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"Nanny, Nanny, Nanny! I've found him! He's here! Gramps has come back. Come and see Nan. He's come back from Heaven. He's here Nan. Come and see, hurry Nanny!"

A vigorous tugging at my sleeve immediately aroused me from my reverie as I waited in the slow moving queue at the supermarket cafeteria on a hot early July afternoon. The blonde haired, blue-eyed angel with the shrill, excited voice couldn't have been more than four years old. Hopping and dancing with obvious glee, her hand found mine and she tried to tug me towards the back of the line. Bewildered and somewhat embarrassed at being the focus of everyone's attention, I turned and saw an elderly woman coming towards me. At least she had a smile on her face.

"Nanny, Grandpa's come back. He's here and I'm not letting him go away again." The little girl gestured to the woman to come quickly.

"I'm sorry," the woman apologised with more than a hint of mirth, "It's the long beard and the glasses, She thinks you're my late husband. He died over a year ago. It's not your grandpa Suzie..."

"He is, he is! I know he is!" Suzie wrapped her arms tightly around my waist and started to cry. Having no previous experience at handling young children, I had no idea of what to do but when she turned her tear stained face to mine and raised her arms, I knew she wanted to be picked up. Almost without thinking I did so. Nanny's smile left her for a moment and she tried to take Suzie back but the child hung on tightly.

Tom and John, the friends I was with, thought my predicament hilarious and further fuelled my embarrassment with their comments. "You sly old sod. All this time you told us you had never married and now we find you have a secret wife, a child and a grandchild!"

The line moved a pace forward. Only a few ahead of us now but even they and all those behind us were looking in my direction and grinning at the situation and my self-consciousness. I supposed it brightened their wait. Even the serving staff momentarily stopped work, looked at me and smiled before returning their attention to the customer and asking in a bored voice, "Beans with it sir?" I tried to pass Suzie to her grandmother but she held on tightly and made me feel a real shit by asking, "Don't you love me any more Grandpa?" What was I to answer to that? I just couldn't say, no, so I gave her a hug to at least try and reassure her. Wordlessly I tried to appeal to the grandmother for help but she seemed uncertain as to what to do. At least she was still smiling although I could see concern in her eyes.

"I'm sorry," the woman repeated several times and again tried to pluck the little girl from my arms. "Suzie, come to me," Nanny pleaded, "We'll lose our place in the queue."

"Don't you worry lady," a burly construction worker behind us intervened, "Stay where you are. No one is going to object to you standing with your long lost husband." I looked around and everyone was smiling. I wanted the floor to open and swallow me up and I think the woman did too but she thanked the man. Even the cashier wanted in on the joke. "Are you paying for your wife and granddaughter's food sir?" she smirked.

Over lunch, Suzie sat close to me, so close that I found it difficult to eat without nudging her with my elbows and she kept up an almost continuous stream of questions I found difficult to answer. How do you explain to a child what heaven is like? And when I did, it was only to receive further questions. All this to the amusement of my friends and so it seemed to Hazel, the girl's grandmother. She smiled and tried to provoke me into revealing more of my 'other world experiences'. I thought it very odd that she would allow a strange man to be so close to her granddaughter but on several occasions, when I was getting myself into deep water, she rescued me by asking mundane questions such as where I lived now and in return I learned she lived only a mile from me.

Tom and John egged her on too with teasing questions concerning our supposed previous life together. I could have easily punched them at times.

"You are coming home with us now, aren't you Gramps? You're not going to leave us again?" Again the tears were in her eyes.

"Have you got to go back to work?" Hazel asked.

"No, John is going to drop me off on his way home. Finished the job. It was only a voluntary one to help Tom out. I'm retired. Early retirement from teaching."

Hazel hesitated before suggesting, "Bert, I could give you a lift home as we are so close but I wonder if you would mind coming to my house and staying with us until Sarah my daughter, picks Suzie up. If you have other things to do, I will understand but..."

"She's picking you up Bert," Tom exclaimed, "You watch out, you'll be her real husband soon!" I ignored the remark but his words proved prophetic.

"I was going to have a shower to wash the grime away and cool off a bit and continue on my latest book but if you can put up with my sweaty body, I don't mind staying." I could see it might be a way of getting out of the predicament without upsetting Suzie.

"And he can tell me a story like he used to," Suzie piped up, "You will, won't you Gramps?" She had me in a cleft stick; I knew I couldn't refuse. Tom and John conspired with her, as they had throughout the meal. I am sure they were deliberately setting me up with a date with Hazel. They were both married and no doubt thought I should be too.

"You're going to bed now young lady," Hazel informed Suzie. I felt a little fresher having had a wash if not a change of clothes.

"Gramps has to tell me a story first." Suzie stamped her foot and spoke with tired irritability.

"Okay," I shrugged.

Suzie ran up the stairs, slipped off her shoes and jumped on to a bed and when I tried to sit on a chair she insisted I sit on the bed alongside her, 'just like I used to'. Hazel nodded that it was fine by her and again I wondered at the trust of the woman. In the short time I known her, my respect and liking for her sense of humour had grown, but to allow an old man, a stranger until a short while ago, to sit or more or less lie, alongside a young girl seemed a foolhardy thing to do. I knew I would never harm the girl but she didn't know that. Suzie snuggled her head contentedly into the crook of my arm.

I'm not a fiction writer but I remembered a radio interview with a storyteller who went round local schools. Her method was to get the children to come up with the characters and a plot and build the story around it. At least that would give me a starting point.

"This story is about a girl named Suzie," I started, "Is she a good girl or a naughty one?"

"If it's this Suzie, she's a naughty one," Hazel laughed, "You get started and I'll put the kettle on."

"And what's the naughtiest thing you've ever done Suzie?"

"I jumped in muddy puddles all the way down the road when I had my best dress on. Mummy was very cross."

So I began a tale of Suzie who jumped in puddles but the last one was more than a puddle, it was a deep hole and Suzie went down and down until she was amongst the fishes and mermaids who showed her their homes and the treasures they'd found in sunken ships. By then Suzie was fast asleep and I too felt very weary. The heat and being unused to manual work or perhaps my story was soporific, but whatever the reason I slid down the bed a little and with Suzie still cradled alongside me, I followed her example and drifted off to sleep.

"Isn't that just so sweet?" Vaguely I heard a strange woman's voice but I didn't open my eyes.

"Yes, and from what I can see, it looks as if I will have to keep him here." Hazel's laughing voice came through to my brain.

"Mother! I thought you were long passed looking for that."

"Of course not Sarah. It's been a while since your father left us but we did it almost up to the end and I still miss it. I'm only fifty-six and that's not old! Still I kept my eyes closed and wondered what had provoked the comments.

"We'll have to wake them now and take Suzie home so I'm there when Janet gets in from school. You'll be free to seduce him then if you want." Sarah giggled and I guessed she took after her mother. "Come on Suzie, time to go home. You can come and see Grandpa another day." Pretending to wake, I pondered on the conversation and then realised that when I slid down the bed, the legs of my shorts had been pushed up and with the heat my prick had stiffened and poked out. Hastily I pulled the legs down and, much to the amusement of the two ladies, I blushed with embarrassment. "I hope you don't think that I..." I stuttered but they just laughed.

Of course, Suzie protested about going home and we could all tell that she was afraid her newly found grandpa would go away again but her mother didn't put up with any nonsense although she did get me to promise I would see her at the weekend. Actually it didn't take much to get me to agree. I liked my new found granddaughter and her grandmother and wondered what my life would have been like if I really had a granddaughter like her. She not only insisted on giving me a kiss but made me kiss her mother too, 'just like I always used to', she was after all, supposed to be my daughter. Sarah didn't seem to mind and I caught her winking to her mother.

"I'll make another pot of tea, the one I made you is stone cold," Hazel said when it was quiet and we sat in the kitchen, "Thank you for taking it so well. I guess it was a big shock to you to find you had a family that you knew nothing of. If you're not in too much of a rush to get back, perhaps we can talk about where we go from here. Suzie was so upset when my husband died of a heart attack and now she's so happy he's come back, even if you're not really him. I'd like it if you could see your way to visiting from time to time."

"And so you can seduce me?" I grinned.

"You heard?"

"Yes, sorry. I should have opened my eyes earlier but I won't object. What surprises me though is that you allowed a stranger to go to bed with such a young girl."

"You're not the stranger to me that I am to you. I saw you when you gave the talk on spiders to the Ladies Guild, the one where you started by saying, 'Ladies, you invited me to talk to you but I wouldn't mind betting that before long some of you will wish you hadn't', and then you produced that big hairy foreign spider and let it crawl up your arm. I think some of the ladies fainted and I felt a bit squeamish. You've also gone to Highfield School, where Sarah's other daughter Janet attends, and taken them on nature walks. She gave you a glowing report."

We spent a long time talking and laughing over the circumstances we found ourselves in and my feeling for Hazel grew but with the oppressive heat and the fact that I needed a shower and a change of clothes precluded any seduction. I did agree to visit again on Saturday morning when Suzie would be there. Hazel gave me a loving hug and kiss before she drove me home.

Tired as I was from the exertions of the day, sleep eluded me. The humid, thundery weather didn't help but it was more that my mind continually recalled, examined, re-examined and extrapolated on the events of the day and the results of what was a series of remarkable coincidences. Terry, Tom's father and a close friend of mine, died suddenly and knowing I'd taken early retirement, Tom asked me to help clear his office and to sort out his effects. We belonged to the same natural history club and when John, another member of the club, agreed to assist we expected to sort out his books and his specimen collection but in addition we found ourselves removing desks and filing cabinets and other furniture into a van. Tom agreed to buy us lunch at the local supermarket but it was not the one I normally frequented because to get to it from home meant cycling along a busy main road and I don't have a car.

That morning Hazel's shopping trip was delayed by the gas men checking the boiler in her rented council house and she decided to get a late lunch in the cafeteria instead of making sandwiches at home. So the fact that we were there at the same time in itself was remarkable and then for Suzie to 'recognise' me as her dead grandfather stretched the coincidence further. To cap it all, I'm known as Bert and so was her grandfather, albeit I'm Albert and he was Herbert. Was fate intervening and bring Hazel and I together? As an ex science teacher, I didn't really believe in supernatural forces but I had to admit to half considering some unseen force was behind it.

Hazel was attractive enough to my eyes. A pleasant, down to earth, slightly dumpy brunette with hair starting to grey and only a couple of years younger than me, made me feel as though someone above was playing matchmaker. Suzie was an added bonus. A precociously cute young child that almost anyone would love for a granddaughter. But what was I to do now? I'd agreed to go round on Saturday but for how long could we keep up the pretence of my being Hazel's husband? From the indications so far, Hazel appeared to like me and in the short time we were together, an agreeable rapport had created a bond between us. She appeared willing, even keen, to go along with the deception and I even had the feeling we could have had sex together had not the energy sapping weather and weariness thwarted it. Did I want to fuck her? Like any normal male, of course I did. It had been several years since I'd had a woman although I knew I could still perform. I masturbated enough. Did she want to have sex with me just because she'd glimpsed my prick or because she was lonely after her husband's death? For a long while I lay awake gently wanking until sweat covered my body and I had to have a quick shower.

"Are you going to give the game away?" I asked Janet when I was introduced on Saturday. Suzie had already shown her delight at my being there and then disappeared to 'go potty'.

"Mum says she will send me to school with a silent order of nuns if I do!" The ten year old had a wide grin so I guessed a sense of humour was an inherited trait.

Looking her up and down, I held her at arms length and tried to keep a straight face, "You'd probably look very attractive in a penguin suit!"

"About as handsome as you in a priest's frock! They'd probably call you Gandalf!" More seriously she added, "But I can't call you Gramps. May I call you Bert? I can't call you Sir, like when you visit us at school."

"Call me what you like if it is not too rude! And no, I don't think Gandalf is appropriate either!"

Janet and Sarah left for a swimming lesson and Suzie decided I was to be her playmate. Having absolutely no experience of playing with young children, overnight I'd thought about things I could do and decided to try doing what I knew best, natural history. "We're going to play garden detectives," I said when asked, and handed her a large magnifying glass. For an hour we looked at flowers and ladybirds and even a snail until she tired of the game but for that time she'd been excited at seeing these creatures larger than life. We went inside and I had to make up a story about a snail fighting off an attack by a bird.

"Looking after a three and a bit year old is exhausting, isn't it?" Hazel commented. I had to agree, Fortunately Sarah returned and took her home.

"Does Sarah have a husband?" I asked because no one had mentioned him.

"Divorced. He left Sarah for a college girl a few months before Suzie was born. Usual story I suppose. At least he has to pay child support so Sarah doesn't have to work full time."

I spent the rest of the day helping Hazel with some of the jobs her late husband would have done including clearing the small greenhouse. She'd given it almost no attention and was full of pots with dead or dying plants hidden amongst weeds that grew amazingly well in the hot arid conditions. "My Bert tried to grow all sorts of exotic plants and more or less kept me out of here. After he died I still didn't go in until I wanted to plant a few seeds for bedding plants and by then it was in such a state that I went to the nursery and bought plants instead." Helen's personality impressed me even more during the time we worked together. We kept up a lively banter with sexual innuendos, which, combined with amount of tit she was showing, caused my prick to stiffen several times. I'm sure she knew and did her best to provoke me. By four o'clock we were both dirty and soaked with sweat. "Husband, I think we'll need a shower before dinner." Her eyes and the tone of her voice told me she wanted more than a shower! "I'll bung our clothes in the washing machine and in this heat, yours should be dry enough for you to wear to go home... if you decide to go home tonight!"

"Wifey, are you trying to seduce me?"

"Of course. Why else would I make us work in this heat?"

Without a trace of shyness, she undressed in the utility room and I did the same, both of us glancing at each other as we shed what little clothing we had on. "You can't go home for at least a couple of hours now, not unless you are prepared to cycle in the nude." She closed the machine door and started it going. "And I doubt it would be very comfortable and with that lance of yours sticking out like that you'd be a danger to other road users. But maybe we can find a way of curing that problem." We stood staring unashamedly at each other, she at my hard and ready prick, me at her large tits that had begun to sag and at the luxuriant bush of black hair that adorned her mound and still retained its colour. I definitely liked what I saw especially the way her fulsome breasts moved when she laughed. Unquestionably she was a fun woman and a horny one at that. With unexpected speed, she grasped my prick and pulled me to her. We hugged and kissed for a few minutes until she whispered, "Let's release the tension from this sausage and shower after."

Having long since lost the exuberance of youth, we could take our time over the fucking and being mature, I could keep thrusting for a long time before releasing my sperm, not that there were any eggs left in her ovaries to fertilise. From the way she thrust her body at me and from hearing her plead for me to fuck harder, I knew she was as aroused and as horny as me. I pumped hard and deep and tried to vary the pace and angle of my thrusts. In turn she moaned with pleasure and orgasmed several times before I finally shot my load into her and, soaked with sweat, we collapsed together and lay in each other's arms. Lethargically we kissed and I suckled her tits. The phone rang but neither of us moved. "Thank you Hazel, that was wonderful," I whispered between kisses and was pleased to receive her thanks in return.

For a while we lay quietly side-by-side, cooling off a little and getting our breath back. My thoughts ran over the events of the last few days and especially to the wild fuck we'd just had. "None of your younger partners have showed the enthusiasm Helen did. I wonder if she is into other forms of more adventurous kinky sex?" I mused, recalling one girl I'd known in my twenties.

"We'd better shower." Slowly we disentangled ourselves and with a great deal of merriment soaped and washed each other. Of course, I had to make sure her tits and cunt were properly clean and she spent more time washing my prick than was really necessary.

"They're in the shower Mummy! Both of them." Suzie's shrill voice came through the open bathroom door.

"You get back down here young lady, they won't want you in there as well." We could hear the laughter in Sarah's voice.

Hazel opened the cubicle door a crack and yelled, "Put the kettle on, we'll be down in a minute." My mind visualised me meeting them stark naked but Hazel whispered, "I'll find one of Bert's dressing gowns for you." In fact she found a pair of his shorts that more or less fitted when I pulled a belt tightly around my waist and we went down to 'face the music'. Janet grinned as we entered the kitchen so I guessed that even at her young age she had some understanding of the facts of life.

Suzie jumped on to my lap when I sat at the kitchen table but after a few minutes of pouting because I wouldn't tell her a story, she went to her toy box and, despite her mother's insistence that they were only going to stay a few minutes, began scattering its contents on the floor. This time I was dragged down to help unload a Noah's ark. It was fortunate as it shielded me from Sarah's questioning. "I was worried when you didn't answer the phone." A statement but also a question.

"We cleared the greenhouse. You can check if you like and it was hot and dirty work."

It was obvious from the way she said it that she didn't expect her daughter to believe her. And she didn't. "From the state of your bed and the smell in the bedroom, it was more likely you were consummating your marriage."

"Well that too. Even us older women get horny at times"

"What's horny Nanny?" I almost laughed out loud when Suzie piped up.

"It's when I feel the need for a cuddle dear." Both Sarah and Janet grinned.

"So when I want Gramps to give me a cuddle, I'm horny?" We all burst out laughing.

Hazel seemed bemused that I helped prepare our meal. "If my Bert were here now," she told me, "He would be in the lounge reading the paper or watching telly. I don't think he ever lifted a finger to help in the kitchen." Of course it was different for me, I'd lived alone for most of my life and I wasn't into buying ready pack meals. An hour later, as we sat down to our meal, through the window we could see the sky darkening and hear the thunder of a slowly approaching storm. We rushed out and grabbed the washing from the line before the rain started.

Not long after the heavens opened and, after the lights had flickered a couple of times, the electricity went off but we had the forethought to find some candles and had them ready to light when it became dark. They created a romantic atmosphere. At least the storm gave me an excuse to spend the night with Hazel. Most of the evening we spent cuddling and talking about our lives. More and more I began to like the woman. She was fun and down to earth and made no secret of the fact that she liked sex in a variety of ways although she did wonder sometimes if that was what brought on her husband's heart attack. The storm continued and with the power still off, we decided to have an early night and another fuck. "I guess the cycling you do keeps you fit," she commented when I finally withdrew, "My Bert would have been puffed out long ago but we didn't realise he had a heart problem until it happened." I let her reminisce about Bert and the variety of ways they fucked and I looked forward to trying out some of them.

"He's here Nanny. He's in the garden!" I turned to greet the blonde bundle running full tilt down the path towards me. Before she crashed into my legs, I scooped her up, swung her around three times and laughing, cradled her in my arms. "I thought you'd gone back to heaven," she blubbered.

Hazel arrived. "Sorry she apologised, "I rang the doorbell. When you weren't in my house she thought you'd gone away again and got very upset when you weren't in the supermarket either so I came round to see if you were at home."

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Introduction: D is always welcome! D Returns D returned again today and what a lovely day it is and how lovely it turned out . We welcomed D and had him get comfortable. He got nude and immediately shot up his cock. He had already pumped his cock up with his cock pump so it was already larger than normal so once the prostaglandin took effect, it was huge! Not much longer but very big in diameter, at least 2, and with uncircumcised foreskin it appeared even larger . Using the pump pulls more...

4 years ago
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My Sister Returns

My Sister Returns ByReeb As a bead of sweat rolled across my brow, I couldn’t help but wonder if this was the hottest summer I could remember in my forty years on this earth. Little did I realize, that the heat inside my air conditioned home would soon become unbearable but not the result of the hot summer sun but from intense sexual excitement. As I picked up the phone and listened to the sobbing voice of my sister, I couldn’t help it but my cock began to harden. I was sad to hear her so...

3 years ago
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212 A young Soldier returns

212 A young Soldier returns the last days Mother caught the bus from the end of the drive, Ellie and John saw her off, then strolled back along the long road between the tall walnut trees, John remarking that “her sister had a strange relationship with Sam and a hidden past.” Ellie had had him swear not to let her sister know she had explained things to him, to which he gave his solemn oath, and by the time they reached the house she had explained the whole sad story of his mother`s past....

2 years ago
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210 A young Soldier returns

210 A young Soldier returns Day 9Dawn, well a bit after really and the visitors both crawled out unused to farm hours, Jed visited with the unnecessary flour, having fed the a****ls he jauntily downed his morning coffee, he was a strange old bird, 75 if a day, thin, wiry, a little old chap who on a farm could do just about any job, a sort of Jed of all trades! Together the two men went to the offending byre and with Jed holding the ladder and passing the slates so by dinner the roof was...

4 years ago
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206 A young Soldier returns

206 A young Soldier returns Day 2 Sam had left as usual, and hearing the old bike start and the throaty sound retreat up the road, he tumbled from his bed. As he expected she was sat at the table, tea cup in hand, a fresh brewed pot on its stand, she was dressed as she had been the day before, in the green silk. He kissed her, but she waved him into his usual seat, pouring his tea, smiling and saying” don’t you young lads ever tire?” he grinned back and said that “if you had a most attractive...

2 years ago
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My sister Amy Returns

His sexy little sister returns to heat up his summer.View Author's Copyright InformationAs a bead of sweat rolled across my brow, I couldn’t help but wonder if this was the hottest summer I could remember in my forty years on this earth. Little did I realize, that the heat inside my air conditioned home would soon become unbearable but not the result of the hot summer sun but from intense sexual excitement.As I picked up the phone and listened to the sobbing voice of my sister, I couldn’t help...

3 years ago
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chapter two exposing Cindy Richard returns

Chapter 2: Monday - Richard returns alone. I was home alone on Monday, Jim was at work, when the doorbell rang. I was not expecting anyone. I looked at the clock and it was just past 11 a.m.I opened the door and it was Richard. “Is it OK, if I grab some of the tools we left here Saturday? We were a little distracted when we left” he said with a smirk of sorts.“Sure, go ahead.” I responded. I was wearing a white tee shirt, no bra, and some gym shorts. I felt my pulse quicken and my nipples...

Wife Lovers
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Leomon Returns

Leomon Returns Chapter 1 It had been five years since the death of Leomon. Jeri was now 17 years old and had grown into her body well. Her hair had grown and now touched her breast which were now 44D. She was a size 3 and had plenty of curves. While she has always felt like she had long legs she now felt like they were her best feature as they were smooth and silky. She went out for a walk grabbing her digivice every year on this exact same day to where she first met Leomon. When she arrived...

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www Stories I like Karen Returns

Karen Returns One of my oldest lady friends, in terms of both age and length of relationship, is Karen Hawthorne, whom I have known, and whose company I have enjoyed for over seven years. One of the most memorable weekends of my life was her birthday a few years ago, when we spent three days making gentle love together at a bed and breakfast inn a few miles up the coast. Although we were both closer to fifty than to forty when we signed in as husband and wife, the other guests mistook us for...

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Uncle Dave’s Returns By Christy Dee It had been four months since Dave Rogers visited his s****r and niece Anita. Dave has been very busy in his job as photojournalists, but the memory of his homecoming still lingered. As he sat on a plane on his way back from Africa, his eyes closed he remembers the lovely time he and his sweet eighteen-year-old niece had that first day by the pool. The thought of Anita’s young tender body hunted him. Her long red hair and soft green eyes along...

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207 A young Soldier returns

207 A young Soldier returns Day 3 The lad appeared at the breakfast table, where his mother sat in the green silk set he had given her. she had the paper and a cup of tea and was waiting his arrival. He poured tea for himself then took his place while she finished the piece she was reading. The last evening had been a little odd, it had been one of normality, a rather pointed normality, no one mentioned sex, in fact it was the one subject that they never touched on, they all knew it had...

2 years ago
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www Stories I like Karen Returns

Karen ReturnsOne of my oldest lady friends, in terms of both age and length of relationship, is Karen Hawthorne, whom I have known, and whose company I have enjoyed for over seven years. One of the most memorable weekends of my life was her birthday a few years ago, when we spent three days making gentle love together at a bed and breakfast inn a few miles up the coast. Although we were both closer to fifty than to forty when we signed in as husband and wife, the other guests mistook us for...

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AmericanMan Returns

American-Man Returns by Paul G Jutras The high desert winds kicked up as the hovering cruise ship sailed over the endless sands. Inside the ball room, Christine Jackmarr and her band rocked on with music from before World War Three. Once Christine was merely Chris Jackmarr. A normal teenage boy with dreams of being a rock star. Then one Halloween, a cosmic time loop resulted in the death of his old body and the reincarnation of his soul in his own relative of the year...

2 years ago
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Uncle Dave’s ReturnsByChristy DeeIt had been four months since Dave Rogers visited his sister and niece Anita. Dave has been very busy in his job as photojournalists, but the memory of his homecoming still lingered. As he sat on a plane on his way back from Africa, his eyes closed he remembers the lovely time he and his sweet eighteen-year-old niece had that first day by the pool. The thought of Anita’s young tender body hunted him. Her long red hair and soft green eyes along with her long...

4 years ago
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chapter two exposing Cindy Richard returns

Chapter 2: Monday – Richard returns alone. I was home alone on Monday, Jim was at work, when the doorbell rang. I was not expecting anyone. I looked at the clock and it was just past 11 a.m. I opened the door and it was Richard. “Is it OK, if I grab some of the tools we left here Saturday? We were a little distracted when we left” he said with a smirk of sorts. “Sure, go ahead.” I responded. I was wearing a white tee shirt, no bra, and some gym shorts. I felt my pulse quicken and my nipples...

2 years ago
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Victoria72 Yr Old Hottiel Part 5 Vicky Returns

Victoria-72 Yr Old Hottie-Part 5 Vicky ReturnsIt was two days after being with Mary and Marcie that Vicky came back from visiting her son. She called me to let me know she was back and wanted to see me that day. Frankly, there was no way. I really got my nut off with the other two and being 65 I'm not that young any more. If I was in my 40's or so, I would have gone, but I hate to admit I'm getting to be an old man, especially with these two hotties that seem to be insatiable. We agreed to meet...

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Natasha Returns

She looked absolutely stunning in her saree: the light pink chiffon was draped around her slender waist up to her shoulders as she twirled around in a floral blouse which accentuated her teenage perky breasts. Every inch of her body looked absolutely smooth and eatable- and I had plans to do just that. Hey you all, I am Kaira and I am back with another one of my adventures with Natasha. You can read my previous story or click on the under the title. It had been a few weeks since I had taken...

3 years ago
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The Fairy Godmother Returns

The Fairy Godmother Returns By Morpheus I let out a long sigh took a look back towards my school as I left for the day. However, it wasn't the school itself that I was staring at, but a hot girl who was leaving at the same time... in nearly the opposite direction. Sheila Case wasn't exactly the hottest girl in school, but she was definitely within the top five. Personally however, out of all of the girls in the school she was at the very top of my list. She was the girl that I...

4 years ago
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Yankee Swap Chapter 10 Kim Returns

Yankee Swap, Chapter 10: Kim Returns "Oh you've made me so happy Ke - er, Kim! This is going to be great! So let's see what you brought with you." Connie opened the gift bag - Kim didn't have anything else to put the items in. "Oh this won't do. Where's the adhesive? Where's the concealer? We're going back to your house. You go on ahead. I've got some things to collect and I will be over. Here..." She shoved a bottle of hair remover into her hands. "You start by using...

4 years ago
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South Pacific Pt 3 Mike Returns

I'm not going to annoy you with all the boring details of how I ended back in my hometown. Let's say the government didn't really care if I was alive or dead. My passport and driver's license were still valid and that's all I needed to travel.I had tried to contact Susan, by phone, two days after I was aboard the Navy ship. My old number was no longer in service. I tried looking her up on the internet, but the number listed was my old one. I didn't want to contact the university just yet, so I...

Straight Sex
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Lyn returns

I now knew that my wife had photos that she thought she could use to make sure that she could keep me away from Marg. She knew me well and understood that I would do nothing to put a person that I cared about at risk.What Sue didn’t know of course is that Marg was unlikely to be as upset as she thought because during our time together Marg had actually encouraged me to seduce her sister. Marg wanted Lyn to know how beautiful sex could be if the person’s intent was simply to please her. The...

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Chance Returns

She stood naked near the window, silhouetted against the dim light that came through the lace curtains. He could see that she was still naked, a cigarette in her hand. She took a puff before putting it in an ashtray on the small table in front of her. ‘I’m happy that you’re writing again,’ she said. She noticed the filled legal pads and closed laptop on his desk before she walked into his bedroom. She knew that he was going through some writer’s block lately. ‘Have anything ready for me to...

3 years ago
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Many Happy Returns

I had come home from college and was working on an assignment when my phone kept ‘pinging’ informing me there was an incoming message.I had ignored the first couple of messages but within five minutes, I had received over five calls.I opened the last message and all it said was, “I know you are home, RSVP ASAP.”I then read the earlier messages which were all from Mike, who lived in the next block. He and I were friends and had known each other for years. We are both studying the same subject at...

Love Stories
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Carla Returns

Lauren arrived back at her hotel, the Hotel Stein, one of Frankfurt’s finest at around 9pm that Saturday night. Throughout the day she’d been shepherded by two local bodyguards, Erich and Hanse, since Carla and Frank were not allowed to carry weapons in Germany. She was glad finally to be alone. The hotel had plenty of security and she felt quite safe. Every visitor and guest had to pass through x-ray checks and there was discreet muscle everywhere. She collected her key from reception and made...

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Confessions of a BoyToy Part 9 Barb Returns

I saw Barb's new toy long before I pulled into her driveway. She had parked her vintage 1955 gun metal grey Gullwing Mercedes in front of the front doors. Barb knew I was a car guy and wanted to show off a bit I imagined. Damn!, I thought to myself, I'd like to drive that almost as much as I like to drive Barb. This would be my first time to see Barb since my outrageous birthday party last Saturday night. Barb had left the morning after for a little shopping spree in Los Angeles . From what...

Wife Lovers
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My Wife Returns

The story up until now. Throughout our marriage my wife, Sue had secret affairs. I had found out that I was not the father of our daughter. I had also discovered that Sue had become pregnant several times since we married but was able to have the pregnancies terminated. In desperation, I had taken a job in the west of the country and had only agreed to take Sue with me on condition that her cheating behavior cease. We had decided to have another child. I had agreed believing that this may be...

Wife Lovers
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Caleb 17 The prodigal Returns

As always my thanks to Neurparenthetical, whose untiring vigilance makes my illegible scribble readable. Any residual errors are left there purposely in order to give you guys something to do. Enjoy. – and please, whatever you feel about the story feedback is always appreciated. I can’t improve if I don’t know where I am going wrong. Caleb 17 - The prodigal return I was stunned. Over and over, I examined the memory. There was no doubt. It had been my power that had been in play. It appeared...

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ConundrumChapter 4 A wife returns

It was no surprise to Matt that when he returned from work the next day, Beth's car was in the drive. He took a deep breath, preparing himself for the act that he had to give. Beth had heard his car and was waiting for him in the kitchen where she was preparing a meal. He smiled genuinely at her and opened his arms to her. "Beth, it's so good to see you home, I've missed you." She came into his arms. Matt thought he may have caught a little hesitation at first. "It's good to be home....

2 years ago
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A Star Returns

"Thanks for the invite," I said as I looked around at the large room. There were many people gathered for my friend's sister's reception. I call him my friend loosely as we had only recently reconnected through social media, and by recent, I mean like a few days ago."No problem, Turbo," Ted said as he smiled at me."That was ages ago," I said, shaking my head, it was amazing that name had stuck around for so many years, even when we were in high school. Ted's name was Stretch, because...

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The Vicars Wife Returns

I couldnt have been two minutes out of the drive and less than a mile down the road towards the train station when Ali caught sight of Marjorie coming up the drive. She was looking out of the kitchen window and noticed that Marjorie had bounce in her step not the trudging walk of an ageing doyen. No walking stick either, although still the beetle crusher shoes, pop socks, tweed twin set and that awful black hat sat on top of her head with her massive hair all coiled underneath. Beginning of...

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The Lady Returns

I was both surprised and relieved to receive Lady Varnham's invitation for tea. The last time I'd seen her had been months ago, at a temple deep in the African bush, well beyond civilization. My memory of the expedition was a pile of warped puzzle pieces, a confusing jumble that wouldn't quite fit together. The only details of which I was certain was that three other friends and I had escaped a nebulous but certain doom, abandoning the poor Lady Varnham in the process, and spending...

2 years ago
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The AwakeningChapter 4 Michele Returns

The woman is slim. She is wearing a cerise satin blouse, black leather skirt and black high-heeled pumps. Flesh-toned fully-fashioned stockings sheath her long well defined legs. She is wearing a blonde bob, her bangs direct your gaze to heavily madeup eyes, and she's wearing glistening ruby-red lipstick. She is mature but sexy in a sluttish sort of way. She lowers her face to a semi-tumescent penis and slowly takes it into her mouth. Her long elegant fingers, glistening with silver rings...

4 years ago
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Where the Mountain RisesChapter 20 Evil Returns

June 20, 2030 “That’s the monastery over there on the left,” the man in the back seat informed the driver. Ever since they had emptied and discarded most of the fuel canisters stowed in the cargo area with the back seats down, it was possible to raise the seats again and give him the privilege to ride in comfort in accordance with his authority. “We’re close now. You need to turn off at the first left onto a dirt road.” “Yes sir,” the driver responded in curt military fashion. The two...

3 years ago
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Allison and the PrimdalesChapter 90 Auntie Rachael Returns

On Thursday after Greg left for work, Allison held another "family council" to discuss the plan. Brit, Crystal, and she had spent a good deal of their time out at the pool the prior evening, and they had coaxed Greg into joining them. He had done plenty of gawking at the girls in their bikinis, and not just at Allison or even Crystal, but at Brit as well. He tried to be discreet about it, but Allison kept one eye on him the whole time, and caught him leering several times. With less than a...

4 years ago
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The babysitter returns

It all went well for about five years, and then things started falling apart. It happened slowly; a decline of degrees that was almost imperceptible at first. She would work longer hours; he would need a break from the kids. She would go on weeklong symposiums; he would go on weekend fishing trips with ‘the boys’. Eventually the regularity of their sex life was reduced to once a week, and then once a month, and finally only on special occasions like birthdays. They grew apart like two...

2 years ago
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The babysitter returns

Introduction: Gabes new babysitter might be a good girl, but she,s perfectly bad at it… Her name was Daphne, and she was easily the hottest girl he had ever seen, including the multitude of groupies whom had thrown themselves at him during his brief career as a professional football player. The never-ending stream of pussies had dried up like a thin trickle of water in the desert after the car accident that screwed up his knee and killed his career. Gabe ended up taking the same road so many...

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Olivier returns

Dedicated to my boyfriend currently in Europe on business, you know who you are.  Please enjoy the story everyone else.   My story begins at Brisbane International Airport.    I have just watched a routinely scheduled Air France flight make a perfect landing and on aboard is Olivier.    It is mid February and a hot and humid 35°C.   Within the air conditioned walls of Terminal 1 he is probably clearing customs and collecting his baggage right now and I am waiting for him on the land side....

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Olivier returns

Dedicated to my boyfriend currently in Europe on business, you know who you are.  Please enjoy the story everyone else.   My story begins at Brisbane International Airport.    I have just watched a routinely scheduled Air France flight make a perfect landing and on aboard is Olivier.    It is mid February and a hot and humid 35°C.   Within the air conditioned walls of Terminal 1 he is probably clearing customs and collecting his baggage right now and I am waiting for him on the...

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My Judy Returns

"Ted, you got it wrong. Sure I feel for Judy, but I am not in love with that lady. Love feels different."  I think I have told him that at least three times, but he always came up with new arguments."I don't care what you call it, infatuation, affection, fondness, or whatever; I say you are in love with this lady. I speak from experience, my friend." I guess he does have some experience. Ted has been married three times.But I disagreed. "Look, Ted. That lady is twenty-four years older than me,"...

3 years ago
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Foster Daughter Returns

Carl was not a bad guy and Maggie was also a good wife to Carl. They had just drifted apart. Maggie was a very busy CPA and Carl was a civil engineer. They were both very conservative and somewhat boring people and they both needed a change, as they had gone through the normal process of dating and marriage and raising a child, but there was never a spark in the romance department. There was not any cheating with other people involved with their breakup. They were going to sell the house,...

3 years ago
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D Returns

D returned again today and what a lovely day it is and how lovely it turned out . We welcomed D and had him get comfortable. He got nude and immediately shot up his cock. He had already pumped his cock up with his cock pump so it was already larger than normal so once the prostaglandin took effect, it was huge! Not much longer but very big in diameter, at least 2”, and with uncircumcised foreskin it appeared even larger . Using the pump pulls more blood than usual into his cock...

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