Cuffed Ch. 01 free porn video

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Hey readers! Long time, no talk. Where can I even begin?? I have been so…torn…this past year. I’ve relocated…twice, dealt with a death in the family…I got my first full-time position and quit (it sucked)…so much, so much, but, here I am. I’ve been sitting on this story for over a year and finally dusted it off. I hope it reads well.

Now, as for my other stories. I really don’t know if I can continue them. It’s been so long and I’ve become majorly disconnected from the characters…but if anyone is still reading them, I will–surely–give it a try.

Happy Reading!


Chapter One: Birthday Surprise

Splatters of red broke through the white canvas as I tossed paint at the easel. Many faces turned in my direction, but I continued to stare at the paint splashed in abnormal shapes and patterns.

I grinned.

Red was the color of the day.

I swirled my paintbrush in the turpentine, making sure all traces of paint were gone before setting the utensil on my easel. I continued to smile as I strode out of the art studio and into the sunlight.

‘What are you grinning about?’


Lara rolled her eyes. ‘You’re excited about David’s birthday dinner? Why? You know it’s gonna be boring.’

‘How do you know that?’

‘Because it’s boring every year. It’s the same thing: dinner at Logan’s, a movie to follow, proceeded with dessert from Carl’s Ice Cream Factory. Then, the night will be topped off with some mediocre sex that only one of you will enjoy.’

My smile faded. ‘It’s gonna be different this year, Lara.’

‘You said that last year…and the year before that. I just don’t want you to get your hopes up to have them shot down again.’

‘I’m trying stuff I never have before, though. New gifts, new lingerie. Get this,’ I straightened myself to look into my best friend’s eyes, ‘the theme for this year is ‘red’.’


‘Yeah. Red symbolizes so many things I want to bring back into the relationship, sensuality, heat, passion…’

‘Red also reminds me of periods, pain, and death.’


‘Well, it does! Look, I think your plan is good and all, but you shouldn’t be the only one trying to bring something new and interesting to the table. Where are David’s contributions? Don’t be the only one giving one hundred percent, Kennedy.’

‘And there went my positive attitude,’ I huffed.

‘Don’t lose focus on my account, Kennie. Your plan sounds thought out and it may work,’ Lara rose from the ground and slung her backpack over her shoulder. ‘Let me know how it goes, okay?’

‘Where are you going?’

‘Study group.’

‘But then you can’t help me get stuff for David’s dinner tonight.’ I knew I sounded whiny, but Lara promised me for weeks we would go to the mall together for David’s gifts.

‘Yeah, I’m sorry about that.’

She didn’t look sorry. Honestly, she looked relieved. I rose from the grass and dusted off my overalls. ‘No you’re not, but whatever. I’ll talk to you later.’

I stewed on the entire drive to the mall.

I knew for some time my best friend, Lara, was at odds with David, but whenever I asked her why, she never gave me a straight answer. Her response usually consisted of ‘I just don’t like him’, or ‘I don’t trust him’. Webster’s did not contain a word strong enough to convey her feelings toward my fiancé—the word ‘loathe’ worked most of the time, however.

‘But that still doesn’t excuse her from being unsupportive,’ I huffed while stomping in the direction of Sears. I made a beeline for the power tools and grabbed the drill David was eyeing last time we were in the store together. By the time I visited Lids and Gloria Jeans, my attitude shifted one hundred and eighty degrees. Iced coffee tended to have that effect on me.

‘Hi there, welcome to Kohl’s!’ An associate popped from behind a rack as I entered the store. ‘Is there anything I can help you find?’

‘No, I got it covered, thanks.’ I knew Kohl’s like the back of my hand, so I wasted no time in finding the outfit I needed for the night. I chose a black dress on clearance and decided to pair it with red heels and accessories. ‘Maybe David will catch on to the theme,’ I murmured to myself as I stacked boxes of red shoes near an armchair.

‘Ooh, I like those, but how about these?’ An associate, whose nametag boasted ‘Sarah’, held out a pair of black, strappy heels.

‘Now, I like those!’ I took the pair from her and slipped them on. ‘Do you have these in red?’

‘I can check,’ the little brunette scurried away.

I twisted and turned my ankle, eyeing the black shoe and weighing my options. ‘Red purse, red lipstick, red teddy for tonight…Actually, Sarah, I think these shoes will work—ouch!’ I stood up and collided with a hard, warm wall of flesh.

‘I’m so sorry,’ a male voice apologized.

I righted myself and regained my composure just in time to lose it in the wake of green eyes staring down at me. My lips parted, but no sound came forth. I imagined I looked like a fish out of water.

Geez, get it together, Kennedy, I coached myself to no avail. My heart rate quickened as we stayed locked in our ocular embrace. In the back of my mind, I heard him apologize again, but I didn’t snap into action.

‘Miss. Are you okay?’ he asked, those green orbs filled with concern, but laced with curiosity.

‘Yeah, um,’ I cleared my throat. ‘Sorry. I was just caught off guard.’ I stooped to gather my purchases and realized the man had a gun on his hip. A cop…or hit man.

‘No problem. Here, let me help you with that,’ he said, picking up my Victoria’s Secret bag. Of course, the teddy fell out.

‘Oh, God,’ I groaned. Heat flooded my cheeks—something I knew he wouldn’t miss.

‘Sorry,’ he said, fumbling around the small heap of fabric on the floor. ‘It’s nice, by the way.’

‘Not helping,’ I muttered, taking the garment from him and stuffing it in another bag. ‘What are you even doing over here anyway? This is the women’s section.’ I sat my bags down and crossed my arms.

‘I’m buying a pair of stilettoes for my dear, old grandmother,’ he smirked.

‘A sarcastic muscle-bound man, now that’s something new,’ I rolled my eyes at the, insanely attractive, muscle bound man. ‘Well, if you’re not going to say why you bulldozed over me in the women’s shoe section.’

‘Bulldozed? You ran into me, chick.’

‘Ran into you?’ I laughed without humor. ‘You were the one hovering over me like I was about to stuff these shoes in my Victoria’s Secret bag without paying. Now, if you’ll excuse me, officer—hit man, or whatever—I’m gonna go pay for this to avoid being gunned down.’ I gathered my bags and walked forward, only to have the sarcastic man blocking my path. Sexuality, heat, and a cologne I couldn’t name radiated from his body. I had to leave—and quick.

‘You can call me Holden,’ he smiled. ‘And I’m off duty.’

‘Later, Off Duty Holden,’ I said, leaving him smirking in the aisle.

I felt his eyes on me as I walked away. It was like as he bid me to come back. I wanted to.

My feet dragged as I trudged around the store. I knew I had to make it to the dressing room before I checked out, but I couldn’t bring myself to go that next step. I didn’t want to leave the store yet. I felt bereft—left wanting. ‘Geez, what’s my problem?’ I huffed, shaking my head.

I turned to look back for the cop, but he already moved to housewares. I followed him. I knew I shouldn’t have. I was running late for my fiancé’s birthday dinner, but there I was, stalking another man. That mattered little in the wake of my heated body and clammy skin.

Attraction and desire burned through me: I was a pile of dry leaves and Holden, the off-duty cop, was the flame that set me ablaze. ‘What am I doing?’ I huffed in frustration as I followed him to men’
s apparel, back to shoes, and back to housewares. And what the world is he looking for? I wondered. He did full loops around the store and hadn’t picked up a single item.

Well, he was in the women’s shoe section. Maybe he was shopping for the woman in his life. My subconscious jeered. The thought made my pulse quicken. My eyes even had the nerve to tighten along with my chest. Jealousy was not an emotion I was accustomed to, but it hit me like a slab of concrete. ‘I am engaged!’ I whispered harshly to myself. ‘I love David, and David loves me. We are going to get married in June and it’s gonna be perfect.’ With that, I dashed to the dressing room.

I sent up a litany of thanks for whatever force aided me in choosing yoga pants for the day before sliding them off. I tossed my t-shirt to the floor before pulling the dress off the hanger. That’s when the door to the dressing room flew open.

‘What the? Someone’s in here!’ I realized that in my haste to try on the dress, I forgot to lock the door.

The cop emerged through the door and locked it behind him. I had no idea why, but this action sent butterflies dancing in the lowest part of my belly.

‘Why were you following me?’ He asked.

I decided to play dumb. ‘What?’

‘I’m a cop. I know when I’m being watched or followed. What do you want?’

‘Couldn’t you ask me questions when I was finished trying this on?’ I waved the dress in his face. ‘I’m feeling really vulnerable right now.’ Mainly because I was almost naked and his eyes had not strayed from mine yet.

‘Answer the question.’

I said the first thing that came to mind. ‘I wanted to know if you were on duty. I’ve never seen a cop brandishing a gun off duty.’

‘Brandishing? The thing is safely attached to my hip. And I told you I was off duty. I’m sure you can do better than that, chick.’

Darn. ‘No uniform?’

‘Not while off duty.’

‘And your handcuffs?’ I said, remembering the metallic glint I saw on his pants not too long ago.

‘You never know when you may need them,’ a flicker of something passed in his eyes, but I couldn’t pick out the emotion before it left his eyes.

‘So, are you gonna leave now? I’m kinda in a hurry.’

‘What’s your name?’


‘Because I’d like to know the name of the woman I’m taking out tonight. It does something special to me when a woman stalks me around a department store.’

‘My name is Kennedy, and I can’t go out with you tonight, on account of my boyfriend’s birthday dinner.’

‘The diamond on your left ring finger would indicate he’s more than a boyfriend. What is that thing? Around one…one and a half carats?’

‘Okay, Sherlock Holmes. He’s my fiancé. What’s it to you?’

‘Just curious as to why you’d lie about your relationship status.’ He crossed his arms and leaned against the wall of the dressing room. I inhaled deeply and released the air in my attempt to quell the fluttering desire in the pit of my stomach.

‘I did not lie! I was caught off guard. It’s not everyday you run into an off duty cop, wielding a gun in your face.’

‘Wielding? Are you really that frightened of my gun?’ His eyes danced with mischief as if he were entertained by the idea.

I sighed. ‘You know, you’re still in my dressing room.’

‘Well, I thought you wanted to spend time with me, seeing as you stalked me through Kohl’s. I’ll see you around, Kennedy.’ He righted himself before giving a brief smile and exiting the dressing room.

I deflated. How could one man have that much power over me? A man that was not my fiancé! I chastised myself as I tried on the dress, when I went to the cashier to purchase my items, and as I sped walked to my car.

‘You’re late, Kennedy.’ David’s face was hard as I scooted into the booth.

‘I know, I’m sorry. I was held up at the store.’ That was almost the truth. ‘I had to grab a few things.’

‘Well, I ordered you a drink. The appetizer should be out soon.’

I exhaled to try and gather my wits. I put on a smile and asked, ‘Do you want to open your gifts now or later?’

‘You know we always do them after we eat,’ he shook his head. ‘So, how was your day?’

‘Not bad,’ I said, catching my breath. ‘I got into the studio after my time at the high school. How was your day?’

And that’s all it took. One question about his day and he talked for the rest of the meal about bank statements, checks and balances, audits, and other topics accountants discussed. I couldn’t relate. Now, if he were to ask me about the difference between cadmium and bismuth yellow, I could launch into a ten-minute speech.

We finished our meal and David opened his gifts, but confusion marred his features as he picked up the Victoria’s Secret bag. I grinned. He pulled the teddy out and quickly stuffed it back in.

‘What kind of sick joke?’ His eyes darted around the room, checking to see if anyone watched us.

‘David…it’s for me to wear… for you.’ My smile faded at the realization that he didn’t understand the purpose behind the lingerie.

‘Oh. Okay.’

‘After ice cream, of course.’ I forced a smile.

He nodded, looking relieved. ‘Now you’re talkin’. Let’s get out of here.’


David gave it his best try in the bedroom that night, but my mind wandered back to Holden. His green eyes, the way his muscles rippled with every movement he made… It was Holden’s face I saw that night at home when I made myself come.

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Amber in BetweenChapter 5

When the final grades of the year were posted I had a 3.82, more than enough to get into LSU. The college must have notified the University. Two days later I got the letter announcing my official acceptance into the incoming freshman class. Technically I wasn't a freshman, I'd be entering as a sophomore, but that's not the way universities act. I would have Orientation, Counseling to get me aimed toward a major, Sections (Scheduling) to get my classes, and the inevitable paying of fees...

3 years ago
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The Guidance Counselor Pervy Perv

Hello guys! I am Anand back with the next story of the series about a pervy perv. Thank you for the amazing response to the previous story. I strive to give you content while indulging in my fantasies. As I always say, please contact me to share your fantasies. Keep sending your comments, wishes, love, and suggestions. I am always open to a chat in Hangout. My email ID – [email protected]. Recap: Dr. Liya Robin had invited Dr. Melanie (her sub and gynecologist) to speak in a sex education...

4 years ago
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This is the story about the time I had with Anja, my first real love. It all started when I decided to try out this dating apps. I never was the type of guy who haves a lot of sex with strangers, yet I kind of wanted to be a bit more like that. It started off fast and I talked to a couple girls, however non of them where into fast dirty fucking and also they were not ma type. After some weeks however this gorgeous woman responded, it was Anja. She was among the few who used there real name. We...

1 year ago
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How I was Turned into a Little Girl Pt 3

How I Became Girlie. Pt 3 By Ms. Stephanie Smith. WARNING TO UNDER AGED READERS. Under aged people should not read this story? So if you ARE underage, please stop reading this NOW and go outside and play in the yard. In all my 12 years on this earth, I had never been so scared. Aunty Ann had caught Wendy and I out in the back yard with me dressed in a white skirt and heels and had rung my mother telling her that she needed to explain something that had happened today. I sat...

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Antelope FreewayChapter 22

Earth time: Monday, 12:40 PM, November 29, 2010 Mountain Standard Time Aina time: 4:29 PM, day 47 of 1408 H.E. After A'moth left, Isabelle and I wandered about and looked at our boxes. They were neatly stacked in two separate piles in the room. Isabelle looked so excited I decided not to press her for explanations, let her decompress first. A'moth's downstairs area was very comfortable. It was a nice deep basement, more than seven feet of head room. There was one large living area plus...

3 years ago
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Culture Shock Ch 04

Chapter 04   Leaving the store, Elaine stepped off the kerb and blinked in surprise. With the added length in her stride as she stepped down from the gutter to cross the road, the seam down the middle of her jeans parted her labia, pressing more firmly against her clit. She hoped she wouldn’t chafe. Shorter steps lessened the pressure, but lengthened the walk. She rued the couple of extra pounds on her ass left over from last winter. Her jeans felt like a hand holding her crotch. Combined...

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Rohan His Two Friends 8211 Part II

Hi this is Niharika back from slumber after a long time. I hope readers must not have forgotten me by now. As you all know I never write any fake story all the stories are real acts which I head felt on my body & soul. It was office as usual with Rohan, he had made a routine to fuck me twice a week, sometimes alone and some time with any one of his friend either Raj or Umesh, because I had told him specifically that I could take only 2 at a time and more than that. It may so happen that one day...

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California here we come

The story until now.In The US Lyn met a water skier called Julie and she invited her home to our bed. I spent a week coaching Julie in barefoot water skiing and found that she was a quick learner. Following the worlds, Julie decided to travel Route 66 with us and then come back to Australia with us. She stated that the reason was to continue her coaching with me. On our first night of our trip, Julie told me she was falling in love with me. I eventually told her that I also had deep feelings...

Wife Lovers
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Mrs Braithwaite Part III

Mrs. Braithwaite, Part III. by Geneva After meeting an old friend and surviving an attack, a witch reevaluates her way of life and her place in her coven. This is a following story to "Mrs. Braithwaite, part II". Although it will stand on its own, it might be advisable to read "Mrs. Braithwaite, part II" for background. While this story has a transgender component, it is only one of the themes. Brian Errol drove carefully away from the scene, keeping below the speed...

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Dont Sleep on the Subway Book ThreeChapter 39 Jan 1944 Allies Land at Anzio in Italy

“[Democracy] is the line that forms on the right. It is the don’t in don’t shove. It is the hole in the stuffed shirt through which the sawdust slowly trickles; it is the dent in the high hat. Democracy is the recurrent suspicion that more than half of the people are right more than half of the time. It is the feeling of privacy in the voting booths, the feeling of communion in the libraries, the feeling of vitality everywhere. Democracy is a letter to the editor. Democracy is the score at...

2 years ago
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Sex With Married Neighbor Rashmi Akka

Hi friends, this is Krishna from Bangalore. This is my first story on ISS. Recently, I shifted to Bangalore. I work in an MNC. Now I am going to share my first experience with my neighbor girl. Before I start, let me tell you about myself. I am 25 years old with an average body, 5.10 height, 5.5″ dick with 1.5″ thickness. About my neighbor, her name Rashmi, she is 28 years old and 3 years elder to me. Rashmi is married and her husband works in UAE. She stays with her dad and mother. She works...

1 year ago
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Private Gitta Blond Enjoys DP Threesome

Today on, we recover our final scene from Private Specials, Euro Chicks Love 2 Dicks and this time it’s with Gitta Blond who takes on the legendary studs Bob Terminator and Mike Angelo in a spectacular gonzo threesome for the ages. Gitta wastes no time getting the party started as she warms up her ass with some solo masturbation before treating her men to a couple of sloppy blowjobs. Then watch the rest of the action as this wild babe goes on to enjoy a breath-taking anal and DP...

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Twinz Tracy Part 1

Hi my name is James and I'm a 24 year old, black male, average build, with a normal sized dick of 9 inches. Anyway I would like to tell you about the time I had the fortunate luck of having sex with two gorgeous women that are twins which spawned a love of all female twins everywhere for me. One day I was on my way home from a friend's house on the West side of Chicago, as I am riding the train I notice two beautiful women get on the train. As I am riding they both look familiar to me, after a...

2 years ago
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Chapter 23 Training Begins Again

Mistress Ann- I am in my office talking to Julia we are going over some of the things that she has learned so far, she says she doesn’t like wearing corset’s which I remind her is part of her uniform. I tell her that my class will be here soon and that they are all virgin and we can’t penetrate them, but it is our job to teach them how to please their new master’s or mistresses. Linda, Kaley, Wendy, Rosa, Lisa, Maria, Amber, Christy are all kneeling when we enter the dungeon and I am glad that...

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Majas Student Bodies Part IV

Two days of abstinence had been sheer hell; my libido was running amok as my mind digested Maja’s sexual proclivities. I liked them, I lusted after her and I ached for more. Prone to excessive daydreaming, the evitable conclusion would be vivid images of her naked body with my cock embedded in her. What really floored me was the affinity I felt towards her, and this was alien to me. It was more than a physical thing, and I had scoffed at others that professed these kinds of feelings – I was...

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Mclains MisfitsChapter 5

Three days later we landed on Wolf Three, posing as bounty hunters. It caused quite a stir in the local population as we marched our captured pirates to the local Peacekeeper's station. After that, as we were sitting in a local café scanning the crowd and the new wanted posters we had downloaded, we noticed all the hostile looks we were receiving from the local population. It seemed as though piracy may just be a normal form of business, around here. That would explain how one of the local...

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Sometimes combat can bring out the unexpected in people, especially when they come through a firefight alive. This story was based on an Army buddy's fantasy. It isn't meant to reflect chauvinistically toward female soldiers. This is a man's fantasy; even military men can fantasize, can't they? It's almost funny how it all started. I'd been with the 81st Airborne in vehicle maintenance for almost 6- months before our unit was sent to Iraq. Being one of only one hundred women in a...

3 years ago
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Bridge WorkChapter 4

"You're awake," the voice he knew so well murmured beside him. The crash still rang in his memory. As always when he remembered it, and when did he not? there was the bitter thought that anywhere else on that road, he'd've had time to grab the wheel and kick Steve awake. Cold air brushed his cheeks. A truck roared overhead. He felt a wave of bitter anger and loss and futility. A hand found his thigh and slid around to his cunt. "Let's fuck," the voice drawled lazily, "I'm tired of...

4 years ago
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The Punishment part 2

You can hardly believe it. His only command, a test of your obedience, was to not climax. But you failed, or more accurately, your body failed you after you lost all control. But it was spectacular!Still breathing hard, your heart thumping in your chest, the twitching of your muscles slowly subside in your afterglow. You realize he is talking "... Such a naughty pet." But you hear the smile in his voice "So you like to cum do ya? Well then cum you shall!" You try to respond no but can only...

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The Wonderful Mrs Wilberforce Part One

ONE The bungalow stood at the end of a neglected street in the bad part of town. The tatty wooden porch poked out like a nose from the pebble- dashed walls and onto a small front garden, with neatly arranged flower- beds flanking a broken concrete path. It was here that Neil Taylor lived with his widowed mother. His school uniform was old and worn and a little too small for him, but his shirt and trousers were freshly ironed and his tie was neat and straight. He was a slight boy,...

1 year ago
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TeensLoveAnal Chloe Cherry A Bootylicious Bet

Chloe Cherrys friends have all been wondering what her stepbrother is packing in his pants, so today she videos him getting out of the shower. Unfortunately, he is soft like they are in Aspen, and this gives Chloe the wrong impression. She does not think his dick gets any bigger, so they make a deal. If he sticks his cock in her butt and she squeals, she has to the video. He blindfolds her and sticks a dildo in her butt before replacing it with his rock hard johnson and taking her for an anal...

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Forbidden Fur 1 Cave Of The Wolves

Looking out to her left, a modern facility seemed incongruous amongst the greenery. Several habitation buildings, a greenhouse, even an air-strip, control tower and hangar, containing her plane. Well, obviously not 'her' plane, in that it was owned by Nordic Industries, the same as the rest of the entire complex. As the Operational Manager and sole pilot based out here however, Tamara took her responsibility seriously. Being the personal woman-servant of the CEO of Nordic Inc. also...

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My little pony equestria girls

*update* wow I'm ashamed of how many mistakes are in this story now I'm more skilled in writing. I shall slowly be going through and fixing the more noticeable mistakes. but keep in mind I'm still no god and punctuation can confuse me at times. welcome to a world where everyone you meet has a different personality and where magic exists. ponys lay just a portal away and vilains pop up now and again. but first of all you must choose who you want to control.

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POW Prisoner Of The WidowsChapter 5

Yes, hashish was the crop that afforded Abu Bakr al Hassan the wherewithal to have such a well-appointed house and four wives. Hashish was Hassan's cash cow, the source of the ready cash he needed to conduct other criminal enterprises; enterprises that mainly involving smuggling. Unbeknownst to his wives, Hassan was nothing he pretended to be; for one thing, he wasn't even Iraqi. For another, his real name wasn't Hassan. Hassan had trained his wives in the production of the hash, and their...

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It started like all other weekends lately, quiet and lonely. My husband had to go out of town on a job. He was a good provider but his job was very demanding. Whenever an emergency occurred he had to go and I always tried to understand. My son was out with his friends. He is 19 and had an active social life since he started college. My daughter had decided to visit a friend for the weekend and had left Friday afternoon. She is 18 and quite beautiful. I never understood why she rarely dated...

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Summer Of Firsts Chapter 9

As you can guess, the following week went by slowly. I got a few ‘alone time’ moments in the shower to pleasure myself. My sister got caught in her little lie about where she was that weekend, so there was little to no privacy in our room that week. When Sunday rolled around I could barely contain myself. That night I heard a car pull in next door. I peeked out my window to see my neighbor climbing out of his Mother’s vehicle. He turned around and saw me looking at him through. We made eye...

First Time
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Altered Fates As Luck Would Have It

AF: As Luck Would Have It By Bashful What can I say about Jerry? He's one of the unluckiest men I know. He's also one of the nicest. He tries so hard to do the right thing and it seems it always backfires on him and those that make the mistake of standing too close to him. I think the one story that best exemplifies Jerry's brand of luck is the twenty-dollar bill incident. It was a windy day, Jerry and I were crossing the street when a twenty-dollar bill blew right up to...

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