Lucky free porn video

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Dedicated to Michelline.

I am lucky. When I was a kid I was always finding money that people had dropped. When I got into my late teens I was always able to go up to the cutest girls and get them to go out with me... My friends then started to call me "Lucky". I don't know what it was, I am only average looking, ash blonde hair, blue eyes, about 5'9". I used to be a wrestler and a lifeguard but in college I discovered the fruit of the field (read: beer) and have gained a bit of a belly. I am working on that belly but at times I don't know what direction I am trying to make it go.

I graduated from college with a degree in education and was almost hired immediately by a school district in a large southern city. Again it was sheer luck that I was out golfing and was set up in a foursome with the personnel director who was up in my Midwestern state. He had come up to interview some graduates at a job fair that was starting the next day.

We hit it off, and by the 17th hole he was getting my address and I was getting his, so I would be able to get an application sent to me and returned as a formality.

My degree was in science, all sciences in fact, which I was hoping would make it easier to get hired, I didn't expect it to be this easy though.

I knew no one in this city besides the personnel director. So at 25, I packed up my old Buick Le Sabre and left everyone I knew behind. When I got here and finally found a place, it didn't take long for me to move in. One of the first things I did after getting settled in was to go out and buy a new Macintosh computer. I know some of you don't like them but hey I do and this is my story. The main reasons for getting the computer, I argued to myself, were to make keeping a grade book and creating worksheets, and tests much easier.

Of course along with the computer were the free online services for a limited time. I explored them, found one that I liked, and then signed up for it.

School started and I was busy getting used to it. My classes were IPC which meant Integrated Physics and Chemistry (Read: Glorified Physical Science) and consisted of mainly sophomores. The only time that I had to go online was late at night or on the weekends. My social life was at near-zero since I didn't know anyone except my students and I didn't want to go out with them, although from some of the rumors that I heard there were some who didn't feel the same way towards me. Oh sure, there were also teachers that I knew, but they were all older and married. I even found myself being set up on some "get togethers" by other teachers in my department, who happened to have unmarried female relatives who "just happened to be visiting" and, it seemed to me, to be looking for their MRS degree. By putting in a few discreet words to a couple of teachers who were now my friends, that activity soon stopped.

Finally in Mid-October after getting used to the grind of school teaching. I found one myself one Friday night sitting at home, channel surfing, bored senseless. I didn't have enough cash to go out and troll the bars, another downfall of teaching. So I thought I would do some more exploring online.

I turned my computer on and went to get a beer from the fridge as the online service loaded and started up. When I got back I saw that I had no mail... gee, what a surprise I thought sarcastically.

I found the first series of chat rooms easily enough and tried to get into the flow of them but they seemed to be overpopulated with kids. I then found out how to go to the more adult chat rooms and started to look through some of them entering a few and looking to see what was going on. I finally found one called 'XXXXX adult truth or dare' (XXXXX= the name of the city I live in) I smiled and went in. I sat back and watched what was going on and tried to follow the game.

The game involved rolling some imaginary, I should say virtual, dice and whoever gets the high roll asks a question to the rest of the room, or the winner can give a dare to the room. I started answering the questions but still didn't know how to roll, which was fine since I couldn't think of anything to ask anyway.

Finally one of the dares was to send a message to someone of the opposite sex and give them the measurements of your sexual assets, and the receiver had to rate that person in back in the main room. I laughed and went to get another beer. When I returned I saw that I had been sent a message from one of the women she said that she was 35C-24-36. Underneath it was the question 'and you?'

Once while going out with one girl in college she claimed that I was kinda big for her. Now she was petite but I knew from nonchalantly looking in the school showers that I wasn't the biggest fish in the sea. So we measured and I was only 6 1/2" long and was 2 1/4" across at the head while 2" across at the base. That girl then had to admit that I was within the average length category, while I had to admit I was in the wider than normal category since most guys measured circumference and we had just measured diameter.

Anyway since I did know the measurements of my 'assets', I sent them back and then went into the room and said that this woman who had the screen name of 'Michlvr' was at least a 9 and possibly a 10 depending upon her other assets.

When she rated me she gave me a 10! Lucky again.

I sent her a message to thank her, and she sent one back thanking me and asking why I never rolled or asked questions. I explained that I was new to the room and had not figured out how to roll those virtual dice... that and the fact that I didn't know what to ask.

She answered back that she would show me if I would follow her to a private room. I agreed and when I got there I asked why she had to do this in a private room.

"It is easier to show you how to do this and answer any questions here away from the room and not annoy the players there. Besides you can't roll the dice in a message box you have to roll in a room."

Oh. was all I thought.

She proceeded to show me how to roll and what type of questions were good ones to ask. Three hours later we were laughing online and getting to know each other, I felt, fairly well.

She told me that she was 18, almost 19, and her name was Michelline. She was 5'7" and that she had long brown hair with some blonde highlights. She had green eyes and was tan all over from laying out nude in her parents backyard while they were at work. I learned that she went to one of the colleges in town and was also studying science to become a teacher.

We put each other on our friends lists and continued to talk about everything. We found that we had a lot in common and shared many common interests. The only thing I could find at fault about her was that she squeezed the toothpaste in the middle and I liked to squeeze it from the end and flatten it as I went up.

She introduced me to cyber-sex and showed me how to really please a woman online. I kidded her about how many times she had done it. She admitted that online was different from real life and that while online she was a bit more open, in real life she had been only with 6 guys total and the last one was two months ago.

We talked online until about 3 in the morning, and agreed to try to meet again online the next night.

This meeting online continued the next night. We had cyber-sex again and we also talked about our lives in general. I could see where people get hooked on this stuff, since I started to feel like I had a girlfriend. She even learned that I was from the Midwest, and that I was a teacher at a local HS. I was trying to keep some things private. When I told her which one she said that she had went to one of the other ones here.

The next few weeks involved daily emails, which I found myself looking forward to getting, and meeting online on the weekends. This meant, for me at least, weeks of staying up LATE, reading and composing replies, after I got my other work done. Finally on a Friday, a little over a month after I met Michelline online, I took a nap when I got home from school and then went and signed on.

Michelline wasn't online so I went to go play in the truth or dare room. When she came online she asked if I had seduced any new women online.

I typed back asking what did she mean by NEW women... I was not sure if I had EVER seduced a woman online.

'Well all these weeks sure seems like a good argument to me.' Michelline typed. 'I keep finding myself looking forward to getting home and finding your letters and then smiling the whole time I read them and write back to you... if I haven't been seduced by you then turn around quick and you will see pigs flying outside of your windows.'

I laughed and replied, 'Well lady, the feeling is mutual.'

Suddenly I got back a message that asked, 'What are you doing to me? Never mind, I like it,... do you know where 'The Joynt' is?'

'The Joynt' is a little bar and I did know where it was as I had been into it a few times. I answered, 'yeah I know it and have been there a few times, why?'

All I got back was 'Meet me there tonight at 9' when I tried to ask her how would I know her since we had never met but, the computer told me that she was no longer online.

I looked at the clock and saw that it was about 6:30 so I went and showered then shaved. I then went and grabbed some cold pizza out of the fridge' and then brushed my teeth and tried to relax before leaving for my 'date.'

I was sweating bullets and my stomach was twisting, it could have been the old pizza, but I wondered if she was telling me the truth and if I was making a big mistake. 'Who knows,' I thought in a paranoid induced panic, 'she could have a butt-ugly face, or even worse she could be some psycho.'

I continued to imagine all sorts of things as I drove to the bar, 'Well at least we were meeting in a public place and if I had to I could always claim that I had a set of tests to grade and since she never gave me time to respond to her message I might be able to get away somewhat gracefully.'

I arrived at 'The Joynt' at about 8:45. I liked this bar as it had its own jukebox with a large variety of music types and if you couldn't find it they could give you a list of everything they had and would have it on the next time you arrived. Also while the beer was fairly cheap, the peanuts were a steal at a quarter for a big bowl of them.

I scanned the bar, but could not find anyone matching Michelline's description. I sat at one of the seats on the corner of the bar so I could look up at people coming in. I ordered a beer and a dish of peanuts and then waited.

Waiting for something to happen is very difficult. It seems that for every minute you wait, the clock jumps back 45 seconds.

Just as I was sucking the last drop of beer off the edge of my upturned mug, I heard a woman say, "Damn Glenn, why don't you just buy another one?"

Surprised I turned, smiled and felt time freeze. If I ever felt lucky before it was nothing to what I was feeling now. Before me stood one of the most perfect human creatures ever to stand upon this earth. Her sun-highlighted hair was slightly curled and hung about 3' below her shoulders. There had to be a fan behind me, because some strands of her hair blew back from her face like she was some model. It framed a lovely tanned face that had two emeralds set into it that most people mistook for eyes. Michelline's lips were covered in a light coral glossy lipstick which were set off again by her tanned face. Her smile illuminated her face and the room around her, showing off white even teeth. She wore a purple half shirt with the top two buttons undone, and a black mini-skirt (Now where I was from in the Midwest this would've been a summer outfit, but down here it was still warm enough to wear this even though it was just early December). Between the opening of her blouse I saw a fine gold chain with a locket on it that hung between her cleavage. I thought how I wished I was that locket and was there between her breasts now.

I started to think that she looked somewhat familiar when time unfroze as Michelline said, "May I?" and indicated the seat next to me. Instantly the thought was gone from my head.

I shook the cobwebs from my head and stood pulling the barstool out for her and said, "I'm sorry, of course." And I asked, "Can I get you anything?"

I sat back down as she said "The same beer as you're having, it must've been pretty good." I remembered from one of our discussions that she had a fake ID in case she was to be carded.

She hit me again with one of her blinding smiles and I ordered us two more beers.

"You know," I started, after getting our beers. "I was a bit nervous about our meeting like this."

"Why? Didn't you trust me?" Michelline asked?

"No, it's not that," I answered quickly. "But there are all of those stories about stuff happening to people who meet online, then off."

"That's true," she began, "but I just had a good feeling about you. That's why I sent you that message at the beginning."

As I drank my beer, I also drank in her loveliness. Again I got that feeling that she looked vaguely familiar. As we continued to talk I passed the thought off to the fact that I must be dreaming because there is no way I'd forget someone who looked as drop dead gorgeous as Michelline did.

Halfway through our beers as we were talking, I just leaned over and gave her a kiss. It wasn't a long kiss or even very passionate, it was just a nice kiss and I wanted to give it to her. As I started to pull away she suddenly had her hand around my neck and was holding me in place as she leaned closer and renewed our kiss. This time it started out as little kisses which very quickly became fully passionate kisses. I could feel her tongue sparring with mine as we enjoyed the sensations that we gave to each other.

When we broke apart she breathed deeply, and sighed "Ooooh Wow! That was amazing!"

I smiled back at her and said "Oh I'll agree to that. You're a great kisser."

"You bring out the best in me, then 'cause I have never had a kiss like that." She countered.

I reached for her hand and held it as I started to lean in again, when she suddenly stood almost hitting me. Still holding my hand Michelline half dragged me to my feet as she said,"C'mon. Let's get out of here."

"Where to?" I asked as we reached to door of the bar.

"Your place." she said as she wrapped her arms around my waist and pulled me closer for a hug that had me melting into her embrace.

I leaned down to kiss her again and she would only let me give her a small one before she pulled away and said, "We gotta get out of here before I rip off my clothes and have you take me here and now, I can't stand another one of your kisses without you fucking me."

'Whoa' I thought. 'Again I am one of the luckiest son of a bitches in the world! Not only do I find someone who is unbelievably beautiful, but one who is open about sex and not a game player like some women I remember from college. They wanted the man to always be the aggressive one as they sat back and pretended to fend the guy off as they believed 'good girls don't do this kind of thing.'

Michelline followed me back to my apartment complex in her own car. Once there I helped her out of her car and hugged her tight and gently kissed her cheek this time. "C'mon this way," I said as I walked with my arm around her waist towards my apartment.

Once inside she asked to go to the bathroom, which was through the bedroom. As she passed through the apartment she looked around and asked, "Did you clean up for me?"

"Nope I always try to keep it kinda clean then I never have to do a big cleaning job, but also I'm a scientist, remember? I gotta keep the labs clean so this is just like an extension of that."

Yelling through the bathroom door, she said "Yeah I remember you telling me that."

I lay down on the bed turned on the radio, tuned it in to a jazz station, and waited for her to get out.

When Michelline came out I could see that she had reapplied her lipstick. She came over to the other side of the bed and crawled onto it and lay down next to me.

I looked into her eyes and could see little tiny flecks of what looked like gold in them as she smiled back. I whispered, "Hi, I'm glad you are here."

"You don't know how happy I am to be here with you." Michelline whispered back as we started to kiss and the talking stopped.

I caressed her face and pushed back her hair from her face. Entwined my fingers into her hair I pulled her closer and started kissing her passionately.

My free hand soon started to move down her back caressing gently as it went feeling her body as I started kissing my way towards her ear. Nibbling gently on her earlobe I heard her moan with passion, as my hand also made it to her tight ass and started massaging her ass through her black skirt.

I removed my hand from her ass and cupped her chin and again kissed her gently then with more passion. My fingertips brushed the skin of her throat as they slowly moved lower towards the buttons on her blouse. I kissed my way from her chin to her other ear along her jaw line causing Michelline to lay on her back.

Once my hand reached her buttons I slid my hand over to one of her breasts. Oh God, it fit perfectly in my hand like it was made to go there. I kissed down her neck towards those buttons, as I massaged her breast. I could feel her nipple get firm and stand up under my attentions.

Michelline moaned in pleasure and started to unbutton my shirt and kiss and nibble on my shoulder as she pushed the white cotton back off of them.

I started to unbutton her blouse and I slowly peeled it back. I kissed and licked the newly exposed flesh as it presented itself for me to admire. Michelline was wearing a pink silky bra. It took me about a second to realize that it was the same color and almost as shimmery as her lipstick.

When I had her shirt fully unbuttoned, I kissed and licked back up to her mouth. Then we held each other tightly as we kissed deeply.

I pulled back and reached for the front clasp of her bra and unhooked it. I slowly pulled back one side and was amazed at the sight that I beheld. Revealed to me was 'THE' perfect breast. One that would make most women so envious of Michelline that they would want to go to their plastic surgeons with pictures of it and demand that they remake their breasts to look half that good. The nipple was standing up and almost quivering for attention. I placed my fingertips on the far outside edges of her tit and let them sweep inwards as they just barely touched the surface.

I saw Michelline tremble and arch her back trying to get more sensation from my fingers but that only caused me to move my hand back. That also brought her breast close to my face, so I gently blew on her nipple and stuck out my tongue and licked the end of it. Michelline gasped and I blew on her nipple again as I saw that the her tan was continuous but also made her nipple appear even more pink; which again looked like the same color of her lipstick. I then licked her nipple again and then before I lost contact with it I swept it into my mouth and sucked on it vigorously before letting it back out to my teeth which nipped at the end gently.

I heard Michelline gasp and felt her push my head down to her chest harder, as she whispered "Oh god that feels soooo good. Keep going!"

I did the same thing to her other breast as one hand started to move down her flat tummy to her skirt. I found her zipper on the side and pulled it down slowly. I kissed down to her navel as she lifted her hips so I could pull her skirt off.

Again I was confronted by that coral pink color, this time it was the color of her panties.

I lifted myself up and pulled my shirt the rest of the way off and then spread her legs open, putting one on my shoulder. I nibbled behind her knee. I kissed my way down her inner thigh.

Looking up briefly I could see Michelline rubbing her breasts as she watched me between her mounds. Suddenly she stopped and lifted her legs and pulled her panties off. "There, now this will be easier."

Michelline was completely shaven which I expected because while talking online as we played truth or dare she said that she was shaved and hated having pubic hair.

Her pussy lips were swollen with desire and parted slightly. I could see a small drop of her nectar, which I could now smell, glisten at the bottom of her slit. I lowered my head and inhaled her intoxicating aroma, then licked that drop up and continued upwards as Michelline ground her hips against my face. By the time I reached her clit it didn't take me long to get her to climax with such an intensity that she screamed so loud that I thought the neighbors above me were going to call the cops. I just smiled and was happy that I could provide such pleasure.

I crawled forward and held her as she relaxed. We kissed again and she told me how that was so amazing. Suddenly Michelline hit me on the shoulder and said, "Hey no fair! You still have clothes on."

Michelline grabbed at the waist band of my jeans and skillfully undid them. She stifled a giggle when she saw that I was wearing silk boxers that had little Donald Ducks on them. She hooked her fingers into the waist band and carefully lifted the elastic over my cock and then down past it.

After stripping off my boxers Michelline slid her body up along my legs and stopped at my cock. Running her fingernails along my nutsack, she used her tongue to trace along the rim of the head of my cock, sending shivers along my whole body. Michelline slowly engulfed the top half of me, getting it wet with her saliva.

I was entranced with her every movement. To me it seemed like there was an aura of sensuality and sexuality that surrounded her. Which made everything that she did hyper-erotic.

Michelline continued to crawl up my body, I felt her juices cool my leg as she rubbed her pussy along my body. Finally I felt her pussy lips sliding along my crotch and up along the underside of my cock. She sat down again; trapping my cock between my stomach and her crotch. With slow, full strokes she rode the shaft. The sensation was wonderful -- hot, wet pussy flesh sliding up and down my cock shaft as her weight pressed the topside of my cockhead against my stomach.

As I took hold of her tits to play with her nipples and stimulate those sensitive areas. Michelline slid forward far enough for my cock head to press against her opening.

She stopped; poised and ready.

The act of penetration was slow, sweet, and utterly exquisite. Her pussy was like a warm, wet fist closed tight around me; the direct sensation of it was almost more than I could bear. For her part Michelline's eyes rolled back into her head at the sudden pressure; but even as she did she rocked her hips back and forth.

Her pussy lips were distended, stretched tightly around my shaft, and her clit protruded just beyond her labia yet Michelline never stopped her slow, rhythmic grind. With every downward thrust she exhaled and softly moaned. With each and every exhalation and moan, without me even aware of it at the time, I sank a little deeper into love with her. I started pushing back, timing my thrusts with hers, soon we had a rhythm -- in and out. Slowly Michelline lowered her body to mine, her firm tits pressing against my chest as she tucked her chin into the hollow of my shoulder next to my neck.

"You doin' okay?" I whispered.

I felt her head nod. "Just a really full feeling, that girl was right you are pretty thick... I love it." I could feel her smile. "Hold me, will ya?"

I wrapped my arms around Michelline, letting one hand drift down to cup her lovely ass as I draped the other arm across her back. She got her hands under my shoulders/upper arms and pulled herself tight against my chest. We lay still, our sweat-slicked bodies pressed together, my cock resting deep inside the hot, wet vice of her pussy.

"I love being here with you." she whispered.

"Believe me," I smiled and whispered back, "the feeling is VERY mutual."

Suddenly Michelline sat up and looked at me with a funny look on her face. It was a combination of a few things: a look of puzzlement, a questioning, probing look, and a look as if she wanted to tell me something.

"What?" I asked.

She didn't say anything, instead she let a smile slowly spread across her face. She lifted her hip up a bit and then swung around while still impaled on me and faced my feet. She looked over her shoulder and said, "You know what I like." She rested her hands on my shins just above my ankles, then went back to the slow grind that she had started before.

I did know what she liked, or at least claimed to like. In the 'truth or dare' room and in our subsequent talks she had told me that her 'fave position' was doggie style so then the guy could play with her ass as she was being fucked. (Her second fave position was anal).

I started to caress and gently squeeze the globes that made up her ass. They were firm and smooth. They also had a tan but this time I could also tell that she had used a bikini bottom on a few occasions as there was a strip of slightly lighter tan along the inside of each cheek. I licked my index finger, an placed it along the crack of her ass. I let it slide up and down as she slowly rode me. I tapped my finger at her back opening and I could feel her squeeze her pussy muscles tighter as she gasped in pleasure at the sensation.

"Oh yessss." Michelline moaned. "God, oh geez, that feels so good!"

She stopped momentarily as I pressed at her bud. Slowly my finger sank into her back door up to the first knuckle, and I felt her muscles spasm against me in two places. Michelline kept moaning 'yes oh yes' over and over as I rotated my finger a bit before pushing it into her deeper.

When it was almost all the way in, Michelline squeezed me in both places again and lifted her hips to begin her slow grind onto both appendages. This time however, she continued to get a little faster and faster until he was going up and down on me as fast as she could.

I was meanwhile trying to keep up with her thrusts, but it seemed like I was only thrusting once for every one of her two.

It didn't really matter to either of us as the sensations that were building soon had me about to cum. "Michelline I," I began.

"Oh baby," Michelline suddenly interrupted. "I'm cumming too... don't stop... PLEASE don't stop."

'With encouragement like that who am I to argue?' I thought. I twisted my finger around inside her back door and thrust deeper into her as I felt the dam inside me break and the rush of sperm raced down their narrow tunnel to erupt into Michelline with almost explosive force.

Michelline squealed in delight as her own climax overtook her. When she was finally drained, she flopped down on top of my legs and drew in big gasps of breath to her lungs.

Michelline quickly caught enough breath to turn around and crawl into my arms. "Glenn, I'm soooo glad that we met."

"Well lady," I whispered smiling, "the feeling is VERY mutual."

We held each other tightly, and lightly caressed each other until we fell asleep in each others arms.

I remember, as I was drifting off, thinking, 'Damn, I am one lucky SOB.'

I awoke the next morning to an empty bed but there was a note on my counter saying that she had a great time and that since she had some stuff to do early in the morning she let me sleep as she left in the night. I couldn't help but feel that was given the big brush-off. Later that day, after I had done some of my own errands I checked my email and there was a note from Michelline that again stated that she had a great time and that she was 'not blowing you off -- well maybe next time I'll do that ' Which means "very evil grin". So we continued our online and offline relationship.

Meeting when we could online either in private rooms or in 'truth or dare' rooms and playing there. We explored some fantasies that we would never do in real life. For example we got involved with multiple partners which we both confessed that we would never do in real life. To be honest I have fantasized about being with more than one woman (what man hasn't) but I have no interest being involved with another guy. Michelline said that she has no interest with being with another woman, and I can deal with that, but online to please me she did participate in a group thing.

Many people need to remember that online life and REAL LIFE are two different things. Michelline and I both understood that and never felt any resentment or jealousy about what happened online. Offline when we got together that was great, but if we didn't it wasn't that big of a deal because we would both be together later. Some weekends when I had to grade papers or she had to study for an exam at college, we would skip being with each other and do things on our own. This was another reason that I was beginning to fall more in love with Michelline. One of the best things about her though was her attitude. Michelline had a mature outlook on life and wasn't as 'squirrely' as some of the girls that I left back at home or even some of the ones I went out with in college. On top of that, she loved sex. I TOLD you that I am lucky. Also she wasn't a clingy woman who had to be around me every minute. She, as the old song said, held on loosely, but didn't let go. I knew that when she could, she would be with me. Besides, the fact that she had an all-over tan, shoulder length brown hair with some blonde hilights, incredibly sexy green eyes, and a body of an angel built for sin did NOT hurt at all! It made it so that when we got together and played our own games it was that much more special. We experimented with various positions, and even some role playing, just for giggles. In other words, we had fun in bed. And out of bed the fun continued, we both enjoyed going out to out of the way restaurants. We had the same taste in movies and even went to a few of the plays that were at her University.

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adult theater II

I had been going to sex shop since i was 18. I have had bjs in booths and i have gave them. I was young trying out my sexuality. I didnt know if i was gay or not. Well come to find out i wasn't. I didnt go many times over the years .I was married and we have had a wonderful sexual and friendly relationship for over 20 years. We were riding one night past a strip of clubs and bars in our town( a bad part Yes) and she saw the adult bookstore. She asked about it and what happens so i told her. I...

3 years ago
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Lauras lesbian awakening

This is the first of my stories that doesn’t involve me. This story about my girlfriend Laura. I saved it for one of those moments when I’m between my own sexual adventures. That’s sort of now. Laura and I were having a snugly night in, this winter. There we were with a bottle of wine and mushy DVD and she just came out with it. It’s a story of seduction. How she lost her virginity to an older woman when she was baby sitting in her school holidays. The film we were watching was a bit dreary to...

First Time
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My First Time

Abbey Kingston and I were best friends from the day we first met. My family had just moved into the area due to my dad changing jobs and, with me being at that awkward age, I'd turned sixteen a month ago, I wasn't looking forward to being the new kid in school. Fortunately I'd gotten partnered with Abbey in our tutor class, she was sort of like my welcome package you could say and we just clicked.  We began to hang out all the time, just the two of us, we did almost everything together. It...

4 years ago
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The Great Power Of The Mind

Josh Evans had just graduated from high school in the last few months, and was now going to the local community college. He hadn't really been taking many classes, but mostly would party. This night was like any other night, and just like any other night, he needed a ride home because he had a few too many beers. His oldest friend, Jamie, had agreed to drive him home. While on the way, Josh turned to her. "Thanks, Jamie." "No Problem, Josh." she replied. Josh really couldn't talk after that,...

Mind Control
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Solomons Test part 4

Solomon's test part 4 Chapter 7: Talia's transformation and Renee's renaissance Talia's changes were both subtle and dramatic. She was still wearing her EMT uniform, but she filled it out in a much more feminine manner. But to Lorraine, the biggest change was to her stance and demeanor. When Lorraine had seen her at the support group, the girl had seemed shrunk, drawn into herself as if permanently waiting for some blow to strike, or as if the psychological burden of being trans...

4 years ago
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Running to Sunset Hot Springs

Maggie parks her car at the trailhead. She loves trail running and today has decided to run the 5 miles into Sunset Hot Springs. She's been there once a while ago when she was a freshman in college. Went with some girlfriends. They hiked in and spent the night. All of them got naked and had a soak. There would be some good lesbian fantasy material from that trip if she really wanted to get into it, but she'd rather think about Will. The hot springs are situated on the edge of a beautiful valley...

4 years ago
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Rules of Rape

I have a problem. I like to make women in my family drink my cum. It started when I was 13, and I am 28 now. Mother, sisters, aunts, cousins, even close female friends and coworkers have all tasted several mouthfuls of my creamy sperm in the last 15 years--without their knowledge. I guess it was harmless enough at first, but it has been getting worse. I know I have crossed the line, but I can't stop. I kind of stumbled into a near foolproof way of raping women that I know, and not getting...

1 year ago
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SweetSinner Gianna Dior What We Do For Money Part 4

Gianna Dior wants only two things from Zac Wild: his money and his cock. She arrives on his doorstep ready to run off with him and the million dollars he plans to steal from his girlfriend. Zac has never seen her so turned on. While Gianna wants to take off immediately with the money and fuck on a stack of hundreds in some lost highway motel, Zac wants to nail her one last time on his girlfriend’s bed, just for the thrill of it. When he is about to cum, she tells him to finish inside her...

1 year ago
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First BBC Experience

Bottom seeking top at XXXXX ApartmentsThat was the title, plain and simple, straight forward and to the point. I needed dick, I had been craving it for months toying myself weekly, lusting for a fat cock to pound my hole and make me cum. So I posted an ad, the content was simple, it had my stats, what I was looking for, and the caveat of no face picture required.This last bit was the hook, most men where I live want anonymity due to homosexual acts being frowned upon.Of course I received about...

1 year ago
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JapanHDV Reiko Kobayakawa Reiko Kobayakawa is the office boss fucking the manager

Well here we have a role reversal. We have Miss Reiko Kobayakawa who is the office boss and sometimes she drops the hammer on the staff for their incompetence. And today she has to berate the office manager for his shoddy work. She calls him out during a meeting with all the staff for work he has done that is just not good enough. As the boss she has to make sure the office runs smoothy and she has to put the staff in line when they fall short. The problem occurs when the she is fucking the...

3 years ago
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The husband and the maid

The wife came to me and said that her and the k**s was going to going away for a few days as her mum was not well and that I didn't need to worry as she had sorted out someone to come in to cook and clean for me as I was hard at work all the time so on the day she was due to leave she came in to my home office showing the cleaner around and she said "Lee this is Tracy she is your new wife" we all laughed and I said "nice to meet you but sorry I have to get back to work" the cleaner and my wife...

1 year ago
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Dollar General bitch in heat

This cute little Blonde whore came in really smiling saying move over. That the owner had hired her to increase business and I was supposed to teach her to operate the register. As she stood there she slowly lifted her skirt for me to see that she had no panties on placing my hand on her smooth little pussy. I asked if her street customers knew she was working here? She smiled just wait and see giggling all you have to do is teach me to operate the register and maybe do as you have in the past...

3 years ago
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my sweet honey

I stay alone at my home. One day I met a guy called Ben Shaw Steve while I was walking to my house after my college. He was hand some and so good. I was carrying a lot of my books and projects that is to be well handed the next day. Accidentally I dropped the books down. He then came to help me to take the books and came along with me until to my house. Then I unlocked and went inside and called Ben inside the house. He then placed all the books and sank into the sofa. I’m very...

3 years ago
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Etiene who has been feminized and turned into a sissy cuckold

It has been awhile since the last installment in my sissy blog but I’ve been a very busy boy. As you may recall Patty and her friends thought it would help tame my inner spirit to suck their pussies as often as they desired. It was a way of subduing any macho tendencies that might erupt. Patty, with the help of friends, also had me start wearing her underwear as a way of feminizing my attire and she would even make me wear a dress from time to time. There were, as you might have already...

4 years ago
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BBW StepmombyFrank2002©It seems I always had this thing for bigger, full figure women. I don't know where is started but I seemed to fantasize about them all the time. My step mom was a bigger woman. My dad divorced and remarried when I was very young. He was away quite a lot with business so it was just me and Sally, that's my stepmom, at home most times. I always thought Sally was quite attractive even when I was young. As I grew older I started to notice her more. She had put on a few more...

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Baba Katyasorry for my bad english

It was my grandmother's neighbor, a fat old woman under 80 years old with huge breasts and ass immense. The summer after eighth grade, I was visiting the women in the village of Lena. His bath she did not have, and we went to her neighbor Kate Baba. She lived alone, her husband died ten years ago, and the c***dren had left and only occasionally frequented it. Sometimes I catch myself on a strange her look, but did not attach any importance to this, believing that it is simply longing for...

2 years ago
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From inside to full time

With the changes in my persona, there were a few in Tina’s. Again, not massive earth shaking changes but changes none the less. One of them was how we interacted especially in public. We were more like friends than a couple. No one would have been able to notice anything other than two people that knew each other really well. I once asked her about how she was acting. Tina stated, “Well, do you really think we should act like 'husband' and wife? I mean honestly you hardly appear husbandly. We...

4 years ago
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loved by a marine part 3

"Its not that I think your so beautiful I don't ever want to hear you say that to me again." He said it in a deep demanding voice. I like you a lot I just don't want to take advantage of you that's all . She looked at him in a questionable way," what do you mean by that ?" "I mean we are both drunk an last thing I want is you pissed off at me for something you an me weren't ready for" now let's go to sleep okay she nodded. Within minutes she was fast asleep resting her...

3 years ago
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Some Very Lovable NeighborsChapter 4

The drive from Seattle was beautiful and relaxing, and Adie sat next to Bob Mason with pleasure. She talked continually, usually about nothing in particular or especially important. Things were finally going well for her, for Jack, and she felt the need to talk, to release some of her bubbling enthusiasm. Mason smiled and drove the Continental with one ear cocked toward the young, beautiful woman. Occasionally Mason would add something, but only to praise Jack, and this made Adie all the...

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"Aurelia" or "Be careful what you wish for" By Sylvia Wechsel Aurelia poured some tepid, aromatized water over her body, using a golden cup. She enjoyed watching the water flowing over her perfect body under candle light of the tepidarium. She had perky, perfectly formed breasts, not so small and not so big, her belly was flat, with almost no sign of extra fat, she had large hips, indication she would be a good mother when the time came and, of course, she had smooth arms and legs,...

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Linsey Dawn Mckenzie meets Bobbi Starr A wrestlin

Bobbi was having fun doing the ultimate surrender wrestling but fancied a bit of a change so decided to search around and see if there were any porn stars outside the US that mite be up for it.When she came across linsey her hole body started to tingle, seeing those big soft tits and sexy curves bobbi knew she had to get her over and see if she would be up for the wrestling.Bobbi rang and spoke to linsey telling her about the rules of ultimate surrender and asking her if she fancied coming over...

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Have a Nice Day Beautiful

A very heartfelt Thank You to Erik Thread for his fabulous editing. His skills make your reading pleasure better. * There was an unusual stillness to the day that Gail had not expected. The bay in front of her was glassy-smooth with barely a ripple moving across the water. Occasionally a fish jumped from the water, no more than a sudden burst of energy and so quickly gone back under the surface you didn’t notice except for the sound of the splash, unless you were looking at that exact spot in...

3 years ago
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How many can she take

My husband Steve describes me as a very pretty shoulder-length redheaded MILF, I am in my early thirtys, 5’4”, with natural 34F breasts with sensitive pinkish-brown nipples, a nice round silky smooth bum and a tight partially shaved pussy. My husband loves to create all kinds of sexual encounters with me as the center of attention. I have been in many situations with girls, boys and big groupd.. He even had me perform like a prostitute at a downtown Manchester hotel once. I have really...

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Fathers Day Pt 2

I hope you don’t mind me telling you all this stuff, it’s just that he really knows how to work wonders on me, he knows exactly how I’m feeling just by looking at me and just what to do to make all those nasty things go away.Am I telling you too much or do you want me to carry on telling you?I really feel all soft and sloppy now reliving this for you.Please let me know what you want me to do.I just knew you would understand about how much I needed dad that night.It must have been nearly...

1 year ago
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Gina learns about BDSM

Gina’s taleIt was Friday night and Gina Lytham entered Shelia’s bar looking to find another submissive to play with.  While she herself was an inexperienced Dominatrix, she felt she was ready to train a slave.  Three months earlier, Gina found on the internet a coupon for 25% off an item at Shelia’s boutique, and since her husband Karl was coming home that weekend she thought she would surprise him wearing something sexy.  Karl worked for one of the oil companies in the Gulf of Mexico and...

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First Sex Experience With My Cute Girlfriend 8211 Part 1

Hello friends, this is gufran back with another story. 1st let me thank all of u who took time to reply me regarding my previous story, ‘Friends with Benefits’. For those who don’t know me u can read that story. This one is about the first sexual encounter I had with my girlfriend during a trip to a hill station. 1st let me tell u about her, she is a gorgeous girl in her early 20’s (yes she is elder to me). Little chubby, but have got flesh at right places. Milky white skin, beautiful face, and...

4 years ago
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Couples Therapy Ch 2

Introduction: The therapy continues Chapter Two The next few days were not what I expected. Renee seemed to be back to her distant self and was withdrawn from me. When I finally got her to talk, she told me that she felt dirty and ashamed by her actions the other night. I assured her she had nothing to feel dirty or ashamed about, thats what the class is for. She said she could not help it but was planning on talking to Karen about it at this weeks class. As we were getting ready for our...

3 years ago
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Horny on a Saturday Morning Part 1

You stand in the bathroom, checking your hair and makeup in the large mirror that fills the wall behind the sink. It’s a Saturday morning, and we’re not going anywhere but you still want to look your best for me. You are wearing your favorite jeans, and an oversize t-shirt (is that one of mine?). As is often the case around the house, you are not wearing a bra. I quietly come up behind you and you smile when you see me in the mirror. You start to turn toward me but I stop you, saying “Let me...

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My New Stepdaughter

I met Helen at the park one day, we were both out walking our dogs and just bumped into each other, and the instant i saw that mature 30 something blonde woman in her summer dress and sandals, i knew i was going to be with her forever.As it turned out she was just a couple of years out of a divorce, and after some friendly chatting, she agreed to go on a date with me and the rest was history, we fell in love, moved in together a few months later, and now a year on we we're preparing to get...

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Videotaping Wifes BBC Gang Bang

Videoing my Slut WifeI had the two fixed cameras setup, and ready, and the mobile camera was on the table next to the entertainment center. The video player was ready with a hot video of a white slut ready to bang a bunch of black studs. Now, I heard my wife close the door to our bedroom, and head downstairs.“What do you think?” Cheryl asked of her outfit as she slowly turned at the foot of the stairs.“Hot, very hot and slutty,” I replied as I picked up the mobile camera, and began taping her,...

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HerLimit Lenna Ross Can8217t Get Enough

This insatiable brunette may look shy and innocent but she can’t wait to have a big dick shoved into all her holes. She is so horny today that she only wants anal, no pussy fucking is allowed. After a bit of spit play her mouth gets filled with dick and being a competitive girl she wants to see how far she can deepthroat before having her ass hole fucked hard in different positions, with a bit of ass to mouth in between them then gets a mouth full of cum as a reward, which she happily...

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Mom and aunty

My mother Lalitha is a 45 year old Widow. My father died of Cirrosis last year. My mother is a beautiful woman with a full body. She has a curvaveous breasts and I have had a chance to see her nipples which were dark in color. Her hips are curved and her stomach is bulging a little. The best part is her Bottoms, her ass. They must be atleast 45 in size and they flare out into the petticoat. My mother wears only saree and she looks very beautiful in the saree. I have fell in love with her about...

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A Friend in Need Sucking Tom

My wife and I are now in our 50s, and although I seem to have an insatiable thirst for sex, my wife, Joan, lost her desire for sex many years ago.  I occupy myself by reading primarily cuckold, creampie, and bisexual stories, and although I definitely like pussy the most, I also have some bi-sexual tendencies.  But my real bias is for oral sex of almost any kind, and maybe that’s because I have a below-average-sized cock and tend to cum too quickly.  With oral sex, I can enjoy the encounter...

4 years ago
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Hotel Stranger Pt 2

This is the second part of a true story about my meeting a stranger in a hotel bar and the fun that followed.Andreas and I were both fully satisfied and content and showered together after Charles left. While Andreas shaved and tended to his grooming I used the bidet and douched to ensure I was clean and fresh for anything that may happen when Charles returned in the evening. Once we were cleaned up we dressed and went out to spend the day shopping at some local shops. We also visited several...

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African Dominance

[ This one is especially written at the request of Jamal, who, as a 42 year old Congolese man (along with a group of five of his fellow African males, from various countries) are going to make very sure that they impregnate a young and eager and married white female from Europe! This is dedicated to this being their first ever taste of that formerly 'forbidden fruit' of white females! Kudos, and the best of luck on this wonderful adventure---and may there be others to follow! ]Jamal was very...

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Showing my wife off part 23

You could see people were loving the view and were all staring and talking about Samantha and probably all either fucking her in there minds or imagining what was under her tight little dress. Steve and I already knew the answer to that and it was probably nothing. Samantha continued dancing but came towards us and placed herself between where we were sat , still dancing she put a hand on each of our thighs and she started to gently stroke up and down our thighs getting closer and closer to...

2 years ago
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A Matter of TrustChapter 4

Terra incognita was a double-wide trailer set up permanently on a small lot. There was a neat lawn, and plantings of flowers and small shrubs, all well tended. Out behind the house was a small fenced yard. I noted a playcube, the kind with a little tree-house type structure and a slide and swings. I was about to enter the sanctum sanctorum and meet Gloria's mom. She was a tiny woman, fragile as spun silk. Her name was Bessie Halop, and she got around on a small powered wheelchair. Looking...

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Job offer to Gay Partners

Hi all, hope you guys are doing well. This story is about how I changed from straight to Gay and having more fun being a Gay bottom. It happened 4 years ago, in 2018. I got an internship opportunity in a marketing agency in NCR on the night shift. I desperately needed a job as all my friends had got jobs and started earning. I accepted the offer, but a permanent position wasn’t promised. My boss was tall, around 6’1″, very dark and little bit fat. About me, I am a 5’6″, chubby dark guy. I have...

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Hot Rican MILF with Big Booty Facesits White Neighbor

My father took a job transfer from Boise, Idaho to Philadelphia when I was just going into my junior year in high school, and I was unprepared for the culture shock. Our small town outside Boise is one of the whitest places in the country, while Philly has large populations of numerous ethnicities, including about forty percent African American and eight percent Puerto Rican.My name is Kevin, and I became especially intrigued by the Puerto Rican girls. Many of them are confident, assertive,...

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Doctors OrdersChapter 2

How long had it been? Too long time since she had felt her lover's touch. It was just the two of them, this time. She spread her legs, watching his face as a smile spread across his lips. Her own lips responded with a tingle between her legs. He hadn't even touched her yet, and she found herself holding her breath until he did. He approached her slowly, too slowly. She bent her knees, pulling her legs back, leaning back on an elbow. She closed her eyes, waiting. He wouldn't fuck her. Not...

1 year ago
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Periwikle Pink Part 4

Periwinkle Pink Part 4 By Cheryl Lynn This is a forced femininization fiction story and not for the sweet/sentimental reader. All standard disclaimers apply and may be downloaded for personal use only. Any other use strictly prohibited unless approved by the author. Comments are welcome at [email protected]. Periwinkle Pink Part 4 "Ten thousand, one hundred forty-two dollars and thirty-eight cents. That's all I have left of my money. School will cost me three...

4 years ago
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Vacation TwoChapter 16

Monday morning, I had my three guys begin on one of Gene's oldest tractors. The beast had been sitting for over a year in anticipation of junking it. They stripped it and worked on the motor and chassis. The motor and transmission were completely rebuilt by the mechanic and Abe's crew, and the chroming of the entire thing proceeded. I didn't tell them not to do it, so they did it on their own. By the third day, the body was on and the interior was almost done. We put on new tires and...

1 year ago
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Futa High

World: The world you live in is run by a small population of Futa who are treated as higher class citizens. Futa or Futanari, make up around 15% of the world's population, they have an average dick size of 14 to 18 inches, with some have dicks far larger than that. They also have a higher than normal libido, they usually have to have sex multiple times a day and cum more than three times per sex session. Over the years, the Futas have risen their status amongst the population, now with almost...

Group Sex
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‘I don’t know why this girl does this to you, Enrique, she must be just trying to make you suffer,’ said Zelia, as she sat down with him on the sofa and ran her fingers through his long curly locks. It was nearly midnight and Zelia and I were in bed asleep when he called. Again his girl, Lupita, would not give him the object of his desire, claiming that it was her time of the month. This in itself was no fault of hers, of course, but what was truly offensive to the boy was her refusal to assist...

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Alysons Urge for a Huge Black Cock

Alyson had been happily married to Graham for many years and had a twenty something daughter. Their sex life had always been very satisfying but recently her mind had been fantasising more than usual. She regularly pleasured herself, most of the time she used a black dildo and it was this had had been occupying her mind most recently. She had woken up feeling particularly horny one morning and as Graham had to get to work, a fuck was out of the question. As she showered she loved the feeling as...

2 years ago
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An Erotic Tale of a SchoolmarmChapter 8

Ed came over twice more, and we role-played and again discussed the possibility of me having sex with Jimmy. We finally agreed on a way for me to feel comfortable seducing Jimmy. Tonight was the night Ed was bringing Jimmy over, and I was very nervous about what we were planning to do. Yes, I was worried because of Jimmy being underage, but my nerves were also on edge with anticipation. All I could think about all day was having sex with that cute young boy. Ed’s prodding had finally...

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Threesome with my neighbors

A few weeks before Christmas last year, I got a text from my neighbor Tom that simply asked if he could stop by to discuss something important with me. After assuring me it wasn’t an emergency, we decided I would just stop by his house when I got home from work since it would be late. We were friendly with all our neighbors, most of whom were middle-age or older couples with k**s in high school, college or out of the house entirely. Tom and his wife, Robin, have a 19-year old daughter, Jackie,...

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Jenny was excited. She and her husband Ted Kidd were enjoying a free, all expense paid weekend in Las Vegas, curtsey of the company Ted worked for. Ted had to attend a five-day convention that would start next Monday and end Friday, but the company booked the rooms for the full week. They had arranged a golf outing for key employees on the Saturday before the conference leaving that evening and Sunday for the couple to enjoy a mini vacation. Jenny and Ted arrived late Friday night and Ted had...

2 years ago
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Proud Slave GirlChapter 11

Francine awoke to find herself stretched out on the ground in an unfamiliar place. This must the courtyard of the Lady Fortescue's (heavily mortgaged) Palace. Her bruised and torn feet were tied to a post in the ground and her wrists secured to another post. She was stretched out as tight as it is possible to be stretched and she was still very thirsty, although she had a vague memory of being allowed to sip a few drops of warm water from a dirty chipped mug. After the journey back holding...

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Milking ItChapter 6

Belle lays snuggles between Maggie and Maddie. The pretty twins are both fast asleep, nuzzling against her as she thinks on the events of her first day at the farm. Maddie absentmindedly suckles on Belle’s nipple and Maggie groans in her slumber as she humps her body again their adopted sister’s side. Their cocks press together and are pinned by her overlapping thigh, each bulbous head bumping and rubbing lewdly in the space between Belle’s his and belly. “Psst...” a soft sound from the...

2 years ago
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Intimacy And Oral With My Girlfriends

Last weekend encounter with my 3 Virgin Girlfriends was a intimate one and all the 3 were wisely satisfied by taking 20 to 45 minutes turn for flings with each ones and I was not sure with whoe was the best as it was first time for all the 3 and the innocence that was felt by me from them was unique And different in its own way and was very different. Finally the weekend was here and Fairy called me early in the morning and asked me what time can I pick her and also she wanted to be the first...

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Meri Mummy Ki Friend 8211 Part 1

Hi guys, myself Rahul from Guwahati Assam. I am an average built guy 5’8 height , fair skin and i have a good stamina because i hit gym regularly. I am one of those guys who is very famous among girls because of my good sense of humor. I am the only child of parents so i was bought up with great care and affection. If any aunty , bhabhi , housewife, girl wants to come into my contact u can email me at The heroine of the story is Richa aunty. She is stunningly beautiful , 5’6 height , chubby ,...

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