RachaelChapter 4: Ed free porn video

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There wasn't anything of interest in the mail, but the phone recorder had three increasingly nasty messages from Ed. Eliminating several minutes of scatology and expletives, he wanted to know where his wife and kids were. He ended up threatening me, if I didn't call him immediately and tell him everything I knew.

I removed the tape and put in a new one. Calling my lawyer, I told him I had another divorce for him to handle and it needed to start with a restraining order against Ed, keeping him away from me, from Rachael and from both sets of kids. I told him about the tape and he asked that I bring it down right away. Thank goodness seventeen-year-olds can drive. I had Sam do it. I didn't want to leave the family alone right then.

Good thing, too. No sooner had Sam left than Ed's car pulled in the driveway. Of course, he recognized Rachael's van. As he bounded up the steps, I told everybody to get into their rooms and stay there. They were still scampering when he started banging on the door.

Putting the chain on the door, I started to open it, when Ed's shoulder pushed it to its limit. "Open up, damn it!" he yelled. "I know she's here. Let me in!"

"Ed!" I said. "Calm down! You're not going to get in, so quit lunging at my door!"

With that, he put his fist through the lovely leaded glass panel in the door and tried to find the chain with his bloody hand.

Rachael was nearby, watching with wide eyes. I told her, "911! Hurry!" Then I grabbed a walking stick from the stand by the door and whacked his hand and wrist with it until he removed it from my door. As soon as he backed off, I slammed the door and set the dead bolt. To get at it, he'd have to put his hand through the window again.

Immediately, he was pounding on the door and howling curses at me, at Rachael, at anybody he could think of, demanding that I let him in, so he could "teach his slut wife who was boss in his family."

We heard a siren and two police cars slid to a stop, blocking the driveway. Both officers came at a run when they saw how Ed was acting—he was almost foaming at the mouth, he was so insanely angry. Ed didn't even notice them until they were next to him. Then he tried to attack them! One laid him out with a couple of nice strokes from his baton—in the gut to bend him over and on the back of the skull to put him down. They cuffed him while he was down, hauled him to his feet by a shoulder and his hair and put him, none too gently, in the back seat of a patrol car equipped for prisoners. Ed was still cursing and fighting them the whole way.

Once the trash was off the porch, I opened the door and invited the officers in. One took Ed to the jail where they'd book him and hold him overnight for arraignment. The other came in to take our statements. We laid it out for him, including that Ed had been arrested for beating Rachael three days earlier in Vancouver and that we were in the process of obtaining a restraining order against him. From the looks of things, we wondered how much good a restraining order would do...

Rachael said that she still had a key to his car. Could we move it out of the driveway? The officer said—with a small, smug grin—he'd arrange to have it towed to the impound yard.

I called the lawyer, who was in the process of listening to my voice mail tape. He was amazed when I told him what had just happened. "I was getting the idea that this guy isn't all there. Is he on anything, like crack or speed?" I told him we didn't know, since Ed hadn't been home long enough in the past three months to tell. When he was home, he'd been abusive.

The lawyer expected he'd have the restraining order by the following afternoon. He asked that Rachael come see him in the morning, at her convenience. He'd have some complaints for her to sign and he needed to talk with her about details of what she wanted in her divorce. "She'll tell you herself, but really that's easy. She wants him permanently out of her life. She wants custody of the kids, with the kids having the final say about when and where and how much he sees them. She wants her car and the household goods she has now. The furniture and other stuff she left in the house, he can have. She doesn't need or want anything more—except your fee and costs, if we can get them."

"That's very generous. But I need to hear it from her. And before you give it all away, remember: Dollars are the only real hammer the law has for this guy. They're not going to put him in prison for slapping his wife around a little. Sometimes if you ask for everything, you can get what you really want—freedom—in exchange for giving some of it back."

"OK," I chuckled. "Have it your way—you always do. She'll be there after she gets the kids fed in the morning."

While Rachael fixed dinner, I called the insurance company and boarded up the door.

We weren't a carefree lot, at dinner that night. The twins were frightened. It wasn't that long ago their own mother had forcibly abducted them, now their cousins' father was threatening all of us.

The younger kids didn't know what to make of it. They'd seen their dad drunk and abusive before, but never completely out of it like this. They were scared, yet still felt some loyalty to him. Certainly they were confused. But they knew they wanted to stay with me and not have to go back home with their dad.

"Ben, Leah," I said, "we need to talk. This isn't good dinnertime conversation, but it's on our minds ... Even if it ruins our supper, let's get it over with.

"Sooner or later, your dad will get to see you. He is your dad and we can't keep him away from you entirely. When he does see you, you must not let him—or anyone else, for that matter—know your mom is anything to me, except my oldest and best friend. OK?" They nodded, solemnly. "Someone may try to trick you. They may try all kinds of things to confuse you. Just tell everyone that you want your mother and Uncle Al.

"If you are taken by someone and they won't let you come back to your mom, call us the first chance you get. Sam and Sara will teach you about that and help you memorize the numbers you need." All four heads nodded.

The wrecker arrived to tow Ed's car. We took a recess to watch that, then returned to our dinner.

"You two need to know that I love you very much and I'll do all I can to protect you. You're old enough, though, to understand that it's an evil world. I can't protect you from everything. Even if you do everything perfectly, you can still get into trouble. But," I broke into a sunny smile, "we all love each other and we'll stand up for each other, no matter what. Right?"

"RIGHT!" the kids answered, smiling.

"Only one other thing: There is nothing wrong with loving your father, even though he seems to have gone off the deep end. You don't have to choose between him and me. OK?" They nodded.

In the morning, I drove off to work. Everything was running smoothly in the plant and sales were right where I thought they should be. I called the lawyer, who said he'd been able to get the restraining order served on Ed while he was still in jail. Ed was one mad sucker.

Then came a question I hadn't expected. "Do you have any idea about Ed's financial situation?" I didn't. "Didn't think so. After the way he's acted, I thought I'd better do some checking. He's done very well the past few years. Everybody wonders why he owes anything on his house, for example. Well, maybe Rachael can straighten it out when she gets here. One other strange thing, though: It seems he's pulled a lot of cash out of his business in the last few months. Any ideas what that's about?"

"None. It's a mystery to me. I thought they were just scraping by."

A bit later, satisfied that all was well at the office, I called on a local customer, then went home. I felt a bit uneasy, for the first time since we'd moved into the old house, about the kids being there alone.

And then I felt angry; that I should be robbed of feeling secure in my own home.

The van was gone. Rachael hadn't returned yet. The kids were quietly occupied. Sam was showing Ben his favorite computer game and the girls were up in the sewing room. (Sara had discovered her grandma's sewing room—it was remarkably well equipped—and asked if she could use it. Given a free hand, she dove in and was already making some of her own clothes.)

My phone recorder, though, had a vile, nasty message from Ed on it, threatening Rachael and me with everything from tar and feathers to crucifixion. Calling the lawyer, I learned Rachael had just left, so I said Sam would bring another tape. I asked Sam to stop by the office supply store to get more blank tapes.

Forty-five minutes later, I heard the horn from the van and went out to help Rachael with the groceries. In the house, we indulged ourselves in a good, wet, tonsil-licking kiss.

Taking the groceries into the kitchen, Rachael said, "Do you understand any of that about Ed's business? I thought we were just barely making it. The lawyer says Ed's wealthy—or nearly. Where did it all go?"

"No idea. That's what I thought, too. It seems there are a lot of things about Ed we don't know. I think we'd better find out."

"Yeah. Me too. If he's been keeping this from me all this time, I want to know the 'what' and the 'why'. I don't particularly care about his money. I can get a job to pay for my share of the bills. But I really want to know what that S.O.B. has been doing with all that money!

"There's too many things don't make sense, you know? If he's been hiding his income, intending to dump me, why throw it at floozies? Why, if he wants me out of his life, did he behave that way yesterday? I was already moved out. All he had to do was quietly wait for the divorce papers. I mean, Al, I was married to the guy 14 years. I don't understand what's going on at all!"

"Dunno either, Rachael. Uh—forget about getting a job to pay your share of the bills. If you get a job, it will be because you feel you need a career and are fascinated by the work. The business is doing OK. None of us needs worry about basics. We have the boat—she's paid for, too. Might have to take a mortgage on the house for a few years when the kids are in college, but we're really doing well. That most definitely includes you, Ben, and Leah from now on. All right?"

Her eyes sparkling, Rachael gave me another of her toe-curling kisses. "All right, my darling lover. But it will be a two-way street. Whatever I have, I'll throw in the kitty, too."

"OK ... How about we spend just a bit of it finding out what Ed's up to?"

The next morning, I had a full schedule at work. I managed to squeeze in a call to the lawyer and told him I'd pay for an investigation into Ed's situation. How much money had he made and where did it go? And why, if he was trying to get rid of Rachael, was he so angry when he couldn't get her back?

Admitting that those were very good questions, the lawyer said he had the divorce papers ready, asking for half of everything. He needed Rachael's signature later that afternoon.

By the end of the day, I felt I'd done three days' work. Love makes me that way, I guess. My secretary remarked that she hadn't seen me that cheerful in a long time. And she'd known me as a kid.

When I got home, dinner was ready, the table neatly set and all four kids washed up and ready for their meal. Astounded, I asked what the occasion was. Sam started, "We felt that, if we were going to be..." "a perfect family, like the Brady bunch, or something..." Sara continued. "We should be all ready and scrubbed up..." from Leah. "when daddy gets home from a hard day's work," Ben finished.

Rachael, with a 'butter won't melt in my mouth' smile asked, "Would you like your pipe and slippers in front of the TV, dear?"

"All right. All right. Knock it off and let's eat!"

The scene degenerated into a rush to get seated and dig in.

After dinner, the kids wanted to watch a movie. I was tired. I wanted a sauna, a shower and a half hour in the hot tub. Rachael asked if I'd mind company. "Thought you'd never ask," I leered.

"Dirty Old Man!" she replied, as she found some big fluffy towels.

I hadn't used the sauna since we'd moved in, so I had to study some to find the controls and figure out what they did. Luckily, it was pretty simple and soon we were sitting in the hot steam, my beautiful, beloved old friend and new lover and me, as I sweated out the cares of the day.

A quick shower to wash off the grime, then we jumped into the big hot tub on the deck. Marvelous! Pure relaxation.

Having given me some time to unwind, my beautiful lover invaded my lap, believing it was her time, now. I agreed and soon found that her bare bottom on my bare lap produced the result she was looking for. Squealing with delight, Rachael stuffed it in and started gyrating every way she could without getting unplugged. I just grabbed her and kissed her soundly, increasing my hardness by sharing her passion. Then I cheated and inhaled one of these fantastic nipples. She went off instantly. Golly, I enjoy getting this woman off! Finally, I gave her nipple one last wipe with my tongue and let her come down. She cooed, "Ooooh, Al! You do have a way of getting a girl's attention, don't you?"

"Well, you know, when you're in love, it's easy. Let's get out of this tub before we melt." I helped her off my lap, then rose and helped her into the bedroom. The combination of steam, hot water and good sex had left her limp.

I can't say if it was age or experience—or love. Sex with Rachael was on a whole level above any I'd known before. On reflection, I believe the fact that we were deeply in love is the difference.

She welcomed me into her body. It's the only way I can describe it. I was where she wanted me to be. And she was giving it all to me—Wow! I've got to be careful not to get too mystical or lyrical here. Our love was growing and deepening, in every way. She was offering her body—it was no longer hers, but mine to deal with. At the same time, my body was no longer mine, but her toy, too. That made an exquisite joining. This wasn't one of those athletic, superstar, multi-orgasmic things, where everybody passes out at the end. Rather, it was a joining of spirits along with our bodies, which created its own excitement and left us with a sweet sense of belonging and satisfaction.

We slept with her incredible body artistically draped over mine, so either would feel skin contact with the other as we slept. My dreams were peaceful and happy—kind of 'R' rated 'Disney Dreams'.

Next day, my lawyer called. It seems Ed was petitioning the Washington courts for custody of his children. The lawyer didn't think it would be a problem, but we shouldn't go to Washington, or allow the children to. We'd already filed for divorce and for custody in Oregon, where Rachael and the children were living. The restraining order was in place. He said he could handle this one, but that we should be prepared for a drawn out, nasty fight.

Rachael and I resolved to be very circumspect, even inside the house. We didn't care what anybody else might think, really. We just didn't want to give Ed any levers. And, of course, Susan was lurking in the background, still unhappy and still ready to make trouble if she could.

For a week, we lived cautiously, but peacefully. Ben and Leah adjusted to their new home easily. They loved the big old house, with its odd nooks and crannies. They enjoyed the fact that they each had a large room to themselves, with plenty of space for study and the projects and collections kids seem to accumulate.

Leah loved the sewing room and soon had Sara teaching her all she could. The girls enlisted Rachael's help—then found that sewing wasn't her strongest area. Rachael did find a summer class they could take, at the local community college. The girls were thrilled when she told them.

I told the boys they'd better wear anything the girls made for them, and smile, or else!

Sam spent significant time with a girl he'd met at the local pool. With his summer job, he didn't have too much time at home. But he didn't neglect Ben when he was home and was always cheerfully willing to show him a computer game, or take him on at Nintendo. Sometimes he even took Ben for a drive in my old Chevy pickup, to show him some of his favorite places in the area—or just to the golden arches for a burger. Ideal big brother—except that Sam truly enjoyed playing that role, since he thought he'd never have the chance.

Ed demanded a visit with his children. We would not allow him to take them anywhere, fearing, with reason, that he'd try to take them home and just keep them. And we would not relax the restraining order, to allow him to come to the house. At our lawyer's suggestion, we said we'd allow a one-hour, supervised meeting, at the lawyer's office.

After dinner that night, we held a family meeting. Rachael and I explained what was happening. We reminded the kids that we would do everything we could for them, but that they were, in the end, free to choose what they wanted for themselves. We discussed that Ed would probably press them to leave with him, or to say that they wanted to live with him, or go places with him.

Same as Rachael
Chapter 4: Ed Videos

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Ballbusting/Foot Fetish/FemdomThis is a Foot fetish, ballbusting, femdom story, if you don't like these stuffs it's better to stop readingPart 1Taliya was a grown woman of 40 years old. She was white skinned and black haired. Feared by all her city, knowing to be a ballbusting assassin. She would take contracts ONLY from women to castrate men or kill them, and even when killing them she makes sure to bust their nuts first.But Taliya had a specialty, she didn't use any weapon or gadget to bust...

2 years ago
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Good Hunting Sarah

Sarah preened in the reflection of a closed bar shop window. She studied her brilliant blue hair- well, not so brilliant anymore. The color had gradually bled from her locks, betraying the streaky dark blonde she tried to hide. Her smudged eyeshadow looked like two bruises on either side of her nose in the faint light. Johnston Street was poorly lit so late in the evening; the bars and their caterwauling clientele were another three blocks over. The only building of any note on the street was...

4 years ago
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A Fetish 4 Chyna Solacious 2

I was surprised to hear her voice on the other side of the line when I answered my phone. Chyna usually called and came through on the weekends and to get a call from her on a Monday meant she either ran out of weed and was in the neighborhood picking some up, or she just wanted to get laid, in either case, I get laid so I was more than happy to hear from her.she asked me to meet her in the east village because she wanted to treat me to a “surprise” meal as she called it. but the address wasn’t...

2 years ago
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Sex education the interview

Hmm, maybe the blue, no, it has a hole in the leg. Cassandra Lynx looked over the contents of her suit case, strewn all over the bed and floor of her hotel room. With a job interview in less than an hour’s time everything was prepared, everything that was apart from what she was going to wear. The black skirt is too short and the pink one couldn’t look less professional if it had hippy flowers scattered all over it. She had had it all figured out, a dark grey suit...

4 years ago
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The Days Before My Wedding

The Days Before My Wedding by Britney Hoglund MMM look at that tight little ass. Todd said Todd you got to be kidding me she is like 12 years old. I said, as a cute girl walked away she was wearing tight sweat shorts and a pink shirt, and long blondish brown hair. Yea but she was really hot. he said. Does your wife know what a pervert you are? I asked. No, your not going to tell her are you Britney. he said laughing. Todd and I work at an airport fixed base operator, the jobs really boring, its...

3 years ago
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Innocent Divyas Ordeals

Prologue:This is the story of Divya, a typical Indian woman whose life changed rapidly and in unimaginable ways within a couple of years. Let me start at the beginning.Divya was born in a small town in Madhya Pradesh in a conservative middle class household. From c***dhood, Divya was recognized as very good looking. She was fair-skinned, had thick straight hair, and had sharp features and big eyes. Her parents and grandparents, wary of how the society preys pretty women, became extra protective...

3 years ago
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BernieChapter 6

As soon as she was tethered Ian Stopped! Ian Just lay there motionless ... Billy checked, her position, looking to see where her bum was on the bales. Jackie began calling, calling Ian's name. "Ian, Ian" she called, her voice anxious, pleading. "Ian! Oh Ian please!" She cried. "Don't stop please not now" she groaned long and low, "Oooh Ian, please fuck me, please fuck me, I'm so close ... Pleeeease I need to cum!" she sobbed. But Ian didn't move. Billy jumped to the rope connected...

4 years ago
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She made my life better

Introduction: My first real story, its loosely based on a future I am dying to have with my girlfriend. This is going to be the best night of my life, today I was going to finally act on my feelings towards my loving girlfriend on 7 years. Tonight is our anniversary (January 1st) and Ive been planning this for almost 5 years, I almost got caught with it a few times but my smooth awkward personality quickly dispersed her inquisitive nature. Tonight I was going to propose to my girlfriend and...

3 years ago
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Day of Destruction AftermathChapter 5

Shirley began calling "CQ" on HF but received no answer. She said we would try off and on during the day and evening. "Jack, there are a number of bands and frequencies on each band. It's not surprising that we didn't get a reply on our first try." "I understand, Shirl. It would have been nice to have made a contact." It was quiet and I heard a rhythmic grunting from another room. "Ed and Janice seem to be making contact." Shirley said and giggled. I looked at her and gave her...

4 years ago
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My Journal

My name was once Tanya. I gave up that name three years ago when I gave myself to Master. He brought out of me the truth of who I am, and in doing so took possession of my self in every way that matters. We met online in a chat room for singles. He told me later that he sensed in me right away a hint of who I could become. He is older than I, and had a wife once, but he said that with her he couldn’t have the kind of relationship he hungered for – the kind of relationship he has with me. They...

2 years ago
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My Step Sister Amber Forbbien Love

*** " Scarlett" I open my eyes to see Amber standing over me. Why are you standing over me? "I rush up here, I am like so excited to see you" "you're". " Yes, lil sis" "you never called me sis before" "I called you sis before" "No you haven't". " I made breakfast for you" "where's mom" "at work and I had just drop dad off at the airport for his business trip. I'll be downstairs if you need me". Amber leaves my bedroom, I slide my feet into my sandals and I head...

2 years ago
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Baberotica Milana May Slim Milana May Dazzles On Cam

Amateur girl offers a really nice view to her nude forms and her entire body as part of a remarkable amateur bedroom play. The young little chick is horny as fuck, and although for the first minutes of her amateur show, she posed in a sexy lingerie, taking it down and flashing naked was planned from the start. She is a thin beauty, with medium tits and a round ass, full of life and energy. She loves to provide nude moments and tease her fans with soft moves and by pulling her hair. That’s part...

3 years ago
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MenagerieChapter 6

I awoke the next morning feeling well rested. My body was still pressed up against Amanda with my arm draped over her on Elizabeth’s stomach. My morning wood was firmly seated in the cleft of Amanda’s ass. I knew she would be more than happy to be awakened by me plunging it into either hole, but I could see from the light outside that the sun wasn’t up yet. I didn’t even want to be awake yet, but I went to sleep so early it was inevitable. I carefully extracted myself from the bed so as not...

4 years ago
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Goldilocks the sexy version

It was a crisp winter's day and Danielle was on her way to see a friend to try out her new double-ender. It was quite a walk, circumnavigating the big wood between their villages. Her Mum had always said to never go through the wood. There were tales of wolves and tigers, waiting in the deepest, darkest parts of the forest. Danielle thought this somewhat unlikely, being in West Yorkshire, but it still made her a bit weary. Danielle was known to all her friends as Goldilocks, on account of her...

Straight Sex
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Massage Chronicles Milked And Pleasured By Bailey Part One

I first spotted the ads for Kate’s place a few weeks earlier. A quick survey of local reviews for her yielded quite mixed but generally negative results. There was something in one of the reviews that led me to believe that the reviewer was wrong. I couldn’t pin it down so I PM’d the reviewer. He told me that she was cute and young, but very rude to him and that his massage was rushed and disjointed.This was a time when I was still new to erotic massage, and also quite shy. Still, I knew from...

3 years ago
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Hollywood Horror Story

The night had fallen for a couple hours, and yet, Los Angeles was more dynamic than ever. The city was shining a thousand lights coming from its numerous buildings, and its population was living it's life, far from suspecting something terrible was coming their way. And yet, it was. You see, there are things humans have come to think impossible, because their minds were not capable of understanding it, some dark forces, powerful enough to turn the lives of this whole city upside down with a...

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Special BBC Delivery Mines Bigger

My husband Neil is at work and I am home alone, I have just stepped out of the shower and I'm feeling horny. I lie on the bed and start to tease myself with my finger, mmm my pussy juices are flowing and I am already so moist. I lean across the bed and reach for the drawer that holds all my big black dildos. I reach in and take several out and stand them at the side of the bed, then my hand grasps the biggest big black dildo I own, yes this will do nicely!! My husband Neil loves to watch me...

2 years ago
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maid in banglore

i am rahul from Bangalore age 20.this story is about me and my maid.her name is rani.age 18 stats 32d-30-34 height 5ft. Coming to story. this incident happened 2 years ago.my mom and dad hired a maid from village.to take care of household work.as my parents work in gulf and come once in a year. Coming to story i was in 11th when this incident happened my parents had provided me a computer.i used to watch lot of porn and masturbate in my room.once my maid came in to my room without knocking the...

5 years ago
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Transformation experience UK

I'd like to take you back to the late eighties.I had been dressing off and one for several years by this time but had never had a professional make over.A business named Transformation had started such a service and they had a place near Euston Station.I had been in the shop to buy things before but never for a make over.I decided one Saturday I would pamper myself I take up their offer of a 4 hour make over dressing experience for £50.After telling the sales girl what I anted I whisked off to...

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Father In Law With Son8217s Wife

Son Anil’s wife and she was young, modern, was always dressed like the new Bollywood heroines when she wore sari, it was always backless, sleeveless, deep cuts letting her cleavage visible always or she often got dressed in tight jeans, and sexy t-shirts. She wore shorts at home letting all her big, beautiful thighs for the pleasure of viewers as Anil was 38, his wife Aarti was only 26 and they had two children. She was a housewife. So all day she was at home. Anil moved back to gulf and his...

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The Academy Part 6 All This Time

I spent 3 months blending in. The advanced part of the Academy was nonstop work. I thought it would be a heavy dose of feminimity and teaching you to accept this self they created for you but once you walked through that door they had a completely different agenda. It became apparent that Noone was supposed to get into this part without completely accepting this new persona. And here I was doing just that. The slightest slip could spell disaster so I had to bide my time and just fit in....

5 years ago
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The Beautiful Game 03

The end of a three part series that takes place in the same universe as The Lake House Rules, but which stands apart. I had a tough time writing the ending. Everybody who has sex is over 18. Saturday Everyone in the Tucker house was happy. Gwen was happy that she had played with Eduardo, and M.J. was happy for a similar, but more adult reason. And the elder Tuckers also seemed pretty pleased with each other. After breakfast, they took Gwen to soccer practice, and then M.J. stayed to see...

3 years ago
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Defying My Family Part 2

I stood there in disbelief. Her mother is the woman I lost my virginity to because I was forced to rape her thanks in part to my skinhead father. I looked at the woman then to her husband. This isn’t going to be good I thought. Kimiko walked up and said “Mom, Russ, this is Brad my….ummm. …….my… ummm… hopefully he wants to that is ummm be my boyfriend. Right now he is my dance partner in gym. Kimiko looked so nervous. Her white Japanese cheeks turning a reddish shade, as she tried to...

3 years ago
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The Thrill of CheatingChapter 7

"Good evening, madam," the doorman said as he opened the door. Jen could feel him looking down her dress as she walked into the restaurant. She had worn a sexy dress for Mike because they were celebrating his birthday. It was snug and short, and cut daringly low in the front, exposing the swell of her perky breasts. It was very crowded inside, but the sea of people seemed to part as she came through. Jen felt the eyes of every man on her. She flushed. Male attention never failed to turn...

3 years ago
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A Haunting Fuck

It had only been three days since we moved into our new home. I loved the house. It was old and dated, but all it needed was a little love. During the process of moving I did notice some odd things going on in the house. I would put things down on the table, and they would disappear. I would close the closet door and it would be open, when I would reenter the room. I just blamed it on the wind or just my imagination. This particular night Mike had to work until the a.m. and I was going to be...

2 years ago
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Rima Boss First taste of BDSM

Rima was lying on her bed thinking about the recent events in her life. She was wondering what had happened to her, why she gets so easily seduced by other men. The fucking with guards could have been easily avoided if she had acted tough, but instead she was excited and horny by the touch of other men. She keeps reminding herself that she was blackmailed but deep within her heart she knew she wanted it, she enjoyed it. Even after passing of two months since the first time both the guards...

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The Dark Backwards Ends

These three ladies kind of cornered me. I'm looking down at a semi erect cock dangling from a miniskirt. The transsexual saw my reaction to her beige colored dick and asked " Do you want to taste it ? " Just as I was about to answer, a sharp knock at the bathroom door and a shrill voice followed " No soliciting ! Take that shit outside !" The ladies quickly turned and made some quick tucks and adjustments and headed for the door. The prettiest of the trio tuned to me and said "Meet us...

2 years ago
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AlmaChapter 4

Dustin and Alma awoke the next morning still in each other's arms. It was almost 10:00AM. Dustin got out of bed and walked toward the master bathroom. Alma saw that his body was better in the light then it looked the night before. As he returned from the bathroom, he was carrying a robe. He handed the robe to Alma and asked if she wanted to take a shower first or if she wanted him to take one first. Brazenly, Alma suggested, "Lets take one together." Dustin smiled and nodded his head....

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ReallyChapter 3

I heard Mary Jane ask. “Cindy, are you ok?” “What ... a where did you come from? I’m okay, where’s Trey?” “He’s on the floor over there; we thought he abducted you and Amy.” “Oh God no! What have you done? “Bet called after finding the mess in the kitchen, and thinking the worst, called 911. We responded; Chuck is keeping Trey on the floor and Bet is still in the kitchen. I have two more units on the way.” “Oh God, call them off. There’s no problem except for some explaining on my part....

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Perverted High School

You begin the day like any other eighteen year old high school girl. You brush your long dark hair, put it into two long pony tails, put on some subtle lipstick and think about what to wear. You’re not the interested in dating but you do care about your appearance. Your main concern is the school you attend. Lately, there have been lots of reports of sexual harassment at said school, enough to get your attention. Last week, one of your friends said that the male nurse at achool flashed his...

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Tim the Teenage1

Tim, the Teenage Part Two By: Rass Senip +++ Chapter II: 9th Grade, Fall 1985 Part 1 - Love, Life, and the Power. (mc, mf-TP-Mast, mfm-TP-Mast) (TP-Mast = Telepathic sharing while masturbating) It was the second day of school of my freshman year when I first kissed Suzi. We had only seen each other twice over the summer vacation, but we had talked practically every night over the phone. I sat with her during lunch instead of my usual table, making the guys a little mad at me. At least...

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