Order in the Court
- 2 years ago
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Nurm's closed carriage moved unobtrusively through the crowded city streets. The early afternoon sun blazed down with all its tropical fury, but the men, women and children abroad in its heat seemed to scurry about with the energy of insects from a disturbed hive. Shantar looked about warily as he followed Nurm and his two cloaked and hooded 'demons' up the broad palace steps. He felt naked without the comforting weight of his sword at his belt, useless as it would have been against the twin rows of archers who lined the walls of the great judgment hall.
The red sash at his waist, marking him as a member of the trader's household, got him past the outer guards, and once inside hardly anyone gave him a second glance. The deep blue of royal livery was everywhere, court attendants mingling with petitioners wearing the red of merchants, the yellow of money lenders, the red striped brown of potters, and everywhere the green of the priesthood of Kathool.
A supercilious usher received their tasseled scroll, and Shantar's quick eyes caught the glint of a tiny square gold coin that went along with it. They were shepherded quickly to the front by a suddenly deferential attendant, his job made easier as many people seemed reluctant to press them too closely.
"A reputation for sorcery can be useful in many ways," Ai Mei whispered from under her hood, and Shantar had to struggle to keep a bark of laughter locked behind his teeth. A blare of horns and crash of cymbals interrupted any reply he might have made, and he caught his first glimpse of the King!
"The Royal Court of Justice is open!" There was a great bustling about and scurrying for position as the members of the Royal Court entered from behind fantastically figured tapestries. King Khamul was younger than Shantar had expected, but then he remembered that the King was only a few years older than his sister Ashaia. His eyes were jet black, frank and open between high cheekbones and smoothly arching brows. A thin moustache emphasized the strength of his mouth and chin, and his head was crowned with a polished steel helm whose blue and gold enamel failed to hide its military aspect. He disposed of several minor disputes with impartial fairness, listening indifferently to low voiced advice both from a green clad priest on his left hand, and a white haired advisor on his right.
"The matter of a disturbance in the Street of Merchants, Master Trader Nurm standing accused of inciting the common folk to riotous and unruly behavior, to the detriment of the common good." The attendant laid the scroll on a low stand before King Khamul, and backed deferentially away. Not a sound was to be heard in the crowded hall as the King picked up the scroll and carefully read it.
"Master Trader Nurm and his retinue may approach Our Throne of Judgment." King Khamul's voice was low, but firm and resonant, easily reaching all corners of the hall. Shantar felt awkward and out of place in his rough garb of common brown, but hid his unease the best he could. His awareness of the archers posted along each wall sent tiny chills scurrying up and down his spine, and he suddenly felt very unsure of himself.
"You have been accused of fomenting riots near your place of business." Shantar could read nothing in the King's face or voice, but the old priest on his left looked like he had just bitten into an unripe fruit. "What do you have to say in answer to these charges?"
Nurm bowed respectfully, then looked King Khamul full in the face. "I was not aware of any great disturbance, Your Highness. A few of your loyal subjects did visit my outer courtyard shortly before the time of the noon meal. They were good enough to sample a new service that I intend to offer; instant baths for the common folk. I am afraid that they were not fully satisfied with what they found. By an unfortunate accident, a quantity of green dye became mixed with the water. I have posted an offer to remove the dye without charge for any who may ask, but none of the poor people had returned to take advantage of the offer by the time that I left to come here."
The priest had become more and more enraged as Nurm spoke, and broke in before the King could reply. "Your Highness!" His voice was almost a shout. "This... This creature that poses as a man tries to make a mockery of Your court. He deliberately set this situation up so as to make You and Your justice appear ridiculous."
"It is not the King's justice that looks foolish," Nurm answered with a mocking smile. "The ones who look ridiculous are those who sent their minions to the Street of Merchants to stir up trouble. Sholim!" His voice lashed at the old priest like a whip. "How many of your novice priests are hiding green faces in the cellars of your temple?"
"My court of justice is not the place to settle your private quarrels!" King Khamul's voice was stern, but His eyes held an amused glint. "It is plain that somebody has made a mistake. Master Trader Nurm is to be praised for handling a nasty situation without the use of more force than was needed. A few green faces is a small price to pay. The matter is closed, and We will hear no more of it."
"Your Majesty!" Nurm called as Khamul was about to turn his attention to the next petitioner's case. "Before I go, I would return to Your possession something of Yours that I have acquired."
"And what is this thing of mine?" The King's attention was fully on Nurm now, along with that of the rest of the crowd. Only Shantar noticed High Priest Sholim edging farther away from the throne. Nurm wheeled about, stripping the cloak from one of his 'demons'. A gasp went up from the crowd as the cloaked figure proved to be none other than Princess Ashaia!
"Your gift is indeed welcome, friend Nurm." Khamul was laughing openly now, but he quickly sobered when he saw Ashaia's furious expression. "What is the matter, My sister?"
"Arrest Sholim!" she snapped. "He is plotting to have you overthrown!"
King Khamul turned, but Sholim was no longer there. Shantar, his gaze distracted for an instant, caught only the glimpse of a green robe disappearing through a small opening in the wall by Khamul's throne. By the time he reached it, the wall was once again a smooth expanse of marble, and all of his tugging and prying couldn't budge it. King Khamul was shouting orders for his troops to surround the Great Temple of Kathool.
"Seize them all! Arrest every green robed priest you can find!"
"But, your Highness!" A foppish officer wrung his hands, hesitating. "On what grounds?"
"Treason!" Ashaia answered for her brother. "They are plotting against the throne. Attempting to have me kidnapped and sent to serve Kathool. Is that sufficient?"
"Stop dithering and go!" Khamul snarled the command at the unfortunate officer. "Bring me Sholim. Alive, if you can, but bring him. Place every priest in Talai under arrest. Throw them into the lower dungeons. Guards, escort Master Trader Nurm and his party to the conference room."
By the time their escort had led them along winding corridors to their destination, King Khamul was already there. He received them, seated at a table whose ornately enameled surface was nearly hidden by scattered papers. Waving them to seats on low hassocks, he fired orders and instructions at a stream of scurrying messengers. Shantar gazed wonderingly about the spacious room, his attention drawn in particular to a series of richly embroidered tapestries that covered the marble walls. A second glance confirmed his suspicions; the tapestries depicted various sections of Kath in tiniest detail. Features such as hills, rivers, roads, and even minor trails were shown clearly.
"Now, sister mine." Khamul turned to where Ashaia waited with mounting impatience. "Just what was it that you found out in Weilin that made you so dangerous to Sholim's plans?"
"Only that while you have been trying to undermine his authority in Talai, he has organized a revolt against you in the Northern Provinces. He has raised an army of his own, and will send them against what few troops remain loyal to you. Just as soon as he sends word, they will attack the garrisons in the cities. He knows as well as you that whoever holds the cities controls the land around them." She leaned forward earnestly, the jeweled bangles at her wrists and ankles chiming faintly in the silence. "With your forces bottled up here in Talai, he can soon starve you into submission. The rumor in Weilin was that more than half of the troops there would go over to Sholim's side when the time came."
"They lied!" Khamul's fist pounded the table, making papers fly. "My men are loyal to Me! What else did you learn?"
"Only that Sholim wasn't able to make an alliance with Orzad, the leader of the Hill men. The priests he sent as messengers to StarVillage, in the hills behind Weilin, were not even allowed to see Orzad. Anyway, from what I learned later, it wouldn't have done him much good. Orzad can only command directly his own villagers. With the other villages, all he can do is advise."
"Then, what would you say should be done about Orzad and his followers?" Khamul asked, smiling indulgently.
"Leave them alone. They don't like authority of any kind, but they dislike priests a lot more. As long as you don't try to put pressure on them, they'll probably stay neutral. Stir them up, and you'll think you've been teasing a brood of tiger lizard chicks."
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i went to traffic court for the first time when i was 19 i looked young but was very tall. i didn’t know what to expect i just knew everyone hated it. i don’t know how it is in other cities but in the bay are you have to be there at 7 in the morning, just to wait in a line that stretches around the block. but the doors dont open till 9a.m. so i figure this out when i get there. so i see alot of cute girls in line, i ask the O.G.(old man)behind me to hold my spot. to make a long story short i...
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The Ball Is In Your Court I hate the politics that goes into college club sports. I joined to play the sport, not to surrender my weekends to the community. Maybe it sounds shallow, but I didn’t want to spend my Saturdays and Sundays clipping hedges or mowing lawns. I’m a tennis player. What the hell do I know about yard work? At least today’s wasn’t awful. Juvenile, but not bad. We set up a car wash in a vacant parking lot on the corner of Elm and 4 th Street. I didn’t mind, really. If I had...
This story is intented for adults only. It is only a fantasy and should neverbe anything else. The author in no ways condones non-consensual sex. Please email me at: [email protected] ifyou've got any comments, questions or ideas as to what you want to happen inthis story. If you want me to answer your mail please write that. Mary at the Royal Court I'd like to thank LadyCibelle for editing this story and helping with charactersetc... I'd like to thank some very good...
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The Troop Club was a chain of taverns that was owned by a subsidiary of Barkling Agricultural Industries, the third largest food producer on Mars now that the Agricorp-Interplanetary Food merger had been consummated. Only a minute portion of the intoxicant distribution holdings of BAI, Troop Club taverns were nevertheless a lucrative, low overhead venture. Located just outside of military establishments throughout WestHem's territory, they had managed to snare an incredible thirty-eight...
"Incoming multiple agency response call," the dispatch computer said in it's calm, cool, collected voice. A second later, rows of text appeared on the screen. "What is it?" asked Lisa, who was behind the wheel of the cart on this day. It had been another slow shift and she was ready for a little action to break up the monotony. A multiple agency response meant that something big was going down. "34th Street and 7th Avenue," Brian told her, reading from the screen. "Heavy smoke in...
Mermaid's engines had long since been shut down and she drifted silently through space, her passive sensors keeping an eye on the frantic search that was being undertaken on their behalf. The crew had been at general quarters for nearly five hours now, all of them anxious, scared, but also proud that they had just helped take forty thousand marines out of commission. Brett and the rest of the bridge crew watched their screens as the Panamas continued to pass far above them and as the...
Lon and his squad saw the dust cloud long before they saw the first of the WestHem armor coming down the valley below them. They were spread out atop four different hills on the south side of the valley, some forty-five kilometers from the landing ships, just outside of the effective range of the 150-millimeter guns on the ships. They were heavily laden with anti-tank lasers and charging batteries. Supporting them were two sniper teams on hills to the east and west of them and two mortar...
The dance of the WestHem marine's artillery battalions was an intricate and well-rehearsed affair. They spread out all across the valley, forming up by battery, each of which contained six guns. The commanders in charge of each battery had a map on their screen which indicated firing positions they were to head to after each firing sequence. Each battery had more than twenty such positions pre-programmed in as waypoints on the navigation screen. Their doctrine commanded they fire three...
Aboard the WSS Nebraska, Mars orbit September 5, 2146 Rear Admiral Mitchell Spears was the commander of all of the task force's F-22 space fighters. Each of the California Class superdreadnoughts housed a wing of ninety-six of these saucer-shaped craft for a total of 192 of them — or at least that was what they'd left Earth with, they were currently down to 147. Like most of the command rank officers involved in the conflict, Spears was somewhat upset and disillusioned by the losses and...
Aboard the WSS Nebraska, Mars orbit September 13, 2146 1718 hours Major Wilde sat at his desk, watching the InfoServe main news channel that was being beamed over from Earth. It was the top of the hour news summary, although, since it had taken it eighteen minutes to travel to Mars it was no longer the top of the hour. He was shaking his head in disgust and disbelief with every word the grinning newscaster spoke. "At precisely 1300 hours, Eden and New Pittsburgh time, today, WestHem...
Eden MPG base 2206 hours Matt Mendez was barely cognizant of the fact that the Mosquito he was in had just touched down on the main runway outside the base. He felt the gentle thump, felt the push against his restraint harness as Brian put on the brakes and slowed them to taxiing speed. He was weak all over, feeling like it was an effort just to move his arms or turn his head. He had never been so tired in all his life. The pain in his butt cheek was still there but had mostly faded to a...
He was counting the Ehue “One to be happy, two to be sad, three to be good and four to be bad.” There were four, he sighed. The fates were against him. The man was taller than average, but not taller than his fellows in their armour. He stood a little aside from the others, leaning against a tree. His breastplate wore the green crest, embedded into the metal, as was his right. This right could not be taken from him, whatever he had done. It was a double-edged sword, for he had the right, and...
Green River by Tim Willows Jake never felt his first misgivings about transferring to Green River until the very moment when the needle entered his arm and the world dissolved into a vague cloud of grey. Before then, the transfer seemed like the only option-more than that: a godsend. He couldn't handle life in the general prison population. There was no other word for it: the other prisoners were animals. There wasn't a trace of racism in Jake's mind when he thought of them...
Green upon green "The Order is in shambles in here! What were you thinking? You have no foothold, the Assassins have all but destroyed our contacts and there is no one in the King's Court! I came here only to see how Portugal is doing in the hands of our noble leaders, but you have done NOTHING!" The Pope was fuming in the old decorated halls of the Templar Order in the middle of Lisbon. The room was dimly lit, with only a few candles on the large carved dining table in the middle,...
Part One The first time I saw Courtney she was walking up to my car in mid summer. She politely asked me which direction I was headed and when I told her she asked for a ride. Since her destination was not far from mine, I agreed. I admit I was a bit hesitant because she appeared so young, but I saw no harm in giving a kid a lift so off we went. She was not going far so we had little chance to talk, but she did tell me that she was sixteen and working part time cleaning houses. I thought...
Green Acres 1: The Gypsy Indian Curse of Green Acres Produced by Jay Sommers [1965-1971] By Ron Dow75 "Good Morning Mr. Douglas, Mrs. Douglas," the general store's clerk and owner greeted the distinguished gray-haired man in the three-piece pin-stripe suit and a Bavarian hat, and the trim blonde in yellow-with-white polka dots skirt and short-sleeved jacket, white purse and gloves, and a hat similar to her husbands, only with a much wider brim, and white with yellow trim....