Oedipus Milf Club Chapter 01 Sandy s Awakening
- 2 years ago
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A fresh start. That was what this was all about.
Mom and I, we upped and left my deadbeat of a father and relocated halfway across the country. And now we ended up in an apartment complex.
Mom told me that the place wasn’t cheap to rent, but considering that we made do with so little already - by leaving Dad and his gambling problems behind, Mom had enough for us to get by. It was an act of kindness, really.
No matter how much she begged him to change his ways, it fell on deaf ears.
Mom worked as a bank clerk and a promotion opened up at another branch. She jumped at the chance and the hardest part for her was coming to me with the plan.
It meant leaving everything behind. Friends, school, everything.
The actual sneaking away was easy enough. When dad lost and he lost big, he used to be in a foul temper and would disappear for days at a time. So when he embarked on one of these episodes, we loaded everything we absolutely needed and got the fuck out of dodge.
The journey was long and cramped. Mom only had a small rust bucket of a car but she drove as if she was in a luxury sedan. The further we got from New York, the more relaxed she looked. For years, I got used to seeing Mom as downtrodden. I forgot what her smile looked like, the very same smile she had when she used to wear when she pushed me on the park swings.
It was like her youthful vitality was coming back.
I pretended to be preoccupied with my iPod or stare out the window at the scenery, but when I could, I checked Mom out. Her eyes were firmly fixed forward on the road, both hands on the ten and two o’clock of the steering wheel. It was hot and sunny and I could see the thin film of sweat beading on her chest. A droplet ran down between the full crevice of her tits.
I shuffled uncomfortably in my seat. It was one of those days where the heat was almost inescapable and we had the windows down to act as air-con. But it only made the situation worse. I didn’t know what it was, but the breeze blew Mom’s scent my way. It was a faint smell of perspiration mixed in with her perfume, floral and fresh. There was something else too, something I couldn’t quite place my finger on. Pheromones? I read about how we give those ‘scents’ out to attract potential mates. I shook those thoughts away. I’m probably reading too much into things and I’m in a small space with my mom who I did find physically attractive…
Who am I kidding? I found her attractive in a myriad of ways. Mom was always there for me and in the twenty years of my life, I wanted to be there for her too. As soon as I found that the female body was attractive to me, the thought of Mom would drift into the front part of my brain. I told myself that it was normal for guys to be attracted to their mothers, that it was a healthy outlet for my fantasies. Right?
But right now, Mom needed this. She came to me with this plan and I didn’t hesitate even for a moment. We’re going to have a fresh start together and I don’t need shit like my horny mind messing things up. So I sat there trying to point my body away from Mom and hoped the erection between my shorts would go down.
And then we stopped overnight at some run-down motel.
It was late, and we still had a fair stretch before we got to our new home. So Mom figured we might as well crash for a few hours, get to the new place refreshed with the energy to unpack. Our car was beat up and full of crap and Mom wasn’t worried about anyone trying to break into it. After she got the keys from reception, she parked the car in front of our room.
I had a shower first, which actually did make me feel better. I came out of the bathroom with a towel wrapped around my midriff and Mom looked at me for a few seconds longer than I was used to.
“Shit, did I not dry myself off properly?”
“No honey, I didn’t realise how buff you are. You been working out?”
I felt heat flush my face. “Yeah, I used to hit the gym a lot.”
I looked down and I guess I do have some nice bumps. Between Mom being busy at work and my general need to avoid Dad, it wasn’t a surprise that Mom hardly saw me. The way she looked at me made my cock stir and if I didn’t do something soon, it’s going to wake up in front of Mom.
“Uhh, your turn for a wash, Mom, it’ll make you feel better. I’m going to hit the sack.”
Mom nodded and went into the bathroom.
She did that thing again.
I settled into my bed for the night and tried not to look.
But she did that thing again.
Mom had a bad habit - she liked to kick the door behind her and expect it to close. The cheap-ass bathroom door, however, didn’t shut until you pulled the handle all the way down. Bad springs or something. And the door bounced and opened up a gap.
I could hear Mom humming to herself and told myself not to look. By the time I gave into temptation, Mom was already in the shower. I couldn’t see much but I could make out her nakedness against the frosted glass. I was both aroused and ashamed at myself. And pissed off for not looking at her for a chance to glimpse her sexy body before she went into the shower. Mom always was a little absent-minded, she seemed totally unaware of people checking her out.
My cock pulsed to full mass. Since I was a teenager, I knew I was packing more than my peers. One time, out of curiosity, I measured it and I was roughly eight inches long. I wasn’t sure about the girth but I always had trouble wrapping my fingers around it. In highschool, one of my biggest fears was getting a boner in class. That fear got so bad, I made a point to jerk off before school and now and then in the toilets during lunchtime. I just accepted that I had a crazy high libido or something.
And now I’m stuck in the middle of nowhere with my hot naked mom barely ten feet from me.
And I didn’t jerk off for days. I couldn’t. Since Mom hatched this plan, I was busy with getting ready to hustle and we didn’t know when that was. We were like a pair of tightly coiled springs.
And now that we ‘escaped’, it was like my other needs came flooding back with a vengeance.
My dick throbbed with need, vying for release. I briefly considered jerking one off, maybe cum into a sock and hope that would satiate my need before-
Too late, the shower turned off, and Mom slid the shower panel back, giving me a glimpse of her breasts before she grabbed a towel hanging from the rail. A groan escaped my lips and I quickly turned away to face the wall. I slammed my eyes shut, but the sight of her huge, voluptuous breasts was seared into my memory. A part of me wanted to remember every detail. It was amazing that as long as you were interested in something, even half a second of a glimpse was enough time to memorise it. And seeing Mom’s tits was something I dreamt about since forever.
I didn’t answer her, and that must’ve satisfied Mom. I felt her movements and a few minutes later, the light went off. I led there in bed waiting for my cock to deflate, which felt like an eternity and a day.
After a restless few hours, the sun flooded our room, the curtains did very little difference in blocking out the sunlight. I shook off my sleep and we brushed our teeth and made our way over to the diner across from the motel. Mom was in good spirits like yesterday. Maybe it was because we were so close now. A few more hours and we’d be in our new home. I checked the address Mom gave me and punched it into Google. We were going the right way, at least.
We fueled up and the roads eased up. We got off the highway an hour after we departed and passed through winding roads. The rolling countryside was breathtaking though. Just nothing but verdant green around us. We drove through a tunnel that bored through a mountainside and after what seemed like forever, we ended up on the other side. I wasn’t ready for what I saw. It was a town looking down from where we were. A town surrounded by mountains and opening up to the sea.
Living in a city all my life, I never believed such places existed. Mom squealed, hardly able to contain her excitement.
“This is it, Eric! We’re going to start our new life here. I can’t wait!”
I couldn’t agree more.
I can believe we’re here. It took months of therapy until I decided that enough was enough. And now I was finally free of David. I was so scared of how Eric would react, but he was completely onboard. I knew I could depend on him.
We pulled up to an apartment complex and everything looked absolutely pristine. There was not a speck of dirt anywhere and the walls looked immaculate. I know that sounds sad, but I was used to living in cheap, but run-down neighborhoods.
Lilin Heights, might as well be a palace to us. This was where Eric and I can begin anew.
Our apartment was on the fourth floor. I hoped there was an elevator because I did not fancy carrying our things up the stairs.
Eric got out and pushed his arms as far as he can into the air for a stretch. His T-shirt lifted, showing off his rock solid abdomen. I felt my cheeks flush as I looked at him a little longer than is appropriate for a mother. I felt bad for yanking his life up like this but I know he’ll have no problems finding a girlfriend in this new town.
My God, when did my little boy turn into a man? His entire body looked like Michelangelo himself had sculpted him. And his bulge… He was wearing shorts and they did a terrible job of hiding his package. He certainly didn’t get that from his father. I shook my head and ignored the wetness blooming between my legs. It seemed that my body craved a man’s attention. I hadn’t been intimate for so long, that I feared I'd forgotten what that was like.
I joined Eric at the back of the car. He was resting his chin on one hand, as if he was appreciating a painting in a museum. I knew how he felt, the car was jammed with boxes. Somehow, we made it work and now there was the unenviable task of knowing where to start.
“My, that looks like a lot of boxes,” a voice said behind us.
We both turned and was greeted by a woman. The first thing I noticed was her piercing blue eyes. They looked like sapphires glinting in the early morning sun. She wore a beautiful purple dress that struggled to contain the generous curves of her breasts. Her skin was porcelain white, contrasted with her jet black hair, blood-red lips and dark, smokey eye shadow. My immediate impression that I got from her was elegance that was hiding a touch of sensuality. I flicked a glance at my son and he was similarly mesmerised. Well, his eyes couldn’t peel away from her cleavage.
I tapped the back of his leg and hoped the jolt would help pull his jaw up.
“Hello, I’m Vesperia Harris,” she said, holding her hand out.
I took it, feeling how cool she was to the touch. “Hello, I’m Sandy Thomas and this is my son, Eric.”
She nodded at my son, who simply stood their gobsmacked.
“You two are the new residents?”
“How did you know?”
“The car full of moving boxes is a big hint, and I’m a member of the Apartments Association. It’s a small place and word travels fast.”
“Don’t worry, you’ll love it here. Everyone is very nice. In fact, have you met our doorman, Toby? I’ll see to it that he helps you with your things.”
I felt uneasy. I wasn’t used to be offered help, especially not from a stranger. “That’s fine, Eric and I will manage.”
My son chimed in with a deep sigh.
“Nonsense, Toby will be glad to help. Nothing happens here so he spends most of his time trying not to be bored. Sandalwood you’ll find, is a rather quiet place, especially if you came from one of the big cities.”
“Well, if you insist, I’ll be grateful for some help. And we’re from New York but I think we’ll be happy for a change of pace.”
Vesperia nodded again. She then fished for something in her purse. She opened up a thin metal case and handed a card to me.
“I know everything can be a little overwhelming when you move to a new area. I’m also the president of a club called the OM club,” she laughed, “Like I said, it's a quiet town and there’s not much to do. My husband is away a lot on business so I’m usually by myself.”
“What is this club about?” I asked, turning over the card. Vesperia’s name, number and address were gold embossed on the expensive-looking paper. She lived up in the penthouse. Huh.
“Simply put, it’s a club for moms. We provide support for moms supporting their children’s endeavors. We sometimes convene over drinks and discuss issues or offer one to one guidance.” She looked up and down at Eric. “I hope Eric here will not get into too much trouble.”
“Huh me? No, ma’am, I’m gonna be as well behaved as they come.”
“That’s what they all say,” she chuckled, which combined with the slight flutter of her eyelids, only made my son’s face turn even redder. “I shall call upon Toby for you and take my leave. Good day.”
She turned and headed into the building. Even the way her ass wiggles as she moved had some kind of hypnotic effect.
“So, you like older women, do you? She’s gotta be around my age.”
“What? I don’t know what you’re talking about,” Eric scoffed. He was embarrassed that his old lady was giving him stick but it was kinda cute too.
“Sure. And we’ll be dragging your mouth on the floor if it isn’t gaping down there already.”
Toby turned up a few minutes after Vesperia left. He was a dapper-looking gentleman in a concierge outfit. It made me uncomfortable at first to ask for his help but he insisted. He brought a trolley out from storage and between him and Eric, all our boxes were unloaded into our apartment in under an hour. I offered to tip Toby, but he wouldn’t accept any of it.
And there, did the reality really sink in.
Both Eric and I took a moment to look at our new home. Everything was new. The wooden floor was freshly waxed, the curtains looked fresh. And, God, the view.
I looked out the balcony and the view opened up to the sea. The sun was high up in the sky and the water was blue with speckles of diamonds. It felt more like a holiday resort than a home.
A pair of arms wrapped me from behind. “Hey.”
“Hey, you,” I said, leaning into my son’s broad chest.
“Can’t believe this is really happening.”
“Nor me. You don’t regret this do you?”
“Not at all, Mom, home is wherever I go with you. And besides, did you check this place out? There’s a gym and indoor swimming pool and everything. Can we seriously afford this place?”
The thought occurred to me too. A cold chill blew against me, raising goosebumps on my arms. Eric held me tighter, trying to keep me warm with his body. I try not to enjoy the feeling too much. But he was just so warm and he smelled so good.
“I’m sure it’s not a mistake on the company’s part,” I said. “I’ll check in on them tomorrow when I start.”
We were like that for a few more minutes and then we went back inside. I can appreciate the view after we finished unboxing our stuff.
The apartment was a mess with errant cardboard boxes everywhere, but until I find out how this place’s trash system worked, we left them as they were.
Most of our stuff was unboxed and Eric was busy trying to make his new bedroom more his own while I popped out to grab us some take out. The job took most of the day and it was getting dark by the time we decided to call it a night. I took a quick shower and I practically fell asleep when my head hit the pillow.
I woke up a few hours later. It was past 1am by my cellphone when I checked. I should’ve slept until morning but with everything going on, I felt completely out of sync.
I also had a strange dream. I dreamt of Eric, my son, pulling me in from the balcony. He kissed me in the dream and it felt so vivid and wonderful. His hand snaked down under my jeans in the dream and I should’ve stopped him, but I didn’t. I let it happen. I remember how heavy my heart was beating as his fingers found my pussy, feeling how wet and aroused I was.
And then I woke up.
I climbed out of bed to go get a glass of water; no point changing out of my oversized tee and panties. I took a moment to reorient myself, still not completely used to the unfamiliar surroundings. I didn’t need to turn the lights on though, the moon was out and bathed my room in a soft white light. I was halfway down the hallway before I heard a grunt coming from Eric’s room.
I was about to open the door- scratch that, push the door open to see if he was okay. Eric didn’t shut his door. I wasn’t prepared for what I saw.
My son, he was laying on his bed, topless with his boxers down over his kneecaps. Our rooms faced the same side of the apartment so the moonlight illuminated him in a soft almost luxurious glow.
But that wasn’t what shocked me.
Eric had his eyes closed and one hand clasped around his dick. And Jesus, what a big dick it was… I knew he was packing, but it was even more intimidating when it was hard. His hands were big, but even then they struggled to completely wrap around his shaft. I pinched myself to see if I was still dreaming but I wasn’t. My breath quickened as I watched something I wasn’t privy to, just hidden beyond the door.
I'd never seen a man touch himself this way before. Eric grunted, gritting his teeth as if to silence himself. He pumped his hand up and down his shaft in long, slow strokes. Juices beaded out from the tip and ran down to meet his fingers, adding to the lubrication. His other hand was massaging and tugging on his nuts. They were big and heavy, like a pair of plums. I swallowed. A part of me wished it was me who were touching them. I was never this intimate with David. Most of the time he liked to jerk off rapidly and squirt all over my face or make me swallow. He most certainly never considered going down on me.
And here was Eric, playing with himself in such a slow, agonizing and delicious manner.
I stood there for maybe a couple of minutes. Before I knew it, my hands were between my legs, playing with my own pussy. I felt both excited and deeply ashamed of my actions. Here I was, not only watching my son perform such a deeply intimate andTo continue reading this story you must be a member. Join for FREE here.
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I was out with my friend and we were in one of the best nightclubs in town, its plays dirty rnb were girls get wild and crazy and do made stuff, my friend Neil is a bit of a stud and he always gets the girls but this time was different, We were dancing on the dance floor when a older women in late 30’s id say kept looking over at Neil and smiling she was obviously d***k as she was all over the place but she was mighty fine for a milf, in the end she came over and started dancing with Neil, she...
I was out with my friend and we were in one of the best nightclubs in town, its plays dirty rnb were girls get wild and crazy and do made stuff, my friend Neil is a bit of a stud and he always gets the girls but this time was different, We were dancing on the dance floor when a older women in late 30’s id say kept looking over at Neil and smiling she was obviously drunk as she was all over the place but she was mighty fine for a milf, in the end she came over and started dancing with Neil, she...
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Chapter One: Alyessa's Hot MILF Delight By mypenname3000 Copyright 2018 November 12nd, 2045 – Alyessa Howards “We're joined today with Alyessa Howards promoting her new book, Accepting Being Futa in a Post Becky World,” Adelia Tash said as I sat beside on the love seat. I had a huge pit in my stomach as I put on what I hoped was a beaming smile. The stage lights were so hot. I was so aware of the cameras focusing on us that were streaming us across the world live. Anyone with internet...
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I recognise it. I have a foot fetish. A strong one. Well, not quite, because I can have fun with sex even though no feet are involved. Anyway, my girlfriend, Brenda, told me that she was not interested in fetishism in general, and especially not in foot fetish. Whenever I brought the subject into our conversations she told me that it was just the idleness of unemployment, and that I should find some physical activity to do instead of surfing the internet at all times. A block away from...
August 21st, 2036 – Alyessa Howards Three days after Ms. Evans revealed that Mrs. North, the reverend’s wife, was eager to fuck my futa-cock, I was trembling. I had an appointment to work in the Norths’ yard, mowing the lawn and trimming the hedges. I did it once a week for them to earn money to help buy college supplies. I was leaving for college next week. This was my last chance. I couldn’t believe that the reverend’s wife, the wholesome Mrs. North, wanted to enjoy my futa-cock. My...
November 12nd, 2045 – Alyessa Howards “So you just had your first time with a MILF in your neighborhood,” said Adelia Tash, the beautiful talk show host that was interviewing me about the book I wrote, Accepting Being Futa in a Post Becky World. She had such gorgeous coffee-brown skin and a lovely smile. I saw why my futa-mother, President Becky Woodward, liked to come on this show. Adelia helped me feel relaxed and free to talk about my life. “Yes, with Mrs. Adams,” I said, lying about...
Tears fell down my cheeks as I stared at my new cock sprouting from where my clit used, the folds of my pussy wrapped about its base. It was still wet and shiny with Mrs. Teller’s hot pussy. The MILF, mother of my best friend, had rode me so hard, so eager to cum on my dick. I thought, finally, that I had her. After lusting after her for years, I had the MILF in my arms. Yes, I didn’t imagine I would grow a cock at sixteen and fuck her with it, or that a naughty futa-fairy would visit me in...
Lana’s accusation echoed up the stairs to the second floor where I was. Her mother’s pussy clenched on my futa-dick. I groaned, trembling, staring down at my best friend as she stared up at me, the other sixteen-year-old girls attending her slumber party arranged around her at the stair’s vase. They were all only wearing bras and panties, their eyes wide at seeing my naked body pressed against busty Mrs. Teller’s equally naked flesh. “I...” I sputtered. “Honey,” Mrs. Teller said, squirming,...
Chapter Two - Don't Be a Sissy! "I'm not sure I like you referring to me as a MILF," Mrs Cashmore said. I had counted the hours until I was back in Mrs Cashmore's house. Much to my mother's regret I had not elected to go on to university and had taken a job in a hardware store to help my mother pay the bills. I had told her that I intended to continue my education when our finances could afford it. The reality was that I was now so infatuated with Mrs Cashmore that I could...
I think one thing that helped was that we went back to my house, and did the regular sleep over thing there. It was a little stiff at first, but then his natural curiosity began to work on him. I mean, think about it. How often do you get to grill the guy who's porking your mom? Or any woman you know and like? That kind of information just isn't easy to come by. Not that I spilled about what we'd done. It was all done in a sort of code. And I think it helped, if that's the right word,...
This story is based on Savita Bhabhi comics which you can read in Savita walked around her restaurant, checking in on all the customers. She grabbed the bill for one and walked it over. The customer was stunning. She had a lovely figure for an older woman. She sat there reading a book as Savita walked over and tapped her. Savita: Sorry to interrupt your reading…are you ready for the check? Woman: Oh, not yet…this book is too good! I think I’ll order a coffee. Savita: Sure! What book is it?...
On Saturday, Brian didn’t get home till almost noon. He walked in with a huge grin and went right to bed. I was busy cleaning and preparing for Carol and Aaron’s visit tomorrow. Carol had given me a picture of Aaron that I kept taking out of my pocket to look at. My mind kept fantasying about what we would be doing when they got here. I had to go to my bedroom after lunch to get myself off. Finally, it was Sunday, and I was as ready as I was ever going to be. I had dressed in a low-cut white...
By Docker5000 Everyone is over 18 in this story Part 1 In a middle class house in sunny Florida three friends were having a coffee morning and filling each other in on the local gossip. The friends were at Valentina Timantti’s house. Valentina was having coffee with Vivian Wynne and Caitlin Warner. The three friends were discussing that they was a lot of news lately about gays in the media. The media seemed to be pushing the idea that being gay was perfectly normal and the media...
Introduction: The MILF next door finally realises Im not a little boy anymore The MILF next door was probably the most attractive woman on the street, she was 5 foot nothing with a tiny waist, an amazing ass and her tits were glorious. She was a mother of two and wouldve been about 40 max, her name was Jenny and ever since my family moved in next to her 4 years ago when I was 13 I had been absolutely awe struck by her beauty. She enjoyed wearing skimpy outfits around the house and outside,...
Note: Thanks to Alex for beta reading this! Madeline Marlow I stared in shock at Lupita Reyes, the math teacher, staring with horror and disgust at us. She had caught me getting ass-fucked by my futa-daughter while I licked out Aoi’s pussy, making the student cum on my face. Her cream dripped down my chin. “Madeline Marlow!” Lupita gasped in shock. “You’re fucking the students. What is wrong with you? And one of them is your own daughter!” “This ... I...” “We have to seduce her, Mom,”...
As a commissioned story, I initially didn't plan on uploading it on FM. However, since it's related to my previous MILF machine story, I thought I might as well. Thanks for reading! The MILF Machine: A Day in the Life By Dr. Beaubourg Commissioned by Jwargod Hello again. It is I, Marty Campbell, your ever humble narrator. I thought you'd want to know a little bit more about my life after I stumbled upon...
Why do MILFs give me such a rock hard johnson? Is it because they're so stressed they always need a good pounding to get the kids off the mind? I have no idea since I'm not a fucking woman and no goddamn parent. No, I think that MILFs are fucking sexy, refined, know what they want and because they're such good parents… goddamnit, they deserve a fucking that they can finger themselves to for years to come, okay?Show me a MILF that's too busy making shit work, and I'll show you one that's ready...
Mature Porn SitesIntroduction: I experience more than my favourite MILFs mouth this time I kept up regular visits to Jenny whenever we both could see each other, Id walk in take my clothes off and she would suck my cock with her amazing milf mouth till Id blow down her throat, shed suck my cock clean and send me back home. Not gonna lie this was the most amazing feeling, coming home after a long day of school and having your balls drained by the milf next door who was cheating on her husband for my young cock....
April 17th, 2047 “So, your boyfriend’s mom walks in on you naked on her living room couch, your new futa-dick hard and thrusting before you. That sounds ... interesting,” said Adelia Tash, the talk show host sitting beside me on the couch before her studio audience. The cameras rolled, the lights shining down on us, illuminating us for the entire world to watch as the interview was streamed across the internet. “Yeah,” I said, giving a soft chuckled. “But, I wasn’t hard. Yet.” I glanced out...
This is my second story here at FM, and my first written in first-person perspective, so feel free to leave some constructive criticism. Thanks for reading! The MILF Machine By Dr. Beaubourg Hey, how's it going? My name's Martin Campbell, although my friends call me Marty. Some people call me Mrs. Campbell. If I like them, I let them call me Helen. This is the story of how I came into the possession of the magnificent MILF machine, and how it changed my life. Stick around...
Ms. Parker had a reputation for being the Ice Queen or an Iron Bitch; those were actually the names the majority of the girls called her when she was not around. Ms. Parker actually knew about the names and revelled in them. She was tough, but fair. She ran the sorority with an iron fist. She had gotten pregnant, when she was twenty-two and in college, to a loser one-night stand and she sure as hell wasn't going to let that happen to one of her girls. And, for the past ten years, she had an...
Introduction: Having committed herself to performing multiple acts of donkey sex in Tijuana next weekend, an enterprising MILF turns to performing in porn movies to whip herself into mental and physical sex shape for the beastly event. As a part of the deal, she has to pass out some freebees to a Senator and several of his horny young relatives. The Donkey Solution, Part 2C MILFs Porn Movie Sex, Plus Freebees A DREAM BLOWJOB: As Michelle slowly came awake she attempted to lick her lips but...
All of you horny readers will love jerking off to this incident that I am about to share. So, grab that bottle of lubricant and keep your cock on standby. And those who don’t know me, I am Simraan. Last week, I went to the mall with my lover to do lingerie shopping. It is my view that a former flame will select the best bra and panties than a lousy husband. I call him ‘love’ because I am an open-minded married woman! My lover and I picked up a few pairs of bra and panties for trial. We both...
IncestChapter Six: Futa-Daughter's MILF Rebellion By mypenname3000 Copyright 2020 Note: Thanks to Alex for beta reading this! Sky Marlow I stood frozen at the sight of Natalie. Water spilled down my bestest friend's big tits. More gleamed on her wrist and ran down the outside of the glass she held. She had almost run into me at the base of the stairs. Her question hung in the air. “What are you doing?” she'd asked. Going to fuck that MILF across the street, I thought. But it was really...
What is it about hot fucking MILFs that makes your dick stop whatever it's thinking about and turn its attention to these refined, sex beasts? I know I'm not alone, either! These little pricks you see around college campuses wearing their stupid fucking hats and chasing young freshmen with fuck-all pick-ups lines can keep the inexperienced teens whining that they, 'have to put their mouth on that.' Give me the goddamn cougar that, 'yes please,' and, 'how deep you want me to blow it?'...
Mature Porn SitesThe Do-gooder MILF The Do-gooder MILF -2 The Do-gooder MILF -3 MILF Meat The Do-gooder MILF -4 BASTARDS The Do-gooder MILF -5 She is Mine Oh this is so sweet, my Tommy has her tits in his hands and I am grabbing them too. Oh shit, we are working together. I can actually feel him throbbing inside her. I can feel him cumming. Ah the Bitch is moaning. She likes it. Tommy shot his load in Joan’s ass. Come on, one of you guys, fuck my ass. It was hard to tell if she really...
First off, to get an idea of me, I work downtown and most of my wardrobe is mostly slacks, button-ups, polos, and proud of my dress shoe collection lol. So when I go out I am dressed well, and clean cut. Anyway, I managed to swing a night with a woman through the suaveness at the blackjack table. She obviously knew what she was doing and was up about $700. I sit down with a Anyway, this milf was stacked with a short black skirt on that kept riding up exposing he lingerie.. Which was a...
"Hey, Amy," I said, walking into her room."Hey, Ben," she responded, turning to me. "How have you been?" she pondered before kissing me.I failed to answer and just checked her out for a moment in silence."Does that mean you like the top, Ben? Is it all the colors?""And the black pants too, they perfectly match your hair," I answered, feeling a few strands. 'I just want to see it off you though, with me not wearing anything either.'"You're staring again, dude, what's going on, and...
MILF"Hey, Amy," I said, walking into her room. "Hey, Ben," she responded, turning to me. "How have you been?" she pondered before kissing me. I failed to answer and just checked her out for a moment in silence. "Does that mean you like the top, Ben? Is it all the colors?" "And the black pants too, they perfectly match your hair," I answered, feeling a few strands. 'I just want to see it off you though, with me not wearing anything either.' "You're staring again, dude, what's going on, and please...
MILFBy MorpheusAfter Eli and his friends play around with a magic spell, Eli finds something inside of him awakening.-------------I sat up in bed, having just woken up from the middle of a wet dream. Of course, this was more of a dry dream since I didn't get any relief. Instead, I woke up with a case of blue balls."Damn," I muttered, wanting to just go back to sleep and get back into that dream. It was crazy erotic though I couldn't remember much in the way of details. They faded away too fast....
The Succubus Awakening By Morpheus I sat up in bed, having just woken up from the middle of a wet dream. Of course this was more of a dry dream since I didn't get any relief. Instead I woke up with a case of blue balls. "Damn," I muttered, wanting to just go back to sleep and get back into that dream. It was crazy erotic though I couldn't remember much in the way of details. They faded away too fast. "Not again..." I got up and went to the bathroom and jacked off for a few...
There is a thing with mature women that I am sure we can all agree with. They are all grown in a ridiculously sexy way, and they fucking know what ticks for them as well as how to get it ticking. In fact, I must admit that those who are into the MILF kind of porn are mostly freaky assholes who want something close to real. Also, there is the fun in seeing some massive load of porn experience thrown into the mix.From the handjobs, blowjobs all the way to lengthy cock rides. It'sIt's almost as if...
Mature Porn SitesChapter Ten: Futa-Mommy and the Hot MILF By mypenname3000 Copyright 2020 Note: Thanks to Alex for beta reading this! Madeline Marlow I stared in shock at Lupita Reyes, the math professor, staring with horror and disgust at us. She had caught me getting ass-fucked by my futa-daughter while I licked out Aoi's pussy, making the student cum on my face. Her cream dripped down my chin. “Madeline Marlow!” Lupita gasped in shock. “You're fucking the students. What is wrong with you? And one of...