Suki II Sunshine Returns
- 3 years ago
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December 4, 1984
Thanksgiving break came and went. A chain reaction of family obligations resulted in Inez and me not being together on Thanksgiving. Dave's uncle, who lived a couple of hours away in Pennsylvania, was holding an extravagant Thanksgiving bash. Eileen really wanted to go, and Dad and Mom reluctantly agreed to allow her to do so.
Meanwhile, there was another large affair planned at the Andrade residence. Naturally, both Inez and I were invited. "You know what my Tio Raul's like," Inez pointed out, giving voice to our dilemma. "I know the table in your house will be emptier than usual on Thanksgiving, and your parents want us to be there, but what to do?"
We ended up making the best of the situation. On Thanksgiving, Inez went to her uncle's house, and I spent the day with my parents and my brother. The phone lines in the O'Malley and Andrade residences were connected for about two hours straight. I spoke with Inez for an hour, and then handed the phone to an impatient Seamus, who yakked away with Lisette for another hour.
The next day, there was another Thanksgiving dinner at my place, which we O'Malleys pretty much recognized as the actual holiday feast. Inez, of course, was happily there in attendance, as were Eileen and Dave.
On another note, there was virtually no more fallout resulting from the pin-up calendar's publication. The Crusaders For Morality crowd, for the most part, gave up the fight. We did see one or two CFM picketers occasionally at a gig of ours. But they were powerless and out of place, outnumbered tremendously by our fans, and we paid them no mind. It appeared as though they'd latched onto some other cause, waging their never-ending war against perceived evil as a means of building up their own self-worth.
A much more interesting development centered on Helen McAndrew. That column where she'd skewered both the calendar creators and Lightning in a Bottle turned out to be the last column she ever wrote for the campus newspaper. No announcement was made explaining her departure, but her conspicuous absence spoke volumes. One day, I asked Holly if she knew anything about Helen's fate.
"All I heard," she told me, "was that she had a difference in philosophy with the powers that be, and her leaving was by mutual agreement. Whether that's another way of saying 'fired', I haven't a clue."
Also, the police moved swiftly and identified the woman who'd whacked me in the nuts; her name was Brandy Meyers. Brandy had actually been sold out by a couple of her fellow protestors, who were perhaps acting to remove suspicion from themselves. "I don't know Brandy at all," Holly told me, "but I've heard her name mentioned, and I've heard rumors about her. Helen McAndrew is such a mythical figure among her followers that you have to question all rumors, but I did hear that Helen and Brandy are lovers."
The cops apprehended Brandy and charged her with assault; this fact was mentioned in a campus newspaper article the next day. We reconsidered when it came to pressing the issue further, opting instead to put the whole thing behind us.
Blessedly, the entire calendar mess was now in the rear view mirror, and our focus turned toward something we were really looking forward to. We had to get through final exams first. However, the Florida tour we'd discussed back in the summer was on the verge of becoming reality. We'd decided to try to do it over the upcoming holidays.
Tonight at practice, we learned that Holly and Annie, in conjunction with Mike and Jenny, our Florida contacts, had taken concrete steps toward making the tour a reality.
"We wanted to surprise you," Annie told us. "I'll never forget the way you all stood behind me during that calendar affair."
"I also appreciate the support you've given me lately," Holly put in. "So consider this a Christmas gift of sorts."
"A gift that was paid for through your earnings, not our financial generosity. We're not crazy," Annie was quick to add, as we all laughed.
"So here's what we worked out," Annie went on. "We pack up all the gear and clothes, anything we're bringing, a day or two before Christmas. We'll head south bright and early, and I mean early, on the 26th. This will allow all of us to spend Christmas with our families."
"Except for me," pointed out Inez. "Don't get me wrong, though, it's fine. I'll be with Pat's family, and I'll see my parents a couple of days later."
"And you'll get to ring in the New Year with your family," said Holly. "Let's figure on all of us traveling in the van and two more cars. We booked a show in Gainesville on the evening of the 27th. It's at a popular night spot near the University of Florida campus. Jenny did the leg work on that one. The 28th will be another travel day. We'll head down to Miami and rest up a little. We booked more shows on the 29th, 30th, and 31st."
"You got us a booking on New Year's Eve?" I queried.
"We sure did," replied Holly. She named the club.
"I know that place well," said Inez. "Wow, you got us in on New Year's Eve? I'm impressed!"
"Give Mike some of the credit there," put in Annie. "He pulled a few strings. There's one more little detail we need to discuss, and that's lodging and housing arrangements."
"Don't worry about that," Inez quickly offered. "There's my house, and also my Tio Ray's house. Plus, Mike just moved into his own place, and I'm sure he'd love to have a few of us stay over."
"Yeah," said Annie, "but remember, we're staying over one night in Gainesville. We'll need hotel rooms. Let's take a head count here. How many people are coming along?"
"The six of us in the band," said Eileen. "Plus, you and Holly, that makes eight. Dennis and Mayra make it ten."
"Derek's coming. That's eleven," Annie added hastily. I was happy to hear that. After the way Derek had covered our backs during the calendar fiasco, he was now one of us, even though he had no formal role with the band. But there was one more person of interest who had not yet been mentioned.
"What about Natalie?" I asked Paul.
"She isn't coming," he replied rather abruptly.
"She isn't?" Dave asked, his eyebrow raised.
"Did something happen we don't know about?" I inquired.
"I didn't say that. I just said she's not coming," Paul replied tersely. His tone of voice indicated he wanted us to drop it.
So, we dropped it.
December 10, 1984
Tonight, at practice, we added a couple of new tunes to our repertoire. That was by no means an uncommon occurrence; our play list was continuing to grow. Nonetheless, they were notable additions.
Of course, I often took advantage of my pre-knowledge in seeking out new songs. I kept a mental list of tunes whose release I was anticipating. Many times, I even knew when to expect a particular song to appear on the scene; my memory is that good. It helped that I often associate certain memories with music, allowing me to place many songs in their correct time period.
But once in awhile, a song got by me. It would come out, I would hear it for the first time in this life, and I would admonish myself, "That one's perfect for us! How could I have forgotten it?"
That's exactly what had happened two days ago.
I was over at Inez's place, and Evie was there too. Over the radio, I heard the intro to a tune that had been released fairly recently. At once, I jumped up out of my seat, startling both Inez and Evie. "Oh, damn! We have to do this song!" Then, I looked straight at Evie.
Evie listened to the song; she was obviously hearing it for the first time. She slowly began nodding her head. "Yes," she said, as a smile began to cross her face. "Oh, yeah. I can sing that one."
"It's perfect for you!" squealed Inez.
The song was "Better Be Good To Me" by Tina Turner. It definitely fit our style, but more importantly, it meshed perfectly with Evie's skill set. We'd been seeking out tunes which would allow Evie to get more involved as a lead vocalist, and this one hit the bulls-eye.
And so, tonight at practice, with everyone having familiarized themselves with the song, we gave it a try. I had told Evie beforehand, "You know that sass you showed when Kathleen Holliday dissed you, and when you laid waste to poor Heather that day at my house? You need to bring that when you sing that song."
And she did. On the second run-through, she actually began channeling Tina Turner's performing style, strutting back and forth across the stage. "Work it, gurrl!" Dave shouted, causing us all to crack up.
After the third run-through, it was apparent that we had a winner. It was Paul who came up with the next suggestion, following along with the Evie-as-Tina-Turner theme.
"We know 'Proud Mary', don't we?" Paul threw out there. "Let's get a little creative."
We had, in fact, done "Proud Mary" several times in practice, but never live. Our version was based on the Creedence Clearwater Revival version, with me up front on vocals. Then, as Paul suggested, we got creative, coming up with sort of a hybrid rendition that drew from both the CCR version and the Ike and Tina Turner version.
The first verse and chorus were based on the CCR version, with me doing the singing. Right after the first "rolling on the river", we paused. Evie picked up the vocal at that point, singing fully unaccompanied at first. I attempted to mimic Ike Turner's deep chanting of the word "rolling". However, Dave was quick to point something out. "There's one among us who's better suited to do that," he declared, eyeing Paul. "You've got that deep baritone. Let's hear it."
"Nope," Paul refused. "We've been through this before, haven't we? I don't sing."
"You did fine with 'Some Kind of Wonderful', didn't you?" Dave countered, pressing the matter. "And this isn't really singing. All you have to do is say 'rolling' a few times. It's like a vocal bass line. Piece of cake. I'd do it if I could."
That logic won out, and Paul acquiesced. The truth was, Paul's trepidation about singing was somewhat justified; he really wasn't much of a vocalist, even when his heart was in it. But he did, in fact, have a very deep voice, one better suited than mine for hitting those very low notes. He ended up giving it his best shot, and before long, we had yet another impressive addition to our catalog.
Evie, featured strongly in both tunes, was absolutely beaming. I was happy for her; after her recent struggles, she needed that.
December 26, 1984
Around mid-morning the day after Christmas, the "Lightning in a Bottle Heads South" tour got underway. Ah, delusions of grandeur.
We had stuffed the van with our instruments, various accessories and electrical necessities on the 23rd, as Annie had suggested. The drive down to Gainesville, Florida would take at least eighteen hours, allowing for meal breaks. We started off with Evie and Mayra traveling along with Dennis in the van. Paul, Derek, Holly and Annie piled into Holly's car. Dave, meanwhile, sat behind the wheel of his own car, with Eileen, Inez and yours truly as passengers.
Obviously, cell phones were still many years away from coming into vogue at that point in time; we had no means of keeping in touch with each other while traveling. If we got split up, we agreed to meet at South of the Border, near the North Carolina – South Carolina line, just a little past the halfway point of our trip. Those who live in the Carolinas, as well as those who have traveled I-95 along the East Coast, know about South of the Border. It's a tacky mini-resort with a Mexican theme that caters to long-distance travelers, especially those heading for (or heading back from) Florida.
We arrived at South of the Border within thirty minutes of each other, in the early evening. After a hearty meal, we didn't dawdle; we asked for our check as soon as our plates were nearing empty. For the second leg of the trip, Dennis and Mayra traded places with Inez and me. I commandeered the van, riding along with my girlfriend and Evie. Dennis and Mayra, meanwhile, took our place in Dave's car, and off we went.
December 27, 1984
Gainesville, Florida
It was nearly five in the morning when we rolled into Gainesville. We had informed the hotel staff that we'd be checking in very late. We did the "private rooms for couples" thing again, which meant that Inez and I had our own room. But we were much too tired for any hanky-panky, and we crashed out until almost noon.
It was around one o'clock when Jenny knocked on our door. She was practically jumping up and down with excitement; after all, this show in Gainesville had been her brainchild. Before too long, the whole crew had gathered near the outdoor pool. Of course, this was the northern part of Florida, it was December, and it was far too cool outside to even think about bathing suits and swimming. The pool was, in fact, covered over. But there were a number of chairs set up, and the temperature was quite suitable for just hanging out.
Before too long, Inez, Mayra and Jenny expressed a desire to go to the mall for awhile. Holly graciously offered them the use of her car. I knew that Inez was very close to her two cousins, and that the three of them had precious little time to spend together.
At around five p.m., we headed over to the site of our show, a mere half-mile away. It was an off-campus dance club, a favorite hangout of Jenny and her friends. It was an ultra-modern (for that era) establishment with rather dim and quite unconventional lighting in place. Dennis and Mayra did some tinkering with our usual lighting setup, and were none too pleased with how it turned out. Unexpectedly, it was Derek who came to the rescue. His photographer's eye gave him a keen sense for lighting optimization, and the results of his efforts wowed us all.
"Dude," said Dennis admiringly, "if you want to be our full-time lighting specialist, I ain't gonna stand in your way." And with that, Derek had a defined role to fill. From that point on, our stage crew became a three-person entity.
We did a full four sets that evening. Since the club emphasized dancing, we went light on the ballads, and heavy on the modern, danceable stuff. We did manage to debut the two new songs featuring Evie: "Better Be Good To Me" and "Proud Mary". It was also a memorable night for Paul. Besides his vocal contributions to "Proud Mary", our usually reserved bassist busted out with a spontaneous dance move. Bass guitar in hand, he moonwalked from one side of the stage to the other during our rendition of "I Can Dream About You" by Dan Hartman.
The night was a rousing success, and the club-goers wanted more at the end. We gave them a couple of encores. As we were breaking down the set, Jenny brought friend after friend up to meet us. She thanked us profusely.
"I know I suggested last year that you come down to Gainesville and play here," she gushed. "But I never dared to dream you'd actually do it!"
Later on in our hotel room, tucked under the covers, Inez pressed up against my side. "You know," she said with a suggestive lilt in her voice, "after tonight, we'll be staying at my parents' house for the next week, which means we'll have to behave ourselves."
We didn't get much sleep that night.
December 28-31, 1984
Miami, Florida
Florida is a long state from north to south; the drive from Gainesville to Inez's place took nearly six hours. Jenny, who planned to spend the rest of the holidays with her parents, came along with us. We arrived to find Javier and Lupe anxiously awaiting our traveling party. They'd taken time off from their business for the holidays, and had just arrived from Puerto Rico the previous day. This was a Christmas tradition for them.
"Next year," I said to Inez as we neared her place, "if finances permit, I'd love for us both to spend Christmas in Puerto Rico with your parents and relatives."
My girlfriend beamed when she heard that. "You know there's nothing I'd like better," she smiled at me.
Lupe had prepared a huge feast for all of us. Despite our ravenous appetites, there was plenty of food to go around. Mike showed up a little after six. With Javier and Lupe on vacation, he'd taken over managing the business.
With no gig scheduled for that night, we decided to visit our favorite Miami salsa club. The entire gang came along, and despite the presence of a few reluctant dancers – notably Dennis, Paul and Derek – a good time was had by all. In particular, Dave and Eileen, who'd gotten a taste of salsa dancing at Lisette's big party, really got into it. By the end of the night, they were nearly keeping up with Inez and me.
"You know what?" Dave said to me. "This salsa music is awesome. I'm a percussionist, and the beat that some of these salsa artists lay down is incredible."
I also had a lengthy chat with Mike that night. Again, he'd gone from dance partner to dance partner all evening. He was a good-looking guy who knew how to cut a rug, and the ladies seemed to gravitate to him.
"So, Mike," I said with a grin, "it doesn't look like you have plans to settle down any time soon."
"Nope," he laughed. "I'm happily single, and not looking to end that. My sister's more of a romantic, but she's between relationships right now." I'd heard that Jenny had broken up with her boyfriend a few months previously.
I, of course, spent the night at Inez's house ... in her dad's study, as before. Evie stayed in the guest bedroom. Dave and Paul opted to stay at Mike's bachelor pad. Everyone else stayed at Jenny's place; the house was quite large, and her parents were more than welcoming. At least that was the story publicly related to all concerned. However, Mayra tipped me off about something the next day. "Your sister didn't stay here. She tiptoed out, and went over to Mike's place with Dave."
It sure sounded like Dave and Eileen were the only couple in our group who'd managed to land private accommodations, perhaps in an extra room in Mike's place. I adopted the same attitude I'd maintained since they started dating: They were consenting adults, and it was none of my business.
The next evening, the 29th, was when Lightning in a Bottle made our debut on the Miami club scene. The venue was actually quite similar to the club in Gainesville; perhaps it was less dance-oriented, but it had a modern layout and very subdued lighting. Derek once again worked his magic, and in short order, all of us were quite happy with the setup.
To give this new audience a taste of our style, we started off with our usual opening number, "Edge of Seventeen", followed by "Heartbreaker". But even though we were quite a distance from our regular stomping grounds, we wanted to let those on hand know where we were from ... in a fun way, of course.
"We're a New Jersey-based band," I said to the audience before the next song. "And there's a rule, almost a law, in New Jersey which states that every cover band needs to include in every show a song or two from a certain legendary rocker." I said no more, as we went right into the next tune. It was, of course, Springsteen's "Dancing in the Dark". It went over well; so well, in fact, that we followed it up with another Bruce tune we'd just learned, "Pink Cadillac". Later in the show, we gave them "Thunder Road".
That was day one of our three-day run of shows in the Miami area. On day two, we took our talents to South Beach, as LeBron James would put it in the year 2010. That's right, we played at a swanky club in Miami Beach, just a few blocks from the ocean. This was a hard-partying scene, perhaps even more so than the clubs we'd played at the Jersey shore. Bouncers and security folks were everywhere. But our audience was generally well-behaved, and we were pleased to notice quite a few attendees who'd been at the previous night's show.
"I love this place," Mike grinned at me between sets. "It's loaded with gorgeous women of all nationalities. It's the best pick-up joint in the area."
I just laughed. "Are you ever not on the prowl?"
"Well, let's see. When I'm asleep, and ... when I'm asleep." We both cracked up.
"I have a prediction," I told him. "Some day, you'll fall hard and fast for someone. And when it happens, I'll be the first to say, 'I told you so.'"
Just then, Inez happened to walk up. "No, you won't be the first, sweetie. I've been telling him that since he hit puberty and turned into Doctor Love. When he falls for someone, he's going down, big time." Mike just looked at his cousin with an are-you-nuts expression, causing Inez to giggle.
Mike's shameless playboy ways aside, he was a good guy at heart who would unfailingly go the extra mile to help out a group of friends. And he'd really come through for us regarding our New Year's Eve engagement, a gig at one of the best-known clubs in downtown Miami. Mike, it turned out, knew someone who was an acquaintance of the club owner. He'd gotten a list of references from Holly and Annie and submitted them to the club owner, who must have liked what he saw.
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LIGHTNING REVEALS ALL It is raining outside. We can hear the drops pelt against the glass window panes and beat a staccato rhythm on the roof. The room is lit by the glow of a dying fire in the fireplace. Occasionally, we are illuminated by a flash of lightning, followed by the low rumbling of thunder that we can feel resonate in our bones. Your head is lying on my chest, with your hair tickling my skin. My right arm encircles you, my fingers lightly stroking the soft skin of your back. Time...
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April 22, 1985 It was yet another Monday afternoon; I rested there in Inez's bed, with her in my arms, the both of us just having come down from the high of lovemaking. She was almost back to being herself; her sensitive nature didn't hold up well to an onslaught like Eileen had leveled upon her, and soothing her psyche had been a long and drawn-out process. Even though no resolution to the impasse was in sight, I felt hopeful that my sweetie would be just fine. "Do you love me, mi...
October 13, 1984 After a meeting among the six of us, we decided to take the following weekend off. It wasn't that big of a deal; it was a rare weekend where our only scheduled gig was on Friday. The lone booking was a show at an off-campus pub; Holly and Annie merely re-booked us for early December. My early ruminations about throwing in the towel quickly faded; as scary as the Ron Wilton situation had been, quitting would have been a gross over-reaction. However, a substantial perspective...
June 30, 1983 (continued) The three of us, seated around the tiny dinner table, picked away at our food. Both Evie and Inez, sensing that I wanted to discuss something, had remained mostly silent. They were clearly affording me the chance to open up to them. But when I didn't immediately seize the opening, Evie decided to speak up. "Pat," she said in a voice that was soothing yet firm, "you're being unusually quiet. In fact, you seemed a little off last night at practice, too. What's...
Indru tamil kama kathaiyil ilamaiyaana magalum pinbu vithavai ammavaiyum eppadi usar seithu matter poten endru ungaluku solugiren. Suvarasiyam athigam irukum kama kathaikul selalam vaarungal, en peyar karthik. En veethiiyil oru pen ilamaiyaaga sexiyaaga irupaal, avalai thinamum sight adithu kondu irupen. Thinamum aval kalluri sendru varum pozhuthu iru velaiyilum sight adika arambithu viduven. Aval peyar nandhini vayathu 21 irukum, avaluku veetil aan thunai kidaiyaathu. Veetil oru amma iru...
The rain is coming down so hard I am idling along. I can barely see the ram's head hood ornament on my ten year old Dodge Ram 1500 crew cab pickup. I'm trying to get home to my family; my loving wife Brenda and my children Jake and Susan. I'm Bill by the way. Bill Long, I'm 39 and I'm on my way home early since this storm I'm fighting has cancelled flights all over the area. I was due to fly up to Dallas from Austin on business, but first the Dallas airfields at Love and DFW were closed...
July 29, 1985 "We'll be doing this again in a few weeks, when it's my turn to move," I muttered to Paul, as he and I struggled under the weight of the sofa. "So, I'll owe you." Dave, meanwhile, came up and grabbed one corner. "Come on, you wimps. It's not that heavy," he cackled. Dennis directed traffic as we brought the couch down from the van – the same one Lightning in a Bottle had been using for the last couple of years to haul our band equipment. It was now serving a new...
September 12, 2007 They resumed two nights after I disposed of the bottle in the Pacific Ocean. They were unexpected, a little frightening, and quite a bit intriguing. They were the Dreams, and they were back. This time, they appeared to illustrate my life in the original timeline, as if I had never gone back! They were different in some ways from the dreams that both my beloved and I had experienced many weeks ago. They were not your typical lucid dreams; what was truly strange was that I...
September 6, 1983 "Her name is Heather," Seamus told me over the phone, "and she's, like, really, really hot." As soon as those words tumbled out of his mouth, I had misgivings. He, of course, was talking about the source of the "girl issues" of which Dad had spoken. "I ran into her one day at the pool," my brother went on. "Pat, she had on this incredible bikini. We got to talking, and we've been hanging out a lot lately. She's starting ninth grade at St. James, just like me....
About a year ago I started writing a new novel length work in the same 'DiaperDimension' that my story Exchanged took place in. (The DiaperDimension was inspired by PrincessPottyPants original work, 'Alisa's Adventures in the Diaper Dimension'). I've written other works under another penname on this and other story sites, and had always completed them before posting. When I started writing a couple pieces of ABDL fiction I decided I was going to experiment writing as a serial writer...
By the end of the fifth year of touring it was becoming obvious that when not actually performing the girls weren't having a lot of fun anymore except in the studio. They played every concert with the same energy as they played their very first show five years ago, but it just wasn't the same anymore. They hadn't become jaded, just worn out. The road can do that to you. Bob had warned them and even though spaced out the road was wearing them down. They still had their spirit and their...
Life, on the whole, treats us pretty well. Sure, there are broken arms, lost keys, stolen cars and the odd break-up, but on balance, things could be worse. On second thought, though, I suppose life shows some preferential treatment with some people getting the lion’s share of the luck, and the rest left with the scraps. What can be said, is that into every life some rain must fall, and thus there has to be a little sunshine. This is a little story, about Joey’s little bit of...
Sunshine By Virginia Kane Standard caveat applies. Please do not post onto any other website without express written permission of the authoress. If reading explicit adult fiction is illegal where you live, or if you are not yet eighteen years of age, read no further and go do something innocent and constructive. 1. As was my usual recreational respite, I was window shopping at the mall one Friday evening, when a...
I cycled for a few miles out into the open empty countryside, it was amazing! no traffic and really quiet, I hadn’t seen another soul. I rolled down a country lane in warm sunshine. As I got to the bottom of the slope I realised my cock and balls were feeling a little “crushed” from the ride and pulled to the side near a copse of trees, to adjust myself and take the pressure off. I stepped of my cycle and put the stand down, then reached in and cupped my cock and balls to give them a little...
"I never did it on top. Just with Kevin, but we never did anything like this. It's too much. I've never been mindless or just floating in another place for so long. I've had enough," she whispered breathlessly. With that he said, "Lie next to me, precious. I am going to roll over." She stretched out and he rolled on top of her getting on his knees as he put a pillow under her hips. He put both arms around her and covered her mouth with his and thrust his tongue in her. Then, he...
August 1980 The summer began to wind down, and the countdown until the first day of school began. I found myself a job. I washed dishes at a nearby diner during the dinner shift, which was from 5p.m. to 10p.m. I worked three nights a week, and all day on Saturday. It was a fairly long walk from home, but I got used to it. Many times, either Mom or Dad picked me up at the end of the shift. Not exactly the type of work I'd grown accustomed to in my other life, but I was a teenager now, and I...
September 1, 2007 (continued) I paused for a minute to collect my wits. Then, I faced George, not at all confrontationally, but seeking answers. "Okay," I began. "It's obvious you know quite a bit about us – about me – and the secret I have. Either you overheard a conversation of ours, or you're a time traveler yourself." "Please excuse me," said a remorseful-sounding George. "I didn't mean to frighten you. But I have some things to share with you that are of vital importance, and...
Note : This story is completely fictional!In nineteen forty six Thelma Lou Anderson was married with three kids. Linda was the oldest. She was sixteen. Guy and George was ten and Guy seven. Thelma owned a beauty shop in Kansas City. She suspected her husband Lawerance was cheating on her again. She followed him one day when he thought she was at work and saw him go into a house. A woman opened the door and he went in. That was all the proof she needed. She went home and packed her suitcase and...
IncestNewark Concert Saturday, November 5, 2016 Paul & Paula 21 performs in Newark, New Jersey as the opening act for Michiko Takahashi. This concert is recorded in another document. The Treehouse Tour Friday, November 14, 2016 PLUR-MAkKikM, just outside Honolulu, HI The cameras were in place, and the television crew was in a shady spot of lawn with a tire swing visible in the background. It looked as if only reporter Cynthia Benet and the two singing ten-year-olds, Paula Akron and Paul...
Mother Ethel always enjoyed the short walk to the train station. It was beautiful Autumnal morning and Mother Ethel took the opportunity to walk to the train station as she knew that she had a very busy day ahead. Those that saw Mother Ethel along the way bowed reverently,they knew that Mother Ethel was a Nun of the Monastery of Repentance and when a Nun or a Monk walked past it was polite to bow, for many knew what the Nun's and Monk's of the Monastery were capable of. As Mother Ethel strolled...
December 10, 1980 November turned into December; Thanksgiving passed and Christmas approached. Patti and Evie were regular visitors in our house every Saturday. I was proud of myself for arranging that weekly get-together; it was proving to be quite beneficial not only for myself and both of them, but for my family as well. I continued to focus on my school work. I believed things were improving drastically, especially in French class, where Patti's assistance had given me a big boost. The...
Dot, Dorothea, and Dick Chapter One Dear sister: I found this letter among some others, scrolled up and tied with purple ribbon, in a chest belonging to our great grandfather. The name Charles has belonged to several in our family line, but I believe I know the one who received and saved this letter, and kept it preserved for so many years. I believe the letter speaks for itself, so I will now offer it up to you. Dearest Charles: I hope this missive finds you in such good...
Private Nature TourCome with me on an exclusive orally guided tour of this Park’s beautiful backcountry. This one on one adventure will expose you to the raw and naked beauty of nature’s wild side. I will blow you away as we explore lush valley bottoms and domineering peak tops. I guarantee you an explosive and climatic experience that will have you coming back for more. Tour departs from River Park Gazebo on Saturday’s at 9:00 a.m. Please tear a ticket off the bottom of this posting to...
Private Nature TourCome with me on an exclusive orally guided tour of this Park’s beautiful backcountry. This one on one adventure will expose you to the raw and naked beauty of nature’s wild side. I will blow you away as we explore lush valley bottoms and domineering peak tops. I guarantee you an explosive and climatic experience that will have you coming back for more. Tour departs from River Park Gazebo on Saturday’s at 9:00 a.m. Please tear a ticket off the bottom of this posting to...
Gay MaleAfter reading all the stories her, now I would like to share one of my real story happened two years ago. Our family had a tour during my age of 18. I can tell you it was the best tour I ever had. The fact is I had the best out of it. We are four, dad, mom, me and my sister. We had a tour in my holidays to Shimla. There we have decided to stay for a week. The tour was going to be the best I thought, but it becomes the fantastic. We reached Shimla and had a double bed room hotel. Let me explain...
IncestOur Last Day of School. I can’t believe it. This is my last day of school, I thought, not sure how I felt now that the long awaited day was here. Stepping out into the beautiful sunny afternoon, heading toward the group of waiting yellow school buses I breathed a sigh of relief. I was glad school was finished. Throughout High School like a ship at sea, I had plotted my course, studying hard. However, the Scholarship that many felt I had rightfully won had somehow ended up going to one of...
“What’s wrong? What’s wrong?”Anthea looked up at her mum as she sat down at the dining table. “Nothing is wrong,” Anthea responded watching as her mum hurriedly dried her hands with a tea towel.“Is the baby okay? Are you okay? Is Jack okay?” she asked as her husband came into the room and pulled up a seat at the table.“We’re all fine Mum,” she responded exasperated with her mum’s anxiety. “I have something to tell you.”“Sit down Helen,” her dad snapped. “Give the lass a chance to speak.”Anthea...
October 25, 1986 It would be trite to say that things went back to normal after the wedding and the honeymoon. We certainly settled back into a routine, but things were different now. This was a new normal, a "normal" enhanced with the knowledge that we were living the life we'd dreamed about for so long. At work, the status quo persisted. I put in my forty-hour weeks, resigning myself to the fact that I'd be working there for a while longer. My investments were certainly paying off,...
August 19, 1984 "You know that guy who's been trying to get my attention all summer? The one that tries to talk to me after almost every show?" Evie, who'd been uncharacteristically quiet and pensive, had finally decided to open up. It was a Sunday evening; we'd done an afternoon show, and the three of us were now lounging around in the apartment that Evie shared with my girlfriend. Inez and I had been trying to draw Evie out, which was a task that we'd never needed to undertake...
Natalie, the younger sister, looked dubiously at the narrow suspension bridge that Jenny was attempting to coax her mount across. Barely wide enough for a single person and swinging precariously in the wind, the structure didn’t appear inviting for a creature of the equine persuasion. Astride her grey appaloosa, Pepper, Natalie turned a worried glance up the other direction on the trail. A steep, rocky slope loomed. Hand and footholds abounded for a human, but it would be a treacherous...
THE HOUSE TOUR By GoGo The Wait Kathleen Montgomery looked at her watch with growing impatience. . . . ?Where was that little brat . . . . !?, ? she murmuredto now one in particular as she stood in the driveway of the secluded ?McMansion? thatshe hoped to sell with a final tour this morning. She mustn't get angry. Sheneeded to remember that this girl's father may be the client thatwould spring her to her all-time highest sales commission in her many yearsas a real estate agent. She had to...
Being me is pretty hard seeing as I can electrocute any living being upon contact and as an added bonus (which is good) I can control electricity at my will and absorb or distribute it. Ok I know that sounds really cool I mean who wouldn’t want to control lightning at their very will but imagine it going out of control and blacking out an entire city because you where hungry and couldn’t see in the dark so you decide to turn on the lights but accidentally eat and entire city’s worth of...
“Master.” Hal didn’t want to hear the voice. He didn’t want anything to intrude on whatever level of life he was now floating on. Eyes closed, a bed of unbelievable softness underneath him, the distant but comforting sounds of Josephine’s claws scratching on the dirt floor — and, best of all, the utterly satisfying feeling of having had his seed thoroughly drained out of his balls by the expert mouth of a beautiful woman. “Master.” He was...
Nina had worn the maxi dress in anticipation that it would be Zach who would be sliding it off her. She had laid in bed that morning, her fingers sliding over her moist slit in anticipation. In typical fashion, Zach had called at the last minute to say he was going biking with some buddies of his. She had been pissed and disappointed and not just a little hurt. Zach was such a typical child!Nina had wandered through the farmers’ market alone, her blonde hair flowing behind her. Eyes had turned...
Straight SexI was concentrating very hard on not screaming that I looked out the airplane window and I could see that it was starting to rain. It grew darker outside and I could of sworn I saw lightning out of the corner of my eye. It was getting hard for me to breathe so it felt good that the air was blowing above me and towards my head. How did I get here? I wondered to myself. I felt chills down my back the more Tommy moved his fingers inside me. I looked over to Gabriel and he was dead asleep...
Reluctance"God, Sheila, I got the best scrubbing. Maybe I'll get another chance," and moved back against her. "You'll get more than that before I'm through with you, and another chance, too." Then, Sheila turned Kelly around and kissed her avidly as their slippery breasts comingled in a long soapy slippery hug. "You made me feel wonderful, Kelly. I love being here with you." How can I not kiss her again? "That may be the best I ever had." Through a steamy fog on the mirror they saw their...
The morning Sheila had to go, she pulled Kelly into the double shower. Kelly soaped her and looked with her blue eyes directly into Sheila's, then engulfed Sheila in her arms and said, "Give me your tongue." They nourished on kisses and tongues and naked wet soapy bodies throbbing. Sheila ran her hands down Kelly's back to her ass and teased her slippery anus. When she put her finger slightly in then out several times, Kelly's ass clinched and her hips thrust in excitement. Then, Sheila...
February 11, 1983 We had a show scheduled for this evening; we'd booked a Friday night slot at one of the campus pubs. It was to be my first gig with Lightning in a Bottle that wasn't specifically for friends and family. But it didn't happen. Oh, don't get the wrong idea. It wasn't because of any misdeeds on my part, or a resumption of intra-band discontent. Not this time. Rather, the blame fell squarely on Mother Nature. The snow started falling early that afternoon, and within a few...
My Golden Summer with Blythe – Part 2 Josh’s childhood dream girl visits him in San Francisco. The Return of Blythe Coming from a small farming community, San Francisco proved to be everything Josh had ever imagined – and then some. He loved the freewheeling atmosphere – the friendliness – in short, he fell in love with the city by the Bay. Because of early retirements, and dedication to his work, he had advanced much quicker than he had ever expected. Arriving at his chic little Apartment...
Uther By Ellie Dauber (c) 2006 Introduction According to the legends of King Arthur, Merlin changed Uther Pendragon into a double for Duke Gorlois, so he could spend the night with Ygraine, the Duke's wife. Ygraine and Gorlois had three daughters: Elaine, Morgause, and Morgan le Faye. During their time together, Ygraine became pregnant with the child who was to become King Arthur. Uther's men killed Gorlois that same night. This is my TG (of course) version of what...
Hello to all my friends out there. I had a very great experience while on a tour to mumbai just about 2 weeks back. In my office there is this very beautiful, good looking lady, Jaya, she has the perfect figure, the right curves on her body everywhere, her breasts were firm, a sexy tummy and a tight ass, I think everyone in the office wants to bed her, but I was the first among them. We had arranged a company tour to mumbai for the holidays and everyone had gone about 100 of us, the first day...
Chapter 11: Althea, the School Girl The infernal screeching of the alarm clock awoke Cal from his reverie. He had been up for about a half-hour, but he had only been lying in bed next to the love of his life. Althea's arms were still clutched about him as he stealthily clicked the snooze button, assuming that it was six o' five in the morning, his usual waking time during the school week. He had been thinking long and hard about the previous two nights. Evan... what have you become? He...
edited by Master Ken Wednesday, September 4th, 2013 "Hi, I am Miss Blythe," I said to my class, writing my name on the whiteboard with a red dry-erase marker. "I will be your World History teacher." It was the first day of the new school year and, as I launched into the course syllabus, my thoughts kept drifting to that day in June at the end of the last term, when my Living God, the Holy Mark Glassner, walked into this very classroom and changed my very outlook on life. I didn't know...
The the wind howled around the quayside as I stepped onto terra firma for the first time in weeks, the wind threw sharp shards of ice to sting our faces as we looked up at the sails as they were finally furled and stowed as our captain grinned at our discomfiture, "Au revoir!" he joked as if he knew we should soon be recalled. Those such as were left, and we were few enough, I shuddered. My best uniform packed securely in my Valise, awaited me, and just a few more duties before I...
As he approached one of the hall's long mirrors he stopped to inspect himself. It was a familiar sight, the flowing, billowy French maid outfit surrounding his body. His arms and legs were outlined in silky, white stockings and arm-gloves. He wore pearl earrings and the lacy white collar around his neck was adorned with a beautiful pendant. It was a gift from mother that he wore every day, without fail. Jon's painted red lips and neatly applied eyeliner and blush were evidence that he was...
PREFACE:There are no sex acts in the story but the patient does have an orgasm as a result of the Ther****t’s physical examination. Part 1 is the Sex Therapy appointment from the patient’s point of view and part 2 is the same examination seen through the eyes of the Ther****t. I don’t think it matters which one you read first.I hope you enjoy it and will let me know what you think in any...