Alice s Very Naughty Adventures Chapter XX Humpty Dumpty
- 4 years ago
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April 22, 1985
It was yet another Monday afternoon; I rested there in Inez's bed, with her in my arms, the both of us just having come down from the high of lovemaking. She was almost back to being herself; her sensitive nature didn't hold up well to an onslaught like Eileen had leveled upon her, and soothing her psyche had been a long and drawn-out process. Even though no resolution to the impasse was in sight, I felt hopeful that my sweetie would be just fine.
"Do you love me, mi amor?" she asked me dreamily. That question was not necessarily borne out of insecurity; she asked me this fairly regularly in a conversational tone of voice. However, this time I detected the faintest hint of a plaintive tone, indicating that although she was doing much better, she still wasn't quite one hundred percent.
"More than ever, muñequita." My Spanish was getting better and better; we'd recently taken to using Spanish pet names for each other. "You know that Eileen is my sister, I still love her, and all that. But make no mistake about it. What happened is on her, not you." I'd told her that many times already, reassured her over and over, starting with that awful night two weeks ago as she lay sobbing on the living room sofa in her uncle's house. Were those words taking hold? I dearly hoped so.
"She had a dream of hers suddenly crushed," Inez pointed out. "I guess we have to remember that people react in unpredictable ways when that happens." Ever the psychologist, my love was bent on analyzing what underlying motivations might have been driving Eileen's actions.
"Her dream," I said, wrapping her up tighter in my arms, "was one that was contingent on five other people having almost the exact same dream. That just isn't realistic. Life isn't like that, and it's something that Eileen needs to learn."
After a brief pause, Inez gave voice to the question that was first and foremost in my mind. "Do you think there's any hope that things with your sister, and the others too, will ever go back to the way they were?"
My initial response to that was a heavy sigh. Then I told her, trying to sound optimistic, "Personal differences have a way of smoothing themselves out over time. Let's hope that's the case here. Besides Eileen, we have Paul and Dave at each other's throats, and Evie angry at Dave and Eileen. That's a lot of smoothing to accomplish. But what sticks in my craw the most is the band. Truces may be declared between all of us, but it sure doesn't look like we'll ever take the stage again."
Inez favored me with a tender smile. "Speaking only for myself ... I'd take the stage again, even with things the way they are now. I'd be willing to do the summer, even with Eileen hating me, and all the other discord. I'd do it in a heartbeat."
"So would I," I said definitively. "So would I. But there's the matter of this new band that Eileen and Dave have started. That kind of takes that possibility off the table, doesn't it?"
Inez didn't reply right away, appearing to be lost in thought. "You know what?" she finally offered. "I think I'll choose to stay positive, until we really do reach the point of no return. Maybe something unexpected will happen."
April 27, 1985
Today, lo and behold, something unexpected did happen.
Saturday evenings such as this, over the past couple of years, had always been show time; almost without exception. As a result, the past couple of idle Saturdays had been excruciating. I'd gone to bed depressed, exhausted from dwelling on what might have been.
Inez was over at Mayra's place. Dennis and I had plans to head over there later, but for now, we were cracking the books. Our last round of finals would be commencing in a little over a week.
There was a knock on the door. I was surprised to see Dave standing outside, actually toting a Domino's pizza box, with a sheepish smile on his face.
"Sorry, pal, you took forty-seven minutes. No tip for you," I joshed.
"Very funny," he laughed. "Eileen doesn't know I'm here, dude. I've got some things to tell you."
Dennis joined us in laying waste to the pizza. As we did so, Dave began to talk.
"Here's the situation. You guys know about our new band. It's not a secret any more. We've been practicing, and also starting to scope around for gigs. We aren't finding any. The problem is, this is the wrong time of year to be starting a band. School's almost over. The summer gigs all go to bands who have made a name for themselves. There's another problem, too. Sean has a summer job, and won't have enough time to devote to the band. He had a suggestion, and after hearing it, we agreed that it was the right thing to do."
"What did you agree on?" I asked with bated breath.
"We decided to hold off on getting started. It will be much easier in the fall, just like we did during freshman year. We'll do our own things over the summer, start practicing in September, and look for on-campus gigs once we're up to speed. That makes a lot more sense, don't you agree?"
"It does," I allowed, waiting for the other shoe to drop.
"But the thing is," he went on, "this is shaping up to be one hell of a boring summer. Unless..." He stopped, letting his words hang in mid-air.
Dennis, like me, saw which way the wind was blowing. "Are you saying what I think you're saying?"
"I'm only speaking for myself here," Dave cautioned. "But yeah, I'd be willing to bring Lightning in a Bottle back for the summer, even with all the bullshit. I don't know if Eileen will go for this. I'm on the outs with Paul, big time, and Evie has me down for Scumbag of the Year. Even with all that, I want to try again." His voice mellowed noticeably as he added, "I'd hate for things to end like this."
"I'll tell you something, dude," I put in right away. "You can count me in. Inez, too. She told me she'd do it in a heartbeat."
"No shit," Dave blurted out. "I thought she'd be the hardest one to convince."
"Nope. She wants to do it. She told me straight up."
"By the way, how's Inez doing?" Dave asked, his voice lowering a bit more. I was pleased to hear him ask about her. It showed that even though he was standing with Eileen, he realized that there were two sides to this particular coin.
"She's ... fine. Like me, she misses performing." An awkward silence followed. I opted to return to the earlier track of conversation. "She and I want to start up the band again, if only for the summer, and so do you. Remember, though, we've got three more people to talk to, and they may be tough cookies to crack."
"Not 'we, '" Dave pointed out with a snicker. "You. You're the only one in a position to talk convincingly with the others."
I rolled my eyes in reply, but I knew he was right. I turned to Dennis. "What about you? If I can pull this off – and that's a big if – are you still interested in a stage crew job?"
"Listen, guy," Dennis laughed, "I never wanted to quit in the first place. I'm with you guys for as long as you need me. Mayra, too."
I took a deep breath. "Well, then, I guess it's time to swing into action. It's all riding on me, isn't it?"
April 28, 1985
"Hey, Paul," I said as soon as he picked up the phone. "How's it going?"
"So-so. Damn, these weekends are boring now."
"Tell me about it." More idle chit-chat followed, before I got to the gist of the call. "We had a visitor yesterday. Guess who showed up here? Dave."
This, of course, was a touchy subject for Paul, and he proceeded to jump to a false conclusion.
"You aren't trying to play peacemaker, are you?"
"Nope. I'm staying out of it; what happened is between you two. He did tell me something interesting, though." I told Paul about the new band's plans to postpone their start-up until fall.
"Damn. I can't say I saw that coming. Makes sense, though." His reply was terse, indicating a desire to switch topics, but I wasn't about to let up.
"I want to tell you one thing he mentioned. He said that with the other band on hold, he'd be willing to consider starting up Lightning in a Bottle again, just for the summer. I also want to tell you that I feel the same way, and so does Inez." I paused for effect, before adding, "What do you think?"
"Holy shit, Pat," he said in a subdued tone, indicating I'd given him food for thought. "Do you think Evie – and especially Eileen – will go for it? I mean, it sure would solve my money problem. For that reason alone, I'd have to consider it. But working with Dave again, after what happened..."
"Paul," I interrupted, feeling a pressing need to point something out, "you have a lot of experience in playing alongside someone whose ass you'd like to kick. As does Dave."
That drew a laugh from him. "Good point. You know what? Count me in. I've got some reservations, I won't deny it, but count me in."
That makes four, I thought. In truth, I knew that Paul, with his money concerns, would be an easy mark. I also knew that the two toughest sells were still to come, though.
"Change of subject, Pat," Paul said suddenly. "I heard about a job opening at my future place of employment. It's a good fit for what you're looking for. I'm planning on going up there next week to fill out some paperwork. If you'd like, give me your resume and I'll drop it off at the HR office."
"You don't say," I grinned. "Tell me more about it."
April 29, 1985
It was about six-thirty in the evening. Inez and I, after spending yet another Monday afternoon together at her place, were waiting for her roommate to arrive.
"Her class ended about forty-five minutes ago," said an impatient Inez. "I wonder what's taking her?"
"Who knows ... maybe the campus buses are running behind schedule," I speculated.
The words were barely out of my mouth when the door opened, and Evie stepped inside. Noticing the serious looks on our faces, she smiled and said to us, "Why do I get the idea that you two have been sitting here waiting for me?"
"Because we have," Inez said. "We want to have a little group meeting, just us three."
"A meeting? Why?" said a curious Evie.
"Oh ... pertaining to the topic that has ruled over our lives lately," I replied.
"You mean the mess with Dave and Eileen," she said with a frown, as I nodded. "I still can't believe they had the gall to form another band that quickly. I hate to say it, Pat, but that sister of yours has a spiteful streak I never knew about. And Dave –" She suddenly paused, realizing that I was holding up my hand in a 'Stop!' gesture.
"You wanted to say something?" inquired a startled Evie.
"First of all, you're right, Ev," interjected Inez. "Everything you just said – or started to say – is true."
"But we're asking you to move beyond that," I asserted.
"Move beyond it? In what way?"
I proceeded to elaborate. "You've said many times that Dave and Eileen are acting like children. They are ... there's no question about that. But none of us are perfect. Both of them have lots of good qualities, wouldn't you say?"
"Mmm ... yes, I suppose," Evie said tentatively. "But what does that have to do with anything?"
"Eileen's going through a phase," I went on. "She's two years younger than the rest of us, and way more than that in experience. Her perspective on the band is different, and she can't yet grasp why we wanted to call it quits. That doesn't excuse what she did that night – the fallout from that is our biggest ongoing problem." I looked at my girlfriend in sympathy.
"And then there's Dave. Yes, he's blindly following Eileen's bidding. But, hey, he's in love, and that sort of thing happens to the best of us. Look at Paul. His fling with Natalie, or whatever you want to call it, is far less stable and established than Dave and Eileen's relationship. And yet, when Natalie says 'Jump!' Paul says, 'How high?'"
Evie took a deep breath, conceding the point. "My biggest problem with Dave is his ... needling, for lack of a better word."
"Yes, he goes too far sometimes," I allowed. "But tell me this. Ninety percent of the time, the shit he comes up with is funny as hell, right?"
"It is," Evie agreed. "It's that other ten percent that's the problem."
"It's real simple. Next time he says something stupid, we'll tell him to knock it off. Dave's not the kind to push things. People who think they're funny know that some of their gags don't float. He'll back off and apologize."
Our overall intent here was beginning to dawn on Evie. She looked at her roommate, and favored her with a smile of respect and admiration.
"Pat's doing most of the talking here," Evie said to Inez, "but in a way, you're actually defending Eileen."
"I'm not defending what she did," stated Inez. "No way. I'm saying that in the name of the greater good, we all should maybe make some ... concessions."
"What kind of concessions? And what greater good?"
Inez grinned in my direction. "Take it from here, sweetie."
"Ev, you don't know about this yet," I began. "Dave, Eileen, and their new bandmates have decided to wait until the fall before forming up. That leaves the summer free for everyone, pending employment matters, of course. The two of us, along with Dave, got the idea of trying to re-form Lightning in a Bottle, even with the problems we're facing. Paul also told me he's in. Now, we're asking you. What do you think?"
Clearly not expecting this twist, Evie remained silent for several seconds. "I don't know," she said doubtfully. "I guess it's harder for me to put things behind me than it is for you two."
Evie's fierce pride was her biggest personal weakness. It fueled her stubbornness and kept her from putting conflicts in the rear view mirror. I felt a sudden urge to bring up something from the past as a gentle reminder of the need to let go.
"Evie," I said to her gently, with a serious look on my face, "just remember what happened with you and me, and the time we lost. That's the end result of holding on to things too long. You can never get the time back."
After another lengthy pause, a soft smile crossed Evie's face, indicating that my words had hit the mark. "You're quite convincing, Patrick O'Malley," she said. "Never mind writing. You should consider becoming a lawyer." A round of laughter ensued.
"So, what do you say?" I asked her.
"I'm in," Evie smiled, as Inez offered a thumbs-up. "But let's not forget about our job search, okay?"
"I don't intend to. I figure as the summer drags on, we'll pretty much be sticking to weekends anyhow. At this point, we probably don't need much practice. I guess I already know I'll be starting work sometime in August, right? Anyway, all of this hinges on Eileen. If she doesn't want to do it, it isn't happening. So let's not get our hopes up just yet."
A prolonged silence followed before Evie finally broke it.
"Thanks, you two," she said warmly, "for the little nudge."
"Don't mention it," I put forth. "I'm sure there'll come a time when one of us will need a good swift kick in the butt, and you'll be more than up to the task of providing it."
"And when it happens?" Evie added, her smile widening. "Look out!"
April 30, 1985
Once again, it was early in the evening. I knew my sister had a late class on Tuesdays; I waited until I was fairly certain she'd be back in her dorm room. Then, I picked up the phone and dialed her number.
She answered the phone on the second ring. I tried to make small talk at first. Even though she said she wasn't angry at me – and I believed her on that point – there was an awkwardness in communication that showed no signs of abating. I was about to force the issue a little, although not too much; certainly not as much as I would have liked.
"There's something I need to ask you," I finally offered.
In typical fashion of late, she immediately threw up a barrier to communication. "I don't want to talk about... that, Pat," she said defensively.
You'd better believe we'll be talking about 'that' at great length in the not too distant future, I thought. But not now.
"All I wanted to ask you," I elaborated, "is one hypothetical question. I know you guys don't plan to start up your band until September. In the meantime, suppose it was possible to re-form Lightning in a Bottle, just for the summer. Would you want to take the stage again?" I knew my sister well enough to know that my best chance here was to appeal to her desire to perform.
"It ... it can't happen again," she stammered in reply. "Right?"
"It can. And it will, if you would only give your okay."
"How?" she asked, clearly flustered.
"I've already spoken with the others. All of them are willing to try to bring the band back, even with all the personal conflicts. And that goes for me, too. All of us want to give at a try. How about you?"
"I ... I don't know, Pat. Wouldn't it be really awkward?"
I had a ready answer for this. "Eileen, think back to the time when I re-joined the band. That was pretty awkward, wouldn't you say? It sure as hell felt like it to me. And it turned out okay, didn't it?"
A prolonged silence followed. Finally, my sister said softly, "Dave never said anything to me about this."
"He and I talked it over, and decided that I would be the one to ask you."
"I won't promise that I'll forget about the ... conflict." With that, I knew I'd prevailed here; she was clearly caving.
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Straight SexI was concentrating very hard on not screaming that I looked out the airplane window and I could see that it was starting to rain. It grew darker outside and I could of sworn I saw lightning out of the corner of my eye. It was getting hard for me to breathe so it felt good that the air was blowing above me and towards my head. How did I get here? I wondered to myself. I felt chills down my back the more Tommy moved his fingers inside me. I looked over to Gabriel and he was dead asleep...
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The morning Sheila had to go, she pulled Kelly into the double shower. Kelly soaped her and looked with her blue eyes directly into Sheila's, then engulfed Sheila in her arms and said, "Give me your tongue." They nourished on kisses and tongues and naked wet soapy bodies throbbing. Sheila ran her hands down Kelly's back to her ass and teased her slippery anus. When she put her finger slightly in then out several times, Kelly's ass clinched and her hips thrust in excitement. Then, Sheila...
December 10, 1980 November turned into December; Thanksgiving passed and Christmas approached. Patti and Evie were regular visitors in our house every Saturday. I was proud of myself for arranging that weekly get-together; it was proving to be quite beneficial not only for myself and both of them, but for my family as well. I continued to focus on my school work. I believed things were improving drastically, especially in French class, where Patti's assistance had given me a big boost. The...
February 11, 1983 We had a show scheduled for this evening; we'd booked a Friday night slot at one of the campus pubs. It was to be my first gig with Lightning in a Bottle that wasn't specifically for friends and family. But it didn't happen. Oh, don't get the wrong idea. It wasn't because of any misdeeds on my part, or a resumption of intra-band discontent. Not this time. Rather, the blame fell squarely on Mother Nature. The snow started falling early that afternoon, and within a few...
August 19, 1984 "You know that guy who's been trying to get my attention all summer? The one that tries to talk to me after almost every show?" Evie, who'd been uncharacteristically quiet and pensive, had finally decided to open up. It was a Sunday evening; we'd done an afternoon show, and the three of us were now lounging around in the apartment that Evie shared with my girlfriend. Inez and I had been trying to draw Evie out, which was a task that we'd never needed to undertake...
October 25, 1986 It would be trite to say that things went back to normal after the wedding and the honeymoon. We certainly settled back into a routine, but things were different now. This was a new normal, a "normal" enhanced with the knowledge that we were living the life we'd dreamed about for so long. At work, the status quo persisted. I put in my forty-hour weeks, resigning myself to the fact that I'd be working there for a while longer. My investments were certainly paying off,...
March 25, 1984 Clearwater, Florida It was a clear Sunday afternoon, albeit a not particularly warm one. Indeed, it was quite cool for late March in this part of the world. But some of the most characteristic sounds of spring were well in evidence: the sound of a wooden bat making contact with a cowhide-encased ball, and the distinctive splat of the ball hitting a leather glove. All of this, of course, was part of my girlfriend's Christmas gift from three months ago. Inez and I had flown...
I was concentrating very hard on not screaming that I looked out the airplane window and I could see that it was starting to rain. It grew darker outside and I could of sworn I saw lightning out of the corner of my eye. It was getting hard for me to breathe so it felt good that the air was blowing above me and towards my head. How did I get here? I wondered to myself. I felt chills down my back the more Tommy moved his fingers inside me. I looked over to Gabriel and he was dead asleep...
They say lightning doesn’t strike twice, but I can honestly say, “sometimes it does.” It was a lazy Saturday afternoon. My wife Kara and I had just finished lunch. I was going to hit the gym and then take care of a few errands that needed to be done. Kara, knowing that I tend to lose track of time when I’m out of the house, had invited her friend Michelle over to hang out and have a drink. Michelle is a thin brunette with long hair and blue-green eyes. She’s a very natural looking girl, I...
They say lightning doesn’t strike twice, but I can honestly say, “sometimes it does.” It was a lazy Saturday afternoon. My wife Kara and I had just finished lunch. I was going to hit the gym and then take care of a few errands that needed to be done. Kara, knowing that I tend to lose track of time when I’m out of the house, had invited her friend Michelle over to hang out and have a drink. Michelle is a thin brunette with long hair and blue-green eyes. She’s a very natural looking girl; I mean...
Group SexEverything that could have gone wrong this morning did go wrong. We were rushing to the airport to catch our flight. Gabriel whined the whole way there saying that we were late because of me. I was so worn out by Gabriel’s bad attitude for like the past week now that I didn’t want to argue with him. I don’t know what was bothering him, but I could tell you this, I was not about to let him ruin my trip to Arizona. We boarded the plane and looked for our seats and out of the blue I got...
ReluctanceShe went home to call Greg. "I went to the hospital to see Madeline. She was very helpful and she is one of your real fans." She sighed audibly. "I felt much better after talking to her. She is a gold mine of information." "She is a princess. What she says she will do, she does. That's so rare in volunteers. Everyone wants her for committee work. She adopted me when my wife left." Before she thought, she blurted emotionally, "Why did she leave you?" After a long silence on the...
Thanksgiving 1982 It was decided that we would have our first band practice the second Friday after Thanksgiving break at the home of Inez's uncle and aunt. This would give Inez a couple of extra weeks to recover fully. We'd ease back into it slowly, perhaps having a couple more practices before Christmas. Of course, we all had final exams to wade through as well, except, of course, Eileen. We'd try to get together over winter break a couple of times, and then hit the ground running as...
May 2, 1983 Life went on. I caught sight of Julia multiple times over the next several days; she said nothing to me, and made it a point to avert her eyes whenever I was in the vicinity. It was next to impossible not to run into her frequently, for every time I entered or exited the dorm, it was necessary to pass by her room. It continued to amaze me how her feelings toward me had changed that much, that fast. And it annoyed me to no end that I'd never really gotten a proper explanation for...
June 2, 1983 "Could I speak to Larry Weatherby, please?" I asked the receptionist as soon as she picked up the phone. "One moment," she intoned, before putting me on hold. I waited for a couple of minutes. The recipient of this call, a good friend of mine in the other timeline, and a not-quite-as-close friend in this one, was presumably being summoned from somewhere in the warehouse. I recalled that the prevailing policy was rather lax about phone calls while working, and I knew I...
July 26, 1983 I was having yet another long-overdue discussion with Inez and Evie. But the subject matter was different this time; much more earthy and lowbrow. They were telling me about their experiences with fighting off male groupies. They'd regaled me with tales of socially challenged, lovelorn dudes who'd wandered into their midst, and meekly asked for dates. I'd also heard more disturbing stories about drunken schlubs who staggered up on stage after shows, and boasted of their...
August 7, 1983 This morning, I slept in fairly late; a typical Sunday morning, but different from most in the sense that we didn't have a show later. At about eleven-thirty, I was puttering around the apartment, while Dennis was lounging out in front of the TV, watching something on ESPN. The phone rang, and I answered it. "Hey dude," Dave told me in an excited voice, "get your ass down to the store, and pick up today's Star-Ledger." "Why?" I asked him, intensely...
August 20, 1983 "Well, here we go," said Dennis with a laugh. "We may be about to make complete asses out of ourselves. But either way, it should be one hell of an interesting time." It was around eleven-thirty in the morning; the wedding ceremony was scheduled to get underway at one o'clock. Dennis was behind the wheel of his car, with me in the passenger seat. We were on our way over to Mayra's place to pick up our dates. Both of us were of course wearing suits; I chose to...
September 6, 1983 "Her name is Heather," Seamus told me over the phone, "and she's, like, really, really hot." As soon as those words tumbled out of his mouth, I had misgivings. He, of course, was talking about the source of the "girl issues" of which Dad had spoken. "I ran into her one day at the pool," my brother went on. "Pat, she had on this incredible bikini. We got to talking, and we've been hanging out a lot lately. She's starting ninth grade at St. James, just like me....
October 13, 1983 It was late afternoon; I was through with classes for the day. I was on my way out of the apartment, bound for practice, when the phone rang. I considered ignoring it and continuing onward, but thought better of it. Upon answering, I was greeted by a most welcome voice. "So, Mr. O'Malley, what's this I hear about you? Someone else is calling you 'Dreamy' now?" "Patti!" I exclaimed. Then I laughed as I told her, "It sure sounds like you've been talking to a...
Christmas 1983 For those who are fortunate enough to have both a significant other and strong family ties, the holiday season usually means spending time with two different families. That's not always the case, however. For Inez and me, it meant visiting with my family, her family ... and her family away from home. That's right, three families in all. We spent Christmas Eve with Inez's adopted family in New Jersey, the Andrades. It was a small get-together, just Señor and Señora...
December 22, 1985 Puerto Rico "Warm weather during the holidays is becoming an annual tradition," I said to Inez, a content smile on my face. The midday tropical sun was beating down on us as we made our way through the San Juan airport parking lot, toting our luggage. "That's one more amazing change in my life since I met you." She favored me with a sweet smile, before replying, "This kind of weather around Christmas is pretty much all I've ever known." "That goes for me, too,...
January 11, 1986 Early January is often a depressing time of the year. This year, however, was drastically different. True, in many respects it was back to the same old grind, with twelve-hour workdays, and not seeing Inez nearly as much as I'd have liked. But there was a fundamental change in my state of mind; my view was toward the future, and everything in the present was nothing more than passing time. It was a time for dreaming, for imagining the possibilities and challenges of...
May 5, 1986 Most weekday evenings, when I didn't have to work late, I got home before Inez did. Even if she didn't have a late class, she normally got together with her study partners during the late afternoon and early evening. Jason and Valerie (who had just gotten engaged themselves) continued to be wonderfully accommodating, and gladly went along with Inez's preference not to have any late-night study sessions. This evening, I arrived home ahead of her as usual, and started to get...
August 5, 1989 "Three years ago, almost to the day, in this very hall," I began, holding out my champagne glass, "the shoe was on the other foot. As many of you know, the groom here served as best man when I exchanged vows with my lovely wife. At our reception, Dave recited a toast that was hilariously funny and touchingly heartfelt at the same time. And I'm here to tell you all, it's gonna be hard for me to match it." I shot a wink at Inez, and then faced Dave, wearing a fake...
After living together for a couple of months, I woke up one morning to Janice's puking her guts out. I waited for her to get in bed before I asked, "Are you ill, or are you pregnant?" "What if I was?" she said throwing it back at me. "Well, I would be very happy, but I would also be very worried," I replied. "Why would you be worried?" my sister asked back. "Well, you know — siblings having babies, and stories of babies with birth defects of some kind — that kind of worried," I...
June 25, 1980 Diana got over it. Real quick. Two days later, early in the afternoon, she called me on the phone, acting as if nothing had happened. She invited me over to her house. My adult mind told me that she'd decided that she wanted some more of what she'd gotten, and elected to ignore my alleged "practicing". And of course, that was the truth. And you know what my answer was? What do you think? I dropped everything I was doing, and began the long trek on foot over to her house....
Author's note: This chapter deals exclusively with the terrorist attacks on September 11, 2001. I realize that there are certainly readers out there who suffered through the loss of a loved one on 9/11, or know someone who did. This chapter will probably be a bit intense for those in that situation. But as I said, chapter 73 deals with 9/11 and only 9/11. If you wish to skip over this chapter, you can feel comfortable going straight to the beginning of chapter 74, where I'll immediately...
Everything that could have gone wrong this morning did go wrong. We were rushing to the airport to catch our flight. Gabriel whined the whole way there saying that we were late because of me. I was so worn out by Gabriel’s bad attitude for like the past week now that I didn’t want to argue with him. I don’t know what was bothering him, but I could tell you this, I was not about to let him ruin my trip to Arizona. We boarded the plane and looked for our seats and out of the blue I got...
“Fuck. This heat is unreal.” I think to myself. The sun has been relentless today, baking the dead calm air into miles high thunderheads. I can feel the air around me growing heavier with humidity. Electricity is building in the clouds west of the pool where I’m lifeguarding. Making eight dollars an hour, sitting in a lifeguard’s chair, yelling at punky kids and developing my future age spots and wrinkles. Leaving me to wonder if this summer is going to provide anything memorable. For the...
I managed to get to my seat and of course, Gabriel was still sleeping. God! I swear that man could sleep through a tornado! I thought to myself before I nudged him to let me by. “Where you been babe?” He says as he stretches and yawns. “In the lavatory, I was not feeling well.” I glare at Tommy from the corner of my eye while he’s pretending to read a magazine. “Are you ok now?” He says sounding concerned and puts his arm around me. Tommy suddenly jumps up and says. “Oh I think she is...
“Fuck. This heat is unreal.” I think to myself. The sun has been relentless today, baking the dead calm air into miles high thunderheads. I can feel the air around me growing heavier with humidity. Electricity is building in the clouds west of the pool where I’m lifeguarding. Making eight dollars an hour, sitting in a lifeguard’s chair, yelling at punky kids and developing my future age spots and wrinkles. Leaving me to wonder if this summer is going to provide anything memorable. For the last...
Straight SexI managed to get to my seat and of course, Gabriel was still sleeping. God! I swear that man could sleep through a tornado! I thought to myself before I nudged him to let me by. “Where you been babe?” He says as he stretches and yawns. “In the lavatory, I was not feeling well.” I glare at Tommy from the corner of my eye while he's pretending to read a magazine. “Are you ok now?” He says sounding concerned and puts his arm around me. Tommy suddenly jumps up and says. “Oh I think she is...
ReluctanceThe tall, pretty brunette walked, full of confidence, into the office waiting room. It was a confidence that faded just a bit as she saw the long line of equally beautiful young women that had gotten there ahead of her. Walking up to the receptionist’s desk, the twenty-five year old started to introduce herself to the older woman but was cut off as the seated blond handed her a small handful of forms. “Put your name on the waiting list, then have a seat and fill these out,” she said, not even...
Twenty minutes later, she came out where he was working. "Will you put this on my back?" she requested handing him the sun lotion. "Sure," he responded, then softly rubbed the lotion on her firm back and shoulders. Seeing her bikini and feeling his hands on her skin gave him an unexpectedly quick lust. He was instantly captured by her presence. Then he watched every twitch and step as she ran toward the gulf. She turned and waved. "See 'ya," and jumped in the foaming water. Fathers...
"The massage is pain enough for today." But, the thought of her being tied to the stairs made his words catch in his throat. "Of course I would tie you and spank you, but you'd have to ask. First, I have to initiate you in the 'Truth in Bondage' ritual. The code says we have to agree to the rules up front." She felt surprised by her conflict — reassured that she would not be spanked, and annoyed at not being seen as a 'sexually talented woman.' I will not beg. I am not passive....
After a hurried packing job, they loaded the car and started on the trip to adventure. "We should have left earlier — the traffic will be heavy. On the other hand, the last few hours were really worth the traffic," he declared. "I would rather have walked than have missed this morning." Did you just say that? Better be careful. As they went slowly across the causeway and were held up in traffic, he said, "If you will lean over here and unhook your bra, I will caress your breasts and...
At home, Greg watched the computer screen anxiously as he saw the updated notice that her flight was on the ground in Denver. He instantly dialed her cell phone and was redirected to her voice mail. Several minutes later, she turned her phone on to find the message and dialed him back. After initial greetings and a brief story of her flight, including the conversation with her seat mate, he said, "I want to give you another choice. You know, Atlanta is a big, exciting city with many...