Controlled Ch. 01 free porn video

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Hiya my name is Kirsta I’m 26 have a nice figure about size 14 with decent sized breasts and a very kinky nature, I want to tell you about how my life and my husband’s life changed very dramatically recently.

For the past few months my husband Dan and I have been adding a lot of fantasy in our sex life to spice things up. We love reading the stories on the various websites and will often write and email to the authors if we think they are good and have turned us on. The fantasies have ranged from me exposing my body in public, to me getting gang banged by a group of strangers whilst Dan either watches or is waiting for me at home.

It was great just talking about these things, at first it was just during foreplay and whilst having sex with me telling Dan all the things I’d like to do and with him egging me on to go further. As these things do it got to the point where we wanted to put some of the milder aspects of these fantasies into action, although we were both very nervous about doing it.

One Saturday we went to the shopping centre and whilst I was in one of the many clothes shops and Dan was next door looking at computer games, I spotted a short mini skirt which looked really nice and it made me think about all the things we talked about so much I was becoming very aroused. I just had to buy it then and there. So grabbing it I took it to the changing rooms and tried it on.

Looking in the mirror I was amazed at the amount of leg it showed off, if I bent over without bending my knee’s you could easily see my knickers which made me feel even hornier. I never normally wear short skirts at all as I always thought that they were a bit slutty, but looking at my reflection in the mirror I was shocked at how sexy I thought I looked and how horny I felt. I was still nervous as hell but thought what a laugh it would be to just wear this for the rest of the time round the shops.

Quickly ripping off the tags I folded up the jeans I was wearing earlier I went back out of the changing rooms and told the girl on the till that I was going to wear this but could I have a bag for my jeans. The girl said sure and that the skirt looked great on me and was sure that whoever I was wearing it for would love it as well.

After paying and putting my jeans in the bag I headed to find Dan next door. I felt totally exposed and nervous but it was making me as horny as hell noticing how many strange men were staring at my now fully exposed legs. Going into the computer game shop Dan had his back to me, so I walked up behind him and put my hands over his eyes and whispered in his ear that I had a surprise for him, all this time I could feel eyes looking at me.

When Dan turned round the shocked look on his face was great to see, I didn’t think he believed that I would do anything like this without him having to keep pestering me. He told me that I looked stunning and that did I know that nearly everyone in the shop kept trying to look at me. I told him that I knew, it was making me really horny and asked him whether he minded. He said that he was really turned on by the thought of all these men looking at me and him knowing that I was his.

We walked round the shops for another hour, all the time I kept noticing men looking at me. It made my confidence soar, but by this time we were so horny we had to get home and we fucked like mad with me telling him how it felt to be eyed up by all those men and him telling me, practically begging me that we should do it again but perhaps go a bit further next time and show off my boobs as well.

Over the next few days all we did was fuck and think about what I would wear next, until next Saturday came around and Dan decided we needed to go to the shopping centre again.

This time I decided that I should wear a nice but slightly see through blouse and a lace bra with the skirt and that I would also wear some high heels to complete the outfit. When I came downstairs to where Dan was waiting I practically had to fight him off he was so turned on.

On the way to the shopping centre his hand never left my leg and quite often he would move it up until his hands were rubbing over the lips of my pussy. I had to keep moving his hand because I was getting so wet it was becoming uncomfortable. I had a couple of wolf whistles when we were crossing the car park and for the hour we were actually in the centre I lost track of the amount of men who were staring at either my chest or my legs, men aren’t exactly subtle I’ve noticed.

Again this gave new life to our sex life and we did this for the next few weeks, sometimes with me going alone, although every time I went out I still felt really nervous for the first few minutes, but would end up feeling like a nymphomaniac by the time I got home where I would practically rape Dan while telling him about all the men that would stare at me and when I told him about the odd one or two who had tried to chat me up it always sent him over the edge.

It was after the third time I’d gone out on my own that Dan suggested that why don’t we go a bit further than we had done already. Asking what he had in mind I got a shock when he told me that what would really turn him on would be someone who we don’t know, telling me what to do and what to wear when I went out. At first I didn’t like the sound of it but gradually after a bit of persuading from Dan I let him talk me into it and asked how we would go about it.

I said earlier we often read some kinky stories online, so Dan’s idea was to email one of the authors that we liked and to ask him for any idea’s. Again feeling very nervous I emailed one, and was surprised when I got a reply back from a man who called himself the lord, saying that the idea sounded really interesting. He asked me for a photo of me dressed up sexily and one of me naked as he could picture things in his head better, he also asked me what I would like to do and how far would I go..

When Dan got back from work I asked him what he thought. Dan was all for it he kept telling me what to write back, the fact that he was really excited turned me on loads. I emailed him back sending him the pictures of me in my new going out outfit and the other with me lying on my back in bed saying that I would go along with whatever he told me to do, but also explaining that I was still very nervous and to take it easy on me.

The next day I received another email from him which said how much he liked the pictures and what a sexy body I had with all the proper curves instead of these nasty anorexic looking women these days. He would start definitely start gently with me so I was not to worry. The first thing he wanted me to do was to shave the remaining hair of my pussy which although it looked lovely trimmed as I had always kept it tidy, it was such a shame to cover up something that should be viewed and enjoyed. I also had to send him a picture of my new look.

The second thing I had to do this weekend was to go to the shopping centre again in my usual outfit, but this time we were to take a taxi and I was not to wear any knickers this time. Dan was to sit in the front passenger seat and I was to sit in the middle of the back seat. I also had to position my legs partly open so that the taxi driver could, if he looked in the mirror, see up my skirt and my naked pussy. When I was at the shopping centre I could do what I wanted but at least twice I was to bend over and pick something up from a bottom shelf without bending my knees so that my skirt would rise up and show my nakedness.

If this was going easy on me then it didn’t bode well for what would happen in the future, but I must admit I was getting really turned on by the thought of doing it. When Dan got home and read it he was really excited and dragged me upstairs where we had some really dirty sex whilst thinking about it. Afterwards I emailed him back and said that we’d do it and let him know how it turned out.

Saturday morning came round quickly and I got
ready for the day out at the shops, I almost chickened out but at that point Dan shouted up to say that the taxi he had ordered earlier was on its way. I quickly finished putting my makeup on and went downstairs. Dan’s smile was huge as he reached his hand under my skirt and felt my freshly shaved pussy. I slapped his hand away and told him it had better not be our normal taxi company, to which he told me it was a new one he found in the yellow pages and not to worry. He asked if I was ok with this and if I was sure that I still wanted to go through with it. I said I was willing if he was, to which he said he’d been looking forward to it all week and anything I wanted to do was fine with him.

Just then a horn sounded outside as the taxi pulled up.

Dan went out first and got straight into the front passenger seat leaving me to lock up. As I walked to the taxi I could see the driver, an Asian man of about 50 or so staring at me. I got into the back seat and shuffled across to the middle of the back seat, I kept my legs closed at first as Dan started talking to the driver who was spending a lot of time looking in his rear view mirror at me. After a couple of minutes I started to relax a bit and made a show of looking out the side window, whilst I was doing this I let my legs open up a little. At first the driver didn’t seem to notice so I opened them a bit more, leaned back in the seat and looked out the side window again.

About 10 seconds later the car seemed to swerve slightly and sure enough when I turned round I could see his eyes in the rear-view mirror looking straight towards my pussy which was now on display. I felt myself getting even more aroused and wet, I pretended not to have realised what I was doing and as I leaned forward to talk to Dan my legs opened even more. Dan looked at me and smiled, knowing that the driver was looking at my naked pussy, he asked if I was feeling ok and I said that I was feeling great. I then sat back only closing my legs slightly but still leaving myself on display.

A couple of minutes later we arrived at the shopping centre, Dan got out and said he’d wait inside and could I pay for the taxi. Leaning forward and opening my legs a little more again I asked the driver how much it was, not taking his eyes of what was beneath my skirt he mumbled a fiver would do. Leaning back again but this time keeping my legs wide open I fumbled in my purse for a minute and got the money then handed it to him, as I did I accidentally dropped it. Quick as a flash he leaned back to grab the money and as he was bringing it up I felt him brush his hand against the inside of my leg, which sent a shock through my body. Thanking the guy and pretending not to have noticed I started to climb out when the driver handed me a business card and told me to call him anytime I needed a cab and he would always do me a good deal. I said thanks again got out and walked over to Dan who very excitedly told me that the driver was still staring after me.

We went straight to a café and ordered a coffee each, we couldn’t stop laughing about what I’d done and when I told Dan how the guy had brushed his hand against the inside of my leg he got even more excited and asked what I would have done if he had felt my pussy, I just told him I would have saved myself a fiver because there was no way I would have had to pay him if he did that. Dan started to laugh but then asked if I was serious, I told him that I definitely was as long as he was ok with it. Dan looked over the moon he said that he couldn’t wait till we get home.

I reminded him that we still had another task to perform yet, so finishing our coffee’s we set off to follow my orders.

The shop that I bent over in was a shoe shop, I looked round and only saw one other guy about at that moment so I picked up a pair of shoes from the bottom shelf and sure enough my skirt rode up and showed the bottom of my ass and some of my pussy to anyone who could see. When I stood back up and turned around I saw the man at the other end of the aisle staring at me. Dan whispered that the man had seen everything, so smiling I turned back and put the shoes back where I got them from again feeling my skirt rise up and fresh air on my exposed bits.

I stood back up and noticed that this time the man had moved even closer and when he noticed I was looking at him he quickly looked at the nearest pair of shoes to him which was funny because he was by the high heels section in the store.

Dan was so turned on by now that he decided it was definitely time to go home as he couldn’t wait to give me the fucking I deserved. We almost ran to the taxi rank outside and jumped into a black cab, which unfortunately was driven by a woman so put a stop to me showing myself off. When we got home we didn’t even get out of the hallway before Dan had his cock in my soaking pussy pounding away like a madman, it did not take long before he came but I was way ahead of him and came at least twice. It was one of the best fucks we had ever had.

After we had calmed down I emailed the author and told him all the little details and how I felt whilst and after doing it, leaving nothing out.

On Monday night I checked the computer and there was another message waiting for me from the writer I opened it up.

‘Hi Kirsta,’ it started ‘Was very pleased to read about your exploits, it sounded like you had a great time, I especially liked the fact that the taxi driver almost touched your cunt. I wonder how you would have felt if he had actually brushed against it or even better yet if he had played with you for a few minutes whilst hubby was waiting for you like a good little boy in the shopping centre, would that turn you on I wonder? How wet does that thought make you I wonder?’

I must admit almost without my knowledge my fingers had located my clit and were making circling motions whilst I thought back to the taxi ride and the possibility of that old Asian taxi driver playing with my pussy. God this was stupid he was a horrible looking old man, so why was I getting so turned on, before I knew it I came in a loud orgasm that left me shaking slightly. I read on

‘ There was one thing though that bothers me when you wrote back and told me about the time in the shoe shop which was great by the way, you then said you and hubby went home and fucked like rabbits, all very nice by the way. The only problem was that, I told you that you must bend over and expose yourself twice and don’t think putting the shoes back counts as the second time either. We’re going to have to get things straight from the outset and the decision obviously will be totally up to you.’

‘What I want from now on is that you do exactly what I say and when I say it, you follow my instructions exactly to the letter and I will want photographic evidence of this also. Any failure on your part will incur a very humiliating punishment for you or hubby boy. If you agree to these terms I will not punish you too severely for this first lapse, but you will be punished. Either you agree to these terms or we might as well forget the whole thing with no hard feelings. The choice is yours, but I will say that if you agree to these terms, I promise to make all your wildest dreams come true and even some dreams you never knew you had. Email me back by Thursday night to let me know if you agree to these terms, if I don’t hear from you then good luck in the future.’

The cheeky bastard I first thought, I couldn’t believe the nerve of him, the hell was I going to surrender myself in this way and the condescending way he kept calling Dan Hubby Boy, just who the hell did he think he was.

I waited until Dan came back from work still pissed off but beginning to calm down a bit and as I grew a bit calmer I kept wandering what it would be like to give up my free will entirely to some stranger to obey his every whim and even though I was still fuming slightly I couldn’t help feeling slightly aroused at the thought as well. When Dan got in I showed him the em
ail and watched while he read it silently before he turned round to me and said ‘Well what do you think?’

I was shocked at first Dan didn’t seem upset or anything in fact he looked like he was slightly aroused himself. ‘What do you mean? What do I think?’ I said

‘Well, OK it seems a bit strongly worded and I only want you to be happy and to enjoy yourself, so I’ll always go along with what you want, in fact I’ll do whatever you want me to do. I suggest you think about it a bit first though.’

Still shocked I said ‘What you would let some strange man control me telling me to expose myself probably get me to fuck other strange men and who knows what else.’

‘No.’ he said ‘Not that at all I would let you do whatever you wanted and if that involved you having sex with half the town, as long as you wanted to, I would always love you and would always enjoy it. You know me I get off by seeing you getting off. I must admit the whole idea turns me on though. What can I say? I’m just freaky that way’

‘I know you are you pervert, I’ll think about it then’

Over the next couple of days it was all that was in my mind and the more I thought about it the more I wanted to do it. The whole aspect of surrendering my free will to this stranger was turning me on so much, that by Wednesday night I had decided to do it, and do it I would, when I gave my word I kept it, I had never broke my word in my life.

Dan was ecstatic and we fucked like rabbits all night. The next morning I emailed the Dark Lord back saying that I would agree to his terms and that I was sorry that I had disobeyed him by not bending over the required amount of times, and that I would do better next time.

The next day I got another email.

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Me my friend and his mother

Hi friends I am going to tell you the real sex experience happened in my life .I am Ajay and I am 21 year old boy and I am 6 feet tall and handsome slight body built. I have a dick size of 8 inches and little bigger when it grows harder. I had my sex experiences and here I share my experience which is real one .some may tell that only 5% of the incest stories are real but I say that possibilities are higher than 50 %.I have great attraction mainly towards the aunties. Imagine to have sex with...

1 year ago
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Consensual Barstool Event

I was on vacation in the Big Easy. I meandered into a crowded watering hole in the French Quarter, and planted my round bum on the sole vacant barstool in the joint. I gently gestured to the bartender who was busy preparing a slew of mixed drinks. She nodded and mouthed, “One minute.” I smiled again, adjusted my bra strap, and nodded back. Five minutes later, I ordered a hurricane and opened a tab. The room buzzed with light laughter and chitchat. I watched a smoke plume travel toward the...

2 years ago
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Queen Neferu

The sun had begun to set, its last rays reflecting on the Nile as it flowed through the city of Thebes. The city had been built long ago by the ancient Pharaohs, and from where they ruled their Kingdom that stretched from the Niles source in Upper Egypt and beyond to its mouth in Lower Egypt where it emptied into the sea. Thebes had witnessed much history, seeing both good and bad times. Today the city is the largest in Egypt having prospered under the reigns of the current Pharaoh Nehsey and...

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I felt like a fool, a complete and stupid fool. There I stood, naked except for my socks, in front of the doctor who had known me since I was born. I had to get a physical so I could play football; I mean go out for the team. "You're too skinny," he said. "They'll kill you, those big guys." 'I'm pretty fast." "You'd better be." He looked at some papers on his desk. "You've grown, haven't you? Five eleven now. But only a hundred and forty-two." I nodded. "This summer, about...

4 years ago
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A true father daughter love

(Jack was sweating, panting, his body getting hotter by the mintute. His wife Helen under him moaning with pleasure as he fucked her slowly. He felt her face she was the most beautiful women in the world to him. Her long brunette hair with her deep green eyes that always made him think of a beautiful medow in a distant valley somewhere. He gyrated his hips foward, pushing his cock deeper into her and watching the smile develop on her face. She grabbed his shoulder "Oh baby I'm close finish...

3 years ago
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Claire The final Chapter

Has Lyn and I lay our bodies entwined could hear Mom and Sunny in the next room. Laughter and moans of sexual pleasure, Sunny had drifted into our lives two days ago Mom had selected herself to look after Sunny and the two had quickly become inseparable. The previous night Sunny had been seduced by Mom whilst Lyn and I made love by the side of them. Lyn nuzzled my breast. I stroked Lyn’s breast she moaned with pleasure she reached down I felt her warm hand rub my clitoris I soon reached my...

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Bedpost and Telephone

Every Sunday morning it's a wrap up of the night before. After a good long sleep and breakfast, Melanie and I were ready for the tie-ups and a mouthful of pussy...We're both airline hostesses, but Melanie's route is Asia and mine is Europe. WE do meet in Chicago every other weekend as the stop over for both these routes...We met while I was flying to Mumbai to spend two weeks in GOA..She was going to vacation their as well, as this was her last flight for the year and a much needed vacation...

4 years ago
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my discovery

Hello everyone. It's me again auntie norma,this is my second attempt to write a story that took place before I got involved with my nephew.You all know my story of what happened how it happened when it happened told by my nephew now my husband. technically i've been involve with him since day one. But now I want to you all about what occurred during one night. One night out how I learned more about my self another side of methat I didn't know existed.It was shortly before the experience with my...

3 years ago
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I want to join the Sissy Piggy Army

A couple of months ago one of our members said he was starting the Sissy Piggy Army for all those who wanted to become Sissy Pigs. I thought I was already one. So I contacted the member and said I wanted to join. He said I had to have a photo or video of me in my sissy clothes licking a toilet bowl in a bathroom. I was more than happy to do that. Except my non-sexual wife lives with me 24/7 and I have not been able to seriously dress up or make vids for six long months. I was very unhappy about...

3 years ago
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Secret Lives Chapter 11

Breakfast was a very awkward affair the following morning. Sarah was wandering around the kitchen in what appeared to be some form of auto pilot. Clearly she was deep in thought and she probably felt as conflicted as I was. On top of that the boys were all looking very uncomfortable too; not just emotionally either. We were all quite hung over. I decided the best way to deal with that was to have a huge fry up breakfast. Nothing cures a hangover quite like fat and protein. So bacon, eggs and...

1 year ago
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College for Krista Part One

Krista walked into the dorm room with her suitcase in her hand and slumped down to one side. Summer could tell that she had struggled with her bag either up the stairs or just carrying it from the elevator to the dorm room. Krista looked at Summer as she lied on her bed. Summer saw how frazzled Krista’s hair looked and Krista’s tired arm just dropped her bag immediately. With the weight now away from her hand, she walked over to where Summer lied and introduced herself. “You must be Summer....

1 year ago
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When Hubby is Out of Town

My name is Sharon and this story is largely based on what happened in my life when I was 30 years old. At the time, I had been married for about 8 years to Robert, who was 33 at the time. In general, life was good. In fact, our sex life was excellent. My husband was certainly more adventurous than I, but we both had our favorite fantasies. Here’s what he would often tell me while we were making love, “Sharon imagine that you are dressed provocatively and walk into one of the classy nearby...

Wife Lovers
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Roomies Jocks Versus Nerds

"Oh, Oh, ohhh yeah." Kim McCall nearly rolled her eyes as she listened to the grunts and groans coming from the guy on top of her. From the sounds he was making a listener would have thought he had a cock the size of a stag film star and was driving it so deeply into the black-haired coed that it was coming out her butt. Well, it wasn't. And if she was humping up against him as hard as she could, it was in an attempt to get him somewhere satisfactory inside her. It wasn't that he was...

2 years ago
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Our First Time9

I loved her and she loved me, but we both could never bring ourselves to admitting it. Her name is Shayla. She is a beautiful Negro girl of barely 19. Coming from a strict religious background she was never allowed to date anyone and was in a strict arranged marriage with a man whom she herself hadn’t even met. Though she wasn’t allowed to date and even with her hectic life to deal with she had always found time to fantasize about computer geeks and them tying her down to her headboard with an...

2 years ago
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Morning has broken pt 2 mother and elder sister

My continued sex with jenny's(my girlfiend)younger sister Susan was awsome most weekends and the odd day when I was passing she couldnt get enough of my dick. We had a family gathering where her elder sister Sally who was a cock hungry nympho was going to be there, we arrived and the house was filling nicely as the evening carried on I got talking to sally,she was pissed and said she would love to suck my cock.We went out side and she grabbed my cock through my trousers it was a big buldge she...

2 years ago
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1964 The Dairy of DesireChapter 14 Fucking for Real Forever

“Oh my GAWD! ... Lilly!” It wasn’t frightening, exactly, doing it inside Lilly. And it was a thrill like no other. And all the religious had taught me to avoid in hiding the facts of just what fucking meant was anymore all too luxurious to be avoided. My penis inside Lilly was “home”. It now felt so right. I already loved ejaculations so much and it felt like one of the long enduring ones all going into her. It was too luxurious to avoid. But fucking Lilly, WOW! Real fucking. What was the...

1 year ago
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PunishTeens Chloe Carter Cum is Thicker Than Water

Chloe Carter is a sizzling hot indie punk looking tattooed teen. She just has that sexy wild rocker angst and a very fuckable bod. She also has a thing for masturbating in the tub. She loves running water right on to her own snatch to get off. The problem is that she wastes a lot of water and her daddy is pissed off about the bills. He walks upstairs to find her in trashy lingerie. She’s laying in the tub, legs spread, fishnet stockings on, and just diddling away when dad busts through the door...

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The view makes things spiral out of control

After that night that I had a view from their bedroom, I started a regular thing with them. I loved the arrangement, but it was just getting out of control. Invitations were only sent on the weekends at first, but then a couple weeks later they wanted me on weeknights too. So I frequently gave my parents some excuse about studying, so I could head over there and they'd already be naked waiting for me. They were up for anything sexually, anal, letting me cum anywhere I wanted and sex games were...

3 years ago
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Oh My Gosh Part 3

Before you start reading part 3 - I challenge you to NOT touch yourself. If you can get through and are still not hard or even semi-hard, I do wanna hear from you. Otherwise, just leave me a comment here.You should read parts 1 and 2 or this won't make much sense. Also if you get they whole story, you won't be able to stop masturbating. was Friday, our third night...

2 years ago
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Summer Break on the Farm Chapter 1

I couldn’t believe freshman year was over already. It felt great to finally be done with finals, but it was going to be bittersweet leaving behind all my friends for the summer. I didn’t really fit in back in my small hometown so it was great actually being able to hang out with people just as nerdy as me. I continued thinking about how much I was going to miss my friends and school as I finished packing up my dorm room. It was going to be so boring out on the farm, miles from civilization… and...

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A Charmed Life

“Yes, this is Jake speaking,” I said cautiously.This was my “work” phone and it was normally a female voice on the other end of the line.“Um…um…don’t worry,” said the man who had called, detecting my guarded tone. “My wife wanted me to call you on her behalf. She gave me your number.”“Really?”“Yes. I know that sounds strange…but we have…well, a kind of special type of relationship. My wife is much younger than me, and she has very strong needs. I…well, I worship her and am lucky to have her, so...

1 year ago
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Backseat Mommy Chapter One A Long Hard Ride

You don't really know how much stuff you have collected in your life until you move.With our last son going to college, we did two moves in one. We were moving to a condo only a few miles away, while we were driving Cory sixteen hours to college. Because we had to put all our items in storage, we didn't get title for three more weeks, we were going to do a two week road trip after we dropped Cory off.As we packed the car with both Cory's stuff and our suitcases for the almost three week round...

3 years ago
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Celestial WarsChapter 15 Black Deeds

"Love is not righteous. Only a fool who has never felt love's bitter edges would claim otherwise. Love is greedy, love is dark, and love is jealous. But this is why we desire love above all else. It is like a mania. Our thoughts become clouded, but our blood thrums with life." -Attributed to Lilith, Princess of Lust and Blood Devnik I could feel the daylight shield rippling like gauze around me. My skin tingled. It felt like a thin layer of frost had settled softly against me. I...

1 year ago
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Kimiko Loves Puppies

It was Friday night and every one was out having fun. Everyone except for Kimiko, that is, who had other plans for the night. It was quite in her house, with the only audible sound being that of the TV. Kimiko was in the kitchen preparing a late supper and chatting on the phone to one of her friends. She was suddenly interrupted by the alarm clock going off, at which point she put down the plate in her hands and excused her self from the conversation. "I'm sorry to cut our conversation short,...

3 years ago
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Second Time Through Book IChapter 11 Anna

"Good morning, sweetheart," Sydney whispered softly in my ear. The gray light of dawn was showing around the closed blinds. Sydney smelled fresh, like she had just showered. Her face was radiating with a healthy glow. She looked beautiful. "They need to come in and take your vitals," she told me. "And I need to get home." It suddenly occurred to me that no one had entered the room all night to check on me. I raised my eyebrows in question. "Uh, I think Catherine arranged it last...

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Passion in the heights

It was a beautiful summer Sunday afternoon sun was shining and the temperature was perfect. We put the top down on the car and went out driving around the numerous lakes we have here in our cities. She was sitting as close as she could to me with her hand on my thigh. She was wearing a skirt, blue as I remember, and a white blouse. Her blond hair shining in the sun light, we stopped in a parking place by the lake and watched the many people enjoying the day as we were.We would from time to time...

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The YVirus Ch 04

The following story is entirely fictitious. Any similarity to any persons living or dead is entirely coincidental and unintentional. All characters depicted in sexual acts and scenarios are at least eighteen years of age or older. The following story contains aspects of BDSM, CBT (cock and ball torture), femdom, forced orgasms, tease and denial, prostate stimulation, anal sex, ass worship, sex with machines, and much more. If any of these categories don’t appeal to you then I strongly suggest...

4 years ago
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Magical Ring Turned Me Sexy Shemale

Hi, guys, this is Rii and you can find me on Facebook by searching Rii Femboi. Now coming to the sex story. I am 28 boy and an absolute nerd, always studying and as a result had no friends since my school days. I thought things would change in the college, but I was wrong that time too. After completing my college I got a very good and a high paying job, but there too nobody wanted to befriend me. I had to move away from my parents to Delhi for a critical project that my company entrusted me...


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