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Like thousands of expensively educated youngsters before him and destined to tread a similar path after him, Grady Halliburton was totally undistinguished in his passage through Ascension Boarding School for Boys, New Hampshire. His marks ran consistently at C-level with the occasional B and D to inject variety and in sport he was designated ‘water boy’ or assistant to the assistant coach and his popularity among fellow students rarely got better than ‘Grady who?’

Grady completed college with a scholarship to Oxford College, England, where his mother pressed him to study Theology and his engineer father appealed to him to study anything except Engineering. Rather than be dismayed by the lack of parental support, Grady continued his interest in English Language and Literature and gained his doctorate. After a year on a round-the-world cruise ship working as assistant cultural director, he taught and managed to survive three years teaching at an unruly boys’ school in Dublin and then taught at an exclusive boys’ school in Scotland where, after four years ‘on staff’ was appointed deputy headmaster.

When home on sabbatical visiting his parents, his mother mentioned Ascension was seeking a new headmaster after the incumbent was fired for impregnating both the matron and the assistant matron. Grady was quite sure in his time at Ascension even adults didn’t know about sex so was delighted that things may have changed at his old school with Headmaster taking the lead.

He enquired about the position, being a ‘safe’ fornicator, although not actually using that description, and was told to approach the agency conducting an international search for a suitable replacement. He just managed to make the deadline. Two weeks later Grady went to New York for the interviews and then went to Ascension as one of the five final applicants to appear before the board.

The expensive and highly regarded G6-G12 school was run on an English preparatory system. It currently had 292 students, all but eleven being borders with a teaching/student ratio of 1:8.

Clearly the board was staggered to find a graduate of Ascension was a finalist and was proudly unanimous in its choice of Grady as its new headmaster. It helped that he had the highest qualifications of the final five and his teaching and administrative records were deemed to be up to standard.

Two months later Grady arrived to take up his position. He arrived on the last Friday of spring vacation and his first task after a thorough inspection of the school facilities including the grounds was to appoint a housekeeper.

The chief executive had four candidates lined up and Grady looked at their qualifications and refused to interview any of them.

‘The youngest is seventy-two,’ he said derisively.

‘Chairman is anxious you don’t impregnate your housekeeper.’

‘Fuck the board chairman,’ Grady said and the CEO said in rising outrage, ‘Headmaster!’

‘Paine, I have been engaged to run this school academically and without interference of either you or the chairman. That is laid down in this school’s 1921 charter. Please get me a young, virile… er energetic and lively housekeeper or I shall create mayhem.’

‘God Grady, please don’t do that. The media put us through the wringer after the exploits of your successor. On Monday I will ask the agency…’

‘I’ll take someone already on staff. Line them up for me in sixty minutes Paine… all female staff in all positions, aged eighteen to forty-eight.’

‘Oh god.’

‘Just do it Paine, now is not an appropriate time to pray.’

Paine returned an hour later and took Grady to the Great Hall.

Twenty-three noisy females were waiting.

‘Get them standing in two lines six feet apart.’

Paine spoke quietly to two senior women and stood them six feet apart and told the women to line up alongside those two markers to finish with ten in the front line and the remainder in the back line.

All the women wanted to line up in the back row and Grady grinned as Paine struggled to use his authority to gain comprehension and order among his flock.

‘Ladies this is our new headmaster, Dr Grady Halliburton. You’ll read about him in tomorrow morning’s newspaper. He wishes to engage one of you to be his housekeeper. Over to you Headmaster.’

‘Will those of you who are frontline managers please leave,’ Grady said. ‘Mr Burton will be checking that you are indeed the aforesaid frontline managers.’

Six women scuttled away, smiling in relief at Paine.

‘Would those of you who unable to accept a higher salary to be my live-in housekeeper please leave.’

Another six women left.

‘Right you remaining ladies please form one line. Thank you. Just take one pace forward each time you can answer each questions with a yes, otherwise remain rooted.’

‘Those of you who are confident you are an excellent cook please step forward.’

All stepped forward except one who ran off crying.

‘Those of you who are confident you qualify to be called an exceptionally good cook please step forward.’

The questions continued and the women were invited to take a step forward if … they were house-proud… their first preference for music was classical… they knew who Henri Matisse was… were punctual and trustworthy… drank red wine and loved to converse deeply… enjoyed theater and ballet… didn’t smoke…

By then two women were well out in front.

‘Thank you everyone. Would just these two ladies immediately in front of me please stay.’

One was very good looking but thin and unsmiling. The other had a great body and smiled and would look great with a bit of grooming tuition.

He said to the thinner lady, ‘Who was Henri Matisse?’

‘He played for the Yankees many years ago I seem to recall.’

‘And what do you say ma’am?’

‘It’s Miss. He was an outstanding French painter noted for his use of vivid colors who died I think in the mid 1950s.’

‘Good. You are my first choice. Will you accept the position?’

‘With pay better than what I received now and terms of employment at least as equitable?’

‘Guaranteed,’ Paine said and when she said she accepted he said to the other woman, ‘Thank you for auditioning so well Colleen, you may return to your duties now.’

Grady said to the other woman, ‘Thank you for auditioning so competently. Mr Burton please grade my housekeeper to appropriate level and have her things shifted into the housekeeper’s quarters in my house as soon as such a transfer is convenient.’

‘Yes certainly. That ought to be convenient sometime this afternoon. Matron will be furious because Maggie here has just arrived as assistant matron.’

Grady smiled. ‘Although I’m somewhat sympathetic, I should think in the order of things Headmaster securing a suitable housekeeper takes precedence over the requirements of Matron.’

Paine grinned. ‘I’ll convey that sentiment to Matron and then duck the flying missile.’

Maggie said, ‘What do I call you sir?’

‘Grady when we are alone, Headmaster whenever anyone else is within earshot.’

‘Very good Headmaster.’

‘Oh Maggie we’ll eat out in the village this evening because you’ll require time to settle in.’

‘I’m sure I can manage…’

‘You shall dine out as my guest Maggie. Oh I feel it’s my duty to warn you that the chairman and his board will be dismayed at your appointment, their plan to dump me with a seventy-plus year old housekeeper being thwarted. You’ll be careful not to become pregnant while on my watch won’t you Maggie?’

‘Certainly Headmaster. I have been on the pill since I was sixteen.’

Grady smiled and Paine sighed desperately.

Over dinner Grady leaned that Maggie Olsen was thirty-two and a registered nurse who was having a career change for a couple of years before she returned home to m
arry her childhood sweetheart providing he was still waiting for her. She told Grady she was not shy about having sex. She said that Grady not being unmarried was likely to get as much sex as he could handle without leaving the school grounds because she understood he had about eighteen females on his teaching staff, all of whom lived on campus and only a small percentage would be lesbian out of choice.

Grinning, Grady said, ‘Actually I don’t move round chalking up conquests like a bean counter.’

Maggie colored. ‘I didn’t mean anything except to indicate the choice was there if you were so inclined. I would pick you to be selective and aware of the need to protect your reputation.’

‘Tell me what you really mean Maggie,’ smiled the 41-year-old, youngest headmaster in the school’s hallowed history.

Face flaming but courageous with the help of a cocktail and two and a half glasses of red wine, Maggie eyes him bravely and said, ‘You have selected me and installed me for the purpose you have in mind, knowing most though not all people will not expect a professional man to have sex with his housekeeper.’

‘Ah, well expressed. If you decide to have sex with me just remember what we do within our house is our business and it’s fortunate the bedrooms are above the living rooms. When we are away from the house we must not express any intimacy.’

‘Of course not and I do understand. Would you care to see how we measure up tonight?’

Grady made sure she saw him looking very pleased. ‘Yes Maggie. I would be very grateful if you permit that to occur.’

Back on home turf, as Grady closed the electronically operated garage door he said, ‘May I undress you when we get upstairs?’

‘Yes I’d like that but first let me pee and brush my teeth. I shall then come to your room.’

Before going up Grady checked his telephone for messages. There was one from Colonel Ashton. The chairman of the board sounded very angry but no way would Grady be returning the call. The Colonel could call him during school hours on non-urgent matters. Grady had been less than impressed by the bellicose bully during interviewing and in the subsequent briefing in the chairman’s office after his selection. The idiot acted as if he were Top Gun.

Paine had said Ashton was entitled to call himself Colonel because he’d retired able-bodied from the Air Force with that rank and could be recalled at any time.

* * *

Turning to be unzipped, Maggie asked in one of those deep conversations Grady had hinted about during selection, ‘When did you last have sex?’

‘With my landlady on the last evening of occupying my serviced apartment in her beautiful Georgian townhouse. The poor woman confessed she’d been hanging out for it for the four years I was her tenant. What about you?’

As Grady unzipped her dress and kissed between the wide shoulders Maggie shivered and said the last time her brother was home just when she’d managed to secure the position as assistant matron.

Grady smiled. He was particularly fond of worldly women.

‘That must have been lovely for you.’

Maggie sighed and said yes it was up to the point her sister-in-law walked in and caught them at it.

‘The bitch slammed into me and attempted to strangle me, leaving my brother untouched.’

‘Oh dear, well perhaps he received his comeuppance when she dragged him home’

‘Oh yes… reach round and squeeze my tits Headmaster.’

Maggie had a pussy with protruding lips but once Grady had her spread with the fingers of one hand and began licking it was fine and that hand was free to supply a finger to join his tongue while his other hand, under the pressure of Maggie’s hand, continued to grind into a breast to keep her groaning ecstatically.

At the end of the session Headmaster decided Maggie was an excellent fuck and he invited her to remain in his bed to be on hand early morning.

After a robust sixty-nine at 6:00, Maggie opened the windows to air the room and went off to prepare breakfast. It was Saturday morning so she left Headmaster to come down when he was ready and in the meantime read that morning’s newspaper.

She found a full-page feature article about Headmaster Grady Arnold Halliburton, D.Phil, M.Litt, with a stunning photograph and she decided he really was rather handsome. God he was only forty-one. Not clicking that the interview must have taken place midweek, Maggie thought if the damn woman journalist had been any good she would have named Maggie as housekeeper and potential mistress.

She read than Headmaster was not a cast-in-clay academic. Oh no. For several years he’d played electric guitar in a night-club band, had visited many parts of Europe during long summer group bicycle tours, had won some success as a fencer and… ‘Omigod’ … had twice married and divorced, the first time to a rector’s daughter now remarried to Lord Williams-A’court and then to feisty and wildly beautiful Scottish TV actress Skye Macandeoir now a recluse spinning wool from black-face sheep and weaving shawls that were snapped up by American, Japanese and Korean women tourists for seven thousand pounds each.

‘Oh I am privileged to have his dick in me,’ Maggie sighed breathlessly.

The house phone went.

‘Headmaster’s residence.’

‘Who are you?’

‘Miss Maggie Olsen.’

Maggie waited patiently while the caller rustled papers and then stated incredulously, ‘What the young assistant matron with delightful… um…’ He stopped.

‘Yes sir. May I get Headmaster to call you? I’ve not seen him down this morning and as housekeeper it is my duty to protect him.’

‘You stupid bitch. Get him to the phone at once,’ roared the caller. ‘Tell him Colonel Ashton demands to speak with him.’

‘Oh he mentioned you might call. He will be in his office at 9:00 because the boys coming from some distance begin arriving today. He said he would be busy so could allocate you no more than fifteen minutes.’

There was noising choking on the phone so Maggie cut the call.

Headmaster came down for breakfast at 8:30 dressed elegantly in jeans and a freshly laundered Oxford sweater and blue loafers.

‘Come here into the passage, away from the windows,’ Headmaster purred, and Maggie was kissed and had her breasts squeezed and that left her purring as well.

She told Headmaster about the chairman’s impolite call. Headmaster grinned and said he was going to make that prick’s life a misery.

Maggie had a great desire to cry ‘My Hero’ but thought that would be misplaced because it sounded like Headmaster would be fired before too long. She served Headmaster’s request of porridge and four slices of hot-buttered whole meal toast and marmalade and went to eat her breakfast in the kitchen when he said softly, ‘Maggie please eat with me at all times when we are alone.’

That sent a shiver through her, realizing he intended treating her like a near equal.


Grady walked to his office to greet the incoming staff and pupils who’d arrive over the next two days, with late arrivals due to be in time for opening convocation at 1:30 on Monday. Headmaster would conduct a meeting of all teaching and support staff from 10:00 to noon tomorrow and they would prepare for teaching/coaching on Monday morning and deal with any enquiries from parents.

He reached his office at 8.58 to find the red-faced Colonel waiting who barked, ‘You’re late.’

Grady smiled, said good morning and unlocked the door and waved in the chairman.

They sat and Grady pushed a switch below his left knee that he’d installed himself late the previous afternoon.

‘You my man are guilty of debasing my authority.’

‘Think whatever you wish Colonel but let me make myself quite clear. I run the teaching side of this school the way I see fit and under my terms of appointment I’m only answerable to the board of trustees on disciplinary matter
s although I am required to attend board meetings and to be generally cooperative and courteous. I of course am expected to liaise with you and we are required to operate on good terms. Drop your arrogant and over-bearing manner and you’ll have a more comfortable journey with me. If you don’t I’m afraid your current term as chairman is likely to end prematurely. Take it from me your board will be in no mood to be involved in yet another public controversy.’

The red face turned purple. ‘Why you jerk and upstart. Don’t you realize I know people to whom I can request they deal with you? You’ll disappear without trace, leaving the police and other investigators baffled.’

‘No doubt you can chairman but I advise you to be careful what you say. All conversations in this office are recorded for my own protection but I never thought my own security would be so criminally threatened.’

The Colonel’s face paled. ‘I-I was simply teasing Headmaster.’

‘Then I accept that assurance. So why are we having this meeting?’

‘Well firstly you failed to make a courtesy call on me when you arrived.’

Grady clasped his fingers saintly-like just under his chin and said, ‘In my book the chairman pays a courtesy call on his new headmaster.’

They stared at one another until the Colonel said, ‘I had handpicked several suitable housekeepers for you.’

‘I regarded them as being unsuitable, all being septuagenarians. I require my housekeeper to be young, educated, vibrant and an excellent conversationalist who can keep me informed about the wider perimeter of the school.’

The Colonel sat forward. ‘You mean as a surveillance officer?’

‘A little like that. I need to stamp out unsavory activities among personnel that could have a degrading influence on our boys and even ensnare them.’

‘Good god Grady, you think like me.’

‘Possibly a tiny little bit sir.’

‘Oh none of this sir rubbish. Call me Colonel when we are in company and Barney when alone.’

‘That is very civil of your Barney. Miss Olsen has informed me you had a very distinguished career in the Air Force and received many medals.’

‘Oh did she? That Maggie appears to be a fine girl. Thank you for acknowledging what you just said to me. It makes me feel very proud.’

‘Well Barney I’m afraid your time is up. Was their anything urgent left to discuss?’

‘Nothing that won’t keep. May I invite you to join Jennifer and me for cocktails at our home at 4:00 this afternoon?’

‘Thank you chairman. Does the invitation include Maggie?’

‘I-I… oh I don’t see why not. Just don’t bring her to official functions do you hear?’

‘I’m noted for my discretion Barney.’

‘Good man.’

As soon as the Colonel had left Grady called Maggie and asked her to come over to his office as soon as she was free.

‘I guess you are up to your armpits in housework.’

‘No I have my feet up watching TV.’

He laughed, unsure whether she was joking or not. Sometimes it paid to be safe and just laugh.

‘Have I done something wrong?’

‘Not at all.’

‘Are you in desperate need of a BJ?’

‘No, just saunter over when you are free.’

Grady had met eighteen parents and their boy or boys when Maggie was next in line. Closing the door he kissed her and squeezed a tit and then told her of the Colonel’s invitation.

‘Why did he invite me?’ she gurgled.

‘Because I asked did the invitation include you? I was under the impression he thought if he said no I would have declined.’

‘Oh God.’

‘No he’s only the chairman Maggie. Now I want you to go to town, not the village, and get your hair done and face made up. Just tell them you wish to be made to look glamorous. And then buy yourself a little black dress that must be tight and high to show off your tits and legs. Here are two hundred bucks and the keys to my car.’

‘Oh God.’

‘No I’m only Headmaster and this is my way for paying for sex. Off you go.’

Maggie’s enthusiasm and edge of naivety endeared her to Grady but he knew the sexual liaison couldn’t last because it would only get him into trouble if caught out. It would be best if she found her own boyfriend while staying on as his housekeeper.

Maggie returned his school car without any new dents that Grady could see and he told her she looked wonderful. Although she knew the hair and make-up looked good she blushed.

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Return to the Land

"NO! Damn it Roger I don't want to just take off and lay around the damn beach with you. I'm sick of Miami and have more important things to do than traipse all around the country with you. That's all you want to do any more. We're young. We need to live it up before it's too late. I'm sick of you telling me I can't go out with my friends. I have a life and if you want to share it you need to change your ways. Just because I agreed to marry you doesn't give you the right to tell me I...

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Return of Reno

CHAPTER 1 When Ash’s (Ashley) partner of three years had chased after his brother, destroying Carl’s marriage, Ash he thought good riddance and god what a predatory bitch. He reminded himself she’d been on the loose when he scored with her that first memorable night and therefore he wasn’t guilty of wooing her off some other luckless dude. But he was shocked to find how their so-called friends virtually dumped him when word got around that Sharon had left him and his pals told him he was...

3 years ago
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Return of the Teen Morphed to a Sexual Woman

Return of the Teen ,Morphed to a Sexual Woman. She was 21 and had been away from home for two years when she called to ask if she could come to stay for a few days, and then was meeting her boyfriend at the airport to go east for her first trip to the Big Apple. As we chit chatted and brought each other up to date on the way to my patio home, I realized that she had indeed matured quite a bit. She no longer had that little girl approach and wide eyed wonder at things. She had become quite a...

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Return To The Nursery

Return To The Nursery by Baby Jennie (and Anonymous) This is based on a story called 'The Nursery' by an unknown author. I found it in the archives on Buffalo Betty's old site, untouched and abandoned since 2009, and decided to re-write in for my own perverted pleasure. I hope you enjoy reading it. Warning! This story contains scenes of female domination, forced infantilism, bondage and discipline, sadomasochism, public humiliation, sexual intercourse, homosexual and lesbian sex,...

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Return To The Nursery chap 17

Dear Sissymissy, Sissy Jeannie and sissy baby Tammy, thank you for those lovely reviews. Thanks girls! One of the reasons I write erotic sissy-baby fiction is to help naughty little sissies like you girls to make sissy squirties in their nappies. I'm pleased to hear I was successful! I hope the next chapter helps you all make even more messes! And the 'potty-training' session is coming soon. I promise! And Anon - one of the joys of being an author is to give hints of what might happen,...

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Return to KrellChapter 2 Academic Pursuits

Lena taped the wireless pickup to her throat, then brought up her wrist-mounted computer, a military model that she had recently gotten her hands on. Having the station’s security chief owe her a favor had really paid off. She calibrated it, punching in commands on the touch screen, and the computer registered the microphone. “Testing, testing, one two three...” The graph charted her voice in peaks and valleys, it was working correctly. “Ok Sleethe, are you ready?” The Krell lifted his...

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Return From The Dark SideChapter 4 Coming Home

Henry Ruiz-Costa slowly walked up the stairs to enter the building he had not seen in over ten years. Things had changed he thought. A uniformed porter was sitting behind bulletproof glass and there was a walk-through metal detector for visitors. "I'd like to speak to Lord Lambert," he told the porter. "I'm an old friend of his. The name's Henry Ruiz-Costa." The porter was polite. "Would you please take a seat, Sir? I shall check with His Lordship's secretary." Inwardly, the...

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Return From The Dark SideChapter 18 A Happy New Year

When they drove to the Road House for the New Year's Eve dance, Christina was the designated driver. She was not partial to drinking claiming a bad experience in her youth. Josie contemplated to forsake drink but knew it would be noticed. How could she explain her fear of screwing up? She drank lightly during dinner in the restaurant near the harbour and she sipped sparingly when they sat at their table in the dance club. She danced a lot, though. She danced with Henry, but she sensed his...

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Return to the vault FMFalloutFanFic

With the large vault door closing behind Jacob the same eerie silence he had grown up with returned to his life, the mix of boredom and safety that had once been all he’d known. Now it felt strange, a phase of his life he had grown out of, left behind even though his thoughts never quite left.He had lived through more than just one lifetime in the past years, ended the lifetimes of others and helped those in need. It had made him rich and a legend, he owned houses in Megaton, Rivet City and the...

4 years ago
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Return to Misty

Return to Misty By Kellie Cliffe My name is Dave. At least it is to my friends. To most people I'm Mr. Jones. I teach Social Studies at the local high school. Life is fairly routine, going from one lesson to the next, from one day to the next. Then some two and a half years ago life became really interesting and definitely NOT ordinary at all! That was the day when Misty Wright, one of my students (now ex- students) provided me with the time of my (or should it be HER?)...

1 year ago
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Return From The Dark SideChapter 16 School Days

"What about us?" Megan asked. "Are we staying? I mean, school will start in a week." They were having supper, and the events of the day were weighing heavily on them. Ellen had stayed to give moral support. "Give me the address of your school. I'll send a note that your mother had a medical emergency in Europe and that your return will be delayed," Henry answered. "Mr. Jennings will go ballistic," Pat threw in. "I can already hear his rant. 'No extra tours, young ladies, just...

4 years ago
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Return of the Bull1

It's late at night, Sunny is totally exhausted from her long day and it's time for her to relax. She took a nice, long warm soothing shower. The warm water easing her tired aching body. She retreats to her bedroom and toweling herself dry, I look out the window, noticing a full, silver moon. Its soft glow shining down making the night almost like day. I decide to open my window to share my evening with the warm summer wind. As she stood there, naked, letting the warm air finish drying her,...

2 years ago
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Return of the Bull0

It's late at night, Sunny is totally exhausted from her long day and it's time for her to relax. She took a nice, long warm soothing shower. The warm water easing her tired aching body. She retreats to her bedroom and toweling herself dry, I look out the window, noticing a full, silver moon. Its soft glow shining down making the night almost like day. I decide to open my window to share my evening with the warm summer wind. As she stood there, naked, letting the warm air finish drying her,...

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Return of the Ultimate LoveDolls

The client, heir to a banking fortune in Canada, nodded impatiently as he perched on his chair in the showroom.. He was young, he had speedboats and vacation houses and girlfriends and more money than he knew what to do with. Which suited Max just fine, because his firm catered to exactly such clientele. Max pressed a button on his desk. The door opened, and a woman trainer escorted the man's custom-designed LoveDoll to stand in the center of the room. The young man blinked. "She's so....

3 years ago
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Return EncountersChapter 9

8:10 PM local time, Thursday, December 31, 2009, near the city of Huelva on the southern coast of Spain, close to the Portuguese border... "Isabelle all tucked in?" Carlotta nodded. We held hands and began our evening stroll. Our return flights to Chile would start early tomorrow morning, and we had both decided not to attend any New Year's celebrations. We walked along the edge of the ocean, breathing the cold salty air. "This vacation has been a dream for me..." commented...

2 years ago
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Return to EdenChapter 5

All too soon their sojourn on Earth was coming to its end. The Gardener had been refitted expeditiously, its new crew and supercargo selected, and the date of departure was nearing. Save for their early unpleasantness and a few annoyances of their public relations ventures, the visit home had been an unalloyed pleasure for both Igwanda and Meiersdottir. They'd been welcomed without either hesitation or qualification by each other's natal families, and both sets of grandparents had doted on...

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Return to EdenChapter 37

Good news, it's said, travels fast, and this was no exception. Soon the shipboard romance, and its culmination in the forthcoming ceremony on Eden, was the talk of the Gardener. Even Hill's erstwhile lovers rejoiced for her, so open and giving was her nature, and all of the others on board, even those who knew the two only slightly—as well as the several women who had previously been at pains to show their disapproval of Hill's undisguised sexuality—seemed pleased for the happy...

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Return To The Nursery chap 20

Dear Krystalasbaby, Jane Hudson, Sissy Katie, Sissymart and Kitty Poodle, thank you for those lovely reviews. I hope you enjoy the next chapter. BJ Chapter 20. Baby Under Control The next morning when Jane unpinned Daphne's saturated night nappies, she was prepared. She slowly lowered the sodden front flap, took a quick peek, then hastily covered her little girl's spurting clittie. Jane gave her embarrassed baby girl a smile of long-suffering and shook her head in apparent...

4 years ago
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Return to the House of Fabulous

Return to the House of Fabulous (c) 2005 by Nom de Plume For those who missed "Skirting the Law" and "The House of Fabulous", the players are: Charles Bigelow, ousted CEO of Tyrex Industries, who has heart failure when... Wall Street raiders Darwin DeVour and Lance Raptor launch a hostile takeover after... Company lawyer Terry Poindexter comes to work in a dress, before he runs away with... Gail Chestnut, his stunningly attractive executive secretary, who knows the truth...

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Return To The Nursery chap 16

Dear sissybabytammy, Eugene, Rachel Belle, sissy jeannie, Victoria, sissy missy and Sissy Katie, thank you all so much for those lovely reviews! I really appreciate you taking the time to post your glowing responses. Please keep letting me know what you think, and I hope you enjoy the next chapter in Baby Daphne's 'downfall.' Baby Jennie Chapter 16. A Visit to the Salon. Yesterday had been the first time he'd been dragged outside dressed like a big baby girl. This felt worse...

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Return To The Nursery chap 21

Dear everyone.... WOW! Thank you for all those lovely reviews! I'm overwhelmed that so many of you took a few minutes to let me now what you think of my little story. And let me tell you, I read your suggestions with interest - sometimes including my fans' ideas into my naughty narrative. WARNING! This chapter contains forced pee-drinking scenes and threats of worse! If these things might offend your delicate sensibilities, please stop reading now. Otherwise, read on, dear reader....

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Return to the Fold

The sudden, strident clang of the bell plucked Mathieu from what had been a very pleasant dream. Looking round, he found that, as usual, all the beds held one single occupant, the women having returned to their own tent before sunrise. This was for the benefit of any bible-bashing fanatics who might, by chance, pass by and witness both male and female exiting the same dormitory, the idea of gawping at these strange specimens of humanity was in no way disturbing to them, indeed it reinforced...

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Return of the 912

Arriving home one night, my wife met me at the door. This is unusual behavior for her, so I was instantly concerned. “Something wrong?” I asked. “Well…” She pondered. “I got a strange call a couple hours ago and I don’t know what to make of it.” “Who from?” I pressed for more information. “They said they were from the California DMV and they need to talk to you.” She stated. “Wouldn’t tell me anything else.” “They left a name and number.” I took the note from her and headed for my office....

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Return To Puerto Banus Continued Part 2

Showing my boobs on our shopping spree had already fuelled some of our sexual cravings and I was really excited thinking about the prospects of pushing the boundaries while getting ready to shower. Dave remarked that I was showing some signs of stubble and that I might like a shave. Actually, he just wanted to shave me. I lay across the towel he had placed on the bed. His fingers felt so gentle as he lathered me up. Then, carefully taking the razor, he scraped away all the foam around my pubis,...

1 year ago
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Return To The Nursery chap 15

Dear Daddy Mike, thank you for that lovely compliment. Thank you too, Kevin, baby Tammy, Katie and Petal. Deewet? I hope your muse returns soon. Get back to that keyboard, little girl! Jeannie, you'll have to keep reading. Sorry for the gap between posts, everyone, but I had to move house. I hope you enjoy the next chapter. Baby Jennie Chapter 15. Letters and Phone Calls David stared at the blank sheet of paper as tears of shame welled in his eyes. Write to Jake? Create...

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Return to KrellChapter 11 Rapture of the Deep

The next morning Lena awoke feeling refreshed and eager to continue her work, rousing her sleepy partner with a few sharp prods and encouraging him out of their sleeping pit. Once she had made a cup of MRE coffee and had eaten a breakfast of cereal bars, she was ready to face the day. The more she learned about the Brokers and their odd behavior, the more intrigued she became. She had deciphered the Krell language, along with the history that was recorded in their murals, and she had even...

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Return to the MILF ndash by SBarak1

Return to the MILF – a story by SBarak1This is the 2nd story in my MILF series. Although this story can be read ‘stand-alone’, it will make more sense if read after my story ‘My First MILF’. Just remember this is fantasy.After a memorable evening at Bev’s a few years ago, as relayed in the story my story “My First MILF.” I returned a few days later, at the time, to her house to fulfil my promise to give Bev a spare portable hard drive so she could free up some space on her laptop PC. I knew...

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Return To The Nursery chap 6

Chapter 6. Mummy Takes Charge. David half-listened to his wife tell the familiar humiliating story. He remembered that fateful day when he boarded the plane at Kennedy airport. Jane had texted him as he found his seat to settle into some British Airways Business Class comfort for the overnight flight home. She told him she had cancelled his prearranged taxi and would be meeting him at the airport herself. He was both surprised and pleased by his wife's unexpected thoughtfulness - and a...

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Return To The Nursery chap 19

Dear Bootlover, Sissy Jeannie, Jane Hudson, Janet Marie, Susan, Kitty Poodle and Sissy Katie, thank for your lovely compliments and suggestions. They help keep me going. BJ Chapter 19. A Spanking From Uncle Jake The next morning was a little different for Baby Daphne. She only woke when her smiling Mummy waltzed into the Nursery and threw back the curtains, letting in the early morning sunshine. "Good morning, baby girl! Did you have a good sleep?" Jane inquired as she unlocked...

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Return to Chicago

It would soon be our eleventh anniversary and my wife, Jenny, and I were looking forward to celebrating it on that upcoming Saturday. Being partners in business and being constantly on the road together can really put a strain on a relationship and I could feel us drifting apart lately. It was my idea to come back Chicago for our anniversary; I prayed it would put some spark back into our marriage. The plan was to return to the same club where I had proposed to her. I had checked first to make...

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Return From The Dark SideChapter 17 Barbados

School was out on December 20th. On the next morning, they all drove to Heathrow in the Defender with two weeks worth of clothes. The military duffle bag Henry had chosen amused the young lady at the check-in. She clearly was not used to Business Class passengers checking in ratty canvas bags. The twins had their giggles when they entered the Business Class lounge. There were two actors they knew from TV shows and one half-assed rock musician whose music they disliked. There were also two...

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Return To Daves Cottage Part 1 of 4

The invitation from Dave and Karen came by text on Sunday morning. Our cottage Saturday afternoon to Sunday if you are available. Karen would like you to bring your friend.I looked over at Stacey. She was still lying on her stomach with her arms limply beside her and my cum running down between the cheeks of her ass. I had just given her an early-morning ass fucking and unloaded on her firm little cheeks and the small of her back. I patted her ass to see if she was awake."Give me a few...

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Return To The Cottage The Girls Go Wild Again Part Two

After lunch, the girls spent the afternoon swimming and sunbathing while Jake and I performed some maintenance on the boat. Around six o'clock in the evening the girls went inside to prepare the evening meal while Jake and I freshened up with a swim, then we all sat down to a great supper of steak, fries, onions, mushrooms and corn on the cob accompanied by a couple of bottles of chilled white wine. As we ate, Melanie regaled Jake and Sue with the tale of our vacation adventures with Tina and...

Group Sex
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Return to EdenChapter 21

He was still berating himself mentally as he moved alone back up the entry tunnel, as he passed through the second bottleneck back aboveground, as he re-donned his clothes and backpack and laser, as he used his communicator to summon Cherney and ask her to bring extra supplies, as he lamely explained to the pilot that Meiersdottir and the baby would be remaining "for a time" and passed the supplies to the native males who had accompanied him, still even as he boarded the lander. But it was...

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