Runners Make the Best Ponygirls
- 2 years ago
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Amy stood in her underwear at the bench where she and Tracy had agreed to meet, as she scoped the crowd. Thousands of scantily clad people filled Central Park, ready for the ‘Underwear Run.’ Her own attire consisted of a sports-bra and racer-type bottoms designed to look like underwear by their markings. Amy had not run in anything so skimpy since her college track team days, but her outfit seemed modest compared to some of the brave souls baring their bods for charity in varying degrees of nudity.
She scanned the crowd again, hoping to see Tracy. It surprised her when her non-runner friend expressed an interest in coming, but she said she and William wanted to join in on the spectacle, even if in the end she just walked and gawked.
From a distance, Amy could see Miles and his wife, who wore a slip over her underwear and looked very classy. Miles looked decent in his underwear, but it had been his personality that attracted Amy anyway. A group of women in push up bras and real panties stood nearby, using feather boas as a passing nod to modesty. Then there were those who let it all hang out, including — Oh my god! Tracy, William — and John! Tracy hadn’t mentioned that John would be coming, yet here they all were, strutting towards her in their underwear.
‘Amy!’ Tracy yelled as soon as she spotted her. Seeing her friends in their underwear felt bizarre, and while Tracy’s outfit didn’t surprise Amy, it sure turned a lot of heads. Tracy oozed sexiness without showing more skin than anyone else. She dressed like a sex kitten wearing black and cheetah vintage lingerie reminiscent of an old pin-up girl, accented with converse tennis shoes?
‘Hi, Tracy!’ Amy waved as they made their way over and through the crowd. She said hello to the men, who both hugged her. ‘You didn’t mention you were coming,’ she said to John, who was resplendent in a pair of boxers, a tie around his neck, and proper running shoes. The boxer shorts and necktie were cut out of the same fabric. When they had spoken on the phone the day before, John hadn’t mentioned anything.
‘I wasn’t sure I’d be able to make it, but I did everything I could to come see you in your… I mean, to raise money for this noble charity,’ he laughed. Amy blushed and crossed her arms in front of her body.
‘Oh my god, you look so cute!’ Tracy gushed, ‘And of course you totally have the bod for this.’ She stepped behind her and said, ‘Look, William, she has the Fruit of the Loom on her butt!’ Turning Amy around by her shoulders, Tracy gave the guys the opportunity to see the emblem that made her outfit officially ‘underwear.’ She must have looked embarrassed because William, whose lean and muscular physique was covered by only a pink speedo, offered a view of his butt in return. A white cotton tail decorated his bottom, amusing Amy that he had both the confidence and the body to pull off such an audacious ensemble. She turned toward John.
‘And why are you dressed so formal?’ She made a point to keep her eyes fixed on John’s face instead of his very distracting body.
John took the tie between his fingers and made a surprised expression, ‘Amy! I have a professional image to maintain, even on a Saturday. What if I see an important client out here today?’
An announcement came over the loudspeaker that the race would start in sixty seconds. ‘Do you mind if I run with you?’ John asked Amy.
‘No, that’d be great,’ Amy agreed with some trepidation. He looked to be in great shape, but she would be attempting an eight-minute pace and would need to concentrate to maintain her speed while dealing with the crowd.
‘Cool, we’ll meet you back at this bench when the race is over,’ Tracy said. ‘You two will have to wait for us since William agreed to run at my snail pace.’
The starting pistol fired and Amy took off. She had not expected to run with John — or see him in his underwear — and it took her a few minutes to get into the proper mindset for running. The crowd remained so tight for the first four minutes, that they could only walk at a fast pace and Amy knew she’d have to make up the lost time later. John managed to stay at her side the whole time and once the crowd thinned out a bit, he started talking.
He’s not even breathing heavy, she noticed as she gave one-word answers to his questions. He started talking about his trip to London and how he met with a client who wanted to buy an investment property in the city. All the while he said hello to spectators and joked with other racers along the way. She figured he would run out of air about halfway through the race. Then Amy overheard some guys talking about the fruit on her butt, something about ‘slipping a banana between…’ and suddenly John fell silent. She expected John to drop back, but he stayed next to her as the guys passed, then he started talking again.
They were two miles into the race at 16:10 and Amy tried to speed up a little, but had to weave through the crowd and when she emerged, John appeared at her side again, chatting away as if having the time of his life. ‘Do you want to pick it up, Amy? You seem to have some kick left in you. Don’t hold back on my account.’
Amy didn’t answer. It took all her concentration to look ahead for gaps in the crowd and weave her way through. They could see the finish line in the distance and she gave it her best sprint. To her surprise, John stayed at her side, even when she crossed the finish line in 23:50, completely out of breath.
‘Great job!’ John put an arm around her and she glared back at him, not quite ready to speak.
She took some water from a volunteer and kept walking while John remained at her side and went on about how much fun that had been, what an eclectic crowd, and how you really couldn’t tell who would be fast by judging their body types.
Amy stopped and put her hands on her hips. ‘How the hell was that so easy for you? I’m supposed to be the runner!’ She finally managed to blurt out.
‘It wasn’t that easy for me, Amy,’ John laughed. ‘I had to work hard to keep up with you, but I know this isn’t your best distance. You’re much better at longer races and you would kick my butt at anything over six miles.’
‘How do you know that?’
‘I Googled you. I know your race times. Do you really think I would show up for an ego-beating if I knew I couldn’t keep up?’
Amy glared at him, still breathing heavy although he seemed to have recovered. ‘You Googled my race times?’
John nodded, and grinned at her expectantly and bit his lip for a second. He wore that boyish grin, the slightly smartass look, with both hands resting on his hips. His bare and gorgeous hairless torso stirred her so much she had to look away. ‘Are you mad?’ John asked hesitantly.
‘Mad? I’m flattered. I’m starting to think you like me.’ Amy grinned back at him with her hands on her hips mirroring his gesture. She knew she looked good in her underwear too. ‘I’m just digesting the humbling fact that you are faster than me.’
‘Nah, I’d place really low in my age and sex division, but you won’t. No, you’re the runner here, Amy. I am just highly motivated to see you in your underwear.’
Amy smiled and gave him a silly high-five, followed by a sweaty half-hug. They decided to wait at the finish line for a while and watch the runners come in and were surprised to see Tracy clock in at 34:00 minutes, obviously working hard, while William looked effortless. ‘Look at the crowd of gay men chasing that tail,’ John whispered to Amy and they both laughed that William had in fact drawn a crowd. ‘And he worried about Tracy attracting too much attention in her underwear,’ John laughed and they went to join their friends.
‘Good job!’ Amy hugged Tracy, who looked like she could die on the spot.
‘That was so hard! I’m not going to be able to walk for days.’
‘I’ve got a car,’ John said. ‘You won’t need to walk this morning.’
‘Really? Amy asked in surprise. ‘You dro
ve here?’
‘No, Amy, I was driven here,’ John admitted. He had decided to be authentic, and the truth was he had a driver close by waiting for them.
* * * * *
Amy tried to concentrate on grading the essay in front of her, but she had to restart four times. The events of the morning had her head spinning, from John unexpectedly showing up at the race, to the fact that he easily kept up with her while running. Then there was the matter of the town car. John said he had it reserved for the day since he planned on showing property that afternoon, but he seemed to be well acquainted with the driver, familiar enough to joke around with him in his boyish way. The casual restaurant surprised her too, a homey place called ‘Jackson Hole’ right in Eastside Manhattan, which made no sense. John seemed incredibly warm and genuine at breakfast, and Tracy and William were extremely cute together. Amy felt much more comfortable around them this time and attributed it to the relaxed atmosphere combined with her endorphin-induced runner’s high.
The driver brought Amy to her apartment and John stepped out of the car for a hug and to say that he looked forward to doing a photoshoot with ‘Runner Girl.’ Then the three drove off to their respective busy days while Amy faced the daunting task of grading essays.
Now, post-race and showered, Amy had forty essays to get through if she was going to go on a hike with John the next day, but she couldn’t seem to finish even one of them. She re-started the same paragraph for the third time when her phone buzzed with a text. She smiled seeing a new photo from John, a puddle in the street that reflected puffy clouds on a blue sky and a bird flying by. He managed to capture a nature photo on a crowded Manhattan street. This one came with a text, ‘Second prettiest thing I’ve seen today’ and Amy leaned back on her bed with a smile fixed on her face.
She decided to take a break on her bed and elevate her legs. Lounging on top of the down comforter, she closed her eyes. Images of underwear-clad runners flashed through her memory, but the one that appeared over and over again was the image of a shirtless John, hands on his hips, biting his lip to suppress a grin. Plaid boxers and a matching tie, she grinned to herself and sighed. Then she rolled over and opened her drawer beside the bed to take out her vibrator. Freddy stretched, yawned, and kept his eyes open. ‘What? Don’t judge me,’ she said to her grey cat. ‘He has the ‘V,’ that magnificent V!’ She gestured with her hands, picturing the masculine line of defined muscle that descended from John’s hips to below the waistband of his boxers. But Freddy didn’t judge. He thought what he heard was merely another cat purring, the sound of blessed contentedness.
* * * * *
John pulled up in front of Amy’s apartment at 7:00 a.m, as promised, with a cup of coffee waiting for her in the cupholder. He sent a text letting her know he was double-parked, and in seconds she came out the door in shorts and a pullover jacket with a small hydration pack slung over one shoulder.
‘You have your own car and a driver?’
John laughed. He expected to have this conversation and already made up his mind to be frank. ‘I use a driver and a town car when showing property, but I usually drive the Range Rover myself when I want to get out of the city.’
‘I could have picked a farther destination than Breakneck Ridge,’ Amy smiled. ‘I didn’t realize we’d be driving. Last time I took the metro.’
‘Yeah, well, we can get to the back trailhead this time, and I know where we can get some amazing scenery for your blog.’
‘Thanks, John. I really appreciate you doing this.’
‘You don’t need to thank me. You’ve combined two of my favorite pastimes and I am glad for the opportunity to get the camera out again.’
Amy wondered if he really considered hiking a favorite pastime, while she focused on getting cream into the coffee he’d brought without spilling anything on the very luxurious console. They spent the drive talking about their families and where they grew up and the hour passed quickly. When they pulled into the parking lot, they saw only one car. ‘It’s a lot less crowded on this side. If we want to get some photos on the rocky crag portion, we should do that first, or else I’ll have to spend a lot of time photoshopping people out. The first train doesn’t get here for a while.’
‘A trailhead this close to Manhattan could never be desolate. I’m always surprised when I find solitude in or around the city.’
‘Yes, but sometimes solitude is a state of mind. Ready?’ He slung the backpack with camera gear over his shoulder.
‘Yeah, sure, but what did you mean? Are you talking about the ‘lonely in a crowd’ feeling?’
‘I know that feeling, but I was thinking about how I feel when I am alone in my thoughts, but not necessarily lonely. Like when I go out on the roof of a high-rise and look up at the stars. Sure, I’m in close proximity to about a million people, but I’m the only one standing on that particular rooftop looking at the stars from that particular perspective. Hey, you know what I like most about my job?’
‘The money?’ Amy teased, being cheeky.
‘No, actually that is a byproduct of liking the job. Money-chasers don’t do what I do.’
‘Well, what do you do exactly? Sell commercial real estate, right?’
‘God, you’ve made me sound horribly boring,’ John answered. They were hiking up a narrow trail and he really enjoyed the view of Amy hiking uphill directly in front of him, giving a close perspective of her muscled up little bottom. ‘No, Ms. Runner-Girl, I love finding treasure. I love finding old industrial buildings and seeing the potential to make them into something new, while preserving as much of the history as possible. I work with investors with similar visions, those who don’t want to tear them apart and replace them with something new and shiny. I appreciate those who see the potential in what is already there.’
Amy turned around and smiled, ‘I knew that. ‘Finding an agate among the stones.’ You aren’t the only one who knows how to use Google, you know.’
John’s face registered surprise, ‘My, my, Miss Amy McGuinness. I am flattered that you found me so interesting. That is a pretty lengthy article you’re quoting from.’
‘Yes, it is. And Tracy told me you helped William get a unit in that building in Harlem.’ Amy had returned to face forward and continue hiking. ‘But I am referring to the part about you having a gift for finding gems. Was that story about the agates true or embellished?’
‘It’s true. It drove my sisters crazy that I always found agates among the rocks every time we visited Lake Superior. They even accused me of planting them there just to infuriate them,’ he laughed. ‘But I do have a gift for spotting them. The same thing applies to my ability to see a good photo, or a smart investment property for that matter.’
Amy stopped and turned around on the trail, ‘What about people? Does your gift for finding agates among the stones apply to humans?’
John laughed, ‘Well… I guess being single at thirty-four means that either the skill doesn’t transfer to people, or that I just haven’t tried yet.’
‘Or maybe it comes so easy to you that agates are no longer considered precious?’ Amy wore a teasing smirk.
The slope of the trail put them face to face. ‘Now why would you say that?’
‘Oh, come on, John. Isn’t it obvious? You’re good looking and successful and very charming. The only reason you’re single is because you choose to be.’
‘Is that right, Ms. Know-It-All?’ He fought the urge to touch her as she stood only inches away from his face. ‘And how is it that you’ve managed to stay single all the way up to twenty-seven?’
‘Oh, I haven’t always been single. You just caught me at a good time.’ And with that Amy turned and sprinted ten feet ahead, then turned and said, ‘When are you going to take that camera out? You cou
ld’ve gotten some amazing photos already!’
‘Yeah, I could have, but I thought I’d get in trouble for shooting a bunch of pictures of your adorable ass going up the trail.’
‘As long as they are flattering, I wouldn’t mind,’ Amy turned around and winked at him. John took her offer seriously and brought out his camera. He snapped a few photos from behind, but they mostly captured the flexing of her calf muscles. Her legs in action had him mesmerized.
‘Hey, Amy, this is a great background right here. Why don’t you go up ahead and then run downhill towards me?’
‘Okay,’ she agreed and took her pack off and set it on a rock and took off running.
John crouched down off to the side of the trail and readied his camera, then began shooting as Amy ran down the trail. She passed him then turned and asked, ‘Do you think you got any good ones?’
‘I think so, but can you do it again?’
‘Of course.’
‘But how about without your jacket?’
Amy smiled at him, unzipped her jacket and pulled it over her head revealing a sports bra underneath. She tossed her jacket to him with a devilish grin, then turned and bounded up the hill like a mountain goat.
He shot several more photos as she ran past him, her legs taut with sinewy muscles as she maneuvered her way down a rocky trail. ‘How’s that?’ she asked when she reached him again.
‘Oh, I know I got some good shots for sure,’ he smiled at Amy and handed her the pack and jacket. ‘Shall we?’ He gestured up the hill. She stood with her hands on her hips grinning and breathing heavily. Her chest had a sprinkling of little beads of sweat forming in her cleavage, so he brought the camera back up to his eye and snapped a photo.
She swatted his arm, ‘Who said you could take a photo of my boobs!’
‘You can’t interfere with an artist practicing his craft. Besides, it was beads of sweat, not boobs I was shooting.’
‘Weirdo,’ she said, but she kept grinning. In fact, he hadn’t yet seen her smile this much. She seemed completely relaxed and playful in this environment, and further demonstrated her playful attitude by challenging him to keep up as she sprinted up the rest of the hill.
‘Oh, wow, look at that,’ she said as they reached the summit. The Hudson Valley stretched out in front of them and John took out his tripod. ‘Here?’ she asked. ‘I’m not sure we can get good running shots here. There isn’t a long enough stretch of trail.’
‘I want to get a shot of you looking out at the valley like that. If you don’t want to use it for your blog, that’s okay, but standing in the morning sun like that, with the sweat on your upper lip…’ John started taking photos again while Amy trained her gaze on the valley below.
‘I didn’t know you had a sweat fetish.’
‘I didn’t either,’ John laughed. ‘It looks good on you.’
Amy turned and grinned and he snapped a photo. The moment he took it he knew that it would be his favorite. Her natural behavior in front of the camera made her easy to work with. Or perhaps she was getting comfortable around him, a thought which made him smile in return.
‘Hey, does that camera have a timer?’
‘Of course it does, why?’
‘I’d like you to be in some of the pictures.’
He laughed, ‘Am I going to be on your blog?’
‘Maybe,’ Amy answered with a coy grin. ‘But of course you have control over what photos you give me.’
‘Oh, I’d love to be featured on ‘Runner Girl.”
‘Who said anything about ‘featured’? I’ll just pretend you’re some hot guy I met on the trail.’ She teased.
John laughed, and said, ‘Why do I get the feeling that it isn’t just young girls reading your blog?’
‘Busted!’ Amy laughed and actually blushed. ‘Okay, a few friends from back home might be interested in who I’m hanging out with. Maybe a scorned lover or two. Or three.’ Amy laughed.
‘Oh really? Then let’s give them something to speculate about, shall we?’ John finished setting up the shot then took his shirt off, causing Amy to gasp. ‘It didn’t seem fair that you’re topless and I’m all covered up.’
John heard Amy knock and let herself in. ‘You don’t have to knock, you know. You have a key, just let yourself in.’ ‘Oh, okay. It just seemed like a courteous thing to do.’ ‘We’re way past that,’ John smiled and was met with a serious gaze. ‘I have to show you something.’ Amy held a stack of magazines close to her chest. ‘Remember how I asked if I could send that photo you took into Runner’s World?’ ‘What?’ John’s face lit up. ‘They actually used it?’ Amy grinned and nodded while...
This story was written for Adults. So if you are underaged in your country or don?t like TG stories please stop reading. This story is mine and if somebody wants to put it up at a different website should ask first. Runner in the morning, Ladyboy in the evening, Part II By Greta In the first part I had fallen in love with a fellow female runner and had a sexual encounter with her. Pure bliss but then things got out of hand. My wife threw my out after she found out what I had...
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John loaded the last gift in the Range Rover, closed the hatch and declared, ‘Okay, that’s it. Go say goodbye to Freddy and I’ll stay down here with the car.’ ‘Be right back.’ Amy dashed upstairs and scanned her tiny apartment to make sure she hadn’t forgotten anything. ‘Bye-bye, Freddy. Try not to miss me too much. Tracy will come by to visit and feed you every day and I’ll see you in a week.’ She kissed the grey cat, who responded with indifference, then she ran down the three flights of...
Amy sat on the subway with the plastic-covered dress folded neatly in half upon her lap. At the time Tracy’s suggestion that she rent a designer gown seemed like a great alternative to buying something, but now the blood spatters across the front of the Gucci dress made the frugal choice look disastrous. She hoped the store owner would allow her to pay it off in installments, although she had no idea how much to expect. Not that she had any right to worry — whatever she owed would be trivial...
Thank you Gaius Petronius for editing for me. There are 13 chapters in this series and they will post daily. Vote, comments, and emails sincerely appreciated. ***** John watched Amy and Tracy exit the cab, and after greetings and introductions, the two couples were led to a table. John paused momentarily, giving himself an opportunity to fall behind and get a good look at Amy’s backside, from her toned pale shoulders down to her nicely rounded bottom. Once seated, Amy and Tracy began talking...
I would like to thank Gaius Petronius for editing. Any mistakes are mine. There are 13 chapters in the story and it is complete. Votes, comments, and emails are appreciated. Thank you for reading! DB ***** Amy looked around Anne’s office, waiting for her therapist to return. Late afternoon in January, darkness was setting in, and the room was lit by only a table lamp on the desk. The walls were painted robin’s egg blue. The painting of an ocean scene and the overstuffed couch had always...
Tracy slid onto the stool next to Amy’s. ‘Sorry, there weren’t any tables available.’ Tracy waved a hand away. ‘Prime-time in Manhattan? A coffee shop across from the library? I feel damn lucky to have a stool to park my butt on. Thanks for meeting me over here. I didn’t want make those old men in the writers group break down in tears when I started asking about your date with John.’ ‘Oh, they wouldn’t even be interested… except Naveen,’ Amy laughed. ‘He might actually cry.’ ‘Ha!’ Tracy...
I watched her run, her hair in a long pony tail, as it swished in time with her long strides. Long, lithe legs extending in an easy stride. Five minutes before they'd been wrapped round my back. This affair, this zipless fuck, had been going on for almost two years now and I still didn't know her name, still never saw her at any other time and I still didn't know where she lived... o-O-o Springtime on the riverbank. What a wonderful time of year. Time to be up early at the weekend. Time to be...
Quickie SexTo all readers: This story is meant to be read by Adults. So if you are underaged in your country or don?t like TG stories please stop reading further. Runner in the morning, Ladyboy in the evening By Greta Now I am living in a new town, just having moved here a few months ago. I can?t live without my morning run so every day after I wake up I get ready for a run in the Park nearby. After a couple of days I spotted a gorgeous woman with an incredible figure, long brown hair and...
This story is intended for the open minded adult. So if you are underaged in your country or dislike TG stories please stop reading. This story is mine and if somebody would like to put it up on a different website should contact me first. In Part II the newly transformed Greta went through more feminity training and suffered the indignation of having to give a blowjob to Aina, a Ladyboy who helped with the training. This was done all in order to prepare Greta for her debut with...
This story is intended for the open minded adult. So if you are underaged in your country or dislike TG stories please stop reading. This story is mine and if somebody would like to put it up on a different website should contact me first. In Part III the newly transformed Greta had an ecnounter with her Lovers mother Isabel and she turned out to be wicked. Unfortunately she has seen through Gretas disguise which she reveals after Gretas lover Aleila left for work. If you haven?t read...
© April 2003 I watched her run, hair in a long pony tail, swishing in time with her long strides. Her long, lithe legs extending in an easy stride, whereas five minutes before they'd been wrapped round my back. This affair - this zipless fuck - had been going on for almost two years now and I still didn't know her name, still never saw her at any other time, still didn't know where she lived... o-O-o Springtime on the riverbank. What a wonderful time of year. Time to be up early at...
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Beads of cold sweat ran down Susan Wienczorkowski’s neck as she carefully navigated the long dark and empty warehouse corridor. Clad in lightweight body armor, the newest addition to the Metropolis Special Crimes Unit looked like one of the troopers from Star Wars. Close behind her followed a similarly clad associate. “Wienczorkowski ... west corridor clear.” she said into her helmet’s comlink. With a nod she motioned for her partner, Sergeant Mike Robinson to cover her as she dashed across...
Reddit Tgirls, aka r/Tgirls! What looks good to you may not look good for other people. A lot of women can be beautiful to their husbands even though the rest of the world would find them to be total eyesores. That jacket you like wearing so much might only look good to you because it holds sentimental value for you - but other people might think it’s nothing special when they see it. Hell, even your favorite pornstar could look like a flawless queen to you because you’ve developed an...
Reddit NSFW ListHi my name is Robert Shephard...yeah I see you scratching your head. Don't worry I get that a lot. Needless to say I'm a nobody, however you've probably heard about my Girlfriend people call her Supergirl. Wait don't go, I'm serious. You see six months ago I met an amazing girl named Linda Lang. She was Smart, Funny and very very passionate about....things. We started going out almost every night but every once in a while she'd leave for one reason or another. It got to the point where I was...
The Cheerleader Rubber Ponygirls The Cheerleader Rubber PonygirlsBy Sarah ??????????? Sarah was like the rest of the college cheerleaders at her school.? She knew she could have any boy she wanted.? But little did she, or the other girls, would get when they crossed the wrong guy. ??????????? It happened when the squad was on its way back from an away game at Flagler College.? Flagler was UWO?s rival, and for the past five years UWO had not had a win against them.? Then the game...
Hunting down a speedster was hard business - impossible for most people. For Kara In-Ze, also known as Supergirl, it was far less so. First, Kara had her Kryptonian Vision that enabled her to search large areas despite all obstacles - she was tracking the supervillain even then. Secondly, while she wasn't as fast as a speedster in her moves, she could fly, taking shortcuts the speedster could not. And third and most important (at least as far as Kara was concerned), she was eighteen now. Gone...
I trip and fall, he is so close behind me, I try to get up but he falls on top of me and keeps me to the ground. I struggle and wiggle trying to get out of his grasp. He is too strong.. DAMN! He turns me over and I get the first look at his well shaped face, those hard black eyes filled with passion stare back at me. He spoke softly " Do not fight me, you will only tire your self out." I didn't listen, and he held both of my wrist in his rough warm hands above my head. He pushed his mouth...
John stared mindlessly at the bottle of beer as he rotated it around in his hand, until William slid into the booth across from him. ‘Well?’ his friend asked. John raised his eyebrows as if he didn’t know what William meant. ‘Amy? Hiking? Photos? How’d it go?’ John shook his head, trying to form an answer. ‘I don’t know,’ he said in frustration. ‘It started out great. I mean really great. We had a fantastic time and Amy was warm, flirty, and a lot of fun. We hiked and I took photos and then...
Amy sat on the floor between John’s knees watching TV as he played with her hair. ‘I can’t believe you have to work on Thanksgiving,’ she said. ‘I don’t have to, sweetheart, I want to. It’s business as usual in the UK, and I get out of visiting my family.’ ‘I thought you said you love your sisters.’ Amy turned and met his eyes. ‘Don’t you want to see them?’ John laughed, ‘Of course I do, just not on holidays. They’ve all moved to different cities and if I visit one, the other two get their...
Amy and Tracy sat whispering on John’s couch, while the men worked in the kitchen. ‘I’m still getting over the shock of this place,’ Amy whispered to her friend. ‘I know,’ Tracy agreed. ‘I can fit my apartment in her about five times.’ ‘At least as many for me,’ Amy laughed. ‘So it looks like William’s super comfortable in the kitchen? And John’s being a good sport?’ ‘He’s trying to impress you,’ Tracy winked. ‘Little late for that. I’m officially smitten.’ Tracy sipped the wine she held...
John was in deep. Slinging one of her legs over his shoulder, he plunged his cock even deeper and watched her face intently as her eyes bulged with each thrust. ‘Oh my god, you feel huge like this,’ she moaned loudly, ‘You’re gonna make me cum!’ Her tits bounced with each rapid plunge and he watched as her French-manicured fingertips rubbed a circle around her clit. Her precious dirty little mouth formed a perfect ‘O’ as her eyes rolled back in her head. Her body trembled visibly while her...
I watched her run, her hair in a long pony tail, as it swished in time with her long strides. Long, lithe legs extending in an easy stride. Five minutes before they’d been wrapped round my back. This affair, this zipless fuck, had been going on for almost two years now and I still didn’t know her name, still never saw her at any other time and I still didn’t know where she lived… o-O-o Springtime on the riverbank. What a wonderful time of year. Time to be up early at the weekend. Time to be...
Introduction: This is my first story and I would love to hear your comments! I was running… all I can do now is run. I hear his footsteps fallowing me. I try to scream but Im too scared. I trip and fall, he is so close behind me, I try to get up but he falls on top of me and keeps me to the ground. I struggle and wiggle trying to get out of his grasp. He is too strong.. DAMN! He turns me over and I get the first look at his well shaped face, those hard black eyes filled with passion stare back...
Why? I can’t say. I don’t know why. But I what I did and I don’t regret it a bit. I run with a co-ed club. It’s a fun bunch, some fast, some less so. We finished our run and everyone was standing around chatting, stretching and cooling off. And it was hot. Too hot. My shorts and tank top were soaked with perspiration. I tried toweling off to no avail. The idea of getting into my car, literally dripping with sweat, saturating my leather seats, was not appealing.I parked in the far corner of the...
Ocala Florida 4:13 pm Marylyn I looked in fear, as the man tightened his finger on the trigger. Then I snapped out, "You kill me, and you will have every cop in the country after your ass. I'm a Federal Judge, and you have been photographed holding the weapon on me." "What you mean, photographed," the man asked as he looked around nervously. Raising my hand I pointed at the camera on the bank and then at the one on the light pole for the intersection and said, "Firstly, there is...
USS Alabama, Mobil Bay, Alabama 7:20 AM Mathew We walked through the gift shop, and went to the snack bar. The girl behind the counter came over and asked what we wanted. We all had scrambled eggs, bacon, toast and coffee. I paid the bill, and we took our coffees to the table. A few minutes after we sat down the lady behind the counter called me. I went over and picked up the tray of food. Carrying it back, I set it down and passed the plates around to everyone. We ate our breakfast...
Beaumont, Mississippi; 2:35 PM CodieAnn I saw a movement out of the corner of my eye. I turned, leveled the pistol, and fired. My bullets caught Teddy right in his chest, and he staggered back. I quickly fired twice more, and he flipped over the rail. I walked over and looked down at Teddy and saw he was still alive. With a snarl, I remembered all the rapes he had done to me and Katie, and I fired twice more. His body jumped twice as the rounds hit him. I snarled out at him, "That's for...
4:30 AM Pakistan, Skyang Kangri Mountain: Ali Mohammed: High up on Skyang Kangri a small lab was buried deep in the Western flank of the mountain, protected by elements of the Elite anti-terrorism units of the Pakistan military. They were protecting dozens of the most highly respected microbiologist who worked for the government of Pakistan as they developed a new biological weapon. Snow was falling high in the mountains as I entered the base and walked past the security. I showed them my...
9:30 AM Arkansas, Entrance to the Crater of Diamonds State Park: Matt: I cursed as the SUV almost made me crash. I watched as the teenagers screamed out the windows, waving beer cans. One even threw one at me, and I watched the spray hit the windshield as I straightened out the RV. The SUV overcorrected and I watched in horror as it went off the side of the road and into the gully that ran the length of the road. "Fucking idiots!" I said as I applied the brakes and stopped near the...
11:45 PM: Bella Vista, Arkansas: Ana: I just pulled my panties and shorts down when I heard someone yelling at the teller out in the store. "Give me the fucking money, or I will blow you away, you old hag! Check the bathrooms!" I quickly pulled up my shorts up and picked up my purse. I stepped up on the toilet and waited. I heard the men's bathroom door being kicked in and then the women's. I was crouched there shaking as I pulled my pistol out when I heard several gunshots and a...
9:11 PM: Cheyenne, Wyoming: Matt: I ran over to the KFC to get dinner with Marybeth. I ordered two bucket-meals with multiple side orders for all of us. While we were over at KFC, the girls had run into Wal-Mart and picked up a few items. I felt my cell phone buzz in my pocket as I paid the bill, and we carried the food back to the RV. We enjoyed a good meal, and I booted up the laptop. I brought up the news and started checking to see what we had missed in the last few days. We watched...
09:01 AM Laramie, Wyoming Matt We watched as the eight four month old Saint Bernard puppies buried Beth under their massive bodies. They were licking her all over, and had her giggling as she tried to recover from their assault. "What's going on, Matt?" Judy asked as she watched the fifteen year old being licked to death. Beth was being licked from all directions and didn't know where to turn to first, until the largest laid down on her belly. "Getting Mary her final birthday...
05:50 AM: Matt: I woke up just before six am and looked at Judy sleeping. Ana was behind her, and had her arm draped over Judy's side. She was cupping Judy's left breast and gently massaging it in her sleep. With a smile I leaned down and kissed both of them gently on their noses until they woke up. Slipping out of bed, I saw Cyclone and Henrietta waiting for me. I petted them, and started to lead them out of the room when Henrietta jumped up on the bed and lay down beside Judy. She...
07:30 PM Matt I lay there gasping in pain. The burning between my legs made me afraid to look, but I finally had to. Looking down, I saw a bloody furrows on my inner thighs. Checking the wounds I realized they weren't major because they had missed the arteries that ran on the inside of the thigh. I sighed out in relief. The bullets had also missed my nuts which was another good thing. They had only ripped through my pants and the inseam of my legs. The wounds were bloody, but not life...
09:19 AM: Matt: I hit the ground and rolled, the dog flipped over me, but didn't let go of my arm. Rolling and kicking at the dog, I noticed it was a German Shepard, and was wearing a badge on its collar. It was growling as it chewed the right sleeve of my parka. "Let go you SON-OF-A-BITCH!" I screamed as my foot smashed into its chest. The dog yelped but continued to try and get through my sleeve to get to the flesh inside. I could hear gunfire from behind me as John fired at the...
05:42 PM: Matthew: "What?" I said as I looked at Anastasia and CodieAnn. "Over here," Beth said and we looked into the den. The floor was covered with plastic, and sheets were hung, making two enclosed partitions. Stepping into the first room, I saw a chair with a robe draped over the back. Before I could say or do anything, Marybeth stepped in, and started working on the straps on my backpack. I was so cold, that I was trying to get my gloves off and Mary grabbed them. With a quick...
Lodge, near Driggs 8:45 PM: Mathew: I grabbed my shotgun with my right hand, as my left grabbed Anastasia's arm as the door was pushed open. With a yank of my arm, she went stumbling into Regina who was pulling out her pistol. The shotgun came up and I fired as the barrel of a rifle pushed through the opening. The steel pellets ripped through the thin door and the gun was withdrawn as I snapped out, "Everyone down!" Everyone started hitting the floor as an automatic rifle opened up from...
Early Christmas Morning: Mathew: I lay there in bed watching my girls sleep. Looking at the clock, I saw it was five-twelve in the morning. Slipping Beth off of me, I slid out of bed and went to the bathroom while the girls cuddled closer together. After taking a piss, I walked to the bedroom door and looked at my girls, sleeping. Reaching down, I picked up my shotgun, opened the door and slid out. Cyclone followed me, and we went down the hall to a spare bedroom. I changed to warmer...
Sheriff Sub Station: Six miles outside of Driggs: Mathew: I turned towards the door and took a deep breath. I had noticed that Ana was only wearing her shirt. I remembered the man telling her to push and I just knew my daughter was dead because I didn't hear her crying. With another deep breath to clear my mind I walked to the door and looked inside. Ana was sitting on an ambulance bed with CodieAnn holding her. She was crying and Codie was rocking her. Walking over to Ana, I sat down on...
2150 A.D Los AngelesIt's been 150 years ago that we discovered the kryptonite on Earth and yet we know nothing about it only he weakened Superman and his cousin Supergirl. We know nothing about its power its effects on human. However it's gonna change. Indeed professor Pamela Isley experienced it against her will. But who is Pamela Isley? She is a young woman 25 years old brunette hair blue eyes 5.5 feet 32C this lovely girl has no lover but doesn't despair she has no friends either, indeed she...
The Cheerleader Ponygirl The Cheerleader PonygirlBy Sarah Sarah was just a cute little High school cheerleader when she stumbled onto Sir Jeff?s website about ponygirls.? She was from a small farming town in the south, and being the curious girl, she started searching for more information. She spent many nights combing the internet for information, stories, pictures, and other useful information.? She found out all about the training and stable lives of ponygirls, and as she learned...
“Hey babygirl… it’s time to go for a ride.” “Oooo Daddy! I love riding with you. Where we going?” “Daddy’s taking you to a breeding party.” “A breeding party? Sounds exciting, what is it?” “Just like it sounds, babygirl… Daddy’s taking you to get you thoroughly bred by lots of stranger daddy cocks!” “Oh Daddy… you have all the best ideas!” “Of course, babygirl… now put on that thin little short dress real quick and your fuck me shoes before Daddy gives you a spanking…” So babygirl puts on her...
Her memory of the past night was still clouded. As her alter-ego Batgirl, she remembered trying to enter a supposedly closed lab building to look for several missing women. One of her sources had told that a group of scientists was doing experiments on live people there. All that she could remember was a bright light........ ....Suddenly, she felt the room starting vibrate as what sounded like giant steps approached her "room". In an instant, the "ceiling" opened up, and to her shock,...
As promised here is a suite :) But the story is in future so the names may change As I said before the Supergirl is no more she's now Super Evil and with Poison Ivy they love each other but with their sex thristy and their lust mind they want more so they think together how to hunt down the others heroines and they both choose targets Super Evil will take care of Wonder Girl and Poison Ivy chooses the Batgirl. Batgirl alias Barbara Gordon daughter of general Gorgon himself great grand son of...