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One morning, when haunting dreams woke Šárka with a start, she found herself transformed into a ball of fur. Thinking it was but a dream, she arched her back and debated if she should go back to sleep. A tail attached to her rump flicked back and forth in contemplation as she noted the oak bed frame appeared larger than usual.

Looking down, she could see two white paws like fuzzy mittens attached to equally fuzzy legs covered in orange fur. Nearly jumping in shock, she cautiously gazed behind her only to gasp in fright upon observing her body covered in tawny stripes.

“It’s only a dream," thought she. "If I shut my eyes, I’ll find myself transported back to my body, wake up properly, kiss my sweet Ivana on the cheek and start my day none the furrier.”

For the past few days, Šárka had felt under the weather. Maybe uncorking and drinking the entire bottle of Moravian wine from the cupboard after an argument over the finer points of art was a bad idea. Šárka painted commissions under the male name Marek Makovec when not teaching at the nearby primary school. An eccentric Bohemian bloke often purchased her work to supposedly show off in Vienna, but she never received more than a few Kronen as thanks. Thank Mary, Jesus and God above she knew more than a spattering of German to conduct business with him.

“The only explanation for this illusionary nonsense is a subsequent hangover.” Šárka paced back and forth over an ornate quilt draped over a pair of sleeping figures, her brows furrowing, “The wine caused a headache, and the headache caused hallucinations — that or the mushrooms we foraged were not boletes like I thought. All I need is a generous helping of garlic soup and some sleep.”

Adamantly, she shut her eyes but upon reopening them, her hands were still paws and her tail still flicked back and forth — this time in frustration.

The pattering of rain on the window thrummed gently over the glass while Šárka perked her ears which had become more fine-tuned since yesterday. She could hear wooden carts clacking over the wet cobblestone paving Havelská Street below as merchants readied their wares for the morning market. She could even hear a mouse scuttling between the stucco of the apartment, and for some strange reason, she felt the urge to chase down the vermin until its dying squeak extinguished triumphantly between her teeth.

From a gap between the miserable grey sky, the early morning sun let down a ray of light that gently brushed over the hushed rooftops of Prague. Loosely parted curtains allowed a sliver of cool sunlight to trickle into the darkened bedroom. Forgetting for a moment the urge to dig into the walls in pursuit of the mouse, Šárka found herself entranced with the way the column of light moved and expanded when her eyes rested upon the first of the sleeping figures.

“Ivana!” Šárka leapt on top of her. “My princezna, my laská.”

Tenderly, she nuzzled her nose against her lover’s cheek, taking in the sweet scent of rose hips and chamomile. If anyone could recognize her, if anyone could reel her in from the brink of madness, it was Ivana.

From beneath wisps of dark brunette hair, a set of hazel eyes fluttered open. Šárka gazed into them, feeling the hot breath of Ivana ruffle her fur as she pressed her face against hers. Her front paws unfurled and clenched in anticipation.

With a yawn, Ivana stretched her arms out from beneath the thick wool quilt, the sleeve of her white cotton nightgown hanging over her bare shoulder. A look of annoyance flitted over her face.

“Číča, you stupid cat. Let me sleep,” grumbled Ivana. She shooed Šárka away, pressed the pillow over her face and vehemently ignored her.

Šárka stared at the gently heaving chest of Ivana, completely flabbergasted. And how could she be Číča? That was their pet. Šárka remained steadfast in her conviction that she was, in fact, human.

“True, we haven’t been on the best of terms lately,” she mulled, “But a kiss at the very least would be appreciated.” Gingerly, she placed a solitary paw over Ivana, her body warm but her countenance cold.

A speck of dust jerked her attention away from her lover. Her head cocked back and forth like a pendulum while it dipped and twirled. Šárka recalled the unbridled passion that rushed through their veins, the raging current of love that once set the two ablaze. All the while, her eyes remained enchanted with the dancing dust as it tumbled in a downward spiral over the bed.

Their sapphic love affair had stoked a fire between her legs, but the intensity with which those violent flames licked and thrashed against her core petered out as nothing more than a flicker of a bygone memory. The grating reality of their relationship continued to chafe against her delicate heartstrings. For in truth, Šárka couldn’t remember the last time she had sex, much less been touched. She felt utterly deprived.

Ivana had been occupied with her women’s club more and more, leaving little time for the two of them. They both labored to cut out a slice of middle-class life in a world where their job options were limited by law and, as two teachers, the expectation of chastity loomed over them like the ironclad rule of the Austrian empire over Bohemia — not that the education ministry ever considered sexual relations between two women as any more than a few whores printed on a French postcard.

The threat of discovery meant she kept her relationship secret lest she face ridicule from her colleagues and the disdain of her family back in Zlín. She always suspected her father was disappointed that she moved west to Prague rather than work in the shoe factory with the rest of the family, and she wouldn’t dare add fodder to his already distasteful view of her. It was bad enough when her brother ran off to become a monk.

Shaking off the thought of her father, she went to curl up in her usual spot only to find it occupied.

Her heart dropped in her chest, shattering at the sight in front of her. A comely young woman lay, face obscured by wave after wave of blonde locks. A hint of her small bosom peeked over the quilt, large reddish nipples protruding from two rounded peaks like juicy red raspberries ready to pluck.

“That lying snake.” Šárka inhaled sharply through her nostrils, a snarl building and her face wrinkling with the stench of unforgivable betrayal.

Unsheathing a set of claws, instinct took over. No one slept with her Ivana but her, but before she could dig deep into tender, adulterous flesh, the woman let out a yawn, brushed her hair out of the way and locked eyes with Šárka.

“Light brown eyes, high cheekbones, mole over the upper lip…” Šárka executed a series of comparisons in her head, “She looks awfully familiar. An awful lot like me.”

Gazing mischievously into her eyes, the stranger sat up, letting the covers pool around her thighs. With sly smile, she ripped the bedsheets off the sleeping Ivana and straddled her without breaking eye contact with the dumbfounded Šárka, who could only slink against the footboard of the bed and watch. Šárka could swear she heard a purr stir deep within her doppelgänger’s body.

With a growl, the Šárka-impersonator (for she was sure this was the most reasonable explanation) smacked the pillows off Ivana’s face, leaned in and, without a word, bit Ivana’s lower lip, tugging it roughly like a wolf tearing apart its prey.

“Oh, Jesus, this woman is mad!” thought Šárka, her eyes glued to the action in front of her. Letting Ivana’s lip free, the nude doppelgänger raised her hand and slapped Ivana square across the face with a loud smack, jolting her awake.


A groggy voice called out. Šárka nudged up against Ivana’s feet in response, but her lover ignored her, instead, gazing longingly at the naked stranger straddling her on the bed.

“Do that again.”

Ivana’s eyes glinted in a way Šárka had never seen before as the doppelgänger smacked her again and again. Ivana groaned and moaned with each sharp impact — not with pain — but something altogether different. Something Šárka all together failed to understand. The bright-red sting spread through Ivana, staining her cheeks with animalistic rouge as she pressed her thighs together, all the while staring lustfully at who she mistakenly took for her Šárka.

“No, no, no!” thought the real Šárka, “This isn’t right. I’d never hurt her like this crazed beast.”

She tried to get between the two if only to push the stranger off the bed and reclaim her lover.

With a mighty battle cry, Šárka rammed her furry face into the stranger’s thigh, but the blonde’s crimson lips only curled in a devious grin. Grabbing Šárka by the scruff, the woman tossed her to the edge of the bed, discarding her like a rumpled handkerchief, before returning her attention back to Ivana.

“Číča can be fed later.” Ivana’s lust-filled gaze penetrated deep into her bright golden eyes, lightly stroking her fingers through the woman’s untamed curls like a field of wheat, searching for her glistening pearl of barley. Pouting her lips, full of need, she whispered, “Take me.”

Šárka could only watch from behind as her doppelgänger forced Ivana’s nightgown up over her head, trapping her arms above her in a tangle of fabric. She could see the dark forest of her lover’s mons parted to reveal her dripping sex underneath. The woman’s curved derriere stuck out, her light tufts already matted with strands of arousal. Šárka had never seen so much pussy in her life, even if one looked awfully similar to her own.

Leaning in, the woman grazed Ivana’s neck with her teeth. Her hot breath rasped against soft, exposed skin while she purred, “Píča.”

Ivana’s whole body shuddered as the woman’s tongue traced the folds lining her sensitive earlobe. Dark raspberry nipples jutted from the stranger's small chest as she pressed her lithe body against Ivana and murmured again, “Píča,” her voice dripping with honey. Her finger traced around the coffee-colored areola of one of Ivana’s shapely breasts, persuading her usually shy nipple to peek out from its fleshy confines.

“Oh dear Lord.” Šárka tensed, her mind racing. “Píča? What self-respecting Slav would ever use such derogatory language? Does this impersonator lack any self-worth? How dare she do this to my Ivana!”

Despite Šárka’s silent protestations, Ivana’s body flushed at each lash of hedonistic turn of phrase and the only word this so-called imposter had spoken all morning. With an impish smile, the woman pinched both of Ivana’s nipples between thumb and forefinger, tugging them roughly until her breasts were sharply yanked upwards. With a cry of pleasure, Ivana writhed in place, her arms still trussed up in her nightgown.

“Šárka,” Ivana’s eyes glazed over. “Don’t hold back; use me like a piece of meat.” Her neck arched back as slender fingers roughly clawed her bosom.

Surrendering her body to the woman’s rough caresses, Ivana barely managed to whimper, “Make me your dirty little whore."

The doppelgänger ripped her fingers from Ivana’s nipples before slapping them, earning another hungry moan and started grinding her fuzzy cunt over Ivana’s, their slits rubbing together while the two lost themselves in a salacious frenzy.

Šárka could believe neither eyes nor ears as streams of filth continued to pour out the mouths of the two women on the bed. Nor could she understand how what had been denied to her for months, this impersonator managed to clasp her lecherous paws over within a matter of minutes with nothing less than brute force.

How Šárka wished to shower Ivana’s comely breasts with affectionate kisses, suckle them between her lips while Ivana tenderly stroked her hair, but instead, this blonde ruffian was ransacking everything she cherished, everything she loved. A prisoner in her own bed, she could only watch, helpless and frozen in place.

Scared to look, Šárka tried to cover her face, but the stench of arousal gushing over the bed coated everything. Staring in disbelief as her doppelgänger, who had managed to situate her glistening cunt over the eager face of Ivana, now grabbed handfuls of her lover's hair, tugging on them like reins, shoving her face deep into her velvety folds while she rode her like a demon possessed.

“Fuck my filthy face, you bitch,” growled Ivana as the doppelgänger slammed her dripping sex against Ivana’s face over and over while she yowled in ecstasy, humping and grinding her mercilessly into the bed.

Smothered by cunt. Slathered in cunt. Ivana’s whole world was cunt as she rasped her warm tongue against the Šárka look-alike’s folds. Tangy strands of lust-scented honey streaked her chin and dribbled over the mattress.

Šárka winced, “How can this be? All those vile, musky secretions…” she shuddered, “I can’t fathom licking down there. Ivana can’t possibly be enjoying this. This crazed impersonator must be holding her captive — possible blackmail — and now she’s forcing her to slurp away at her hairy puss.” The blonde look-alike gasped, little breathy pants building to a crescendo, while she rubbed her swollen clit over Ivana’s reddening nose. “Oh, this is horrendous! Poor Ivana, tied-up and used like a cheap whore.”

Dark hairs on Ivana’s legs stood on edge as goosebumps traveled through her trembling body. The woman smothering her started to grind her hips faster and yank her hair harder while her face contorted, wrinkling her youthful features. With the wooden bed frame squeaking in tandem with each thrust of her sopping slit, the blonde arched her back, her whole body stiffening, as she let out a piercing howl heard by all the residents of the apartment block and the merchants down below. Convulsing, the woman clawed and scratched at the bedpost, shaking like a rabid animal while her orgasm ripped through her.

“I need to escape this madness!” Šárka desperately glanced around the room, searching for a way out.

“Come to me, my darling.”


Šárka perked her ears at the silken voice of her lover, but the exhausted stranger’s collapsed form blotted out any light Ivana’s eyes had to offer while the two embraced in a tangle of naked flesh. The woman flicked her tongue over Ivana’s drenched face, sharing her adulterous flavor.

Šárka could take no more.

Chest weighted with humiliation, she leapt off the bed, her nubile body pirouetting as she tumbled onto the floor, and made a mad dash for the door, orange tail stiff with impassioned rage. Church bells announcing the start of the day echoed down the street while Šárka desperately pawed and scratched at the promise of sweet egress, the handle just out of reach.

Šárka began pounding her furry body against the door in a pitiful attempt to batter it down, a despondent mewl accompanying every thump. The sounds of a wet kiss followed by a squeal followed by streams of profanity filled the room.

“Out, out! I need out!” Šárka mewled with a frantic furor as the squelch, squelch, squelch of fingers jammed up cunt invaded her delicate sensibilities.

Šárka rammed her body harder and mewled ever louder, shutting her eyes in the hopes of waking up as herself in the arms of her lover.

Memories of the first time Ivana bedded her sprung forth amidst the chaos. After a long workday, Ivana had invited her to coffee at the Grand Evropa Hotel. Dark features painted over pale skin had captivated Šárka with a wink and a smile. The cuff of Ivana’s blouse lightly brushed over her thigh while they sipped their bitter elixirs at a secluded table, the heat tickling their lips. Before she knew it, they stood outside the hotel’s art deco facade, leaving hand in hand to Ivana’s flat.

Seduced, she found herself with her high-waisted skirt pressed up over her hips, stockinged legs splayed out, offering up her cloistered pearl on the same bed her doppelgänger now used to defile her lover’s sodden slit.

That initial sexual interaction had been Šárka’s first. Ivana gently coaxed her dripping petals open, exploring her pink velvet with patience and care. Šárka bit down on the pillow while new sensations surged through her body. Her large nipples rubbed against her blouse, aching to be sucked. She remembered floating as if suspended in water. A chill. A flush. A heartbeat frozen in place. A tender kiss over her clit unleashed euphoria the likes she never knew, her body shuddering over Ivana’s masterful fingers, her tight walls gripping.

Šárka didn’t know what went wrong between them, nor why she was left to fester over long-lost pleasure while Ivana took her own with another.

“We’ll have to continue this later.” Ivana’s voice trickled over the bed.

The lovemaking came to a temporary lull. Ivana got up, her feet stopping next to Šárka at the door, and pulled out a simple creme-colored slip from the wardrobe. Gazing up at her lover, she could make out a series of scratch marks over her thighs and back before the slip covered them under a layer of smooth silk.

“What has that woman done to you?” thought Šárka.

Pinning up her dark locks, Ivana teased a solitary finger over her lip, “I’m going to put the kettle on. You should get dressed. I’d hate for you to catch a chill, my darling.”

Her words flowed out deep and seductive like they had all those months ago, rising from a well of passion. The doppelgänger merely stretched her agile body and purred, apparently more interested in the warm spot forming on the side of the bed closest to the window.

Šárka gazed up at her lover full of wide-eyed desperation as Ivana stepped over her and shut the door in her face.

“Alone with the imposter…” thought Šárka. She sunk on her haunches and growled, turning to face the woman who now licked her fingers triumphantly. Šárka’s eyes narrowed, “All I need is to prove to my Ivana that you and I are not the same. You are a fake. A filthy, feckless fake.”

With a satisfied hum, the doppelgänger clambered off the bed on all fours, ritualistically rubbing her head over the bedposts. She then crawled over to the wardrobe and repeated the foreign action, stroking the hard almond wood with her naked body before working her way over to the dumbfounded Šárka with a knowing glint in her golden eyes.

Filled with unspoken purpose, she rubbed against Šárka in the same manner. “She must be a foreigner from a far off land,” thought Šárka. Peach fuzz lining the strange woman’s legs grazed Šárka’s fur coat, making her shudder.

The woman appraised her, a smug expression plastered over every inch of her decidedly devious demeanor. Šárka felt marked, the smell of sex still lingering over the fake’s sweat-tinged flesh like cheap perfume. This woman wanted to make it clear she owned everything in the room, and Šárka’s legs buckled under the mysterious power this most uncanny of doppelgängers possessed over her.

Seemingly pleased with her handiwork, the woman stood up, wrapped herself with the soiled blanket she had mercilessly fucked Ivana over and left without a word, save one:


Šárka scampered out not far behind, determined to protect her lover from this monster.


In the kitchen, Ivana had already prepared a pot of tea, the mellow aroma of mint and chamomile a welcoming start to an otherwise unpromising day.

“If only we could discuss things, then surely she will see past this furry nonsense and recognize me for me,” thought Šárka.

In a valiant leap of faith, she vaulted herself onto the kitchen table, almost knocking over the fruit bowl and flower vase in the process.

“Číča, down!” scolded Ivana.

“You must listen to me,” Šárka pled. She tried to slowly enunciate each syllable, but her words garbled together, sticking to the roof of her mouth. A series of unintelligible, high-pitched mewls followed, “That shrew is a fake — a dangerous fake.” The doppelgänger silently slunk over to the table. “I’m just feeling under the weather…”  Tail curled up in disapproval, Šárka pressed her backside up towards her look-alike, her cries more desperate, “Don’t look at her, look at me! I’ll save you. Tomorrow, when I’ve gotten proper rest, we ca—”

“Off the table. Shoo!”

With an exaggerated swiping motion, Ivana chased Šárka off the table and locked eyes with the woman she believed to be her lover.

“Now where were we, my darling little kitten?”

Heat from the wood-burning stove flushed their bodies. The doppelgänger allowed the quilt to pool over her shoulders, plump nipples erect and golden eyes glinting with a cutting gaze that could conquer armies.

“God, you are so gorgeous.”

The doppelgänger merely sat and stared.

“I almost don’t want to attend the women’s group today, but I must. Františka’s made me a member of the suffragist committee, you know. I’ve got an obligation.” Ivana poured two steaming cups of herb tea into a matching pair of earthen mugs. “Honey?”

The woman placed one leg on the table, quilt draped suggestively, proffering a view of her raw, hairy slit. Ivana blushed as she dolloped a generous helping of sweet nectar into each cup, never breaking eye contact.

“I know you don’t care for marching in the street, but the men have done it, and thanks to them, we can speak our language, celebrate our Czechness.” She paused to sip her tea, “We don’t need to grovel under those Austrian boots any longer, although, I’m happy we were born after all the violence.”

The doppelgänger stretched; blonde tufts matted with the heady scent of their lovemaking lined her underarms.

“Could you imagine if we didn’t have to hide… if we could stay like this forever?”

Paying Ivana no heed, she nuzzled her face against her armpit and started to preen herself, more interested in grazing the salty residue off with her tongue. Ivana’s eyes wandered to her mug, lost in contemplation.

“And Františka’s such a strong figure, such a leader. She’s so… she’s so…” Ivana’s voice trailed off in search of a word that fit. “Steadfast.”

The Šárka look-alike began flicking her tongue over the patch of curls thatching her other armpit. Ivana, finding nothing out of the ordinary, continued.

“I was beginning to think we’d fallen out of love. At least, I thought so until this morning.” Ivana nervously rapped her knuckles over the table, averting her gaze. “I tried to fill my void, my wants, my desires.” Ivana’s breath became choppy. Her eyebrow twitched. “I can't live this lie any longer. It's that Františka. She seduced me and took me and fucked me — after meetings at the hotel or the back of the opera, even on the tram. And her belt — if you could see how she commands that glorious strip of leather, the way she winds it over her wrists… You've never noticed the welts, not even once.”

Ivana tenderly reached out her hand and stroked the doppelgänger's fleecy tufts, now coated in a thin layer of drool, and gathered a bead of sweat, placing it delicately over her sex-stained lips. Sucking off the pungent, earthy aroma, her face puckered in bitter realization.

“I should have been more patient. If I had known you were such an animal then I… I…” Ivana broke down and sobbed, “I’ve been horrible to you. I’ve ruined everything.”

The woman continued to stare with her leg propped on the table, arm stretched awkwardly above her tousled mess of blonde locks. Ivana set down her mug and leaned in, her eyes puffy and swollen.

“Won't you ever forgive me?"

The woman's gaze remained fixed, her expression vapid. Tears carved salty trails through dried flakes of arousal still smeared over Ivana's face.

“My prinsezna, my laská…”

Eyes connected by an invisible force, face emotionless, the woman silently knocked her untouched mug off the table, sending a torrent of hot tea flying over to the corner nearest to the stove where Šárka had curled up into a ball of resentment, trapped in a web of conflicting emotions.

After being chased away, spurned by her lover, Šárka had resigned herself to a small basket beside the stove. The porcelain bowl filled with quickly souring milk from the icebox held no interest to her. Listening to the exchange, the cheating, the betrayal — Šárka could make neither head nor tails of it. Anger tethered her in place and when the mug cracked on the hardwood floor, its contents forming a puddle next to her, all she could do was hiss. Hiss at Ivana. Hiss at this hideous creature who replaced her. Hiss at the injustice of no fair trial back into her lover's heart. For deep down, she still clawed at the frayed thread of hope that all would be well; if only she could get some sleep.

“Píča,” said the woman.

“Oh, it's true. I've been a complete píča. How can I ever make it up to you?"

The woman’s empty stare remained unchanged.


Still, nothing. Ivana nervously fidgeted in her seat, her eyes tracing a path from the doppelgänger to the mess on the floor and back to the doppelgänger again.

“Y-you can't mean… you couldn't possibly want me to…" Ivana stood up and adjusted her slip. Her voice quivered for a moment before finding traction, “I'll go clean up my mess."

Early morning sun glinted through the windowpane. The rain had let up, leaving torn wisps of clouds to dissipate into nothingness. Dappled light outlined Ivana's curves as she got on hands and knees next to Šárka.

Glancing at her misidentified lover with trepidation, she cautiously lowered her body, the lace trim lining her slip pressing up over her rounded buttocks, and carefully ran her tongue over the spillage on the floor, reddened eyes begging for approval.

Šárka’s face wrinkled like an overripe prune. Her internal rage took pleasure in seeing Ivana bent over in a desperate attempt at forgiveness. She had to admit the way the silk slip stuck to her straining breasts, the outline of her stiff nipples so visible as they angled down into a succulent valley, almost made her forget, but she could never forgive such betrayal. Ivana’s eyes continued to search for any reaction from the woman who watched on impassively.

Tossing the quilt to the side, the doppelgänger strode over to Ivana. Šárka cowered in the corner, too scared to confront the monster towering above her.

With her bare foot, the woman pressed Ivana's face into the floor, forcing her to lap at honeyed notes of mint and remorse. Tears flowed freely down Ivana's face like the Vltava river after a heavy summer rain as she slurped up every drop of her mess, the weight of the woman's foot heavy on the back of her head.

Despite Šárka enjoying Ivana pitifully grovel on the floor, the doppelgänger had taken things too far.

"Who is she to think she owns us?” thought Šárka. "Filthy foreigner fake. Only knows one word of Czech and it's horrendous! This isn't right. It isn't natural.”

As much as she seethed with hurt and humiliation over Ivana’s infidelity, the pompous stranger using her like a piece of meat, like a domineering bitch, like an entitled royal subjugating her sweet Ivana (for deep down, she still loved her darling), sent her over the edge.

With a yowl and a hiss, she sprung up and latched onto the imposter’s face, biting and clawing with pure vengeance.

The woman howled and screamed, tripping over Ivana’s prostrate form while she tried to pry Šárka off. The two swiped and bit and kicked in a fight to the death on the kitchen floor, a tangle of fiery fur and skin.

“Číča, no!”

An apple from the fruit bowl hurtled through the air, striking Šárka's head.

“Bad kitty,” scolded Ivana.

Šárka's body went limp on impact as her muscles relaxed and fell onto the cold hardwood floor. Dying embers glowed through a crack in the stove's door in a feeble attempt to warm her matted fur.

“Oh, my poor, sweet Šárka, how could anyone hurt you like this?”

The real Šárka’s head throbbed, her vision blurred, as she watched Ivana console the battered woman in her arms. Fog filled her senses as she gave up, defeated.

She barely noticed when Ivana stroked her doppelgänger behind the ears, or when she tickled her fingers under her chin, or when the doppelgänger nuzzled into Ivana, or when Ivana’s slip began to stick to her folds, slick with juices milked from her humiliation.

“I'm starting to think we should get a dog instead," Ivana whispered in the woman's ear, “A proper bitch and name her Teta.”

The woman purred.

“I'm done with this stupid cat.”

Ivana marched over to the dazed Šárka splayed out on the floor, picked her up by the scruff, opened the window and tossed her out onto the street from their second-story flat.

Šárka plunged to the cobblestones below, crumpled in front of a bread stall like a ragdoll. Amidst the bustle of the morning market, her hazy eyes gazed up at the open window. Her unfinished paintings, her teaching, her Ivana already dissolved in an all-consuming miasma.

The two women locked lips in passionate embrace. The doppelgänger shot Šárka a triumphant grin as she pressed Ivana against the windowsill and closed the curtains. A pair of golden orbs the final image etched into Šárka's tiny mind before her world faded to black.

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Hello, sex story readers! I am Keerthi an Orthodox woman from a conservative Hindu family. My husband’s name is Roshan who is also a very conservative man from a rich family. I was married to him when I was 24, but he was already 32. He had a company of his own which had many branches in different towns and I was made to quit my low paying job as my husband’s family was rich enough. He lived in Bangalore, so I shifted there from Hyderabad. Coming to the point where it all started, I and my...

3 years ago
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Pfand XChapter 19

Tom stopped by the side-table and grabbed a plate. He moved down the table examining the array of food available and then grabbed an apple Danish. He glanced at the clock and then poured a cup of coffee. It was a thirty-one ounce cup and he filled it to the brim. After one more glance at the clock, he grabbed a second Danish, before carrying his late morning 'second breakfast' to the table. Following behind Tom at the table, the Innkeeper filled a large bowl with fresh fruit. After looking...

2 years ago
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Diamond RoseChapter 10 Di

Jeffrey was adorable, but getting a nose full of slobbery finger was enough for a while. She lifted him off her lap and stood him to toddle off to his mother, Michelle. "Is anyone hungry?" Di asked and caught Jason giving her a funny look. "Sure," Michelle said with a sweet smile as she picked up Jeffrey. "Let's eat, kids!" Lauren and Michelle fixed plates for their kids, cutting the chicken into tiny bits and spooning a few beans on the side. Di got the kids juice pouches and left...

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My Little Sisters GirlfriendChapter 25

This was the weekend that my next to oldest sister was getting married to a sour-faced banker at her place of employment. The man had to be at least forty if he was a day and he had absolutely no sense of humor. She was undoubtedly the plainest of my sisters but I had cultivated her oral skills studiously ever since she was old enough to be legally qualified for the placement of her lips around my greedy cock. When she showed any sign of reticence, my demanding sister Princess would give her...

2 years ago
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A Maiden Gamble Part 1

A Maiden Gamble: Part 1 By Sydney M. O'Henry (c) Omphale Press, 2001 Chapter One Maria shifted on the blanket, the small cage scarcely providing room enough to move to keep blood flowing. Thirsty, the wheat blonde head turned to the water bottle tube. Crimson lips encircled the tube, coaxing fluid onto the tongue. Maria sucked only a small amount, not wanting to mess the bedding. Hunger panged, so the lips encircled the knobbly, thick, bulbous tube, sucking forth a measured...

1 year ago
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WildOnCam Annabel Redd Eliza Eves Busty Beauties Annabel Redd And Eliza Eves Have Wet Pussies For You LIVE

All natural beauties Annabel Redd and Eliza Eves love showing off their big tits and gorgeous asses in their tight lingerie. Don’t you just love the feel of big all natural breasts all in your face?!? Eliza sure loves it sucking on Annabel’s nipples and feeling her wet pussy with her fingers as she finger bangs her. A woman has never tasted so sweet when Eliza licks off her fingers and gets Annabel’s face plunging deep between her legs. Annabel is not shy at all when it comes...

4 years ago
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The Contest Day 02

DAY 2 Julie was the first out of bed. ‘So are you ready for the underwear only rule?’ I asked her. ‘Don’t get to excited, You won’t be seeing much.’ ‘Well I have the shower with you tomorrow to look forward to.’ ‘If you make it through today. I can only imagine what Ashley has planned, and I know how much you like to stare at Alexa’s ass at work. Now you get to stare at her bare ass for an hour.’ ‘Yes I do. Now I think it’s time for you to strip down, so we can leave the room.’ I was...

2 years ago
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Drugs Lust and Sex

Drugs, Lust, and Sex I’d always felt some kind of attraction to Jess, but never enough to act on my feelings, we’d only been friends for a year, and I was already falling into some kind of friendship/ lovesick relationship with her. I’d seen her naked once before, and her body was more beautiful than I could have imagined in even my wildest dreams, her skin was fair and clear of any flaws aside from one little beauty mark that drew your eyes straight to the delicate curve of her soft bottom....

4 years ago
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Fantasiies Come True

I don’t think July could have been hotter in Massachusetts If you have ever lived in the Northeast, then you realize how hot it can get. You have absolutely no breeze. We lived about 1 hour east of Boston and didn’t get the fist ocean winds. My name Alex and my wife is Melissa (Mel). We are in our 40’s now, but have been married for 20 years. We have 1 da***hter and she was raised a spoiled brat. Her name is Karen. The reason for the spoiling wasn’t so much as being the only c***d, it was that...

3 years ago
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Erotic CFNM Experience In A Spa

Hi readers, I am Vicky Kamble, a resident of Meerut. Even though I am involved in my family business, fitness is my true passion. I spend at least 4 hours at the gym each day and have a body that stuns most of the other lean boys at the gym. I am engaged to Neeti, who works with a fashion designer in Gurgaon. Last week she frantically gave me a call from her boss’ fashion show in Gurgaon and asked me to reach there ASAP. Apparently, her boss needed a muscled male to open and close the show for...

2 years ago
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Time Loop

You wake up in a small hotel room, at exactly 7:02 a.m., just like so many days before. It's not like you've been here forever, but it certainly feel so when you look at the familiar ceiling and the bare walls. In fact you've only stayed for a single night, but it seems like you've somehow been trapped in some kind of time loop, which sees you living the same day over and over again. The first few times it happened you were in a state of shock and confusion, but now you're just trying to figure...

3 years ago
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Yes Maam part 3

I placed her dinner on the table as she descended the stairs, wearing her fluffy red bathrobe, carrying the slotted wooden spatula.  "Face the wall," she ordered as she sat down to eat.I obeyed.  The apron she had given me to wear only covered my front, so she had full view of my bare ass, no doubt a bright shade of pink by now. I was now half way through the punishment she had prescribed for my earlier attitude problem.  I played back the first spanking in my head as she ate.  I recalled the...

Strap-On Sex
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Aunty8217s Outside Party Cancelled For Inside Party With Me

Hi this is Ranjith. I am going to narrate my sex story to you guys. This story was occurred when I was in first year under graduate. To tell myself am 6 feet height with 7 inch cock. Just handsome. And coming to heroine of my story, my neighbor aunty name Sujatha, age 27 and was just married to a software engineer. Her figure was mind blowing, perfect shape and size 34-24-36. No one can control there eyes by seeing her ass and boobs. Let me come to the story. One day I was working side of my...

3 years ago
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Working For An Orgasm

[ For Robert. The satisfaction of a well-earned orgasm is something very special, and well worth the effort put into obtaining it. ]Chandler: Even though I had a girlfriend (Marissa), Richard was so different in the way he and I interacted. With Marissa, we fucked (that was all she ever wanted to do, and though I enjoyed the feel of her warm, moist pussy around my cock shaft as we fucked, and the feel of shooting my load while I was buried deep within her was great---Richard and I had a...

3 years ago
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Doctor of Desire Ch 03

Chapter 3: Guardian Devil She wasn’t Sister Mary Aloysius when he met her. Hadn’t been for several years. Actually, her real name was Gerta. But even though she had left orders because she had ‘impure thoughts’ that grew and grew until they erased her ability to spend quality time in prayer, she was unable to develop a real intimate relationship with anyone. Casey spoke with her ‘ex’ Mother Superior, confessing that his role was to help her develop her normal sexuality. He did not detail...

1 year ago
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One Years after Pinochio was made into a real boy by his fairy godmother, he was strictly instructed not to lie any longer. He vowed never to lie again. He really meant it when he made that promise. He went to school for dummies. So the boy grew into a man. He worked hard and his labor paid off. He made enough money for him to leave Gipetto and Jiminy Cricket to go off on his own to seek fame and fortune. He had grown up despising the pair. Not so much Gipetto. Everytime the gay insect rubbed...

2 years ago
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I will officer

Thursday’s are my usual day off from work and, much as I enjoy my job at ‘Playthings’ helping customers choose seductive lingerie or a new sex toy, a girl needs time to rest and recuperate. My gorgeous flatmate Ebony was away for a few days on a course, something to do with her job as a Solicitor, so I decided to treat myself to some retail therapy. It was a fine warm July morning as I drove towards the town centre in my metallic purple Mazda MX5 with the top down. My car is my pride and joy...

Group Sex
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Sweet Dreams Are Made Of This Ch02

Chapter: February ‘Love (and Lust) is in the Air’ *** Ever get a feeling of intense guilt when you’re not sure exactly what it is that you’re supposed to be guilty of, a sense that an apology is demanded in a situation where you’re dead certain an apology would only make things worse? Oil on water, Jahn thought, gaping at the shrieking girl before him. Woman, he mentally corrected himself. Both of them, however small and slender they were, could not be mistaken for anything other than women....

1 year ago
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CuckoldSessions Febby Twigs 06212020

Febby Twiggs adores her husband and he loves her so much he allows her to get the pleasure she needs anywhere and from anyone she needs, BBC especially. Her husband Kai takes pride in helping her dress for her dates and then welcomes the two Men to their home to fuck his wife. Febby Takes over from there and voraciously gobbles down the Black Cocks before her and begs them to fuck her in everyway possible even the very naughty pile driver. She takes one load in the face and one deep in her...

4 years ago
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Deadlines and Dares

Deadlines. That will be the death of me, I think as my fingers fly over my laptop. Words pour from spiral notebooks, post-its, and envelopes, forming long prose of fantasy and adventure on the screen. And the deadline is next week…so close and so distressing. Am I even ready? I have no clue. I dig through the papers on my desk looking for amendment fifteen of Part Three, Chapter Twelve, when the doorbell chimes. I groan, setting my laptop on my oak wood desk before storming over to the front...

Quickie Sex
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Sharing Cindy Chapter 16 She Fucks The Bartender

Introduction: My wife Cindy meets a bartender at a fundraiser and has some fun. Sharing Cindy Chapter 16 This is part of the continuing true story of my wife and some of the adventures we have had over the years. While some people seem to have issues with wives who have sex with others, I for one find it extremely erotic to have such a highly sexual wife and wouldnt change anything. Here is the latest adventure I would like to share with those like minded individuals. ...

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Gadraai Jawani 24 Saal Ki

Hello friends myself Ankur and I am a student from Raipur (Chhattisgarh). I am 24 years old with whitish complexion, my height is 5’11” and weight 62 kg. I am not very good looking but even after that mere paas kavi v ladkiyo ki koi kami nahi rahi hai. By the way after reading my story if you like to give me any compliment or comments then your most welcomes in my inbox my email id is It’s a true incidence happened some 3years back. Orkut pe mai randomly ladkiyo ko search kar k unhe friend...

1 year ago
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Cum as you are

Janet was a good friend to all of us....there were about six of us guys who hung out together and she was always a "buddy". ONe day we asked if she ever thought about us...well....as more than "buddies".To our surprise, she said she did...but not how you might think....she wanted to see us cum....but didn't want to fuck us....we could see her naked, but no touching...no fucking.At lunch in the dining hall we sat at our usual table - six guys around Janet. She described what she would like... ...

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WildOnCam Alex More Bellah Dahl Alex Gives Bellah A Wild Sybian Ride

Alex More has her good friend Bellah Dahl with her and is excited to show her the ropes during her first LIVE show! Bellah is a little nervous but with a babe like Alex leading the way it will be one fucking great time! These naughty babes love to tease in their lingerie and thigh high stockings but really want to strip it off and show off those beautiful tits and pussy! Bellah loves how Alex licks and sucks on her pierced nipples. Bellah just can not get enough of that tongue! The girls bring...

2 years ago
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The Final Battle Revised

The following is purely fictitious and intended solely for the personal use of those over the legal age of adulthood, in communities accepting the graphic portrayal of themes that might elsewhere be unacceptable.F.The Final BattleWar cries of many in pursuit of their captured princess dwindled vastly overcome as they were by a superior force. The caravan continued its southerly direction. Battle sounds faded to be obscured in the dusty fog trailing the cart bearing the wooden cage and the...

3 years ago
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An Average Wednesday

Before we move on maybe I should fill you in a bit about my family, because this next bit is where it gets good. Don’t worry… it's coming. My name is Lisa, and I am 18 years old. I live at home with my mom Rebecca and my brother Max. Max is 22 and became the man of the house after our dad passed away 5 years ago. Max took this pretty hard and took his new role very seriously. He felt a tremendous amount of pressure to provide for us and look out for us. He was very protective of his family...

1 year ago
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Rohan and Her Aunt

I myself am just an average teenager. I’m 5’ 7” with an average build.. I have been measured at 6.5” & it is 2.5” thick the story happened with my mom’s sister at her home on my 12th standard summer vacation . Now let me tell you about my Aunty Tanisha. She is 5’ 5” quite, with nice large tits for her size. They are 36c with excellent firmness. She is petite in size with dark, dark brown hair and deep brown eyes. They are large and big, just like a new puppy’s. Her shape is that of an...

2 years ago
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Mounting Mommy

When Malati went to her elder son’s house, he was not in good mood at all. Madhav was already 26 and he lost his wife after only three days into marriage due to accident. His effort to find new gfirl to marry him had been failing. He was living alone with his cook. Malti who was 45 then was very upset about the condition of her son. After dinner she tried to talk her son into becoming patient and wait for few more years to find a girl. Madhav started arguing with his mom and told in a fit of...

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My Pretty Little Slaves Chapter 11 Super Bowl trip Lauries homecoming and Ben Jrs Birth

Characters Introduced: Darryl, 33 white, Charter Bus Driver Suzy, 33 white 5'8, Red hair Sky Blue eyes 36D breast “OH God Ben, I missed you lover” Laurie says as she starts to kiss him and work her way down her lovers body showering him with kisses. She grabs BIG FELLA and kisses him, licks the head and looks up at Ben “Master we are not going to leave this room till we go back to Alabama, You are mine now” she sucks BIG FELLA deep getting him hard. Laurie straddles BIG FELLA and...

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Twins Part Three The Finale

Twins Part Three Chapter Fifteen Christmas and New Year came and went. Shannon, Alexis and I were on a select soccer team and our season went from just before Christmas until March. After that came tournaments almost every weekend. With practice and games, I barely had time to think about baseball. I had to make a decision as to whether I was going to play again this year. I would have to give up one sport or the other. I...

3 years ago
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Life in 1776 and then some

Life in 1776. And Then Some. Bobbie is reading from another journal of Barry's ancestors. Peace Belle. Hello everyone. Bobbie here again. I was putting away the Christmas things and started to look at another journal from one of Barry's ancestors. This one came from William Remington and it takes place durning the American Reveolution. 12 March 1775. Our father had just died of the consumption. (TB) Our father's Inn would have been put up for sale. However he passed it on to me...

1 year ago
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EvilAngel Elen Million Double Anal Troublemakers

Glamorous Elen Million flaunts her fit body in revealing lingerie. The tattooed MILF strips and pokes her holes with a glass dildo. Charlie Dean and Mr Longwood provide the cocks for an intense threesome, starting with a sloppy double blowjob. One dude drills her rectum while the other fucks her throat, and then both massive pricks simultaneously stuff Elen’s flexible asshole! Hard double-anal penetration leads to slobbery, tasty ass-to-mouth fellatio. Finally, Elen opens her mouth wide...

2 years ago
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Teachers Pet

“Ms. Davis, could I have a word with you?” Jessica Davis turned back as she was about to leave Mr. Smith’s class. The bell has just rung and she was heading to lunch. “Yes, Mr. Smith?” she asked as she walked over to his desk. Jessica was a short girl with long brown hair and glasses. Very pretty but too shy to really notice, she wore a top a size too big and baggy pants to try to hide her large breasts and ass. Still, as she turned around, Mr. Smith could see a hint of her breasts straining...

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Jackies Family LessonsChapter 7

I soaked in the tub for a long time early next morning as if that would shrink my orifices back to their virginal condition. Actually there wasn't all that much of a difference when I inspected myself later. The body, obviously, was made to be fucked. Everybody's was, even my mother's. In the clear light of morning that thought struck me with redoubled force. I couldn't imagine her doing the things I'd been doing so much of this past week. My mother was quiet, reserved, beyond all that....

4 years ago
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The sisterinlaw pt 1

I started dating my X-wife back in high school. She was 2 years younger than I was, and her sister (Tammy) was about 4-5 yrs younger. They were complete opposites. My X was 5' tall with blond hair, blue eyes and very slim (100 lb) and very out going. Tammy was the same height, but thicker with brown hair, and brown eyes. She was very lazy. Tammy was like a baby. She laid around there living room in PJ's (well I'll explain that), and watched tv, and still sucked her thumb. Keep in mind, at this...

3 years ago
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How I Met My Loyal Sub Priya 8211 Part 6

Hello everyone, Alex here again with the continuation of the story. Please read the previous updates before reading this story. It is a series of events happening during a holiday trip. I met Priya and how she was seduced to be my sub. Katherine my fuck buddy, the nudist photographer, made a deal with Priya. If she agreed to do a nude photo-shoot then she will allow Priya to enjoy for the rest of the trip. This is a final part of this BDSM series. So it is going to be a lengthy one. It will be...

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Sarah Smile

Sarah Smile By Kimberli Nicole McCarthy "Sarah? Ms. Morrison?" "Please, call me David." "Oh yes...of course...pardon me. I'm sorry Sa-umm-David, but you're just not right for the part." "But I just finished the audition, how can you say that?" David asked the casting director, biting his lower lip. Stop pouting, he said to himself. "Believe me honey, you were wonderful in your audition, but we feel you're just not right for the role. I'm sorry, but you look far too...

4 years ago
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Andys Surprise Part 2

Andy's Surprise   Part 2   It was several weeks later and Andy was getting some suits ready to take to the dry cleaners when he discovered the note that Penny had slipped to him as he left her dinner party, anxious to get home to fuck his wife. He opened is cautiously, looking around as he did, fearing Amy might be around, and it read: "Lover, if you would like to experience me again, at a much more leisurely pace, give me a call. Weekends are best, He...

Straight Sex
2 years ago
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Hotel Swap

This is a story about Stephanie, a new hot wife. I first introduced her in the first story I wrote, “Cards With Friends.” Stephanie is married to Jason, who is now a happy cuckold husband. This is now the eighth story with her. At the end of another story I wrote about these two, called “Threesome for a Hotwife,” Stephanie now wears a gold anklet on one of her legs that has a little, spade shaped charm on it, the capital letter “Q” in the center, to indicate that she is now a “queen of spades,”...

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The Camping Trip

The Camping TripI’m just a girl from the suburbs, not much on the great outdoors. My idea of roughing it is a motor home at the lake with all hookups, including cable, and a nice restaurant nearby. So understandably, I was a little apprehensive when my friend Jeni suggested that we go camping one weekend. “You’ll love it”, she promised. “Besides, you need to get out of all this traffic and smog”.The ride from home was pleasant; Jeni and I spent the trip talking about old boyfriends and sex....

1 year ago
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I finally fucked my mother Part III

100% fiction! As I mentioned in part I of this story, I had just graduated high school so I was unemployed for now and my mother was a real estate agent and she started work pretty late so we slept in later than most people, I thought….. The Mandingos fucked my mother for about 6 hours and my 4 friends and I took over and fucked mother until 2:00 AM the following day. My friends left and I told them if you want more good easy pussy, shut the fuck up and you will get all the pussy you want! It...

1 year ago
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Busted 5 In Training

(Continued from Busted 4)Busted 5: In TrainingMy wife jumped up from the deck chair and went inside, I suppose to call Sally. I slumped back in my chair and was just realizing the gravity of the situation. At the moment all I could think was, “At least this is all happening at our vacation home and not where we live and work!” We enjoy relative anonymity at the coast. We only know a few people there and we don’t really socialize much there. I reassured myself that whomever I did anything...

2 years ago
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Fucked By Beast

My 10th board exams had finished and it was hot summer in Hyderabad and three months for colleges to start. I would be alone most of the time as my parents were working and I was their only son. My dad bought me a pc (apple I mac yellow colour costing 85k) with an internet connection. Also I had joined myself in a nearby Gym. On the pc I would watch porn everyday. Also i would search for bodybuilding exercises and diet. The models fascinated me lot. Though I was very fair and handsome, llike a...

Gay Male
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Roberts First Time

My friend Chase lived on a 10-acre farm plot. It was back off from the main road in the woods. No one would come back there, and no one would hear us throwing down unless someone specifically called the cops. Even then, they’d have to either break the lock on the gate or get Chase to come open it. Chase’s parents were old rednecks and likely to throw down with us rather than get upset about anything going on. We had planned it out. We would keep it small. Hopefully more girls than guys. We...

3 years ago
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Masquerade Balls

The holiday season brings many chances for a good night out and this year we were hosting a christmas masquerade party at my workplace where everyone was ordered to dress up and be merry, and as always plus one's were always welcome since the more the merrier.My wife and I decided that Batman and a sexy Robin was called for and surprisingly enough the local high street had a decent haberdashery filled with costumes left over from halloween, so 60's lycra Batman and Robin it was and later on...

4 years ago
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Gay sex with studant

The bell rang and I watched as my students began to pile out of the classroom. I watched as the young boys play fought a few of them met my gaze they were from past conquests. The thing is I lust for young twinks. The reason I loved my job so much is because it made it extremely easy to seduce young hot ass. I am in my mid thirties with salt and pepper hair and green eyes. I have a muscular build and some stubble facial hair that framed my lips. I was about 6’4 and was fairly good looking. The...

2 years ago
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A Warm Shower

I walk in the door and toss my keys onto the side table.  You’re not home and I have the house to myself.  All I want to do is take a long hot shower.  Usually, you just hose me off in the yard.  The water is always freezing cold and you make a point of spraying me in the face often as you are hose down my ass and cunt.  I put up with it because I have no choice.   You love to take the nozzle and shove into my cunt or ass or both; the cold water filling me, rinsing me out.  You claim that you...

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TRixies fun

Fun at work.I had been at my new job for about three days and had got the hot for the boss, he was a mature guy with grey hair rather tall and a fair size belly, and lucky for me he didn’t mind me smoking. I had been giving the come on for the past two days with lots of dirty smiles and the odd comment which meant in real terms come and help yourself. Not only that the security guard was also a horny guy and he didn’t mind what he said the dirty sod, I was going to have him for sure. I was...

3 years ago
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Living Next Door to Heaven 1Cast

Brian Frost: Sophomore; not quite sixteen, 5'6" tall and physically fit; one of the oldest in his class because of his October 5 birthday; always the littlest guy in class, his friends still tower over him, but they trust him more than anything. Joanne Barnes: Next door neighbor of Brian's; dark blonde and blue eyes; 5'9"; 17 year old model who has left school and is being tutored in Europe; always Brian's guardian angel and fantasy; originally Brian called her Heaven, now that is...

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You're waiting in the motel room in the position in which I've instructed you to await my arrival: on your knees with your ass and cunt up in the air exposed to whatever I have in mind, your head and shoulders down, pressed against the bed, your face turned to the side. Again, per my instructions, you've left the light on, but you yourself are blindfolded. I told you when to assume the position, but not when I would arrive. You've been in the position long enough now that your hips are...

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Ghosts of Fort NiagaraChapter 3

Fourth period was not one of Fred's favorites. Oh, most of the seventh graders were fine. Eager to learn, or at least willing, It was February with no real big vacations coming up to distract them, so he had their attention for the most part. But, that was part of the problem. Fourth period had Sue in it. As occasionally happened, this thirteen year old, new to the whole puberty thing, had decided she had a crush on him. She tried to get his attention as much as possible, wrote little...

3 years ago
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KINKChapter 17 The Obsession Deepens

Dillon made his way down the hall from Theodore’s room and back to his own. He was still covered in splatters of blood - his and Suki’s - and his mind was in turmoil. Having just admitted some really fucking heavy shit to Theodore, he couldn’t believe he’d gotten the cold shoulder. The brush off. Now what? Was Theodore going to call the police on him and have him arrested? On what grounds would be potentially be arrested? In his mind, Suki was his. Regret - for telling Theodore - swirled in...

3 years ago
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Fucked in all her holes

Hello all ISS readers, here comes my second experience but I need your feed back to keep me encouraged to keep posting my experiences, girls, aunties, widows, separated and couples who need a fantastic treat with no strings attached mail me at Well readers now in this story I shall be telling you about mine sexual encounter with my sister in law. I don’t want to keep describing me and her its all crap instead I will rush to my sexperience straight away. ”Well my sister in law still never liked...

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