Lightning!Chapter 3 free porn video

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Driving on the beach road toward the Mermaid, they admired the shimmering moonlit surf. With no other cars on the road he drove without headlights.

"Ashley, that woman just rubbed herself all over you when you danced," she laughed.

"Oh Miss Scarlet, Stephanie has her ways," he replied.

"Stephanie must be a very close friend," she went on.

"I thought for a while that we might find a real relationship, but she's too scared of being close to someone. We went skiing and to the islands, and we would have a wonderful time for about three days. Then unexpectedly she would pick a fight and want to go home. That created a safe distance for her. I thought I had done something wrong each time, but my shrink said that if it happened so consistently it was her problem, not mine."

"You never did anything wrong?"

"Of course I did, but they were never associated with her outbursts.

"The shrink told me that it was a mild or serious case of bipolar disorder, and talented though I was, I couldn't fix it. Even worse, she couldn't fix it either. I finally figured out that she just couldn't stand the pressure of being close to someone. When she had those spells, I would send her off by herself for a few hours or a day, and she would come back delighted to see me again. It was always a disappointment because we enjoyed the same things, even kinky movies, and I liked her."

"Did you love her and see her often?"

"I could have loved her real self, but not the vacillations between love and hate. I see her every couple of months unless I have someone with more promise. She has a lot of talent," he sighed.

No matter what you ask, Sheila, he seems to answer straight and in depth. Why?

As he parked the car under the house, he said, "I never like to go to bed with dry feet. Want to splash surf?"

A beautiful night and I enjoy his company. "Yes, I would. Let me get some shorts."

She returned in her cut-offs and tee-shirt, and then as they walked in the surf, she probed, "You said you were looking for a permanent relationship and didn't find it with Stephanie. You're now dating my stepmother who is married. Would you look for a permanent relationship with her?" she asked.

"I look for a permanent relationship with all women I date more than three or four times, unless it is explicit between us that we're casual."

"Are you and Marcia serious or casual?"

"When we worked on a project together, the tension and stress called for relief and we played for a weekend. That trip started many sparks and we were hot for a while. But, it takes a long time to convert a married woman to a serious relationship. By now, we seem to have given up on each other in that way, so we both continue to amuse ourselves with what nature offers. She was coming here for the weekend to be amused.

"Sheila, how do you feel about joining her assignation at the beach?"

The long silence gave them time to appreciate the iridescent glow of moonlight on the foam, "She was my friend when I needed one and though we are no longer as close, I like her. We have fun together. I have always been confused by my mother's actions, sometimes shocked by my father, and tolerant of Marcia."

"How did you graduate without some guy marrying you and taking you away? You are too much to be ignored."

I guess we're being honest, here. "Well, the one I really wanted asked someone else. I brushed it off as a commercial transaction since her father was wealthy, but it hurt. The ones who asked, I didn't want. In marketing, we call it consumer choice."

They splashed the warm surf barefoot. He held her hand. She interlaced their fingers and smiled at him. Though too distant to hear, a line of large thunderstorms defined the horizon with intense lightning flashes adding a vivid sparkle to the surf. As they stood in the ankle-deep water, she felt the small waves lick around her ankles and found it erotic.

While washing sand from their feet in the outdoor shower, Sheila leaned against him as she warmed to the moment and said, "Greg, I know that you didn't expect me, but you gave me a beautiful ending to what started as a dreadful day. It's the best date I have had in many months. Thank you."

Her smile gave him butterflies as he struggled for words. "As it turned out, I'm delighted you came a day early. I worked really hard this week. You extracted my mind from a real rut. May I have a hug?"

Sheila hugged him with strong arms for a long time, and then gently he put his fingers under her chin, lifted her lips to his starving mouth, and kissed her deeply. Then he let her go. "Good night, Sheila. You're good company!" She went to her room.

Well. That was all right, but weren't you a little passive?

As he carried the garbage out he saw that her light was off. I wonder if she sleeps nude? He imagined her naked body sprawled on the bed clutching a pillow and collapsed from the day's stress.

Needing to get his mind off her so that he could sleep, he opened his trashy novel to put the vision of her aside. He was soon deeply involved with the exploits of the super detective. After a while, he let the book drop and admitted that he really liked that woman. For the first time in a good while, he felt a strong emotional attachment to her, which, added to his lust for her, made him uncomfortably vulnerable.

He dwelled on her body and the feel of her on the dance floor, then, the first lightning strike hit so unexpectedly within a half-mile, and the sharp thunderclap jarred the dishes and windows. The lights went out briefly as his heart pounded from the adrenaline rush. After a few more pages turned with shaky hands, he heard more loud thunder as the strong wind smashed heavy rain against the windows and deck. More sharp thunder cracked like the main gun on a battle tank.

Having been completely distracted by her, he had ignored the obvious tie down needs. He put on his trunks and left the detective on the bedside table. He checked quickly outside for loose stuff, then bolted the beachside door and started downstairs to secure things there just as the lights went out. He praised the power company with a loud "Aw, shit!" located his flashlight then went down the stairs. At the bottom of the stairs, a long flash of lightning revealed Sheila huddled on the floor sobbing in the corner.

"Hey, what's wrong?" he asked urgently.

"I can't stand lightning!" she shrieked.

"I'm going to secure outside and will be right back," he said.

Soaked from the blowing rain, he tied the garbage cans and closed the locker doors, then ran back inside and grabbed a towel.

Sitting beside her, he asked, "Okay, what is it?'

"I'm scared. I can't stand lightning and thunder that close," she sobbed.

"I can't either, so come here," and pulled her against his soaked body. He finally retrieved her towel from her bathroom and dried her off as best he could. Tiring of floor sitting, he said, "Come with me," in a tone that was not a request but a command.

It worked. She stopped sobbing and as she slowly got up, he put his arm around her and pulled her up the stairs amidst the constant lightning. Each one caused her to wince. He led her to his room and covered her with the bedspread. Then, he closed the door and the storm curtains, reducing the lightning to a mere flicker. Fumbling and swearing at the flashlight, he found the eye mask and ear plugs from a recent overseas flight.

Uncovering her head, he ordered, "Put this mask on and these plugs in your ears." She obeyed, then returned her head under the pillow.

He found a towel and a dry pair of briefs. Then, lying on the bed, he gave her a strong bear hug and just held on. After a while, a regular breathing rhythm replaced her shallow pant and her pulse was way down. She still flinched on the really loud thunder.

He massaged the full length of her back and shoulders continuously, and she gradually began to relax. The thunder quieted some, but the storm was far from over. To relieve the strain on his arms he rolled on his back and pulled her with him. She followed easily.

My God, he'll think I'm some kind of child or psycho. Though ashamed to let him see her fear, she sought the comfort of his arms around her. He can't protect you from the lightning by holding you. But, when he moved, she put her head on his shoulder and snuggled. With her eyes and ears blocked, her nose soon found his aroma and she was more at ease. She vaguely remembered absurd information from biology class about the body aroma of males doing something to menstrual cycles. The storm was suddenly far away and she finally relaxed.

After a while, he whispered close to her plugged ear, "I think the storm's about over. Are you feeling okay?"

She could barely speak, but said, "I'm fine. Just fine. I'm going to take these out," and then removed her blindfold and ear plugs.

"Do you mind if I open the window? It gets stuffy in here with no air conditioning."

"That would feel good," she said.

Looking out at the moon, he said, "It turned into a lovely night."

She said dryly, "It certainly didn't start that way."

"I know that it must have been a dreadful trauma." After a pause, "When you're comfortable, tell me about the storm that scared you." He led her slowly back to the bed.

Her love-hate feelings for him both grew — loving the relaxation and attention and hating the uncertainty. After a minute or two of silence, with love barely ahead, she blurted, "Just when Kevin and I started rock climbing on a Colorado mountain pass, the first lightning and thunder followed quickly. It hit a tree about 30 yards away and knocked it down on fire. The thunder was deafening and my hair stood up and Kevin was still up on the rock. He rappelled down quickly, but the flashes came again and again, and we didn't know where to go."

He felt her entire body stiffen during the story and kept his arms around her rubbing her tense back. She kept talking for several minutes, and her tears were profuse.

"It scared us so much and we had no place to run. I remembered not to go into the woods, so we pulled the tablecloth and backpacks over us and stayed in a low place on the cold ground. The hailstones hurt and bruised us and the lightning would not stop. It was so loud and scary. Then the icy water started coming down the hill in our ditch. Lightning scares the hell out of me when it's so close."

Just the description of the icy water and noise made him shudder. He continued pressing deeply and said, "Just hearing about it makes me nervous. How long ago?" Her warm tears were running down his chest, and he tried to hold her closer.

"Almost six months." I think I have talked about this long enough I'm repeating myself. I must stop crying and get it together. That feels so good when he rubs my back.

At the first pause, he asked, "Could you write about your feelings and experiences?"

"Why write?"

"My shrink made me do that. Writing helps to get it behind you. There are specialists who treat post traumatic stress syndrome," he offered.

He held her close to him and asked, "Can you sleep, now?"

She seemed to relax, and then, "I think so," yawned, stretched, and said, "Yes, I think so," and with no more thought cuddled against him. Uh, this is not your bed! When did you ever feel more comfortable and cared for?

His gentle strokes on her back and arms made her relax, as her breathing was regular. As the strokes continued, she began a slight shiver and felt quite sensual. With his hand under her pajama top, his fingers lightly went from her lower back to her neck, then down her arm, then up the other side of her arm, then the fingernails on his spread fingers going down her back barely touching her skin in her armpit and left chill bumps as he passed erogenous zones on her back and arms. Her feeling of comfort gave way to desire, and she felt the first wetness and swelling. He pulled her over to face him. He put his arms around her. As she reflexively put her arms around him in response, she felt his smooth skin all over his back. Maybe I have felt this before, but his skin is outstanding! I'd better stop — this is too much.

Then, he rolled on his back and brought her with him. As she rolled on her side, she put her leg across his thigh and her arm across his chest, which was the only place for it and her head rested on his shoulder. But she had waited too long to stop. Just as his fingernails and caresses continued on her back, her instinctive pelvic thrust pushed her mons against his hard leg, and her swollen clitoris delivered the first electric shock. She trembled from the contact and then her hips thrust again. He sensed the change from relaxation to sexual excitement. He intentionally made his strokes on her back lighter and made his fingernails tickle. He stroked the most sensitive places on her skin with special care. Her closeness and breathing provoked his base urges. He found her puffy mouth and kissed her. She responded in kind.

The combination of the passionate kiss and the fingernails down her back, made her lose control. The explosion deep inside her made her hold him, thrusting repeatedly, moaning until the throbbing stopped. Belatedly, she realized that she had squeezed his chest and locked her legs around his thigh.

Strong desire swept through his crotch when he felt the hot, wet mons against his thigh. Kiss her again! Her surprise orgasm intensified his desire. As she recovered, she discovered that her wetness had gone through her pajamas onto his leg.

That was some surprise. All he did was hold you and kiss you and you came all over him. Well, there is always a first time. He thinks you're a tramp! Didn't expect to be here did you?

As she settled back to normal breathing, he said softly, "I'm glad the power came back on. We have food in the refrigerator. I'd better close the windows." The excitement and humidity left moist dew on her body.

Oh, yes, we?

Sheila could feel herself trying to awaken after a while, vaguely aware of Greg's breathing and that she was still wrapped around him. A dim glow under the door guided her into the bathroom. As she sat, I can like now be in my own room. Then she saw the wet crotch of her pajamas. I don't want to wear these. As she said that she sniffed the musky aroma of her own excitement. I'll go to the other bed.

Her loud flush competed with the surf noise as the tide sought to regain its pinnacle. She went to her room to confront the messy bed where she had been initially scared. Shit. I'm not staying here alone. I'll get some clean panties and go back.

She found some cotton athletic panties. These are underwear. Anyway, they cover more than my bikini bottom. Where's my fucking retainer? Got it. Do it. Sheila, you have a perfectly good bed here with a locking door. Are you sure you want him to see you in those ugly cotton things? What is on your mind? Are you really going back up there to sleep with a man you don't even know? Then, she took her makeup kit and went upstairs.

When she came back to the room he was looking through the window at the brilliant moonlight — tall, trim, muscular. He looks good. In his bathroom, she pushed some of his toilet stuff over so that she would have a place for hers. Nothing but bright moonlight shimmered on the surf.

He gave her a big smile as she walked over beside him wearing her tee-shirt and cotton panties. He put his arm around her for a short time before they traded places. She watched moonlit surf and he moved to the bathroom. Maybe I weathered the storm.

When he returned, he hugged her and led her back to the bed. "I think it's time for sleep."

You came up here on purpose. What did you want? I think you want to be held and comforted. Can you admit that?

Same as Lightning!
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Château de Vincennes Royal Residence Paris, France March - April, 1386 Jean and his entire household moved to Paris, seeking an audience with the King. For weeks, they waited, spending time and money, in Paris awaiting the King. Jacque le Gris and Count Pierre had also come to the capital to deal with the matter. At some point, the King would hear Jean’s petition and decide whether or not to retry the case. Marguerite was clearly pregnant, having a substantial bump appearing in her...

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DDFBusty Aletta Ocean Cumming Home For Christmas Naughty Babe Double Penetrated

Are you cumming home for Christmas? Aletta Ocean is definitely interested in some cum today, so the naughty babe gets double penetrated by David Perry and Erik Everhard! Watch another sizzling hot and epic episode of our Hands on Hardcore series, brought to you from the North Pole by the DDF Network Santa! The brunette bombshell shows up during a meeting and starts seducing Erik while he’s working on his laptop. The blue-eyed hottie with enhanced tits looks so tantalizing in her Christmas...

2 years ago
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Fun With My College Sister Part 8211 2

Hello, guys, I am back with my story. Please read my previous story to get some pre-knowledge. So this story is during the internship. After that incident happened varnita and I was open with each other. We used to have sex chats and discuss different type of Fantasies with each other. So we both were interning in Delhi and that day was near when we both had sex. After 1 week of internship varnita and I planned a day for our self. I was living in a flat with two other guys. We used to leave for...

2 years ago
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5 December 2006Chapter 3

Dan and Cindy relaxed, cuddling together. She sighed her pleasure, accepting his cum scented kisses. This time, it was Cindy who wanted to be walked around the room for viewing by the men. She felt more comfortable and took the time to chat with several people. She didn’t mind her body being viewed by lustful eyes, and she was obviously looking at their hard cocks. She surprised Dan several times by going to her knees and sensually sucking on his cock in front of other groups. Cindy guided...

4 years ago
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Part Time Male Escort In Bangalore

I have been reading the stories from this forum for the last four years. Every story has its own passion to reveal and some really boost us to have a immediate sex. I am 30 yrs old, lost my virginity at the age of 17 to my neighbour aunt in Kerala. From then on life has never been the same. Going down has been on my favourites, and I love girls who like it very much. This story is not about my neighbour, it’s a lady I met through my client. All the names have been changed to protect the privacy...

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Sex With My Hot Java Ma8217am

Hai ISS reader lam Ajay 22-year-old engineer fresh out of college this is my first story in ISS and Am living in Chennai about me dusky skin color, medium gym body, clean and 5-6 inch tool anyone in Chennai wants my service means mail at and IT women are most welcome. Now coming to the story this story happened while I am doing my BE final year in my college at that I need a Java programming teacher to teach java. We have a java teacher called Ms.Ramya (name changed). She must be in her...

1 year ago
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HandsOnHardcore Clea Gaultier Cum All Over Her Ass

If you like sensual fuck scenes where the couple are obviously into each other, then don’t miss this hot Hands on Hardcore scene where Cleo Gaultier is sharing a bed with suave stud Anthony Gaultier and simply can’t keep her hands off. Watch as she fondles his cock, he fingers her perfectly trimmed pussy, and then she wraps her lips around his shaft, getting him good and hard to fuck her wet snatch in every position he can. French fancy Cleo looks fantastic riding him before he...

1 year ago
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My Date With Catherine

It is difficult to try to recall how I felt about Catherine, sometimes I would feel ashamed of my feelings, after all she was more than twice my age, yet I guess I looked forward to seeing her for some reason. I had begun to enjoy her company and our times together, as well as liking her for her generous tips when I waited on her. Now we had this date for the pictures, and I admit I was beginning to believe she was queer. As I said I'd had a bad experience that caused me to move from one part...

2 years ago
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Sexy Car Wash For The Neighbor

I’ve been doing some very naughty things recently. My name is Alice and I’m twenty-two years old and I just love to be with older men. Lately, I’ve been focusing my time on my neighbor. He’s married, but I just don’t know if his marriage is good or not. I often hear them arguing, when they're in the yard, or if he’s outside washing his car. His name is Vincent and he’s an older man. I’d think he's probably sixty years old. I just find him very attractive. I know sexually I could please him...

3 years ago
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MaquisChapter 5

Newcastle-upon-Tyne. October the same year. “Surely they’re not serious?” Dorothy Trenton was talking to one of her people. “That’s what they’ve told us. They’re gonna cut our salary, and put us on a zero-hour contract.” Dorothy shook her head. As the local leader of USDAW, the shop workers union, she knew she had, and would always have, very little true influence. USDAW was a relatively weak union, its usually unskilled members easy to hire and fire. In a way it was this very weakness...

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Sylvias Mother Ch 23

Sylvia’s mother and Jason were startled awake in the morning by the sound of a soft knock on the bedroom door. Shocked to have someone intrude when they were together, she and he stared at each other wide-eyed for a few seconds, their hearts pounding. ‘Mom, it’s Brenda,’ Sylvia’s sister called softly. ‘I just wanted to tell you I was leaving early, so you wouldn’t worry if you woke up and I wasn’t here. And don’t worry, Sylvia’s still sound asleep.’ Both Jason and Karen relaxed at the sound...

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My Hooker Wife

That was the angriest I ever left my wife. She wanted to buy a $500 watch and she didn’t have any money in her bank account. She expected me to buy the watch for her. That’s why we have separate accounts. We each have our play money and I wasn’t going to use my money to buy her a watch. I did call her on the way to make up. I was on my way to a project about 2 hours outside town. I was going to be gone all week and I knew I would be missing her. I wouldn’t only be missing the sex...

3 years ago
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Shocking Swapping Gift Play With Pussy

We were six, 3 couples and we have finished our first fucking session. I have already fucked Neha and Riya. Rupesh and Parveen have already fucked girl friend. Now it was something new for us and we all sat and started talking about our experience of this night. My girlfriend too is so horny to tell you all and also she enjoyed it like all of us. Rupesh and Parveen my friends admitted in front of their girlfriend’s that they loved fucking Payal too and they have always fantasized about her...

4 years ago
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Padoswali bhabhi thi garam masala

So, without wasting your time let me come to the story. This incident happened 3 months ago. My family had to go out for a wedding of my cousin brother to lucknow. Because i had my exams, mujhe apni neighbour ke yaha rehna pada.hamare neighbour varma’s bahut achhe log hai. Vaha mr. & mrs. Varma rehte hai. Dinesh varma (mr.varma0 jinhe me bhaiyya bulata hoo ek army officer hai. So, let me start, to mujhe dinesh bhaiya ke yaha 5 din rehna pada. Dinesh bhaiya ki wife shivani bhabhi bahut sexy...

3 years ago
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Tempted TouristChapter 8

Jill Duncan turned slowly around to face the crowded semi-circle of spectators seated in tiers a little below the low stage where she herself was standing. There was a round bed covered by some furry fabric in the center of the stage? and psychedelic-hued lights were flashing on and off. The terrified young American was grateful for the lights which half- blinded her drugged eyes and made it almost impossible to see the audience. To actually sit down on the suggestive stage-prop seemed...

2 years ago
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Hard Road of LoveChapter 2

"Holly shit! You are beautiful!" Ellie had fixed her wavy brown hair on top of her head and she wore a black, very tight, fitting one-piece skirt outfit that looked like as if it were painted on her sexy body. It just did come to her stocking covered thighs and a pair of black high heels lifted her two inches higher in the air. I pulled her into my arms and couldn't help getting hard as I felt the warmth from her body. "Please tell me where you're taking me!" Ellie said as she moved as...

2 years ago
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Eric Olafson Neo Viking Vol 1Chapter 16 Sugar and Spice

Sif and I hatched our plan and I was supposed to meet her on Monday right after school. Dreadful for what I expected at home I waited for Hogun to pick me up, but he seemed pleased with himself as he showed up and climbed into his floater. “Your father has allowed for you to stay with me again for a while. You don’t need to go to the burg.” I sighed relieved and told him about father’s strange behavior and then about the visit. He threw his hands in the air in a resigning gesture. “The...

1 year ago
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First and best time ever

It happened when I was 18 and used to babysit for a young couple Mark and Launa. I’d been their babysitter since I was 15 and lived a few doors away. My mother recommended me for the job, little did she know! Mark and Launa were both 25 and had a baby boy. They were a really cool couple. Mark was very good looking with piercing blue eyes and the sexiest smile I’d ever seen. I always got the feeling he knew I fancied him, just by the way he seemed to tease me sometimes with a wink or a smile.

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8211 Part 1

(For a change, this story is based on actual events, without necessity to add too many spicy and masala fantasies. I thank Vanaja for her enthusiasm in describing minute details about her seductions and fuck experiences and Ravi for his support (he is co – author of this story). I make a cameo appearance. If you wish to correspond with Vanaja and Ravi, email ID Please send your comments/ suggestions to ) నేను బెంగుళూర్ కి వెళ్ళేఎ.సి బస్ లోకి ఎక్కి తక్కిన ప్రయాణీకుల్ని చూసి, నిట్టూర్చాను,...

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Demon and Demeanour Book 4 of Poachers ProgressChapter 6 Yellowbellies

The thought of Becky and Shelley engaging in ‘rascality’ had my demon spitting and screaming inside me. ‘You have no choice but to cut off his nugs. He has debauched your sister, and family honour demands you seek out the scoundrel and dispatch him.’ My demon was right, but there was scant chance of finding Shelley in Lincolnshire, where I was bound. Horse Guards had sent a letter to Lincoln Castle notifying the garrison commander of my imminent arrival. An escort would be dispatched to...

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Yacht Crew

Karen was searching an internet dating site and she met this guy he was a rugged good looking. They started chatting and flirting and one night while I was away working. Karen was bored and horny and Dave suggested he show Karen what she could have when they met. Karen described his cock as thick and long and she gets very turned on watching guys play with themselves thinking about her. She was getting more turned on when he told her he would have a crew of two or three guys with him, and would...

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Coming Full Circle

As I lay in my bed, recalling these recent past events, I determined to write this all down before I woke up and found out I was dreaming. In my family, there has existed for some time now a terribly messed up gene that causes one in every eighty of our line to be born with the wrong sexual organs, such as a penis, despite having ovaries, or a clit and vagina despite producing sperm. With such problems, and the inherent hormones that steer sexual identity, any of us today could have a sex...

3 years ago
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Noisy Neighbours

I started to wonder whether everything they did on a daily basis was just to piss me off. It had gone from petty stuff, like ‘forgetting’ to drop round parcels that had been delivered when I was at work or letting their dog jump the fence and scare the shit out of my cat, to hanging pictures up at 11pm and parking their car right outside my driveway. I’d always hated my neighbours, and what made it even worse was there was nothing I could do about them. The police didn’t want to know, they...

1 year ago
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Winter is Cumming part 2

As the bright, invasive afternoon sunlight came streaming through my stained (with dust and dirt) glass window, I found myself spooning (and possibly forking) with my new dream girl, Winter Summer, whom I had met earlier at the Public Market. Rubbing my aching jaw from our earlier sexcapades, fearing I might have lockjaw then grinning like an escaped lunatic as I recalled her hairy pussy, suddenly so afraid she might be a werewolf I had to rush out to buy silver bullets (the ammo, not that...

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deRothchild A Mediaeval Romance Ch 02

Three weeks later… In a busy inn in one of the smaller towns in France two knights were talking. ‘Bad business with the Warbrookes and deRothchilds. That Countess of Warbrooke is -‘ ‘A vicious bitch,’ replied his companion calmly. Lowering his voice, the first knight replied, ‘I hate to agree – but you’re right. The deRothchilds are doing everything for peace but she just wants the exact opposite.’ ‘And she’s a greedy bitch at that. Don’t blame the deRothchilds not wanting their thirteen...

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Sally with Bob at the Nude Resort

It had only been two days since I took Sally to the airport on Friday so she could go spend a little quality time with our friend Bob. In his wanderings online he had found a nude resort he thought might be fun, but the rules of the resort stipulated no single males. He wanted Sally to go with him. About a month earlier, we had spent a long weekend with Bob at his farm. One afternoon, he and Sally went swimming in a stream that runs through his land. They wound up skinny dipping, and one thing...

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BusherChapter 11 Emily

I was in bed, under the covers, and pretending to be asleep when Dave finally came into the darkened room and joined me in the bed. It was a full-sized bed and I was lying on the right side -- the side next to Dave's alarm clock and his portable radio and a Sound Machine with the sounds of ocean waves and the clickity-clack of a train rolling over the rails. Sleeping aids. Dave, apparently, didn't need any sleeping aids that night. He quickly took his place on the other side of the bed,...

1 year ago
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Stocks BlondesChapter 29 All Choked Up

No matter how much you cry and plead, there’s no white knight. When it comes down to saving your life, no one does it like yourself. I’m lying here thinking about all the things that happened in the past twenty-four hours and every time I take a breath, I exhale tears of fright and exhaustion. I’ve been shaking all night and haven’t really slept soundly. Those fits of sleep I get are filled with the most horrid, grotesque dreams I have ever had. Someday my prince will come It took more...

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After the FallChapter 5

Eve was pregnant! We celebrated her announcement with a feast of bar-b-qued pig. That pseudo tomato mixed with our true tomato produced an excellent bar-b-que sauce when we added the proper spices. Actually, I preferred the taste of this new stuff to what we had at home. I had also been working on a home-brew and had finally gotten it to taste well enough to offer to company, if we'd had any. Both Eve and I liked it, and we had developed a taste for beer while on military service. Eve was...

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Molly Curt Naked In SchoolChapter 9

Lisa had watched the Parkhursts leave for the family picnic with more than a little trepidation. Cassie and Penny had been over for Sunday morning, but knowing that Bert would be gone, they had left for home. Lisa had almost been tempted to go with them, but Bert had sensed that and talked her out of it. The big SUV that served as a limo was barely through the gates of the estate when Erma came and put a gentle hand on Lisa's shoulder. "Scared, Honey?" Just the evidence of caring brought...

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Im going to Cum Again Blacken

Susan was bored. Well, not bored, but frustrated, uptight, out of sorts. Something was wrong and she didn't know what it was. All the other women at work were always talking about sex with their husbands and how great it was. They talked as if it was the most exciting, thrilling thing in their life. She never entered any of the discussions, but always listened to their every comment. She couldn't help thinking there was something wrong with her marriage. Sex seemed to be the only subject they...

3 years ago
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Growing up Polygamy

You know how as a young boy growing up you usually learned about sex through the internet, porn, etc…. I was not so fortunate growing up. My only way of releasing was with my hand and to my own thoughts. My parents were strictly religious and polygamists at that so as you could imagine I had an interesting childhood. My father was about 57 at this time when I was 18. I was the oldest boy with two older sisters, and I had 4 younger sisters and 2 younger brothers. My father had 4 wives,...

4 years ago
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Julies Visit

Before I can answer you exclaim, “Julie! She’s in town on business and wants to come over tonight! Dinner’s ready, after you eat you should grab a shower. It should be a very interesting night.” “You think something will happen?” I ask with a raised eyebrow. “Oh, something will happen, even if I have to rape her!” you say and we both laugh. We eat our dinner quickly as you tell me about your day. You tell me that you got the call early this morning and have spent the day...

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