Fighting With Mom free porn video

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My name is Nick and my parents have had a rough marriage as long as I can remember. I am the youngest of four and the only one still living at home. Their place was a nice four bedroom brick house and I liked the suburban location in the outskirts of St. Louis. I had my own bedroom, my own bathroom, a newer Volkswagen Jetta, all my freedom...what more could I want? What I really wanted was my freedom, even more than the luxuries I had living at home. I was tired of hearing my parents fighting. I don't think they really liked each other – I doubt they even had a sex life, but I'd rather not think about it.

My dad, George, was pushing 60 and my mom, Karen, was 53 so I was born relatively late in their lives. Dad spent most of his time at the office as a geo engineer. He did like to go party or "out with the guys" as he would say, and mom pretty much ignored that behavior. Mom had been working part time as a receptionist but was recently laid off. I think she took the layoff hard and I noticed she seemed to be slipping into a depression in the last month or so.

I was the first one to learn of the affair. I was at home on a Monday evening and the phone rang.

"Hello?" I got to the receiver after the third ring and answered.

"Hi sexy, aren't you coming back to the office tonight to finish up a little work?" a pouty, sugary, young female voice was on the other end.

"Um, this is...this isn't..." the realization that she thought I was my father washed over me like a wave. This had to be the new office assistant the firm had hired this year.

"I'm gonna crawl under the desk, unzip, and lick you up and down, and up and down...," she whimpered.

"Uh, I gotta go...," I cut her off in a raspier voice than normal trying not to betray my identity. Just as I was putting down the receiver the door from the garage opened and my mother walked in carrying two bags of groceries.

"Hi dear, who was that?" she quizzed.

"Just a telemarketer," I lied.

"Hmm, we are on the national 'do not call' list, that's funny."

"Yeah," I agreed and watched her put the groceries on the counter. I couldn't believe my dad was fucking someone. I felt guilty myself and wondered if I should tell my mother. Why do people have affairs when they are married and could get laid anytime? I suppose the grass is always greener... I eyed my mother from head to toe. She was an attractive woman with a certain sort of sex appeal I must say even as her son. Mother wasn't overweight but she also wasn't as thin as she probably was 20 years ago. Her generous breasts looked firm and still defied gravity. She wore a low cut, tight, sleeveless, black top that revealed a healthy portion of cleavage. She wore dark blue jeans that also fit tight over her ample hips. Her blond, shoulder-length hair was pulled back tight to her head and her lips were red and makeup perfect as usual.

"Well, I'm going to go change clothes," mother shut the cupboard, turned, and the light sparkled off her gold earrings.

I plopped down on the couch and flipped on the TV with the remote. I channel surfed about three times through the list of programs by the time she came out of her bedroom.

"Did you eat yet, Nick?" She picked up the phone and it beeped each time she pressed a button.

"Not yet," I glanced over. Her makeup, hair, and jewelry hadn't changed but now she wore a long, silky, purple robe and her feet were bare on the cool hardwood floor. Mother stood holding the phone and staring at it with a furrowed brow for several seconds.

"Who called from the office?" she waved the phone in my direction.

"What do you mean?"

"The caller ID, the call was from George's office."

"I don't know," I lied.

"That wasn't a telemarketer and nobody works that late in the office, why are you lying to me?" She quizzed angrily.

My face must have turned 100 shades of red. I hadn't done anything wrong except mind my own business, and it's like I'm the one having the affair!

"What's going on, Nick?!" her face was flushed even through the makeup. She leaned in and shook the phone in my face. When she bent forward the front of her robe spilled open. She was braless and exposing the valley of soft flesh between her breasts from her neck to her belly button. My heart was racing and my gaze froze on the curvaceous view of her right breast barely contained enough by the robe to cover her nipple. The fleshy breast joggled when she moved as if it were happy to be free from the tight shirt she was wearing. She turned and stomped off to her bedroom and slammed the door. My penis twitched at the vision frozen in my mind of her breast and I rubbed myself through my pants. I went to my room to retire for the night.


I was startled awake by the sound of shattering glass followed by the screech of tires peeling out in the driveway. I looked at the digital numbers on my bedside clock and it said 3:07 a.m. I jumped out of bed and peeked out the blind to see the tail lights of my dad's pickup disappearing down the street into the night. I heard another whump followed by a couple of crashing noises coming from towards the family room. I tucked the erection I woke up with into the waistband of my boxer shorts and ran out to see what was going on. I followed the noises to the door of my father's den. My mother stood there in her robe, golf club in hand, and looked up as I entered the room. Without hesitating she smashed the club though the 19" flat screen monitor on my father's desk.

"Mom!" I shouted forcefully.

"You knew!" She screeched shaking her head. Strands of her hair that had been neatly pulled back waved wildly.

"Mom!" I echoed myself and she lifted the club again to strike the computer. I leaped over the desk and grabbed her arm.

"You can't destroy things, mother," I growled with clenched teeth.

She twisted away from my grip and pulled back. She raised the club again but this time looking like she would swing it at me. I quickly spun around behind her, overpowered her with a bear hug and she dropped the golf nearly on my toe. I was holding tight around her waist and her left arm was secure but her right arm and legs were flailing wildly. My lips rested against the soft line of her neck and I waited for her to calm down but she was showing no signs. Her body had a faint sweaty smell mixed with a touch of sweet perfume. She swung her free arm back and caught me right in the k**ney and I coughed. I let go of her for an instant and re-secured my grip pulling both of her arms behind her back.

I tried to reason with her, "Mom, you can't destroy things. Do you want to go to jail?"

"You knew he was fucking her!" she screamed. I had never before heard my mother say the 'f' word.

She leaned her head forward then quickly slammed it back into my face crushing my nose. My vision blurred for a second and I winced with pain. The robe had slipped down her right shoulder and I buried my chin into her shoulder bone to limit her head movement. She writhed and her right breast escaped the confines of her robe. The swollen nipple on her milky globe pointed at the ceiling. I leaned with my back to the wall holding her tensely and stared at her sweet naked breast over her shoulder. With no premeditation I opened my mouth and took a soft bite of her bare neck. Her skin was salty on my tongue. I had a sudden realization that I was aroused.

"Nick, let me go, my robe!" she barked.

"Karen," I said sternly, "are you done breaking things?" I have never called my mother by her first name.

"Yes, I'm done," she assured.

I let go of her and she turned hotly and tugged her robe into place with a quick motion. With no warning, catching me totally by surprise, she lifted her left knee and jammed it into my groin. "Never call me 'Karen' again," she shot. Luckily it was a glancing blow but it still made me double over. I knew at this point her behavior was unpredictable and she was anything but subdued. My own temper flared. My patience goes far but there is no excuse to knee a man in the groin. I grabbed her around the waist and slammed her down to the floor on her back. She hit with such a hard thud I hoped she hadn't broken any bones. I swung my leg over her stomach and held her arms against the floor above her head. She was breathing hard with a sweaty face and wild eyes.

"Karen, I won't let you go until you calm down." I sat on her stomach and she tried to buck her hips under me. The position of her arms above her and her bucking motion caused the front of her robe to open more with each movement. Her natural breasts fell lusciously away from her chest. Ok, this is your mom for goodness sake, I thought to myself.

"Nick, let me up! My robe!" she wailed.

"Karen, I can't do that. Last time you kicked me in the groin."

Her robe had fallen completely away from her body and was crumpled to her sides. I stared at one breast, then the other. The bare skin of my legs pressed against the silky warm flesh of her sides. I glanced between my own legs and saw I had a semi-hard bulge straining against my boxer shorts. I pulled up with my weight on my knees and slid my body down hers to get my swollen problem farther away from under her nose. I was afraid of being kneed in the groin again so I slipped my knees in between her legs and forced them apart while still holding her arms above her head. I looked down and at that moment I swear she could hear my heart beating out of my chest - I expected her to be wearing shorts, or panties, something else under the robe – I never imagined her in this position. There she was, my mother's full naked body open before me, the lines of her curvy bare hips, the pale skin untouched by the sun, and a small but natural tuft of dirty blond pubic hair capping her treasure. My eye caught a sliver of tiny, pink, moistness between her spread legs. My shorts could no longer contain my full erection and my purple veined shaft and loose scrotum spilled from the pee-hole in front. I was afraid my mother would see my condition so I fell down flat on her. My penis pressed against her skin below her belly button and I could feel her pubic hair tickle my scrotum. She wrapped her legs around my midsection and attempted to squeeze the air out of me. This motion only caused me to slip lower on her and I could feel her fluff scratch the tip of my erection.

"Nicholas, let me up!" She used my full name.

"You kicked me in the balls last time!"

Every time she squirmed my penis slid lower. She bucked her hips and her hands were still confined by mine above her head. I tried to pull away but she had her legs locked around me. Suddenly, I felt a slippery wetness between her legs. The head of my cock danced around the clitoral area and her moist entrance. God this is so wrong, I thought.

"Mom, let me go! Get your legs off me!" I was the one protesting now. She raised her leg and kicked her heel into my back. The force of the motion pushed me forward. I felt the penetration, subtle at first, my swollen purple head enveloped in her sweet wetness. Our bodies fit together like the last piece in a puzzle. I was dizzy and confused – this was wrong. a****l instinct took over and I thrust myself deep, once, twice, three times. I groaned.

"No! Oh god, oh god, oh god..." she cried. Reality accompanied by shame and guilt hit me and I pulled my shaft out of her. I let go of her arms and straightened up on my knees. She raised herself up with her elbows and stared at me with a crazed look. I covered my erection with both hands and it pulsed between my hands and stomach. I could feel her sticky juices on my penis sliding in my hands. Photos

"I...I'm sorry mom..." I said as if an apology could make it all better.

"You bastard!" She spat and slapped me across the face with her right hand. My hands still covered my genitals.

"Ma...," before I could speak she sat up and hit my bare chest with both palms knocking me backwards to the floor. She jumped toward me and her purple robe waved loosely behind her bare naked body. I tried to protect my groin and crossed my legs together. She raised her knee over me and sat on my chest now holding my hands to the floor above my head. Her milky white breasts hung inches from my face and I could feel her soaked crotch on my midsection. She let go of my arm with her right hand and slapped me hard across the face again.

"How dare you, Nicholas?! You want some of this?" She thrust her hips forward and smeared her wet labia on my chin. She grabbed my head with both hands and smothered her pussy over my mouth and nose and then rubbed her clitoris into my chin with a humping motion. I yanked my head to the side and spit what felt like a hair from my lips.

"Mom, let me up!" I begged and bucked forward. She slid her hips down my midsection. She reached between her legs and took hold of my erection with both hands. With a quick motion she came down, my cock split her wetness, and she buried me in her. I felt my head ram her cervix deep inside.

"Ohh, GAAWWD!" she screamed. She leered at me maniacally and slapped me yet again across my face that was still numb from the last couple blows. She grabbed her nipples between her thumbs and fingers, stared at the ceiling, and began to fuck me hard up and down throwing all her weight on me. A million nerves were going off in my body. My mother rode me and her breasts flopped with each fucking motion. She slid her right hand between her legs and rubbed her clitoris in a circular motion without breaking stride.

"Oh god Nick...oh god...oh Nick...AaghhhnnGG," her voice raised two octaves and she sounded like she was choking. Her body twitched and her breasts jiggled. Her body came down with such force each time it was crushing my testicles and I couldn't take it. I grabbed her right leg with both my hands and threw her off me. She caught herself against the desk and was on her knees leaning against it. I grabbed her by the hanging robe and threw her, face-down over the brown desk chair. It had wheels and the momentum of her weight made it roll against the wall. Her mouth hung open with her face twisted sideways and pressed against the wall leaving her neck bent in an unnatural position. Her blank eyes seemed to be staring at the corner of the ceiling. I pushed my boxers down to my feet leaving my wiry thin body completely naked. My purple erection throbbed. I reached down and threw her robe over her back. My mouth hung open and I stared at her sweet, naked, fatty ass.

"Mother...," I growled in a low voice. I reached down and spread her soft round cheeks open wide with both my palms. Her pink, pulsing vagina was wet and waiting.

"Call me Karen," she whimpered in a weak voice.

"Karen...I'm going to take you now," I grunted.

"Oh god,," she cried.

The tip of my dick pushed against her tender pink tunnel and I entered her from behind about an inch. She was soppy wet yet still tight enough to give my cock resistance.

"Oh fuck me please, fuck me please, fuck me please," she begged, her voice echoing off the wall. I forced myself into her pushing down with all my weight. I drove her down into the chair and against the wall, again, and again, and again.... Her ass jiggled with each pump and she screamed. I reached my arms around her waist and locked my hands. I forced myself hard and deep once more and my cock exploded, filling her with my thick warm fluid. I grabbed the back of her messed hair with my left hand and pulled her head back. I leaned forward over her back and kissed her deep. She forced her tongue into my open mouth. Our bodies twisted around during the kiss, we lost our balance and fell to the floor. We laid there quiet, my penis still filling her from behind and the contours of our bodies together.

"Nicholas," she whispered after some time.

"Yeah?" I replied nervously.

"I promise I won't break anything else...and.........thank you.".

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Brady Makes Up With His Mom

**************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************** Brady pulled into the driveway and put his car into park. He sighed and took a deep breath. He has been having problems with his mom recently. They have been arguing a lot and she had been drinking hard. He was hoping she wouldn’t be passed out on the couch again. Brady grabbed...

2 years ago
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Making Out With Mom

I have to tell somebody about this, and I can't tell anybody I know, so I guess it's gonna be you. My name is Rick, I'm 18, and I'm in my last year of high school. I live with my mom in a two bedroom apartment on the outskirts of downtown Chicago. Mom cuts hair and does facials and waxing for a living.Every morning at 6:00 AM sharp she comes into my room with a cup of coffee and wakes me up for school. She always puts the coffee on my nightstand and then sits down on the side of the bed. "Hey...

3 years ago
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Sex In Train And Hotel With Your Mom

Hi guys, I am Lucifer, with a new story. This story is totally fictional about sex in train. Starting with the story:- During the evening, I was going home from work. I work in a company in Mumbai and go to work by train. As I was returning from work, I took the local train. It was fully crowded, and my station was last. I always prefer a corner place in the train. I was trying to go to my place. From far, I saw a lady standing all alone. On the train, there were few ladies. I went to the...

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Holiday Ride with Mom

Holiday Ride With MomMy father had promised me a trip when I finished college. He said it was a good idea to get away from it all to give yourself a chance to reset your mind. I knew my father had traveled in his youth, so I was pretty geared up for where he was going to send me, at his expense. I had visions of hitting all the sunspots, VISA and booze in hand, and girls waiting to take their place. Ahhh, but not so fast, Roger. The Promised Land doesn't always meet your expectations. As it...

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My First Day With Mom

MY FIRST DAY WITH MOM By Lisa Lovelace I was fourteen when Dad left us. He and Mom had a horrible fight one day, screaming at each other in the living room. I felt terrible, because the fight was about me. Dad came home early from work that day and caught me wearing a dress. If I was a girl, it would have been fine, but I was a boy. Not much of one - I was short and skinny, with no body hair or muscles. But I was a boy, and boys did not wear girls' clothes, not ever. At least not...

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Soft sex with my innocent mom

Dear friends I am sending u my real story and it’s my first story on this site please appreciate me by sending your views and comments over it at My name is Rohan and I am from Delhi. This story goes back to eighteen years. I was only eighteen years old then. My mom Sujata was thirty seven years old and I had a sister who was married and was just twenty. My father ran away from the house may be to become a sadhu. I was just fifteen years old then. We have never heard of him till today. My mom...

3 years ago
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A Night Out with Mom

The last month has been a whirlwind of activity. First my graduation from high school, then my eighteenth birthday and now my parents anniversary. Unfortunately, dad received a call and had to go out of town on business, so it would just be Mom and I celebrating all three occasions. I'm standing in front of the mirror looking at myself as I try to tie my tie. I am wearing the suit I wore to my graduation. I never was able to tie a tie and I am struggling. Mom walks in just then and I freeze....

3 years ago
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4th of July with Mom

It was hot outside, really hot. It was the 4th of July and Mom and I were relaxing in the pool. We had decided that this year we would just stay home and enjoy our vacation week, hanging out in the pool and watching movies. No work, no schedules, and since we were staying home, no crowds or traffic to contend with. Lying there on the pool float I was thinking how this was just about perfect. The only thing better would be if I had a girlfriend to hang out with instead of my Mom.It had been a...

3 years ago
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4th of july with mom

It was hot outside, really hot. It was the 4th of July and Mom and I were relaxing in the pool. We had decided that this year we would just stay home and enjoy our vacation week, hanging out in the pool and watching movies. No work, no schedules, and since we were staying home, no crowds or traffic to contend with. Lying there on the pool float I was thinking how this was just about perfect. The only thing better would be if I had a girlfriend to hang out with instead of my Mom.It had been a...

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4th of july with mom

this is not real, its fictional so dont start calling me sick.It was hot outside, really hot. It was the 4th of July and Mom and I were relaxing in the pool. We had decided that this year we would just stay home and enjoy our vacation week, hanging out in the pool and watching movies. No work, no schedules, and since we were staying home, no crowds or traffic to contend with. Lying there on the pool float I was thinking how this was just about perfect. The only thing better would be if I had a...

1 year ago
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Sex with Mom

Hi to all I am himan and I m form blore and I am study in college. I don’t know about this type of things but after getting in touch with this ISS community I got lots of things and material about this I love this. I am looking average. Lets come to point and turn to story. I have a college and I am going at 8 am and come back to 7 pm after coming home I take my breakfast and come to my room switch on pc and start to checking mail and start to surf ISS and in that basically I like incest and I...

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How Me And Friend Got Laid With My Mom

Hey, this is Tom again. I have earlier told my experience with mom during our train journey. During that journey I saw my mom getting intimate with 2 guys and I also got a chance to get laid. After our trip, mom completely changed. She started to speak with me like nothing happened. She never spoke about the trip. Let me tell about my family.My dad is abroad. Me and mom stays in kottayam which is in kerala .Now after the train journey 1 year was over. Now I finished 12th standard. Waiting for...

3 years ago
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Summer Break With Mom

I was on my way back home for summer after my first year of college. I wasn’t planning on coming home, but Dad was coming back from his deployment from Afghanistan sometime during July, So I decided to come home. I wasn’t looking forward to be back home, because of an incident with mom, before I went to college I felt there had been sexual tension between me and her for quite awhile. As wrong as this may sound I was sexually attractive to her, mom is a very flirty and attractive women. I...

3 years ago
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nexpected Hot Night With Mom

The stories really got me thinking about my fantasies concerning my mother. I was just curious about i****t when I discovered this site and I had no prior i****t experience to share until last week.visit on to see full series of these storiesFrom as far as I can remember, I always looked at mom as just regular ol'mom - until I hit puberty. I started noticing all the different things that separated boys from girls: tits, round hips and ass, and of course, their sweet and...

4 years ago
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Mom8217s Swapping With Friend8217s Mom

Coming to mom’s My Mom’s name is lakshmi, my friends mom name is swathi. Both mostly wear sarees. Very good looking women with sleek figure, great looking heavy boobs with pink nipples. My mom has long jet black shiny silky straight hair till her butts. She always trim her hair and take good care of her hair and more over her hair grows very fast. Swathi hair is in bob. Any man can get easily attracted towards their bodies to fuck them. I also got attracted to my mom and started fucking her...

3 years ago
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Sex experience with my sweet mom

Hay friends my name is john. I am from kerala. now I am working here me 25 . Now I will tell about my experience. This happened 7 years back. First I will tell about my family. My father I in gulf and I have one sister and my sweet mom. My sister is married and she is in her husband home. My dad will come only alternate 2 years. So while this happen I am at the age of 18 years.Now I will tell about my mom. Mom age is 50. it this happen when mom was 44. mom is little fat but she looks very nice...

2 years ago
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Blackmailing My Stepmom

“I’m in love with my stepmom. I don’t live with my Dad, but I stay with him and her two weeks a month. I swear, those two weeks are constant masturbation for me. She’s 18 years older than me, I’m 18. But, for some reason I always wanted to fuck her. I’ve known her all my life. She stays home and takes care of my half baby sister, while my Dad goes to work. I’m always sneaking around trying to catch her bending over or something. Taking a shower. Lying out in the sun with a bikini on....

4 years ago
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Ever since I learned what masturbation was, my stepmom Pammy became my #1 jerk off subject. After every weekend I spent with my dad and stepmom I would come home and my dick would be so sore from jerking it off all weekend. I was in high school when I really started to notice Pammy; she was 37 at the time. I don't know if she would qualify as hot to most k**s in my school, but she drove me wild. Pammy is average height with a slender body. Tits were 34B, I knew from always looking at her bras,...

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Caught by My Stepmom

I thought my stepmom was hot, but I never expected this!I was watching porn in my bedroom one day and wanking off when my stepmom came in and caught me! I tried to hide my cock, but it was too late.“What are you doing, Joey? Are you watching porn?”“Yep. You caught me. So what? I’m not hurting anyone.”My stepmom is about thirty-five, has long blonde hair, big boobs, and I’ve often thought she’d be a nice fuck. But to have her catch me with my cock in my hand was not what I’d envisioned ever...

1 year ago
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Sharing With Mom

My name is Jenny -- Jen to my friends -- and this is the story of how my world turned upside down, then righted itself in a beautiful way. When I was a girl of twelve, my father unexpectedly died of a massive cardiac arrest. Mom did her best to keep us going, but we got hit by serious financial setbacks when I was sixteen, and in the end we had to sell our house and move into a trailer. I'll say this much -- Mom got a really nice mobile home with the money we took in from the sale. Still,...

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First time with my mom

Hi every one my name is Pramod. I am from Kerala. Now I am working in Bangalore. I am 25 years. In our culture incest is forbidden sin. But it happens in my life it is changed me all of sexual thoughts in my life. I never thinks it happens in my life. This is not fiction. The names involved, excluding mine, have been changed for obvious reasons. But believe me, it is all true, though it happened a long time ago, when I was just a kid. When the situations changed in my life I am 17 and my mom...

2 years ago
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Finally I Make Incest with Mom

Hi to all ISS reader I am very good fan of this site and reading story but one day I read incest story and after that I am interested to ready incest story and after reading this type of story my mind changed and I finding fun in my family so I finding way to do with family member and doing some fun. I tell you my information first and background my name is Hitesh and I study in college and I am average looking boy and also my mom is look like a typically mom but body is great like average big...

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Me With My Sexy Mom

Hi readers, this is Sanjay from Coimbatore. I am going to share my experience of my sweetie mom with me with the permission of my mom. This is true incident which was happened in my life after reading many stories I’v got the courage to write my experience in this site. I am the one child of my parents. My father is working in the private concern and my mom is home maker. My mom age is 35 and my father age is 40 and my father is very strict person. He always quarrels with my mom for each and...

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Avinash and His Hot Mom 8211 Part 5 At the Movies With Mom

My mom then gave a small kiss on my dick and just touched it a little. Me: Oh, thanks a lot, mom, for that. Mom: Haha your welcome maybe next time your dick will get something more than just a kiss. Me: What? (Shockingly) Saying this my mom left the room. For over one hour I was just thinking what the hell just happened. I was jerking off with my mom beside me while she was fingering her pink pussy. I felt like the luckiest dude in the world. So later on it in the evening. My mom was in the...

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4th of july with mom

It was hot outside, really hot. It was the 4th of July and Mom and I were relaxing in the pool. We had decided that this year we would just stay home and enjoy our vacation week, hanging out in the pool and watching movies. No work, no schedules, and since we were staying home, no crowds or traffic to contend with. Lying there on the pool float I was thinking how this was just about perfect. The only thing better would be if I had a girlfriend to hang out with instead of my Mom.It had been a...

4 years ago
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Home alone with mom

I pulled into the driveway about 10:30 in the morning, all ready working on what excuse I could give my Mom. I had told her I would be home last night, but spent the night in a motel room, alone, after totally washing out with a very lovely waitress. Summer was almost over, and I did feel guilty, I have spent most of it cruising around the country, having as much fun as possible, trying to laid as much as possible, and now I would be heading back to classes in two weeks, and had hardly seen my...

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An Affair With Mom

Note: This is a FICTIONAL tale of Incest. For suggestions and comments, get in touch with me at “Your dad should have been here by now.” mom said looking at the clock that had struck 8pm. “It’s okay mom,” I said reassuring her, “he must be busy at work. You know how it is.” Mom began to sob uncontrollably. “Hey, it’s alright mom. I have a month before I go back to college! We can go out anytime now!” I hugged mom and reassured her. “It’s not that.” mom said, wiping away her tears with the...

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My Experience With My Mom

My name is Rohan.  Right now I am 26 year old and not married and I am staying in Delhi now. I am going to share my experience with you. Firstly I want to tell about myself. I used to stay at Vishakapatnam I was a normal guy with 6 feet height and fair in color.  I am a little dumb guy from childhood. I don’t talk with people much. Even I don’t have friends much from child hood because they don’t like to talk with me as I am not smart. So I spend time mostly at home by watching tv, playing with...

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There with love for mom

It was an innocent question that opened the floodgates. “Robert, how come you never see any of these girls more than once or twice?”“Mom,” he said, “it’s horrible; not one of these girls is interesting to me, not one of them excites me. Even if I had the chance I wouldn’t want to go to bed with them.”I laughed, “I thought a boy of your age wanted to go to bed with every girl he saw.” I think my laughing angered and emboldened him. Richard looked at me for a long time and said, “No mom, I just...

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