SamChapter 8C free porn video

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I smiled all the way through Mrs. Elliott's English class. Our little adventure had been terrifically exciting and I was feeling great for several reasons other than having had several fantastic orgasms. I felt even better when the bell rang and I was on my way back to the gym for my class there. I had just walked out of the building when a voice called out to me.

"Hey, Sam!"

I turned to see Mr. Steve Wojeski standing next to the door with some of his crew next to him. I was extremely flattered to find that he knew my name. I walked over shyly to look up at him. He was big, and it was all hard muscle from weights and wrestling. Now that I knew that his muscles weren't the only rock-hard thing about him, I was even more impressed. The fact that he had behaved like a gentleman, even while extorting sex from me, put me very much at ease with him.

"Hi, Steve." I said, trying to think of how to start a conversation with someone who has had his cock in you, but with whom you've had no other type of conversation. "I was just heading back to the gym. This time for a class."

He laughed politely at my lame excuse for humor. His laugh was deep and resonant. I bit my lip as I edged closer to him. He was just so big and so... male. I wanted to crawl up him, wrap myself around his manly chest and bury my face in the mat of curly hair.

He looked around at the people who had been standing beside him. They took the hint and moved on, leaving us to have a private chat.

"I wanted to apologize for my behavior earlier," he said, sincerely. "I was really out of line and I'm sorry."

I was flattered and astounded. The captain of the wrestling team was apologizing to me for making me cum with just a few strokes of his hard cock. Didn't he know that if he pulled it out of his pants right there in the schoolyard and said, "suck it", I would have been on my knees in a flash? Heck, any girl in the whole school would have.

"Don't apologize!" I said, a little too loudly. "You may not have been totally serious, but did you notice how quickly we all lined up on the wall? We were all begging for it and you did a masterful job. You know you made me very happy, and I think I can say for sure that none of the other girls was, ah, unsatisfied."

"Yes. Well." he almost stammered. "The other girls..."

"Sara, Janice, and Jolene." I said, helping him out. "That's from left to right. Or the same order that you, I mean except I was..."

"Thank you. You were the only one whose name I knew. That's another reason I felt badly. I usually at least know the names of, ah, you know."

My smile ratcheted up a couple of notches and I felt like I was floating. Steve Wojeski knew who I was.

"Steve! We loved it. You were magnificent. Formal introductions can be arranged later. Anyway, we all certainly knew who you were."

"It's just that... Well, gee. It's not everyday that I get to fuck the most beautiful girl in the whole school. I just feel bad that it was so hit and run."

For a fleeting moment, I wondered who this beautiful girl was that he was talking about, then I think my jaw must have actually hit my chest, my mouth dropped open so fast. It was me! It was I! Mr. Superhunk Wojeski thought I was the most beautiful girl in the school. I'm sure my feet left the ground.

"Careful," he said, smiling at my astonishment. "Flies will get in."

I closed my mouth with a CLOP sound as my teeth slammed together. I tried vainly to think of what to say. What can you say to that? All I could think of was that Jim and Bud had been telling me the truth about guys thinking I was out of their league. Here was someone who could have his pick of any girl in town and he had just told me that I was beautiful. No, not just 'beautiful', but 'most beautiful'. What could I say to that?

"Ah, thanks!" I was already cursing myself for being so lame, but I just could not think of anything else to say. "I'm sorry that it was hit-and-run, too."

"Well, then maybe we can get better acquainted. I know this is short notice, but are you doing anything Friday night?"

"Oh! Oh, I'm sorry, Steve. I have plans for Friday." I was kicking myself already for turning him down, but Friday was impossible. Neeka and I would be taking the bike out for the first time on Friday and I had promised Bud that we would spend the night together and there was no way I was going to break that date.

"Well, how about Saturday, then. We could..."

"I'm sorry. I have plans for Saturday too." Damn! I was turning down the hottest guy I was ever likely to be lucky enough to meet! I had to do something to save the situation. His face had fallen and he wasn't looking me in the eyes anymore. I couldn't let it go like this.

"Steve. I have an idea." It was an interesting one, too. He perked right up to hear me offer an alternative, even if he didn't know what it was. It meant I wasn't turning him down, that I was willing to work with him to try to get together.

"You work out during lunch, don't you?"

"Yeah. I was on my way to the weight room when I heard you and the others through the window. I stopped to listen and got hit with the clothes when they came flying out. You can't imagine how hot it made me to know that I was about to meet four stark-naked girls."

"Almost as hot as we were to meet you. But listen, there's no rule against girls in the weight room, is there?"

"No. No rule. It's just not someplace girls ever go."

"How about if I come with you while you work out? We could talk and get to know each other. I could spot for you."

I really should have quit when I was ahead. Steve looked down at little me from his 6' 4" elevation and laughed loudly at the notion that I could spot for him. I politely laughed, too. But at the same time, I was thinking of ways to make him pay for laughing. He was a major-league, really gorgeous hunk, and I wanted to date him so badly that I would have put up with lots of bad behavior from him, but laughing at my size was a step over the line.

I blinked, and in the space of that eyeblink, the way I looked at Steve changed. I looked at him not with adoring eyes, but with the eyes of an adversary, an equal, a competitor. Through those eyes he looked less like someone to gush over, and more like someone I wouldn't mind hanging out with. It was weird. I started wondering how I could get him on a wrestling mat so I could whip his ass and then fuck him silly.

"I'll see you tomorrow, then." I said, not even letting him answer my question. "In the gym." I was going to challenge him on his own turf and I was looking forward to it.

"OK," he said, hesitantly. He knew something had just happened, but he wasn't sure what it was. The tone of deference in my voice had gone and it was replaced by something he was more used to hearing from his guy friends.

I skipped off to the gym with a light heart and a firm set to my jaw. Steve and I were going to have fun. I thought maybe I was going to have more fun than Steve, but he didn't know it yet.

I also had a lot of fun during gym class that day. After we dressed-out, Coach Simpson took us for a jog down to the practice football field and put us through some calisthenics before running us around the field a couple of times.

What made it fun was that in a crowd of girls who were all focused on their own exercises, I was able to get a better workout than usual. Instead of the girl-style of push-ups, I raised my knees slightly off the ground to make it harder. Instead of two-legged squats, I cheated and only used one leg, or I pushed off with my arms.

I may have been too enthusiastic about it, because I saw Coach Simpson eyeing me a couple of times. I was afraid she was going to say something, and I was right. When she sent everyone out for the laps around the field, she called to me.

"Samantha! Can I have a word with you, please?"

I trotted over, unhappy to be singled-out like this. "Yes, Coach?" I said.

"Samantha, I understand you dropped out of cheerleading. Can you tell me why?"

As I opened my mouth, I realized that she wasn't going to accept the 'my breasts are too tender' BS I had handed the squad when I quit. She had just seen me bouncing around without a problem, doing some pretty energetic stuff.

"Coach. Can I level with you?" It was clear she wanted me to do exactly that.

She nodded, "Sure."

"Have you ever been in a situation where you felt helpless? Where you felt that things were out of your control?"

"I'm not sure what you mean, Sam."

"I'm trading cheerleading for martial arts, Coach. I want to learn how to defend myself. Especially now that I'm more of a target for... people who might not take a firm "No!" and an upheld hand as meaning 'stop'. You know what I mean?"

"Yes, Sam. I think I do. And I want you to know that I think it's a great idea. A woman needs to know how to defend herself. To stand on her own feet and not depend on a man to protect her. Especially one as little and as... pretty as you."

Today seemed to be my day for compliments. First Steve and now Coach. I wasn't sure exactly how Coach had meant that comment, but I wasn't about to shrug it off. I stepped closer to her and said, "Thank you, Coach. What a nice thing to say! Do you really think I'm pretty?"

I watched her eyes to see which part of me she found the prettiest. The answer was obvious. She caught herself staring at my chest and she looked away quickly.

"You are beautiful, Sam. Don't ever let anyone tell you different." She sounded just like Mrs. Reynolds. For a second, I thought she was going to touch me, but she changed her mind. I'm sure she was thinking about the rules of conduct between students and teachers and how appearances must be maintained.

I was bound by no such rules. I stepped close and gave her a hug, mashing my breasts into her and laying my head briefly on her shoulder. She flinched, but did not push me away. To save her any embarrassment, I let go after a couple of heartbeats.

The look she gave me spoke volumes that would never be printed or said. I had a fleeting idea of trying to get her to shower with the rest of us, but I knew she would never relax enough to consider doing something like that.

She started jogging after the class as they headed off the field toward the gym. I turned the other way to start my two laps before going in myself.

"It's OK, Sam!" she called to me, "Just go on in!"

"Thanks, Coach!" I called back, "But I need the work. Gotta stay strong!"

As I rounded the far end of the field, I saw her go out the gate and out of sight. When I was sure no one was around to see me, I turned on the speed and practiced keeping my feet on the ground. My previous gait was too bouncy for decent speed. I tended to sail when I got going too fast. I could travel like a kangaroo, in long low hops, but that wasn't too controllable. I didn't want to be in mid-hop when a car came around a corner and smacked me like a bug.

When I had got into a low stride with plenty of leg-flex and no bounce, I started working on raw speed. I found I could get going pretty good on straight stretches, but turning was hard. At any good speed, I simply wasn't heavy enough to make sharp turns without sliding all over.

I stopped for a moment and thought about corners. Dad was a race fan and I had seen many races on TV, so I thought I knew something about speed. Some race cars couldn't corner worth a damn either. They needed a high-banked track to keep from sliding off. Some faster cars had big wings to hold them to the road. That wasn't an option for me. Some small cars seemed to corner well, but their drivers slowed way down to do it and then accelerated away in the straights.

I made another lap, this time slowing and leaning in the corners and accelerating on the straightaways. It was maddening to be slowing down all the time, when what I wanted was speed, but I found I could make much better speed overall with this technique. It was really exhilarating to be able to run fast down the length of the field.

On what I decided was to be the last lap, I got going really fast and before I knew it, I was running out of field. I had let my enthusiasm carry me away again and I knew I was going to hit something... and hard. With seconds to go before I smacked into the fence I picked up my feet and flexed my legs. When I hit the ground, I kicked off as hard as I could and went sailing right over the ten foot tall fence surrounding the practice field.

As I crossed the fence with several feet to spare I had a premonition that I had jumped out of the frying pan and into the fire. When I could predict where I would land, I saw that my jump was going to carry me into the small parking lot behind the gym and right into the side of the parked activity bus.

Desperately, I flung out my arms and legs to increase the air resistance on my hurtling form and make me land beside the bus. It looked like it was going to work, but I would still be carrying enough speed to make it impossible to stop before I crashed into it. I could spread-eagle on the ground and try slide under, but that would mean a nasty road-rash. I decided to try to rebound over it.

When my feet hit on the asphalt, I kicked sharply again and flew right up in the air and over the bus. My arc this time was much more vertical and I came down only fifteen feet on the other side of the bus. I did a mid-air flip and came down in a perfect three-point landing from which I walked away casually, trying not to attract attention.

As casual as I tried to appear, I was anything but on the inside. I had built up enough adrenalin to make me want to scream. Like the football players said going into a game, I was 'stoked'. As soon as I got around the far side of the gym, I started skipping. I hadn't done that in years. I felt like I was six again.

When I got to the door that we had come out of looking for our clothes, I grabbed the handle and yanked it open. Too late, I heard the screech of metal that told me the door had been locked. It was a firedoor that opened easily from the inside but was locked from outside. I had ripped the lock apart. I stepped inside and pulled the door shut. I would just have to hope nobody noticed the damage and connected it with me.

Adrenalin, I remembered, augmented normal strength by a significant percentage. Apparently it augmented mine proportionally. I had called on my adrenalin when I made Mr. Morton's souvenir for him. Now I had seen the destruction I could cause if I wasn't careful.

I slipped down the hall and arrived in the locker room just as the showers started going on. Even with all the running, I hadn't broken a serious sweat, but I was sort of dewy, so I stripped out of my gym clothes and grabbed my soap.

When I got to the shower room it was crowded. As I peered into the cloud of steam, I saw three girls waving at me to join them. I went to the one in the back. Her name was Dina and she was in my Algebra class. She seemed to be one of the smarter students and we had been competing for Miss Connor's attention with our questions.

"Hi, Dina!" I said. "You want to be first?"

In answer she held up a soapy washcloth. "No, you first," she said, and I turned around and let her start on my back while I soaped my cloth.

She had a nice touch. I hadn't noticed, but the muscles in my calves and shoulders were pretty bunched up. She got the tension worked out while getting me clean. The sensual side of cleanliness seemed to be catching on. As Dina did my back, I looked around and saw several other pairs of girls engaged in mutual washing. Apparently I had started a fad.

With other people doing it, it seemed a much more natural thing and I didn't get as turned on as I had before. It was still a lot of fun, though and Dina seemed to be enjoying it.

When it was her turn to be washed, Dina became skittish. I tried to be gentle, but she still squeaked when I touched her in sensitive places. When I washed between her legs, she got shaky and started to go weak at the knees. I pushed her up against the tile wall and washed her there again. Her eyelids fluttered and her toes curled and I knew she had had a little orgasm. Poor girl needed to masturbate more.

While I waited for Dina to recover, I checked the wall for peepholes. Either there weren't any or there was too much steam for me to be able to see them. Too bad, I thought. I looked around at the girls in the shower with me and tried to see it from a boy's point of view. I realized that if I could tape us taking a shower, I could make a fortune selling it on the Internet. I reflected that maybe I should get in touch with Shirlene after all. I was looking forward to seeing one of her films on Saturday.

I met Neeka at her car shortly after the last class. As we drove over to River Street and our first Kung Fu class, we talked about my adventure of the day.

"I can't believe that Sara just threw all your clothes out the window like that." She said. "What was she thinking?"

"She was looking for something exciting and kinky to do." I said. "I should have seen it coming when she told us about her sister daring her to do stuff. It looks like the Hendersons have made this sort of thing a hobby."

Neeka was quiet for a while. I didn't need to be able to read her mind to know that she was thinking about what we had done and wished that she had been there to participate.

"You're right." She said with a grin. "I wish I had been there. The four of you, lined up like captured fugitives, begging for Steve Wojeski's cock — that just makes me so hot!"

"We were so excited by the time he came along that if he hadn't suggested it, one of us surely would have. Have you ever done anything like that?"

"Put myself in a situation where I might be caught naked? I guess. I think that's a common enough fantasy that everyone has done something like it at some time or other. I've done some fairly safe stuff — sunbathing in the back yard. Getting naked in a guy's car. I've even posted some pictures of myself on the Net. But I never put myself in a position where I was so totally committed like that. I mean, anything could have happened!"

"And did!" I said. "I got fucked by the biggest stud at school. And he wants to date me!"

"Yeah, and you want to kick his butt. He shouldn't have laughed at you like that."

"Well, it's just that he had been such a gentleman up to that point. I was... I am... I do like the guy. A lot, actually. It takes a lot of class to basically rape you and then apologize for not taking more time. But I can still hear him laughing at the idea that I might be his equal."

"Must be grating to know that you are really his superior."

"I try not to think of it like that. He didn't... couldn't know. It was just that automatic assumption of superiority - grrrrr!"

"Easy there, tiger! Down girl!"

I took several deep breaths and tried to calm down. I didn't want to walk into class with a load of adrenalin going. Someone might get hurt.

"So you plan to whip his ass." Neeka said. "That'll teach him."

I thought about that for a bit. She was right. Satisfaction would feel good for a short time. But it would ruin any relationship I might have had with Steve. The worst part was he wouldn't learn anything from it except that I could beat him. He would know I was special and he might hate me for humiliating him. I could be making an enemy and giving him a weapon to use against me, all in one ill-considered act.

"The Sword of Justice has two edges." Neeka said.

"You're practicing your Chinese philosophy. But you're right. I have to be very, very careful using my abilities in social situations. As much as I want to pin Steve to the mat and show him who the weaker sex really is, I see that that's not the right way to handle this."

"So what are you going to do?" She asked. It was rhetorical. She would know what I was going to do as soon as I made up my mind to do it.

We were just passing a health-food store when Neeka pulled over and parked. I was out of the car and walking into the store when I realized that she had just reacted to a decision I had made in real-time. No discussion. No clarification. Just my thought and her action. I bought several energy bars in a variety of flavors and went back to the car. Having a mind-reading chauffeur was certainly going to have some tactical advantages. I still wasn't looking forward to her doing it on that bike, though. The only thing going through my mind then would most likely be "Slow Down!"

Master Li taught classes in an old mattress factory on River Street that looked like it might be the oldest building in town. It was a big brick place with incredibly high ceilings and thick wood floors that had been patched and sanded, but not stained or waxed. The acoustics were terrible. Sounds echoed all over.

Li was a Chinese man of indeterminate age who was immediately impressive because he made no superfluous movements. He had no tics or twitches. He did not cough or sneeze. He neither scratched nor rubbed. I watched him for several minutes before I could even be sure that he blinked. During those times when he was not moving with a purpose, she stood as still as a statue. When he did move, it was with such grace and economy that he always seemed to be dancing. I had never met anyone who had such complete control over himself.

Neeka and I were part of a class of ten students. The others were a mix of bored housewives looking for a way to fill their afternoons, college students who had got interested in Kung Fu from the movies, and a couple of retired men who were looking for a fun way to keep fit and flexible in their later years. To these last two, Master Li suggested that they switch to a Tai Chi class as more appropriate for their needs.

When he asked me what I wanted to get out of the class, I said simply, "Control." He looked at me intently for a beat and then moved on to Neeka, who said, "I need to keep up with her," and hooked a finger at me.

Even though he reacted the same way to each of our responses, I got the impression that Neeka and I had intrigued him. Maybe that was just wishful thinking, because Li was the kind of person who was so impressive that you just felt compelled to try to impress him back. I thought that capacity to motivate probably made him a better teacher.

Li explained a bit about the history of Kung Fu in general and the origin of Jeet Kune Do specifically. Most of this I already knew from having researched it after Bambi had signed us up for the class. He told us that it was an eight-week course, after which we would be invited to progress to an intermediate course if he felt we had met the goals of the basic course. He explained that there was no passing or failing, that we could retake the basic course as much as we liked until we qualified to move on to the next level. He did not mention an advanced course. I assumed that that was one of those 'if you have to ask... ' kind of things.

He told us that we would be doing a lot of stretching and flexibility exercises, followed by strength training and fighting techniques. To illustrate the kind of flexibility that could be achieved, he held his hand above his head with his arm straight up and swung his leg up and kicked the palm of his hand.

I knew I might regret it, but I immediately tried to imitate him, I was successful, too; except I hit my fingers instead of my palm and I darn near dislocated the ring finger on my right hand. I then had to stand there pulling my finger while Master Li looked at me with his usual no-expression-at-all look.

Same as Sam
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“No, I won’t always be ahead of you.” I stroked fingers into the soft, glossy hair on her head then through it down onto her back. “You are special to me anyway.” She thrilled, but also was interested in sinking further onto my cock. I could feel she was lubricated, as she twisted and writhed and thrust her agile little body, and her pretty face gradually receded away from mine, down my body, while the sensation in my cock grew more and more amazing. She was tight, but in an elastic...

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The Best of Paris WatermanChapter 11 First Week in Town

I freely admit that I was on the prowl. New to town, fully immersed in my new job and needing a release from the pent-up pressures making good at it from the start brought on. Sexual release, that is. Accordingly, my attire that night blended with that need. I wore a light cotton sundress that ended about mid-thigh, blue with abstract white patterns, the usual sundries underneath; a bra that pushed my tits up enough to attract the attention of any man within a half-mile radius. But I'm...

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More 120s Mentor Part I

(Author's note: All people are fictional characters and actions in this story are completely fictitious, they do not really exist and have never happened.) More 120's Mentor: Part I By Verna Benson I'll never forget the first time I met the woman who changed my life. I was a paperboy and frequently I would stop at a liquor store on my route to get change and a soda. One of the first times I went in, I noticed an ashtray next to the register containing a smoldering More 120...

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Teen Titans ENF

Which one of the titans is going to lose her clothes. Who will end up naked? Starfire? Raven? Maybe Terra? Maybe another titan or an honorary titan? Or maybe even one of their enemies such as Blackfire or Jinx? How does it happen? Where does it Happen?

4 years ago
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My aunt8217s panties and bra

I am virtual man ( name changed ) and age 24 living in Hyderabad. I work in software firm. As you now this time period has hit with a dangerous virus ‘The CORONA’which had changed my fate. Since I being a software employee we had wfh option which.was compulsory for 23 of march as you know. Luckily I was out of Hyderabad and reached my native. Here the true story begins of my life. After many days I have been to my native where my grandparents along with my uncle and my aunt lives. Her comes the...

3 years ago
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Stacey turned from hot wife into a whore

She looked straight into her husband’s eyes as she took the tip of the stranger’s cock in her mouth. There was no blinking and the two spouses had their eyes fixated on each other. The moment she felt all his attention was on her, the show began. With eyes closed, Stacey started to moan and take the cock deep in her mouth.At first her movements were slow and she caressed the trucker’s balls with her right hand, ever so gently. The man became rapidly aroused and couldn’t take the soft touches of...

2 years ago
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She Made Us Rub Our Cocks Together

As I approach the age of 40, there is little that I have seen nor done sexually over the course of my life: I’ve experimented with both boys and girls of all ages and races. I’ve been in threesomes, in orgies, and practically every kind of sexual act known… but when I think back to the very beginning of where and when I had my first sexual experience, it all started with *****.I was very young and just about to enter my first year of high school. It was the end of the summer, and I spent my...

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Spanked by neighbour

Spanked by Neighbour   My name is ‘Arthur’. I was living alone. I was almost eighteen. I am an indiscipline and irresponsible boy. My neighbour was very strict. She was a beautiful woman of 25 and doesn’t like any kind of indiscipline. Her name is ‘Maria.’ She was irritated with my indiscipline. One day she called me. We have a little talk about my discipline. She asked me why I was so undisciplined.   Maria firmly believes in corporal punishment, especially in my case. She said me,...

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SonInLaw Gets His Fantasy

For years I have been sexually attracted to my mother-in-law. When I first married her daughter 20 years ago I was a salesman on the road in her area. I began stopping in for lunch and then I asked if it was okay to take a nap in the basement. My mother-in-law said I could use the bedroom upstairs, I told her that it was cooler in the basement and she wouldn't have to tip toe around worrying about waking me. The first time I went downstairs I asked her to call me in thirty minutes if I wasn't...

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George Isolde and the Brass Ring Polka Band

Dedication This dedication is long and necessarily so. The book has taken me three decades to write, mostly because I didn’t start actually putting pen to paper, so to speak, until I had all my background ducks in a row. Putting ducks in a row is like herding cats, patience becomes the primary virtue. This book is Tom Woolfolk’s fault. Well, actually, Tom’s and Sheila’s jointly. We three commuted to work together for a few years in the early eighties, and during those long and boring rides,...

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Outpost Bisexual EditionChapter 5 Personal Space

When the pack had warmed up, they ate again, sitting around the fire pits in groups of three or four and sharing meat. This was more casual than the feast had been, less organized. Schaffer found himself in the company of the two identical males that he had seen at the table during the previous night’s event. Their height, coloration, and markings were all exactly the same. Apparently, these aliens could produce twins like many animals on Earth. They seemed overly curious, borderline...

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Pam Pam is a character from a couple chapters of ‘Epiphanous’. Her circumstance fueled a storyboard in my mind that I think was worth exploring. This is not a story of great wrongs and retribution. There is no bitch burning and from my perspective there is no judgement of right or wrong. These are people who might do what others would not or not do what others might rush into. There were no real people harmed in the writing of this story and it is not a collection of my experiences in any way...

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Box Office Bang P4

So, there was Gemma kneeling on the floor with her head between the older woman's thighs, eagerly licking her twat and I was kneeling behind Gemma with my slippery plum firmly against her pucker and gripping her hips as the redhead gasped and moaned in ecstasy, " dirty little fucker...oh my God...fuckin' Jesus..."! Gemma's panties were pulled down to her thighs and I looked down at my knob started slowly disappearing inside her arse. Suddenly she cried out; stopped licking and tonguing...

2 years ago
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Naked With Her DogChapter 6

The next day they went out and did some things together and hung close all day. That night he slept with her, too. "Nice you had one day off work," she told him. It was like being together with friends who had forgotten each other to some degree by being out of each other's presence. The more they stayed with each other, though, the more they felt at ease, felt comfortable and active. Rodney mentioned, something about how easy it would be to put up some paneling in her living room. The...

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It had all began months ago, building from a small spark into a raging inferno. The outburst in the staff meeting only verified the culmination of my frustrations, whereas unwittingly, I had single-handedly undermined the confidence of our most trusted customer. The CEO called me into his office early the next morning and threw a round-trip ticket to Mazatlan across his desk with two options. The first was to pack only the clothes I’d needed and get my life back together under the warm tropical...

3 years ago
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Burkhe mein ramesh ne choda

Salaam, sub Muslim bhaiyon aur hindu chudakkarou ko shabana ki choot ka izzat bhara salaam, mai aaj aapko aapko apni chudai ki dastaan sunane jarahi hoon, meri umr 23 saal hai,5.6, rang goora, 36c ke ubhre hue boobs aur lachakti hui gaand 36. Mai aksar burkha pahen kar hi bahar jaati hoon, mai college jane ke waqt hamesha raste mein chalte log meri mast jawani ko nangi nazrou se dekhte aur kuch to comments bhi kaste ke, kya maal hai saali burkhe mein bhi hokar lund ko pagal karrahi hai.. Meri...

2 years ago
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Masti Train Mei

Mera nam Ritesh hai, M/28/delhi, working in MNC Company, Love to enjoy my life with every bit of second. Mai Delhi mei rahta hoo aur 15 housewife ko chod chukka hoo aur we meri chudai se bahoot satisfy hoti hai kyunki mai chudai sirf chudai ke liye nahi karta balki pura satisfaction dena meri aadat hai.Sath hi 100% Secracy meri mai maintain karta hoo.Yadi aap call/phone talk/chat karna chahe to mujhe e-mail Karen, mai jawab dunga. Dosto aaj mai aapko ek aisi kahani bata raha hoo jo bilkul real...

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The Construction Worker and the Slut

Friday, November 28, the day after Thanksgiving 2014, was a cloudless sunny day, although it rained the day before and the day after. My hot boyfriend, Vince, spent Thanksgiving morning in bed watching the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day parade on TV with me. Then we had a sweet fuck before rushing off to a family holiday meal. Then all night slowly enjoying each other back in my bed, in all of our favorite sexual ways. When we awoke Friday morning, Vince kissed me and asked me what I wanted to do...

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Hindu Ne Muslim Bhabhi Ki Chudai Ki

Doston I am back with my 2nd story. I’ve always fantasized about fucking a Muslim woman. This is a fantasy story.  Mein chuttiyon ke liye ghar aaya tha May ke mahine mein. Waise hamare pados wala flat khaali pada tha, par ab usmein koi rehne aaya tha. Mummy se pooecha to unhone kaha koi muslim family hain. Ghar mein sirf ma aur uski 5 saal ki beti hain. Maine ek din usko burkhe mein dekha. Sirf ankhen dikhai de rahi ti uski. Par kya nasheeli ankhen thi. Hum dono darwaaze ke baahar hi...

3 years ago
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The Power of the Tarot

It was just another ordinary reading. The spread was nothing fancy, no gimmicks and no earth-shattering revelations to impart to a gullible mark. Isabella was sitting on top of her King-sized bed totally naked. She was not a nudist or even a naughty girl. Isabella just liked to do her readings over the phone with the skin of her body completely free of any restriction. Sometimes she would play with her pussy or fondle her nipples when she was talking to a client but she never mentioned any of...

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Fuck me good baby

It was 3 AM and my bed sheets were a messy lump under my back. I was tired. It had been a tiring day — get up early in the morning, make breakfast, work eight hours, go to movies with boyfriend, have a screaming fight with boyfriend outside of movie theatre, throw drink at boyfriend, cry after being dumped, rip up photos of us as a couple ... all very tiring work.Like I said, I was tired. Exhausted even. So why couldn't I sleep?I knew why, even if a part of me didn't want to admit it to myself....

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JulesJordan Emily Willis The Insatiable Emily Willis Part 3 Emily challenges her ass with the biggest cock Dredd

Jules Jordan brings two porn superstars together for an unforgettable ANAL excursion! The Insatiable Emily Willis is more than a title, it’s an extremely accurate description of this tiny nubile fuckdoll who never backs down from a challenge. Emily can go from prim & proper to downright dirty in less than a second, gobbling every and any cock in sight until they explode. She stands in the bathroom in her black lace lingerie while putting the finishing touches on her makeup and making sure...

2 years ago
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Flights of Consciousness Book III Charitable Good DeedsChapter 32

Two thugs, one named Howie, the other Ken, no last names — not yet, anyway, David thought — had been hired to torch the shelter by a man named Glen Brown, but Brown wasn't the initiating party. Someone else had hired Brown, but because a man that Brown referred to as Kevin had hired Brown over the telephone, the trail to the culprit who had initiated the attack against the shelter went cold. Knowing that he'd taken too much time to learn just those few facts, David stopped his...

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Nine Memorable DaysChapter 3 A shower And Some SelfGratification

A ten-minute cold shower was immediately refreshing and just what was needed to cure my rampant erection. I stepped out ready to dry myself. No towel! I checked the clothes on the stand by the sink. My shorts, sports socks and favourite Nike running shoes were all there along with my favourite Los Angeles Lakers T-shirt and a girly magazine, but there was definitely no towel. I wondered if I should call out or use the small towel on the rack that would dry me enough so that I could put on my...

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Lonely Is The Heart

She sat alone. Stark naked, all huddled up with her arms wrapped around her knees. She sat on the chair with her face and head obscured by her shoulder length, unkept hair. A perfect picture of solitude, but nothing was perfect. Far from it, she had been crying for the past hour. Susan had had a tough life. Being brought up by a single uncaring parent, she had more than her share of heartbreaks and hurdles over her thirty-two years. She never seemed to be able to get a break and now with the...

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My First Time

The summer leading into my first year of college was when my innocent horniness ended. For weeks, I'd wondered how I ought to pop my cherry before meeting college boys and needing experience to do them the way they wanted to be done. I'd been to college parties, and whenever sex broke out, my friends and I would watch with cups of un-drunk beers in our hands, as a drunk girl rode and sucked a man with a nice erection.After watching the show, I walked around on my own and sat down somewhere...

First Time
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The Competitive Edge Playing The Game IIIEpilogue That Which Has Passed That Which Will Be

And here we are, so many years after the end of the tale, with a lot of relatively inconsequential events that were precipitated by the incidents told. For instance, Kayla is the mother of three beautiful Porter children. Kaitlynn, the oldest and the apple of my eye, is thirteen, and is her mother all over again. Very little of Sean was thrown in as spice. She is youthfully slender, deceptively strong, with silky white-blonde hair she ties back in a ubiquitous ponytail. And she plays defense...

4 years ago
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A Weekend At Miss Mulligans

Seven weeks had passed since Peter Mitchell had been caned at the FCI for pleading guilty to being drunk and disorderly. He had recovered from his experience and his girlfriend Joanne had carefully massaged and applied cream to his bottom every night for a month until she was satisfied that his bottom was fully healed from his sentence, which had been laid on at full-force by her friend, Kelli Seagrave. Joanne Wilson had promised Peter a proper punishment once he had recovered, to teach him who...

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Embracing my Inner Slut

"Wantin', and fuckin', and squeezin', and beggin', lickin' and screamin' and ridin' my clit." I sang to Tessa and Jenna, bound back to back. I shook my wide hips at them. I love them. They giggled. They were hard and gagged and leaking, too bad, girls, about those little cages on your clits. I brushed Tessa's on the way to lick Jenna. "Mmm, darling, you taste marvelous. Maybe I should have a little more of you." Her eyes widened. So pretty, Jenna, your mouth would be just right to sheath my...

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Tristan and Colton Part 2 Tristan

“Colton,” a familiar voice whispered, “is that you?” Colton was relieved to see that it was Brandon walking toward him. Seeing Brandon almost made him forget about the awful things that had happened in the past few weeks. “I was worried about you,” Brandon continued, “I had no idea where you went.” “I’m fine,” Colton said, trying to be strong in front of his closest friend. Brandon moved closer, and saw the tears on Colton’s face. He sat down next to him, and dried his eyes....

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The ring of Salazar

In the middle of their common room, was Gregory Goyle with his pants down and Hermione Granger's face buried between his ass check giving him his first and best rimjob of his life. She was licking him like it was her favorite hobbie. Everyone was watching with anticipation because they all knew Goyle had just taken a full bottle of magic laxative. Empty yourself in 5 minute said the bottle. Hermione was on her knee, hand keeping her master ass open and her tongue deep in his anus... Draco...

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There Oughta Be a LawChapter 9

Tuesday Evening After I left work I wasn't quite sure how things were supposed to go now. I knocked on Carolyn's door just in case. Stephanie answered the door and threw herself into my arms. "Uncle Don! I'm so glad to see you." I grabbed her ass and kissed her. "Hi Steph." She rushed off ahead of me to her bedroom. Her shorts looked like they were painted on her ass. I sure hope she didn't look like that in public. When I reached her bedroom she was already naked and she helped...

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Alices Humiliation

Alice Hemingway is the nerdiest girl in town. Too caught up in her books, Alice doesn’t have many friends outside of Josie and Edmund who stuck by her side since middle school. Alice is used to being picked on and bullied especially by Chelsea and her squad of friends. Alice has a stepmom named Margaret and a stepsister named Stacey. Margaret is often strict with Alice while letting Stacey getting away with nearly everything. This time it’s a bit different though as now that she’s over 18…...

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Cousins une Histoire de Famille Partie 5

Cousins - Une Histoire de Famille - partie 5 Par Loulou Note : cette histoire est pure fiction et aucun des personnages n'existe vraiment ? l'ext?rieur de ces lignes. Ne m'en veuillez pas de prendre quelques libert?s avec la r?alit?. Chapitre 21 - Une jolie secr?taire Sam se r?veilla en pensant que jamais il n'avait si bien dormi. Comme Chris dormait encore, il prit son petit d?jeuner en silence. Quand il entendit Chris arriver derri?re lui, Sam leva la t?te pour recevoir un baiser. "Sammy, tu as l'air...

2 years ago
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Summer Romance Never Forgotten 04

Please vote. Please give me the support of your vote. * We all have a lost love. A kiss that lasted for forty years. A first time for everything, no woman had ever kissed him first before he kissed her. He wanted to kiss her but, having just met the woman not even an hour ago, he didn’t want to rush her or pressure her. He was afraid. Fearing that he’d ruin things before talking to her and getting to know her better, with most women wanting to take things slow, he was afraid to prematurely...

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THE HUNT Chapter 4 My Choice

The next morning I am awakened by Wolf. But this is different, this is the morning after my successful survival of The Hunt. And not just any Hunt, the first ever Hunt when the hunted has survived the full three days and nights. The concept of The Hunt is very specific, but I wonder if any of the leaders who established the criteria, rules, and rewards had any anticipation that someone might actually evade capture all three days. Was the outcome even defined for this condition? Would...

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Eric Olafson Fleet Cadet Vol 3Chapter 3 Basic Training

I was still as tired as a Tyranno during Longnight when the lights came on and a voice barked via the PA system: “0400 hours Cadets rise and shine. 0430 is Breakfast. At 0500 you will receive your first class in the Elbhard Auditorium.” And we found ourselves in said Auditorium at that time an hour later. Clean, fed and still tired. Again I tried to find a place in the back, so I could perhaps close my eyes for few moments. The Pan Saran Officer was already there. “Good Morning Class.” We...

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AnythingChapter 2

I stirred a short while later as my stomach beginning to rumble. Forgetting my circumstances for a second, I tried to roll out of bed quietly, but the ribbon attached to my left wrist held me back. I heard a groan from the bed as she stirred as well. “We need some food”, I said. “I’m starving.” She groaned again, but didn’t move. “Come on”, I said with a bit of irritation creeping into my voice. “Let’s eat something!”. She finally stirred and we made our way to the kitchenette. We had...

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Money Can Buy AnythingChapter 8 Dressing and Milk

The first girls back were Xing, Yolonda, and both sets of twins. They had been gone two nights and only one day. So first thing we did was to pack everything they had into boxes and put it all into storage. They were shown to their stall naked of course. I had done my homework, ponygirls would be dressed in lycra bodysuits that ended with an extra high collar and extra-long sleeves and leggings. Jenna and Hanna would be black stallions while Gina and Nina would be Pinto ponies. Special Lycra...

3 years ago
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Acting as a Cleaning Lady Chapter 6 Sallys New Girlfriend

Acting as a Cleaning Lady An Unfinished Story by Susannah Donim What will Sally make of the plump little Spanish cleaning lady who used to be her husband? Chapter 6 - Sally's New Girlfriend Sally came back into Ingrid's office and whooped with delight when she saw me. "It's fantastic!" she said. "You don't look like... him at all. You look just like a grown-up version of... the other Maria!" "But I'm so fat!" I moaned. "You're not fat. You're exactly the same size as...

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NaughtyAmerica Kylie Page Lana Rhodes Lily Jordan VR 22521

Part 2 of 2 for Spring Break 2017, watch this one last. SPRING BREAK 2017! Yes, it has arrived, and so have Kylie Page, Lana Rhodes and Lily Jordan! This house party your buddy invited you to is the cure-all for you after your break-up with your girlfriend. Trust us, you won’t be thinking anything about here when you meet Kylie, Lana and Lily, and you’re gonna get to know them REAL well! See for your own eyes the kind of spring breakin’ these horny college girls like to do: bikinis, red cups...

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Since I have told you about my wifes first experience with Champ I figure its only fair that I tell you something about her dog. The first real love in her life. We know very little about Champs background. My step dad brought him home from one of his cross country hauls. He was an over the road trucker. He told us he met an older couple in Northern California at a truck stop. They were having to move and they could not take their pet dog with them to their new place. The owner did not allow...

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