Sex Education- The Interview free porn video

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Hmm, maybe the blue, no, it has a hole in the leg. Cassandra Lynx looked over the contents of her suit case, strewn all over the bed and floor of her hotel room. With a job interview in less than an hour’s time everything was prepared, everything that was apart from what she was going to wear.
The black skirt is too short and the pink one couldn’t look less professional if it had hippy flowers scattered all over it.
She had had it all figured out, a dark grey suit with a long grey skirt, all elegantly cut but nothing gaudy. Cassandra had no need to hide behind extravagant clothes; her natural beauty spoke for its self. At fourteen she had reached five foot six and stopped growing upwards, which wasn’t to say she stopped growing. Now twenty five her once wispy body had fleshed out in all of the right places, though she was slim her breasts were rounded and firm with pink little nipples and her firm round ass drew just as many eyes.
Unfortunately Cassandra had two trips to go on in one week, one job interview down in Dorset where she now stood, and one trip to Amsterdam with some friends with a very different dress code. Organised as always she had packed both in advance so that when she arrived at home she could simply pick up her second case, have a cup of tea and head off to the air port. Unfortunately she had picked up the wrong case. So her perfect grey suit was two hundred miles away and after dismissing clothes clearly unsuitable for the task she was left with a few outfits, none of which could be called conservative, all designed to enhance her asset’s and draw men’s eyes.
God, after how I lost the last job this is the last thing I need!
“It will have to be the black,” she sighed, it was perhaps the most scandalous of her three options, but at least it wasn’t damaged or iridescent.
Decision made she began to dress; a black silk thong was the most respectable underwear she had, and so, like the skirt, would have to do. Black silk stockings followed. On top she settled on a white and black corset, usually she would wear it alone, today it served for underwear and was quickly covered over by a tight cream white blouse showing entirely too much cleavage. The short black skirt followed and finally black heeled shoes finished off the outfit.
Gazing into the full length wall mirror Cassandra smoothed down silky black hair and, aware that she looked like a cross between a banker’s intern and that same bankers whore steeled herself for one of the more embarrassing interviews of a life time and set off out the door, taking only a small leather handbag to distract stares from her provocative attire.
The corridor was, mercifully, empty. Cassandra never had been shy, and in the right circumstances she gloried in the admiring stares of others. Today though things were different, today she was aiming for decorum and impeccable respectability; a skirt cut off two thirds of way up the thigh would make this difficult.
Still, I am not going to cancel the first teaching job interview in a year because I brought the wrong suitcase. Come on Casey, dignity and poise.
So thinking Cassandra strode into the hotel lobby, luckily at five in the evening there appeared to be no guests around. For a moment Cassandra thought she might get to her car without meeting anyone.
Oh no, behind the desk. Sure enough behind the front desk the elderly owner of the small hotel gazed at her, his eyes registering surprise mixed with lust and appreciation. Cassandra had to fight hard to keep her face still and composed; part of her enjoyed his stares, it was nice to be appreciated after all. On the other hand the man knew her name and why she was here. In a small town like Birchly the news would undoubtedly spread as stories were told over a pint to the old lecher’s friends, then again to those men’s wives, then every pensioner in town followed by their daughters gossiping at the school gates as they dropped their children off in the morning.
If by some miracle I get the job half the town will think I slept with the headmaster to do it, at best.
Unconsciously she quickened her stride and was soon sitting in her car, an aging soft top still beautiful but in dire need of some attention. When it came to luxuries Cassandra rarely got round to considering car maintenance. Still, today at least she started up smoothly, it was not far to the school and Cassandra enjoyed the ride. It was with regret and apprehension that she pulled up to the school.
The students were all long gone and there was something almost eerie about the silence and the shadows in the windows. Birchly hall was an imposing structure, the private school had once been a stately home and an engraving in the foyer proudly listed the important personages who had visited, from Elizabeth I to Lord Byron. Very few lights could still be seen but the entrance was clear enough, sliding out of her car Cassandra headed for it. The great oaken double doors were not locked and opened easily, walking in Cassandra found herself in an impressive entrance hall dimly lit by light filtering out of a small room of to one side. After a moment Cassandra approached and rapped on the half open door.
“Oh!” Inside a small woman jumped up from the stack of papers she had been shifting from one corner of the office to her desk.
“I’m sorry,” she said, smoothing down her slightly rumpled dress “You startled me.”
She was young, this woman, probably a couple of years younger than Cassandra herself. She was quite pretty in a demure kind of way, though she would be unlikely to catch the eye in a crowded room. For a moment the two appraised on another, the woman hardly batting an eyelid at Cassandra’s unusual take on the appropriate dress code.
Realising that she was hovering Cassandra took another step into the small office,
“Sorry, I didn’t mean to surprise you. I am Cassandra Lynx.” She received only a blank stare from the woman she presumed must be a receptionist or a secretary or something of the kind.
“I’m here for a job interview...” She elaborated.
Comprehension dawned in the woman’s eyes
“Ah yes, I should have known. It’s been in the diary for long enough. I’m Jane Goodman, the school secretary. You will be wanting the headmaster, Mr Andrews; his office is on the next floor up. Walk straight down the hall, take the stairs to your left then go right. His office is the sixth door on the right.”
Cassandra thanked the secretary and did as she was bidden, feeling somewhat out of place as her heals clicked loudly on the polished wooden floor. The staircase wasn’t far and soon Cassandra found herself outside of the headmaster’s door, half hoping he had gotten the date wrong and wasn’t in she knocked.
“Come in.”
So much for that idea. She thought. Trying to push aside nerves she pushed open the door and walked inside.
The headmaster’s office was spacious; a pair of leather armchairs in front of a fire stood off to one side and an imposing wooden desk dominated the room. Books in glass cabinets covered most of the wall space on subjects ranging from the sack of Carthage to particle physics. Overall it gave the impression of wealth refined with age and taste. Cassandra could well imagine it being the study of some long dead lord; it radiated academia coupled with masculinity and quiet authority. Room aside it was time to meet the man himself. He sat behind the desk, as she walked in he put aside the pile of paperwork he had been endeavouring to deal with
Probably a never ending task, she thought; if he manages half the stack tonight I will bet it will be twice as high in the morning. That though was not her problem, she wasn’t after his job.
The headmaster was of average size, overtopping Cassandra by several inches. He was perhaps in his late forties, grey hair just beginning to dominate over the black. He was a fairly good looking man, he may well have been very handsome in his youth and even now Cassandra thought it would be no hardship to be fucked by him. Not that she had any intention of that of course.
Standing, Mr Andrews motioned to the chairs in front of the fire. Cassandra settled into one armchair while the headmaster took a seat opposite.
“Good evening,” He began, holding out his hand. Casey shook it
“I am Charles Andrews and you....” he said, relaxing back into the arm chair
“must be Miss Lynx”
Cassandra smiled
“Call me Casey, please.”
“Of course, Casey. Call me Charles; I don’t think there is any need to stand on ceremony, although.” He paused, eyeing her almost ostentatiously
“We do not usually take to quite such informal clothes in school hours.”
Cassandra’s face reddened despite her efforts to prevent it, though she otherwise remained calm, outwardly at least.
“I’m sorry, there was a ... mix up, with my luggage, and there was no time to rectify it. I would not normally dress this way.
Charles smiled
“No indeed; however I must say I was expecting something of the kind.”
Cassandra felt butterflies begin to pound on her stomach from inside
“Oh,” She said, unsure of how much he knew about her past “Why is that?”
“Well your conduct in your last teaching post naturally. Hardly usual practise.”
At this point the butterflies abandoned conventional means and broke out the jack hammers. Charles seemed not at all perturbed by her uncomfortable silence.
“Unusual, but I have only second and third hand accounts, no doubt the truth has been somewhat distorted. Perhaps you would be good enough to explain, from the beginning.
Ok, well he knows and he hasn’t thrown me out of the building. Briefly she considered lying, downplaying the whole fiasco. But somehow she thought that wouldn’t work, this Charles Andrews did not seem like a man to be easily duped, especially if he knew the basics already. But perhaps, by telling her story in full, as she had never been allowed to before, he might understand.
It’s worth a shot at least.
“Alright, from the beginning. Well I suppose if you want to hear the full story I had better start with some rather...intimate, details about myself.” She took a deep breath and continued, to get this over and done with quickly.
God, why go through this? I could just walk away. No! The potential reward is worth the risk, if he is of a like mind. I found one before after all.
“I first lost my virginity to an older man; I was fifteen and he thirty. He was an experienced lover and I learned a great deal from him. After a few months he left me, I cannot even recall the reason why, it doesn’t matter. The next man I had sex with, I say man, was my own age, unpractised and clumsy. Of course then I had only my older man to compare him to and thought the fault with him. Over the months and years of course I discovered the obvious; that teenagers must learn how to be good at sex much as they must learn everything else. But this takes far longer than it should because society forces them to find their own way, many never become proficient at all which is a waste and means that there is less pleasure in the world than there otherwise might be. Sex should be taught in school, and not just facts and figures. But though I suspect most of those who would receive the lessons would be enthusiastic, others think that it’s perverted. I do not believe they understand my motives, their morality is outdated. Teenagers will have sex whatever we do, I don’t think teaching about it would increase the rate very much, if at all. But it would help them for the whole of their lives and help them avoid bad experiences.” She paused, but Charles merely motioned for her to continue.
Somewhat more calmly she did so
“I became a teacher, English, as I am sure you know, is my main subject. Various life choices lead me to Australia where I found a job in a high school. The headmaster there and I had a relationship and during the course of it my views on this subject came up. To my surprise he agreed with me and decided to set up an optional sex education class. We explained to the students, all at least sixteen, what was to happen and also explained that if it became public that the class would have to be closed. Well the class went on for several months and many of the students made real progress, so far as was ever found none of the students had talked; but one of the governors found out and all was exposed. The rest I expect you know, I returned to England after being evicted from Australia and banned from returning. Luckily the school and the government both wanted to keep the incident as quiet as possible so no further action was taken, but I have not been able to teach since. Usually employers only hear that I was banished from Australia and close the door, others hear more of the story and slam it. You are the first to hear it all.” She fell silent, waiting for his response.
“So,” he said after a long, drawn out moment. “I take it you are still in favour of this? Your experience with the law did not change your mind?”
Once again Cassandra considered lying, but she had come this far.
“Yes,” She confirmed, more boldly than she felt “Though of course not without permission from the school.” Realising she had slowly edged forward on the chair Cassandra sat back and folded her hands in the lap.
“It just so happens that I agree with you Miss Lynx.”
“You do?” She could not keep a note of surprise from entering her voice.
Once again Charles smiled
“Yes I do, and I would like you to take up the position of social sciences teacher, part of which shall be a voluntary class in practical sex education for year 11 students. I would like you to set it up for the new term.”
Cassandra was momentarily speechless, and delighted. This was far more than she had ever hoped for.
“Yes!” She gasped finally. “I mean I accept, but I would prefer two classes if you don’t mind. I find it better to separate the boys and the girls, at least at first.”
“Of course,” he said “You know far better than I in this area I am sure. I assume that you yourself are, as you put it ‘proficient’ when it comes to sex?”
“Well, yes. I would say that I was.”
“There are some, I am sure, who would call a woman such as yourself a slut Miss Lynx.”
“Yes, I suppose there are.”
“What do you think?”
Cassandra considered
“I suppose I am a slut, in a way. But I don’t consider that to be a bad thing. If I were a man it would not be seen as a bad trait, its’ just outdated chauvinistic stereotypes that stigmatise women who take pleasure when they find it.”
Charles fell silent and considered.
“There is one more thing; before I give you the job I am afraid I must see for myself that you are indeed able to educate the young adults of this school. Birchly hall maintains the highest of standards and even in this area; I will not let that slip.”
Casey smiled
“Of course,” With no further ado she set her purse to one side and slid of the chair and onto her knees before the headmaster. As she reached for his crotch she noticed it begin to bulge as he hardened in anticipation. Taking this bulge she stroked him through his trousers, gently massaging him. Slowly she took his fly zip and pulled it down; slowly still she slid her hands up to the waist and pulled the trousers down. Charles’ erection was now covered only by a thin layer of cotton; Casey gently tugged down his underwear to join his trousers gathered around his ankles uncovering his throbbing seven inch cock.
Not the biggest, she mused but certainly not bad.
With practised ease she took him into her mouth, tongue flickering over his head. Charles let out a low moan and she smiled around his cock. Slowly and carefully she pushed forwards, letting his cock slide down her throat, then, when it was half way in she pulled back. Above her she could hear Charles moan softly in pleasure. Gently she sucked the tip of his penis, teasing it with her mouth. When she decided it had been long enough she deep throated once again, this time she did not pull back, inch after inch she swallowed him until everything was in her mouth. Casey began to slide back and forth, his cock sliding inside her. After several long moments the urge to gag became nigh overwhelming and she pulled out, only to take his balls in one hand and begin again.
The headmaster groaned and grasped a handful of Casey’s sleek black hair and began to thrust forwards, meeting her movements with his own. His cock began hitting the back of her mouth as he throat fucked her. Sensing that he was close to cuming Cassandra pulled back once more, bending lower she took one ball into her mouth and gently sucked on it, rolling it around with her tongue as the headmaster groaned. After a moment she released it and took the other ball between her lips, licking and kissing before taking it in and sucking it as she had the first.
Up above her Charles tugged on her hair and she released his testicles and smiled. Once more she ran her tongue up his throbbing shaft and licked of a film of pre-cum. The headmaster pulled her forwards and Cassandra opened her mouth wide, taking his cock down her throat again and bobbing back and forth as he thrust in time. After ten long minuets Charles gasped
“God, I’m going to cum!”
No sooner had the words left his mouth than his cum began to fill hers, pouring out in great spurts. Cassandra did not move away but swallowed mouthful after mouthful, greedily sucking it down.
Finally the flow stopped and she cleaned the last drops from his softening cock with her tongue. When it was all gone she sat back in her chair and licked one last drop from her bottom lip. Charles was lounging back in his chair, eyes closed and a look of contentment on his face. After a minuet he opened his eyes and pulled up his underwear and trousers.
“Yes, well I think we have established that you know what you are doing. Welcome on board Miss Lynx. Officially off course your title shall be social sciences teacher, but privately I am afraid you must have a different title known to the staff and the board of governors,” Her surprise must have been clear for he said “Oh yes the governors are well aware I was looking for someone to fill this post, they are fully behind it.”
“Very well,” She said “what title?”
“Staff slut Miss Lynx. You are to be our staff slut.”
Casey thought about it
“Very well,” She said “though I think I would see that as another post entirely, on top of teaching duties.”
Charles smiled
“I think you will fit in well at Birchly hall Miss Lynx. The new term begins after the summer holidays finish, which is in two weeks time. You will begin work on out return.”
Cassandra smiled and got up to leave, when she was at the door the headmaster called out
“Oh Miss Lynx, amongst the staff you may dress as you wish, but in front of the students do try to wear something a little more appropriate.”


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The Worlds First Futa 05 Futas Public Delight 3 Futas First Naughty Live Interview

Chapter Three: Futa's First Naughty Live Interview By mypenname3000 Copyright 2018 April 17th, 2047 “So I have a question for you, Becky,” Adelia said, her hand stroking my thigh with such a familiar fashion, “and I am sure all our viewers and in-studio audience are wondering the same thing.” “Shoot,” I said, my clit-dick aching beneath my skirt. I felt the eyes of the world on me at this exact moment even though Adelia leaned her caramel-hued face closer to me, invoking an intimacy...

4 years ago
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The Interview

Calvin was a junior reporter at one of the local newspapers in the city. He had only worked there for four months, and it was his first job after completing his college degree. Naturally, most of his assignments had been boring up to this point, but he knew that he had to cut his teeth and therefore, that was to be expected.After an arduous Wednesday, as he was finishing up his work at six p.m., his boss walked over to his desk and informed him that he would have to interview at seven o’clock...

Gay Male
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My Zoom Interview

So due to Covid-19, I’m unable to attend interviews in person. Therefore, I had a scheduled Zoom Interview. Usually I dress fairly revealing for interviews as that’s both fun and also helps me get the job and sometimes a little extra. This year I had all my interviews online via Zoom, 16 in total. I did dress fairly revealing for all of them so far. However, I was always distracted during them. For my last interview, I dressed up as usual. I wore a deep V-neck Lingerie slightly see through top...

2 years ago
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The Interview

The Interview: I've never had one, but I think I'm about to have a panic attack. I'm sitting at my computer in my disheveled bedroom, dresses and lingerie strewn across my bed, every pair of shoes that I own scattered on the floor, there is even one of my bras hanging from my dresser mirror. If I think hard, I may remember how my favorite piece of red lacy lingerie got there, but for now, that was the least of my concerns. In ten minutes, I am going to join a Zoom meeting and...

4 years ago
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The Interview

The Interview“Steve, are you going to be long?” Victoria shouted up the stairs. “You know it’s my first interview since I stopped working – and damn, am I nervous!” Her husband trotted down the stairs, an overbearingly silly grin on his face. “Hey babe – don’t get your knickers in a twist! You’ll be fine!” “Who says I’m wearing knickers!” pouted Vicky, as he headed toward her, his hands making groping motions. Steve stopped, looking his wife up and down, taking in the fitted suit, the black...

2 years ago
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The Interview

The Interview“Steve, are you going to be long?” Victoria shouted up the stairs. “You know it’s my first interview since I stopped working – and damn, am I nervous!” Her husband trotted down the stairs, an overbearingly silly grin on his face. “Hey babe – don’t get your knickers in a twist! You’ll be fine!” “Who says I’m wearing knickers!” pouted Vicky, as he headed toward her, his hands making groping motions. Steve stopped, looking his wife up and down, taking in the fitted suit, the black...

3 years ago
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Sarahs Submission Ch 11 The Interview

--- Sarah put the Lush vibrator in her purse in a baggie in the morning on her way to school, despite misgivings over having to use the vibrator and worried about it going off in front of other people. Finding Jenny at school before class, she verified Jenny had hers as well. Sarah stressed to Jenny again the importance of following instructions to avoid even tougher punishments. Not having to wait long, she got her first instructional text from Mr. Michaels, ‘Lush in’, between the second...

1 year ago
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The Interview

My wife, Lisa, and I met at the same workplace and, whilst it was years after, she told me about how she was hired. Lisa was 27 when she applied for the job and didn't think for one second she stood any chance of getting it. She was under qualified, at the time out of work and had no references but really wanted the job and saw it as a great opportunity to get other jobs of the same ilk once she got her foot in the door. The job in question was a call center operator for a large company based...

3 years ago
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Dione looked over enviously at the table of five girls at the top of the dining hall. It was her first week at this college - her parents had moved across the country and she had to go with them - and she was already missing the popularity she was used to. "That's the cheerleaders," said Mandy, her first, and currently only, friend. "The black girl, that's Lucille Marshall," she continued. "She's in charge." "Oh," replied Dione. "Are they popular then?" "Popular," exclaimed...

4 years ago
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Sex Education WorkshopChapter 2

SEX EDUCATION PRACTICE DUMMY Chrissy Jones was pushed into the sex education cycle because her students had all written such glowing reports about the professional standards of her all-day workshops. In retrospect, it was really quite amusing because she was certain that the supervisory staff would be dismayed at her "hands on" instructional methods. Her immediate boss, Mr. Prodhard gave her his full support and was firmly behind her, especially when she bent over his desk at lunch...

2 years ago
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Cyreelrsquos JOB Interview

I just want to make some clarifying statements, first this is a work of fiction and fantasy. All individuals are over the age of eighteen and all aspects is of consensual sex. As this is my first story I have written all constructive criticism is welcome please direct all comments to [email protected]’s JOB InterviewI am married to Cyreel my name is Jim Edwards my wife and I are 28, we met when I was working in the Philippines for a construction company. She was in college working on a...

1 year ago
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Thangaiku Theriyaamal Amma Magalai Oothen

Indru tamil kama kathaiyil ilamaiyaana magalum pinbu vithavai ammavaiyum eppadi usar seithu matter poten endru ungaluku solugiren. Suvarasiyam athigam irukum kama kathaikul selalam vaarungal, en peyar karthik. En veethiiyil oru pen ilamaiyaaga sexiyaaga irupaal, avalai thinamum sight adithu kondu irupen. Thinamum aval kalluri sendru varum pozhuthu iru velaiyilum sight adika arambithu viduven. Aval peyar nandhini vayathu 21 irukum, avaluku veetil aan thunai kidaiyaathu. Veetil oru amma iru...

3 years ago
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What Happened at the Interview

Sasha walked inside the office, dressed in only a few pieces of lace. Bright red was the color they had dressed her in, a push up bra and thong panties. A sheer red blouse covering her, down to her upper thighs ... hiding her secret for now ... from those who watched. That's what he wanted her to wear for him during her interview for the position. She had felt the dampness in her panties begin as soon as she'd slipped them on and waited to be taken to the bedroom. He wouldn't ever guess by...

3 years ago
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My Wifes Interview

The InterviewThe night had been quite a success. My wife, Wan, and I had come to a major hotel in the centre of Bangkok for a job interview. Why did my wife come when it is me when it is I who is the candidate for the job? Well the company has the policy of interviewing both the candidate and their spouse to make sure they fit the company culture.We met the HR Manager in the lobby and we went through to the bar come coffee shop. We ordered a meal and chatted as we waited for it to be delivered...

3 years ago
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Sex Education WorkshopChapter 3

(This will complete the earlier story "Sex Education Workshop 101" which was a follow up story to the original "Sex Education Practice Dummy" that was extremely popular on several sites.) Chrissy Jones turned over to hit the alarm clock and knocked it flying across the bedroom. "Serves you right, you worthless piece of shite", Chrissy muttered rather than shouted at the innocent inanimate object still making a bit of a rattle in the corner. She still didn't have both eyes open but...

1 year ago
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Part 1 The Interview

One word to describe Elodie Boutella: caramel! A soft candy made with sugar and cream heated until brown in color.Elodie is five-foot-five and has never weighed more than 121 pounds since she was eighteen. She has an incredibly athletic, slender build that curves in all the right places. Her natural 34DDD tits, wide hips, and thick thighs give her an astonishing 36-26-37 figure.Her eyes are bright green, like two perfectly polished emeralds. With a single glance, her dazzling eyes can hypnotize...

2 years ago
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The Interview

The night had been quite a success. My wife, Wan, and I had come to a major hotel in the centre of Bangkok for a job interview. Why did my wife come when it is me when it is I who is the candidate for the job? Well the company has the policy of interviewing both the candidate and their spouse to make sure they fit the company culture.We met the HR Manager in the lobby and we went through to the bar come coffee shop. We ordered a meal and chatted as we waited for it to be delivered to us. This...

4 years ago
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Paying For College Prologue Ch 01 The Interview

PrologueMr. James was a private person. Few people knew his name or his wealth. He was also lonely, he had few friends and no sexual partners. He felt ashamed of his sexual proclivities, which were somewhat unusual. When he did allow himself to be intimate with a woman, he always regretted it. His desires were rarely fulfilled leaving his feeling empty and out of sorts.One day he was meeting with the CEO of a software company he recently acquired, and he met Maria. Maria was a college senior...

4 years ago
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SexEducation ClassChapter 2

"Gosh!" fifteen year-old Wayne Conroy said behind his teacher. Joan Frazer turned around, startled, not having noticed that the boy hadn't left the classroom along with the others. She looked at Wayne and, after the headying influence of the movie, was terribly aware of his vibrant young body that was less than a foot away from her. She could almost feel the warmth of his youthful virility pulsating out toward her from the smooth, hairless flesh that was beneath his shirt and pants, and...

2 years ago
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Sindhi Girl In Mechanical Engineering Interview

Tensions were sky-high as it was the placement season! Every person on the campus was in the library, talking to themselves answering made up interview questions, in the computer lab researching the companies, putting up a bold face when inside they were scared. Quite the opposite for me, I wasn’t scared of things like these, ever. I just thought, what is going to happen will happen and therefore no point in worrying about it. I anyway, was not a very bright student, nor was I particularly good...

3 years ago
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Mistress Dyvias The Interview

Disclaimer: this is my story, hence it is my intellectual property, do not post elsewhere without my permission. This story is for adults, and should be treated as such, at the moment it should only be available at the ooc section of the following dot coms: lockedinlace, fictionmania, bdsmlibrary, literotica and mistressdyvia. An alternate version will most likely be available at mcstories in the near future. Certainly, no one should be charging money for this but me. Contact me if you...

4 years ago
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Mistress Dyvias The Interview

Disclaimer: this is my story, hence it is my intellectual property, do not post elsewhere without my permission. This story is for adults, and should be treated as such, at the moment it should only be available at the ooc section of,,, and  An alternate version will most likely be available at in the near future.  Certainly, no one should be charging money for this but me.  Contact me if you wish...

1 year ago
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Sarahs Job Interview

Sarah was returning home from another failed job interview. It was a hard time for her, as it was for many people her age. As a twenty year old girl, she was looking for an entry job in her field, but wasn't being successful in the interviews she attended to. Arriving home, she dropped off the purse on her bed and just laid down. She needed time to think about what was it that she was doing wrong during the interviews. She knew she was capable, but her being nervous to answer the questions was...

3 years ago
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Ritual Offerings The Interview

September 22nd, 1:30 p.m. I arrived at the Rosemary Psychiatric Institution, where I’ve been promised an interview with a patient who was admitted over two years ago, and whose mental condition remains unchanged. It’s my hope to learn more about the conditions of her admittance, as the media would only say it was of an ‘occult nature’. Those words were what first got my attention. I was a man with a dream of one day becoming a recognised paranormal investigator, but thus far, had only ever...

3 years ago
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Sky High Interview

It was early morning in New York City, everyone was running here and there on their way to work except Matt. Matt was 34 years old and on his way to a job interview after quitting his previous job die to some human resource issues. Hopefully he wouldn’t have any problems in this job.Reaching the building he looked up in awe. The building just kept on going as if it was climbing inti the sky, he had never been in such a tall building but after all this was new York! Approaching the receptionist...

3 years ago
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The Worlds First Futa Futas Public DelightsChapter 3 Futarsquos First Naughty Live Interview

April 17th, 2047 “So I have a question for you, Becky,” Adelia said, her hand stroking my thigh with such a familiar fashion, “and I am sure all our viewers and in-studio audience are wondering the same thing.” “Shoot,” I said, my clit-dick aching beneath my skirt. I felt the eyes of the world on me at this exact moment even though Adelia leaned her caramel-hued face closer to me, invoking an intimacy reinforced by our recent fucking during the commercial break. “Given your effect on women...

2 years ago
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Wifes job interview

I'm not sure how or why but somehow I met and married the woman of my dreams. Not only is my wife Joyce hot but she also loves to try new things. Even though I married one of the sexiest women that I have ever known, lately I've been having these fantasies about my wife with other men.Now Joyce works in professional offices and has to wear skirts with hosiery. Every time that I watch her dress I think about how kinky it would be if she got some at work. On this day, Joyce was getting ready for...

1 year ago
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My nursing interview

I had to attend the interview straight after my shift, upstairs in the hospital boardroom with 4 senior consultants. I had brought a spare uniform to change into, freshly ironed with a little starch to keep it looking crisp and neat. I walked into the room, at the end was a large table and behind it sat the 4 consultants - 1 woman, 3 men - 1 of the men was a very senior Pakistani and the other 2 were probably 60+ and had been eminent surgeons, the lady was around 45, well dressed and obviously...

Cheating Wifes
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The Interview

The one thing I have found about being married these past two years is, staying at home all day is just down right boring. I never in a million years would have thought this in my wildest dreams I would get bored doing nothing, day after day after day, yet here I am doing just that. In the mornings when I read the paper from front to back, I never, ever looked in the want ads section of the paper. But like I said I am just bored. I am curious to see what kind of jobs are available, maybe if...

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