Lake Wannacum Nights - Part One free porn video

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The first thing a visitor to the quiet Minnesota town of Lake Wannacum is likely to say (other than "Where the hell is the interstate anyway we've been crawling along these dirt tracks for hours, my sat-nav said this was the cross-country route to St. Cloud, my God, have you people even seen a Starbucks?") is "Why does the church on Main Street have a carved wooden penis outside it?"


It's a fair question. Coming from the south, through the well-tended corn fields and skirting the edge of lake, the traveller (invariably lost, and oftentimes angry) will arrive on Main Street almost before he realises it; on the other hand, coming from the north, over the moody forested hills, will also take you right to Main Street, but will at least give you the advantage of having seen it coming. From the south, you'll pass a handful of attractive two-storey homes, set back a little from the road and bordered by immaculate lawns; then you'll pass, at the same time, Harry's Amazing Grocery on the left and Larry's Marvelous Mercantile on the right; another collection of houses, and the crossroads where Lakeside Road cuts through Main Street. Then, before you know it, you're outside the First Lake Wannacum House of Worship, it's white-washed walls gleaming in the sun, and your eyes will be drawn, slowly but inevitably, to the eight-foot wooden penis out front.


From the north, you'll pass the schoolhouse and Old Man Morgan's Garage and Auto Dealership, the first (and so far only) branch of the National First And Cautious Bank, the blunt, barnlike structure of the town hall, and Hot Black Joe's coffee house, but, either way, your journey's going to end with a big wooden cock.


And if curious visitors never tire of asking the question, then Father Patrick Malone, his back straight and his eyes bright despite eighty years of life, never tires of answering it. "It's like this," he says in that Minnesota drawl that tells you, quite clearly, that this is not a story that's about to be rushed. "Some people have a cross outside their church; other folks have a star, or a statue, or some other symbol of their faith. Well, us folks in Lake Wannacum only worship one thing. From sun-up to sun-down, from the time that we're old enough to know about it to the time that we're lucky if we ain't forgot it, we worship the penis." Then, perhaps to illustrate his point, or perhaps because his back is straight and his eyes are bright despite eighty years of life, he usually adds, "So, you wanna suck me off?"


And if some people are shocked by the honesty and directness of this answer, then it is a lucky escape compared to the scenes that await them if they venture inside the House of Worship without having first bumped into Father Malone. Inside, in the soft glowing light that falls through the stained glass windows set high in the white walls, they will see that the rows of pews are not facing an altar, but a luxuriously-appointed four-poster bed with red satin drapes. What is taking place on the bed depends very much on the time of day: if they visit in mid-afternoon, they are likely to see one or two of the local moms taking advantage of the high-school football team, since students who make the team are allowed to cut class one afternoon a week in order to service the local women.


This morning, on the other hand, as I returned to my home clutching a bag of hot doughnuts from Hot Black Joe's, I heard a rhythmic high-pitched shrieking that I know belongs to little Pippy Morgan, a pigtailed little hellcat who had bounced on most of the cocks in town before she hit the tender age of fourteen. Or maybe your tastes are a little different, and you'd find something to enjoy later this evening, when Joe, the owner of the coffee shop, acts as a kind of informal ringmaster to a series of man-on-man encounters. Tonight's guest of honour is Stevie Jacobs, who turned sixteen this last summer and is just aching to get his hands on Joe's big black meat. The pews will doubtless be full of the men and women of the town as they watch Stevie lose his anal cherry to Joe's greedy thrusts, then maybe bend over and let some of the older guys clean up his cute little ass with their tongues. It's sure to be a hot night; but then, every night is a hot night here in Lake Wannacum, and every night there's a different variety of fucking going on up there on the giant four-poster.


Today is Tuesday, and that's Joe's gay night; tomorrow it'll be the turn of Alice Green, the nymphomaniac lesbian who is the proud owner of the biggest pair of fake breasts in the whole town, and her giant all-girl orgies. Thursdays is two-on-one night, where a couple get to invite someone else into their bed and entertain the whole town - last week it was Larry and Lucille Brannigan, the middle-aged couple who run Larry's Magnificient Mercantile, and they invited their nubile 17-year-old babysitter, Kelly-Marie Jacobs, to join them. Kelly-Marie, being one of the town's moist vocal supporters of frequent, noisy sex, agreed immediately, and the three of them spent an enjoyable couple of hours fucking and sucking in front of an audience of fifty or so of their friends and family. I didn't make it that night, but the next day the whole town was talking about the way Lucille had sucked Larry's sticky cum from Kelly-Marie's well-screwed pussy, making the teenager climb the walls in the process. Lucille's sure to get an invite the next time a couple is looking for a mature playmate!


Friday night is dedicated to discipline, and any number of men and women wait patiently in line to confess their sins to Father Malone, who then directs them to one of the volunteers "Spankers" who make the confessor's pay for their sins using a variety of paddles, crops and whips. It's common for the audience to be baying for blood after the first hour, and they usually get it before the night is out; last Friday night, Juliette MacGregor, 22 and heavily pregnant with her daddy's baby, confessed to the "sin" of onanism, and was whipped by her grandmother until the cheeks of her ass were streaked with blood and she orgasmed so hard she thought the baby was coming. Saturday is party night, and usually degenerates into a full-on orgy of maybe twenty or thirty participants and another fifty onlookers, while every Sunday afternoon a group of volunteers draws straws to find out which one of them is going to be the focus of the whole town's sexual appetites that evening, taking on all comers is a giant Lake Wannacum Fuck-Fest.


And that leaves Mondays, or Family Night as it is informally known around the town. Family Night has always been special to me, since it was on a cold Monday in November, many years ago, that I lost my virginity in the most public and wonderful manner imaginable. It wasn't some sordid encounter in the back of my dad's Chevy, nor a hurried and unsatisfying tryst in the basement of the family home on Lakeside; rather, it was with my own beautiful mother.


At this point, the casual reader will doubtless be wondering how it is that Lake Wannacum enjoys such an open and enlightened attitude toward sex (the less casual reader will probably be wishing that I would get on with the explicit details of how my own mother took my virginity. To that reader, I would said only this: patience is a virtue!) The story of this quiet lake-side community begins in the early days of the nineteenth century, when Catholic immigrants returning from the West to the comfortable embrace of their cousins in the East bumped into a rag-tag band of Lutherans heading in the opposite direction. Forced to winter by the shores of Lake Wannacum (the local Ojibwa word meaning "a place suitable for having energetic sex with the good-looking squaw from the next village without your wife finding out"), the two disparate groups eventually decided that, by working together, they might build a brave new city here in the untamed wilds of central Minnesota.


That was the first step along the road that led to my little town; the second came in 1844 when a geographical mission to chart the heart of Minnesota took the eastern shore of Lake Wannacum and the western shore of Lake Kantwate, twelve miles west, as opposite shores of the same immense body of water. Quite how they made this mistake is lost to the mists of time, but it's thought that an inconveniently-creased map passed back to the National Geographical Institute in St. Paul may have contributed to the complete disappearance of seventy square miles of prime real estate, at the very heart of which lies the town of Lake Wannacum. When Minnesota was properly defined in 1849, no-one thought to include the forty-some families who called Lake Wannacum home, and when it became the 32nd state to join the Union in 1858, the tiny geographical anomaly went completely unnoticed. To this day, a quick glance at the map will tell you that I should be typing this thirty feet under the murky waters of Lake Kantwate.


But the folks of Lake Wannacum aren't the type to be troubled by questions of actual existence; rather, they're more concerned with the crop that's lying in O'Hannigan's field, waiting on the replacement part for his combine harvester, or the price of gasoline over at the Lucky Prospector gas station. Perhaps it isn't surprising then, that our revered ancestors were happy to be forgotten by the rest of the country, and go on with their peaceful small-town lives, until, in 1898, a visionary called Doctor Samuel T Gardener arrived in town. Exiled from his life of comfortable academia back in Massachusetts due to his unorthodox views on sex and sexuality, he fled across the country until he arrived, penniless and exhausted, in Lake Wannacum. Pleading poverty, he was allowed the use of two small rooms in the attic space of the school house, in exchange for fifteen hours of teaching time a week. Given the alternatives, Doctor Gardener accepted the offer gratefully, and set to the education of the eighteen young Lake Wannacumians who showed up every morning smelling of oatmeal and soap. Everything seemed to be going well, and life soon resumed it's stately pace until, some three months after Doctor Gardener's arrival, thirteen-year-old Elizabeth Waites raised her hand politely during a family dinner and announced to the three generations there gathered that her "pussy was afire" and could she please be excused "to rub it 'fore I burst?".


When the uproar had abated somewhat, and the shards of the expensive lead crystal pitcher that Mrs. Annabeth Waites had been given on her wedding day had been cleared up, Elizabeth's parents marched her down to the schoolhouse and demanded to know what Doctor Gardener had been teaching their little girl. Doctor Gardener calmly invited them up to his rooms, and, seated comfortable before a blazing fire, he outlined his philosophy. Why, he asked Annabeth and her husband William, would God have given little girls like Elizabeth such perfect little bodies, if not to enjoy them and to share them with others?


William Waites was outraged. "Your teachings," he thundered, "have cast my daughter into the very claws of Lucifer!"


"Why?" asked Doctor Gardener politely, and William paused.


"What do you mean, why?"


"What commandment has Elizabeth broken?" Doctor Gardener asked. "I'm sure, since a young girl exploring her developing sexuality is apparently so abhorrent to the Almighty, that He would have written a commandment forbidding it."


"Well -" began William, but Doctor Gardener pressed his advantage. He talked for almost an hour about the blossoming beauty of youth, the terrible afflictions that can befall a mind that that is crippled and warped by self-denial, and the essential and profound sanctity of the sexual act. He spoke with persistence and a great deal of eloquence, and, as the candles burned low and cast long shadows, the Waites' found themselves coming around to the eminent Doctor's view of the world. Could it be so bad, they thought, for their beloved daughter to discover the same joy that they themselves had waited until after their marriage to experience?


The final straw, however, was when Doctor Gardener beckoned to Elizabeth and bade her lift her dress. She did so with a happy smile, showing her mother and father her smooth thighs and beautiful, untouched pussy. The room by that time was hot, so it may be reading too much into the situation to question why Annabeth Waites chose that moment to lick her lips and sigh deeply, but the enormous bulge in William's trousers is less easy to ignore. Silence reigned for a moment, while the couple drank in every detail of their precious daughter's beautiful body. "There is no commandment forbidding my teachings, Mr and Mrs Waites," Doctor Gardener smoothly, "but there is certainly a commandment that is applicable to this situation. Go, Elizabeth, and honour thy mother and father."


There is, in Father Malone's office in the House of Worship, an engraving showing the scene which unfolded in that cramped room above the schoolhouse. In the engraving you can clearly see the ecstasy on the features of Elizabeth Waites as she lowers herself slowly onto her father's immense penis while suckling eagerly on her mother's ripe breasts. For one hundred years, the engraving has sat in the House of Worship, and generations of children have studied it and memorised every erotic detail, just as they have memorised the details of Doctor Gardener's career from that point. So appreciative was William Waites of the enormous sexual appetite Doctor Gardener had unlocked in little Elizabeth that he invited the good Doctor to leave the small room above the school and move in with the family. Doctor Gardener accepted, and began introducing the other families in the town to his personal philosophy and, more often than not, to the virgin bodies of their sons and daughters. It was Doctor Samuel T Gardener who encouraged twelve-year-old Millie Janfeld to bounce energetically on her father's cock right there in the Mercantile; it was Doctor Gardener who watched happily as the large Cooper family, mom and dad and four sisters and three brothers, turned their house into a palace of carnal pleasure over a long August weekend; it was Doctor Gardener who was the first to cum inside the voracious pussy of eighteen-year-old Katherine Morgan, who climbed up on the altar during Mass one bright Sunday morning and demanded that every man present fuck her hard and deep.


The teachings took hold, and it wasn't long before everyone in Lake Wannacum was indulging in the most wonderful sex they could imagine. Fathers plundered their daughter's slippery slits, while mothers rode their sons andTo continue reading this story you must be a member. Join for FREE here.

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Lake Ontario Part Three

Lake Ontario (Part 3) The final chapter By Lauren Westley Well, several months have gone by since the bikers came to town. I am sitting here wearing a pink chiffon baby doll outfit waiting. Now, I have real breasts, 38C, compliments of the biker who was a drop out med student and a locked room that contained all sorts of medicines. I never knew that there was a pharmacy in this town. My nipples firm just like a girl's and I get excited when the guys play with them. The estrogen...

3 years ago
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Lake District Parts 1 2

Thought you might be interested in this, as you know I am a shop fitter by trade and often travel all over the UK staying in various hotels, this last week-end I had to work in Glasgow and stayed in a Travel lodge, I got the job done sooner than I thought and had a whole day to kill so decided to go back via the Lake District so that I could take some photographs (photography being my hobby) so I drove around and found a pleasant B & B.   I checked into the B & B and after a shower I lay...

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Lake District Parts 1 2

Thought you might be interested in this, as you know I am a shop fitter by trade and often travel all over the UK staying in various hotels, this last week-end I had to work in Glasgow and stayed in a Travel lodge, I got the job done sooner than I thought and had a whole day to kill so decided to go back via the Lake District so that I could take some photographs (photography being my hobby) so I drove around and found a pleasant B & B.   I checked into the B & B and after a...

3 years ago
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Lake Nicaragua

Finally, summer vacation was here! Six whole weeks of doing whatever I wanted, whenever I wanted. The minute I got through the door at home I kicked off my shoes and ran upstairs, turning the shower on and tossing my bag down onto my bedroom floor. I unzipped my skirt and it dropped to the floor, I kicked it towards the laundry bin and began unbuttoning my shirt. I wasn't sure what was with Miss Chapman today, considering it was supposed to be the last day I would have thought it would...

2 years ago
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Lake House Love

The trip down to the lake house was long. Two cars, three people per car, including my sister and I were all going down for my 18th birthday. My sister, Haley, was turning 17 the following month, so the birthday party was both for me and her. My friends Kyle and Seth were in one car with Haley’s friend Jenna and I was driving the other with my sister and Kyle’s girlfriend Virginia. We were packed tight with food, luggage, sleeping bags and lots of alcohol. I looked over at Virginia sitting in...

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Lake Washington

Samantha and Hannah borrowed Rich's 32' Bayliner Conquest for a day of water fun and culminating with an evening cruise on the lake. Tubing, sunning and swimming, they just had fun on the lake today. Having been on the water all day they decided to have an evening meal and wine in the cabin of the boat.After finishing the meal, they lay on the deck; gazing at the stars, laughing, talking, and so enjoying each other's company as a cool summer breeze engulfed their warm bodies. Samantha wore her...

2 years ago
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Lake House 3

Linda woke up to the smell of coffee.   When she entered the kitchen wearing nothing but a T-shirt she found me busy at the stove.   She moved up behind me and hugged me tight. “Breakfast is almost ready” I said, “why don’t you grab a couple of plates”. As we ate I said that if I was going to stay very long I needed to go get my truck.   Linda said that I could stay as long as I liked.   I looked at her seriously, and then smiled, saying that I didn’t want to wear out my welcome. “Brad”, she...

Straight Sex
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Lake House 2

I didn’t think I had ever been so aroused.   I’d never had a woman have such a long or loud orgasm before.   I kissed my way up to her mouth, making a brief stop at each nipple along the way.   My raging cock just barely touched her wet pussy as I reached her mouth and we began to kiss.   She licked my chin and sucked my lips, cleaning her juices off of everything but my mustache.   Then she gave me a little shove to the side and rolled me over on my back.   Now it was her turn, and she began...

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Lake Side Paradise

I like to act as a teenager enjoy. But Not At the Carnival Like Mom Thought Ok, Here it is, fresh off the printer and the ink is still wet. Well, OK, so I am typing this and there is no ink, but damned if my panties aren't soaked! LOL hope you enjoy.! It was June 17th. I remember it very well as that day (a saturday) became my Daddy's and my anniversary of sexual adventure. It was the day I gave him my virginity. Where to begin, where to begin... Well I guess the story really begins...

2 years ago
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Lake Cabin Part 20

INTRODUCTION My wife and I had taken a 7 to 9 day vacation in a cabin on a lake in the northern part of the state for the past 20 years. After last year’s vacation we discovered my wife had advanced cancer and she died a few months later. Before she died she had made me promise to go to the cabin at least 1 more time after she died. Sarah one of the housekeeping and restaurant staff for several years had thanked me for helping her over the past 5 years to improve her basketball game by...

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Lake Ontario Part 2

Lake Ontario (Part 2) By Lauren Westley We arrived at the Merchanson house and I was given the Master Bedroom. Jim found her Frederick of Hollywood clothes and told me to use the sluttiest outfit. I had already realized that I had better do as I was told and I found this frilly little lavender dress that flared and the hem was scalloped. I had thought Mrs. Merchanson was my size but this outfit seems real short. It must have been at least 12 inches above the top of my knee and with...

4 years ago
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Lake Cabin Part 31

INTRODUCTION My wife and I had taken a vacation of 7 to 9 days at a lake cabin for the last 20 years. After last year’s vacation we discovered my wife had advanced cancer. She dies a couple of months later. A few days before she died, she made me promise I would go at least one last time without her. I had arrived on Saturday. Sunday I had sex with Sarah, one of the young housekeeping staff, who wanted to thank me for helping her with her basketball skills the last five years. Monday I had...

2 years ago
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Lake Dstrict Holiday part 2

I awoke first to the rain on my body, before I realised I was naked. Then the pain in my head hit me – a crushing, paralysing headache, like the mother of all hangovers. Pain so intense I could hardly open my eyes. I heard the rustling of leaves and then hot breath on my skin. I heard panting (panting?) and tried to open my eyes against the pain, tried to shield my eyes from the dappled sunlight but I couldn’t move my hands. “Geordie!” A voice in the distance. I tried to open my eyes, tried to...

4 years ago
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Blakes Got A New Face Part 1

Blake's Got A New Face (Part 1) by YasminTheLight AUTHOR'S NOTE: He doesn't simply gain a new face. There will be no woman's face on a man's body. XD Sorry if you downloaded or checked this story for that specific purpose. I just named it after a song with the main character's name in it (minus the Part 1 nonsense, of course). This is the intro part. It's been in the works, albeit slowly, for a few years. Then again, most of this was done in December...

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The Rape of Persephone

Deep under the earth, in the realm of gloom, and death Hades sat contemplating his predicament. There on his thrown, sitting next to his three-headed dog Cerberus, was Hades clothed in dark robes, waves of silk black hair to his shoulders, a beard like most Greeks which showed his intelligence that was achieved over the many centuries, weaved with the muscles of a true male god, and the face of a warrior who has had to live an existence in the darkness far too long....

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Boris meets Goddess Persephone

And yet, Boris always believed he was in control. How fool of him, and to that he could only agree, bound and sweating as he was, on the floor in the men’s bathroom of the night club, eyes closed so he could pretend he was not anticipating the moment he’d be finally pimped out in real life by a woman he had never met in the flesh before tonight. *** It all began with a simple click, as it always does, doesn’t it? Your usual ?Follow? button on twitter, one of hundreds accounts of dominant women...

4 years ago
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Lake House

Every now and then, however, during the occasional sext conversation, he would tease Claire with the fantasy of them going to a bar and picking up a woman to bring back to their apartment. Which was an easy turn-on for Claire, as she had always also been attracted to women. In real life though, this conversation had never seriously manifested. So as they drove out of the city to spend some time with his friends at a lake house, she got it in her head to see if he would like to approach his...

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Lake Estate2

Before I knew it, I was gently hunching my hips against Pandora’s warm body. I did remember the horrific guilt I’d felt after I’d finished doing what I did the night before, but I was always so horny in the morning, I couldn’t help myself. I heard Pandora groan, as I moved my mid-section against her back and a second later, I felt her stubby, little tail wagging, right against my morning hard-on. Logic was fading, as lust began to take over. One of my arms was wrapped around Pandora’s neck,...

4 years ago
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Lake Loop

When I was 36 I took a temporary assignment (8-12 weeks) outside of Midwest city to open a new business development office. The firm put me in an extended stay hotel / condo. It was late July. After the first couple of days, my routine became fairly boring – work, go exercise room and order fast food or go out for fast meal, sleep. Weekends were more boring since I was not into the bar scene. Did some tourist things but I was generally bored. Three weeks into the assignment, I am going crazy...

3 years ago
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Lake house 5

The next morning I was standing on the deck with a cup of coffee looking out over the lake when Linda came up beside me and linked her arm in mine.   We stood there is silence for a moment, sipping our coffee and dwelling on our own thoughts. “Linda”, I said, “These last couple of days you’ve shown me that it really is possible to find the happiness that I’ve been seeking.   I’d like to spend more time with you, but I need to get back to my place and wrap up a few things.     I’ll spend the...

Straight Sex
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Lake House 4

“When we get to the hospital we need a story, we can’t tell them what really happened” said Jack.   “How about this, we were hiking and you fell down an embankment and landed hard on some rocks?” “Then how do we explain the bruises on your face? Asked Molly. “You take him into the emergency room and I’ll wait in the Jeep.” “Christ”, thought Jack, “this is just what I need right now”.   “I can’t believe he got the best of both of us”, he said out loud.   “I’m not just going to take this and...

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GoddessChapter 2 Persephone

WHEN PERSEPHONE RELEASED ME SHE turned her face up for a kiss, her lips soft, warm and inviting. She didn't move away, and after our second kiss I was breathing hard and I'm sure she could feel my heart pumping, even through her leathers. She certainly could after she put her hand on my shirt. "Hey, sweetie, what's up?" I opened my mouth to reply, but no words came out. I must have looked like a stranded fish. She laughed. "Cat got your tongue tonight, Sam?" My lips moved once...

1 year ago
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Alexander of SpartaChapter 2

Report to the King of Sparta. B.C 481 "We must conclude that there was more then one Persian ship in our waters. When one met with disaster in the storm, the other picked up survivors and as much wreckage as it could. The shield is the only piece of wreckage that signifies Persian identity. There can be no doubt that it was a spying mission or an attempt to land agents of Persia on our soil or the soil of a neighbouring state. We cannot ignore the possibility that a neighbour may actually...

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Californie Partie 2 sur 3

Le vol dura des heures, et pourtant Maxime n'en pouvait plus d'excitation. Une heure environ avant d'arriver, il se rendit aux toilettes, et se changea pour prendre sa tenue habituelle - jean, baskets blanches, queue de cheval -. Il se sentait ? l'aise ainsi. C'?tait ainsi qu'il comptait vivre aux USA. Galvin lui avait dit que tout ?tait pr?t pour lui, et qu'il n'avait plus qu'? arriver. Son logement, son contrat de travail. Un v?hicule l'attendait ? l'a?roport et devait le conduire ? l'embarcad?re puis jusq...

1 year ago
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To Break a Wishbone

To Break a Wishbone By Robyn Thanksgiving. Not my favorite time of year certainly. For most it is the time each year one gets to share the company of friends while eating a grand meal. For me too, Thanksgiving is the one day when all my family gets together from all over the country to celebrate together. Aside from being a time of turkey and talk, though, it is also the time of criticism and comparison. You see, I was born a twin. The "older one" as I'm constantly reminded of....

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