Mistress Of The Wardrobe 8 free porn video

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Storm Coming For tea which Lisele brought in on a tray for us to share, she was dressed plainly in a working skirt and jacket over a smooth cotton blouse. It still looked very nice on her in dark grey. With her hair piled up on her head. She spoke plainly. "Mistress, my outfit is the same colour as the skies, topside." "Really is it that threatening out today. Well it matches my mood after this morning?" Lisele spoke from experience saying. "When the skies look like this we can expect a hard blow. What I mean is you probably will not be going on deck tonight. It will probably be pitching something fierce. No, this evening and later is when the real bad weather will descend on us. And you would be swept over the rail easily, so tonight you and I will entertain ourselves together, here in your wonderfully soft and sensuous Boudoir." "That bad ehh,...Will the ship survive and carry us though? Should I be battening the hatches or something? " I looked at her and we giggled together. The first laugh we had had since that terrible morning trauma. "No, Ill come back with dinner and by then I'll have completed all my preparations for the storm, as will the rest of the ship. You my Lady do not have any duties regarding this event. So I think if you just wait here for me, it would be best. Then you and I can hunker down in some pillows and ride out this blow, in style and comfort sweetie. Perhaps well have a treat this evening, I think that the Doctor has come through with some excellent Madeira from that Dutchman we hailed yesterday. And I know I can fit a dozen bottles in the water butt over there by the screen. And if he has then you and I are floating this evening." "Have some fun now, Allyson dear, don't you wait for me." So I was left to myself for the afternoon while the rest of the ships company would be stowing barrels and covering hatches with waterproof sealskin, and so many other things to prepare a sailing vessel for a hard blow. I said a silent prayer to bring us through safely. I sat down on the settee in the dressing room thinking what I could do to secure my own little domain My Domin? Sanctum. Well first, I knew that I had to shut all the stern windows, I had opened this morning when it was oppressively warm in this cabin. But that can wait until it really does start to blow. So in the meantime I walked around and secured all the candles in the ceiling holders so that they wouldn't drop out on anyone's head when the ship started to pitch and roll. They wouldn't be lit of course, Lisele and I won't need much light for our selves. The loose items on the dressers and vanity I stowed in their drawers and flipped the latches closed (this prevents them, for opening when rolling or pitching in heavy seas.) I pushed and shoved the chaise over by my bed so it formed a 60 degree angle so we would have a nice cozy place to weather the storm, that we could be comfortable without having to move far. The hookah I stowed in the bed headboard niche that was recently modified for me along with some small cabinets and drawers in the headboard and under the bed as well for stowing items. I grabbed the small jewelled boxes that have my stashes inside and put them and the Lucifers were they would be within reach. The ash bucket I put under the chaise then secured the chaise to the floor, then moved on to do the same to any of the cabinets or chairs and tables that were not fixed to the deck. My bathroom was almost ready but still needed the counter tops cleared of my cosmetics and lotions, bottles and jars. These went into the cabinet next to the towels and clothes. Looking in the tub I noted, no water to worry about. Perhaps if there is enough time before dinner, I'll take a quick bath. As I passed back into the dressing room I looked closely for anything else that needed to be secured. Then moved into the boudoir, checking here that everything was put up. I moved over to the piles of pillows and began throwing them into the space in-between the bed and the chaise, adding two spare satin embroidered comforters from the linen closet, creating a soft fragrant silky niche that Lisele and I could dive into and luxuriate in heavenly bliss. Dressed or undressed, we would be warm and safe together in a satin and silk cocoon of femininity. I was surprised how long all these small things had taken. And it was coming on to six bells, so Lisele should be here any time now. I was reclining on the chaise dressed in a long Mauve silk dressing gown and matching foundations, I just loved this set, they were so soft and comfy, brushing and caressing my skin. The corset holding me snuggly and firmly, but still not uncomfortably. I really had grown used to them and now desired to wear them daily. My dark hose held by the garters hanging from my corset, high-heeled mules adorned my feet letting my lovely painted toes peek out. Crew Members! Somewhat later when I heard a load scraping bang sound from the passageway and jumped in fright. It had startled me out of a lovely daydream. Climbing to my feet I could feel the ship start to tilt or heel over to port and the loud noise was repeated followed by a curse in fine hackney voice. Pulling my mauve robe around me tightly I walked over and cracked my door open, and peering around to look down the passageway, I was startled and in turn startled a group of sailors trying to muscle a gun carriage into a place to lash it down securely. Just as the ship lurched again one of them yelled "avast hold er steady Blake" and the larger of the sailors wiped a rope around the butt end of the rolling beast, pulling it tight to arrest the carriages progress across the deck, then they all joined in lashing it firmly down. Turning as a group, the largest, stepped forward and tilted his small hat to me, saying "beggiin yer pardin ma liddy, wes didnt mean ta destrube yer liddyship ...sory yer liddyship! We dint mean no 'arm - jest, ad to tie de goon doon. Sorry M'Liddy I be Blake 'ead of dis section." Oh my god he was huge six foot six if he was an inch and an easy twenty stone. Blake humm...I knew I wouldn't forget that name, William Blake was one of my favourite poets. I smiled at them, some of the first crew members that I had seen since assuming the Mistress duties aboard. And said, "not to worry sweetie, I was just curious what made that load noise and commotion." "yar the bloody_ .... sorry mam.... ta goon karrage wooda don lotsa 'arm, bangin roun the dek." I nodded my head my blond curls bouncing as the rest of the group stood behind this mammoth, and stared intently but nicely at me. I couldn't say what they were thinking but...in my present condition I could make a good guess. Blake spoke up again. "Verry Plees'd ta met yerr mam errr..sorry M Liddy Allie-sen. Argh I jes wanna tel ya....Wes real h'ppy ta be da foorst ta see ya, M Liddy. Sep fer Blythe,... poor devil." I responded politely "Well thank you Mr. Blake, that's very sweet of you and speaking of very sweet I want you to pass along a message to the crew who worked so hard to prepare my cabin for me." "Wot kinna missuge m'Liddy?" "I want you, to thank them from the bottom of my heart for all their kindness and work." I stepped forward and stood on my tip toes and kissed him a resounding smack on the cheek then laid my palm on his massive chest with my delicate fingers and painted nails. I thought he was going to drop in his tracks, the dazed look he gave me said adoration pure and simple. "That of course was only for you, you don't have to pass that along to the others." There was a hearty chuckle from behind him, as they saw him turn a shade redder in the face and look down to the deck. He muttered a "ah be thankin ya m'liddy." But the smile and his eyes made me smile in return. "We's bes be goin now." He turned to the rest. "afor som'on' comes a lookin" and sort of pushed them away down the passageway. I went to softly close the door and overheard someone saying. "gawd does that look like sometin youd say go way to?" Then the gruff voice of Blake rumbled out, "ya b'lay dat kina talk abot M Liddy, Jacobs." "Ok, Ok Blake lovey settle down." There was more grumbling that I couldn't catch. Damn that Blake was big, I wonder if his... Oooohhh stop that Allyson. I sauntered back into my boudoir to continue my musing on the chaise, what a nice arrangement this was with the chaise close to the bed and cushions and pillows, satin comforters making a super soft and feminine retreat from the cruel storm that was bound for us. I think I had made more than a friend in Mr. Blake, judging by the look of adoration that was on his face when he shooed the rest of then down the passageway. Perhaps one day Ill need a friend like him, big and capable. But most of all devoted. Yes, that brought thoughts to my mind of many things. Plotting ways to get the Captain his comeuppance and that evil Brandt too. Relaxing back and thinking of plots and revenge, yes revenge for my sweet Lisele. I shuddered at the thought of my sweet lady Lisele in the hands of that ogre. The Storm The time past as I dozed on a cloud of satin, as the wind increased in velocity, and the rain began hitting the decks above me as well as the windows. The widows! I forgot to close them, well now was the time. Languidly rising and sliding over to the nearest open one I secured it to the frame and moved to the next, when the ship took a sudden lurch, throwing me to the deck in a heap. Lisele walked in at that moment and saw me on the floor, Shrieked rushed over and asked very gently if I was alight? I told her yes I was fine, explained what had happened. "Oh Allyson, you gave me such a fright, when I walked in and saw you on the floor I assumed the worst. That you had hurt yourself or the ships lurch had thrown hard against the bulkhead. Now don't you worry your pretty little head about those windows and other things that's what I'm here for Milady, please let me do all those things for you. Now you lay back here on the bed while I get the remaining windows closed." I lay back as she had told me, feeling a little helpless, like a little girl and frustrated that I was not going to be allowed to do anything ever! Once Lisele had finished closing all the windows but one, open a small crack so that it wouldn't be stuffy in the cabin, there was a special overhang above this window nearest the bed. She then went around to all the candles and checked them. Nodding with satisfaction at what she found. We would need to light a storm lantern since the overcast skies had given way to pure darkness split with occasional lightning bolts. She rejoined me and asked. " I see that you secured all of your things? Thank you Dearie, but I would have done it, it is my job now isn't it?" Admonished I nodded yes, but still pouted. She reached out and caressed my cheek with her soft palm. And I melted right there in a large puddle on the floor. Was she chastising me? Or chiding me? "I just felt that I had to do something and with you doing other things, I just decided to do what I could. So that's why most of the securing has been done. Lisele." "Oh there is one thing ..." looking at me with an scowl on her face. "What is the matter, Lisele?" I asked quickly worrying that some thing was terribly wrong. Or that I had done something incredibly stupid. She took a breath and said, "You have been outside this cabin, young Lady! The Doctor and I have told you that you shouldn't step outside the cabin without one of us there to guide and serve you." "Now the whole ship knows that you have been seen and the rumours are flying like a hot wind in Jamaica. You are the subject of so much speculation and adoration that when you do make your debut you'll be mobbed with admirers." "We wanted to make your appearance a surprise for everyone and now you have ruined it." her eyes were dancing and I knew she was just pulling me along with this supposed anger. "I heard a load noise and couldn't help myself, I had to look. And yes I was dressed you hussy...i see the look on your face you think that I went out there naked don't you?" I replied in my own defence. I could see the laughter come to her face as she smiled and said. "Oh Allyson, I'm not angry with you, someone was bound to see you before your debut, like when we took a walk on deck the other night. So it happened when you were alone, but at least you limited your appearance before those crew members to a short time. It was long enough however to find yourself a worshipper, I have also heard that you kissed him, you harlot. Well perhaps he will serve as a protector of your virtue." She laughed again. "What, are you talking about, they were just polite men." "Yes polite, because you had shocked them and then actually talked to them. Leaving aside that you kissed Blake!" "So where is the harm in being nice?" "No, its not that ...it's the fact the you chose to kiss Blake and then caress his chest - from what I understand of that giant's King's English. That was it for him, you are now a Goddess to him." Covering my mouth with my small hand, "Ohh I didn't think that - that small thing would have such an impact on Blake." Surprising yes but it could work in well with any plan we make. This was something new to me, having someone who had such adoration for me. I was sure that I would not know how to handle him if I should see him or speak to him again. Lisele continued with "Well you could have not made a better choice,...really with the size and devotion of Blake you are in a more secure position in the ships company." "Alrighty Allyson lets go have a snack, I brought some food from the galley, they have banked fires until this blow is over and done. That means no hot food until we are past this rough weather; we'll have to eat cold." She had brought some cheese, bread and fruit as well as a joint of lamb and half a duck. Well stocked for latter snacks as well and all washed down with my never ending supply of wine now stored in the water butt. Even though we were eating rough Lisele kept up the etiquette lessons and we nibbled our way to a pear at the end for dessert. Refreshed, I watched as Lisele cleared the tray and stowed the remainder away to be consumed as a midnight snack if we wanted. She then joined me on the chaise and we pulled the comforter over us and snuggled down to get warm. The temperature had dropped quickly when the rain resumed during our repast and there was a chill in the air outside, inside the chill was just beginning. Snuggling to get warm with my best friend, wrapped in silks and satin bliss, we kissed lovingly, she reached a hand to my nipple and through my satin robe gave it a tweak. The ship began to roll back and forth now as we snuggled in closer and slid back and forth with the motion created by wind and waves. By itself it was very pleasant, hugging and sliding with my lover and friend. The dim light cast by the swinging single storm lantern washed pendulum-like over us. Creaking and moaning was the music of the drunken dance the ship was on, thrown together with a moan of the wind through the rigging. However nice it was for the both of us it wasn't really that nice for the ship in general, as some rigging or spars are always torn away in these storms along with some rails and other repairs that always follow in the wake of storms. Lisele and I needed to get dressed just in case something tragic was to happen and we had to abandon ship or something like that. Slowly we rose to dress for the evening, staggering with the ships rolling, Lisele coming with me to the dressing room. The storm was quickly gathering power and was tossing and playing with the ship as you would with the child's toy. We stumbled to the dressing room as the ship rocked from side to side. Lisele told me that this was nothing wait some time and it may turn really bad. "Don't say that,... you're scaring me, this is bad enough, how can you say it will get worse?" she hugged me tightly whispering to me. "I don't know if it will get worse,...em sorry for frightening you M'Lady. Lets just get dressed and then snuggle down in that very nice nest you made with the pillows and satins." As the ship bucked and corkscrewed in the waves and wind, there seemed to be no end to the lurching and twisting, always accompanied by timber groans and squeaks. Add to taht the sreeking of the wind through the rigging and one or two storm sails that were set, and there was a constant noise surrounding us. There seemed to be a general melody or rhythm to this, list to port, then stern up, twist to a starboard list, then bow up, again and again. These same movements repeated themselves. It was almost a macabre dance after an hour or so. We soon learned to brace ourselves at the proper moment to prevent us from sliding out of our slippery satin environment. At one point it may have been advisable for us to have placed and secured an immovable object in the last area of our nest to form a cocoon of sorts but once the pitching and rolling had really started we couldn't move about the deck to do so. We instead adjoined to the big bed that was fastened securely to the deck and bulkhead and transfered all the pillows and spreads, that I had placed in the nest in and around us in the bed. The storm lantern still shed it's faint glow and danced with the motions of the ship, at times swinging violently back and forth. The light sliding around a corresponding movement throughout the cabin. We were still tossed and rolled about but it was very snuggly and sort of fun, mainly because of our slippery soft surroundings. Sleep was another matter, we did eventually did fall asleep but only for short intervals time. And thus we passed the time and waited for the storm to abate. After the Storm Lisele and I woke this morning to be greeted by still, cold grey skies and a gentle normal roll to the ship. Quite a change from twelve hours ago. Although still cocooned in our sea of pillows and satin blankets with the duvet thrown over us keeping both of us warm and happy. She smiled at me with those laughing blue eyes, stretched her arms over her head and that is when I noticed the mounds on her chest. Indicating at least to me that the FireQue was still working it's way on her body. I pointed this out to her with a smile on my own face, saying. "Well Lisele my dearest what are those wonderful bumps on your chest?" Startled into a fully wakeful state she moved her hands down and covered them, even though she was encased in a very sheer blue silk nightgown, they were very evident to my eyes as well as her hands. I could tell from the little squeal of pleasure that she was pleased as well. She jumped up and removed the nightgown as quickly as I had ever seen anyone remove something before and stood before the wardrobe mirror with her hands covering those protuberances, and her feet did a little dance on the carpet. Her bottom which was facing in my direction bounced along with the dance steps. "Oh Allyson, Allyson they are real they are mine..." without finishing this sentence she jumped back into bed landing astride me, looking down at me her hair dangled close to my face she finished. "...And yours Milady Allyson. We are now true sisters in the flesh." I had to laugh at her joyful expression and reached up with my hand behind her head and brought my lips to hers, kissing her tenderly and with as much passion as I could bring to this simple act. Our tongues danced a merry tune in which neither of us gained an advantage. I was completely hers now, I wrapped her in my arms and rolled slightly to my side. Never breaking the lip lock that we had. My hands stoked her back sensuously and slowly, she fumbled with the front closing strings on my nightgown, finally loosening then enough to slide a warm hand gently over my left nipple. I moaned into her mouth to tell her she was doing it just right, as my perky young nipple responded to this touch, I moved my hands from stroking her bare back to her wonderful plump bottom cheeks. Pinching them playfully she then moaned into my mouth signally the same pleasure and desire. The knock at the door startled us both and she dove under the duvet to cover her nakedness. We looked at each other and laughed, eyes smiling that secret smile that only lovers can share. She called out, "entree monsieur." In a sweet innocent voice. Mr. Harris cracked the door open and poked his head around to look at both of us lying in bed with the covers up around our chins. He smiled that friendly smile of his when he said. "Ladies the storm has past and the ship has weathered it well, we have only lost two spars and a storm sail. The cooking fires have been re-lit so there will be hot food this morning, if you can pry yourself from that warm bed." He laughed deeply and continued. "This will be a normal sailing day, and the crew is very pleased that we have sustained so little damage, that the scuttlebutt is that since we have two ladies aboard we were doubly lucky. I'm very pleased to concur with them." Oh that is good news, for all that rolling and pitching we came through relatively undamaged, and whole. "Do either of you have anything special to do today? If not then I would like to suggest that you join me on deck this evening for your promenade just at four bells of the first dog watch, so that you may observe the sun creasing the horizon. And I assure you that the sunset will be colourfully spectacular. It has now just gone eight bells of the morning watch so you have plenty of time." "Thank you Mr. Harris I would be honoured to view the sunset this evening." I said very sweetly, "could you come in a moment I would like to ask you something?" "Yes Milady what can I do for you?" As he closed the door and stepped closer to the bed containing two almost naked young ladies. "Well as Lisele can attest to, I have not the palette for the sailors Rum, and I was wondering if any of the Officers would be willing to part with some of their wine, which I know is part of their own private provisions. But I would be so grateful if some could be made available to me. I would of course pay whatever the cost of this would be, when we have reached a port to trade our goods in." He looked down at the deck in thought. And then raised his head and smiled, "I had anticipated something of this kind before we left Liverpool and took it upon myself to procure a supply of wines for the use of the Mistress of the Wardrobe. I will have a trustworthy man bottle some from the casks in the hold and deliver it to this cabin, this morning or failing that this afternoon. How many bottles would you like to start off with Milady?" "Oh Mr. Harris that would be splendid, I don't know, what do you think Lisele? How many bottles should this messenger of heavenly vintage bring?" Lisele looked over at the waterbutt that stood beside the Japanese screen leading to the dressing area and tub room. "I would think that the barrel would hold perhaps two dozen bottles or so, if it doesn't we could always store them in the tub room cabinets." "Very good ladies, I shall see that two dozen are brought up, oh and if there is less that two dozen please let me know, so that we can see if the deliveryman is drunk on your wine. We wouldn't want the Mistress to have no wine after all would we?" he smiled at us both enjoying the banter and supposed airs that Lisele and I had put on. He departed and closed the door securely behind him. Lisele and I looked at each other and giggled with happiness. She said. "Allyson you, vixen you. How you ever came up with that, I'll never know. Just asking him sweetly in that little voice of yours...but it worked, I have to say, you will have wine soon and not have to spit that Rum all over the room again." She laughed again. "Or to ask the Doctor to make some available from his precious stores." "Now I'll go and throw something on so that I can go and get us some hot food, I think we have had enough cold mutton for awhile." So saying she jumped back out of bed before I could grab her and demand another kiss. Wine Delivery Later on that afternoon after a short nap and Lisele dressing me for the day in a wonderful day-dress of heavy velvet to ward off the chill of the day after the storm. We were having a nice cup of tea and some biscuits, just the two of us. The discussion was light and inconsequential. But I was still enjoying it, a pleasant social afternoon with only Lisele. There was a small knock at the door and Lisele and I looked at each other in expectation. We were caught unawares,but then I remembered that Mr. Harris had said that he would send someone. Lisele jumped up, straighted her skirts and walked to the door, when she had swung it wide open there stood my giant, Blake. His massive arms holding two large boxes. "Mr. Blake, it's very nice to see you again." I said as I rose and walked toward him standing just past the threshold of the door, making sure that my skirt and blouse of the heavy velvet fell nicely into place as I walked. He bowed his head slightly and said, "M'liddy, mizter 'arris sended me wif dez bott'les o' wine fer yuz." "Please come in Mr. Blake and you can put those down." He ducked his head to pass through the doorway and advanced a few steps into my sanctum, making no move to put the boxes down, he looked around for some thing then spied the waterbutt along the wall and moved over to it. He set the boxes down with ease and straightened up and removed his cap, ducked his head once more and said. "I'z suppoz ta put da bottles in the waterbutt, Miztrez." "Yes of course Mr. Blake, please go right ahead." He proceeded to pick the barrel up with what seemed to be no effort even thought it was three quarters filled with water, and carried it into the tub room behind the screen. Lisele and I looked at each other with amazement at the strength so casually displayed by this mountain of a man, that barrel had to weigh 15 stone! I could hear water being poured into the tub, then he reappeared to set the barrel down and knelt to begin plucking bottles out of the top box and placing them carefully in the bottom of the barrel. The whole process took a few minutes in which Lisele and I seated ourselves once again. We glance in the direct of Blake. I decided to play a gambit. "Mr. Blake if you would like to join us for a cup of tea I would be most pleased." I said slowly, looking at him as he rose when done with his task. He stood there a minute with a puzzled look on his face, then said. "Aye Tankee ma'm, I wood lik dat." I poured a another cup and asked. "Lemon or sugar, Mr Blake?" "Suger ma'm plez." I motioned to our third chair at the small table, he moved over and sat down gingerly, probably afraid the chair would collapse if he looked at it wrong. I handed the cup and saucer to him and he palmed the saucer in his large hands and picked the small cup up without putting his finger in the tiny loop handle, they were too big for that. He smiled and nodded his head again, sipped his tea. Lisele finally spoke up with. "So Mr Blake are you the one who filled the bottles and what did you have to choose from?" "Well dar is tree casks in da hold an aye fille'd some bott'les from each. An Mizter 'arris tol me ta bring dem here, so dar day are. Aye brung one of dem label tings from da cask. 'ere it is." He produced a shipping label from his pocket and handed it to Lisele who looked and then passed it to me. I read it and my eyes went wide. This was from even a name I recognised, Ch?teau Lafite Rothschild and the vintage was 1811. Oh my this is very rare and special wine. A comet year, very rare. My opinion of the procuring abilities of the Purser went up immensely. I was impressed as I knew Lisele was as well. While I was reading the label that he had brought, Blake gulped down his tea and rose fro the chair. I believe he was uncomfortable with Lisele and I. I stood and walked up to him touching him gently on the arm. "Mr. Blake I would like to for you to come back and visit whenever you get a chance, I would like for you to be my friend, someone who I could turn to when I have problems. Can you be my friend Mr. Blake?" I admit I purred seductively turning on the charm as best I could. Blake just looked down and blushed, "shur M'liddy, dat wood be nice, an everyone needs a frien. Aye wood be 'onored m'liddy." "Please Mr. Blake call me Allyson or Allie if you like. I will pass this on to Mr. Harris he's been helpful in the past. And then whenever you would like I can have you come to tea with Lisele and I. Is that alight for you? Will you do that for me?" "Aye m'liddy er Allyzen, aye wood like to be yur frien." "Thank you Mr. Blake that would be very nice." Full Circle I seated my self lady-like on the chaise and patted the seat next to me. Indicating that Lisele should come and sit so we could talk like two young ladies. She came over and gracefully lowered herself to the cushion, turning to look at me with those big brown eyes of hers. "Lisele when I was younger and lived with my mother and father. My older sister had married and moved out with her husband, but having left behind many clothes that had stayed stored in her old room. Jeanette was a pretty young woman the last time I saw her, two years ago on my birthday in Swansea while visiting her and her husband David, a nice enough young man as far as a twelve year old could tell. He bought me a toy sail boat and helped me sail it on the park lake." "Wait...stop... Milady you don't have to explain this to me " "Yes I do ...Lisele please let me get through this " "Anyway ...being alone in the house and of an age that I thought of myself as a natural explorer, I explored Jeanette's room one day finding many treasures which I soon learnt could be worn and enjoyed by a young slender long haired boy. Soon at least a part of everyday was spent in those luxurious undies and satin peignoirs. I was smitten and relentless in my pursuit of Charlotte time, oh that is what I called myself when I was er dressed in her clothing. I seemed to find time at odd moments in the morning or evening unless it was raining outside I wasn't allowed out when it was raining. But had to stay in and play out of sight of the adults, so that is what I did." "And then one day the inevitable happened my mother found me in my sisters room dressed in her lingerie and brushing my longer hair in the mirror, I froze in place like a statue and she just slowly raised her hand to her open mouth." "Walking up to the vanity eyeballing me the whole short distance, she peered at me, leaning left and right as I lowered my hands from holding my long tresses. She just nodded her head and "hhuummmed" a bit then abruptly turned around and left. Without saying a word to me at all, I was shocked and scared, vowing there and then to give this charade up. I cleaned up and went to my room, changed into a pair of boys pants, shirt and jacket. I was almost thirteen, it was November, I remember and my birthday was next month along with Christmas which I looked forward to every year,... then my father died a week before my birthday and two before Christmas. His death stunned my family, my mother was devastated as was my sister and myself. I had loved my father, we actually did some things together. And now he was gone." "The funeral was horrific in its blackness, even with it having snowed last night, leaving everything blanketed in white, pristine and clean were the words that stuck in my head, I had read them somewhere or other, everyone dressed in black and wearing their grim faces, just turned the gray skies darker and leaving me feeling very depressed and maudlin as well. Numbly moving through the service, following the actions of others who were more conscious at the time. I just made the motions and buried myself in my overlarge black overcoat. The next two days were a blur, I was there but not there, as people must have spoken to me but then as now I couldn't tell you what was said or how I replied back to them, or even if I did say anything to them. And I must have eaten, but for the life of me couldn't tell you anything that happened to me in those two days. My Aunt Helen was staying with us as she lived in Manchester, a widow woman, she wanted to make sure her sister was taken care of and that everything was going to be alright." "My mother was very bad off, listless and depressed and Aunt Helen and I could see this. And she also wanted to help, so she proposed that she should move into our house, to help out and see to her sisters health and the running of the household." "Well that is what transpired, late in December a large waggon hauled by two pair came to our house and some haulers then started bringing in many boxes and crates, storing them in the basement and in Aunt Helen's room. All the while my mother languished in her bedroom mourning my father, I had not been allowed in to see her, but I knew how close my mother and her sister were, and they did spend the time that I was not allowed in to see her, talking and discussing something for I had heard them sometimes through the door to the mother's room." "Aunt Helen or auntie as she had insisted I call her, "wanted the house kept quiet for my convalescent mother and this meant that, I, a boy was too noisy and troublesome. So I had better just follow the rules and everything would turn out fine." "Things started changing right away, she was a take charge kind of person." "I was awakened at six by my Auntie opening the door to my room and singing "Good morning!" to me. Then seeing no movement from me she hurried over and shoved my shoulder. Singing again "Good Morning". This time I had no choice I did wake and look at her with sleep filled eyes questioning her sanity. As she hauled down the duvet, swiftly exposing me in my boys pyjamas." "She looked cross-ways at me and said. "Your mother has told me of your predilection in Ladies fashions. And I was hoping to find you so attired, why are you not? You are dressed incorrectly for a young lady. From now on you will dress as I direct you to dress! Is that understood Charles? No that will not do ...will it. Let me think ....cha ca...ca...Charlotte. Yes that's it Charlotte, that's you now, so remember to answer when called or spoken to." "Thats how it began, within a day I was dressed as a little girlish toddler, then a preteen girl and finally a young woman, over the next forty-four months. My mother got better, but she preferred me in dresses and whined and pouted whenever I mentioned going back to trousers." "They tutored me in the refined arts of being a young fashionable lady. Walking and speaking were only some of the lessons, there was sewing and mending the fine clothes I wore and looked so good in. Caring and raising children were also hammered into me. My chest at the time had grown slightly, like prepubescent girls with the small mounds and larger nipples, therefore the corsets and Basques just enhanced what was there already. My waist and hips had since my youngest days been those of girls, I had been teased mercilessly in my socially acceptable and snobbish school. Then it was decided that I should be schooled at home instead of attending such an institution that would allow such unprincipled behaviour to be unleashed upon me." "Everyday I was helped to dress by my auntie and her maid who probably thought the whole thing a great amusement. But she never did give away anything, just that soft small smile that she looked at me with when helping me into my pantalettes, or fluffing my petticoats for me, endlessly." "The lessons kept pace with my maturity, I portrayed a young lady now so my deportment and demeanour must be in-line with that at all times, I was told. I learnt to dance and sing with passable results, played the piano and read romantic poetry, and courtly lady periodicals provided by my Auntie. A tutor came to the manor and taught me the classics, French, Latin and Greek." I tried to rebel and to suppress those desires that I still had to dress and act just as they encouraged me to. My rebellions were always short lived and brought to an end by my Aunties swishing cane on my knickered bottom, she then pulled them down to my thighs so that she could leave welts behind and not shred the panties. I learnt that their plans for me not only included my total transformation into the appearance of a fine young lady and my marriage to an eligible young or old man of name and quality, but a guarantee of my virginity. So after many, many months of tutoring and living everyday and night as a young lady, my mother and my auntie invited some old families over to see me for themselves and plan a marriage. I was asked innocently to greet them on the porch landing when they arrived, which I did, completely dressed in blue silk skirt and jacket with petticoats, and bonnet to match, my hair curled just that morning by auntie and now swinging in long bologna curls and blue satin ribbons. Thus I had greeted these families warmly and with sweetness, not knowing the purpose that they had gathered here for. Then later when they had gathered in my father's private study to discuss this matter, I could not help overhearing louder voices drowning out others so I had come to investigate, stopping and listening outside the door I soon learned what my loving mother and auntie had planned for me! So at almost fifteen I ran away from home, desperate to escape the fate that seemed destined for me by others. I told myself that I would become a seaman and sail away from my mother and auntie. I ran all night and in the morning made it to Liverpool, not finding a ship until afternoon, then some street rats tried to rumble me and the Purser stepped into save me and talked me into signing onboard the Acies Mentis as a mess boy, then I was seen by the Captain and Mr. Brandt thus sealing my fate, I was assigned to be the Mistress. So as you can see this is all very confusing for me it seems to travel in a circle with me always ending up dressed as a lady or as now, being more female than male anymore. So please Lisele be patient with me and loving, and I will learn to be the best Mistress of the Wardrobe there has ever been." Lisele hugged me and cried with me a little. "I didn't know ...I'm very sorry for you and your past life but look here,...we are on an adventure ...are we not?" "Yes we are!" I cried with her. "Then lets make the most of this adventure, Ill get us some food and we'll snuggle down tonight just you and I." "Sounds wonderful to me" I answered. "But could we not take a turn on the deck later? After that storm, and being confined to the cabin I think it would be nice to stretch my legs." "Yes of course we can do that, Milady. I'll go and get us some food and drink then we can concentrate on dressing for the evenings promenade on deck." Once in a while a little recrimination is bound to surface. But with the support and love of lisele I know that I will be right in body and soul, both of which will be a feminine body and soul. I'm Delicious After we had eaten our midday meal we decided to lay in for some time, before dressing for our walk on deck. "Nice..." I hearher purr, running her fingertips lightly up the top of my thigh and over my exposed tap pantie, my robe had fallen open. I arch my back, stretching luxuriously, and one of my breasts does tumble from its precarious perch. The other is about to escape as well, its nipple already peeping impudently over the satin and lace cup. Sitting behind me, Lisele puts her arms around me, cupping my breasts in her hands. My nipples stiffen instantly at the touch, and she tweaks them playfully. I moaned lustfully as I turn my head to kiss her. Her breath is hot against my ear, and those hands are soft on my tender new breasts. Sighing blissfully, I recline against her body for a moment. And could not help but allow a heady breath to escape my lips with an "aaaahahhhh". Her hands roam easily over my breasts, evoking shivers and goose bumps with their light, teasing touch. I moan softly as I feel her lick the edge of my ear, then nibble gently on my earlobe. Unable to restrain myself any longer, I turn around and kiss those wonderful lips. Lisele parted her lips eagerly, welcoming my probing tongue. I explore her lusious mouth, tasting her sweet breath and the smooth hardness of her teeth. Her tongue joins mine in a slippery, undulating dance. A passion driven, questing thirst for more sensual pleasures. Abruptly, she breaks away from me. With one hand on each of my shoulders, she pushs me gently back until I feel the hard edge of the backrest against shoulder blades. Lisele continues to exert a steady pressure, easing me down, until I am sitting forward on the edge. The mirror is directly in front of me, and I have an exciting view of her silk covered ass, framed in pink and white lace, as she bends over me. My knees open easily at her touch, and she spreads them further. I see my reflection in the mirror, an exquisitely dressed young Lady lying back in her boudoir with a look of lust and passion on her face while a young girl kneels between her legs. God what a sight I said to my self, but didn't look away. I couldn't look away. I shiver, feeling suddenly vulnerable and exposed, with only a flimsy bit of satin and silken lace between us. Lisele's nimble fingers quickly overcome that obstacle, the snaps popping open like firecrackers at her touch. As each snap gives, I feel a coolness, a slight draft, creeping across my mound with silken fingers. Her breath steams against my thigh, a turbulent contrast to the cooler breeze that whispers through my hair. I moan again as she lightly slips those barriers down my legs. In the mirror I see her dark curls, poised like the heart of some sweet flower between the petals of my thighs. As the last snap gives, Lisele looks up to meet my gaze with laughter dancing in her eyes. I moan softly, anticipating the touch, nor am I disappointed. Cupping my hips in her hands, she slides me forward until I am perched on the edge of the seat. Then, still caressing my bottom, she lowers her mouth. At first there is only the warm, sensuous brushing of your lips over my soft skin. I close my eyes, so absorbed in the sensation that I hardly notice your hands sliding over my hips and thighs. I only become aware of them gradually, as she parts my labia. Dimly, my lust-fogged-hashish-clouded brain realises what she is about to do, and my body coils like a spring in anticipation. Her lips close over my straining clit, triggering the pent up energy and causing my hips to jerk spasmodically against her face. "Ooooh Lisele that's so gooooood". The only sounds I hear are my ragged breathing and the soft slurping noises you make as you suck gently on my clitoris,. The storm and waves, the wind are all forgotten. Applying her teeth occasionally with delicate precision. I am focused so completely on that tiny button of flesh that I never notice those fingers creeping into me, until suddenly they are there. She is using fingers from both hands, stroking me in several directions at once. It feels as if my quim will fly apart under your darting touches - now deep, now shallow; aggressive, then butterfly soft. My eyes pop open in shock and are captured by the mirror. The sight of her head reflected between my twitching thighs and those fingers flashing, wet and slippery, in and out of my new womanly feature, stoke the blaze inside me to greater heights. A wave of consuming heat crashes over me, blanking out my vision and ringing in my ears. Convulsions begin deep inside me, spreading outward from a molten core. They ripple through smooth internal muscles, clenching around her fingers in successive contractions. "Oooohhh mmmyy ggg guughgh...ooohh Lisele thats so so wonderful how in the worl_...!" the last crash of the wave was tremendously blissful, my body shook as I yelled out "ugh..ugh..ugh..ughhhhhh"and went rigid - then floated ...drifted back slowly to see the boudoir and Lisele slightly out of focus then coming back sharply. As the feeling dissipates I become aware of hot pain in my chest, and realise that I am holding my breath. I let it out slowly, cocooned in a sense of well-being. Inhale. Exhale. Inhale. Exhale. Each measured breath builds the calm within me. Finally, I open my eyes and give her a weak smile. But a very happy smile Lisele's face is flushed, and her hair is slightly tousled from my hands running through it. She rises slowly, drawing me into her arms as we stand. Her lips brush mine softly, and I taste the faint saltiness of myself on her lips and tongue. We stretch languidly, like two cats in the sun, before we recline back on the chaise to relax and wait for the storm to be passed. We lazed for some minutes then I reached over for the glass of wine that was resting near at hand. Her hand beat me to the closest one and we wrestled and rolled in the satin nest for possession of it. Lisele won, as I lay under her panting and eyes flashing, she bent down and gave me a very tongue-y kiss. Dressing for the deck Again Lisele brought out a corset, this time a Ivory coloured, lace covered, whalebone stiffened one. I stood before her clad in only a white chemise and loose tap pantie, having just put these on in preparation of dressing for our visit with Mr. Harris. As she approached me and fitted the Ivory confection around my middle I noticed that this corset was longer and went from my crotch to above my breasts. She had fastened the front before I was able to ask the question of why this one was so long. As she was lulling laces at the bottom she huffed. "You'll need this long corset for a few of the dresses that are more constricting and fashionable. Don't worry Allyson it's not that tight, not as tight as that one for the antebellum dress you recently wore so well." She continued lacing from the top down to the middle again until she tied the laces off, and then went back to the drawers to retrieve some very fine stockings of a small denier. Seated on my vanity chair I let her glide them up my legs smoothly and fasten them to the garters at the bottom of the corset, all six of them. Asking me to stand again, I found the wonderful pull of the thin material was a snug reminder of how well dressed ladies of the British Empire needed to present themselves. But over all the wondrous feel of the corset and stockings rubbing and sliding over my smooth skin made me feel very feminine and delightfully erotic. I looked in the wardrobe mirror that had the three panels and was very pleased with the shape that the corset had given me. Lisele moved around behind me and gripping the laces again began at the bottom to tighten them more, tugging me back and forth as she progressed to the top ones moving down to the middle to tie them off again this time wrapping them around to lessen the bulk of a simple bow in back. I was now very snuggly encased in a lace and satin covering that molded my young body into wonderful curves and lines. Lisele produced two underskirts, one of sheer Charmeuse in cream and the other of silk crepe, white with roses embroidered all over it, ending in a ruffle at the bottom. Tying the Charmeuse on first, at my waist it fell to just above my ankles and as I moved it would create the most enjoyable sliding felling on my stockinged legs. Then the silk crepe was tied over that and completely covering it, to hang just above the floor. Next she had pulled a corset cover from the wardrobe where it hung, and asking me to hold my arms behind me slide it up and tugged the two halves to meet in front where a series of flat buttons fastened it from my bottom to my collar bones, covering the ties of the underskirt's and the corset with a beautiful design of lace ribbons of many hues of white and ivory. Lisele asked. "Now Milady are you ready for your boots and then the bustle and over-skirt and bodice jacket?" I answered quietly as I looked at myself in the mirrors. "Not quite yet Lisele let me get used to these wonderful underclothes first and then we can proceed to those. Just a few minutes to regain my breathing, please." "Alright, would you like a small glass of wine now?" "Yes that would be nice." She moved over to the waterbutt and retrieved an opened bottle from what Blake had brought to us, poured and handed me a glass. I sipped it slowly still looking at my reflection. She came up behind me and putting her hands on my shoulders, kissed my exposed neck and blew hot breath in my ear. I sighed as she giggled, both of us smiling in the mirror. Motioning her to bring the boots over to me, she knelt down and put one on at a time then buttoned the many buttons securely encasing my foot in these highly polished two inch heeled snug boots. I enjoyed my small glass as she got out the wonderful skirt from the wardrobe, it was a satiny deep burgundy colour and had a flounce of wide Torchon white lace from the waist down to the knees and then flowing back to the dragging train. She dropped it on the bed behind me and got the bustle out next. Which she settled around my waist and tied to sit just above my bum, as I sipped my wine. Then grabbed the skirt and asking me to raise my arms above my head she dropped it in place and shifted it around some to settle it over the lower half of me, fluffing to the skirt so it sat correctly over the bustle. Satisfied with that, she held the bodice jacket in her hands as I set the empty glass on the vanity and put my arms to the back so she could slip the bodice sleeves up my arms then moved around to the front and beginning at the bottom hem, which was below my nipped in waist, began to button up the front all the way to the high neckline. I observed all this in the mirror and liked the effect the jacket gave, coloured the same as the skirt a deep burgundy, there was again the wide Torchon lace from the neck straight down over my bosom to the hem and all the around the hem as well. The overall effect was very pretty and very feminine. Since she had already dressed my hair before we had begun the clothes dressing I looked very well turned out and felt very womanly indeed. A quick brush with the face powder and some lip blush and I was ready, well almost. I picked up a white parasol and then I was ready. Lisele ducked out the door with a quick admonishment to wait a few ticks while she got dressed. So I patiently strolled back and forth unabashedly admiring myself in the mirror the whole time, until she opened the door once again and beckoned me forth. The Sunset Emerging onto the gun deck we walked sedately to the stairs leading up to the quarterdeck. Raising our skirts as we ascended the stairs. Some of the crew and Officers were about the decks and observed Lisele and I as we made our way to the small group of men on duty on the quarterdeck. I could say that we had all eyes upon us but that should be self evident. I twirled my parasol on my shoulder idly as we walked. Our heels clicking the deck in a rhythm. Mr. Harris greeted us very cordially, and swept his arm to the horizon to which we turned and looked. Oh he was correct, the sunset was spectacular, and it looked to be so close you could almost reach out and touch the sun as it lowered itself through the distant clouds, colours of red and orange blending with the yellows closer to the line of the horizon and the fiery ball of the sun. As it approached the line of the horizon far in the distance it seemed to pause before touching this line and then proceeded to sink below that line becoming a half disk then a sliver then just blazes of colour and multi-hued clouds. We observed all this in a matter of minutes, but not one word was spoken as we all enjoyed the splendid show of colour and light that Mother Nature was providing for our viewing pleasure. At last Mr. Harris spoke slowly. "Did I not tell you Milady that the sunset would be magnificent?" he was gazing at me attentively as he spoke and I shyly replied, "Yes, you did tell us, but we were still very taken with the many colours and brilliance of the display, that your words did not adequately describe the wonderful sight of it." I for one was very impressed with the beauty of this daily spectacle. "Lisele and I both," I nodded in her direction at my elbow, "would like to thank you for making us welcome to watch this wonderful display." "Oh Milady, since you are both dressed so wonderfully I think that I am the one who must thank you for accepting my small invitation. Now if you will excuse me I must see to my duties. You are free to stay on deck for as long as you would like Milady, I would just ask that you watch your step about the deck as it grows darker." I replied very sweetly, "Thank you Mr. Harris for your concern about our well being, while above decks we shall be very diligent in observing our progress." Now as prim and stilted as this may seem, we all of us had smiled knowingly throughout the entire exchange, as if we were lovers exchanging secret code of some clandestine meeting. Lisele and I giggled as we strolled away to continue our walk along the quarterdeck rail. We chatted amiably until we spied Blake bent over at some task. We walked up to him making some scuffing noises with our boots so as to not startle him. He turned and greeted us with a nod and a knuckle to his forehead, saying. "Evein m'liddy, Lisele, ben watchin da sunset I see." "Yes, Mr. Blake it was a wonderful display don't you think?" "Aye dat it waz." Lowering his eyes to the deck. "Day alwiz is." "Mr. Blake I wonder if I may speak with you?" Placing my hand on his arm and guiding him closer to the rail and looking around to make sure we were far enough away from others so as not to be overheard. I think subconsciously I had engineered this meeting away from any others to broach a plan to Mr. Blake. That would see the end of the Captain and Mr. Brandt's tyranny over the crew and the ship.

Same as Mistress of the Wardrobe 8 Videos

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Mistress Hannahs Pathetic Husband Part 9

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Mistress Traceys Delight

A Session "I'm imagining 6 or even 12 implements of punishment… whips, paddles,floggers, dildos, gags, human riding equipment, slappers……. mydear Michael" said Mistress Tracy reaching for her wine glass. The afternoon light shone though the break in the curtains. It was the kindof light which made it easy to see the slightest cigarette smoke or dust, thisafternoon light was brushing my Mistress Tracey's torso and legs and the exquisitelytiny hairs on her sinuous belly shown magically. Mistress...

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Mistress Vera and her slave part 1

Mistress Vera and her slaveIn the dungeon the slave kneeled and wriggled slightly in her bonds to again feel the pleasure of her imprisonment. Her whole body was encased in leather, a black cat suit stretched from her ankles to her jaw with a single zip down the back to release her when the time came. Black leather boots, which reached nearly to her knees covered the cat suit on her legs, as did the steel collar which covered the leather around her neck. The tag on the zip was clipped to a ring...

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Mistress Sarah plays mind games

I woke up at 7am when my alarm went off, I was wrapped up in a pink quilt, Mistress Sarah had obviously thrown it over me as I slept. It was soft and comforting despite the fact that I had been sleeping on the floor in the hallway. I had been banished from the bedroom after I had cleaned her strap-on. I had stayed close to the door listening to the sexual tones of Mistress Sarah. I unravelled myself from the quilt and admired the black silk negligee I was wearing..It was a short and simple...

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Mistress Jennifer

My training as a she-male servant began when I rang the doorbell of mylady's home. She greeted me wearing along, tight fitting red leather gown,which covered her from neck to foot except that it exposed her prominentand luscious breasts; her long auburn hair flowed over her shoulders. Shewas also wearing 6" spike heels and black stockings. The dress had a slitfrom her thigh to her ankles, which showed off her stocking clad legs whenshe walked. She demanded that I call her nothing but Mistress...

5 years ago
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Mistress Jennifer

My training as a she-male servant began when I rang the doorbell of my lady’s home. She greeted me wearing along, tight fitting red leather gown, which covered her from neck to foot except that it exposed her prominent and luscious breasts, her long auburn hair flowed over her shoulders. She was also wearing 6′ spike heels and black stockings. The dress had a slit from her thigh to her ankles, which showed off her stocking clad legs when she walked. She demanded that I call her nothing but...

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Mistress Stephanies World

The Morning of the PartyI was kneeling in the kitchen, shining Mistress Angela’s boots, when she appeared in the doorway, frowning. ?Didn’t I tell you last week to lay down newspapers before you do that?? she asked.?I’m sorry, mistress, I forgot,? I said.My anxiety dissolved when she smiled.?This is your lucky day,? Mistress Angela said. ?I’m in a very good mood.?She was wearing a black T-shirt and matching running shorts that left her smooth thighs exposed. Her dark hair fell loosely over her...

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Mistress Of The Manor

Things had certainly changed for Mistress Karen. Here she was driving down the road in her brand new car, towards her sprawling new house in the country. Yes, only twelve months ago she had bought a ticket that changed her life. £6 million was now all hers. With the lottery won she had transformed her life. New house, new car, fine clothes and a body to die for. No surgery though, all fitness and hard work - and a lot of sexy fun thrown in. All the people in her life were catered for and they...

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Mistress Of The Manor

Things had certainly changed for Mistress Karen. Here she was driving down the road in her brand new car, towards her sprawling new house in the country. Yes, only twelve months ago she had bought a ticket that changed her life. £6 million was now all hers. With the lottery won she had transformed her life. New house, new car, fine clothes and a body to die for. No surgery though, all fitness and hard work – and a lot of sexy fun thrown in. All the people in her life were catered for and...

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Mistress Sarah fucks Evie Chapter 4

I knelt by the door, anxious for the arrival of my Mistress. I could feel my arse pulsing around the butt plug in anticipation of what was to come. As I knelt and waited I could smell the pretty floral scent of the perfume that I had sprayed on my neck earlier. I felt soft and girly from all the day's events. I was in a prime mode to be fucked like a sissy. Even though I was not touching my cock, it was pulsing and hard with arousal. I was both excited and nervous about being fucked. I heard...

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Mistress Mine Chapter 3

After Mistress Madison said goodbye to Alexa, promising to talk more about her order, Madison took the bedraggled, cum-covered mother to her office and handed Kim her paycheck and a second envelope. The paycheck was more than she had expected, and the other envelope contained an additional one thousand dollars. Kim was confused, "This money is for me?""Of course dear," Mistress said."But I thought I was about to be fired! I mean this is wonderful, but I don't understand," Kim said puzzled....

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Mistress Demi Part 3

4. Not in Kansas Anymore The morning sun was streaming through the window when I woke up. Mistress was still asleep and I smiled as I watched her sleep. I had a serious case of morning wood. Who could blame me? I was lying next to a beautiful naked woman who had awoken something in me I never knew existed. I was still trying to figure out how all this had come to pass when Mistress began to stir. She opened her beautiful brown eyes. “Good Morning Mistress, I hope you slept well” “What...

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Mistress Stormys Lil Bitch

It was finally the weekend and this slave, Little Bitch had time to sit downand start writing his story. He had Mistress's preferred toys laid out andhad just gotten done getting himself cleaned up and dressed. Mistress had requestedthat Little Bitch wear a little lace white thong. It took some time to shaveall the private places and that is only after a couple quick enema's to makesure Little bitch is clean inside and out. Little bitches instructions wereto write as much as possible until...

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Mistress Jasmine Made Me a Slave Forever

Mistress Jasmine made me a slave forever By Greta Since long I haven't written a story so maybe I am a little rusty, but I hope you enjoy it anyway. There are some autobiographic parts in it but most is fantasy, which part is real and which is fantasy I leave to you. Like any other author I do love comments too, whether they are good or bad. So please leave some words of praise or critics. Those critics which help me to become a better author are the...

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Mistress Vera and her slave part 2

Mistress Vera and her slave 2Chapter 3Upstairs Mistress Vera had changed. She sat relaxed on her sofa wearing a simple t-shirt and tracksuit bottoms. She was talking on the phone. “Yes at eight,” she said. “Yes okay I‘ll see you soon, bye.” She hung up the phone but almost immediately picked it up again and began dialling another number. She talked to various people before she finally stood up and wandered into the kitchen. There she selected a cookbook from a shelf and opened it on the table,...

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Mistress Bianca Bettina Felicia Carlota Moroi

Mistress Bianca Bettina Felicia Carlota Moroi, Mistress of Cougar Town House of Corrections By: Malissa Madison At an early age, Bianca Moroi was already a habitual runaway. She'd star hiked most of the Orion System, landing in and out of its juvenile corrections centers by the time she turned fourteen. Her biggest reason for running away at the time was the loss of her parents at the age of ten, and finding herself a ward of the system. Then at the age of fourteen, having...

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Mistress Viagra Torture

mistress Viagra tortureThis story is 100% pure fantasy. None of it ever happened. If you are offended by stories of a mature nature containing references to bondage and humiliation, please do not read.This is fiction!!!!!I had been chatting with a new online mistress for a number of months and during that time she had me buying all kinds of sexy woman's cloths, new sex toys and various other implements that she would have me send her pictures of once I had purchased them. Mistress had me buy...

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Mistress Demi Part 4

5.Realization I woke from a dreamless sleep and I turned my head and looked at the clock. It read 7:48. Mistress was still fast asleep and for a moment I thought about waking her up, it was past 7:30 after all. But then I thought about how many years I had until I collect Social Security and I decided discretion was the better part of valor and let her sleep. I looked down at Demi and she was looking up at me smiling sleepily.“Good decision, I could see those wheels spinning.”She motioned to...

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Mistress Suzanne

Suzanne It started out as bit of good luck, which dragged him in, trapped him and changed his life forever. Mike Davis was the Manager and owner of a supply company, which he inherited from his parents when they were killed in a motor vehicle accident. It was like getting the keys to the candy store! A business with a recognised, respected trading name, a high turnover and a respectable profit; he had nothing much to do to keep it going. All he had to do was turn up at the office...

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Mistress Punishes Me

For one thing, Mistress has perfect appeal to me physically. She looks about the exact opposite of what one would expect of a highly dominant female who is actively involved in the BDSM lifestyle. She has a sweet, open face framed by soft brown hair. Her dark eyes are intelligent and direct, and she has a voluptuous, curvy body. Her breasts are full but not too big. The rest of her stats I'll allow her to describe to you, if ever you should meet. What I can say, is that my Mistress does take...

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Mistress Emmas Revenge 2

Mistress Emma's Revenge 2 by Brenda I was stuck in bed for the night and could hear the soft sensual moans from my Mistresses room through the wall. The earbuds did little to block out the external sounds as there was just some "white" noise coming through them. Thinking of what they were doing immediately made me hard in my chastity and I quickly felt the pain this new device caused. I reached into the diaper and tried to pull out of the tube as I had done in the past only to realize...

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Mistress Roulette Part 9

I wanted to scream I felt so happy. My knees trembled with anxious anticipation. I was going to enjoy this. I knew it would be one of the greatest feelings I'd ever experienced in my whole life. I just knew it would be.Before I was even touched, my pussy began to pulse and ache warm excitement out through my engorged lips.Mistress walked around behind me and soon, I felt her perfect tongue, tease my horny slit."Ohh!" Mistress squeaked, delighted. "She has never tasted so sweet, ladies! It's...

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Mistress Cunts two fairies

Mistress Cunt's two fairiesBy Taffy, the little sissy fairy girl My, my what a wonderfully gay time Angela and I had with our slut friend Lauren and her Mistress Cunt! Here’s a little story about that faggy time and how fairy we were for her.The weekend started the night before with Angela and I at the hotel; I had already properly dressed in my sexiest outfit, a gold sequin mini skirt with black fish net stockings. It did not take Angela long to get herself prepared and we sat to chat. Chat...

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Mistress Z

Mistress Z Chapter 1 For years I had dreamed of visiting a real Mistress. At first, I would readstories about being dominated. When I began surfing the Internet my fantasygrew more. I could now read stories and see pictures and movies of dominantwomen taking control of men like me. This satisfied me for a while, but theurge to actually experience domination at the hands of a beautiful woman stillhaunted me. I tried phone sex with dominant women. This was even more fun andhelped me decide what I...

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Mistress Claudia

Mistress Claudia walked from room to room in her House of Pain Mistress Claudia walked from room to room in her House of Pain. The official title for it was ?Steadman & Lawler Accountancy LTD? It hadn?t taken long to set up and it had a huge underground reputation now. Mistress Claudia was known as one of the most sadistic Mistresses in the BDSM world. There were no safe words, no get out clauses. You time ended when the money you had paid ran out and then whether you were half way...

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Mistress Emmas Revenge part 3

Mistress Emma's Revenge Part 3 @2018 by Brenda (sissymissyct) The ride home was mostly quiet. I think we were all a bit exhausted form the nights events. I fell asleep soon after I hit the bed, but not before I heard my ladies in the next room enjoying themselves before they too drifted off to sleep. We all slept in Sunday morning but I awoke first and started making a nice Sunday brunch. Fresh fruit, bacon, French toast, coffee and mimosas, and perfectly cooked omelets. Mistress...

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The Mistress Manual by: Mistress Lorelei1WHY BECOME A MISTRESS?:Some Unexpected Pleasures"When we are flat on our backs there is no way to look but up." - Roger W Babson"For my readers who have already tasted the heady wine of total control over a submissivemale, this question may seem absurd. The answer is so obvious: being a Mistress is fun.Female Dominance offers the Mistress a cornucopia of delights. (The submissive male enjoysit too, although there are moments in scene when he may not seem...

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Mistress and Master

I had been to Mistress Elaine's and Master Johns several times but today's visit was different. Mistress Elaine had buzzed me in the gate but it was James their butler who waited for me at the door. I had not met the staff of the house properly but I had heard them moving around and cleaning. I had wondered if Mistress had more slaves but the people I had briefly come across seemed normal. "This way Davina," he stated. I followed him into the hall and upstairs. James was a tall thin...

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Mistress Diana

The huge mansion sat in the Canadian Northwest surrounded by thousands of acres of virgin land  ??? The huge mansion sat in the Canadian Northwest surrounded by thousands of acres of virgin land. The mansion was built by a wealthy tycoon in the late twenties before the stock market crash. The mansion was deserted for many years until Mistress Diana moved there and had it renovated for her exotic tastes.  ? Mistress Diana was an heir to a fortune that was left to her by an uncle. She had...

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Mistress Cums for a Visit

I wake up and I realize that I have over slept and need to meet my new Mistress at her hotel in an hour! I met my Mistress on Lush and she came to visit and have some vacation time. She was staying for the weekend and I was to be at her beck and call all weekend. My Mistress I hot DD breasts and an ass to match. We had chatted online and even video chatted but this was our first meeting. I got up and got dressed in what she told me to come it…basketball shorts with no boxers and a t-shirt. I...

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Mistress and the Maid

The Mistress and the MaidOkay, David - Mistress has left for the day. She gave me specific instructions on keeping you occupied. (giggle!) First on the agenda, young man, is a series of enemas. You probably guessed that already. You noticed my maid uniform. Mistress also told me to dress like this. She knows it arouses you. Clothes off now -- everything! I want you to watch me prepare your three quart sudsy enema! Oh, yes she did say that! Come on now, follow me to the discipline room. I don't...

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Mistress Makes Some Changes

MISTRESS MAKES SOME CHANGES by Throne I guess we had both noticed it. My Mistress, Claire, and I had been seeing each other for several months. Our time together was a mixture of dating and domination sessions. In the beginning she had been a bit rough on me but it was gradually taking on a softer tone. After she spanked me, we snuggled and talked sweetly in bed. Or she would make me get naked, so she could admire my hairless body, but instead of punishing me she would just tease...

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Mistress and her slaves

Chapter 1 The Slave stands over the stove cooking his Mistresses dinner. Making sure nothing burns and setting the plate up for the dish to be served on. Garnished just right in his opinion. He reaches over and drinks some water as he has been ordered to keep drinking as he cooks. The meat gets done and he puts it on the plate and calls his mistress on the in house phone system. As she answers he tells her that dinner is ready. She tells him in turn to wait one hour and...

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Mistress Mine Chapter 4

Kimberly knelt there, staring at the huge bulge in front of her eyes. If Michael was anywhere near the size that bulge indicated, she was in for a real treat! Kim licked her lips and drew in a deep breath as she cautiously reached up for the waistband of his boxers. She swallowed hard as she began slowly drawing the boxers down. Quickly, the tip of his cock appeared and she looked up at him, smiling. She pulled the garment down a bit more until the whole mushroom head was exposed. She stopped...

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Mistress Roulette Part 5

I pulled against my restraints, eager to hear the news Mistress had for me. "Would you like to hear it?" she asked. "Yes please, Mistress." "Mmm. I love the sound of your voice when you get like this. It's almost musical how your denied urges make your body speak. The little ups and downs of your whimpers send chills through me." Mistress started to run her fingers up and down over my bare breasts. I felt like I could barely breathe, I was so excited. "The good news, hunny," Mistress started,...

3 years ago
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Mistress Dyvias Mirrored Room

Disclaimer: this is my story, hence it is my intellectual property, do not post elsewhere without my permission. This story is for adults, and should be treated as such, at the moment it should only be available at the ooc section of lockedinlace.com, fictionmania.tv, bdsmlibrary.com and mistressdyvia.com, Certainly, no one should be charging money for this but me. Hello to all my sweethearts out there, it has been a while, and I've missed so many of you. But here I am with a long...

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Mistress Dyvias Mirrored Room

Disclaimer: this is my story, hence it is my intellectual property, do not post elsewhere without my permission. This story is for adults, and should be treated as such, at the moment it should only be available at the ooc section of lockedinlace.com,  fictionmania.tv, bdsmlibrary.com and mistressdyvia.com,  Certainly, no one should be charging money for this but me.Hello to all my sweethearts out there, it has been a while, and I've missed so many of you.  But here I am with a long awaited...

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Mistress Carmen get dominated

Carmen walked into the kitchen in her dressing gown past her slave Michelle who was staring at the morning paper whilst slowly devouring a bowl of corn flakes. This was not the usual morning scene for their household at this time of day as Michelle would usually be on the train heading to work.Today was different however as Michelle had the day off to use up the remainder of his holiday before the financial new year started. Flicking the kettle on, Carmen turned towards Michelle:"So wants the...

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Mistress Wants To Have Fun

Mistress Wants To Have FunIt all seems such a short time ago that I met her.I saw her advert online, a mistress who looks like an Angel and who, amongst other services, was looking for slaves to do her housework.  This appealed to me as it was something I hadn’t done on command before. I wanted so much to come and see her, I rang her straight away. She was very courteous on the phone but firm with me that I should come and see her within 36 hours. I wasn’t sure why that was necessary but I made...

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Mistress Dyvias Purse of Pennies

Disclaimer: This story is my intellectual property, and should be treated as such, do not plagiarize, or post without permission. If it is not legal to view writings that are sexually explicit and may have themes of bondage, feminization and other 'deviant' sexual experiences: don't read this. Don't read it, if it is not legal to do so where you live. Going any further is of your own free will, and responsibility is solely on yourself. Any similarity to real people or events is highly...

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