Ordinary Morning a Swiss College story
- 2 years ago
- 28
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I felt something tickle my balls, and with a start, I jerked awake.
"Mmph!" somebody groaned, and as I sat up, I realized I'd just shoved my dick an inch into a girl's throat. She took it like a trouper, gagging only slightly and keeping her head down, breathing heavily through her nose until I pulled back. And then she resumed rhythmically pumping my shaft in her hands and sucking on the mushroom head as if I'd never interrupted her.
Now as you know, this sort of thing has happened to me a time or two. So I wasn't particularly shocked, even if I wasn't expecting to wake up at this time in quite this manner. Perhaps I should have expected it though. After all, there were four different women under this roof who could all accomplish the same feat.
Well, five, if you count Deanna.
My dick lurched, but I squeezed my eyelids shut and tried not to think too hard about that one.
I was still quite tired. Being the one real cock for Dayna, Brandi, DJ, and Brooke had been quite the workout, and while getting dosed with Viagra may have assisted my erectile function last night, it wasn't helping me now. I hadn't been kidding about that Pamplona bull thing, and my balls were still sore from such extreme use. Despite the pleasure coming from the warm, wet mouth surrounding my shaft, I really wouldn't mind drifting off back to sleep.
I knew that wasn't actually going to happen, but I was content to remain motionless for now and let my mystery fellatrix do her thing. Sighing dreamily, I extended my arms above my head, until my hands were resting against the headboard. And I let my idle mind wonder about the identity of this morning's alarm clock.
It really didn't take long to figure out. I could immediately cross Brooke and DJ off the list, since their blowjobs were as familiar to me as the back of my hand. Not that I've actually memorized the back of my hand, but if put into a photographic lineup with other hands from other people, I'm pretty sure I'd be able to figure out which was mine rather easily. So it was with my blowjob artiste. There wasn't anything specific about her technique that informed her identity, but by process of elimination I was able to deduce that my older sister had come to pick up where she'd left off last night.
"Ohhh, Brandi..." I moaned as she hit a particularly nice spot. My hips rolled forward to cram an extra half-inch into her throat and my arm dropped so I could hold the back of her head and keep her down on me for just a second longer. But then I let her head go and slowly picked my head up, finally cracking open my crusted eyelids and verifying visually that indeed, it was my older sister looking back at me with a smile around nearly eight inches of cock imbedded in her esophagus.
Her nostrils flared as she struggled to breathe, and then she pulled back and popped off with a wide grin. I glanced to my left to find DJ still asleep, and we tried not to bother her as Brandi kissed her way up my still-naked body, straddled my hips, and then guided my prick into her buttery box.
I was still tired and sore, and my prick was a little sensitive. But this was Brandi, and I didn't know when I'd be able to do this again. So despite the aches I went along with it. I raised my hands once again, working on autopilot to caress and tweak and stimulate my sister for her maximum pleasure while she rocked and undulated atop me. And I was rewarded by her moans of contentment and cute little whimpers, obviously enjoying herself and just as obviously not caring one whit that we're siblings and not supposed to be doing this, at least for now.
Although we were making some effort not to wake DJ, the gentle rolling of the bed eventually roused my girlfriend, who cracked open her eyes, smiled sleepily at us, and reached a hand out to caress Brandi's well-toned thigh.
"What time is it?" DJ asked softly, her eyes closing once more.
Brandi whipped her baggy T-shirt over her head, non-verbally inviting me to play with her breasts, and replied, "It's almost 10am. We've slept in."
DJ nodded sleepily before suddenly jerking upright, her eyes open wide. "Almost 10? Weren't we supposed to go Black Friday shopping this morning?!?"
Still fucking me, Brandi panted and gave her a nod. "Your parents are already gone. But it's not the end of the world. Tell the truth, I'd rather be Right. Here." She humped herself down rather deliberately and rather hard with those last two words, almost knocking the wind out of me but getting my cock particularly deep as well.
"Yeah, but I wanted to get some shopping in!" DJ complained, rolling out of bed and scampering naked over to her dresser to climb into some underwear. "Doorbusters will all be gone and a lot of the other deals end at noon!"
"We. Still. Got. Time," Brandi chanted while rising and falling on me with increased force. "Fuck. Me. Big. Brother. Fuck. Me!"
I was fucking her now, awake enough to grasp her hips and yank her down to meet my upward thrusts. I didn't care a lick about Black Friday, but I certainly cared about Brandi's and my next orgasms. Overcome with the pleasure, my sister dropped her chest down onto mine, burying her face in the pillow and moaning while I began jackhammering myself into her from below. My hands glided down her perfect buttcheeks, gripping them for leverage. And very quickly, I brought my big sister off to a noisy climax.
Brandi went limp after that, which wasn't really helpful for my own impending eruption. Trapping her legs with my own, I rolled us over to the side of the bed DJ had just vacated, and without dislodging my prick I flung my sister's legs over my shoulders and started piledriving her into the mattress. Brandi's head tossed left and right while I fucked the shit out of her, concentrating on getting my own. But despite my lack of focus on her, she was getting into it just fine, screaming out, "Fuck me! Fuck me! Sperm me, little brother! Fucking CUM inside me!"
Three strokes later, I did just that, and the internal sensation of my hot jizz splattering against her insides set Brandi off to another orgasm. We thrashed and bucked on the bed, our bodies quaking out our climaxes, until finally I collapsed into a lump of dead weight on top of her, mingled jism oozing out from around the not-quite-watertight seal of my dick in my sister's cunt.
Last night, nobody came after the creampie. But this morning, the instant I rolled off my sister, DJ pulled Brandi's hips around and spread her legs so she could kneel and slurp out her boyfriend's spending. She was fully-dressed, in spray-painted jeans with a tight polo and Argyle vest that showed off her assets, so it was an interesting contrast to see clothed blonde DJ climb up naked brunette Brandi's body and extend a tongue downward to feed her brother's sperm to the hungry older girl.
The sight was pleasant enough that I almost dragged DJ's jeans off and porked her from behind.
But I didn't. I needed the rest, and my girlfriend wanted to shop. I lay back and recovered while DJ finished up and then skipped off to the bathroom to fix her hair and makeup. And after scooping up brother-cum that had leaked onto her cheeks during the snowball with DJ, Brandi popped her fingers into her mouth while grinning at me, stood up, and then sashayed out the door back to Dayna's room.
Girlish giggles and erotic moans returned back through the open doors, and curious, I got up and padded down the hallway after her. Peeking inside Dayna's bedroom, I found the eldest Evans girl wearing a strap-on and pounding Brooke doggy-style while buzzing a thin vibrator in and out of my little sister's ass.
Just another day in my life, right?
Wanting to show off my new Project Ben culinary skills for Brandi and Dayna, I jumped into my pajama pants and then hustled downstairs to start breakfast. It was a good thing too, since the girls really DID want to get to those Black Friday deals before noon. Unfortunately, they were in too much of a hurry to really savor the flavors I'd worked hard to put into the french toast, but I did get a peck on the cheek from each of them before they all piled into Dayna's car and drove off to the mall without me.
This was the plan, of course. The LAST place I wanted to be was a busy mall on Black Friday. I was under strict orders to rest and recuperate, because the girls weren't done fucking me yet. And the way the next three days were looking, I would need all the rest I could get.
The holiday weekend was a wild one, filled with sex in all kinds of permutations and combinations. There were threesomes, foursomes, and even a fivesome (which is a lot more logistically-complicated than erotic, really). Dayna and DJ replicated the four-boobs-around-one-dick titfuck that Dayna and Amber had introduced to me, although there apparently IS such thing as too much boobage to quite fit into a confined area. And I spent the better part of the holiday weekend tired, exhausted, and dehydrated, except for whenever the fucking got underway. Then, my sexual reserves activated or something and I was magically transformed into Big Ben, Sex God.
This is not a bad thing. The logistical complications of four women trying to fuck you at the same time and suffering from Too Much Boobage™ are problems other men would kill for. And as it was all happening to me, I decided that they were problems I could live with.
Brandi continued her weekend that 'didn't count', fucking or sucking me every chance we got. I learned that it was indeed her ass I'd pounded while blindfolded last night, and she wanted me to do it again. I obliged, moaning about how perfect my sister's ass was while she reminded me that I was still the only man she'd ever let up her backdoor.
I also got up Dayna's tailpipe immediately after. I still hadn't forgotten my very first assfuck, at camp so many years ago. And even though I'd attributed to that memory such perfection as to be impossible to live up to, well, doing it again pretty much lived up to the memory.
The elder sisters also continued their explorations with the opposite little sisters. I lost count of the number of times Dayna fucked Brooke with a strap-on and vice versa. And whenever my girlfriend was out of my sight, she was invariably in a room with Brandi, munching rug and making out. Both pairings spent more time with each other than DJ spent with me, but I didn't mind. DJ and I would have plenty of time together once we returned to school. Being in this house with Dayna and Brandi was a special occasion, and we all wanted to make the most of it.
Although I did leave the house on Friday afternoon to do a little shopping of my own, just a run to Target to stock up on cheap DVDs, we collectively stayed holed up and having sex for most of the weekend. I had carte blanche to seize any girl and stick it into any hole any time I had an erection, and I pretty much did just that. Sometimes that meant grabbing a girl, bending her over, and dragging her into a bedroom. Sometimes that meant a girl grabbing ME and dragging me into a bedroom (Brandi, most often). But as Friday turned into Saturday and Saturday turned into Sunday, we started to get lazy about keeping things private, and I started just porking the girls wherever I happened to come across them, whether it be the hallway, the stairway, or even the kitchen.
Those out of doors activities were at least restricted to periods when the parentals were out of the house or in their bedroom late at night. But even when Jack and Deanna WERE around, the girls were getting careless about keeping our activities concealed.
There was the time DJ started jacking my cock under the table during Saturday's lunch, which Deanna eventually figured out and had to shoot DJ a glance to knock it off.
And there was the time I was fucking Brandi on the couch while DJ and Brooke sixty-nined on the floor beside us and the front door opened. We all scrambled to get covered up by the time Jack and Deanna walked in, but probably weren't 100% successful. Both parents got an eyeful, I'm sure, before they turned back the way they came and gave us a couple of minutes to fix our clothing. It wasn't that they didn't know what was going on, but we were pretty sure they didn't want it thrown in their faces.
At least, I was pretty sure, and so was DJ. Brooke was a little more blasé about it. "What? I don't mind if your Dad catches me naked. He's kinda hot for an old guy."
"What? Ew!" DJ spat.
"'Ew', really?" Dayna. "You mean you've never thought about it? Boinking Dad?"
"What? No!" DJ was scandalized. "Why, have you?"
Dayna shrugged. "Sometimes. And don't tell me you haven't checked out my mom's rack from time to time, Ben."
I blushed. Deanna Evans was just as well-endowed as her daughters, and when puppies that big and firm are put on display, it sort of doesn't matter whose body they're attached to. I agreed, but only to a point. "Fine, but there's a difference between checking out a pair of boobs and thinking about banging your Mom. There's something about it that just isn't ... right."
"THANK you!" DJ exclaimed before staring down her sister. "They're our parents!"
"And we're your sisters," Dayna argued. "Lines have already been crossed."
"No, thank you." DJ immediately replied with her hands making short, horizontal chopping motions apart, and Brandi nodded her agreement after a moment's thought.
But that night, while the entire family gathered to watch a movie together, Dayna came downstairs after her shower wearing nothing but a bathrobe and wasn't too careful about closing the front all the way. I knew my eyes kept drifting over to her as she curled in an armchair and watched the movie, idly running her fingers along the bathrobe's trim just over her breasts, as if she would pull it open at any moment. And if my eyes kept drifting over, well ... I studied Jack Evans for a little bit, and yep, sure enough HIS eyes kept drifting over. But that was as far as it got before Deanna told her daughter to either put on some real pajamas or put on some underwear beneath the bathrobe.
She came back braless and wearing a cropped PJ top that may have fit her when she was fourteen. Now, it was about two sizes too small, molding rather skintight around the shape of her 36DDs, and the matching boyshorts weren't any looser. Deanna sighed, waited for the movie to end, and then dragged her husband upstairs. Loud grunting and rhythmic headboard-banging soon emanated from behind the closed door, and Dayna asked us to take bets on whether or not her dad was fantasizing about fucking HER.
Nobody took the bet.
But all good things must come to an end. Sunday arrived, and it would soon be time for all us kids to go home. But we didn't leave without a bang (literally). And when Deanna sensed what was about to happen, she took her husband out of the house lest the young women of the house completely lose their inhibitions in front of him.
We said our goodbyes, since the Evanses were going off to visit friends and wouldn't return until after we'd left for our homes in San Francisco and Berkeley. Brandi, Brooke, and I thanked them for their hospitality, and then we all waved from the front door as they turned and drove up the street.
The girls closed the front door. They turned to me.
And then they pounced.
"Hey there, stranger," Bert greeted me with a fist bump as we met up at our usual intersection, and then fell into step alongside me as we trudged up the hill. "How was your weekend?"
I groaned and shook my head. "You don't wanna know."
Bert nodded and then glanced back, finding that his usual walking pace had already put him several feet in front of me. "You okay? You're movin' kinda slow."
"Feel like my balls got kicked by a bull."
"Not that you actually got kicked by a bull or anything."
"More like: your testicles were severely overworked through extreme sexual demand the likes of which would explode my puny little mind."
"Fair enough. I won't ask, except for one question Lynne and I have been wondering about ever since you left after the Pre-Thanksgiving party."
"What's that?"
"Did you or did you not hook up with Sasha?"
I stopped in my tracks, my grimacing face giving the answer away already.
"Thought so," Bert commented before clarifying, "Well, Lynne thought so. Honestly, I was so blitzed I don't remember the circumstances of your departure. But she said Sasha walked out that door with you looking like she wasn't going to take 'no' for an answer."
"Huh..." I stewed on that, wondering for the umpteenth time how it was so easy for girls to pick up on those vibes and meaningful looks while I was still just a dense, blockhead guy. At least Bert hadn't noticed without Lynne telling him so.
"So what now? Everything goes back to the way it was between you two? Or do I need to find myself a new Xbox partner because you're gonna be spending all your breaks between classes boinking Miss Brunette Bigtits?"
"I'm not gonna..." I began before pausing to think about it. Sasha and I hadn't actually discussed what would happen when we returned to school, and even though our encounter had been more than four days ago, I'd been so occupied since then that I hadn't really had a chance to think about it.
I told Bert that I hadn't figured that out yet, and he gave me a shrug.
"Well, figure it out fast," he warned. "She's gonna meet us for lunch after class, which means you've got about ... an hour."
Unfortunately, the intervening hour before our rendezvous for lunch was occupied by class, and a class I actually needed to pay attention to. So I didn't have much time to dwell on the Sasha issue, which was probably for the best, lest I analyze and overanalyze things for the entire time.
When class ended, I hoisted my bag over a shoulder and got up, ready to leave. But Bert was texting or something on his phone, and I had to whistle to get his attention. "Hey, we eating or what?"
"Uh. You know. Something's come up. I gotta meet up with ... uh ... somebody..." Bert stammered, looking sheepish. "So ... I'll see you later, alright?"
I arched an eyebrow. "Lynne come to campus and text you for a quickie?"
A girl behind me gasped and looked at us, wide-eyed, for a moment before hustling out the door. Bert rolled his eyes as she left before deadpanning, "Yes. That's exactly it."
I looked at him curiously as he finally got up and led the way outside. I followed after, still wondering what he was hiding from me, but I suddenly had no more time to wonder as a vision of beauty stepped around the corner and sashayed in our direction.
You could hear conversations stop all around us as people, both guys and girls, paused to gawk at the gorgeous young woman strutting confidently down the hall. She wore spray-painted jeans tucked into stylishly short black boots with three-inch heels. A brown belt more decorative than functional hung at a slant across her waist and shapely hips. And clinging to her torso was an emerald green blouse made of a satiny fabric that shimmered in the fluorescent overhead lights.
While perhaps baggy jeans and Cal Berkeley hoodies were a little more commonplace, the outfit wasn't so different from what many other girls wore around the campus. Also, she wore a nice knee-length dark brown peacoat over the top as well, so it wasn't like the young lady in question was dressed in a way that was particularly revealing. What was more surprising was WHO was dressed in such a manner, not to mention that several buttons of the green blouse were undone, exposing quite the expanse of milky white cleavage formed by breasts I knew intimately to be very full and firm D-cups.
Sasha Serafian NEVER dressed like this on-campus, and most everybody in Cheit Hall knew it. We'd also never seen her hair pinned in a stylish up-do, showing off the gracefulness of her neck and highlighting her dangly earrings. Expertly-applied makeup accentuated her beauty, not minimized it. And so for the very first time for many of our classmates, one could really see just how beautiful a woman she could be.
The hallway went silent in my immediate vicinity as my project teammate came to a stop right in front of me, smiling to watch my eyes do that yo-yo thing I couldn't help. Ten feet behind her, whispered comments started up as people didn't make much effort to be inconspicuous.
"Hey Ben. What's for lunch today?" she asked sweetly, as if we didn't have a couple dozen people staring right at us.
"Uh, we hadn't decided just yet," I managed to reply after false-starting just once. "Bert?"
Blushing, he waved his phone at me and then jerked a thumb down the hall. "Uh, I'm not coming today. That ... thing ... with ... that person? Remember?"
I sighed and shot him a look. "Bert, spit it out."
Bert turned a little pinker before taking a deep breath. Showing me the phone again, he explained, "It's from Kim. She saw how Sasha was dressed this morning and she told me to get the hell out of the way. You two clearly need to talk. So ... bye!" He shot me a goofy grin, spun on his heel, and practically ran away.
I watched him go, and then with another resigned sigh I swiveled my gaze back to Sasha, waiting patiently and smirking as she noticed just how many people were still gawking at us. "Find someplace a little more private?" I offered. A couple of girls to my left tittered at that.
Sasha grinned and took my arm with both of her hands. "Let's go."
Although I was pretty hungry, this wasn't a conversation I wanted to have anywhere near other people. So instead of taking Sasha to a restaurant or anything, we swung by the deli and picked up food to go before strolling back to my house. We chatted along the way about nothing consequential, mostly me asking how her holidays went and her explaining about staying in on Thanksgiving Day to clean house and organize mail and then going Black Friday shopping before catching a movie with Marisa and some other stripper friends. As usual, she worked all of the weekend evenings, and then it was back to school.
When she asked me about my weekend, I told her I'd spent the entire time at my girlfriend's house, and she didn't ask me anything more about that.
Eventually, we made it to my house and had lunch at the dining table. Still, the conversation topics remained casual, at least until the tail end of the meal when I finally asked, "So what's up with the designer threads? Showing off your Black Friday deals?"
By now the heater had kicked in and Sasha had removed her peacoat. It was hanging on the chair beside her, and she reached over to tap it. "This one was 70% off," she explained. "The rest is stuff I already had in my closet."
"In your closet? I've known you for a while now, and I've never seen you wear those clothes."
She shrugged. "Weekend wear, as opposed to my standard issue Cal hoodie and baggy pants student kit."
"Today's not a weekend."
"Today is my first day seeing you again since you completely rocked my world and lived up to everything I fantasized about for my Big Ben Experience." As she said this, Sasha sat up straight, leaned forward slightly, and stared so intensely right into my eyes that I could have sworn her dark brown eyes were literally smoldering.
I paused mid-chew, feeling that deer-in-the-headlights sensation again. But after a moment, I let myself remember all the things we'd done in her apartment that night, and smiling at the memory, I shrugged and replied, "I had a good time, too."
I was seated at the head of the table, with Sasha in the chair immediately to my right. She reached her hand out and covered mine, rubbing the back of it for a moment before flicking her eyes back up to me. "Did you get a chance to talk to DJ about us?"
"I didn't hide anything from her, if that's what you mean."
She shook her head in the negative. "I meant ... in the morning, I asked you if we were just a one-time thing. You said that was up to your girlfriend."
I pursed my lips and thought about it. All of the discussion about Sasha had taken place Thanksgiving Day, when Brooke and DJ had pulled me into DJ's bedroom to get their "details". I'd given them the cliff notes of our sexual encounter, but we hadn't talked about the future. As far as I understood it, the "Green List" still only included Brooke, Paige, and Kim. And while I'd gotten the distinct impression from DJ that she wouldn't mind me hooking up with Sasha again in the future, I knew that communication would be essential to the survival of our relationship, and the last thing I wanted to do was make an assumption that might turn out to be wrong.
Of course, I could solve that little problem with a phone call. It was DJ's lunch hour too, and although she'd be hanging out with her friends at this time, she would be able to pick up her phone and give me a "go/no go" easily enough.
But although I'd said so on Thursday, it wasn't just up to my girlfriend. There were two other people involved in any decision for me and Sasha to continue a more-than-friends relationship, and those two people were me and her.
Sasha was making her decision clear. I could sometimes be as dense as a rock when it came to female signals, but that wasn't an issue right now. Sasha had dressed to impress, and was holding my hand, breathing heavily, and giving me quite serious bedroom eyes. We were alone in my house, with all the opportunity in the world, and she was quite ready to take advantage of it.
But there was still MY decision to make. And though one might think any guy would readily accept the proposition of great sex with a beautiful, busty brunette, my decision-making process had moved beyond what the penis wants. Getting laid wasn't my problem. Getting laid without dealing with all the headaches of interpersonal relationships? THAT was my goal.
"Sasha..." I began with a sigh. "I don't know if this is such a good idea."
She pouted. "Why not?"
"You ... me ... we're friends, right?"
"But we could be more, couldn't we?"
"More? We've talked before about a relationship between you and me, and that was even before I had a girlfriend."
"I know. And we agreed that it wouldn't be a good idea for you and me to get together. But I don't want a relationship, and as for your girlfriend, I'm not going to try and steal you away from her."
"I'm not worth it?"
"You trying to flatter yourself?" She gave me a crooked grin, to which I shrugged. Shaking her head, she explained, "Honestly, I think you're more trouble than you're worth as boyfriend material."
"Gee, thanks."
"I like you; you know that. I know I could even develop feelings for you. But you've got gorgeous women simply throwing themselves at you all the time, and I'm not going to try and compete with that. I think you're a great, great guy. You're an attentive listener, and I feel deep down in my gut that I can really trust you. That's unique. That's special. But I would never try and tie you down into a relationship; I just don't think it'd be possible. And besides, I can tell how much you care about DJ. I really don't want to mess with that; there's just no WAY I could ever be the 'other woman' that makes a man cheat on his girlfriend. So if she's not okay with you and me doing stuff, then it's not going to happen. But I think she IS okay, and well, that's kind of my point. If -I- were your girlfriend I don't think I could be so free with your sexual activities. For her to allow you that freedom is pretty special, but it's also something I wouldn't be able to give you as easily. So I don't want to make an emotional investment and develop the kind of possessive expectation of fidelity from you that I know would only result in me getting my heart broken."
I shrugged. "That's just it: I don't want to break your heart."
"It won't get broken, because I'm not your girl. And I'm not going to try to be."
"But you still want to have sex with me."
"Are you kidding? Wednesday night was the best experience of my LIFE! Yes! YES I want more!" She hopped up and down in her chair, giggling with a wide grin.
But instead of smiling with her, I took a deep breath.
Sasha immediately stopped bouncing and screwed up her face. "Oh, so that's it? You got to add me as a notch on your bed post and you're done with me?"
"What? No!" I protested, but felt my defensiveness fade at the knowing smirk on Sasha's face.
"I'm just messing with you," she cracked with a grin. "That's the reputation you have: just racking up kills. But I know you, and I don't believe you're that kind of guy ... Or are you? Are you really just gonna fuck me the one time and then never let me have an encore?"
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Ordinary Joe - A Beginning Anna Feie I was just an "ordinary joe" when this all began over a decade ago. That Wednesday so many years ago enabled me to change my life forever. Curiously, I never had the urge to think about being a woman before that fateful day. The day that I won 219 million dollars in the lottery, I was looking at 138 million dollars after taxes to be paid to me over a 30-year period or just take the cash option of 112 million. Guess what I did, I took the cash...
Attending the University was not like what I saw in movies, nothing like it. In all movies it would show beautiful promiscuous white girls running around without clothes on. Well this place had beautiful white women, even teachers (but that's a different story) but they allways had there clothes on. I used to think to my self what it took to have girls do to me what they did in movies, you know sex in public places, group sex, or porn activites like cumming in a girls mouth. Well happened to me...
InterracialHey readers! Haven’t been posting any story for a long time due to a busy schedule. But now I’m back with an incident that happened somewhere, some time and with someone, I wouldn’t expect ever in my life! We have been studying organizational culture (OC) in our college as per our curriculum. The faculty for OC, Ankita looks pretty but her voice is damn irritating! If the students of our class had a choice, we would put cotton in our ears to avoid her voice tearing through our eardrums! But she...
-- MONDAY, DECEMBER 26, 2005, WINTER BREAK -- I felt something tickle my balls, and with a start, I jerked awake. "Mmph!" a girl moaned and I realized I'd just shoved my dick an inch into somebody's throat. She took it like a trouper, gagging only slightly and keeping her head down, breathing heavily through her nose until I pulled back. But this morning I didn't stop at pulling back. I sat up, reached down, and forced my sleepy eyelids open so I could take a good look at the head of...
-- SEPTEMBER 2005, SENIOR YEAR -- "What do you think, deli?" I thought about the three or four different sandwiches I might order at our usual deli, and shook my head. "Kinda in the mood for Blondie's." "Pizza again?" Bert made a face. "How 'bout Thai?" We'd gotten Thai food last week, but I'd ordered Pad Thai then and today the thought of Crying Tiger actually appealed. So I head-nodded south in the direction we'd need to go. Bert turned at the next fork in the walkway, and...
-- AUGUST 2004, JUNIOR YEAR -- Brooke called me from her cell phone just before they arrived, so Dawn and I were on the porch as the family van turned into the driveway. The asphalt was still cracked, but I'd killed the weeds growing through them. I'd also mowed the lawn, mended the wood fence, and generally cleaned up the place. I wanted to prove to my parents that Dawn and I could live together and maintain a household without supervision from any "adults" or even big sisters. Having...
-- TUESDAY, DECEMBER 28, 2004, WINTER BREAK -- Daniel and Elaine were getting married. Yeah, Daniel Chen and Elaine Fukuhara were still in college, only halfway through their careers at UCLA. Yeah, 20 was pretty young to be getting married, but with these two, age didn't matter. They were soulmates. They had been each other's one and only since they were fourteen, and their friendship dated back to being 2-year-olds in the same Montessori pre-school class. The day we'd all graduated from...
Want to get kinky at Fet Life? Never before have fetishes and kinks been as popular as they are today. I don’t know if it is because the invention of the internet has led to a greater level of transparency and communication when it comes to peoples’ deepest sexual desires or if it is because we are just becoming more open and accepting as a society. Or maybe it is something else altogether. Whatever the reason, more and more people are embracing their kinks, and it is a beautiful thing to...
Hookup Sites-- FEBRUARY 2006, SENIOR YEAR -- I knocked, and after a little while the door swung open. Brooke gave me a smile and said, "Hey. It's good to see you. Feels like it's been forever." "Seventeen days," I replied. "But yeah, it's been a while." "We've talked on the phone," she protested, recognizing the hurt tone in my voice. I rolled my eyes. "To scold me about the sex tape." She frowned. "There was at least one other call before that ... like a week ago." "When I asked...
The following is a TRUE STORY about an amazing college fling I had — I recently helped a lovely young woman, Zelda, discover her sexual maturity: i.e., lose her virginity. Other than the names have been changed and the exact locations disguised — everything described herein is true and correct and happened the summer of 2015 in western Massachusetts. ZELDA AT AMHERST I think the term, “losing one’s virginity” is a bit old fashioned and has negative connotations of very traditional gender...
JANUARY 2003, WINTER BREAK When I returned to my house, it was just before 4pm. All was quiet but the Mustang was parked out on the sidewalk again. Adrienne must be home. I walked into the room and looked over to find my girlfriend sitting on my bed, hugging a pillow. There were tear tracks down her cheeks and her eyes were bloodshot as she glanced up at me. She took one look at my well-fucked appearance and squeezed her eyes shut, pinching her chin in towards her chest while she curled...
-- TUESDAY, APRIL 4, 2006, SENIOR YEAR -- I was waiting outside her office, leaning against the wall with a paperback of Sudoku puzzles in my hand. I was so engrossed in my current puzzle that I didn't notice her arrival. One minute, I was marking dots to represent the number 2 in a square in the upper-right hand corner; the next, she was clearing her throat right in front of me. "Benjamin. You are in my way," Viktoriya Isakova stated calmly with a bemused smile on her face. I dropped...
-- SATURDAY, APRIL 22, 2006 -- I felt something tickle my balls, and with a start, I jerked awake. "Mmph!" a girl moaned and I realized I'd just shoved my dick an inch into somebody's throat. She took it like a trouper, gagging only slightly and keeping her head down, breathing heavily through her nose until I pulled back. And she resumed rhythmically pumping my shaft in her hands and sucking on the mushroom head as if I'd never interrupted her. My eyes fluttered for a brief second,...
-- FEBRUARY 2006, SENIOR YEAR -- Sasha appeared in the archway between the hallway and the living room, clad in a plush terrycloth bathrobe over dark green and red plaid flannel pajamas. "Rough night?" I picked my head up and immediately winced, my temples throbbing as my field of vision moved faster than my sense of balance could handle at the moment. I once had looked up the symptoms of an alcohol hangover. They included dehydration, fatigue, headache, body aches, elevated body...
-- TUESDAY, JANUARY 3, 2006, WINTER BREAK -- A stray beam of sunlight woke me up in the morning. So much had been going on last night, I must not have been very careful about shutting the curtains all the way. There was about an inch of space between the two curtain halves, and at this very time on this very date, the sunlight came through at just the right angle to hit the very spot where the covers didn't completely cover my head. I found myself in a familiar position, spooned around the...
-- OCTOBER 2005, SENIOR YEAR -- She couldn't see us, not with the stage lights in her eyes and the darkness of the audience. But we could see her, and at virtually the same time Bert and I turned and gaped at each other. Between us, Kim glanced back and forth at each of us with raised eyebrows, although without the expression of utter shock. Kady and Noelle were still out on their private dance, and Lynne was oblivious, her attention on the stage as she checked out the gorgeous brunette....
SUNDAY, APRIL 18, 2004, SOPHOMORE YEAR "I just need some time, okay?" Dawn's words were the same as yesterday, but I didn't feel nearly as scared now as I did then. Yesterday, the mere fact that Dawn was asking for time instead of enthusiastically proclaiming her love and desire to get back together made me worry that she WASN'T going to get back together with me. Today? I knew it just meant exactly what she was saying. She needed time: time to make a clean break with Ryan, time to...
NOVEMBER 2003, SOPHOMORE YEAR "I'm sorry things didn't work out with you and DJ." Dawn squeezed my hand and patted my shoulder. It was Monday morning and we were sitting on a bench by Memorial Glade, just outside the Main Library. After spending the weekend hiding out inside the house with Dayna, Brandi, and Adrienne, I'd finally told Dawn the story while we had an hour to kill in between classes. She seemed a little disappointed that I hadn't talked with her sooner, but now wasn't...
DECEMBER 2002, FRESHMAN YEAR "I was pretty sure I heard Brett and Alan's voices," Matt Kanemura stated, the lanky Hawaiian boy running his right hand through his multi-toned streaked hair before rubbing his scalp. It was the Sunday immediately after Saturday's blindfold orgy, and he, Kevin Weiss, and myself were sitting in the living room. Kevin nodded. "So just the five of us?" Matt shrugged. "Makes sense. Or do you think Ryan was there, too? After all, Dawn is a roommate,...
-- THURSDAY, MAY 4, 2006, SENIOR YEAR -- "So you seem pretty chipper today," Sasha commented while squeezing my hand. She looked absolutely adorable in a navy blue Cal baseball cap, with her rich dark hair poking through the hole in the back as a ponytail. A ringer T-shirt that hugged her big tits and spray-painted jeans completed her sporty but sexy look. I shrugged and replied, "I had a nice night." "And a nice morning, from the sounds of it," Sasha giggled. I let my mind's eye...
Je donne rendez-vous à Mélissa vers 20h dans une commune avec pour consigne une jupe sans sous-vêtement avec un petit mot bien décolleté. Arrivée 20h je rejoins Mélissa nous avons chacun notre voiture je l'embrasse en guise de bonjour et je lui dis prends ta voiture et suis-moi. Nous nous sommes dirigés vers un belvédère la nuit commence à tomber nous descendons chacun de nos voitures et nous nous dirigeons vers le point de vue, là je place Mélissa contre la barrière je lève sa jupe, elle ne...
Hello, guys! This is my fourth story in ISS and hopes you guys had enjoyed my previous stories. But I was very disappointed in the feedback section as major replies were for having sex with me and even some guys have sent there dicks pictures also. This was highly insane. Coming back to the topic in this post you guys will come to know about sexual activity during our college fest and even on the refuge flat. This incident took place when I had shifted to a new building in my home town. The...
-- MONDAY, MARCH 27, 2006, SPRING BREAK -- "Hey you," Bert greeted me from the other end of the phone line. "Thought I'd check in and see how you were holding up. Staying hydrated? Haven't been worked to exhaustion?" "Very funny. You at Stanford now?" "Yeah, spending Spring Break with Lynne. Only she's not on Spring Break, so I figure I'll be spending a good bit of time on my own. She just left for class." "Ah." "So what's this Sasha tells me about life in your house...
Kink and BDSM porns had always intrigued me. I had been so much curious about them that I got a few toys at home. I never got the chance to try them though since most women freaked out at the idea. I eventually stopped telling my dates about the fantasy and my kinky sexcapades. I am a dom, you see. I wanted to meet the perfect submissive who can appreciate my lifestyle. I never imagined it will eventually come true after the array of failed dates. Jennifer- the calm, sweet face deceived nothing...
BDSMsomewhere in the year of 2011, when I was pursuing my engineering. Our college was located in the outskirt of Chennai, and the final year students had to do an engineering project, and to prepare the project for every little thing we had to visit Chennai around 100 Kms from our college location. So normally we used to go early morning and come back late in the night. All the final year students used to wait for holidays to go to Chennai to finish our projects, which would mean at least 20 -25...
Dear ISS readers, This is Rajesh () from Chennai…This is my first post in ISS so please bear my mistakes Here’s a true story of mine, somewhere in the year of 2011, when I was pursuing my engineering. Our college was located in the outskirt of Chennai, and the final year students had to do an engineering project, and to prepare the project for every little thing we had to visit Chennai around 100 Kms from our college location. So normally we used to go early morning and come back late in the...
(episode 17) After I finished writing and posting, “The Ménage-A-Trois,” I began to reminisce about all of the great times my friends and I had my last 2 years of college living in that rental house that we had restored in exchange for free rent. It was perhaps the most memorable 2 year period ever for me. It began with that friends-with-benefits period that lasted a few months peaking out during Fall semester of 2006 of my Junior year at the University of Georgia. Chip and Vic, my two best...
Devji and Saleem,two close friends,met two college girls. The conversation among them lead to a group sex. Devji and Saleem were thickest friends. Though they were of 21, they were studying in only 8th in a government school. As per school rule they were wearing only half pants. Like their bodies, their ducks were also long and stout. One was 11 by 4 and the other was surprisingly 14 by 5 .So Saleem's dick was always peeping out, one or little more inches from the half pants. As usual, one day,...
GroupDisclaimerThis story is a work of pure fantasy. If you are underage and/or repelled by erotic fiction about non-consensual sex then do not read any further.I would like to stress that in this story quite a few rather stupid clich?s are used. Therefore I want to urge those of you who cannot distinguish truth from fiction to please don?t read any further.English is not my native tongue so I guess that some errors could not be avoided. I sincerely hope that they do not disturb your reading too m...
-- FRIDAY, JULY 29, 2005, SUMMER CAMP -- To be fair, I wasn't completely surprised by what I'd just seen. There had certainly been enough hints over the years that my parents and the Evanses played around with each other. And Dawn and I had discussed this very possibility a couple of years back when we speculated on just what our parents did with all their time together while we kids ran wild all day across the camp grounds. But none of us had gone out of our way to catch them in the act,...
This story and all my upcoming stories are completely true with that being said, here we go. I was in my final year of college and life was good. I had a lot of very attractive female friends, but never really had any sex. I had only once before this time and I was so drunk my dick could not feel shit and it was not even enjoyable. One of my best friends Christy, was dating another friends of mine, and we would often go to the same parties and hang out a lot on the weekends. We would get high...
MAY 2003, SUMMER BREAK I stirred awake when a beam of sunlight, coming through the crack in my curtains, drifted directly across my face. Grimacing against the unwanted illumination, I simply rolled back into the shadows and slept for another few minutes. Unfortunately, that first attempt by my body to wake stirred my consciousness enough to become aware of the extremely painful splitting headache that throbbed against my skull. And eventually, after those few minutes drifting between sleep...
I have always loved reading. I read all sorts of books, both fact and fiction. I like travel books, history books, biographies, mysteries, murders, in fact all sorts of reading material. My very favourite are short stories with a twist in the tale: Those clever stories that have an unexpected ending. A favourite author is Jack Finney whose tales are often about shifts in time. The titles of his various books on Amazon give the clue to his obsession with time - “Time and Time Again,” “About...
-- JANUARY 2006, SENIOR YEAR -- Casey and Carolyn crashed overnight with me, and I woke up in a tangle of girlflesh the next morning. The situation called for an encore, and after taking care of both girls, I wound up titfucking Casey until I parked both blondes on their knees side-by-side and gave them both a facial. Afterwards, I proved myself the gentleman by going downstairs and making breakfast for all three of us while they got cleaned up. And then I kissed them both goodbye before...
-- THURSDAY, DECEMBER 15, 2005, FINALS WEEK -- "Dawn Evans?" came the confused voice on the other end of the line. "Yes. She's part of the ranch hand program," I replied. "Dawn ... Dawn ... Uhh ... Wait, you said Evans, right? We have a Marie Evans." I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion, but explained patiently, "'Marie' is her middle name." The sounds of pages flipping were audible over the phone, and presently the guy who'd picked up the main telephone line returned. "Here...
This is a TRUE story, and contains sexually explicit material between M-F and M-M. I transferred from a BigTen school into a MVC university my senior year. Not knowing anyone was OK with me, as I figured I'd make new friends. Well it wasn't long before a ran into a girl (Mary) I went to prep-school with. Mary was a good-looking gal with a very athletic body. Mary had developed since the last time I'd seen her 3 years prior! She was surprised to see me, and I gave her the update of my BigTen...
Bisexual-- FEBRUARY 2005, JUNIOR YEAR -- "Do you really have to go so soon?" I moaned, staring for just a few more seconds at Adrienne's nearly naked ass. All she wore was a tiny thong of dental floss that disappeared between her buttcheeks. But soon, both juicy globes were covered by the tight pair of jeans she was pulling on. At least Adrienne turned around, letting me ogle her naked tits before she shrugged into a heavy-duty bra and starting buttoning up her blouse. "It's a Tuesday," she...
-- THE YEAR 2027 -- "You know, I think I should stop right here." BJ frowned, giving me an inquisitive look. "Stop here? But we haven't even gotten to the good part!" I smiled as I thought about the "good" parts. Hours had already passed, and I'd been talking for a long time. I kept having to pause here and there to reminisce about some of the sexual shenanigans I'd gotten into that Junior Year and the bookend summers. Oh, I hadn't shared THOSE intimate stories with my son. It...
Hey everyone, I am Diganth, 26 years old and I am from Bengaluru. I am an average-built guy with a good size dick that can satisfy any girl. I firstly thank all the readers who read my previous stories and enjoyed them. To the readers who haven’t read my previous stories, please do read them. And I am overwhelmed by all the responses I received. As I had promised all the readers, I will keep posting my real sex experiences. And this is one of them. This story is also a real one that took place...
FEBRUARY 15, 2003, FRESHMAN YEAR "I've fallen in love with someone else." I stopped breathing. My heart stopped beating. The world shrunk down around us until nothing existed but me and her. And I looked ready to die. Adrienne noticed my stricken look. She quickly hugged me while urging, "Ben, Ben, please understand." My jaw waggled a few times before I forcibly stood up, my physical strength breaking carelessly through Adrienne's grasp. And I started heading out of the living...
Hi ISS readers, I like to read the stories of ISS as you like too. As I like reading the stories of ISS I want to share my story of my sex with my girlfriend at college. Please give me feed back of this story on my mail Id , so that I could write my other stories. At first I want to tell you about sex bomb of this story, her name is Priyanka (name changed). she was just 18 when I had sex with her she got perfect figure (32-24-32) with average boobs like big orange. She did had perfect round ass...
This is not the story of how my mother, my sister, and I escaped that catastrophe, of how the starliner Pegasus II tried to escape the disaster into FTL only to be destroyed by debris, of our flight to and rendezvous at the lifeboats, of the 24-person lifeboat jettisoning with just the three of us aboard. There are at least a dozen such accounts from the 87 survivors from the Peg, and most, to be honest, are more compelling. This is not the story of the first tumultuous hours after the...
Author: kamaraju (I thank Miss Sharmeelee for sharing her fantasy. Please note this story is completely based on fiction and fantasy and does not have an ounce of reality. Anything that happens in this story is not true. Such colleges do not exist. Please send suggestions and comments to or ) When I opened the door, Salman smiled at me and rushed into kitchen. “Aunty, I am joining a college few kilometers away. Please let Sharmi also join. We can study together” he pleaded with Mom. Mom told...
DECEMBER 2003, SOPHOMORE YEAR "You still going to try your little stunt in messing with Leighton's bounty?" Dawn hugged my arm while we headed up the hill. She was adorably cute in a college girl kind of way. Her sunny blonde hair was pulled into a ponytail that poked through the back of her navy blue Cal baseball cap. She also wore a zip-up hoodie and well-fitting jeans as we cruised along the pathway, roaming around the verdant greenscapes of the campus. I arched an eyebrow and...
-- FEBRUARY 2005, JUNIOR YEAR -- The Honda Fireblade slowed down and made a right turn into the driveway of a nice suburban house. Kim stopped in the driveway and fished into her backpack for a remote, pressing it to open the garage door. There was plenty of street parking, so I paralleled the Mustang and then got out. Taking a deep breath, I walked up the driveway, peeking inside the garage to see two cars already inside, and Kim parking her motorcycle right in the middle alongside another...
Let me describe myself, I am Hiral (name changed) me freelancer hu, mumbai or pune aana jana laga rehta hai mene select ladki ke sath enjoy kiya hai par yeh meri pehli indian sex stories hai, jab bhi time milta hai me desi indian pe sex story read karta hu par zyaada time nahi milta. Mai dikhne me handsome hu but meri body average hai nahi slim nahi mota, mera penis ka size uttna hai jo ek ladki ko satisfy kar sake. Mujhe virgin ladkiya pasand hai jo phele baar maza karna chahti hai.. Mein...
Hi, ISS reader This is my first story. I am in gujarat. Ye us samay ki bat he jab me 19 saal ka tha. Me samane hamare hi jati ke log rahete the. Unaki nayi nayi shadi hui thi. Unaka nam Virendra tha aur unaki wife ka nam Neeta tha. Vo bahot hi sexi aur hot thi. Neeta ko me pyar se bhabhi jaan kahakar bulatatha aur vo bhi mujese acchi bate karti thi. Magar vo kabhi mera naam nahi bolati thi, jese me usaka pati hu vese muje Aap, Lijie vese shabdo se bulati thi. Vo bahot hi sexi lagati thi. Unaka...
Hi Friends, I’m Arun. I’m 26 years old and I’m here to share with you my unforgettable sexual experience with my elder brother’s college mate, Jayashree after a really long wait. She is 31 years old and looks really stunning, dark brownish complexion, gorgeous face, a little plumpy cylinder shaped arms and a superb structure. I was looking at her for the last 10 years from her college days when she used to visit my place after her college and during holidays. Right from my school days I was so...
Mom and Dad had been planning to renew their vows that very evening, and Mom had arrived at the lifeboat directly from the station where she had been shopping and getting made up for the ceremony. She was already in her white dress, tight around her torso to accentuate her remarkable figure but flowing in the skirt to give her an ethereal look. She wore white stockings underneath, the lacy tops barely visible where the skirt had ridden up. Like the rest of us, she was shoeless, probably...
PART 1 Them fuckin’ Armed Services get all the credit, but who gets their asses blown out of the water to get them their crap, for chrissake? Us fuckers in the Merchant Marine, that’s who. Goddamn sub-bait. And then they don’t send nobody to fish us out. Goddamn Krauts. Goddamn war! Cookie bobbed in his lifejacket and watched his ship disappear, a sorry excuse for a vessel, to be sure, but nonetheless, his ship. Sailors deep-six all the time, the risk they signed on for, perhaps. Bad luck,...