Luck Ch. 05 free porn video

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Rip Howard looked at the front cover of the brand new, hot off the press edition of ‘celebrity skinz’.

‘Bullshit.’ he said to himself, reading over the article as he waited to see Hector Landon, head man in charge here at celebrity skinz and the only man that can make or break a reporter’s career with the snap of his fingers. He had done a lot of work in the past for Hector, but all that stopped after he was black listed.

Now Hector had no choice but to accept Rip’s deal, Rip was the only one who had the proof that Aries Stark was alive and the only one that knew where he was.


Aries had taken Mimi to the bungalows next to the beach she had previously told him about. Her parents had taken her there once when she was younger and she had loved it. She had a desire to go back and since it was so secluded he couldn’t think of a better place.

Aries had no idea what the future held for him, he had no idea if Mimi would end up leaving him because of all the lies he told. He was going to tell her the truth, he just needed this one last week with her, he wanted her to continue to love him the way she loved Jack Smith. He needed it just a little bit longer, he was not ready to let go of what they shared or the way she made him feel. Love like this only came once in a lifetime, and he was terrified he would loose her.


Rip Howard stormed out of Hector Landon’s office furiously. Rip had waited all week for this appointment and after 3 seconds and one look at the pictures, Hector rushed him out of his office, accusing him of wasting his time with fake photos.

Rip was angry, but he was never a quitter, he knew what he had to do. So he bought himself another round trip ticket, he was going back to see Aries and get ALL the proof he needed.


They were spending a glorious week in seclusion, serving only each other, worshiping each other. There wasn’t a minute that passed that he was not in some way touching her, exploring her body or kissing it.

She was more relaxed than she had ever felt in her life, her worries didn’t seem to matter any more, and she had Jack to thank for that. She never knew love could feel so amazing, and for the 1st time in her life, she understood why her mother had battled the demons she had. But she refused to let those fears control her life any longer. No matter how hard she had tried to fight it, no matter how hard she had resisted, she had fallen completely and totally in love.


‘I swear if this child wasn’t going to help my career, I would have aborted it immediately!’ she said to herself in disgust as she looked at her naked form in her full length mirror. ‘You are so lucky you are going to make me rich.’ she said as she ran her hand over her swollen belly.

Her entire life she had suffered from an irrational fear of gaining weight, but she had to deal with it this time. Her visions of her future paved in red carpets and unlimited fame far surpassed any fears she had with weight issues.

Besides, her biggest fear was not achieving that fame, and after she had the baby she would definitely have more than enough money to surgically repair any flaws the baby left on her body.

Hell, she could do what ever she wanted now, she was having Aries stark’s love child and there was no one around to prove different. She felt a spiral of satisfaction race through her despite her thickening waist, she was going to finally achieve her dream, she could already see the picture of her and the baby on the front cover of ‘celebrity skinz’.


It was so hot she fell asleep in just her bikini bottoms, he sat on the side of the bed facing her, just looking at her and thinking. Reality was really kicking in now and he was becoming more and more worried. He could not imagine his life without her and he refused to ever loose her, he wanted to marry this girl, he wanted babies with her.

He couldn’t believe he was actually thinking of this, this time last year he abhorred the thought of marriage, he used triple protection, scared to death of becoming a father. Now it was all he could think of, he wanted to get started with his life now that he had found it and he wanted all this shit to be over.

There were so many things he wanted to do with her, so many places he wanted to take her. He desperately wanted to take her to one of his favorite places in the world, his secluded house by the beach. He used to go there a lot to get away from all the bullshit in his life. He NEVER took anyone with him, it was his own secret spot, his personal hideaway. But he wanted to take her, and for some strange reason he wanted her to love it as much as he did.

He ran his hand down her shoulder, turning her on her back. She stirred a little, still asleep. He bent his head blowing lightly over her breasts, watching her nipples harden before sucking one deep into his mouth. She moaned than opened her eyes, stretching her body, her back arching enough for him to slide his hand underneath, pulling her torso closer to him and her breast deeper into his mouth. His slid his other hand down the front of her bikini bottoms, his fingers sliding between her lips, immediately finding her clit.


Leslie Malone was worried, she had recently broken up with her off and on again fiancée of 3 years, Brad Lowell. They had broken up plenty of times before due to Brads cheating. Usually he came crawling back after a few days, begging her to take him back and promising it would never happen again.

Of course it always did, and frequently.

She loved him with all of her heart, and she knew he honestly couldn’t help it. Some where in his life Brad had decided that the only way to make it to the top was to sleep his way there. Not an admirable trait by any means, but Brad was desperate for fame and would do anything to get it.

As it stood he was B listed, he had managed to grab a little bit of fame, but not due to his acting skills. He wasn’t half bad as an actor, he was pretty good actually, but that handsome face that he used to get what he wanted was his down fall. He had a very strong resemblance to a very famous celebrity whose acting skills had become legendary due to his spellbinding performances and the way he managed to capture the true essence of the characters he played.

Brad had used his face to get in the door, everyone was taken back by the resemblance and he was instantly offered a film. Unfortunately with a face to match Aries Stark, the crowd expected a performance just as similar and was always left unsatisfied. No matter how much he looked like him, he was NOT Aries Stark.

Leslie loved him regardless, she happened to have a great deal of money on her own from her inheritance, so it did not matter that he was always broke, she took care of him. She was realistic enough to admit that her bank account probably had a part to do with why he had always came crawling back, but deep in her heart she liked to believe it was a little more than just that. She knew deep down in his superficial, self gratifying, conceited little heart, he held a spot for her, and in his own way, he did love her.

So why was he not back yet? She knew he had no money. At first she assumed he was living off that Bitch he was seeing, she had money and fame of her own, but something just didn’t seem right. She got no answer when she finally decided to call him.

Now she stood in his apartment looking around, something definitely wasn’t right. Brad was a neat freak and never kept his apartment in disarray. The place looked like a pig sty, like it had been ransacked.

Leslie quickly backed out of his apartment, calling the police immediately. Brad would never leave his place like this no matter how much time he spent with his new girl friend. Something had happened, she could feel it in her heart.


Mimi look
ed down the big cliff to the water below.

‘No way.’ she said stepping back, holding his hand tighter trying to coax him away from the ledge.

‘Jump with me.’

‘You know I don’t like heights.’

‘That’s why we’re up here, to cure your fear.’ he pulled her closer, his hand going to her denim covered behind.

‘Let’s just go fool around on the shore.’ she smiled kissing his lips lightly. He kissed her back.

‘The only shore we’re fooling around on is that one.’ he pointed to the shore down below. ‘There’s only one way to get there.’

‘Very tricky.’ she grinned, lord knows she didn’t want to, her legs were already shaking just thinking about it, but she REALLY wanted to fool around ‘fine.’ she gave up and started to undress. He stripped quickly to his swim shorts, when he turned around he grunted, seeing her in the tiniest peach bikini he had ever seen. The top just covered her nipples. He pulled her close with another grunt.

‘Damn girl,’ he said his voice husky, he pulled the strips of fabric to the side exposing her breasts, she gasped, ‘look at you.’ his arm went around her hips his free hand went straight to her breasts, caressing her lightly. He kissed her full lips lightly, than ran his hand through her long silky curls. He pulled back a bit, she stood there slightly breathless as he smiled covering her breasts, than taking her hand. ‘Are you ready?’

‘no.’ she squeaked looking down at the water that was very, very, very far below her legs turning to jelly.

‘Don’t look down, look at me.’ he kissed her lips quickly when she turned to him, ‘on 3.’ she nodded.

‘one.’ he said and she tried to take a little step back, he smiled than pulled her closer to him, ‘two.’ he held her hand tight, pulling it up to his mouth for a quick kiss. ‘Three.’

She was falling quickly, her stomach up in her lungs, her heart pounding, than half way through she realized, she actually liked it. She pointed her toes to break the surface just like he taught her, than she was engulfed in the warm water. He grabbed her and pulled her to the surface with him, both breathing deeply as they came up.

‘I can’t believe I jumped!’ she laughed in amazement, putting her arms around his neck holding on to him tight, her whole body shaking.

‘Did you like it?’

‘I loved it!’ she laughed, ‘let’s do it again!’

‘Umm,’ he pulled her closer, ‘let’s fool around a little first.’ he threw it back as he kissed her grabbing her thighs and wrapping her legs around his waist, his hand under her butt. He swam towards the shore slowly, taking her with him, not breaking the kiss.

Once he was where he could stand up, the water stopping below her breasts, he undid the bow at the back of her neck, pulling the tiny top down, the warm air, still cooler than the warm water, sent a chill to her nipples. He pulled his lips from hers, looking down at her goose bumped breasts, ‘look how hard your nipples are.’ he pulled on one and she shivered as it sent another chill through her. He bent his head and took one in his mouth, sucking hard.

One arm still holding her, the other down between her legs, rubbing on her bikini bottoms, she put her arms around his head, holding him closer to her. He slipped his fingers into the fabric, sliding up her bare slit, she moaned as he slid a finger deep inside her, his mouth going to the other nipple, sucking harder and he slid another finger in.

She cried out as he slid in the 3rd, biting down on her nipple, she grabbed handfuls of his head trying to pull him off, but he was latched on tight and before she knew it, she was crying out her orgasm, her body arching hard, he didn’t stop until her body was still and she was limp in his arms. He groaned, watching her cum and swimming her to the shore. He laid her back on the wet sand, the water rolling up to his thighs.

‘I have to see you.’ he growled as he ripped her bikini bottom off, the torn fabric still attached to her right thigh. He ran his fingers over her exposed flesh needing more of her than he could possibly get, he went down on his stomach, his head between her legs, he spread her thighs wide, using his thumbs her stretched her lips as far as they would go than began sucking on her clit. Her body still to sensitive from his last attack, she almost screamed.

Trying to pull back but he held her tight, his fingers biting into her. he was in a frenzy, attacking her ruthlessly, he groaned hard as she orgasmed harder, releasing her deep scream into the air, he took every last drop of her into his mouth before he slid up her body, positioning himself than slowly sliding into her, she almost sat up as his huge cock impaled her, he pushed her back down, kissing her desperately, fucking her like he had never fucked another woman in his life.

They were both cuming, he growled like a wild animal and she screamed as they both came harder than they ever had before. He crushed her below him before he lifted on his elbows looking down at her,

‘Damn I fucking love you!’ his deep voice and his words sending chills over her skin. ‘And I love fucking you.’ he whispered.

‘I love it when you fuck me too.’ she whispered with a smile, her words sending his dick and his brain into an orgasmic orbit, he growled before devouring her lips.


Lana sat in the interrogation room, Angus and Cruz sat across from her. She was trying to keep cool, but she was nervous.

‘You have spent tons of his money, your living in his house, cheating on him in his house, none of that adds up to a grieving fiancée.’ Cruz started

‘That doesn’t mean I killed him.’ she snapped, trying desperately not to loose her composure.

‘No, but you publicly admitted you were the last one to have seen him.’

‘Afternoon boys,’ Chucky Ray walked into the interrogation room, ‘this meeting is over.’

Lana smiled ear to ear, Chucky was the best damn defense lawyer sex could buy. Not that she was overly worried now that she knew they still thought the corpse was Aries. They were so far behind, they had no clue, they also had no case until they had the true identity of the victim.


Aries was laying on the back porch swing, trying to get the words that he would say to her perfect, he knew he had to tell her. There was no way around it, now was the time!

She walked out the back door, wearing only his white t-shirt and a sexy smile that had him sitting up, his dick hard and reaching for her all at the same time.

She walked over slowly to him, seeing him ready to get up and come get her if she took any longer. She stood at arms distance, swaying her hips side to side as she slowly pulled his t-shirt up her hips, revealing just the faintest glimpse of her naked pussy. He moaned as he reached out and pulled her into his lap, sliding the huge shirt up to her waist.

‘No-‘ she pulled it back down looking around.

‘No ones out here.’ he said sliding it back up.

‘There are a lot of people on the beach right now.’

‘They can’t see us.’ he kissed her lips, pulling it above her breasts, ‘lift your arms.’ he whispered against her lips. She felt a little shy, running around in a skimpy bathing suit was one thing, but full nudity was something else entirely. She covered her large breasts and he smiled pulling her arms down to her sides.

‘Are you sure?’ she asked nervously even as she felt the craziest little rush of adrenaline as she sat there completely naked on his lap, outside on the back porch.

‘Relax baby, only I can see you.’ he murmured against her lips, running his finger tips across her hard nipples, his other arm across her back, holding her to him. ‘Dance for me now.’ he whispered lightly against her lips, his tongue tracing the outline before it slipped between her lips.

She let that internal beat of lust take over her body, her hips swaying and popping over his hardening cock. He held her tight to allow any mo
vement she wanted and she had him worked up into a frenzy within just a few minutes. He watched her, her eyes closed her head back, her beautiful cinnamon tipped breasts bouncing with each movement, her hips moving so sensually over him, his cock surged every time she made contact.

He pulled it out from his boxers letting it whack against her stomach, instinctively she rose to her knees. He ran the tip over her spread sex, his pre cum coating her naked flesh, he held her hips tightly as he positioned himself at her opening. she slid down his long thick cock, her knees spreading wider as she slowly slid lower, inhaling deeply as each thick inch slid in. his fingers bit deeply into her hips as he thrust the rest of himself inside of her, she cried out arching her back. He slid a hand up her back, pulling her to him, he took her pebble hard nipple into his mouth sucking it hard and grazing it with his teeth.


Rip was almost entranced as he watched Aries Stark making love to this naked nymph who was grinding erotically against him. He watched in amazement as her large firm breasts bounced beautifully and felt a twinge of envy as Aries nipped at the hard tips. He couldn’t stop the gasp as he walked closer to the back porch, taking pictures.

They both turned in the direction of the audible gasp and the series of bright lights that followed immediately after. Mimi squealed, turning away from the intruder, covering her breasts just as Aries grabbed his t-shirt and quickly wrapped it around her.

‘What the fuck?!” he roared ushering her towards the bungalow’s back entrance.

‘Aries, I know it’s you,’ he started to plead, rip was ready to kiss ass and take numbers, he would get down on his knees if he had to. ‘Just listen.’

Aries covered her from behind as she ran through the back screen door, than he shut it behind him.

‘ARE YOU OUT OF YOUR MUTHER FUCKING MIND?!’ He raged going towards Rip. Rip knew how to get out of the way of a raging celebrity.

‘They think your dead Aries,’ he tried to reason with him. ‘a body was found washed up on the shore, the body fit your height, weight, hair color, but the teeth were smashed in and the fingers and toes were cut off., so the body could not be identified.’ Aries slowed down a little, stepping off the porch to stand in front of Rip who was cowering back a bit. Rip could almost see his reason battling his rage right now. ‘The latest word is they think Lana is a suspect in your murder.’


Mimi put her shirt on, than hearing the last sentence the man had said made her stop and go closer to the screen door.

‘It’s gotten serious, your death is the most talked about, most famous unsolved mystery in history, and with Lana being pregnant, that just made it all the more tangled.’

Mimi gasped. He heard it, that sound demanding his instant attention, he turned to her, seeing her step back, he quickly turned back to Rip

‘Meet me tomorrow at 3, I’ll give you your story.’ he said than turned and ran to the back door.

Rip actually felt bad, it was more than obvious that he really cared about the girl.

Strange, in all the years he had known him, Aries had never had a serious or steady girlfriend, it had always been just the opposite. Aries was a serial dater, when he did date. He had more than his fair share of beautiful women, but nothing lasted. He had been with Lana the longest, which had really not been very long at all.

Rip wasn’t here to wreck relationships, he was here to kick start his career again. He turned away, shaking his head.


Aries opened the screen door, walking in.


‘Who are you?’ she asked, taking another step back away from him.

‘Come here.’ he said taking a step towards her, she took another step back.

‘If you don’t tell me I will go get that man and make him tell me, since he seems to know so much more about you than I do.’ she took another step back. He stopped and stood still, looking deep into her eyes, thinking how his world would crash if he lost and her. Now he might loose her just because he wasn’t honest from the beginning.

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MAU: The Adventures of Supergirl and Dawnstrike Everything in here is fictitious and bears no resemblance to anything living or dead. The MAU universe belongs to Elrod W. Superman, Supergirl and Dawnstar belong to DC comics. Wolverine and Deathstrike belong to Marvel. The story is mine and may only be posted to free websites. Elrod W asked me to include a note about the characters and here?s what he said: I would strongly recommend you get this story out to the community...

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how i got my start as a sissy

Growing up was tough . I spent a lot of my younger years trying to figure out if I was normal or not . Had many girl friends but still I had an attraction to cock . This all started at a very early age and abuse continued till upper ages from both sexes . I really started exploring my sexuality after I joined the army and got away from home . There I was used by other army high ranking men who knew what they were looking for . I had a command sgt. major for my first dom who took me out one...

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BackroomCastingCouch Audrina 07062020

Cam met busty, curvy Audrina while she was bartending at a local watering hole a couple weeks ago. She was intrigued to meet a real porn star and wanted to know more. They exchanged phone numbers and began talking. Recently, she lost her job and asked him to get her some adult video work, so we brought her in the next day for an audition. Once she arrived, I convinced her that I could get her a job making $1000-$5000 per day if she followed my instructions, which she did. Her reaction to...

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Common Interests Part Four

The story continues with the departure of Brenda’s husband and my wife as well. A house guest with benefits to say the least comes to continue our adventure and cum she does. Friday rolled around and I made it to work early as usual, Brian dropped off Brenda as usual, yet this time she came in and asked if she could borrow the keys for a minute and put a suitcase and some hung clothing into our SUV. Her husband was now on his way to the southern most part of the state. I smiled at what this...

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Adventures of a Greenie Green Marine Vol 3Chapter 10 Deepa

Martha tapped the activation sensor and established connection. Geha did not use an Avatar connection. “Martha, I managed to get away from the ones that tried to capture me again, but this is not why I am calling. I wanted to let you know that I am trying to get back into Freespace.” “Geha, Sister is alive.” “I am glad, it appears I gathered enough of her and it appears there was enough life in her for them to keep her alive. What will they do to her once she can be regrown?” “Geha, she...

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Her Hand

He’d just returned from overseas. Once back in the states he straightened out his agenda so that he could head back to his hometown. His family lived there and they were waiting for him too. He hadn’t seen any of them in well over eight years. All of them had grown up and that included his young cousin Samantha as well. By now she was 20 years old. When he left for the military obviously she wasn’t. Now a young woman all sorts of things started to happen. Hormones being the number one thing and...

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On Probation Chapter 1

The driving rain pelted the ground as I emerged from the London Underground and made my way through the crowds of damp commuters towards the office. It was two weeks before Christmas and the shopfronts twinkled with sparkling festoon lighting and colourful gift displays. Despite the terrible weather and the lousy, underpaid job I was headed to, there was nowhere else I’d rather be at that time of year than London.Clutching my umbrella and weaving my way through the crowds, I felt a flicker of...

Straight Sex
1 year ago
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A WellLived Life 2 Book 1 BethanyChapter 15 Guys and Gals

May 27, 1986, Chicago, Illinois “This is more like a fraternity party than a baseball game!” Elyse laughed, as we sat in the bleachers at Wrigley Field watching the Reds play the Cubs. “Just be quiet and drink your beer!” I teased. “That’s one thing we couldn’t do at Riverfront! We were too young. Of course, the Reds were so good we wanted to watch the game. I think drinking is the only way to get through games these days!” “They might have a chance today,” Stephanie said. “It’s only 2-1...

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Marries kinky weekend Part 1

For several months now Marrie wanted to do what she was about to try, but never had a good opportunity or the guts to actually do it. After her parents left, she waited an hour in chase they had forgotten anything, occasionally playing with her pussy. The thought about what she was about to do made her horny. After one hour passed she started with her plans. She went to her room and stripped down, naked standing before a mirror she took a small hand sized flashlight, which did not work...

1 year ago
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My Daugters phone part 5

I remove the sheets and start stroking my dick. Thinking about these two after Amy has passed her math exam. I am flipping back and forth between the pictures of my daughter and Amy's when I hear my daughter clearing her throat standing in the doorway to my room. “Oh damn” I am trying to put my dick under the sheets, and my phone away. “Must be quite exciting” Kelly says while she watches me struggle. “I brought you some eggs and bacon, but you seem to be making your own eggs right...

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Destress Weekend Part 3

‘What time is it?’ Though her blinds were drawn, Daisy could still see the light coming between the shutters, the deep orange of sunset. ‘Oh my gosh, I’ve just slept through nearly all of my Saturday!’ Daisy said to herself with a pang of regret, turning down to her dog still sleeping soundly by her lap. Well, not entirely a waste of a day. A rumble in her stomach reminded Daisy that she never did have lunch, save for a quick protein snack courtesy of Max. The groan of her stomach also...

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The StallionChapter 12

As spring turns to summer, Emily Elizabeth contemplates the most recent events with Blackie. She sits under the large oak tree, looking down onto the farm. The farm hands are busy preparing the horses for the auction. She watches as each one is brought out, cleaned and then inspected by her father before being loaded in the horse trailers. Of all the farm hands, Rick by far is the strongest and most handsome. Just watching him work makes the girl wet. What he carries between his legs makes...

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My Curious Wife

I was chatting one evening on an adult site when my wife Susan happened to peek over my shoulder. “What are you doing? Who are you talking to?” “I’m just chatting with a few people online.” She watched for a while as the chat became progressively more sexual in nature. I was surprised when she pulled up a chair and joined me. One of the male chatters was asking some very personal questions to a female chatter. “Wow. That guy is getting pretty personal.” Susan said as she leaned closer to...

3 years ago
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Michelle Part 1

After I came and then pulled out of Leah, she immediately rolled over and went to sleep. I laid on my back, Michelle only a few feet away in the next bed. Had she really been watching us fuck? Had it excited her, enough to make her jack off? I wasn't sure, nor did I know how I'd ever find out.I decided to take a shower, so I crawled past Michelle's bed (she also appeared to be asleep), and descended the loft ladder. Since Leah and Michelle had a private bathroom -- just the luck of State U's...

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Blessing of the Wood Pt 2 of 3

Ella peeked into the bedroom after getting out of the shower that evening to see John was out like a light.  Considering he’d provided his third donation of the day an hour or so before, it was hardly a mystery as to why.  Still riding the euphoria of her most recent orgasm, Ella tapped on her phone before drying her hair.  No messages had arrived during her shower, but she started when the phone rang before she could remove her finger from the screen.She pulled the towel turban on her head...

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Play Date with Chloe

Since my husband and I got married nearly eight years ago, I’ve become very good friends with his business partner’s wife, Chloe. Chloe is 44, tall and tan, with long blonde hair, D cup implants and an amazing body for a woman in her 40s. She’s not bi like me, but she is adventurous and loves to have fun. A few years ago, while vacationing in Cancun, I drunkenly French kissed Chloe on a dare. Since then things between us have progressed to the point where we regularly have sex together—we call...

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Arlene and JeffChapter 229

A few miles away from the Retreat, Van Carter and his women, Adriana and Lillian, along with Jeremy and his women, Connie, Denise and Paulette, had finished the floor sanding in Ben Aldridge's old house that now belonged to the Carter family. Under strong lights, the women had diligently cleaned every bit of sanding grit and dust from the floors before Van and Jeremy began putting on the first coat of polyurethane. Hours later, as the men started out the back door to clean their brushes,...

2 years ago
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11th Home for CHristmas Again

When the Christmas break came around, I was fortunate to get some extra time off work so I could go home for the duration. I waited till the next morning to take the train home and Emma was there to pick me up at the station. She wanted to drive me to her house for a while, but I insisted we go straight home as Mother would be expecting me for lunch. I did promise her I would see her the next afternoon, at least for a couple of hours as I still had some Christmas to do. The table was set for...

2 years ago
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A Walk in the Hills Changes Everything

Authors Note: Feedback welcome, but be gentle this is my first time, blushes. May be copied or published on other web sites provided the content is not altered in any way. A Walk in the Hills Changes Everything By Felicity Adams I had been confused since the break up with Millie. I thought I had loved her, but could never seem to attain the intimacy needed to cement a long term relationship. In the end she left me with tears in her eyes, saying that I just didn't know what I was...

3 years ago
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Eyes that sparkle when she smiles

It was my job to show the new girl the ropes and help her feel welcome. She arrived promptly at 7:30 on Thursday morning dressed in Levi 501 jeans, a fitted white button-up shirt and purple Chucks. Her soft wavy blonde hair hung just below her shoulders. I’m a sucker for a blonde haired girl wearing 501’s but I tried to hide my excitement. I took Bambi to the break room so she could put her lunch away and get some tea or coffee. Afterwards I showed her the cubicle she would be sharing...

3 years ago
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Robledo MountainChapter 18

The five of us arrived at the hotel in El Paso in the early evening of the second day after leaving Las Cruces. The empty wagons allowed us to make good time, which passed even faster for me with Anna riding beside me. Anna and I spent most our time during the ride talking quietly about my plan for the Estancia, such as it was; and our place in the future, if it should play out as I expected. As pleasant as the trip was, we were all tired from two days of jouncing in the wagon seats. With...

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Just a day 3

3. I forgot to mention I was cut free upon entering the room! Sry loves "Just getting started?" what the fuck. A shot of nervousness hit me hard. Heavily breathing with a dry mouth, I started to snap back to reality. Sheer fear ran through me as I pondered what the hell that comment meant. Were u going to hurt me? Was all this just a sick game and u were done with me? Part of me hoped not. I wanted to feel that swollen cock deep inside me, jamming the back of my back pussy wall to no end....

1 year ago
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JulesJordan Jasmine Jae Divorcee Jasmine Jae Pampers Herself With Sexy Fuckboys That Fuck Her ASS

Sexy divorcee Jasmine Jae invites one of her fuckboys over to fill ALL her holes. Jasmine isn’t interested in marriage anymore, she’s been divorced multiple times and now she only wants one this from her men… COCK. She’s wearing black lace lingerie with matching garter and stockings with black high heels as she waits for her stud to arrive. Once she freshens up Jasmine finds a totally naked Manuel waiting for her in the living room and makes her way over to him to tease his big dick. She...

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Resetting My Bitch ButtonChapter 9

My sister was completely nude, and she got down on her hands and knees next to me. She stuck her butt up and out and parted her legs slightly. I could feel her warm flesh next to mine as she let her fat jugs rest on Master’s carpet. “Okay, you showed your ass to Mike. He isn’t even looking at you. Now, get dressed,” Jerry said. Mike was driving the R.V. at the time, and he couldn’t really look at her anyway. Jerry’s tone made him sound very jealous of my Master. He was clearly implying my...

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Ishani8217s Saga8217s Memorable First Trip 8211 Part II

I am sorry to have delayed my chapter 2. I have been overwhelmed by the comments and numerous mails after the first one. One of the reasons for the delay is that I can write with all my passion only when I am aroused. Before I start off, let clarify one thing, are you really interested to know if the names mentioned are correct and real? Are you really intrigued that these incidents are true or made up? I would like to just know if you enjoyed them as a read and the content. We all started...

2 years ago
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The agony of waiting

This is my first story so feel free to modify and please comment.She was woken with a stiff tongue between her legs...teasing, probing, asking."Let me pleasure you."Emma laid back and opened her legs further, more than happy to let Neil probe further to tease her and drive her wild. Neil played and sucked until Emma was writhing on the end of his tongue. When she was so close to coming and he was sure she was begging, he stood up, got dressed and left for work.Ten minutes later as she was...

Oral Sex
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Seductive SisterInLawChapter 2

A gentle early morning breeze blew in the half-open window of Betty and Kent Howard's bedroom. The brilliant sun streamed through the opened curtains, casting a wide shaft of light on the thick carpet. It flooded over the bed where the couple still lay in deep slumber. Betty awoke slowly. She squinted her eyes and raised her arm over her forehead as a shield, then turned to her side on the bed in an attempt to escape the glittering yellow light. Her arm curled around her husband's naked...

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Nine Memorable DaysChapter 45 Here She Comes Now Say Mony Mony

The first I knew of anything was when I looked up from the bed I was laying in and saw a pretty blue-eyed blonde checking some kind of strapping on my chest. By the restrictive breathing and the pain I felt every time I took a breath I was guessing that something was wrong with my ribs. Then I felt a tremendous itch in my right arm, took a look and saw the plaster and the sling. And my first thought? 'Well fuck it there goes any chance to bowl with Sarah's team tonight. And that's when I...

2 years ago
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Affair of the Trainee the Manager

I was in a state of unexpected excitement tempered with apprehension about having fallen into this situation. There was guilt too. We were in the back seat of a co-worker’s car on the way to a Friday night staff bowling outing. Dorothy’s head was cradled in my arm and we were kissing. Her arms were around me and my other arm and hand couldn’t decide whether to pull her closer to me, move to her lovely rounded hip, or chance caressing the side of her breast. Our legs were beginning to intertwine...

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A Tip To Remember

"Sal, take table 12," I heard the hostess say.I gradually turned and peeked over there. 'A pretty thirtyish brunette alone in a pink dress on a Tuesday night? And wow, she isn't even trying to hide that rack, she is giving me a hard-on now,' I thought before I calmly began walking towards her.My eyes never drifted off her as she just looked over the menu for the moment.Although, I still went over to her. "Hello, how are you tonight?"She put the menu down and glanced at me. "I'm fine,...

Oral Sex
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My Evil Twin Chapter 12

The next morning, I was back to drinking her piss as soon as we got to the bathroom and then had to piss in a glass and drink it too. I don’t know why I don’t get sick. But, so far, I haven’t and hope I don’t. I can just imagine how bad it would taste throwing up piss. I cleaned up the rooms and found my clothes she wanted me to wear to school. Skirt and blouse and nothing else but shoes. The skirt was a little short, but would pass the dress code. I rushed downstairs to have breakfast and...

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WeddingChapter 3

“Frank, I got to say, you throw one hell of a party!” said George Talbot. The father of the groom was more than a little impressed with the reception that the Jellicoes had put on. Months ago, he had quietly offered to help them foot the bill and had been politely refused. The Jellicoes were not as wealthy as their new in-laws, but were comfortable, and Frank and Amanda had pulled out all the stops. A lavish buffet, an unlimited open bar, enough champagne to float a battleship, and a live...

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Whored in Local Train

It was a Monday & Mohit (my hubby) & I had gone to attend a wedding. I was dressed in a silver colored sari (Indian traditional dress for females) & a matching sleeveless blouse. My silky brown hair was tied up in French knot & only the narrow back of my low cut blouse covered my back. The front was also equally low cut but my pallu was covering my cleavage (at least at that time.).At the wedding I had started to flirt with a couple of young studs & had let them come very...

1 year ago
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My Boss a true Slave Driver

I've worked in the same office for about 5 years. Last year, my boss was fired and I had hoped to be promoted to his position. I was the most qualified within the company, however they decided to hire from outside the company...They hired a 40 year old, blond hair, blue eyed woman. She was very attractive. 5'5, 120lbs, 34-D breasts. Nice long legs. From the day she started, she was a bitch. She fired half of my team members and didnt find replacements. My 40 hour work week turned into a 60 hour...

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Watching my friend8217s mom having an affair

Hi everyone, I am Sarfaraz Khan, and I am back with another story. I’m a 23-year-old male from a South Indian city belonging to a Muslim family. I have had experiences with various women from different backgrounds and cultures. Those who haven’t read can read them here. I don’t believe in forcing or blackmailing a girl for sex but in letting her seduce you. So coming straight to my story. This incident happened when I was 19 years old and in college. Ankit was my good friend and was the same...

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