Angie Ch. 01 free porn video

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Just another story that came to me while working of Teacher. I will have that finished soon. Thanks for your patience. All comments are welcome.

Sometimes love is so close that no one sees it.

I want to thank Mang0nel, for his help and advice in editing this story.


I first met Angelica De Camp, when I was four and a half years old. I was exactly four and a half. I later called her my half year birthday present. She was the first black woman I ever met. At first I was afraid of her, not going near her…she was different.

But as time went by (all of about fifteen minutes) I warmed up to her and soon we were inseparable.

I thought of Angie as a woman because I was four and she was so much older than me, a whopping eight years older. Everyone else considered her a twelve-year-old girl, which was exactly what she was.

Years later, she told me that in those early days, I would sit on her lap and pet her arm. I would tell her that I wanted to spread her color onto me so that we would be the same. She would laugh and giggle about that.

I think that a little family history would be appropriate, now.

My father, James William Mallory Jr., was an extremely wealthy businessman. He married my mother, Chloe, after his first wife passed away. I think that he really loved his first wife, but they had been childless.

His marriage to Mother was a marriage made on Wall Street. More of a business arrangement than a marriage, Father was about twenty-five years older than Mother.

He got a beautiful bauble to wear on his arm at the various functions they attended, and a male child out of the bargain, me – William James Mallory. Mother got what she wanted more than anything else, wealth and power.

My father made out very well from the deal. My mother was a fantastic businesswoman who helped my father run his business. She was also very, very beautiful and she still is. She is fiercely loyal to my father and I am sure that she has always been faithful to him, even with all of the time they spent apart.

Now this assessment may be very cold and cynical, but I didn’t reach this conclusion about my parents until I was older. It happened during one of the few times that my parents were at home having a few friends for dinner. I overheard them tell everyone about my birth, and that they had arranged for my mother get pregnant so that she would have me during the slow season. This way they wouldn’t have to take too much time off and be away from their business when it was busy. That really got a big laugh.

My mother brought Angie into our home to be a babysitter and companion to me. Angie’s mother had died in childbirth, her father along with her grandmother raised her for years.

Angie’s father, James De Camp, was a police officer in the city. When Angie was eleven, he was killed on the job. A year later her grandmother had a stroke and was unable to care for her. This was when Angie came to live with us. She attended the local elementary school and went on to the local high school.

To this day, I have no idea what the connection between the families was, but I no longer care.

Angie lived in our house in the help’s quarters, the ptoperty manager and his wife watched over her. Mother and Father never went to the help’s quarters, however as a child I spent more time there than anywhere else in the house. When my parents were away, which was most of the time, I would live with Angie.

She had a small suite: a nice sized bedroom, a sitting room and a full bath.

Most of the time I would sleep on the couch unless I was sad or scared, then I slept with Angie. At least that was the case in the early years.

I did have some family in my life, my grandparents. My father’s parents were alive. I was the apple of their eyes. But their impact on my life was limited. They would be there for the big events, but not much in my day-to-day life.

You have to realize, my grandfather (Gramps) was 75 years old when I was born and my grandmother (Gram) was 71. Gramps was rather sickly and Gram was in a wheel chair. She had fallen down a flight of stairs and was paralyzed from the waist down.

Angie finished high school and went on to take courses at the local community college. She was a conscientious worker and instilled a good work ethic in me. She was a very moral person, and taught me to care for all living things and to treat others with respect.

When I started school, it was Angie who took me there on my first day. I held her hand and cried when she was leaving. She was the one who told me to be brave and that I would have fun.

She would drop me off and pick me up. When I had a school event or was in the Christmas play, it was Angie who would be in the audience clapping and cheering for me.

Angie took me to my T-ball games and later to Little League. She was the one who would console me when we lost and who would celebrate with me when we won. I don’t think that my parents even knew that I played baseball.

She was at my kindergarten graduation, my elementary school graduation and my high school graduation. My grandparents would also be there, my parents were just too busy, or were out of town.

They would always throw a graduation party for me as soon after the event as was convenient for them. These would be gala affairs, all of their friends and business associates were there.

I would be dragged out and put on display for a while and then sent off to ‘enjoy myself’ because ‘You really don’t want to be here with us old fogies.’

For once they were right about what I wanted.

On the other hand, Angie would arrange the parties with my friends. Whether it was for my birthday, graduation, or any other event that she believed deserved a party. These were the fun parties with a dozen or so kids running around the house.

These parties were held when my parents were out. These were the ones my grandparents came to.

‘I can’t stand all of that noise and foolishness,’ my mother would groan.

‘I love having all your friends here, playing and enjoying themselves,’ Gram would tell me.

Christmas was always a wonderful time. The workers would decorate the den. There would be a huge tree that was perfectly decorated. It had to be perfect, because if anything was not right, and mother was home to see it, there would be hell to pay.

Angie and I would decorate ‘our’ tree in her sitting room. We would go out and spend hours finding the perfect tree at the local nursery, discussing whether we wanted long needles or short ones, a tall tree or a small one. We would look at it from all angles, deciding which side was the best and what side would face the wall – all the important things about a Christmas tree.

We would carry it home and set it up. Then the next day, we would decorate it. We used ornaments that Angie brought from her Grandmother. Most of them were home made. We would make at least one ornament for each other every year. These were the first ones to go on the tree.

We would string popcorn for garlands on the tree. We started this the first year that Angie was with me and continued doing it. Even as a teenager, I would never think of not participating in our Christmas ritual.

Angie and I would have Christmas dinner with my grandparents. Gramps and Gram loved Angie almost as much as I did. She was family. They would buy her presents. She would sit at the dinner table with us. They treated her as my parents didn’t.

Don’t get me wrong, I didn’t hate my parents for not being there. I never missed them. I had Angie. She was all I wanted or needed.

After finishing up at the community college, Angie went on to a local university and graduated Magna cum Laude, with degrees in Management and Accounting.

By the time I was starting high school, Angie was running the properties that my parents owned. The old ma
nager had retired so Angie took over. She did the inventory, the ordering, and arranging to have things repaired when needed, everything that had to be done in managing the various properties. She kept the books and handled all of the finances involved with running them.

We set up a small office near her suite. It had two desks, as she would do her work, I would do my homework. I loved the arrangement.

My parents loved it. They thought that it was wonderful that this girl from the ghetto was doing such a good job for them.

I will say one thing for my parents, they paid their employees well and they paid for Angie’s schooling. They treated them like shit, but they paid.

I used to get angry at what they (Mother) said to Angie and how they (Mother) treated her. But she would tell me that I just had to accept it. They were my parents and they weren’t going to change.

One time, I asked Angie why she put up with them and their abuse, she smiled at me and said, ‘How could I ever leave my boy? I would miss you so much. Not only that, I could never find another job that would pay as much and give me the freedom that I have here.’

This was when I realized that Angie worked here and if she ever went somewhere else to work, she would be out of my life completely. I never brought the subject up again.

As I got older, most of the time it would be just Angie and me in the house. The others were day employees so at night we would be alone.

As I entered puberty and began looking at girls and women, I found that my strongest fantasies were about Angie. At first this made me feel ashamed. But as I got older I realized that I was in love with her.

She was the woman that I wanted to be with.

I knew that Angie loved me, but it was more the love of a mother for her child and not the love of a woman for a man.

This was my secret. I did my best to treat her as I always did, but in my heart I was suffering.

The elementary school that I went to was an all boys school. However, the high school I was going to go to was co-ed. There would be girls in the classroom.

It was during the summer before I started high school that Angie talked to me about sex.

Now I had taken courses in sex education so I knew the mechanics. But what Angie talked to me about was sex and love.

She explained that sex was the ultimate expression of love. That there was no greater pleasure than having sex with the one that you loved and were committed to. Casual sex was just rutting, like animals, just a search for a few moments of pleasure, which quickly faded, leaving you empty and feeling used.

Over that summer, we had many talks about boys and girls, men and women. I took her words to heart, because I knew that she was right.

I excelled in high school. My marks were excellent and I was on the swimming team (I was tired of baseball). Of course Angie would come to all of my meets and cheer me on. Even if I had a really bad showing at a meet, just seeing and riding home with Angie would make me feel so much better.

‘Billy, we didn’t do so well tonight, but we are going to work hard and do better tomorrow.’

It was never you, it was always ‘WE’.

I did date some in high school but nothing serious. The girls I met couldn’t hold a candle to Angie. I would rather be with her.

My parents were very happy about my work in high school. My parents probably knew about the swim team but either didn’t care or were too busy to care.

I would hear, ‘Smart boy… a chip off the old block… must be good genes… the right upbringing.’

Well at least with respect to the last one they were right…no thanks to them.

I turned eighteen in December of my senior year of high school. I had applied to a number of colleges and universities. The more accurate statement would be that Angie and I applied to the schools. We spent hours in the office going over applications and preparing the essay and biography.

Most of the schools I applied to were Ivy League. My parents insisted. I was smart enough, and my parents could pay.

I wanted to study science and wanted to go to either MIT or Stanford. My father was happy that I wanted to study science. His undergrad degree was in chemistry (although he would joke that he went to school so long ago that the degree reads ‘Alchemy’), so he did not have a problem with his son becoming a bio-engineer.

Mother on the other hand was not happy, but I didn’t care.

Angie thought that it was wonderful that I wanted to study science.

In mid February, both Mother and Father were at home. They were all excited as a lot of schools were sending out acceptances… and rejections.

One morning during the President’s Winter break, I got to the mail first. I had been going down as soon as the mail came in because I wanted to be the first to get it. I knew that if Mother saw a letter from a school she would open it and depending on whether she liked that school, I might or might not see the letter.

That day, there was a letter addressed to me from MIT. I opened it very slowly. Unfolded it and read, ‘Dear Mr. William Mallory: We are pleased to advise you that you have been accepted into the class of….’

It took a moment for those words to sink in…I got into MIT!

I was ecstatic. I threw all of the other mail across the table and ran through the house. Not upstairs to my parents room, but downstairs to Angie.

We had one cardinal rule. You never went into someone’s room with out first knocking. Angie would always knock on my door and I always knocked on hers.

Not thinking, I burst through the door, shouting, ‘Angie, I got…’

I froze. Angie was standing in the doorway to her bedroom, having just come out of the shower. All she was wearing was a pair of pink panties.

We stood frozen, staring at each other. Her body was the most beautiful sight I had ever seen. Her light brown skin was glistening. Her breasts were firm, and although not large, were in my eyes perfect. Her areolas were a darker brown, as were her nipples. She had a slim waist and round hips that went down into slender shapely legs. Her ass was firm and round.

I had never even seen her in a bikini. During the summers she would always wear a modest one-piece bathing suit.

My dick immediately became erect.

Angie was staring at me. ‘William, you didn’t knock!’

I looked into her eyes and moaned, ‘Oh Angie… Angie… Angie!’

I took a step toward her and then another.

She smiled at me and held her arms out to me as she came toward me.

I wrapped my arms around her as she held me close. I looked deep into her dark eyes. She was smiling at me. I could feel the dampness of her skin. I could smell the fragrance of the soap. I breathed in her aroma and felt the warmth of her body. Slowly I lowered my head and softly kissed her lips.

She returned the kiss. It was electrifying.

Then, all of the love, need and wanting that had been building for years erupted into passion. A passion built upon those years and years of love.

We mashed out lips together, her mouth opened and her tongue entered my mouth. My tongue met hers and danced with it. I ran my hands over her naked back, from the tops of her shoulders to her firm round butt. I pulled her into me, holding onto her with all my strength. I could feel my erection pressing into her thigh, as I knew she could.

I began to kiss her cheek and neck. I whispered, ‘Angie, Angie, Angie, I love you, I love you so much. I have always loved you and will always love you.’

‘Oh, my Billy, I love you more than anything in this world. Just hold me…never let me go.’

‘I will never let you go, my darling. I want you forever, my beautiful Angie.’

Her hand went down into my pants and she took my erection into her hand and began to stroke it.

I lowered my hea
d and began to kiss her breast. I kissed and sucked on her nipple.

She held my head to her breast and moaned. ‘Billy, I love you, I need you, I want you. Please love me. Please take me.’

I scooped her up in my arms and carried her to her bed. I laid her on the bed and lay down next to her.

Once again I was in Angie’s bed, lying next to her, not as a child needing comfort or safety, but as a man, who would soon be her lover.

She pulled my tee shirt off and my pants down as she lifted her hips so I could easily remove her panties. We lay holding on to each other, once again we kissed. Angie opened her legs and I rose up and settled between them.

I looked at her and said, ‘Angie… I never…’

‘I know, my love. We have waited and we will learn together.’

She took my dick in her hand and rubbed it along the lips of her labia. She was very wet and warm. She then guided the tip of my dick to the opening of her vagina. I slowly pushed into her. I hadn’t gone far when I met with an obstruction. Her hymen was still intact.

I looked at her and said, ‘You want me to…’

Angie gazed into my eyes and smiled, ‘I have always wanted you to be my first. My first and only.’

She grabbed my ass with her hands and with a quick hard jerk pulled me into her. My dick broke through her and in an instant I was completely inside her vagina. Angie gasped in pain as I broke through.

I looked into her eyes and asked, ‘Did I hurt you, my love?’

She gave a little sigh and softly said, ‘It was the most wonderful pain I have ever experienced. Now we will just go slowly.’

She began to move underneath me and I slowly pulled my dick out of her. When I was almost out I slowly moved back into her.

We had given each other the most wonderful gift that a man and woman can give. Our gift was given with a love that had been growing for years.

I had never experienced such pleasure. This was my most cherished dream come true. I was making love to the woman I loved, had always loved and would always love.

When I was once again completely in her, Angie lifted her legs and wrapped them around my waist. As I pulled out and pushed in again, the tingling in my groin began to grow. I knew that I would not last much longer. I was going to cum.

I groaned, ‘Angie, I’m…’

She said, ‘Yes, my love, yes! Don’t hold back, just let it go.’

In an uncontrollable fit of passion I made two or three fast hard plunges into her and then pushed myself as far as I could go. All control fled and my balls gave up their white, hot fluid. My dick began to twitch and like a dam bursting, my semen flooded into Angie’s vagina.

When my dick began to twitch and spew forth its fluid, Angie screamed and crushed her legs around me, pulling me deeper and deeper into her body. She grabbed my head with her hands and pulled my face to hers. Her lips attacked mine. Her tongue forced its way into my mouth. The kiss was not soft and loving but a joining of lust and passion.

Again and again my dick twitched, sending forth my seed into her vagina, her womb. Again and again Angie spasmed and shook in what I knew was a powerful orgasm.

It seemed like forever that we were joined in that most pleasurable union. This was the consummation of the years of love and desire that we had been hiding from each other. This beautiful joining was the utmost expression of our eternal love.

Eventually, my dick softened and slipped out of her. For the longest time I lay next to her, holding her tightly in my arms. We kissed and whispered our love.

Angie laughed softly, ‘Now, tell me what was so important that you forgot to knock?’

I had forgotten. The acceptance letter was lying on the sitting room floor.

I got up on my elbow and said, ‘Well, it doesn’t seem so important now, but I got an acceptance letter from MIT.’

Angie jumped up and threw her arms around me. ‘Oh Billy, you were accepted into MIT, that’s what we wanted.’

I smiled and said, ‘Yes, my love, that’s what we wanted.’

‘Did you tell your parents?’ she asked.

I looked at her and said, ‘What do you think?’

She looked down at our entwined legs and laughed, ‘No, I guess not. You have to get up there and tell them right away.’

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The players on the field continued their contest, some noticing the coaches talking with a man and what seemed to be two women on their knees. Dan helped Craig and Jason to put two picnic tables together as the base for Karen and Lilly to be fucked upon. Craig blew his whistle, motioning the boys to him. Some sauntered slowly, several noticing the mostly naked women, hurried to them. “Gather around, boys,” Jason asked. They formed a circle around them, eyes taking in the bare breasts, asses...

1 year ago
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My Second Chance Book 2 Grade 10Chapter 22

First thing, Thursday morning, Doc signs me out of the hospital. I understand why they do it, but I think it was funny that Dr. Nowak pushes me in a wheelchair and has me transported to UVic in an ambulance. I arranged for the lab to be closed for the morning, so it is just Doc, a nurse that signed an NDA and me. To start with, Doc explains how the test will progress. Typically a stress test takes 15 minutes, and all that is needed is for the patient to work strenuously for 8 to 12 minutes...

4 years ago
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Enslaved Chapter 49

Maria and Heidi were returned to their individual cells a couple of hours before they emerged from sedation. Naked, each was laid out on her rough plank bed. On went the heavy iron collar from which ran a chain to a ring-bolt in the wall. Then their wrists were locked in to the manacles on the collar.Completely helpless... Hans looked down at the senseless Heidi. His hand ran over the light blonde down on her mound. That would be coming off that morning, he reckoned. He casually fingered the...

3 years ago
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Old lady fucks her cross dressing friend

Hazel was fed up using her fingers and dildos and fed up of being one of the invisible elderly generation. She wanted more – a lot more – sex, so she decided to expand her sexual horizons. To ensure that she put an advertisement on the web. "Larger mature lady, single, (70), open minded seeks new experiences, fun and frolics. I am 5’ 4”, dress size 18 with 36D bust and welcome either gender and any age.She was amazed that it attracted a few older cross-dressing men, which surprised her greatly...

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BangBrosClips Kira Perez Kiras Sexy Vacation Day 2

Kira’s Key West adventure continues. This time, they head over to the beach for a bunch of fun activities. First, they go paddle boarding. Kira twerks as she paddle boards. From there, they head over for some parasailing fun. Kira wilds out in the air, flashing her tits and even attempting to twerk in the air. After all the fun activities, they head over to their hotel room to begin the real fun. Kira’s pussy gets penetrated in several different positions before before receiving a huge nut all...

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The Pantyhose RapistChapter 4

"A re-enactment? Are you fucking crazy!" Michele Bouvier hissed into her phone. "Look, I know it's a big ask; but we have nothing to go on. Forensics is not giving us anything but maybe we can use a re-enactment to establish this guy's MO. What we record during the re-enactment may help convict this guy when we finally arrest him; a pattern of behaviour will add greatly to any circumstantial evidence we might gather," Mike pleaded. "But it won't be shown on TV, not on Crime Stoppers...

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DreamweaverChapter 18 Moving On

Allison was already awake beside me, she kissed my shoulder and whispered, "Go run, then take me somewhere we can talk." I ran a quick two miles just to wake up. Mom and Dad were both up when I got back so we invited them to come with us to IHOP for breakfast. Allison and I went to the park on the way back so we could talk. I was hoping Rebecca could get us that information so we could go over the house for bugs soon. We'd already checked all the spots Rebecca had suggested for video, but...

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Cousin Fucked My Hot Wife While I Watched

Hi, I thank all of you for the love and support you have shown for my previous stories. Hope they made you cum in your pants and wet in your twats. I am married to Sunita for five years. Now we have a two-year-old kid. Sunita had been breastfeeding him all the time, yet her boobs are still perky and she is as usual horny. My young cousin Vikas was visiting us here. He had just completed a business degree from a reputed college, and was in Mumbai for job hunt. He had like some 10-15 interviews...

1 year ago
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Kaise Meri Babhi Choodi Mujh Se

Hello Friend mera naam ajju hai. Mene iss site ki lagbhag sabhi khani padhi hai.Or mera bhi man kya apni kahani likhu isliye me ek kahani likh raha bilkul sachi ghatna hai ki kaise mari babhi choodi mujh se. me apne privaar ke bare me kuch bata do ki mere ghar me five sadsay hai mei, Mera bada bhai, babhi ,meri chooti bhen,or maa.mere pitaji ka swargwaas hoye 3 saal ho gaye padta ho.mera bada bhai job karta hai. .meri babhi ke umr lagbag 23 year hai.unki figre hai 36-30-40 hai. Ek...

2 years ago
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Randi Maa Ko Choda Aur Usko Apni Maa Se Biwi Banaya

Mera naam rahul hai. Me nagpur ka rehne wala hu.Meri umar 19 hai.Meri maa ka naam sandhya hai,uski umar 42 hai,uska figure 34-30-34 hai. Mai apne maa aur papa ke sath rehta hu. Meri maa bahot sexy hai.Uski gand pe puri colony marti hai.Har unlce hamesha uski gand ko hi ghurte rehte hai. Meri maa low waist sari pehnti hai aur ek no. Ki chinal hai. Maa na jaane kitno ke sath apni gand marwa chuki hai,baju wale uncle to maa ko har dophar chodte hai jab ghar par koi nai rehta.Mujhe meri maa bahot...

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We Try A New Swingers Club

We Try A New Swingers Club Lisa pointed out the advert for a swingers club on an internet website. It seemed like a commercial affair, a little different to the clubs we’d experienced over the years. We decided she would call. The woman who answered was helpful and emailed more information. Both of us perused it with interest and after discussion decided to attend a mixed couple’s and single’s night the following Saturday evening. As we drove we confirmed our usual body and verbal signs to...

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The Medallion Chapter One

For Jack Winters, the day that changed everything began much like any other Saturday. The only thing that marked this day as different from any other was that this was the day his niece, Emily, turned eighteen. Jack sighed as he thought of his young niece. Her short, curly blonde hair that framed an adorable face. And then there was her body. Her breasts had to be at least a c cup, her waist was tiny and she had an ass that every man stared at as she passed by. He knew he shouldn't have...

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My Orgasms Are His

Stroking my pussy furiously I am so horny. I can’t believe we got interrupted this morning and I need to hurry as he will be back soon. I hear the key in the door, he's back already, damnit but I can work with this. I moan loudly, he will not be pleased with this, well he will be but I always feel he protests too much and I plan on giving him one hell of a show now. The bedroom door opens; fuck his dick is almost bursting out of his trousers such an awesome sight. I guess he didn’t like...

Straight Sex
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Siblings Were Born For Each Other Chapter 1

First off, I need all of the readers and moderators here to know that this is not fraudulent material. I have asked the author for permission to use his stories to make mine. All credit is shared with the original author, nivek_88 who wrote 'An Incest Birthday' chapters 1 through 16 (so far). Also I would like to thank my advisor, fjdjf54 for discussing the ideas with me. It was greatly appreciated. Thank you. Well......Here goes nothing. "Who are you calling?" Chris asked. "Shhhh! Quiet! Its...

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I Would Do Anything I Mean Anything

I Would Do Anything, I Mean Anything By Jennifer Allison When you want something so badly and can't afford it, you would do anything to get it. That?s what happened to me and this is the story on how I came to get what I wanted. As most of you know, you can find almost anything over the Internet. It took me three years to find what I was looking for, using the computers at the city library since I couldn't afford a computer of my own. I found a website that promised it...

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The Wish

Barb and her friend Diane were sitting at their usual place on the bench in the park. It was their spot where as long as the weather was decent they'd meet three times a week for lunch for the past two years. This particular Thursday was a beautiful, warm day with the tall buildings of the city silhouetted against the deep blue summer sky. The pigeons flapped and winged their way about the two women as they took turns throwing crumbs to them. It was their escape from their dull jobs, dull...

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Living Next Door to Heaven 3 What Were They ThinkingChapter 2 Civil War

“Elizabeth Ann, stop picking at your brother,” I yelled. I was doing a lot of yelling lately. I hated it. I hated who I was becoming. I wanted to be a good mother but I was so tired all the time. I looked at Hayden for help but he was talking to Ford and not paying any attention to the four children. Ellen, of course, was in the kitchen, so it looked like I was the parent on duty. I turned to yell at Betts again, automatically assuming she was still picking at the smaller children. Drew was...

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FirebrandChapter 14 Under the Gun

“We recovered the email chain from his inbox,” Boyd said, Moralez holding a finger to his ear as he marched along the torus. “He’d deleted the messages and done a couple of overwrite passes, but reconstructing the files from the data fragments was pretty simple with UNNI tools. It’s exactly as he described, the guy isn’t hiding anything from us. He’s been pretty forthcoming since he woke up in the interrogation room.” The Chief’s eyes scanned the scrolling text as it appeared on his...

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Oh Oh

It started with the question “What is your fantasy?” I am George Caldwell, married, a DINK (Dual Income, No Kids), and was one pissed off hombre with a very short fuse. We, my wife Cathy and I, were relaxing after a round of lovemaking; when Cathy asked; “what is your fantasy?” I wasn’t sure what she was talking about (so sue me, I thought of a lot of fantasies) so I asked back; “What kind of fantasies are we talking about?” “I want to know what your sexual fantasy is.” She replied as if...

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Where Are You Now Bernie You SOB

This story is true, every last word of it. And it has been leaving me with the question, "why?" for many years. Let me tell you what I am. I'm a straight white male, divorced, father of three, addicted to women, and now single and dating. I've never cheated on my women. I'm not as great in bed as I once was, but I look good for my age, and women 30 years younger still ask me to call them. My sexual addiction for women has gone unchanged--or maybe even increased substantially--over the...

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A Work PartyChapter 5

That night ended less than spectacularly. Some of the wives were glaring at me, and a few of the men were appraising me in a new and unpleasant way. I tried to ignore it, but obviously the word was out. Ron must’ve let something slip, and everyone knew I was his slut. Janine and Allison both gave me warning looks, before shaking their heads. Every nod or glance was small, and the unknowing would miss them, but the cues were there. Everyone knew Ron and I were an item. When I shut the door...

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A Cum Journey

I love cum. I've been eating it since I was 18. These stories I'm only now sharing are part of my life. I never realized that there were others like me. I'm hot just thinking about others enjoying their bodies the way I do. I got home early from work one afternoon and I knew I'd have the house to myself for at least an hour until my girlfriend got home. I was going to whip up a nice hot load so I stripped and lay on the bed and started to stroke my rapidly swelling cock. It felt so good and it...

2 years ago
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A Brave New World

(((Welcome, and I hope you enjoy this story. A way to think of the ‘planes’ is a little like the old TV show ‘Sliders’. The planes are my universal story setting which allows a great variety of options for both normal and erotic stories. I will update as often as I am able. Reviews, advice and help is always welcome.)))Episode 1 – A Brave New WorldPart OneOne moment they were in the dim, flickering dungeon filled with menace and evil, and then the two women were landing in an asphalt parking...

1 year ago
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New Rules 2

Fred flew out of Sydney on Sunday morning. It was Tuesday night, Sydney time, early morning Tuesday, New York time before Fred and I managed to talk to each other using skype. By then I had a lot to tell him and I wondered if he might have something to tell me too. Here's what I had to tell. After dropping Fred at the airport I drove straight to work still dressed like a slut. I did put on my high heels as soon as I got out of the car. On my desk was a note to see my boss ASAP, so I...

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Mere Nange Hone Ki Kahani

Full of hangover when I woke I found myself nude… pussy swollen and red, Surprised and shocked my bf raj was nowhere in the room… Picked up sheet and checked the flat and I was all alone.. I was dam scared not sure who made me nude… Went to take shower and all I was able to recover about last night was dressed up in a sexy black one piece and enjoying with my team and raj at a party … Dancing and drinking up to my throat… Flirting with men I knew and feeling hot when people danced with me and...

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Jeff Meets Gerty Part 1

I pull into the driveway on my '91 Sporty 1200, having finished a two-hundred-fifty mile ride. I wonder whose car that is as I admire the '89 Lincoln town car, black with a white carriage top roof. I am feeling great but have no idea I will be feeling even better. Sitting at the table with Mom is a fine looking woman, probably in her mid-fifties. Just the way she is dressed gives me quite pleasant thoughts.Two-inch patent black heels with bows, a black skirt with a three-inch patent black...

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my College Days

These are the experiences that I have post in the website www.experienceproject.comSome Incidents happened just two years before at my college ... All the day in my college was very hot because the boys used to paly with my pussy and breasts in the classroom without knowing the teacher. I love them doing fingering and sucking my boobs. May of my friends also know my habit of spending playful times with boys. I never allow them to fuck with their cock in my pussy. But many have put their cums on...

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hooker revised

By the time she was nineteen she thought it to be the easiest way to pay for her rent and other expenses. Now at 22 she was an experienced and in demand hooker. Sheila worked through an agent for some time. Her pimp was called Andre and he was a Latino. André would get her most of her customers though Sheila never had a tough time finding men eager to fuck her. Shortly though she fell out with Andre because of payments and told him she didn’t want to work with him. André was furious as...

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Mirror Image

Mirror Image By Cherysse St. Claire (c) 2004 Rachel Roberts was at the top of her game. At thirty-two, she had endured and survived the rigors of the feature circuit, made a pile of money through careful investments, and got out with her voluptuous body, sanity, and self-respect intact. Well, she hadn't got out completely. She still operated her web site, which would be a lucrative source of income for several years yet. Her fans still craved her, even...

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Highway to Krell Hetero EditionChapter 10 Blood Pressure

Reid was awoken by the sound of heavy footsteps on the wooden floor, the moans from her colleagues and the rumbling vocalizations of the Krell as the aliens descended upon them jolting her from her sleep. She rose to a sitting position, peeking over the lip of her chosen recess, unsure of what was going on. Were they being attacked? The room had suddenly become packed with Krell, should she attempt to escape? No, those were mating calls, and it sounded as if her team were caught up in the...

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Call of the Hunt Book 4

Call of the Hunt Book 4 By Paradox Salem, Indiana, Connors residence "Dad, you are seriously overreacting to this," my father said with an expression that clearly said he was upset. "I'm overreacting?" he cried, throwing up his hands in frustration, "Your daughter was getting ready to practically throw that boy on the ground and screw his brains out!" "Guy!" Mom admonished sharply. "I will not have you talking like that in our house. What Aiden chooses to do with a boy...

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A First Time For Everything Part 5

I could not believe what had been going on for the better part of almost an hour.My step-daughter Karissa had been sitting there, literally witnessing me doing sexual things with one of her best friends. And God, what an amazing, sexual, and taboo time it had been. I knew the risks involved. But when it initially started, I honestly only thought it was going to possibly be a heavy make-out session, maybe some touching and messing around. Little did I know it would go to the extreme it did. And...

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Andrea reads a book

Andrea gave a long sigh. "Jeez, Markus, why are we here at a stupid bookstore? This is boring!" "Not everything is sex, Andrea," Markus replied. "I'm here to get you to at least try and develop yourself a bit, damn it." "Dear, the only way I want to develop is going through all the positions with you, you know that! Missionary is so boring, so then we switch to the more fun ones! Especially if I'm the one with the cock." She looked away from Markus, her gaze looked dreamily into the...

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Close Encounters of the Second Time The First Sec

It had been three weeks, maybe a month, after my first ever hot encounter with another guy.He had been John, a lovely guy whose tenderness and patience made my first time so memorable and horny, unlike the hurried amateur teenage fumblings of my first sex with an equally inexperienced and gauche girl so many years before.I was still married, and opportunities to meet up with guys were, well, practically nonexistent.I usually didn't have a place. And if I had a place then I didn't have the time....

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Susans New Life Part 2

As Juan's lapping tongue found its way to Susan's fuck hole, her legs flopped wide open and she moaned out loud. She was getting wet .....very wet. Juan's slow approach had worked. He began to kiss his way up Susan's body and as he began to suck on her nipples again, he placed his cock head at her wet opening. Slowly he entered her. Her vagina felt like velvet around his Mexican cock. Never had he felt a pussy like this. "Too bad he couldn't keep her for himself," Juan thought glumly.Juan knew...

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