- 4 years ago
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Author’s note
Suki II begins approximately where Suki I ends in the early 2030s. Character development is in Suki I, available on Amazon Kindle ASIN: B0029F1UGC?and in PDF at ?
Suki I contains the majority of the background information to make Suki II make more sense. Suki I is not as fast paced and not as much sex as Suki II, but if you are interested in the characters, it is a good place to start.
Online Character Profiles, maps, blog and other background information can be found through
Suki I ISBN 978-0-9824686-0-9
Suki II ISBN 978-0-9824686-1-6
Copyright ? 2009 SJE Enterprises.
All rights reserved worldwide.
No part of this e-book may be copied or sold.
John Tagliaferro: [email protected] Suki: [email protected]
http://SukiProject.Blogspot.Com http://SukisStreet.Blogspot.Com
ISBN: 978-0-9824686-1-6
Sunshine Returns
Suki and John awake to the June sunlight streaming through the apartment windows, still in the embrace from their lovemaking of the night before. John gently wakes Suki with sweet licks and kisses on her lips, she smiles as she realizes she is not in a dream, she is really with the man she loves.
?I love you my Suki.?
She smiles, yes, it is still for real, ?I love you too my John.?
?Honey, I have a week of car deliveries . . .?
Suki pouts, they have been together just over one month, and his business is already encroaching on their romance. The first person she will really miss since her father died. This part of reality is not fun, but it is something that makes reality, well, real.
?You know I offered to take you with me.?
?Yes sweetie, I know, but mother needs me at the office. I wish I could find her a replacement and just work with you and do my other work on the side.?
?Suki, you know I don’t think that’s a good idea. I’ve gotten along all this time without a secretary and we need to spend some time doing things away from each other. Don’t we both want a healthy relationship??
?Yes, but . . .?
?And this has gone a lot faster than what I am used to. Not complaining about that a bit and I am happy with how things are going. Being apart for a little bit might help both of us.?
Suki pouts again, understanding and still not revealing that it is the first time for her in a relationship like this, but it is going exactly the way she dreamed. She remembers again the advice from her friends don’t dump a bunch of grief on your guy when things are going well.
John gently cradles her, ?I am going to miss you too you know, but I will be back and knowing that I am coming back to you is something I look forward to.?
Suki chokes back a tear.
They hold hands, get their robes and have their coffee and tea on the balcony in their usual handholding way. Suki seems distant, John knows she is getting sad, and then she abruptly gets up.
?John, I need to go over to the condo and take care of a few things and will be going into mother’s office late today, but I can’t bear to watch you leave so I’m just getting dressed and going over.? She gently presses her hand to his cheek and goes back into the apartment.
Not the departure John wanted, but he doesn’t argue. As he hears the front door close, he cleans up the dishes, takes a shower, and departs for his shop to load five cars for delivery across the country. He wants to call her but resists. She has thoughts to sort out and he takes his own advice, leave her alone, things will be fine, when she is ready, she will contact you.
Suki pouts and tries to choke back the tears of sadness as she travels the METRO system. She really should not feel so sad, she thinks. She has the dream relationship with the first man whom she ever felt like pursuing. Still, it just hurts. Logic does not help much with feelings, but she tries to tell herself that without the caring there would be no hurting.
Arriving at the Rosslyn condominium building, the Security Manager greets her, ?good morning Suki!?
?Hi Jackie,? Suki tries to put on a happy face, but it is not hiding her true feelings very well.
?What’s the matter? John’s trip??
?Yea, I hate this. I wish I could go with him.?
?Well, if you need some company I am around all week, okay??
Suki smiles, ?Thanks Jackie. Hey, my cleaning bots didn’t mess anything up overnight did they??
?No, not a single alarm or problem,? Jackie giggles.
Suki goes to the elevator, looks at the button for their unit, and whimpers as she presses her finger to John’s name, then ?stabs? it in frustration. Moments later, the door is opening to their foyer. Immediately she notices that the cleaning bots are not running. That is strange they should not be finished yet. They should pause shortly after someone enters the foyer and wait to be commanded to resume or stop. Everything looks clean . . .
There is an odd scent, she has smelled it before but pays it no mind as she puts her purse and gun in her room, strips out of her green silk dress, panties and heels and then prances to the master bedroom, hoping the perky movement might pick her up. No luck, no joy. At least seeing the stainless steel bed brings a smile to her lips. She notices the scent again, must be something the bots did.
As Suki approaches the doorway of the master bath, she hears the slam of the bedroom door. She turns to see . . . Sunshine, her former lover from Tokyo, standing in black boots and a white uniform top, the same thing Suki wore for her the last time they were together. Of all scents to forget their association! How could I forget hers?
First instinct is to smile and disarm her so she can bolt past for her gun, ?Sunshine! How have you been??
Sunshine whips an old-style car antenna through the air, the kind that she beat Suki so badly with in Tokyo, ?SWOSH?.
Suki reflexively runs to the bathroom, locks the door and slips on the wet floor, ?UGH!? What is on my floor, oily . . . oh my God . . . that feeling . . . feeling of euphoria building . . . already needing to hug . . . pressing the panic button, no light, not sending . . . the room is collapsing . . .
Sunshine walks slowly to the bathroom door, hearing Suki groan from her fall. Her boots click on the tile. She rattles the door handle . . .
?Miss me Suki? Didn’t hurt yourself too bad did you? Why don’t you open the door so I can examine you,? she giggles a bit. ?That oil might stain that granite floor, better start the cleaning system and get into the shower.?
Suki is terrified and the effect of the drug is not helping. It is making her lonely, prone to suggestion and claustrophobic. She can’t remember what intensifies it or reduces it. She looks through the cabinets. Neither she nor John keep many pills or any other drugs in the house.
The suggestion of the shower somehow makes sense. She crawls away from the door, difficult because that is where the only person who can cuddle her is. She presses the button for the floor cleaner and turns the shower on cold.
Warm water and cleaning fluids sweep through the floor area and the vapor sends Suki through the roof. She feels the room closing around her faster than before. She desperately needs contact. Trying to resist the feelings, she scrubs herself with soap and adjusts water to warm. That just makes matters worse. It makes the Euphoria come out of solution and bind to her skin more. Suki is sobbing as she walks across the now damp, but clean floor to the door.
Please John, please remember something you need here, please come home?
?Suki, honey, I have a big hug waiting for you out here,? Sunshine says in a cheerful voice.
Suki drops to her knees, trying not to open the door, hoping that if she stays in there long enough Jackie will come to check, or call or something. This thought is gone in moments. She must have a touch; she must get out of that room. She slowly unlocks the door and crawls out, like a suspicious cat.
Sunshine is sitting on the bed, her boots barely touching the floor, ?Suki, come on baby, you need a hug don’t you??
?Yes . . .?
Sunshine swishes the car antenna through the air and Suki hides back behind the doorway.
?Suki, be a good pet and you get your hug. Now, do you remember what I taught you to call Me when we were together in Tokyo?
?Yes . . . Mommy . . .?
?Oh, I so missed that. Now, crawl over here like a good kitty . . .?
Suki approaches cautiously, and then begins to crawl up on the bed, the feeling overwhelming any rational thought she could have . . .
Swoosh! ?Suki! My boots need attention!?
Suki pulls back a little, ?PLEASE DON’T HURT ME??
?If you are a good girl you won’t be hurt at all, so behave and we can do this the fun way. Don’t behave and we do it the hard way. Your choice, Suki Pet.?
Suki begins to lick and kiss the boots, caressing, fondling, all the way to the tops, then pauses per the play they had done so often so long ago.
Sunshine extends a leg across Suki’s shoulder, then wraps it behind her neck, ?such a good girl, you have permission to lick all the way up for your hug now.?
Suki summons what little of her mind she can control for a plea, the truth and a half truth.
?I . . . I cannot touch y y you like that, I am in a commitment, I am owned . . .?
Antenna swooshes again, ?Suki! A hug is not cheating! Now do as I say and you will get your hug without any marks.?
Suki licks up Sunshine’s alabaster thighs, letting her mind slip away, her mouth, and tongue and fingers pleasure every inch of skin before her.
?That’s it, Suki Pet, yes, you are better than I remember. Seems the Dominants who followed Me trained you well, before you were tainted by that male.?
The words cut through the fog just as Suki begins sucking and licking Sunshine’s clitoris, then the words disappear without comment, ?mmm Suki, yesss, like that . . . ooooo yes that was a good one, mmmm and another, mmmm.?
?You keep being a good pet for my whole visit and everything will go just fine.
As Suki’s torment begins, John loads the last car onto the car hauler, a pink DeSoto for his first delivery in North Carolina. What possesses people to want cars in that color he does not know, but it is not the first time he has had to use that color. It is a car for some guy’s grandmother.
The brief flash of free time makes him want to call Suki, but he calls his son ?Tag? instead.
?Hey Captain Tagliaferro, on your new assignment yet??
?Hello Colonel father, on my way there now and I swear the crates in this cargo plane are full of rubber dogshit.?
John laughs, ?you still remember me telling you that from when your grandpa took me to see Top Gun at a real movie theater??
?Yep, my first thought as I was walking up the death ramp into this thing.?
?So, can you tell me where you just left and where you are going this time??
?Just left Uzbekistan, on my way to Israel and Palestine!?
?Man! You get all the cool assignments and nobody is shooting at you either, which I am glad about of course . . .?
?Not as glad as me.?
?What sort of lawyerin’ are you gonna be doin’ there??
?Helping the Palestinian Defense Ministry setup a UCMJ (Uniform Code of Military Justice) system similar to ours. The command is a strange setup, multinational with us, Germany, Israel, and Palestine.?
?Ah, so being one of the few German speaking JAGs probably got you onto that, and those ass-kicking evaluations. I am still amazed that those folks finally calmed down enough to work together.?
?Yea, when you stop blowing your allowance on pissy little rockets to shoot into Israel your infrastructure doesn’t get blown up any more. Fucking amazing.?
John laughs so hard he can’t start the truck, ?I am just getting on the road to deliver some cars, will be back in Rosslyn next week.?
?Taking my new mom with you?? Tag giggles.
?Silly Major, stop doing that. Suki has to stay here and work. She isn’t taking it very well either. To tell you the truth, it’s already bothering me. Thinking I might swing by the condo . . .?
?Father! Stop thinking and start driving! You can’t take that big ass truck into Rosslyn anyway. And don’t call her until she calls you!?
?Man, I trained you well. Wilco. Good boy.?
?Roger, out here.?
John gets the truck going; cranks some classic Clash, air conditioner on full, and then his head fills again with everything he needs to not think about.
What about checking the condo security system? Oh yea, Suki isolated it from the Mesh, but Jackie and her security crew are monitoring it. Any voyeur cams near the building? Of course not, at least none that look into his place, yet, until all of the voyeurs who checkout Suki spot her on one.
Well, a text can’t hurt: ?Suki, just getting underway, I love you!?
Not far from John’s shop, Jung waits at the office for her daughter until noon, and then begins working through the electronic piles of work for the upcoming events. She can’t see how on earth she got all of this done before Suki decided to work with her.
Three political parties are coming to town, overlapping events, multiple parties throughout the area. Servers to contract, hosts, hostesses, VIP escorts, security . . . ?My daughter, my daughter . . .? sigh, ?her first love is a blessing and a curse . . .?
Sunshine moves onto advanced topics
Suki is holding onto Sunshine as they lay in bed together, with Sunshine’s boots being the only clothing between them.
Euphoria, the street name for drug Sunshine used on Suki, has evolved into a powerful but relatively safe recreational chemical. It has a combination of the effects of the street drugs named Ecstasy and Euphoria from the early part of the century. One dose can last up to 72 hours with no ill effects, as long as the user allows enough time between doses for recovery. When suspended in oil, it has no odor. Suki has absorbed something less than the maximum dose.
?Suki, honey, looks like your boyfriend sent you a message, now unlock your gogs so I can help you send one back.?
?JOHN! Aawww? Suki hugs Sunshine as if she were John.
?SWISH!? Suki cringes.
?Now unlock the damn gogs!?
Suki complies, still holding onto Sunshine and hands them to her.
?Aw, such a sweet message to you. He just started his trip and he loves you too!? Sunshine’s fingers tap into the air a response, ?Love you too, busy.?
Suki sobs . . . ?please don’t hurt my John, please??
?As long as YOU behave nobody gets hurt. Now, I need some information from you and you will NOT try to deceive me, understand??
?Yes Mommy . . .?
?What have you been working on that is so secret? You disappeared from the research world right before you got here. I had to go to a great deal of trouble to find you,? as she caresses and licks Suki.
?Not that secret, I just don’t like media attention and I was being bothered by the business press, that’s all.?
?Well, that makes sense, but you have been working on Defense things too, I saw your building passes. I have seen you go to the Pentagon on the voyeur cams . . .?
?Oh that, it wasn’t anything important Sunshine, I swear. Biometrics stuff, trying to improve biometric identification. I must have been on the team by accident, not my real field, I hardly get to contribute to the team at all, just a little.?
Sunshine pets Suki’s face and hair gently, speaks with a calm voice, ?very good pet, we will talk more about that later, now we need to talk about a few more things. Are you and John getting married? I could not find a marriage license application in the public records.?
?No, we don’t want to be married like that, but we are already exclusive and I had a ring made for him, I want to give it to him when he gives me one.?
?Very good girl! But why rings if you are not getting married??
?Hard to explain, but we don’t want the government involved in our lives any more that it is already, so we will be married, but not the way everybody else does and we want people to see that we are.?
?Oh, I see. You are doing so well right now too.? Sunshine cuddles and pets Suki some more.
?Do you and John plan to have a family? You both have such good genes.?
?No, I take the shot and I need to recharge it soon. Neither of us wants any more children. He already has one.?
?I noticed! John’s son is a handsome and accomplished man. But, that’s a shame. Lots of people would pay dearly for the children either you or John could produce, especially both of you together . . .?
?That’s just wrong, neither of us would do anything like that.?
?You must be getting tired Suki, you gave a very bad answer. Here, let’s give you something to help you rest. Sorry for such a strong dose of the Euphoria,? she giggles.
?Please no more drugs! You will damage me!?
?SHUSH!? Sunshine places a pink ?kitty collar? around Suki’s neck, secures the hook-and-pile strip with a full wrap again around, and snaps a small padlock shut.
?There, see? Not a drug, but it is something to help you behave.?
Suki is whimpering, exhausted and still needing close contact. In a moment, Suki feels a strong shock and passes out. The collar is equipped with a stun feature as well as an air pump to inflate and choke the user. They are common with extreme BDSM players.
?There you go My Pet, you are going to need your rest,? she dons her own gogs and makes a call, ?hey lover, I have a surprise for you. Remember your telling me about your friend you still wanted so badly? How about meeting us at her place, we are having a little party. Bring the stuff we discussed.?
Sunshine calmly removes her boots, gets up from the bed, and heads for the shower to freshen up.
In the meantime, John has made it to his first delivery stop seven hours down I-95 and is checking into a motel. Jung is beginning to worry about her daughter and Samantha is wondering what is going on too.
Trish is on the way
?Good afternoon Jackie, can you let me up to Suki’s place? She is expecting me.?
?Hi Miss Patricia! Such a large container, are you guys working on a big project while John is away?? Jackie dials Suki and John’s unit.
Patricia nods and looks toward the elevator lobby, keeping her hand on the handle of her large rolling case as the house phone in the condo rings.
Jackie notes the fashionable tight red leather pants and jacket, odd for a CPA, more of a marketing and sales look.
?Suki, Suki, wake up, you need to give the front desk permission to let your friend come up.?
Suki, groggy and disoriented does not even notice that Sunshine dressed her while she slept, ?hello??
Sunshine whispers, ?No tricks,? and shows Suki the remote for the collar.
?Hi Jackie, yes send her up, thank you.?
?Sunshine, you better get out of here, Trish is on the way up, you will get in a lot of trouble,? as she cuddles up tightly.
Smiling, taking Suki by the hand to the door, ?I will be in here, you need to greet your friend,? and she locks Suki out of the bedroom.
My God, what am I wearing? Doesn’t matter, Trish can get me out of here, thank God she came over!
The elevator door opens, Patricia wheels her large case in and leaves it in front of the elevator door as Suki runs to her.
?TRISH! TRISH! Thank you! We need to get out of here, you need to get me out of here, she is back, Sunshine, she is back,? as Suki sobs and hugs Trish.
?Mmm I have been waiting for a greeting like this since the first moment I laid eyes on you, every detail, including the schoolgirl outfit,? and Patricia begins probing Suki’s mouth with her tongue. They are in a tight embrace, the Euphoria still controlling Suki.
?No, please don’t take advantage, she drugged me, she dressed me like this, please,? Suki cannot stop kissing her friend, her will suspended chemically, ?she can kill me with this collar, get me into the elevator, get this thing off of me, take me to the hospital.?
?I think you are just being a little tease, you need to quiet down or you will disturb the neighbors? as she escorts Suki to her room and lays her back in the bed, ?so tell me what you think is going on baby??
?No, you are making me cheat on John! She did too! She dosed me with Euphoria. My gun is in my purse over there, I am too fucked up to use it, go in the bedroom and shoot her so she doesn’t kill me! This place is soundproof, nobody outside can hear! Come on? You need to help me!?
?Suki, baby, look at these lovely hospital restraints you have on your bed now . . .?
?No! Trish! I am not crazy, she is in there . . . Don’t bind me!? As Trish secures Suki’s wrists to the bed.
?Mmm even better,? Trish kisses and licks Suki’s lips, neck and ears as she unknots the blue tie and unbuttons the white blouse, revealing an otherwise naked torso, ?you stay right here baby, I will be right back!?
?Trish, no, please, please! Don’t leave me! I need someone to hold me until this shit wears off! Please don’t rape me, just hold me??
Trish thinks for a moment, yes, good idea . . . ?Suki, I have to leave you here so I can go check the rest of the house. Good thing you taught me how to work a gun. It’s in your purse? What about the shotguns??
?Oh, thank you,? Suki sobs, yes it is in my purse, safety is off, just point and shoot. Not sure if she did anything to the shotguns, the bottom one in the rack is loaded. There is another one in the foyer closet too.?
?Good girl, here is a big hug,? as she hugs and kisses Suki again, ?need to leave you restrained baby, um . . . so you don’t hurt yourself.?
Patricia leaves the bed, goes to the stainless steel desk where Suki’s green handbag sits and retrieves the Walther .22 magnum semi-automatic, pulls the door almost closed as she leaves the room.
She thinks to herself, ?shit, that was close,? she switches the pistol to safe, collects both of the loaded shotguns, puts them on safe and then walks to the master bedroom and knocks once.
The door opens, ?hey lover,? Sunshine greets her with a smile and a kiss.
?Hey dumbass, you left three loaded guns out there with her while I was on my way up.?
?Put them over in the corner, I will take care of them while you have your playtime. Already got off once watching you two on the monitor. You have no idea how pleasing she can be.?
?I brought all of the stuff you setup. Which shot do I give her first??
?The blue one, it’s the testosterone.?
?What? How will that make her ovulate??
?It won’t but it’ll make her horny, in women it complements the Euphoria. After we have the divorce evidence we don’t want any more of that in her, unless it is for a special video or something, for the rest of her life . . . Not sure how much longer the Euphoria is going to work on her, looks like it is still doing good. We don’t want her ovulating until her ‘live cock’ gets back. Such a waste of a hot girl.?
?She might be back on our side by the time the divorce is over. AND NOBODY GETS KILLED, NOT EVEN THE BABIES! Did you get someone for the ceremony??
?Trying to figure out how to get her mom over here, she is still licensed in Virginia and it will make the divorce go better. I have a backup on K-Net too.?
?I don’t think you want Jung over here. She is clever . . . I can’t describe how clever. Think it over some more.?
?If she is that clever it’s better we have her here, locked in the guest room while we complete the first part of the plan. She will comply when she sees how Suki is by the time she gets here and you have an extra task, try to get to it tonight, but tomorrow will be fine.?
?What’s that??
?Make her transfer the video of all of the VIPs from the private parties she and her mom run.?
?What’s the big deal about that??
Sunshine runs a finger across Patricia’s lips, ?and you were just calling me a dumbass? They run fancy formal parties and they also run safe sex parties too.?
?What the hell? And they record them??
?They only keep the data for a few months, something about liability. Her boyfriend is on one of them banging the hell out of two redheads on a bar.?
?No, before they met and she doesn’t care either.?
Patricia looks at the monitor and sees Suki, in her white and blue schoolgirl outfit, squirming erotically on the bed. Her long black shiny hair forming a sloppy halo on the blanket. Legs rubbing up and down each other in white knee socks and blue pumps.
?That is the outfit she was wearing when I first met her in a DC club two years ago. I dogged her like mad but she didn’t want me. She went for guys not long after and found John a few weeks ago. Hope this shot helps,? her hands rub up and down the tight leather, ?I need that hot mouth of hers.?
?Trish, I have plenty of Euphoria if you want some when you are with her later, but I need to keep you straight for now. She might need a recharge, but she seems fine now.?
?Yea, she was fine enough to tell me about all the guns and asked me to shoot you when I found you, call security, the whole list. Good thing she thinks I am her best friend, for now.?
?Get your ass in there and play, lover, we will have plenty of time later. I couldn’t think of a better gift to give you. She is exquisite, fucked up or not. And no marks! She needs to stay perfect, her old man too, for all of the projects that we have for them. I have the remote for her collar in here; just don’t let her near the elevator, too much metal.?
?And one more thing, shortly after you give her the T she will really want sex, she will really want to please and be pleased, no matter how wrong she thinks it is, so you can release the cuffs when she starts that. Just make sure you cuff her back before you go to sleep.?
The women exchange deep kisses and embraces, then Patricia returns to Suki’s room.
?Hey baby, I found something to make you feel better.?
?Thank you, thank you. I didn’t hear the gunfire, did you call Jackie? She needs to know. God, I don’t want her to see me like this. I need hugs, please let me loose and hug me??
Trish leans on the bed and Suki barely feels a small sting on the side of her thigh, then she feels an old but familiar sensation, she can taste and smell the testosterone.
?Oh my God! No! That makes it worse! Sunshine and I used to experiment with this,? Suki begins to whimper, then moan and arch, ?please, please, please resist doing anything. Don’t let my arms loose, this is going to drive me oh . . . oh . . . ooooooo . . .?
Patricia slides up next to Suki as the new combination takes over. In moments Suki cannot resist and her legs are wrapped around Patricia, she is kissing passionately, not speaking in complete sentences.
?Here, let’s un-cuff you baby.?
?Yes, yes Trish, I want you.?
Perfect, Trish thinks, that needs to remain audible in the recording.
As soon as she is released, Suki hungrily attacks Patricia, stripping the leather outfit from her and her own outfit too. Doing anything possible to please and be pleased. Patricia is in erotic heaven. The cameras take in every moment, from ten different angles.
Sunshine watches from the next room, pleasuring herself with some of Suki’s toys.
They make love until Suki is exhausted and Patricia is spent. Patricia tries the trick she saw Jung use on Suki weeks ago, when Suki was upset about John, rubbing a finger up and down the back of her neck until she falls asleep. She makes sure to reapply the restraints before she cuddles up with her new ‘lover’ until morning.
Jung is on the way
Jung is fed up with Suki responding with only text and accessing the network late at night and early morning.
She checks the camera that she has covering Suki’s apartment and does not think she is there, so she begins to text her, then decides to go straight to the condo from her place in DC proper.
Sunshine and Patricia are monitoring the voyeur cams, Patricia even coerced assistance from Suki to set alarms for people resembling Jung traveling between Jung’s condo and the Rosslyn condo. At eight AM they get a possible contact.
Sunshine flashes a message to Trish in the next room, ?get ready, Jung is on the way.? She pauses from her morning make-out session to catch the message.
?Suki, baby, come on, let’s go to the other room.?
?I don’t feel right about this in there, that’s our room.?
Knowing that Suki means her and John sends a shot of jealousy through her, like she has experienced ever since Suki chose John as a partner. She does not release the cuffs from Suki’s wrists, she releases the straps from their anchors and uses them as a leash to pull Suki to the master bedroom. Suki stumbles and follows, whimpering.
?Sun, where is she??
Suki sees Sunshine and tries to pull away, but Jackie yanks her off her feet and she falls on the carpet.
?HEY! I said no marks!? Sunshine scolds. ?She just transferred to the Blue Line METRO.?
?That goes by her office too, but it comes here first. Good call. Better get the license ready. Suki, put your signing finger on this pad and add your code.?
?What is it??
ZAP! Sunshine shocks Suki’s neck on strong, ?do as you are told, unless you want to start losing fingers until that is the only one left.?
She complies with a whimper, unknowingly signing her own marriage license application. Sunshine hurriedly follows and Patricia notarizes.
?Leave My bride here, I will get us ready, you go get yourself ready and wait for our new guest in the living room. Don’t forget this,? Sunshine tosses Patricia a black collar, like the one Suki has been wearing, ?and the pistol is in that closet by the door.?
?Jung has full access here, so the only warning we will get is the elevator bell.?
Sunshine takes Suki to the master bath for a shower and makeup, Patricia checks the pistol, and then goes to Suki’s room for a quick version of the same.
After her shower and a quick dry of her long curly red hair, Patricia gets into her ?bridesmaid? outfit for the wedding. Pink leather mini-dress, corset waist, with matching over the knee boots, laced up the front. Pink lace bra and panty set.
Dressed just in time, the elevator bell rings as she enters the main living area.
?Patricia, what is going on? Where is Suki??
?Jung, she needs your help, we both do. She is in the bedroom with another friend.?
?Samantha is here too? Why wasn’t I called??
?No, a different friend, but she is a natural blonde,? Patricia smiles, and then reveals the pistol.
?Don’t try any tricks with that necklace, just take it off and put it on the floor by you.?
?PATRICIA! What is the meaning . . .?
Jung slowly drops her necklace as Patricia reveals the black collar, ?Are you familiar with these??
?Yes, very familiar.?
?Good, Suki is wearing a similar one and they have both been modified,? she tosses it to Jung and Jung puts it on without being ordered.
Patricia lays the pistol down on a counter, picks up a small padlock and approaches Jung, ?Sun is monitoring us, she has the remotes to both collars. Behave and nothing will happen to either of you. Understand??
?Yes, I understand,? Jung is trying to remain calm, figure out what is going on, and think of a way to save her daughter as Patricia secures the collar with the padlock.
?Now, strip, right there. I have an outfit for you too, might be a little long, but that is fine.? Patricia admires Jung’s still hot body, no wonder she can keep so many lovers, she still looks perfect and is over 70.
?Leave the boots on, they will work nicely,? as Patricia opens the case and reveals a long black leather dress with a high black and white collar.
?Patricia, that is a leather Ministress dress . . .?
?Very good, Leather Ministress Jung, you are going to perform the ceremony.?
Jung looks at her with contempt and puzzlement. No use making any speeches about their friendship, there never was one. She and her daughter have been conned and it is being revealed now.
The ceremony
After a long, abusive, humiliating, intoxicated?shower, Suki?and Sunshine are?dressed and made up for the wedding by Sunshine.
Suki wears a white leather corset style bustier that barely covers her breasts with a taffeta train attached, exposed lace thong, sheer white lace-top stockings, white lace-up ankle boots and white lace gloves. Her makeup is heavy and whorish.
Sunshine’s outfit is similar, but in pink, with a white leather collar that does not have the same shock and choke features of Suki’s. Her makeup is proper and appealing. Nobody would ever guess that she is a woman of 40 and has just served five years in a Japanese women’s prison for assaulting her next lover, after Suki.
Sunshine signals that they are ready; Patricia escorts Jung to the master bedroom, the bed is decorated with sheer white sashes and pink ties.
Suki is pawing at Sunshine, ?I need you,? but Jung can tell she must be on something; it is not her normal way or speech.?
"Jung, we don't need any fancy words right now, just your fingerprint and code on the pad as officiating the ceremony," Jung complies, Patricia notarizes and the wedding certificate is electronically filed. Confirmation that they are legally married returns in seconds.
"Jung, I am your new daughter-in-law, Sunshine, nice to meet you," as she kisses Suki deeply, "prepare a pretty set of words for post production.? For now we could use some pictures together."? The event is recorded in the usual stills.? "Suki, start behaving better and nothing bad will happen to your mother. Tell her what you call me."
?Mommy . . .?
?That is Mommy Wife now, Suki Pet.?
?Suki pouts and whimpers a bit.
??Suki, do as they say.? This will be over sometime."
"See?? Told you she was clever," Patricia giggles, "Sun, is this her remote?" Sunshine nods as Patricia picks up the black remote, "come along to the guest room, you are going to be staying there for a while," and she ushers Jung through the great room to the guest bedroom, next to Tag's.
"Jung, I must be honest with you, you are of limited use to us now, but I want you to be safe.? So don't do anything stupid and everything will be fine.? I think you know that collar can be lethal.? Everything you need for the next few days is in there and that collar is waterproof.? Don't worry about Suki, we need her to be healthy.? Maybe she will behave a little better when she realizes we don't need you at all."
As soon as the door is closed and locked, Jung strips out of the outfit, does an inventory of the room, finds a cigarette, and settles in to assess the situation.
In the master bedroom, Sunshine has loaded Suki up on a refresher dose of her drugs to record the consummation of the marriage, with Suki?very?aggressive, like the night before in bed with Patricia, except a bit more elaborate. They begin with Sunshine making a show out of kissing Suki’s boots, up her legs, until Suki grabs Sunshine’s long blonde hair and pulls her onto the bed, tearing off their clothes and aggressively seeking pleasure. The cameras record it all.
Meanwhile, Patricia prepares for the next phase.? As she monitors John's progress back to Virginia as she strips?down to bra, panties, and boots, waits for nightfall, and then prepares the rest of the house and the bedroom for another night of passion.? She has time to examine more of the party video too.?
A few hours later, to an exhausted Suki, Sunshine commands, "go out into the living room."
"I can't, I have to stay with you Mommy Wife," as she feels a mild shock to her neck, "OW!"
"Do as I say, get out there, and lock the door to?our bedroom behind you."
Suki sluggishly walks naked toward the door, looks back at Sunshine, who displays the remote again, exits and locks the door.? Her foggy mind thinks of the elevator, she moves slowly to it.? Sunshine is monitoring her, finger at the ready to knock Suki out if needed.
The elevator door is closed, Suki presses the button, but it does not light.? Patricia has it turned off and the only other way out is through Tag's locked bedroom.? Suki can't stand any more, she drops to her knees, trying to stay away from her own room.? She needs to find mother.? She has a hint of a memory about the guest room, she crawls that way and scratches on the door.
"Mother?" she whimpers, "Mother, please let me in, I need a hug, I need you."
"Suki, I am locked in here.? The collars on our necks are lethal and they are watching us, probably listening too."
"Psst!"? Patricia hisses from Suki's bedroom.
?Mom, I need you, they are making me cheat on John.? I don't want to, they drugged me."
"Suki, we need to comply with them.? John will understand.? I know he will.? He is a strong, smart man.? You picked the right man."
?"Psst! Need a hug?"? Patricia entices.
"Mother, I have to go cuddle something, it is the Euphoria and other stuff, and they had me on it ever since John went away.? Trish is calling me, I am trying to resist. The only way I can think is by talking to you."
"Just go to Patricia before they hurt us."
"Yes mother."
Suki crawls to her room; Patricia is laying still and waits for Suki to crawl onto the bed, on top of her, pressing herself to Patricia tightly.? Then Patricia stealthily gives Suki another dose of testosterone, sending Suki into erotic fits.
What appears to be a newlywed returning to her lover and bridesmaid is recorded in detail, all through the night.? Patricia makes sure to secure an exhausted Suki before getting?a little rest herself.
John arrives
A few hours later, "Trish, wake up my wife, we need a note for Mister live cock."
Patricia does as she says, "Suki, on this pad, start writing.? 'Strip and put on this collar, bad boy.'? DO IT!" and Suki tries her best to comply.? She has to re-do the note several times, but finally gets a good one. ?Sign it too,? and she does.
"Trish, he is in Fairfax county, probably has to switch vehicles because that truck is too big to drive over here.? I found something perfect for my new bride, bring her to our bedroom."
Sunshine has found a padded horse with elaborate restraints.? It was hidden in a small closet with a two-way mirror.? Suki is restrained to it, tummy down, naked, securely gagged and just before she is wheeled back into the closet, "now is the time for the other shots, go get them Trish."
Muffled whimpers, not wanting any more drugs.? Patricia returns with three injectors, "here we go Suki, this won't hurt a bit," and injects Suki's butt cheek, then injects Sunshine, then Sunshine injects Patricia.
?"Sun, how fast does this stuff work?"
"We will all be ready by morning, about the time Mister live-cock's seed is getting to our eggs," as she wheels Suki back into the closet and Suki is forced to watch Sunshine disguise herself.
?Try to get the divorce evidence ready, file it if you can.?
Sunshine borrows a little of Suki's cologne, slips into a black leather jumpsuit with strategic zippers, and then slips on a tall pair of black leather boots.? They appear to have higher heels than they really do, which gives the effect that 5' 10" Sunshine is closer to the height of 5' 6" Suki with tall heels, especially to someone on their hands and knees.
She then hoods herself, latex hood with inserts to give her covered face a closer shape to Suki's, and a long black ponytail extends from the back.? Finishing touch, some of Suki's lip dye.
Sunshine approaches the mirror and mocks a kiss to Suki, then leaves the room with a large collar and leash in hand, along with Suki's note and pistol.
?At the kitchen, she pours herself a glass of red wine and waits for the elevator, "Trish, did you turn the elevator back on?"
"Yes, where do you want me?? He just drove into the garage in one of his planet-killer cars."
"Stay in Suki's room, lock the door and turn out the light, or block the crack with something. Don’t come into the bedroom until I have them in the cage beneath the bed."
Sunshine drops the collar and leash in the foyer, leaves the note neatly on top of them and retreats to the living room to watch John arrive.
John does not waste time stopping at the front desk, he takes the elevator straight from the garage to the condo.? As the door opens he notices the place darker than usual, but the foyer is bright.? Sunshine is watching, noticing that John's concerned look is identical to his frustrated look as he reads the note.
He clenches his fists a few times, "that woman, what the hell is she thinking?"? He then complies, grudgingly, stripping naked and putting on the collar, then kneels on all fours, guessing this is the position she wants.
Out of the darkness, what appears to be a leather-clad, beautiful Suki appears, she kneels to one knee, snaps a padlock to the collar and then the leash.? She stands and walks slowly to the master bedroom and guides him onto the bed.
Thank God he is already hard so I don't have to put my mouth on that thing!? She thinks as she unzips the crotch of her suit, revealing her naked wetness.
John is staring at her, Suki can see every move and is crying in the closet, but not a sound of hers can be heard in the bedroom.
Sunshine lays on the bed and silently invites John to enter her.? He does as she wraps her legs around his body, the same way Suki does, because Suki learned it from her in Tokyo.
She sees he is trying to hold back and she lets him as her hand finds the remote for his collar.? As soon as he begins to cum, she begins to constrict the collar slowly.? John thinks it is autoerotic asphyxiation and begins to emit a safe-word just as she lets the collar deflate slightly, then she emits a loud moan, "OOOOOOOOOO."? A moan that is distinctly not Suki's.
John tries to get up, "WHO ARE YOU?? WHERE IS SUKI?" and is zapped, causing him to thrust and ejaculate one last time before pulling out and grabbing at his neck.
ZAP! A stronger charge knocks him to the bed, "get in the cage, NOW!"
He tries to launch a grab for the remote, ZAP, plus the collar begins to inflate and choke him, "that collar can be lethal, do as I say and you get to see Suki, maybe even Jung if I feel nice."
He is disoriented and confused, Sunshine guides him by the leash to the floor, to the open cage door and unhooks the leash, "IN NOW," and he crawls inside.? He feels something wet on the floor as he nears the back, but has no idea what it could be.?
Sunshine?leaves the cage door open as she wheels Suki out, on her padded perch and begins to release her, "going to be a good girl and go straight in there to see your precious John?"
As soon as her gag is removed, "YES! THANK YOU!"
"Thank you who?"
"Thank you Mommy Wife," and she leaps from the horse and bounds into the cage to hug her boyfriend, Sunshine slams the door shut and locks it. "John, John, I missed you, they did awful things to me, they drugged me and made me do things, please forgive me? Please?"
"What is going on honey?"? The effects of the Euphoria are taking John by surprise, he is getting emotional, he does not know that his heightened emotions are from a drug. He thinks they are from being reunited with his woman.
"God, wait John, no, just take my ass or let me suck you or something, they gave me something to make me fertile,"?ZAP, "AGH!" She tenses from the shock in his arms.
Patricia is entering the room, they can see her through the cage bars as she approaches the bed, "John, if you want your girlfriend and her mother to remain healthy, the only place that filthy cock of yours is going is in a pussy, got it?"
"Do what they say, I am so sorry, I brought all of this on, it is all my fault . . ."
Patricia slips into bed with Sunshine and they make love to the sounds of John and Suki exhausting themselves in passion.
John rescues Suki
Suki wakes, days later, "Suki! Suki! Baby!? Wake up, you are having an awful nightmare," John is shaking her awake and calling to her.
"No John!? It is not a dream, it is real!? They drugged you, you just think it is a dream!? They are taking us over, they are using us, they will use us until we can't produce any more babies!"? She feels John's erection, "God, no they are just going to take our next one from us too, and the rest of them, please, we need to find a way . . ."
"Suki, honey, please, no you’re having an awful dream.? Look, we’re here in the apartment, we had a great night last night, every night is great."
"We escaped?? They were done with us and let us go?"? Suki feels her neck, no collar, none on John, "they took our lethal shock collars off!? How did you save us?"
"Sweetheart, I 'saved us' by waking you up.? Serious, you were having a vivid dream.? Sounds pretty awful too, I hope you don't want to turn that one into a play scene."? John is smiling playfully.
"John, NO!? It all happened!? It was real!"
"Honey, let's go through what happened, you’ll realize it was a dream. I will take notes and show you how it couldn’t happen in real, ok?? We have all day to ourselves."
Suki begins to tell John the dream in vivid graphic detail, and then punches him hard in the chest, "why are you getting hard when I talk about mom being forced to strip?"
"Seems you are coming out of the dream and I am just a man, not Superman."
"More like Stupidman sometimes."
?You didn’t get mad when I was aroused when you were telling me the other things happening . . .?
?Those were about me! I like you aroused by me,? and she continues with the dream, until she was awakened by John.
?Too bad the part about breeding with Trish didn’t get in there, my sour face would have made up for that punch.?
"John, where is my purse? I have something for you, I want you to have it before anything else happens."
"Right there on the nightstand, but your gun is in there, so just let me get what you need, you are still shaky."
As John reaches for her purse, Suki sees a platinum band on his left hand, "where did you get that?? That is what I wanted to give you, a ring just like that one!"
"Sweetheart, you did give this one to me, we have been engaged for about a month.? Back up a bit, when did this dream start?"
"The other day, when you were leaving on your trip."
"I mean, when was it, what happened the night before we fell asleep on the loveseat?"
"Can't you remember anything?? Sam and I got drunk the night before on the moonshine I made, I was wearing the new green silk dress until your friends left."
"Suki," John holds her tightly, "that was six months ago.? Your mind is still catching up from the dream.? Hold on, look at me. BEDROOM LIGHTS BRIGHT,? and John checks her eyes reaction to the light, he then runs his hands gently over her head, checking for any trauma ?BEDROOM LIGHTS DIM. Okay, you don’t appear to be injured. And the first solid evidence that it was a dream is that I don't deliver my cars to people, they come here and pick them up.? I don't even have that car hauler anymore. The second, much more concrete, is that you would NEVER leave either here or the condo in the same clothes from the night before. You even brought extra clothes for our second date. Plus, if I were actually on a trip like that, came all the way back here to check on you and found a collar and a not on the floor? The last damn thing I would be doing is complying. We would be having our first serious, convince me not to break-up with you conversation."
"Oh, John, this is bad, really bad.? All of that stuff could happen, even if you did not leave me for a couple of days, it could all still happen."
"I never heard about Sunshine before, is she someone you knew?"
"Shit!? Shit, shit, shit, yes . . .? but John, please, please don't leave me?? It was a long time ago . . ."
"Honey, I am not leaving you over your ex girlfriend from Japan, why do you keep thinking these things?? I have ex girlfriends too. I hardly know anything about your past, haven't pressed you about it either,?but when things come up you get afraid that I won’t accept you as you are now."
"Of course, but this fear, I just have trouble getting around it.? It is what my therapists have spent the most time on since Tokyo . . ."
"Suki, my Suki, I swear, it does not matter what happened before it’s not going to affect the way I see you now.? I see you as you are now."
"Yes, but . . ."
"But how did you know about me and the two redheads?"
"Honey, I just don't remember telling you and the way it came up in your dream does not make sense."
"Well, it did happen sort of that way, I was reviewing party tapes for security and liability at mom’s office with the lawyers and insurance adjustor.? Someone was trying to make a claim and it was a party you attended, before we met.? I thought I checked all the rosters when I was researching you as my 'tutor' and I checked again, you somehow got into a party with a fake name.? How did you do that anyway? I remembered to be quiet about it."
"Will show you sometime, not sure it’s still possible to create them, but it’s an identity I’ve had for special occasions for over 20 years."
"Well, I did not have a problem with it, other than your defeating our security measures, and I think you and I could make much better porn than you and those hookers . . ."
"They were hookers?"
"You didn't pay them?"
"They didn't ask."
Suki grabs his penis again, "maybe there is a good reason why I checked this first when I thought they had mutilated you," she pecks her lips to his.? "Okay, and I must have gotten that knowledge sometime after the time I thought this dream began too because I did not check those tapes until well after moonshine night in June. Something like July."
"I sort of do wish I knew about that before, about the rest of the business.? I thought we trusted each other enough to share these things by now.? Certainly not stuff like this when we first started dating, but by now . . .? Oh, and I have no problem with it being part of the business.? I attended one and you saw what I did, plus it is not illegal. Back when it was illegal, I thought it should be legal anyway. I even laughed when I found out about your prostitution tickets."
"John, I still can't remember between June and now, so bear with me, okay?? I don't remember right now what I have told you or not told you, and I don't want to overload or confuse you either. TICKETS? Plural?"
"Suki, you are overloaded and confused right now, tell me whatever you think you need to. Yes, you got one right before we started dating and you got another one when we were getting together for a date downtown a few months ago. I stopped meeting you downtown then and we only go there together now. Oh, another thing about your dream that makes it a dream, you had conversations in it that you could not have possibly heard, like between me and Tag, or when Sun and Trish were coordinating while you were in another room.? Those are things that you can’t smell with your sensitive nose, those are psychic things, or your imagination. Plus, you had me calling Tag by two different ranks, he is still a Captain, but you did know that he was picked-up for Major.?
"Yea, I got it, and when the hell did I ever come home and fail to clear the place before separating myself from my gun? I was having an awful dream in which EVERY DAMN THING COULD HAPPEN TO US FOR REAL BECAUSE OF STUPID SHIT I DID IN THE PAST!"
"Shhh, relax, it couldn't happen for real, recreational drugs can't make you do all those things."
"Oh yes they can John, they can and I did . . .? with Sunshine, back in Tokyo, it was an awful relationship, but we did.? And I can remember every single thing like it was an out of body experience," she shivers, ?even now.?
"Seriously?? I never did them, so I just had no idea,"?he looks at the concerned look on her face, "no, sweetheart, I am not having a problem with that.? It is just, well, I can't imagine you doing it. It is not a threat to our relationship and I don’t have a problem with recreational drug use either."
"John, I was a different person then.? Young and stupid. And we didn’t use in a responsible manner either, at least I wasn’t being responsible. I was getting really messed up, for all the wrong reasons."
"You got three degrees quicker than I got one, drop the stupid.? Maybe impulsive? And you are still just 26 and I don’t have a problem with the drugs either. You are not like that now."
?Honey, your birthday was in October. Don’t worry, you will remember,? he gives her a squeeze.
"Yes, you're right, I was impulsive and the fear I am still working on is like a fear of failure, but it is really a fear of not getting what I want and they are different.? This dream, nightmare,?is probably a sign that I am not past it.? Even after Sunshine brutalized me it took me a long time to get?to be the person I was at?the point we met."
"Guessing that way back then you were always drawn to wild people who were always getting into trouble?"
"Sort of, and denying that they were doing anything wrong, then some massive disaster would happen and almost ruin my life.? Sunshine slowed that down, after almost ruining my life, but my behavior didn't stop, at least it changed direction for the good.? Therapy, both from mom and my regular therapists, got me to this point, then you, you helped me a lot. The delay in finding even a decent therapist didn’t help."
?The first few wanted to take advantage of me, but I could see that and didn’t try to use them back, thank God, so I had to hunt around to find an okay one and I was getting my Masters too. At least I never cheated at academics, all of that is solid. It was like my school life I was the cute geek girl and at night I was the pretty young girl who chose what she wanted, but I always chose wrong.?
"How do you think Trish got into your dream?"
"A couple of reasons, mostly what I just mentioned, I was out of that mess I was doing in Tokyo, but was still doing the pretty young girl thing at night when I got here. When we met, she was hitting on me and I was in that same outfit from the dream, schoolgirl, out at a club, but I was wearing underwear when I met her, different from the dream. Something else too, not between me and her, just her, but it is private. Sorry. Did I wear that outfit for you yet? I have one here and one at the condo," she smiles and winks at him.
"No, still not ready for you to appear any younger, maybe soon. So, you guys became friends, but never dated?"
"Yea, by that time, it was about two,? she mentally adds her lost six months, ?two and a half years ago, when I first got to this area, I was no longer looking to be with anybody at all.? I knew women were not for me, but I was not looking at men yet.? I still went to clubs due to some remaining bad habits, thinking that is how you socialize, lots of habits had not been channeled into good things."
"I think I know what you mean.? Might have gone quicker for me if I had a therapist instead of just me. So, Trish has been cool ever since??
?Not exactly. Whenever she had a relationship fall apart she would try to approach me, nothing super overt or blatant, just test the waters and I would notice it and turn her down. Nothing much since I met you, other than her stupid Northern biases and her thinking that you had ‘poisoned’ my brain into New Klan or something crazy. I straightened her out on that. Um, to me it was just a few nights ago, for the rest of the world it was six months ago.?
?Okay, so something else that I’m not understanding, what is an example of you channeling something into the good side?"
"I am competitive in strange ways.? Archery was something I was good at as a child, got better at it when I practiced, so?I kept doing that and was encouraged to do more things like that.? An odd one is shoes.? I always wanted to be the girl who could wear the tallest heel, so I became that, but now it just helps me be fashionable and look proper for office work, and now for you too." She gives him a kiss.
"How did Sunshine slow things down?? What was going on with that?"
"Not sure of your context, I might have said it confusing earlier, but it started fast and went off of a cliff.? We both got heavy into bondage and Euphoria, some other recreational drugs.? From therapy and some research I think she was pimping me out at parties we had at her place. When I was playing with anybody but her I needed Euphoria or something similar to get into it.? I have no proof that she was charging people to be with me, but lots of suspicions after looking back at things. She was getting something extra from them, no doubt about that. The day she beat me so bad I wasn't on anything, I don't know if she was. I was in the hospital for at least week, had awful marks for a long time.? No broken bones. Not sure if you noticed any old scars, the doctors in Tokyo gave me a good regimen for getting rid of them.? You can barely see one on this rib . . .? HEY!? WHAT IS THIS OUTFIT?"
Laughing, "honey, we were playing last night, look in the mirror."
"I look like a total slut!? Pleather corset?? You let me wear this?? Look at that makeup!? The boots aren't bad . . ."
"Suki, you wanted to play a 'total slut' and finally talked me into it, the outfit was a surprise for you and you thought it was perfect last night.? It was hard for me to stay in my role, but we did have a great time.? Would rather wait a while before we do it again."
"They called me that in the dream, after the divorce was transmitted, a total slut. You don't think I . . ."
"Of course not, that is why it was hard for me to get into that with you.? When you brought the scene up it sounded hot, but I don’t like treating you that way, even when we are playing. You were afraid I would think that about you on our second date, we talked about it then. And I still don't think that about you either. Honest."
Suki gives John a sweet kiss, "thank you, now can you help me get out of this outfit?"
John unzips the full-length zipper and it falls off, then reaches for her right boot zipper and she stops him, ?honey, I do like the boots,? as she reaches over for a few more kisses.
"Okay, back to the dream, nothing in it about UVA, MIT or Germany, so we can save those things for later.? What about the whole baby machine stuff?? Why would it be done that way rather than just taking your eggs and my sperm?"
?I think that goes back to something else with Sunshine. There was this dyke she kept liking to pair me with. I had to get really messed up for her, that was when I did the combo Euphoria and testosterone. Was a lot different than in the dream. The role I was playing I was supposed to beg her to make me pregnant and she had a very lifelike strap-on, but it was just a strap-on. That was dangerous, because it had an ejaculation feature and could be filled with real semen.?
"But to answer your bigger question, I think it would be to sell the video, real models instead of digital, crazy scenes, plus 'farm' babies are worth more than lab babies and natural insemination makes them more valuable too with the current fads in that.? The nightmare was Sunshine creating a baby farm in the condo, with porn, and taking over our finances through the courts with a divorce and child support, I know that last part would never work."
"Before you filled me in on the other stuff I thought the marriage/divorce, child support and the extortion using Jung's party video were the only things that would work. If we were ‘government married’ the second marriage would not go through, but they could still get child support from me and have access to your assets through the marriage. I doubt they would let us divorce to protect your property either."
"WHAT?? I was a prisoner married under the influence of drugs!? You were a prisoner tricked into impregnating a strange woman!"
"And they were the people with all of the evidence, plus they had us captive.? Your own mom performed the ceremony, they had video of you having an affair with your bridesmaid before and after the ceremony.? They had you being the sexual aggressor and dominant on the wedding night with your wife and with the bridesmaid, they filed the electronic at-fault divorce with prima-fascia evidence . . ."
"John, but I was under the influence!"
"And if there is no evidence that you were drugged what do you think the court will believe, us or the video?? If we failed to appear in court and Sunshine appeared in court then she would get a summary judgment in her favor and the appeals deadlines would pass as we?were still slaves in the baby farm. Then nine months later she and Trish would be showing up to get child support from me."
?They don’t have to wait nine months, they can just get verified that they are carrying your babies and you are not around, first Trish, then after the divorce, Sunshine.?
?But I don’t see this as very efficient production if you have a nine month wait between births and you would be unavailable for non-pregnant porn for most of a year??
?Baby farms don’t need full term births from the genetic mother, they can harvest right after implantation now. That is part of what I was so upset about when I thought this was real. They were stealing our babies every few weeks. Thank God you woke me up, no telling who else I would have imagined them breeding me with,? she begins to sob, ?I only want to be with you!?
?John, I am scared again.? I have no idea where she is!? I have hidden myself, but not because of her, it was because of the media when I was at MIT!"
"Media at MIT?"
"I started filing a lot of patents from my research, all sorts of stuff, selling licenses to my processes.? The business press began to notice and I was getting pestered by them.? I didn't want to be famous!? I just wanted to do my research and make a good living doing what I like, so I formed a corporation and 'hid' behind that.? DAMN!? How can I be so stupid?? I was involved with a really evil person and escaped, but did not even think to hide myself better? Now you are in danger too!"
"Honey, you are hard to find on K-Net, not as hard as me, but hard. Even when you know whom to look for, it is still hard to find you.? After you changed your look the voyeur cam attention dropped way down and I haven't seen any K-Net bots looking for you around the condo."
"How do you know all that, boyfriend o-mine?"
"Fianc?.? And I sometimes like to check and see how popular my lady is with the factory workers in Malaysia," he smiles.
Suki looks at her finger, ?where is my ring? Didn’t you give me one yet??
John is innocently puzzled for a second, then reaches to the nightstand on Suki’s side, ?of course you have one, you haven’t turned me into property, it’s right here where you left it,? as he slips it back on her finger.
?OH JOHN! IT’S BEAUTIFUL! Green diamond and it matches your happy eyes!?
John smiles, ?you said it just like that the first time.?
?What was that comment about property??
?With some couples only one wears a ring, they are the property of the other. I was just giving you a subtle data point that we are nothing like that.?
?You are still in charge, but we are both equal??
?Yes, same way as where your memory stopped. You don’t top-from-the-bottom, we haven’t switched since the last time you remember, the only time you have sexually dominant traits is when we are vanilla.?
"Shit!? We need to do some trace backs, if Sunshine got busted after I went to the hospital she might be out already, or getting out soon, she could be looking for me!"
"Is Sunshine her real name?"
"Not sure, I don't know what it is anyway.? The police were understandably frustrated.? They really wanted to find who did that to me and all I could tell them was her nickname,?where we met, where she worked and where her place was.? If they had found her before I graduated, they would have wanted me to testify, which would not have been the best thing in light of the sort of people we were playing with and what we were doing.? It wasn’t illegal, but the people in that scene usually did not want it to be public knowledge. I never heard from them about it after I was released from the hospital."
"That makes it hard, but not impossible.? I think before we go any farther we need a bath, some tea and coffee and some cuddle time."
The couple makes their first stop the bathroom and John helps Suki remove her heavy makeup. He is paying keen attention to Suki, remembering everything to do with a bathroom in the nightmare was traumatic. They shower together, not overly romantically, rubbing, kissing, mild teasing, dry and robe each other, and move to the kitchen.
"So, is Tag in Gaza now?? Why was I calling it Palestine in my dream?" As Suki prepares the coffee and tea.
"Not sure, dreams are funny.? However, it was not that long ago when they changed the name. No, he is back at the condo with Sam.? We came over here to give them time alone."
"What the . . . Tag, Sam, what?"
"He came in from Uzbekistan a couple of days ago, you introduced them at dinner and they have been together ever since."
"But what about his girlfriend the Electrical Engineer?"
"She broke up with him when he told her he was on his way back to see her during his leave.? Seems she had something else going on that she couldn't hide and they broke up.? Sam and him are like a junior version of us already."
"Man!? Memory, please come back?? Please, pretty please? WAIT! They are in OUR condo?"
?Yes honey.?
?We still have that awesome bed??
?Oh my God! I hope Tag keeps her out of our room, ugh! She better not . . .?
?She knows about the bed and liked it or . . . ??
?Yes, she knows and thinks it’s awesome too.?
?Me and Tag are pretty good about respecting privacy. He wouldn’t take her in there.?
?I’m not worried about him, even though I can’t remember meeting him in person yet. I am worried about HER.?
?If it happens it happens, we are not going to call or bother them, we have more important problems to take care of.?
John watches as Suki places the coffee and tea on the server, ?sweetheart, you don’t need that . . .?
?Ugh, I am so six months ago sometimes,? she giggles, ?it’s probably twenty degrees outside right now!? She gives a little whimper, ?stupid brain, please come back??
?Here, give me that, let’s sit in the dining room, and enjoy the view from there,? as Suki follows him.
?Where is mom this week??
"Your mom is on vacation, you do have a therapist appointment tomorrow and I am not letting you out of my sight until you are back to normal.? Seriously strictly not out of my sight for a moment. Your personality seems to be back and emotions on an even keel, but this memory thing . . .? we need to see Doctor Donna and the therapist together, and slow down to vanilla play.? I might have triggered this from our play."
"John, it was in there all of the time, you just happened to be around when it went off.? Don't feel guilty at all.? If you had not been here to help I would still be a mess. When we met, the nightmares of her came back for a little while, and then they went away when we started dating. But we do need to back up a little, unless, I don’t know if I told you this before,? she gets up and sits on John’s lap.
?That you have had relationships before and some were with women? Some went bad? Both? I am not a man who is bothered by that and you still were not ‘getting it’ when you had your memory either.?
?Glad you put it that way, makes the order easier and they are both pretty heavy items. Here goes, you are the first man who has ever been in me.?
?You are not the first woman to tell me that, next??
?My Suki, it is not an issue to me and you did give me hints, quite early actually. I never thought I was your first person, but maybe I was your first guy. What is the next item??
?How do you do that? How the fuck do you do that? This is supposed to be a difficult torment and then you do shit like that? How??
?Sweetheart, I am confused about what you are asking. Did you have a big giant rebuttal saved up and didn’t get to use it??
Suki pouts, ?yes.?
?Sorry my fianc?, I am not the man you are afraid of, I am just me.?
?John, I hope, I pray this continues. You are the perfect man for me, but I am afraid to tell you something else and just be quiet while I explain, okay,? she straddles him as the bottoms of both robes open.
?I failed, honestly, to tell you a major detail about my stupid antics from before I met you. At least I hadn’t told you by June. I FINALLY stopped this shit shortly after I met you. I swear I never try to manipulate you, ever, I even got chewed out by my therapist for telling you the hypnosis stuff the way I did, plus the stupidity of the hypnosis itself.?
?Suki, you need to give me more info, it sounds like you used to be a manipulative little snot and you backed off a little from that after meeting me.?
?Backed off a little? I STOPPED with you! I was getting better but meeting you fixed it!?
?Suki, you are doing it right now, you just think it was fixed, you still do stuff, it isn’t that bad, but I notice it and you respond in the right way. I used to be that way too, but not like your Tokyo stuff. The only reason you are straddling me is to have emotional leverage to get your way in the moment.?
Suki just blinks at John, not knowing what to say for a moment and starts to get off his lap, John holds her hips to let her know he wants her there and she stays.
?When I revealed the hypnosis, my therapist informed me that I should have done that in a text or mail, to have minimal influence over you.?
?I think she is right, but it worked out okay.?
?What other stuff do I do? She needs to know that. I want to get better, I do, I really do! I want to be the woman you deserve. You are both good to me and good for me. We have to go together tomorrow, like we agreed earlier, and I am giving you full access to my records, just like you did with Doctor Donna.?
?Honey, okay, I shant argue, but I want to know the new you, not old Suki. It is not an issue. You couldn’t tell I was like you in the past??
?No! It is something she trained me well to watch for too. I can’t imagine you being manipulative about anything, it is like you are the complete opposite and the sort of influence I need.?
?Well, I’m not, any more, but I know it when I see it. When you were with Sunshine, it was not all her manipulating you, you were working her too, right? And I am just guessing because there was nothing in the way you told me to reveal that.?
?YES! I mean just yes. And then she woke up, so to speak, got mad and beat my ass and I got a hospital trip. Even worse, I was doing the first truly sincere, good thing for her the whole time we knew each other and she was in a rage over it. Then I got a series of bad dreams and I think last night was the worst. Have you had to wake me from anything like that before??
?No, just little stuff, nothing like that. What were you trying to get from her??
?She was influential, or so I thought. She really just knew a lot of people who were worse than her but successful and I wanted to be in that circle. Maybe equally I was seeking companionship, well, that can’t be equal because I was using that on her. It’s strange, my first thought about getting together with her was seeing her police uniform and cuffs, the erotic angle. Moments later, I saw who she knew, really influential people, and that became the attraction. I don’t know why I had Trish calling her a natural blonde in the dream, she wasn’t,? a look of worry crosses Suki’s face.
?Sweetheart, I’m still your guy. You’re still my girl. Please stop worrying. I love you.?
?How the . . .?
?Stop asking the ‘how the fuck do you do that?’ It is just the way I am and WE are fortunate to have found each other.?
?I didn’t need to add all that to tell you that that was the way I was motivated on certain things back then, before I got help. What was different when I met you was that my objective was you, just you. Not stuff, not others around you, nothing else and I was trying not to manipulate things, but I wanted you to be attracted to me. The more I learned about you the more I knew you were what I wanted and needed because you would be good for me and I could be good to you. I mean, there were things that temporarily set me back, like before our second session Sam knew you were very successful with your cars, but low key. When I found out you were ‘regular’ and successful because you do good work, that put you right back at the top, the kind of person my therapist wanted me to find. And the more I learned the more I believed that you were just right. My stupid impulses almost ruined everything while I was pursuing my objective. The way I used to dress attracted the wrong people, then I changed that, to attract you, and it repelled them, which was good, but it also kept me from being distracted as I pursued you.?
?Suki, you are going to end up with the same answer with a trick or not, so you should just do it the right way. When you told me about the hypnosis, if you had done it the right way it would have taken a little longer, but I think I would have still stayed with you. I would have still asked you what happened. You could have made your case. I could have made the only exception I have ever made to being under the influence of anything without my consent and we could have continued developing our relationship.?
Suki smiles for a second, then begins to cry and wraps her arms around John, ?please, you can’t tell me that way; you need to figure out a way for it to be a correction. This isn’t play, you know that. I can’t have the bad stuff reinforced by you telling me shortcuts and cheats are quicker than the right way!?
John chokes up a little, ?is that part of why you wanted me in charge of the relationship??
?I . . . I wasn’t thinking about it like that, but probably, not consciously. I just now noticed that the way you tell me about this stuff is the wrong way for me, honest.?
?Suki, we didn’t end up together because you and your mom tricked me, we ended up together in spite of that. And if it had been a few years earlier I would have wrecked it somehow.?
Sobbing, ?I know, I know, but I still need to learn how to stop.?
Cuddling her, ?Sounds like something we need to get some therapist advice on, battle buddy.?
?Battle buddy??
?Back in the day in the Army we never did anything alone, the person you were paired with was your ‘battle buddy’. By the way, you have helped me with a lot of things too. When you regain your memory you won’t feel like this is all one way.?
?Mom wasn’t trying to trick you, I swear she wasn’t.?
?Honey, all three of us have talked about this, no she wasn’t trying but she did anyway. Yes, she was concerned about me and put me under, therapeutically, and fixed my shoulder to boot, but she still steered me away from her and over to you.?
?Do you wish you had her instead of me??
?Is this a trick??
Suki giggles out of her tears.
?That was a rough ride we had getting together. I suppose things could be better if we had gone slower, but it was rough, traumatic for both of us.?
Suki kisses John, ?that’s a little better way to tell me things,? then she finally looks out the big living room windows. ?Why is it so dark outside??
?Because it is about five AM.?
?When did you wake me from the dream??
?About two or three, didn’t look. We were only asleep for about an hour or two, you anyway. I was still awake for a while after we finished our post-scene chat.?
?John! You need to get some rest! No wonder you look tried!?
?Will try, if you promise to cuddle with me. Is the sofa okay??
?Anyplace you like my fianc?,? she kisses him again, ?why the sofa??
?Not a professional, but you just had a rough time in the bedroom. Figured a change of location can’t hurt.?
The couple retires to the sofa, they command the lighting to dim and cuddle together in their robes with snow falling over Reagan National Airport and Washington, DC behind them.
?Oh, John! I need to take care of you, it’s morning, glad I remembered that,? Suki rolls over facing John and begins to slip him into her.
?Take care of me??
?Ever notice that I try to make sure we make love at least twice per day??
?Not exactly, I noticed you like it first thing in the morning and most women don’t. Over the years I just learned to live without it.?
?Well I do like it in the morning with you and there is a health reason too. I want to keep your parts working and morning/evening intercourse seems to be the best for most men. Oh, I would really rather not stop getting it, I do like it too,? she starts to slip away from him, ?can stop if you like??
He grabs her hips, ?no, no, no, you are so thoughtful and that is the way to correct me on things,? they both giggle and kiss, making gentle love until drifting off for a nap.
John wakes in fear
After a good nap, a fresh John Tagliaferro opens his sleepy eyes to hug his girl, ?SUKI!? He sits up in a panic.
Suki knocks her desk chair over to run to John, ?Honey, I am right here at my desk,? and pounces on him on the sofa. They embrace and kiss. ?Sorry, I woke before you and wanted you to get some more rest. I didn’t mean to scare you, I stayed in the same room waiting for you to wake, just like you meant last night.?
?Suki, I love you. I don’t know why I woke like that, I should have looked around.?
?Shush, you were asleep and you got a lot of stress this morning too,? she gently kisses him, ?I was looking at my calendars from the last six months, trying to remember things. Some of it is coming back, but,? she begins to choke up, ?none of it is about us yet, it is just about work, I can’t lose us, I want it back, whatever it is!? And begins to cry as John cuddles her.
John is choking up too, ?you will baby, I just stayed away from us so I don’t give you false memories. Tomorrow we will get some guidance.?
?Tomorrow? I thought my appointment was today. But I didn’t look at that on the schedule.?
?No, it’s tomorrow, I was being literal when we were talking earlier this morning.?
?Oh, okay. Um, John, can we get together with Sam and Tag to go over events? That should be okay.?
?I suppose. That helps me remember things, sounds like a good idea. Think you can give your therapist a call and check? After her we can give Tag and Sam a call,? he takes Suki by the hand, ?been to the bathroom yet this morning??
?I thought you would never ask, battle buddy,? she smiles and kisses him as they walk to the bathroom together.
Calling Doctor DiMarco
?Doctor DiMarco’s office, this is Nancy, may I help you??
?Hi Nancy, this is Suki, I have an appointment for tomorrow. Something happened last night and I was wondering if I could speak to the doctor??
?Certainly Doctor Suki, she is right here.?
?Doctor Suki, how are you.?
?Well, not so good, I was wondering if I could bring my fianc? with me tomorrow and something happened last night we need some advice on.?
?What happened, Suki??
?Please don’t use the names or locations of the events in my session over the network, but I had a night terror and lost six months of my memory last night.?
?Where are you Suki??
?In my apartment, Nancy has the address.?
?Nancy, clear my schedule for the day, Suki I will be right over and get John over there too.?
?Hold on, he is right here, but he isn’t dressed yet.?
?I am a doctor, it doesn’t matter, did you have any trauma to your head??
?No, first thing John checked as soon as we discovered the memory loss. Pupil dilation looked normal to him too.?
?Good, I am on my way.?
?John, go put on a suit, my therapist is on the way over.?
?Is a suit necessary??
?YES! This is your first time meeting her, now hurry, she is on her way now!?
?Yes dear,? and John sprints to the bathroom for the shave he skipped after their shower, then to the bedroom for a freshly pressed pinstripe suit. Before he has his necktie on he can hear the knock on the door.
?Doctor DiMarco, welcome to my apartment.?
?Doctor Suki, I thought you said John was here.?
?He’s getting dressed.?
?But Suki. You are still in your robe. Why??
?Kuz you ain’t lookin’ at him in a robe, Doctor,? she giggles.
?Well, sounds like your personality was not damaged. Have a seat on the sofa while we wait for your fianc?.?
?One moment,? Suki brings out the tea and coffee service she hurriedly prepared and places it on the table between the loveseat and sofa.
?Hello Doctor DiMarco, I am John, Suki’s fianc?.?
?Nice to meet you Colonel, now sit with me on the loveseat and let’s see what we can figure out.?
Suki pouts, ?can’t he sit by me? This is pretty scary stuff.?
?In time Suki, trust me on this. So, let’s start with an overview of the night terror,? Suki begins with the highlights and the couple fills in details as asked.
?Suki, did you have immediate fears when John was trying to wake you??
?YES! For our babies and for John.?
?John, yesterday, when Suki had her memory, were both of you still against having children together??
?As far as I know. For me, yes, and she had not said anything different. Not a hint.?
?For the record, even though I can’t remember a chunk, that is still my position. But if something was to happen and we got pregnant, I would want to keep it.?
?Me too.?
?This is very healthy Suki. I have no doubt that you would have always been concerned for your babies, but the progress is what you felt for John.?
Suki curls her legs up under her robe.
?Just over two years ago I don’t think you would have mentioned John after you were awake, maybe even as late as last year.?
?Honey, that goes along with what we talked about last night, about how we both changed.?
?She is right, but I hate thinking about you in the context of the way I was! It hurts, can he please sit with me??
?Suki, not yet. And you swore not to lie to John quite some time ago, then you swore not to lie at all some months later that you don’t remember right now. In your dream did you lie to Sunshine when you told her you were ?owned??
Suki pouts, ?yes, but I was trying to protect our relationship. I was trying to come up with something to get her to stop forcing me to cheat on John. In the dream it was just like being on Euphoria again. I was out of will, but I tried.?
?Suki, that is good, you were protecting something dear to you with the only weapon you thought you had. And it was not selfish, you were protecting John too. What else did you two talk about this morning??
Suki goes over the rest, including how her antics of the past came out and John calling her on still being manipulative.
?Ah, so you finally revealed to John the most terrible parts of your past,? she looks pointedly at John’s left hand, ?and he is sitting here caring for you, with the ring you gave him still on his hand, and your ring on yours.?
Suki looks away, ?yes, I told him a lot of awful stuff and he still stayed. He stayed and helped.?
?It sounds like you felt some anxiety at times when you were telling him. Tell me about that??
?Sometimes I thought he was just gathering information so he could dump me and I would get really scared, but he would hug me and reassure me that it was okay. It is still a little hard for me to believe he still accepts me.?
?Looks like he does,? John nods and smiles at the comment, ?John, is there a way, or a range of ways, that she could have told you all of those awful things that would have made you go away, leave her??
?Certainly, but she did everything in the right way. If it were anything short of wanting to end that stuff and become a new person, I would have run away, not walked. I have done it before. But she didn’t sound like she wanted to be associated with that anymore and she didn’t make excuses or apologize for the people she was involved with, or for herself either. She stood up, so to speak, and admitted that it was wrong, she realized that and began working on changing herself.?
?Suki, what were you thinking, all this time when you were holding all of that in, afraid to tell him??
?Well, he does not like talking about his past relationships, but I was getting the idea they were a lot more normal than mine, but I still did not think it was right to bring mine up, that was not the big thing, I was embarrassed by mine and afraid he would reject me because of them. I am not like that anymore. I don’t associate with people like that anymore.?
?But you told him of some of those things and he is sitting right here, in the suit you told him to wear.?
?I know, I was just afraid I would lose him. And it would not even be losing him to another girl, it would just be losing him,? Suki whimpers, ?and he just listened to all of it this morning and was so sweet to me, can he sit by me now, please?? She is squirming and beginning to tear.
?John, it sounds like the way you phrased things today was different than what you told her before. She has been worried all this time that when you told her that her past did not matter that there was a ‘but’ in there you were not stating. She has had these concerns in her sessions ever since meeting you. You finally stated it. Is that what you really meant all of this time??
?Yes, of course! But, sorry, it sounds like she noticed something else too. I am really not that receptive to hearing about past relationships. Some of it, not much, especially when there are things about it that she has not gotten over, but this is different.?
?How is it different??
?From the way it was presented, the relationship was over, that makes it fine with me. But she was traumatized by it and I am not sure bringing it up in casual conversation would have gone over so well. Maybe if it were presented in your office, but I never went with her to a session.?
?Well, John, now you know. Any problems??
?Not any relationship problems, I love her as much as always, even more.?
?Why more??
?Because she is a stronger, more robust person than I ever imagined. She survived all of that and didn’t turn worse, she turned around to the woman I know now and wants to be even better, however I think we might actually have a security problem.?
?Security problem??
?She could have actually detected someone recently, maybe even Sunshine, but she can’t tell us because she can’t remember yet.?
?I didn’t think of that possibility, but it certainly is valid.?
?Okay Suki, you can both sit together.?
Suki leaps from the sofa and pounces onto John.
?John, my John,? as she kisses and hugs him, ?you are the best man ever,? as John holds her tight and kisses her back.
Then she pulls back, ?hey you two, any ideas on getting my memory back? If anything happens to him all I have of the memories of us together are a few weeks of courting, moonshine night, and a horrid dream!?
?Yes, okay Suki, John, try to remember things she has told you and recite them back to her as best you can, see if a conversation about the events can be created. Get her friend who is with your son to do the same. The day you gave her that ring is important, have her friend recite back to her the conversation they had about it, she used a whole session telling me and we will talk about it tomorrow. I don’t want her leaving the apartment yet, so if you want to work on this today have the others over here. We will see how she is tomorrow during the session in my office. Have you two thought of resuming sex yet??
?We already have, but just mellow, quiet, it was so sweet,? Suki informs her.
?Suki, you both need to take that slow. I pointed that at you because of everything you told me about John.?
?What did she tell you relevant to that??
?That you are the calming influence, but she can change that.?
?Yes, this is true.?
?Okay, I can’t think of anything else for today.?
?WAIT! When did I start cursing so much? I wasn’t doing that in June. I did it a lot this morning and it doesn’t feel right. John doesn’t deserve that.?
John squeezes her, ?I think it was around the time you began using contractions, just before your first and last moonshine night, so it was a little in June, but it went way up about a month ago, like you were doing this morning. I was going to mention it but this came up. There was something else, but let’s see if that memory comes back to you.?
?What were you going to say to her??
?Looks like you finally found a man to curse at.?
Both women laugh.
?Oh, Suki, I notice a physical sign that you are much more comfortable with yourself.?
?I sure haven’t felt comfortable this session, what did I do??
?It is what you didn’t do. You have told me that you always wear heels in the house and with John, but you are barefoot now. John, thank you for being such a good man and sticking with her. Does not look like you take it as a chore either, which is very good. Let’s work on your communications together tomorrow too.?
The thank you takes John by surprise, he is choking back tears, ?thank you for your help, I will try to do what you said.?
?You two stay right there, I can find my way out. See you both tomorrow.?
Both, ?good day doctor, thank you.?
As soon as Doctor DiMarco leaves the apartment, the couple kisses deep, but John breaks the kiss.
?Suki, that biometrics stuff from your dream, did you notice when you reviewed your calendars when you worked with it last??
?If it was recent there may be something to this.?
?But John, I hardly contribute to that team at all.?
?Honey, do you think Sunshine, or others you were running with would want to know how to defeat or spoof biometrics systems??
?Yes, lots of people would, but those people would go into business with it, stealing, all sorts of . . .?
?Stop if me if I am asking too much.?
?John, you already know, you probably read it on my face. At least there is not a big giant K-Net arrow pointing to my being associated with it or being here.?
?What about GIG??
?Shit! Oh, sorry sweetheart, there is a page on there about it and of course I have to be the smiling face greeting the visitors. How long has the Army been all marketing??
?Since Valley Forge, I think.?
?Did they put you on posters then?? She giggles.
?Brat, okay, I need to clear my head a little. Tag can help with this too, but some of this stuff we can’t talk about around Sam. Can you give her a call and see if she can let Tag come over while she does something else??
Suki giggles again, ?You think he needs permission from her already??
?We haven’t gotten any heartbroken calls from them, but it would take less explaining if we did it that way,? as John loosens his tie and holds Suki closer, kisses her, ?but we can call them a little later.?
Suki shifts and straddles John, unbuttoning his shirt as he unbuttons his double-breasted jacket, kissing deeper, ?John, I love you.?
?I love you too Suki,? as he takes her by the hand and they walk to the bedroom, sheets and her outfit from last night jumbled on and next to the bed.
She has him sit as she kneels, slipping off her robe, and then removes his boots while he slowly pulls off his jacket, drops the suspenders and lets Suki peel off the rest, then she gracefully slides up next to him as they slowly lay down together.
?John, I used to be glad that we didn’t make love on the first date, but now I regret it,? deep kiss as she slides on top of him.
?Mmm, why regret it? We can whenever we like now,? he teases her a little flexing his hardness.
?Because now I know you wouldn’t think I was a bad girl for doing it then. That’s the only reason I was trying so hard not to that night.?
She gets tired of that tease and slips him in, effortlessly, taking him by surprise, and then giving a squeeze, his eyes close and head rocks back, reflexively, then she gets tenser.
?John,? lick, ?oh John,? kiss, ?I’m, oooo, trying to,? deep kiss, nibbles his lip, ?trying to give it to you, OOOOO, your way, but, OOOOOOOOOOOOO,? she gets tense and trembles.
John is trying to keep himself together, he wants to make sure that she is having an orgasm rather than a seizure, but cannot hold back either. The couple has the most intense simultaneous orgasm ever, ending with Suki holding him tight, heart racing, panting, resting her head on his chest.
?My God, John, that was oh my God . . . have I ever . . .?
John, getting his head together, ?you were sort of approaching that recently, I never thought to watch you for a seizure before.?
?Watch me for a seizure??
?From here it looked and felt like it could be either, you were so intense I could not even attempt to hold back.?
?Was it close to anything like that last night? You don’t want to know what it was close to for me.?
Suki suspects that remembering the sensations of past experimentation, combined with her current natural arousal, joined to make this time the most intense ever. She needs to remember to tell the doctors.
?No, but we weren’t doing ‘big intense orgasm’ we were getting close and backing off.?
?I must not have been that good of a total slut then,? she giggles.
?No, you were, and you were getting frustrated that I wasn’t playing along that well.?
?I wish I could remember, God! PLEASE?? Suki begins to sob, holding him tighter.
?Honey, go ahead, it’s okay, I doubt I would be taking this as calmly as you are.?
?You call this calm? Don’t stop holding me, please??
?I wouldn’t have as many calm parts between frustrated parts and the frustration episodes would be a lot longer.?
?Do we have time for another nap before we call them? I think you should call Tag and fill him in a little. I need to let Sam know at least that I lost my memory and remind her of the pact, not to tell Trish.?
John looks at the clock, ?I suppose. It’s only noon. But just remind her of the pact, not the amnesia.?
?NOON? How did we do all this stuff by noon??
?Because we got up at three, sweetheart, and I need a nap too.?
?Do I need to get off of you??
?No, you are fine, like a kitten on my chest.?
?Do you still call me kitten??
?Yes, but not in front of others and you still call me Master when we are playing, but only certain roles.?
?Master never in front of others too??
?We never play in front of others, or with others,? as John sets the quick alarm for two hours.
?Okay, that makes sense,? and with a couple of yawns, the couple drifts off to sleep.
Inviting the Cavalry over for dinner
The couple wakes, refreshed, another quick shower and they quickly decide how to invite ?the kids? over.
?Sam, it’s Suki,? Suki announces as soon as Samantha connects.
?No shit? Suki who? The one with only one name?? Both girls giggle.
?Hey, I hope John didn’t freak anybody out about cancelling the party, but something happened with me and I need to remind you of the pact, but I need your help too.?
?I wouldn’t tell Trish, but she is worried. John asked for privacy and it is driving her crazy.?
?Well, you know, sometimes I can only handle one of you guys at a time? This is one of those times and you are the better one to help me on this, so she is just going to have to be worried for a while and I hate that. I haven’t even tried to contact mom about it yet.?
?Now, the next big favor, can you stop fucking my fianc?’s son long enough to let him come over here and work on something with us before you come over??
?What makes you think . . .?
?Yes, I suppose I can.?
?Oh yea, did you manage to stay out of our bedroom??
Samantha pouts almost audibly, ?yes, Tag is too well trained. He won’t let me near there.?
?I can’t wait until he is my ‘stepson’,? she giggles.
?What time do you think you can get Tag over here? Make sure he knows how to get here too.?
?We can both leave as soon as we get dried off and dressed, we are fresh from the shower. He should know how to get there, but I will check and give him your address.?
?Give it to him on pulp, not electrons. Just trust me. Make sure he brings his own GIG computer and Mesh computer too. Don’t let him forget.?
?He doesn’t forget anything. Is that John he is talking to now??
?Probably, so what are you going to do for a couple of hours while we borrow your new boyfriend??
?He is NOT my boyfriend, yet and I am not pulling the same stunt you did with John either, when he is ready to ask he can ask. I will go to my place or the mall.?
?What if he asks before you guys come over??
?Yes is the answer, of course,? an almost audible smile runs through the Mesh.
John talking to his son, ?Tag, need you to put your JAG hat on for a while and have that Computer Engineer hat nearby.?
?What’s up??
?Can’t tell you much over the net, but the party got cancelled for something a little more serious than what I let on. It should be okay, but it is kinda serious right now.?
?Um, can you give me a clue and why is Sam packing up my computers??
?Because you need to bring them over here to the apartment. Hum, what is a good clue. Remember when you didn’t hear from me for two months??
?The time you were shot down or the other time??
?The other time. It is the symptoms, not the cause.?
?Got it, okay Sam just handed me an address, this is where I am meeting you??
?Yes, you should remember the neighborhood. If you forget which stop, have Sam remind you, she is going the same way, but we have to cover some stuff that she needs to be someplace else for.?
?Got it, I think. Okay, we are headed out the door, love you.?
?Love you too,? and they terminate the call.
Suki approaches and hugs John, ?I am getting scared again, about what we don’t know, not about us, well about you.?
?Don’t be scared for me, I know that doesn’t help, but don’t,? John gives her a reassuring kiss.
?Help me pick something to wear.?
?Suki, you always dress well without my help.?
?John, I have no idea what I have already worn in front of Tag, you need to help me and I do remember that you remember almost everything I was wearing every time we were together. I am in a dress or skirt mood.?
She takes John by the hand and he helps her pick red leather jacket and skirt suit, no blouse, she picks the red sling-backs and sheer nude stockings. Suki makes sure that the jacket collar is configured to expose the single strand of pearls John gave her shortly after they became an official couple. She applies some modest makeup and John notes that it is the most beautiful he has ever seen her.
How to blend in being obvious
?Tag, do you know how to get to Suki’s place??
?Yea, it is near the Crystal City METRO, close to where dad used to live before he got this place. I think one of his apartments was across the street. Is her building the north one or the one next to it??
?Which way is north there??
?Ugh, I think they have big numbers on the buildings, that will help. It sounds like one of them had a bad memory lapse, probably Suki, with the hint dad gave me, so try to be cool when you come over.?
?What hint did John give you??
?There are only two times in my life that he was not able to call me for more than a few days. One was when he was shot down in Afghanistan, the other was when a vehicle he was in got blown up someplace else. From the second one, he could not call because he lost his memory. I asked him if it was from being shot down and he said it was the other one.?
?Suki was involved in a bombing??
?Oops, sorry, he said it was the symptoms, not the cause.?
?Where did his vehicle get blown up??
?Don’t worry about it. Something else must be going on too, but you can’t talk about even knowing that much until we let you know it is okay.?
Samantha gives him a concerned look, ?anything you say Tag,? and kisses him. ?Thank you for helping my best friend.?
The almost-a-couple makes their way to the front desk, ?Jackie??
?Hi Captain Tagliaferro and Miss Samantha! What can I do for you??
?Just letting you know we are going to be away for at least a few hours. Is there any way you can lock out the elevator from hitting dad’s unit while we are gone??
?Um, yes there is, but may I ask why??
?No Ma’am.?
?Okay, it is locked out now. You need to have someone unlock it before going up, of course, and we have full manning today so that should not be a problem.?
?Thank you, dad and Suki say hi.?
?Oh good, say hi for me too.?
Leaving the lobby, Tag and Samantha trudge through slush toward the Rosslyn METRO.
?Tag, it’s faster if we drive over.?
?I am not taking a pristine sixty-something year old Plymouth ‘Cuda out of the garage with these crazy drivers around here, especially with slushy roads.?
Samantha pouts a little.
?Why didn’t you mention we were on our way over there??
?Because nobody else needs to know we are going there. We don’t know what’s going on yet. It is like a basic security thing. Jackie is probably guessing we are on our way over and will remember if anything happens, but other people listening shouldn’t think anything. I had her lock out the elevator to lessen the chances of someone being able to sneak in while the place is empty.?
?Why do you think they wanted your computers? She has more computers than the National Security Agency over there.?
?I have a couple of guesses, but you might not need to know yet. Don’t worry, I will fill you in when I find out, okay??
She kisses him, ?okay.?
?Whoa, wait, don’t use your SmarTrip card,? Tag removes two from his coat pocket.
?Why use these??
?They are not associated with our names. I traded for them at the last Pentagon City hacker meeting.?
?But why??
?The METRO ridership database is about as secure as an open barn. If anybody is watching for activity at Suki’s, they will be watching for dad, me and her friends too. Try to remember to use that same card when you come back up to Suki’s apartment and keep using it until the next time you go to the condo, then start using yours again.?
?It will be easier to remember if I knew why, I mean the rest.?
?Your trail on your card ended by the condo, that is where it needs to pick back up, or at a station close to there. It’s a little overkill, but if someone is doing a data analysis it will come up as normal and they should ignore it.?
?Tag, next stop is you. Please be careful??
?You be careful too. When are you coming over??
?Whenever someone calls me and says it’s okay.?
?Good. Gonna miss you,? Tag gives her a smooch.
?Going to miss you too,? as Tag calmly exits the train and makes his way to the apartment at the corner of 15th and Crystal Drive, blending in with all of the other military people in the neighborhood this time of day.
At the front desk, ?Lieutenant Tagliaferro??
?Um, hi, it’s Captain now, but not necessary, Tag is fine.?
?Yes Sir, sorry, I just recognize you from Kuwait, you prosecuted a couple that I busted there when I was an MP.?
?Oh! Okay, sorry, did not recognize you. My mind is elsewhere. I need to go to this apartment,? he shows the note, ?she already called, the elevators are over there. Shall I let them know you are on your way up??
?Not unless they explicitly asked you to.?
?Okay, I hope it is nothing serious, they are the staff’s favorite couple in the building.?
?I kinda like them too,? Tag smiles.
Science gets down to work
Samantha makes it all the way to Springfield and opts for the mall, rather than her messy apartment. The combination of her best friend possibly being seriously ill and being away from her new guy is almost enough to drive her to a drink. When she notices herself constantly looking around to see if anybody is following or watching her, it is enough to send her to the closest restaurant bar.
Before Tag can knock twice John has the door open and he heads straight for the living room, where Suki is waiting, smoking a cigarette.
?Guten Tag, Frau Suki! Wow, great outfit!? He approaches her to give her a hug; she stands and hugs him back.
?Guten Tag, Mister Tag, sorry if I act like this is the first time we have met in person, but it is the first time to me right now. And your dad said the same thing about the outfit with just a look,? she winks at John.
?Dad gave me a hint that is what I was to expect. Do I have to ask if you got her to a doctor, dad??
?Doc came over and she has no head or other trauma. Only clue we have is a night terror, but there were clues in it that make us suspect there might be a real situation looming. Her memory is gone from June until last night, but it is coming back bit by bit.?
?Suki, I’m sorry. How can I help??
?Two fronts. Do you have access, direct or indirect, to Japanese and German prison records??
?I think so, and if I get stuck I have friends there. Before I forget, here are two clean SmarTrip passes for you guys to use.?
?I already use a clean one, so let’s just trade it. John, do you need one??
John takes a fresh card, ?way to go dad and you were the one who taught me this.?
?Oh Tag, add another front. Is this reportable to my security manager??
?Not yet, I think, not until you are diagnosed within a narrow list of psychological problems or you have suspect contact, of course.?
?Haven’t tripped anything yet. A dream is not a contact and Dr. DiMarco has not made a diagnosis on the list yet.?
?That list is shorter than you guys think. A couple of recent cases tossed out a few things, but there is still a list.?
?Okay, the other one is after we get done determining if someone is safely locked away or not you and Sam get to help me try to remember a few things.?
?No problem, so who are we trying to find? Can I use this table??
?Yes, or you can use my desk if you like. Anything you need.?
?Air gap, you have too much gear over there connected to the entire computing universe. Mind if I look at your stuff and disconnect a few things??
?Like I said, anything you need.?
Suki and John sit on the loveseat as Tag leaves all of his portable devices on the coffee table, ?what kind of glass are those windows??
?RF secure,? Suki responds.
?Good, and the airport helps, they try to keep the non-aviation radio frequency stuff down for all of those robot freak aircraft dad helped develop,? he runs a cord out of the door and sets a small antenna pointed at the sky.
?Tell you later, you know how I don’t like to brag and you didn’t know before.?
Then Tag fusses around the desk, disconnects a few things and covers the connections with pieces of foil.
?Now, back up a bit, what is the issue before we start hunting.?
?Okay, a couple of people Suki had past relationships with are pretty shady. She now has some knowledge that they might want to exploit for financial gain. They might want to actually want to abduct and use her too, so there is more than one threat, but it will be from the same people.?
?Tag, the more serious threat is from someone I knew while attending TUT. There is a good chance she was or is in jail.?
?The TUT in Japan??
?Okay, that one should be easy. Have her name or an alias??
?Sunshine, an alias I think, I never knew her real name.?
?Wow, you two do have similar dating habits,? he giggles as he goes to work.
?John, what did he mean by that??
?Um, I have more than one ex lover I never found out the full name of.?
?Okay, I found twenty people using that alias. Is she genetic female or was she just female by the time you knew her??
?Oh my God! I am not positive, well let me think, I am pretty good at noticing knifing, but I wasn’t then. Shit. Sorry guys. I do not have a definitive answer.?
?Okay, then I still have twenty possible. How old is she now??
?About forty I think, plus or minus five years.?
?Awesome, down to nineteen possibilities! When did you last see her on the street??
?Five years and change ago.?
?Down to six, here are their pictures and real names,? he turns the screen to the couple.
Suki grabs John, almost crawling on top of him, her reaction is intense fear, ?she is the second one! Genetic!?
?Summer Sunshine was a crap-rock song in the aughts too.?
?If you don’t have a trail coming here then you probably don’t need to worry. If I recall, you went to MIT right after TUT and never had a thought of coming here until after graduation. So she wouldn’t have a clue either.?
?Suki does have a GIG trail, points right at the project office in the Pentagon and it is related to what we are concerned about.?
?Let’s use her GIG box to look at that,? and the trio moves to the desk, ?Suki, log in as yourself. Do you have access to the traffic reports??
?Not sure, probably, I have access to way too much shit over there.?
?Great, just great. Please remember I am a JAG? I have enough on my plate in Gaza and I haven’t been there yet. Oh yea, dad, don’t tell Sam you got blown up in Gaza.?
Suki giggles and navigates to what she calls her biometrics glamour page.
?You look a lot better in person.?
?John, did you teach your son all of your lines? Wait, you got ‘blown up’ in Gaza??
?Nah just taught him to be honest and now he is wasting it in the law. And my vehicle got bombed, I ended up losing two months of memory, that is what I used to give Tag a clue as to what was going on here.?
?Did your doctor get you together with people and go over things like we are doing? Is that how you knew how to not say things and give me false memories??
?No, it was from looking it up later. I was the only one who survived and there was not anybody else around they could use to help me remember things, so it took a while.?
Suki is stunned by his calm delivery, but still pulls up the server logs and they search for anything coming from Japan or Germany. ?Tag, so why shouldn’t we tell her??
?Because she knows I am going there and I don’t want her to worry. Looks like you have a fan in Osaka.?
?Men’s or women’s prison?? Suki wonders and gives a sweet smile at Tag’s concern for her friend.
?They integrated all of them about two years ago. Amazingly, they have no idea why the birth rate of female prisoners is exploding. Summer Sunshine is not listed as having been in that one. Did she assault you? Police reports? Anything? Police complaints??
?When? But wait, DO NOT tell me anything you did illegal, just what you were a victim of and don’t tell anybody I said that.?
?Just over five years ago, last I saw her. Should be a felony assault and battery report of some kind, but please don’t look it up if it is not necessary? No, Tag, I wasn’t doing anything illegal either, just stupid, but thank you for the caution.?
?No, I just needed the time period and possible charge,? Tag thinks for a moment, then goes back to his computer, pulls up a Japanese law library, ?damn, that’s a dead end.?
?What?? John and Suki ask.
?Statute of limitations on assault, battery, anything like that is five years from the time of the assault. Not the report, not the closing of the report. They reformed their laws strange that way. Are you sure it was five years? Couldn’t be attempted murder??
?Yes, over five years and she called an ambulance for me, they said so when I came-to in the hospital.?
?Want me to get someone to put some heat on her? Send her a message??
?Like what??
?The FBI could show up and start asking her about you, I know a guy from when we were at Vanderbilt, but if she is not even giving a shit, all it will do is point her at you.?
?John, what should I do??
?Wait, when does she get out??
?Last month.?
?John, any voyeur cams looking at me from there? LAST MONTH? She will be back here any day when they finish deporting her!?
?Try to relax, let’s take a look. Wait, Tag, how good are you with tracing that stuff??
?Excellent at the office, not as effective here, let me see what I can find. But, Suki, Japan doesn’t deport foreign felons anymore.?
?But she is out!?
They go back to the living room and Tag begins on K-Net, from the apartment and looks for bots searching for Suki’s description.
?And we need to find her. Every time I narrow down your features I lose almost all of them when I get to your age. They are looking for teen Asians. I just have two hundred looking for someone who meets your description in this neighborhood and half are in DC.?
?I used to meet the teen description around the time I met your dad. Keep the heels, full teen age range, no hosiery, dress or skirt, long hair.?
?That narrows it down to planet earth and two space stations.?
?Tag, what about Japan and Germany? From prisons and the same ones out of prison??
?Yes, father. Over fifty are feeding to Japanese prisons, nothing in Germany. I need to dig the rest from work. Do you guys know anybody with GIG and Mesh in the area? I mean in military space so I can connect to my office.?
Suki volunteers, ?I know someone in Samantha’s office building, so when you let her go back to work you can be there to take her to lunch,? she smiles.
?Not bad, dad, you dun good this time. Hold on, we might be just spinning our wheels here.?
?How so??
?If she left Japan, by any means that could get her here, there will be a record of it and I can check around. If there is no record, she is probably still there and gone into business doing whatever she was doing before. Thing is, if she didn’t go back to Tokyo the locals wherever she goes will just know they have a new felon in town, not what she did or where she did it. The FBI might be tracking her, as a US citizen convicted in a foreign country, but that is spotty and the State Department is supposed to do that, but they are worthless.?
?Shouldn’t the police have contacted me when they arrested her? I was still there.?
?These are cops, not computers. If it was a different detective crew they might not have been aware of the report you gave, even in their research. If your detectives recorded Sunshine as an alias it might not match with a last name if the detective searches wrong. Another possibility, since they already had her for a serious charge and enough to convict they might not have wanted to involve you. In some cases they could have been putting you in more danger testifying than just leaving you out of a slam-dunk case.?
Suki gives Tag a big hug, ?thank you so much. Can you find out what she was in for??
?Sure, it’s right here. Are you sure you want to know??
Suki reads the file and holds John tighter and tighter, ?she did the same thing to someone else right after me. How stupid can I be??
?Were, Suki, you used to do those things and you probably were not the first either.?
?Thank you John.?
?So, can I call the old lady and get her over here so we can work on your big giant brain??
?Of course, stepson-to-be. Old lady??
?This time mine is older than dad’s, if I recall correctly.?
Suki giggles, ?you are correct.?
?No, honey, I am not trading,? as John gives his girl a squeeze.
Tag calls Samantha, ?hey honey, ready to come over??
?Shit! That was fast! Let me finish this drink and get over there. Shouldn’t be long. I have the right card in my hand too, so I don’t forget.?
?See you soon, smooch.?
A bit later, Samantha arrives at the apartment, she and Tag immediately ?glue together? as a greeting.
?John, can you get the fire hose from the hall?? John smiles in response to Suki.
?Excuse me? Hey, girlfriend? Over here, may I have a hiss please??
Samantha breaks contact with her right hand and extends the index finger, Suki presses hers to Samantha’s, ?hiss.?
?John, want to just give them this room and we can go to the bedroom? We can make fresh new memories instead of those old stale ones.?
?My Suki, they will be new to you again when you get them back.?
?Sam, how about joining us in the living room when you two are finished mating,? John smiles again as he and Suki move to the loveseat.
Tag, ?Oh, we can sit over there and let you guys have the sofa.?
John, ?You two might want to stretch out and this is our usual spot.?
?Suki! What happened?? Samantha finally asks.
?Oh, thanks for asking, BEST FRIEND O-MINE! Ugh. So, sometime last night I lost six months of my memory. We discovered it this morning right after John woke me from a night terror . . .?
?Night terror??
?Super-bad nightmare. Anyway, guess who was tormenting me in the dream??
?You might not remember, when you told us about her, well that it was a her, right after you met John, I had a bad dream about that and got freaked out, you woke me on Trish’s sofa that morning and I was scared of you, which was stupid. Trish talked to me about it after. SHIT!?
?But wait, it gets even non-better! She just got out of prison for doing the same thing to someone else she did to me and I have a big giant network arrow pointing right here for her to follow. And I can barely remember a freaking thing since June. Did I say anything like a clue that I had detected her a few weeks ago??
?No, Suki, nothing, I would have remembered that.?
?What was going on when I started cussing more??
?You had just gotten engaged to John and were talking to the lawyers about your wills and property and stuff.?
?Suki, can you take your nails out of my forearm please, honey??
?Oh John! I am damaging you!?
?It’s okay sweetheart, I have been damaged worse . . .?
?NOT BY ME! What else was going on then? Talking to our lawyers about our property shouldn’t make me curse all the time.?
?Let’s see if you can figure it out when your memory comes back. I have an idea, but I don’t want to mess up the process.?
?Sam, can you remember anything about when dad gave Suki her engagement ring? That should be a decent place to start.?
?Damn John! Your son is a sharp one, Tag that is what my therapist said for her to start with. So, what did I tell you about it??
?Well, I think it was in November and we were at The Spot, you me and Trish, when you announced it. You even hid your hand so you could unveil the ring. John got himself onto your schedule as someone else, pretending to book a party, but he knew you were not busy. He had the ring for months, but wanted to wait, and he couldn’t wait any longer. Oh yea, you were on the verge of giving him the ring you got for him too, you guys bought them within a week of each other around June. You were going crazy that way you do, thinking he was never going to ask you, while we all knew he was and you just had to wait a little.?
?What time of day was it??
?Last appointment before lunch, so you guys could come back here to the apartment. You said he came into your office and you apologized for having an appointment, and he said the name of the appointment and you wanted to punch him in the chest for doing that, then he knelt down, and you told him there is a chair over there. Right then he produced the ring from his suit pocket,? Sam begins to sob, ?took your hand and before putting the ring on and asked you to marry him.?
Suki is crying from the story and from still not remembering, ?what did I say??
?Of course you big dummy, now go ask mother if you can marry me. Then, after he came back with permission, you said how beautiful it was and the green diamond matched his happy eyes and you could never imagine being more happy.?
Suki is sobbing in John’s arms, John remarks, ?yes, honey, that is exactly the way I remember it. All the way through the grapevine, the story remained intact. Jung just said yes and went back to her work, then, no wait, Sam, what did she say? What happened next??
?Um, you guys came over here for ‘lunch’ or something . . .? she looks at Tag. ?Then you finally remembered after lunch to give John his ring and inform him that if you are wearing one he will too and he didn’t argue a bit.?
?Oh God! I called you a big dummy when you were asking me to marry you?
?Sweetie, you did it in our joking way, like ‘it’s about time, silly man’ sort of way. It kept me from crying.?
?WHAT? Have I seen you cry??
?Just once in full cry, when you were getting me to talk about dad, so I could get past missing him so bad and then I finally got his car out and took you for a ride in it and was able to put his pictures back out.?
?SAM! You guys! You said something about him getting the car out way back in June, right??
?I think that was Trish, she said something like ‘when he takes you for a ride in that car then you really know that you have him’. It was way after June too.?
?August, sweetheart and you had me before then anyway.?
?Yea dad, makes sense to be around August, that was when you started talking about grandpa again.?
?Suki, sweetheart, you remembered that all by yourself.?
?Suki, did you call your mom about this yet?? Asks Samantha.
?No, haven’t thought of it but I don’t want to bother her on her vacation.?
?YOU? That just came out of YOUR mouth? The girl who interrupts her mom’s dates asking about which dress she should get to match the most shoes? John, I think that is the sign you have her.?
Suki smiles and turns to her guy, ?Oh John, I do love you so and you had me a long time ago. Doctor DiMarco didn’t warn us of this, I am getting a memory flood, so you guys relax and I will start spewing when it passes, okay?? A few moments later, ?MY BIRTHDAY, JOHN!? and she gushed with tears, ?did you make a pink and blue Jeep for me and create an elaborate surprise??
?Yes, honey, I found out from Sam and Trish you, um, wait, you told them over and over you wanted to change the colors on yours.?
?And I had mentioned wanting to change the colors on mine, but you wouldn’t do that to mine because it is a collector’s item??
?Exactly, so I found one your year that was pretty messed up and made it the way you were talking about.?
?How did you keep me from seeing it in the shop before you finished it??
?You saw it being put together, but I kept you away from the shop after I painted it and installed interior. This is the first I’ve told you how I did that. I was worried you would think I was cheating on you.?
Suki kisses John deep, ?thank you.?
?When you asked me to marry you, I was wearing my suit that looks like the one you are wearing now??
?Yep, same one you wore to our second tutoring session.?
John holds her tight; Samantha takes Tag to the kitchen to begin making dinner, but she brings a roll of paper towels to Suki before they get to work. It doesn’t matter what the memory is, it makes Suki cry happy tears, and John cuddles her as her memories open while he hands her fresh paper towels.
Samantha shows Tag how Suki makes Kobe steaks on a bed of sliced tomatoes and mozzarella, they cook dinner for all and help Suki with her memory well into the night.
?Hey, there was something else from my dream that I could have imagined about Sunshine, but we verified it. She went to prison for assaulting someone else right after me, wasn’t that in the dream too John??
?Yes, and you said that part in narrative form, not as a quote from any of the players.?
?Remind me in the morning to look through my messages for something like that? I keep my K-Net navigation history turned off, so that won’t be any help. I have just been through too much today to do it.?
Tag interjects, ?Suki, do you remember if you requested any notification from the Tokyo police? Because they wouldn’t send any messages unless you filled out a request, even five years ago, and you still probably would not have gotten anything.?
Suki pouts, ?no, I didn’t. If I could only remember these little missing pieces maybe I could stop worrying you guys. It is something easy to imagine in a dream like that, but it just fits too well and it doesn’t fit either.?
?How doesn’t it fit, sweetheart??
?I did a lot of stuff to disassociate my memories of things with her, from what I can remember now, and before too. I don’t see why I would have tried to check her status, I should have still been trying to get over the memories, especially after getting engaged.?
?I can’t add anything, you didn’t say anything to me about it until this morning, er, yesterday morning.?
?My word, it is one o’ clock already. Oh, John, WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH DEEDING MY PROPERTY TO YOU??
?Ah, you remember why you started cursing so much,? John smiles. ?Let’s re-discuss it later? So, do you kids want to stay over here or go back to the condo, you are welcome in either.?
?Dad, I think we are going to go to a club on the way back to the condo. Sam, this is your town, you pick.?
?Ah! Our first outside date,? Samantha smiles and hugs Tag.
?Anybody think of what we should tell Trish, for now anyway?? Suki asks with some concern.
?Damn, I forgot to have Tag look into that,? as John grabs his pad of paper and jots some notes down for Tag. ?When you do your research tomorrow, check this stuff too.?
Suki and Samantha, ?You guys are investigating Trish??
?No, we need to clear her,? Tag tells them.
?John, make sure I am doing this correctly, okay? Sam, can you tell Trish that I had a serious memory lapse and I can only handle a little at a time. You were the first one over, because you are seeing Tag, but I need to see my therapist again before I see any more people??
Samantha, ?Well, all of that is true, right? It’s not a lie, it’s just not everything. Like we told you when you first laid eyes on John.?
?John, what do you think?? Suki asks, truly wanting to be corrected if needed.
?Sounds great, but what was that part about when we first met??
The girls giggle and Sam responds, ?we didn’t want her to dump her resume on you at a-thousand-miles-an-hour and scare you away.?
Tag and Samantha take care of the dishes and shoo John and Suki back to the bedroom for some rest and whatever else they intend to do.
Not what they intend to do
Back in the bedroom of the apartment, the couple stands and embraces each other, face to face, kissing and hugging.
?Mmm, my John, I am so glad I can remember more of us now.?
?Remember this?? as John slowly turns her back to him and gently unzips her suit top.
?Oh yes, I love it when you ‘unwrap’ me,? as his hands explore her body under the jacket, teasing her sensitive nipples, then they move to the skirt snap and zipper, ?oh John, mmm, you touch, just right.? Her skirt falls to the floor just before her jacket, leaving her in red lace panties, stockings and heels.
Suki turns to unbutton John, similar to the way she did earlier in the day, but they remain standing, she was able to feel his excitement when her back was pressed against him, so she wants to get this phase over with as quickly as possible to feel it again.
John begins to slip her panties off, then slips a finger into her wetness, ?yes, just like that, mmm just right,? she helps her panties off the rest of the way as his pants fall to the floor and he slips off his boots. They hold a kiss all the way to the bed as he lays her down and slides on top of her. He has the urge to have her naked and begins to reach to pull off her shoes, ?please, no, takes too long,? she whispers.
He begins a playful tease, ?please, don’t tease this time,? she whispers to him and he grants her wish, slipping in as her legs wrap around him and she kisses him deep.
Just as she begins to arch, he begins to thrust and she moans, like the earlier in the day, intense, ?John, hurry, you have to hurry, AAAAAAAGGGGGGGG.?
He begins to pull out, she holds him, ?no, just AAAAAAAAAAAAGGGGGGGGG? and he cums, then lays atop her until she calms down.
?Happy birthday, John,? she begins to sob, ?there is something else wrong.?
?I could tell, what’s the matter??
?It is just too intense. We have to talk to the doctor about it in the afternoon,? she continues to sob as he removes her shoes and helps roll her stockings off, then gently cuddles her.
?It is in my head, that’s all I know, you didn’t hurt me, it is in my head. It was so intense, impossible intense. Did I take care of you? I wanted to take care of you so good.?
?Yes, very well, but it should not be painful for you. We can wait until you are okay. We need to talk to the doctors about it.? They end discussion and try to sleep.
She sleeps much more soundly than he through the night. John is worried about Suki, for both her brain and her physical safety.
John wakes, a few hours later to intense pleasure. Suki realizes he is awake when his hand reflexively hits her head, ?slurp, good morning honey,? she giggles.
?Good morning my Suki, oooooo.?
?Mmm, I like it when my man makes that sound.?
He gently guides her head away from his penis and back to his face, ?sweetheart, I am empty, let’s try a little later??
?Whatever you say,? she kisses him. ?Did I really please you last night or were you just saying that.?
?You really did. Don’t you remember my favorite part yet??
?The foreplay, and then the rest??
?Yep, and it was all fine, until you started experiencing whatever you were feeling, but it was too late for me to stop.?
?Honey, what I was feeling was a killer orgasm of some kind. You know when I keep arousing you past ejaculation? It might be similar, I don’t really know, but thinking about it after it is like what you describe to me when you want me to stop because it is too intense, but it was almost painful.?
?I think I can wrap my brain around that one, but the doc ought to know more.?
?I remembered something else too, pretty important. Back in November, I think, maybe more recently, I finally realized that it had been over five years since my hospital stay. I got Trish to help me look-up Sunshine. Can’t remember exactly what we found, but I need to call her after I find out from Sam how their conversation went.?
?This is making more sense, but I am not telling Tag any of it, let’s see what he finds too.?
?But she didn’t do anything, it is just a dream and I got everybody worried over nothing,? she begins a little whimper, ?and ruined your birthday.?
?We don’t know if it is nothing yet and stop that.?
?But John, she is my friend.?
?As far as I am concerned there is a real threat to you out there and you are going to be protected until I am satisfied there isn’t. You still don’t remember what you and Trish found or talked about, do you??
?Then let’s see what Tag finds out. And don’t call her until he lets us know what he found,? he hugs her tight.
?I just thought of something strange.?
?What’s that my kitten??
She smiles hearing that, ?during foreplay you made me cum a little, with your finger and everything else, but it wasn’t painful, it was normal. Need to remember that for the doctor. Another thing, the thought I had the time before, when it was on the edge of too intense? The sensation I was thinking was as if I were drugged up again, but with you, sort of like a multiplier effect.?
?Need to remember that for the doctor too,? he pulls her tighter and kisses her forehead.
?I hope she doesn’t have to send us to a specialist. Two doctors is one more than I really want.?
?Yea, but we are stuck with that setup because that is what we need right now.?
?Oh, honey, I remembered a few more things and you are really the most wonderful man ever.?
?Oh, Suki, you just want a regular guy and I am lucky to be that.?
?No, my John, I finally remembered you taking me out in your dad’s car and showing me off, then we went ?parking? in a lot at Gravelly Point. I remembered from high school, the popular girls doing that and then you took me for my first time. I always thought it was silly and gross having sex in the back seat of a car, but when we did it was just, ooooooo it was so romantic. You laughed that a cop didn’t bother us.?
?I was glad that you were happy, you made me happy too. Back when I was a kid, the cops would show up and interrupt.?
?And I remember the last ‘prostitution’ ticket too, my most awesome man.?
?What do you remember from that??
?Well,? kiss, ?you asked me to meet you at the DC Capital Grille, so my friends who were banned could not bother us, I think,? lick. ?I wanted to look so hot for you,? kiss, ?so I wore a cobalt blue,? lick, ?leather mini-dress,? deep kiss, ?with matching thigh high 6? heel boots and nothing else, I NEVER wear any 6? heels out either!?
?It was a pleasant surprise to me too, sweetheart.?
?Thank you, and then I GOT A FUCKING PROSTITUTION TICKET SMOKING OUTSIDE WAITING FOR YOU! But you were so sweet, as I was sobbing,? kiss, ?thinking I had ruined our date. You took me in your arms, held me until I stopped crying, escorted me into the bar like you were with the best girl in the world, we had a couple glasses of wine, some jerk was annoying you and I disarmed it and got you to scoot closer to me.?
?Suki, you are the best girl in the world.?
?And nobody had a clue that I was with the greatest man in the world, in your all low-keyness.?
?We made out at the bar a little, which I wanted to be the first, but I had to ask you a stupid question and found that it was not your first time doing that there, and then came back here where you unwrapped me, except for the boots, and we made love all night.?
?And that was one of my favorite nights ever. That is the way I remember both too,? as John presses himself against her.
?Suki, do you finally realize that I really love you.?
?John, I knew you did and I know you do, I just finally realize that you love me AND accept me. In my little brain they were different, but now they are the same, if that makes any sense.?
?So, will you stop being afraid of my leaving you??
?Yes, my John, I am finally past that fear and I think I may have figured out the property thing too.?
?Yes, correct me if I am wrong. I wanted to give you the licenses part of my intellectual property to you so we would be equal, but that is not the equal you want.?
?Yea, that sounds pretty close,? soft kiss, ?I just love you, not your stuff. I have plenty of stuff and I can take care of me and you, my mom Tag and Jung with the stuff I have if something happens. So can you. But if we did what you wanted, we might as well get government married and divorce the next day. One of the core reasons we agreed to do this was so we could give each other what we wanted to, not what the government wants us to. I just thought what you were trying to give me was too much. That’s all.? deep kiss, ?I love you more than ever, no shit.?
?John, I no shit love you more than ever too. May I stop cursing now??
?Hell yes,? John gives her a smile, kiss and a wink.
Calls are coming in on both of their gogs, from Tag.
Both connect about the same time, ?Tag? What’s up??
?Hey you two, I found her easy. She requested deportation to the US but it is being blocked, temporarily.?
Suki asks, alarmed, ?Thank God, but WHY? Can they block it forever??
?She requested Los Angeles, just happens to be the current location of the victim who put her away for five years and he is kind of influential now both there and in New York. Nothing is forever, but she might give up after a few denials and delays.?
?He? I thought a woman put her away.?
?He was a woman, back then. Anyway, I got your police report to them, sorry for taking the liberty but it is a relevant set of official documents, along with letting them know that letting Sunshine come here could create a national security issue.?
Suki blushes, ?Oh, Tag, I am not that important in the big scheme of things.?
?Yea, but you are important to dad and me and I am paid to word unimportant things into important things. Sorry for calling so early, dad, going to work on the other stuff and will call when I know something, love you.?
?Thanks for all the help Tag, love you too.?
?John, I need to go through my messages, I was talking to Trish about this, not all the info Tag had, but something about it,? as she grabs John by the hand and the naked pair walk briskly to Suki’s desk.
Suki and John look through her messages and find the traffic where one of Trish's friends looked up Sunshine and discovered she was out?of jail, but nothing further.? Suki got the information right before John arrived for "playtime" with?the new outfit for Suki to play 'total slut' in.? Seems to explain how the later events unfolded.
Tag calls in,?"Suki, my?NSA friends checked all of Trish's traffic, no contact with anybody in Japan at all, by any means."
?"Tag, we found where Trish and I were exchanging text right before John came over for our date.? She had just sent me info on Sunshine and I think that started all of this."
"Yes, we found that too and I was going to mention to you.? So, looks like everything is okay now, from the technical side.? Before I forget, give me a clean e-address for a K-Net bot I built to report to you, probably want dad to have access to it too.? It will track her through public means, but only reports if she travels out of Japan," Suki complies, gives him an address that she has not used since college and gives John biometric access too.
?"Thanks so much Tag, if the doctor clears me this afternoon I want to take everybody out for John's missed birthday, okay?"
"Thanks Suki, I'll tell Sam we have another "outside" date," he giggles, "I am on my way to take her to lunch, but she said we can't go to that place where you got the hooker ticket."
?Suki giggles, "yea, she and Trish got a little loud there one night and got banned forever.??Have you seen her blush yet?"
"Not yet, but her complexion is sort of dark for that, isn't it?"
"Ask her about?how she got banned from there, you will see it, don't let her get away with not telling you either." Suki giggles.
"Okay, I am sure whatever it is I will get a laugh too.? Gotta run,?just send us a message where?we need to be for the gathering,"?and he terminates the call to go get his lunch date.
"Oh John!? I need to get something pretty on for you.? We have been walking around here naked all morning."
"I like you naked, you are one of those girls who looks even better with her clothes off than on."
"Really?? So no more sexy outfits at home?"
"I didn't say that, I like both, but I haven't had you naked much lately.? Maybe we should close the blinds though?? Don't want to scare people with my ugly bod."
"Oh John!? You are not ugly to me, you are the handsomest man on earth in my eyes, but I would rather be the only one who sees you that way," she gives a sweet smile, "ALL SPACE BLINDS CLOSE," and the blinds to every window in the apartment move to the closed position.
The couple piddles around, listening to classical music, cuddling, not talking, just enjoying each other until it is time to shower and dress for the therapist appointment.
"John, mind if I wear jeans for the appointment?? I promise the whole outfit will look good for you."
"Of course I don't mind.? Did you think I didn't like the way you looked on our first date or something?"
She giggles, "well, I did get the idea that you liked it, but we were at a shooting range, this is different, and you mentioned something about not being ready to see me looking younger yet."
"It will be fine, I am sure," he kisses her, then turns to select a button-down, blue jeans and boots.? If his girl is wearing jeans, so is he.
Suki emerges from her dressing closet wearing a tight pink turtleneck, single strand of white pearls, tight blue jeans and over-the-knee brown suede boots with 5" heels, "how's this?"
"Beautiful, but it is still slushy out there, sure you want suede?"
"They're gen-mod and treated too, the crud just falls right off.? Is it windy out?"
"Yea, I can actually hear the gusting through your super quiet windows."
"No cowgirl hat then, but it is always fur coat weather, so the red fox fur is going over all this."
"Mmm lovely.? I like."
The couple makes their way down and across the street, Suki in her fox coat and John in his antique Nomex/Teflon fireman's coat.
"Hi Nancy!"? Suki is greeting the secretary, a woman in her early sixties, similar build to Suki, Scotch-Irish features, naturally aged face with no "knifing" visible, very well dressed.
"Hi Doctor Suki, well hello John!"
"Hi Nancy, didn't know you were back in the area."
"Yea, I got things straightened out back in Missouri and came back.? Didn't want to bother you, you know . . ."
"It's okay, do we have a long wait?"
"OH!? I'm sorry, I did not make the connection, you two are here together!? Shouldn't be long, as soon as the doctor comes out," as soon as her words leave her lips, Doctor DiMarco enters the reception area.
"Suki, John, please come in."
The couple goes over the new information, the portion that they can reveal,?with the doctor and she tests Suki's memory, seems to be satisfied that she is back to normal and gives her a clean bill of mental health.? She also notes that Suki's insistence on trying to give John property that he doesn't want is probably overcompensation for the way she was, combined with a hint of trying too hard to get her way.
On their way out, "John, don't forget to give Nancy the form!"
"Here Nancy, Suki wanted this taken care of when you can get to it, I am in no rush," he hands his ex-girlfriend a release form requesting a full copy of Suki's file in pulp for him, to be delivered to the apartment.
"John, typically we have these delivered to the recipient's residence."
"Well, that is one of our joint residences and we both thought it would be a lot more convenient for whatever service you use, since it is just across the street."
"You were always thoughtful that way, John.? Nice to see you got such a great girlfriend too."
Suki takes a twinge to that girlfriend comment and not so subtly flashes her engagement ring, "we are a little past that," as she holds John's arm tighter.
"Now that I am fully cleared, can we go to your shop?? I want to check out that car you have been drooling on as you built it for all these weeks, before the customer picks it up?"
"Sure, honey if you don't mind driving."
"I will have this ready for you soon, but I don't want to leave it at the front desk, so I will give you a call and make sure I can deliver it in person, okay Doctor Suki?"
"Thank you so much Miss Nancy."
As the couple makes their way back to Suki's birthday Jeep in her parking garage, "so, I finally meet one of your ex's in the flesh," she giggles.? "You really are a tight bod guy."
"Oh, Suki, I had no idea she was back here.? That was a little uncomfortable too.? I did date her longer than anybody else and yes, you noticed that her build and yours are what I prefer."
"But she has me beat on age," Suki pouts, "she must be three times older than me, just like you prefer.? I hope I am as pretty as her when I get whatever age she is."
"She should have just turned sixty or sixty two, so closer to twice your age."
"Why did you guys break up?"
"We were never really exclusive.? Nothing like what?you and I?did, becoming "official" boyfriend/girlfriend, we just dated and stopped dating other people without any discussion.? Then she moved away, but we kept in touch.? I was finally able to get time to go out and see her, but she didn't want me to visit and wanted to be just friends and I didn't want that, so I ended it right there."
"That's sad.? You were being sweet and she blew it, so I got ya and I ain't givin' ya up neither," she reaches up and kisses his cheek.
"Well, she did give me lots of practice?for?dealing with you, so there is something else you could thank her for in your head."
"How so?"
"She had all sorts of problems when we met, but she was pretty adorable too, and they were the more severe problems like you used to have.? When she was here I would tell her that if she stopped therapy I wouldn't see her again until she went back, and I could tell when she skipped sessions, stuff like that.? She never really tried to manipulate me, but she would brag to me about doing it to others.? I never did let her meet Tag, she would have had to straighten up more."
"When she moved away she stopped therapy, began a lot of risky behavior, but her objectives were different than yours. She was doing things to get recreational drugs, she was not?using them responsibly?and I wanted her to stop, so I was going to go visit her, see if we still had chemistry and bring her back here to help her.? She rejected that and then I rejected her for taking up that life."
?"Oh, John!? I had no idea!? She just seemed like a sweet older lady to me.? And you are even more wonderful than I ever imagined too," she plants a deep kiss on him as she starts her "birthday" Jeep.
"I know you won't say anything about it to her boss, but don't.? As far as I know she is all straightened up and a fine person.? She was a good person deep down."
After a short drive, "which bay am I parking in?"
"Center," as John commands that door open from his gogs.? Suki drives right in and the door closes behind them.? He then commands the winches holding the suspended cover on the 1960 Dodge Polara to spool, unveiling a huge, off-black, green tint, stretch Polara limousine.
Suki's eyes get huge as John hangs their coats from an overhead crane hook, she notes the hook for future fun and wonders why she hasn’t thought of that before, "John, it is beautiful!? I could not imagine . . . I had no idea.? Can you show me what all you did?"
"That might take a while, but the high points, all of the leather is lab, water and stain proof, all of the seats have liquid heating and cooling, full articulation.? The passenger area can be configured almost any way you want, including a bed-like setup.? It is pretty heavy so I used a HEMI truck engine, higher torque crank, heavy duty automatic transmission too.? The driver has every piece of info he needs on a holographic heads up display, added five feet to the passenger area, there is everything to take it from a board meeting to a bedroom and the trunk is big enough to?hold?two-dozen dead hookers.? I couldn't believe he wanted that paint, I have been wanting to paint a car that color forever."
?Does it have the holographic displays that ?Big D? was going to hook you up with from Best Buy??
?Yea, if he hadn’t mentioned it at happy hour I would never have thought of it, so I sent a message to the customer and he said yes. Took every suggestion I made too, no problem.?
"And who is this for?"
"Some corporation, Schmidt, Ungar & Korbin, Incorporated, but I never heard of him before.? He paid incrementally on a black card, corporate.? Has a small balance when he picks it up.? Was supposed to be the other day but I had to cancel and he must have gotten busy, haven't heard back from him yet."
"Sounds you really like it.? Like one of your favorite builds ever?"
"Yes, it sure is.? Will be sorry to see?her go."
Suki removes a black corporate credit card from her purse, "then I accept delivery," the name on the card is 'Schmidt, Ungar & Korbin, Incorporated'.
"Come on man, hurry, I don't like wasting all day buying cars you know," she grins.
John runs the transaction, it clears.
"Um, before we title it, how about you show me the back seat stuff?? I have a request for the builder while it is still mine," she gently walks him backwards to the door, kissing and licking, opening the door and slipping in, slowly crawling across the floor.? She climbs up the seats until her hands on the back of the huge rear-most seat, by the package tray.? John follows and closes the door. "Oh, it seems I am trapped in my new car with a hot mechanic, already feeling helpless," she looks over her shoulder and winks just as his hands slip under her sweater and find her sensitive nipples, "I was afraid of that," she whispers.? He is silent, other than his low growls and grunts of passion,?as he kisses her ears and presses the hardness in his jeans to her perfect ass.
He begins to unzip her jeans and his, peeling them down over her boots, revealing nothing but her beautiful naked flesh.? He pushes her sweater up, exposing her back and gently kisses her as he enters her wetness in one of the few positions they have never tried before.? Her legs are "bound" by her tight jeans, "locked" around her thighs at the top of her boots.
They both take it very slow, not wanting to relive the last painful event.? It seems like hours, and their slow pace allows the event to last nearly a full?hour before John can't hold back and sends Suki into a gentle fit, nothing too intense in any of the four ?just right? orgasms she had.
They both take it very slow, not wanting to relive the last painful event.? It seems like hours, and their slow pace allows the event to last nearly a full?hour before John can't hold back and sends Suki into a gentle fit, nothing too intense in any of the four ?just right? orgasms she had.
She turns and cleans him with her luscious mouth, John responds ?Ta'aly Mussy Zobry.?
?Oh John, was that broken Arabic or Farsi??
?Arabic, according to the guys in college and our off-again-on-again allies, the Lebanese guys said it more like tallahassee-tee-see.?
?Well, I think I am already doing it,? she gives him a sweet smile, and then takes care of getting both of them presentable again, jeans up, his shirt tucked in.? They pause again and smile, then laugh and hug over Suki making it through without the intensity she had before.
"MOPAR John that was a perfect delivery.? I was so nervous that you would figure out my new company name," as she takes both of their hands to the electronic pad, presses their signing fingers, adds her code and transfers the title to John and he adds his code, "happy birthday my sweetheart," and gives him a big kiss.
"Thank you, my Suki."
?I had best not get any more ‘hooker’ tickets, as Tag calls them, so I can stay out of the trunk! Unless I am with you, of course,? she gives a sly wink. Think we can take your new car out tonight for dinner?"
"Hope so, let me call Jackie and see if any of her crew wants?some extra work as a driver,"? John calls Jackie, tells her the birthday is back on and arranges for one of her former Marine security staff to drive, he is always glad for some extra money.
"I need to call Trish!"? Suki calls her best friend Patricia, the couple is still lounging in the back of the limo, "hey best friend, sorry I was out of touch so long."
"Suki!? Are you okay now?"
"Yea, I had a terrible night terror right after you got that info on Sunshine, then lost my memory all the way back to June, sorry for being out of touch, but John was taking care of me and we had to figure out what was going on without overloading me.? You were in it too, so we had to figure it out before I could talk to you and that took a while with my memory gone."
"I was in it?"
"Can we wait a while before talking about that?"
"All right, so you are okay now?"
"Yes, just got cleared by the doctor a little while ago and I just gave John his birthday present."
"Does he like it the way you thought he would and did he like how you surprised him?"
"Yep and yep!? We are still in the back seat.? Can you come to dinner tonight?? Still have your date from the cancelled night?"
"I can come, but will be solo, she went all stupid when the party got cancelled and tried to tell me I made it up."
"Glad you are coming.? Sam and Tag are coming along with Jackie and Joe.? We want to pick everybody up in the new-to-John car too."
"If you guys promise not to stare at the pathetic single solo girl, that will be fine," she giggles.? "Where are we going?"
"Morton's, across the street from me, then we can come back to the apartment and party longer."
"Nice, gotta get back to work, you keep your pants on in that back seat."
"They are back on, silly," Suki terminates the call and rolls back over to John, they kiss and cuddle and watch a few shows on the holographic display.
?John, let’s make a video invitation to everybody for your party right here!?
?Good idea honey? and the couple creates a script, records, reviews and sends to the attendees.
Back at Doctor DiMarco's office, Nancy has time to get Suki's file and begins to copy the contents, but she get's curious, looking through, page after page, "I can't believe he is with her, she?is crazier?than I ever was, that snotty little bitch!? She is deranged.? She must have kept him from being friends with me before I decided to come back to Virginia. Looks like she is just using all of his money too. I need to make sure he sees this file quick so he can see what kind of danger he is in." She finishes copying and decides to keep it with her until delivery to the apartment.
?Nancy, have you done the inventory on the prescription samples yet??
?Was just about to do that Doctor, thanks for reminding me.?
As Nancy begins the physical inventory a thought crosses her mind, ?those street drugs she was using are for kids and I have all of the good stuff right here at my fingertips . . .?
Suki was born and raised in Japan by her Japanese mother, Matsuni. Her father Thomas was a young man serving in the U.S. Navy overseas during the last days of the Vietnam War.Thomas was on shore leave one weekend looking for some "action" like most servicemen there. He visited one of the bars approved for U.S. military personnel and, after knocking a few back, was on his way back to his ship when he came upon a woman standing in a doorway. It was raining, as it often does there, and she looked...
InterracialThis is based on an RP I am doing with I friend, so I’ll need to give you a little back story. Suki lives with her younger brother Kyto in a small apartment. She is a vampire bat demon. Mamorku lives alone in a cabin on the beach. He is a wolf demon. Today, he found a bleeding rose, and brought it to the Council of Elders, which is a group of older wolves and wolf demons that deal with wolf problems. Suki was flying over head and smelled the blood and went to check it out. When she landed, the...
Sunday saw me washing cars and straightening up the tools. About noon Sunshine came walking toward my house from her back yard wearing a short button down loose dress. The buttons were undone to down below her breasts but the cloth seemed to keep her covered. She was tentatively following a path that led to the back door. "Chuck?" She called. "Over here Sunshine," I answered. "Let me come to you. There are buckets and junk in the way." I went to her and took her hand when she said,...
SMACK! “Thank you, sir!” SMACK! “Ouch! Thank you, sir!” Sister Sunshine spread like an eagle across the bed in a room at the ExtendedStay Hotel. A new gentleman friend named Cassius that she met via the Internet supplied her demand of heavy handed slaps across her brown voluptuous ass. He, the age of fifty-three and she, the age of thirty-one, freely expressed their deep enthralling lusts for dirty, nasty sex. The type of activity that most God-fearing folks would condemn with the quickness,...
I wake to the bright sunshine sneaking between the curtains in my luxurious hotel suite. I slowly open my eyes and savor my sexy recurring dream. In the dream, she writhes and pants aching for more. Her beautiful face exposes her passion as my tongue flicks over and in her sweet pussy. She cries out, bucking her hips, my fingers curling into her and pushing on her spot. Over and over, I play the dream out in my mind. Now my pussy, wet and achy, is seeking release. I tease my fingers over my...
BisexualHi, my name is Dave. 1995 was the summer I was fifteen. It was June and my life sucked out loud. We had moved two months before because my dad was transferred to a new plant. I hadn't really had much time to make any new friends at the high school before my freshman year ended. As a result, summer was here with no friends and nothing to do. The only thing that kept me from going out of my mind was that my dad had gotten me one of the first Sony PlayStations. It was a Japanese model he had...
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Sunshine By Virginia Kane Standard caveat applies. Please do not post onto any other website without express written permission of the authoress. If reading explicit adult fiction is illegal where you live, or if you are not yet eighteen years of age, read no further and go do something innocent and constructive. 1. As was my usual recreational respite, I was window shopping at the mall one Friday evening, when a...
I cycled for a few miles out into the open empty countryside, it was amazing! no traffic and really quiet, I hadn’t seen another soul. I rolled down a country lane in warm sunshine. As I got to the bottom of the slope I realised my cock and balls were feeling a little “crushed” from the ride and pulled to the side near a copse of trees, to adjust myself and take the pressure off. I stepped of my cycle and put the stand down, then reached in and cupped my cock and balls to give them a little...
Fun in the Sunshine StateMy wife(Mary) and me always hear and want to go to Flordia, go to Dayton Beach Bike week beacuse we had heard great time and would be our chance to go to Flordia. So off we went to Dayton Beach to final be in Florida and get to see this bike week. We arrive at our hotel for the week, check in and get luggage to room when Mary say" Let go check this Bad Ass bike week out, see some of the sights." I say "ok"! We start look going through the tent t- shirts for the event,...
Fun in the Sunshine StateMy wife(Mary) and me always hear and want to go to Flordia, go to Dayton Beach Bike week beacuse we had heard great time and would be our chance to go to Flordia. So off we went to Dayton Beach to final be in Florida and get to see this bike week. We arrive at our hotel for the week, check in and get luggage to room when Mary say" Let go check this Bad Ass bike week out, see some of the sights." I say "ok"! We start look going through the tent t- shirts for the event,...
Fun in the Sunshine StateMy wife(Mary) and me always hear and want to go to Flordia, go to Dayton Beach Bike week beacuse we had heard great time and would be our chance to go to Flordia. So off we went to Dayton Beach to final be in Florida and get to see this bike week. We arrive at our hotel for the week, check in and get luggage to room when Mary say" Let go check this Bad Ass bike week out, see some of the sights." I say "ok"! We start look going through the tent t- shirts for the event,...
Its New Years Eve. We're dressed to kill. The boys are waiting for us in the lobby of the hotel. Tanya and I made our last check in the mirror. One last swipe of lipstick. Adjust boobs. Hotel card key in purse. And were out the door. He drives my ass deep. I feel a twinge of pain at the end of each stroke as if he's trying to get deeper and deeper with each thrust. My pussy is soaking. I can feel it dripping onto Tanya's tongue below me as her boyfriend fucks my ass. Oh god, her tongue on my...
Group SexThe Sunshine Girlby MorlockI have a tip for you girls who like toys - forget the boyfriends who are investment bankers, lifeguards or the like. All you get from them is money or big dicks. Get yourself an engineer. My name is Mary Lynn Decker, 32 years old, widowed and I love bondage - specifically, self bondage. Severe self bondage and with a little to a lot of pain thrown in. There is nothing spectacular about me - average height, brown hair, still a good figure since I watch out for the...
Kneeling on the floor of their living room next to his bride, Ravi watched her closely. He couldn't believe his straight-laced Nadia was sucking off another man right in front of him. So beautiful, he thought. Her lips, so red and pouty. Gripping. Sliding. When she saw him staring, her round cheeks dimpled with a surprised smile. She popped the stranger’s dick out of her mouth. “His cock tastes so good,” she said. “He’s definitely bigger than you. I love the way it fills my whole mouth.” “I...
Wife LoversChapter 6Mommy ReturnsSo much had happened in the last few days. My wife's best friend hadconfided in me that my wife of five years, Heidi, was three monthspregnant with her lover's baby and was planning on serving me withdivorce papers when she returns from holiday next week. That same woman,who just happened to be my doctor and was the person who had administeredmy three year course of oestrogen treatment, had now declared herinterest in me, not so much as a prospective spouse but as a...
Introduction: A dear friend returns. LEE RETURNS Its been a long time since weve seen Lee. He moved away a few years ago and until today has not been able to return. In that he has come to town for a conference, he has arranged to stay with us. He and his gigantic rock hard cock will be very welcome. Lee arrives, rings our door bell and we invite Lee in. As you may remember, Lee is a very tall, very handsome black man. He and his wife have been our friends for a very long time. Unfortunately,...
SUKI’S NEW LIFEWritten by slutsukiChapter One – in which a silly sissy gets caught, confesses all and starts her new life as a maid.I first met Sarah when we both started a media course at college. She was a very pretty girl, quite small with a slim body which was more often than not covered in baggy clothes. I immediately fell for her a bit but the difference in our ages – she was exactly half my age at 25 – made me realise it was a daft idea. She also had a boyfriend although I soon learnt...
Disclaimer: All right, this story is not real. NOT REAL! Not to be read by anyone under the age of 18/21 yadda yadda yadda! I’d love to hear some feedback as per usual so please feel free to leave me a comment in the comment box at the end of the story! You see those big empty stars down there as well? Did you want to maybe fill them up? We don’t want them empty and all alone like that. You’re not a monster are you? Also, please don’t post this on any other site without my explicit permission....
Lego bounded out of the car, eager to run off some of his endless Aussie energy. Much as he loved to ride, he loved to run even more; he chafed under the constraints of a long car trip, as did I. Now he ran around, sniffing the evidence of previous canine passersby while I changed into my boots and packed up our stuff.We were later hitting the trail than I would have liked, but I’d had some business to take care of first. Now, in the uncrowded parking lot at the trailhead the soft susurrus of...
Masturbation"Yea and as soon as I get out of the car I will be wet again anyway, and not in a good way." The young woman pulled her shirt up over her head and wrung it out the window, laid it over the dash, then wriggled out of her jeans. "You know, I think this is a torrential downpour." "I think you just may be right. It might not be safe to keep driving in this rain. I live just a few miles away. We could go there and wait the storm out." Gabriel couldn’t help glancing at her from the...
It’s a beautiful sunny day, and we’re off for an adventure ride. We head out along any road into the country, and randomly choose turning left, right, or just keep going straight. The countryside is lush and green; the warm rush of air against our bodies is invigorating. I was most impressed when you showed up in your leathers. Sitting astride your bike your pants hugged that tight ass, formed to your muscular thighs. I keep coming up alongside, then falling back to cop a perv; I love...
‘I’m not sure that you’re going to have time to get dry before we get to the service station.’ ‘Yea and as soon as I get out of the car I will be wet again anyway, and not in a good way.’ The young woman pulled her shirt up over her head and wrung it out the window, laid it over the dash, then wriggled out of her jeans. ‘You know, I think this is a torrential downpour.’ ‘I think you just may be right. It might not be safe to keep driving in this rain. I live just a few miles away. We could...
August. The summer was hot and the days oppressive. Nick stood by the open window smoking yet another cigarette, watching the sky darken with an approaching storm and listening to the distant rumbles and grumbles of thunder. Perhaps a good downpour would clear the air and dispel the sticky lethargy that had enveloped him. He had taken this little cottage on a six month tenancy after the breakdown of his marriage and while two sets of divorce solicitors agreed between them just what he would be...
Its New Years Eve. We’re dressed to kill. The boys are waiting for us in the lobby of the hotel. Tanya and I made our last check in the mirror. One last swipe of lipstick. Adjust boobs. Hotel card key in purse. And were out the door. He drives my ass deep. I feel a twinge of pain at the end of each stroke as if he’s trying to get deeper and deeper with each thrust. My pussy is soaking. I can feel it dripping onto Tanya’s tongue below me as her boyfriend fucks my ass. Oh god, her tongue on my...
This better not be Becky’s idea of a wind up. I’m sitting at the bar in Macy’s, keeping the bar staff company. Faye is now 26 minutes late and the signs are ominous, she’s not turning up. I had been single for a few weeks now and my work mate Becky was full of sympathy, often saying my balls must be ready to explode, or teasing me with tales of her own rampant sex life. One day she must have felt sorry for me. She said her mate, Faye was on the market having split up from her long term partner....
Ashven was waiting in the abandoned school, not having found anything of interest during her patrol. She was sitting in the cellar, uncertain wether to leave or to stay, torn between her fear and her lust. Three days ago, she had faced Zargal, an alien terrifying the city and she was unable to forget the savage rape she had suffered. Now here she was, sitting in the pale light hoping he would return to fuck her once more. She had promised the city council to rid them of the beast but that...
Savannah dropped the bags of shopping on the table and called out to Mason. “Baby, I'm home.” She expected a reply but the house was silent. His car was still in the garage so he hadn't gone out and she wondered where he was. Walking down the hall, she thought she'd find him in their bedroom, but nope, no sexy man to be found there. She went back down the hall and into the lounge, thinking perhaps he was asleep on the couch, but once again, no Mason. The french doors leading out to the...
Oral SexIn the recent sunshire I driving home feeling really hot. I needed a pee and when I saw a laybye with a grass field behind it with a wood on the far side. I got out of the car an walked through the very long grass in the feild to the woods. By the time I got their I was desparate. and as I was getting my cock out some wee went all over the brand new lacy thong I was wearing. After I had finished I looked around and not seeing anyone pulled my shorts downand took off the thong.The area looked...
My older brother Liam was currently scowling at the many cars in front of us. It was 8:30 in the evening, and we'd been sitting in London traffic for nearly an hour. The storm was still raging on outside, and car horns were blaring left, right and centre. I'd called Liam after my shift at work. Public transport was all but down, and I didn't want to walk the streets of London at night. Liam had been less than enthused about coming to get me. “I'm sorry, I didn't know there'd be congestion.” ...
IncestOpportune voyeurism leads to the boss and his younger employee playing horny sex games in his office. My company’s office was one floor up in a modern building with full height windows. I was 60 at the time and one of my colleagues was a sexy woman in her mid-30s. Suzy did a lot of walking so had a lovely fresh face and seldom wore make-up. She was nicely set with a terrific rack, full hips, awesome thighs and a bum to die for. For small print reading she wore black framed secretarial glasses...
This is a Fantasy I'd LOVE to come true.I am a late 40s CD/TV who is VERy bi curious. I have been dressing for many years but only recently found what I like and what I want. I love satin, have a smoking fetish and love talking dirty online. I requent most of the usual places online and many chat rooms.I met Phil online while i cruised one day and we chatted for many weeks. We shared the same fantasies and turn ons. He lived close by which surprised me. He was mid 40s, married with c***dren....
This better not be Becky’s idea of a wind up. I’m sitting at the bar in Macy’s, keeping the bar staff company. Faye is now 26 minutes late and the signs are ominous, she’s not turning up.I had been single for a few weeks now and my work mate Becky was full of sympathy, often saying my balls must be ready to explode, or teasing me with tales of her own rampant sex life.One day she must have felt sorry for me. She said her mate, Faye was on the market having split up from her long term partner....
AnalJillian Hayden, formerly Jillian Clark, was unhappy, very unhappy, and she had no idea why. Two days earlier, while studying in the Student Union, a gray interdiction wall appeared, and she was extracted. She had been chosen by a graduate student that she actually knew - albeit slightly - and her test drive had been wonderful. Joseph Hayden had proven to be a considerate lover, attentive to her needs, and his choice for a second concubine was a slightly-older-than-Jillian graduate student...
The morning sun rose, casting a deep orange glow upon the older district. Already, early rising beings had taken off on skiffs or boats if they were too poor to afford the latter. Nets were made ready, and soon, the wharf would become bustling, filled with traders, salesmen, fishermen, and the goings about of daily life. Suresh left his simple home, stepping out onto the docks, smelling the fresh air that had come in with the tides. Up in the sky hung the familiar immense gas giant, looming...
Clara My mind wandered as I looked into the eyes of the attractive, exotic young man above me. It was a strange time to be thinking about other things. His tanned skin and exotic eyes alone should have been enough to keep my interest, but it somehow wasn't the case. As his sweat dripped down onto me and my body finally began to respond, I was imagining another face. I stifled a laugh and Stephen thought that it had something to do with what we were doing. Alone in my own little world, I...
December 4, 1984 Thanksgiving break came and went. A chain reaction of family obligations resulted in Inez and me not being together on Thanksgiving. Dave's uncle, who lived a couple of hours away in Pennsylvania, was holding an extravagant Thanksgiving bash. Eileen really wanted to go, and Dad and Mom reluctantly agreed to allow her to do so. Meanwhile, there was another large affair planned at the Andrade residence. Naturally, both Inez and I were invited. "You know what my Tio Raul's...
Mike’s Apartment, Tuscaloosa, AL Early Morning, Saturday, January 11, 2003 With an unexpected elbow landing on my nose, I was unceremoniously awoken at about 4:30am. Startled, I sat up in bed wondering what just happened. As I came to my senses, I could see Kaleigh waving her arms up above her head and down in front of her chest. She was mumbling something I couldn’t make out, and then I heard her clearly shout, “Stop! No don’t! Stop!” Her arms and her legs were now moving in jerky,...
The bright noon sun glistened off the park's pond as softly quacking ducks congregated on the shore. Children laughed and played noisily under their parent's watchful eye. People from neighboring office buildings gathered on lush green lawns to enjoy the warm outdoors and the company of others. Delightful aromas from the myriad of lunch carts wafted on the soft breeze to attract hungry members of the midday crowd. On one of the many benches located on the water's edge, a solitary figure...
For the first two weeks in the Caribbean I was in paradise. Brilliant, hot sun, azure blue sea, cheap booze and fresh seafood. I acquired a straw hat, a pair of sandals and some Bermuda shorts that passed for dress wear on this island. It took me a couple of days to find a place to live. I had been advised that Sint Maarten was the cheaper place to reside. It made sense to live there anyway, since the airport and our construction site was on that side. I found a small, three-room flat above...
The view out of the Citadel’s upper-storey windows was incredible, the sky over Terra lit up in beautiful shades of crimson and orange as the Sun began to set. The warm evening light cast dramatic shadows over the endless field of fortifications which ringed the base, the defensive emplacements a flurry of activity even at this late hour. Towering mechs and massive hover-tanks were being manoeuvred into position, while marching around them were squads of troopers who’d been deployed to the...
Goodies. “Fuck! I hate that cocksucking bastard. He cut off my phone,” Cee snarled. Kay and Casey had their service shut off too. They were furious. I got their attention and said, “I don’t know who you are pissed off at, but I take umbrage to you calling me a cocksucking bastard. Seeing as how your phones are ancient, I expect that your service disconnection is tied to me somehow. Oh, you’ve got goodie bags.” The girls forgot their cell phones as they got into the bags. I watch them...
Thursday evening THE PRESIDENT HUNG UP THE phone and turned to his wife. "It never ends." She had no idea what the call was about, but given the current poisonous political climate it wasn't hard to guess. She smiled and pulled him to her and kissed him. It wasn't a quick kiss, and she pressed herself against him. When they separated she smiled up at him. "Better, honey?" "All better. Where are the girls?" "In their rooms doing homework. And our high school girl is working on...
Fiona’s diary: The alarm clock startled me. For a few moments I couldn’t work out where I was. Then the whole situation came back to my mind and I quickly turned it off before it woke Amanda. She was curled up, making little moans. I got out of bed, careful not to bump into her, and checked the nightstand. Mother had been around, as promised, with her ninja mum magic. I hadn’t heard her come at all. There was a note with instructions, some pills, and a jug of water with lemon in it. I...
Some of you have wondered when the next Roy Del Frink tale will come. Well, wonder no more! I just got myself to sit down and write this one, inspired by comments made during my Author's Chat at Crystal's on June 30th. SRU: MANY UNHAPPY RETURNS By Roy Del Frink The Wizard sighed. "Dannie, Joey Frump's coming." "Who's Joey Frump?" Dannie asked. "It'd be much easier to show you than tell you. Here, study this surveillance tape of his 'greatest fits'." "We have a surveillance...
A Murder Misstery Returns © 2008 by Nom de Plume For those who came in late, Matt McCoy - now Madeline Moreau - is on the run for a crime he did not commit, and a murder which she did....after returning home to Chicago, Maddy discovers a shocking secret about her past. The journey from St. Martin to Montreal, on a charter flight crammed with sunburned Canucks, was sheer penance. Stuck in a miserable coach seat between a snoring slob and a...
The Golden Goddess Returns Part 1It was very quiet in the thick carpeted hallway along Mahoney row of the big industrial company as a medium build man with salt and pepper hair moved along, glancing at the doorways as he walked slowly down the hall to the end office, marked as, ?Vice President Marketing. Miss Kay Sommers.?The door was open and he stood in the doorway listening to the conversation that the blonde headed woman was having while sitting with her back to the doorway. She wasn?t...
205 A young Soldier returns Just back from a posting that he had had for 6 months, in Cyprus, un peacekeeping, a British army soldier, attached to the UN. 6ft6inches of tall good looking, well-toned muscular, sunburnt, blonde young maleness, that had been deprived of female company for all that time. They had landed at Gatwick, and surprisingly immediately dismissed to leave and for a whole month, no drill`s, no duties, no uniforms, just the sun of a 1967 August and the south coast of Kent to...
A Strangeness Returns By Bill Hart It was a cloudy and moonless night - at least it would have been moonless except for the extremely thick layer of clouds - outside the Iota Delta Phi sorority house. Bolts of lightning flashed brightly between the clouds. And the accompanying thunder rumbled through a few scant moments later. Not far from the sorority house, a group of a dozen boys, as well as a pair of girls, had surrounded one lone male. "Well, wussy boy," said one of...
CHAPTER 22: CELINA RETURNS“Annie isn’t going. Celina is. It has to be Celina and her a****ls. Their culture has to be their champion … otherwise, they lose their culture.”Those were the words that came out of my mouth, but it sounded like it was coming from someone else, that someone else had caused the words to flow decisively, emphatically, and passionately from me. You hear about out-of-body experiences and this was one for me.Those words didn’t only speak fervently about the Guarani, but...
Liz's sister Aimee returns from the Middle East for a surprise visit.We live behind the town's High School which, like all schools where faculty and students drive and need to park, has a large parking lot. We occasionally have a 'Life-Flight' helicopter land there to remove accident victims to area hospitals. Whenever we hear a chopper landing we look to see... curiosity gets to us. Two weeks ago, Saturday late afternoon, we hear the plaintiff sound of a chopper coming in for a landing, but...
Halloween Pool Party Part 2 Maddy Returns by Brenda I noticed Miss Maddy getting dropped off at the main house around 10 am. I did a quick final check of the pool room and my "pink" room just in case I forgot anything and around 11 Miss Maddy came in. She greeted me warmly with a light peck on the cheek and asked, "How's Ronnie doing today? I have missed our time here in the pool house. Why don't you show me what you have done before I take a swim dear?" Ronnie again, and "dear,"...
The Evolution of Sub Linda By LindaK Chapter Nine - Recovery and the Domme Returns Linda's recovery went well. As promised, Dr. Carter returned the first night to do another examination and to answer any questions. She found Linda sitting up in bed with her gag loosely hanging from her neck. Beth was sitting in a chair while her slave was hogtied on the floor and being used as a footstool. "Welcome back Charlene," said Beth as Charlene entered the room. The doctor looked as...
Wayward Daughter Returns By Spectreofhell Brad was sitting at his desk when he heard his daughter come in the front door. He turned away from his computer to face the door, leaning back in his chair angrily. “Nina!” he called out. He heard her footsteps hesitate in the hallway. “Come here. I need to speak with you.” She appeared in the doorway. For a moment, he forgot to be angry. It was always like this with her, had been this way since he could remember. She was spoiled, and it was his...
Bree walked back down the narrow aisle of the first class cabin of the airliner, an angry pout on her face.“I haven’t been able to get in the restroom yet and we land in two hours!” she complained.“I thought you went to the bathroom before we left Hawaii?”“I have to change into traditional island clothes before I get off the plane,” my island honey explained. Bree is from a beautiful South Pacific Island group, and we were on the second leg of our trip back to her home. We’d spent a few nice...
Group Sex211 A young Soldier returns At eight the next day he was feeding calves, pigs and hens, collecting eggs and finally fetching the dog, a border colley named ‘Eric.’ Together they walked the old familiar fields, where he had played as a young boy, the sun shone, the birds sang, he had achieved some of the fantasies of his adolescent years, had a good leave so far and all was right in the world. Eric, having a right old time chasing rabbits, butterflies and any other creature that dared to move,...
209 A young Soldier returns Day 7 The women working together did a meal, over which Ellie explained that Jed only worked in the morning`s now, so the place was theirs for the rest of the day once one-pm had passed, Jed never setting foot at the place. Mother said that she “would like a look around later, for old time`s sake” John asking “why, did she want a roll in the hay over in the barn?” to which her sister cut in with “why not we have before” which had the result she had hoped for of...
208 A young Soldier returns Day 4 SundayThe morning started as most Sundays in the house did… very slowly. The usual system was a lay-in, Sam`s only chance, followed by a mid-morning ‘brunch,’ then any odd jobs, a cooked main meal, then an evening in front of the box, before bed. Today was no different, Sam de-coking his old Enfield motor cycle in the yard, mother after washing up and preparing the veg, sitting with news-paper and tea, her weekly moment of rest. The younger man dozed on his...