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Laura Lioness’s hips hurt. She wondered if she needed hip replacement. She limped to her dresser and pulled out one dark chocolate Ferrero Rocher, unwrapped the foil around it with fumbling, unsteady fingers, and popped the crunchy dark ball in her mouth. For a moment, as the dark chocolate taste hit her tongue, she forgot that she felt like she was an old woman, even though she was only in her fifties. 

She was living like Ivan Ilyich from Tolstoy’s tale. She lived a life she didn’t like, and cantankerousness was a constant companion. It had created several ulcers in her, and multiple warts and blisters treated her skin as their abode. 

Her pale skin was wrinkled like ancient papyrus ahead of its time, and her hair was mostly silver and unkempt. She groaned as she moved a tad more than she intended, and felt her shoulder spasm mildly. Her bastard of a husband was dead, and she had never been gladder when they announced it in the hospital. He was the source of too many of her ills and troubles, so from her vantage point it was good riddance to bad rubbish. She had more than paid the price for her mistake as an adoring teenage bride. She mentally thanked the trucker who had lost control of his truck and squashed her husband to a neat paste of metal, blood, bone and gristle. They had insurance, so she got the money for her old Volvo that he had been driving at the time. 

She scanned the local paper. It was a squalid rag, if ever there was one, but it was a familiar squalid rag. It didn’t make her feel out of sorts like those i-this or i-that kind of things that people used nowadays to read. She was reading something about the local civic society meeting, and remarking to herself that there was nothing civil about the civic society. Her alliterative rumination was interrupted when a tiny advertisement caught her eyes that read thus.

‘Madame Juliette’s Magic Unguent for extreme healing purposes.

An unguent with rare healing properties is available for sale at Madame Juliette’s. Due to an extremely high sales demand, and the high cost of preparation, unguent prices are going up by the hour. If you are interested in rapid healing, or would like to improve the quality of your daily living, please call xxx-xxx-xxxx for more details.’

That was it. There was no address to go to. Nothing else. She pondered it. She had enough savings now. The life insurance from that dead asshole was also hers now. At least the asshole was enough of an asshole that he had few other people close to him . So his will had been in her favor, and his life insurance policy meant that she never had to lift a finger to work again. She mentally thanked the trucker again. 

She picked up the phone with trembling fingers, after having put it off for a good twenty minutes. She always felt trepidation when making phone calls, but now she felt double trepidation, because this phone call also promised a salve for her hurting body and hope meant trepidation, for she had forgotten how to hope for so many years. 

She called the number on her old maroon rotary phone, allowing the rhythmic zing of the circular plate that swung back into place to soothe her nerves. There were three rings, and then someone answered. 

“Madame Juliette’s,” a female voice said, “this is Julia speaking, how may I help you, and whom do I have the pleasure of addressing?”

“My name is Laura Lioness,” she said, “I just saw the advertisement about your magic unguent…”

Julia was ruder than a person selling things should be. She cut her off. 

“What do you want it for, madame?” she said.

Laura mentally cursed the girl. She must be one of those young things who was never taught the basics of polite conversation. 

“Healing of course, Julia,” she said, sighing audibly in order to give the young thing a message. “What else would I want it for?”

The girl appeared to be humoring her. She chuckled at the other end of the phone. 

“Of course, madame, but what sort of healing?” 

Where do you want me to start.

“I have bad hips, a few ulcers, it hurts when I walk all over my body, and I have very low energy levels, for starters,” Laura told her, sighing again.

“I am sorry to hear that madame,” Julia said. 

Laura decided that this child must be blonde and buxom, from how she managed her wits. 

“I want to purchase your unguent and try it, girl,” Laura said. “Can you tell me how I can do that?”

“Do you have a pen, madame?” Julia said. 

“One minute please,” Laura said. 

She placed the receiver on her dusty and trusty California teak tea table, and dusted it for a few seconds. The girl must be taught manners, so keeping her waiting was a good way to do it. Then she picked up a blue Parker pen from her late husband the asshole’s pen holder. Almost as ostentatious as every last one of his farts.

She picked up the receiver and asked the girl to tell her. She was given an address that was some fifty miles distant at least, from the zip code. She sighed as she thanked the girl and hung up. 

She had a neat stack of fifty dollar bills on her, and she knew she’d have to pay a taxicab at least some hundred dollars for that distance in these parts. She called her regular taxicab place and the cab hustler as she called him was rude as usual and took her order and hung up before she could say thank you. She firmed up her ‘men are assholes’ conviction just a tad more. 

She creaked across her living room and picked her apartment key and her purse off the mantelpiece and stepped outdoors, locking it behind her. The taxicab usually took ten minutes to show up, and it was an elevator ride to the foyer of their apartment complex. The bellhop was stone faced after he gave a token nod of his head. He had a baby face, and olive skin and dark hair. Italian, she thought to herself.

The concierge Louis Philippe was talking on the phone and pretended to not see her. She was glad for that, for she had planned on pretending not to see him. She was also mildly miffed that he had implemented his planned pretending before she could, so he gained the upper hand of the ignorer and she became the ignored. It was so much nicer when it was the other way around.

The Ramsay kids from the same floor she stayed on came in. They were handsome lads who towered over her. They were in their early twenties, and did a lot of adventure sports. Both had brown hair, bronzed skin, chiseled jaws that reminded her of Charlton Heston and Burt Reynolds. They were laughing and smirking as always, and pretended not to see her also. She wondered if she had died for a moment, with all the pretending to not see her. 

After waiting seven minutes outdoors, she wondered whether she should go and use the bathroom and risk the taxicab guy raising a ruckus in her foyer. She decided against it. She could hold her water better than most her age. So she told herself. 

The off white colored cab showed up ahead of schedule, and she congratulated herself on her decision to stay put. The driver was an old timer given to garrulity and had uneven patches of hair that together gave the appearance of a coherent white beard, unless you peered closely and noticed that it was the human chin hair equivalent of a patchwork quilt. He hadn’t had his teeth done since the Nixon era, and wasn’t shy to share his dental fortunes with her. 

The hour long ride to Madame Juliette’s seemed twice as long because of her complaining bladder and the old timers fixation on the high point of his life, which had been when he fought in Korea and saved his corporal’s life in the process. He made her nervous each time he turned over his shoulder to make eye contact, while he was still doing a lethal sixty five. She wondered a couple of times whether that was all for the better. If so he should probably accelerate to eighty five, so that a crash would kill them without leaving room for life as a vegetable. 

Her dark thoughts were interrupted when they entered the vicinity of Madame Juliette’s place, and she started looking forward to magic healing in her life instead of Stygian depths that she had so recently mentally channeled. After they went through several winding lanes in what seemed to be a residential neighborhood that looked like any other in the heartland of America, she espied a board that had ‘Madame Juliette’s’ written on it in faded black letters on an orange colored board, with the image of a phoenix rising from ashes in the same black paint right under the name. It wasn’t the most pleasant choice of colors, but the metaphor of the phoenix was welcome enough, and Laura welcomed it as she would any magic unguent. 

The gabby old timer almost overshot the shop and a frantic couple of reminders from Laura had worked his leg muscles on his car brake. She asked to him to await her return, since she was purchasing something and would be back soon. He gave her a gruff amorphous wall of sound in response that generally hinted at being a yes.

She stood under the odd little shop sign for a few moments, and the swung the oak door that was some eight feet high and colored with bright new gray paint open. The hinges had been oiled recently, and it noiselessly swung open. A small mesh door was inside it, probably to screen out mosquitoes and their ilk. The mesh door swung inward. So she now pushed it where she had hitherto pulled its predecessor. 

The mesh door was connected to one of those shop chiming mechanisms that shops often use to indicate to their sales people that a customer has arrived. Laura wondered about it just then. Shops that used it usually didn’t have enough business that they warranted it, because the sales people would be unoccupied anyway to attend to the first farm animal that waltzed in there. At least in her opinion this was how it was. 

A girl in her twenties perked up and looked in her direction. She had gold hair that fell to her ample and wide bosom, and Laura mentally high-fived herself. Two out of two. The girl looked porky. Laura wondered if she ate pig for breakfast, lunch and dinner every day. Even her nose was slightly upturned, so you could see the nostrils. 

“Good morning, madame,” she said, across the room, sitting behind something that could pass for a counter. “Can I be of assistance?”

People who want to be of assistance usually come up to you to help you, little girl, Laura thought, shaking her head. She walked across the room to the counter.

“My name is Laura Lioness, I believe you are Julia?” she said. 

Of course it was Julia. Porky Pig’s little sister sounded exactly like she had on the phone. 

“Oh that’s right, you wanted the magic unguent for multiple age related issues,” she said, looking very important as she looked down, put on some horn rimmed spectacles, and looked into a register with yellow pages that were also being yellowed. 

Laura clucked out a yes from her throat. 

“Please wait here, madame,” Julia said, and turned around wiggling her fleshy buttocks off into another adjoining room. There were whispers in which Laura couldn’t make out a word, and then a woman in her thirties appeared. She was a tall woman, and stood a good head over Laura. She was impeccably dressed, and had honey blonde hair that was oiled and tied up into a neat bun that adorned the crown of her head. The top of her bun must have easily towered at six and half feet. She had sharp, aquiline features, and lovely dark blue eyes, and she was lot better behaved than Julia the pig.

“I am Madame Juliette, madame,” she said, smiling at Laura, and making her feel at home instantly. “Let me talk to you about the magic unguent. Would you like some water before we start?”

“That would be wonderful,” Laura said, “but before that, may I please use your restroom?”

Her bladder could take no more. The nice lady nodded, and asked Julia to take Laura to the restroom. When she was done, having gone from sensations of extreme discomfort to one of absolute joy, she joined Madame Juliette at the counter again. 

“The magic unguent is expensive, madame,”she said. “While it may not appear to be the case, given as you are the only customer here right now, there is intense competition to secure the little stock that we do have. That said, I am sure you’ll find our prices reasonable.”

Laura mentally wondered what she meant by reasonable. The woman didn’t give her a chance to voice her question however. 

“I’ll run you by the process before we discuss the price, however,” she said. “Would that be agreeable to you?”

“That sounds very reasonable,” Laura said, meaning it. 

“The magic unguent is an extract from several rare herbs taken from remote peaks of the Andes, the Caucasus, the Himalayas and so many other remote gardens that there is nothing comparable to it for uniqueness on this planet,” Madame Juliette said. “This may sound like a clever little sales pitch to you, madame, but the truth of the matter is that this unguent has cost more life and limb than I would want to burden you with the knowledge of. There is one ingredient in it, however, that must be supplied to it for efficacy.”

She paused, and Laura understood a pause for effect when she saw one. She waited.

“It is the imagination of the person using it,” she said. “Without your imagination, this unguent will not work.”

Laura nodded, but she did not really understand. Madame Juliette was offering her an extremely rare and extremely expensive salve, but it would work only if she used her imagination. This wasn’t entirely something that she understood. 

“Can you please explain how this works?” she said. “How does my imagination play a role in this unguent?”

Madame looked down at her with her lovely dark blue eyes, and a smile broke out on her long, oval face. 

“You must imagine your ideal fantasy body, as you would want it, in as vivid detail as possible, as the unguent is applied to you,” she said. 

“This must be some sort of a joke, Madame,” Laura said. “Either an unguent works, or it doesn’t!”

“Oh, it works beyond your wildest dreams, madame,” Madame Juliette said, “but with faith as a mustard seed.”

Laura rolled her eyes, but she knew that she had little to lose other than lots of money. She wanted respite from pain, and if a neat little piece of imagination on her part was part of this tall lady’s quirky business method, then so be it. 

“Very well then,” she said, “I am going to try to picture myself as I want to be, with as much detail as possible. I want to try the magic unguent. Now the price.”

“That is part of the price. You must have faith in being able to handle the price,” Madame Juliette said, smiling a smile that boasted some hidden treasure of private knowledge.

“Can you tell me how many dollars I must put aside for this unguent - that would help?” Laura said.

The tall and lovely shop owner shook her dark blonde head and looked at her again, concern showing in her deep blue eyes. 

“Ma’am, faith is an absolute must in this entire endeavor,” she said. “If you give us your faith, we promise you healing.”

“Faith,” Laura repeated. “I have tons of faith, Madame.”

She didn’t really know what the payment would be, but she mentally decided that anything more than a thousand dollars for a magical unguent would be unreasonable. She committed herself mentally to believing that she would feel a lot healthier after the magic unguent was applied to her. 

Madame Juliette asked her to accompany her into another room, and from the main area of the shop, they went into an adjoining room that was just as large, and which had a large wooden table with clean cream colored rubber mat that was fixed onto it. 
“Ma’am, we are going to ask you now to lie down on the table after removing all your clothes,” Madame Juliette said in a matter of fact way.

Laura glared at her, and fluster came through as she spoke. She’d just been told to go birthday suit in front of two strangers, and she wasn’t about to show them her ugly body. If they saw how her breasts sagged, or what state of decay had set into her nipples, she knew that somehow their respect would slip several notches. So she firmly refused to strip naked. 

“This is highly irregular, Madame,” was all she could bring herself to say, while turning as red in the face as her sickly pallor allowed her to turn, and glaring at Madame Juliette herself, although the glaring took more of her guts than she imagined it should take.

Madame Juliette didn’t fight back, but simply shushed her in a gentle voice, and softly said, “Nous avons parlé de la foi, madame; avoir la foi dans Madame Juliette.” (We spoke about faith, Madame; have faith in Madame Juliette.)

Her voice was very soothing, as though she knew precisely how to deal with ladies of Laura’s ilk. Laura felt herself relaxing at the sound of Madame’s voice, and wondered that this was a small price to pay for what she would attain. Still, she was talking about herself in third person, like Julius Caesar. That worried Laura a tad.

Laura dallied for a minute more, and then started stripping. She tossed off her flowery old woman gown that had an abundance of lovely green peacocks sewn into a brown forest. She wriggled out of her black petticoat that people who were raised like her still wore under their gowns. She hesitated only a moment while standing in front of the redoubtable Madame Juliette and the porcine blonde in her white bra and panties, wondering how they would judge her for the shape of her breasts and for the state of her vagina which she had ensured was mostly free of sand and hair. She decided to march on along this strange road she had chosen to take, hoping against hope that her shaming was not for naught. 

There was little reaction from her two companions, who were apparently used to seeing strangers strip in front of them. They presently asked her to lie down on the table, now that she was stark naked. She did so immediately, preferring any form of action to standing still in front of them in her air clad glory. 

Madame Juliette appeared to give her a clinical once over with her eyes washing over her body from head to toe. Laura was extremely self conscious during the inspection, and suppressed automatic urges to cross her hands across her chest, and to subtly protect her modesty by placing her palm in front of her vagina. It was pointless right now, and some higher intelligence made her force herself to stay still, with her arms by her, enduring the clinical examination she appeared to be undergoing. 

Madame Juliette asked Julia to fetch something or someone. Laura prayed that it was a something and not a someone. Her prayer was in vain. A burly woman strode into the room. She stood almost as tall as the Madame, and had long golden blonde hair and an oval face. She was hefty woman, and it was clear she pumped weights. She reminded her of those muscular women she saw in Michelangelo’s paintings, working class Tuscan women who served as the seeds for the sculptor’s inspiration. 

Laura felt panic coursing through her. She covered her breasts with one hand and her sex with another, and shot an alarmed look at Madame Juliette. Somehow it didn’t seem appropriate that this great beast of a woman saw her naked.

“Don’t worry, madame,” Madame Juliette said, “I understand your modesty in front of my sister Julianna, but you must understand she is just as professional as I am in what she does. Today she is going to be one applying the unguent to you, while Julia and I provide more auxiliary services.”

Laura looked at Madame Juliette for reassurance, and found an abundance of it in her dark blue eyes that had a perpetual lilt in them. She calmed down, and allowed her arms to be unfolded by the madame and placed by her sides. 

Julianna had powerful hands, as though she tossed boulders all day long. She walked around the table and stood behind Laura’s head, and gripped her shoulders. Madame Juliette stood in front of her and gripped her feet. They gave her a good simultaneous tug, so that her torso got a great big stretch. She gasped, but the action somehow grounded her in her body and all her silly little mental ruminations dropped away. 

Julia, the slice of ham, emerged from somewhere. Laura realized she had stepped out and come back, and was carrying a framed image in her hands. She looked at it. 

It was a strikingly beautiful woman, painted in the manner of the classical French painters such as Ingres. The woman was standing, with the left arm akimbo and the right arm hanging down by her side. She was buxom, and was dressed in a traditional French gown, and wore great masses of pearls around her neck. Her coiffure was a bun on the top of her head, and the remaining volume of her hair had been made into tiny rolls that hung around her neck. Her hair itself appeared to be gold gray, and Laura guessed that it was golden, but it had been powdered according to the fashion of those times. 

She gasped as she realized whose face it was. It was Madame Juliette’s face. She felt Julianna’s powerful hands kneading the outer sides of her neck, and then moving down her shoulders, and then compressing and crushing her breasts, and she gasped again from the pleasure of the massage. Madame Juliette held on to her feet and gave her a quizzical look with her startling blue eyes.

“That’s you in the painting,” she said. “Why is ham- I mean Julia showing it to me?”

“It is something to consider,” Madame Juliette said.

Laura noticed that her English had a stronger French accent than she had hitherto observed. 

“When you can cause age to retrogress, wonderful things are possible,” she continued. 

“Are you implying that it is you in that painting?” Laura asked, wondering why her question sounded so silly.

“I am not implying anything, madame,” Madame Juliette retorted. “What I want you to do though is this. Do not think of this image? Absolutely do not. Julia will continue to hold it up for display, but you must not think of it. Close your eyes if that will help. Start visualizing the form that you want, but do not think of this painting.”

Laura didn’t argue. This was a strange session anyway. She closed her eyes, and started picturing herself at her most beautiful. Then she wondered to herself, if anything she imagined was possible, then she could imagine herself to be even more splendid than she was when she was young, which wasn’t very. She mentally thumbed through a catalog of facial features and tried settling on a face, but Madame Juliette in that damned painting kept coming into her mind. She pictured all sorts of bodily voluptuousnesses, and wondered when a woman would be considered too sexy. She pictured herself with large breasts, a slender waist, powerful and shapely buttocks, and a robust body. 

Julianna’s hands could be felt moving down her body, squeezing her torso, and making her gasp. Julianna pressed down on her belly as if she meant to squeeze out all air in there. Then she smoothed down her torso, and held her hurting hips, and squeezed them. Laura cried out. It was mixture of enormous relief and a gentle pain. 

“Are you okay, madame?” she heard Madame Juliette say. 

“Yes,” she managed to gasp, enjoying the sheer pleasure of a good massage, while trying to hold on mentally to her fantasy of how she should be. 

Julia started saying something in French, that sounded like an incantation. Laura tried to forget Madame Juliette in that old French style painting, but she couldn't, and her face and form kept coming back to her mind. 

Madame Juliette joined in the French chant, and Laura realized that they were just saying swear words in French again and again. That was very, very odd. Still, she tried continuing her visualization. Julianna inserted her great, fat fingers inside Laura’s sex, and Laura gasped. That was very unexpected. She resisted, and gave Julianna’s fingers a squeeze with her cunt. The powerful fingers just pushed back harder and rubbed her inside. She moaned softly as she felt a broad stroke against her clitoris. 

Laura continued trying to picture her fantasy self, and kept getting distracted by the image of Madame Juliette. She heard the chant pick up pace, and Madame Juliette barked orders to the two women. 

She opened her eyes and took a peek, as Julianna left for a minute and vanished somewhere. She returned with a black bottle that had something glowing inside it. Laura looked at it with greed in her heart. That must be the magic unguent that she would paying a pretty penny for. 

Madame Juliette and porky Julia continued their chant of French cuss words. She smelt something that was remarkably like freshly baked brownies when Julianna carefully pulled the top off the bottle. Whatever was inside cast an eerie blue glow on the bridge of Julianna’s face. 

“Close your eyes presently, madame,” Madame Juliette barked, in the tone that a headmistress would use on a naughty schoolgirl. Laura was miffed, but she obeyed. She would have words with this great French dame after the whole ceremony. 

She felt Julianna’s muscular palms slapping something that was both hot and cool, like Vicks Vaporub, on her inner thighs. For some reason the gesture was incredibly erotic, and she felt her horniness rocket into the stratosphere. The unguent, as it were, was spread all over her pubic region, in great strokes. Julianna, who wasn’t shy about plunging her fingers into another woman’s cunt, did so once more. She felt multiple fingers work rapidly along her labia, as though they were attempting to shape her pussy somehow. Then they went further in, and lathered the dripping insides of her sex with the hot and cold unguent. She felt an ice cold fire raging inside her tunnel, and gasped. It was as if an icy cock that was full of steaming lava in its center was plunged into her cunt. 

The sensations were overwhelming, and she lost control of her body, and felt enormous waves of pleasure swamp her body and mind. She rode the high of those waves for an indeterminate length of time. Then she realized that she was back on terra firma. 

She was back on the table where she had laid down some time ago. Madame Juliette was still holding her feet, but the French curse words chant had stopped. There was some light chit chat among the three women in French, and she felt Julianna’s massive hands kneading this or that part of her body, but it appeared that the unguent had been applied however it was meant to be applied. 

She opened her eyes. 

“Madame?” she said, unsure. 

Her voice sounded different. 

“You can come back to us, madame,” Madame Juliette said, smiling at her, and letting go of her feet. “It is done.”

Laura felt her own body. She felt robust and healthy. She moved, and sat up. Her hips no longer hurt. A good massage will do that for a short time, she told herself. 

“Ma’am, please brace yourself,” Madame Juliette said. 

Laura looked at her quizzically, but nodded nonetheless.

Porky Julia stepped out of the room, her fleshy buttocks doing a rhythmic dance as she went. She waddled back in, carrying a large mirror along with her. 

“Is this to your satisfaction, madame?” Madame Juliette said, as Julia placed the mirror on the wall opposite Laura. 

Laura gasped. She was looking at a stranger in the mirror. 

The girl was in her twenties, at most. She could easily have been a teenager even. She had had ginger hair in the prime of her youth, but she had always wanted black hair. She had raven tresses now, and she loved the feel of them. They were long, and were shining as though almond or coconut oil had been massaged into them, and they fell past her breasts to her waist. Her face was more symmetric than her own had been, and it was astonishingly beautiful. She had her own hazel eyes, but they were brimming with vitality. Her skin was supple and resilient, and glowed a shade between porcelain and olive. Her complaint even in the prime of her youth had been that she had been cursed with infernal paleness, as though the ice Gods lived under her skin. Now she saw that the addition of some fire to her complexion maintained the most beautiful aspects of that paleness, while making her full of life at the same time. 

She had enormous breasts. She laughed in sheer delight when she saw them. They were far more gorgeous than she had pictured in her mind’s eye. They ached with the impatience of the youth that she now possessed, as if they wanted some horny man’s mouth to suck them for succor. They dangled off her like agents provocateur, and she kneaded and stroked them, and cupped them many times. They were perfectly rounded and pendulous to the right degree, and their full swell was a marvel to watch. 

She studied her torso, and noticed her slender waist, and her healthy, voluptuous yet muscular hips. She turned around and studied her buttocks, glancing over her shoulder. They were magnificent as well. Great glutes that threatened to steatopygia, but only to the extent that they accomplished their sheer bodacious designs. 

Laura twirled around in front of the mirror, and laughed, looking at herself. She was lovely, she was magnificent, and she was ravishing. She felt great stirrings of passion within her breast, and she played with her own naked body as she stared at herself.

She studied her sex, and noticed how fresh and young her cunt had become. The lips of her pussy were pink and throbbing, and full of the juice of life. There was a thick nest of hair in her pubic triangle that she had not had before, and it was the same raven color as her tresses. She inserted a couple of fingers inside herself, and wondered at how heated her body felt, without giving her discomfort. 

There were great waves of energy that were inside her and around her. She wondered how this came to be, and laughed in contented delight some more. After she had explored her new body to her heart’s content, she remembered that she had an audience of three, and she returned her attention to them.

“Ma’am appreciates the change,” Madame Juliette said, clearly having mastered the art of understatement. 

“I love it!” Laura said, still getting used to the sound of her youthful voice. 

She dreaded the payment discussion, and hoped that Madame Juliette would broach it instead of herself. 

Julianna, the great, big oak of a woman stood to one side, and was chatting steadily in French with porky Julia, as though Laura’s great transformation were old news, and they had business to attend to. 

“Please accompany me,” Madame Juliette said, gesturing with her finger, and leading her to the outer room where they had a counter. She stepped behind the counter, and indicated that Laura should step in front of it. 

“The payment we usually take is reasonable,” she said, “and I trust that given how you have turned out, you will agree it is well worth it.”

Laura nodded. She remembered that she had thick, black eyelashes now, as if she had extensions in them - only hers were natural. It was as though she had tapped into the legendary fountain of youth. 

“The recompense for our services is not monetary,” Madame Juliette said. “It is service based.”

“Er - I do not understand,” Laura said, wondering what that meant. Did that mean she should work as Madame Juliette’s employee for some length of time?

Madame Juliette produced a wad of paperwork that was as thick as Laura’s thumb was. She showed her what it was. The page on top had the title: ‘Standard magic unguent package contract’.

Laura wondered whether she should contact her attorney, so that she could advise her while signing any contract. Then she realized that her attorney wouldn’t recognize her. 

“You must not worry yourself, madame,” Madame Juliette said, smiling her warm smile that still had the power to soothe, “the contract is about something grand, something that most people would partake in if they were given the opportunity.”

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I got the call from my stepmother on a Saturday morning. I had not spoken to her for near two years, knowing the only reason she had called was to ask for money. I was to meet her that evening on the parking lot of a nearby factory. She always made me smile with her conspiratorial attitude and that people were always watching her.Kay had married my father at the elderly age of 66. She was 26 at the time, making her 28, maybe 29, now, and, if my calculations were correct, a widow for just over 2...

2 years ago
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True exwife story Jacuzzi Lover

This won’t be the only story worth telling about my ex-wife, nor is there any particular reason I posted this one, except it’s on the shorter side and I’d recently came to mind while think of stories about her to write up. First off notne of this is meant to trash my ex-wife, that’s not the intent so I hope none of what I’m saying comes off that way.So my ex-wife is a good looking brunette, blue eyes. She’s got small breasts, barely A. With beautiful nipples, very nicely shaped. A nice flat...

2 years ago
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first date with shelia

MY FIRST DATE WITH SHEILAby shootistI met her and Bill at their home in NJ. Quite a nice little home...made me feel very welcome as soon as I got in...wish I could feel like that in my own house. We talked a bit on how my trip was coming out from Arizona. Said it was a bit tiring (I had driven) but seeing her in person more than made up for it.We had spent many hours on ICQ, chatting and just general BS so it felt like we knew other quite a bit already. Bill, her husband, seemed a little...

1 year ago
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SexAndSubmission Jasmine Jae XXXMas Bonus

Seth Gamble is a loyal and smitten employee of Jasmine Jae. He readies a holiday gift for her, placing it inside a sparkly red box and sets it aside. Jasmine approaches his desk and yells at him for not having certain reports ready in time. He apologizes and offers her the gift and she refuses to accept it. With a heavy head, Seth works late to finish his reports. She hands him en envelope which reads “X-Mas Bonus”. When Seth gets home, he opens the envelope and finds a key inside....

3 years ago
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TeaseChapter 3

It had been over a month since Ron had last made love to his niece, Lisa. Of course, it had also been a month since he had last even seen her as well because every time he saw her, they ended up having sex. He moped around his apartment, trying to get his mind off her. She was driving him crazy without doing a thing! He remembered the day she showed up at his workplace. Her shorts a little too short, her top a little too tight, her hug a little too long and that kiss. His coworkers stared as...

4 years ago
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exploring my female persona all help welcom

well i started dressing i female close when i was around 12. then when i was 17 i had a sexual relationship wit an older guy for almost a year.i had known him for a couple of months, he made passes tward me from day one. so one day i showed up at his apt, with submission on my mind. we played a couple games of chess, during which i would accidently knock pieces off the table then make a big deal about picking it up bending over with my ass pointing his way.i would flash a glance at him then...

4 years ago
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Big Little sister Redux Eclipse revisited

I hadn't expected Becky to be here, but that really looked like her walking right up ahead of meat the carnival. "Hey k**do!" I said as I tapped her on the back. She spun around to face me."Oh, I'm sorry! I thought you were my girlfriend...""Hi, Mike! How are you?" I blinked in confusion. "Don't you recognize me?" The girl was smiling,a big grin on her face, looking right into my eyes. She really looked familiar, so much like Becky,but...it couldn't be..."Laurie? Is that you?""Mmmmhmmm…Why?...

2 years ago
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Deanna Awakening Pt 7 Studying with Robby

“Deanna, are you wearing pajamas?” Dee got a bit red in the face as she looked up at her mom and admitted “no”. “So you’re sleeping in your bed with your friend NAKED? Is Natalie naked too?” “We were just, uh, we were just being a bit silly, mom. We’d heard that a lot of people sleep in the nude so we wanted to give it a try” Deanna improvised a reason. She certainly couldn’t tell her mom about how they’d played with each other’s pussies, eaten each other out, and then had Spencer...

2 years ago
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Hindsight 2020 Book 1Chapter 14

I did my morning routine on Tuesday and saw the same swimmers. Dawn was out of the pool and drying off when I finished. We talked a bit about her classes and that the first football game of the year was this weekend. Then I went to start the day. I had scheduled all my classes, except one, on Mondays through Thursdays. I had a chem. lab on Friday. With this schedule I worked hard, studied hard during the week, and figured out what the lab was about ahead of time. I was still reading when...

2 years ago
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The Breeding Contest

Things were different in the breeder's world. In the hundred years since the great epidemic a great many things had changed from the way they were before. For starters, the epidemic had wiped out over three fourths of the world's population. Most of the males that had survived the original infection were rendered sterile. The ones that weren't were almost rendered obsolete by a radical feminist movement that took over governance for the next 75 years. Scientific advancements during this time...

3 years ago
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Lost Keys

It was late on Saturday night when Jess decided to get the train home after a long day at work rather than have to take the never ending bus journey home. It was cheaper but it took longer to get home, normally it would take her an hour but with the train it took her two. She had never been on a train before until she moved to the city but it wasn’t that exciting compared to what everyone used to always talk about. Waiting for the train took forever, she couldn’t help but notice how half the...

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UnderneathIt was Thursday afternoon and I was looking forward to the weekend. My wife Kelli and I had both had a rough week, lots of deadlines, not enough time, you know the story. At about 5 just as I was about to leave the office, my telephone rang. I almost didn’t pick it up, thinking it could be another project or problem that would cause me to stay late again, but I picked it up anyway.I was very surprised to hear my best friends voice on the other line. Jeff had been a close friend for...

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Self locked

Hard to decide where to begin. Not something I would have thought I’d be sharing…Here goes, so bear with me. About 6 months ago, I bought a chastity cage to lock up my oft and well used cock. Why? Well, here was my thought process. As a habitual, chronic, prolific, serial masturbator and self admitted sex and porn addict, I originally thought I could start gaining some control over that part of my existence. I thought if I locked up my member and set a schedule for release, I could gradually...

3 years ago
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Hairy RoadtripChapter 3

I thumped the side of my head, “Steel trap ... my mind is a steel trap.” “Cease and desist ... What house?” “Karen built a shack on my land?” “How did that happen?” A different voice,

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Dees revenge

We had gone out for lunch for my birthday, a special treat and I knew she was feeling horny. We were going to go on to a local footpath where Dee had promised to do a bit of posing. But first we sat at this small restaurant, there was only us and another couple at a table fairly close by.“You see that guy over there Ben? He’s sitting with a woman that isn’t his wife. I know him through work. When he comes into my office he always has a grope with my bum. He’s a dirty sod, I think I’m going to...

2 years ago
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How I Found Out

My wife Susan and I had just returned home from a wedding. It was the remarriage of an old and dear friend whose first husband Matt (another old and dear friend) had been killed by a drunk driver the previous year. Our twin girls had wanted to go with us but they had just started school at a small college upstate. We had just unburdened ourselves of the formal attire, and I was playing my fingertips along the delicate concavity that runs down the middle of her back, from the nape of her neck...

4 years ago
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Easter Sunday Fun with Granny

I was sat at home watching tv with my wife after having Lunch, when the phone rang. My wife answered it, and told me to pop over to Granny Caroline as her washing machine was leaking. Caroline only lived 2 doors up from our house. I got up and went over to Granny Caroline's house and walked round to the back door, as her kitchen was round the back of her house. I looked thro the window and Caroline was leant looking out of the window, still on the phone to my wife(her Granddaughter), so I let...

3 years ago
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Picking Up the PiecesChapter 37

Even before Dave started the long drive to New York on Thursday, he knew he could have avoided the trip if the only reason he had for going was a visit to Dunlap and Fyre. Since the first of the year, the company in general had sunk down on his priority list. The money was still very good, but a career there just wasn't as appealing as it had been only a few months before. Still, as long as he was there, he figured he wanted to do a good job for them. While he knew he was in a financial...

2 years ago
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Johnnys ClosetChapter 7

There's something I haven't told you. Something that my sister Marie and I started doing shortly after we started peeking at mom and our sister Barbara. We started videotaping. That was 15 years ago, when I was 14 and she was 12, and you should see our tape library now. Not only have our video skills improved, but our methods of getting subjects have taken a quantum leap also. What we did next, after spying on the three couples in our motel the night before, will prove to you just how...

4 years ago
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Blood Moon Chronicles Book 1 Beneath the Blood MoonChapter 16

I laid my eyes on her once again, I was lucky that such a beautiful creature loved me as much as she did. I only hoped that I would be worthy of that love. I spent the rest of the night just watching her, as I waited for the sun to begin its journey through the sky. Just after dawn, Violet woke up, stretching her beautiful body, and greeted me with a warm smile. She gave me a soft, passionate kiss, got out of the bed, and left the room. A short time later, she returned with a tray of...

1 year ago
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It Started With a Cup of CoffeeChapter 9

Although Bonnie got up and went through the usual routine's to get David off to work, neither of them said a single word to the other. He left the house without saying good-bye or even a look back, and she went through all the steps of getting herself ready for the day while wondering if this was what it was going to be like for the rest of her life! And then there was Greg. "He will be back today," she thought. Sandy was early that morning as well. Bonnie was thankful for that, and for...

4 years ago
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Loving a younger guy

Its not sure how many girls would admit their feelings towards older men when they were growing. I certainly don’t mean older in terms of age 50-60 but when girls are about 14-15. Once they start developing natural interest in physical change that leads to sexual fantasy. I’m not sure how many women would be able to recall their first object of fantasy that could be teacher, next door neighbour, perhaps close or distinct relative but I like to believe they all have developed it once for...

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A Rough Sex Session

It was a very early Sunday morning, Saturday night I had went out to a very discreet bar. It was locate in the warehouse district, and you had to know some one and the pass word in order to get past the front office. Yes I said front office. You see the premiss of the business is that it is a functioning warehouse, until you get into the very secure back area. It was a part of this cavernous building, that was sat apart from the functioning warehouse and only operated on Saturday night till...

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Claudias Condition the HealingChapter 25

Allison came into the kitchen wearing one of her new low-cut tops that barely contained her firm breasts. She turned around to let her dad see the bottom of her bare ass below her nonexistent skirt. “Are you two going to fuck in the park?” Claudia asked. “That’s my plan, then Daddy can eat my pussy clean,” she smiled, her arms encircling his neck. She held on tight and jumped up, wrapping her slim legs around his waist. His hands became her seat on her bare ass. “I want you to be extra...

3 years ago
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Sexy Fakira Admission In College

Hi guys I am back how are you all ? How you have been doing ? Did not fucked your sexy family member yet? Haha just kidding . Here I come again with a brand new incident to you all , while writing this story I thought of how can girls be so slutty and they can do anything for their own gain , I have seen many girls with many dreams but girls for such average matters doesn’t looks quite well enough but guess what sluts do exists and here I come with such a slutty girl whose ambition is way to...

4 years ago
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My Mom Loves Black 8211 Part 1

I’m Pranav.I’m 25 years old. I’m currently living in Mumbai working in an MNC. I’ve been reading Indian sex stories and decided to write few myself. As you’ve read in my story description, this is a story of my so homely and conservative mom who turned as a whore for a black man. And yeah, this story is a fiction. So, getting into the story, this happened when I was a teen. My mom was 38 and my dad was 45. We were living in Chennai in ground floor of an individual house. My mom was hot and...

1 year ago
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Have you ever heard about My Free Paysite? Well, now you have, and there are a couple of reasons I decided to tell you about this place. Now, if you have already visited the site, you might be thinking “Why the fuck are you reviewing this place”, but the answer is quite simple; because I think it’s worth to review, and that is the only crap that matters.However, I must say that the person who created the site has probably just come out of the programming school, because that is literally how...

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1 year ago
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Instant Sex With Schoolmate

Hey friends I am Vikram, Virk from Panipat, Haryana I am a average looking guy. I am a regular reader of iss, 5.9 inch height and athletic body; please send me feed back at This story is about Priya (name changed) who I fucked during my board exams. I knew Priya by coincidence as we sat together in our pre board exams she was of medical stream and I was from arts. She has a height of 5.3, big boobs, round face and a cute childish smile; in sort she was a sex bomb. She was the talk of the...

2 years ago
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Fun car ride

I was droping of a friend to work one morning and as I was taking her to work I started to getting horny, thinking about taking my cock out and having her get me off before she goes to work but I didn't so the moment I left her parking lot I wiped it out and started jerking while driving and it was mostly highway back home so it was easy it do then this red car I forget what kind it was but it was a newer model when I locked eyes with the driver I got even more turned on and super happy that it...

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NFBusty Stacy Bloom Sticky Sweet

John Price is trying to get a few more minutes of sleep, but his girlfriend Stacy Bloom has other ideas/ Dressed in a sheer bra and thong, she crawls into bed and caresses John on the head until he wakes up. As soon as he lays eyes on the stunning hottie before him, John is awake and certain parts of him stand to instant attention. Peeling the bra down, John buries his face against Stacy’s chest so he can devour her tender breasts. Her nipples are soon hard peaks as John feasts on the...

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A Lifetime Experience With Neighbor Aunt

Hi friends. Ye story mai hindi me likhunga as i feel k hindi se jyada feelings jagti h.. Aapka time na waste krte huye mai seedhe story pe aata hu. Mera naam sunny h, ar ye meri 1st story h, to for any suggestions you can mail me at : Yu to ye story bht bari h, pr thora patience rkh k padhiyega, to zarur acha lgega. Mai Kolkata me rehta hu, ar ye hmara apna ghr h. Thik hmaare pados me 1family h, jinki 1 beti v h…jo mere se 2-3 saal ki choti h..Uska naam Shruti h..Avi meri umr 25 saal ki h,...

1 year ago
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Earning Her Grade Part 2

Ms. Ball took the wine glass from Maria and sat it down on the coffee table in front of the large soft couch. She turned the young girl to her and kissed her softly on the lips as she again told her how sexy she was. She then took the bottom edges of Maria’s top in each of her hands and began to pull it upwards seeking to remove it from the girl and began the girl’s undressing for her sexual fun with her. Maria quickly pushed her top back down as she stepped back from Ms. Ball and told her no,...

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getting off at work part 3

What can I say, I'm a sucker for alliteration.... As soon as she heard the door click shut behind her, Rachel turned to David and pressed him against the wall with the length of her body, feeling his cock harden in response as she kissed him deeply, exploring his mouth with her tongue.  The possibility of getting caught was making her wetter than before.  She reached between them to unzip his pants, reaching to grasp the base of his cock in her hands and giving it a squeeze, eliciting a moan...

4 years ago
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Young Studs for Carol

The long night of sex with the four younger studs, in front of her son, had been a terrific and exhausting experience: she had been drained of all her energies like never before in her life. The woman raised herself from the bed and took few steps in the room to the mirror; bags around her eyes and some love bites on her breast sides proved the heavy treatment from her captors, but her appearance, on the whole, still looked great; and this was certainly due to her resilient and well exercised...

2 years ago
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Walk in the Park

-----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE----- Walk in the Park Copyright 1997 by Ellen Hayes. No part of this work may be distributed as an original work by another person or group. Permission is given to redistribute this by electronic means, as long as the entirety of the work is distributed, and credit is given to the original author, me. Any resemblance between the writings in this work, and any actual persons or places, living or dead, are purely coincidental, except when used for...

3 years ago
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The story of a woman8217s busy and adventuresome sex life from midteens

She started in her mid-teens with an older brother who satisfied her curiosity about why she got those feelings between her legs. He was quite experienced and quickly taught her the potential her pussy had for pleasure but also the delicious feelings of good foreplay and oral sex as well. After a year or so of fucking at every opportunity and developing her erotic skills, another older brother, and then her younger one, found out and joined in on the fun. Christi learned to focus on...

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Fucked by a neighbour

This is about the first time I fucked someone other than my husband after we were married. It wasn’t that I was being unfaithful, we both knew that one of his mates, Rob, who lived two houses away from us fancied me, and my husband loves to fantasize about me getting off with one of his mates. It started at a New Years Eve party that was held at Rob’s house, I wore a long white dress with absolutely nothing under it, no bra, no knickers, my husband loved me going out without underwear.I was...

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If anyone has read my story about my c***dhood, when I was 12-13 years old and I liked to wear my mother’s stockings and heels, will understand that I always had a feminine soul. But as I wrote in that story, at that age there are not yet social life, moral, family, friends to influence you and for me it was perfectly normal ... then growing up, family, friends, school, civil life affect you and make you forget your true nature. After the c***dhood I lived as nice “normal” and straight boy;...

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Chained CheerleaderChapter 6

The player lifted her to her feet. He had to support her, Debbie's knees refused to lock properly and hold her body erect. With a quick yank that cut deeply into her flesh, he tore off the string holding her hands bound behind her back. Hot and harsh breath assaulted her ear as he said, "You're a tight cunt. I like you. Maybe I'll go out there and boot another couple of field goals. We'd both like that, wouldn't we?" "Burn in hell!" she shot back. He only laughed and fondly patted...

4 years ago
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Shirl and Suzy in the office

A lovely day with Shirley....BlacknylonsI push your office door open slightly to see if you are here – ooohhh yes,you are seated at your desk with your back to me.So,having taken off my shoes,I tiptoe in my stockinged feet until I am standing just behind you.I gaze at you adoringly,i can smell your fresh fragrance in the air,it is so invigorating, and the sun is just catching your gorgeous hair with its rays and making you appear so radiant.I stand behind you,my heart is pounding,i am filled...

2 years ago
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Three BBWs and a guy chpt3

" You think you can get hard again sweetie?" asked Teri. Before giving hima kiss. " I'll try Mistress." he replied Teri kissed him again then looked him square in th eye." We are not yourMistresses. We are your friends and lovers. We can play games every now and then. We don't want you to think you got rid of one bitch just to get three.We want you as our man not our bitch boy." she said in a soft commanding voice.Kissing him again. " You up for eating my pussy?" asked Teri Brian just...

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NubilesPorn Alexis Crystal Send Nudes

Short sweet brunette Alexis Crystal is a total tease as she sends increasingly naughty selfies to her boyfriend Michael Fly. By the time Michael Fly arrives, Alexis is already horny as hell and ready to go. He whips out his dick, and Alexis strokes and sucks it on her belly while kicking her feet behind her in obvious pleasure. Slipping out of her robe, Alexis turns around so that Michael can slam into her from before. There’s nothing gentle about his pussy pounding, especially as he...

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The Boss over for dinner0

The knock on the door heralded the Boss( also a good mate) and his Wife's arrival for dinner. I opened the door and was surprised to find Jim standing there alone. “ Sorry, but Anne has one of her headaches so I hope you don't mind won't be coming ,we would have let you know earlier but she was hoping it would have cleared up by now”' “that's ok “ I said “ come on in, grab a chair while I get you a drink”, just then my gorgeous 32 year old Wife Carol walked in wearing the low cut...

2 years ago
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Sudha8217s Extra Marital Affair

Hi friends I am sudha. Now I will narrate my first extra marital affair story. One day I went to my sister’s house whose husband has gone to US 3 months back. She is staying with her children. Since it is day time she is alone at home. We have chatted for some time and after having lunch I went to the bed to sleep. as I was too tired immediately I have got deep sleep. after one hour I woke up and came out of bed room. when I was searching for my sister I heard some male voice from master...

1 year ago
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Jane and I had been married for six wonderful years, we had sex on every possible occasion, even at lunchtime I would come home from work and we would have a steamy sex session. I had never known such a sexy woman, despite the cruel fact that she had resolutely refused to have sex before our marriage. This was due to her strict Presbyterian upbringing. Her father was an elder of the church, and her mother had made it very plain that the only justification for intercourse was for the procreation...

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Alley Anal

His cock was pumping like a slow piston in and out of my ass and my face was pressed up against a brick wall in the alley. Both of my nipples were being pinched and rolled to excruciating delight. My new friend had only been at it for about two minutes and I was already on the edge of a mind-blowing orgasm, but let me rewind a little. I work for a small manufacturing company and we were interested in some new cutting edge software for the business. So being that I am in charge of automation, I...

2 years ago
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The Amish INcursion pt 3

Ash The Amish Incursion CH 3 Philip woke early. He rolled closer to the warm body beside him. His loins starting to respond. He stopped moving when he realized the body cuddled against him spine and ass pressing his side was more full. Elongated. Womanly. Than the body he had spent the last several consecutive nights with. He started to panic momentarily. The cobwebs melting. Memories of Sarah’s willingly giving him over to the muses of a full figured lady for the evening adding to the...

1 year ago
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My first time with a man true

One night I was hanging out with my good friend Rich. Rich was a big guy, 6'4" about 240, big Nordic looking guy. We were hanging out listening to music, just bullshitting, drinking beers and smoking weed. About 1:30 in the morning we started to get drowsy. I didn't really want to see him drive home, we were loopy enough to be an issue if a cop pulled him over. I suggested he crash on the floor. My bed was a pull out couch in the living room, so we were in the same room. I went and got some...

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BurningAngel Karma RX Tits and Tattoos

Enjoying the breeze outside, blonde stunner Karma Rx douses her big round titties and ass in coconut oil, sensually massaging it into her skin. She needs to get stuffed hard ASAP and only Small Hands can deliver the deep dicking she desires, and walked in on him completely naked getting right to business. The gentleman went down on his lady before fucking her throat and tossing her onto her back to pummel that pussy, and taking her juicy melons for a spin! Karma earned his sticky jizz all over...

2 years ago
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First time with father Fiction

This story is fiction and wasn't written by me.Melody pulled on her bikini, even tho her pussy was still dripping with her brothers cum she was extremely horny. She left the room and returned outside to the pool, enjoying her brothers stickiness between her legs. Even though she had just had some of the best sex of her life she wanted more. But her brother had passed out from enjoyment, and her mom was gone. So she sat by the poolside horny with no one to fuck. She looked around and seeing...

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Third Times The Charm Part 1

Charm is absolutely perfect. Well, to me she is. Her dark hair, thick and almost Spanish, grazes her hips in soft waves. Her slim body, perky 34 C breasts and firm, round ass are all sculpted out of her spotless white skin. Blue eyes peer out from thick lashes, full brows and lips, and a smile that makes me want to do terrible things. To me she is absolutely perfect. We met by chance through my ex-boyfriend, and immediately I fell head over heels. We eventually began seeing each other behind...

4 years ago
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A Wondering Eye or a Wondering MindChapter 3 Kate Makes a Decision

I still have no Idea why he affects me the way he does, I had never felt this way about anyone since Ken and I had gotten married. If I were to be honest with myself, I can't ever remember feeling this way about anyone. I've never felt the warm glow in my loins, that he causes just talking with him. It very well could be what he says, and how he says it, with his soft french accent, that causes the warm glow. I'll be the first one to admit, I, m pretty naive about some things. but I was...

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Retrospective into my life Chapter 1

I don't know when to start my retrospective. I don't know what is causing me to this. I think I just need to share my experiences and insight. It takes a lot to get me to open up. By writing down this story, I feel more comfortable. Let me tell you about myself. I am 47 yrs old, brown eyes,5'8 and 260 lbs. I have a stocky built due to mostly being fitted by running track and playing hockey. I keep my head shaved due to the nature of my job and I don't like seeing the grey coming...

2 years ago
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Adventure With ExGirlfriend

Hi friends, am new to the site. Read few of the amazing stories posted. Am posting my first story here. Have quite a few sex escapades which I would post later. Before that my intro am kunal, regular guy, with a healthy sexual appetite. I don’t exercise much but have athletic physic. That’s about me in brief, Let me write about my most recent adventure with my ex girl. Here goes my real life story, me and radhika (not her real name) dated for more than 2 years and would have got married but due...

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