Willing Target free porn video

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She raised a hand and waved as she saw Victoria, now with her own coffee glancing about to spot her friend. She smiled familiarly as she spotted Hannah and approached casually, settling down in the seat opposite and placing her cup and saucer down too, relaxing with a soft sigh.

“Busy week?” Hannah asked, a soft smirk on her full red lips as she tilted her head, looking across the table at her former manager, her eyes tracing over the woman's slender body, lingering on her full chest, outlined by her smart attire.

“Oh, you have no idea, two people called in sick this week and-”

Hannah waved a hand dismissively, “Pfff, I didn’t mean work, come on, ‘busy week’? Any new conquests to speak of?” she grinned, briefly fishing her phone out of her skinny jeans pocket, helpless in her need to check for new notifications, opting then to leave her phone out on the table.

Victoria let out a little laugh and shook her head, a pink tinge on her cheeks as she nudged her glasses back up slightly, smiling across at Hannah, “Oh you haven’t changed a bit have you.”

“What, since we met for coffee and gossiped last week?” She smirked, “Not much, no. Come on, spill.”

Victoria let out a faux defeated sigh, then picked up her cup, taking a sip before smirking too, “Alright alright, so there's this guy at work called Dylan okay? He’s a part-timer who’s just started, late teens I think, not sure but he’s got the most gorgeous hazel eyes, short dark hair, skinny little thing, mmf.”

“Oooh, he sounds divine! So, what? You did him in the changing rooms?” Hannah pressed, biting her lip eagerly as she leaned forward, clasping her cup in her hands.

Victoria shook her head regretfully, “I didn’t really think twice about him at first, but, ah, let's just say I was having a ‘hard’ day and he, well, saw my bonus package. He didn’t freak out, he just blushed and looked very interested.”

“Soooo what? The bathrooms? Come on, where’d you fuck him!” Hannah whined a little, eager for the sordid details, practically bouncing in her chair, though she kept her coffee steady.

Victoria smirked and shook her head once more, “No, I haven’t actually fucked him yet, I’m being very flirty and suggestive but he’s playing hard to get,” she bit her lip, “I think he might have figured out how much I love the hard to get game.”

Hannah let out a pent-up breath and deflated some, “Aww Vicky you cock tease! You get me all worked up and left me wanting,” she pouted adorably, “he’s probably got a girlfriend already.”

Victoria smirked a little and shrugged, “Hope so, that’d be pretty hot I guess.”

Hannah laughed a little, “You’re hopeless!”

“I think that’s why we get on so well sweetie,” Victoria smiled and Hannah laughed a little.

They both sipped from their coffees, Hannah checking her phone, then using the screen to check her makeup, “So that was it huh?” she asked without looking up from her phone, “Your busy week and you didn’t actually, you know, stick your dick in anyone?”

“Afraid not,” Vicky sighed wistfully, “I’ve just been chasing this Dylan cutie… But come on, tell me about you. I’m sure you’ve got some interesting story or ten to tell, you always do.”

Hannah grinned, “Pfff ten, that was only ever the once! But you’re right, I’ve always got at least one, okay, so, I think this boy is going to be right up your alley.”

Victoria nodded gently then pursed her lips curiously, “Right up my alley as in, this story is going to leave me with blue balls, or right up my alley as in, you’re going to give me his number at the end of this?”

Hannah winked playfully, “Bit of both I think.”

Victoria settled back in her chair, holding her cup and nodded, excited and expectant.

“Alright, well, he’s called Ben, short dark brown hair, a bit of a sporty type so his body is, oh my god, his body is super fit Vicky, I think he plays badminton. His ass is properly sculpted.”

“You’re speaking my language so far,” she conceded, smiling.

“Just you wait,” Hannah grinned, “So I met him on craigslist,” she held up a hand as Victoria made to speak, “Yeah yeah I know, dodgy place, but he was looking for a gal like us to fulfil a fantasy of his.”

Hannah paused for a moment, smirking as she let the hype build for a few key seconds, Victoria merely raising a curious eyebrow.

“Rape fantasy. Receiving end.”

Victoria gasped a little and leaned forward, “No way? Really?” she all but whispered.

Hannah grinned triumphantly and nodded, “Aw Vicky, I wish I’d recorded it, honestly the best fucking lay I’ve had in months. He put up just the right amount of fight and I swear he was like a virgin down there, it was so fucking good.”

Victoria, who was now noticeably blushing rested her elbows on the edge of the table, “Okay, I’m really interested Hannah, can you set us up?”

Hannah smirked playfully for a moment as if mulling it over, teasing with Vicky, but was quick to relent, “Oooh I think I could. Are you free tonight?”

“For that? Yes, fuck yes.” She laughed softly.

“Okay okay, I’ll reach out to him and see if he’s free tonight. I’ll text you later okay?”

Vicky nodded eagerly and settled back once more, her mind already thinking ahead to what awaited her that night, “Okay. Don’t let me down Hannah, this sounds like so much fun.”

“I’ll do my best, trust me eh?” She beamed, a twinkle in her eyes and Victoria smiled, knowing she would. “Alright,” Hannah continued, her tone implying she was switching topics as she took a sip of her coffee, “Okay, but on Thursday though I was swiping right on tinder and I came across this guy with just the cutest little nose…”

Victoria laughed and reclined in her chair, she shouldn’t have been surprised that Hannah had more than one conquest to speak of, but as Hannah regaled Vicky in the adventures of what she’d gotten up to, she found her mind drifting, she’d gone too long without to not be lost in thoughts of this Ben.

They talked for a little longer about this and that, agreeing to meet up same place next week for another such catch up if they didn’t bump into each other beforehand, which was always a possibility.

They hugged before they departed, Victoria careful not to crumple her business attire too much, Hannah careful not to smudge her makeup. They smiled at one another, knowingly and went their separate ways.

Victoria had often judged Hannah just a tiny bit for how glued to her phone she always was, but that evening she played the part of the hypocrite, hardly unable to tear her eyes away from her notifications, waiting for that elusive message from Hannah.

She was on the verge of giving Hannah a call, fearing she had been forgotten when her phone buzzed.

In a panic she fumbled so quickly for it that it slipped between her fingers, tumbling through the air to land screen down on the hardwood of her floor.

Reaching down she hesitated for a moment, staring at her Schrödinger's phone, biting her lip anxiously as she recovered it, checking the screen for cracks, which it was mercifully free of.

Letting out a sigh and feeling an idiot for being so wound up waiting for a text she forced herself to take a deep breath, calming herself before she read the text, ‘Apartment 22, 105 Gentech Road, It’s the studenty part of town so you should be good to uber in and out! Have fun Vicky!! X’

Victoria bit her lip, feeling her heart hammering a little faster in her chest, excited to know that this was going ahead. She was already dressed and made up for the occasion, she’d kept with her professional theme as she quite loved the bossy feeling she got while wearing it, the confidence helping her along, but since she was, after all, supposed to be faux sneaking into the boys apartment she’d adopted a darker outfit than she usually wore, a black buttoned shirt that pulled slightly at her chest, a couple of the buttons visible straining, a look she liked, at least when the buttons didn’t pop off. To go with it she wore a pair of dark almost skin tight jeans, a pair of practical but smart shoes finishing off what was effectively a very casual business look.

She stepped towards the door to her own home, pulling her phone out of her pocket and ordering the Uber, only a few minutes away thankfully and pulled on a black overcoat, just to keep the chill off of her and give her some much-needed pocket space.

She took her phone, keys and a couple of essentials for what she was planning, a condom and a small sachet of lube which she slipped into their typical pockets before waiting by the door for her ride, impatient and excited.

She continued to check her phone, watching as the tracker of her driver weaved its way through the intricate lines of streets towards her, a notification popping up to inform her that her ride would be arriving soon.

Smiling she stepped out into the coolness of the late evening, closing and locking her door behind her before glancing around at the cars sweeping by, spotting one as it neared, its licence plate matching up with the one displayed on her phone.

Carefully she lowered herself into the back of the car, her cheeks turning a little rosy as she came out of the cold and into the warmth of his car, the seats, she noticed, heated under her butt.

“Gentech road, yeah?” her driver asked ever as he began to pull away, his eyes glancing at the phone mounted on his dashboard, already making his way there, his accent and skin colour indicating he likely wasn’t from around these parts.

“Yes, please,” she said, politely, her mind buzzing too much with excitement to really converse with him.

He glanced in the rearview mirror at her, noting her distracted demeanour and shrugged a little, some were talkers, some weren’t.

She looked out the window, watching the familiar streets of her neighbourhood retreat into the less familiar but still known surrounding areas, then the completely unfamiliar sections where she seldom if ever had a cause to venture to.

She glanced at her phone again, the trip would likely cost her about a twenty, the return trip similar, though at least she’d likely be able to secure a ride home whenever she was finished up, if she didn’t spend the night of course, after all the city never slept, less so the student part.

Almost on reflex she checked her image in the front cam of her phone, tilting her head from side to side, brushing a few wayward strands of black hair into place, pursing her full lips, red with lipstick, her eyes dark with eyeliner and shadow.

She couldn’t help but smirk a little at herself, she was going to sneak into her targets home, in the dark of night and set herself upon him, despite the fact he had consented she felt a little silly for making herself up so precisely for what was essentially a non-con fantasy booty call. It would be dark, messy and she would be lucky if her makeup didn’t get all smudged and smeared, but she didn’t care, she liked looking pretty.

She flicked back to the uber app and noted she was drawing close to her destination. Drawing in a breath and releasing it slowly, a little anxiously she pocketed the phone and nudged her glasses up the bridge of her nose. She hadn’t worn fake lashes tonight, they always left dark smears on the inside of her lenses and while she had considered contacts, she was so used to the appearance of glasses that her face just looked wrong without them.

Tapping her hand against the warm fabric of her jeans she watched as they pulled up alongside a tall building, not in the best of conditions, but she knew of much worse throughout the city.

“Here we go,” the driver said, smiling at her in a friendly fashion through his reflection in the rearview mirror.

She returned the smile and clicked the door open, thanking him briefly before standing and looking over the roof of the car, she glanced at the buildings as she shut the door, stepping onto the sidewalk as the car pulled away.

As the coolness of the night air once again hit her, made all the more noticeable by the comparable warmth of the now departed Uber, she spotted a building, her heart fluttering in her chest, ‘105 Gentech Road’. As her feet led her towards the building along the sidewalk she tried to think back to when she had last been this excited about an upcoming session and honestly it was a struggle. She absolutely adored the fantasy of taking a sweet piece of ass by force, but the closest she could ever really get were partners who didn’t mind her being more than a little rough. To actually have found someone who shared the fantasy, albeit from the other side, was something special, especially if he was as cute as Hannah had implied.

As she walked up towards the building she noticed a weird spacing between the ‘105’ and the ‘Gentech Road’ on the front of the building, she pursed her lips, curious for a moment but as she got closer she noticed something else that gave her a slight moment of panic, the building’s door had a magnetic lock, a small pad to let you dial in and a metal square for a key fob.

She stepped up to the small pad beside the door and glanced up at the multitude of rooms, some lit, most not. After a moment's hesitation, she dialled in a random two digit number and waited, hearing it buzz. After ringing twice, she heard a rustle and a click, someone picking up the phone, she opened her mouth to speak, but instead there was a loud buzz and a click. Tentatively she took the handle of the door and pulled, it swung open to greet her. She smiled, brightly, pleased by the nature of students.

Stepping inside she looked towards a plaque, pursing her lip as her eyes scanned over the building's layout, apartment 22 was on the third floor and while there was a pair of elevators at her disposal, she disregarded them, the stairs would be just as quick she fathomed.

Making her way up the tiled steps she kept her hand on the handrail, not wanting to slip in her rather smooth soled shoes as she climbed upwards. As she passed the first two floors she slowed a little, trying to plan ahead, to figure out her game plan once she was at the right apartment. She didn’t know it’s layout and she knew it would be almost pitch black unless he had some sort of a light source. Even just a few LED’s in chargers would be handy, she thought.

She hesitated for a moment, taking her phone out of her pocket. Briefly, she considered calling Hannah, getting a few more details before she committed fully, but, as she held her phone she let out a little smile, if she did have a light inside, the torch on her phone would suffice. That, and she didn’t fancy hanging around in the stairwell for too long, dressed as she was at this time of night she would stick in the mind, maybe even raise questions.

Tucking her phone away she came out onto the third floor, her eyes quickly scanning around, following the room numbers on the doors around her in the lit hallway.

Each floor it seemed had eight apartments, four on each side connected in the middle by a small corridor that gave access to the stairwell, elevator and, judging by the smell, the bin chutes.

She turned right, stepping through a heavy fire door and counting the numbers once more, identifying a heavy looking wooden door, a pair of twos on the door, one a little wonky.

Swallowing she stepped up to it, her feet stepping onto a doormat just outside the door, it looked like it had once had something written on it, but it had been worn away over time by the passing of feet.

Carefully and slowly she reached out, turning the door handle as quietly as possible, then pushing inwards with the side of her arm, excitement floundering as she flushed with colour, the door didn’t budge, locked, she realised.

She let out a quavering breath and glanced behind her, each door had a tiny peephole in its centre and she could practically feel eyes watching her, though the chances were unlikely. She took a step back and again reached for her phone, but paused, looking down, tilting her head.

Glancing around one last time she, squatted down and, curiously, lifted up the doormat. She smiled, reaching out and picking up a golden, if a little dusty key.

Not exactly unlocked as she had been promised, but close enough that it might as well have been. Cautiously she slid the key into the lock and slowly twisted.

To her delight she felt the mechanism inside the lock shift, letting out the quietest of clicks as she turned the key. Smirking, she drew the key from the lock, once more pushing the handle down and leaning her weight against the door.

It swung open on mercifully quiet hinges, the interior, as she had expected almost pitch black, only illuminated currently by the light spilling in from the hall around her. With soft footsteps she stepped around the door into the sweet, vanilla smelling apartment, pushing the door slowly shut behind her, working the handle so it didn’t click too loudly as it slid back into place.

Gently, in the dark, her eyes not yet adjusted she fed her key back into the lock, turning it and, she presumed, sealing herself in with the waiting Ben.

She left the key in the lock and gently turned around, careful in the dark as she didn’t want to knock anything over.

She drew her phone from her pocket and turned the screen on. She had intended to use the phones torch function to turn the camera’s flash into a light, but in the almost absolute darkness, the glow her phone gave off was enough to give her a general, if a little eerie view of the apartment she was in.

She was currently stood in a narrow hallway that led deeper into the apartment, where she began to walk. She passed a door on her right, open slightly, a small clean-seeming bathroom within, continuing on she passed a cupboard to her left, closed shut.

She stopped further down the hallway, coming across a door that, while not closed, was pushed to, obscuring what lay beyond it. She gently pressed the back of one hand to it, tilting her phone away from the door so, if the boy was in the next room, he wouldn’t catch a glimpse of the light it offered.

As the door swung open she had to calm herself, the adrenaline and excitement coursing through her had her breathing a little louder than normal and, in the almost silence, every little noise sounded like a cacophony. Beyond the door it was a little easier to see, one of the large rooms walls boasting two windows that, while shuttered, allowed a little city night light to bleed in through from the outside.

She could see that she was stood in a living room, a sofa, and TV in one corner, a desk and PC in another. To her right in the room was another door, propped open, leading to what seemed to be a very narrow kitchenette and as she looked left, she noticed, doubling back on the other side, was a partition, a curtain that separated the single room into two.

She furrowed her brow a little, with the door now open she could hear noise, the pitter patter of water, rain, it sounded like. Curiously she glanced towards the windows, it had been dry when she had arrived, but as she stepped deeper into the room she noticed the sound wasn’t coming from the windows, but from the partitioned section of the room.

Turning and pushing her phone into her pocket, her eyes adjusting to the dark and the few stray rays of orange cold light filing through the shutters giving her just enough light to see by, though she wouldn’t see anything in the way of detail. Not that she needed to, this was going to be a purely physical encounter.

She stepped forward towards the curtain that partitioned the two rooms, slipping the silken material gently aside and moving in, standing still for a long moment, letting her eyes drink in what little she could see.

The room was almost entirely dominated by a bed, in which a young student slept, peaceful and content, his body slender, his hair short and tousled, his phone on a low table beside him, likely plugged in and charging, screen down, playing the relaxing sound of pouring rain.

She smirked a little and gently stepped out of her shoes, shuffling her jacket off her body and lowering it to the floor, feeling her already tight jeans growing more so with each passing second. He seemed perfect, she’d have to get a feel of what he looked like in detail.

Watching over the sleeping figure she silently stripped of her clothes, enjoying the gentle relaxing noise of the rain in the background as she retrieved the condom and lube from her pockets, setting them down on his bedside table along with her panties and phone.

For a moment she simply stood, smirking as one hand wrapped around her long slender cock, stroking it slowly, enjoying the soft sensations gripping her, the excitement for what was to follow flowing through her eager body.

Gently she knelt on the bed, crawling slowly up the side of his body, feeling the swell of his form under his sheets glide across her breasts and stomach as she moved over him. He squirmed a tiny bit as she leaned over him, hesitating only a moment, breathing in his scent, sweet and inviting.

She leaned in, enjoying how well he played the game of pretending to sleep, if he hadn’t in fact fallen asleep waiting for her, and gently kissed his cheeks, moving to leave little angel kisses across his slender jaw, enjoying the smoothness of his skin against her lips.

To her glee he began to stir, his body moving as he seemingly roused from sleep, she grinned.

“Good morning sweetie, I hope you’re ready for me.”

The boy let out a sharp gasp, his whole body tensing a single moment, the air driven from his lungs in a sudden panic.

“W-what the!!” was all he managed, his voice lusciously high pitched before she began to stuff her panties between the boy's gorgeous lips.

To her absolute delight his acting was on point, he fought and struggled under her, his arms and legs, pinned under his covers flailing as they tried to push her off, his whimpering and cries muffled by her panties as they wrestled.

He wasn’t unfit, but she had expected more given Hannah’s description of the boy, he was slender and small of build, but not toned with muscle.

Recognising this she grinned, almost laughing as he got his hands free of the quilt, one reaching up to try and pull the panties from his mouth, tasting her fragrant scent pressed down against his tongue, his other hand reaching to desperately press against her bare shoulder, trying to shove her off.

Biting her lip she grabbed his wrists forcefully in her own, squeezing down and drawing a muffled yelp of pain from the boy, the hand that had been reaching for his mouth she pushed aside, pressing it down into the pillow beside his head, the other, against her shoulder she moved down, forcing him to press his hand against her breast, cupping up and raising it on her chest.

She gasped as his fingers dug painfully tight into the soft flesh of her breast, though the pain only served to enhance her pleasure and rile her up further, her desire mounting as she straddled him, feeling his knees press up against her butt as his feet struggled to gain any traction on the silken sheets.

She grinned and ground her cock down against his stomach as she felt his hand knead at her breast, trying to push her off, his cheeks flushed with colour, his breathing frantic through his nose as she wore him out, weakening him as he exerted himself.

She leaned down close, breathing hot on his cheek as he whimpered, in the dark she could see his eyes as his head flicked from side to side trying to dislodge her.

Biting her lip she wrestled both his hands above his head, locking his slender wrists in one of her hands, able to pin him now he was worn out from his helpless struggling.

Breathing hard she used her spare hand to grip his cheek, tilting his head to the side, flat against the pillow, she leaned in close and licked in a slow line up his cheek, letting her body fall on his now still form, her tongue hot and wet against his skin, leaving a shiny trail as she tasted his skin, enjoying the fear, the power, the domination.

As he lay now, still under her, panicked but still, she let him feel the weight of her breasts and, more pressingly, the hardness of her cock, grinding it gently against his stomach.

“Here’s the deal, I like to hear what my partner has to say… So, promise not to scream and I promise not to hurt you too bad… Understood?”

He nodded slowly, his eyes wide, the gentle sound of rain mixing with their warm breathes.

Moving her hand from his face she tugged the panties from his mouth, prompting him to quickly draw in a breath.

As he did, however, she balled her fist where he could see and, fearfully, when he exhaled it wasn’t with a scream, merely a quavering whimper.

“W-what are you doing?” he said gently, a few wet tears across his face reflecting in the dim light her eyes had somewhat grown accustomed to.

She purred gently, she loved the roleplay and she could feel her cock throbbing against him, “I’m here because you’re far too cute for your own good, I saw you and I just had to have you for myself…”

“P-please, I don’t understand…”

“I think you’re fucking hot, sweety, so I’m going to spend the night with you, we’re going to fuck like animals and then in the morning when we’re done, we’ll have breakfast and then fuck like animals again,” she spoke softly, her voice dripping with lust and desire, she felt him writhe under her at her words and she knew there was no way he hadn’t noticed the poignant mass of her cock.

“B-but, I’ve never even kissed a girl, I-I don't… Please?”

She smirked, this roleplay was just so fucking adorable, leaning in she kissed him on the lips, slow and lasting though without tongue, before pulling back, “You’re welcome,” she said with a little giggle, pleased to have stolen his first kiss, even if it was just a game, it gave her a sense of power and possession, “Now come on, let me feel that ass.”

He let out a protesting gasp but, remembering her threat, kept quiet as she released his wrists and cast aside the sheets before leaning up to look down on him.

He lay on his back, his arms folded protectively over his smooth hairless chest, his body slender and his hair short and silken, his cheeks were flushed and his expression, which she could barely make out in the dark was one of fear, but not terror or panic, either he had resigned himself to his fate or he was becoming receptive, ready for their games to move onto the next stage.

“If you’re a good boy, you’ll enjoy this, if you’re a bad boy, you won’t enjoy anything for a long while… Understand, sweetpea?”

Again, cuddled up meekly to himself, he nodded and she smiled, shuffling up his body. With a thigh either side of his bare torso, the boy wearing only a pair of boxers she rested her full heavy nuts on his chest, letting him feel their warmth as she pressed to the smooth underside of her cockhead to his lips, “Kiss me,” she urged.

Reluctantly, and only after squeezing his eyes shut, did he comply, a cute little kiss on the underside of her cock, brief and fleeting.

“Oh come on baby… Like you mean it,” she pressed, rubbing her cock against his sweet lips, urging him on.

He whimpered, hesitating before complying, breathing shakily as he leaned up, leaving more kisses down the underside of her cock, drawing the first of many moans from her lips, as she reached out with her hands, one caressing down the side of his torso, the other running through his lush hair.

“Ooh fuck that feels so good…” She eagerly tempted, caressing him, rewarding him for obedience, her hand tracing lower to wipe away his tears, he’d stopped crying at least, “Good boy.”

After a few long moments, her cock throbbing against his lips his eyes opened, his expression becoming less severe, like it wasn’t as bad as he had expected. She smirked and looked down, her eyes a glint in the otherwise dark room that he focused on, their eyes meeting as he kissed her.

“Want to suck my cock, slut?” she purred gently, her smirk broadening as he shook his head. Gently she reached down, her hand resting on his smooth stomach, gliding it down under the hem of the elasticated band of his boxers, her hand cupping his soft cock and balls, giving a gentle but threatening squeeze, causing him to draw in a sharp breath, whimpering.

“I think you do…” Victoria grinned, bouncing her cock against his lips, enjoying the wet smack that came with each strike and she moved up higher on her knees, angling her cock down to push her tip eagerly at his lips.

Writhing under her, with great reluctance and a despairing whine he relaxed his jaw, letting the meaty tip of her cock slide between his pursed lips and into his mouth.

Victoria let out a loving moan of pleasure as she felt the wet heat of his small perfect mouth engulf her cock, sliding her cock forward onto his tongue, forcing him to taste the musk of her organ.

“Taste good doesn’t it?” She said softly, her voice heavy with lust and his cute little throat hummed with displeasure, “Help me get these stupid boxers off, let me feel that cock,” she urged.

She grinned gently as, with a little wiggle and her helping hand his boxers were worked down his legs, discarded aside. Quickly she again wrapped his cock in her hand beginning to stroke, enjoying the sensation of his soft cock hardening between her fingers, forcing him to feel pleasure too.

“Suck it…” she urged, slowly moving her hips, pressing an inch or so of her cock across his tongue, not choking him, just relishing in the sensations of a tight hot little slut wrapped around her little finger and cock, helpless to her whims.

He squeezed his eyes shut, hips squirming from side to side as if to escape the hand she currently had stroking his cock but she was insistent, “If you don’t want to suck I could just skip straight to your ass fucking, do you want that instead?”

She tilted her head back and moaned, affectionately squeezing his cock between her fingers as his cheeks were quick to cave down around her cock, his face scrunched up as the degradation of the act set in on his fine features.

“Oooh Ben, baby, that’s so good, just like that, yeah,” she cooed breathily, looking down as he glanced up, his brow furrowing, she winked playfully at him, one hand wrapped around his now hard cock, pumping it with her fist. He wasn’t small or anything, but next to hers it wasn’t exactly anything to write home about.

She ran her other hand through his hair, gripping it as she pushed her hips forward and backwards, working her cock deeper into his mouth, her full lips parted slightly as she felt the pleasure crawling through her pent-up body. It had been too long since the last time she had blown some steam off with a boy as cute as this Ben and longer still since the last time she could be as forceful and in charge as she would be tonight. Ben would do anything and everything she told him to, or else.

For now, at least, he was being a good co-operative boy, seemingly trying to detach himself from his ‘first-time’ cocksucking, focusing instead, she reckoned on her slow skilful handjob. She didn’t usually play with her victims, but this one was just so cute and she had a bit of a plan…

“God, you’ve got the perfect dick sucking lips, you little slut, I bet you practice on thick plastic cocks all day don’t you? Yeah, you little whore,” she panted softly, her eyes fluttering shut as she ground her shaft down over his tongue.

She felt a little pulse, her cock spending a few drops of tangy pre onto his tongue and heard his immediate discomfort, he whimpered loud and, to her surprise, started to squirm again, bucking his hips and thrashing his head despite the grip she had on his hair. She’d cornered him like an animal and it seemed this final little act of indignity had pushed him over the edge, fight or fail.

She bit her lip, pressing her weight down as he managed to twist his hair, the boy letting out a pained yelp as her cock came free from his lips with a wet audible pop, his hair twisted in her hand as he moved. She heard him take in a deep lungful of air and with a hurried motion, she clamped a hand over his mouth.

As he exhaled through his nose he let out a long groan, the vestiges of a failed scream as she grit her teeth, releasing his cock and moving to lay across his body again, her spit coated cock grinding into his stomach as she dominated him physically, defining his weakness and expressing her control.

“Shut up you little bitch! Fuck, you suck cock without a whimper but the second you get a taste of it you flip! Little fuck!” she growled, getting right up into his face, her hair falling about and across his feminine features.

The grinding movements against the sensitive underside of her cock combined with his sudden outburst interrupting her blowjob riled her up, she had to show him she wasn’t afraid to hurt him to get what he wanted. She grinned, this boy was after a non-con fantasy experience after all, where was the fun if he didn’t come out the other end with a few reminders?

She growled as he continued to struggle, the high pitched whine from his nose continuing as he struggled to thrash, his skin growing slick with sweat as he exerted himself under her slender but heavier body.

Grinning she laughed a little, biting the lobe of his ear before hissing in his ear, “Yesss, fight me you eager little slut!! Make me work for my prize, go on! More!!”

To her delight and pleasure he did, he wasn’t as strong as her, but he was giving it all, his body thrashing up against hers, the whole bed bouncing under them as the covers and a pillow got thrown clear from the bed, with an arm twisted free she felt herself unbalanced and, for one terrible moment thought he might actually knock her off the bed.

In a moment of panic, her hand clasped so tightly against his mouth to prevent him screaming she was sure she was bruising his lips, she saw his head tilt as he arched his back, revealing his slender pale neck, muscles straining, milky white skin, perfect and smooth, a light sparkling of sweat drawing her attention.

She leaned in and bit down on his neck, a predator with its prey, her teeth biting into his soft flesh, sucking hard as she held him there, he made a single loud squeak into her muffling hand as he felt her bite at his neck, the sensations intense as she gave him less of a love bite and more of a mark of ownership, hard enough to hurt, but not hard enough to break the skin and draw blood.

His strength failed, this intense distraction and fear causing him to still and settle under her, his muscles exhausted, his chance spent. As he went limp under her she relaxed her bite, her tongue working in a little circle over the now bruised red skin of her mark, leaning up and panting a little, feeling a little tired herself from their sudden exchange, but feeling a surge of adrenaline and ecstasy at her victory.

“O-oh fuck, good boy,” she purred as she leaned down, his eyes staring off into the middle distance as he regained his breath.

Slowly, tentative she moved her hand from his mouth and, happily, he didn’t make a noise, simply breathing. Slowly she hooked a thumb into his mouth, feeling the softness of the inside of his cheek under her thumb as she pressed down, locking it behind his teeth and keeping his jaw open as she tilted her head.

He let out a soft groan as her tongue pressed between his lips and into his mouth, her thumb acting as a safeguard to ensure he didn’t return the favour and bite her back. She kissed him slow and deep, tongue-fucking her new toy, enjoying every taste and texture his sweet little mouth had to offer her for a few long minutes as her body recovered from the exertion of forcing him back into submission.

All throughout the slow tongue-fucking she moaned, low and deep, a sultry sound that matched the slow eager gyrations of her hips, their legs laced together, her hard cock rubbing against his body, his smaller cock, which had softened during their struggle again swelled against her rubbing thigh, no matter what he thought, his body rebelled, enjoying the taller, stronger womans lewd kisses and insistent contact with his cock.

Eventually, she broke the kiss leaning up a little to look down at him, his eyes looking away from her, at nothing. Smirking a little she drew her thumb from his face and gave him a few gentle slaps, patting his face until his eyes focused on her, blinking as if coming back from somewhere distant, his full slightly puffy lips still parted.

She bit her lip for a moment, his face so beautiful to her that she just couldn’t resist herself, this Ben was just far too perfect. She tilted her head one way then the other, admiring, his eyes following her as she moved, then she leaned in, kissing him ever so softly, almost tender, before spitting into his open mouth.

“...Swallow…” she whispered softly and she felt a little shiver of pleasure travel through her body as he complied, closing his lips, his little throat working for a moment as he obediently did as he was told.

She smirked, “Mm, you want to be a good boy for me, don’t you? Because if you’re a good boy I won't have to hurt you again. You want that, don’t you?”

He nodded, meek and broken, she raised a hand to caress his cheek, “Good boy.”

“I’m going to get you nice and ready for me okay? So it feels great for both of us,” she grinned a little, feeling powerful, “I’m going to fuck you like a girl and I’m going to make you cum like a girl. Understand?”

He didn’t respond, but by the glimmer of resilience in his eyes she knew he did, they seemed to say that though he was beaten and broken there was no way she would achieve that final goal, that there was no way in hell she could force him to cum like a girl. Challenge accepted.

Excited to take this further she bit her lip, leaning up and, cautious not to give him too much freedom, turned to face the other way, her round full ass resting on his chest as she straddled him, looking towards his legs. She recalled from her discussion with Hannah that Ben was sporty so, Vicky hoped, that translated into flexibility.

As she lifted his ass up she scooted back a little, her ass resting on his face as his torso came up to be parallel to her own, his arms out to the side gripping the sheets, his legs under her arms, the back of his knees pressed up against her armpits.

In this new position the boy's entire world was her ass, her squirming settling his face securely between her plush cheeks, similarly just before her face was his balls, like a vertical sitting sixty-nine. Smirking a little she leaned in and kissed each of his orbs in turn, feeling the heat of his breath against her hole as she rolled her tongue over each nut, her hands moving to dig into and squeeze his thick ass.

“Come on lover boy, eat my ass, you don’t want to upset me again do you?” she said loud enough for him to hear over the white noise of the rain and her ass currently pushed up to his face. She waited a few moments, letting her tongue travel across from his balls to his own ass, a guide for him to follow.

After a few reluctant moments she felt his lips against her hole, a simple kiss, but a start all the same. Not that it especially mattered, it was just a pleasant distraction and humiliating little extra to keep him busy as she went about her task, preparing him. After all, her cock could hardly be described as ‘beginners size’.

Glancing to her side she reached across, scooping up the sachet of lube she had brought with her and tore it open with her teeth. Holding it, she gave his sweet little hole one last kiss before she poured a little of the cool slick liquid onto him, causing him to shiver, surprised by the sudden alien sensation against him, his discomfort growing as he felt her finger, slow and delicate begin to rub around his little star, coating both her finger and his ass in the quickly warming fluid.

“I don’t feel your tongue~” she cooed in a little singsong voice, smirking as she began to press the tip of her finger down against him, slowly working it into him up to the first knuckle. She knew it wouldn’t hurt, after all, she had to remind herself, he wasn’t a virgin, he’d fucked Hannah just a few nights ago, after all.

As she gently twisted her finger, enjoying the tightness of his hole around her she felt his tongue, hot and spongy press flat against her star, licking up and over her in long slow laps. She moaned appreciatively, letting him know he was doing a good job as she slowly worked her finger down to the second knuckle.

Biting her lip as she enjoyed his tongue toying with her she set into a slow rhythm, gently fingering his soon to be boy-pussy, curving her finger ever so slightly to further stimulate him, not wasting much time until she pressed the finger down to the third knuckle, drawing a low groan from him, her curved finger brushing over his prostate, bringing him an unexpected spark of pleasure.

She kept it up, her lips gently caressing his exposed inner thighs, kissing the silky flesh, soft and warm to her touch as her finger continued to explore and prepare, his tongue becoming a little more adventurous, the tip pressing ever so softly against her hole, as if trying to press into her, though as a virgin herself only ever topping, it was a fruitless endeavour.

It didn’t take long before, to her amusement and his disdain, his cock, without being touched, once more hardened, pointing down towards his chest and neck, a single drop of clear pre leaking to dribbling down across his porcelain skin, a reminder that he was getting off on having his ass fingered.

“Feels good doesn’t it honey?” she teased, pressing her finger deep, curving it more to draw an unintentional moan from the beleaguered boy, squeezing out the last of the lube from the packet and massaging it quickly into her own hard cock.

“I think you're ready…” she purred finally, withdrawing her slick fingers from his well-lubed hole and grinning, watching as the tiny pink ring winked at her, ready for her thick needy cock. Under her ass, he whined, nervous, scared, but powerless from stopping her getting what she wanted.

Satisfied she released his legs, his body flopping back onto the bed stretching out and arching his back after so long folded up to give her access while he was forced to rim her virgin ass. She swung a leg off of him, the boy drawing in a quick lungful of air, panting hard as she kept a hold of one wrist. Despite how broken he was, she wouldn’t put it past him to try escaping one more time, for the fun of it.

Growling low she turned to face him, once more pressing her body down on him, smirking as she ground her hard lubed cock against his, letting him know just how ready she was, and how pathetically hard being fingered had made him. She kissed his cheek, licking over his earlobe as she whispered in his ear, “You liked getting fingered in the ass didn’t you, you little slut? I bet you can't wait for my fuck stick.”

He turned his head away from her and she grinned, satisfied in the surety that she was right.

She reached out to the bedside table, collecting the last item she had brought with her, a condom. She ripped it open with her teeth and the noise attracted his attention, his eyes squinting, trying to make out what it was in the low light of the room, confused.

She grinned a little, looking down at him as she discarded the condom wrapper, “Oh don’t look so worried sweety, this isn't for me, I’m fucking your ass raw like the pussy it is.”

Without a moment to voice his confusion, he whimpered, feeling her hands against his body, her fingers finding his embarrassingly hard cock, skilfully rolling the condom on, covering him. He didn’t understand, why would she put the condom on him?

Without explanation as to her actions she leaned up and bit her lip, trying to decide how she first wanted to mount him, to penetrate him like the bitch girl he was.

“Get on your fucking face,” she snarled and, when he hesitated, she painfully tweaked one of his nipples, pulling a gasp from his throat, “do I have to ask you twice, slut?”

Responding with only a whimper he obeyed, rolling over onto his stomach, his perfect white ass hers for the talking, her reward to plunder. She would fulfil every damn fantasy this fuck slut had and more besides.

“Good boy,” she purred straddling him and leaning down, pressing the swell of her breasts into his back, her cock, slick and wet pressing between his cheeks gliding gently forward and backward, enjoying the lush sensation, his ass so fat and round, perfect for a good long pounding, if she lasted as long as she hoped she would, anyway.

Grinning she slid one arm up under his armpit, fingers wrapping around his delicate throat, drawing a gasp from him, her other hand dragging down between their sticky bodies to her cock, gripping it by the base and guiding it.

As he felt the tip of her slippery cock line up with his hole he gasped, his whole body tensing on reflex and she was sure if there was any fight left in him he’d be thrashing around, but he was too far gone.

Grunting she bucked her hips forward, the boy letting out a cry which she muffled with a well-timed squeeze of his throat, turning it into more of a pained sharp gasp as the head of her cock pressed into his well-prepared hole.

Mercilessly, with the foreknowledge that he had taken many cocks before hers including Hannah’s sizable length she pushed herself forward, burying her cock to the hilt in a single brutal stroke.

His eyes went wide, his head arched back as his body squirmed helplessly, her cock driving deep into him.

It felt like her cock was rearranging his entire insides to make room for itself, the intense tight heat around her more than he knew how to deal with so suddenly by the expression dominating his face. But that been what he asked for.

Without a moment's hesitation she grunted, beginning a hard assault on his body, her toy, her property. She slammed her hips up and down into him, bouncing him against the bed with a fury that made the whole bed rattle and shake.

Her ass bounced with each rough thrust, his quickly growing raw as if she were spanking him, the force of her thrusts were so uncaringly powerful.

With her hand around his throat, allowing him enough air to stay with it but denying him the opportunity to yell scream or cry for mercy or help she settled into the destructive rhythm of her assault.

Her cock was at home, his ass was just perfect, so tight and pleasurable around her needy cock, always squeezing tight and powerful around her, as if it was trying to push her out, but only serving to make the experience all the more wonderful.

“Oooh fuck yes, squeeze my cock, just like that you little slut! Ugh, fuck! You really know how to take dick, don't you? Fuck you're so fucking good!” She panted, taunting in his ear, belittling him as the bed creaked beneath them, their bodies clapping together in a lewd symphony of noise.

She never let up or gave him a moment's break switching tempos, from long hard root to tip strides forcing him to experience her entire length, to short deep rapid poundings, ramming the last inch into him time and time again, grinding her cock up into him, knowing that while the pleasure of his tight hot hole milking her cock was extreme, her targeted slamming of his prostate would be making him feel a new range of sensations, mixing pain with pleasure.

“Yeah you fucking love that don't you…” she snarled, licking over his cheek, his eyes squeezed shut as he squeaked and gasped with each thrust into him, spit dripping from his mouth to leave spots on his pillow, his cheeks flushed with colour, “Yeah you do, you love being fucked like a girl you slut, I bet your ass-pussy feels so fucking good full of my cock!”

The boys legs kicked helplessly as he was utterly dominated by Victoria's body and cock, his back slick with sweat where her skin glided over his as she hammered herself into him time and time again, his little ring on fire, the sensations of being so completely filled, his walls stretched, made to fit her like a glove was so extreme and overwhelming for him, his mind blank of thought save for the pain and pleasure.

Panting hard, her breath condensing on his skin one hand still gripping possessively at his neck, her other down lower, groping and squeezing his ass and waist, using it for leverage as her thick cock vanished inside of him with each rock of her hips.

He let out a sharp gasp as, with a surprised grunt of her own, Vicky pulled back too far on a thrust, her cock popping free of his ass to glide up his lower back, leaving a hot wet trail of her own pre. Gritting her teeth she rocked herself back and forth a couple of times, trying to get her cock to line back up with him, but, failing and with a despairing growl she leaned up, her tempo broken as she slowed to a stop, recovering her breath for a few long moments, her hand going limp from his neck as she smothered his smaller body with her own, the boy panting hard, whimpered adorably on each exhale during the brief moment of respite.

“You’re such a good fucking lay baby…” she cooed affectionately in his ear, kissing him on the cheek before pressing her face into his lush soft hair, smelling the coconut shampoo he must use before exhaling long and slow, eager to get going again.

Leaning up she moved to flip him, rolling him, unresisting onto his back where, in the almost dark, he blinked up at her imposing figure. Reaching out she took his hand in hers, lifting it and leaning forward so his fingers sank into the soft flesh of her hanging breast, pressing up so he weighed it in his palm.

“Feels good doesn’t it lover…” she purred gently, squeezing her hand around his so he squeezed her breast, drawing a moan from her lips.

He didn’t respond, but she smirked, he didn’t need to, she knew he loved it.

She let his hand fall and traced her fingertips down his body, caressing the almost dry skin of his chest which had been pressed into the beds sheets, “So fucking cute…” she breathed to herself enjoying the warm smoothness of his body, smirking as she felt the speed at which his chest was rising and falling. She continued the trail of her fingers until they reached his cock.

“Mmm good boy…” she laughed a little, his cock rock hard against his stomach, still snug in its condom wrapping, “Oooh you’re going to be such a keeper.”

With that she bit her lips, positioning herself between his thighs and grabbing both of his wrists, pulling them down across his body, his fingers just resting against her pelvis as she lined her cock up once more, impatient to bury herself inside him again, his legs around her waist, resting on her thighs, missionary.

After only a few seconds of her cock slipping and sliding between his cheeks she felt the familiar embrace of her tip finding its mark, with a low groan she slid forward, her cock pressing almost gracefully up into his yielding ass, the immediate warmth and friction around her a blissful moment.

Biting her lip she looked down, noting him, head tilted back, mouth open, moaning too, his fingers pressing into her body, his back arched as he stared off at nothing but the fireworks going off behind his eyes as the sensations of being filled with girl cock. Perfect.

Holding onto him she began to work her hips once more, a familiar rhythm, one well practised with many partners and one that guaranteed success.

She breathed hard as she looked down at him, holding his wrists in place firmly but not enough to bruise as she bounced her body forward against his, driving her cock into him again and again, pounding his stretched love hole into a shape of her desire, each thrust perfectly angled to stimulate him just as much as she herself was being stimulated, albeit in a completely different way.

Finding her speed, to the sound of rain their bodies clapped together, the only other noise their equally soft moans of pleasure. She chewed her lip, looking down at him in glee as his body jerked with each thrust against the sheets, her own full breasts bouncing on her chest, nipples distinctly hard in the low light.

She felt an all too familiar sensation begin to rise in the back of her mind, beautiful and wonderful, a little ringing bell telling her that the magical moment was approaching, drawing ever closer with each powerful thrust.

She looked down, focusing on her partner and saw in him many of the signs that she was feeling herself, his fingers, held to her body were flexing, his back arching, his body writhing. She knew part of him would want to touch himself, to jack off, but that would steal her victory of making him cum from nothing but her cock, but she couldn’t deny both of them were on the home straight.

She wanted to be closer, to embrace her fuck toy at their moment of joint climax so she moved his arms up, pinning them above his head as she leaned down, her lips mere inches from his as she breathed hot and heavy against him, staring down into his beautiful face which he couldn’t help but flip from side to side, helpless against her strength and against the oncoming tide of his own impending orgasm.

With her breasts pressed into his chest and her balls pressing against his ass with the deepest push of each thrust she purposefully angled her penetration to rub constantly against his prostate, his body arching and squirming, desperate for any form of contact against his hard cock, but she kept the smooth skin of her stomach just out of reach.

In an instant she felt it, felt his ass suddenly clamp down on her cock and knew without a shadow of a doubt that he was cumming, his gasps sharp and disbelieving as her tight ass milked her cock, pushing her the edge of her own powerful orgasm.

“Look at me, baby, look at me…” she whispered between shallow breaths and, to her delight, he turned his head, their eyes meeting as they both moaned in the moment of pure bliss. As she stared into his eyes her cock erupted bare inside the boy, each swell of her cock matched by a hot pulse of thick hot seed balls deep into his milking ass, his stretched ring tight around the base of her cock, every solid inch of her girlcock being unwillingly massaged by his obliging body.

She kissed him, hot and deep, her tongue filling his mouth as her cock was spent inside of him, her balls twitching against his cheeks as they deposited every drop of cum they could bring to bare inside the waiting warmth of his now accommodating ass, her hands releasing his wrists, no longer caring what he did, her hands moving down to his hair and face, caressing lovingly as pleasure coursed through them both.

With a few last short, sharp thrusts she felt her climax begin to wane, her body going lax on top of his, his own hands laying limp above his head, one hand gripping the sheets, the other open and bare, his eyes closed as she broke the kiss, looking down at his open mouth with desire.

Kissing him again very briefly, unable to help herself, she forced herself to focus, her hands moving down between them, fumbling at something very important, “Oooh gods… That was the best fuck of my life, you’re such a perfect little butt slut, so tight…” she bit her lip, “I told you, baby, that you’d cum from my cock, now, be a good boy for Vicky…” she purred gently as she leaned up a little, turning the spent condom over his lips, using her fingers to run down the slick lubed length of the dangling latex, a few thick strands of cum trickling out and into his waiting mouth.

He whimpered in surprise, moving to turn his head to the side but she held his face in her hands, discarding the condom carelessly on the bed beside him, “Shhh baby, swallow it…” she urged and after a few moments of trying to twist his head to the side with no result, he whined cutely and swallowed.

With a little shiver of pleasure Victoria grinned and laid down on her side beside him, her domination complete, the bitter taste of his defeat literally dancing across his tongue down into his stomach as she revelled in her victory, “Good boy, you’re such a good boy…” she praised, kissing his cheek affectionately.

They lay for a few long minutes alongside one another, her hand tracing soft circles across his chest as he recovered, though she knew even with this break he would be too exhausted to offer any sort of resistance, not that it mattered now, of course. She’d fulfilled his fantasy, given him what he wanted and taken so much more in return.

“Mm… I’m glad I could give you such a good evening,” she said after a while, breaking the silence with a low whisper, rolling onto her back away from him, “but... I should make tracks back to my place.”

With, judging by how slow it was, a concerted effort, he rolled onto his side, whimpering quietly as he put his arm across her stomach, just under the swell of her breast, his leg lifting over hers, holding her, “Please… Please stay…” he whispered in a tiny voice, full of shame and humiliation.

Grinning a little Victoria couldn’t ignore a plea like that, so gently she worked her arm under his head, encouraging him to rest his head on her full breasts, which he did, settling down, leaning against her.

With a sigh she relaxed, her body feeling cool in the rooms air, but the cold only tempted the boy to snuggle up closer to her, something she wasn’t keen to discourage.

An arm wrapped around him and to the gentle sounds of his light breathing and the sound of rain, she began to slowly drift off to sleep.

The boy let out a startled squeak as a bright chirpy tune began to rattle through the room, Vicky rudely pulled from her almost sleep by his sudden surprised jerk as much as she was the noise, frustrated she groaned, reaching a hand up to run it through his soft silky hair, calming him, her other hand reaching out towards where she had set her phone down, “Shh baby, it’s just my ringtone, go back to sleep lover…” she cooed and he shuffled a little, relaxing back against her as she answered the phone holding it to her face, “What?”

“The fuck!” Hannah’s voice.

“What do you mean ‘the fuck’?” she replied, mimicking Hannah’s voice, albeit with a much sleepier tone.

“I just got a phone call from fucking Ben that's what! You no-showed what's the matter with you?!” Hannah all but yelled down the phone.

“Pff, don’t get your panties in a twist Hannah, I just shot a load into Ben! He’s literally curled up against me right now,” she said, squeezing the boy lightly as if to make the point, though Hannah couldn’t tell.

“Bullshit Vicky! I just got off the phone with him a second ago, I’m going around now to fill in for you since you’re so obviously distracted.”

Vicky frowned deeply, “Seriously Hannah! I’m here right now with him, look,” she held the phone away from her head slightly looking down at the boy, “Hey, Ben, tell Hannah that I’m here with you,” she held the phone down towards him and in the dim light of her phone screen he blinked up at her, so sweet and beautiful.

“Um… My names Danny?” He said gently, curling up a little more tightly against her as if expecting retribution for this fact.

Vicky stared at him for a moment, at his sweet face and she heard Hannah gasp sharply then all but yell down the phone, “Who’s that!?”

Vicky pulled the phone back to her ear, “Errr, you said Apartment 22, 105 Gentech Road, yeah? Light brown hair?”

“Oh. My god. 105B Vicky!!! 105 ‘B’,” she strained the letter, “did you get the wrong address?! Did you say light brown? Ben is dark brown! Did you butt fuck the wrong guy!? How do you even!!!”

Biting her lip, feeling her anxieties rise she hung up on the ranting Hannah, silencing the phone and putting it down, the room now suddenly quiet, aside from the thumping of her heart in her chest and the patter of raindrops.

She couldn’t tell how long she lay there silent for, but a shifting of the boy, Danny’s, weight brought her back to the present. She tilted her head, looking down towards him, her voice practically exuding her anxieties, “In… The morning… Will you call the police?...”

He bit his lip for a moment, looking up at her, likely taken aback by the sudden lack of confidence, her entire life practically in his hands, “Mm, I’d rather make you that breakfast you wanted...”

“Y-you mean that?” she asked, her voice hopeful.

He nodded a little before snuggling back into her chest, cuddling up to her, adoringly, leaving Vicky to stare up at the ceiling, the luckiest damn girl alive, trying to turn events over in her mind now that she knew this wasn’t even Ben, rearranging the nights events so they fit this new perspective. She only knew one thing for sure, Hannah wasn’t going to let her forget this story.


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Willing To Try Anything

Willing To Try Anything My sixteen-year-old sister Alexxus is ripe sexually and willing to try anything. So I decided to take her to an underage drinking party. I am her eighteen-year-old brother. When I said that Alexxus was sexually ripe I meant it. At sixteen she was already five feet six inches tall and weighed one hundred and twenty-five pounds. The doctor said that she was absolutely perfect and I certainly agreed with him. She had long naturally wavy back hair, a fairly tiny...

3 years ago
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Unwilling Tutor

Unwilling Tutor Unwilling TutorSynopsisWhen Kathy's father finds his daughter is a whore and is failing all her exams, he gives her to an ungainly tall genius boy to tutor her for the summer.  Unwilling Tutorby obohobo WarningThe text in this story contains erotic material and is expressly written for adults only. MF NC Spank RomIf you are underage or offended by such material or, if viewing this file is illegal in your locality, then leave, close or delete this file-story now. This is a...

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Unwilling Nude Models

Unwilling Nude Models I live behind a very popular bar. Actually I live one street over but the back of our property lines touch and I can see the back of the bar very well from my bedroom window. Like I said it was a pretty popular bar and it does a lot of business, especially on Friday and Saturday nights. I can tell when the waiting line at the lady’s room gets too long because the girls start coming out back to pee. There is a gate in the fence that separates the bar from my...

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Willing Victim Ch 02

‘MMmmm…’ Your wordless reply sounded just as tired as mine. Snuggling against you, I wondered briefly if you would be there when I woke up before sleep overcame me. Dreaming of making love to you, I never felt my body being tied to the four poster bed, nor did I feel your tears land against my skin… I awoke in the morning feeling wonderfully stiff. Every muscle in my body ached, reminding me of last night’s incredible sex. I would like to call it love making, but unfortunately even I sometimes...

2 years ago
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Willing Participation

Willing Participation   I was at loose end, so decided to try the new strip club that had recently opened up. On arriving I was informed that the club was strictly “Members Only”, and that the fee for the year was $50. The door fee would be $25. I filled out the application form, and noted a whole load of “The undersigned agrees to blah blah blah” legal mumbo-jumbo, and who reads that stuff? I signed and paid my $75. I was handed a ticket with 24 printed on it. The show had yet to start. I...

3 years ago
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Willing Participation

Willing Participation   I was at loose end, so decided to try the new strip club that had recently opened up. On arriving I was informed that the club was strictly “Members Only”, and that the fee for the year was $50. The door fee would be $25. I filled out the application form, and noted a whole load of “The undersigned agrees to blah blah blah” legal mumbo-jumbo, and who reads that stuff? I signed and paid my $75. I was handed a ticket with 24 printed on it. The show had yet to start. I...

2 years ago
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Willing to be a Mistress

Willing to be a Mistress By Enclosed Lady ? enclosedlady (at) yahoo (dot) com Dedicated to: Claudia and Sir Marc from Canada ----------------- This is a long story and English isn't my 1st language, so you might findsome mistakes. Hope everyone enjoy. Adult story +18 evolving F/f. ? Feedbackwelcome. ----------------- One chloroform handkerchief clamped over my mouth and nose as soon as I enteredmy friend's house. I tried to get rid of the grip, but was too late. I wokeup hours later,...

4 years ago
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I sat there crying through my tears as I stared at the debris of what had once been Emma's life- piles of books and makeup and clothing all spread around her room whilst we decided what to give up and what to give away or sell at a car boot sale. Emma had been a great sister to me even though we did not always get on well together, and we had created an entire imaginary world together. That was before the cancer got her. After that she went downhill very fast, losing her hair to the...

2 years ago
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Willingly Cuckolded for Love

Summary - A happily married couple both submit to her Dom ex-lover.Willingly Cuckolded for LoveWarning: Please note this is a story about cuckolding that includes gay submission...if these do not appeal to you please don't read.0. PrologueMy wife is the complete package. She is beautiful (blonde hair, green eyes, 36C breasts, legs to die for and a smile that would melt Jack Frost); she is intelligent (a hotel manager by trade, an avid reader, politically involved and challenges me at every...

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Willing Servitude

WILLING SERVITUDE by Throne Paul, now his wife's devoted maid, helped her prepare for her date. He was, as always, in his sexy uniform with its frilly cap, well-fitted top, and flaring skirt, and of course the usual stockings and heels. As he helped her zip up the tight red dress that clung to her full curves and that showed off her cleavage and legs, he thought back to how his present life had started. Had it really been five years since he married Zara? The memories of meeting her...

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Willing slavefrom her point of view

For the first part of this story, see Willing Slave, by dj_oh. My bedroom was ready for him. It’s his playground. I always lay all the toys out on the end of my bed. Rope, wrist and ankle cuffs, clothespins, nipple clamps, a couple of dildos, anal plug, wooden spoon, a plastic plumbing tool he likes using on my ass. There’s always a red candle lit. I never know what he is going to use or how. He has me lie down across the bed, face down. I’m wearing only a garter belt and thigh highs....

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Willing slavefrom her point of view

For the first part of this story, see Willing Slave, by dj_oh.My bedroom was ready for him. It's his playground. I always lay all the toys out on the end of my bed. Rope, wrist and ankle cuffs, clothespins, nipple clamps, a couple of dildos, anal plug, wooden spoon, a plastic plumbing tool he likes using on my ass. There's always a red candle lit. I never know what he is going to use or how. He has me lie down across the bed, face down. I'm wearing only a garter belt and thigh highs. ...

5 years ago
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Unwilling By Fullfilled Making New Friends I was careful not to park my car near the bar or have any anyone see me go in that place. It was late evening and the streets were emptying. I walked into the bar scared, curious and hoping for an experience that I had thought a lot about lately. I had fantasized about having oral sex with another man. The sleazier, the better. I imagined what it would feel like. I sometimes imagined myself as a sexy woman pleasing her man,...

4 years ago
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Unwilling Victim of Seduction 6

Unwilling Victim of Seduction - Part 6I followed Karl Peabody into his private church office. I saw his big screen computer monitor was on. A window was showing the face of my daughter Emmie. She was smiling toward the camera and her voice said, "Hi daddy!"Karl's voice was saying, "Your daughter was just telling us about you two having sex in the shower! You fucked your daughter and popped her cherry! That's awesome, Jack! Awesome! I have to congratulate you on a really good move! I can't wait...

3 years ago
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Unwilling Victim of Seduction 5

Unwilling Victim of Seduction - Part 5Before the congregation could finish the last song and benediction, I slipped out of my pew and down the outer aisle and headed to the restroom, hoping that no one would notice the big wet spot in my suit on my crotch and down my right leg -- caused by my daughter masturbating me. I got into the restroom and, seeing no one about, I looked in the mirror while I lifted my right leg. Wow. It was a big, big wet spot. Even through my boxers the semen had soaked...

2 years ago
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Willing Fraternity Prostitute

I’m twenty-seven and in grad school. This semester I’m working as a TA in order to get a few extra credits. I’m married, but I still get the attention of many of the male students, which is why I wasn’t surprised when one of my student frat boys invited me to a frat party. Of course I declined because what business would I have at a frat party? It’s not that I would actually care, but I’d feel especially out of place at a black frat house. Harold was very persistent and told me it wasn’t really...

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Unwillingly In Love

-This is a bisexual story! -Must have proper grammar and spelling. -Must make sense with plot. Remember the victims are freaking out inside, but are extremely limited in response unless Alex allows it. Alexander is currently a college student. He has one dad and three brothers his mom left him when he was five, since then he has had his gift. Alex has used his gift subtly before, but now that he's on his own with a roommate named Justin attending BAGIA (Boys Academy Gifted In Arts) he no...

Mind Control
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Unwillingly Seduced Part Six

*(To recap, click this link for the previous installment [https://fetlife.com/users/47496/posts/1731605 ] or start from the beginning [https://fetlife.com/users/47496/posts/1611605 ])*It had been three days since my punishment began.Not allowed to touch myself. Not allowed to have sex with anyone else. Nothing. And he had built me up to an orgasm, only to deny me the release.He hasn't called me. Texted me. Or even emailed me. Nothing.I ache all the time now. It's at the bottom of my...

3 years ago
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Unwillingly Seduced Part Five

*(If you have NOT read any of the previous parts, may I please ask you to dos before reading further, thanks!)*I placed the cell down. I quickly reached into my panty drawer and came out with a pair of black lace panties (I have a lot of those) and slipped them on. I threw on my red, silk robe and tightened the belt. I ran my hand through my hair quickly. I picked up the cell and walked out to the living room of my little apartment.I glanced down the hallway where I had just bound and...

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Unwillingly Seduced Part Three

I stood at the beginning of the pier, cell to my ear, looking back at Slainte, at *him*. Waiting for his order, to tell me what I wanted to do and how to do it, feeling small and needy...and desperate.“Tell me what to do...”I heard him chuckle over the cell, “First, in your purse, is there a pen?”I dug into my purse and actually found a ballpoint pen, “Yes.”I watched him smile. He tapped his mouth as if in thought....fucking tell me...A contented sigh came over the phone, “Very good. Still...

4 years ago
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Unwillingly Seduced Part Two

Against my better judgment, there I was at Slainte.I dressed in a nice, dark blue skirt, white blouse, no sleeves. I even did my hair and makeup.I walked in out of the sunlight, somewhat blinded n the darkness of the bar. I stood for a moment waiting for my eyes to adjust. Of course, there he was at the bar, giving me a small wave and a smile.I really wanted to slap him. Hard.I sat down next to him, actually there was a stool between us. He patted the empty stool, almost like an order. I...

4 years ago
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Unwillingly Seduced Part One

(Please read: there will be multiple parts to this story, so if you are looking for a quick fuckslut story, this won't be it. You've been warned!)Sugar is a place I rarely go to. It's a little out of my way . Also, it has a limited amount of items that I usually need...it isn't bondage or S&M centric as my regular store. While a small shop, it carries a lot of general sex gear...there just isn't a large section of wall space devoted to, let's say, gags. Still, I was in the area and decided...

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Hi, my reader! This is my first chyoa game and even my first attempt to write in English. I want to make a really big chyoa from a consensual slave’s perspective, so I’d be very grateful for your feedback, be it comments, PMs or just likes. And now - have fun! Ok, this is really gonna happen. Something you dreamed of endless nights laying bound, gagged and desperately alone in your bed. Today it will change. You won't be alone anymore. You will submit willingly. You will give your body for the...

2 years ago
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Willing Victim Ch 04

Whatever desire that had overtaken me had completely faded now, leaving me to berate myself for my weakness and stupidity. Crossing my arms over my naked breasts, which still heaved slightly with the last remnants of our tender sex (which I refused to call lovemaking on principle’s sake), I too tried to distance myself from you. As the answering machine beeped on, I was startled to hear an unfamiliar female voice say, ‘Damian, pick up the phone, now.’ I was even more startled when, without...

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I am tied down, spread-eagled, ankles and wrists firmly attached to the four posts at the corners of the bed.I’m the wrong way round, my feet towards the headboard, my head hanging over the edge of the mattress at the foot of the bed. The only thing I’m wearing is a blind-fold.The blindfold makes you anxious - you have to rely on the other senses and every unfamiliar noise puts you even more on edge. I hear the door being pushed open, dragging slightly over the carpet, and someone else is in...

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Willing Young Muslim Cousin Asfa Loses Her Virgini

Hi all, its Ali here!Today, I'm going to share my first sexual encounter with my younger Muslim cousin, Asfi and how it started a long, taboo sexual relationship between us that continues to this day. A little background first...I'm Ali, fair, standing over 5 ft 10" tall. I have long, straight black hair and a trim, athletic physique from playing soccer for years. I used to live with my huge, extended family. My entire clan consisted of the families of my father and his seven real brothers. We...

3 years ago
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Willing Eager Sister

Our families knew each other, and they were supportive of us being together. Everyone figured that we would eventually marry, and it was great that our families were so close as well. We often spent holidays and vacations together, and there was never anything weird about Naomi and I being together as a couple. Naomi 's younger sister Leah, who was now a high school freshman, had always taken a shine to me, and everyone laughed at the way she often flirted. Being a few years younger than...

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Willing Widow

"Hey, Brandy, how are you doin'?"I tried to be jovial and upbeat, but it was difficult under the circumstances. Brandy's husband had died of a heart attack two months earlier.I liked her, especially her sunny disposition and ready smile. The best part of her personality was a unique honesty, an openness and willingness to talk about anything. She kept no secrets.On this occasion, she was at the banana stand in the grocery store. Brandy wore a baseball cap and short shorts revealing a phenomenal...

3 years ago
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Willing Wife For Husband8217s Business Profit

My so-called ever loving husband returned home early from his work last Friday and immediately poured himself a large drink! He didn’t offer me one but then he seldom does. He took a large swig of his drink and then called me over to sit next to him on the couch. He took my hand in his and squeezed it a little bit – I knew instantly he wanted something but, of course, I didn’t have any idea what it would be. I really didn’t know my husband, Salim, all that well. We have only been married for 8...

4 years ago
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Willing slavefrom her point of view conclusio

My Master is dj_oh, and these stories are true.He tells me to go downstairs. I obey. There is a big red armchair in my living room with a matching ottoman. He sits in the armchair and I bring him his drink. He is relaxed, confident, powerful. He looks like a king in his throne. I sit before him on the ottoman. He surveys his property: me. He is watching my face. He likes what he sees. I have no resistance left. I have submitted completely. He knows he can do whatever he wants, and...

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Willing Sex

I was showering in gym, when I heard some one whistling, I decided that I wasn't going to allow any thing to happen this time. I was surprised to see to new k** that has just transferred from across town. As he entered the shower he was still whistling that odd tune, his back was to me, I could not help but admire his skin tone. He was from some where in the south pacific, Eric is his name, and spoke better English than anyone I knew. As he turned towards me I saw his penis, I could not believe...

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Willing Victim Ch 05

* Although the first four chapters of this novel are considered non-consent/reluctance, which will be the main sexual actions occurring in this whole novel, this chapter itself does not contain any actual nonconsentual sex.* Hope you enjoy… ‘Well, I won’t bore you with the details, but if he wakes up tell him not to make anymore phone calls, unless they are to me. And if he doesn’t wake up, well…I’ll be back in a week or two, try to stay alive until then. Chow.’ With those final words she...

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Willing Ready and Able

I’ve had the same basic fantasy over and over again for a while now. It seems wrong, simply because of the nature of the fantasy, but I guess when you’re asleep, you don’t really have any control over what you dream now do you? My dream always begins the same way. I am walking home, my beginning location changes each time, whether it be from work or a night out with the girls or a night out shopping; but I’m always dressed the same; a short jean skirt, a tight tank top (the color varies) and...

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Willing slavefrom her point of view part 2

My master is dj_oh and these stories are true. After he unties my ankles, he has me roll over onto my back. He grabs a breast in each hand and squeezes, making them grow red and rock hard. He licks and sucks the nipples, then devours my breasts with his mouth, greedy and demanding. I arch my back with the intensity of the pleasure. He straightens us and makes me roll to one side, and he hits my thighs and ass hard with the wooden spoon, over and over again in the same spot until I whimper...

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Willing Victim Ch 03

Unwilling to let myself be conquered by you and your violent mood swings, I knew I had to try to break free before you returned and I succumbed to your touch again. Breathing deeply I tried to work myself out of the ties, hoping I could escape before it was too late… Blood coated my left wrist as I finally managed to ease it out of its prison. Immediately I tried to undo my other wrist, my numb fingers fumbling with the tight knots. Untying my ankles as well, I sprung from the bed, eager to...

2 years ago
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Willing Victim

Sliding under the soft blankets, I hugged my pillow close to me, trying to pretend I was not alone. Knowing I needed to rest, I forced my eyes shut and tried to breathe slowly, hoping that a dreamless sleep would soon overcome me. Instead of blackness filling my world though , I swear I could hear your haunting laughter. Biting back a sob, knowing you weren’t really here, I still couldn’t get the feeling that you were lying beside me out of my mind. Half in anticipation, half in dread, I opened...

2 years ago
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Willing Slave Going out

He brought her into the bathroom and handed her a warm facecloth and told her to wash herself with it. She did so slowly watching him watch her. Suddenly he leaned forward and caught her hair behind her, pulling her head back. He leaned forward calmly to tell her off. "You are my slave. You don't look at me unless I have you. Understand." "Yes ny Master." She gasped out, she knew that much, he always made her say that online. He released her hair and she quickly looked down while...

3 years ago
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Willing Seduction

I stood in front of the building and could hear the music coming from inside. I had thought about this many times, but had never mustered the courage (or something) to actually do it. I don't know why today was any different, but here I was. Each time I had completed my preparation ritual of complete shower, total body shave and meticulous hygiene habits. Before getting dressed in the insanely tight pair of jeans I bought in a moment of weakness for just this occasion, I slid into the black...

4 years ago
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Willing My Wife Into Fucking Other Men

Finally my wife lives my fanatasy, having sex with other men while I watch on.I had long fantasized about my wife fucking other men. My wife is very sexual and there is nothing she would not consider in bed (or other places). This was just with the two of us and a matter of trust.Sometimes (more often as time went on), I would think about mfm or my wife screwing someone else while I watched. It really turned me on. More so me then my wife. While out to dinner after a few drinks I might mention...

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Willing watchman

I am 26 yrs old, handsome and average built young man working in a MNC. I am secretary of our housing society consisting of 45 apartments and we recruited a watchman around 23 yrs for the building. That day I woke up at 6.00 am in the morning and came to my balcony. Exactly down to my balcony our watchman quarters backyard is visible clearly. I saw sanjay[watchman] coming out near the pump provided for the watchman to use. He saw around but could not see me as I was sitting on a chair. He...

1 year ago
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Willing To Share

It was on the Twenty-Second day of August that the Berea High School class of 2004 had reunited for one last week-long vacation together, before they were about to go out and persue their personal hopes and dreams. One of those members of the BHS 2004 alumni is Nicholas Striker, whose one true goal was to go to the West Point Military Academy and train to be a proud member of the United States Armed Forces. However, there was only one stumbling block that he had some problems with--and her name...

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Unwilling Yet Willing

I dropped my bag down and put my keys down on the shelf. I then took off my jacket and placed it on the hook hanging on the wall. I usually eat but tonight I wasn’t hungry, so I decided I would just take a shower instead. I hooked up my phone to the Bluetooth speaker, turning the sound up, not to high. I took a toothbrush and brushed my teeth while the water was warming up to the right temperature that I enjoyed. After my teeth were all clean, I started to strip and placed them in the hamper....

5 years ago
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Unwilling Victim of Seduction 4

It was Sunday morning, before church. If there was any chance of me avoiding my final fall into moral depravity, it would have to be in the sermon that reverend Peabody had promised to deliver this morning. I prayed that he would deliver a sermon on moral strength and restraint that would find a home in Emmie's heart. From what I heard about town, the reverend Peabody was really great with teenagers. At least, they showed up in droves at his weekly teen retreats. Emmie and I had breakfast, and...

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Unwilling Victim of Seduction 2

I can't begin to tell you the shame and guilt -- and horror -- that I felt that night. My daughter Emmie had performed fellatio on me. Me, her father. Oh God, that makes it all sound so clinical and impersonal. No. What she did was suck my fully erect cock. She sucked me off, and I didn't have the moral strength to stop her, and shot my semen into her mouth. I came in her mouth and... and I enjoyed it.That's the worst of it. I enjoyed it. I had committed a moral crime of such lewdness and...

2 years ago
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Unwilling Victim of Seduction

I am a victim of incest and seduction.I guess many of you have heard stories of women who were victims of incest, in one form or another. Well, I feel like I'm a victim, too, and I don't know what to do about it. I'm an ordinary, average 38 year old white male, college educated professional, with a mortgage and two cars in the driveway. I'm a member in good standing at my neighborhood church -- or at least I was, and I thought I was doing a good job raising my daughter, Emmie, who had just...

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Unwilling Victim of Seduction 3

Victim of Seduction 3It all started weeks ago when I discovered my daughter's laptop in her room. I accidently bumped it and the display came on. Soon, I discovered that Emmie was posting short videos on the internet -- videos of her offering her lovely naked D-cup breasts to the camera. And then she returned home and I... I don't understand how it all happened, but Emmie... Emmie sucked my dick and made me cum! God, I feel so guilty and ashamed! Somehow I let her do it, and I... I...I...


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