Gamblers WinningsChapter 3
- 4 years ago
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Rena said that if the road were re-built there was thousands of tons of stone there that could be had for the loading. The tailings from the mines were mostly small stone carried by hand out of the tunnels.
Robert instructed Rena to begin to have such a road built but that was a low priority project.
Maria and Cathy left for their offices.
Robert said " Rena I hope you are a discrete person and can keep much of what you know in confidence ".
Rena promised to do so and left.
The rainy season was in full session.
The river emptying into the bay was full and out of it's banks in places.
Water was running in every ditch.
Fierce rains would sweep in from the gulf and pour down for a short while then the sun would shine until the next rain cloud.
Robert began to worry about his landing strip becoming soft. The soil was mostly sand though and it remained firm.
The Friday morning he had set as the time to leave was clear of rain.
Robert and Cathy loaded their baggage in the plane and took off after a breakfast with Maria.
Robert landed at Tucson and cleared Customs. They flew in to Reno and took a cab to Robert's favorite casino hotel,
Robert left Cathy in the room and found a poker game. He played until seven in the evening. He had told Cathy they would dine at that time.
Cathy was dressed in a beautiful gown. As Robert dressed he marveled at her beauty. Cathy was approaching her sixteenth birthday. She had the poise and maturity of the twenty four year old woman her drivers license said she was.
Cathy was extremely intelligent. She had a quick mind.
She was a big girl, she had grown to five eleven in her bare feet. Wearing two inch heels she was six feet one inch tall.
She was still slender but her breast were large. When she wore a bra which was seldom, she wore a 36 d.
Cathy was the main attraction to the men in any place she went.
Her flawless complexion and glossy, healthy hair were perfect. She never wore colored polish on her finger or toe nails. She kept her nails coated with clear laquer. Cathy seldom wore any kind of make up. She did not need it.
Robert felt that he was the luckiest man in the world to have such a loving companion.
Cathy adored Robert and it showed.
At dinner that night she was addressed by several of the waiters as Mrs. Ward as if she were his wife.
After the plates were cleared they had "stingers" and danced.
A lady Cathy had met at the tables was dancing with her husband.
She introduced Cathy to her husband as Mrs. Ward.
As they danced away Robert said "Cathy would you like to be".
Cathy asked "Would I like to be what" ?
Robert replied " Mrs. Ward ".
Cathy said " With all my heart " !
Robert asked " Cathy will you marry me " ? Cathy breathlessly said " Yes ".
Cathy told him she had loved him since the night he had won her in that poker game. She had dreamed since that night of him loving her enough to marry her. Cathy asked if Robert would let her have his children.
Robert jokingly asked her how many children she would like to have.
Cathy grinned and told him she would like a dozen.
Robert laughed and said four would be enough.
The music finished and they returned to their table.
Cathy said she was so excited she had to go pee.
Robert told her he would sign the check while she was gone.
Robert was amused as he watched men's heads turn as she walked by on her way to the ladies room. He was thinking " Eat your hearts out bastards, she is mine ".
Robert met her as she came back and they went to the room.
Robert had no desire to gamble that night. He and Cathy had sweet loving sex for hours.
The next morning over breakfast in their room they made plans.
Robert asked Cathy if she wanted to have a large wedding in Mexico like Edna's.
Cathy said that they were going to cause talk there. Only a few knew that they were not married and most assumed that they were.
Robert asked if she would like a big wedding in the Cathedral in Mexico again.
Cathy replied that she would love that but she would not like having that crazy Bishop perform the ceremony.
Robert suggested they have a simple civil ceremony that day and then have a large wedding after the rainy season was over. He promised that she would not have to endure the kind of ceremony Edna had.
Robert and Cathy got through all the state of Nevada's requirements that day and had a nice wedding in a chapel.
Robert had shown a lot of affection for Cathy since soon after he took her home with him. He had always placed her first. Edna and then Maria both realized that they were second to Cathy in Robert's mind. Robert had said to Cathy "You are my woman" hundreds of times and she had replied "You are my man".
Now right after the wedding service Robert kissed her and said "You are my wife". Cathy had replied "You are my husband".
Robert noticed a big difference in Cathy after the wedding. She no longer feared loosing him so she was not unhappy when she was not with him.
There was a gratitude thing also.
Cathy could hardly believe the miracle that had caused a mistreated child living in a hog pen to be transformed into the wife of someone like Robert.
She lavished Robert with evidence of that gratitude.
Robert and Cathy stayed in Reno a full week.
After spending many hours playing poker, Robert was only ten thousand ahead. Cathy had won three thousand at Black Jack.
Robert wanted to go to their island for a few days. Cathy admitted that she longed to go to the place where she had been the most happy of all her life until now.
Robert checked them out and they flew home. Edna's old car had set so long the battery was dead. Robert had to call for a boost.
The dogs were ballistic when they went ashore, they ran in circles and jumped and barked.
The house was so peaceful.
Robert turned on his computer and read his Email.
Cathy checked her flowers.
There were eighteen goats now.
Robert asked her to pick six to save. He planed to sell twelve.
The next day Robert took the six she chose to keep across to one of the other islands.
He had called and had a livestock trailer waiting when he ferried the twelve across to the mainland.
That night he went up the lake to Bob's to play poker.
The cards would not come to him there either. He lost thirty four dollars.
When he got home at one a. m. Cathy was waiting up for him.
Cathy would have been happy staying on the island the rest of her life but Robert became restless.
The mail had been boxed when his postal box became full. Robert had gone to the post office and gotten two cartons and the things stuffed in his box.
Most of it was junk mail that got thrown away when he got it home.
There were a few business letters, some invitations, several bills and a weekly news letter announcing new bookings from a marine broker. Robert had called the firm during his last trip home. He thought he might possibly buy another boat for Cathy's charter business. She was turning away charters.
Apparently he was now on their mailing list.
Robert tended to paying bills and business letters first then began to read those marine news letters last.
He recognized several vessels he had discussed over the phone. They were on the front two pages of the oldest issue.
After the first announcement those listings later appeared in categories in the last five pages of the newer news letters.
Five small ships had interested him months ago. Three were in storage near New Orleans, one at Savanna and one at Mobile.
That night he told Cathy of the listings that might make her charter ships.
He wanted to know if she would like to go look at them.
Of course she did.
Robert called the broker representative in Savannah first and made an appointment to see that vessel.
He and Cathy flew to Savannah and were met at the airport by the salesman.
The ship would do but she needed a lot of work to make her seaworthy enough to sail for north west Mexico.
The brokers estimate was for one hundred twenty thousand dollars to just make her able to get a Coast Guard certification.
Cathy went over the cabin and galley arraignment.
She met Robert on deck and told him she did not think this one would do. She said that every thing was cramped down below by trying to get twelve staterooms into that hull.
The salesman immediately cut the asking price in half.
Robert told him they would think about it.
The salesman took them back to the airport.
Robert called the brokers office in Mobile and made an appointment for nine the next morning at the airport.
They were met by a lady. She was all business. The ship she showed had been a Gulf of Mexico tramp cargo vessel that carried passengers. It had been in service on a regular route to ports that were not deep enough for the large cargo ships. The ship was painted a light green with white topsides. She was clean as a pin.
The engine was nearly new and the bridge was well equipped.
The crews quarters were large and had every convience.
There were only four state rooms for passengers.
Cathy said that four parties on a cruse would barely pay expenses.
The ship was being offered for three hundred thousand.
Robert told the lady broker that they intended looking at three vessels near New Orleans but would keep this one in mind.
The broker said that the sister ship to this one was stored there and asked if that was one they planed to see.
Robert showed her the newsletter add he had circled.
The sales lady said that the other vessel was identical in every respect to this one.
She said that both of them and one other that had since been sold had been operated by a small steam ship line that had gone broke two years ago.
There were four vessels at first.
The ships had been built in England by the finest ship yard there.
They had been designed for the owners. They were launched twenty years ago and had made a good profit for years.
In recent years the cargo and passengers that they had hauled was going by air.
The owners had gone out of business because of that and the loss of one of the four vessels in a collision at sea.
One ship was struck by a Greek Freighter in a dense fog. She had sunk and the Greek line had no insurance.
As the broker drove them to the airport she made one last attempt to interest them in the ship. She cut the asking price from three hundred thousand to two hundred fifty thousand.
Robert thanked her and again said that they would keep her offer in mind.
It was a short hop to New Orleans.
Robert wanted to show Cathy the French Quarter.
They enjoyed the "Big Easy" for three nights. Cathy saw her first Female Impersonators. She saw her first Male Stripers. She rode her first street car and enjoyed all kinds of foods.
Robert called the local branch of the brokerage firm. They had an appointment the next morning.
The sales man showed them a boat even less desirable than the one they saw at Savannah. It was bad. It was dirty. It was an antique.
The sales man was bored and doubted that this couple could afford a boat larger than an outboard.
Robert told him that they were not interested in that one.
Robert asked to see the third one he had circled on his list.
The salesman made a bad error in judgement. The man informed Robert that there was no need. It was exactly like the one he had seen at Mobile.
The salesman said that he had a possible appointment for that afternoon and he needed to return to his office.
Robert gripped Cathy's arm to prevent her from making a reply to such rudeness.
At the sales office before leaving in their rental car, Robert asked the arrogant bastard where the other ship was located.
The salesman made the remark that they could see her at Larouch at the ship yard there. Robert left.
In the car Cathy said "I wanted to slap that smirk off that bastards face".
Robert told her he had been tempted to throw him overboard himself.
They bought a road map and set out to see the ship.
Robert drove into the storage docks of a small ship yard. At the dock office he gave the manager his business card. He said that he was there to see the Estraleta. He had talked to the broker's salesman earlier and been told the agent had an afternoon appointment. He had told Robert where she was.
Robert asked for keys so they could see her. The dock master said that there were full time guards here with K9 dogs and the vessels were never locked.
He directed Robert to the ship.
It was an exact copy of the one in Mobile.
She was painted the same light green hull and white topside as her sister ship in Mobile.
Both had 80 ton hydraulic cranes in their bow. The cranes were tucked down and covered in white canvas.
In the engine room the massive diesel engine was spotless, no sign of any oil leaks and the diesel generator was the same. There was welding equipment and a work bench with a multitude of tools.
Robert noticed an arrangement that would let the generator drive the ship's propeller in an emergency. Behind the engine room was the crew's quarters. There were six small staterooms. At the aft end a big bath with two of every thing.
Foreword toward the engine room was a lounge area with a galley and a table large enough to seat eight.
Above was a large after deck and foreword was a large lounge area for passengers the galley was in the fore part of that. There had been large port holes below but the topside ports were big.
There was a ships ladder up to the bridge deck and carpeted stairs down to the four large passenger staterooms. They were nicely furnished and clean.
The passenger area ended at a huge water tight bulkhead.
Robert opened the door in that and they were looking at the cargo hold.
It was open clear to the chain locker in the bow.
Robert said that he thought there was enough space there to add three staterooms down each side of a continuation of the hall behind them.
The large hatch way in the deck could be removed and ports could be installed in the ship's sides.
Robert asked Cathy if she could charter as many as ten couples for her cruises.
Cathy said that four would be about break even. Ten would bring a big profit.
They left and the next morning checked out of their room in the French Quarter. Robert turned in the rental car at the airport and did a preflight.
He filed a flight plan as he taxed to the runway.
They were home in Alabama early that afternoon.
Robert called his office in Mexico.
He talked to Maria for a long time.
She had no problems except the rains.
Robert asked for Antonia. Robert asked him if all was well. Antonia said that he had a roof over his head and they were working every day.
Robert told Antonia that he was thinking of purchasing two small ships to be converted to charter use like the Cathy Ward.
Both were identical and in fine shape.
Robert wanted to know first if the yard could handle a small ship of two hundred feet length. Antonia said "No Problem".
Robert asked if the yard could schedule the shipwork. Antonia explained that they could this year but that he was not certain next year. The business was growing.
Robert thanked Antonia and hung up the phone.
Later Cathy joined him in the office and Robert told her he was going to buy the two vessels for her to manage.
He made his wife proud and happy.
The next morning Robert called the sales lady in Mobile. He told her he was interested in the vessel she had shown him and gone on to New Orleans to see her sister ship. He stated that he might be interested in both.
Robert asked for a price for both ships but he insisted that the sales person in New Orleans not get a commission.
He would deal only with her.
She laughed and said "He is a bastard isn't he".
Robert said "He most certainly is".
Robert asked if she would submit a price for the ships delivered to Bahia Keno Mexico.
She promised to contact the executors of the bankrupt firm immediately.
Two hours later she called and told Robert the trustees of the court would offer him both vessels for two hundred thousand each. That would be with crews furnished and fuel and provisions.
Robert countered with an offer of one hundred fifty thousand dollars each for them delivered to Mexico.
She called him back in thirty minutes and told him that the ships would not sell for less than one hundred seventy five thousand each delivered to Mexico.
Robert agreed to that price.
Mrs... Horton ( The Sales Person) said that the full amount was expected in advance.
Robert countered with an offer of half now and the remainder upon delivery.
She said that was not customary.
Robert said he would not pay the full sum until delivery. He said that a full payment in advance would cause him the liability of the ships. He asked her the price of the ships "As is where is".
She called and said the savings would be forty thousand. Robert agreed to that.
Mrs. Horton suggested that she could arrange full insurance coverage.
She also said that she could find the previous captain of the ship in Mobile.
He was working at a shipyard in Mobile and trying to find job as a Ships Master.
His brother had been master of the ship in New Orleans. Both were in their mid forties and fine persons. They had been the sons of the owners.
Robert asked her to look them up and see if they were interested in permanent jobs as captain of their old ships.
Mrs. Horton asked a few questions and told him she would call him back.
Robert had only an hour to wait before Maria drove up to the front of the building. She and Cathy had no trouble at all on their trip. It was late and Robert decided to stay the night in Hermosillo before going on to Bahia Kino. Maria drove them to a nice inn. They rented two nice rooms and got a good night's sleep. After a good breakfast they continued their journey. Just before entering Bahia they were driving along side lush pasture land that was returning to scrub brush and most of...
In less than a year Robert had spent in excess of three million dollars of his savings. He had more than that in the Swiss Bank in Mexico. He had about one million in CDs in the states and if he spent all that he would have to sell some of his investments. The Cathy Ward was booked for cruises for the coming year. That was bringing in a fine income. The expense of the team of breeding experts and the cost of the cattle had been paid. All costs of repairs and fencing at Ranchero Ward were...
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I was shaking when i accepted to go with them watch the football gamei felt something weird about these 2 worker at the bar being way too nice with me paying me drink and getting me a tad drunkthe foot ball game started and we kept drinking and watching the gamei endup way too drunk and getting up wanting to get a glass of waterbut i coudnt move , i felt heavy and week drunk and some fairy juice in my beer did the trickthe half time show was about to start''time to get ready for you show!''the...
“That was awesome,” Angie finally stopped recording. “So mine next, then can you show us how you edit them? It’s so cool how you do the titles and add music and make a movie.” “I’ll show you now,” I offered. My student was looking dissatisfied with this idea, so I carried on: “It’ll give me a few minutes to recover. I’ll be harder, and more likely to cum properly when you do, with some good big spurts, deep inside.” “Okay,” she smiled, “cool.” She squirmed a little in anticipation, in her...
As Peter and Andrew walked back to their rooms, Peter’s comment, ‘What a day’, gained a quick retort from Andrew. ‘You’re not free yet,” he said. “I think there’s worse to come. Mum and Jennifer have some business to discuss with you. You thought that the hardest part was asking Jennifer to marry you and plan a fancy engagement. I have news for you my boy.’ Andrew began to laugh uproariously. ‘I’ll saddle the fastest horse first thing in the morning – there’s still time to escape.’ Still...
36Weekend away 1 Friday, work had dragged, hubby had helped her get ready to go out and having rushed around here she was the sun going down, the hot dusty streets still basking in the warmth of the summer day rushing to be at the location where she had been told to meet him.She believed her date would not wait, so her heels clip clopped along the paving at a fair trot, his car stood at the kerbside, the door just open as she by now panting arrived beside the sleek 4x4. She leapt in throwing...
Note: Thanks to B0b and WRC 264 for beta reading this! Aingeal Such joy burst through me. Even more than when Sven appeared to save me. I couldn’t believe this was happening. That Kora could truly heal my severed wings? I thought the damage was beyond what any magic could fix. The muscles in my back twitched, wanting to flutter my beautiful, elegant butterfly-like wings. And I would get to again. Tears beaded my eyes as I stared up at my family. My ... family. It was wonderful to have...
"You know, we haven't been able to get Charlie interested in anything, or anyone, for a long time. He was losing interest in the other females, rarely masturbated, and generally seemed bored by anything sexual. Our mating program was hanging by a thread. But, he seems to like you." At this, Susie looked up, blinking at him. He nodded, "why don't you come around the side here, and we'll get you cleaned up?" That made sense to her, since she couldn't very well walk out of the zoo...
I love waking up naked every morning next to Daddy.Make no mistake - he's not my father. To the rest of the world, he's my fianceé, Mark, but I'm his good (well, mostly good) little girl and he's my Daddy. And I love being his good little girl almost as much as I love all of the grown-up things we do together. But I have to admit, I have a pretty serious obsession with Daddy's cock. Every time his cock is hard, well, there's just nothing else in the whole world that matters. Nothing else has...
BDSMShe is about 5'5", blonde hair, blue eyes, nice firm ass (even after three kids) and best of all 36D tits. Anyway, I am an active 14 year old male and just like any athlete I was due for my physical and that’s where we where headed. While lost in my gaze I didn’t even realize that we where pulling into the parking lot. We got out of the car and walked inside. There where plenty of people there and I anticipated a long wait, however, I was called through a small door after...
My name is Gautam. I am 30 years old, and I work in a big manufacturing firm. Until a few months back, I used to work in a factory in Delhi as a senior manager, but then I got promoted. The company chose me to go set up and head a new manufacturing plant in a remote rural area. So I went there, accompanied by my wife, Bela. Bela is 24 years old, and we got married two years ago. Ours was an arranged marriage. Bela is from my community, and was chosen by my parents. She grew up in a small town...
This is my first story. Please let me know what you think so that I can improve in the future. This is true and I will admit that I had to pause while writing this to finish myself, I got really worked up remembering this fantastic time. I was a horny 22 year-old when I received a call from this girl whom I had met the summer before, while fighting forest fires. I would go into the local town and frequent this one bar and that’s where I met Gina. She was a hot local girl but she didn’t look...
I experimentally opened one eye, as the sound of the beeps slowly seeped into my consciousness. The room was pitch dark, with heavy curtains blocking out the night. The strange world I'd just been dreaming about began to recede away, and became increasingly difficult to focus on, as the beeps seemed to grow in their persistence. I stretched out an arm and tried unsuccessfully to stifle a yawn in time, before the ceaseless beeping of the alarm clock finally caused me to bring a hand down on it....
ExhibitionismDear Friends. This is a 2 days old incident I am narrating to you. This is so fresh like it happened 2 hours before. My sister came to my place on Friday to give her entrance exam on weekend. As the exam was scheduled for Sunday, nothing happened till Sunday as she was busy in her studies. Uhh… Sorry forgot to introduce her… She is just 18 Yrs old and given her 12th exam last month. She is 5″4′, fair with toned body shape. Monday morning I left for office and when I came back in evening...
IncestHi, I'm Katie Richardson and I'm being punished. Everyone thinks I did something bad to Sister Mary Margaret, but they can't prove any of it. Well, that doesn't seem to matter to my stepmother, Dora Lee, she told me I'd have to stay in my room all afternoon unless I was willing to give Sister Mary Margaret back. Hah, now that I'm 14, cruel and unusual punishment just won't work on me anymore. Nope, why, I bet I could stay in my room a whole day without breaking down. Anyhow, it all...
With a start, Marissa jerked awake. She felt around in the darkness. She was alone in the bed. Blinking back the haze, she looked for the clock. 3:15. The curtains were drawn, but there was a soft light coming from the outer room. She slipped out of the bed and silently peeked around the corner of the door. Alan was sitting at the desk, facing away from her and wearing only a bathrobe. His laptop was open in front of him. He was flipping through pictures on the screen. Marissa could see...
Been working hard lately??♂️ Long days, long hours?…I’m tired AFFFF when I get home. Barely got time to do anything but eat. That’s prolly why I been havin these crazy ass dreams as soon as I get in the bed?? Vivid, realistic AF too? I love it. Cuz I feel everything in my dreams. And lately, prolly cuz I been horny and smokin…I been dreamin about big booty white bitches? PRETTY ASS big booty white bitches too? With pretty pink lips?…pretty pink wet pussies? This...
xmoviesforyouNow I am defiantly not an expert writer, but I do pride myself in saying I always go A’s for English writing. I am nineteen years old. Not that you would think that after conversing with me. I have long red hair and green eyes. I am not the skinniest of girls. But my weight doesn’t bother me nor does it affect my sex life! I stand at 5,47 and have huge DD to E breasts. All and all I say I am a hot chick based on many comment given to me but the men around me. To say I am a good girl is a lie....
IncestStepsiblings Mickey Violet and Lucky Fae have been checking each other out ever since their parents got married. Today they get the chance to make all their taboo fantasies come true in this premium Penthouse family porn video when the stepstud catches his naughty nubile stepsister peeping on him while he’s taking a shower. After devouring the petite brunette’s sweet shaved pussy, he gets a blowjob, and they fuck right there in the bathroom until the tattooed Latina gets a messy...
xmoviesforyouThe Chronicles of Abby: Jeff Babysitting Abby and Charlotte(Abby’s Perspective)Synopsis: This part of the story is a sequel to the episode “Abby’s Birthday Part 2”. Abby’s dad needed to work on a project and he won’t be around to care for Abby. So, he placed Abby under his neighbor’s teenage son, Jeff’s care. Jeff got to babysit his little step sister, Charlotte and his neighbor little Abby.[SEXY COMMENTS APPRECIATED!!!] Jim had just fetched Jeff and Charlotte home from school. Before heading...
Peter woke up at nine in the morning when his sixteen year old sister in law brought him a cup of coffee. He had an erection brought on probably by the need to urinate that tented the bed sheet and the girl put her hand over it. "I guess I didn't take care of you Bro. Or is it just your natural pedophilia at the sight of an underage girl?" The man blushed with shame and embarrassment as he looked at the scantily clay girl. "Th... that's not it," he stammered and then realized he...
Thursday, 9:34 am His fingers fumbled with the lid of the bottle of water. Eventually, they managed to open it and pour the cool liquid down his throat. As Andrew Hargreaves swallowed, he noticed his wife watching him. ‘Save some for me,’ she said. Andrew screwed the lid back on and handed it to her. ‘So, having trouble keeping up?’ ‘Me? No – I’m just enjoying the view back here.’ He replied, smirking. ‘Your bum does all sorts of wonderful things to me.’ ‘Cheeky,’ Leah quipped, handing him...
THURSDAY I woke up scrunched on the couch for the second morning in a row. My neck and back are killing me. I opened my eyes and saw Kathy sitting cross-legged on the floor looking at me. Watching me. Petting Speckles. "Babe?" I said, still groggy. "What are you doing?" "I'm watching you sleep," she said. "You looked so cute and peaceful." "Cute?" "Yeah, your face is much more feminine," she said. "I've been watching you breathe. The way your... breasts... are going up...
"The next time you fuck your wife, you're going to be thinking of me!" Those words were the last ones she said to me just a few weeks after my third anniversary. I didn't believe her.My name is Graham and I have been married just a little over three years, although I guess that's obvious since I mentioned my anniversary.Shortly after that anniversary, I ran into Jessica, a girl I had a relationship with right after high school. No, I know what you are thinking, we hopped into bed. No, we did...
TabooHi i am a child specialist practising in the north delhi.there are many patient who comes with the young mother as there kid fall sick frequently therefore sometime they come frequently and that way there develop some good personal relation with some of them but not beyond the dignity of the profession. Like this there is one patient chavi who is around one year old is my one of regular patient.and she comes with her mother neha and her father rajeev frequently as she often falls sick due to...
Our first Swingers PartyOne hot summers day we receive a call from a friend asking us if we would like to join them for a braai at a friend’s digs at 14h00 that afternoon. I’m sure that would be fun. We meet our friends and follow them to the digs. The house was hugh with a large pool, jacuzzi and pool house with gazebo for entertaining. Looks like a party house, I comment. Alice and Ben, our friends take us around and introduce us to all. Wow there were some nice-looking people, men and woman....
During Bonnie's conversation with Hak, Al had been doing a lot of thinking. He was toying with the virus program Hak had deciphered, and was thinking all of the ramifications of what the program could do if it were executed. In the mid 21st century, almost everything was run or controlled by computers. Every personal-computer he knew of used dihedrons for permanent or semi permanent data storage. Even the large mainframes tended to use dihedrons, due to their small size and large storage...
The sunset that evening was particularly dramatic. The sky was painted in hundreds of colors. The men sat in the lawn chairs watching the sky as the colors changed while the sun dipped below the horizon. No one said a word until the sun had dipped completely below the horizon and the colors had faded. Ed asked, “Can you imagine? Kelly is pregnant.” John shook his head and said, “I’m just as surprised as you.” “Are you as happy about it as I am?” John laughed and said, “Yes, maybe more....