Gamblers WinningsChapter 4 free porn video

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Robert bought a large boat with oars and an anchor. He said he wanted it to move his things to way up river. He had a job there.

Robert drove his team and wagon to a livery barn and sold his horses and wagon. There was hardly any corn left, Robert threw it in with the wagon.

He was ready to leave but waited for dark to untie his boat.

No one was around when he left.

He drifted down river to where he had hidden the gold. In the dark he loaded all that gold, food and his guns.

He was going to have to get rid of those guns a soon as he could. They were clearly marked as being United States Army property.

Robert started his journey down river that night.

Shortly before day break he tied up behind a large island and stretched out on a pad of blankets and went off to sleep.

He was awakened a number of times by Steam Boats going up or down the main river. Robert was to tired to stay awake long.

He was in the shade of a huge oak tree until late in the afternoon.

Robert built a small smokeless fire and cooked his supper.

After dark he untied the boat and resumed his journey.

He would tie up or anchor some where out of any ones sight before daybreak every morning then drift all night.

He drifted down the Ohio river until it joined the Mississippi river.

He did that until he was at a creek near a empty road upstream of Memphis. Robert hid his gold and fire arms again and drifted in to a boat dock along the water front of the city.

He had more than enough twenty dollar gold coins to buy what he needed to go the rest of the way home.

In one day he bought a heavy built strong wagon and a pair of big horses with extra strong harness.

He got a gold dealers tools and a furnace. The very latest in guns, a rifle and two pistols and a shot gun and ammunition for all, went into his wagon.

He bought dried food as well as the food now in the newly invented tin cans.

Enough horse feed to last a month went into the wagon with feed buckets.

He bought a water barrel to hang on the side of the wagon.

He wanted to get out of that clothing once worn by a Union Soldier. He bought new clothes.

Robert stopped by a lumber yard and bought all he would need to build a false bottom in his wagon to cover and hide his gold.

That night he drove the wagon back to where he had hidden the gold. He spent the next day making a false bottom in the wagon. That night he slept in the wagon under a tarp stretched over a wood frame bolted to the wagon bed. The tarp remained up and giving him shade during the day and kept any rain from his cargo.

Even though he was in the south land and nearing his home he was constantly reminded that " The Dam Yankees " had won the war. Yankee soldiers were every where.

Robert went from Memphis to Nashville then south to Alabama.

There was destruction from the war every where.

Provisional governments had been appointed in all the southern states.

People that could not read or write were made state senators and judges. The law was being administered by criminals.

Property of all kinds was being taken from it's rightful owners and given to others.

No person was safe from roving bands of looters.

Robert Ward made his way to a gold camp south of Talladega Alabama. He bought a stone building near the gold mining and opened his business.

He had become wealthy selling gold.

Most of the gold he sold was melted ingots re - cast from the stolen gold.

A ten thousand acre tract of land had been confiscated by the county.

The owners had been robbed and murdered. Their house and out buildings were burned.

There were no heirs.

Robert Wade bribed several County Officials and paid little or nothing to the county for the land.

Robert took a break from reading that old diary and had a lunch.

Those American history books he had studied in school never told about that aspect of the so called "Reconstruction Era " after the Civil War.

Back to reading that old manuscript Robert found mostly records of day by day business transactions.

Two pages detailed Wades joining the KKK.

He had become close friends with his banker, Captain Isabel owner of the Isabelle bank.

Robert Wade was depositing large sums of money in his bank. In a few months Robert's account was larger than the total assets of the Isabel bank.

Robert Wade was a poker player and joined in a game played at the Isabel home each week.

Isabel and Wade understood that the south desperately needed to get rid of the "Carpet Baggers" and regain control of it's government.

The banker made Wade believe that something could be done to break the hold the "Carpet Baggers" had on the south.

He convinced Wade that groups of unknown men could scare those bastards back north where they came from.

Isabel was the leader of the local KKK klavern.

Wade had joined them.

Pages were devoted to telling of Klan activities.

They told of a large band of Klansmen capturing twenty three looters camped at a place near Talladega Alabama. The Klan had hanged all twenty three of them. ( Most were Black ) They had then returned the four women they had abducted back to their homes.

( The diary did not say that Wade was there but he most likely was ).

The next week those crooked appointed officials that Wade had bribed for his land had been tarred and feathered and ridden out of the county on a split rail.

Of twelve that were ridden away on a rail, four had died the others never came back.

The KKK was responsible.

It took a bloody ten years but the south regained control of it's local government.

The "Carpet Bag" government in the south had got hanged or scared back north where they belonged.

Wade had become less active in the Klan. He was a member but after elected officials regained control of local government the Klan had little purpose.

Robert Wade got no pleasure in burning crosses or hanging blacks that someone thought deserved that.

Wade's diary made mention of his marriage and his election to the State Senate of Alabama for four terms.

Most of the entries were of different business transactions.

Robert finished reading that old journal and then put it back in the lead container he had found it in.

All that gold was now a problem to complicate his life.

It was legal to buy and sell gold but not gold that was marked with the emblem of a U.S. Mint and was stamped as being property of the U.S.A.

Robert spent the remaining time until his ladies returned from Atlanta trying to think of a way to use all that gold.

He read the account of the robbery and escape several more times. Each time he was more impressed with his ancestor's wisdom and guts.

After what that man had suffered in the Yankee's prison he had real hatred.

Still ( in his own mind ) a soldier not yet discharged from service, he and those others had made their last gesture of defiance.

Apparently Wade had been the only one to escape and due to the size of the shipment had ended up with near half of the gold in his wagon.

Young Robert realized that his ancestor had not just been lucky, he had been a brilliant man.



That old journal detailed the many decisions he had made to create that empire. He had risked all his capital many times with those decisions.

The old Wade had realized that the gold he hid was of no use to him and had became a possible route to the gallows for him.

Robert had found the gold but was faced with the same problems that his ancestor had faced.

The country was no longer on "The Gold Standard" but he was faced with the problem of marketing it without the government confiscating it.

The ladies returned from Atlanta with several beautiful things to wear on the coming trip.

Robert put thoughts of the gold out of his mind.

His income from The Wade Corporation stock was a little more than two million a year. He was winning over a million at poker each year.

Why worry about the over three million in gold he had under his house.

The trip to Reno was rewarding, the ladies played at the Black Jack tables and won. Robert played Poker and won.

Cathy and Edna adored Robert and were ready to serve him in any way they could. Robert tried to let Cathy feel that she was his woman in some way every day.

When they had sex they were always together. Robert would have Cathy first then later Edna while she was "going down" on Cathy.

Robert had bought them a big Ford Expedition the first day they were there.

The four wheel drive feature of the vehicle would allow them to go places off the paved roads.

Robert liked to take a break from the poker table and spend time with Cathy and Edna.

The ladies and Robert never tired of the contrast of the harsh desert of Nevada. It was so different from the lush forested look of Alabama.

After a week of gambling at Reno Robert asked his companions if they would like to go explore the glitter of "Vegas". They were excited by that.

They drove across that barren country, making frequent stops to explore interesting places.

Robert checked them in to a large casino hotel. They had arrived in Vegas after dark, after a brief dinner they split to gamble. Cathy and Edna found a high steaks Black Jack table and began to try to beat the house odds.

At mid-night they were pooped from the trip and the intense concentration of gambling. They were both ahead several thousands. Edna suggested they go to their room and get some sleep.

Robert came in an hour later and found them fast asleep.

After a late breakfast the next morning they gambled again.

Robert was on a roll. He was winning big time.

Robert was playing in a private room in the casino. He was in a "No Limit" game.

One of the players opened with a bet of thirty thousand.

Robert had been dealt four aces.

Every one else folded.

Robert called and raised thirty thousand.

The guy that had opened saw Roberts raise and raised him back thirty thousand.

Robert saw that the other player had only a few thousand left on the table and just called.

The other player played a pat hand and Robert drew one card.

The other player bet the twelve thousand he had on the table.

Robert called and raised forty thousand dollars.

The pat hand offered to write a check for the forty thousand raise.

The dealer said "Table stakes only".

Pat hand offered to transfer title to a small estate in Mexico. He said it was a house on the beach near Hermosillo. The house was located on the beach at Bahia Kino on the Gulf Of California.

The guy swore that the property was worth over a hundred thousand dollars.

Robert asked an attorney that was playing to draw up a hand written transfer and several others witnessed.

The document was placed in the pot along with a set of keys.

Pat hand tried to call that a call and a raise of sixty thousand.

Robert told him that he had only called. As of right now as far as Robert was concerned there was no proof that the property even existed.

Pat hand threw down three kings and a pair of tens.

Robert spread his four aces and grinned at the other players.

His and Pat hand's cards were the same as those that had won him Cathy, his most valued possession.

He had won a house in Mexico and a hell of a big pot.

Three hours later Robert took a lunch break.

Robert found Cathy and Edna at the Black Jack tables. They were not having a very good day. Both were down by several thousand and were ready to quit and have lunch.

After lunch Robert told them of winning a house in Mexico. He told them that it was supposed to be on a beach near a small town there.

He asked if they would like to go see what it was like.

They were excited at the prospect of going to Mexico for their first time.

Robert admitted that he had never been there himself.

He proposed that they start early the next morning.

The remainder of the day they gambled. Cathy won back what she had lost and twelve thousand more. Edna lost four more thousand and quit playing. She went to the swimming pool and loafed there until Cathy joined her.

They went to their room and waited for Robert.

Robert cane in at around six, he had lost about fifty thousand back. He was still over two hundred thousand dollars and a beach house ahead.

He had decided to not play anymore, his luck and good cards had quit him.

They had a fine dinner and enjoyed a good show then went to bed.

Robert had them up and checked out by six the next morning.

South of Vegas they saw Hover Dam, then drove through the Black Mountains to Kingman Arizona.

They had lunch at a drive through before they were in Phoenix. Late in the afternoon they reached Tucson.

Robert decided to get close to the Mexican border before stopping to spend the night.

Just outside Nogales he found them a small motel at Rio Rico. They checked in and found a restaurant for dinner.

The food was terrible and no one ate much.

Back in their room all three were ready for bed. They were tired from that long drive.

They got up early and checked out the next morning.

They found a good place for breakfast and Robert warned Cathy and Edna that their next meals would be in Mexico so fill up here. " God only knows if there are even cafes of any kind where we are going " he said.

Robert had them at the border station getting visitors visas to enter Mexico by nine.

Nogales was soon behind them and they found themselves on a toll road going south. The road was in fair shape and they made good time.

There really was not much to see until they got to Hermosillo.

They were amazed to find a Hardy's and a McDonalds there.

They turned due west from Hermosillo and that road was in poor shape.

Four hours later they drove into a fishing village. A sign out side of the place said that they were at Bahia Kino.

Edna spotted a beat up Police Car parked in the shade of a big oak tree and pulled up behind it.

They all got out to stretch and Edna began talking to the policeman. Edna had a pretty good grasp of the Spanish language.

Edna explained that Senior Wade was now the owner of a hacienda near here.

Robert gave the address.

The policeman became excited and he told Edna that his sister took care of the place for the owners.

She lived in a little house behind the big house. He had been there many times to visit her.

Edna asked if he could direct them there.

The policeman said that he would lead them there.

The tiny town was on a small bay.

There was an ice house and docks for shrimp boats and a seafood processing plant.

The policeman led them out and north a mile on a gravel road. They were driving along side a beautiful beach with groves of palm trees almost down to the water. There were three fine homes with huge stone fences surrounding them.

The police man turned into the drive of the last one. The road ended there.

He opened the gate and drove up to a small house just inside.

A handsome middle aged woman came out and they hugged.

The police man, his name was Leon, Introduced them. The ladies name was Maria.

Maria spoke excellent English.

She told them the house was clean and ready for them.

She would take them there and show them around and help with the luggage.

Leon went with them. Edna was still driving. She drove up the stone paved drive and parked under a three car covered entry porch. It was a big house.

There were five bed rooms each with a bath. The living room over looked the beach. The kitchen was big but the appliances were old. Maria said that every thing worked even if it was old.

There was a formal dinning room and a game room with a pool table, bar, and poker table.

Maria asked what time they would like dinner to be served.

Robert told her that they were used to having the evening meal soon after dark fell.

Maria said that there were no fresh vegetables in the house, she had not been to the market in town lately. She said that she would serve frozen things that night and shop the next morning.

The luggage was in the master bed room. Robert suggested they change to bathing suits and swim from the beach.

When they went out through the kitchen Leon was still there. His eyes could see nothing but Edna in her skimpy bikini.

At the waters edge Cathy and Robert teased Edna about turning Leon on.

Edna told Cathy that she hoped Cathy could still turn a man on when she was her age.

Robert said "Leon is a handsome man and you might have a dam good time with him ".

Edna asked if they would mind if she had a little adventure in Mexico.

Robert said " Go for it honey " !

Leon brought beach chairs and umbrellas out from a storage building and set them up while they swam.

Edna left the water and went to a beach chair. Leon sat next to her.

She and Leon talked.

Leon let Edna know that his wife had passed away two years before and that he was a single man.

Edna said that she was single to.

Cathy and Robert watched as Edna handed Leon a tube of sun tan lotion and lay down on her stomach so he could apply it.

When Leon was finished with her back and legs Edna rolled over to let him do her front. She sat up and untied the string behind her neck and unlatched the clasp in between her tits and put her bikini top on the beach beside her.

Leon had the finest set of tits he had ever seen to rub sun oil on. It was a hard job but he did his duty. It was such a hard job that Cathy and Robert wondered how the zipper on his pants could stand the pressure.

Cathy and Robert had become horny watching them and decided to go to their room and do something about that.

As they passed Leon and Edna Robert said " Nice tits aren't they Leon ".

Leon grunted " Si " and continued massaging those lovely tits.

Edna had that dreamy look on her face she had when she was about to have an orgasm.

While they had been on the beach the power had gone off.

As they entered the kitchen Maria informed them that dinner might be delayed. The power might be back on soon or it might be days before it was on again. She said that there were kerosene lamps in every room that she would light if the power was not restored by nightfall.

Maria also said that there would be no water since it came from a deep well on the property.

Maria said she was going to prepare the evening meal on a small kerosene stove.

Robert told Maria that a simple dinner would be fine and that she and her brother were invited to dine with them. He told her to expect to feed five.

That brought a big smile to Maria's face.

At about dark Robert and Cathy were on the king size bed. Both were sated with sex. Cathy was lying with her head on Robert's thigh casually playing with his soft cock. ( She would have liked to get it hard again )

Maria opened the door and came in. She said " Please don't let me interrupt I am just going to light the lamp ".

As Maria left she said that dinner was ready.

Edna came in after Maria left. She had a flushed face and it was obvious she had just had sex.

Robert asked if she had gotten sand in her pussy and Edna told him that she had stayed on the chair. Edna said that Leon was a wonderful screw. She said that Leon had "Gone Down" on her first then she had sucked him for a while. Leon had then given her a great fucking.

She told them that Leon was an exceptional lover and she wanted more of him but in a bed next time. That dam chair had hurt her back.

Dinner was enchiladas served with a cold cervasa brewed in Hermosillo. Cathy had never liked beer before but she liked that so much she drank two bottles.

After dinner Robert and the two ladies retired to the terrace overlooking the beach. Robert invited Leon to join them. He invited Maria to and she said that she would as soon as she put the kitchen in order.

Cathy went to the car and returned with a battery operated "Boom Box". She found a good music station and Robert and she danced. Leon and Edna joined them.

Maria finished in the kitchen and brought after dinner drinks.

She said that she had used the last of the ice making Stingers and that she wished that the power would be turned back on soon.

There was a nice breeze on the terrace and they stayed out there for several hours dancing and talking.

Robert danced with Maria several times.

Maria told them that the house had been built in 1946, right after world war two, by a movie star. Her mother had tended house for him. When he died the place was sold and her mother had remained there tending the place for the new owners.

Her mother had passed away in 1990 and she (Maria) had become the caretaker of the place.

In the last ten years the owners had been there only two times.

Maria said that she worked there for a salary of thirty dollars a month and the use of the nice cottage near the front gate.

She said that she liked the arraignment and hoped that Robert would continue it.

Maria said that she had an extention phone in her house but never caused any charges to the house phone.

She had called the previous owners when necessary though.

Last year she had called and reported that lightening had burnt the air conditioning units out. She was told that since the place was not expected to be used soon the air conditioning was not going to be repaired.

Maria said that she kept a garden for herself and supervised the maintaining of the grounds. She kept the house ready for the owners to come anytime and checked the house every day.

A father and two sons kept the lawns cut and the shrubbery trimmed. They got a check every month from the owners.

They were there at least one day a week and were paid one hundred dollars a month.

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Diana got dressed and walked out to the training field she could smell blood and see the bodies of the girls who didnt make it stacked in the yard. Standing in file with the other girls she noticed all of who had same enhancements as her only there were a mix of brunettes and silvery blondes she saw ava and made her way next to her. Hey do you know whats going on before Ava could answer there was a older woman standing infront of them dressed in a jet black sis uniform and wearing a lab coat,...

4 years ago
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Soup of the Day 224

John Allen Lucy Allen Seabolt / Martin and /Rita Jerome Morris the director of vocational education for the Cleveland school system Bobbi James the radio personality Amos Hardee deputy sheriff Lori Moore deputy sheriff Marcus hostage taker Sara Thomas newspaper writer Everett Martin the current leader of the Cleveland meetings of Freebird. Mark and Happy Jones swingers. Jethro Morris murder victim. James Western the second murder victim. Sarah the cousin who sold him his land. Detective 2nd...

3 years ago
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Just In Time Ch 02

**All characters are over 18 **This is a SERIAL so it is a running story so please look for the previous/following installments! * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * Previously on Just In Time: Justin, a young lab tech, is sent back in time to prevent the theft of Cleopatra’s poison! After an ‘REM lesson’ where Justin learned all about Ancient Egypt and how to fit in, he seems to be carrying himself well. Justin lands in Ancient Egypt and is assumed to be an agent of the God Horus and is...

2 years ago
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SkinFlick SlutChapter 5

Rich was even better-looking than I remembered, he was absolutely gorgeous. it seemed like you had to be to work at Beauty and not just as a model. I guessed that so far I'd passed all the tests, even a few that weren't exactly required. I'd only met Richard a couple of times at parties, but he remembered me well when Phil introduced us. I brought in the photographs; he looked them over quickly in the restaurant. "They look great," he said, putting them away in their manila envelope....

4 years ago
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My First Male Escort Service

Hi, this is a sex story of my first male escort service encounter with a HiFi lady. About me, I am Shri from Bangalore 22 years old and studying engineering in a reputed college 5.9 feet height with slim body fair enough to attract a girl and about my boner its 7 ” and 3″ thick. Anyone need service in Banglore for one night stand, long term relationship, massage, just to pass your time or any of your fantasies to fulfilled can mail me @ Let me start the sex story.I am a big fan of iss and once...

3 years ago
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RV Sex

© 1994 - 2002 LaffWithMe Press It had been a long day of driving. We had gone nearly three hundred miles that day, mostly because nobody except the driver wanted to stop. Of course the driver is yours truly. At thirty-four feet plus a car tagging behind, the 'rig' (RV'er talk) was about twice as long as my wife or oldest son was willing to handle. Not that I'm complaining. Hauling around a small apartment on wheels is not all that difficult. And with three kids and a wife, all that...

2 years ago
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Double Your PleasureChapter 3

Whenever I concentrated on pretending to be my slutty twin sister Miranda, I was able to score the most impressive orgasms and never had any problem in finding horny boyfriends to scratch my itch. Now that we were living in the same city, my duplicity had become more and more prone to discovery. She had enjoyed stealing my latest boyfriend, the French exchange student just because she wanted anything I had and didn't want to share. She called me from out of town to ask that I stop by her...

4 years ago
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Maxine Stones New LifeChapter 87

"Maxine. we need to meet." The voice on the cell phone belonged to Vlad. "I'm at the house. It's going to take me twenty minutes to meet you anywhere." I explained. "I am at your gate now." "Alright, I'll turn off the alarm. Do you need me to come unlock the gate?" "No, I can get it open," He informed me. "I thought so," I agreed. I had time to pour a cup of coffee before Vlad showed up. I put the shotgun under the bedspread before I let him in. He didn't need to see the...

4 years ago
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my first fuck1

my life, although it has been nearly equaled many times since in our torrid love life. It happened in her father's house way back in the hills of Kentucky. We got word that my grandfather was in very poor health, and Mom wanted to go see him right away. Since it was early in the week, Dad couldn't get off work, and my brother and sister and I were in school, but Mom didn't want to travel alone, so she asked me, the oldest child still at home, to go along with her on this overnight...

3 years ago
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Kates Enlightenment Part 2

I continued stroking James’ rapidly growing erection and very soon my hand failed to close even halfway around him.  He was now kneading my swollen breasts and nipples and his tongue was working its magic in and around my very sensitive left ear. His hot breath, his ministrations of my breasts and the feel of his enormous and weighty cock in my hand were combining to make my head spin with lust and anticipation. I felt his right hand travel down over my hip and onto my soft belly and I swear...

2 years ago
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MyWifesHotFriend Ava Addams 22593

Ava Addams went on a horrible date, and she’s looking to spill it all to her BFF, who isn’t home. But her BFF’s husband Charles is, and he could just go on for days with Ava about dating, sex and love. And as a matter of fact, he does! After giving his wife’s friend his deep, heartfelt thoughts on meeting the right man, he pulls out his hard cock in hopes of a deep, heartfelt fuck with a married man! At first Ava can’t believe her eyes, and then she can’t believe she’s got her big tits out and...

4 years ago
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Trucker fucker

My reputation for being a slut had spread around uni and i started living up to it, wearing slutty clothes and loving the attention. so it was my mates hen night and we had gone to bristol for a night out. i was ment to be sharing a room with my mate becky. It had been a long night of drinking and drugs and it was a great night. but then becky got into a fight with some girls ( i never did find out what it was about) but anyway she wanted to go home. Our train wasnt till 7pm the next day...

3 years ago
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Jordan Chapter 1

Jordan was 14 years old when she first learned about sex in school. The health teachers used scare tactics to try to keep them from ever having sex, they taught nothing except for abstinence. According to their teacher, no form of birth control was effective enough to protect against everything, and there were many things to worry about, from AIDS to herpes or even the obvious one: pregnancy. Even so, Jordan, as all teenagers, was still very curious about sex. When she was 15, she had her first...

4 years ago
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Theres My Whore

There's My Whore By Salon Selective You're blowing the polish on the final nail dry as you tell me that tonight will be a new experience much more intense than experiences of the past. What ever happens I deserve, you say. "Whores like you get what they deserve." The nails are outrageous ... nearly an inch long and deep red. We head for the bedroom where I am instructed to sit in a chair placed in the middle of the room. My feet are bound to both of the chair's legs and my...

3 years ago
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between the korns

I still had flashes of him from years ago, only wanting to have friends, being chubby and nerd i endup as his personal cocksuckeri remember how easy he got it happening walking me in the korn field near his place , riding on our bike to ''show me a nice spot''i never had smoke weed , we got to that spot where there was a clear spot of korn , we smoke, my school friend getting in his boxer suddenlyi can still remember how he sat his boxer feformed by his huge black cock''did you know i had a big...

1 year ago
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Scrolller 3D Porn

Scrolller is one of my favorite porn sites in general. No matter what you are into, you will find a great selection here. The name Scrolller says it all. They make it extremely easy to scroll through pics and videos. The amount of porn one can absorb on Scrolller in a short time is incredible. Often, I’ll lose a whole week to Scrolller before I notice it happened.The Cogs and Pulleys of Cock PullingAt the top of the site is a small menu with the options Photos, Videos, and notifications. The...

3D Porn Sites
4 years ago
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Collage girls Taken

I was strapped down. Tightly. My legs secured at the ankles, legs spread wide and pulled up, and bent at the knees. My arms likewise, a collar around my neck, secured. A leather strap across my waist. I couldn’t move. Next to me Kayleigh screamed, then silence. I couldn’t see her. The others girls were with me, and although I couldn’t see them I knew they were tied down, as I was. And like me I knew they were naked. He stood in front of me, whoever “He” was. He smiled, a cruel leer. He held up...

3 years ago
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Got fucked well this past weekend

Me and a buddy were hanging this past week end, had a few drinks and LOL one thing led to another. We ended up naked on the bed and playing with each others cocks which has happened before. We like to have a little kinky fun sometimes when we're alone, a little sucking and hand jobbing but never anal before. I couldn't resist sucking his dick and playing with his ass which got him pretty hot. I love to deep throat his cock and he really likes it when I do. Next thing I know he had me on my back...

4 years ago
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First time Bottom

This was something I had done a little over a year ago. I have been hooking up with people off the internet from different sites. I was just sooo horny one night I just did not care what happened as long as sex happened with another person.I got online to an adult dating site where I have met women, couples, and single guys before. Within an hour I found a local guy. His profile did not say he was into men, but he chatted with me.During the chat he let me know he was horny also and just wanted...

2 years ago
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A Simple Parlor Trick First Take

It was a delightful little party at my best friend Hugh's house, with about a dozen of us present all told. His parents were out of the city, and with their gracious permission we were granted access to Mr. Blackbourne's stupendous collection of liquor. The drinks offered pleasing warmth on a harsh winter afternoon. It was still light out and we were hesitant to imbibe too much so early, so we'd gathered some chairs in a circle and were swapping stories. Edward, my other best friend,...

1 year ago
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The Solution to Eddies Problem

I showed Eddy the videos we had made a couple of days back and he seemed convinced that we were on the right track but he said, "I still can't get a hard on." "That will be taken care of later today and I will also demonstrate that the woman you are thinking of marrying is not what you think. No. One she is not forty three years old as she says, she is sixty eight. No. Two she just wants to use you as a sex toy for the men she brings in. No. Three she is a nymphomaniac that does not care about...

Group Sex
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Changing The Water Meter

It was 8:45 in the morning as I was reading a hot story on here by one of my favorite authors. I had already brought myself to the brink a couple of times already. I had to wipe the pre-cum from the tip of my hard cock twice already.The phone rang as I was stroking myself, so close to coming. I answered the phone still stroking my hard cock."Hello?""Hi, this is Debbie. Is this Tom?""Yes, Debbie. It’s me, Tom.""Tom, I hope you remember me. I’m the property manager. Are you at home?," she...

Straight Sex
2 years ago
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Spizoo Savannah Bond Sensual Bedroom Sex For Naughty Blonde Savannah Bond

Busty blonde bombshell, Savannah Bond, can’t hide the excitement on her face as she prepares herself for Damon Dice. The horny duo can’t keep their hands to themselves as soon as they are together in the bedroom. Savannah dry humps Damon’s crotch while the horny lad plays with her big tits. Damon then gives the naughty slut a sensual pussy licking. Savannah returns the pleasure by giving Damon a sloppy blowjob. After making sure that her man’s dick is wet with her spit,...

2 years ago
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MrPov Jada Kai Horny Yogi

Jada Kai is an athlete. Just look at her toned, near-perfect body. Jada’s body is the result of hard work, and a lot of that work comes from practicing yoga. Jada’s an exhibitionist, too; just look her skimpy, yoga gear! All it takes are a couple poses, and Jada starts popping out! First, her beautiful boobs…then, her freshly-shaved cunt. Like I said, Jada loves showing off, and it doesn’t take too long before she’s paying attention to you. Practicing yoga makes...

2 years ago
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The Find Book 2Chapter 10

Rich and Ron tried the small Hydro taking water in from both sides thru ducts and using a fairly large electric generator, like for wind to make the power for 10 storage batteries to hold the power once the batteries were charged, the hydro kept the electric supply coming, the electric pushed the boat at first to supply the water flow over the generator to run the boat. The diesel motor would idle down and then off. However, if the boat shut down, the batteries would fire the diesel motor...

5 years ago
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163 AUTUMN ISLAND [A SERIES BUT ONLY IF YOU WISH AND ENCOURAGE,]“WELCOME TO WHAT COULD BE, YOUR OWN ISLAND” Dougy the boatman said helping the agent, who was some-what green around the gill`s it must be said, helping me onto the pier from the small and rocking boat, the sun beat down, as the birds undisturbed for perhaps 10 years wheeled and screamed at us miserable intruders, I motioned him to sit for a moment and his colour began to return, he obviously was not a good sailor! I took from the...

3 years ago
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my sister in laws boyfriends secret

I had know idea my sister-in laws new boyfriend was bi,untill the night he and her stayed over mine and my wifes house,both my wife and her sister had gone to bed,but we both stayed up drinking beer and watching porn,i had never kept my bi-sexuality a secret from my wife,and she was ok with it,well as we sat watchin,i kept glancing at the bulge in his jeans,so i began too make risky comments,coz my cock was hard as rock,i said to him,i bet your cock is bursting,too my surprise,he said yeah it...

4 years ago
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uncle screwed ritual

All the characters in the story are fictional One day I was hanging out with my cousin in his home, who is 1 year older than me. My uncle came home from work, so he was happy to see me. I and my cousin were cooking dinner, my aunt was out of town. After dinner uncle went to his room, a couple of minutes later he called two of us in, pulled some money from his wallet and asked my cousin to go and get few beers, he was looking at me and smiling, he whispered in my ears "Here comes your birthday...

2 years ago
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Susan and Jason Naked In SchoolChapter 2

JASON You would think that with the requirement to run around naked for the whole week that everyone would be so used to it that you’d see more than just The Program kids running around naked. Well, there were; but not many. To be fair, winter was coming and it was too cold to casually run around everywhere clothing-less. Later in the spring there would be more which is usual here. Someone nude who didn’t have to be was still a novelty. So I was taken aback when a topless girl stopped me in...

3 years ago
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Repair your broken love

Repair your broken love Characters: Molly and Mike Location: Home Word count: 1,518 Character count: 6,290. Pages: 4 Disclaimer: Please note that the story contains themes of sexual acts and language, if this offends you. Don’t read it! Molly is running out of the bedroom and through the living room, wearing only panties and a bra. She then bolts down the short hallway to the bathroom where, shaking and yelling, she darts into the bedroom. She lets out a loud yell of surprise as...

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My SEXY Cousin


3 years ago
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All About Getting Even

Chapter 1: What's Going On? Here I am out running. I'm not a runner but I have to do something to get my mind off Breann. I made a mistake, a big mistake. I cheated on her and now she knows. God, I love her so much. Why was I so fucking stupid? I think women are right when they say men think with their cocks instead of their brains. Or the other saying, "There is only enough blood flow to either go to your dick or to your brain, but not enough to go to both." It all started with the...

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Mr SmoothieChapter 10

All five of us graduated at the same time, so that was one inconvenience that we avoided. After graduation, we had a meeting where we reorganized into the "Mr. Smoothie Corp." We wanted to move to a location where our organization could grow, both in dollar value and in number of employees. We even jokingly talked of franchising. All we really settled on was that we would move to Los Angeles and raise our price to $1,000 per basic contract. Sue thought that we could charge more than that,...

3 years ago
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The Shop Keeper

By: 4everhorny After we finished the doctor’s appointment she asked me to take her to a specific place which I knew was her regular shop for lingerie. We reached there in about an hour’s time because of the traffic. During the drive I asked why she removed her bra and she said because the doctor told her to stop wearing it because it was excessively tight now and to buy new ones. We entered the shop and most of the assistants were familiar with mom and welcomed us with the usual warm smiles...

4 years ago
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Sexy Highway Patrol

Hello friends, sorry for the delay in writing down each story. I try to find time to draft these stories but in my busy life, I do not find proper time to do so. Ok, let us jump into the story right way. This is a true incident that happened a few days back, but an unforgettable one in my life time. Luck and sex can come from anywhere and any time – remember that always, guys! I was traveling back from Chennai to Bangalore on a sunny evening about 6.30 pm. I was stopped on the High way by a...

2 years ago
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Enter Jenny

When my wife died, I was devastated. Married less than 10 years, and taken from me suddenly. More than just my wife, she was my best friend. We would laugh together, cry together. We had amazing adventures all over the country, and our intimacy was stuff of legend. At times it was all I could do just to get out of bed in the morning. I knew that I had to get through this, I just didn’t know how. After several months of establishing myself in my new life, I decided it was time to find myself a...

2 years ago
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I really enjoy the stories on the Internet and decided to share my enjoyment with my wife. She read and enjoyed most of them, much to my delight, but the ones that most turned her 'on' where the ones set in porno bookstores. She was so turned on by the fantasy of her being used in a bookstore, that she wanted me to take her there to see what it would be like. We'd had a few 3somes but we were not very experienced, so I was a little apprehensive of taking her to the porno peep shows, who knows...

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Shannons Ascension

"Shannon's Ascension" By Thomas Chaser ([email protected]) _________________ The consultancy offices were easy to find - a modern one-story office building,well landscaped, with a handful of parking places near the entrance. Shannondidn't have a car since most of her daily needs were fulfilled by the university,so she walked the few short blocks to the offices. She entered the small lobbyand went to the receptionist's station, a simple window cut into the side ofthe wall with a narrow...

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