Rachael free porn video

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Introduction: An older woman rents her guest house to a younger man Rachael Winters looked in the mirror as she tied the red silk sarong over her black bathing suit. She knew life was not always fair, but when was enough going to be enough? She had always believed that God would never give her any more than she could handle, but she was just about to her limit.

Rachael had married David in 1975, with dreams of a life together filled with love and children. Cancer stole their dreams of a large family, but at least Rachael could say she recovered.

They still had their love, and life was good in Fort Lauderdale. They had their jobs, their intercoastal home and each other until cancer stole from them once more. David was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer two years ago. He fought valiantly, but succumbed to the disease in a matter of months.

Always the fighter, Rachael tried to pick up the pieces and move on. She was doing all right – until her job was eliminated. Now, with money starting to run short, her only hope to keep their home was to rent out the guest house.

Who knew interviewing potential tenants would be so hard? And why were most of them so demanding? It was cute little house, small kitchen opening into a living area, bedroom, bath and parking. They could use the pool whenever they wished, but that wasnt enough.

Demands for washer and dryer, satellite and not cable, wiring for sound and internet, supplying a grill and wanting to have the house painted different colors. It was enough to make her want to scream.

The door bell rang, and Rachael sighed as she braced herself for yet another interview. As she opened the front door, the warm Florida breeze stirred her short blond hair gently and opened up her sarong, giving the young man standing before her a good look at her shapely legs.

Hi, Im Brian Keaton. Im here about the house for rent said the tall man standing before her. Rachael did a double take. This could have been David twenty-five years ago.

Clearly shaken, Rachael stepped back as if the wind had been knock out of her. No. was all she whispered, her eyes showing her surprise.

Excuse me? Perhaps I have the wrong address. Im sorry. Brian said as he started to turn away.

No! Im sorry, honestly. Rachael said breathlessly. I was… Its just… Never mind. My apologies. Please come in. She extended her hand in greeting.

Brian was over six feet tall, short, curly, brown hair and eyes the color of milk chocolate. His large hand easily enveloped hers. He smiled down at the woman standing before him.

Come on. Ill take you out this way she said. They walked through her home and out the patio doors. Rachael chatted easily as Brian watched her walking in front of him. Her hips swayed gently, and her voice was soft and melodic. He had a sudden appreciation for this curvy woman. Mentally he slapped himself thinking this woman is old enough to be your mother! What the hell are you thinking?

When they reached the small guest house, Rachael turned saying, Of course you have full use of the pool. Utilities are included, but Im afraid laundry will have to be done in the main house. The guest house has cable, but not internet. She held the door open for Brian to enter.

Brian stepped past her and entered a place that could only be described as charming. All the colors of sea glass, but none of the stereotypical Florida beach d?r. It was fully furnished, and he immediately felt at home here. You said something about laundry? he asked.

I know it may be awkward for you, but Im sure we could work out a schedule that would be mutually convenient. Rachael watched him go from room to room. Of course, if there is anything else you need, maybe we can negotiate. Her heart fluttered as her late husbands double turned to her.

Towering over her, Brian could easily see down the front of Rachaels suit. The sight of her breasts, sprinkled with freckles, stirred him, this was one good looking woman he thought, before again realizing she was probably his mothers age. Its perfect. Im sure you have more people to interview, but I really hope youll consider letting me have it. Its a far cry from the complex I was looking at. Its so peaceful here.

Brian, youre my last interview. If you really want it, its yours. Rachael looked up and smiled. He was so much like David, she felt a warmth come over her. She wondered had they been blessed with a son, if he would have looked like Brian.

With paperwork signed and move-in times agreed upon, the two parted. Rachel smiled and waved as Brian got into his car and drove away.

Suddenly, all seemed right again, he proved to be the perfect tenant. Polite, respectful and offering his help whether she needed it or not. He was outgoing and friendly. She found herself looking forward to their meetings.

They met for coffee at Starbucks and talked about his family and her life with David. While swimming in the pool they played and teased each other. He would chase her and throw her in, and she would try her best to dunk him under the water.

Often, they would share a meal they cooked together on the grill. The more time they spent together, the less Rachael thought of David when she looked at him. He was Brian. He was himself.

# # # # # # # # # # # # # #

A few weeks later, Rachael was sitting on the patio at about nine in the evening, when Brian drove up. Hey stranger, she called to him. For a teacher, you keep some pretty late hours. She remembered he taught at Pine Crest High School.

Brian crossed to the patio, running his hand through his hair, and stifling a yawn. Please, dont remind me. I agreed to take on a creative writing course for Adult Ed. I dont know what I was thinking.

Here, sit down. Can I get you something? Juice, beer, wine? Would you like a sandwich? Brian said a beer sounded great.

The two sat in the quiet, warm night talking about his work. It was the first time in a long time that Brian could say he felt truly relaxed.

I used to write said Rachael. Back in college. God its been years. Her face took on a far-off look.

What did you write, he asked. And how did it make you feel?

Rachael smiled. Oh, silly stuff. Some poetry, some short stories. Nothing really. I kept a journal for years. It always calmed me. Made me feel at peace, you know? Well, silly me, of course you would know.

Brain smiled back and asked, If it made you feel good, why dont you still write?

Rachael became very quiet. I stopped when my husband died. I just didnt seem to have anything to say.

Brian leaned forward and placed his hand on hers. Have you ever written about him? His death? Your lives together? You might find it helps.

She slowly pulled her hand away. No. I… I dont think I could

Seeing the look on her face, Brian apologized for suggesting it. No, no, she said. Dont ever apologize. Its just me. Dont ever be afraid to talk to me about anything. As she looked into his brown eyes, she again saw David.

Rachael finished her wine and rose from her chair. Im going to turn in now. Sleep well, Brian.

As she disappeared into the house, Brian could feel her pain. He wondered if any woman would ever love him the way she obviously loved her husband.

# # # # # # # # # # # # # #

Brian wasnt sure what woke him. There had been a noise in the night that he didnt recognize. He rose from his bed and looked out of the window towards the water – he saw her. Standing in the moonlight, dressed in a flowing white robe was Rachael. Brian pulled on a pair of silk boxers and stepped outside, only to hear her weeping quietly. As he walked closer, he could see her shoulders shake.

Rachael? he whispered. Rachaels head snapped up and she quickly turned away. As she started to move, Brians hands reached her arms. With her back to him, she gasped. Hey, whats wrong? he asked as he held her.

As if flood gates opened, Rachael began to sob. Brian turned her around, pulled her into his arms and held her close. Her arms went around his waist and she clung to him.

Brian bent and kissed the top of her head. All he wanted to do was to protect this woman and make her pain go away.

Gradually, her crying slowed until there was only an occasional whimper and sigh. Without saying a word, Brian backed up toward a chair and sat down, drawing her onto his lap. Rachael sat, burying her head in his neck. Brian stroked her back, whispering Shhh. and pressing his lips to her forehead.

Rachel slowly raised her head. Im so sorry she hiccupped, looking at him with tears flowing from her eyes. Its just sometimes&hellip,

Brian shushed her once more, holding her closer. After a few moments, he felt her relax against him. Rachaels arm wound around his neck and he felt her lips press against his jaw.

Brian sat quietly for a few moments. Ever so gently, he put his hand under her chin and tilted her head so he could look at her. As Rachael closed her eyes, he lowered his mouth to hers, savoring their first sweet kiss.

Brian drew back, checking for her reaction. Rachaels eyes opened once more. She looked at him for a second, her eyes oddly blank, but before he could ask, her hand went to the back of his head, and she pulled his face to hers, kissing him deeply. Brians mouth opened as she pushed her tongue inside. The arms that had been gently holding her now drew her tightly to him, as the two were soon lost in each other.

Rachaels thin robe could not hide her nipples as they grew hard against him. Brain slipped his hand inside her robe, massaging her breast. Rachael moaned and pushed her chest against him. He kneaded her soft flesh, taking his finger and tracing all around her nipple. Rachael broke their kiss to utter, Oh.

Brains cock began to grow, the weight of her soft ass pressing and shifting against him encouraged it. Jesus, was all he said as he put his arm under her legs, lifting her as he stood up. As Brian carried her toward his house Rachael nibble his ear. He managed to open his door and walked straight to his bedroom where he gently laid her on the bed.

With only the moon for light, Brian gazed at the woman before him. He reached down and untied her robe, sliding it back to reveal her womanly body.

Her large, white breasts seemed glow in the moonlight. She had a narrow waist and beautiful curved hips. Her tender mound was bare, and looked as if it were soft to touch.

Rachael sat up easing the robe off her shoulders. She reached up for Brians boxers and began to lower them. As she pulled them down his hips, his thick, velvet, hard as steel shaft sprang forth. She gazed at his manhood, leaning forward as if to take him in her mouth, but Brian gently eased her back down on the bed. He carefully spread her legs before lying down on top of her.

He held her head in his hands and began to kiss her again, long, deep sensual kisses. Leaving her lips, he covered her eyes, her cheeks, her nose, with his mouth. The more he kissed her, the tighter her hands gripped his back. As he started kissing her neck, her felt her nails dig into him, ever so slightly. Rachael whimpered as Brian kissed, licked and sucked on her long neck.

Her hips moved under his weight and he felt the warmth of her pussy radiate outward. Down and down he kissed gently exploring her smooth white skin with his lips, until he reached her breasts. Brian squeezed them together flicking one firm nipple with his tongue, and then the other, back and forth. Rachaels hands were in his hair, pulling, forcing him down on her supple flesh.

Brian was lost in wonder as he massaged her breasts. He felt Rachael arch as he took her nipple into his mouth. He took turns sucking each wondrous mound. Moving lower he licked the sensitive underside of each breast and nipped at Rachaels ribs. Lower still to her rounded belly, he kissed her skin, tenderly and passionately by turns.

Rachaels hands suddenly pulled his head back as she struggled against him. No! she cried out breathlessly.

Brian immediately stopped. He could see her fighting with herself. Rising up to look at her, he stroked her cheek. Baby, whats wrong? he asked in a whisper.

Wrong? This is wrong! What am I doing? What are we doing? Rachael started to babble, as she sat up.

Brian moved away a bit and let her go on. Im so&hellip,and youre so&hellip,and you look&hellip, Oh God, what have I done?

With her tears starting again, Brian pulled her into his arms. Very calmly, he started to speak. We havent done anything. There is nothing wrong. You are a beautiful, sensitive woman, and I like you.

He looked down at her, Rachael, I want to make love to you.

But&hellip,youre only&hellip, she cried.

No buts. There is nothing you can say to change my mind. He smiled. And dont you even begin to talk about our ages. Rachael, Ive been attracted to from the moment I saw you. Age only matters when it comes to fine wine and cheese.

The corners of her mouth turned up a bit and Brian bent to kiss her tear-stained cheeks. You taste salty he whispered, before kissing her lips. No hesitation, Rachael answered him with kisses of her own.

As they lay back down, their kisses became more urgent. Their tongues danced as their hands explored each others bodies. Rachael reached down to touch Brian more intimately. He jumped as he felt her hand take hold of his cock. He reciprocated by gently opening her legs and stroking her mound.

As Rachael pulled and stroked him into hardness, Brain ran his finger up and down between her moist lips. Each time he pressed his finger in a little more, until it slipped inside her. He was surprised she was so slippery-wet, as if she had been waiting for him. His thumb began to massage her clit as he turned his hand to curl his fingers up massage her sacred temple.

Rachaels hips rocked and her hand moved on him with the same rhythm.

As if she were on a roller coaster, Rachael started to soar. Her breasts heaving and her moans getting louder as she climbed toward an ecstasy she had not known for a long time.

Brian watched as the woman he held in his arms reached to peak of her ride. Her legs tensed and straightened, then clenched around his arm. Her back arched as Rachael called out Briannnnnnn!

Brian kept on moving his fingers, teasing her expertly as he leaned in to catch her nipple and suck. Small moans came out of her mouth, with each panting breath until he heard AAAHHHHHHHHHH! He felt his hand grow moist and warm, and she fell back against the bed.

He released his hold on her and drew her to him. Settling kisses all over her gasping face, he held her until her breathing slowed.

Rachael looked into he eyes, then lifted her head and kissed him deeply. Their kisses began to grow intense once more. Brian rolled over and pulled her on top of him. She moved with him, her legs straddling his body. As she sat up he reached for her breasts, gently pulling on her nipples. Rachael shivered and moaned.

Ride me he growled, as he slid her down his body. Feeling his cock begin to probe her, Rachael rose up to crouch over him. She grabbed his hard, fever-hot staff, lined him up with her wet, quivering opening, and began to lower herself onto him.

Slowly she impaled herself, filling the deepest part of her with his manhood. It had been so long – Rachael doubted whether she would be able to accommodate his size. Lower and lower she went, until she was fully sitting on his lap. She pressed her hands against his abdomen and began to ease herself up and down, working her trembling, and sensitive pussy on his cock.

Goosebumps rose on Brians arms as he watched this sensual, beautiful woman move. He reached for her breasts again, lifting and massaging them and playing with her hard nipples. Her eyes closed, Rachael let herself go. She savored the feeling of riding this young stallion.

Up and down, faster and faster, working her most intimate muscles, she rode Brian hard. Brian let go of her breasts and sat up, holding her body against his. His hands went to her hips, and he held her there, helping to lift her, and then bringing her down on him over and over and over. Rachaels arms were around him, her mouth on his neck, biting and kissing him.

Brian knew he was approaching his own climax. Rachael, stop…Im going to cum&hellip, he panted. She looked at him, confused. Rache, where? Where do you want me to cum?

Rachael had never been asked before. She answered astonished, In me. In me.

That was the only encouragement he needed. His hands helping drive him deeper inside her, his whole body tensed as he began to shoot. He held her down on him, shuddering, until his cock stopped shooting. He shivered and jerked, then put his arms around her and held her close.

Their lips met once more as he rocked her on his lap, feeling their combined juices seep out of her and run warmly down his balls. He lay back, pulling her with him, keeping his lips on hers, and rocking her until his cock finally slipped out of its new, warm and welcoming home.

The lovers lay in the moonlight, their bare limbs twined together. Rachael ran her fingers through his hair and she kissed him, so sweetly.

Brian held her close, afraid to let her go. It was Rachael who finally broke the silence that enveloped them as they lay together.

Brian, I dont know what to say. I dont know if this was the smartest thing we could have done… She looked deep into his eyes, her face serious. But I do know one thing. You are an incredible man and you will make some woman very, very happy one day.

Rachael, Im not looking to make someone happy I want to make YOU happy. I know it doesnt make any sense – but at some point tonight I fell in love with you.

No, Brian. I mean, this was wonderful. The best. But youre not in love with me. In lust, maybe, but not in love. She smiled sadly.

Damn it Rachael he said, and sat up. Dont tell me what I feel! Ive wanted you for weeks, but this is different. Dont you understand? Brian pulled her to him, and then cupped her face in his hands. I AM in love with you. I want you. I need you. I want to be with you, for however long this lasts. He looked at her, his eyes suddenly soft. Forever, I hope. Till the end.

As he spoke to her, her face twisted, tears starting down her cheeks again. Oh God Rachael, dont cry. I dont want you to be sad.

No baby, no. Not sad she sniffled. She looked at him then, and smiled like a child through her tears.

These are tears of joy. Because Brian – I love you too.

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I've been dressing as much as I can, and often do during the day.While standing in a pair of heels with just panties on while I decided what to wear one day last week, I heard a knock on the door. I slipped off the heels and put on a pair of joggies. It was the postie with a parcel, when I signed for it I noticed the neighbor, so said Hi. She came over for a chat, I momentarily forgot of my underwear. We chatted about this then that for a few minutes and I then I turned to go in but dropped the...

2 years ago
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Auntie Mabel Ch 10

Book Ten. A Family Affair. Luckily it had been arranged for Jane to spend the night with Mabel, because after their session they both fell asleep for a while. When Jane woke, her face was stuck to Mabel’s breast. The cum on her face, combined with the cum all over Mabel’s naked body had dried. She had to carefully peel herself from Mabel’s skin. Mabel was still sleeping, and Jane quietly sat on the side of the bed to gather her thoughts. Looking down at her own naked body, she...

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cheerleader lovers chpt1

The sun was starting to go down over the field and I was trying to dry my eyes from the tears that had flooded them only moments before. The girls of my cheerleading squad can be so mean, especially Cori Andrews. She was such a bitch and would have the sophomore girls gang up on me and pick on me just because I was the only freshman on the entire squad. It’s so frustrating that I made the team and these four girls led by Cori have to pick on me because I am new to the squad. I had been sitting...

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Sex Studio Secrets 22 Jennifer1

Jennifer writes a letter to the two owners of an exclusive erotic shop for females onlyExchange of letters follows, which we will quote below this paragraph in extenso for youNice turn of erotic events is bound to happen to her, hosted by Professor Peter and PetraNew to all possibilities of pleasure and pleasing, yummy Jenny looks like to learn a lotYoung great girls are my favourite appetizers for a warm weekend for three in my studio!Dear Sir Peter and Petra, I hope you two can help me!Let me...

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Hostile Takeover of Family Owned Insurance Company

Her blood ran cold. " Please," She whispered. " Don't do this." I came up behind her and ran my hands down her back, squeezing her ass through her skirt. " I'm not forcing you into anything Dee, it's your choice. You are a beautiful woman, did you know that?" Feeling trapped she turns toward me to plead with me and I crushed my mouth against hers, forcing my tongue into her mouth as my hands came up to grope her breasts through her blouse. She struggles and I immediately release her....

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BruceStory from the perspective of a college boy who is abused by a dom master and turned into a sissy faggot pussyboy whore, who learns to love his abuse.This is my story of how I was turned into a cock slave. I'm 5'10, 165 lbs,with a smooth, almost hairless body. I'm in good shape with a baby face andbarely any beard. I grew up around New York as a straight male, but I didhave a few experiences with other guys when I was young.I dated and slept with girls and was straight in appearance and...

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Nowhere Man Book OneChapter 16

“Ouch!” John was sympathetic. “That sounds like a man scheduled to die.” “That was my reaction, but I couldn’t act on my own. That’s why I hurried here,” was Tempo’s reaction. John’s mind was already engaged in military planning. “We should attack them when they sleep. Do you know if they set out guards when they stop to rest?” “I haven’t seen them at night – not being there – but I haven’t seen anyone on duty when they stop during the day. They only guard their prisoners, to stop them...

2 years ago
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Including the friend part two

She woke to find them both still lying beside her. They bothhad their eyes open looking at her. She could feel their hands caressing her. She moved down the bed out of their reach. She turned around so that she was now facing them. They reached out to touch her. “No, don’t touch me.” She could see they were very confused. She lay down in front of them. Running her hands over her breasts slowly, caressing them. She pinched her nipples and pulled at them. She looked at them and could see the...

Group Sex
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My Irish Bonus

I stared at an empty computer screen. It was hard to get back to work after a wild weekend like that. That was the wildest time I’d had since my ultra horny college days. Back then they had just super charged my balls. My doctor discovered my scrotum needed to be untwisted. After that it was like having a second puberty. I thought I had a big erection before then. Plus I would soon discover an extra bonus. My first girl friend in college didn’t have much going for her in the face department....

4 years ago
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My Friend With Benefits 8211 Pooja

Hi guys. I am Aryan 24 from Gujarat. This is an incident back from my college last year. This is a real story about how I seduced and fucked my friend Pooja. Coming to the story. I am 5’11” in height with a well-shaped body and neatly trimmed beard. Pooja is around 5’5″ in height with proper round ass and soft boobs with a figure like 28-30-32. She has a very cute smile. All this started when we were in the third year of college. We were in the same group for a few projects. Due to that, we...

2 years ago
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A Friend in NeedChapter 12

It was a few days before Principal Martin stopped Greg in the hallway. "I wanted to let you know I have gotten some calls from parents and church leaders about your group. I told them that students are allowed to pass out flyers and that the school has nothing to do with the group or the literature. I just thought I would warn you that since they can't stop you through the school, you might be hearing from them." "Thank you, Mr. Martin. I appreciate you giving me a heads-up on...

1 year ago
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Good Morning 2

It's dark in the room as the alarm on the nightstand starts going off and wakes you up. Another busy day where you don’t get to see me throughout the day and I don’t get to see you. You roll over in bed and see that I'm still sound asleep my back facing you, and my ass hanging out of the sheets. You're thinking of staying home and playing with me. Teasing me. Making me beg for you but you know that you can't, not today. You roll out of bed and head for the shower. You leave the door half...

Quickie Sex
4 years ago
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Moms Secret Part 2

Mom held my hand walking up the stairs, my uncle, with his strong hands on my shoulders. My heart was pounding through my chest. Did I want this? My head told me, no, but my raging erection told me otherwise.We reached the door to the bedroom, and I panicked. I turned away to leave.“Whoa, where you going, champ?” Mark said, grabbing me by the arms.“Oh, no. You can’t back out now, young man!” my mom said in her usual stern voice.She opened the door for Mark to virtually carry me into the room....

3 years ago
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Story Of Losing My Virginity

Dear Readers, this is my first story here. This is a True incident that happened to me , a rather beautiful one , for those who want to consider this a fantasy , go on with your assumptions but I don think any guy would lie about losing his virginity especially when it happens the way he wanted it to and also for those who don have patience, this is rather long a proper love making story rather just touch n go banging. For those who expect just expressions of sex , I rather suggest you not to...

1 year ago
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I Love My Cousin

100% fiction! The year was 2003. I was 21 years old that time and was in the final year of my graduation. My elder brother was getting married and all of us (my parents, my siblings and many relatives) had traveled from Jakarta to a city called Medan. A few things about my life those days: - I was dating a guy called Pramud. He was in my university only but not the same class. Pramud and I used to have sex every day in his hostel room and he used to get a wonderful blow from me every day when...

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Lost In Hazel Eyes Part3

I woke up in the middle of the night to find my panties damp and my nipples swollen. I was hot, the covers tangled at my feet. My satin blouse stuck to my sweaty chest, I could feel the heat emanating from my vagina. I got out of bed and walked over to the window opening it up to let in the cool air. The back of my apartment building overlooked a large forested area which encircled a lake. Untouched by the lights of the city the moon lit up the tops of the trees and reflected off the flowing...

1 year ago
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TeensLoveAnal Eden Sin Call Me Beep Me Never Try To Reach Me

Eden Sin is so happy to see her secret lover, but he is not so thrilled. He has ten missed calls from her and is worried that she is going to get them caught by his wife. So Eden tries to make it right the only way she knows. She pulls up her top and gets down on her knees, crawling after our stud as she follows him into the living room. There she takes her pants off and fucks herself with a dark brown dildo at his request. Then he tells her to stick another dildo in her ass. You are kidding,...

2 years ago
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Late For DinnerChapter 63 What Kathy Saw

EEEEEEeeeeeee! Kathy bolted upright in bed. She didn't remember setting her alarm clock. She quickly shut off the offending noise and quietly slid out of bed. She didn't want to wake Christi, who obviously hadn't been bothered by the alarming alarm. The sleepy girl stretched and yawned as she padded to the bathroom. Seating herself on the toilet, Kathy was just about to let nature take its course when she made a startling revelation: someone had slipped a pair of white panties on her as...

2 years ago
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Country Boy City GirlChapter 32

On Wednesday we were sitting in the Quad eating lunch, and saw Keith with Michelle sitting in his lap. Holly looked then looked away, and Peggy snorted. “Keith’s been bringing her to rehearsal, and Rad does not like her very much. He said that Keith is not practicing enough, and his playing was slipping. We almost had to drag him over because he kept going into the corner to make out with Michelle.” Holly just shook her head at that. “Whenever I went he was always so serious about his music,...

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College Humiliation 8211 Part 3 Complying To The Punishment

Thank you guys for your appreciation. Before continuing with the third part, let me give a brief background. This story is of a country that was male dominant. A girl studying in a college commits the mistake of stealing the exam paper and is punished and humiliated by the college dean. She is stripped nude and punished. She had a very humiliating session in the anatomy class. Now the story continues. I would recommend reading the previous parts. The main character of this story is Juhi and is...

4 years ago
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Coach John Part IV

Entering John's house, the two made their way to the kitchen, her tight black dress flattering her pert developing teen body, swaying her tight young ass for him as he followed her. "An entire night alone," John thought as he felt his dick tingle and grow with excitement. Tori had her heels in one hand, removing barrettes out of her hair with the other. Her long dark hair spilled over her shoulders, with strands from her bangs now cutely in her face now. She clearly could see Johns...

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Bringing up old memories

I'm Hope and I'm twenty-two. I have an older brother named Jack. He is twenty-four, and we're both brunettes. Be both lived alone in separate apartments. When I was nineteen and he was twenty-one, we had a sexual fling. I had sex with my brother and we were an incestuous couple for a few weeks. It was a great fling, but I think in the end, he was just trying to get over an ex. She broke his heart and he was emotional. So, one thing lead to another and we ended up having sex in my room. This was...

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Devil Inside

Do you think some people are born evil? That's what our pastor says sometimes at church. That some folks are just born with a devil inside. Sometimes I think I'm that way. I have some strange ideas, I know that, some weird thoughts and I don't know exactly where they come from or why. They're bad, some of them, but I'm not sure if I'm really evil or not. I just don't know. I saw the man I wanted to marry at the Payless shoe store at the mall. He was older than me, old enough to be my...

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Power Girl

?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? POWER GIRL ? MELISSA?S SLAVE By Sonya Esperanto? e mail: [email protected] Synopsis: About a DC Superheroine who had been captured and been given as a slave to a woman who despised her popularity   Epilogue: It was summer time in Spain. The beaches of Ibiza was hot and sandy, and full of tourists from all over Europe. Blond fat German men invaded most of the spots and laid their blankets out, like as if it was...

2 years ago
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Looking Through the LensChapter 10 I Cant Quit You Babe

Just like that, it was time to go to Montauk. We would be staying at Beth and Hans’s house for three weeks, as usual. I was both anxious and excited about what the trip would bring. I was taking my guitar, of course, but I was also going to learn to use one of my dad’s old cameras. Melissa had helped me put together a small kit consisting of a Nikon camera body and three lenses. My dad had acquired this SLR system to be his main photographic tool. My mom said it would be a suitable setup to...

4 years ago
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average. However, these dreams are not usually the full length movies but the trailers, and most if not all are forgotten upon awaking. They do stay buried deep in the subconscious and occasionally the smallest word, the simplest visual, can bring back a snatch of them... ...The girl stands nude under the evergreen tree. She is very petite, with small, pert breasts. She stands with her arms raised above her head in seeming invitation for something to come from the sky. I notice that...

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Mother and Son 2nd Encounter

thanks for your comments here is the next instalment.After the first encounter I was more eager to fuck her now than ever during the week that past I caught glimpses of her in the bath and even heard her one night when I was in my own bed she was maturbating as I could hear the her moans and groans I was wondering what she was fantasing about.I had to wank my hard cock at the sounds of her masturbating and wished it was me playing with her wet pussy and hard nipples.It was now Friday and my mom...

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Tinkle BellChapter 14

I had spent another full night sleeping, though I really wasn't surprised at that. Waking a good hour before my alarm went off, I rolled out of bed heading for the bathroom. Though I had a fairly full day ahead of me, at least I didn't have to head off to school as early as I usually did. And especially as I also had to take DeeDee with me once she'd gotten up and made herself presentable. I decided to head down for coffee even though it was an hour earlier than usual, once again stepping...

1 year ago
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DDFBusty Jasmine Jae Dildo Fun Til She Cums

Please welcome Jasmine Jae to the DDF Network porn stage of endless lust! The busty babe with brown eyes and big enhanced tits can’t wait to finger her shaved pussy in front of our 4K cams for you. The tattooed and pierced hottie from the United Kingdom slowly strokes along her light skin as she poses for you. Get ready for an unforgettable striptease and check out her black high heels, nylon stockings, straps, and skin-tight lingerie. Her overwhelming 34DD / 75F boobs can’t wait to...

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Kim Goes to Town

Have you ever fucked a horny bitch while her husband weeps in the closet? You haven't lived. You're probably wondering how you'd go about arranging something like that. Ok, well the first thing is you have to meet the aforesaid horny bitch. Barney's Bar, a run of the mill Tuesday evening; I was drinking alone, recently split from my g/f and in the mood for chasing tail. Nothing much doing though. It was getting late and I'm on my umpteenth beer and considering calling it a night when...

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Down the Slippery Slope Part 4

Down the slippery slope - Part 4 By Undiecontrol ([email protected]) I didn't sleep well on that Friday night. This was partly from being worried about oversleeping - I knew I must report to Miss Smith's at 6.00 AM - but largely from the fear of what she had planned for me. She had already forced me to do things that would have been unimaginable before our paths crossed and I was sure that I could expect a lot more punishment and degradation in the next two days. I had already found...

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Learning to be submissive part 1

Before the days of internet chat rooms and social media I was very lonely as a young cross dresser. I can’t speak for everyone of course but I would use telephone messaging services to talk to like minded people. I had received my first mobile phone for a recent birthday and I would often call up to chat to people. Sometimes things would turn into phone sex and on the rare occasion I would give out my phone number. One person whom I deemed worthy enough to have my number was a man called Jack....

4 years ago
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It Started Out As Blackmail

I was surfing the web about a month ago and I came across some pictures of my stepdaughter. I couldn’t believe what I had found. The more I looked, the more I found. I found anything from pictures to videos. I didn’t know what to do. My first thought was to tell her mom. Then, looking at her in those pictures gave me another thought. There in the pictures was my tall, blonde, twenty-two-year-old stepdaughter showing off her huge tits, and her awesome figure. She has the perfect figure and is...

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Song of ThanksChapter 11 June 12 1996 In Search Of New Answers

The truth is that our finest moments are most likely to occur when we are feeling deeply uncomfortable, unhappy, or unfulfilled. For it is only in such moments, propelled by our discomfort, that we are likely to step out of our ruts and start searching for different ways or truer answers. M. Scott Peck: South Dakota June 1-2, 1996 ... I have seen that in any great undertaking it is not enough for a man to depend simply upon himself. -Lone Man (Isna-la-wica)(Teton Sioux) Gaho's daughter...

1 year ago
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Beth becomes BimboSlut

Beth was the kind of wife every man wanted. Intelligent, classy, successful, a great smile and a body to die for. We'd been married a few months and had a good girl and was pretty inexperienced. I had taught her a couple of things but there were other things I wanted she just wasn't into. Just too many inhibitions it seemed. Now, like I said she was a hottie and really fucking smart and I loved that about her but sometimes, like in bed, being smart was a drawback for her. Being the Perv I am I...


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