Lightning!Chapter 3 free porn video

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Driving on the beach road toward the Mermaid, they admired the shimmering moonlit surf. With no other cars on the road he drove without headlights.

"Ashley, that woman just rubbed herself all over you when you danced," she laughed.

"Oh Miss Scarlet, Stephanie has her ways," he replied.

"Stephanie must be a very close friend," she went on.

"I thought for a while that we might find a real relationship, but she's too scared of being close to someone. We went skiing and to the islands, and we would have a wonderful time for about three days. Then unexpectedly she would pick a fight and want to go home. That created a safe distance for her. I thought I had done something wrong each time, but my shrink said that if it happened so consistently it was her problem, not mine."

"You never did anything wrong?"

"Of course I did, but they were never associated with her outbursts.

"The shrink told me that it was a mild or serious case of bipolar disorder, and talented though I was, I couldn't fix it. Even worse, she couldn't fix it either. I finally figured out that she just couldn't stand the pressure of being close to someone. When she had those spells, I would send her off by herself for a few hours or a day, and she would come back delighted to see me again. It was always a disappointment because we enjoyed the same things, even kinky movies, and I liked her."

"Did you love her and see her often?"

"I could have loved her real self, but not the vacillations between love and hate. I see her every couple of months unless I have someone with more promise. She has a lot of talent," he sighed.

No matter what you ask, Sheila, he seems to answer straight and in depth. Why?

As he parked the car under the house, he said, "I never like to go to bed with dry feet. Want to splash surf?"

A beautiful night and I enjoy his company. "Yes, I would. Let me get some shorts."

She returned in her cut-offs and tee-shirt, and then as they walked in the surf, she probed, "You said you were looking for a permanent relationship and didn't find it with Stephanie. You're now dating my stepmother who is married. Would you look for a permanent relationship with her?" she asked.

"I look for a permanent relationship with all women I date more than three or four times, unless it is explicit between us that we're casual."

"Are you and Marcia serious or casual?"

"When we worked on a project together, the tension and stress called for relief and we played for a weekend. That trip started many sparks and we were hot for a while. But, it takes a long time to convert a married woman to a serious relationship. By now, we seem to have given up on each other in that way, so we both continue to amuse ourselves with what nature offers. She was coming here for the weekend to be amused.

"Sheila, how do you feel about joining her assignation at the beach?"

The long silence gave them time to appreciate the iridescent glow of moonlight on the foam, "She was my friend when I needed one and though we are no longer as close, I like her. We have fun together. I have always been confused by my mother's actions, sometimes shocked by my father, and tolerant of Marcia."

"How did you graduate without some guy marrying you and taking you away? You are too much to be ignored."

I guess we're being honest, here. "Well, the one I really wanted asked someone else. I brushed it off as a commercial transaction since her father was wealthy, but it hurt. The ones who asked, I didn't want. In marketing, we call it consumer choice."

They splashed the warm surf barefoot. He held her hand. She interlaced their fingers and smiled at him. Though too distant to hear, a line of large thunderstorms defined the horizon with intense lightning flashes adding a vivid sparkle to the surf. As they stood in the ankle-deep water, she felt the small waves lick around her ankles and found it erotic.

While washing sand from their feet in the outdoor shower, Sheila leaned against him as she warmed to the moment and said, "Greg, I know that you didn't expect me, but you gave me a beautiful ending to what started as a dreadful day. It's the best date I have had in many months. Thank you."

Her smile gave him butterflies as he struggled for words. "As it turned out, I'm delighted you came a day early. I worked really hard this week. You extracted my mind from a real rut. May I have a hug?"

Sheila hugged him with strong arms for a long time, and then gently he put his fingers under her chin, lifted her lips to his starving mouth, and kissed her deeply. Then he let her go. "Good night, Sheila. You're good company!" She went to her room.

Well. That was all right, but weren't you a little passive?

As he carried the garbage out he saw that her light was off. I wonder if she sleeps nude? He imagined her naked body sprawled on the bed clutching a pillow and collapsed from the day's stress.

Needing to get his mind off her so that he could sleep, he opened his trashy novel to put the vision of her aside. He was soon deeply involved with the exploits of the super detective. After a while, he let the book drop and admitted that he really liked that woman. For the first time in a good while, he felt a strong emotional attachment to her, which, added to his lust for her, made him uncomfortably vulnerable.

He dwelled on her body and the feel of her on the dance floor, then, the first lightning strike hit so unexpectedly within a half-mile, and the sharp thunderclap jarred the dishes and windows. The lights went out briefly as his heart pounded from the adrenaline rush. After a few more pages turned with shaky hands, he heard more loud thunder as the strong wind smashed heavy rain against the windows and deck. More sharp thunder cracked like the main gun on a battle tank.

Having been completely distracted by her, he had ignored the obvious tie down needs. He put on his trunks and left the detective on the bedside table. He checked quickly outside for loose stuff, then bolted the beachside door and started downstairs to secure things there just as the lights went out. He praised the power company with a loud "Aw, shit!" located his flashlight then went down the stairs. At the bottom of the stairs, a long flash of lightning revealed Sheila huddled on the floor sobbing in the corner.

"Hey, what's wrong?" he asked urgently.

"I can't stand lightning!" she shrieked.

"I'm going to secure outside and will be right back," he said.

Soaked from the blowing rain, he tied the garbage cans and closed the locker doors, then ran back inside and grabbed a towel.

Sitting beside her, he asked, "Okay, what is it?'

"I'm scared. I can't stand lightning and thunder that close," she sobbed.

"I can't either, so come here," and pulled her against his soaked body. He finally retrieved her towel from her bathroom and dried her off as best he could. Tiring of floor sitting, he said, "Come with me," in a tone that was not a request but a command.

It worked. She stopped sobbing and as she slowly got up, he put his arm around her and pulled her up the stairs amidst the constant lightning. Each one caused her to wince. He led her to his room and covered her with the bedspread. Then, he closed the door and the storm curtains, reducing the lightning to a mere flicker. Fumbling and swearing at the flashlight, he found the eye mask and ear plugs from a recent overseas flight.

Uncovering her head, he ordered, "Put this mask on and these plugs in your ears." She obeyed, then returned her head under the pillow.

He found a towel and a dry pair of briefs. Then, lying on the bed, he gave her a strong bear hug and just held on. After a while, a regular breathing rhythm replaced her shallow pant and her pulse was way down. She still flinched on the really loud thunder.

He massaged the full length of her back and shoulders continuously, and she gradually began to relax. The thunder quieted some, but the storm was far from over. To relieve the strain on his arms he rolled on his back and pulled her with him. She followed easily.

My God, he'll think I'm some kind of child or psycho. Though ashamed to let him see her fear, she sought the comfort of his arms around her. He can't protect you from the lightning by holding you. But, when he moved, she put her head on his shoulder and snuggled. With her eyes and ears blocked, her nose soon found his aroma and she was more at ease. She vaguely remembered absurd information from biology class about the body aroma of males doing something to menstrual cycles. The storm was suddenly far away and she finally relaxed.

After a while, he whispered close to her plugged ear, "I think the storm's about over. Are you feeling okay?"

She could barely speak, but said, "I'm fine. Just fine. I'm going to take these out," and then removed her blindfold and ear plugs.

"Do you mind if I open the window? It gets stuffy in here with no air conditioning."

"That would feel good," she said.

Looking out at the moon, he said, "It turned into a lovely night."

She said dryly, "It certainly didn't start that way."

"I know that it must have been a dreadful trauma." After a pause, "When you're comfortable, tell me about the storm that scared you." He led her slowly back to the bed.

Her love-hate feelings for him both grew — loving the relaxation and attention and hating the uncertainty. After a minute or two of silence, with love barely ahead, she blurted, "Just when Kevin and I started rock climbing on a Colorado mountain pass, the first lightning and thunder followed quickly. It hit a tree about 30 yards away and knocked it down on fire. The thunder was deafening and my hair stood up and Kevin was still up on the rock. He rappelled down quickly, but the flashes came again and again, and we didn't know where to go."

He felt her entire body stiffen during the story and kept his arms around her rubbing her tense back. She kept talking for several minutes, and her tears were profuse.

"It scared us so much and we had no place to run. I remembered not to go into the woods, so we pulled the tablecloth and backpacks over us and stayed in a low place on the cold ground. The hailstones hurt and bruised us and the lightning would not stop. It was so loud and scary. Then the icy water started coming down the hill in our ditch. Lightning scares the hell out of me when it's so close."

Just the description of the icy water and noise made him shudder. He continued pressing deeply and said, "Just hearing about it makes me nervous. How long ago?" Her warm tears were running down his chest, and he tried to hold her closer.

"Almost six months." I think I have talked about this long enough I'm repeating myself. I must stop crying and get it together. That feels so good when he rubs my back.

At the first pause, he asked, "Could you write about your feelings and experiences?"

"Why write?"

"My shrink made me do that. Writing helps to get it behind you. There are specialists who treat post traumatic stress syndrome," he offered.

He held her close to him and asked, "Can you sleep, now?"

She seemed to relax, and then, "I think so," yawned, stretched, and said, "Yes, I think so," and with no more thought cuddled against him. Uh, this is not your bed! When did you ever feel more comfortable and cared for?

His gentle strokes on her back and arms made her relax, as her breathing was regular. As the strokes continued, she began a slight shiver and felt quite sensual. With his hand under her pajama top, his fingers lightly went from her lower back to her neck, then down her arm, then up the other side of her arm, then the fingernails on his spread fingers going down her back barely touching her skin in her armpit and left chill bumps as he passed erogenous zones on her back and arms. Her feeling of comfort gave way to desire, and she felt the first wetness and swelling. He pulled her over to face him. He put his arms around her. As she reflexively put her arms around him in response, she felt his smooth skin all over his back. Maybe I have felt this before, but his skin is outstanding! I'd better stop — this is too much.

Then, he rolled on his back and brought her with him. As she rolled on her side, she put her leg across his thigh and her arm across his chest, which was the only place for it and her head rested on his shoulder. But she had waited too long to stop. Just as his fingernails and caresses continued on her back, her instinctive pelvic thrust pushed her mons against his hard leg, and her swollen clitoris delivered the first electric shock. She trembled from the contact and then her hips thrust again. He sensed the change from relaxation to sexual excitement. He intentionally made his strokes on her back lighter and made his fingernails tickle. He stroked the most sensitive places on her skin with special care. Her closeness and breathing provoked his base urges. He found her puffy mouth and kissed her. She responded in kind.

The combination of the passionate kiss and the fingernails down her back, made her lose control. The explosion deep inside her made her hold him, thrusting repeatedly, moaning until the throbbing stopped. Belatedly, she realized that she had squeezed his chest and locked her legs around his thigh.

Strong desire swept through his crotch when he felt the hot, wet mons against his thigh. Kiss her again! Her surprise orgasm intensified his desire. As she recovered, she discovered that her wetness had gone through her pajamas onto his leg.

That was some surprise. All he did was hold you and kiss you and you came all over him. Well, there is always a first time. He thinks you're a tramp! Didn't expect to be here did you?

As she settled back to normal breathing, he said softly, "I'm glad the power came back on. We have food in the refrigerator. I'd better close the windows." The excitement and humidity left moist dew on her body.

Oh, yes, we?

Sheila could feel herself trying to awaken after a while, vaguely aware of Greg's breathing and that she was still wrapped around him. A dim glow under the door guided her into the bathroom. As she sat, I can like now be in my own room. Then she saw the wet crotch of her pajamas. I don't want to wear these. As she said that she sniffed the musky aroma of her own excitement. I'll go to the other bed.

Her loud flush competed with the surf noise as the tide sought to regain its pinnacle. She went to her room to confront the messy bed where she had been initially scared. Shit. I'm not staying here alone. I'll get some clean panties and go back.

She found some cotton athletic panties. These are underwear. Anyway, they cover more than my bikini bottom. Where's my fucking retainer? Got it. Do it. Sheila, you have a perfectly good bed here with a locking door. Are you sure you want him to see you in those ugly cotton things? What is on your mind? Are you really going back up there to sleep with a man you don't even know? Then, she took her makeup kit and went upstairs.

When she came back to the room he was looking through the window at the brilliant moonlight — tall, trim, muscular. He looks good. In his bathroom, she pushed some of his toilet stuff over so that she would have a place for hers. Nothing but bright moonlight shimmered on the surf.

He gave her a big smile as she walked over beside him wearing her tee-shirt and cotton panties. He put his arm around her for a short time before they traded places. She watched moonlit surf and he moved to the bathroom. Maybe I weathered the storm.

When he returned, he hugged her and led her back to the bed. "I think it's time for sleep."

You came up here on purpose. What did you want? I think you want to be held and comforted. Can you admit that?

Same as Lightning!
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Becky Learns A Lesson

Becky!! says: Hey there good looking! :) Jack. says: Hey! What up? Becky!! says: Well, I’m super bored. Truth or dare? Jack. says: Okay, I’m game. Dare! Haha. Becky!! says:  Hmmm! Haha I know... Go out to the nearest lamp post naked! Jack. says: Can I wear shoes? I have a gravel driveway. Becky!! says:  Yeah, alright. Jack. says:  I'm back! Truth or dare? Becky!! says:  Dare I think! Jack. says: Go stand on your deck naked for twenty seconds J Becky!! says: Okay I’m back! That was coldL! It’s...

1 year ago
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Family SecretsChapter 3

On Sunday, I woke up feeling happier that I had in a long time. I think I had finally put the betrayal of my ex-best friend and my ex behind me. Of course my mind decided that right at that second it had to throw a picture of the two of them naked in bed together at me. I felt my stomach curl. Ok, so maybe I wasn't quite over it yet. I got out of bed and threw a towel around me and headed for the bathroom, in desperate need for a shower to help burn the image of them away. I turned the...

4 years ago
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My Christmas Carol Chapter 1

The Christmas holiday was fast approaching and I had just come back from a job in Chicago to Springfield, Illinois, my hometown. I work as a diesel mechanic for a trucking company and one of our trucks had broken down. I was sent out to get it running again. Because I had been out of town for several days on this job, my neighbor Carol was helping me with some chores I had neglected."I really appreciate your doing my laundry, Carol. With my mom at work so much these days, it's hard for her to...

2 years ago
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After the FallChapter 7

He didn’t know what the date was, he couldn’t even say for sure what month it was. But, that night, he knew he would remember, forever. If there was a forever. Nothing was out of the ordinary. He took his shoes off and crawled into bed, fully clothed, as he always did. She stood before him, and slowly, sensuously, he thought, she stripped. Everything she did now, to him, was sensuous. He had gotten a partial erection that night, just watching her wash the dishes under the pump. She crawled...

4 years ago
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School Days Forced by Punks

School Days, Forced by Punks The next week was not a normal time for me. I was still sucking off my two brothers, Carl and Ray, but since they had exposed me to their two best friends, Jake and Larry, I was sucking them off too. One day Jake saw me in the boy’s toilet. Motioned for me to go into one of the booths and set on the stool. He came into the booth, unbuttoned his jeans, pulled out his hard cock, and told me to suck him off. I was surprised at first at his insistence, but...

1 year ago
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Maiden Voyage The Next Day

Woman: I awake the next morning. At first not sure where I am, I stretch and look over to see him sleeping next to me. He looks so peaceful, and I reach out and brush a lock of his hair into place, and remember the passion we shared the night before. I slip out of bed and pick up the shirt I was wearing last night. I step into the bathroom, take a quick shower, and wash my hair. I put it up in a ponytail, slip on a robe, and quietly open the door. A quick glance at the bed reveals that he is...

3 years ago
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Ivette1 Introduction Intimate Invitation


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A Time of War

You've probably heard tell of what hell might be like. Usually described as a place of fire, death, and chaos. I'd guess you've heard priests would talk about it during sermons, or you would be told that's where your were heading if you did anything wrong. I'd also imagine none of you expected to get first hand experience of what it was like, much less before you even died. Well, I have. Yesterday, I had just gotten back from the woods with a couple of rabbits. Father wanted me to check the...

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One Hot Showertime True story

One day,back in the late 1980's ,Lita not her real name,was running some errands,she finally done, and was heading her way to the bathroom to take her shower.Hanging her towel off the peg.She then remove her dress and undies wet and smelled from the sweat from the morning's work.Turning the shower on,she got busy with her hair, untying the rubber band been clinging on.She wet her hair first and applied ample amount of shampoo,massaging her hair with the shampoo,she then rinsed it with the...

1 year ago
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My wife and the Black UPS MEN

My wife and I have never dated any other race than ours and we never thought about it. My wife actually cannot stand black men. She thinks they are rude and disgusting pretty much the same way I think. However, when I am watching porn on satellite and I come across some black guy boning some white chick with his huge cock I stop to watch a little. I am amazed how big some of these black cocks get. One day I saw a hot black girl and I mentioned how pretty I thought she was to my wife. My wife...

2 years ago
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Dobara Shaadi 8211 Part 1

Mera naam Vijay hai. Main 35 saal ka hu, aur ek durghatna mein meri biwi aur maa ki maut ho gayi. Ab ghar pe main, mere pita ji jo 58 years ke the, aur mera ek beta 4 saal ka hi reh gaye the. Hamara pariwar tehas-nehas ho gaya tha. Kuch dino tak to jaise-taise din guzate gaye. Fir ek din pita ji ne bula kar kaha- Pita ji: Beta jo hua ho gaya. Aage ki zindagi aur pote ki zindagi ko dekhte hue tujhe doosri shaadi karni hi chahiye. Iske liye kahi naa kahi main bhi taiyaar tha hi, kyunki chudai...

4 years ago
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Rahul And Dharanya 8211 Best Friends 8211 Part 1

Hi everybody, I am Rahul, a normal looking guy, and I make friends easily by my entertaining way of talking.I work in Bangalore in a company.This incident happened a few months back.I have a friend dharanya,fair 5.5”,correct boobs,and on a whole perfect structure.We are just friends,like we talk casually about movies,books,cooking and other likes and dislikes.We rarely go out to malls.This was like a limited access friendship. Whenever she comes with me,she sit in the bike casually,neither too...

3 years ago
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Uski Biwi aur Meri Rakheil 1

Hello to all iss readers. I am RK 25 yrs. Old. I am from Hyderabad. I am a fun loving boy having broad-minded and easy-going personality. I am smart, attractive, 5’6” tall with 8” penis. I am a fun machine and I can say that “its all about making you ejaculate until you beg me” to “stop please”. I am looking for some one who wants to waste no time in developing a friendship or may be for just a one day / night stands. I promise you that I can satisfy you “with a smile and satisfaction” on your...

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Sexy School Girl Ki Chudai

HIe this is Shekhar form Mumbai.meri age 20 he our height 5.9 he, penis 8inch he and me body builder hu plus gym me as a trainer job karata hu and last year COM me hu. Mujhe 18 sal ki age se hi sex karane ke moke mil rahe he.Aaj se karib 2month pehele jo mere sath hua usaki story me aapko sunane ja raha hu. Swati jo school me 10th std me he our mere building me reheti he 2floor pe our me 3rd floor pe reheta hu. vo dikhane me smart our kya dam hot and sexy he, usako dekh kar to mere mu me paani...

2 years ago
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Cops Can Be Naughty TooChapter 3

We went sitting on the sofa again, and watched the 1 o'clock news on the television. We had only missed the first item of the news. It didn't take long, or we were both lying on the sofa. I was against the back of it while Annie was lying in front of me in my arms. She had her back towards me. Even when she didn't do anything to me, I could feel I was getting hard again. Well, I was a teenage boy with a naked woman in my arms, what would you have expected to happen? "I just thought...

1 year ago
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Married Traveling Cocksucker Business Man

I haven't had the chance to fuck around with a guy in a couple of years. The last time was before craigslist personals got shut down. That was always my go to. I found a married guy who traveled from Chicago to Raleigh regularly for business. I let him be my cocksucker in his hotel room. His request was that I walk in, Drop my pants and sit down on the couch. I was to let him have control of the situation from there. It was cold outside and I remember sitting in the parking lot for a while...

4 years ago
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Asked to Flash Cont1

After Cindy had left the room my wife sat there rocking back and for on my cock. I think she had thought I had passed out because I sat up and reached around her and grabbed her tits and started pinching her nipples. When I did she jumped a bit and turned to look back at me and asked if I had been awake the whole time. When I said yeah she slide off me and turned around and sat down on the edge of the couch and asked if I was mad at her. I asked her why I would be mad and she said because I...

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my bubble girly ass

She was my best friend since ever, i always spent time with her either at her place or mine, after school and weekendwe grew up together and lately shes been k**ding me about having a very cute luttle ass sometime slapping it saying she cant resistit made my laught at first but it get weird after a whileshe called it a girly bubble ass one night slaping it as we walk homeand i ask her to stop , her giggling telling me she cant help it made me feel weird her mom was awaywe were smoking weed and...

2 years ago
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Third Time Part Fifteen

Author's note: This chapter is the second of final three chapters of this long and sordid tale. Your patience, and your comments - good and bad - have been most appreciated. G.A. The next morning, the small room where Janet spent the night bound, gagged and drugged provided a surreal sight to Elizabetta as she entered. She greeted her victim warmly, much like someone might greet a friend who was ailing in the hospital. Unlike the night before, Elizabetta was now dressed in a...

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Recently divorced 38M w 2 roommates 22F and 28F

So, I was recently divorced because my wife get into d**g use, and somehow jumped from 420 to heroin. We had 10 years of faithful marriage, great sex, and no k**s. Blah blah blah all of a sudden I'm single again, having been out of the game for a good long time now.So I went to meet some friends for dinner but I got there early, so I went to the downstairs bar and had a beer to wait for them. Somehow the depression has lifted and I'm in a good mood for a change, and I start chatting up the...

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XNXX Blacked

I’ve been on XNXX watching Blacked movies all morning, and I’m starting to think maybe I should have brought my headphones because all the other Starbucks customers have been giving me dirty looks for hours. The thing is, I like my interracial porn like I like my coffee: a fucking ton of black stuff in a tiny white hole. I’d love to hear it if you can think of a more fitting place to whack off to these films. Until then, I’m just trying to avoid the manager who calls the cops because I really...

Interracial Porn Sites
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I have my own cleaning business, mostly houses. I am referred to, by one of my clients, to one of her very mature, and rich friends.I show up to complete my duties and was met at the door by a very sexy and sassy older woman of the caucasian persuasion. She has on a low-cut and very short sun dress. From the low-cut I can see her natural juicy tits. Her nipples are very erect and busting through the thin material.I started getting wet and I have to remind myself of where I am.Anyway, she greets...

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Blowjob and a golden wash

We meet online. John, 42 single reasonable build with a great looking cut cock, shaved all bar a bit just above his cock. It was that picture that really got me hooked, that and the tag line “Knows what he wants, and likes it dirty”.After a couple of online chats John and I decided to meet at a pub just down the road from him, then if we decide we can take it further. A couple of drinks and a quick chat later we were soon on our way to his house. I’d worn my pink lacy boy short panties...

4 years ago
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Smitten II

I was having a real tough time at school with all those beautiful teens and hot jocks with those tight asses. Well you might think what all the fuss is about while you should be having a blast, that's probably true and especially if you're a student, but it all changes somewhat as a teacher, at least that is how I always thought. But it sure is hard pun intended trying to keep a straight face and all. I come from a very humble a poor beginnings and I guess that is where I go my kinky side...

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Wrong hole

“You really should cut down on the coffee”.“No way” I said. “People who drink coffee live longer you know”.Cait and I were in the cafeteria in the gym and it was Friday. Her dad was downstairs working out but he had been a little late and had only been doing it for like half an hour and so we had plenty of time. I think we were both a little nervous for some reason, but we didn't tell each other that, it was just kinda in the air and it was okay and even a little more exciting because of it,...

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Across the BorderChapter 17

“Steven here says that we would not have landed the Juarez account without you, and apparently your son helped. I have been sending salesmen down there for over two years and have gotten nowhere. In a single week, you get him to sign. Believe me when I say that I am truly impressed. I just want to hear how you managed to pull this off.” Lisa wasn’t sure how to answer and luckily, Steven spoke up so she didn’t have to. “Well, Sir, if I may. Lisa is one of those rare people born with...

2 years ago
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Bengaluru Dairies Part2

Hello readers, This is a continuation of my series on Pavana and my sexual adventures in Bengaluru. I’m Kishan by the way. Please enjoy the story and do not forget to give your feedback. After our initiation in her home, we became more close. She used to call me to her home whenever no one was there and we used to sleep naked next to each other. We decided not to fuck right away because we wanted to enjoy that initial phase of a physical relationship without fucking. So we got to do all other...


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