Nandita To Nandini
- 4 years ago
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"How many ships have entered the system? And someone turn those damn alarms off!" Ceneu bellowed over the alarms that were blaring on the bridge of LEONIDAS I. He turned quickly when the elevator lift to the bridge stopped and the doors slid open to reveal Riall, Gorgo, Vistr and Isabella. He waved them over to the large star chart and began to move there himself. "And give me an accurate count!"
"Ceneu what's going on?" Riall asked as he moved up to the table. "The entire fleet is coming to Alert Status Two."
Ceneu nodded and his hands touched the control panel for the star chart, bringing up the map of the galaxy that held Earth and their King. "Long range sensors have detected a High Coven Fleet entering Earth's system." He reported to them. He turned when the bridge crewmen hurried over and handed him the data pad. He glanced at it and nodded. "Eighty-seven ships, including the WING OF DEATH."
"Xerxes's ship," Isabella said softly.
Ceneu nodded and they watched as an aide manipulated the chart's controls and eighty-seven miniature ships appeared on the chart table outlined in red.
"Less than we thought." Vistr spoke surprised.
Ceneu nodded quickly, "By a significant margin." He answered. "It appears he rode his ships harder than he should have. We will still be outnumbered, but no where near as badly as we first thought."
"Have they detected us?" Riall asked.
Ceneu shook his head. "We are coming in from the far side of the system's sun. They will not be able to see us until we are in the system and almost upon them due to the radiation this sun emits."
"How soon before they reach this planet Earth?" Vistr asked.
"Nine hours before they establish orbit," Ceneu replied immediately, "Another hour after that for them to be in position to begin a planetary bombardment."
"Ceneu what do the data bank archives say we left at Sparta?" Riall asked. "Is there anything they can use?"
Ceneu reached for a different pad on the side of the star chart and read quickly, "Nineteen STRIKER-Class Attack Transports and three of the larger G12 Transports; seven storehouses of body armor and weapons, small power generators for the Shi Viska branding stations, and a Class Three Power generator in the lower level of their medical center." Ceneu shook his head. "Nothing they can use with the exception of the body armor and weapons."
"No one could fly the STRIKERs?" Vistr asked.
Ceneu shook his head. "I doubt it. As you know, eighty percent of our entire STRIKER AT complement of pilots is made up of female elves. The ships just seem to respond to them better for some reason because of the bio-circuits installed, and they are able to make the ships dance. Without the proper training I find it hard to believe they could use a STRIKER, even if there was a female elf with the natural skills to fly it."
Gorgo looked at him. "In my son's memories, the one's that he passed to me, there was a force field of some sort protecting this city he has built on the North American Continent. It was built by the humans that accompany him and if he is using it that must provide some means of protection."
"It's possible." Ceneu spoke. "The humans had developed enough to build this base on the moon; they could very well have designed such a shield. The question remains, will it withstand a bombardment from orbit by a REVERENCE-Class Dreadnought?"
"I have been doing some reading on this planet," Isabella spoke now, everyone turning to her surprised. Isabella had been different since the death of her senior vampire soldier. No longer did she have fights with her remaining troops to see if one would share her bed. She had stopped that practice altogether. She had been seen in the archives of the LEONIDAS I on several occasions, and she had taken to eating meals on a regular basis with the members of the crew and not keeping to her quarters as was usually the case. She saw the looks on their faces and her own face scrunched up. "I do read!" She exclaimed defensively, but with a touch of humor that they had never seen from her before. "I have a very proper education!"
Gorgo chuckled and reached out to squeeze her arm. Riall and Ceneu noticed this, and a knowing look passed between them. Gorgo was the only one Isabella allowed too touch her person, but it was a start as far as they were concerned. "What have you learned child?" She asked.
"Their tools of war were for the most part, conventional explosive based weapons." Isabella answered. "The most powerful weapon they built up until the time the comet destroyed much of their civilization was a laser weapons grid."
"The one on this base on the moon," Ceneu spoke nodding his head. "It will not hurt our larger ships, but it could cause some concern for our fighters and transports."
Isabella nodded. "Yes ... after that the next most powerful weapon was nuclear based. In all actuality, they probably would have discovered faster than light speed within twenty years had the comet not decimated their world. I would surmise that this shield is meant to protect against more conventional weapons and most likely there is no way it would stand up to a plasma bombardment from orbit for more than a few minutes."
"Then they would be protected against whatever Yuri has on the surface, because that would be conventional." Vistr spoke. "The few humans I have come in contact with within the Union have no love for vampires, and even with access to a spaceport as the Vampire Coven undoubtedly has, they would not risk using anything more than what the planet was capable of in terms of technology for fear the remaining humans would revolt."
Riall nodded. "They would not want to fight a rebellion on more than one front." He said. "And these humans have proven to be extremely adequate vampire killers in the past. And they will fight viciously when their backs are against the wall." He looked at Gorgo. "Can you contact him from here Gorgo?"
Gorgo looked at him intently for a long moment. "I can try ... but I would need the help of several Tier Five telepaths. Do we have any within the fleet that travels with us?"
Ceneu nodded. "Several of my senior officers are Tier Fives." He answered.
"I am willing to try Riall ... but we may still be too far away." She told him. "I would need Isabella within the link as well."
Isabella looked at her surprised. "Me? Why would you need me Gorgo?"
"You are connected to my son in a way that we are not," Gorgo spoke ignoring the looks from the others that were flashed her way. "If he feels you within the link, reaching out for him, it will be easier for him to establish a connection."
"Gorgo ... he is that strong telepathically?" Vistr asked.
"We saw what he did to Isabella's father in that transmission." Riall spoke. "I spoke with Deia about it and according to her if he was able to do this, his telepathic power will rival that of King Resumar. He will need many months of instruction under our senior telepaths, but Deia says his power could very well be uncharted."
Gorgo nodded. "We will attempt it ... but we may not succeed."
Riall nodded. "We'll enter the system in twelve hours, but not reach earth for another five. That gives Xerxes six hours to lay waste to everything on the planet before we get there. And we do not know what Yuri has on the surface."
"Is there no way to boost our sensor range and discover this?" Vistr asked.
Ceneu shook his head. "The senior elf engineer already has them operating at nearly twenty percent above their specified levels. Any more tweaking and we risk shorting out the main long range sensor array. We can pick up lifesigns but nothing more. Three massed concentrations are within sixty kilometers of this city of his on the North American continent."
"Even if we were able to establish a connection with him," Gorgo spoke. "There is still nothing we can do for him until we arrive."
"There may be something." The female voice spoke from behind them.
Their heads turned to see the female elf standing behind Ceneu quietly. Her golden colored hair hung down to between her shoulder blades, the dark roots barely noticeable. Her dark brown eyes were bright, alert and very alluring to look at for any length of time. She wore the dark gray flight uniform of a senior Union pilot with the rank of full Star Commander.
Ceneu stepped to the side to allow her to move up next to him. She was tall for an elf at nearly five foot nine, and she had very long legs. Her uniform clung to her slim but muscular body in all the right places, most noticeably around her extremely well shaped ass. Her chest was not large, even by elfin female standards as they tended to have fuller breasts, but there was no denying that she was a female.
"My apologies For'mya," Ceneu spoke quickly. "Riall ... this is Star Commander For'mya, my senior flight officer and the finest STRIKER AT pilot in the Union at this moment."
The elf nodded her head in respect to Riall. "It is an honor Admiral." She spoke.
"For'mya?" Riall said looking at her in surprise. "You are the daughter of L'tian and Far'nyel aren't you?"
The female elf looked at him surprise on her face now but nodded her head. "You honor me with the knowledge of my parents Admiral."
"That's high praise coming from Ceneu Star Commander," Riall told her with a smile. "He rarely gives compliments to anyone, though I suspect you already know that."
The female elf smiled and her very beautiful face relaxed even more. To say that she was more nervous now than at any other time in her thousand years of life would be a complete understatement. For'mya knew she was in the presence of the two most decorated officers in the Lycavorian Union, and that alone was enough to awe her. She had never met Admiral Riall but his personality certainly matched everything she had ever heard about him. His list of victories and battles against the Vampire Coven was more extensive than anything she had ever read. She also knew he was mated with the mother of their King and they had six children together, but to now be standing across from Gorgo was another high honor for her. The most respected and well thought of instructors at the Apo Prime Higher University, Gorgo's life story was required reading and now For'mya was standing with her in the same room.
"Thank ... thank you sir." For'mya finally was able to say, her dark eyes settling on Isabella's porcelain like beauty, her hazel green eyes boring into her.
"What is it you have in mind Commander?" Riall asked.
For'mya tore her eyes from the intoxicating face of the vampire Princess and looked at him. "Sir ... I'm sorry. We can use our STRIKERs Admiral."
Riall looked at her. "I don't follow."
"The fleet can not make another jump so soon out of the Gate Admiral, out LSDs need time to recharge and have minor adjustments made. Our STRIKERs are not so limited because they haven't even been used." For'mya spoke as her military training took over and she recited the plan she had been working on in her head for two days now. "Load an elite team of General Vistr's Spartan Shock troops, and let me take six of our STRIKERs to earth. The STRIKERs have their own LSDs sir, and we are not affected by the strain of Gate travel, as I said. I have calculated an LSD jump that will put us within an hour of this planet Earth where the King is. If we leave in the next hour we can be there before Xerxes arrives and at the very least give him an advantage defeating the ground forces that seem to be massed against him."
Ceneu shook his head slowly. "That is not something I even thought of." He muttered to no one in particular.
"You've given this some thought then Commander?" Riall said looking at her.
For'mya nodded. "I have been working out the details for two days Admiral. I know which of my pilots I would take if you and Admiral Ceneu approve the plan, and we can have our aircraft ready to depart in thirty-six minutes."
"Let's hear it." Ceneu spoke.
"I factored in a full weapons load and the extra pilots to fly the STRIKERs that are stored in Sparta and a limited amount of spare stores if the weapons on the STRIKERs in Sparta are not useable." For'mya spoke confidently. "Each aircraft can carry an additional one hundred and twenty-seven troops and we can easily make the jump with our LSDs intact and at full power. We would arrive on earth in full fighting form."
Vistr stepped forward. "I can have every Spartan Scout Troop in my Expeditionary Force ready to move in less than an hour." He said looking at Riall. "Eight hundred SSTs are the equal to an entire division with their training and I will lead them."
"I will go as well." Gorgo spoke quickly, "Isabella with me."
Riall looked at her. "Gorgo..."
"If it is my time to die husband then I will die beside the son I thought I lost so long ago." Gorgo told him taking his hand. "However since you are here, I will rely on you to make sure I don't die." She told him with a smile.
Riall looked at her with a loving smile before turning to Ceneu. "Ceneu ... what do you think?"
The Algolian Admiral nodded. "I like it." He spoke. "It puts them well within range of earth and Gorgo should be able to contact the King easily. For'mya can then relay back to us whatever he wants or needs before she lands."
"And when Xerxes begins to bombard the planet?" Riall asked.
"I don't believe he will bombard the planet Admiral," Isabella spoke again. "We all saw how badly Martin embarrassed him in front of my father." Gorgo looked at her carefully and was the only one who noticed that she used her son's name in an almost affectionate tone. "He will want to prove to my father that he is superior to him. He will head directly to the surface in search of Martin."
Ceneu looked at Riall. "He has let his arrogance override his common sense on many occasions Riall." He said. "We can use this to our advantage."
Riall nodded slowly, but his decision was already made and he knew it. "Do it!" He snapped.
Nayeca stared at the shimmering light blue shield as it extended up and around the edges of Eden and encompassed the entire city. She sat on the thick tree stump at the base of the hill where the King's bunker was situated. She had seen him rush into the bunker with General Vengal only moments before, and she determined that was why the shield had now gone up. Something was happening, and the battle was drawing closer, that much she could feel, but Nayeca didn't feel fear for the battle that was coming. In fact, this was the very first time in her life when she didn't feel fear for her life, and the two reasons for that were walking towards where she sat carrying several ration packets of food.
They had returned to Eden two days before and after all that had happened in bringing the Drow to Eden, Nayeca was sure she would be returned to the small one room apartment she had stayed in before departing with the Queen to Canada. That had not been the case, as within minutes of landing on Eden's airfield, Anuk had taken her hand and they had filtered back towards the city with the other troops. Many knew they would have only one night, possibly two to enjoy whatever down time they could find, and they wasted no time in heading back to their families and friends. Anuk had led her to a medium sized three bedroom home within three kilometers of the airfield which she told Nayeca was her and Daniel's home. He was going to the Command Center to attend a debriefing, and would be returning later.
What followed had been the most pleasurable night of Nayeca's young life, and she shuddered inwardly in exquisite joy as the memories came rushing back to her.
TEN HOURS EARLIER============================================================
Nayeca stood under the hot beating water of the shower, letting the soothing heat relax the muscles in her shoulders, and allowing her to think about what had happened the last few hours. No matter what she tried, Anuk kept entering her thoughts. She had truly not wanted her first time with Anuk to be forced in any way. She had wanted to seduce the young Wood Elf, make Anuk want to give her pleasure. As the water fell over her body and flowed between her full breasts, Nayeca thought of Jenia, and realized that she desired Anuk more than she had ever wanted Jenia. She had loved her Moon Elf lover, of that she was sure, but there was something about Anuk that caused ripples of pleasure to course through her.
She had not been able to stop herself when the Drow officer had forced them together, the feel of Anuk's soft lips on her pussy causing her to lose all of her control. What stunned her more was the fact that Anuk had reacted the way she had. She hadn't fought what happen to them, and she almost seemed to relish in it. It had not taken Nayeca long to reach her peak as it had been so many years since that kind of pleasure had seared her veins, and Anuk had gulped down her passion like someone who hadn't drunk fresh water in days. Nayeca had been distraught afterward, thinking the one thing in this mad world she so desired would turn against her in hate and disgust. It had stunned her when Anuk had seductively lowered her still burning and perfect body against hers; ignoring the blood of the Drow she had so effortlessly killed lying all around them, and kissed Nayeca with blistering passion. Jenia had never kissed her in all their years together, and when Anuk's lips found hers, Nayeca felt her entire body ignite like nothing she had ever experienced. It was...
"Mistress?" Anuk's soft voice filled her ears and her amber eyes opened to see Anuk standing there in the middle of the small bathroom, wrapped only in the towel she had dried off with after her own shower. Her rust colored red hair was still plastered to her head, the freckles dotting her lightly tanned skin, and her cerulean blue eyes were staring at Nayeca's wet, naked body with obvious lust and desire in them.
Nayeca surrendered to her own desires at that moment, and she stepped slightly out of the shower spray. She felt a wave of hunger sweep over her and she let her dominant nature take over. She seductively ran her hand down her glistening body, trailing her fingers between the deep cleft between her large firm breasts. "Do you see something you desire slave." Nayeca spoke in a low voice, "Something that you want?"
Anuk's eyes were wide and bright as she nodded her head slowly. "Yes ... yes." She stammered.
Nayeca stepped closer, thrusting out her firm breasts proudly. She stepped further out of the water spray and grasped the towel around Anuk's body, pulling it off quickly. "What is it you desire slave?" She asked in a seductive voice, pulling Anuk closer to her in the shower.
"I ... I want you ... Mistress," Anuk answered in a husky voice, her blood pounding in her veins as she stared at the firm, gorgeous body of this Drow female in front of her.
"I can see that slave." Nayeca said stroking Anuk's shoulders with her fingers softly, tracing her fingertips down the insides of her arms and slowly moving to circle lazily around Anuk's already rock hard nipples. Nayeca smiled when Anuk inhaled sharply at her touch, her body on fire. She squeezed Anuk's breasts tightly in her hands, her conical breasts almost as large as her own, and drawing a gasp of wanton desire from Anuk. Nayeca could feel the heat building inside her quickly; having this luscious red haired female elf pressed to her was driving her mad. She lowered her lips to Anuk's and kissed her hard, her hands filling with Anuk's large muscular ass cheeks and pulling her tightly to her body. She pressed her right knee between Anuk's thighs, and directly up against her bald pussy. Anuk's labium was already engorged in need and her juices coated Nayeca's thigh quickly as her arms wrapped around Nayeca's back pulling her closer. Nayeca pulled her lips from Anuk's with reluctance, salvia joining their moist lips for a brief moment. The red haired elf could kiss, and given Nayeca's lack of experience with that, she did not want to succumb so quickly. She wanted this to last as long as she could prolong it. "You must tell me what ... what it is you wish slave." She spoke, her lips close to Anuk's ear.
"You Mistress," Anuk's reply came out in an almost pleading nature. Her body was responding to Nayeca's touch, the contrast in the color of their skin making her burn with need similar to when Daniel crushed her against him and filled her with his huge ebony cock. Her cerulean eyes stared at Nayeca's large breasts, her mouth almost watering at the sight of her small dark nipples and the quarter sized areolas.
Nayeca reached up quickly and wrapped her fingers in Anuk's hair, and pulling her head back quickly, small jolts of pain coursing through Anuk's scalp, and making her body burn even more. "You must tell me what you want to do slave!" Nayeca demanded her amber eyes glowing with scorching hot desire now. "Tell me what you want to do slave!"
"I ... I want to taste you Mistress!" Anuk gasped. "I want to eat ... I want to eat your pussy Mistress!"
Nayeca grinned as the words she so wanted to hear from Anuk burst from her lips. "Then get on your knees and eat me slave!" Nayeca demanded, pushing Anuk down with her hands on her shoulders until she was kneeling before her. "Eat my pussy like you want it slave! Make me ... make me come all over your beautiful face!"
Anuk was lost in the lust and desire of the moment as she gazed at the thin line of pure white hair above Nayeca's pussy. The dark pussy lips were puffed out in desire and lust, Nayeca's stiff clit nearly a half inch long and demanding attention. Anuk's hands came up to stroke Nayeca's taut thighs and then slid around to grasp her full muscular ass cheeks in her hands. Surrendering to the desire burning inside her, Anuk pulled Nayeca's pussy to her and fastened her soft lips onto that delicious clit.
Nayeca gasped in unabashed delight, pleasure surging through her belly as Anuk began to suckle her painfully hard clit. She wrapped her fingers in Anuk's damp lustrous rust red hair and pulled her head tighter against her pussy, lifting one leg up and draping it over Anuk's shoulder. "Eat me slave!" She gasped. "Suck my ... suck my pussy like you want it! Suck it ... suck it like you really want it slave!"
Nayeca's words of dominance only served to fuel Anuk's growing desire, and she lashed Nayeca's pink clit with her warm tongue, her lips pressed tightly over the top of her pussy. She felt Nayeca pulled her head tighter and hump her mouth, making her clit bang against her teeth causing jolts of pleasure surging through her Mistress. Anuk released one hand from holding that beautiful ass and brought it back around to reach up and fondle Nayeca's left breast. She pulled on the stiff nipple hard, pinching it between her thumb and forefinger, drawing a gasp of delight from Nayeca at the sharp pain. Nayeca grasped her wrist with one hand, but did not stop her manipulations, while her other hand tightly held Anuk's face in her crotch.
Anuk extended her tongue out, taking long slow licks of Nayeca's delicious pussy, the scent of sweet apples overpowering as her juices were beginning to lubricate the insides of her pussy and coating her tongue and lips with her nectar.
"Yes!" Nayeca almost screamed. "Ohhhh ... you ... you eat my pussy so good!" The fire in her belly was building to a climax, and Nayeca's limbs began to quiver in a way they never had before. She looked down wide eyed at Anuk feasting on her slit, her tongue working madly as her fingers pinched and teased the nipple of her breast. It was never like this with Jenia, Nayeca thought to herself. It had taken Jenia nearly three years to be able to make Nayeca quiver in such a way. "Oh ... my slave ... you are ... you are going to make me come!" She gasped. "Do you want that Anuk? Do you want to taste me?"
The moan Anuk let out was all the answer Nayeca needed and she gripped her head harder, fucking her driving tongue faster. Anuk's grip on her ass cheek tightened, and she pinched her nipple once more, harder than before.
"Fuck!" Nayeca screamed, her head tossing back. "Ahhhhhhh ... here it comes slave!"
Anuk fastened her lips over all of Nayeca's spasming pussy and groaned loudly as she dropped her hand from Nayeca's breast and shoved three fingers into her own, bald dripping pussy. Nayeca's ass tightened in Anuk's grip and her sweet apple tasting come erupted into her mouth. Her belly heaved almost violently as her orgasm ripped through her, stronger than anything she had yet felt in her life. Her amber eyes were wide in pleasure, spiraling colors flashing in her mind as she convulsed a second time, sending more of her come splashing into Anuk's eager mouth.
Nayeca didn't know how or when they had moved to the bed, the only thing she was aware of was the intense pleasure her new slave was lavishing upon her. Anuk's tongue was a tireless machine, dragging three more incredible orgasms from her while she sat astride her gorgeous face, grinding her pussy down on Anuk's tongue while pinching and twisting her own dark nipples. They shifted until she was sitting on Anuk's face, the deep cleft of her ass cheeks buried over Anuk's pert nose. Nayeca found herself fondling Anuk's lightly tanned breasts and pinching her erect pink nipples, something she had never done with Jenia. Nayeca found herself gazing at Anuk's bald pussy, so completely soaked with her own juices and Nayeca found herself licking her lips. Twice Nayeca had to stop her face from falling into Anuk's thoroughly soaked pussy with the intensity of her orgasms, feeling Anuk's breasts crushed against her heaving abdomen. Anuk's tongue was licking every part of her body, exploring every centimeter of her clutching pussy, delving deep between her dark ass cheeks, her tongue tickling Nayeca's virgin asshole. It was driving her mad, and she kept finding her eyes drawn to Anuk's dripping snatch and the cinnamon smell that was emanating so intensely from her pussy.
It was in the middle of her third staggering orgasm when she felt him in the room with them. Nayeca watched intently through amber eyes clouded with passion as he climbed onto the bed his massive ebony cock nearly bursting with hot desire. Her amber eyes took in every thick vein that adorned the easily foot long length as he moved between Anuk's satiny thighs. He was enormously muscled and deliciously defined, unlike any man she had ever seen before and when compared to Anuk he appeared like a towering black giant. Anuk moaned against Nayeca's pussy above her when she felt Daniel's hands gently part her legs and the head of his huge cock poise at her opening. She had smelled her husband the moment he had entered their room and had called to him using her aura alone. Danny's reaction was obvious and quick.
Nayeca was frozen in fear and passion, not knowing what to do, her hips moving of their own accord on Anuk's face now, her tongue working furiously to bring Nayeca to orgasm again, Anuk's hands holding her hips in place, refusing to allow her to even move off her face. Nayeca's fears were quickly shattered and brushed aside when Daniel reached up to her face and covered her lips with his as he impaled Anuk with one powerful plunge of his huge ebony cock. Nayeca was vaguely aware of Anuk screaming out her pleasure as she shuddered in a massive orgasm brought on by her husband's huge cock burying itself deeply into her. In the midst of the kiss he was laying on her, Nayeca couldn't help but whimper in her own crushing climax, her juices splashing into Anuk's hungry mouth.
What followed for Nayeca was the most erotic and exciting sexual experience she had ever been involved in, and it had left her craving more. Daniel knew just where to touch her, just where to nuzzle her, and between his roaming kisses and caresses and Anuk's driving tongue, Nayeca lost count of her orgasms after the tenth one. She gasped when they shifted positions and Daniel held her hips lowering her dripping pussy onto his face. Nayeca rode Daniel's face in unadulterated pleasure as she watched in awe Anuk slamming her tight pussy down on his enormous monster cock, his tongue driving even deeper into her than Anuk's. She was able to see the look of pure bliss on Anuk's face as she rotated her hips on his massive ebony cock buried in her belly and when Anuk reached for her to kiss her she returned Anuk's wanton kisses with equal lust and passion.
It continued for hours, neither of them seeming to tire of sharing her body. They both worshiped her with their tongues and at times she would rest while Anuk pleasured her husband, taking his entire huge cock within her velvety throat until his body would go rigid and he exploded, his come flooding deep into her belly. And then he would do the same to her, leaving her screaming out her love for him. Daniel lavished her body with kisses and in time Nayeca discovered he was almost as good as her new slave lover when it came to eating her pussy. He never once tried to enter her body with his huge cock, content to have Anuk service him, which his mate did with great gusto.
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Until I graduated from college, my life was pretty normal, maybe even a little dull. I did fairly well in school, was athletically competent, and had my fair share of sexual encounters with coeds. I had planned to graduate with my degree in architectural engineering and get a job at a firm in the city like just about everyone else. Those were my plans… until I got the news that my aunt had died. My Aunt Emily was my mother’s younger sister and being beautiful, funny, and exciting, she was...
FetishSeries 3, Episode 18: Eden Abraham Fade in on a young woman walking along a beach in a business suit, carrying her sensible work shoes in one hand whilst sweeping long brunette hair from her face with the other. She’s trying to make the walk along the beach look casual, but she’s not dressed for it. She’s strongly built, filling out her blouse and skirt, wide but not fat, with a big chest. She’s not a stunning woman, but her rounded features and welcomingly thick lips certainly aren’t...
EASTERN ARIZONA SOUTHERN EDGE OF OLD NAVAJO INDIAN RESERVATION Tari, the Drow Elf commander, moved easily through the pitch black forest where he and his Company of Drow troops were camped. They had established this position two weeks ago and were doing their best to remain hidden and out of sight. His scouts had come to him a short time ago to inform him of the devastating attack on the mercenary scum in Flagstaff just yesterday by Martin Hunter and those under his command. According to...
Trevor was in that special time and place that, years from now, he would look back on fondly. That snapshot in time that adults dream of going back to for a second taste. He was a high school senior, soon to graduate. His crucial classwork was finished and all that remained was the last few weeks of school events, partying and soaking it all in. The strapping, six foot young man with brown hair and matching eyes was well known in his small town. He prided himself on being friends with just...
Are you like me, the porn fucking master that reviews the best porn sites on ThePornDude? No, you’re not mother fucker! There isn’t anyone on this goddamn Earth like me!Unless you mean that you are like me and always looking for fresh and new premium porn sites, then okay, maybe you are a bit like me. We all want the same thing here: to cum our fucking brains out! So if you want a series you probably have not heard of before, I urge you to check out Cupids Eden instead. It is a premium porn...
Premium POV Porn SitesEDEN Vengal sat in his office on the main Eden airfield. He had long grown accustom to the constant roar of the Raptors taking off and landing, and it filled him with pride at each surge of power the Raptor's represented. Tareif's office and command headquarters was on the far side of Eden so one attack did not kill them both. He had grown quite fond of the High Elf War Master, and over the last weeks he and Tareif had become fast friends, as had their wives. This was a non-training day...
Eden was a good girl. Everyone said so: her parents, teachers, friends, even parents of friends. She worked so hard, achieved the best grades, kept steady boyfriends; Eden was a good girl and she was sick of it. After three long months of hard, relentless study for her final exams, she was ready to cut loose, to be someone else, to be bad. She applied a smear of scarlet lipstick and studied herself in the dresser mirror: she even looked a good girl, with loose tresses of golden curls falling...
Straight SexCANADA The streets were rapidly filling with men and women and even children as Aihola and the others walked slowly down the cracked and worn pavement. The small town of Kelwood had not fared well since the Great Fire, many of its buildings destroyed and still blackened. The signs however were subtle, and Aihola could tell that much of the outer appearance was prefabricated and made to look that way. Dekton walked next to her, Aihola holding tightly to his hand, seeing so many of her people...
"We ain't here to cause trouble. We'll leave peaceable." "Too late, yer trespassin'", came the reply. "Honest, we're just picking up supplies. It looked empty." Another shot hit the counter above their heads. "We have you outnumbered. This is my town. We're defending ourselves and you're thieves." Another shot scattered glass over them. "We don't want a fight. We'll leave everything." Cam looked wistfully at the guitar laying by his feet. "Too late, you got a fight. My...
They'd been afforded extended leave for family visits, as had others of the Gardener crew, but once those were done all of the returning voyagers found themselves pressed by the SES to sit for extended interviews by the news media, especially the holographic pundits. The Service wanted to maximize the impact of their success, and what better way than to dragoon their explorers—especially the ones who had in mind to return to the planet, and thus needed agency favor—into public relations...
CEDAR CITY " ... decided that the time was right to come to Cedar City and knock off this scum bag before he was able to consolidate his base more so than he already had." Martin was explaining to Dysea and Normya as they sat in the small office he had taken over as his temporary Command Post. He leaned against the small desk in the room, the mug of coffee in his hand. Dysea and Normya could see the members of Martin's command staff moving about checking maps and continuing to get reports...
"You want me to do what?" I stared at my boyfriend like he was crazy. "Please, Janey?" Robert rubbed my back and gave me puppy dog eyes. "Carol looks so hot tonight. I really want her to fuck me." "Let's just kiss some more," I suggested, hugging the boy tightly and rubbing my tits against his chest. "I can play with it, if you want me to. I'll even try to suck it." "I know," he sighed. "But it's not the same, baby. I need a real woman tonight, you know?" How many times had...
It was a truly massive undertaking, perhaps the largest that humankind had ever attempted and certainly the most complex. Basically it fell into two broad subdivisions. The first, and the most spectacular in scale, was the building of the ark itself. No existing spacecraft offered anything even close to the capacity that would be needed, as Meiersdottir and Eden Rescue came to envision the project. They wanted to save not only the intelligent native population in enough numbers to assure...
The Houston homecoming was everything Meiersdottir had promised. Media coverage was extensive, and the entire staff of Eden Rescue was flown in to join the celebration. As the harrowing story of their narrow escape from the Eden system emerged, MacPherson and to a lesser extent Cromartie found themselves momentarily media darlings, much to their—and especially the captain's—embarrassment. Ironically, Mallet himself was also showered with fulsome praise for his and his agency's role in the...
My mother’s decision to send me away to the Sisters of Eden Convent School to complete my education was made, she claimed, for entirely altruistic reasons; to save my soul and to instil the ‘necessary discipline’ to enable a young woman to survive and flourish in a harsh and increasingly immoral world. However, as she began to enthusiastically strip bare my wardrobe and feed items of my clothing and other essentials into a wide-mouthed and hungry silver-stucco Mossman, it seemed to me that it...
Lesbian"I'm Amanda, and I'd like to give you welcome to our great ship, the Ark." Meiersdottir had allowed the Edenites a few hours to settle into their new and unfamiliar quarters. The ship had been broadly reconditioned to resemble as much as possible the surface of Eden. Its huge primary bay had been layered with the soil scooped up from the planet, into which had been implanted as much as they'd been able to gather of the foliage. The beasts they'd herded along were already grazing...
He neared the river, and selected a hide for himself while he waited. As he sat there quietly, a small version of the sheep-like creature crept out of the forest and headed for the water. Hubert got out his handgun, waiting for it to come close enough for a fatal shot. It ambled closer, passing a bushy shrub, and as it did so, it jerked and then collapsed. A snake, or something very like a snake, slithered out and away from the animal that had disturbed it. Hubert thought, "Luck sometimes...
MOUNTAIN CITY Tarifa looked at Minister Raloa as she walked up to the large heavily armored Hopper he stood next too. She wore a full length ivory white dress that flowed outward at the bottom and brushed against the soft soled shoes she wore. The dress was trimmed in gold lace and sparkled in the early morning sunlight. The design and cut of the dress caused it to hug her lush figure like a glove, accenting every curve and contour. There was a choker for a collar and the dress split open as...
A soft brown glow outlined the Wall, its sheer size dominating the horizon. Sigmund was holding on to his spear, surveying the landscape with a pair of digital enhanced binoculars, one of the last few still working. Upstream he could discern Lake Spagelow dry this time of year, again too soon for comfort. Still no sign of Jared and Ernst though, he thought to himself. He turned around to look at his eba, scrounging for food around the low bush, with little luck that day. "I told you the bush...
The jubilation at the headquarters of the informal "Eden Rescue" group put together by Toshimura and others was intense. In one two-day explosion Meiersdottir had brought the Edenites' plight to worldwide attention, initiated a tremendous upwelling of support for the rescuers' goal and completely defused SES opposition. It was beyond what any of them might have imagined possible, especially in so brief a span. But they had little leisure to enjoy their triumph. There was work to be done,...
For the past three years Meiersdottir had gradually detached herself from Eden Rescue. She remained chairperson of its board and nominal CEO, but Heisinger and Igwanda—AC—had between them taken over virtually all aspects of operational management, and her regular presence was no longer needed. Given her advancing years—she'd be 113 on her next birthday, which was only two months away—making the daily trek to the organization's offices was increasingly difficult for her, and she was rarely...
George nodded his agreement. "Gosh, NO, that would be far too long. I am sure you could calculate the optimum dimensions of the steel links between the cars, assuming them to be welded to the underside and lower sides of the car. These connections would have to be robust, remember: timber is heavy. Much would also depend on how great a diameter of log can be accommodated. Anything too large could be left for the trains to transport through the tunnel at a later stage. "Who is going to be...
EARTH 2546 Northern Uinta Mountains Utah The man stood beside the huge tree staring into the night sky, the full moon illuminating the entire area all around him. He wore a dark gray jumpsuit on his six foot frame with a flowing cloak over his shoulders, his long white hair falling around his shoulders. He held the six foot length of polished oak in his hand for support, his wrinkled skin pale even in the moon light. His deep blue eyes though were extremely bright and very alert, and...
NEW MIAMI "It's a Drow city." Yuri spoke as she walked casually into Moran's office in New Miami. Moran looked up and watched as she came into his office, moving to the small wet bar he kept fully stocked along the wall, as the door slid shut behind her. The light blue jumpsuit Yuri wore clung to her figure like a second skin, and he eyed her hungrily as she poured herself a small glass of three hundred year old scotch. Yuri had taken to coming into the center of New Miami more and...
EXTRACTION POINT WHITEWATER LAKE CANADA Ben throttled back the engines of Raptor 41 and was throwing switches and pressing buttons before the ship's engines were even completely powered down. He pulled his helmet off quickly, almost tossing it to the side as he locked the controls into place and pushed his seat back. His heart was pounding madly and he looked at his co-pilot, an elf he had been training for five months now, and a pilot that was going to be almost as good as Endith. He was...
MOUNTAIN CITY Tarifa sat on the edge of Aihola's bed, her eyes gazing on her new Drow lover and Mistress as the sun began to creep up in the horizon and cast light into the small window. Aihola's face was quite peaceful as she slept, her soft pink lips open slightly as she breathed. Tarifa remembered vividly the taste and texture of those wonderful lips as they had kissed her passionately and explored her body. Tarifa shifted her eyes and watched the rise and fall of her chest, Aihola's...
"An ark?" she repeated. "Yes! A spacegoing ark! We don't want to go back to study them or gloat over them or any of the stuff you said. We want to rescue them!" Her face still tear-stained, she gave him an unbelieving look. "How is that possible?" she asked. "It can be done, Amanda," he replied. "Not all of them, of course, not even very many. But enough; and they'll bring all the others with them, in their mind. Remember, you told me when you got back from the second trip,...
In all of human history there has, however, never been a cause behind which all could unite. Peace, love, mercy, justice, every such ideal has found its detractors at any given time; education, individuality, achievement are all opposed by a tenacious few who have determined them to be somehow evil. Human beings can't even agree on their origins, there are still those who continue to insist that the Earth is flat, and many of most inspirational leaders of the past were in fact murdered by...
The Ark's captain would be Angus MacPherson, a dyed-in-the-wool Scot who was reputed among the most flamboyantly daring of the starship commanders. To balance his bravado SES had selected stolid Warren Cromartie as second in command, "as sound as they come," Mallet told Meiersdottir. Only a skeleton supercargo would travel on the outbound run. Heisinger and Igwanda would be joined only by biologists Watesi and Yuan, chemist Johann Paulssen and astronomer Yisheda Amuri for the voyage....
He was overwhelmed by the hug he got from Tracy, then she called softly, "Hasan! He is here." Hasan walked towards the door, carrying several bags. He eyed his visitor. "John? You came yourself?" "Anything for an old friend. Where are the boxes of books?" Hasan indicated a pile of cartons next to the door. John started to carry the first out the door and over to where the platform sat. As the family trooped out, he indicated the platform. "Everyone get on there. When ready, say NOW,...
I was so ashamed.Ashamed, and yet, with the revelation of what I had done, the memories of it – my obsession of it, really – are still as powerful as the sex itself.I am like a million other women, I think. No matter how we have lived - even those with successful jobs and successful husbands who treat us well and generally behave like gentlemen - at one time in our lives, we begin to feel trapped, unappreciated, ignored.Unsatisfied, emotionally and physically.*In this day and age, every woman I...
MILFThe Gardener's earlier outbound trip to Eden had been marred by an open tension between the majority scientific contingent and Igwanda's dozen-strong military task force. It had resulted partly from an early misunderstanding, partly from the disparate objectives of the two likewise disparate parties, and partly from Igwanda's rather stiff-necked response to perceived slights by the scientists. Within a day or two after the ship's departure the colonel was dismayed to see the same unhappy...
"Well, Carlie, it's time." He smiled, and leaned over to kiss her forehead. "Good luck, Grandmother." "I hope I don't need it." Pushing on the armrests with both hands she stood up unassisted and turned toward the door. They were in the "green room"—the waiting area—of the most popular worldwide late-night holograph show, on which she'd appear within, now, only a few seconds. It was a painstakingly arranged, and widely publicized, appearance. A week earlier she'd called the...
Hatred, Meiersdottir mused. Unreasoning hatred. And unreasoning fear, too. How terrible that they drive so much human thinking, and by thinking actions as well. In the two days since the dramatic confrontation in MacPherson's cabin there had been a great deal of activity. First and most immediately, the Ark's course had been righted. The ship had been on the proper trajectory, merely moving far too slowly to reach worm speed in anything like adequate time. But with all of its thrusters...
The choice turned out to be dictated by the anatomy of the Ark's Eden passengers—partly the Edenites themselves, but considerably more the wildlife accompanying them. It took Heisinger a great deal of effort to describe the situation clearly enough for the Edenites to understand. They had only the vaguest notion of the concept of gravity, and none at all that it could be variable. To them one remained on the ground simply because it was natural for non-aviators to remain on the ground, and...
"It is, Tabs, but it is a burden you have to bear, if you are to be trusted with other important matters later in life." "Understood. Wow! Penny getting married!" "Perhaps, Tabs. It is all at the "depends" stage. Now, can you back off with your questions; questions I cannot answer?" "Yes, sir. I will stop, and keep things to myself. Thank you for trusting me. I won't let you down. Penny, wow!" She halted her enthusiasm. "Does this mean I can't speak to Penny about her wanting...
NEW MIAMI Two days later The body of the Alliance communications officer slammed against the wall with a resounding crunch as his back snapped and popped in several locations. His body slid to the floor, his eyes open in death, blood leaking from between his lips. "I will kill that vile fucking werewolf bastard!" Yuri screamed as she stepped back from the body of the communications operator. "I will peel the skin from his bones and drink his blood as it spills to the floor! Then I will...
EDEN MOON BASE "It is very impressive." Marcus spoke as his amber eyes took in the control room where the production of the Raptors was taking place. He could see that the center stretched as far back as even his keen eyes could detect, and there were control rooms like the one he now stood in spaced every few hundred meters. At the various stations on the floor below he could see dozens of elves working with various humans standing at different points within the massive room. Much of the...
LYCAVORIAN HOME GUARD FLEET GROUP ONE ATTACK CRUISER LEONIDAS I SEVEN OF THIRTEEN JUMPGATES COMPLETED EIGHT HOURS UNTIL NEXT JUMPGATE SIX DAYS FROM EARTH "Do we have a firm location of this city Eden?" Riall asked. "Yes Admiral," The young officer replied. "It is situated between these two mountains ranges in what they used to call Ut ... Utah. It is located on the North American continent." He used an infra red pointer to signify the position of the city on the charts they had....
I slid the report into the proper file just as he walked into the room. Dennis Butz stood there wearing his three-piece suit, looking as handsome and charming as any man could. But I was not to be tamed by his charm. "Hello, Linda," he said with a friendly grin. "Judge Herns isn't in today," I replied back in a frosty tone. "I'm not here to see her." "My plane leaves in less then an hour Dennis, what do you want?" I slammed the file drawer shut and walked past him to my desk...
Eden Cove seems to have it all: Turquoise waves rolling up white perfect beaches, surounded by tropical green dotted by a firework of gaudy exotic flowers. A lush wind cooling down bodies which are otherwise heated up to much by the radiant sun. Placed at this secluded patch of heaven on earth lies a top-notch holiday resort with all the extravaganza which can be offered by state of the art facilities. Eden Cove resort moreover seems to be populated only by the most gorgeous people you can...
Two years ago, my wife, Lorraine decided as we didn’t want to spend another New Year in the white cold of Chicago. Being modern nudists/swingers, we surfed the web in search of a place that would meet our needs. After an hour of checking out the nude beaches of Australia, the golden sands of Rio and the palm trees of Phuket, we discovered a swingers’ nudist club in sunny South Africa, called Eden. We decided to overcome our fear of flying and go for the “zipless fuck”.After about 24-hours of...
Group SexAdam was standing outside the Garden of Eden listening to God eject him. It was totally unfair. Eve was the one who gave him the apple from the tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil. How was he to know, all the apples looked the same? He looked at Eve and said, “How could you do that? It was the one and only thing that God said we could not do!” “I am sorry Adam. That serpent dared me and I did it. I don’t know what I was thinking.” “You were not thinking, you always act on impulse. You hurt me...
2003 © I am a dyed in the wool voyeur... no doubt you are as well. Not likely that any of us would be here if we weren't! However, I am not the type of person that finds his EROTIC EYE CANDY by peeping in women's bedroom windows for my sexual kicks. I don't drill holes in the ladies room wall nor do I peek up skirts by lurking at the bottom of open staircases. Do I gawk at gorgeous legs with an admirable fanny attached... or a pair pretty of tits and a lovely face passing by? OF...
The morning transmission began as tumultuously as Meiersdottir had expected. Toshimura, in particular, was outraged that she had departed so drastically from their plans aboard the Gardener, and spent the first two minutes expressing that with phrases like "cover-up" and "betrayal of trust" and "high-handed unilateral decision-making" sprinkled liberally throughout his tirade. "All right, John," she said when he finally began to run out of words, "but that's something I don't want...
Igwanda and Meiersdottir walked back to their mini-pavilion, as they had come to call it, in stunned silence. Meier was awake and cranky; "I changed him," Lee said, "but I think he's hungry. Can't help you there." "Thanks, Janet," replied Meiersdottir absently. "I'll take it from here." She took the baby and with practiced movements opened her tunic to give him suckle as Lee left. "Hey, ouch, little man," she said, "just suck gently ... ah, there you go." As the baby fed she...
It was officially called a "mission briefing," and was closed to the public and the news media. Even so, popular interest in the return to Eden had reached a sufficient pitch that a variety of SES brass who had little of substance to contribute took up the first 90 minutes with what were mostly tendentious platitudes. The keynote speaker was Abel Langston himself, who thankfully gave to those who'd be light-years away in the coming election an abbreviated version of his remarks (they'd...
The hosannas were done. They'd been greeted, feted, lauded endlessly, and at last all the ceremonials were finished. The journey to Eden had been a complete success, Meiersdottir had won immense praise both official and public, Igwanda nearly as much, Meier had been duly swooned over as the first human baby ever born off Earth, and at last it was time to go home. At Meiersdottir's insistence they were going by private surface transportation, traversing the back roads between their...
"You resorted to violence, Amanda," mused Meier Johanssen aloud, shaking his head slightly, as they finished recounting their tale. "No choice, dad," she answered tightly. They were sitting on the front porch of her parents' home, casually and comfortably to a casual observer, but with an overlay of unspoken tension rippling the air between them. "There is always a choice," corrected the older man. "You are correct, sir," Igwanda put in. "In this instance, however, the...
The potty chair, along with a supply of disposable diapers and of course Meier himself, joined them on board the lander. Fortunately Miller was not on hand to watch the civilians board. I can only imagine his reaction if he saw how casually we treat this, Igwanda thought. I certainly know what my own would have been to a tiny child accompanying us when first we set down on Eden. Besides Igwanda, Meiersdottir and their baby, the landing party would consist of Terrence O'Brian,...