Falling Ch. 06 free porn video

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I knew how to get back and forth to the airport, my hotel, my clients, and a sampling of restaurants. I'd never even gotten my ears pierced, much less thought of doing anything more radical. Of course I called Jenny.

She'd sounded a bit scandalized on the phone, but she was up for anything I wanted to do -- the magic my girlfriend, Stacey, had showed me seemed to work that way. We'd had a lot of fun together, but I couldn't forget that I'd gotten Jenny fired the previous night.

Now I had a chance to make things right. I smiled at Jenny, taking in the sight of her long legs disappearing into her short cutoffs. The curves of her breasts beneath her thin top looked pretty good, too. This time, she was riding shotgun as I drove us up the road toward the Bad Hoss.

I watched her enviously as we climbed out of the car into the baking Texan heat of the strip club's parking lot. I didn't have any casual clothes except for the miniskirt and vest that were both a little too casual and a little too soiled. My black pencil skirt seemed to suck heat into it, and I felt sweat trickling down my skin beneath the blouse.

We looked at each other uncertainly before heading for the entrance. Jenny was positive some of the girls would be able to recommend somebody that could do my piercing, and I was equally sure I could convince the manager to reinstate her as a waitress. Both of us hoped the other was right.

The Bad Hoss was dark and cool and noisy. The lunch crowd was less boisterous than the evening patrons, but the sound system more than made up for them. I could feel the bass in my feet as a rider cavorted atop the mechanical horse, never quite losing her hat as she stretched from one revealing position to another.

"Good afternoon, Ma'am," the hostess greeted us, clearly unsure of what to make of the mismatched women in front of her. Her professional smile faded when she recognized Jenny. "Hey, Jenny, I heard about what happened last night. That really sucks."

"Thanks, Gayle," Jenny answered, hanging back a little bit.

I was never going to make my afternoon meeting at this pace. "I'm here to talk to the manager about it," I announced, grabbing Jenny's hand and hauling her forward to stand beside me. "Is he here?"

Gayle's gaze dropped to our intertwined fingers, and then traveled up my body a second time, more carefully. The trace of sympathy she'd shown a moment earlier was gone, replaced by studious neutrality. "Darryl's in his office."

For a strip joint, the Bad Hoss seemed to have a lot of judgmental people on staff. I smiled nicely at Gayle, squeezed Jenny's hand, and gave her a "where now?" look.

Jenny got the hint and towed me towards the bar after mumbling, "Thanks," in Gayle's direction. She was so sweet I couldn't resist dropping her hand and copping a feel of her ass through the shorts, prompting a yelp; I could feel the hostess's eyes on us as we walked away. It was hard to remember I was there on business, sort of, and not to please myself.

Darryl looked up from his cheeseburger and fries when Jenny knocked lightly on the half-open door. He didn't really look familiar to me, at least with his pants on, but I'd been bombed out of my mind on tequila and lust the previous night. From his expression, I thought he hadn't recognized me, either. "Whatcha doin' here, Jenny?" he barked gruffly around a mouthful of cholesterol. "I said I'd mail you your check."

"That's what we wanted to talk to you about," I interceded. "I don't think Jenny deserved to lose her job, and we came here to ask you to reconsider. Surely you don't have so many good employees you can afford to cast one aside for something over which she had no control."

He swallowed noisily. "What's it to you, lady? You her mother or somethin'?" Darryl laughed at his own joke.

There was no way I was old enough, or Jenny young enough, for that to be possible, which left me feeling faintly offended. She tugged weakly at my arm, but I ignored the hint. "Just a friend," I corrected him. "And a customer who thinks it's pretty hypocritical to fire Jenny for something she can't control and then take advantage of it yourself."

"You!" exclaimed Darryl, finally making the connection. I watched him mentally undress me. "What a fuckin' slut, I tell you what," he added, shaking his head. Just hearing the word sent a jolt through my pussy. "I don't know what it's like wherever you come from, but here we've got laws against public nudity and indecency. Jenny, here, had a duty to make y'all cool it or put you out, and I had a duty to enforce those same regulations and discipline employees who couldn't."

I laughed but managed to avoid rolling my eyes. "But it was okay to let me blow you in the parking lot? Give me a break, Darryl!"

"I can't control what y'all do outside," he protested. "It's like public property, almost." I could see even he thought it was a weak argument.

"So if I were to kiss Jenny, you'd have to stop us?" She squeaked when I pulled her into my arms, but melted against my body and didn't hesitate to probe my mouth with her tongue when I followed through on the question. I watched Darryl stare greedily at us out of the corner of my eye.

He started when he noticed me doing it. "There's nothing wrong with public displays of affection," Darryl said with a leer.

It was clear it would take more to get to the sanctimonious bastard, and I couldn't really say I was unhappy to take things up another notch. I backed Jenny roughly up against the office door, incidentally slamming it closed, and began running my hands up her body while we continued kissing. She made some faint sound that might have been a protest, but her eyes were closed and she was giving as good as she got. We twisted, and then she had me pinned against the door, where I could see both her and Darryl.

I could nearly see the word "sluts" form in his mind before floating across the room to brand itself in my suddenly-molten body. My hands pushed Jenny's top higher until I could knead her bared breasts and tease the hardened nipples which capped them. She responded with a guttural moan and ground her denim-clad crotch against my thigh. I heard a button bounce off something, and then I gasped at the feel of fingers roughly twisting my nipple.

When my eyes could focus again, I saw Darryl was taking in every bit of our display and the arousal written in the lines of his body just fanned my own desire. Panting, I turned Jenny so she could see him too, and pulled her butt into me. Her initial hesitation forgotten, Jenny flung her head back and began working her own tits, milking them and rotating her ass.

I held her with an arm across her tanned midriff while I tried and failed to snake a hand into the waistband of her shorts. My mind suddenly flashed on a bizarre vision of me impaling Jenny's sweet ass with a hard cock, and the imagined sensation left me on the ragged edge of orgasm before my mind processed the non sequitur and took me out of it.

"Give her another chance?" I husked, belatedly remembering the task at hand.

Darryl choked out a short laugh. "Why should I? I see this kind of thing all the time. What do I get out of it?" The bastard was stroking himself while he sat there, but honestly, I'd have been jilling off watching us, too.

Jenny evidently felt the same way, because she wriggled free of my grasp and stalked across the office, pulling off her top as she went. Upon reaching Darryl, she spun his chair to face her and squatted abruptly before him. "How about this, big boy?" she asked rhetorically, and then bent to take him in her mouth.

"Oh, you cum-suckin' slut," Darryl sighed happily as the liquid sounds of Jenny's slurping filled the office.

I felt moisture leaking down my legs, and Jenny picked up her pace. I was breathless with desire, about to explode watching her work on him like she was some cock-hungry slut. I struggled with the invisible zipper on my skirt, cursing it for cheating me out of some hot sex, and then the memory of Stacey's prohibition returned to me. Nothing in my dripping pussy. Damnit!

Darryl suddenly pushed Jenny off his tool. "You're gonna have to give me something more than that," he said, breathing heavily. "Show me what you got, Jenny-girl."

It seemed like a remarkably stupid thing to say; was he blind? She climbed slowly to her feet, displaying her toned and tanned body. Jenny's hands unfastened the button on her shorts, and then travelled slowly up her body, skimming her sweat-slicked skin until reaching her high-slung breasts and cupping them teasingly. Her ruddy nipples looked hard enough to cut glass.

Jenny half-closed her eyes, further emphasizing the mascara and liner that made them look even more attractive than they already were, and then her hands started south again. I didn't think she'd done a striptease before, but she'd obviously seen a few of them and understood the basics. Of course, she could have just stood there and had both of us creaming ourselves.

I moved over to stand beside Darryl's chair, because it was clear Jenny was playing more to me than him, and I could see the annoyance fighting with arousal on his countenance. Congratulating myself on learning from my mistakes, I took a quick pause to apply Stacey's special lip gloss before beginning to run my fingers through Darryl's hair.

A single pass was enough to turn up several loose strands. I wound one hair carefully around a fingertip so I could brush it against my moist lips, and then deposited it carefully on my tongue. My mouth felt parched; apparently all of the moisture in it had been pulled south to my throbbing slit by Jenny's performance.

Darryl and I stared at her, mesmerized, as she finally kicked off both her cutoffs and the absolutely drenched pair of low-rise hiphuggers that had been concealed beneath them. She looked as delicious as she had earlier in the morning, and I just knew I had to suck those puffy shining folds on display beneath her neat little pubic patch.

Precum oozed from the slit atop Darryl's urgently throbbing cock, and it looked like he might blow his wad right there. "Shit, you need it bad, don'tcha?" he grunted, watching Jenny extract a gleaming finger from herself and lightly coat her nipples. He made a grab for her, but she undulated just out of reach.

"Oh, I need it really bad," Jenny teased, making my blood boil. "How bad do you need it, Darryl? How bad do you need me?" She pressed a finger against her clit, making her body jerk.

I swallowed several times, coincidentally getting the hair down, and considered pinning her on the desk and tongue-fucking her brains out. "I think she deserves her job back," I commented to Darryl, but I wasn't sure he heard me.

"Come over here and find out, you little cock-tease," Darryl rasped, unfastening his jeans and pushing them to the floor. "Sit yourself down on my maypole and we'll have us some fun, you and I."

"Give her the job," I whispered.

He lunged for Jenny and caught her, or maybe she let him catch her. She shrieked with laughter as Darryl reeled her in, but the arms on the chair got in the way and she ended up sitting in his lap, legs sprawled to one side, with his cock sandwiched between her thigh and his groin.

"C'mon, Darryl, just hire me so we can stop screwing around, and start screwing around," Jenny insisted, wriggling so one breast rubbed against his arm and her weight pressed against his ruddy manhood. "And what are you still doing with your clothes on?" she asked me unexpectedly.

I didn't have a good answer for that, so I unfastened the remaining two buttons on my blouse and slid it off. "You'll never have a better employee," I reminded Darryl, fumbling again with the zipper on my skirt. "Last night wasn't Jenny's fault."

"What does it take to get you two sluts to shut up?" Darryl asked in an aggrieved tone of voice. With a grunt, he lofted a squealing Jenny onto his desk, scattering papers onto the floor, and then stood up. "You want a job? Fine; consider this your interview!"

Jenny obligingly spread her legs wider, and he pulled her onto his tool, hard enough to make her tits jiggle when he bottomed out inside her. "Oh, fuck, yeah!" she moaned. "Pound me, Darryl!"

They looked sexy as hell, especially with Jenny squirming and carrying on like Darryl's cock was electrified or something. I knew she really liked her boyfriend, Daniel, but sometimes a girl just needed to satisfy her urges. It wasn't like she felt anything for Darryl -- she was just using him for physical gratification, the same as he was using her. The thought was so arousing.

I wanted to be used, too, for raw sex, the way Big Bill and his friends had made me the receptacle for their scum-filled cocks. "Coat her," I moaned, fingering myself urgently while I watched the pair approach their release.

Darryl abruptly pulled out. "Work for it, slut!" he hissed through clenched teeth, and then started jetting onto Jenny's writhing body. The first strand reached from her tits to her neck, and the others landed across her tummy and thighs. She orgasmed violently while working her frothing slit with one hand and using her fingers to collect the hot semen and bring it to her mouth.

My own release was so close I could taste it, but suddenly my hand froze and Stacey's commandment crashed back down on me. I wanted to scream with frustration, but my mind suddenly jumped to the solution to my problems. "I want you in my ass right now, and I'm not taking 'no' for an answer," I snapped at a surprised Darryl, elbowing him aside.

Jenny tensed and moaned raggedly when I ran my tongue up her dripping slit, and then Darryl skewered my rosebud and I was in heaven. I came almost immediately, but there was no way I planned to settle for just a single orgasm. Jenny's hands tangled in my hair suggested she felt the same way.

"Hey, Darryl, do y'all want the kegs--"

I raised my head slightly and looked up the length of Jenny's quivering body at the slack-jawed man standing in the doorway. "Don't stop!" I hissed when Darryl began to falter, and his rhythmic pumping picked up again.

"Don't mind the girls," Darryl reassured him. "What can I do you for?"

"Fuckin' A!" the stranger exclaimed. "Doin' the help in the middle of the day? What if somebody catches you, Darryl? You'd be in a shitload of trouble!" He looked furtively over his shoulder before stepping into the office and closing the door again.

Darryl chuckled. "You caught me, Larry, and I ain't in trouble. Besides, they don't work here -- just a pair of sluts looking for a good boning." He punctuated the remark with a quick slap of my ass that left it stinging.

"Hey!" Jenny and I objected in chorus. "You promised me my job!" she cried out, before I could complain about the corporal punishment.

"I promised you a job," Darryl corrected her, "and you ain't done interviewing, yet, remember?" He looked across the office at Larry, who was staring at all of us like we belonged on another planet. "C'mon, Larry, admit it. Wouldn't you like to see this little missy ridin' the stallion? Or maybe ridin' you, seein' how she's such a little slut?"

"We are not sluts, and don't slap me again," I growled.

Larry appeared dubious. Darryl looked like he was going to hit me again just for spite, but then changed his mind, and then shifted his weight like he might back away, but then went back to his methodical shafting of my rectum.

Jenny peeled with laughter and sat up on the desk so she could kiss me lightly. "I don't know why you're so hung up on that word, Linnea," she said. "We are sluts, and I like it. No, I love it."

She swung a leg over my head and eased herself off the desktop. "I admit, when I saw you for the first time last night, I was a little dubious. When I saw you sitting on Big Bill's lap, letting him fuck you like that, I was shocked." Jenny pushed a pair of fingers into herself and sighed. "But... you showed me a side of myself I didn't know existed. Something that would have repulsed me, but -- doesn't, anymore."

Had I really done that? "Jenny..." I hesitated, unsure what to say.

"I love being a slut," she repeated, and I felt my body heat in unconscious agreement. "It makes me hot when people look at me that way; when they want to fuck me." Jenny moistened her lips, staring at the increasingly prominent bulge in Larry's jeans. "Letting them actually do it is like being on fire," she sighed, and then started stroking herself.

"It's so primal, being a slippery piece of fuckmeat for anyone who wants me," Jenny mused, caressing Larry's straining crotch. "You'll fuck me, won't you, Larry? I want you to mark me with your cum; I want to feel you in every hole I have."

Larry looked like somebody who was sure he was dreaming, but he didn't put up any fight when Jenny started unfastening his pants. Instead, he pulled her into a wet, sloppy kiss and she started rubbing herself against him like, well, a slut.

I realized I was vibrating like a violin string, wildly excited both by the sight of her and the insights which, word by word, inflated my libido to unsustainable levels. I thought I literally might explode. "Oh, fuck, yeah," I gasped, shuddering as Darryl pounded me harder than ever while panting like a steam locomotive.

Jenny pulled Larry towards the desk, using his erection like a handle, and then lay back on it beside me. She spread her knees wide, both displaying and offering herself. I heard her whispering, "fuck me, fuck me," over and over, so softly I don't think the men heard her.

Larry rose to the challenge, as if there really had been any doubt, and started banging away like he thought there was a timer somewhere counting down. I looked sideways at Jenny, just out of kissing range, and saw the haze of sheer lust dulling her eyes. She blinked and focused on me, panting raggedly. "You'll clean me, after," she gasped.

The words travelled from my ears to my brain and I collapsed to the desktop, my body wracked by a massive orgasm. Darryl slammed himself into me and arched backwards, groaning, as he exploded inside me. He slipped out of me and I felt more of his spend scalding my lower back and buttocks where it fell.

"You slut," Jenny repeated, clearly amused, and I was in no position to gainsay her.

I ended up having to reschedule my meeting for the following morning and extend my trip by a day. We might have been okay, but then Dave came in to complain Larry's truck was blocking the loading area, and then Gayle came in to see where everybody was. She left immediately, but I guessed she must have said something, because Darryl -- Jenny, really -- started getting a string of visitors. Some of them just looked and left, but a bunch didn't.

The office was just a little too noisy, so I regretfully slid on my skirt and blouse and stepped into the hallway to make my calls. The travel number was easy -- nobody at the office was going to quibble over a trip adjustment with my sale to Consolidated hitting the books. I hated to reschedule with the client, but they were understanding.

Stacey was a different matter. I chickened out and slipped back into the office to drown my sorrow in Jenny's sloppy gash. She looked so happy, and sexy, in her rut that I longed to just change places with her. Darryl eyed my ass with an evident appreciation that made me feel better, but his cock wasn't able to keep up. I walked over to stand next to him while I waited for the cook standing between Jenny's thighs to finish up.

"She gets a good job as long as she wants it, right?" I asked, just to make everything had stuck. Unfortunately, I had a lot of experience with how a company could screw its employees, and I didn't mean the screwing Jenny was getting. "And full pay, too -- not a dime less than anybody else."

"Don't worry," Darryl assured me. "Some of the dancers make more than I do, with tips. Jenny could make a lot more." He winked.

"Look, I don't care if she is a slut," I heatedly replied, ignoring the twinge inside. "Listen carefully, Darryl." I grabbed his balls for emphasis. "You will give Jenny the same base pay as the highest-paid employee doing basically the same job. You will not skim, or force her to report, tips any differently than any other employee."

"Oh fuck, that's nasty!" exclaimed the meat delivery driver, who was smearing his jism around on Jenny's face, ignoring her extended tongue. He was looking at the cook, who was holding Jenny's legs up to provide better access to her ass, which was gripping his cock tightly.

"Yeah," the cook agreed, punctuating a thrust. "My girl would never do this. Working here just got a whole lot better!" They both laughed breathlessly.

I looked back at Darryl and squeezed until I had his attention again. "You will not -- I repeat, not -- take advantage of Jenny. We both know she has... needs." I had them too, but unlike her, I didn't have a predatory working environment. "Like you said, in private between consenting adults is no big deal. You will not pressure her, or allow anybody else to pressure her, to do anything she doesn't want to do." Frankly, that seemed unlikely, but I was covering all the bases.

"And if anybody pays you, or anybody else, to be with Jenny, you will make sure every penny of that gets to her. She is not a whore, and you are not her pimp. Got it?" I gave him a squeeze for emphasis.

"Jesus, yes!" Darryl yelped. "I got it!" He extricated himself from my grip. "You must be one hell of a saleswoman," he commented, while rubbing himself gently.

I was strangely touched by the backhanded compliment. It was reassuring to know I was more than just a good fuck. The thought reminded me of the other reason we were there. "Listen, Darryl," I said, trying to sound conversational, "do you know any of the girls who are, um, decorated down here?" I gestured vaguely at the front of my skirt.

"She wants a pussy ring," shouted Jenny from the desk. I hadn't realized she was paying any attention to us.

All of the men were looking at me; it was a little embarrassing. The attention was gratifying, but I wanted it to be because they wanted to fuck me, not because they thought I was kinky or something. I put up my chin and prepared to bulldoze ahead. "Can you just tell me?"

"C'mon, y'all, get back to work before somebody calls the cops," Darryl announced. "Don't you have some BBQ to start, T.J.?"

The guys all looked pretty fucked out, so they didn't put up too much resistance before pulling up their pants and filing out of the office. Jenny looked totally delectable, suffused with a just-been-fucked glow, and it was hard to concentrate on anything else.

Apparently I wasn't the only one who thought so. "Jenny, I need my desk back and you're purely distracting," Darryl drawled, not unappreciatively. "Why don't you run down to the break room and freshen up, and then come back so I can get you on the books again."

"Oh, thank you! Thank you! Thank you!" Jenny crowed, suddenly finding the energy to bounce to her feet. "You're the greatest -- both of you!" She skipped over and gave first Darryl and then me a quick hug and a kiss. "I'll be right back!"

I savored the faint taste of semen as I watched Jenny retrieve her shorts from the floor and pull them on. She bounced a few times to get them all the way on, which did really nice things to her boobs, and then scurried out of the office, still topless. I presumed the break room was nearby.

"Women," Darryl muttered as he sat down in his chair and surveyed the wreckage of his desktop, but I could tell his heart wasn't in it. After a moment, he spun around opened the top drawer of a small filing cabinet sitting against the wall. He retrieved a three-ring binder from it and held it out. "Here, you can start looking at these."

Curious, I opened the binder and found a full-page color picture of a naked girl. She was smiling and holding a blowup of her driver's license. "What is this?" I asked, slightly nonplussed.

"My dancers," Darryl replied, looking up from a second binder. "You wanna ask about getting' a piercing, only makes sense to ask somebody who's got one, right?" He started flipping through his binder again.

"Yeah," I allowed, following the logic. "But what are these for?" I pressed, waving the binder.

"Avoiding complications," was the terse reply. Darryl saw my expression and continued without prompting. "Look -- what was your name again? Linnea?" I nodded. "Linnea. Running this place isn't a picnic. Some girls think they want to do it, until they get up in front of a crowd. Some lie about their ages, or their names. The government gives me shit about hiring illegals; can you fuckin' believe it? One girl turned out to be a guy!" He shuddered.

"This here clears through all that crap. I know she's serious and somebody my customers will be willing to pay to look at. If the cops come around, I can show 'em a girl is willing and legal." Darryl laughed. "Or leastways had a good fake id!"

I smiled unwillingly and turned my attention back to the book. Navel piercings were common, and one woman had studs in her nipples. I sat down on the corner of the desk, fascinated by the variety of forms and attitudes on display, and beginning to understand the attraction of pornography.

Every picture was superficially the same: an attractive smiling woman holding a blown-up copy of a license next to her while standing nude in front of the door to Darryl's office. The vibes were all over the map.

Cathiryne -- where did parents learn to spell? -- looked like a cheerleader, although her birthday made her 19 at the time the picture'd been taken. She looked so innocent, it was easy to imagine her mouth forming a round "O" and her heart tripping beneath her perky little tits as she felt her first cock press into her firm body. I started dripping as I fantasized about being the first person to taste her pussy. Alas, she was decorated only by a small flower tattoo above one ankle, and I turned the page.

My eyes grew wide when I looked at Dawn's picture. She was darkly complected, obviously Hispanic, and the rings stood out in sharp contrast to her smooth skin. They were everywhere: ears, nose, nipples, navel, and in rows down both sides of her vulva. If that weren't enough, she had rings on all her fingers, at least a pair of toe rings, uncounted hoop bracelets, and a thin metallic choker. "What about Dawn?" I asked.

"Which one?" Darryl asked, looking up.

"Valenzuela," I said, showing him.

He shook his head. "Why would you want to mess yourself up like that?" he asked. "She moved on. A little too edgy for us poor cowboys -- we like our women wholesome-looking, you know?"

A few pages later I found Veronica and shifted again, wishing I could touch myself through my skirt. Her smile was broad, but the knowing look in her eyes and the way she held her body were invitations to carnal submission. She reminded me somewhat of Stacey in her fey moments, when I'd felt she could lead me to some dark place inside myself where I might not emerge. I licked my lips breathlessly and forced myself to continue browsing.

At some point I felt a soft breath near my ear and realized Jenny was leaning over my shoulder. "I've seen Bekka dance," she whispered. "She was pretty hot."

I nodded in agreement, but turned the page.

"Hattie," Darryl said decisively, slapping a hand on the page for emphasis.

"Hattie Watson?" Jenny exclaimed in disbelief. "No!"

Darryl smirked and displayed the open binder. I felt Jenny's bare breasts pressing against my back as she leaned further forward for a better view.

A young girl looked up at us, tanned and vibrant. She held her license like she might a sign for the fundraiser carwash, and if Hattie looked like the girl next door, her expression held a challenging note. She was shaved bare, which I liked, and a small ring hung neatly at the apex of her rosy cleft. I noticed the photo was dated two days after her eighteenth birthday.

Jenny began laughing hysterically, clinging to me. "Oh no," she gasped, only to break out in giggles again. "Hattie!" Finally she collected herself sufficiently to add, "I never saw her here!"

"She only danced one night," Darryl said with a wicked grin. "You didn't start 'till way after. Know her?"

I looked back and forth between them, wanting to be let in on the joke.

Wiping a tear from one eye, Jenny filled me in. "I went to school with Hattie. She was so stuck-up! I mean, her father's the minister at First Baptist since forever, and she was president of the Purity Club. I can't believe she was a dancer here!"

"Neither could her Pappy," chuckled Darryl. "He was in the next day, swearing up a blue streak, and promising I'd burn in Hell if she ever set foot in here again. Never seen either of 'em since." He considered the photo again. "Purely a shame, if you ask my opinion."

"She's probably still grounded," Jenny giggled. "Oh please, let me call her! I know she'll tell me where she got it done."

We looked at each other; Darryl shrugged. "Well..." I temporized, thinking I really didn't want to cold call somebody about that.

"Goody!" cheered Jenny, stooping to pick up the cordless phone from where it had fallen off the charger on the desk.

"You know her number?" asked Darryl, speaking for both of us.

Jenny looked at us, wearing only a few stray droplets of water and her cutoffs, which were unfastened sufficiently to give us a glimpse of her pubic curls. "Please," she said, looking at us like we were morons. "Who do you think was vice-president of the Purity Club?" She started dialing.


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“But am I still sexy?” she murmurs. As if to research the answer to that question, he breaks her gaze and scans her body from head to toe. Matted black hair, questioning blue eyes, parted full lips, long sinewy neck, velvet shoulders, sloping breasts, ridged ribs, pulsing tummy, … “My, my, my,” he murmurs, transfixed at first good sight of the blackest, widest and deepest patch of pubic hair he’s ever seen. “Oh my god,” he exclaims. She gasps, self conscious now, and moves her hand to barely...

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Mother And Son A Tale Of Forbidden Love Part 5

That afternoon, Dev came home.There she was, his mother clad in blue chiffon Saree. She served him lunch and stood near him. But his eyes were all set to his mother alone. He pulled his chair back, got up, gazed at his mother“You look so beautiful” He removed her saree. Clad in light blue blouse and petticoat, he lifted his mom and went to his bed. He lifted her petticoat and ate her, they made love and mother and son fed each other.That night Priya, slipped out of her room and snuggled...

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Minas Children

What we really know: We've always "known" that dogs are descended from wolves, but that's pretty vague. Actually, they are the same species. Dogs and wolves can interbreed. Geneticists consider dogs, Canis Familiaris, to be a subset of the East Asian variety of the globally-present Grey Wolf, Canis Lupis. Oh, there are some appearance differences, and they behave quite a bit differently around humans, but genetically they are the same thing. Okay, some background: All "higher life form"...

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Training Sissygirl part 3

Sissygirl stood, shaking a little as the tall and well-built males crowded about her soft and vulnerable body, the scent of their glistening cocks making the poor t-girl delirious; she knew she had no choice but to strip. The men stroked their cocks as the pretty sissy meekly began to remove her clothes, her top off; they all ogled her soft white hairless arms and pretty neck. She blushed sweetly as her little bra came off, revealing her exquisite firm little round breasts, her little pink...

2 years ago
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I Took Control

I wanted to try something different and since he always had control of me I figured tonight I would take control of him and see how well he could take orders for once. So I put on my cute little police officer out fit and I called him and invited him over then I called a friend who was gay and I told him I have someone who would be a great fuck for him, guaranteed!! They both arrived at around the same time and I introduced them before telling them what the plan was: “I will be giving the...

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Taxi Ride

It was a beautiful warm day ,the breeze was cool. I had to go and run some errands before my husband got home. I got went to bathroom and took a nice warm shower. I also shaved under my arms and between my legs. As I began to shaved my pussy I started to feel for a good fuck. So I stopped and masturbate f or a few minutes. Then continued to shave my pussy clean and did my legs . When I was done shaving , I soap up myself once more and then rinse wrapped in my towel. As I walked towards my...

1 year ago
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WebYoung Samantha Hayes Alex De La Flor Scary Movie Night

Alex De La Flor is relaxing on her bed, watching a scary movie on her laptop and enjoying a bowl of popcorn. She is so captivated by what’s on the screen that she doesn’t see someone lurking in the background of her room. Samantha Hayes, wearing a sexy nurse costume, appears in the doorway and moves to the bed, startling Alex. Samantha remarks that Alex is so boring and that they should be out partying! Samantha is all dressed up with nowhere to go because she was stood up. Now...

3 years ago
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Golden Lioness Her Own Pride

When she graduated from Kellogg Northwestern University in Illinois, Kelly was probably the happiest woman on earth. Not only had Kelly received her Managerial Analytics Certificate in four years, placing as one of the top students in her year, and already been interviewed and accepted for a high paying job in a private company, she also had a perfect life outside of school and work. Her parents (both healthy and married for over 25 years) were relatively well off and paid for her education, so...

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mummy ki suhagraat

hi mere aunties aap kabhe apne beta se apne pati ke samne chode ho nahi . tho ab mere story padkar try karna . Mera naam rinku hai.maire ghar mein teen log hai.mein papa aur mummy.ek din ki baat hain jab mein 7saal ka tha.tab mein school se ghar aa rahan tha.us school mein function ke karan jaldi chooti ho gayi.ghar pahocta he mein dekha.papa ki bike bahar kadi hai.meine saamja ke unko bukhar ho raha hoga.aur wo ruk gaye honga.jab mein andar pahooca tho dekha maa aur papa ek saat ek bed par...

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Squirted Ember Snow She8217s Already Ready

Toni Ribas has just turned the camera on, but in her black bra and panties, Ember Snow is already ready. The petite, horny beauty plays with her tits and can’t wait to start touching her pussy. She pulls out a wand vibe and teases her clit till she gives her first big squirt of the day, and Toni gets closer to get his dick wet! Ember licks her squirt off his cock, deepthroating him, then he fucks her doggystyle. Ember moans as Toni proceeds to open up all her holes, fucking her pussy and...

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Sarahs Diary Part 1 The Best Bet Ever

Diary entries of Sarah Clark November 20, 2009 This is going to be the best bet ever! Matt Thompson is such a douche, it's about time someone deflated his ego a bit. He was cocky enough to take on my bet that I would be able to beat him at pool. Matt is one of the most sexist people I know, so an opportunity to show off his pool skills and beat a girl at the same time was too much for him to pass up. The pool game is tomorrow night and whoever loses the bet has to be the other...

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BurningAngel Lily Lane Very Adult Wednesday Addams

In this newest Very Adult Wednesday Addams fantasy, Lily Lane takes on the role of the macabre mademoiselle. When Alex Legend shows up at Wednesday’s place for their ten-year high school reunion, he’s surprised to see that he’s the only guest. True to form, Wednesday’s cagey about where everyone else is, but it’s obvious that Wednesday has SPECIAL plans for Alex. Seems like Alex had a crush on Wednesday in high school, and Wednesday’s not the kind of girl to...

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Hells Belle

Hell's Belle The last "normal" day of my life started out like most of them had since I flunked out of college a year ago - looking for another meaningless dead-end job. Not that it seemed to matter if I found one, my record so far at one place was just over a month. But my morning's search online was interrupted by an explosion in my kitchen. I ran towards the noise, and discovered that where my stove had been there was now shrapnel everywhere, the walls had been blackened,...

4 years ago
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The Academy Part 4 The Breaking Point

As we walked back into the hall I felt giddy and confused and happy and peaceful. I couldn't couldn't stop myself from giggling and Chloe looked at me with a worried look on her face. In the back of my mind I cursed the Academy for making me Into this, but at the forefront of my mind I was thinking about all the clothes I could wear and the ways I could make myself prettier. I had to remind myself that if I got out of this, I'd have to give into the urges sooner. A couple of girl things...

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Now I can tell her story

Wife and I have just parted ways, and I told her as long as we were together that I wouldn't tell people about her past and what she's done for fun. Guess what, it's tell time. Before I met her my recent ex used to be a call girl/hooker in Charolotte. She told me that early on in our relationship and I was excited with the idea of having a woman who would do just about anything. When we met she had just recently moved here and didn't have any friends in the area, so we would hang out with my...

2 years ago
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Veterinary Vulva

Pete’s mum had been nagging him to get a job for ages now he had just turned 16. He reluctantly applied for many different jobs, paperboy, shop assistant, dog groomer, and even a cleaner. However there was one job that caught his eye. Treacle Forest Farm were looking for a new part time farm worker to help out in the lambing season. This seemed like the perfect job for Pete and so he immediately applied and to his delight, received a letter two weeks later telling him he was successful. His...

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Morning Magic

NOTE: It's been 14 days since I submitted, Twin's Hot tub Fun. It is time to move on with other stories. Morning MagicSamantha was laying on the bed almost naked with nothing on but her blue panties pulled aside as Hannah's tongue lapped away at her tight pussy. Hannah had nothing on but a small pink t-shirt pulled up over her small pert breasts Samantha's hands squeezed and groped her tiny B cup breasts and pinched her nipples as her sister's tongue continued to work it's way deeper inside...

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Cousin Sheryl

Cousin SherylI had a trip out to LA on business. I had finished the job early in the day, logged into Facebook it picks up your location. I was sitting around cracked open a Bud on the laptop looking at DN, getting horny after about a hour of surfing porn rubbing my dick. When there was a knock at the door. Looked through the peak hole thought I was seeing things answered who's there, I hear "it your cous' " a sexy ladies voice. I open the door it was my wife's cousin Sheryl. She was smoking...

3 years ago
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Unforgettable WeeksChapter 35

Andy walked into the apartment and was confronted immediately by three shirtless men. He had dropped his backpack and prepared to fight them before he recognized them. "What the fuck, Tomas?" he asked angrily. It took him a second for the fear and rage to clear from his mind. When it did, he saw that Tomas looked different than he did a few hours earlier. "I'm stitching them up," Camille said from the dining room table. Rico was sitting in a chair while Camille patched up a cut on his...

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The Labyrinth

(Welcome to the Labyrinth! A Choose-Your-Own Sexventure! In this adventure we will be guiding our Hero or Heroine through the dark and dangerous world of the Labyrinth. However before we can make it there we have to figure out just who we are and that is what these first few chapters will be about. Building the character that you will then be taking in to the labyrinth itself. Along the way we will also pick up weapons, gear and maybe a few companions. Each chapter will have the stats and...

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World War Campaign for SurpriseChapter 2

General Duparde sat at the conference table in the President’s office which was normally meant for cabinet meetings. Pen Hopo sat across the table from him. There were three Swords and two Shields standing behind her. As the highest ranking general of the Army of New Frank, it was up to him to negotiate a surrender to Jade Force. He scrubbed his face wishing that this day would come to an end already, but it wasn’t even noon yet. He had been awakened that morning by a Jade Warrior who was...

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My Booby Bhabhi

Hi, I am Vishal from Mumbai and i am 18 years old. I love all girls who are interested in sex. Now on the story, there was one of my bhabhi named Rani … her boobs were just like water balloons … her pussy smell was great … her lips and my penis … wow my darling Rani bhabhi …. now on the story sex hungers ;) Those days I was staying as a tenant in a single bedroom barsati, on the first floor of a house in Faridabad. That was the house of a couple in their late forties. While their elder son was...

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My wife the loving caring dirty cheating whore

I could make this story short and sweet but I love the details that lead up to how things transpired. My wife and I have been together for 18 years. we've had plenty of sexual experience together but nothing like what happened when my wife got a job at this high end restaurant in Salt Lake. Thing were good for the first few months she worked there. Lots of sex since we didn't see each other much. Then all of a sudden.....nothing. Even the texts and phone calls stopped while she was at work. At...

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A WellLived Life 2 Book 5 MichelleChapter 53 Master of the House

January 25, 1992, Chicago, Illinois “Well THAT is not what I wanted to hear,” I said, coming back into the sunroom. “What?” Jessica asked. “Dustin Brady died in an accident about four years ago.” “Who?” Abbie asked. “The photographer who took photos of the house after it was remodeled. And who Carla worked for.” “Why try to track HIM down?” Elyse asked. “We’re pretty sure he’s the culprit,” I said, being circumspect because of the kids. “The evidence is anecdotal, but it makes sense....

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The Ladies Club Massage for Six Hands

Sex with Maria was an eye-opening experience. Her black hair, fair skin, and dark eyes made here an arresting sight, and she was totally comfortable with her body ... all 130 pounds of it. If she'd lost a dozen pounds of that, she could have passed for Marina Sirtis, but she was happy with the extra weight, and it was really her voluptuous breasts, winning smile, and ready pussy that captivated me. What a difference the Ladies Club had made in her! When I left town six years ago, we were...

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Mrs Howard spanks Ellie

16 year old Ellie waited in her bedroom knowing her bottom was soon going to be spanked very hard and for an awfully long time. She could hear her Mum speaking to Mrs Howard, the cleaner. “Ellie deserves a good hard spanking so please will you work an extra half an hour and give her one of your especially hard thrashings.”   “What’s the reason this time Mrs Collins” Mrs Howard asked pleasantly.   “Her room is a disaster area, and when I told her to clean it up she gave me such a lot of lip....

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Bimbo Mom And Aunt they Continue

This story starts where Bimbo Mon and Aunt left off, you may want to read the first part to see how this started, enjoy. It was Sunday morning she had given Bill a great blow job then headed for the kitchen to make breakfast. Bill came in wearing briefs, she had on the pink thong and a white bra. They sat and discussed aunt Kay being in the mix. “Mom we need to be careful with who knows and who is getting fucked”. She looked him straight in the face, “why do we care”? “Well first thing is...

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How I Fucked The Old BeggarWoman Roadside

Hi ISS readers, I think all you know me. For the new readers, at first I introduce myself. I am Moni, late 40 and 5’-7”. I was born in a middle class Bangladeshi Muslim family and serving in a public organization. My whole life is lustful indeed. As I gained some practical experience about sex at my childhood, I became a sex-maniac and whenever I got chance I tried to fuck any aged girls or women with many tricks without applying force or at least to peep the uncovered boobs and pussies from...

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Toms AdventuresChapter 68

Three days Later Fighting Hawk watched Night Beaver breathe his last. Most of the women of the village were on hand for the event. Most of the women carried a piece of his manhood, and Kelly had tanned his ball-sack and wore it around her neck as a pouch. The other women were envious. Fighting Hawk was a little disgusted, but he couldn't blame her. Over the next week Fighting Hawk got to know his women again, and his children. Moon Flower had given him a boy that she named Little Hawk. Sara...

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The God of Jesus The God of Israel

Note: I’ve submitted this story for the Winter Holiday’s Story Contest 2016. If you enjoy it, please vote. Also, per the non-erotic focus category, there’s no sex. * ‘You’ll be fine, Stanley, until the kids come along,’ an older friend warned me before I married Jill. ‘Then there could be issues.’ Now I know what he means. Like me, he’s Jewish. Also like me, he married a Christian girl. Before we had Crystal and Michael, religion wasn’t an issue. She went to church and I went to temple. We...

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mature aunty my moms sis

I am 20 yrs old n doin my engg.i always fantasize mature plump women wid big ass.i am a great fan of big ass of married woman.so most of the time i search stories havin anal encounter of mature woman.Let me come to the story now,this story is between me n my aunt who is my moms elder sister.she is a mature woman of 54 yrs old n is a widow.she has two sons one who is workin in abroad n other one studyin here in a college.let me tell about her she is a plump woman well built havin nice flesh in...

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BethChapter 107

December 17, 2017 I woke sometime in the middle of the night to Heather moving behind me. I realized that I was on my left side, that Heather was snuggled into my backside with her right arm around my waist, her crotch pressed tightly into my butt. Brett was on his back and ... not snoring, but breathing slightly heavily and regularly, so he had gotten to sleep. The “interesting” part was that my face was against his right shoulder and my right foot was resting on his legs. I remember lying...

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Shadows From the PastChapter 34

By the time the limo crunched over the gravel and snow of the school's parking lot, Cassie felt as though she were bursting at the seams. She had to hold her tongue through the ride from Ned's house so as not to allow Harry any more ammunition for her mother. As soon as the car stopped, Cassie yanked the door release. "Please be careful, Miss Kendall, as it is rather..." Harry trailed off when Cassie launched herself from the car and ran across the parking lot, despite how her heels...

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New House New Neighbor

I’m four months pregnant, my asshole husband hasn’t touched me since I told him I was with son and my pussy is wet all the time, I can’t get sex off my mind. I am spending more time playing with myself then anything else it seems and to top it off, we have just moved into this house we are now residing in. Along with still unpacking, the damn garbage disposal doesn’t work and my husband has no time to fix it, it seems. Now I am not an unattractive lady, I have a thirty...

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Incredible ChangesChapter 53 History Surprises

"Ladies and gentlemen, if you will please quiet down and take your seats, I have a very important announcement," my history teacher said coming into the room. "We have been granted a rare opportunity to visit Washington DC this year for a freshman class field trip." Everyone seemed really excited. It took her a few minutes for us to all calm down. "Now we have taken the freshman class on trips like this before, but it was always for those who could afford the airfare and hotel costs....

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The Wedding PlannerChapter 3

While she sat at her desk and waited for the computer to come up she took the small spiral note pad she had purchased Saturday out of her purse. She still hadn't made up her mind how she wanted to record her illicit meetings. The date and number of times? Just the date and a check mark? Just a check mark on each line to represent a lover? There would be no names or descriptions; no number of stars to denote how great the time had been. She smiled as she remembered Friday night with Scott. He...

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I’ve heard Cherry Pimps come up during a lot of conversations lately. Sometimes it’s among the kind of porn enthusiasts I associate with or the horny fans who DM me asking for a review of their favorite paysite. I’ve even had a few girls mention the site to me when they came by for an intimate visit on the PornDudeCasting couch. I’m not usually this late to the party, and I knew it was about goddamn time to rectify that. The joint’s getting nearly a million visits per month, so I’d know it...

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NaughtyAthletics Carolina Sweets 23849

Carolina Sweets is so appreciative of her sensei, who has been training her day and night for the last 500 days, preparing her to go to Hong Kong to study under his master. But as they days count down, she’s noticing a different sort of appreciation for her master, the kind that comes straight from her pussy. After a long session of ohming, Carolina tries to confess this to her sensei, who tries to deflect her advances. But his cock isn’t strong enough, and he has no match for Carolina’s mouth,...

3 years ago
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Busted Axle RoadChapter 98

Since it was cold enough to be blowing snow outside, this time Kutzley couldn't leave the fire hall doors open, although the trucks were outside, gathering snow. The building was even more packed than it had been for the meeting in July, when the special assessment district had first been brought up. For the hundredth time, Kutzley wondered who the hell had told Mike McMahon about the retention pond, and in deer season, too. That wasn't good; half the cars in the back would have...

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Professor Tom Ch 01

Tom Smith came to attention the third time the student cleared his throat. Kevin had been trying to get the professor’s attention for a few minutes, but the professor had been lost deep in thought. He had been a professor in the paralegal program for six years. As he liked to tell people, he was a civil litigation attorney by day and a professor at night. His day job paid the bills, but teaching was his passion. He loved the rush he got from teaching. He enjoyed seeing the light ‘switch...

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GirlsWay Penny Pax Elena Koshka Alina Lopez Bait And Switch

Elena Koshka arrives at the office and greets Alina Lopez, who is waiting for her behind her desk. Alina Lopez slyly slides her a piece of paper telling her that she needs to sign a disclosure when dating someone in the office. As expected, Elena denies that she’s involved with anyone in the office, but Alina smirks and pushes her a little more, knowing full well that Elena isn’t telling the truth. After all, it’s Alina that Elena’s fooling around with! Alina wants to...

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The Majors DaughterChapter 2

There were a full twenty years between the mother Renata and the daughter Heidi, but in all honesty, they both had similar tight pussies and I would have to say the mother had a tighter ass hole than the daughter because the daughter had been doing it with a well-endowed black soldier for almost a full year, only in the bum, because of his religious convictions about not impregnating a female of another race. The mother’s posterior fields of glory were absolutely pristine at all times...

2 years ago
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RuneswardChapter 28

“Honor Hawksley,” Arlade smiled, moving to keep Si between him and the knight. He glanced at Sir Givens and Bremer. “And friends. I must say, I’m usually so good with numbers. I was positive only four knights made it here and one of them was dead. Yet I left three knights to die in there and I find another two out here. What is your secret?” “This is the end for you,” Gillen intoned. The scream startled them all. Gillen, Tergin and Bremer glanced at the shop but quickly turned their...

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Regaining my self awarenes I began to notice the beings of this planet wich roamed it with stealth and confidence, thier beautifull presence colideing with thier homeland planet. Looking at the ground I noticed the green lush grasses tall and wavering from the flowing soft winds. Creatures with wings charged in and out of the grasses flying to thier destinations. I hoped to see more of this world from higher altitudes then the ground stuck in this thick liquid. My eyes would never get tired...

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How I Got the Name Posh Slut and Into K9Chapter 11

I had to wake a full week before Dave called. I was almost out of my mind. Remember, those days no Internet! “Well,” I said. “You took your time. Good news, I hope?” I can be bitchy. “Very good news if you can make this Friday, Saturday and Sunday?” “I think so. No wait. I have a meeting on Friday and Saturday morning. Damn. Why? What had you planned? “It’s been harder than I thought. It’s a very closed society but I put feelers out and got a call this morning. A k9 meting was arranged...

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First Experience As A Gigolo

Hi, its FOGG(my cover name as gigolo) bringing you my new experience as gigolo.I’m 27 M working in a reputed company in Hyderabad, apart from daily routine I also wanted of pleasure and money I made a choice of becoming a gigolo, I’m average looking south Indian guy, I have looked all over internet for suggestion and help but almost all of them are just fake and steal money. Tired of this I started my own advertising on Facebook and other different sites.Before getting into story, would like to...

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Do I Know You Ch 07

7. I awoke to darkness, and the momentary panic that accompanies a late afternoon/early evening nap. After regaining my bearings, I remembered where I was, and better yet, what had just happened. Mmmmmm… I still felt goooooood! After just a moment of stretching and relaxing in the warmth of her bed, I rolled out, grabbed my underwear, and went in search of my host. As I made my way to the door, I saw a note at the foot of the bed, addressed to me. Carlton, I had to run into town to pick up...

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Good Girls SwallowChapter 25 The Final Pitch

Norman was offered a slot in the new cabinet put together with haste by President Heatherton. He accepted and our affairs were turned over to their respective partners. Keith had finally taken things into his own hands. He confronted the recalcitrant plant managers in each of the Hundley plants in Great Britain and Europe and gave them a simple ultimatum, come aboard or be dismissed. Only one tried to defy his edict. Keith broke his jaw and physically threw him out of the plant in France...

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Sali Aik Larki

Mera naam artaan hai aur main lahore main rahta hoon,im 22 and doing my B.com,ya tab ki baat hai jab shabnam humaray ghar rahnay k leya ayee, ghar ka mahool kafi khushgawar ho gaya tha woh thi bhe kuch aasi k us sai mil ka khushi hoti thi masoom sai surat goray charay pay bari bari kali ankhain,aur kamar tal lambay baal haan mager shayed masoom nazar anay walay logh itnay masoom hotay nahi. Woh meray mama ki bati thi aur college main parhnay k leya lahore ayee thi aur mom na us ko hostel main...

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Such Sweet SorrowChapter 13 A Three Pipe Problem May

It's 6 Months; 202 Days After Jenny's Disappearance Detective Chief Inspector Grantby stands at lectern at the front of the room. To his right a computer projector displays a slide show, summarising the essentials of the case, the web of personal relationships, photographs of the missing woman and her associates and a map of Central London annotated with the limited number of things that they knew about her whereabouts on the afternoon she disappeared. It's the fourth unsolved missing...

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Erotic night

I am Sandhya and a regular visitor of this site. This incident has happened when I was 21 years old and was in the final year of my college. I used to live in Vasant Kunj, Delhi and one of my friends Shefali, who lives in defense colony invited me for a party at their neighbor’s house. It was a late night party. My parents usually won’t allow such parties. So, I had to make a story that I would be going for my friend’s place for combined study and would spend the night there. Another one of our...

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Chameleons Story Ch 02

**Author’s Note** Once again- work of amateur fiction, horrible speller, and goes better in sequence (I would assume, you may prefer to skip around and read only the chapters you like). Thanks to all of my friends for suffering through reading this. ???? ** * I walk around the mall, prowling for a job. I’ve been sleeping in the cemetery for a week now, and I’ve only eaten four days out of seven, so I think it’s about time I get some money. I enter the used books store and relax immediately. I...

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