draped over Judy's side. She was cupping Judy's left breast and gently massaging it in her sleep. With a smile I leaned down and kissed both of them gently on their noses until they woke up. Slipping out of bed, I saw Cyclone and Henrietta waiting for me. I petted them, and started to lead them out of the room when Henrietta jumped up on the bed and lay down beside Judy. She...

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RunnerChapter 12

07:30 PM Matt I lay there gasping in pain. The burning between my legs made me afraid to look, but I finally had to. Looking down, I saw a bloody furrows on my inner thighs. Checking the wounds I realized they weren't major because they had missed the arteries that ran on the inside of the thigh. I sighed out in relief. The bullets had also missed my nuts which was another good thing. They had only ripped through my pants and the inseam of my legs. The wounds were bloody, but not life...

4 years ago
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RunnerChapter 14 Death and Plague

09:19 AM: Matt: I hit the ground and rolled, the dog flipped over me, but didn't let go of my arm. Rolling and kicking at the dog, I noticed it was a German Shepard, and was wearing a badge on its collar. It was growling as it chewed the right sleeve of my parka. "Let go you SON-OF-A-BITCH!" I screamed as my foot smashed into its chest. The dog yelped but continued to try and get through my sleeve to get to the flesh inside. I could hear gunfire from behind me as John fired at the...

1 year ago
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RunnerChapter 15

05:42 PM: Matthew: "What?" I said as I looked at Anastasia and CodieAnn. "Over here," Beth said and we looked into the den. The floor was covered with plastic, and sheets were hung, making two enclosed partitions. Stepping into the first room, I saw a chair with a robe draped over the back. Before I could say or do anything, Marybeth stepped in, and started working on the straps on my backpack. I was so cold, that I was trying to get my gloves off and Mary grabbed them. With a quick...

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RunnerChapter 16

Lodge, near Driggs 8:45 PM: Mathew: I grabbed my shotgun with my right hand, as my left grabbed Anastasia's arm as the door was pushed open. With a yank of my arm, she went stumbling into Regina who was pulling out her pistol. The shotgun came up and I fired as the barrel of a rifle pushed through the opening. The steel pellets ripped through the thin door and the gun was withdrawn as I snapped out, "Everyone down!" Everyone started hitting the floor as an automatic rifle opened up from...

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RunnerChapter 17

Early Christmas Morning: Mathew: I lay there in bed watching my girls sleep. Looking at the clock, I saw it was five-twelve in the morning. Slipping Beth off of me, I slid out of bed and went to the bathroom while the girls cuddled closer together. After taking a piss, I walked to the bedroom door and looked at my girls, sleeping. Reaching down, I picked up my shotgun, opened the door and slid out. Cyclone followed me, and we went down the hall to a spare bedroom. I changed to warmer...

4 years ago
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RunnerChapter 20

Sheriff Sub Station: Six miles outside of Driggs: Mathew: I turned towards the door and took a deep breath. I had noticed that Ana was only wearing her shirt. I remembered the man telling her to push and I just knew my daughter was dead because I didn't hear her crying. With another deep breath to clear my mind I walked to the door and looked inside. Ana was sitting on an ambulance bed with CodieAnn holding her. She was crying and Codie was rocking her. Walking over to Ana, I sat down on...

2 years ago
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My Beautiful Sindhi Aunty

As an Italian saying goes, if love is ice cream, with all the marvellous coverings. Then Sex is the Cherry on its top, with all the blissful showerings. As this is a narration of real incidents, identities, names, and locations have been concealed to respect people’s privacy. As a curious guy in college, I was fascinated by things I did not understand fully. One of them was, “Why do some of my friends bend down when they see the girls?” When I followed them, I found they were trying to peek...

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Suzanne Is A Very Bad Girl

Introduction: The gorgeous, extremely promiscuous mother of the bride-to-be, and the filthy rich single father of the groom-to-be, negotiate the terms of a prenuptual agreement, body to body SUZANNE IS A VERY BAD GIRL It was the morning after the party at Stone Daviss mansion, an event hosted by Stone to celebrate the formal announcement of the date of his son Brads wedding to Suzannes daughter, Paige, who also is the reigning Miss California in this years Miss Universe contest. Suzanne came...

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Laurie Gets Even

Laurie wore a robe as she stepped out her back door. Underneath, she was naked. She stood there for a minute or two, checking out the view of her yard. She didn’t hear anyone outside so she dropped the robe from her shoulders and slid out of it. She laid it across the same chair that she had been fucked silly on yesterday by the two lawn guys. This morning, she discovered that neighbor Stan had seen the whole thing. He was now blackmailing her to keep it a secret. Laurie was a high school...

1 year ago
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Kimberlys Life as an AbsoluteChapter 2

Now looking back at myself still sitting there on the skirt that I used as a seat cover in my boss' office, I could remember how scared and nervous I was after the full impact of my decision hit me and she walked out of the office leaving me alone, naked and exposed. As I was walking to my office to grab my purse and stuff for the day, I did get some stares as and looks as past some of my co-workers. But, no one said anything to me about my lack of dress that night. I think the reason for...

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------------- Ruslan (short blonde hair, 6'7'') - Leader Serafima (dark red head) - support/medical Karina (blonde Hair) - Sharpshooter sniper Timur (Dark hair 5'2''} - computer/hacker expert Egor- Electronics expert - killed in fire fight Stas - Explosives expert - killed in fire fight Pibald group ------------ Evelyn (Auburn hair) - Leader former wife of General Gance/sniper Christine/Chris (blonde) - personal combat expert- Evelyn's daughter Trina (red head) - Tall...

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Doggie DoctorChapter 9

There was more to come. Much more... For minutes the room fell silent, save for the slowly easing, ragged breathing of a temporarily sated coed and her employer, Ed. The rhythmic lapping of Lancer's tongue as he washed his limp animal cock resounded lewdly against the incessant hum of the vibrator buried to the cervix in the insatiable pussy of Carrie. Mimi was the first to stir, her mind bruised from the tremendous psychic beating she had just endured. Her tender chaffed cuntal hole...

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MATCHMAKING by BobH (C) 2010. Sitting in the expensively appointed waiting area of the Camelot Connections suite of offices I stared again at the photo I'd been carrying around for the past week, still not able to quite believe my luck. Camelot promised guys like me a pampered lifestyle in which our every need would be catered for by the beautiful, wealthy women they matched us with. And Jane Hammond was certainly very beautiful. She looked like a Hitchcock blonde, hair and...

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Partying with the Sorcerers Guild

Partying with the Sorcerers' Guild By Bill Hart Larry stared at his best friend in stunned total disbelief. "You're kidding. Right? Let me see if I've got all of this straight, Mark. You want me... to dress up in the clothes of some girl so you can take me... as your date... to this weird party being thrown by some of your seriously spaced out nutcase friends." Larry crossed his arms over his chest. "Is that about it, Mark?" "My friends are not nutcases, Larry," replied Mark in...

4 years ago
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Me and My Cousin1

It was about 8 pm, and he said he was gonna shower, but i wasnt paying much attention due to the fact i was really into Mortal Combat. abou 10 min. later, i had finally realized he wasnt in my room, so i went to look for him, i looked in the kitchen, i looked in the den, even out side. but the i said forget it, and went to go pee, i waliked in the bath room, and what i saw would change my childhood. HEY!!! he yelped as he tried to cover himself. I was really imbarased, I tried to...

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Drawn to YouChapter 2

The hot shower was refreshing and she emerged from the bathroom hearing talking from the hallway. Dressed only in her short, silk, periwinkle robe she began to walk toward the voices that she now realized were coming from the foyer below. "Hello?" she called down the stairwell. "Oh, honey. The ladies are here for you. Are you ready?" "Yes, send them up." She turned away from the hall and re-entered the master bedroom. The conversation below ended and she heard the footsteps of the...

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my kinky cum tribute

This last thanksgiving weekend I confessed to my fiance that I had been jerking off to her hot moms pics behind her back and had been cumming all over a pair of her moms panties i stole from her dresser when we last visited her. I told my fiance that I loved watching her mom smoking her long slim cigarettes in front of me while her huge fake tits expanded under her low cut blouses she would wear. I felt a huge rush of excitement as I continued to jerk my cock off to a pic of her mom in a low...

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Phone Call To the Nurse

Well if you have read my other to blogs or stories you will see where this is leading. Well I made the phone call to my nurse I had in the hospital, well lets get this straight, my wife and I had her. So my wife really enjoyed sucking on the young nurse breast and tasting her milk and I enjoyed watching it all take place. We like my wife told me to make it happen and for me to call the nurse up and arrange it. Well I made the call I think the nurse was waiting on the call. As she answered the...

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Smooth Sensation

God I was glad to be home, a two-hour train nightmare. Every stop from Liverpool Street London on the 6pm slow train to the dreary little Essex village that was the only place I could afford to rent a studio flat. My only consolation was the bag of goodies I brought in my lunchtime and the anticipation that tomorrow was Friday and my big night in with my mysterious blind date. I had been living in my little studio flat for about a year and I have to admit, after a string of disastrous...

She Males
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Glade and Ivory Ch 18

There were very few Ocean People who welcomed Demure’s presence in their village. But those few included all the elders and older marriageable men. And amongst these few, Demure was respected if not necessarily liked and recognised as someone who made a voluble, perhaps even valuable, contribution to the village’s debates. Glade was sure she wasn’t the only one who recognised that much of Demure’s patronage by the elderly and influential in the village was directly related to her intimate...

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The United Kingdom of Zoo A fake BBC documentary seriess2e6 Barbara 57 housewife from Barnet

Series 2, Episode 6: Barbara We’re here in a residential suburb of Greater London – lots of small semi-detached homes, wide streets. We focus on one particular home, there’s a couple standing at the front door, facing in our direction. He’s looking straight at us, her gaze is directed more toward the ground. She’s middle-aged with short blonde hair edging toward white. Anonymous features, frameless spectacles. Her blue denim button-up shirt and knee length black skirt suggest that she’s not...

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Looking after the step cousin

Every so often I would go to my cousins to `babysit` although he was still old enough to look after him self, his parents were going out with mine so we stayed together. He was very into his magic and always tried new tricks on me. I was very bored this one night and decided to try something.I told him that I had been hypnotized before and he should start learning to do that as its amazing. I said once you have been hypnotized other people can do it to you very easily after that. He suggested...

2 years ago
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Ageless Sex 8211 Part 3

In first part you read that Vinod and their maid watched live fuck of 70 yr old mother of Vinod with a young ward boy. Mother told him afterward about her gang bang on terrace of hospital. But no one knew that one man woman Pramila, a not good looking lady of age 52 had fun with a boy of 18 yrs and got fucked by him. In 2nd part you read that Sudha, daughter in law , 21 yrs of age had semi limped cock of father-in-law Vinod , stuffed in cunt and challenged him to fuck her by end of two months...

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Old Women

For me it started in 1981, that is when I fucked my first old lady. I had gone over the friends house, his whole family were a bunch of drunks so we could drink the hard stuff and they were cool with that. And what I mean by the whole family I mean him, his older sister, his mom, his dad, his aunt, his uncle, his grandma. You get the idea. Well on this night I went over and we got to drinking with his mom and dad. We thought we would throw a few back and play some Atari. Hid dad had busted out...

4 years ago
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Ahmedabad Chatroom To Rajkot Hotel

Dear ISS readers, I have been reading lots of stories and I thought I would share mine 2. Let me tell u about myself, I am based at Ahmedabad, 5.11″ athletic and weigh around 78 kg. Married Very fit and athletic, work as a senior manager in a big firm, Coming back to the scoop it was around 2 years back I was working with an ad agency then and since there is not much of work at senior level I would log into yahoo chat room. I came across a female and when i messaged her she replied back and we...

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