Angie Makes FriendsChapter 3 free porn video

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Doug and Angie were lying on the grass in the quadrangle. Too soon the bell would ring and they'd have to go to classes. But for now they could lay close together, enjoying the nearness of their bodies.

"You know what time I hate the most?" Angie asked.


"Friday night."


Angie slipped her hand down between their bodies and put it on his crotch. "Because I know it'll be a whole seven days before we can make love again.

"Don't do that here," Doug said alarmed. He looked around to see if anyone was looking at them. No one seemed to be.

"We shouldn't be ashamed of being in love," Angie protested.

"Angie," Doug said disapprovingly. "You know how people are. They'll say we're too young anyway. They don't think we ought to know anything about it. Or to feel any desire."

"We ought to invite them over on Friday night," Angie said playfully. "Can't you see Mr. Bailey and my mother watching us make love?" She started laughing loudly at the thought.

"Shhh! Someone will hear," Doug cautioned.

"No one's even near us."

"Brad's coming over this way."

Angie made a face. "I hope he doesn't start a fight again. Don't fight with him. For any reason."

"Take it easy. No sense in looking for trouble."

"Hi, there, you two," Brad called as he approached them. "Been having a lot of sex lately?"

"Is that al you ever think of?" Doug asked.

"Got a better topic?" Brad asked.

"I would think an operator like you would have," Angie put in.

"With you, it would be dishonorable to think of anything else," Brad said mockingly, as he flopped down on the grass beside her.

Angie laughed scornfully. "What a line!"

"Mamzelle, you wound me!" Brad exclaimed, melodramatically. He clapped a hand over his heart, threw himself flat on the grass, and pretended to be dead.

Angie laughed in spite of herself.

Mary Jane and two of her friends came over, attracted by Brad.

"O, Angie," Mary Jane exclaimed. "Are you coming to the dance tonight?"

"No, I'm busy Friday nights," Angie said casually.

"Oh, you should come," Mary Jane squealed. "We had so much fun last time. Didn't we, girls?"

The girls chorused the affirmative.

A bell rang to signify the end of the lunch period and the resumption of classes.

Doug got up. "Well, I must be off."

"Bye now," Angie smiled secretively to him.

Brad sat up. He took in Angie's smile and looked appraisingly at Doug as he walked away.

"Brad, are you coming to the dance tonight?" Mary Jane gushed.

"Not if I can find something better to do." He narrowed his eyes and looked at Angie.

"She looked at him wide-eyed.

"You've been looking good lately," Brad said to Angie. He turned to the other girls. "Don't you think so?"

"She sure has," Mary Jane said. She looked enviously at Angie.

To her chagrin, Angie blushed.

"You do," Brad insisted. "Maybe it's because you have a boyfriend now."

Angie's chin went up haughtily. "He's just a friend."

"Friend or not, it's made a change in you," Brad said.

"How?" Angie asked.

"Ohh," Brad searched for words. "You're happier--more approachable."

"Oh, I'm not," Angie protested.

"I'd like to get to know you better," Brad said confidently. "When can I come over? Tonight?"

"No," Angie objected. "Tonight is Friday."

"So?" Brad smiled enigmatically. "What's so sacred about Friday?"

"Nothing," Angie replied. "It's just that I already have plans for tonight."

"Why can't I be included?" Brad persisted.

"Because why should I change my plans?" Angie said mockingly.

"Because you'd like to take pity on a poor homeless bachelor," Brad mocked back at her.

Mary Jane and her friends clustered around Angie, obviously impressed by Brad's pursuit of her.

Angie preened, proud to be the center of attention. "What would we do if you did come over?" she asked tentatively.

"What you usually do," Brad said boldly, his face expressionless. He added, "We could play records."

"Maybe you could come over for a little while," Angie said carelessly, with a guarded glance at the girls. She was rewarded with envious expressions on their faces.

"What time?"

"7:30," Angie said. Then she thought for a moment. "No, better make it 8."

Brad studied her face. "Not 7:30. 8."

That afternoon, after school, Angie went straight home and went to her bedroom and laid on her bed and began to worry about what she had done. What if Brad found out about what she and Doug were doing? He'd probably tell and then she'd be in a mess. Her mother would die from the shock. It was dangerous to let him come. Maybe she should call him and tell him not to come? The envious faces of Mary Jane and her girlfriends came into her memory. Their avid glances and rapt attention to her verbal tongue-of-war with Brad pleased her all over again. They had walked with her to her classroom afterwards, chatting with her like old friends. Her dreams of friendship were coming true.

Her mind was rationalizing. Why not let Brad come? It would be a joke on Doug. They would talk and play records for a while and then they'd send him home early. She and Doug could make love afterwards. She could have the best of everything.

Finally, she heard her name being called.


It was her mother calling! What did she want?


"Yes, Mother."

"Open you r door."

Angie swung off the bed, padded to the door and opened it a crack.

"Yes?" Angie asked.

"Aren't you going to let me in?" he mother asked, somewhat uncertainly.

Angie stepped back and opened the door wider. Now what? she asked herself. The occasions her mother visited her room were in frequent. Angie stood, waiting.

Mr. Marlowe seemed uneasy. She kept prowling about the room, seemingly unable to settle down. The silence grew strained. Embarrassing. Angie determined not t o break it. Let her. She invaded my room. I didn't ask her to come.

"Well," Mrs. Marlowe said nervously. She cleared her throat loudly. "I've--I've been thinking. About what you asked me. And--and I think it's time you did know-some things," she ended lamely. She stopped, confused, and look at the floor.

Angie watched her mother with clear eyes. She supposed she should feel sorry for her but all she could feel was indifference and, yes, pity. If she could only see what a pitiful spectacle she was making of herself!

Mrs. Marlowe looked up at Angie, couldn't bear to look in her probing eyes, and looked out the window.

"It's hard to explain," she started again hesitantly. "Especially to a younger girl. Only married women really need to know."

Angie's eyes met hers unflinchingly. Her mother looked away quickly again.

"But, girls should be aware--they should watch out for compromising situations. Like, you should never stay alone in a room with any boy-or man. And don't let them touch you. Anywhere. Men are animals. It's their nature. A girl has to protect herself."

"From what?" Angie asked innocently.

The simple question threw her mother in a tizzy. Her face turned red, her mouth opened involuntarily and hung open, bereft of words. Obviously, her mind was confused and shame filled her body.

"What happens, mother?" Angie asked stubbornly.

Her mother concentrated on a spot on the floor. "They touch you. It doesn't feel good. And you'll probably get pregnant right away." She frowned, searching for words. "It's better to put all thought of sex out of your mind now." She straightened up. "And now you've been warned."

"Warned against what?" Angie asked, disgusted.

"About getting pregnant."

"I wasn't wanting to," Angie said. "I just wanted to know how it happens."

Her mother looked at her silently for a long moment. "You don't have to worry about it until you're married." She added with a playful smile, "And that's several years in the future."

"Where do babies come from?" Angie asked point blank.

"From love," Mrs. Marlowe said, embarrassed.

"Then where did I come from?"

"What do you mean?" her mother asked, confused.

"You don't love daddy."

Mrs. Marlowe turned white with an almost rising anger. She sat in agony for a few moments, trying to control herself. Finally, she said, "It has nothing to do with you."

Angie looked directly at her. "Yet, it has. I might have had a sister or a brother."

Mrs. Marlowe jumped up. "Impudent!" she screamed.

"Isn't it true?" Angie persisted.

"You're just as bad as your father--always getting off the subject." Mrs. Marlowe rushed out of the room.

It's just as well, Angie thought as she lay back on her bed. She can't tell a straight story anyway.

But an idea kept popping into her mind and bothering her. Something must be wrong with me because I enjoy sex. There must be some good reason why mom is uptight about it. I must be a pervert of some kind. A nymphomaniac!

She got up and turned on the stereo as loud as it would go, subconsciously wishing to drown her thoughts in noise.

She poked through her clothes closet. I must dress up tonight. Brad's coming. I hope Doug won't be mad at me. We'll get rid of Brad some way. Then we can have it out. I can't go on. Shame engulfed her. I must stop. It must be wrong to enjoy sex. Why, I don't know. It seems so natural, once you get the hang of it. I wish I had a mother who could help me. Tears filled her eyes, her vision became blurry. She had difficulty seeing the dresses. The tears silently rolled down both cheeks and dropped on the floor.

When the doorbell rang at 7:30, Angie was waiting. She'd had second thoughts about surprising Doug and bad decided to tell him Brad was coming.

"Oh, Doug--" she said as she opened the door.

Brad stepped in. "I hope you're not disappointed that it's me," he said with a confident smirk on his young face.

"I told you to come at eight," Angie said angrily.

Brad hit his palm against his forehead in simulated distress. "Did you? You told me two times--seven-thirty and eight. And I kept thinking, not eight, seven-thirty.' I must have turned them around."

"You're not welcome until eight," Angie said coldly.

"I have nowhere to go," Brad said self-pityingly.

"Walk around the block a few times," Angie said, unmoved.

"You wouldn't throw me out," Brad protested lightly, with a dangerous tone in his voice.

Angie could see that he had no intention of leaving and she knew she wasn't strong enough to throw him out alone. She decided it would be smarter to play along with him.

"You can look over the records in the rumpus room while I get a bottle of wine," she said, leading him to the rumpus room.

Brad looked approvingly at the elaborate stereo set built into the wall and the shelves filled with records.

"Make yourself at home," Angie said, turning to go. "I'll be right back."

She hurried up to the kitchen and rushed into the breakfast nook and dialed Doug's phone number.

"Who're you calling?" Brad asked behind her.

Angie jumped in surprise. She turned to see Brad lounging in the doorway, grinning at her in an oppressive way.

"Hello," Doug's voice said in the phone, "hello."

Angie hung up the receiver. "My mother told me to call her at the dinner party they're at. But no one answers."

She smiled appealingly at Brad and slipped past him to the kitchen. "I put a bottle of wine to cool in the refrigerator. Do you like port?"

"I can take it or leave it," Brad said pompously, following her.

With the wine and three glasses on a tray, she led him back down to the rumpus room. She set the tray on a table.

"Would you like some now or shall we wait until Doug comes?" she asked.

"Why not now?" Brad asked, playing a sophisticated man-of- the-world type.

"You pick out a record while I open the wine," Angie directed.

Good gosh, he was hard to talk to! And he kept looking at her in that insinuating way. She must reach the front door first to warn Doug. She kept hoping the doorbell would ring soon.

Brad pretended to look for a record. Is she nervous! he thought. Those two must have been up to something. I'm going to be there when old Douggie boy steps in the door. He put a record on and turned the volume down low so he could hear the doorbell.

Angie poured wine into two glasses. "Turn the volume up, I can't hear it," she told him innocently.

Brad turned it up a little bit. They smiled at each other sincerely.

Angie handed him his glass of wine. They continued to measure each other with their eyes. Panic began to gain possession of Angie. Doug should get here any minute, she kept thinking. I've got to be upstairs when he comes! She tried to think of an excuse to leave.

"Oh, dear!" she said. "I forgot the coasters. Mother'll be so mad. Wait here. I'll run up and get them."

She dashed upstairs. Brad followed at a discreet distance. She went into the kitchen. Brad watched her open a drawer and take some coasters out. Then she stood uncertainly, not wanting to leave. The doorbell rang. Brad watched her dash down the hall and open the door.

In a high voice, Angie said, "Doug! I've got to tell you--"

Doug, stepped in the door saying, "Hi, baby!" and grabbed her and kissed her soundly.

Angie struggled to get him to stop but Doug responded by bending her body backward and running his hand up her skirt to the crotch band of her panties. Angie tried to pull his hands away. In vain.

"Well, hello, you love birds," Brad said in an amused tone.

Doug and Angie pulled apart guiltily.

"Just as I thought," Brad said happily. "There's nothing like learning from experience, is there?"

"What's he doing here?" Doug asked Angie angrily.

"She invited me," Brad answered quickly.

"Why?" Doug asked Angie, humiliation and, rage colored his tone.

Angie was devastated by the quick turn of events. "I--I--," she faltered. She hadn't anticipated such a disastrous end.

"Why not?" Brad sneered. "You're not going to be selfish and keep all the experiences for yourself?"

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Angie Chap 1

Angie, Chap 1 I first met Angelica De Camp, when I was four and a half years old. I was exactly four and a half. I later called her my half year birthday present. She was the first black woman I ever met. At first I was afraid of her, not going near her…she was different. But as time went by (all of about fifteen minutes) I warmed up to her and soon we were inseparable. I thought of Angie as a woman because I was four and she was so much older than me, a whopping eight years older. Everyone...

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Angie arising

Angie arisingI woke up and recognized that I must have had a rather wet dream. My clit stood like a boner and the ass was lying on a juicy part of my nightdress. Yesterday wasn‘t as profitable as the days of the last weeks, and the rests of the fucking juice which used to run out of my sphincter overnights usually didn‘t find their way out.I decided to ease myself, because with this urging desire in my tummy I couldn‘t enjoy my breakfast. It was Saturday, and so my brother once again visited...

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Angies Impregnation

“It’s alright if I drive you home” Angie said “Adam is okay with it but what would he know he is always drunk and doesn’t really care for me”. Even then George knew it would be an interesting journey. In her late thirties now Angie had a pretty soft face with a mature and voluptuous body. Standing there in a long dress her large drooping breasts could be made out through the fabric, and would be in the fashion of an E-Cup. Like most women that had bore children she had constantly erect eraser...

4 years ago
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Angie Pt 2

He looked down at his daughter, passed out, and tried to grasp what she had said before she passed out. Not thinking with a clear mind, he shook her back awake, and asked her, “What do you mean if I wasn’t your dad you wouldn’t be a virgin?” Groggy she grasped his dick threw his shorts and said “you’re a hot guy and I am horny, what do you think”, then swayed a little bit back and forth. Partially from the booze and partially from what she had just done and said. “Bullshit, your...

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ANGIE PART TWO Chas was giving me a good hard fucking from behind,whilst I was pleasuring the old guy, I could feel his cock start to twitch, a sure sign, he said im coming and I pulled his cock out and he shot his little load over my tits, he looked so happy with himself, and I had done my good deed, I didnt mind, I dont mind swallowing, usually, but I thought I had done enough for the dirty old git Lol Chas withdrew and turned me onto my back, pinning my arms down on the bed and then...

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“Angie” was a girl I worked with, years, quiet, soft spoken, very catholic and conservative. Always wore conservative clothes, never flirted, never called attention to herself. I shared an office with her and got to know her over several years. Underneath the fa?e she was funny, great to talk to and great to be around. Also, she as gorgeous. When you looked past the conservative clothes and demeanor, she was amazing. She was, married, Mexican and spoke English with probably 95% accuracy and a...

3 years ago
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Angie Pretending To Be Headmistress Canes Mike

I’m Angie, just started my A-Levels in the lower sixth and I’m head girl at my Co-ed Grammar School in the North West. I play hockey in the first team and I’m pretty fit. You might want to read the first two parts of this story to find out how Mike was first punished nude and then subsequently, we were both punished by our headmistress.Of course, I enjoyed watching and helping with Mike’s spanking but I was surprised how much I enjoyed being spanked, particularly with the strap between my legs...

1 year ago
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Angies Night Out

my friends wife was celebrating her birthday, by going out with some of her gal pals. The first time I saw her that night was at a dance, downing the bubbly and really enjoying herself. She was stunning, a beautiful native princess, her waist length black maine, a form fitting skirt that showed her perfect shaped hips, and an ass that was trying to fight its` way out. The evening carried on and everyone was becoming more intoxicated. The band playing announced that the after dance party was...

Cheating Wifes
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Angie wird zur Dreilochstute

Mein Name ist Angela. Ich bin eine 32-jährige, schlanke Brünette und 1.65 m groß. Meine Freunde schätzen mein offenes, lustiges Wesen und mein hübsches Gesicht. Ich bin doch ziemlich stolz, dass ich für Männer immer noch ein ?Hingucker? bin. Besonders meine vollen, halbrunden 85 C Titten mit den aufwärts gerichteten Nippeln, die sich so schön durch meine enge Bluse abzeichnen, haben sicher schon einige müde Penisse munter gemacht. Meinen Body halte ich durch Jogging und Aerobic fit, sodass...

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Angies First Time

I did not write this it is a real first time story I'm now a high school senior, and I've been out for five years, but my most memorable experience occurred the summer after freshman year. I started hanging out with my friend Tina again, even though we were good friends we had drifted for a couple weeks. Her cousin Lexy had just moved here from Lebanon, and her family was staying with Tina's family.I was 15 at the time, Tina was 16 and had her license, and Lexy was 18. Tina dropped me off at...

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Angies Girl

Angie's Girl by Pamela ([email protected]) There are a lot of kids in my neighborhood. Lots of opportunities to play baseball or football with the guys, and sometimes I do play ball with them, though not too often lately. I'm not a very good ball player. I have a hard time swinging a bat forcefully and I can't catch very well. The worst part of it is when I have to throw the ball since no matter how hard I try to throw it like the other guys, they say I throw like a girl...

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Angies Humiliation

Angie's Humiliation By: Michael Alexander [email protected] A cool night breeze blew gently, ruffling Angie'slong dark hair as she walked across the sun baked parking lot. Despite thesinking of the flaming sun a few hours before, the sticky asphalt still radiatedthe extreme heat it had collected throughout the day. Angie could feel thewaves against her bare legs and then right up the short black skirt that waswrapped around her hips. She paused as she stepped up onto the walkway...

1 year ago
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Angies Ride Home Chap 4

Dot, Goody, and Ted squeezed into the back seat and Angie climbed onto Rod's lap in the front passenger seat of John's Corvair. Angie leaned sideways toward John with her left arm around his neck and her head on his shoulder as he drove away. John made his way through the late-night city traffic to Goody's apartment. They all poked fun at Rod who was enjoying Angie's derriere on his swelling member. Angie's short skirt was mostly up around her hips. Her panty covered crotch nestled in Rod's...

4 years ago
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Angies List err Lust Ch 01

Let me start by explaining that all of this was the result of chance, none of this was planned. This morning had started out like any other. I awoke well before dawn, and decided to head outside to our screened-in back porch for a smoke, before falling back to sleep. I opened the door to the back porch to have a cigarette before it got light out. Since it was still dark, I was wearing nothing but my underwear. My wife had already left for work and I figured I was the only one up, but as I...

2 years ago
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Angies Dog Orgy

It was almost one a.m. The dance floor was crowded, swollen with anerotic jostling of squirming loins and legs and asses. Angie had beendancing almost nonstop for the last two or three hours. She loveddancing–it made her feel so alive, so sexy. It was dancing that let herexpress all the latent urges and frustrations that smoldered beneath thesurface of her seemingly calm and self-confident appearance. She letherself go on the dance floor as she did nowhere else, sensuouslywrithing her hips and...

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Angies New Life

Angie character was created by and is used with the permission of msboy8 Former Deputy Sergeant Angie Applegate had belonged to Gregor Andropof, owner of Brightston Security for 6 months. While working undercover vice for the LAPD, a mobster by the name of Viktor Rostovitch had died while having sex with her. Viktor had a bottle of spray Viagra and the Coroner had ruled the drug had killed him. Gregor Andropof, aka Greg Smith, was Viktor's cousin and learned Angie's identity when she...

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Angies An AdultChapter 3

The next morning was a Sunday and Angie went to the service along with her parents, each of them remembering their two family threesomes of the day before, while Angie recalled her own little orgy with Ray Lassiter and the Dumonts. She was wet during Reverend Mitchell's sermon on "unconditional love and other forms of love," which somehow seemed fitting. Angie regarded her love for her parents as very multifaceted, though she was skeptical that any love could exist without some kind of...

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Angies Dog OrgyChapter 2

Sally wasn't home. Angie had been ringing on first the front and then the back doorbell for the past five minutes, but the only response she'd got was the frenzied barking of Sally's dog, Saxon, who was playing the part of watchdog with tireless zeal. Angie could hear him clawing at the other side of the back door as she stood, defeated, trying to summon up the courage to continue on home. She was on the verge of tears. She was about to give up and head back out onto the street when a...

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Angies Valentines Baby

Tuesday, February 10th 2009, Chicago, Illinois 1 Chez Paris Lingerie Emporium 2:30 pm "Can I help you?" There's a friendly, almost sweet, teenage lilt in the voice that wafts over my shoulder. "I'm browsing," I answer as turning, I look up from the frilly panties in my hands into the eyes of one of the most beautiful girls I've ever seen. An almost overpowering erotic innocence seems to be emanating from her. "Brrrr ... ooow ... zing," I stutter as my eyes finally break contact with...

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Angies Dog OrgyChapter 7

Angie was doing one of her favorite things--she was dancing. The Saturday-night party had begun slowly at about two or three in the afternoon when the first guests who weren't already staying at the ranch had begun to arrive and congregate around the pool for gossip and sun. It was now nearly eight, and she and Tim were grooving together to the raucous sounds of a very heavy rock group that Bailey had hired for the entire weekend. This was undoubtedly the most sumptuous party Angie had ever...

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Angies An AdultChapter 7

"Oh ... fuck! Damn you, Allan ... By Jove, you know how to shag me!" Teresa Hillsley screamed out as Allan Dumont pronged her pussy while Miles Sloane took her ass, "and Miles, you lovely man ... deeper, please ... yes, take my arse ... use my bum!" The posh British emigrant adored anal sex, and lately had been especially fond of double-penetration, including more than a few times when Sven and Charles would swap back and forth from her pussy to her ass. More than once, she had been...

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Angies List err Lust Ch 02

I awoke to the sound of my bedroom door opening. A few seconds later, someone climbed onto the bed with me and pulled the covers back. I knew it was Angie, and I opened my eyes. Before me, perched on her knees, was indeed our housekeeper, Angie. She was completely nude and ready for the day’s events. ‘Good morning.’ I greeted her. ‘Good morning.’ she replied. ‘I’m ready to fuck today.’ ‘Then suck me until I’m hard, Bitch.’ I instructed. ‘I’m cumming in your cunt this time.’ Angie sucked my...

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angi entertainmet for men

Ive been married to my wife Angie for five years. Weve always been great together in bed. She is sexually submissive, and Im an A type personality. She likes being taken, not being given a choice. She likes it a bit rough and nasty. Ive fucked her in public, on my office desk, on the hood of car in a city parking lot. . I once fucked her in the back seat of a moving taxi. I treated like I owned her and she loved it she couldnt get enough of it. Ive always been dominant over her. Ive never been...

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Angies Gang Rape

Angie was a very beautiful girl. For a 15-year-old, she had a stunning body. She was very slim, but fully-shaped. Her long black hair matched her beautiful brown eyes, and her breasts were developing beautifully. They weren't very big, about A-size, but they were very firm. Because she was half Mexican, she had nice tanned skin. She often didn't wear a bra, yet still her breasts didn't suffer from gravity. They stood proudly forward. Because of the pointy Sno-cone-like shape they had and...

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Angies Dog OrgyChapter 8

Sunday morning dawned bright and clear, but there was little activity around Sid's Arizona ranchhouse until the sun was almost directly overhead. Contrary to her usual rise-and-shine habits, Angie was one of the last to emerge from her room and stroll out onto the pool deck. She felt incredibly calm and complacently sensual this morning. The previous night's orgy had loosened her up completely. No longer did she harbor a vague bitterness against Sally for the fuck she'd interrupted the...

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Angies An AdultChapter 4

"Fuck me!" Angie screamed, as Sven Gustafsen pounded her sweet pussy. Right next to them, on a nearby sleeping bag, Ronald Mitchell screwed Susie Davenport and Samantha sat on her face. There was no doubt of how great it felt for the Episcopal minister to have her own sister eat her out while Ronald went balls deep inside the teacher, but the noise made it even better, as Susie screamed her ecstasy at taking it from the detective's fine cock. Just in the hallway, Miles Sloane rammed...

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Angies An AdultChapter 5

Several hours of fucking later, Angie finally collapsed in the arms of Yasuko Kawashira and his wife Jillian, and they rested together in a heap of deliciously sweaty flesh. Poor old Yasu had to pace himself and take breaks, but Jillian and Angie had together gotten the most possible out of him while also enjoying each other. They snoozed with the full knowledge that they had made his reward for babysitting the best that it could ever be. When Angie arose to shower, she found Jillian already...

2 years ago
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Angies An AdultChapter 6

"Well?" Miles Sloane asked somewhat impatiently, as his daughter Angie and his wife Pamela left the bathroom at the Sloane house, where they decided to gather this time. "It's official. You're a grandpa!" Angie shouted excitedly, kissing her own father on the lips with more than a hint of tongue. "How does that feel, baby, to know that this might be your child as well as your grandchild?" Pamela, herself pregnant now with Sven's baby, teased her hubby, "I frankly hope that it is....

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