Allison and the PrimdalesChapter 10 Auntie Rachael
- 4 years ago
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On Thursday after Greg left for work, Allison held another "family council" to discuss the plan. Brit, Crystal, and she had spent a good deal of their time out at the pool the prior evening, and they had coaxed Greg into joining them. He had done plenty of gawking at the girls in their bikinis, and not just at Allison or even Crystal, but at Brit as well. He tried to be discreet about it, but Allison kept one eye on him the whole time, and caught him leering several times.
With less than a week left before Rachael arrived, she wanted everyone to be prepared to lose their clothes at a moment's notice. Rachael would be the instigator, but she suggested that everyone be ready to follow her lead. Jeff asked, not surprisingly, if he would be allowed to be present on some of these occasions, and Allison reassured him that pretty soon there would be so much nudity at the Primdale mansion that he was bound to end up in the middle of it sometimes no matter how often he stayed away.
On Friday, Jeff turned seventeen. They decided to throw him a pool party, and he invited several of his friends. Mike, Jesse, and Rick came, and not surprisingly, Rick asked if he could bring his little sister Amy along. Knowing what he did about their relationship, Jeff could hardly say no. Besides, it gave him an excuse to allow Kari, Brit, and Crystal to invite over all their sexy young friends too. Jeff could think of no better birthday present than to be surrounded by a bunch of cute girls in swimsuits. Kayla Fallon and Vanessa Moon came along, as well as Shelley Hooper, Gwen Franks, and Erica Bryant from the volleyball team. Brit and Crystal brought Kimmy Nelson and the Dover twins. Mike even asked if he could bring along his girlfriend Holly.
Since it was Jeff's birthday, Greg made an exception to the rule that Jeff and Brit couldn't be in swimsuits together. With a whole crowd of people there, it wasn't as if there would be any opportunity for the two kids to get into trouble.
They had barbecue hamburgers on the upper deck outside the back door, and afterward everyone jumped in the pool. Brit, Crystal, and the Dover girls spent most of their time ganging up on Jeff trying to dunk him. He enlisted Kari's help to retaliate, and it helped a little, although they were still outnumbered and therefore ended up on the losing end of that battle more often than not. As expected, Jesse stared and drooled over Allison almost the entire time, probably remembering what she looked like naked. It certainly didn't help that she wore a bikini rather than a more conservative one-piece swimsuit. Mike stared sometimes too, and even Rick couldn't help but steal the occasional glance, though Vanessa and Amy caught on and spent the rest of the afternoon teasing him about it and trying to distract him.
Lissa and Alya provided a little maturity among the otherwise younger group, though they too eventually joined in the fun. And Allison, of course, had as much fun as anyone.
Jeff got a little surprise later that afternoon when he caught Gwen and Erica kissing on the other side of the house where the partygoers couldn't see them. Erica shrugged and grinned sheepishly as her face turned bright crimson, but Gwen just laughed and kissed her again. Jeff gave them the thumbs-up sign, then turned around and walked away, giving them their privacy. He was glad that the two of them had gotten together; at least someone had a happy ending. He was still waiting for his own.
All in all, the party was a big success, though there was one birthday present that wouldn't arrive until the next week. He had hoped that Rachael would be there on his birthday, because she would no doubt want to give him a special present that night. Still, having her come at all would be fun, and she didn't necessarily need an excuse to give him that kind of present. He knew it was kind of selfish to fantasize about Rachael when he already had Kari, Crystal, Allison, and now Lissa and Alya sleeping with him, but try as he might, he just couldn't make himself feel guilty about it.
Kari, of course, would have been happy to give him that kind of birthday present, but with all the partygoers around, and him being the guest of honor and all, there was no chance for privacy. That was fine; he would have plenty of chances with her later.
When the day ended and all their friends headed home, Allison made up for Rachael's absence. As if reading his mind, she took Jeff up to his room that night and climbed into bed with him. They stripped off their clothes, and she fucked Jeff through two orgasms. It was the kind of birthday present that made him forget all about his aunt, for the moment at least.
Of course, his forgetfulness didn't last long, with Rachael arriving in a couple of days. Only Allison seemed more excited and anxious than Jeff. They both were almost on edge the day before she Rachael was scheduled to arrive. Jeff could hardly concentrate on anything, and of course Brit took it as a great opportunity to tease him about it. He didn't mind; it was no secret that he thought his Auntie Rachael was a very hot woman.
That night, he could hardly sleep. That actually worked to his benefit, because he woke up late, leaving less time before she would arrive. That still didn't keep him from spending a good deal of his time pacing that morning.
Greg took the day off from work to be there when she arrived. After what he had gone through for the past few months, and especially the past few weeks with Alya here, he was looking forward to seeing a welcome face for a change.
When lunch time came around, Jeff ate his food almost unconsciously, not even realizing he had eaten until he stared down at his plate and found it empty. They all then retired to the living room to wait for their new guest.
When they heard Rachael's car drive up, Jeff immediately hopped out of his seat and strode to the front door. Normally he didn't want to seem too eager to see a girl, but by now everyone in the house knew that he had had sex with her, so it was kind of pointless to try to deny just how much he liked her. He opened the door and waved to Rachael as she pulled into the driveway and parked her car.
She climbed out of her car and stretched seductively, no doubt deliberately forming it into a provocative pose to try to get him excited. She gave him a wink as soon as she was finished, then blew him a kiss. She walked over to him and threw her arms around him.
"Oh, it's so good to see you!" she exclaimed.
By this point, most of the rest of the family had gathered around the front door too, so she went around the group giving them each a hug, reserving an extra big one for her sister. When she got to Alya, she stopped.
"So you must be Alya," said Rachael with a smile. "I was right."
"Right about what?" asked Alya.
"When Lissa called me in January and told me she had a girlfriend, I knew that any girl who could turn her into a lesbian must be damn sexy."
Alya blushed, but she also laughed. Lissa had warned her about Rachael's personality after all, basically saying that Rachael was like Meg, only bisexual instead of strictly lesbian.
Rachael gave her a hug as well, then Greg suggested she come in and have a seat on the couch. She sat down and sighed, grinning at everyone. "It's been way too long since I was here," she said. "I need to visit more often than just once a year."
"You can visit as often as you want," Allison told her. "Isn't that right, Greg?"
"Our house is your house," he told Rachael.
"Oh good," Rachael grinned. "At my house I usually go around in my underwear all day." She began unbuttoning her blouse.
"Stop that!" Allison scolded, swatting her hand.
"She really is like Meg," Alya laughed.
"Jeff, would you be a dear and go get my luggage out of my car?" asked Rachael. "I'm exhausted after that long drive."
"Sure," he smiled.
"I'll help," offered Greg. They headed outside to the car, and between the two of them they carried her bags into the house, setting them down in the great hall. Jeff was almost disappointed to see upon her return that she was still fully clothed. With Rachael, one never knew whether that talk of stripping down to her underwear was a joke.
"We've got the spare room made up for you again," said Greg. "Jeff and I will be happy to help carry your luggage upstairs."
"I appreciate it, but forget the spare room," Rachael smiled. "Jeff's room will do nicely."
"Rachael!" Allison exclaimed. Everyone stared at Rachael in shock, even Jeff.
"What?" she asked. "I want to do my part to help Jeff and Brit get over each other."
"Rachael, maybe you shouldn't..." Allison began.
"Everyone here knows about the situation between them, so there's no point pretending it's a secret. Besides, I'm not the only woman helping Jeff get over his little sister," she said with a wink at Allison.
"But moving in with Jeff..." said Lissa.
"What better way? Besides, I missed his birthday, so I need to make up for it with an extra special present."
They continued to stare at her, but Jeff's face broke out into a wide grin.
"See?" she said. "Jeff likes the idea."
"I still don't know if I'm comfortable with it," said Greg.
"Oh, I'm sorry," Rachael told him. "If you're jealous, I'm happy to give you a little one-on-one time too, Greg. And anyone else who's interested. Lissa? Alya?"
Allison rolled her eyes, but she wore a grin on her face. "You never cease to amaze me," she laughed.
"I think for now we'll put your luggage in the spare room," Greg said. "Whether you actually sleep in there or not ... well, we'll discuss that later."
"Okay, but I still want to give Jeff a belated birthday present tonight."
Greg sighed. "I guess that's up to Kari and him. As long as she gives her permission, I really don't have any objections, although I would have hoped you wouldn't be so obvious about it."
"I'll give her a call right now," Jeff grinned. He hopped up off the couch and headed into the hall to the phone. The others tried not to eavesdrop as he made the call, but it was hard not to, especially when he asked his girlfriend point blank whether she had any objections to Rachael having sex with him that night. He returned a minute later with the grin still on his face.
"Looks like it's a date," he told Rachael.
"You know, Jeff," said Alya, "you're about the luckiest boy I know. Not only is your father letting you sleep with a girl right in this house, but your girlfriend just gave you permission, too."
"For the record, I don't like it, but considering the alternative, I'm willing to compromise," Greg mumbled.
"And don't forget he gets to have wild sex with his sexy stepmother whenever he wants to," Rachael added.
"I can't believe you just said that," Allison told her, growing red. Rachael was about the only person on the planet who could make her blush.
"Why not?" asked Rachael. "That's not a secret to anyone in this room either. You told me how much you enjoyed having him shove his great big cock up your pussy, and how much you loved the taste of his cum as he shot his load down your throat--"
"That's enough!" Allison shouted. Rachael quieted down, but she kept a grin on her face.
To avoid a return to the subject, Greg and Jeff set to work hauling her suitcases up the stairs and to the spare room. Jeff would have been happy having her move in permanently with him, but it looked like he wouldn't get the approval from his dad to take things quite that far. Still, she was just right down the hall and could slip into his bedroom any time she wanted. He decided not to lock the door during the whole time she was there. With so many hot girls in this house willing to have sex with him, he figured that privacy was overrated.
The rest of the afternoon, Rachael caught up on old times with everyone. She focused particularly on Alya, whom she had never met before. The two of them seemed to get along, maybe because Rachael was so much like Meg, and Alya had gotten used to her roommate's constant teasing and flirting. Rachael also focused quite a bit on Jeff, though her comments tended to be somewhat on the obscene side when she did. On more than one occasion Allison had to reprimand her and change the subject, but somehow the conversation always seemed to wander back to Jeff and what Rachael wanted to do with him.
Dinner was a little better, since they had the food to occupy them. Even Rachael toned down her naughty remarks somewhat. They had ice cream for dessert, after which Rachael wanted to go downstairs and play some ping-pong. That seemed like a good way to get her mind off of sex, so the whole family joined them downstairs. Rachael and Jeff teamed up against Lissa and Alya. Rachael was a little rusty, so Jeff and she lost the first couple of rounds, but then she got her game back and played much more competitively.
In the mean time, Greg and Allison shot pool. They offered to let Brit join in, but she was happy just watching. All in all, everyone had a fun time, and the time passed so quickly that they were surprised to look at the clock and realize that it was nearly bedtime.
Jeff glanced at Rachael, who gave him a wink to let him know that she was thinking the same thing that he was.
"Well, I've had a long day, and I'm getting tired," she said. "I think I'll turn in. Coming, Jeff?" She stood up and held out her hand to him.
Jeff couldn't help grinning as he rose to his feet and took her hand. He glanced over at Brit, hoping that she wouldn't be too jealous, but he saw her smiling too.
"Have fun, you two," she told them.
The two of them left the room and ascended the stairs. They entered Jeff's room, and he closed the door behind them. Rachael glanced around. "Ah yes," she said. "I know this room well."
"What do you mean?" asked Jeff. "Last time, I was in a different room."
"Yes, but this is where I seduced Lissa," she replied.
"Oh yeah. I forgot about that."
"That doesn't bother you, does it?" asked Rachael. "That I slept with your sister?"
"Why should it bother me?" he asked. "So did I."
Rachael laughed. "So Allison's suspicions about last Christmas were true," she said.
"That and last week. We've been doing a little girlfriend swapping."
Rachael laughed again. "Wow, Jeff! You're even more promiscuous than me. Is there girl in this house you haven't had sex with?"
"Let's see ... nope."
"Well then, I'd better get working. I only have a couple of months to catch up. Of course, I'm not going to settle for a tie; I play to win. I plan to have sex with one more person in this house than you."
"If you're talking about my dad, I think I'll concede that one to you," he laughed. "But that's for later. Right now, I've booked your time all night."
Rachael wrapped her arms around his neck and gave him a kiss. Jeff held her to him, enjoying the warmth of her body. When Rachael drew back, she had a smile on her face. "It's been far too long since I did that," she said. "It's not fair that I only get to visit once a year."
"You know, we have plenty of extra rooms," said Jeff. "I wouldn't complain if you wanted to move in."
"Careful, or I might take you up on that offer."
She released him, but only so that she could grab the bottom of his shirt and pull it over his head. Jeff returned the favor, slipping off her shirt to reveal her bra-clad chest. He took a second to admire it, then reached around her back to unfasten her bra. By now he was getting to be somewhat of an expert at it. Once the clasps were unhooked, he grabbed the ends and pulled them forward off of her chest, letting her gorgeous tits spring free.
"Now that's what I miss," Jeff grinned. "May I?" He reached out for her breasts, pausing only long enough for her to nod her head in permission. He grabbed hold of them and gave them a squeeze.
"You like my boobs, do you?" she asked.
"Oh yeah."
"Well, you can play with them all you want. Any time you want."
"No time like the present," he grinned, continuing to fondle her. He rolled her nipples between his fingers, enjoying how they hardened. Rachael smiled, obviously enjoying the sensation even more than him. As long as she was willing to let him toy with her, he would take advantage of it.
As he groped her, Rachael reached down and unfastened his belt. She then unbuckled and unzipped his pants.
"Your fly's undone," she commented.
"Oh," he replied. "I would take care of it, except my hands are preoccupied with something much more fun right now. Why don't you do something about it?"
"Like this?" she asked, then yanked his pants down. They fell in a pile around his ankles.
"That's exactly what I had in mind," he told her. "Of course, now I feel a little underdressed. I think we should change the dress code so that I don't feel so uncomfortable." He grabbed her own pants and pulled them down too. They both stepped out of their pants and stood facing each other again.
"I think we should make this the permanent dress code around here," Rachael suggested.
"I wouldn't mind that a bit," replied Jeff. "But you're going to have to take it up with my dad," replied Jeff.
Rachael was still lying in her arms when Lissa woke up in the morning. Lissa just stared at her for a few minutes, trying to sort out her own thoughts and feelings. It was something she had never experienced before; Lissa had always been a good girl, never one to do something so dirty. But she couldn't deny that she had enjoyed it. For now she decided to just call it an experiment and leave it at that. So now she had had a lesbian encounter. That didn't mean she was a lesbian; it was just...
She seduces groom's father before the wedding.Rachael regarded herself in the mirror. This was the day she had been waiting for - her wedding. She had wanted to get married to James for so many reasons. Surprisingly, sex was one of them, even though James was a lousy lay with a tiny pencil dick. But sex with other men had been so much more fun ever since James had slid the big diamond engagement ring onto her finger. She felt so bad, and so good at the same time, whenever she felt it on her...
My name is David and I am 18. My Parents died in a car crash when I was 5 . My aunt who was 10 years older than me looked after me. Soon she married and we lived together happily until there was this rift btwn her husband Paul. She soon divorced the SOB. Well my aunt was beautiful. She had wonderful firm 36 C tits , lovely eyes hot lips and even a shaved pussy. Very soon enough at 15 when I learned about sex I began to have incestuous feelings for her. I jacked off frequently. Aunt Rachael used...
IncestRachael was a nymphomaniac.It Was hard to believe that this 16yr old has such a huge libido.She was the sexiest girl in school which made sure she got action whenever and with whoever she wanted.With dirty blonde hairs,blue eyes,34C Boobs,a firm bubble butt and long slender legs which went on forever,she was a stunner. She had fucked almost all the guys of her year and she maintained a reputation for giving the best blowjob humanly possible.It was rumoured that no dick has ever made her...
It's not necessary to read the previous part but i would recommend you to read it first and get a feel about the characters. Rachael was very ecstatic about the homecoming because the captain of her school football team,Michael has asked her on the dance.Being the slut she was, Rachael never had any steady relationship with someone but ever since she had given him a blowjob in his car,she wanted it inside her pussy.Rachael had brought a sexy dress for the homecoming.It was a red and...
If Greg thought he was going to maintain an air of modesty around the house with his children there, he was sorely mistaken. For one thing, he still had to work every week day, which left the girls alone in the house. On Friday he sat behind his desk at work, daydreaming about the girls all swimming nude in the pool. Or perhaps "fantasizing" was a better word. It was made all the more realistic by the knowledge that it was probably going on even as he was thinking about it. That didn't...
I woke up on saturday morning to Rachael,who was violently shaking me to wake me up."Wake up slave...wake up"Rachael grinned and i knew the next two days are going to be tough.Rachael was wearing her red cotton panties and her black tanktop,that was her usual sleeping attire.Now,let me describe Rachael to you.She had dirty blonde hairs,blue eyes,a cute face and a very cute smile.She was very beautiful but her best features were at the lower part of her body.Rachael filled up a 36D bra...
Jon came forward and hesitantly asked "Can we...can we touch it,Rachael?" "NO"Rachael blatantly replied and in a few microseconds,she saw her three bestfriends have hung their faces like they have just been accused of raping someone.Rachael felt very sorry for the guys.In all likelihood,they would probably be a virgin for a long time.Rachael was also having a sense of guilt for not letting them touch her.She took a long deep breath and blurted out "Okay,i will let you guys touch it but...
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Josh lifted his face and saw Rachael still had her eyes closed.He wiped the juices off his face and removed his pants and underwear.When Rachael came down from her very first orgasm she opened her eyes only to find Josh standing naked right in front of her.His uncircumcised dick stood erect and he made no efforts to hide it.Tony and Jon were feeling jealous of Josh but they decided to wait for their turn and just watch how far they go.Rachael was too mesmerized to speak anything.Josh...
One of the primary reason Rachael did that cause she thought of herself as one of them, although her looks completely disagreed with her.She was a beautiful blonde having blue eyes,ample boobs and an ass to die for.No wonder,all the players and popular guys had tried their luck with her but miserably failed.Rachael was still a virgin and she wasn't planning to change that anytime soon.She was aware that most guys who asked her out just wanted to fuck her maybe that's why she found solace...
Introduction: An older woman rents her guest house to a younger man Rachael Winters looked in the mirror as she tied the red silk sarong over her black bathing suit. She knew life was not always fair, but when was enough going to be enough? She had always believed that God would never give her any more than she could handle, but she was just about to her limit. Rachael had married David in 1975, with dreams of a life together filled with love and children. Cancer stole their dreams of a large...
Rachael Winters looked in the mirror as she tied the red silk sarong over her black bathing suit. She knew life was not always fair, but when was enough going to be enough? She had always believed that God would never give her any more than she could handle, but she was just about to her limit. Rachael had married David in 1975, with dreams of a life together filled with love and children. Cancer stole their dreams of a large family, but at least Rachael could say she recovered. ...
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After making her cumm once and getting her to be "pantyless"for a day i realised Rachael was now my personal pet,i could do anything to her.So,i would spend lots of my time pondering over different things that i can make her do.It was friday and since our school remained closed on weekends i had two days...
Rachael and Lee had been emailing each other for some time now, after being matched on a dating website. It all started quite innocently, well maybe not totally innocently as they had matched with high statistics in love, passion and being sexually adventurous. At first they started emailing a little about each others lives then moved on to swapping their fantasies, and erotic stories with each other. Of course this then grew into them both sharing their most intense intimate and dirty little...
Life was good right now. Rachael, the girl who I had met at the supermarket when her car had a flat tyre, and I were beginning a relationship which was enhanced by the fact that her sister Joanne and their mother Fiona were sexually involved in it.It had been just over two weeks since our four way sex orgy that had spilled from Saturday evening through until Sunday afternoon and there was the promise that it would be repeated … often!Joanne had joined us in our sexual fun on more than one...
Because it was on Christmas Eve, the wedding was supposed to be a simple thing with just family. Just a few people standing under the willow tree out front and then dinner at home. At some point, however, it had spiraled completely out of Rachael's control. When they renewed the engagement, JD hired a wedding planner and gave the woman's phone number to both of their mothers. After that, Rachael was consulted about colors and preferences, but really was no longer involved with the...
Thank you for all the comments and ratings,it inspires me to keep on writing inspite of my super busy schedule. ...
Hi, To all Iss reader this is my first story hope U all would like it a complete self raj i live in Mumbai this story is about my aunty nandita,let me describe her she is in her 30s,lives with her husband and daughter.She is born beauty with an awesome fig of 36.28.40 ..her assets are her huge melons of 36 d and her ass that will give a hard on to any guy who looks at it So now my story starts this was like 5 years ago when I was appearing for my 12 th HSC examination at that time my...
I walked out of her bathroom with my mind unable to accept the reality."Did i just fingered and made my twin sister squirt? Or am i dreaming?"I reached my room and i realised reality or dream i had a raging boner to care about.I pulled down shorts to free my dick,i took it in my hand and started stroking it vigorously like there was no tomorrow.I closed my eyes trying to imagine the sight of my beautiful naked twin sister.Her perfect breasts with tiny pink nipples,her long legs,her firm...
Saturday MorningRachael and Molly have been at sixth-form college for a week now, when Molly’s mum Justine gets the call to spend the weekend on her knees submitting to Sam, her new Dom.Rachael and Molly are mostly studying different subjects now, so have swapped touching each other up in class for sending nude selfies and planning their next sexual encounters.Rachael arrived early on Saturday morning, Justine opened the front door in just a bathrobe: “Hi love - Molly’s just getting dressed -...
November 2009A call arrives from his young daughter: "Daddy, I thought you said a man puts his penis into a ladies vagina" ."Yes, that's right, darling - when a man and a woman are in love and want to make a baby"."But, this man has his penis in the lady's bottom and they both seem to be enjoying it".Bugger, thought daddy - is she ready for this yet?"You can't believe everything you read in your mother's magazines, baby girl"."No daddy - I'm watching the sextape labelled Swingers 2002 you left...
Hi,i am Martin.I am 16 and a sophomore at the local public school.I have been in a relationship with a girl in my class Sara for few months and was really serious about her but like all good things it ended.The reason for our breakup was another girl named Rachael.She had seen me flirting with another girl at a party and she told that to my gf ...
Hi... my name is Jonathan friends call me Jon.I am a regular 17yr old high school geek.I am about 6ft tall but i am very lean,atleast thats what everyone says.I had lost my virginity last summer to my second cousin and had only done sex two more times.My mother caught me feeling up my cousin and thus ended my short sex life. ...
Well First let me explain about my Aunt Rachael, she has short blond hair, gray eyes ,huge 36D tits(very firm ones), always wears these large hoop ear rings, small nose and a pouty lipped cute mouth. Oh by the way at this time she hated my guts, but then she hated all men since her husband and her two sick/twisted sons treated her like crap and she responded in kind. I never did anything to promote her hatred of me and I never returned that hatred since I knew why she treated me like that. At...
IncestThere wasn't anything of interest in the mail, but the phone recorder had three increasingly nasty messages from Ed. Eliminating several minutes of scatology and expletives, he wanted to know where his wife and kids were. He ended up threatening me, if I didn't call him immediately and tell him everything I knew. I removed the tape and put in a new one. Calling my lawyer, I told him I had another divorce for him to handle and it needed to start with a restraining order against Ed, keeping...
Rachael Cavalli is a woman who knows her way around the porn industry. With blonde hair like hers, juicy titties, and fat peach to round it out, it's hard to deny anything Rachael wants in this industry. All eyes are on her no matter where she travels during her pornography adventures. Her travels take her far, Rachael's Twitter is home to a bit over 207K followers. The first thing I noticed about Rachael is how much of a decorated pornstar she is. She does so much in this industry and it feels...
Twitter Porn AccountsAfter our exertions through Wednesday night and through Thursday when Rachael and I had enjoyed a torrid sexual romp with Jess – Rachael’s ex-husband’s girlfriend - we slept well on the Thursday night and I had been awakened on the Friday morning in what was becoming our customary way. Rachael’s soft lips had brought my cock to life until I shot a load of cum into her willing mouth before we shared a deep searching kiss.When I returned home on Friday afternoon Rachael greeted me in her usual...
The card read 'Congratulations on your achievement. Best wishes for your future endeavors. Davidson Fishery and the McElroy Family.' It was the only word she'd had from him in more than a month. Rachael felt her lip trembling, "Oh. Damn." She ran to the bathroom for a tissue as much to keep her sister from seeing her cry again as to save her perfectly applied makeup. She pulled herself together. She smoothed her hair again and took a deep breath. Smile, she thought, it's graduation...
Rachael was helpless. Freda had bound her with ropes in the fetal position and now, all she could do was watch the relentless pounding that Freda was going to take from the three cocks before her. Tommy, the oldest, had an air of confidence about him that filled the room, as did Shane, the middle in age that sported a nice 8 inch dick. Brandon, who was just a 21 year old k**, was hung like a horse. His 10 inches of man meat was surpassed by the shear thickness of it.Freda was Tommy’s...
Two weeks have passed since i took my blonde girlfriend Rachael's virginity on her b'day.Our christmas break is over and school have started now.Rachael does not like me to be very affectionate with her in public so,although we do meet almost everyday at school i rarely get to kiss her.And thanks to all the homework given by the teachers at high school we don't get to hang out much either. Sex is a weird thing: you can never have enough of it and when you're a teenager who's dating...
I woke up say the least,it wasn't huge but it was very firm with perfectly round cheeks.I was daydreaming of spanking her when her cellphone rang. With the towel wrapped around her body,she answered her phone.It was her mom,she just wanted to let her know that they won't reach here until dinner time.I was ecstatic to know that cause we still had the whole day to have some more fun although i was sceptic that Rachael would allow me to do anything more today. She went into...
I was 16,a sophomore and was dating one of the hottest chicks in my school. Her name was Rachael.She was 15,blue eyes,dirty blonde hairs,36C boobs and long shapely legs that met at a beautiful round ass. She was perfect in many ways.She not only was hot as hell but also always had straight A's but she had only one shortcoming;she was a very non-sexual person. ...
We'd planned a big 'family getaway' for the Fourth of July weekend. We were going to cruise up to Hood River and watch the sailboard competitions, living on Toy. We'd reserved a slip at a marina there and were all packed and provisioned. The night before we were scheduled to leave, a van pulled into the driveway and my best friend, Rachael, got out, followed by her kids, Ben, who was 13 and Leah, two years younger. Rachael was always welcome—no matter what time of night or day. She was...
Well, after one divorce and one promising relationship that went south in a flat out hurry, I wasn't ready to try again so soon. I just went to work and let time heal all wounds as they say. About two years later, I asked my lovely teenage daughter what she would like to do with her summer break. She would be out of school in another two weeks and I suggested she think of a treat. I was thinking of a trip to Paris, somewhere in the south like Mexico or even to someplace exotic, like one of...
The previous day and a half had been surreal. I had met Rachael in the supermarket car park and helped her when her car had a flat tyre. We had enjoyed a night of hot sex as her way of thanking me followed by a day of hotter sex when her estate agent who was also her sister joined us topped off by receiving a blow job from their mother. I had spent a second night with Rachael who told me about the fun that her family had before the tragic death of her father and her and her sister’s disastrous...
Dominant bride thoroughly cuckolds groom with the best man.James let his eyes wander around, looking at the gathered crowd. His wedding reception was quite large, thanks to his rich parents. James only knew about half of the people who were standing around, drinking champagne, and chatting about things that no one really cared about. He could see his parents, talking to his bride's sister. He could spot his new in-laws. But he could not see his very own bride.The thought of Rachael sent a chill...
'MONEY IS NO OBJECT' ... MY BRIDAL MAKEOVER! CHAPTER 4: RACHAEL HAS A SUGGESTION As it was nearing tea time, Rachael suggested we find a nice winebar and have something to eat, to save having to cook when we got back to the apartment. I agreed. Although I was dressed as a woman, I felt confident enough in my appearance to go to regular restaurants and bars now. We arrived, parked the car and went into the winebar. It was quite busy, but the waiter at the door found us a table for...
"Rachael?" Gail called over the intercom. "Yeah" "There's a Mr. McElroy here to see you." She stared at the phone. "Rachael? Rachael?" "Uh, yeah." Her hand was shaking, "Uh, I'll be down in just a second." It had been more than three months since she any contact with the family — she did not count the card at graduation. Maybe it was not him. She almost called the front desk to ask for a first name but paused. If it was JD, he was here for a reason. If it was not JD, then...
Her name was Rachael,she was 15,blue eyes,blonde hairs,36Cboobs and a nice firm ass. My name is Seth,i am 16 and i have an athletic body thanks to years of tracks. Rachael is a virgin and has never allowed me to do anything beyond kissing.Whenever i asked her to have sex with me she would just say that she has...
Series 4, Episode 18: RACHAEL We see that familiar opening sequence – various scenes of UK life, taken from the introductions to previous episodes – a field, a beach, a pub, a motorway ... And then we’re looking at something new... A large sewage treatment plant. A mini montage of big circular pools of household waste, being chewed up and cleaned by large rotating mechanical arms ... It looks like it smells terrible. The occasional member of staff, checking equipment, wearing full overalls...
It was a crazy situation. After spending most of the day having a torrid three way sexual encounter with Rachael – the girl that I had met yesterday afternoon when her car had a flat tyre – and Joanne her estate agent who was trying to sell Rachael’s house so that her divorce could be finalised I was now having my cock sucked back to life by the girls’ mother who had arrived looking for Joanne after she had called her office telling them she was feeling ill.‘Mmm!’ mumbled Fiona as she fed my...
(When I wrote this, I thought of Candy Sample. She's been a fantasy of mine since I was a teenager. My dad had a few of her movies I use to sneak into my room at night. lol) John woke up, blinking in the light that was beginning to fill his bedroom. He could hear his aunt Candy watering the plants outside. John had woken up with the usual hard cock, wanting attention. Of course, being 18, he expected it, he'd be a lot more concerned if he didn't wake up with a hard-on. He grasped his cock,...
It was in the car almost two hours out from DC that Rachael started having serious second thoughts. "Maybe you should call and tell them I'm coming." She said nervously. His whole family at one dinner. It had a sink-or-swim feel that she disliked. "Nonsense! They'll be tickled pink to finally meet you." "They know we're engaged?" "No, but they have known I been seein' someone mighty special for sometime." "They know I'm 26?" "Now, stop worryin'. They'll love you just...
‘Fuck! Fuck! FUCK!’That was Rachael’s response when she looked out of her bedroom window to see who was pounding on the front door of her house and constantly ringing the doorbell.We had only met yesterday and, after helping her out when her car had a flat tyre, we had spent the previous evening having a nice meal followed by a night of passionate sex firstly on her sofa and then in her bed.‘Get dressed’ she said ‘Quickly!’ as she slipped on the first garment that came to hand – a silky dress...
Kitten Rachael Ventures Out By: Rachael Free What am I doing? I should be home in bed, not here. I spent the day debating whether to go out or not. Obviously the bad side of my brain said yes. Let me tell you a little bit about my current predicament and how I got into this mess. I'm a transvestite. Period. I have no interest in fucking a guy or sucking his cock. I will play with other TV's and real girls but only flirt and kiss guys. I'm married and I've been dressing for many...
It was 3:15PM. Amanda was driving home from work. She had been staying with her older s****r Beth for the last few months while looking for an apartment. Beth was divorced, living alone except for her teenage son Doug. She was always gone very early to her job and never got back before 6:30. With Amanda’s shorter hours, she was the one to make Doug his cereal and see him off to school. And they often ran into each other in the afternoons if each were around the house. As she drove home to...
It was 3:15PM. Amanda was driving home from work. She had beenstaying with her older sister Beth for the last few months whilelooking for an apartment. Beth was divorced, living alone exceptfor her teenage son Doug. She was always gone very early to herjob and never got back before 6:30. With Amanda's shorter hours,she was the one to make Doug his cereal and see him off toschool. And they often ran into each other in the afternoons ifeach were around the house.As she drove home to Beth's house,...
Jim changing into Rachael Jane Once upon a time, there was a man called Jim, who was struggling to keep control of his life. The main problem was the stress that he was under from the work that he was doing. He was doing 18 hours a day, so he had no time to rest or play games. One day he got so stressed out that he totally flipped his mind and started to daydream of what it would be like to be a little girl. Then one of his work colleges found out about this and thought to...
We made several more excursions in Toy, including a great weekend of fishing at the mouth of the Columbia, out of Hammond. Toy handled the ocean with the same aplomb she handled the river and was a handy vessel even on the Columbia bar, which is notorious for its rough water. Leah, little wise ass that she is, caught more salmon then anybody else. I finally made her run the boat, so there'd be some fish left for the rest of us. For two days, we had a boat limit by noon, so we spent an...
In the morning, I woke refreshed. To use the cliché, 'With a Song In My Heart.' That sweet face inches from mine on the pillow and those marvelous breasts cushioned against my chest and side helped greatly. I immediately came erect, but I knew I didn't have a chance. It was mostly bladder pressure and we wouldn't have time to do anything before the kids woke up, anyway. When I tried to move away, Rachael's eyes popped open and she said, "Oh no you don't! First kiss me. Then make love...
I checked in with my office and the lawyer every few days. There was nothing going on that wouldn't keep. Susan tried to re-open the custody thing, but since the twins turned 17, they could go where they wanted to—and they didn't want to go with her. Ed was still in jail—apparently making threatening noises, but no one took his bluster very seriously. At home, we quickly dropped into a new routine. Rachael, Ben and Leah were permanent residents. Rachael moved into my room, but kept her own...
It was a cold day but bright and clear. A lovely day to marry a lovely girl JD thought as he tried in vain to straighten his tie. Behind him, Charles and Edward chatted quietly as they dressed. They men folk had been banished to a tent to dress and prepare for the day. The wedding started in another two hours. Until then, they had time to kill in the cold - the heat lamps helped, but did not stop the winter air from creeping in through every crack. JD looked in the mirror at the reflection of...
The classic movie was wonderful. Together, we had watched it a number of times, the music, classic lines, the main actor and actress, all combined to create a movie we both just loved. I was quite certain that we would watch the same movie time and again. As the closing credits ran, we watched the view we loved of the tall mountains and listened to the ending song. However, as much as I loved to snuggle with Rachael on the sofa in the media room in the basement, it was Sunday night and work...
LesbianDear Diary - (July 3) I'm turning over a new leaf. I'm sixteen now and I lost my old diary. I sure hopes nobody ever finds it - unless it's me. I would be just mortified if someone ever read it and I've prayed every night for the last week that nobody will. Since this is my first entry, Diary, I'll have to give you some background about why I'm so scared my diary will be found. There isn't anything special for the first three years, from when I was 11 until 14; it's mostly childish...
Dressing with Auntie Heather It all started when I was a young, teenage boy. Just discovering my sexual urges by fantasizing about the girls in my class. For some reason I kept flashing on their cute little skirts and legs. Oh, how sexy their legs looked to me. Once in a while, I'd catch a glimpse of them while crossing their legs; you know that little flash of panty. It would just send shivers up my spine and then down directly to my cock. Thus the start of my fetish for woman's...