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A Strangeness Returns By Bill Hart It was a cloudy and moonless night - at least it would have been moonless except for the extremely thick layer of clouds - outside the Iota Delta Phi sorority house. Bolts of lightning flashed brightly between the clouds. And the accompanying thunder rumbled through a few scant moments later. Not far from the sorority house, a group of a dozen boys, as well as a pair of girls, had surrounded one lone male. "Well, wussy boy," said one of boys in the group. "This is gonna be your last day. Got any last words you'd like to say?" "What are you going to do to me?" asked the very nervous, obviously quite frightened, totally outnumbered young man. Another of the boys began laughing. "We're just gonna make certain you don't mess around with any of our girls... ever again." Another flash of lightning eerily brightened the entire area. "But you aren't really going to hurt him, are you, Dwayne?" asked one of the girls. "Just shut up, Angie!" snapped the other girl. "You know the guys are doing this for us. Don't you remember how this repulsive little geek dared hit on Charlie and me the other night." "I know all that, Sam," replied Angie. "But the guys told me no one would get hurt here tonight." Another rumble of thunder filled the air. "Just chill out, Angie," said the male voice Angie had identified as her boyfriend Dwayne. "You just misunderstood a little. We said none of us would get hurt tonight. And that's still the plan." "But," continued the other apparent ringleader, "we never said anything about this nerdy little bastard not getting hurt." "You know that Roger and I planned this out real good. We figured finding him outside the I Felta Thigh sorority, to which neither of you belong, will avert any suspicion from us." Dwayne grinned. "It should also cast all on the suspicion on this weird sorority and all their really strange ways. It's just too bad this geek isn't some really butt ugly girl, so we could simply blame the attack on the campus rapist." Dwayne and Roger began laughing, as the ring of boys began tightening about the lone young man at its center. And in spite of all the excitement, Sam and Angie felt the stirrings of fright. All of sudden, a bolt of lightning - not from any cloud in the sky, but from out of an open upstairs window of the sorority - shot towards the group down below. Incomprehensible shouting from inside the room could be heard, even as the group scattered. However, not everyone was quick enough to escape the unnatural lightning as it enveloped first the frightened girl Angie before proceeding on to the equally scared young man. "Oh shit!" swore Dwayne. "Those bitch witches know we're out here." He quickly looked around. "We gotta get outta here. And we gotta get outta here real fast." "What about Angie?" screamed Sam. "It doesn't look like there's much we can do about her now," replied Roger. "In fact, I'd guess she's probably history, Samantha." "But fortunately the same thing can be said for that geek," laughed Dwayne. "It looks like they're both caught like fat juicy flies in some electrical spider's web." "But we can't just leave them like that." "I'm afraid we must, Sammie," replied Dwayne. "I don't like the idea of having to leave Angie behind with that geek, but its either the two of them or all us. It sure looks like whatever has them in its grasp could capture us just as easily." "Besides, if we get caught with some of these things," said Roger, "we could get expelled." "Or busted," added Dwayne. "What?" exclaimed Sam, as she wondered what kind of crap the guys had involved her and Angie in this time. But there were no answers immediately forthcoming as Samantha and the gang of boys bolted into the safety of the surrounding darkness. And then, as suddenly as it had arrived, the unnatural lightning engulfing the unlucky pair released them. Oddly, neither Angie nor the nerd that she and her friends had been so intent on tormenting appeared burned or hurt in any way. However, the young man lay unconscious and deathly still on the ground where he'd fallen once the lightning had freed him. Angie managed to take only a few steps before her consciousness also fled. And once the now unconscious girl had fallen atop the equally unconscious young man, the two of them began steadily, not to mention quite eerily, glowing. *** On the other side of the campus, a little girl let loose with a blood-curdling scream that sent a frightened and distraught young mother scurrying to her room. "What was it, sweetie? Did the thunder and lightning frighten you?" asked the child's sleepy aunt as the girl's mother arrived to find her sister already holding her small trembling niece. "It was apparently nothing more than a bad dream," replied the girl's mother after a quick look around her daughter's room revealed nothing out of place. "At least, I hope that's all it was." *** Early the next morning, Samantha and her best friend Charlotte retraced the steps the group had taken the previous night. They'd started at the beginning and ended up at the scene of... whatever this place was supposedly the scene of. Sam was totally surprised at finding absolutely nothing. There were just no traces of whatever had happened last night. Not a single broken window could be found in the Iota Delta Phi house. And there was no unusual commotion in the area, where Sam had been afraid of finding a pair of bodies. As Sam picked up a copy of the school's daily paper, she grimaced. "Shit!" she swore. "There was another rape on campus last night. Fortunately for us, it was on the other side of the campus." Not wanting to dwell on the rape, she turned the page. "But on brighter side, Charlie, it looks like Wally Donnelly was elected President of the student body." "That's real good news," replied Charlie. "I voted for him because he's just ever so much smarter and cuter than Dwayne. Besides, Wally is more of a people person than Dwayne could ever dream of being." "I certainly can't argue with you about that, Charlie. Most of time Dwayne's a real bastard. And when he isn't, he's just some prick. But he's still going to be royally pissed about losing the election to Wally." Worried what had become of her friend, Samantha sighed. "You know neither Dwayne nor his bully of a cousin Roger are going to be the least concerned about the disappearance of that poor geek Arnold Poltan, but the shit's going to really hit the fan when we tell him we couldn't find the smallest trace of his girlfriend Angie." "Maybe we shouldn't tell him anything about it," suggested Charlie. "If only we could just remain silent. But you know as well as I do, that's not an option. I mean, you know what Dwayne's capable of doing as well as I do." "And just what don't you want to tell Dwayne?" asked Angie, suddenly appearing next to them. "Angie! You're all right!" "Of course, I'm all right." Angie sounded puzzled by their concern. "Why wouldn't I be all right?" "But Sam told me all about how that weird lightning bolt struck you and that poor unfortunate geek." "I kind of remember that happening, Charlie. But it's all a little hazy after that." Angie casually brushed her hair away from the front of her face. "When my senses finally returned, Arnie Poltan was no where to be seen," said Angie with an oddly sheepish grin. "I imagine he probably came around before I did. And once he saw that I was still unconscious, he must have run off." "That's probably what happened," agreed Samantha. "I'm sure everyone would have thought that he attacked you, Angie. Once Dwayne had told one of his stories, nobody would have believed anything Arnie might have had to say in his defense." "We'd better go back to the house, Angie. Once there, I'll give Dwayne a call. I'm sure he and Roger will want to know that you're still all right after what happened last night." "I'm certain they will, Sam," she smiled oddly. "And I most definitely want to see both Dwayne and Roger sometime real soon." Samantha Johnson and Charlotte Morgan looked at their sorority sister Angela with great surprise. Neither of them had problems with Angie wanting to see Dwayne because he was, whether they liked it or not, her boyfriend. But Angie actually wanting to see Roger was a totally different matter. Angie had never liked Dwayne's cousin Roger; she barely tolerated his presence. And she'd long ago made her feelings about Roger perfectly clear to everyone. She never spoke to him. She never spoke about him. And everyone who knew Angela Pollana knew that. *** Chris Wagner and Terry Jenkins woke up in their own beds... alone. They'd both spent the previous night as their alternate female selves Crissy Wagner and Terri Jenkins. They, like all their other fraternity brothers, transformed into total babes whenever they were in their frat house when clock on the mantle struck 7PM. Although neither of them was likely to admit it to anyone else, they had both discovered that an evening as a girl every once and awhile was an excellent way to relax and unwind from the grind of college life. And the sex generally wasn't all that bad either. With the coming of morning also came new memories of the previous night. Instead of being girls, Chris and Terry now also recalled being the males doing it with a couple of hot babes. That was just the way the spell on the frat house worked. But this morning, the boys had someplace to go and someone to see. Having seen Carl Rocklin, the student manager of the campus television station, at lunch the previous day, they'd told him they were coming by the station the following morning to make their monthly pitch on joining the frat. It was always a good idea to have a member of the media for a frat brother. Carl had told them not to come by too early. Although he didn't say with whom - not that they would have asked - he told them he had a really hot date. He wasn't expecting to return to his dorm before morning. They had both agreed that Carl Rocklin would be an excellent addition to the frat. Chris and Terry also wondered just what kind of girl Carl would become under the spell they'd inadvertently cast on the house so long ago. They figured him for a hot blonde babe named Carla. After coming down the stairs, they encountered one of their newer frat brothers as they were heading for the door. "Where are you guys heading so early this morning?" he asked curiously. "We're going over to see Carl Rocklin again." "It's that time of the month we always bug him about joining the frat," added Chris. "I suppose we could always use another brother. Is this Carl guy you're going to see someone really important?" "You're kidding, right?" asked Terry. "Why do you think I'm kidding?" asked the confused brother. "I've never heard of anyone named Carl Rocklin before you said his name right now." When another of the brothers came down the stairs, the first one asked him if he'd ever heard of someone named Carl Rocklin. To Chris and Terry's great surprise, he'd answered simply "No." "But that's not possible," argued Chris. "We've been going to see him about joining the frat once a month for the last several months." "But that's not a very good reason for me to have heard of him before now." "But you must have heard of him," said Terry. "Carl's the student manager of the campus television station." "There's no way that's true, Chris," said the first brother. "That's for sure," added the newcomer. "What were you and those sexy babes you were with smoking last night anyway? How could you guys forget that the student manager of the campus television station is Jennifer Tarklin? She's had that job as long as I've been here." Terry and Chris exchanged stunned expressions. "But she can't be the student manager," whispered Chris. "But she is. Jennifer's a real hot babe." "You know guys, I sure wouldn't mind if you could get Jennifer to join the frat. But she can't because she's a girl. She's got a couple of great knobs I wouldn't mind fiddling with, if you know what I mean." "I think that maybe we should go talk to Carl, Terry." "Hopefully, he should be able to tell us what the hell's going on." *** The little bell that hung over the door tinkled as Bob Miller stepped inside the small shop. He was amazed that the hole-in-the-wall shop seemed so much larger on the inside then it appeared from the outside. "Hello, Bob," said the pretty girl standing behind the counter. "I'd like to welcome you to Spells 'R Us. My name's Dannie," she smiled. "The wizard's away right now but I'm his apprentice. I know I'll be able to help you." "How'd you know my name?" "Are you telling me I finally got one right?" she asked with surprise. "It's about time I did that right." Dannie then pointed to a small sign sitting next to the cash register. She knows your name because she's an apprentice wizard. And finally, after many trials and tribulations, she has apparently mastered the technique of knowing who has entered this shop. "Oh," said Bob after reading the sign. "What can I do for you today, Bob?" But a rumbling of thunder in the distance answered first. "Oh, all right. Don't you ever take a break, master?" Dannie pointed at the sign again. But the message had somehow changed. Now it read: She's supposed to know exactly what you need, Bob. It seems someone hasn't been studying her lessons as hard as someone should. The words on the sign blurred for an instant, then refocused. Isn't that correct, young lady? "How did that happen?" "It's my master the wizard, of course," replied Dannie. "He watches over me like an old mother hen sometimes, you know." After a moment of concentration, Dannie headed for the back room only to return a few moments later carrying a very small vial. "I think this should be just perfect for your needs, Bob. All you need to do is pour the contents of this vial into Samantha's coffee or juice or whatever else she's drinking and she'll be yours forever." "How'd you know about Samantha?" "Really, Bob. Don't you even listen to people whenever they're telling you something important? It's all part of the magic, silly boy." She smiled at him. "You do remember that magic's what we sell here?" "Magic?" said Bob nervously. "I don't know if I like the idea of using magic. Somehow using magic just doesn't seem right to me." "I think it's a little late for you to be getting cold feet now, Bob," snapped Dannie. "I mean you came all that way from the college, found this shop, and then made me decide what you needed." Dannie crossed her arms over her breasts. "Do you want this love potion or don't you?" "I've never needed any love potion to get the girl I wanted before." "Aren't we the modest one?" Dannie gave Bob a quick once over. "Although, for the life of me, I really don't see why." In the distance thunder rumbled. "All right already, master," gasped Dannie. "I'm very sorry about my bad manners, Bob. I know I shouldn't be so rude to the customers, but sometimes I say things without thinking. The master always says that the customers are always right even when they're totally wrong or just a little bit off to the left." "What is that supposed to mean?" "It beats me?" Dannie rolled her eyes. "You'd have to the ask the master what he meant. But he's been known to give the most obtuse explanations at times. Sometimes the master can be a little strange, you know." "Just sometimes?" Bob whispered softly. "How much do you want for this love potion?" Dannie looked over at the sign near the cash register. "Not again, master." "What is it? What's wrong, miss?" "The master says you can have the potion for free." "That's great. I'll take it." Dannie handed him the vial. Bob had been thinking of giving this girl the thrill of her life by asking her out, but she'd been such an odd little snot that he decided against it. After what she'd said, he didn't think she deserved a date with him. "If I have any other questions, I'll be sure to come back and ask you or your master." Not wanting to risk the chance this peculiar girl - she had to be at least a little off since she conversed with her obviously make-believe wizard master through that strange little sign - might change her mind about the price of the potion, Bob hustled out of the shop. "We're never going to make any money if you keep giving everything in the shop away, master." Dannie looked down at the sign. I really shouldn't have to remind you that we're not in this for the money, Dannie. As Bob is just a poor college student, free was almost more than he could afford. "I know that, master." Dannie sighed. "But, just once in a while, it would be nice to have a little something in this silly old cash register other than all the dust and cobwebs. *** "Whatever happened last night should have never happened," said a female voice angrily. "Never before had even one of lost consciousness during the ritual. What could have happened differently last night to cause all of us to pass out?" The woman began pacing the floor. "What happened last night could have been disastrous for all of us." "Yes, mistress," replied a second, younger sounding, female voice. "We are all aware that something about last night was different." "But we do not know what it was, mistress," added another, equally young, female voice. "We were hoping you might know." "And yet, fortunately for us, the mirror has worked its magic perfectly once again," added another girl. "Once again we've added to our number, mistress. We have welcomed a new girl into our fold." "I wish we could have had better weather for it," another spoke idly. "The weather was obviously the way the mirror wanted it to be," replied the mistress. "It is quite possible that the thunder and lightning outside was nothing more than a necessary cover to hide it's unexpected discharge." "Of course that must be it, mistress. That makes a great deal of sense." "I'm so confused," said a frightened girl. "Where am I?" "You need not worry, my dear Jennifer, your confusion will swiftly pass," replied the mistress in a soothing tone. "You are in the house with your new sorority sisters, my dear." She turned the other girls. "Are you certain no one witnessed the escaping bolt?" "I don't remember joining a sorority," mumbled Jennifer. "We saw no one outside the house when we looked around after waking this morning, mistress." "And we've heard nothing from anyone about anything unusual happening near the house early this morning." "However, we did hear there was another rape last night. This one was on the other side of the campus from us." "Perhaps the rapist garnered all the attention," frowned the mistress, knowing their secret might have been protected at the expense of some poor innocent girl. "For now, we shall assume that all is as it should be." "That seems the wisest action, mistress." "Perhaps I was overly concerned when the lightning bolt escaped the mirror," said the mistress. "In all the times we've called upon it for assistance that had never happened before. But after a most careful and thorough examination, the mirror still seems complete and undamaged. I'm beginning to think the discharge of it excess energy to ground is a normal function." "May I go to my room now, mistress?" asked Jennifer, sounding less confused than before. "Of course you may, my dear." The mistress smiled as she watched Jennifer Tarklin depart; she was already well on her way to fitting in with the rest of her girls. "All of the changes the mirror has effected for us are still intact. And as always, no seems any the wiser for these changes and improvements we've made. But I suspect, just to err on the side of caution, we'll need to wait a few days before our next invocation of the mirror." "As you wish, mistress," echoed all the girls in the room. *** "Several days have now safely passed with no apparent repercussions from that unexpected arcing to ground of energy from the mirror." "Yes, mistress," replied all the girls, Jennifer included, in unison. "Once again all seems quite well. We are still undiscovered. I believe the time has come once again to increase our number." "Yes, mistress," chorused the girls. *** "Something isn't right about all this, Terry." "It's not me you have to convince, Chris. It's the rest of the world that doesn't realize something has somehow been totally fucked up." "Are you telling me you remember Wally Donnelly?" asked Chris. "You really remember him just like I do?" "Of course, I remember Wally Donnelly. He was just elected the student body president in the school elections last week," replied Terry. "But right now, aside from you and me, no one else apparently remembers voting for him in the election. Even worse, no one even remembers Wally Donnelly at all. Not a single person I've talked to over the last few hours has any idea who Wally Donnelly is." "That's the same thing I've been hearing. Everyone I've talked to remembers Carla Henderson being elected student body president. I've got nothing against Carla Henderson - she's one hell of a fox, you know - but I just don't remember her winning that election. And even stranger, I really don't remember her running for president in the first place. It's almost like someone or something came along and totally erased Wally somehow from the collective consciousness of the rest of the world." "But why do we remember him, Chris?" "I have no idea." "Shit," swore Terry softly. "You must know what all this weird shit were talking about boils down to. Don't you, Chris?" "There's probably some kind of magic involved in all this?" "Yeah, that's just what I was thinking... Some kind of magic." Terry sighed. "And I'm sure you know what magic being involved means?" "It means we should be making another visit to the old man." "Exactly," replied Terry sullenly. "That's provided of course we can still manage to find his odd little shop in the mall. You know, it's not always where we think it should be." "I'm sure he'll want to see us about this," said Chris. "You know, it's been quite a while since we last went and visited him. And it has been even longer since we had a real need to see him. But I think this definitely qualifies as a real need." "I'm not so sure I want to get involved with him again, Chris. You know how strange things always seem to happen to us whenever we get involved with him." "I thought you'd finally adjusted to being your female self whenever we stayed in the frat house past 7PM." "That's not what I meant, Chris. Although I will admit that I no longer have any of the troubles I used to have about changing into a pretty girl. And there have been plenty of times I've really enjoyed myself while I was a girl. But don't you remember what happened when we went to him so he could change you into Crissy for awhile because of that little episode with that deviant campus security cop Pete Potter?" "But that really wasn't the old man's fault entirely," replied Chris. "Surely you remember how your jealous girlfriend DeeDee Marston, with whom you're quarreling once again, had more to do with me losing my memory and making me act the way I did. But I'm also sure you and DeeDee will be back together soon enough - you know she can't stay mad at you for very long periods at a time." "Aren't I the lucky one?" groaned Terry. "I'm afraid you might be right about going to see the old wizard. However, as long as we remain in his shop, I'll be constantly worrying about something going haywire." *** Bob Miller was on his way to Samantha Johnson's sorority Sigma Beta Beta, better known on campus - at least to the male half - as the Sorority of Buxom Babes. They had another date. It had been almost a week since Bob had rescued Samantha from the clutches of that totally nerdish geekoid Arnold Poltan. Even then, Sam had been reluctant to go out with him at first. She'd kept insisting that she could only love Arnold Poltan. But despite her constant protestations, Bob knew Sam being in love with Arnie couldn't possibly be true. No girl in her right mind could love a total geekoid like Arnie unless she was one or worse herself. And the busty Samantha Johnson was most definitely totally removed from any trace of geekdom. After he'd found that odd little shop in the mall, Bob was also certain he'd discovered how Arnold had impossibly won Samantha's love. It was so obvious. He'd either cast a spell on her or slipped her some potion that made her love him. She definitely would have never considered loving a geek like Arnie otherwise, especially when he was around. Although Bob had initially had some misgivings about using magic to get what he wanted, he had finally decided that two could easily play that same game. With the help of that pretty, but openly quite peculiar, girl - Dannie, he thought her name had been - he'd been given his own love potion for Samantha to drink. And the potion had worked perfectly. Now Samantha loved him with that same fiery passion she'd previously professed for Arnold. Even better, Sam no longer remembered that wussy little jerkoff's name. Everything was now totally right with world. "Stop right where you are, Bob Miller!" snarled Arnie Poltan. "Who's going to make me, geek? You?" Bob smiled. "I will if I must," Arnie grinned back. "But I think it would be better for you if you just turned around, went back to your dorm, and never thought of seeing my Samantha ever again." "None of that is very likely," argued Bob. "Sam's my girl now, Arnie. I think you'd better get used to it." "You cheated," snapped Arnie childishly. "You used borrowed magic to obtain what wasn't rightfully yours." "And that's supposed to make me feel guilty?" Bob laughed. "You must have used the same sort of magic yourself. How else would someone like you get someone like her to even notice you when someone like me is around?" "How else could I do that indeed?" smiled Arnie. "Now just back off, nerd," warned Bob. "I don't really want to hurt you... at least not too much. But I will if you force me to defend myself. And I'm sure I'll enjoy every second of it." "I imagine you would enjoy beating the shit out of me, Bob," grinned Arnie. "But then you've always enjoyed kicking the butt of those you thought weaker than you. In fact, I've heard you enjoy kicking ass almost as much as you enjoy screwing anyone wearing a skirt." "What's your point, geek?" asked Bob, visibly growing angrier. "You have one small problem with any foolish attempt on your part to work me over that you have not as yet considered." "And just what might that be?" grinned Bob. "Do you want to call out for your mommy to come protect you?" "Hardly. To put it very simply, I'm not weaker than you anymore," replied Arnie in a cold and somber tone of voice. Bob's grin quickly turned to outright laughter. "Yeah right. I'm so scared." Bob's laughter grew stronger. "Anyone comparing the two of us would quickly and easily conclude which one of us is the stronger. And which of us is full of hot air as well." "Physically, I'm no match for you, Bob. I'll concede you that point. However, a physical comparison was not exactly what I had in mind," sneered Arnie. "I'm was actually thinking of a comparison in terms of our magical powers. You got your love potion within the walls of that little shop in the mall from the old wizard's occasionally snippy little female apprentice. She's quite pretty too I've been told." Arnie grinned at him. "Tell me, Bob. Did you try getting into her pants too?" Having finally heard more than enough, the furious Bob charged Arnie with the intent of shutting him up permanently. But Arnold never flinched. "It's really a pity you must rely on the generosity of others to obtain your magical potions. I have found spells are so much more efficient and effective. And mine, of course, are au natural." Arnie snapped his fingers. Following a brilliant flash of light, Bob found himself suddenly frozen in place. He could see and hear everything going on around him, but he could neither speak nor move a muscle. Even the people walking by them never noticed Bob or Arnie standing there. With a purely evil leer, Arnie looked over Bob. "You should have just walked away from her like I asked you to do, Bob. That would have been much better for you. Once you're gone, Samantha will have little choice other than being mine again." As Arnie continued staring at the immobile Bob, he slowly raised one of hands into the air. "This shouldn't hurt a bit." His hand began glowing eerily until suddenly a beam of light leaped from his hand towards Bob. Once the light fully encompassed him, his body began absorbing it. And in turn, Bob's body began changing. His short hair quickly lengthened, becoming a shoulder-length ashen blonde mane. His waist thinned. His hips widened. His buttocks ballooned. And finally, two small nubs began pushing out from under his shirt. After only a few minutes, the two nubs had blossomed into a full firm pair of 38DD tits. "What are you doing to me?" asked Bob in a soft light soprano simply dripping with sex once he realized he could speak once again. But by that time, his clothes had also changed. The pants he'd been wearing had become very tight-fitting short shorts. His shirt had been replaced with an equally tight tank top that clung to his every newly gained curve, hiding absolutely nothing. And the platform shoes with only two-inch heels came no where near replacing the eight inches in height he'd just lost. "Isn't it totally obvious by now," grinned Arnie. "I've just removed my competition for the affections of Samantha Johnson, of course. How do you think you'll like having boys like the one you formerly were constantly lusting after you, my dear?" "But you can't do this to me," objected Bob, now nearer to tears than he'd been since he was a small boy. "I do wish you would have told me that earlier." Arnie laughed. "If I'd only known I couldn't do to you what I've already done to you, then I wouldn't have wasted my time doing it to you." Arnie's laughter intensified. "Besides, what I've just done to you is not overly difficult when you have the power. And I've already had some practice transforming assholes like you." Arnie looked over Bob's newly altered body. "I'm sure you must have seen Darla Young and her cousin Rachel West on the news a few nights ago. Wasn't it utterly scandalous? Or didn't you even wonder how two pretty coeds like them could be arrested for prostitution?" Bob quickly inventoried his new body. He didn't like what he discovered at all. "How is this possible? I've got big tits and a moist pussy now. You've turned me into a girl." "Isn't that amazing?" remarked Arnie. "You're both pretty and observant all at the same time in the same packaging. That's quite a feat. Don't you think? No one I've talked to about you would ever believe Bob Miller could have noticed something so obvious." "But I don't want to be a girl," whined Bob. "Tough shit, my dear," replied Arnie harshly. "You should have considered the consequences of confronting me when I gave you your chance to leave. But it's a little too late for that now. Your other adjustments have already begun." "Other adjustments?" Bob suddenly sounded frightened. "What the hell do you mean other adjustments?" "You'll find out soon enough; I want you to be completely surprised. Now just follow me." "Where are we going?" asked Bob, still not really believing what he thought had happened to him had actually happened. Even though he had tits and a pussy, Bob was certain his being a girl was all a big practical joke. "We're going to the girls' locker room, silly boy," replied Arnie. "I really think you need to take a good long look at this new and vastly improved body I've given you. And the girls' locker room - with all those wonderfully positioned mirrors hanging on every wall - will be the perfect place for you to observe how well I've altered you." *** "What's the matter, Hank sweetie?" cooed the girl sexily as she slid both arms around his waist. "I really won't bite you, you know. Or do you want me to bite you?" She grinned, showing her perfect teeth, then tightened her embrace. "Or maybe it's just that you're simply frightened of me. Or could it be even more sinister? Don't you like girls all that much, dear Hank?" "I like girls just fine, Sheila. That's just not what I worries me at all," Hank answered nervously, as he continued staring at all her sultry feminine curves. "It's just that you're Sheila Martinson. You - as well as every other girl in your sorority - can have just about any guy on campus you want." "That's so true," smiled Sheila. "It's one of those fabulous perks of being beautiful and incredibly sexy of which I do so enjoy taking full advantage." Hank swallowed nervously. He wished he had a gallon of water for his suddenly parched throat. "But why me, Sheila. I'm definitely not in your class." "That's complete utter nonsense, Hank." Sheila lightly brushed her lips across Hank's cheek. "Just because you're nothing more than the lowly captain of the school's debate team instead of some great big virile handsome football-playing hunk doesn't mean you've gone totally unnoticed by me and some of my other friends. Of late, we've been noticing several boys just like you, Hank Johnson." "You have?" Hank still sounded surprised. "That's still a little hard for me to believe." He swallowed nervously again. "But we quite definitely have noticed." For just a moment, Sheila had thought her fish might have slipped her hook. But after another of her disarming smiles directed at Hank, she realized she still had her fish - like so many of those other boys she'd collected recently - completely hooked. All she needed to do now was slowly reel him in. And she, with her lifetime of experience getting boys to do whatever she wanted them to do, knew exactly how she'd do it. "Why don't we stroll across the quad and go back to my room, Hank?" she smiled coyly. "I just know we'll have lots of fun there. And after we've had our little fun, I'll show you exactly what I have in mind for us." "You will? We will?" Hank was thinking this whole thing of him and Sheila still sounded a little too incredulous to be true. But Sheila was here. And her wanting him did seem to be all her idea. Besides, just who did Hank think he was to even consider saying "no" to some heavy-duty quality time alone with Sheila Martinson? "Of course we will, Hank dear." With practiced poise, Sheila leaned over and brushed her lips against his cheek again. "I'd really like to show you what I mean right here and now, but I can guarantee whatever we do will be far superior in my room." Sheila grinned like the proverbial Cheshire cat. "Or perhaps, was I right all along about you not liking pretty girls?" "Let's head straight for your room, Sheila," replied Hank, knowing he would very likely have to give Sheila a convincing demonstration of just how much he liked girls. And that was undoubtedly going to be considerable fun. As Hank slid his arm around Sheila's slim waist, he wondered what all the other guys would be thinking once they saw him crossing the quad with Sheila Martinson draped on his arm. Without much trouble, he convinced himself that they'd be so jealous of his good fortune, they'd shit green bricks for several weeks. Hook, line, and sinker, thought Sheila with a widening grin as they headed towards her room in the Iota Delta Phi sorority house. *** Terry and Chris made their way slowly across the quad towards the mall. Terry was clearly in no great hurry. "I'm still not totally convinced this visit to the old man is such a good idea, Chris." "I know you don't. But you've always been a big worrywart." The boys laughed. "I know you don't totally trust the old man's magic - you never have. But I'm not exactly sure why you don't and I do, since it would seem I have several more reasons to distrust his magic than you do." Just thinking about some of the strange things he'd been through made Chris shiver. "But we aren't getting anywhere continuing to argue this way. Besides, you know as well as I do that the old man seems to know just about everything about anything anyway." "But isn't that just sort of the whole point of the thing? If he already knows everything, then why do we need to go tell him something isn't right? Shouldn't he already know? And shouldn't he have already stepped in and stopped whatever was going on?" "Maybe it's one of those peculiar wizard rules he lives by," replied Chris. "Maybe he needs to have someone ask for help first before he can step in and fix things." "That sounds downright silly, Chris, which only proves it might be true." Suddenly his eyes widened in total abject surprise. "What the hell is wrong with the world? I simply can't believe what I'm seeing." "What's wrong?" Chris sounded confused at the apparently abrupt change in topic. "What's wrong is them... over there," replied Terry. "And they're walking straight towards us." When Chris looked in the direction Terry had indicated, he also stared with surprise at the approaching couple. Certainly from the way Hank Johnson had his arm firmly entwined around an obviously quite willing Sheila Martinson's waist, they had to be, as impossibly as it seemed, considered a couple. "Hi, Hank. How's it going today?" both Terry and Chris asked, as the unlikely couple neared. But Hank said nothing in reply back to them. He was obviously thoroughly engrossed with Sheila Martinson. But then, what guy would be able to think straight with Sheila so possessively hanging all over his arm? Not surprisingly, Hank acted as if he had never heard a single word they'd said. Hank and Sheila just walked by them nearly oblivious to everything else in the world. "I guess if I had someone like Sheila paying that much attention to me I'd probably be floating on Cloud 9 and ignoring us too." "You can't really blame him either. After all, that was Sheila Martinson, one of the hottest babes on campus, with him." "But I can't keep from wondering what she could possibly see in him, Chris. If I hadn't seen it myself, I would have never guessed that the president and high priestess of I Felta Thigh would have a thing for debate team captains, when there were, in her own words, 'several unattached and available hunks just running around loose waiting to be had.' This makes no sense to me." "If it helps, it doesn't make a lot of sense to me either. As Chris stared after the departing couple, he felt more than a little envious of Hank's sudden and unexpected good fortune with Sheila. "I wonder if there's some new contest going on between the Iota Delta Phi and Sigma Beta Beta sororities that we no nothing about. That might explain what she's doing with Hank." "Do you really think that's it? I'm not sure I do," said Terry. "Between those two sororities are nearly all the hottest babes on this campus. If we were hot babes all the time, we'd just about have to be in one of those sororities. Every guy on this campus that either sorority considers a hunk lines up just to pick lottery numbers for simply getting a chance at dates with their girls sometime in the future." Terry slowly shook his head. "I just can't help thinking Sheila's out slumming or more likely looking for a little action she would never seek out from one of her own snooty crowd of friends." "But why Hank?" "I have no idea?" "Do you think we should try stopping Hank from making a real jackass of himself over Sheila?" "What for? Didn't you see him?" asked Terry. "It's already much too late to help him. That boy's hooked and Sheila's reeling him in. Besides, he'd never believe we had his best interests in mind. From what I saw she's got him thoroughly wrapped about that cute little finger of hers." "I suppose you're right about that." Chris sighed. "Sheila certainly has that affect on most of the guys around here whether she wants them or not. And if I were in Hank's place, I probably wouldn't believe whatever we had to say about Sheila anyway." "I doubt I would either." "And anyway, Hank's a big boy. I'm sure he'll be okay. And if we tried interfering in whatever she has planned for him, we might lose a good friend in the process." Chris looked down at his watch. "Besides if we waste much more time, we won't get back from seeing the old man before our next class starts." "I just knew there would have to be a silver lining somewhere in all this strangeness," smiled Terry warily. "It's just too bad it would never work permanently." Terry let loose a long sigh. "I suppose if we have to go to the mall, we'd better go so we can get it over and done with." Terry looked back in the direction Hank and Sheila had gone. "I suppose we can check up on Hank when we come back. I'm reasonably certain Sheila will have had her fill of Hank by then and be done with him forever." *** As Arnie and the newly transformed Bob approached their intended destination, Bob, looking suddenly horrified, turned pale. He hadn't really believed where Arnie had told him they were going until now. "We can't go in there. That really is the girls' locker room. If we just put one foot inside that door, all the girls in there will start screaming bloody murder. We could get expelled." "I really don't know what's bothering you about going inside, Bob," smiled Arnie. "It's not as if you'll be seeing anything you haven't already seen several times before." "What are you talking about?" "Really, Bob. I know you and your friends have always enjoyed looking through that little peephole at all the naked girls inside. Besides with that exceptionally well built new body I've given you, you can walk right in, strip naked, take a shower, and you'd blend right in as if you belonged there. I'm sure any of your friends watching through the peephole will be very excited about seeing this new you." Bob blushed bright crimson. "But you are right about one thing, Bob. I certainly can't go inside the girls' locker room," smiled Arnie. "At least the nerdy Arnie Poltan couldn't possibly go inside without all hell breaking loose." Arnie concentrated for a moment. "This will be much better," he said in a soprano voice every bit as sexy as Bob's new voice. Bob stared at an altered Arnie dumbfounded. "How'd you do that? You've changed yourself into a girl now." Bob shook his head. "If I didn't know better, I'd swear you look just like Angie Pollana." "Aren't you just so sweet?" Angie smiled back. "But I'll have you know I don't just look like Angie Pollana; I really am Angie Pollana. At least when I'm a girl, as I am right now, I'm Angela Pollana. When I'm a boy, like I was before, I'm Arnold Poltan." "But I asked you out on a date." "Over and over again as I recall. And I turned you down each and every time you asked me out. You got really annoying when you continued asking me out after I told you 'no' for the tenth time. Don't you have any idea what the word 'no' actually means?" "I just thought you were playing hard to get." Angie glared at Bob. "I only thought you were a jerk then, but now you've gone and removed all doubt. It's a real shame I couldn't have changed you into someone or something else back then. I could have used a really cuddly teddy bear. But at that time, we weren't yet one and we had no power, so I couldn't have changed anything about you." Angie frowned. "I hope by now you've also realized that I wouldn't have changed you this time if you'd simply decided to leave Samantha alone like I asked. Bob smiled. "I really don't think Sam will be very interested in you now that you've become another girl. I know for a fact that Sam definitely likes boys." "The fact that Sam likes boys is okay with me," replied Angie. "I don't really like other girls in quite the same way when I'm Angie anyway. Whenever I'm female, I really find boys far more attractive. Besides, Sam will be all over me again once I change back into Arnie." Angie began smiling. "Sam really loves me when I'm Arnie, you know." "But that isn't love, you cast a spell on her," argued Bob, wondering if hadn't been just as bad? "So what? You know, I'll bet you don't know that Samantha Johnson and her best friend Charlotte Morgan used to be a couple of regular guys themselves. It seems to be some big dark secret. And apparently neither Sam nor Charlie remembers once being guys at all. But they've now been girls for several years and they seem to enjoy themselves." "You're crazy, Angie," snapped Bob. "Sam and Charlie aren't any more guys than I..." "...am a girl," smiled Angie. Bob stared at Angie, while at the same time casually weighing one of his new breasts in his smaller female hand. "How can you possibly be both Angie and Arnie?" "It just sort of happened a couple of weeks ago," replied Angie. "I don't exactly know how it happened. All I actually remember is being struck by this very odd bolt of lightning. And at the same time, we also gained a lot of mystical power." "Who were you originally?" "That's another really interesting question, Bob. I only wish I could tell you, but I just can't anymore. I really don't remember with any great certainty any longer, not that I even consider something so trivial to be of any great importance." "You should." "I don't really see why. When I first woke up after being struck by that lightning, both Angie and Arnie were in my mind constantly arguing with each other about something now totally irrelevant. As they continued arguing, my body kept painfully fluctuating back and forth between my female Angie body and my male Arnie body. And just when I thought I'd wind at the local funny farm, Angie and Arnie came to some agreement about sharing our body. After that, we all just sort of merged together mentally... more or less." Angie, looking pained, shook her head. "It still hurts just thinking about that sometimes. But I'm mostly Angie with all her girl wants and needs whenever I'm female. And in a like manner, I'm mostly Arnie with all his guy wants and needs whenever I'm male. Nothing else really matters much anymore." Just then a couple of good-looking guys walked past the two apparent girls. "You're looking really good today, Angie," said one of them as he gave her a good looking over. "You're really looking hot, babe," smiled the other lustily. "Thanks ever so much, guys. I'm so glad you noticed." Angie smiled at them and batted an eyelash flirtatiously. "Why didn't they say anything to me?" asked Bob curiously. "It's probably because you're still with me. It's very likely they didn't even notice you standing here. But don't you go worrying your pretty little head about that right now. Those two will start noticing you soon enough. And it won't be just them either. I'm sure every red-blooded boy on this campus will soon start noticing how well you stand out in a crowd." "I'm not sure I like the sound of that." "Maybe not just yet, but you will soon enough. After all, you still have a little more readjusting to do first." "What do you mean by readjusting?" Angie smiled. "I'm sure you'll find out soon enough, my dear." *** Hank was feeling very nervous about being where he was, as Sheila slowly opened the door into her room. Not knowing what he should expect, he'd felt a little ill at ease simply entering the main hall of the Iota Delta Phi sorority - a place he considered almost sacred ground - even with all of Sheila's prior assurances that everything was perfectly all right. Fortunately, although it seemed somewhat odd to Hank, there had been no one standing around in the entry hall to cause him, or far more likely Sheila, any grief. "What are you waiting for, Hank? Sheila smiled sexily at him from just inside her room. "I really won't bite you." Her smile grew wider. "At least, I won't bite at first." "Are you sure it's all right for me to be in here?" "Of course, it's all right for you to be in here," replied Sheila, as she flipped on the lights of her room. "This is my room. If I say you can be in here, then you can be in here." "So where's everyone else, Sheila?" asked Hank nervously. "There's no need for you to be worried about my other sisters. But as a guess, most of them are over at the mall right now. Among the many things my sisters and I enjoy doing for fun is shopping. We do lots of shopping in our spare time. We spend just oodles and oodles of time running around the mall." Shopping? Hank hated going shopping. "Do you mean it's not unusual for you to be alone in your house?" "Not at all, Hank," smiled Sheila. "Someone is always here, so the house is never truly empty. And I'm not alone now; you're here with me." Sheila reached out and took Hank's hand. "Now just quit worrying about things that aren't that important and come inside my room, Hank. I have something really fascinating I want to show you." "You do?" An expectant smile began creeping across Hank's face as he considered - they were all alone in the house after all - just what she meant to show him. As a result, he stepped over the door's threshold and into Sheila's room, suddenly feeling incredibly more confident. "See, Hank. It's just like I told you," grinned Sheila. "Nothing strange or unusual happened to you just because you entered my room." She casually brushed her lips against his cheek. At least not yet, she thought with an enticing smile. "What did you want to show me?" "My, my," grinned Sheila. "Aren't we the anxious eager beaver all of a sudden." She paused for a moment. "But you're absolutely right, there's no sense in wasting any more time." She watched Hank's smile widen. "I want to show you my lovely antique mirror." "Your antique mirror?" Hank sounded disappointed and confused. Seeing her old mirror wasn't even close to what he'd expected. "Of course. I just love showing off my mirror to visitors." Sheila pointed toward the corner of her room. "It's standing over there in the corner. What do you think of it, Hank?" Hank was clearly impressed by the full-length mirror within its ornate hand-carved hardwood frame. It was obviously very old. Hank began wondering why Sheila had such an obviously valuable antique in her room. He also wondered why he hadn't noticed the imposing mirror before Sheila had pointed it out to him. The mirror was so large it was hard to miss. But on the other hand, mirrors had probably been the furthest things from his mind as he'd entered Sheila's room. "Wow! That's some mirror." "Why don't you go over and examine it more closely, Hank?" "Sure, okay," replied Hank. Although this wasn't what he had imagined he would be examining in Sheila's room - not by a long, long ways - Hank walked over to mirror. As he put his hand on the frame, he was surprised at its texture. The frame was soft and smooth; it yielded to his touch. Impossibly, it seemed more like human flesh instead of some ancient wood. "What's this frame made of, Sheila?" he asked curiously. "It's made from an extremely rare wood," replied Sheila. "There are some who might even call this wood enchanted." "Enchanted wood? You mean, as in magic?" asked Hank. "There's no such thing as magic." "Really?" "Are you trying to tell me you believe in magic, Sheila?" "I believe in a great many things," replied Sheila. "And magic is just one of those many things, my dear Hank." Sheila smiled at him again. "And I'm certain that you will also believe in just a little bit." "I doubt it, Sheila. "We'll soon see if I can convince you that magic exists, dear Hank." Sheila smiled in a way that made Hank uncomfortable again. "Mystic Mirror. Hold my unbelieving guest tightly within your grasp." "Wha..." was all Hank managed to say as he was suddenly frozen in his place before the mirror. Aside from still being able to breathe, he quickly discovered he was unable to move a muscle. All he seemed capable of doing was stare deeply into his own image reflected back at him from the ancient mirror. *** Terry had continued dragging his feet as he and Chris headed for the mall. To be honest, neither of them ever knew with certainty whether or not they'd find the old man's shop when they went looking for it. They always had to go to the mall to find out if it was or wasn't there. Just who could they have called to find out if a store in one place one day and in another the next was even there on any given day? Terry had been hoping the little shop would be totally AWOL. He didn't care where it was as long as it was someplace other than where he was. But that clearly hadn't been the case today. Chris and Terry stood outside the old man's shop. Oddly, they'd found the little shop as soon as they'd entered the mall. Finding the shop so quickly was generally a very rare event that more often than not was a boding of major trouble. Terry had grumbled. As was usually the case, he wasn't overly eager to enter the old man's shop. "C'mon, Terry," prodded Chris. "We're not going to find out what happened to Wally Donnelly if we stay out here." "I know, Chris. But you know how going in there makes me really nervous, especially when we didn't waste any time finding the place." "Do you want to stay out here while I go in alone?" "Hell no!" snapped Terry. "Staying out here would worry me even more. I think I'd be worrying about you the whole time you were in there." Chris smiled at his friend. "Then let's just go inside and ask him what we came to ask him about. Once we've done that we can be on our way again." "Hopefully," muttered Terry, low enough that his friend didn't hear, as he and Chris made their way toward the shop's entrance. Terry just had the strangest feeling that things weren't going to work themselves out as simply as he hoped. *** "Don't try to speak, Hank dear. You just can't for the time being." Sheila looked him over carefully and smiled. "But you'll be completely aware of everything that happens to you. I just knew I was right about you all along Hank. I was certain you just didn't like girls the way a boy should." Hank wanted to argue with her, but, as Sheila had said, he couldn't speak. "But we're going to fix all that for you now," grinned Sheila. "Have you ever wondered what you would look like if you'd been born a girl, Hank? Not that you have any real choice in this matter, just watch your image in the mirror and we'll soon find out." Sheila smiled broadly as the image reflected by the mirror rippled and began changing. She wondered what poor Hank Johnson was thinking - just as she had wondered with all the others the mirror had changed before him - as his reflection quickly took on a decidedly different appearance from his normal dull male self. Was that fear she saw growing in his eyes? Or was it just more simply the proper lust a boy felt for a girl? In the mirror reflected back towards Hank was now a girl's image instead of his own. The girl could have easily been Hank's twin sister, if only Hank had had a twin sister. "Yours would have been a fair shape and form," mused Sheila. "It's too bad you didn't possess the common sense to be born female in the first place, Hank dear. But perhaps..." The image in the mirror began altering even as she spoke. "...a few improvements might still be made. You are as yet too tall by about a half-foot. Your waist should be a few inches thinner. And your breasts should also be correspondingly larger. I think dark red hair that flows to the middle of your back and emerald green eyes would look just fabulous on you. And of course a beauteous feminine face with absolutely no trace whatsoever of your former male self is an absolute must." Sheila smiled as looked back and forth between the unaltered Hank and his newly revised image in the mirror. "I think that's much better? Don't you? I'm certain this pretty girl being reflected by the mirror would be a most welcome addition to the Iota Delta Phi sorority. Don't you think so too, Hank?" Sheila smiled, even as she wondered what thoughts were running through Hank's mind. "But then, you can't answer any of my questions. Can you, dear Hank? So I'll just have to assume your full acceptance of my offer by your continued silence and that enticingly confused look in your eyes." Sheila turned and addressed the mirror. "Mystic Mirror. As has ever been your task, take this female image you now reflect and overwrite the physical appearance of he who is my guest standing before you." The frame of the mirror began glowing dully. And as the glow intensified, the young man standing frozen and mute before the ancient mirror began changing. His height slowly decreased until it matched the height of his reflection. His waist thinned. Small nubs under his shirt began swelling, swiftly ballooning to match those of his reflection. A mass of dark red hair sprouted quickly from his scalp and flowed downwards to the middle of his back. His eyes became twin emerald pools. And there was soon no remaining trace of maleness left in his face. He'd become a visage of feminine loveliness that would swiftly inspire lust in any man fortunate enough to gaze upon it. In short order, Hank had been transformed into the girl reflected by the mirror. He'd become a girl everyone would consider absolutely perfect for joining the sorority of Iota Delta Phi. "Excellent work, as usual," smiled Sheila. She slowly ran her hand across the young man's newly altered facial features. "Absolutely perfect. Your skin is now so soft and smooth." As his movement was still restricted, she wasn't surprised Hank had no reaction to her touch. None of the others had reacted to her touch either. "Mystic Mirror. It is now time to alter what once was. Make what is now be what was. And what is now shall become what will always be." As Sheila watched, the sparkling emerald eyes of the girl who had once been Hank Johnson slowly glazed over. It wasn't an unusual reaction. Sheila had seen basically the same thing happen every other time that the mirror had been invoked to alter what had been. And as she continued watching the girl, her spark of life and knowledge began slowly returning. "Mystic Mirror. It is time to awaken my former guest. Let this life of hers return as if it was the one always meant to be." The new girl who had been Hank Johnson and male when she'd arrived let out a soft moan as her senses, as her feelings, and as movement gradually returned to her body. A small soft hand absently reached up and gently caressed each of her new breasts in turn. The new girl moaned softly with apparent pleasure. Recognizing the sound for what it was - she'd lost track how many times she'd heard it - Sheila asked the new girl, "How are you feeling now? Are you all right?" The girl once, but no longer, known as Hank Johnson turned quickly towards Sheila. The girl smiled at Sheila as soon as she recognized her. "I'm just fine now, Sheila," she replied in a soft sexy soprano far different from the voice she had possessed before. "I suppose I must have fallen asleep or something." "And do you know who I am?" "Of course I know who you are. Why shouldn't I?" The girl sounded very puzzled by the odd question, since she'd just called her by name. "You're Sheila Martinson. You're the president of Iota Delta Phi and my sorority sister as well." "Do you know who you are?" "Of course I do." The girl gave Sheila another odd puzzled look. "Why shouldn't I know who I am, Sheila?" But, not really knowing why, she still answered Sheila's peculiar question anyway. "I'm Lorraine Hamilton. I'm the captain - the first female so honored - of the school's debate team." Lorraine took a quick look around the room. "Why are we in your room, Sheila? Where are the rest of our sisters?" "They're over at the mall, of course," replied Sheila. "They went shopping." Lorraine looked shocked at the idea. "If all our sisters are over at the mall, then what the hell are we doing here? You know how much I love to go shopping." "I was wondering the same thing, Lorraine. We should join them, if you'd like, once you change your clothes." "Change my clothes? I don't understand." Suddenly, Lorraine realized she was wearing some boys' clothing clearly several sizes too big for her. "When did I put these horrid looking clothes on? Where the hell did I even get them? The Salvation Army?" she wondered aloud. She turned to Sheila. "I won't be very long. It'll only take a minute or two for me to go to my room and change into something more me." As Lorraine turned and headed for her room, Sheila watched her newest sorority sister sway sexily out the door. She was convinced that the mistress would be quite pleased with the addition of Lorraine to their number. *** Without further complaint from Bob, Angie took the new girl inside the girls' locker room. Just as she had told him, none of the other girls noticed anything out of the ordinary about Bob when they entered. But then why should they notice them or even think them different? If anything, Bob knew he had now become a more attractive girl than most of them. What was he thinking? No matter how good he thought he looked, he knew he wasn't a girl. Somehow he'd have to keep remembering how Angie, when she'd been Arnie, had transformed him into one. Of course any one of the several images reflected by the locker room's mirrors would have vehemently disputed his every assertion about not being female, if only they could speak. And yet, even to his own mind, his newly altered appearance still carried plenty of weight. As Bob stared at the busty ashen blonde he'd become in one of the mirrors, he wondered how this girl he saw could really be him. He wasn't really a girl. Or was he actually becoming one? As he looked around the room, Bob observed dozens of other girls in various stages of undress. They did nothing to excite him. Even the totally naked girls did nothing to arouse his interest. But whenever he'd seen these same things through that peephole, his now missing manhood had never failed to swiftly stir at such marvelous sights. He began wondering just how many of his friends were watching him right now and making lewd remarks about his bodaciously busty new body. Angie led Bob over to a pair of vacant lockers. "We need to get ready for class." "I can't go out there like this," complained Bob. "Of course you can't, silly girl," smiled Angie. "And neither can I. We need to change into our gym clothes first." Angie began striping. "I'll bet that seeing all this fantastically naked female flesh isn't bothering you in the slightest right about now." Totally naked, Angie stood up before Bob. "Take a real good look at me." Angie shook her head. "Believe me, I know exactly how you must feel. The first time I came in here as Angie was a major disappointment for Arnie's lurking mind. But don't worry about it too long. As a girl, you'll soon get used to lusting after boys instead of other girls." Slowly Bob began removing his clothes. He didn't really want to take them off - he knew his friends might be watching him through that peephole - but he didn't seem to have another choice. He knew he had to go to this class. And if he didn't change his clothes, he'd be late for this class he was taking with Angie. Although quite truthfully, Bob couldn't quite remember having this or any other class with Angie. "That wasn't so bad, was it?" asked Angie, once Bob finished changing into his gym suit. It fit his frame a little more snugly than he would have liked and it also showed off a little more of his flesh then he thought was appropriate. And yet, this way he was now dressed felt somehow perfectly all right. Dressed as he was, he was convinced guys would soon

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Strangeness at Fellows Part 4

Part IV RUN! Denise was shocked to hear that her act of duty to the company had come back to bite her in the rear. Thwarting the plans of what appeared to be a bunch of half-arsed opportunist thieves, had turned into something much more; much, much more and she really was starting to worry for her own safety. "What am I going to do?" she asked in a small voice, tears welling up in her eyes as she looked at Stephanie. "Is there somewhere you can go?" "No. I don't think so. I...

4 years ago
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Strangeness at Fellows Part 6

Part VI The Plan Denise dressed and quickly scribbled a note for Stephanie who was gently snoring away, tucked soundly in bed. She grabbed her jacket and slipped out of the room, leaving a "Do not disturb" sign on the door. Downstairs at the front desk, the Jimmy Somerville look-alike had been replaced by someone else far less surly. "Is there an internet caf? nearby?" she asked. "It's not really near, but there's one in Sydney Street. Do you know where that is?" "I think s...

2 years ago
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Strangeness At FellowsChapter 4

RUN! Denise was shocked to hear that her act of duty to the company had come back to bite her in the rear. Thwarting the plans of what appeared to be a bunch of half-arsed opportunist thieves, had turned into something much more; much, much more and she really was starting to worry for her own safety. "What am I going to do?" she asked in a small voice, tears welling up in her eyes as she looked at Stephanie. "Is there somewhere you can go?" "No. I don't think so. I don't have any...

3 years ago
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Strangeness At FellowsChapter 6

The Plan Denise dressed and quickly scribbled a note for Stephanie who was gently snoring away, tucked soundly in bed. She grabbed her jacket and slipped out of the room, leaving a "Do not disturb" sign on the door. Downstairs at the front desk, the Jimmy Somerville look-alike had been replaced by someone else far less surly. "Is there an internet café nearby?" she asked. "It's not really near, but there's one in Sydney Street. Do you know where that is?" "I think so. Is it just...

1 year ago
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SRU Many Unhappy Returns

Some of you have wondered when the next Roy Del Frink tale will come. Well, wonder no more! I just got myself to sit down and write this one, inspired by comments made during my Author's Chat at Crystal's on June 30th. SRU: MANY UNHAPPY RETURNS By Roy Del Frink The Wizard sighed. "Dannie, Joey Frump's coming." "Who's Joey Frump?" Dannie asked. "It'd be much easier to show you than tell you. Here, study this surveillance tape of his 'greatest fits'." "We have a surveillance...

2 years ago
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A Murder Misstery Returns

A Murder Misstery Returns © 2008 by Nom de Plume For those who came in late, Matt McCoy - now Madeline Moreau - is on the run for a crime he did not commit, and a murder which she did....after returning home to Chicago, Maddy discovers a shocking secret about her past. The journey from St. Martin to Montreal, on a charter flight crammed with sunburned Canucks, was sheer penance. Stuck in a miserable coach seat between a snoring slob and a...

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The Golden Goddess Returns

The Golden Goddess Returns Part 1It was very quiet in the thick carpeted hallway along Mahoney row of the big industrial company as a medium build man with salt and pepper hair moved along, glancing at the doorways as he walked slowly down the hall to the end office, marked as, ?Vice President Marketing. Miss Kay Sommers.?The door was open and he stood in the doorway listening to the conversation that the blonde headed woman was having while sitting with her back to the doorway. She wasn?t...

1 year ago
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205 A young Soldier returns

205 A young Soldier returns Just back from a posting that he had had for 6 months, in Cyprus, un peacekeeping, a British army soldier, attached to the UN. 6ft6inches of tall good looking, well-toned muscular, sunburnt, blonde young maleness, that had been deprived of female company for all that time. They had landed at Gatwick, and surprisingly immediately dismissed to leave and for a whole month, no drill`s, no duties, no uniforms, just the sun of a 1967 August and the south coast of Kent to...

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CHAPTER 22: CELINA RETURNS“Annie isn’t going. Celina is. It has to be Celina and her a****ls. Their culture has to be their champion … otherwise, they lose their culture.”Those were the words that came out of my mouth, but it sounded like it was coming from someone else, that someone else had caused the words to flow decisively, emphatically, and passionately from me. You hear about out-of-body experiences and this was one for me.Those words didn’t only speak fervently about the Guarani, but...

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Lizs sister Aimee Returns

Liz's sister Aimee returns from the Middle East for a surprise visit.We live behind the town's High School which, like all schools where faculty and students drive and need to park, has a large parking lot. We occasionally have a 'Life-Flight' helicopter land there to remove accident victims to area hospitals. Whenever we hear a chopper landing we look to see... curiosity gets to us. Two weeks ago, Saturday late afternoon, we hear the plaintiff sound of a chopper coming in for a landing, but...

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Halloween Pool Party Part 2 Maddy Returns

Halloween Pool Party Part 2 Maddy Returns by Brenda I noticed Miss Maddy getting dropped off at the main house around 10 am. I did a quick final check of the pool room and my "pink" room just in case I forgot anything and around 11 Miss Maddy came in. She greeted me warmly with a light peck on the cheek and asked, "How's Ronnie doing today? I have missed our time here in the pool house. Why don't you show me what you have done before I take a swim dear?" Ronnie again, and "dear,"...

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The Evolution of Sub Linda Chapter Nine Recovery and the Domme Returns

The Evolution of Sub Linda By LindaK Chapter Nine - Recovery and the Domme Returns Linda's recovery went well. As promised, Dr. Carter returned the first night to do another examination and to answer any questions. She found Linda sitting up in bed with her gag loosely hanging from her neck. Beth was sitting in a chair while her slave was hogtied on the floor and being used as a footstool. "Welcome back Charlene," said Beth as Charlene entered the room. The doctor looked as...

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Wayward Daughter Returns

Wayward Daughter Returns By Spectreofhell Brad was sitting at his desk when he heard his daughter come in the front door. He turned away from his computer to face the door, leaning back in his chair angrily. “Nina!” he called out. He heard her footsteps hesitate in the hallway. “Come here. I need to speak with you.” She appeared in the doorway. For a moment, he forgot to be angry. It was always like this with her, had been this way since he could remember. She was spoiled, and it was his...

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Island Princess Returns

Bree walked back down the narrow aisle of the first class cabin of the airliner, an angry pout on her face.“I haven’t been able to get in the restroom yet and we land in two hours!” she complained.“I thought you went to the bathroom before we left Hawaii?”“I have to change into traditional island clothes before I get off the plane,” my island honey explained. Bree is from a beautiful South Pacific Island group, and we were on the second leg of our trip back to her home.  We’d spent a few nice...

Group Sex
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211 A young Soldier returns

211 A young Soldier returns At eight the next day he was feeding calves, pigs and hens, collecting eggs and finally fetching the dog, a border colley named ‘Eric.’ Together they walked the old familiar fields, where he had played as a young boy, the sun shone, the birds sang, he had achieved some of the fantasies of his adolescent years, had a good leave so far and all was right in the world. Eric, having a right old time chasing rabbits, butterflies and any other creature that dared to move,...

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209 A young Soldier returns

209 A young Soldier returns Day 7 The women working together did a meal, over which Ellie explained that Jed only worked in the morning`s now, so the place was theirs for the rest of the day once one-pm had passed, Jed never setting foot at the place. Mother said that she “would like a look around later, for old time`s sake” John asking “why, did she want a roll in the hay over in the barn?” to which her sister cut in with “why not we have before” which had the result she had hoped for of...

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208 A young Soldier returns

208 A young Soldier returns Day 4 SundayThe morning started as most Sundays in the house did… very slowly. The usual system was a lay-in, Sam`s only chance, followed by a mid-morning ‘brunch,’ then any odd jobs, a cooked main meal, then an evening in front of the box, before bed. Today was no different, Sam de-coking his old Enfield motor cycle in the yard, mother after washing up and preparing the veg, sitting with news-paper and tea, her weekly moment of rest. The younger man dozed on his...

3 years ago
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Wayward Daughter Returns

Wayward Daughter ReturnsBy SpectreofhellBrad was sitting at his desk when he heard his daughter come in the front door. He turned away from his computer to face the door, leaning back in his chair angrily. “Nina!” he called out. He heard her footsteps hesitate in the hallway. “Come here. I need to speak with you.”She appeared in the doorway. For a moment, he forgot to be angry. It was always like this with her, had been this way since he could remember. She was spoiled, and it was his fault,...

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D Returns

Introduction: D is always welcome! D Returns D returned again today and what a lovely day it is and how lovely it turned out . We welcomed D and had him get comfortable. He got nude and immediately shot up his cock. He had already pumped his cock up with his cock pump so it was already larger than normal so once the prostaglandin took effect, it was huge! Not much longer but very big in diameter, at least 2, and with uncircumcised foreskin it appeared even larger . Using the pump pulls more...

4 years ago
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My Sister Returns

My Sister Returns ByReeb As a bead of sweat rolled across my brow, I couldn’t help but wonder if this was the hottest summer I could remember in my forty years on this earth. Little did I realize, that the heat inside my air conditioned home would soon become unbearable but not the result of the hot summer sun but from intense sexual excitement. As I picked up the phone and listened to the sobbing voice of my sister, I couldn’t help it but my cock began to harden. I was sad to hear her so...

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212 A young Soldier returns

212 A young Soldier returns the last days Mother caught the bus from the end of the drive, Ellie and John saw her off, then strolled back along the long road between the tall walnut trees, John remarking that “her sister had a strange relationship with Sam and a hidden past.” Ellie had had him swear not to let her sister know she had explained things to him, to which he gave his solemn oath, and by the time they reached the house she had explained the whole sad story of his mother`s past....

1 year ago
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210 A young Soldier returns

210 A young Soldier returns Day 9Dawn, well a bit after really and the visitors both crawled out unused to farm hours, Jed visited with the unnecessary flour, having fed the a****ls he jauntily downed his morning coffee, he was a strange old bird, 75 if a day, thin, wiry, a little old chap who on a farm could do just about any job, a sort of Jed of all trades! Together the two men went to the offending byre and with Jed holding the ladder and passing the slates so by dinner the roof was...

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206 A young Soldier returns

206 A young Soldier returns Day 2 Sam had left as usual, and hearing the old bike start and the throaty sound retreat up the road, he tumbled from his bed. As he expected she was sat at the table, tea cup in hand, a fresh brewed pot on its stand, she was dressed as she had been the day before, in the green silk. He kissed her, but she waved him into his usual seat, pouring his tea, smiling and saying” don’t you young lads ever tire?” he grinned back and said that “if you had a most attractive...

1 year ago
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My sister Amy Returns

His sexy little sister returns to heat up his summer.View Author's Copyright InformationAs a bead of sweat rolled across my brow, I couldn’t help but wonder if this was the hottest summer I could remember in my forty years on this earth. Little did I realize, that the heat inside my air conditioned home would soon become unbearable but not the result of the hot summer sun but from intense sexual excitement.As I picked up the phone and listened to the sobbing voice of my sister, I couldn’t help...

3 years ago
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chapter two exposing Cindy Richard returns

Chapter 2: Monday - Richard returns alone. I was home alone on Monday, Jim was at work, when the doorbell rang. I was not expecting anyone. I looked at the clock and it was just past 11 a.m.I opened the door and it was Richard. “Is it OK, if I grab some of the tools we left here Saturday? We were a little distracted when we left” he said with a smirk of sorts.“Sure, go ahead.” I responded. I was wearing a white tee shirt, no bra, and some gym shorts. I felt my pulse quicken and my nipples...

Wife Lovers
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Leomon Returns

Leomon Returns Chapter 1 It had been five years since the death of Leomon. Jeri was now 17 years old and had grown into her body well. Her hair had grown and now touched her breast which were now 44D. She was a size 3 and had plenty of curves. While she has always felt like she had long legs she now felt like they were her best feature as they were smooth and silky. She went out for a walk grabbing her digivice every year on this exact same day to where she first met Leomon. When she arrived...

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www Stories I like Karen Returns

Karen Returns One of my oldest lady friends, in terms of both age and length of relationship, is Karen Hawthorne, whom I have known, and whose company I have enjoyed for over seven years. One of the most memorable weekends of my life was her birthday a few years ago, when we spent three days making gentle love together at a bed and breakfast inn a few miles up the coast. Although we were both closer to fifty than to forty when we signed in as husband and wife, the other guests mistook us for...

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Uncle Dave’s Returns By Christy Dee It had been four months since Dave Rogers visited his s****r and niece Anita. Dave has been very busy in his job as photojournalists, but the memory of his homecoming still lingered. As he sat on a plane on his way back from Africa, his eyes closed he remembers the lovely time he and his sweet eighteen-year-old niece had that first day by the pool. The thought of Anita’s young tender body hunted him. Her long red hair and soft green eyes along...

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207 A young Soldier returns

207 A young Soldier returns Day 3 The lad appeared at the breakfast table, where his mother sat in the green silk set he had given her. she had the paper and a cup of tea and was waiting his arrival. He poured tea for himself then took his place while she finished the piece she was reading. The last evening had been a little odd, it had been one of normality, a rather pointed normality, no one mentioned sex, in fact it was the one subject that they never touched on, they all knew it had...

2 years ago
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www Stories I like Karen Returns

Karen ReturnsOne of my oldest lady friends, in terms of both age and length of relationship, is Karen Hawthorne, whom I have known, and whose company I have enjoyed for over seven years. One of the most memorable weekends of my life was her birthday a few years ago, when we spent three days making gentle love together at a bed and breakfast inn a few miles up the coast. Although we were both closer to fifty than to forty when we signed in as husband and wife, the other guests mistook us for...

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AmericanMan Returns

American-Man Returns by Paul G Jutras The high desert winds kicked up as the hovering cruise ship sailed over the endless sands. Inside the ball room, Christine Jackmarr and her band rocked on with music from before World War Three. Once Christine was merely Chris Jackmarr. A normal teenage boy with dreams of being a rock star. Then one Halloween, a cosmic time loop resulted in the death of his old body and the reincarnation of his soul in his own relative of the year...

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Uncle Dave’s ReturnsByChristy DeeIt had been four months since Dave Rogers visited his sister and niece Anita. Dave has been very busy in his job as photojournalists, but the memory of his homecoming still lingered. As he sat on a plane on his way back from Africa, his eyes closed he remembers the lovely time he and his sweet eighteen-year-old niece had that first day by the pool. The thought of Anita’s young tender body hunted him. Her long red hair and soft green eyes along with her long...

4 years ago
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chapter two exposing Cindy Richard returns

Chapter 2: Monday – Richard returns alone. I was home alone on Monday, Jim was at work, when the doorbell rang. I was not expecting anyone. I looked at the clock and it was just past 11 a.m. I opened the door and it was Richard. “Is it OK, if I grab some of the tools we left here Saturday? We were a little distracted when we left” he said with a smirk of sorts. “Sure, go ahead.” I responded. I was wearing a white tee shirt, no bra, and some gym shorts. I felt my pulse quicken and my nipples...

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Victoria72 Yr Old Hottiel Part 5 Vicky Returns

Victoria-72 Yr Old Hottie-Part 5 Vicky ReturnsIt was two days after being with Mary and Marcie that Vicky came back from visiting her son. She called me to let me know she was back and wanted to see me that day. Frankly, there was no way. I really got my nut off with the other two and being 65 I'm not that young any more. If I was in my 40's or so, I would have gone, but I hate to admit I'm getting to be an old man, especially with these two hotties that seem to be insatiable. We agreed to meet...

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Natasha Returns

She looked absolutely stunning in her saree: the light pink chiffon was draped around her slender waist up to her shoulders as she twirled around in a floral blouse which accentuated her teenage perky breasts. Every inch of her body looked absolutely smooth and eatable- and I had plans to do just that. Hey you all, I am Kaira and I am back with another one of my adventures with Natasha. You can read my previous story or click on the under the title. It had been a few weeks since I had taken...

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The Fairy Godmother Returns

The Fairy Godmother Returns By Morpheus I let out a long sigh took a look back towards my school as I left for the day. However, it wasn't the school itself that I was staring at, but a hot girl who was leaving at the same time... in nearly the opposite direction. Sheila Case wasn't exactly the hottest girl in school, but she was definitely within the top five. Personally however, out of all of the girls in the school she was at the very top of my list. She was the girl that I...

3 years ago
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Yankee Swap Chapter 10 Kim Returns

Yankee Swap, Chapter 10: Kim Returns "Oh you've made me so happy Ke - er, Kim! This is going to be great! So let's see what you brought with you." Connie opened the gift bag - Kim didn't have anything else to put the items in. "Oh this won't do. Where's the adhesive? Where's the concealer? We're going back to your house. You go on ahead. I've got some things to collect and I will be over. Here..." She shoved a bottle of hair remover into her hands. "You start by using...

4 years ago
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South Pacific Pt 3 Mike Returns

I'm not going to annoy you with all the boring details of how I ended back in my hometown. Let's say the government didn't really care if I was alive or dead. My passport and driver's license were still valid and that's all I needed to travel.I had tried to contact Susan, by phone, two days after I was aboard the Navy ship. My old number was no longer in service. I tried looking her up on the internet, but the number listed was my old one. I didn't want to contact the university just yet, so I...

Straight Sex
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Lyn returns

I now knew that my wife had photos that she thought she could use to make sure that she could keep me away from Marg. She knew me well and understood that I would do nothing to put a person that I cared about at risk.What Sue didn’t know of course is that Marg was unlikely to be as upset as she thought because during our time together Marg had actually encouraged me to seduce her sister. Marg wanted Lyn to know how beautiful sex could be if the person’s intent was simply to please her. The...

1 year ago
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Chance Returns

She stood naked near the window, silhouetted against the dim light that came through the lace curtains. He could see that she was still naked, a cigarette in her hand. She took a puff before putting it in an ashtray on the small table in front of her. ‘I’m happy that you’re writing again,’ she said. She noticed the filled legal pads and closed laptop on his desk before she walked into his bedroom. She knew that he was going through some writer’s block lately. ‘Have anything ready for me to...

2 years ago
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Many Happy Returns

I had come home from college and was working on an assignment when my phone kept ‘pinging’ informing me there was an incoming message.I had ignored the first couple of messages but within five minutes, I had received over five calls.I opened the last message and all it said was, “I know you are home, RSVP ASAP.”I then read the earlier messages which were all from Mike, who lived in the next block. He and I were friends and had known each other for years. We are both studying the same subject at...

Love Stories
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Carla Returns

Lauren arrived back at her hotel, the Hotel Stein, one of Frankfurt’s finest at around 9pm that Saturday night. Throughout the day she’d been shepherded by two local bodyguards, Erich and Hanse, since Carla and Frank were not allowed to carry weapons in Germany. She was glad finally to be alone. The hotel had plenty of security and she felt quite safe. Every visitor and guest had to pass through x-ray checks and there was discreet muscle everywhere. She collected her key from reception and made...

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Confessions of a BoyToy Part 9 Barb Returns

I saw Barb's new toy long before I pulled into her driveway. She had parked her vintage 1955 gun metal grey Gullwing Mercedes in front of the front doors. Barb knew I was a car guy and wanted to show off a bit I imagined. Damn!, I thought to myself, I'd like to drive that almost as much as I like to drive Barb. This would be my first time to see Barb since my outrageous birthday party last Saturday night. Barb had left the morning after for a little shopping spree in Los Angeles . From what...

Wife Lovers
1 year ago
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My Wife Returns

The story up until now. Throughout our marriage my wife, Sue had secret affairs. I had found out that I was not the father of our daughter. I had also discovered that Sue had become pregnant several times since we married but was able to have the pregnancies terminated. In desperation, I had taken a job in the west of the country and had only agreed to take Sue with me on condition that her cheating behavior cease. We had decided to have another child. I had agreed believing that this may be...

Wife Lovers
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Caleb 17 The prodigal Returns

As always my thanks to Neurparenthetical, whose untiring vigilance makes my illegible scribble readable. Any residual errors are left there purposely in order to give you guys something to do. Enjoy. – and please, whatever you feel about the story feedback is always appreciated. I can’t improve if I don’t know where I am going wrong. Caleb 17 - The prodigal return I was stunned. Over and over, I examined the memory. There was no doubt. It had been my power that had been in play. It appeared...

2 years ago
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ConundrumChapter 4 A wife returns

It was no surprise to Matt that when he returned from work the next day, Beth's car was in the drive. He took a deep breath, preparing himself for the act that he had to give. Beth had heard his car and was waiting for him in the kitchen where she was preparing a meal. He smiled genuinely at her and opened his arms to her. "Beth, it's so good to see you home, I've missed you." She came into his arms. Matt thought he may have caught a little hesitation at first. "It's good to be home....

1 year ago
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A Star Returns

"Thanks for the invite," I said as I looked around at the large room. There were many people gathered for my friend's sister's reception. I call him my friend loosely as we had only recently reconnected through social media, and by recent, I mean like a few days ago."No problem, Turbo," Ted said as he smiled at me."That was ages ago," I said, shaking my head, it was amazing that name had stuck around for so many years, even when we were in high school. Ted's name was Stretch, because...

4 years ago
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The Vicars Wife Returns

I couldnt have been two minutes out of the drive and less than a mile down the road towards the train station when Ali caught sight of Marjorie coming up the drive. She was looking out of the kitchen window and noticed that Marjorie had bounce in her step not the trudging walk of an ageing doyen. No walking stick either, although still the beetle crusher shoes, pop socks, tweed twin set and that awful black hat sat on top of her head with her massive hair all coiled underneath. Beginning of...

3 years ago
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The Lady Returns

I was both surprised and relieved to receive Lady Varnham's invitation for tea. The last time I'd seen her had been months ago, at a temple deep in the African bush, well beyond civilization. My memory of the expedition was a pile of warped puzzle pieces, a confusing jumble that wouldn't quite fit together. The only details of which I was certain was that three other friends and I had escaped a nebulous but certain doom, abandoning the poor Lady Varnham in the process, and spending...

3 years ago
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Gramps Returns

Copyright obohobo Revised 2007 "Nanny, Nanny, Nanny! I've found him! He's here! Gramps has come back. Come and see Nan. He's come back from Heaven. He's here Nan. Come and see, hurry Nanny!" A vigorous tugging at my sleeve immediately aroused me from my reverie as I waited in the slow moving queue at the supermarket cafeteria on a hot early July afternoon. The blonde haired, blue-eyed angel with the shrill, excited voice couldn't have been more than four years old. Hopping and...

2 years ago
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The AwakeningChapter 4 Michele Returns

The woman is slim. She is wearing a cerise satin blouse, black leather skirt and black high-heeled pumps. Flesh-toned fully-fashioned stockings sheath her long well defined legs. She is wearing a blonde bob, her bangs direct your gaze to heavily madeup eyes, and she's wearing glistening ruby-red lipstick. She is mature but sexy in a sluttish sort of way. She lowers her face to a semi-tumescent penis and slowly takes it into her mouth. Her long elegant fingers, glistening with silver rings...

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