Sharing Cindy Chapter 29 Fun In Florida Pt 1
- 4 years ago
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March 25, 1984
Clearwater, Florida
It was a clear Sunday afternoon, albeit a not particularly warm one. Indeed, it was quite cool for late March in this part of the world. But some of the most characteristic sounds of spring were well in evidence: the sound of a wooden bat making contact with a cowhide-encased ball, and the distinctive splat of the ball hitting a leather glove.
All of this, of course, was part of my girlfriend's Christmas gift from three months ago. Inez and I had flown down to Tampa the previous day, our first day of spring break. We'd spent the night in a hotel; incredibly enough, neither of our respective sets of parents had grilled us about this. Inez had turned twenty-one a mere three days ago, and while my own twenty-first birthday was still more than two months away, I guess I was close enough to that milestone for Mom and Dad to grant me full adult status. We hadn't gotten much sleep the night before, and it wasn't due to insomnia. We'd dragged ourselves out of bed around mid-morning, showered (together, of course), and enjoyed a leisurely late breakfast at a nearby pancake house. Then, we headed for our destination: Jack Russell Stadium in nearby Clearwater. The occasion, of course, was a preseason baseball game between the Phillies and the Cincinnati Reds.
Needless to say, I had never before attended a spring training game, and neither had Inez. The cozy, intimate setting and the scaled-down ballpark amenities made for a completely novel experience. Inez, who had no horse in this particular race – the Yankees cap perched atop her head spoke to that – nonetheless was enough of a fan of the game of baseball to thoroughly enjoy the day. As for me, the fact that my team ended up losing the game did little to spoil the outing. Just like all spring training games, it was meaningless, at least in the sense of winning or losing. It was the experience – and the company – that counted most.
After the game, we had dinner at an nearby upscale seafood place. I insisted on footing the bill. Money was becoming less and less of a concern for me; our band was really beginning to rake in the dough. I'd set aside some of that income, and begun to selectively play the stock market. My pre-knowledge, of course, came in handy here. Again, becoming filthy rich was not my aim in life, but I definitely wanted to ensure that I reached a point where I'd never have to worry about finances. Not only me, but my loved ones as well.
We went back to the hotel, and lounged out by the pool for awhile. But we didn't stay up late, for we wanted to get an early start the next day.
March 26, 1984
"Every time I'm tempted to start with the older woman jokes," teased Inez, "I remember how old you really are."
"Too bad that my chronological age is no help when it comes to renting a car," I said with a laugh.
In keeping with the "money is no object" theme we'd adopted for this little vacation, we'd elected to rent a car for the trip to Inez's place near Miami. Most rental car agencies in this time period set a minimum age limit of twenty-one, which meant that my girlfriend would have to be the one to sign out the vehicle. And when it came to actually operating the vehicle, I was likewise deemed underage.
"The drive to Miami is over four hours," Inez pointed out as soon as we got inside our rental car, a Chevy Cavalier. "Does this mean I'll have to do it all myself? I'm not crazy about long-distance driving."
"Let's just chance it. I'll take the wheel once we get into the rural areas. I'll watch my speed, and keep an eye out for cops." And make sure I don't get into an accident, I said to myself. It would indeed be a journey through a barren stretch of land; there is possibly no similarly-sized area in the eastern United States that is more desolate than the inland sections of south Florida. On top of that, the present-day freeway connection between the Tampa and Miami areas, I-75, had not yet been completed in 1984. We would be traveling on US 41, a simple two-lane road in many places, cutting through the heart of the Everglades.
"If we get in an accident, or break down," I kidded, "I'll be more worried about the crocodiles than the cops." It wasn't long before we pulled over, and I took my place in the driver's seat. Continuing onward, we got to talking. Something about the unfamiliar setting, plus the sense of isolation, emboldened me to open up about a topic I'd only briefly touched on with Inez up to that point: my two marriages in the other timeline.
"I really think that what happened with Melissa, my first wife, was what caused me to become so jaded about relationships later on," I theorized. "I was young, and I was actually very idealistic at that stage. I was working ridiculously long hours. Melissa had a tendency to be impulsive. Looking back at it now, there were red flags. But I didn't see them; I was naive enough to believe that we were forever. When she told me one day that she was leaving me, I was blindsided. It had a huge effect on me. That experience caused me to build a wall around myself, one that didn't come down until I was well into this life." I smiled at Inez.
Flashing a brilliant smile of her own, my sweetie expressed curiosity about something. "How long of a gap in time did you have between relationships? When did you get involved with your second wife?"
I had to marvel at her intuition. "It happened with lightning speed. I met Michelle literally a few weeks after Melissa dumped me. It was way too soon – a classic case of rebound. Within six months after I met Michelle, we were engaged. It still amazes me that that marriage lasted six years."
"What was wrong with the marriage?" Inez asked.
"We had different goals in life, for one. The big issue was children. At that stage of life, I didn't want any kids. I told her that in the beginning. In spite of that, she couldn't wait to get pregnant, and let me know at every opportunity. I held firm on that issue, and as you can imagine, it created a lot of tension. The last couple of years were really bad. We hardly spoke to each other."
Inez offered up an enigmatic smile; I had a comment to throw into the discussion. "What's really strange – and, in a way, special – is that right now, I'm talking to you as my other self, the me in the other timeline. And it doesn't seem uncomfortable or awkward or anything."
"You're just being yourself, sweetie," she pointed out. "It's not that complicated. Don't think of yourself as two different people. It's like I told you before. You're an almost-twenty-one-year-old, with a little special knowledge, even though I might like to tease you sometimes about being a middle-aged man." She laughed infectiously, as I laughed with her. Then, she grew serious, and had another inquiry to put forward.
"Do you still feel the same way about children? You don't want any in the future?"
She was venturing into touchy territory here; my mind was flooded with the recollection of the whole Kaci situation. At that moment, I became aware of something. Since I'd exchanged those letters with Kaci, that memory no longer carried the sting it once did. I made the decision, then and there, to tell another person something I was certain I'd carry with me to the grave. I proceeded to relate the entire Kaci story to my girlfriend, leaving out nothing. In typical fashion, she took it all in stride.
"And that," I said at the end, "is why the topic of kids is a touchy one for me. But since I made amends with Kaci, it's nowhere near as touchy as it used to be. What I'm really trying to say here is that I have an open mind about the future, and that includes the possibility of kids."
We drove on in silence for a short while. The scenery transitioned over to thick, ground-hugging foliage on both sides of the road, occasionally broken up with shallow ponds and narrow waterways; we'd entered the Everglades. It was Inez who finally spoke.
"When Julia dumped you, it must have reminded you of what your first wife did."
"In a way, yes," I replied, "but it was different too. Although the relationship with Julia was pretty serious, it wasn't a marriage. The expectations were different. Plus, I had an amazing support system in place after Julia broke up with me," I said with a smile.
Inez favored me with a tight smile of her own, one I'd come to know well. Whenever I saw that look on her face, I knew that she was on a mission to glean my innermost thoughts.
"Looking back on that relationship with Julia ... do you think it taught you anything?"
"It taught me a lot. I learned that I actually could have a serious, loving relationship. All those years of interpersonal conflict, over two lifetimes, much of which was my own fault ... it had forced me to conclude I'd never have anything but casual dealings with women. I was wrong about that, and I discovered that I actually preferred a committed one-on-one relationship. But the thing is, I believe that Fate had different plans for Julia. She was destined to wind up with Roy again, just like in the other life. And it looks like Fate had something else in mind for me, too." I shot a glance over at my sweetie; those lovely brown eyes of hers were dancing.
"You think so?" she uttered softly.
"I know so."
We didn't go straight to Inez's house. It was early afternoon, and we knew that her parents were at work. We decided to surprise them, and headed directly to her dad's shipping warehouse. Lupe, working the front desk in the office, let out a shriek of joy when she saw us. Javier came right out and greeted us. He introduced us to the other employees, many of whom Inez already knew. We didn't stay long; we headed over to Inez's place and hung out by ourselves for the rest of the afternoon. Javier and Lupe managed to close up shop a little early, which allowed Lupe to prepare a delicious dinner for the four of us.
Later in the evening, Mike Delgado came over to visit. After greeting him heartily, I asked him where his sister was.
"Jenny's spring break was last week, so she's back at the university," he explained.
"Aah. I didn't think about that."
"How long are you two staying here?"
"We're flying back north on Sunday," I informed him.
"You'll probably see her on Friday night, then. There's plenty of time. She knows you're here, and she said she was definitely coming down for the weekend."
"Friday?" Inez said with a grin. "You know we have to go salsa dancing again."
March 29, 1984
We'd spent two relaxing days primarily at Inez's place in the company of her mom and dad. And although both of us would have been content to spend the remainder of our visit in the same fashion, today and tomorrow would be spent socializing with peers.
Javier, not knowing about our intentions, had touched on this. "Why don't the two of you go out and do something together? We love having you here, but you're only young once."
That's not always true, I did not say. We proceeded to fill him in on our plans. We were, after all, college students on spring break. And we were only a forty-five minute drive from what was pretty much the spring break capital of the USA in the early and mid-eighties: Fort Lauderdale.
Neither Inez nor I was much into the party scene, and if there had not been extenuating circumstances, we would have been quite content to ride out the remainder of our Florida visit with Javier and Lupe. But it turned out that a few close friends of ours from up north (and even one family member!) had been enticed to fly down to Florida for spring break. And as long as we were in the area...
Derek had been the mastermind here. He made plans to spend a portion of the week in Fort Lauderdale, and tried to persuade his three housemates to join him. The ever-studious Paul said no right away. So did the terminally quiet Greg. But Derek found a willing sidekick in Dave, who immediately suggested to his girlfriend that she join him.
Only problem was, when Eileen ran that idea past Mom and Dad, they'd unsurprisingly shot her down. Spending a few days with her boyfriend in the den of sin that was spring break in Fort Lauderdale? Not hardly. But my sister was persistent. She pointed out that Inez and I were already down there, and scaled down her request to only include one overnight. Our parents relented, as long as that overnight was spent at Inez's place. Dave went along with it, and they naturally made arrangements to travel together.
Derek, meanwhile, met less opposition in his quest to bring along his new girlfriend. Annie's parents had given her some grief, but she held firm and got her way. Derek and Annie had actually arrived in town the previous evening; he'd gotten two hotel rooms to placate Annie's folks, but it was obvious that one of them would remain vacant.
And so, that Thursday morning, Inez and I borrowed Lupe's car, and headed for the airport to pick up my sister and her boyfriend.
On the way, Inez asked me, "Do you know if Holly said anything to Annie about her little secret?" Holly had come out to two more people, the girlfriends of the first two she'd told: Inez and Mayra.
"She hasn't said anything to anyone but the four of us. I'm sure of that."
Before long, we were at the airport in Fort Lauderdale, and in this pre-9/11 world, we were able to walk clear up to the terminal to meet Eileen and Dave as soon as they deplaned.
"Fancy meeting you here," Dave grinned as soon as he laid eyes on us. I was tickled pink that the two of them were able to make it down here. Inez, if anything, was even more so.
We were out of the airport in no time, and from there, it was a short drive to the hotel, located a few blocks from the beach. Derek and Annie were just lounging around in one of their rooms, located up on the fifth floor; a few newly-acquired friends of theirs were also present. By now, it was early afternoon, and Derek passed around bottles of ice-cold beer. Each of us took one. I couldn't help but monitor Dave's beer consumption out of the corner of my eye; old habits die hard. I watched as he slowly nursed his beer. When it was finally gone, he put down the bottle and didn't ask for another.
Maybe it was high time for me to stop worrying about Dave.
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BDSMMrs. Abernathy Goes To Florida Part 2 The fiction story continues Part 1 and should be read first. It is not for the sweet/sentimental reader. May be downloaded for personal use only. No other approval is given unless approved by the author. It contains strong humiliation, unwanted sex and forced feminizing. Comments may be made at [email protected]. Mrs. Abernathy Goes To Florida Part 2 Once Mrs. Abernathy left the small group, Carol jumped up and grabbing Mark's hand...
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CheatingAll the seniors at Norton High School were wild with excitement. It had just been announced that on the last week of school, all the seniors would be taking a week-long field trip to Key West, Florida. The students would have to pay an airline fee of $175 each, but everything else was included. Claire Matthews was talking about the trip with her friends. "This sounds so cool! Don't you think, Kelly?" Claire said to her friend. "Yeah, it's gonna be awesome!" Kelly replied. Kelly Summerset was...
LesbianI drive to Florida every year to visit my family that spends their winter there, but always take a couple of days for myself to play and try to get some cock to suck. My recent trip was the best ever. I drove as far as south Georgia the first day and got a room for the night and placed an ad on craigslist missed connections section that simply stated. Pipe cleaner in hotel. No recip wanted. I received a couple of replies and invited them to my hotel. The first guy came and took his cock out, I...
Erica woke up naked on a hot and humid morning with her husband Divya over her, having his hands wrapped around her back. On this Saturday morning, Erica laid in bed while her husband was still asleep on her soft skin but the smell of sweat and musk from the previous night of fucking was really bothering Erica. The couple were interracial and lived in a well off town in Central Florida where they faced little to no issues. Erica was a tall blonde who looked almost exactly like Amber Valletta...
InterracialOn a nice summer afternoon at a large university in Florida, Claire is heading to class. A woman in her thirties, Claire is a professor at her university and has been asked to teach a course in gender studies. Despite her age, Claire is an attractive woman who is in shape and looks better than majority of the girls at her university. Claire is of Scandinavian heritage and looks almost exactly like pornstar Kayden Kross which leads some of her students to think that it is her. On the way to...
InterracialOn another sunny day in the crazy state of Florida, Lisa is talking to her friend Kelly. Lisa is a blonde that is almost six feet tall, has a nice tan going for her, and very soft skin. Lisa has freckles which are somewhat visible but her skin is still nice and soft as opposed to being rough from the tanning. Being a child of rich parents, Lisa has a high sense of entitlement and feels that she should get anything she wants. Unfortunately, in a rough economy, Lisa is a bit stressed about...
InterracialThat summer my sweet Ana suggested spending some vacation days enjoying the warm weather in Florida. I said it was fine for me; but then she added she wanted Jeremy to come with us…Some good old friend rented us his house as he was going to Europe.The first afternoon Anita and I were relaxing by the pool at the back yard. She had been sunning all day topless since it was still extremely warm.I had gone inside to mix a couple of drinks and when I came back out I saw Jeremy sitting in my seat...
MY FLORIDA VACATION What a bore. This job sucks. For a long time, it has made me depressed and frustrated. Sales were down all over and cutbacks in travel to meet old customers and generate new ones were limited. I was bored and angry, aware that there was no possible improvement in sight... My commissions were almost non-existent. I'd like to open up an artery or something. Business is soooo bad, but even when business is good, the job and the boss suck. I brought a lot of this job...
I'm not good at making up stories, and the truth is not usually as exciting as fiction, so the following true story may not be the greatest - but here we go.Several years ago I went on a business trip to Tampa, Florida. I worked as a government contractor setting up and installing computer systems and I was assigned there for two weeks. I had made several separate trips out there and racked up some frequent flyer miles which I used on this occassion for a ticket for my wife. We figured that,...
I just love the way the girls play. We’d been in the sports club for about a year and I could hardly wait for each Saturday to roll around. It was hard to remember a time before I began coaching my granddaughter in softball and then basketball. I’ve been an athlete my entire adolescent and then adult life and knew just how to get the most out of someone’s abilities. Looking back now I’m astounded by how the club began and how it had taken a hold in our community. Bible belters would never have...
IncestIt happend in Florida. Yes, it did. Looking back at that experience it is simply unbelievable that it can take place in conservative America. I was visiting America on my routine business trip. I am a happily married, young sales executive. In this trip I was with my family and our very young daughters. We breezed through usual attractions in Florida where my young ones enjoyed all the theme parks and we decided to park ourselves in a beach hotel. My sister-in-law joined us too with her...
I'm not a huge fan of social media given the countless incompetent morons that utilize it to spread lies and misinformation BUT I will say that after messaging the wrong TAMMY BIGGS by mistake, I do enjoy the possibilities of new connections. I was in Tallahassee, Florida for a conference and was reaching out to another speaker for the event by the name of Tammy Biggs. However it turns out that I clicked on the wrong Tammy Biggs by mistake but my did it lead to quite some fun!My message was...
Today I offer you a story about a rich young man who will taste all the pleasures of life! In these times of illness, I wish you and your loved ones good health! Do not hesitate to write down my story and criticize it in the comments area so that I can improve myself. Thank you ! Good reading ! ThePrince59 _______________________________________________________________ It all started when during the summer of my sixteenth birthday, while I was outside my phone rang and when I picked...
Cynthia reached for my hand as soon as we were shown to our seats. I looked over at her and saw that she was staring at our hands on her thigh. The way she was gripping me made me wonder if she was afraid of flying. "I hope you didn't seat us in first class because of me," she said, still looking at the way our hands were joined. I lifted her hand to my lips and kissed her middle knuckle. "You're a first class lady." "Thank you," she said, moving my hand back to her thigh. The...
“Oh, look, he caught a fish!” Marja pointed excitedly to an osprey, zooming up from the surface of the Banana River with a mullet in its talons. The fish struggled futilely. “The nest is in the tall tree on the point of that island,” I told her, pointing it out. As we watched, the eagle flapped its way to a landing. “I think they have chicks. It’s the right time of year.” Marja smiled at me. “I love the view, Jack. I didn’t know Florida was like this.” Marja’s friend, Thor, was sitting...
My wife was restless the fourth night we were in Florida. She had not felt well during the day, and we had stayed in. It seemed best to not leave her alone. She would have been suspicious. I just spent the day on the computer while she rested on the sofa. That night I didn't want to attempt to go to Erica, so I sent her an email. I told her we would have to meet the next night here at the town home. My wife wanted to drive all the way to St. Augustine in the morning, returning late. That...
Let me give you a little information about myself. My name is Jennifer and I am a 17 year old . I was born and raised in Hong Kong. I am somewhat "different" from the girls in my age at school in that I was more mature physically. I had started puberty when I was 13 and by the time I turned 15 I had already had the physique to be a model. The last time I measured myself I was 5'9, 120 pounds, and my bra size is 34C. For a chinese girl, it is rare to have breasts larger than a C cup and even...
First Time"I never did it on top. Just with Kevin, but we never did anything like this. It's too much. I've never been mindless or just floating in another place for so long. I've had enough," she whispered breathlessly. With that he said, "Lie next to me, precious. I am going to roll over." She stretched out and he rolled on top of her getting on his knees as he put a pillow under her hips. He put both arms around her and covered her mouth with his and thrust his tongue in her. Then, he...
August 1980 The summer began to wind down, and the countdown until the first day of school began. I found myself a job. I washed dishes at a nearby diner during the dinner shift, which was from 5p.m. to 10p.m. I worked three nights a week, and all day on Saturday. It was a fairly long walk from home, but I got used to it. Many times, either Mom or Dad picked me up at the end of the shift. Not exactly the type of work I'd grown accustomed to in my other life, but I was a teenager now, and I...
December 4, 1984 Thanksgiving break came and went. A chain reaction of family obligations resulted in Inez and me not being together on Thanksgiving. Dave's uncle, who lived a couple of hours away in Pennsylvania, was holding an extravagant Thanksgiving bash. Eileen really wanted to go, and Dad and Mom reluctantly agreed to allow her to do so. Meanwhile, there was another large affair planned at the Andrade residence. Naturally, both Inez and I were invited. "You know what my Tio Raul's...
September 1, 2007 (continued) I paused for a minute to collect my wits. Then, I faced George, not at all confrontationally, but seeking answers. "Okay," I began. "It's obvious you know quite a bit about us – about me – and the secret I have. Either you overheard a conversation of ours, or you're a time traveler yourself." "Please excuse me," said a remorseful-sounding George. "I didn't mean to frighten you. But I have some things to share with you that are of vital importance, and...
Being me is pretty hard seeing as I can electrocute any living being upon contact and as an added bonus (which is good) I can control electricity at my will and absorb or distribute it. Ok I know that sounds really cool I mean who wouldn’t want to control lightning at their very will but imagine it going out of control and blacking out an entire city because you where hungry and couldn’t see in the dark so you decide to turn on the lights but accidentally eat and entire city’s worth of...
“Master.” Hal didn’t want to hear the voice. He didn’t want anything to intrude on whatever level of life he was now floating on. Eyes closed, a bed of unbelievable softness underneath him, the distant but comforting sounds of Josephine’s claws scratching on the dirt floor — and, best of all, the utterly satisfying feeling of having had his seed thoroughly drained out of his balls by the expert mouth of a beautiful woman. “Master.” He was...
Nina had worn the maxi dress in anticipation that it would be Zach who would be sliding it off her. She had laid in bed that morning, her fingers sliding over her moist slit in anticipation. In typical fashion, Zach had called at the last minute to say he was going biking with some buddies of his. She had been pissed and disappointed and not just a little hurt. Zach was such a typical child!Nina had wandered through the farmers’ market alone, her blonde hair flowing behind her. Eyes had turned...
Straight SexI was concentrating very hard on not screaming that I looked out the airplane window and I could see that it was starting to rain. It grew darker outside and I could of sworn I saw lightning out of the corner of my eye. It was getting hard for me to breathe so it felt good that the air was blowing above me and towards my head. How did I get here? I wondered to myself. I felt chills down my back the more Tommy moved his fingers inside me. I looked over to Gabriel and he was dead asleep...
Reluctance"God, Sheila, I got the best scrubbing. Maybe I'll get another chance," and moved back against her. "You'll get more than that before I'm through with you, and another chance, too." Then, Sheila turned Kelly around and kissed her avidly as their slippery breasts comingled in a long soapy slippery hug. "You made me feel wonderful, Kelly. I love being here with you." How can I not kiss her again? "That may be the best I ever had." Through a steamy fog on the mirror they saw their...
The morning Sheila had to go, she pulled Kelly into the double shower. Kelly soaped her and looked with her blue eyes directly into Sheila's, then engulfed Sheila in her arms and said, "Give me your tongue." They nourished on kisses and tongues and naked wet soapy bodies throbbing. Sheila ran her hands down Kelly's back to her ass and teased her slippery anus. When she put her finger slightly in then out several times, Kelly's ass clinched and her hips thrust in excitement. Then, Sheila...
December 10, 1980 November turned into December; Thanksgiving passed and Christmas approached. Patti and Evie were regular visitors in our house every Saturday. I was proud of myself for arranging that weekly get-together; it was proving to be quite beneficial not only for myself and both of them, but for my family as well. I continued to focus on my school work. I believed things were improving drastically, especially in French class, where Patti's assistance had given me a big boost. The...
February 11, 1983 We had a show scheduled for this evening; we'd booked a Friday night slot at one of the campus pubs. It was to be my first gig with Lightning in a Bottle that wasn't specifically for friends and family. But it didn't happen. Oh, don't get the wrong idea. It wasn't because of any misdeeds on my part, or a resumption of intra-band discontent. Not this time. Rather, the blame fell squarely on Mother Nature. The snow started falling early that afternoon, and within a few...