DóchasChapter 27 free porn video

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Sarah and Rusty left Aoife's room with her, looking for a quiet open place to evaluate their psionic abilities. As they looked around considering different options Sarah said, "After thinking about this a bit more, doing this inside would probably be a better choice."

Aoife responded with, "Let's try the gym. On a nice day like today I suspect everyone is out by the pool."

On their way to the gym Aoife felt a breeze caress her skin startling her then someone whistled. She looked down and began to blush. She thought, "Good grief, I'm NAKED and outdoors."

"I think someone besides us appreciates your beauty," said Rusty with a smile, interrupting her thoughts. "If it bothers you, we can find a robe in the gym since we are almost there."

"Thank you, and whoever the whistler was. At first, I felt embarrassed, however if I let it bother me then the bimbo's I went to school with will have won in stealing my self-confidence." She paused for a moment then smiled, "I know I'm going to like being around you all. Thanks for your understanding, and encouraging me to stay a little longer. I really appreciate it and it is likely the best choice I've made in a while."

"We are pleased you came and decided to stay," they replied.

Entering the gym, they weren't surprised to find no one there. At first they tried lifting or moving objects, using what they thought was a new ability. After several attempts Rusty said, "Let's relax for a few minutes. I'll get us some refreshments then we can rethink what we have been trying."

"Good idea," responded Sarah.

After Rusty returned with refreshments, they were just chatting when a glass lifted and hovered over the table. Its initial movement caught Sarah's eye. When she stopped talking and turned toward it, the redirection of her concentration drew the attention of both Aoife and Rusty. They gasped when they saw the glass hovering. They connected telepathically to see who was doing it. Much to Aoife's surprise, she was the one who had managed to levitate it. Together they looked carefully at what was involved. Aoife then reversed the steps, setting it firmly back on the table. They looked at one another and grinned. They shared a kiss and hug before they each tried repeating it. Their first attempts at moving the glass were a little jerky but they were successful. Each of them repeated the process several times while the others monitored their technique. It took several attempts before they could levitate it smoothly. With a handle on the basics, they began adding more complicated movements until they had a good understanding of how to use the ability. Next they tried lifting and moving a basketball. It was much easier to handle than the glass. It wasn't long before they discovered that by handling the ball as a team, they could do a lot more and it was easier. When the chime sounded announcing lunch, Sarah said, "I need to let my milk down before we eat."

"I need to freshen up before we eat."

"If you are comfortable doing so, you are welcome to join us."

After a moment Aoife said, "Sure, but I don't want to intrude."

Smiling Rusty responded with, "That would be hard to do after sharing our thoughts."

"True. But you knew what I meant," she responded with a smile.

"Yes," replied Rusty as he put an arm around her and Sarah.

When they reached their room, their spouses were already there. Most had finished their exercises but were still letting down their milk. Sally told Aoife she could use her exercise bench if she wanted too. Aoife sat down straddling the bench. Sally helped her adjust, then start it. After Aoife seemed comfortable with its operation Sally said, "Try the handles, but move them slowly as the response may surprise you."

When Aoife pulled down on the handles, the dildo pushed against her labia causing her to gasp, but she didn't let go. Her leg movements resulted in it rubbing her labia causing them to moisten. With its passage eased, the dildo gently spread them then halted at the entrance to her sheath. Without thinking it through, she pulled the handles further down and sighed as the dildo slid in and began moving back and forth. "Oh my, this is some surprise, what do I do now?"

"If you want to continue, squeezing the grip will make it thicker. Pushing forward on the handles will increase the thrusts, or you can use your legs, pressing down on the handles increases the depth, as you found out. Oh, and if you twist the grips it will vibrate."

As Aoife was testing the dildo's responses, she didn't notice the arms of the electro-stimulator press against her back and begin stimulating her muscles. When she had her second orgasm she screamed as it was much more intense than the first, and her body shuddered. Relaxing her hold on the grips, she lay on the bench breathing hard as Sarah and Rusty finished their exercises. Sarah smiled when she saw that Aoife was still holding onto the controls of the dildo as it continued slowly stroking her very wet pussy. Her odor filled the room, adding to the group's arousal.

Sarah and Rusty said, "Aoife are you ready to shower? Or you can continue exercising, if you want to?"

"I don't know if I can take much more exercising like this." Her stomach growled causing several similes. "I think my body is saying it's time for lunch." Sally helped her stop the machine and release the dildo. Sally and Sarah helped her off the bench and into the shower. She was limp and it took some time in the shower before she recovered enough to stand on her own. When they reached the dining room the buffet line was empty, so they went right through. Sarah, Rusty and Aoife had full plates when they sat down.

"I can't believe how much I put on my plate," said Aoife. "I never eat like this."

"We used a lot of energy this morning," responded Sarah. "The exercises we did earlier used energy just like everything we do. We don't usually take this large a helping either."

"You guys must have been really busy," said Sally. "I haven't seen either of you take that much food at one time in quite a while."

"Well I think it was worth it," said Rusty. "We went to help Aoife with her telepathy after breakfast. In doing so, we discovered several things about ourselves that we had overlooked."

"This sounds interesting." There was a long silence then she said, "Are you going to tell us?"

"Yes. You remember the incident on the bridge when the dart gun table melted."


"We found several objects in our minds that we had overlooked before. For one of them, we increased the energy supply a small amount and then went to the gym to exercise it. It took us a while to figure out how to use it, but by the time the lunch chime sounded, we were pretty good with some basic aspects. How useful it is, is yet to be seen. We need to explore the other objects and see how they work."

"Ah, now I see and can understand the cautious comments. Do you think all of us have those abilities?"

"I would be surprised if any of us have all of them. However, we may be able to use them through our connection. Most writings suggest one person usually has one or two, with one being dominant. But bear in mind the source is only fictional stories. As a concept it may have been conceived by logical conjecture based on observations of specific attributes some people display, such as an athlete."

"A good point. Aoife, are you comfortable with this means of conversing?"

"Yes, much more so now than this morning." She chuckled then added, "And definitely more than I was last night."

"Aoife, since you are linked with us can you describe what you see in your mind when that link is active? Our mind-link was present when we woke up. We know what we see when we link with Amy and Nancy's Clan and sort of wondered if it was the same."

"Well let's see. I see an 'object' representing each member of your clan. They vary in brilliance, which seems dependent on how near we are to each other. I noticed while going from the gym to your room that there are also two other entities, similar to you but different. Both have a status equal to each of you. Each object gives an indication of your personality attributes. It is clear to me which of you is speaking when we share a thought. The part I like is that the words are tempered with a feeling or an emotional sense that when spoken can get lost. Hmm, although I said 'words' I'm really referring to thoughts or concepts. Does that help?"

"How about if we tightly link like we do some times?" With that they pulled into each other mentally as they had done in the past. "How about now?"

"Oh. Wow. The objects for all of you just merged and the other two objects have moved to touch your combined object. Very interesting." With that they returned to their normal link mode.

"You have discovered much today," came the soft firm voice they remembered from the bridge. There was a very startled look on Aoife's face, and to some extent they all were surprised. Sarah and Sally put an arm around her. "These tools you are developing are very powerful and for some they can be difficult to control. None of you seem to have that weakness. What you learn of them must be kept within your group. Aoife, the rest can show you how to protect what you have learned."

"Aoife, I think we now know where you will work on the ship," said Terry.

Aoife smiled, "So do I. It will be on the bridge with all of you." Terry looked surprised.

"Okay, that makes sense," said Rusty and Sarah. "We have four open positions on the bridge; Aoife obviously fills one of them." Aoife started to speak but then stopped.

"Yes, I think we know who will fill two of the three," they continued. "One will be Siobhan and other Maureen."

Aoife said, "That is what I saw too. Do any of you have visions or dreams of future events?"

"We didn't see this in a dream. We think our response was based on intuition and being able to fit seemingly random pieces of information together. Although, we have taken dream walks a few times."

"Dream walks?"

"It is like a dream, but includes the sense or feeling of being at the locations, surroundings or events being visited. It is definitely different from a dream. A better way to characterize it may be as being there as a ghost or spirit. It doesn't appear that anyone can see you and since you don't really have any substance, you can pass through objects. We suspect that there are a few people who could sense the presence of a dream walker."


"Yes, they definitely are." Sarah's Clan chuckled. "When we experienced the first one, we did not understand what was really happening. It was not until we talked about it the next day that we understood it. Our first dream walk was apparently triggered by a conversation we'd had earlier in the evening.

"Our second dream walk was intentional. We wanted to see how our friends were adapting to our disappearance. Although we had left a note for them, and Amy's Clan had also arranged for a note to reach them, we had concerns. While there, we reassured Nancy that we were okay and that they would see us soon. We would probably never have considered it, if it hadn't been for the first dream walk."

"Since the second involved your friends at Nancy's estate, the first must have had to do with the rescue of Alison, Tara, Erin, and Claudette," said Aoife.

"I swear, you must be peeking."

Aoife's face became concerned then softly said, "No. I haven't peeked. Sometimes answers just come to me when the circumstances are correct. You can look at my memories if you wish."

"Aoife, we are teasing. We do appreciate your offer but will politely refuse because it is clear that you feel pressured to make the offer."

"I thought it felt like teasing, but I wasn't sure. It is not often that I have experienced friendly teasing. For the latter, I was and I am, very serious about my offer. My mind is open to all of your clan without any reservation; in fact I just opened a door to it for you."

"We have reciprocated and opened ours to you. Do you know why you are so different today to how you were yesterday evening?"

"Simply put, today I feel accepted as me. I now feel like I belong and have come home. I am very comfortable and secure with all of you. Yesterday, when I arrived I suspected many things would happen and they did. I am very shy and have been for a long time. Yesterday everything seemed to be the realization of my dreams, but it looked too good, so then I was concerned with whether I had misunderstood or overlooked something. During the night, I seemed to realize that this was the opportunity I had often dreamed about. With that recognition, I came to feel that this was my destiny, or home. When the situation arose this morning, I just reacted to it. As I spoke, I felt scared to death, but also confident in what I was doing."

"We are glad you did speak up, as it clarified our approach to the situation."

"Don't be surprised at the direction thing's take after dinner when everyone is back from the ship, no wait, you should be surprised. I prefer not to say more now, but all of you will be pleased by what we will probably decide tonight. I may have said too much already. I don't want to affect the outcome this time, because what I believe we will do is right for many reasons."

"Talk about speaking in riddles," said Sarah and Rusty as they all chuckled. Aoife lightly smacked them on their shoulders. They dramatically fell back in their chairs as if mortally wounded. The dramatics led to gales of laughter. As they straightened up in their chairs, they realized it was well after lunch and they were the only ones in the dining room.

Joyce, Jill and Janet had left earlier to be with the group who arrived with Aoife. During their discussions, the three had maintained a link with their clan and Aoife.

"Let's go use the pool area and relax for a while," said Sally. "I think the next couple of weeks will be busier than we thought they would be. Fortunately, we are not due for a while so that is one distraction we won't have to consider."

They quickly cleaned up the dining room then straightened up the kitchen before leaving for the pool area. The area around the pool was bustling as most everyone at the resort was there. A game of water volleyball was in progress and surprisingly some were playing competitive video games. Most were just relaxing and chatting.

Sally said, "I feel like practicing Aikido and then swimming laps."

"Sounds good to me," they responded. "Come on, Aoife. We'll show you the techniques."

They gathered in an open flat area near the swimming pool. While they were going through their warm up routines, quite a few came over to watch. Sally said, "You are welcome to join in." Sarah's Clan paired up with two guests to assist them with the routines. Many of the guests seemed to be familiar with the exercises. Soon most of those around the pool had joined them. Sally was surprised by the interest.

Even though they participated, Sarah, Aoife and Rusty watched their guests as they exercised. A number of them, who had worn a suit or robe by the pool, soon discarded it to gain more freedom of movement. Although each blushed initially after discarding their robe or suit, it quickly disappeared as soon as they began exercising.

Judy said to her spouses, "Looks like we should get some sports halters."

"Good idea," replied Aoife surprising Judy.

Sally said, "Donna, can you get sports halters for our women guests. Support is a major concern, as I suspect a few will wish they had some by morning. Is it possible to provide some shear ones as well as solid fabrics?"

"It will take a few minutes," said Donna. "I will place them on the table when you take a break. There will be a list of names with a suggested size. These will correspond to bra sizes. If they don't find one that fits well, they should let me know as I can adjust them."

"Donna, you amaze me," said Judy.

"How so?"

"It sometimes seems that you have an endless warehouse containing everything we need. All we need to do is ask for it."

"Well that is sort of true, especially for simple things like this. We have several units that can make most anything we need if we know the design criteria. In this case it is simply duplicating what we have but in different fabrics."

A few minutes later, Sally stopped moving and said, "Time for a break. Can someone get us some refreshments?"

Judy said, "I asked Donna for sports bras. I think some of you will be more comfortable wearing one, especially tomorrow." Several chuckled. "There are a variety of fabrics along with a list of names with suggested sizes. You may find the very transparent fabrics more embarrassing to wear than being nude." The women moved over to the table and selected one. It took only a few moments for those who wanted a bra to find theirs and return to the exercise area.

After a short rest and refreshments, Sally resumed the exercises until they had been at it for nearly an hour. Several participants picked up hoses to rinse the sweat off before going back into the pool. Use of the hoses quickly turned into a water fight that soon included everyone around the pool. It continued for some time before things began to calm down, and everybody was soaked.

Betsy, Erica, Connie and another group of guests arrived just as things were beginning to quiet down. Seeing dry people, the water fight resumed. With a quick flurry of activity, the new arrivals were as wet as everyone else.

Sarah and Aoife looked at each other, and smiled. Both were pleased to see everyone relaxed and enjoying themselves.

"Sarah, Rusty, Erica, Sally, and Terry we need to confer as we have a couple situations developing that don't look good," said Donna.

Rusty responded saying, "Let's use the small conference room." As they began moving toward the house, Aoife looked at them questioningly. Sarah noticed she wasn't with them she said, "Aoife you are included in this."

"I wasn't sure." Aoife caught up with them just as they entered the main building. Sally snagged some drinks on the way through the patio.

As the group sat down those in the room tightened their mind-link with the other members of their clan. Star said, "Rusty, thank you for your suggestion earlier. Including both the Security-AI and Intelligence-AI has been very beneficial. Donna, why don't you summarize our situation?"

"Okay. We believe four groups of candidates are in eminent danger. It appears kidnappers plan to take two groups tonight. The third and fourth groups have been invited to a remote resort for long weekend. They plan to leave early tomorrow. After we review what we've found, we have a suggested response for the four situations.

"Now, our current status is that we have at least one drone monitoring all the candidates scheduled to visit here. Six candidate groups are being watched. This includes the four already mentioned. For these six groups, we have deployed additional resources.

"A C&C drone is overseeing operations at each of the six candidate locations. Reporting to it are four reconnaissance drones and a spider control drone with two squads of spiders deployed. Ferrets were placed in each of the candidates' residences and at the collectors operations base.

"I suspect some of this terminology is as new to you as it was for me earlier. The C&C is essentially a command and control drone for each location. Spiders are small specialized robots. The current ones have listening and video capabilities. The ferrets are primarily electronic snoops to collect data but can act against electronic equipment.

"Any questions?"

"How big are the spiders? Do they really look like spiders?" asked Aoife.

"This is the Intelligence-AI. They range from a centimeter across to the size of your hand and some are larger. The larger ones are more versatile but also more easily detected. They look like Earth spiders in the sense that they have eight legs. Generally our spiders will have six or eight extremities."

"This is the Security-AI. We've arranged for all the candidates you have on List A to receive a locator device. This is passive, as it is solely an aide in finding them if we need to search for them. The device's typical lifetime is about a year in species with which we have experience."

"My first reaction is that I'm not too keen on that," said Sarah. "Many humans have a paranoia about privacy and may see this as compromising it."

"We understand your concern, but thought that since it was passive there wouldn't be privacy concerns," responded the Security-AI.

"Some would argue that point," said Sally. "We do agree that in this case the benefits outweigh the risks. So do it."


"So, what are you proposing?" asked Sarah.

"We need to activate more bots. Fortunately, the crew has activated some since the ship status rose to standby."

"Can we do it like we did the drones today?" asked Sally.

"Yes," replied Star, "although it does take more time for each one."

"We will ask at dinner," replied Sarah.

"The groups at risk tonight are Shannon's, Leann's, Muireann's and Sabrina's groups. The other two groups are Gillian's and Carmen's. We are using the group identifiers that Nancy and Julia set up.

"We propose that they be contacted with a request to meet with them this evening. We are not sure how to word the request.

"For Shannon's group, we know the kidnappers will travel on a major highway. We propose they have an accident on the way there. There are several opportunities, such as steep drop offs and underpasses, along the route. The accident would be staged so no one else was involved. The people monitoring the residence will not see the candidates leave the residence if they choose to come here. We could screen the arrival of our people.

"Leann's group is a little more complex. There are two additional women living there since Nancy and Julia visited. We are unable to determine how they fit in to the group. The man leading the collectors is a perfectionist and treats those around him like mindless things.

"There are some similarities in the situations for Muireann's and Sabrina's groups. In both cases several in each group won a prize, which covers all expenses for an extended weekend at a secluded lodge. This is the result of filling out a survey and getting their group to participate. Both groups plan to leave for the lodge tomorrow morning. The trip will take several hours. We think they are going to the same location but aren't able to verify it. We expect to know the location in the next few hours. Once we do we plan to check it out.

"The collectors targeting Gillian's group are intending to extract them tomorrow, when they know all of them are home. They are operating from a rented house about 10 miles away. We would like to set it up so this group is arrested by the police for child endangerment. One scenario is to have a neighbor call police to report briefly seeing children confined to cages in the garage. Police would find no children, but they would find child pornography, bloodied whips and fresh blood on the cages.

"The kidnappers targeting Carmen's group intend to take them tomorrow evening, apparently after they go to sleep.

"For each of these groups, we think two or three people should meet with them as soon as it can be arranged. The time difference works in our favor. While there we offer them the opportunity to come here earlier than originally scheduled. If we can manage all of them this evening, we should do it. Considering the risks, we recommend four security bots accompany each group we send out along with active monitoring of the locations. Bots will be cloaked. Two of the bots will go inside with our team to monitor the meeting. The other two bots will remain outside. The drones will be monitoring and in contact with them for additional security. A backup security team would be nearby in a shuttle. If they decide to depart now, there is enough room at most places for them to board a shuttle in the backyard. As in the case of our current plans, we would leave at least one bot and a drone to monitor the residence."

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My mom

Hi to all ISS readers well this is my first story and hope u will like it. This story starts when I was in my final of 12th standard my senior who had passed from my school got admission in BHU Varanasi in B.Tech well I was studying in Allahbad my family is in Varanasi I am the only child to parents. As my father is in service and is in Shell in Dublin my mom live alone in home so when my senior got admission he shifted to Varanasi and called me that if he can stay in my house we have a big...

3 years ago
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The First Time

Introduction: A girl named Christie gets her first orgasm. This is my first time posting. Se Christie and Erica were best friends. They always were together. Theyve known eachother forever, and knew their likes and dislikes. One thing Christie and Erica shared together was the love for historical romance novels. Ericas mother had a large collection of them and Erica out of curiosity always took them to analyze with Christie. Erica, always felt the need to share these stories with Christie. She...

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Hot Sis Hotter MomChapter 5

That was the way Joann found them the next morning. Judy and Dave slept late, and she had gone to wake them for breakfast. She stood and looked at them. They were wrapped about each other. Dave was on his back, and Judy on her side. One slim arm was over Dave's chest, a lovely thigh crossed just below his balls. Dave's arm was around his sister's shoulders, one hand cupping a small tit. Joann looked at the rounded tightness of her daughter's naked ass, seeing the lovable asscheeks, the...

2 years ago
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Helen 2

It was three weeks since Helen’s awakening - that’s what she called it to her self, rather solemnly. She just thought it was some sort of watershed; but if this were so, why had she not repeated the experience? Well, there was the fact that she had had a long miserable virus infection two days after her “good night”. And after that: well, she had felt a bit “off” - just recovery, she supposed. It was natural to feel a bit depressed after flu. This morning, however, she woke up feeling her old...

1 year ago
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StepSiblingsCaught Alexa Nova Did You Cum Inside Me

Rion King wants to renew his carnal relationship with his stepsister Alexa Nova, and despite her initial hesitation she agrees. Rion is all about Alexa’s pleasure, taking the time to rub her small boobs and massage her creamy bare pussy. Once Alexa’s thong is gone, Rion gets to enjoy watching Alexa rub her bare slit and pierced clit. Pulling off his own clothes, Rion pulls Alexa close so that she can suck him off while he takes over rubbing her twat. When she rolls onto her back and...

3 years ago
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Sexy babysitter

My new babysitter is sitting in the living room with my parents, while my mom explained what she expect of this girl. I'm listening from the hallway. Her name, I gather, is Megan, and she is a 22 y/o in school to become a teacher. I round the corner to see this girl, hoping she's better looking than the last bitch. I see my father, he's a bit slack jawed looking at her, that's a good sign. I round the corner and turn to see: sleek, brunette hair pulled into a lovely high bun, a sweet young...

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Couples Massage my favorite story

Miles and Dawn were your typical upper-middle class couple. Living in the suburbs, dealing with the usual stress of work, k**s, and bills, they often took separate trips for an hour long massage. She was an older masseuse and trusted by Dawn to give nothing more than a real massage with no "happy endings". Their relationship was strong and sex life was great. They were both on their mid-thirties, strict about diet and exercise and considered very good looking by friends. They loved each others'...

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Drink Too Many

Shortly after my son’s wedding he and his wife needed to move in with us. It turns out, gee, “big surprise” (as this Never happens) the contractor building their new house had some “delays” in finishing it. My wife and I were very happy to have them stay with us. I, especially, didn’t mind. His young twenty one year old wife was what you would call a “babe”. And, much to my surprise, she seemed to be very fond of me. I like her the first time I saw her. I began fantasizing about her from the...

2 years ago
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Bahan Ko Choda 8211 Part II

Maine apni bahan se pucha ke tum ye books kayo padti ho to usne koi jabab nahi diya ab mere dil me uske bare me galat vichar aane lage the. Jab maine us se gusse se pucha to vo mujhse sory bolne lagi to maine usse kaha mai kuch nahi kahunga tum mujhe such such bata do is par vo boli ke bhaiya inhe parna aacha lagta hai phir maine usse pucha ke kaya tumne kabhi sex kiya hai to ye sun kar vo hairan rah gai or usne na. Me ishara kiya ab mai use samjhane laga ki mai kissi ko kuch nahi bataonga par...

1 year ago
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Family affair Bathroom mommy

Note : This is part two of a family's journey into i****t. In part 1 (Backseat Sister), Phillip, unbeknownst to his sister Tanya, caught her masturbating... about him. A few days later the serendipitous stars all lined up and she ended up sitting on his lap in the backseat during a lengthy ride... a ride that ended with the almost silent taking of his sister's virginity with his mom and dad in the front. Although the father was none the wiser that his daughter had been deflowered by his son as...

1 year ago
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The Worlds First Futa 01 Transformed into a Futa Chapter 2 Futas First MILF

Chapter Three: Futa's First MILF By mypenname3000 Copyright 2017 April 17th, 2047 “So, your boyfriend's mom walks in on you naked on her living room couch, your new futa-dick hard and thrusting before you. That sounds... interesting,” said Adelia Tash, the talk show host sitting beside me on the couch before her studio audience. The cameras rolled, the lights shining down on us, illuminating us for the entire world to watch as the interview was streamed across the internet. “Yeah,”...

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Landladys DogChapter 4

"Prepare yourself, Carol honey! I promise you've never had anything to equal this!" Peggy hissed in a feverish whisper. Her naked buttocks raised high and her tremoring thighs spread wide, Carol tried to twist her head with cheek still pressed against the bed to get some conception of what was about to happen behind her lewdly kneeling body. She saw Sultan standing with ears erect and open-jaw, his lengthy pink tongue hanging loose and to one side while his rounded, brown eyes gleamed at...

2 years ago
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Phenom part 1

Introduction: Ricks life changes awesomely after one phone call. Mike helped me put the bar back on the bench hold, and I answered my phone. Hello? I greeted. Rick? Its Dad. We got the Youngs house for the week in South Beach. No way! This week? Yep. Coach T called me already, were going for your official visit. Thank you so much dad. This is awesome! Go tell coach youre missing practice this week. Deal. When are we leaving? 0600 tomorrow. Damn it. See ya. I got up, and told my best friend...

3 years ago
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The Leather Anniversary Part 3

I felt a little bad when I turned my attentions back to Christina. After all, it was Sean’s anniversary too. Ah! Who am I kidding? Sean loved every second of his torment. Besides, I did all the work, all the planning. It was my time to reap the benefit. Not to mention, he had his go. It wasn’t my fault he didn’t take time to enjoy it. Actually, that was totally my fault. But it’s not my fault he can’t have multiple orgasms. Oh well! His loss was my gain. Christina was smiling from ear to ear...

4 years ago
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I Hate It When That HappensChapter 6

Leaving wasn't that simple. Even after everything was packed and the women had it strapped to their backs there was still a good bit of goodbying and such. Finally were got underway. Teechi and I were leading the way since none of the others had any idea of where we were heading. "Teechi, I didn't see a single one of the men that were left from that bunch yesterday. Didn't they live in that camp?" I asked, as we walked. "Yes, and I saw two of them when we first came into the camp....

3 years ago
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Second Thoughts and Last ChancesChapter 32

Ivan, Svetlana and ... their son ... went back to Providence two days later, having decided, with my helpful input, that neither of them really wanted anything to do with K-Street lobbyists. Did I turn my brother, you ask? What would you have done in my position? There are people you instinctively feel you can trust, but there are different levels and degrees of trust. The whole concept is highly subjective. There's the kind of trust where you'll let someone borrow your car, or the kind...

4 years ago
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Aspie in Wonderland

If I could do one thing in this world it would be to bring an understanding that autism is not a developmental delay, although autistics can have developmental delays. It is not an intellectual or physical disability, although it can be disabling. It is not a disease, it is not caught from vaccines or anything else and it can not be cured. It is a genetic neurological condition, some would even say an evolutionary improvement, that makes you more sensitive physically, mentally and emotionally....

3 years ago
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Penetrative Activity

In the wee hours of Saturday morning, just a few nights ago, I woke up with a stiff cock in my cunt . I’d been out partying, and my first thought was that some guy had roofied my drink, taken me home, and was having his way with me. Which I don’t mind: if a chick’s gonna be out drinking, it’s her responsibility to keep and eye on her drinks. I hadn’t, so I accepted the hot, in-and-out thrusting by wrapping my arms around his shoulders and back, while raising my legs and drawing them back, so he...

2 years ago
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DanicaPart 11C

Danica stayed in town through most of the next day. She made a large number of purchases, requesting delivery of the items to her quarters at the Training Grounds, and then transporting them through the portal to her quarters in Zoraster's complex. Danica returned to her studies. Her first goal was to learn a dangerous and powerful spell — Disintegration. The spell was an ancient — and for many centuries lost — magic. Darkniciad had rediscovered it some years before, and like all too many...

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Rosie Part 3 My shame was boundless. I struggled to flee. "I'm so sorry. I can't do this. It's wrong. Let me go!" Annabelle gently me held me down, while Rosie hushed me with a finger to my lips. "Shush, Nunkie. You're only doing what I want. And I want the girls to see this. Settle down. That's it. That's a good boy." Her calmness, her reassuring but commanding tone drove all the fight out of me. I sank back onto the bed, sinking into post orgasmic languor, while my pyjama...

4 years ago
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Me and Daddy

MY mom had went to work on the weekend and it was a guys weekend because my worked out of state. So my dad went and took a shower and i heard him moaning and jacking off. My dad is about in his 40 i am 18 he is bigger and very hairy. I stood outside of the door so i could hear then I heard another voice be was watching porn. So i went in from the side door and was watching him and thrn i heard fuck me harder daddy. Then i knew it was gay by the tone. Dad turned it off and finshed up in the...

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Our Neighbors Daughter

My wife and I had invited Bill, Kate and their daughter over for an evening barbeque/swim party. Seeing Stephanie for the first time since she went away to college, I could hardly believe my eyes. Steph, as she liked to be called, looked amazing. This nineteen year old had developed into a fine figure of a young woman as evidenced by the pink thong bikini she was wearing.She had a tan that left no visible lines as evident when she adjusted the side strings to her bikini bottom. The tiny...

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The Massage

Ben was big for his age. Seventeen and the starting running back on his high school football team. Six feet tall and one hundred eighty pounds. He was scouted by every college in the country. He was big and fast. His future looked bright. He limped in the front door of his parent's house. One hell of a cramp in his left thigh left him hobbling.  He walked into the living room and flopped on the couch. Nothing else to do, they sent him home from practice early and told him to take it easy over...

1 year ago
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A fan of NSFW porn memes and adult humor? Well, alright, pervs, you ready to see the sickest shit you’ve ever laid your eyes on? You’re reading The Porn Dude, so I already know the answer. Strap on your safety harness and hold onto your hat. I’d tell you to hold tight to mommy’s hand, but she’s not allowed along. Let me introduce you to 9Gag2.You might be wondering why I’m bothering to review a site like 9Gag. Open your eyes, dumbass! I’m not talking about 9 Gag, the tame and lame meme site...

Funny Porn Sites
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Matt My Fantasy Boy Part 2

I fell backwards on to my bed. What am I doing? I asked myself, he's straight. He is never going to like me and I just have to deal with it. I flipped onto my stomach and groaned out loud thinking of how hot he was. I thought of the brown pants he had worn yesterday. On most people, anything but jeans looks bad but on him, the fabric would cling to him, giving me a full view of his perfect ass. And the shirt he was wearing? It was amazing. I thin, plain white t-shirt that was essentially see...

3 years ago
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Time on My Hands Irony Part III

I strolled around thru the offices and admired all the women that worked here in the Corporate offices. The date 3 June 1881 Today I was 16 no big thing I had visited enough that every one knew who I was. I was on my way to a board where I was going to meet with my president and vice presidents. I entered the board room and every one stood I walked to the head of the table and motioned for all to be seated. I continued to stand. “Contrary to what you may have been told I do not plan ...

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My Bra

I nervously crept into the office. It was a warm morning and the early workers sweltered in the pulsating sun. My breath was cut short, aghast at the decision I had made. The bra clung to my flat chest, its cups desperately lifting what it could. The garment had sat on my desk for months after purchase, taunting me with its tantalising straps. I could never explain the draw, the compulsion to this particular item of lingerie. It was the thrill, I guess. The thrill of a bra of my...

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The pussassination of prema

Prema was a feather weight – slim – almost thin – short hair – the slight bunny teeth – but nice legs and a butt one could kill for. She was the skirty kind and i was one who always wanted to know what was below the skirt. I hooked up with her one weekend and we went to check out some complimentary room offered to us by a local resort hotel that had just opened. We had separate rooms, but i conveniently parked myself in hers. We spent the morning roaming the gardens of the resort and then went...

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Spanking the House Guest You Call This AbuseChapter 8 Casting Call Molly gets the part

Gloria, gave Molly a little slap on the ass. "OK Molly, It's time for your body cast. Let the helper up so we can get'er done. You're going to lay here on the bench while we get you ready." "We start with body lotion. We used a bunch of different oils and lotions. Baby oil is too slippery. Watery stuff absorbed too fast. This works well. It's kind of sticky so the first layer of plaster won't fall off." Gloria and I poured on lotion and used our hands to slick Molly's body from...

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Seduced By The Horny Boss

Hi! Let me know in the comments if you enjoyed my story. This incident occurred 5 to 6 years ago when I was working for a reputed company. Jumping back directly to the incident, the team had planned a night out and we had plans of partying really hard all night. Our shift ended at 5 pm and we got in the cars and left for Alibag. I was in the car with my boss and 3 other team members. We played the music loud and had fun during the drive. We had booked a nice villa that was very...

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Mommy Took My Virginity

I had always been somewhat reserved when it came to the girls in high school and, although I went on lots of dates, I had never gone all the way with any of the girls I dated. For sure there was lots of heavy petting but I never pushed the issue. I preferred to play it safe because I didn't want to get any of those girls pregnant. I started Junior college in the town where my mother lived and stayed at her house while going to school. My parents had been divorced for my whole life and my Dad...

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The Next One Chapter 7

I came home from work to find Sarah sitting at the kitchen table drinking a beer. That alone told me something was up because she was normally a wine drinker. I bent down to kiss her and she jerked her head away and said: "Don't you dare touch me you fucking asshole." I stood up and went to the fridge and got myself a beer and then sat down across from her and said: "And just why am I a fucking asshole?" She picked up a manila envelope from the table in front of her and threw it at...

2 years ago
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Window ShoppingChapter 3

I simply didn't know, during those days, what I should have been expecting. After the first time we'd "met" Miss had simply disappeared. I hadn't seen her on the street, nor had I even been able to find the storefront where I'd been displayed as some kind of fetish trophy. But she had come back, and she had had me prepared, I thought. Readied for something. Replaying those scant two hours or so over and over in my head, it all felt so much more humiliating, degrading than it had in the...

1 year ago
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PropertySex Alina Belle Single Real Estate Agent

Tony Rubino is doing a construction job for a house that real estate agent Alina Belle is trying to sell, and the rest of his crew is off for the day. Alina asks Tony if he’s still with his girlfriend, but having recently split from her, Tony tells Alina that he is single. A little later, Alina brings Tony a bottle of water, then asks him to join her in the kitchen so she can show him something. Once inside, Alina reveals she really wants to fuck Tony, and thinks he’s hot. The...

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The Hijabi And The sleepover

I've always been shy and had never even thought about boys as my parents were from a strict background and they bought me up with a fear of god which made sure that from a very early age I started to wear the scarf and hijab, so it's with some bit of shame and forbidden belly trembling excitement I'm going to talk about that day where I had my first almost sexual encounterSo a bit about me, I'm 18, 5'2 petite with a slim body, light wheatish skin and what my friends keep calling a plump ass...

4 years ago
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The Kids From FoldenChapter 2

Screeching and clanking permeated the cabin as every loose object began to fly and tumble around the out-of-control vehicle. Ethan held on tight to the seat back in front of him. He felt his stomach starting to do flip-flops. Oh please, no, he thought. Don't let this happen. "Mavis, I think I'm gonna blow chunks." He put his hand over his mouth as if that might stop it from happening, but it was like a boulder rolling downhill. There was no stopping it. He threw up as the now shorting,...

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Housewives and Cheerleaders Chapter 13

Kat led Adriana up the stairs to Jackie’s bedroom, where the cheerleading coach was lying face-up on the bed — naked, gagged, and blindfolded, with all four limbs tied tightly to the corners of the bed. Doing a double-take, Ana murmured, “What the hell...?”Flashing a wicked grin, Kat purred into her ear, “Here’s your chance, Ana. To get her back for all the crap she’s given you over the years.” Kat had been witness to all the conflict that had transpired between the two of them, all the way...

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Young Exploration Part 1

"Who is it, Sam?" asked an older, feminine voice from inside the house. Kacey recognized the voice of Sam's mother, Mrs. Jennifer Thomas, and smiled. Mrs. Thomas liked her, and was always nice to her whenever she came over to Sam's house. She and Kacey's own mother were best friends, much like she and Sam were. Sam peeked out the window from the back room, and saw a long, flowing river of black hair, tan skin and amazing brown eyes that she envied so much. A smile lit across her...

2 years ago
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Separating the TwinsChapter 10

I got myself into a couple of the Social Club shoots, though they very carefully didn't show my face. The first was of me taking it between my boobs. It was shot from the top down, so you didn't see my face, not even a glimpse. Instead you zoomed in on a girl holding her boobs together while a guy sawed back and forth. He came, little spurts of white come that spattered all over her boobs. Later you saw her boobs, coated with white streaks, as she massaged it into her skin and then put on a...

3 years ago
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Horny Shemale Sex With My Office Staff

Hi, readers. Today, I want to narrate a real-life incident in my life. My name is Shantan. I work in a nationalized bank in Hyderabad. I got posted as PO a couple of years before the pandemic. I have good staff and co-workers, and everything is going normal. During my initial days, all of our staff hung out during lunch breaks and after office hours. There is a girl named Sarvada with whom I used to have a crush. She also used to hang out with us and be close to me in person. Occasionally, she...

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