Lightning In A BottleChapter 75: Full Circle free porn video

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July 10, 2007

I don't usually remember my dreams very well, unless I happen to wake up in the middle of one. However, the night after we decided to take part in the band competition in New Jersey, I had a dream unlike any I'd ever had before.

It was so vivid, and so detailed, it didn't seem like a dream at all. In it, I was an observer. I merely took in the happenings around me, with the people appearing like actors in a play. I was positioned inside what appeared to be a hotel lobby during the daylight hours. Although the sun was shining brightly outside, the fact that some folks were toting wet umbrellas pointed toward a very recent rainstorm.

Upon closer inspection, the dream-me recognized this locale. It was the lobby of the Flanders Hotel in Ocean City, New Jersey, the beach resort where we'd vacationed annually during my childhood in the first go-round. People were milling about, some seemingly headed for the beach, some headed for the boardwalk, others just content to hang out in the hotel. Their attire, however, seemed from a bygone era. There was a newspaper sitting on a nearby counter; I took a glance at the date at the top of page one. It read: Sunday, May 31, 1964. At that point in American history, May 30 was the fixed date for Memorial Day (rather than the last Monday in May), so this would have been Memorial Day weekend.

Suddenly, my dream-eyes were drawn toward a wide stairway entrance. Coming down from the upper floors was a very young version of my parents – much younger than I could ever remember seeing them. Still, I had viewed many family pictures in both timelines, so there was no mistaking who they were. Mom was holding a child, who was little more than an infant. Right behind them was another couple. The second couple was equally handsome, but their obvious Latino heritage provided great contrast to my parents. The Latino couple seemed quite familiar, and struck up a conversation with Mom and Dad. Meanwhile, further up the stairway, a couple of young teens were roughhousing with a beach ball.

"What a beautiful boy you have," said the lovely young Hispanic woman to my parents.

"Your girl will certainly break some hearts. She's adorable," smiled my mother.

For a brief second I saw both babies' hands reach out, momentarily touching and grasping the other's hand.

"Looks like they want to be friends," laughed the other man.

"I wish we had more time to chat, but we need to get checked out and back out on the road," said my father, sounding regretful.

As he said this, I saw a beach ball fly over the two families' heads and bounce harmlessly away through the lobby, generating a few annoyed looks from passersby. I then heard a woman's voice coming from above. "Timmy and Tommy! Stop playing with that ball on the stairs! It's dangerous!"

The four descending adults paid no mind to the errant object. With their two children in tow, they made their way to the bottom of the stairway. The dream faded as I watched my parents waving to the other couple, with my father moving off toward the checkout desk.

There in our bed, it took me a few minutes to realize that I'd been dreaming. It was still dark outside; the clock informed me it was 3:47a.m. Just then, I saw Inez stirring. There in the very dim light provided by the alarm clock display, I saw her eyes reluctantly open.

"Wow, sweetie," said Inez groggily. "You won't believe the dream I just had."

"I had a strange dream, too," I rasped, still not fully awake myself.

After a round of "Tell me your dream. No, you tell me yours," I agreed to go first. I told the story in full detail. When I finished, my wife stared at me blankly, but with a hint of incredulity.

"You won't believe this," she started.

"Believe what?"

"My dream was almost the same as yours. Almost. It's uncanny. But it finished up differently. Mine was, um, darker than yours – a lot more depressing. There's another thing I want to mention. That Latino couple in your dream? They were my parents, and the baby was me. I'm sure of that."

"I thought that might have been the case," I said in awe, "but I wasn't certain. How do you know?"

"Because like I said, your dream and my dream were almost identical at first. What I didn't realize until you told me just now was that the other couple in my dream was your parents, and the other baby was you."

"Okay. We've now established that we both dreamed simultaneously that we met as very young children." I paused for a moment, before adding, "This is just too weird."

"It's even weirder than you think," said my sweetie. "Let me tell you how my dream differed from yours. It was identical right up to the point where you said we touched hands. I even saw the newspaper with the May 31, 1964 date."

"Wow," I croaked, feeling a strange tightness in my throat.

"But I never saw us touch hands," Inez went on. "Here's where it gets ... disturbing. The conversation between our parents was much shorter than you made it out to be when you described your dream. They said a few words to each other and were about to go on their way. And you know that beach ball you mentioned? It hit your dad in the back of the head. It caused him to lose his balance, and he went tumbling down the stairs."

"He did?" I gasped.

Inez nodded. "It gets even worse. He landed on the suitcase he was carrying at a funny angle. It looked like it caught him right in the gut. He was lying on the ground, rolling around, yelling out in pain. I watched my dad go running out the door, looking for medical help. Your mom and my mom, and a couple of bystanders, were trying to help your dad, who was really in agony."

"Oh shit," was all I could squeak out. "At least it's just a dream, right?"

"Some medics arrived pretty quickly, and Papi and Mami stayed around to do what they could. One of the medics said that your dad was seriously injured, but the injuries were not life-threatening. At that point, my parents left your dad in the hands of the professionals, and I saw them leave. That's when I woke up."

We lay there in uncomfortable silence for a moment.

"So what do you make of this?" Inez asked me.

"I don't know. But I think we should tell your parents about these dreams in the morning, just to get their reaction."

Neither of us, however, was prepared for the surprise her parents dumped upon us at the breakfast table.

As I was sharing the details of my dream, Lupe tried to speak out, but her husband hushed her by gently raising his hand. It was apparent that he wanted to hear everything before commenting. Inez went next, and when she finished her story, Javier said what was on his mind.

"Pat, what you dreamed last night really happened. It happened exactly as you described it, with not a single inaccuracy." Lupe accentuated his words with a firm nod.

Inez and I just gaped at each other, speechless.

"Even the date you mentioned was probably right, Pat," said Lupe. "Inez was a little over a year old, and it was around Memorial Day. We came to New Jersey from Puerto Rico to visit a friend of ours – the same friend who helped Rosie and Raul move to New Jersey years later. One day, they had things to do, and we decided to drive down to Ocean City and stay overnight."

"Wow, I never knew you visited Ocean City," Inez was able to interject.

"I guess we never had any reason to mention it before," her mother continued. "We stayed there in the Flanders Hotel, on the fourth floor. Anyway, one thing I remember is that about an hour before all this happened, a thunderstorm passed through the area. A bolt of lightning hit the hotel and knocked out the power. It had been partially restored by the time we left. But the elevator was still out of service, so we had to walk down the stairs." A feeling of unease, which I couldn't assign to anything tangible, came over me with the mention of a lightning strike.

Javier picked up the story from there. "That's when we met that couple with the very young son. Yes, it's true, Inez and the little boy touched hands. I had forgotten about the beach ball bouncing around, but now that you mention it, yeah, that happened too. Something else important happened that day. Right after we left the hotel, we went out for lunch. I met up with a man who would become a good friend of mine, as well as an important business contact. Remember my friend Antonio, mi hija?" Inez nodded in acknowledgment, as Javier continued to speak. "He helped me get the business set up in Florida when we made the move to the mainland a few years later. Without his help, the business wouldn't have been nearly as successful."

"So, Pat," Lupe said slowly, "you're saying that other couple might have been your parents? And that small child with them was... you?"

"There's one way to find out for sure," I said, as I picked up my cell phone. Mom answered right away, and I told her about my dream.

"Why ... yes, Patrick, it happened exactly as you described it. I remember that day, clear as can be."

"Incredible," I muttered. "Absolutely incredible."

"Are you telling me," Mom went on, "that the couple we met on the stairs were Javier and Lupe? And the baby girl was Inez?"

I ended up handing the phone to Lupe, letting the two of them marvel excitedly at this revelation. "Yes, Ruth, I remember the thunderstorm and the power failure!" Lupe said excitedly at one point. "How could I forget that?"

Meanwhile, Inez addressed a question to her father that no one had asked yet. "Papi, that part of my dream about Pat's dad falling down the stairs ... that never happened, right?"

"It most certainly did not. I'd recall something like that. In fact, now that I think about it, I remember walking with them all the way down the stairs, and saying goodbye near the checkout desk."

Soon, Lupe got off the phone with Mom, and had some words of wisdom to offer Inez and me. "I can't get over the fact that you two met unknowingly, with both sets of parents around, when you were each a year old. Even reaching out to touch each other's hands, if Pat's version is correct. It's as if your relationship – and your marriage – was preordained by God."

Later on that evening, when we finally had a quiet moment, I put forth a question to Inez.

"What do you think it all means? You're the psychologist here."

"I really can't say. This is outside the scope of my knowledge," she declared matter-of-factly. "Let's see if something happens further down the road to clarify things."

July 12, 2007

It took all of two days for that to happen.

I had another extremely lifelike dream. Once again, I was an onlooker. I saw myself in my childhood home, a young lad of about kindergarten age, sprawled out on the floor of the living room, drawing on a piece of paper with crayons. A old black and white TV, perched precariously on four wobbly wooden legs with a rabbit-ear antenna protruding upward from the back of the box, was transmitting a fuzzy picture, along with a mixture of static and the occasional legible words. Nonetheless, it was quite apparent that the TV was tuned into coverage of the assassination of Robert F. Kennedy, which had happened the day before my fifth birthday.

My parents were seated on a ratty old sofa I couldn't ever recall seeing before. They were having a serious discussion, and their woebegone faces informed me that they were delving into a depressing topic. Mom appeared near tears, and my father – who for as long as I'd known him had always projected a strong, in-control demeanor – seemed overwhelmed and lost.

"Look at Patrick over there," Dad said softly. "He's five now, and we can't even afford to give him a suitable birthday party. He's always telling us how much he wants a brother or a sister. That will never happen. We've been dreaming about moving into a nicer house for so long now. That goal is no closer than it was the day we were married."

"Jim, don't beat yourself up. What happened is not your fault," Mom said, trying to sound soothing. Dad was indeed berating himself to a degree I'd never before witnessed.

"And it's all because of that damn accident in the hotel in Ocean City," Dad went on angrily. "All those medical bills, which our insurance hardly made a dent in! All the time missed from work! I've been passed over for promotion after promotion, and now, it seems as though my career has stalled out forever. You even had to go out and get a job to support us. And on top of all that, as a result of my injuries, I'll never be able to father any children. Sometimes, I feel as though I'm one step above useless."

As the young Pat continued to color and draw, his childhood innocence rendering him oblivious to the distress his parents were experiencing, Mom continued to voice the sentiment that my father should not blame himself. She sounded like someone who'd repeated that same tired mantra over and over again.

"And then, adding insult to injury," continued my father, "the damn hotel just made me a VIP for life. Which would have been great – if we could afford to stay there sometime. They're just worried that I might try to sue them before the statute of limitations runs out. Hell, I could sue them – or sue somebody – if I wanted to. But I'm just not the litigious type."

"Neither am I," my mother assured him.

"Patrick deserves a better life than this," Dad voiced sadly. "He should be able to..." The scene began to fade out at that point, and soon, I was wide awake, and looking into my wife's curious eyes. She was quite awake herself, even though it was the middle of the night.

"I just had another dream," I said right away.

"Me too," she said quietly.

"You go first this time."

She nodded. "I was a little girl of five or six. I was in the house where we lived in Florida. It was the same house, but it was ... different, somehow. The house was less furnished and less kept up than I ever remember. I got the feeling that we were rather poor. I can't ever recall being in that kind of a state. My parents were having a little chat, and it was quite depressing to listen to.

"We had moved from Puerto Rico to Florida not too long before. Papi was talking, over and over again, about how worried he was about his business. He was just getting started, and he felt overwhelmed. He kept saying how nice it would be to have a business partner, or an advisor ... someone who knew the business, to shoulder some of the risk. That's it, in a nutshell. The whole dream was pretty much a downer. Now, tell me about yours."

I did so, and after I finished, we remained silent for a moment. It was Inez who broke the silence.

"I think I know what's going on here."

"I think I do, too."

"These dreams are providing us with some of the missing pieces in our time-travel puzzle. It's up to us to figure out where they fit."

July 15, 2007

Very early this morning, we were given a couple more pieces.

I paid another very stark, lifelike visit to dreamland. I found myself watching what was undoubtedly a teenage version of myself standing in a partially open phone booth, punching out a phone number, wearing a Led Zeppelin T-shirt, a pair of jeans and a pair of white tennis shoes.

"Hello ... Debbie?" the teenage Pat uttered, sounding hesitant and uncertain.

I watched as my youthful counterpart began to nod, repeatedly and with increasing enthusiasm. "Oh, yeah," he said over and over, the smile on his face growing. At one point, he voiced, "Yeah, I'd really like that," in reply to a seemingly suggestive – perhaps even lurid – remark from the unseen Debbie.

His look suddenly grew serious. "I won't tell anyone," he voiced. "I'll get my buddy to drop me off in the area. Not too close. I won't tell him exactly where I'm going." He ended the conversation, then fed another quarter into the slot in the pay phone, and punched out a new set of numbers.

"Come pick me up now," he said into the receiver before hanging up quickly.

Soon, a beat-up four-door vehicle arrived on the scene, its navigator recklessly hitting the brakes suddenly and with full force, the tires squealing in protest. I watched as the other me got into the passenger side. At that stage, I assumed the viewpoint of a passenger in the back seat of the car. I recognized the driver as none other than Joe Myers. Joe was one of those racist "friends" who'd deserted me when I decided to take Evie to the senior prom.

I remembered Joe's car; I'd ridden in it once or twice. It was a mid-1960s Rambler with peeling exterior paint, hole-ridden interior upholstery, and quite a few parts under the hood which operated in a sub-optimal manner. The vehicle was, to put it bluntly, a heap of shit.

Moments later, Joe had the car careening down a back road at an excessive rate of speed. The sky was growing darker off to the left; it seemed that a storm was brewing. Inside the car, the conversation that was taking place was neither refined nor mature, but very typical of two teenage males.

"So, give it up about this chick," grinned Joe.

"I met her at the Genesis concert at the Spectrum. You should see this fox – a brunette with a killer body. I've been talking to her on the phone a lot. Get this – she's in college. Just finished her freshman year."

"Whoa there, guy ... an older chick! I'm impressed. Why all the secrecy?

"She says she has a boyfriend who lives right down the street. We're meeting up ... um, not too far from where she lives. She's been telling me on the phone how good she is at giving head. I'm gonna find out if she's telling the truth."

"Damn, dude! A BJ from a college chick! Hope her boyfriend doesn't find out. Anyway, what's up with that blonde bitch you been boffing?" Joe suddenly inquired. "She's fine. You still tapping into that pussy, or what?"

"You mean Diana Caldwell. Let me tell you, guy, that girl is psycho. One day she puts out like she can't get enough. Then, the next day, she goes frigid and won't talk to me for a week. I've been avoiding her for a couple weeks now. You know how it is, dude. New worlds to conquer."

Joe and my counterpart began laughing fiendishly. More profane conversation ensued, dealing primarily with sexual acts and the female anatomy. All of a sudden, the other me cried out, "Let me out right here!"

Joe, after slamming the brakes once again, gave a puzzled look. "Here?! Are you out of your fucking mind? This is out in the sticks, man! And look at the sky ... it's gonna rain!" As if to accentuate that point, a distant rumble of thunder could be heard.

"I think the storm's gonna miss us," said the other me, sounding nonplussed. "It's not that close. All in the name of the pursuit of pussy, right?"

Joe laughed at that wisecrack. "Well, all right, then," he replied a little doubtfully. "It's not my ass that's gonna get wet. You need a ride back home later?"

"Naaah. Debbie says she'll drop me off ... afterward." We both laughed again, and Joe sped off in his clunker. My counterpart walked slowly along the road, the pace of his stride brisk and eager, before veering off into a wooded area. Now, the thunder grew louder, accompanied by lightning flashes, the time span between the flashes and their accompanying rumbles decreasing. Continuing onward, the other me looked increasingly flustered, unsure, and downright lost as he absent-mindedly – and foolishly – wandered into a weed-strewn, grassy field, with a lone tree in the center. I remembered that field quite well. That's when it happened. As the young Pat passed in the vicinity of the tree, a massive bolt of lightning shot down from the heavens, accompanied by a deafening roar of thunder. The tree was split in two in a spectacular shower of sparks, as the other me fell motionless to the ground.

I awoke, and instantly sat bolt upright in the bed. "I know how it happened now!" I sang out excitedly.

Inez, already awake, had been lying there quietly. Still, she appeared startled by my sudden awakening. She gaped at me for a second or two. This time, daylight was already filtering through the curtains.

"How what happened?" she finally got out.

"I know how I ended up in that field where I found myself right after the lightning strike!" I exclaimed. I proceeded to tell her the story. She listened intently, but didn't offer much in the way of commentary. She seemed a little out of sorts, and I thought I knew why.

"You had a dream too," I said, running my finger lovingly across her cheek.

"I did," she acknowledged. She sat up in the bed to face me directly. "I was about eighteen years old. I'd just found out I was pregnant. I was sitting down with my parents at our kitchen table, talking about the situation. The father of the baby was that jerk Randy, as I suspected. He'd blown me off completely once he found out. I could tell that our standard of living was, again, nothing like what I was used to. Papi was telling me over and over that he and Mami still loved me, no matter what. They told me they'd help out with the baby when the time came, and that they still wanted me to go to college. I can't believe how understanding and supportive they were. It makes me feel sad, you know?" She appeared to be near tears.

"Remember, angel, that was not the reality that we are living in," I assured her, as she rested her head against my shoulder.

"But it was reality in another dimension, or whatever you want to call it," she pointed out. "And what happened a couple of years later, in that reality?"

Her point had been driven home. She squeezed my hand, got up from the bed, and headed for the door.

"Where are you going?" I said, just a little alarmed.

She gave a small nod of reassurance. "I just want to go and hug my parents."

It was Sunday, and later that afternoon, Inez and I retreated to the bedroom to discuss things further. I sat down on the bed; she rested her head in my lap.

"I'm fine," she assured me, flashing a bright smile, in response to my look of concern. "It's just that when it comes to these dreams, I'm getting all the bad parts."

"Yes, you are," I said with a sympathetic chuckle. "It started with my dad falling down the stairs, and went from there." That drew a nervous laugh from both of us.

"So, let's summarize what these dreams have told us," suggested Inez.

"We've had three sets of dreams," I began. "In the first set, the Ocean City set, my dream was in the timeline we are now living in. Yours was set in the other timeline – the unhappy one, if you will. Things changed with the second set of dreams. Both yours and mine, apparently by necessity, were set in the other, unhappy timeline. The most recent set of dreams, dealing with our late teen years, mirrored the first set. I dreamed in the current timeline, you dreamed in the other one.

"Let's start with what happened that day in 1964 in Ocean City. In the timeline we are living in now, your parents and my parents met up on a stairway inside the Flanders Hotel. You and I were about a year old, and we reached out and touched each other's hands. This caused our parents to strike up a conversation, and that damn beach ball went bouncing by harmlessly. The O'Malleys checked out of the hotel and went on their way. The Trujillos went out to eat, and ran into Antonio, who was instrumental in helping your dad build a successful business. We've verified with our parents that all of this really happened.

"Then, there was the other timeline. Our parents met on the stairway, but for some reason, we didn't reach out for each other. As a result, their conversation was very brief. That put my dad directly in the path of the beach ball, he fell down the stairs, and suffered a horrible injury that disabled him for a long time and made him unable to father any more children. Hence, no Eileen and no Seamus in that timeline. Dad was out of work for an extended period of time, and our standard of living suffered greatly. Your parents stopped to assist my dad. Because of that, they were delayed in going to lunch, and never met up with Antonio. This negatively impacted your standard of living. Does that pretty much sum it up?"

"Wonderfully," smiled my wife.

"There's ones thing that bugs me, though," I added. "I lived forty-four years in the other timeline. How come my parents never told me about my dad's accident?"

"You have to factor in," Inez offered, "how different things were back when we were growing up. Your dad and mom – mine too – are products of that time period. Parents didn't often discuss serious topics with their kids, especially when it came to things like financial struggles and infertility. Here's something else to consider. We both know that your dad is a very proud man. That accident must have devastated his confidence and his self-image, and I'm not at all surprised that it dealt his career a permanent setback."

We mulled that over for a short while. "There's another clue in these dreams that we haven't thought about," declared Inez. "In the unhappy timeline, I attended college in Florida until my parents' accident. Obviously, with my pregnancy, attending college out of state would have been impractical. But when you add in the fact that my parents were struggling financially, it explains why they might not have been able to consider sending me to an out of state university like Rutgers."

At that point, with only one topic left undressed, all I could offer was a sheepish grin. "And then ... we have the story of how I wound up in the path of a lightning bolt in this timeline."

My wife merely rolled her eyes and gave me a disapproving sideways glance, although I sensed her tongue was in her cheek.

"Come on," I laughed. "Who among us hasn't done something embarrassing at seventeen years of age?"

Inez giggled, and began to tickle me. "You're right, Mr. Oral Sex in the Woods." A prolonged tickling session ensued, which evolved into the squeezing of various body parts, which in turn resulted in our clothes being strewn about the room, and the two of us eventually lying naked on the bed in a state of sexual satiety.

"Good thing the girls and my parents are busy right now," Inez giggled. "Anyway, tell me something. After you arrived in this timeline, did Joe ever ask you what happened with that girl?"

"He might have," I replied, "but I can't recall it. The thing is, I wouldn't have seen Joe until a few months later, when school started. I'm sure he must have brought it up, but I wouldn't have known what he was talking about. I probably gave him the same noncommittal type answer I was giving everyone else right about then." I paused for a moment, and then brought up another point. "Imagine that. None other than Joe Myers played a role in bringing me into this timeline. I can't wait to tell Evie!"

"What about the girl Debbie? Do you recall anything about her?"

"Not a thing. Maybe she just figured I stood her up, and let the whole thing drop. More likely, she stood me up. Even more likely, she was just messing with me the whole time." I paused briefly, before offering up another observation. "Ever since I arrived in this life, I've been wondering how I ended up in that open field. Now I know. What could be more fitting? I was in search of cheap, tawdry sex."

Inez giggled again, said "You're a guy," and resumed tickling me furiously.

August 18, 2007

The dreams ceased at that point. They were, if not completely forgotten, at least pushed into the backgrounds of our minds. The excitement of the approaching Lightning in a Bottle reunion moved to the forefront of our consciousness.

Today was Saturday, a mere two weeks before the big talent show. Javier and Lupe were off on one of their Saturday excursions – something they still did on a regular basis. Both were pushing seventy now, yet they remained fit and active. Inez, Lexie, Tina and I decided to head for the mall. The girls wanted to help their mother choose an outfit for the show. They, along with their grandparents, would of course be traveling east with Inez and me. And they were every bit as excited about it as we were.

At the mall, the four of us sat down in the food court and had lunch together. A lively conversation sprung up, centering on what songs we planned to do at the show. Lexie and Tina kept throwing out suggestions, mostly tunes that had come out in the last few years. We loved their enthusiasm, but had to keep telling them repeatedly, "That's not really our style." However, Lexie eventually managed to come close to hitting a bulls-eye.

"'My Immortal' by Evanescence," she suggested.

I looked thoughtfully over at Inez. "I'd love to hear you sing that one."

"It's ... probably something we could handle," Inez agreed. "But the problem is, it's much too sad of a song to do at a show like this."

Amid a chorus of "Aw, Mom!" and "That would be great!" I raised my hand. "Your mother is right," I declared. The Dad Speaks.

"Besides, there are six people in the band, and the six of us will choose our material together," Inez pointed out.

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Lightning in a BottleChapter 57 Putting Humpty Dumpty Together Again

April 22, 1985 It was yet another Monday afternoon; I rested there in Inez's bed, with her in my arms, the both of us just having come down from the high of lovemaking. She was almost back to being herself; her sensitive nature didn't hold up well to an onslaught like Eileen had leveled upon her, and soothing her psyche had been a long and drawn-out process. Even though no resolution to the impasse was in sight, I felt hopeful that my sweetie would be just fine. "Do you love me, mi...

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Lightning in a BottleChapter 60 Closing Time

July 29, 1985 "We'll be doing this again in a few weeks, when it's my turn to move," I muttered to Paul, as he and I struggled under the weight of the sofa. "So, I'll owe you." Dave, meanwhile, came up and grabbed one corner. "Come on, you wimps. It's not that heavy," he cackled. Dennis directed traffic as we brought the couch down from the van – the same one Lightning in a Bottle had been using for the last couple of years to haul our band equipment. It was now serving a new...

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Lightning in a BottleChapter 78 Unexpected Revelations

September 12, 2007 They resumed two nights after I disposed of the bottle in the Pacific Ocean. They were unexpected, a little frightening, and quite a bit intriguing. They were the Dreams, and they were back. This time, they appeared to illustrate my life in the original timeline, as if I had never gone back! They were different in some ways from the dreams that both my beloved and I had experienced many weeks ago. They were not your typical lucid dreams; what was truly strange was that I...

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LightningChapter 5

"I never did it on top. Just with Kevin, but we never did anything like this. It's too much. I've never been mindless or just floating in another place for so long. I've had enough," she whispered breathlessly. With that he said, "Lie next to me, precious. I am going to roll over." She stretched out and he rolled on top of her getting on his knees as he put a pillow under her hips. He put both arms around her and covered her mouth with his and thrust his tongue in her. Then, he...

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Lightning in a BottleChapter 9 Back To School

August 1980 The summer began to wind down, and the countdown until the first day of school began. I found myself a job. I washed dishes at a nearby diner during the dinner shift, which was from 5p.m. to 10p.m. I worked three nights a week, and all day on Saturday. It was a fairly long walk from home, but I got used to it. Many times, either Mom or Dad picked me up at the end of the shift. Not exactly the type of work I'd grown accustomed to in my other life, but I was a teenager now, and I...

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Lightning in a BottleChapter 55 The Sunshine State Tour

December 4, 1984 Thanksgiving break came and went. A chain reaction of family obligations resulted in Inez and me not being together on Thanksgiving. Dave's uncle, who lived a couple of hours away in Pennsylvania, was holding an extravagant Thanksgiving bash. Eileen really wanted to go, and Dad and Mom reluctantly agreed to allow her to do so. Meanwhile, there was another large affair planned at the Andrade residence. Naturally, both Inez and I were invited. "You know what my Tio Raul's...

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Lightning in a BottleChapter 76 Answers and More Questions

September 1, 2007 (continued) I paused for a minute to collect my wits. Then, I faced George, not at all confrontationally, but seeking answers. "Okay," I began. "It's obvious you know quite a bit about us – about me – and the secret I have. Either you overheard a conversation of ours, or you're a time traveler yourself." "Please excuse me," said a remorseful-sounding George. "I didn't mean to frighten you. But I have some things to share with you that are of vital importance, and...

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Lightning ch 1

Being me is pretty hard seeing as I can electrocute any living being upon contact and as an added bonus (which is good) I can control electricity at my will and absorb or distribute it. Ok I know that sounds really cool I mean who wouldn’t want to control lightning at their very will but imagine it going out of control and blacking out an entire city because you where hungry and couldn’t see in the dark so you decide to turn on the lights but accidentally eat and entire city’s worth of...

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Lightning can strike twice 8211 even in an orgy

“Master.” Hal didn’t want to hear the voice. He didn’t want anything to intrude on whatever level of life he was now floating on. Eyes closed, a bed of unbelievable softness underneath him, the distant but comforting sounds of Josephine’s claws scratching on the dirt floor — and, best of all, the utterly satisfying feeling of having had his seed thoroughly drained out of his balls by the expert mouth of a beautiful woman. “Master.” He was...

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Nina had worn the maxi dress in anticipation that it would be Zach who would be sliding it off her. She had laid in bed that morning, her fingers sliding over her moist slit in anticipation. In typical fashion, Zach had called at the last minute to say he was going biking with some buddies of his. She had been pissed and disappointed and not just a little hurt. Zach was such a typical child!Nina had wandered through the farmers’ market alone, her blonde hair flowing behind her. Eyes had turned...

Straight Sex
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Lightning Over Arizona Part II

  I was concentrating very hard on not screaming that I looked out the airplane window and I could see that it was starting to rain.  It grew darker outside and I could of sworn I saw lightning out of the corner of my eye.  It was getting hard for me to breathe so it felt good that the air was blowing above me and towards my head.  How did I get here? I wondered to myself.  I felt chills down my back the more Tommy moved his fingers inside me.  I looked over to Gabriel and he was dead asleep...

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LightningChapter 7

"God, Sheila, I got the best scrubbing. Maybe I'll get another chance," and moved back against her. "You'll get more than that before I'm through with you, and another chance, too." Then, Sheila turned Kelly around and kissed her avidly as their slippery breasts comingled in a long soapy slippery hug. "You made me feel wonderful, Kelly. I love being here with you." How can I not kiss her again? "That may be the best I ever had." Through a steamy fog on the mirror they saw their...

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LightningChapter 8

The morning Sheila had to go, she pulled Kelly into the double shower. Kelly soaped her and looked with her blue eyes directly into Sheila's, then engulfed Sheila in her arms and said, "Give me your tongue." They nourished on kisses and tongues and naked wet soapy bodies throbbing. Sheila ran her hands down Kelly's back to her ass and teased her slippery anus. When she put her finger slightly in then out several times, Kelly's ass clinched and her hips thrust in excitement. Then, Sheila...

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Lightning in a BottleChapter 12 Not Just Another New Years Eve

December 10, 1980 November turned into December; Thanksgiving passed and Christmas approached. Patti and Evie were regular visitors in our house every Saturday. I was proud of myself for arranging that weekly get-together; it was proving to be quite beneficial not only for myself and both of them, but for my family as well. I continued to focus on my school work. I believed things were improving drastically, especially in French class, where Patti's assistance had given me a big boost. The...

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Lightning in a BottleChapter 32 Snow Money and Romance

February 11, 1983 We had a show scheduled for this evening; we'd booked a Friday night slot at one of the campus pubs. It was to be my first gig with Lightning in a Bottle that wasn't specifically for friends and family. But it didn't happen. Oh, don't get the wrong idea. It wasn't because of any misdeeds on my part, or a resumption of intra-band discontent. Not this time. Rather, the blame fell squarely on Mother Nature. The snow started falling early that afternoon, and within a few...

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Lightning in a BottleChapter 53 The Ugly Side of Publicity

August 19, 1984 "You know that guy who's been trying to get my attention all summer? The one that tries to talk to me after almost every show?" Evie, who'd been uncharacteristically quiet and pensive, had finally decided to open up. It was a Sunday evening; we'd done an afternoon show, and the three of us were now lounging around in the apartment that Evie shared with my girlfriend. Inez and I had been trying to draw Evie out, which was a task that we'd never needed to undertake...

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Lightning in a BottleChapter 69 The New Normal

October 25, 1986 It would be trite to say that things went back to normal after the wedding and the honeymoon. We certainly settled back into a routine, but things were different now. This was a new normal, a "normal" enhanced with the knowledge that we were living the life we'd dreamed about for so long. At work, the status quo persisted. I put in my forty-hour weeks, resigning myself to the fact that I'd be working there for a while longer. My investments were certainly paying off,...

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Lightning Over Arizona Part II

  I was concentrating very hard on not screaming that I looked out the airplane window and I could see that it was starting to rain.  It grew darker outside and I could of sworn I saw lightning out of the corner of my eye.  It was getting hard for me to breathe so it felt good that the air was blowing above me and towards my head.  How did I get here? I wondered to myself.  I felt chills down my back the more Tommy moved his fingers inside me.  I looked over to Gabriel and he was dead asleep...

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Lightning doesnt strike twice

They say lightning doesn’t strike twice, but I can honestly say, “sometimes it does.” It was a lazy Saturday afternoon. My wife Kara and I had just finished lunch. I was going to hit the gym and then take care of a few errands that needed to be done. Kara, knowing that I tend to lose track of time when I’m out of the house, had invited her friend Michelle over to hang out and have a drink. Michelle is a thin brunette with long hair and blue-green eyes. She’s a very natural looking girl, I...

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Lightning doesnt strike twice

They say lightning doesn’t strike twice, but I can honestly say, “sometimes it does.” It was a lazy Saturday afternoon. My wife Kara and I had just finished lunch. I was going to hit the gym and then take care of a few errands that needed to be done. Kara, knowing that I tend to lose track of time when I’m out of the house, had invited her friend Michelle over to hang out and have a drink. Michelle is a thin brunette with long hair and blue-green eyes. She’s a very natural looking girl; I mean...

Group Sex
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Lightning Over Arizona

  Everything that could have gone wrong this morning did go wrong.  We were rushing to the airport to catch our flight.  Gabriel whined the whole way there saying that we were late because of me.   I was so worn out by Gabriel’s bad attitude for like the past week now that I didn’t want to argue with him.   I don’t know what was bothering him, but I could tell you this, I was not about to let him ruin my trip to Arizona. We boarded the plane and looked for our seats and out of the blue I got...

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LightningChapter 9

She went home to call Greg. "I went to the hospital to see Madeline. She was very helpful and she is one of your real fans." She sighed audibly. "I felt much better after talking to her. She is a gold mine of information." "She is a princess. What she says she will do, she does. That's so rare in volunteers. Everyone wants her for committee work. She adopted me when my wife left." Before she thought, she blurted emotionally, "Why did she leave you?" After a long silence on the...

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Lightning in a BottleChapter 29 Dysfunctional Outfit

Thanksgiving 1982 It was decided that we would have our first band practice the second Friday after Thanksgiving break at the home of Inez's uncle and aunt. This would give Inez a couple of extra weeks to recover fully. We'd ease back into it slowly, perhaps having a couple more practices before Christmas. Of course, we all had final exams to wade through as well, except, of course, Eileen. We'd try to get together over winter break a couple of times, and then hit the ground running as...

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Lightning in a BottleChapter 35 PacMan Fever

May 2, 1983 Life went on. I caught sight of Julia multiple times over the next several days; she said nothing to me, and made it a point to avert her eyes whenever I was in the vicinity. It was next to impossible not to run into her frequently, for every time I entered or exited the dorm, it was necessary to pass by her room. It continued to amaze me how her feelings toward me had changed that much, that fast. And it annoyed me to no end that I'd never really gotten a proper explanation for...

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Lightning in a BottleChapter 37 Down to Two

June 2, 1983 "Could I speak to Larry Weatherby, please?" I asked the receptionist as soon as she picked up the phone. "One moment," she intoned, before putting me on hold. I waited for a couple of minutes. The recipient of this call, a good friend of mine in the other timeline, and a not-quite-as-close friend in this one, was presumably being summoned from somewhere in the warehouse. I recalled that the prevailing policy was rather lax about phone calls while working, and I knew I...

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Lightning in a BottleChapter 40 The Handsome Stranger

July 26, 1983 I was having yet another long-overdue discussion with Inez and Evie. But the subject matter was different this time; much more earthy and lowbrow. They were telling me about their experiences with fighting off male groupies. They'd regaled me with tales of socially challenged, lovelorn dudes who'd wandered into their midst, and meekly asked for dates. I'd also heard more disturbing stories about drunken schlubs who staggered up on stage after shows, and boasted of their...

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Lightning in a BottleChapter 41 Enlightenment

August 7, 1983 This morning, I slept in fairly late; a typical Sunday morning, but different from most in the sense that we didn't have a show later. At about eleven-thirty, I was puttering around the apartment, while Dennis was lounging out in front of the TV, watching something on ESPN. The phone rang, and I answered it. "Hey dude," Dave told me in an excited voice, "get your ass down to the store, and pick up today's Star-Ledger." "Why?" I asked him, intensely...

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Lightning in a BottleChapter 42 And So It Goes

August 20, 1983 "Well, here we go," said Dennis with a laugh. "We may be about to make complete asses out of ourselves. But either way, it should be one hell of an interesting time." It was around eleven-thirty in the morning; the wedding ceremony was scheduled to get underway at one o'clock. Dennis was behind the wheel of his car, with me in the passenger seat. We were on our way over to Mayra's place to pick up our dates. Both of us were of course wearing suits; I chose to...

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Lightning in a BottleChapter 44 A Kid Brothers Growing Pains

September 6, 1983 "Her name is Heather," Seamus told me over the phone, "and she's, like, really, really hot." As soon as those words tumbled out of his mouth, I had misgivings. He, of course, was talking about the source of the "girl issues" of which Dad had spoken. "I ran into her one day at the pool," my brother went on. "Pat, she had on this incredible bikini. We got to talking, and we've been hanging out a lot lately. She's starting ninth grade at St. James, just like me....

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Lightning in a BottleChapter 45 The Heart of the Matter

October 13, 1983 It was late afternoon; I was through with classes for the day. I was on my way out of the apartment, bound for practice, when the phone rang. I considered ignoring it and continuing onward, but thought better of it. Upon answering, I was greeted by a most welcome voice. "So, Mr. O'Malley, what's this I hear about you? Someone else is calling you 'Dreamy' now?" "Patti!" I exclaimed. Then I laughed as I told her, "It sure sounds like you've been talking to a...

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Lightning in a BottleChapter 47 Double Sunrise

Christmas 1983 For those who are fortunate enough to have both a significant other and strong family ties, the holiday season usually means spending time with two different families. That's not always the case, however. For Inez and me, it meant visiting with my family, her family ... and her family away from home. That's right, three families in all. We spent Christmas Eve with Inez's adopted family in New Jersey, the Andrades. It was a small get-together, just Señor and Señora...

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Lightning in a BottleChapter 49 Florida Again

March 25, 1984 Clearwater, Florida It was a clear Sunday afternoon, albeit a not particularly warm one. Indeed, it was quite cool for late March in this part of the world. But some of the most characteristic sounds of spring were well in evidence: the sound of a wooden bat making contact with a cowhide-encased ball, and the distinctive splat of the ball hitting a leather glove. All of this, of course, was part of my girlfriend's Christmas gift from three months ago. Inez and I had flown...

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Lightning in a BottleChapter 65 A Jewel in the Sand

December 22, 1985 Puerto Rico "Warm weather during the holidays is becoming an annual tradition," I said to Inez, a content smile on my face. The midday tropical sun was beating down on us as we made our way through the San Juan airport parking lot, toting our luggage. "That's one more amazing change in my life since I met you." She favored me with a sweet smile, before replying, "This kind of weather around Christmas is pretty much all I've ever known." "That goes for me, too,...

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Lightning in a BottleChapter 66 The Pros and Cons of PreKnowledge

January 11, 1986 Early January is often a depressing time of the year. This year, however, was drastically different. True, in many respects it was back to the same old grind, with twelve-hour workdays, and not seeing Inez nearly as much as I'd have liked. But there was a fundamental change in my state of mind; my view was toward the future, and everything in the present was nothing more than passing time. It was a time for dreaming, for imagining the possibilities and challenges of...

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Lightning in a BottleChapter 67 Premarital Craziness

May 5, 1986 Most weekday evenings, when I didn't have to work late, I got home before Inez did. Even if she didn't have a late class, she normally got together with her study partners during the late afternoon and early evening. Jason and Valerie (who had just gotten engaged themselves) continued to be wonderfully accommodating, and gladly went along with Inez's preference not to have any late-night study sessions. This evening, I arrived home ahead of her as usual, and started to get...

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Lightning in a BottleChapter 70 Parenthood and the Big Move

August 5, 1989 "Three years ago, almost to the day, in this very hall," I began, holding out my champagne glass, "the shoe was on the other foot. As many of you know, the groom here served as best man when I exchanged vows with my lovely wife. At our reception, Dave recited a toast that was hilariously funny and touchingly heartfelt at the same time. And I'm here to tell you all, it's gonna be hard for me to match it." I shot a wink at Inez, and then faced Dave, wearing a fake...

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LightningChapter 2

After living together for a couple of months, I woke up one morning to Janice's puking her guts out. I waited for her to get in bed before I asked, "Are you ill, or are you pregnant?" "What if I was?" she said throwing it back at me. "Well, I would be very happy, but I would also be very worried," I replied. "Why would you be worried?" my sister asked back. "Well, you know — siblings having babies, and stories of babies with birth defects of some kind — that kind of worried," I...

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WyomingUte IGT Full Circle

Wyoming, Full Circle By Malissa Madison To my many fans who have enjoyed this series, I thank you for your support and encouragement, as well as your critiques. I am sorry but I've run out of ideas to keep it going, and all the ones between where I left off and here are just too unrealistic, the creativity just doesn't flow right. So I've decided to write one last piece, yet leaving it open in the middle in case the creativity returns. Of course their being tied in with the other...

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Loosening Up Book 8 Decade Remembered Decade StartedChapter 2 Book of the Circle

Tatiana purred in the afterglow of their loving with her ‘husband’s’ arms wrapped around her nakedness. This was the divine feeling of love and devotion she’d been unable to imagine a decade earlier. She thought back to her first meeting with her beloved David at a January Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas four years prior. His new company had a booth across the aisle from the booth her Russian company Robo-Russ was using. She had an idea to use his company’s high-density batteries in a...

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Part 27 Perfect Circle

Of the Adventures of John and Holly Part 27: Perfect Circle It was a Saturday afternoon. Holly and I had been out doing the typical couple stuff, shopping, eating lunch, nothing out of the ordinary. As I pulled into the driveway, we both noticed some extra vehicles. We walked in the front door, to a surprise. There was six girls sitting in our living room. Sandy and Stephanie, of course. Sandy, the short latino with large natural breasts, Stephanie the blonde with small tits. But also...

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Rosewood Circle

Before anyone suggests a part two, I already did that and then I combined them into this one story. Rosewood Circle I was recently watching a Disney movie about a youth retention camp called ‘Holes.’ There was a passage in that movie that made me think. One kid told the kid digging the hole next him that ‘it shouldn’t be labor to help your neighbor.’ Well I had been helping my neighbors for many years now and it was definitely becoming labor for me. Hell I was getting older too....

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The CircleChapter 16 Party Aftermath Expansion of The Circle

A week later, everyone in The Circle sat in the living room enjoying a cocktail before we had a dinner based on some of the leftovers from the prior week's Graduation Party that had been frozen to preserve them. Bob said, "So what was the fallout from the party? Anyone want to start?" Tracy said, "I got so loved, I could barely stand up for two days. I did my first train – about a dozen guys. It was fabulous, and I think I'll do it again, but no time soon." Ellie laughed, "I was the...

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The Props Master 1 Ritual RealityChapter 25 Fifth Circle

When Wayne awoke seconds later, Judith already cradled him against her breasts, her hand stroking his hair. A bird chirped somewhere in the distance, the only sound breaking the silence, and Wayne’s first clue that the night was far advanced and dawn would soon break. He looked up, searching for Judith’s eyes, but found that they were focused on a spot beyond him. He followed her gaze to the broken cauldron and the fountain of steam that was still rising from it. It rose only some six feet...

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The CircleChapter 43 A Fan Wants to Join The Circle

Matt stood in the electrical aisle at the Walmart in Centerville comparing the attributes of dimmable versus non-dimmable LED light bulbs. He had a list of items to pick up, all in the nature of cleaning or maintenance on the house. The LED bulbs were slated for the canned ceiling lights in the cathedral ceiling part of the living room. He’d already rented a twenty-foot folding ladder to be able to reach the fixtures, several of which had dead bulbs and no way to easily reach them. Now, he...

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Full Circle

FULL CIRCLE By Geneva START That I would be punished was certain and when it would happen was not in doubt either. The only question was what form it would take. Queen Medere had just pronounced the four of us guilty and I knew that punishments of the Genorian state were severe and carried out almost immediately after trials. My three co-conspirators, Kadir, Telor and Selakos, were kneeling beside me and I felt Kadir trembling with fear. Selakos was actually sniveling. Telor was...

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Girls Masturbation Circle

Girl's Masturbation Circle "Hey Lisa, you busy today? " Debbie voice asked me from the telephone. "No, what’s up? " "Susie wants us to go over to her place, she says she’s got something cool she wants us to see. " "Sounds interesting, I’ll swing by and pick you up. " "OK, see you then. " I pulled up to her door, and she eagerly ran out to meet me. In a few minutes, we were at Susie’s. We entered, and her friends Michele and Andrea were there, also. They all...

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Jennifer Inner Circle

Kevin Samuels rode pensively in the limousine his boss, Christopher Mansker, had sent for Kevin, his wife and his 16-year-old daughter. His wife, Megan, sat beside him, also quiet and anxious about what the afternoon would hold. The 39-year-old father tried not to look at his 16-year-old daughter, Emily, who was sitting directly across from him in the limo. He knew that her 32A breasts were unencumbered by a bra and that she was pantiless beneath her short skirt. He knew also that she was...

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Uncharmed Circle

Uncharmed Circle By Bill Hart I stood and stared at the image being reflected back at me from the silvered surface. Everything certainly seemed all right. It was, of course, me that I saw reflected there. That made perfect sense. Who else could it possibly be but me standing before the mirror? Mirrors simply didn't lie. Reflections couldn't possibly be anything or anyone other than what or whom they appeared to be. Whenever I stood in front of some mirror, then whatever I saw...

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Full circle

My first career wasn’t destined to be my last. I still enjoyed Accounting, but being a Sex Coach was far more fulfilling to me physically and emotionally than the satisfaction of having a Balance Sheet balance. My career change happened gradually, with friends and then friends of friends coming to learn from me or ask for some sexual advice. I suppose they did it because I was so joyous about sex and its pleasures. My knowledge and practise slowly grew through studies and experience into a...

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A Tale To Tell Full Circle

"So let me get this straight." Jack said in disbelief as he sat with Jeremy at the Airport Marriott. "You were in Hawaii at the same time as Greg and his wife?" "Right." Jeremy quickly answered. "And not only did you see her topless at the beach, but you're telling me that she stripped off her bikini in front of you and a bar full of guys for a contest?" "Right!" Jeremy raised his open hand and Jack responded with a high five. "And she looks as good as advertised in that photo he...

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