Return of her Master
- 3 years ago
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They'd been afforded extended leave for family visits, as had others of the Gardener crew, but once those were done all of the returning voyagers found themselves pressed by the SES to sit for extended interviews by the news media, especially the holographic pundits. The Service wanted to maximize the impact of their success, and what better way than to dragoon their explorers—especially the ones who had in mind to return to the planet, and thus needed agency favor—into public relations service?
Igwanda and Meiersdottir found themselves especially in demand, as the two heroic leaders of the expedition and also as the only two who'd had any extended dialogue with the Edenite mothers. Rather than split up, they insisted on taking all interviews together; "We were a team there and we're a team here, it's both or neither," Meiersdottir tartly told the SES p.r. chief when he wanted them to take separate sessions. She was also mindful that it might be better to have her ameliorating influence present to counteract Igwanda's occasional acerbity in the face of what he considered to be stupid questions.
In the early stages that was immaterial. Priority was accorded to the so-called "mainstream" media, who provided softball questions and in general focused on the "gee whiz" factor of humanity's first encounter with a sentient alien species.
Meiersdottir initially took great pleasure in describing the glories of the Edenite nests, though she ultimately wearied of it. Igwanda was asked again and again about the nature of their telepathic interaction, and in the end found himself simply repeating the same words to one interviewer and the next. When it gradually became apparent that even probing questions weren't going to elicit much that hadn't been said before, the leading holographic reporters began to move on to other stories.
But still the invitations to speak kept coming, and SES was reluctant to let the story subside. So they were booked on some of the more marginalized, but still widely watched, shows. Which led to some interesting exchanges.
Such as this one:
"The big question that my audience wants answered is this," said ultra-conservative host Trey Montague. "Do the Eden people show any signs of homosexuality?"
That's the 'big question' for your audience? Meiersdottir thought. What kind of morons make up your damn 'audience?' But aloud she said only, "Trey, I have no idea whatever."
"Well, Amanda, it's an important issue, don't you agree?" the holograph interviewer said.
"Why would I agree with that, Trey?" she asked. "I mean, isn't it their own business? Just like it is here. What two consenting adults do in private isn't my concern, whether here or on Eden. Can we move on, please?"
The host simply ignored the last. "But you do agree that it's a sin, right?" he pressed.
She feigned recognition. "Oh, I get it! You don't trust God to handle it, is that it?"
Montague was caught off-guard. "I beg your pardon?" he said.
"Well, it's a sin, or that's what you're saying," she went on. "Now, look, I'm a sociologist, not a theologist, but my understanding is that it's God's job to punish sinners, isn't that so? But you don't think God's going to do it, or at least not do it right, not to your satisfaction, so you have to take it on yourself."
"No, of course it's not that," replied the flustered interviewer.
"Oh?" she said with arched eyebrows. "Well, I guess I'm confused then. But I'm afraid I'll have to stay confused, because Carlos and I have another commitment." She stood up and held out her hand with a friendly smile. Igwanda, suppressing his amusement, followed suit. "It was really great to meet you, Trey; I hope we can do it again when there's more time."
"You hope we can do it again?" repeated Igwanda to her sotto voce as they walked out.
And, at the opposite end of the political spectrum, there was this:
"Do I understand correctly that there is only a single colony of the ones you're calling Edenites, limited only to the few who've inherited this telepathic mutation that allows them to 'think together, ' as you put it?" asked hyper-liberal host Marcia Kendricks.
"Pretty much, Marcia," Meiersdottir answered. "Just before we left there was an effort to spread out a bit more widely, but it's very difficult for them. Their telepathy has a very limited geographic range, so—"
"No, no, that's not what I mean," Kendricks interrupted, fixated on her point. "What I'm getting at is, how about the others, the ones who don't have the mutation? Didn't you say they'd told you there were lots of others like them on the planet who didn't have that gene?"
"Yes, it appears so," Igwanda put in. "In fact, on one occasion when Amanda was not there I happened to see two such. They were clearly mentally much less evolved."
"Less learning-enabled, you mean?" the interviewer asked.
Igwanda made the effort to smile at her. "You could say that," he said. "On nothing approximating the same level."
"But don't the smart ones, the ones in this privileged enclave, feel any responsibility toward these others?" she pressed.
"Not so far as I could determine," the colonel replied. "Why would they?" Belatedly his wife, who was beginning to see Kendricks' drift, gave him a nudge, but the words were already out.
"Well, isn't it true that the only difference between them is that the ones in the exclusive community have a little higher intellect? And shouldn't they, the fortunate ones, take some responsibility for their less-gifted brothers and sisters? Amanda, I have to say that I'm really surprised—no, not just surprised, I'm disappointed—that you, as a sociologist, didn't point this out to them. I mean, we humans don't just kick out children who are born with Down's syndrome, autism, microcelephacy, other mental ... limitations, the way the Edenites do."
"You're drawing the wrong comparison," Meiersdottir interjected.
"Am I?" said Kendricks aggressively. "I don't think so. The only distinction between them is just a tiny bit of I.Q., isn't it?"
"No. It's an immense gap, enough to make them two different species. The mutation—"
"But they're not two difference species, are they?" Kendricks demanded. "They can interbreed, can't they?"
"I really don't know," answered Meiersdottir in a firm voice. "Nor do I think it matters. With today's genetic manipulation we could probably interbreed with, oh, chimpanzees or orangutans, but I don't think anybody believes it would be a good idea, do you? And that's a lot better comparison, if you want to draw one. As I say, two different species."
"But that's not the same thing—"
"It really is, you know," Meiersdottir cut her off and stood. "Marcia, I'd love to stay and explain it to you further, but time presses and Carlos and I have another appointment. Thanks so very much for having us."
"I believe you were mistaken about one thing you told her," Igwanda remarked to his wife on their way out.
"What's that?" she asked.
"Interbreeding of humans and great apes," he said. "I believe it would result in a mental capacity very like hers."
She laughed.
And then this one:
"I must say, I'm really impressed by the confirmation that Eden gives us of the truth of creationism, intelligent design, aren't you, Amanda and Carlos?" inquired fundamentalist Christian leader Andros Megahadra.
Meiersdottir had sharply challenged the SES public relations head, Roger Allenda, about this particular booking. "All he wants is to use us as patsies to push his religion," she'd complained. But Allenda had assured her that the broadcaster had agreed to stay completely off religious topics, and she'd finally, reluctantly, consented. Five minutes into the interview, though, there they were back to religion.
"Andros, I thought we'd agreed not to get into religious doctrine," she said flatly.
"Why of course," the host replied smoothly. "But this is simply science, creationist science, which is now confirmed as fact by Eden."
Igwanda was making plain that he wanted no part of this particular discussion, so she gave Megahadra a weary look. "OK, Andros, I know you want me to ask, so why don't you tell me how Eden confirms creationism."
"Well, God created the Edenites, right? I mean, you say they even know how long ago, down to the year. So if God did it on Eden, then isn't it self-evident that the same thing happened on Earth?"
"Andros, it wasn't any such thing," she said in a sharp tone. "It was simply a genetic mutation. The others, the ones who are biologically similar but weren't affected by the mutation, are there to prove it. If anything, Eden confirms the theory of evolution—"
"Ah, 'theory, '" interrupted Megahadra. "Another word for guesswork. But Eden proves that guess was wrong, doesn't it?"
"'Theory' doesn't mean guesswork in this context, it means a body of knowledge about a particular subject," she retorted. "Like the theory of relativity, you want to argue that one after we've proved it with travel to other stars? The Edenites evolved, just as we did, it's merely that their final step came about in an abrupt mutation."
"Well, you can call it mutation if you like, but isn't that just another way of saying divine intervention?" he said in a condescending tone.
"Who knows?" she asked. "If you want to argue that, do it. But there are plenty of non-telepathic Edenites around, do you see the same thing here? Are you going to tell me that dinosaurs were simply great big stupid humans before God stepped in?"
"Amanda, it's well-known that dinosaurs never existed," he explained patronizingly. "The fossils are simply the remains of some of the creatures of the true Eden here on Earth—"
"Andros, you don't need us here for this," she said, rising. "Just say what you like, but know I'm not buying it. Now I'm sorry, but Carlos and I need to move on, thanks for having us." Igwanda joined her and they walked out.
The last straw was this session with well-known leftist political commentator Bertrand Castellanos:
"It would appear from your reports that the Edenites have unlocked the secret to perfect communal living," he said at almost the beginning of what was scheduled as a 30-minute holocast.
Meiersdottir blinked. "Well, Bertrand, I suppose you could say that if you took a superficial look," she told him placatingly. "But that's—"
"'Superficial?'" he cut her off. "Amanda, I'm surprised to hear you say that. I mean, as a sociologist you must certainly see that this is what stands out about the Edenite economy."
"What stands out is simply that the Edenites are completely different from us in a much more fundamental way than economics," she said.
"Yes, indeed," he agreed enthusiastically. "Much superior to us in many ways, I should say. Unlike us poor humans, they appear to have mastered the recognition that no one individual exists in a vacuum, that all members of any rational species must act unselfishly for the betterment of all."
"You can't really call it 'unselfish' the way you mean it, Bertrand."
"How else might one regard it?" asked the host. "From what you wrote, each Edenite makes his or her contribution to the group without thought of individual recompense, and each receives from the group in accordance with his or her particular need. Just as Karl Marx conceived it, but as we've been unable to make it work on Earth."
"We can't make it work because we're separate individuals—'singles, ' they call it," she explained. "They're not; they 'think together, ' they're mentally intertwined and interdependent. The two species can't be compared the way you're trying to do."
"Yes, I understand," he said, "but my point is that the perversion of capitalism has never arisen there, has it? There's no management and labor, no class distinctions of any sort, they all work together in perfect and unselfish harmony as we humans have never been able to do save for brief and short-lived interludes."
She was getting impatient. "Bertrand, do they pay you for doing this show?"
He coughed. "Well, Amanda, that's a subject I don't discuss."
"But they do, don't they?" she persisted. "And pretty damn well, too, I'll bet. And you spend that money on yourself and your family to live in a fine house in an exclusive neighborhood, eat lots of good food"—she stared ostentatiously at his protruding belly—"buy those expensive clothes you're wearing and generally have a much better standard of living than some poor schmo who isn't a big deal on the holo."
"Want to give all that up?" she continued. "Of course you don't, why would you? That's why communism doesn't work here, you're you, an individual completely separate from all other individuals. The Edenites aren't, they don't have any sense of individuality or not much, they're all part of one mental collective. Their economic structure, if you want to call it that, is simply a by-product of that basic difference from humans."
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All too soon their sojourn on Earth was coming to its end. The Gardener had been refitted expeditiously, its new crew and supercargo selected, and the date of departure was nearing. Save for their early unpleasantness and a few annoyances of their public relations ventures, the visit home had been an unalloyed pleasure for both Igwanda and Meiersdottir. They'd been welcomed without either hesitation or qualification by each other's natal families, and both sets of grandparents had doted on...
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Dear Krystalasbaby, Jane Hudson, Sissy Katie, Sissymart and Kitty Poodle, thank you for those lovely reviews. I hope you enjoy the next chapter. BJ Chapter 20. Baby Under Control The next morning when Jane unpinned Daphne's saturated night nappies, she was prepared. She slowly lowered the sodden front flap, took a quick peek, then hastily covered her little girl's spurting clittie. Jane gave her embarrassed baby girl a smile of long-suffering and shook her head in apparent...
Return to the House of Fabulous (c) 2005 by Nom de Plume For those who missed "Skirting the Law" and "The House of Fabulous", the players are: Charles Bigelow, ousted CEO of Tyrex Industries, who has heart failure when... Wall Street raiders Darwin DeVour and Lance Raptor launch a hostile takeover after... Company lawyer Terry Poindexter comes to work in a dress, before he runs away with... Gail Chestnut, his stunningly attractive executive secretary, who knows the truth...
Dear sissybabytammy, Eugene, Rachel Belle, sissy jeannie, Victoria, sissy missy and Sissy Katie, thank you all so much for those lovely reviews! I really appreciate you taking the time to post your glowing responses. Please keep letting me know what you think, and I hope you enjoy the next chapter in Baby Daphne's 'downfall.' Baby Jennie Chapter 16. A Visit to the Salon. Yesterday had been the first time he'd been dragged outside dressed like a big baby girl. This felt worse...
Dear everyone.... WOW! Thank you for all those lovely reviews! I'm overwhelmed that so many of you took a few minutes to let me now what you think of my little story. And let me tell you, I read your suggestions with interest - sometimes including my fans' ideas into my naughty narrative. WARNING! This chapter contains forced pee-drinking scenes and threats of worse! If these things might offend your delicate sensibilities, please stop reading now. Otherwise, read on, dear reader....
The sudden, strident clang of the bell plucked Mathieu from what had been a very pleasant dream. Looking round, he found that, as usual, all the beds held one single occupant, the women having returned to their own tent before sunrise. This was for the benefit of any bible-bashing fanatics who might, by chance, pass by and witness both male and female exiting the same dormitory, the idea of gawping at these strange specimens of humanity was in no way disturbing to them, indeed it reinforced...
Arriving home one night, my wife met me at the door. This is unusual behavior for her, so I was instantly concerned. “Something wrong?” I asked. “Well…” She pondered. “I got a strange call a couple hours ago and I don’t know what to make of it.” “Who from?” I pressed for more information. “They said they were from the California DMV and they need to talk to you.” She stated. “Wouldn’t tell me anything else.” “They left a name and number.” I took the note from her and headed for my office....
Showing my boobs on our shopping spree had already fuelled some of our sexual cravings and I was really excited thinking about the prospects of pushing the boundaries while getting ready to shower. Dave remarked that I was showing some signs of stubble and that I might like a shave. Actually, he just wanted to shave me. I lay across the towel he had placed on the bed. His fingers felt so gentle as he lathered me up. Then, carefully taking the razor, he scraped away all the foam around my pubis,...
ExhibitionismCHAPTER 1 Like thousands of expensively educated youngsters before him and destined to tread a similar path after him, Grady Halliburton was totally undistinguished in his passage through Ascension Boarding School for Boys, New Hampshire. His marks ran consistently at C-level with the occasional B and D to inject variety and in sport he was designated ‘water boy’ or assistant to the assistant coach and his popularity among fellow students rarely got better than ‘Grady who?’ Grady completed...
Dear Daddy Mike, thank you for that lovely compliment. Thank you too, Kevin, baby Tammy, Katie and Petal. Deewet? I hope your muse returns soon. Get back to that keyboard, little girl! Jeannie, you'll have to keep reading. Sorry for the gap between posts, everyone, but I had to move house. I hope you enjoy the next chapter. Baby Jennie Chapter 15. Letters and Phone Calls David stared at the blank sheet of paper as tears of shame welled in his eyes. Write to Jake? Create...
The next morning Lena awoke feeling refreshed and eager to continue her work, rousing her sleepy partner with a few sharp prods and encouraging him out of their sleeping pit. Once she had made a cup of MRE coffee and had eaten a breakfast of cereal bars, she was ready to face the day. The more she learned about the Brokers and their odd behavior, the more intrigued she became. She had deciphered the Krell language, along with the history that was recorded in their murals, and she had even...
Return to the MILF – a story by SBarak1This is the 2nd story in my MILF series. Although this story can be read ‘stand-alone’, it will make more sense if read after my story ‘My First MILF’. Just remember this is fantasy.After a memorable evening at Bev’s a few years ago, as relayed in the story my story “My First MILF.” I returned a few days later, at the time, to her house to fulfil my promise to give Bev a spare portable hard drive so she could free up some space on her laptop PC. I knew...
Chapter 6. Mummy Takes Charge. David half-listened to his wife tell the familiar humiliating story. He remembered that fateful day when he boarded the plane at Kennedy airport. Jane had texted him as he found his seat to settle into some British Airways Business Class comfort for the overnight flight home. She told him she had cancelled his prearranged taxi and would be meeting him at the airport herself. He was both surprised and pleased by his wife's unexpected thoughtfulness - and a...
Dear Bootlover, Sissy Jeannie, Jane Hudson, Janet Marie, Susan, Kitty Poodle and Sissy Katie, thank for your lovely compliments and suggestions. They help keep me going. BJ Chapter 19. A Spanking From Uncle Jake The next morning was a little different for Baby Daphne. She only woke when her smiling Mummy waltzed into the Nursery and threw back the curtains, letting in the early morning sunshine. "Good morning, baby girl! Did you have a good sleep?" Jane inquired as she unlocked...
It would soon be our eleventh anniversary and my wife, Jenny, and I were looking forward to celebrating it on that upcoming Saturday. Being partners in business and being constantly on the road together can really put a strain on a relationship and I could feel us drifting apart lately. It was my idea to come back Chicago for our anniversary; I prayed it would put some spark back into our marriage. The plan was to return to the same club where I had proposed to her. I had checked first to make...
School was out on December 20th. On the next morning, they all drove to Heathrow in the Defender with two weeks worth of clothes. The military duffle bag Henry had chosen amused the young lady at the check-in. She clearly was not used to Business Class passengers checking in ratty canvas bags. The twins had their giggles when they entered the Business Class lounge. There were two actors they knew from TV shows and one half-assed rock musician whose music they disliked. There were also two...
The invitation from Dave and Karen came by text on Sunday morning. Our cottage Saturday afternoon to Sunday if you are available. Karen would like you to bring your friend.I looked over at Stacey. She was still lying on her stomach with her arms limply beside her and my cum running down between the cheeks of her ass. I had just given her an early-morning ass fucking and unloaded on her firm little cheeks and the small of her back. I patted her ass to see if she was awake."Give me a few...
SwingersAfter lunch, the girls spent the afternoon swimming and sunbathing while Jake and I performed some maintenance on the boat. Around six o'clock in the evening the girls went inside to prepare the evening meal while Jake and I freshened up with a swim, then we all sat down to a great supper of steak, fries, onions, mushrooms and corn on the cob accompanied by a couple of bottles of chilled white wine. As we ate, Melanie regaled Jake and Sue with the tale of our vacation adventures with Tina and...
Group Sex