Down A Peg free porn video

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Down a Peg By Shawna Stimple It was a Saturday morning in 1965, when Jimmy finally pushed his mother to her wits end. Meredith Baker had taken her 4 children to her mother's house for a weekend vacation. Things had been stressful since she had lost her husband in an accident at work one year prior. She felt that getting away would give the kids a chance to clear their heads and maybe bond again, since all they seemed capable of doing was bickering and fighting. Catherine was the oldest at 20, having recently enrolled in beauty school. Sarah was 17, and an excellent student. She had plans of university and was very forward thinking for her time. Susie, the youngest at 14 was very much a tomboy, in that she liked to play sports and enjoyed the outdoors, but still had a feminine beauty that had the boys at school in a mad scramble for her attention. All of the sisters felt saddened by the loss of their father, but were coming to terms with life as it was. Then there was Jimmy. Jimmy had just turned 16 years old, and was in a hurry to prove he was a man and could do what he wanted. He took the loss of his father harder than anyone, now being the only boy in a world full of women. He was a slight boy, and fancied himself a rebel. It did not help that with his high cheek bones, plump lips, and small nose his face could best be described as cute, rather than handsome. In an attempt at rebellion he refused to get a haircut since his father had died and his brunette hair now fell down to his shoulders, but he kept it in an unkempt mess tied by a rubber band. His mother constantly got on him about his disheveled appearance saying, "I'm too ashamed to even take you in public sometimes." Having arrived the night before the family decided that they would turn in early, so they could get up and help their grandmother with the chores so they could take her out to a nice brunch, as a way of saying thank you for allowing them into her home. However, around 8 o'clock, Jimmy refused to get out of bed until his mother came upstairs and started threatening to not help with the car he so dreamed of having. "Jimmy," his mother said, "if you don't get moving and help not only will you not be getting that car, you will also have to figure out a way to feed yourself this morning. Now we're going to the club. Get up and get your suit on now." "If you insist on ruining my life, at least have the decency to do it at a decent hour," said Jimmy. "Get your suit on now!" she bellowed. "The only thing left to do is take out the trash anyway. Your sisters were really on the ball this morning so they'd have time to get ready. They are really looking forward to dressing up for brunch. I wouldn't want to get on their bad side if I were you, now move!" "Alright fine!" he yelled back. So he began his morning by putting on his dress pants and shirt, as well as his blazer to keep off the April morning chill. He had to wait for his mother to help with the tie. He went downstairs and began taking the garbage out, but said no greetings to his mother or grandmother sitting at the breakfast table. "Sorry he's being so rude," said Meredith. "It's okay. Boys will be boys. Give him a little bit of time and he'll grow out of it," said Grandma. Well Jimmy heard the end of their conversation as he was taking out the last bin, and did not take to kindly to being talked about like he was a child. So he did the least childish thing he could think of. He jumped in a mud puddle. "Why on earth did you do that?!" Meredith shrieked. Jimmy's response was probably as honest as he could muster. "I don't know!" Grabbing him by the ear Meredith led him to the mud room in back of the house and ordered him to strip. "Everything young man; I mean it." Afterwards she handed him a pink terrycloth robe that her mother had loaned her. He took it and stared at it like it was going to give him some kind of disease. He yelled, "I can't wear this sissy thing!" At that point she reached the end of her rope, bent him over, and slapped him right across the butt. She just kept spanking and spanking until she had nothing left and he had no resistance. She ordered, "Now you will go upstairs and ask Catherine to help get you cleaned up and ready while I find something for you to wear. Have them make you look presentable for once." With no fight left and a little fear he marched upstairs and knocked on the girl's bedroom door. Given the signal that everyone was decent, he walked in to find, Susie, sitting under a portable dryer with her hair up in curlers, wearing her dressing gown, while Sarah sat already dressed in her white blouse, and pink knee length pencil skirt wearing an apron while Catherine put the finishing touches on her make up. Her hair was short, black and side parted much like Audrey Hepburn. Catherine, who was the first to awake and get her chores done, was completely ready in her yellow floral print shift, perched atop 3 inch white pumps. With her make up immaculate, and her hair teased into a short beehive with a yellow ribbon tied around and into a bow above the bangs, she was a vision of femininity. "What happened to you?" asked Sarah finally noticing Jimmy. "I jumped in the mud. Mom's furious. She sent me up here to have you guys clean me up and in her words, 'Make me look presentable for once'." "Well take a shower first," Catherine said. "Don't forget to wash your hair and use the conditioner." After grumbling some illegible response Jimmy proceeded to the bathroom adjacent to their room and ran hot water. He than did every thing as they asked him to do out of fear of their mother's retribution. Meanwhile in the bedroom, Catherine was removing the bonnet drier from Susie's head. "I don't know what his problem is," Sarah said. "He thinks he's better than us and just because he's a boy he doesn't need to take care of himself." Susie chimed in, "Yeah, he used to be nicer to me but now he just complains about how I can't play ball with him anymore because I'm a girl so now I'm good for nothing." Catherine noted, "Also his hair and general appearance are such a mess. If I could get a hold of it I'd at least like to clean it up and show him that more doors would be open if he just presented a better image." After removing all the curlers from Susie's hair she brushed and teased them into place placing a black head band over her curls. Not being old enough for make up Susie ran off to finish getting dressed in her room. Just as she was leaving Meredith had come up stairs, having managed to find a white button down shirt and a pair of old shorts, in some the old things left around her mother's house. Walking into the bathroom she left the clothes on the toilet seat and told him that his sister would fix his hair when he was dressed. "I'll just pull it back. It should be fine," he said. "Not today mister. Today we're going to look as nice as possible for grandma. You hear that girls. I want him to look nice. Don't let him leave this room otherwise." Jimmy came out of the bathroom, wearing the outfit his mother left. It was slightly too small and just immature enough, that he looked quite childish. "I can't believe she's going to make me go in this," he whined. "It's so embarrassing. I'd rather look like some kind of sissy girl than a sissy little kid." This struck a chord with both Catherine and Sarah. He didn't know it yet but he was going to regret saying those words. Catherine took the lead by telling him to sit on the stool while she got her cape. "Sorry honey, but the only one I can left that's clean is this one." It was bright pink with white polka dots. While behind his back she looked at Sarah and gestured to the mirror. As the unspoken plan finally began to sink in, She quickly covered the mirror with a near by towel. She had been thinking earlier how pretty he could look when she saw his legs in the pink bathrobe earlier. He had no hair to speak of below his eye brows. Apparently her sister had been having similar thoughts. "Now Mom told me to make you presentable, so you better not fuss or fight with anything I do. You wouldn't want to get on her bad side again would you?", she said as she set to trimming his hair. It seemed like she was cutting a lot but when asked about it she said, "I'm just evening the ends." She evened the ends all the up so that his hair was just barely touching his shoulders. She hoped he wouldn't notice as she paid extra care to the area right around his eyebrows. Next she grabbed her bobby pins and two plastic roller's and brought them over and sat them down next to Jimmy. "What do you think you're doing?" he nearly screamed, not wanting his mom to come up stairs. "I have to put it up to dry it," Catherine stated. "Yeah, have you ever seen a girl under a drier with out her hair up in something?" Sarah chimed in. "I guess you're right," Jimmy said. He had to acknowledge that he was no expert in hair care. So Catherine coated his hair in setting lotion and set to pin curling it all around the crown, back, and sides, She then took the 2 rollers and used them to wind up his new bangs that she had swiftly cut, and then fitted a hair net over his head before he could touch it. Meanwhile Sarah went downstairs to find the nail kit she had used the night before on Susie. She arrived back upstairs just in time to find Jimmy being led to the arm chair and having the drier fitted onto his head. Catherine told him, "You're eyebrows could use a little work, but I'm sure it'd make Mom happy." Not really knowing what she was talking about he agreed. Sarah then added, "I went downstairs. Mom said to make sure your nails were clean and mud free as well." So she set to work on his nails while behind his back Catherine set up the wax kit. He had to admit that it was relaxing being pampered, and fell asleep again, after getting such an "early" start on the day. It was 9:45 when he awoke. Rather than gently being brought awake, he was ripped into consciousness much the same way as the hair was being ripped from his brow. The sisters had ripped off a wax strip each, just as his hair was done drying. He was still so groggy that what they had just done did not register as anything other than a rude awakening. He was then led back to the chair half asleep as both his sisters began removing all the bobby pins from his hair. Catherine said, "I just need to comb your hair a bit so that it doesn't look like a tangled mess." "Whatever," came the reply. Armed with a can of hairspray and starting at the crown, she proceeded to back comb his hair into huge mass that looked like an outward explosion of tangled curls. She then proceeded to smooth the top back over a created a giant bouffant bubble of hair at the crown at least three inches high. After that she parted his hair on the left side and teased the front lightly to that it too stood at least an inch off the scalp. Next she smoothed all the curl at the bottom together creating and outward flip, that circled all the way around his head. Finally she removed the two rollers in the front, and then swept the lightly curled bangs to the side. She knew that there was just one more thing left to finish off the chic look she had created, so she grabbed a barrette with a yellow bow, and clipped it into his hair on the right side next to the bangs. It was this clicking noise that finally got his attention that something wasn't right. Running to the mirror and pulling off the towel was when Jimmy screamed. He was now looking at a bouffant that would make any girl proud. His brown locks teased high on his head now looking the neatest they've looked in months. His eyes were then drawn down to his sudden and very conspicuous lack of eyebrows. All that was left was a nice high arch which left him looking more surprised than he already was. When he reached up to feel the remainder, that's when he noticed that his nails were somehow a quarter inch longer with squared tips and painted pearl pink. At the sound of the scream everyone else in the house came running. First to arrive were Grandma and Susie. At first look at the scene in the room the two of them could not help but laugh hysterically. Last in was his mother who at first looked shocked, and then mildly angry. She said, "Girls, you can't seriously expect him to walk out of the house in that outfit with that hair can you?" Amazed that his mother was on his side he smirked for half a second, only to then see her smile, and hear her say, "Go find him a dress." Sarah grabbed Susie by the hand and in a mad dash, filled with glee at the approval of their scheme, and raided the closet for the most lady like outfit they could find. The young boy stood in an almost paralyzed state of shock while his oldest sister stripped him down to his underwear, handed him a pair of pink panties with a bow at the waistband and said, "Go put these on." He looked to his mother, who had obviously been pushed as far as she could, and resigned himself to his fate. After returning to the room now clad in nothing but the dainty panties, his sister handed him a bullet bra. "I don't know how to work this thing", he sobs. His mother steps in and lovingly attaches the garment then set about finding something to fill it. Catherine returns again with a corselet. Asking him to raise his arms above his head she proceeds to secure the awkward device around his waist, and tightens it about as tight as it will go. Meredith then fills the cups of the bra with the stockings found in the near by dresser, as well as a garter belt. "Two of these go on your legs," she says with a laugh. Just as they finish up his foundation, Susie and Sarah come back from the closet with their arms filled to capacity. Dresses, skirts and blouse combinations, ladies suits, and the like, are laid out across the bed. He's subjected to a whirlwind of different outfits. Then suddenly, as though struck by inspiration, Sarah says, "I think with hair that girlishly precious, her first dress should be equally as divine. Something that just screams femininity. We're definitely going to need a petticoat." That's when they settled on a sleeveless pink number, with a scooped neckline, tight bodice, and a loose flowing knee length skirt. They decide white stockings are the best, so after those are attached, it's into the petticoat, and a white full slip. "Now sit at the chair honey so Catherine can do your make up," said his mother. He felt a rush of masculine pride again, and firmly stated, "I am not wearing any makeup." "Sweetie, we are leaving this house one way or another, so you can either do it looking like a boy in a dress, or you can go out into the world as an average young woman who will attract no unwanted attention." Looking around the room for any help out of this mess, he sighs and says, "Alright, fine. If you think I'll look okay." "Don't worry little sister," Catherine says reassuringly, "you will look far better than okay." So Catherine begins to work her magic. First she first adds a little concealer, to hide the small blemishes, then tops it with a pale powder just slightly lighter than his own fair skin. Next she focus on the eyes, starting with different shades of pink and white eyeliner to really open his eyes and make them look bigger. To add a more dramatic flair, she uses dark eyeliner on the lower and upper lids. Then she took out what he assumed was a torture device, but was actually an eyelash curler. Surprised that he lived through the use of that thing, he was told to blink steadily as he hoped he wouldn't be poked in the eye by the mascara wand. After she was done with the eyes she moved onto the cheeks. Jimmy may be skinny, but his cheekbones are not. All Catherine had to due was apply pink blush with highlight them and give them a natural glow. Finally she worked her way down to the lips. She began outlining the with a pink lip pencil all the way around, drawing what she called a cupids bow. To top it all off his lips were filled in with a pink lipstick, not too subtle, but not bright either. His mother then gave him a tissue and showed him how to blot his lips. "Still think you're just okay?" Catherine asked. "Oh my god!" was the only thing he could think of to say. His eye now fell upon one of the prettiest girls he'd ever seen. Soft skin, luscious lips, and big brown eyes. He looked very similar to pictures of his mother when she was his age. He was looking at a girl whose number he'd kill for, and she was looking back at him through a mirror. "Well, we better hurry and finish getting dressed. We would want to miss brunch now would we?" Sarah said, as she held the dress open for him to step into. As he felt the zipper slide tightly up the back, he began to not only understand why the corselet was so tight, but also that his fate was sealed. He could only hope to see this through and that maybe they'd come to their senses before the day was over. With sash tied in a bow in the back, he realized he would probably need help using the bathroom. Susie the places a pair of pink pumps, with a three inch heel, and little pink bows at the toes, on his stockinged feet. She then takes his hand and teaches him how to walk. The heels push his rear out and force him to walk with a girlish wiggle. After he is shown how to properly hold his arms to his side and bend his elbow, the awkward movements are replaced with confident steps of a feminine young woman. "And you thought I was only good for baseball," she giggled. After appraising the end of their work Catherine walks up and removes the yellow barrette. "The color doesn't go with the overall theme, and I don't think we'll really need it because everything else about you screams girl," she said with an obvious sense of pride. "I was going to save these for a special occasion, and I can think of none better, than a picture of my new granddaughter," grandma says, returning to the room, holding a jewelry box. Jimmy didn't even realized she left, but now she was back fastening a single strand pearl necklace, around his neck, and clip-on pearl studs to his ears. "Thanks grandma," he muttered, still unsure of how he found himself in this situation. "I wore these when I was your age. It's funny how the classics never go out of style. Now let's head down to the living room so I can get a picture of my daughter, and my four beautiful granddaughters in front of the fire place." So he stood there for picture after picture in various poses with different family members. His grandmother said her favorite was the one of the four granddaughters laying on the stomachs, with their faces in their hands, smiling at the camera. It almost seemed surreal but the dream like state came crashing to an end when his mother said, "Come on ladies. We won't want to be late for brunch." He was given a pink double breasted pea coat with a large collar, and a pair of wrist length white gloves. "Remember dear, a lady never ventures out without her gloves." The icing on the cake was a pink pillbox hat with a big white bow on the front placed on his head, and set across the bend of his elbow, a pink handbag filled with what he needed to freshen up his makeup. "Mom please, you can't make me do this," he pleaded. "I'm sorry honey but you really need to be taken down a peg." Just then she had the best idea of the day. "Peg. Peggy. Come on Peggy, it's time to get in the car," she said with a smile. Jimmy, now Peggy, took her first step outside and hoped that this would be a most uneventful day. We all know however, that it most certainly will not. To be continued...

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Begging for a Pegging

Begging for a Pegging This story starts like most. You will most likely find it predictable, mimicking the rest of the story’s you read here. I’d like to think mine is different, stands alone…..however I’d be a fool to think that. You know….you're madly in love with her. To be in her presence was your number one priority. She finds this charming and cute, deciding then to say yes, she will go out with you. You see...

3 years ago
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Begging for a Pegging

So if this story is in no way interesting to you, please do not read all of it and then anonymously comment on how bad you thought it was.. I appreciate feedback and criticism but if I do not know the source then how could I trust its expertise? For everyone else please enjoy, the usual standard age of eighteen and above, is held by all in this story! Begging for a PeggingThis story starts like most. You will most likely find it predictable, mimicking the rest of the story’s you read here. I’d...

3 years ago
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The Scapegoat

THE SCAPEGOAT The triumvir capitalis smiled. His plan was working perfectly. There, on the other side of the courtroom, in the dock, stood Katherina, the governor?s daughter, her head now bowed as the realisation sunk in that her trial was not the farce she had clearly presumed it to be. Nor should it be; he had put a lot of effort into this. It had, the triumvir reflected, been a moment of inspiration from his deputy. They had been sitting in the upper room of the tavern when he had suggested...

3 years ago
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My Dirty Little Boy Gets Pegged

"I know," my wife Casey said softly as her hands caressed my naked body beneath the covers of our king sized bed. "You know what?" I asked. I didn't know what game we were playing but I was ready to fuck. "I know what you look at on the computer and what you fantasize about," she answered softly. Her hand had found my hard cock and she squeezed it tight making me moan softly. "Oh you do, do you," I replied. I was quite sure she was bluffing because if she truly knew what I was looking at on...

3 years ago
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Predator Series Chapter 10 Down a peg

“Oh Shit!” I said, I had rigged up an alarm with a loud speaker some wire and some items I had left lying around from my earlier days of tinkering. I could not see Lorie anywhere. I spun around and thought of the first place I would go if the situation was reversed so I headed straight for the door. Locked still, so I ran to the back door which was in the living room. It to was locked. I started running throughout the house going from window to window, and closet to closet. Nothing,...

3 years ago
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Brie Larson gets taken down a peg

When Brie Larson sees that her place on the table is right between Scarlett Johansson and Elizabeth Olsen, she is not happy. It is no secret that she doesn't have a good relationship with those two. Since Brie arrived to the MCU starring in Captain Marvel, her pretentious and unfriendly attitude has turned all the other actors against her, but the two that have been more vocal about it are precisely Scarlett and Lizzie. Not to mention that they are both much prettier than her and will make her...

2 years ago
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I cant wait to Fuck You Pegged

It started as a fantasy, one I would have never imagined I would enjoy, but has been a curiosity for some time. It began with pictures, then research, then videos. Now, it had happened, and I would never be satisfied without it. As I was driving home from the airport, shifting in my seat, I smiled as I thought back on how this unforgettable weekend all started... My erection was growing from the video of a sexy woman strap-on fucking a guy. Her sexy curves, glistening with sweat as she drove...

3 years ago
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Got Me Pegged

Here comes another one, Clarissa thought as she saw a man approaching her. Fresh off a divorce, she wasn’t interested in dating. She was only at the bar to support a co-worker who was the lead singer of the band playing that night.Sure enough, he sidled up next to her and asked, “Can I buy you a drink?”He was number six for the night, so she didn’t even look up when she said, “Sorry. I’m not interested. I’m just here for the band.”“Ah, come on, baby. One little drink. Maybe one little...

Strap-On Sex
1 year ago
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Brittany brought down a few pegs

     ?It’s time.? said a monotone voice in the darkness.  Inmate 3347, formerly known as Brittany Lynn, felt the narrow leather collar enclose around her neck. She had known this moment was coming, having spent much of the afternoon being prepped, but her sense of dread was now replaced by fear of what was to come. All sorts of scenarios played through her mind, none of them good, based on the preparations that had taken place earlier.      One of the matrons had led her from her cell and...

1 year ago
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Taking His ASS Pegged

I slip my hand around your waist and pull you into me, into a tight embrace. I'm wearing four inch heels, but you still stand a couple of inches taller than me, looking down into my gaze, an excited sparkle in your eyes. You run your hands through my hair, pushing it away from my face so you can see me better before coming in for a kiss. My hands run from your waist and grab at your tight buns in your equally tight jeans. While you give me a long, slow, hungry kiss, your hands running through...

1 year ago
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She takes His Ass Pegged

Kim and I were sitting on the couch relaxing when she looked up from her laptop with a grin on herface. “Honey, I was reading an article today about a sex act for which a local sex writer coined a term.It is called pegging. Have you heard about it?” she asked with a slight twinkle in her eye. “Yeah, Ihave heard about it. I have read a few articles of his about it and some other stuff.” “Well, I am gladyou know what it is. I thought I was going to have to go into a long, drawn out discussion...

4 years ago
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Mike and Peggy

Mike had met Peggy when they were both in their junior year at the University. They met because Mike was an also-ran on the football team and Peggy was a cheerleader, definitely not an also-ran! Since Mike didn't play much, he often got to chat with Peggy on the sidelines. He had an immense crush on her from the outset. Mike was not a typical jock. He wasn't overly big, certainly not for a football player, but had a good build and was rather good looking, but pretty shy and didn't have much of...

2 years ago
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Lockdown Four Vignettes

LOCKDOWN Four Vignettes A walk Peter was bored. Lockdown had been in place for four weeks now, and he was sick of it. At first sight, you might think, he was better off than many. His work for a nature conservancy allowed him to get out of the house for fieldwork, and he lived in an attractive Welsh village, lodging in an old farmhouse a short distance from the high street. But his social life had come to a full stop. The social life in question was not conducted in the...

4 years ago
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Retraining Husband Pegging

Tim and Nancy had been married for over ten years. Tim was a construction worker and Nancy was a nurse. For the first few years of marriage everything was great, but as time went on Tim became more and more unhappy in their relationship, and started becoming aggressive towards Nancy. On a few occasions Tim, in a fit of rage hit Nancy! Tim was a "mans man" kind of guy who believed that males were superior to women and that a woman's place was to serve a man! Tim's behavior seemed to come out of...

3 years ago
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American Pickers Peggy

His name is Pretty Boy, that’s been his nickname since he was 13, given to him by his still best friend Tom. Now at 35 Pretty Boy is what some would call a serial rapist. He prefers to call himself a purveyor of women. With an entourage of 3 guys and 1 woman his ego is constantly being nourished as they worship him and share in his unbelievable talents. Pretty Boy’s real name is Nate and what most people don’t know is that he is evil; pure, unadulterated evil. With his movie star...

3 years ago
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First Date Pegged

My last boyfriend broke up with me because I was "too aggressive." Our society expects women to be passive during sex. I have never wanted to be a woman who just lies there, passive and moaning, spread-legged like a frog on a dinner plate. I love to be on top. I always straddled him and put my hands on his forearms so I could pin him down, and then I pounded my pussy into his crotch. When he got close, I'd slow down and go up and down in long, teasing strokes to finish him off. I loved to watch...

3 years ago
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A night with Peggy

Peggy sat at her vanity finishing her make-up she felt wonderful doing her eyes more dramatically than usual it had been weeks since she had gone on the prowl. In her 40's now some people probably would refer to her as a cougar but she hated that term, she thought of her self as a sexy, horny middle aged woman. When she finished her eyes, she touched up her black wig she loved the long length and spritzed some perfume as a finishing touch. She knew from past encounters that perfume...

2 years ago
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Tracey visits Aunt Peggy

Tracey visits Aunt PeggyBy: Jake [email protected], NO!!! Tracey said again as she grew more and more frustrated with her mother.?I am eighteen now and I don’t need to stay with Aunt Peggy while you are out of town? Tracey was becoming more desperate.?Young lady you might be eighteen but your behavior demonstrates to me that you are not ready for that level of responsibility? her mother said without emotion. ?You are going to Aunt Peggy’s and I do not want to hear another word about...

4 years ago
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Pierwsze starcie z peggingiem

Pewnego dnia, gdy weszłam do domu, M. mówi:- Mam dla Ciebie niespodziankę.Jej forma przekroczyła moje najśmielsze oczekiwania.Było to pudełko wypełnione seksualnymi gadżetami.Wśród nich znajdowało się pudełko z dildem i silikonowymi majtkami.- A to.. co to jest..?! - Wspominałaś ostatnio, że chciałabyś kiedyś zobaczyć, jak to by było pieścić mnie wibratorem. W takim razie będziesz mogła mnie tym naprawdę przelecieć - wyjaśnił z szelmowskim uśmiechem. Byłam w lekkim szoku.Oprócz tego w pudełku...

4 years ago
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Ritas Pegnancy

I was seven months pregnant, my hubby Stan was on a business trip and I was wanting it so bad that the neighbor’s Siberian husky was starting to look good. Fortunately I wasn’t ready to go that route. Not yet anyway. At least not as long as Bobby was available. I picked up the phone, called him, and told him that I was in need his services and he told me he would rush right over. I loved it that he had his own business and could get away whenever I needed him which was a lot lately. I honestly...

3 years ago
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Madison Avenue Advertising Men: PeggyAMC recently launched a new series, Mad Men focusing on a Madison Avenue advertising agency, beginning in April 1960.  The series demonstrates that things that seem to be, seldom are.  The satirical stories herein are set in an alternate universe where Dick Nixon eventually wins the election of 1960.  They reveal that which I would like to see occurring in Mad Men.  But I doubt that AMCTV will follow up on these suggestions.A Bridge and Tunnel Girl Does A...

2 years ago
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Easter with Peggy

So Peggy, my wifes sister, is still staying at our house. It was time for us to get Easter decorations ready while wifey was at work. I needed a hand so I went to wake Peggy up. I walked into the guest bedroom and pulled her covers down, realizing Peggy sleeps naked. She was sleeping on her stomach facing away from me, legs slightly spread. I was still a little dark in the room so I couldnt see her asshole or ginch, but i knew where they were. I grabbed her ass cheeks and spread them apart, and...

1 year ago
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Susan Peggy

This story is fiction based on real events. It is a compilation of events by many people written into two main characters.Susan did not like Peggy and Peggy returned this dislike. Nobody really knows why and it had been this way for as long as anyone could remember. Everybody on campus knew though, that each time they crossed paths there were going to be fireworks. Each tried to one-up the other and if that didn't work, whipping the other's ass would be option two.This including dating, it was...

4 years ago
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wifey and her sister Peggy

so its that time of year when i get to go crawl around the attic looking for summer clothes in a plastic tote. Normally a sucky day, unless your big titty wife and sister in law are trying on bathing suits. As i climb down the ladder I see wifey and Peggy standing there naked, shaved pussies and bouncy titties everywhere. I carry the totes over as they start going through them. I lay on the bad as they ask "what are you doing?".... and i reply "watching". Wifey found a black bikini and squeezed...

1 year ago
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Little Peggy

I always had a crush on my wife's little sister, Peggy. I knew it was impossible and maybe that's what made her so attractive to me but it was very frustrating. I know she liked me too and we'd even shared a kiss now and then, you know, just fooling around a little. One weekend we went to visit Peggy and her husband John up in their high desert home. John and Patty, (my wife) went to the store to stock up on food and wine for the high end dinner the girls had planned and that left me alone...

3 years ago
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Jack and mum were on the first week of lockdown, the coronavirus was affecting everyone's lives. Mum was an Accountant with her own firm; all her staff were working from home apart from the receptionist, who was still working from the office. She was the contact for everyone who was handing in files; once she had them, she would arrange delivery of them to the staff member that was handling the audit. Once they had it, all the files were available on the secure Cloud that the firm used. Mum,...

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Lockdown with my SIL

Hello everyone. Please do not proceed if you want to experience sex from the first line. I believe that the sequence of events that result in two people having sex is the most erotic if described in the right way. A brief intro about my family. Dad, Mom, Me and my elder brother. Dad is a businessman and used to travel a lot. Mom is a homemaker. My brother works in an IT firm. I followed in his footsteps and ended up in an IT job. We are from the southern part of India. My brother moved to...

1 year ago
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Lockdown Sex Story Tinder Hookup To Bed

Hello Old Friends! Your favorite writer (I guess) is back with another of her sex episode of a Tinder hookup that will leave you wanting more. I thank you all wholeheartedly for appreciating so much. It is because of you guys that I keep coming back to this platform to share more stories. For those who are new to my sex escapades, let me tell you a bit about myself. I am Chahat Khanna, 5’7″ tall, fair-complexioned, and have big eyes, always looking out for hot sex partners. I have been blessed...

4 years ago
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My first Prostate Exam Pegged

I was in my early thirties when I had my first prostate exam. A visit to a new doctor and she (yes, she) told me that it was something men should do regularly once they reached my age. My friends and I had joked about prostate exams, as you do, and I was expecting the worst. But here's the thing. I didn't hate it.The doctor pulled on a rubber glove, covered it in lubricant and had me bend over the examination table. There was pressure and she told me to relax. I managed to do so and felt her...

2 years ago
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Thats a Good Little Cum Slut Pegged

My wife was preparing her lunch for work as I finished my morning coffee. I was home for a few days after another long stretch away at work. I had arrived late the previous evening after she was asleep and tried my best not to disturb her as she had a full work day ahead of her. We hadn't been able to spend much time together lately and we both needed some time to reconnect. "Any plans for today?" she inquired."Just catching up on what I've missed over the past few days.""I know what I've...

2 years ago
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Your My Slut for Tonight Pegged

The door opened before me, and I quickly stepped in, my heart racing. Dave gave me a big hug, which somewhat calmed my nerves. I gave him the bottle of wine, and suggested a glass might settle me. I sat in the recliner, and took a healthy sip when Dave gave me a glassful. I felt the warmth as it spread from my stomach.Dave showed me the strap-on he had bought. I handled it gingerly, and examined how it worked. Dave sat on the edge of the bed in his robe as I did. Out of the corner of my eye, I...

1 year ago
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Penetrated by a Strong Woman Pegged

I was in my early thirties when I had my first prostate exam. A visit to a new doctor and she (yes, she) told me that it was something men should do regularly once they reached my age. My friends and I had joked about prostate exams, as you do, and I was expecting the worst. But here's the thing. I didn't hate it.The doctor pulled on a rubber glove, covered it in lubricant and had me bend over the examination table. There was pressure and she told me to relax. I managed to do so and felt her...

3 years ago
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My Husband My Cumeater My Bitch Pegged

The door opened before me, and I quickly stepped in, my heart racing. Dave gave me a big hug, which somewhat calmed my nerves. I gave him the bottle of wine, and suggested a glass might settle me. I sat in the recliner, and took a healthy sip when Dave gave me a glassful. I felt the warmth as it spread from my stomach.Dave showed me the strap-on he had bought. I handled it gingerly, and examined how it worked. Dave sat on the edge of the bed in his robe as I did. Out of the corner of my eye, I...

4 years ago
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Happy Birthday Baby PT 2 Pegged

After that wonderful birthday night, one that will never be topped for the rest of my life, our sex life and our overall life was better than ever. Both my wife Kim and I became happier than ever. We would constantly be walking around with smiles. Each of us was striving to be better, to look better, and feel better. We immensely loved my birthday night and our sex lives were changed forever.Over the next couple of months, regular traditional sex was slowly fading away. We had sex everyone...

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