Oedipus X Reversed free porn video

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Thanks to everyone who wrote reviews last time. I hope you enjoy this one as well. Oedipus X Reversed By Lyta Somabre "Honey, for Christ's sake why do you always have to take so fucking long." Shouted Charlie from downstairs. "Shut up, I'll be down in a minute. Why don't you watch TV or something?" His girlfriend, Kim yelled back to him. Charlie knew that any attempt to expedite her would only make the process take longer. He silently cursed to himself, he told Marcus they would be at the club by midnight, and it was already twelve o' five. Marcus was your friendly neighborhood drug dealer. He also had a thing for punctuality. If they were late again he would not wait for them. "Charlie, you know I love your business, you're practically putting me through med school. You gotta understand though, I'm a busy man. I don't have time to waste in these skanky-ass clubs you go to. I'm not gonna wait next time, you tell that bitch of yours to put some fire under that ass hurry next time." It was the first Friday night Charlie had had off in a month. Working in a convenience store didn't keep your weekends open. Though it did usually allow you to sleep in late every morning. He had been working full-time there for nearly a year, since he got out of jail for possession of acid, which is a felony. He had been in and out of jails from 16 on up. Usually small drug shit, possession, paraphernalia, etc. The local mini-mart was his best option; maybe someday with a little luck he might make manager, yippee. "Alright, how do I look?" said Kim from the top of the stairs. "Absa-fucking-lutely beautiful" he had meant to be sarcastic but after taking a long look at her he was actually awestruck. "No, I mean it honey, you look wonderful." "You mean it? I think there was a blue dress that made me look a little slimmer in the waist." She said. "No, no I mean it." He ran up the steps and kissed her fully on the lips "You are beautiful." Perhaps this was partly a ploy to keep her from reentering the bedroom and disappearing for another hour but also he truly loved her despite some of her more annoying habits. Besides, she had on that cute black velvet number that was so short they could have fucked right there very easily. It had those cute spaghetti straps and those thigh highs... Damn. "No, I know that look on your face! I remember you saying 'we gotta be there at midnight you need to hurry up woman.' So let's go." Kim said. Soon they were in her beat-up Olds breaking way more traffic laws than one should break that late at night, in downtown. "Marcus said he got in some real good stuff yesterday." Said Charlie trying to make Kim go faster. "Of course he said that, he's a drug dealer. Is he gonna be like 'Oh this shit will make your brain ooze out your ears. You probably shouldn't take it.'" Kim said as sarcastically as possible. Kim liked to do X with Charlie but she was more casual not like Charlie who had a very robust drug habit to take care of. They pulled in to a parking lot, paid an insane amount and quickly trotted into the club. Once inside Charlie began looking around for Marcus. Then he saw Nate "Steel Ball" McHenry (on account of he only had one testicle but he claimed in was made out of pure steel) an old buddy he had met in county. "Hey, Nate you seen Marcus around tonight?" inquired Charlie. "Yeah man, I seen him bout fifteen minutes ago, he was looking for you. Look like he was bout ready to tear your shit up, hehe." Nate was a huge black guy; he trained at part-time at the local YMCA. On the side, he could get you a 54" TV for $150 as long as you were the type who didn't take to asking a lot of questions. "Damn, you better keep an eye on yo girl, she lookin' fine as motherfucker tonight." "Yeah, thanks," said Charlie disheartened. Charlie then went to the bar to get drunk if nothing else. "Did you find Marcus yet?" said Kim. "No, I guess I'll just get drunk instead." Said Charlie. Kim said "Alright I'm gonna go talk to Susan for a second, sorry you didn't get to roll tonight." She walked towards a table where her friend Susan was with her friends. Charlie began to mope and look around aimlessly to see who all was there. Then the "old guy" came and sat down next to him at the bar. Every club has an "old guy" the one no one talks to, dances by himself and will on occasion, touch a girl's ass on the dance floor. "I heard your lady-friend as I was walking up here. You looking to roll?" said the "old guy" Usually something this blatant would be treated with a cold shoulder but Charlie had really got his hopes up for tonight. "Why, What do you got?" Charlie said He opened his hand underneath the bar revealing a small pill. "Why don't you come with me to the bathroom so I can get a better look." Said Charlie. They walked into the bathroom and Charlie examined the pill. All ecstasy pills have a small design of kind on them this one had a circle with an arrow coming out of the top-right hand corner of it and a cross coming out of the bottom. It looked like the symbol for male and female all in one. "I've never seen that kind before." Said Charlie "Trust me, this stuff is great I don't offer it just to anybody I see here, I know the girl who makes them she's real sweet kind of hippie-chick" Against his better judgment Charlie bought two, one for him, one for Kim. "Now this stuff his potent so keep that in mind when you take it." Warned the "old guy" "Okay, but if this shit fucks me up I know people who will want to know where this came from and they will find out." Warned Charlie right back at him. With that, they left each other's company. Charlie found Kim and told her about the transaction. "No, I'm sorry but I'm not putting that shit in my mouth. That guy freaks me out you should try to get your money back." Kim said "Fine, if you don't want any, more for me." He then swallowed both pills. An hour later, the drugs began to kick in. Charlie was on the dance floor with Kim and it hit him like a blind old lady driving a white Cadillac. He felt like all heavenly bliss had just opened up inside his head. "Shit, your missing out Kim this stuff is the shit. I feel like, fucking great." Charlie decided to sit down for a second and take it in slowly. He felt wonderful; he was getting shivers down both arms and legs that felt like his blood was made of salt-water taffy. All pulling and stretching in his skin. "Hey, Charlie wake up it's time to go." Yelled Kim. Charlie jumped out of his stupor and looked at his watch. "Jesus Christ its 4:00am already?" he exclaimed. "Yeah, and you been sitting here all night with that stupid shit-eating grin on your face. You all right honey?" "Yeah I think so." Charlie couldn't believe he had zoned out for so long, he got up to leave and noticed that his whole body felt strange. He attributed it to sitting in one position for three hours. He and Kim went home, Kim drove. When they got home and cuddled together in bed Kim said, "Hey, you feel like foolin' around?" "I don't know if I can maybe later I'm tired as hell." Charlie said. He felt kind of ripped off. He knew he had a good time but just sitting around really sucks ass, you're not supposed to behave like that. He decided to put it behind him, he had to work tomorrow and needed as much sleep as he could get. He woke up at the break of the mid-afternoon and fixed himself a pot of coffee. He sat down to read the newspaper; he was feeling particularly good today. Kind of tingly and warm, he thought that it must be the after effects of last night's escapades. Kim had already gone with her mother for the Saturday morning garage sales and subsequent lunch at Denny's. Charlie went to take his shower and shave before work. When he looked in the mirror he noticed that shaving didn't appear to be necessary. When he put on his work pants he also noticed that his legs felt funny touching the inside of the pants. 'Maybe Kim used to much starch or something' he thought. He left for work and had a pretty usual day except he must have been coming down with a cold or bronchitis or something. His voice seemed to be going, it cracked high-pitched, and he had trouble talking normally to the customers. He figured he must be coming down with something and went home prepared to mope so Kim could take care of him. "Hey, Honey how was your day?" was Kim's greeting when he came home. "Alright but I thi--ee--nk ahem, my voice keeps cracking I think I coming down with something." Charlie managed to squeak out. Kim, always the caretaker, said "Aww, sit down and let momma fix you some chicken soup." Charlie loved it when Kim would be motherly to him "Thanks dear, 'm gonna relax on the couch." Kim came back in a few minutes later with the chicken soup and gave it to him. "It's still hot be careful, hon. You know, you do look strange I can't quite place it, but that's weird you look... cuter, I think" Kim said hesitantly. "Thanks but I don't feel cute. I feel really strange. I think I must be really horny cause I got a weird sensation in my dick. Why don't you think of something to do about that, honey?" Kim then unzipped his pants and pulled them off followed by his boxers. She took out George Wipplebottom III. (That's what Charlie called it) and began to massage it tenderly. Charlie loved a good hand-job and Kim was the best. He had trained her to give them just the way he liked them. She began to go faster and harder but Charlie just wasn't feeling it as much as usual. "More baby, do it faster." He said to her encouragingly as possible. She grabbed hold of it and got a good and ever-increasing pumping motion going. She went faster and harder and then it came off! She sat on top of her lover with his glory in her hands. "Oooooh! Oooh my fucking God, I'm soooo sorry." She said half yelling. "What have you done woman? What in the name of all that's holy and sacred have you done? What are you waiting for? Call the fucking hospital!" yelled Charlie. "Yeah, I'll call the hospital." She dropped George Wipplebottom III and went to the phone. Charlie sat up and noticed he wasn't bleeding it was just rotten looking like the remnants of a month old baby's umbilical cord. He picked up George Wipplebottom III and inspected it. It looked the same on the inside, like it had rotted through. He dropped it; he couldn't stand to see his pride and joy rotted through like so much forgotten fruit. He heard Kim on the phone "I need an ambulance quick, my boyfriend's penis came off in my hands. What? No, I didn't do it on purpose. Just hurry please." The ambulance arrived ten minutes later. Charlie was rushed into the ER and the doctor examined the affected area and laid out the situation as best he could. "Well, It doesn't look like the rest of your body has been affected in this manner, and since you appear to be in no serious danger and have no health insurance. I can do nothing but discharge you from the hospital." "But Doc what am I supposed to do? Can't you just sew it back on?" said Charlie "I can't make that judgment but you appear to be in no immediate danger. I have no choice but to discharge you." The doctor said sympathetically. Charlie and Kim left the hospital and tried to think of a plan of action. "Well, at least I still have my balls so maybe I can still have kids someday." Charlie lamented. "Don't worry, baby we'll find a way to umm put everything right." Said Kim with genuine love and concern for his well-being. That night after Kim went to sleep Charlie decided to take stock of all his body parts in case anything else looked to be getting the same idea of running off. He had been feeling funny still after coming back from the hospital. They gave him some anti-depressants almost out pity because well, he'll probably need them. He took most of them after leaving the hospital. He sat alone in the living room of their duplex and looked over his body. The drugs had put him in an all-consuming apathy so he didn't really care about anything for the time being. He looked at his legs and saw that there was very little if any hair left. Then he noticed the same on his arms. He went to the bathroom to look in the mirror. His face did look strange and he still didn't need to shave. He had always kept his black hair kind of long, not shoulder length but shaggy. With that his face almost had a feminine air to it. He pulled up his shirt to look at his chest; it had also lost its hair. His pectorals were all red and swollen like he had been stung by some big-ass bee. Shouldn't the doctor have noticed this? Then he remembered that that wasn't there earlier. Most of this would have been incredibly shocking for any man but Charlie had taken many anti-depressants and felt relatively nothing. So he fell asleep on the couch watching Golden Girls. The next morning he woke up at the about eleven and found a note attached to his forehead. "Morning sweetie, I went on to work, I'm going to find out if they have any kind of insurance plan that I get you on. I already called your work to tell them you weren't feeling well today. We'll get through this Charlie." Signed Kim. Charlie got up and couldn't help but feel elated for not having to go to work. He made some coffee and took the last of the anti-depressants. He figured Kim had left early this morning as usual and decided to see if there were any new changes going on that he should know about on his body. He went to the bathroom and stood in front of the mirror. What or rather, who he saw was a stranger to him. Staring back at him in the mirror was a very adorable fifteen to sixteen year-old girl, with the exception of wearing an old and tattered Beastie Boys tee shirt and ripped corduroy shorts. Her hair was black, like Charlie's and just as long. The facial structure was much the same but different. That's it, the cheekbones were more prominent and the face was younger. Also during the night, a very perky set of breasts had made their home on his chest. He realized suddenly that he had to piss. The doctor had told him part of his urethra still remained but he would have to sit in order to pee with any accuracy. He began to pull his pants down to piss and as he did so he couldn't help but notice his lack of balls. He ran frantically rushed through the house and finally found them in the couch cushions. They looked like prunes in a small burlap sack. Upon further inspection of his nether-regions he found a slit at the bottom of his crotch. Then, even drug-addled as he was. He realized what has happening. "Holy fucking mother-of God I'm turning into a chick!" He yelled to no one in particular. He spent the next couple oh hours thinking of what to tell Kim. What girl would want him now? 'Well, lesbians I suppose' he thought to himself. Kim isn't a lesbian. She found me physically attractive because of my masculine build. 'I've been in prison for Christ sake' he thought. He couldn't call her at work he didn't know what to do. In the end, he just decided to wait till she got home. It slowly seeped into his mind about the ecstasy he had taken the other night. That was the only thing that could be responsible for this. He decided to worry about how to exact his revenge later, if he was even going to be able to. The best thing to do was wait till Kim came home; yes she would know what to do. In the meantime, he took note of the new changes. His feet looked narrower and smaller, hell so did his whole body he must have dropped 50lbs and five inches. Making him roughly 5'8" and 125lbs, he had always been real gangly but now it appeared to suit him. His hands also looked smaller, more delicate. His ass was really round and it felt kind of neat to sit on. Having been a man at least 48 hours ago made him start to really enjoy what he was looking at. Though he his vagina wasn't yet fully formed, he did have those perfect breasts. He decided to try them out. He rubbed them and kneaded them like cookie dough. The nipples were far more sensitive and the more he played with them the more he wanted to get off. Since he didn't have such capabilities he made himself stop and watch a movie to kill the time. When he looked over his and Kim's movie collection at first he wanted to watch an action flick but settled on one of Kim's movies. When Kim finally came home Charlie was upstairs sitting in a hot bath and playing with his tits. "Honey, I brought you some Neosporin. I thought that might help, are you here?" she shouted from downstairs. "Yeah, I'm upstairs." Was what the girls voice upstairs said. "Who is that? Where is Charlie?" Kim ran up the stairs to investigate. What she found was a cute teenage girl in her bathtub. Once she focused in on the face she realized that she was staring at Charlie! "How the hell did this happen?" she yelled "I don't know but I think it's finished happening." Charlie said "I think it may have a side-effect of that X the other night." "You have tits and you look prettier than me." She exclaimed, "What are we going to do, you need to go back to the hospital, we'll go into debt if we have to." "No, honey I've thought about this all day, just hear me out." Charlie began to explain his plan to Kim. "Kim you know all about my bad past right? Well this gives me a new chance. I can start all over with a clean slate. I know someone who can get me some new ID with this face on it. Honey, don't you see? I don't have to be a felon anymore I can go to college and get a good job. That is if you'll help me." "I don't know I'll have to think about this." Kim said. That night Kim made Charlie sleep on the couch. "I'm not trying to be mean but for tonight please." Charlie abided and slept on the couch. Kim was off on Monday so they would have the whole day to hash out a plan. That morning at 7:00am Kim woke up Charlie. "Wake up." She said while slightly shaking him "I thought about this all night and here is the plan I came up with." Charlie sat up and wobbled a little still not used to the weight on his chest. "Alright, here goes." Kim said trying to keep her composure "I'll give you the bad news first." Charlie nodded, dreading whatever was coming. "I can't be your girlfriend anymore. I'm sorry I know this is evil but I'm not a lesbian and you are a girl as unfortunate as that may be for you. But here is the good news I'm not going to abandon you. I may not be your girlfriend but I can be your mother if you'll let me. You still look too young to be able to go out on your own. We can probably get you enrolled in the high school if you want. You can start all over like you said and I'll support you all the way even through college." Charlie listened intently and he knew he would miss Kim's physical company but he also knew she would be a great mother to him. Kim continued, "Also, you will need a name to go on that fake ID. Since no one else gets to pick their own name I get to pick yours." "What did you have in mind?" said Charlie skeptically. "You new name will be Polly Jean Messenic" "I get to take your last name?" Charlie chuckled at the irony. "Well, I will be your mother." Kim said. "Alright, lets do it then." Polly agreed and they shook hands on it. "You need to call Nate and tell him you need a full ID work-up for your run-away cousin. He'll remember who you are." Charlie said. Kim and Polly spent the majority of the day with Nate getting the new ID ready. "Hey, did Charlie ever hook up with Marcus?" Nate asked Kim said, "No, he just moped around all night." "Yeah, he's a whiny little bitch." Said Nate. "Whiny, when I met him I thought he was very confident and suave." Said Polly. Nate told Kim, "Looks like you got some competition." After much similar bantering they left with the new ID. Before they went home Kim said, "You look like a fucking crack whore, we need to get you some new clothes." "Like skirts and shit." Said Polly. "Yes, you'll be in the eleventh grade you do want to fit in right? And watch that mouth of yours little lady." Kim replied "You're really getting into this role." Said Polly. "Role? This isn't any role. This is real. You know I love you but you gotta understand you're my little girl now." Polly was really weirded out by that, but she knew that she was going to have to get used to Kim acting that way. They arrived at the mall and Kim walked in with her daughter. "This is a lot of money I'm going to be spending here so I will probably be borrowing some of your clothes from time to time and you can borrow mine if you like." Kim said The idea of borrowing her clothes was really strange, wearing that same dress that had turned him on so just a few nights back, weird. As they walked through the mall Polly noticed guys checking her out despite her shabby apparel. "Did you find some cute guys, sweetie?" Kim said noticing the attention. "Hey, I might be a chick but I'm not gay." Charlie said and then rethought his statement. "Wait, yes I am gay. I don't like guys I guess that makes me a lesbian." "You never know you might change your mind." Kim said Polly just shrugged off her remark as best that she could. "First I'll take you to my salon to get your hair and nails done. While your getting fixed up I'll start buying your clothes since you wouldn't know what to get anyway." Kim said They walked into the salon and signed Polly in. Kim waited with her until the hairdresser was ready and Kim told him exactly how her daughter's hair and nails should be done. Polly was set up while Kim went shopping. She was left all by herself. The hairdresser tried to make idle conversation. "What grade are you going to be in this year?" he said. "I'll be a junior." Polly said. "Is there a certain boy your looking forward to seeing?" "NO!" Polly said with a little more aggression in her voice than she intended. "Sorry, That's alright, a lot of young girls decide to wait and have relationships later in life." He said trying to console her. Polly just sat still and quiet, waiting for this day to be over. "Alright, you look marvelous. See." Said the hairdresser as he spun Polly around in the chair to face the mirror. Polly saw her face reflected in the mirror. "Wow." Polly said looking at herself. Her hair had volume now and was styled straight and shiny with two cute little pigtails coming out of the back of her head. She looked like she could be a pop music star. Shortly after, Kim came back and saw the improvements. "You look stunning Polly. You'll look even better in these." She said holding up many shopping bags. They went home and Kim gave Polly a crash course in make-up application. She had laid out Polly's new clothes on the couch, which is where she would have to sleep until room could be fixed up in the basement. "Try this on, it'll look great on you." Kim pulled out a white blouse and pink mini-skirt ensemble with white pantyhose and three-inch heels. Polly tried it on and came out of the bathroom very carefully judging each step. "You'll just have to practice with those heels." Kim said Kim made her do a whole fashion show and felt very satisfied, providing for her daughter. Having her around made her feel so much better and more confident than she ever had when Charlie lived there. Three weeks later school started. Polly had always been smart but this time she was going to use it. She had signed up for all honors classes. Her first day of school felt strange. Polly hadn't been in school in 10 years. After practicing for the last few weeks she had begun to get the hang of being feminine. Guys and other envious girls were already noticing her in school. Polly knew she could have made the cheerleading squad if she wanted but she chose not to because she never liked the superficiality of the cheerleader/football player caste the first time through. Kim got a promotion soon after school began and they moved into a bigger house. Polly had her own room. It wasn't nearly as girly was most teenage girls' room but it wasn't in any way manly either. Things started to get a little turbulent when Kim finally set Polly down and told that she had to start dating again. Polly was none to happy about it but it was inevitable. Kim brought home her new boyfriend and Polly actually took a liking to the guy. Polly knew that he would be good for Kim and that he would take care of her. Within a year Polly had a new step-dad. She went to college on full scholarship and majored in broadcast communication. She went on to be a very popular anchorwoman, wife and mother to three beautiful children. Her life turned out to be pure ecstasy and the whole family got together on holidays. Charles Graham was considered a missing person when he stopped going to work and his girlfriend told the police he just didn't come home one night. The End

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Shame but pleasure Usual roles reversed

That's the only true information contained in this story from my past. The rest of the information, names and places have been changed for obvious reasons. However, the events are absolutely true. I've never spoken of them before except in a minor way because I was a fit strong 35-year-old completely and utterly ashamed of being treated the way I was by kids. It's only now 40 years after the event that I can look back at pictures of myself to see that I suppose I must have been fairly...

3 years ago
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The Debt Reversed

Ready for a little dessert? Need an antacid? I commend you for making it this far in this passion play. I hope you enjoy what comes next. ‘So, um, Charlie, it looks like Little Chuck is ready for another round. Are you planning to fuck me? You can ya know?’ ‘I don’t think that’s a good idea, Vickie.’ I tried not to show any emotion as I processed this rejection. I half expected it. He had to keep control of something. He was still a virgin. I was certain of that. It was something I’d teased him...

3 years ago
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The Debt Reversed

Ready for a little dessert? Need an antacid? I commend you for making it this far in this passion play. I hope you enjoy what comes next."So, um, Charlie, it looks like Little Chuck is ready for another round. Are you planning to fuck me? You can ya know?""I don't think that's a good idea, Vickie."I tried not to show any emotion as I processed this rejection. I half expected it. He had to keep control of something. He was still a virgin. I was certain of that. It was something I'd teased him...

2 years ago
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MAU Role Reversal

MAU: Role Reversal Synopsis: A man and wife, thinking that life is getting too hum- drum, find an MAU. While it livens up their lives, it causes some unexpected changes as well. This story is Copyright 2001 by the author, all rights reserved. It may be posted at Fictionmania. Any other free site must ask permission. [email protected] ********************************************************************** MAU: Role Reversal Hi. Oh, don't pretend to be...

1 year ago
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CHAPTER ONE Promotion It was a sunny and pleasant day in downtown Chicago; the sun, high in the sky, was warming the busy streets of the city as Summer was just getting underway. Julia sat outside at a busy corner bistro, alone at a table, just off Michigan Avenue, across the street from the Art Institute. Lost in her own thoughts, she idly strummed her long red nails, as the multitude, people and vehicles swirled around her. She took a quick sip of ice tea and was pleased to see her...

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Role Reversal

Role Reversal MF FF blackmail nc Fdom ds Jill thought her life was reasonably good.  She was married, her husband getting ever more successful.  The marriage wasn’t the most romantic – comfort, potential riches, and her middle class father’s approval weighed more on Jill’s mind when she married Oliver – but he was a good lover and kept her in the manner to which she had become accustomed, and she felt she couldn’t ask for much more.  Approaching her thirtieth birthday, there were no kids, an...

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Role Reversal

[This is a story about a social experiment. Included are lots of oral sex, coitus, anal and an exchange of partners. If any of that bothers you, please don’t read the story. If you demand that men stay in their ‘traditional’ roles as men… don’t read this story. It may upset you. However, if the spirit of adventure and experimentation attracts you, read on. I will be interested in your comments. Please vote and please either post comments or email them to me. Thanks.] ~+~+~+~+~+~+~+~+~+ ‘Are...

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Reversal By Annie James Prologue Charlotte and Charleen are identical twins. Moreover, as so often occurs with such a pair, they early became best friends and companions. They were quick to learn to take advantage of the inability of others to distinguish between them, and exploited their similarity in all manner of childish adventures and pranks. About the age of ten they invented a new type of prank altogether by creating an alternate identity. A 'brother Charles' appeared on...

1 year ago
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Marital Reversal

MARITAL REVERSAL by Throne Our wedding plans were progressing nicely. My bride-to-be, Adele, had taken care of almost everything. All I was responsible for was arranging for our honeymoon. What happened, however, was that I had made an investment in a risky business venture, and needed our travel money to try to salvage the situation. I felt certain the setback would be temporary and decided to gamble. I would postpone making the honeymoon plans and not tell my bride until we were...

3 years ago
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SRU Role Reversal

SRU: Role Reversal "Well, now, this is a curious one," the Wizard muttered to himself, just before the shop door slammed open, nearly knocking the bell off its chain. A man rushed in, looking utterly average. He was an average height, an average build, with average brown hair and eyes, wearing an average button- down blue shirt and average khakis. He looked around the shop, wild-eyed, darting toward one shelf and then another. "It's real! My god, it's all really here!" "Welcome,...

4 years ago
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Dorm Room Reversal

I graduated from high school three months ago. I was so happy to be free of high school. I always felt like a loaner there. I only had one friend and I was often the focus of ridicule and jokes from my fellow classmates. No girls were ever interested in me as a boyfriend. My only friend Heidi, who was very popular and one of the most beautiful girls at John Franklin High, often found herself defending me. I think she felt sorry for me. Heidi is perfect. She is 6 feet tall, long beautiful legs...

3 years ago
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Role Reversal

"Well physically, slim, brunette, tight bum, sexy legs, boobs not too big. Apart from that, good fun, likes to laugh, easy to get along with, sense of humour. You know, the usual stuff!!" "Ah, ok, so are you saying that cause that describes me and want to get into my knickers then?" "Well I wouldn’t say that, thought getting into your knickers would be a bonus" I said with a smile. We'd been sat talking for a while. Had a drink or two. Sitting by the window in a bar I'd not been to...

4 years ago
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The Tease Chapter 4 Role Reversal

Jen returned to campus a week early to begin her Junior year. Tim and Laura had graduated, and Jen had been promoted to Cadet Lieutenant. This year she was going to be responsible for helping train the incoming Freshman Class. The first day of classes Jen was going through the normal routine you’d see on the first day of any type of military training. She was barking orders at the hundreds of bewildered kids when one caught her attention. A skinny, nerdy looking Freshman named Craig Daniels....

3 years ago
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Exposed A role reversal

I stood looking at myself in the full-length bathroom mirror as I slowly towelled myself dry. I was naked and feeling horny, the bathroom window, wide open, allowing the summer breeze to caress my bare skin. Just looking at myself, was turning me on. Was it normal for a guy to find his own body arousing? I wondered. I was not gay and yet my own ripped physique was turning me on. Maybe it was just the thought of someone else enjoying the view. Although only nineteen, the years of boxing...

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Roll Reversal

“Happy birthday to me.” Samantha Baxter sighs at her reflection in the ladies’ room mirror. It is Halloween, and her birthday, but she is stuck at work at the museum chaperoning a bunch of middle aged men gathering to play Dungeon & Dragons; thrilling. Not that she minds old style pen & paper role playing games; in fact it is one of her favorite hobbies. What bothers Samantha is that playing D&D on her twenty-second birthday, and in a costume no less, only confirms how much of a social misfit...

3 years ago
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Wages of Sin Part 5 Role Reversal

Author’s Note: This is number five is a series. It makes more sense if you read one through four first, preferably in order. My dreams that first night were filled with visions of the girls and I having sex. They were intense dreams, lots of touching, licking, sucking and fucking. So intense, if fact, that when I woke the next morning I discovered that I had experienced my first “wet dream” since my teens. I was still a little groggy and trying to figure out what to do with a sheet full of cum...

1 year ago
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Exposed A role reversal

I stood looking at myself in the full-length bathroom mirror as I slowly towelled myself dry. I was naked and feeling horny, the bathroom window, wide open, allowing the summer breeze to caress my bare skin. Just looking at myself, was turning me on. Was it normal for a guy to find his own body arousing? I wondered. I was not gay and yet my own ripped physique was turning me on. Maybe it was just the thought of someone else enjoying the view. Although only nineteen, the years of boxing since...

3 years ago
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Hot Sun Massage Parlor Role Reversal

So I go to the massage parlor. Again. I ask for a girl I've had several times named Yudi (You-Dee). As usual, she comes into the room wearing a bikini, high heels, and a sheer wrap that "covers" her body. After I warm up in the sauna for about 10 minutes, she takes me to the shower room and gives me a table shower, during which she has me stand up and jack off on her tits. I'm not a boob guy but I'll jack off on a set of tits any time. I always insist on cumming in the shower room otherwise...

2 years ago
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North Fucks South 8211 A Tale Of Alcohol And Role Reversals

I had just moved into Mumbai and it was paradise for me; a new job, a place for myself, and absolutely no supervision from anyone. To give you a brief detail about myself, I’m Arjun a Malayalee, lived my whole life in Kerala, that’s till my campus selection. Physically I’m a pretty smart chap, 26 years of age, 5’10 height, slim, I sport a beard at times and sexually I was straight (at least that’s what I thought) and active. So to cut to the chase I got my campus selection and my company posted...

Gay Male
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My Shallow Regret Chapter 11 Reversion

"Andrew, get your lazy ass out of bed!" My head was pounding as I heard my mother's scream reverberate throughout the house. The last thing I'd remembered was Bryce's punch landing solidly against my head, so I had no idea how I got home. I sat up in bed and started rubbing my temples to shake off this headache, and thought maybe I'd misheard my mother, but then she stormed into my room with a basket of laundry and dumped it on the floor. "Dammit, Andrew," she said as she shook the...

3 years ago
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Office Texting 6 Role Reversal

I moan and tug on your hair as you lick slowly up my slit again and again. It feels so good, and right before I start getting used to this pattern you twist your head and change it up. I can feel my hips gyrating, rocking back and forth as you taste me. This is what I needed for my birthday... feeling wanted, sexy, and of course feeling all this pleasure.“Oh, Brian. Yes, baby, just like that,” I moan. I pull tighter but it’s clear that if I move you, it’s going to be because you let me. You...

Office Sex
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Role reversal

You've been such a good girl recently, doing everyting i've asked of you. Going above and beyond to please me. Such a good girl. So I decided to give you what you always wanted... Control.I lead you down to the bedroom, fingers intertwined my thumb running over your knuckles squeezing occasionally to reassure you. We reach the bed, I turn you around knees pressed against the edge; I move my hand to your cheek running my thumb just below your eye, watching your eye lids flutter closed. You look...

3 years ago
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Blackmailed into submission Role reverse

Cassey's smile disappeared. “As soon as I get my reference…” Cassey said in a low tone. “From Veronica?” Jason asked. Cassey nodded. “But you know what she'll say...” Cassey said. “That is going for this job, you've gone behind her back” Jason said. “Exactly. She's impossible, Jason. She'll never give me that reference” Cassey said. “Come on, she won't be unreasonable. If you want to leave, she'll let you leave” Jason said. “She's a manipulating bitch” Cassey said. Jason was...

2 years ago
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Adventures of Diana and Mike Role Reversal

A few months ago, I had my friend Alex over to help me break in a couple of slaves. He is a big, sensual Dom who, although he can be very rough, can also be very gentle. As we enjoyed our slut-girls, he made it somewhat clear that he wanted to use me as a sub sometime. I felt strangely drawn to him and couldn't stop thinking about his offer. He really turned me on and thoughts of being bound and made to service him constantly haunted my thoughts and dreams. I had never shown a submissive side,...

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Kinky Reversal

I slid deep into my wife's core and she pulled the ring that penetrates my nipple with her teeth. I bucked out and back in, my movements pulling the small bit of sensitive flesh even harder. My orgasm was augmented by the pinching pain that telegraphed to my balls and I exploded inside her. She felt the throbbing and groaned with her responding climax. As we wound down from our pleasure Molly laid her head on my chest. Her hand smoothed its way over the nipple she had so recently tortured....

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I guess you would say I'm a pretty successful woman. Well not that "pretty," although I've kept a nice figure and my tits have always drawn stares. I am an executive with a high tech firm with lots of cashed-out options that by now have made me fairly wealthy ... But nothing about my looks or my recent affluence could have landed me David. David is intelligent, sensitive, and movie-star handsome: tall, square jaw, trim but muscular. Think of Hugh Grant. David was a virgin when I met him in...

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The Reverse

Steve shook his head. This was quite a mind trip. "I can't fucking believe this. Are you shitting me? Helen smiled. "Of course not. I've always been interested in hypnosis. However, I don't think I can be hypnotized, so you'll just be wasting your time." It didn't take much effort for Steve to present a poker face to Helen. "Well, I've only done it a couple of times. You're right. It probably won't work." He paused for a few seconds for effect. "You do want to try, though....

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Arousing LeighaChapter 6 Rhondas Reversal

The thing about "My Little Princess" ate on Rhonda a little more than it should and she knew it. She made herself calm down and remember that she wasn't in a contest with Leigha. Not only had Leigha not once challenged her or tried to take away anybody's affection but also she wasn't even aware of what was happening. In fact, she really liked the girl. She was in her own right incredibly sexy and Rhonda found Leigha's sexual reaction to men to be extremely stimulating. Just watching...

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Dance of a LifetimeChapter 120 Reverse

It was towards the end of February, and Jessie was lonely, depressed, and bored. She'd been doing better this semester. She'd made an attempt to make friends. She had found out that her roommate was really cool, and they were getting along very well. But, now, her roommate had gone away for the weekend. She didn't have anything to do. She missed Warren and Sophie. Hell, she missed Jason. So, she decided to call him. "Hello?" he answered. "Hey, Jay. It's Jess." "Jess? How are you...

4 years ago
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The Exhibitionist and the VoyeurChapter 6 Role Reversal

Chapter Cast: Cynthia, Female, 33 - Wife of Ray - 5’7, 140lbs, tanned beige skin, long blonde hair Ray, Male, 35 - Husband of Cynthia - 5’10, 175lbs, freckled tanned beige skin, short chestnut-brown hair Lanying, Female, 20 - Neighbor of Cynthia and Ray, college student - 5’2, 110lbs, almond-cream skin, black hair cut straight at neck “I... ,” Lanying hesitated, “uh ... I want to discuss ... the offer...” Those words were the hardest in her life to voice. She felt nervous sitting on the...

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Janet in TrainingChapter 6 Role Reversal

When the limo left her in front of Erica's house one weekend, Janet was eagerly looking forward to seeing Erica. Over the past few weeks, Erica had been placing her in more stringent and difficult bondage positions. In addition, the Mistress had been punishing her in many more different ways. Janet had learned the cat and the flogger, and had been able to stand many more strokes than she had before. She was pleased that Erica had also decided to use her in the bedroom as well, and she had...

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Outpost 2 Snowed in Bisexual EditionChapter 2 Role Reversal

The snow was really coming down now, and Schaffer was glad to be inside the outpost, the heating system kept them cozy while elements that would kill an unprotected human in a matter of minutes battered the base from the outside. He sipped a mug of steaming coffee, it was a little gritty, but the heat of the beverage spread through his stomach and put a smile on his face. The Polars didn’t like the caffeine in coffee, and their tongues seemed almost indifferent to sweet flavors, but a mug of...

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Good Medicine Freshman YearChapter 59 Role Reversals

January 31, 1982, McKinley, Ohio “You’re STILL struggling with that issue?” Jocelyn asked during our regular Sunday afternoon call. “Does it really surprise you?” “No, I suppose it doesn’t. I think the circumstances of the last year really caused you some serious heartache and anguish, and I’m not just talking about you and me. If you think about it, you and Emmy were ripped apart by her dad; you and Nancy were ripped apart by her difficulty with commitment; you and I were ripped apart by...

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Good Medicine Sophomore YearChapter 6 Role Reversal

July 8, 1982, West Monroe, Ohio “What’s bugging you, Mike?” Mom asked at breakfast on Thursday. “What do you think?” I sighed. “You know, there is a simple answer to your problems,” Dad said with a smile. I shook my head, “It’s not simple at all! I know you both think I should marry Jocelyn, but neither Jocelyn nor I are sure about that.” “You did tell her you didn’t think you could marry someone who you knew couldn’t have kids,” Mom said. “Don’t you think that might have colored her...

1 year ago
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Beach Patrol

I first met Nancy when I was working the overnight shift as a part-time police officer for a small ocean-side town on the Atlantic. She was sixteen, and her parents had just bought a small complex of duplexes in town. She was working at the only fast-food joint in town, and the only place in town open to get something to eat or drink after 10PM on a Saturday night, my usual shift. However, my contact with her was less at the restaurant than it was catching her, like clockwork, making out on the...

First Time
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Quenching The Flame

First let me tell you about the best kept secret in Birmingham Alabama. I am married to it. Kay is a tall woman who dresses as much like a frump as she can. She wears ugly glasses with window glass lenses. She wears her hair in an old lady bun at the back of her head. Her usual clothes are baggy and not at all fashionable and they hide her figure and most of her legs. She looks and acts like a nice but plain ordinary house wife who has better than average intelligence. She is a perfect...

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More Than A StretchChapter 26

Sunday was cloudy, but the rains had ended by morning, and there was hope that the sun might poke through by the time we were due at Sarah's for lunch. I woke Steve with a kiss, and we cuddled for a few minutes. I heard Mom working in the kitchen, so I slipped into my robe and went downstairs. She gave me a knowing smile, and said, "You guys were noisy last night!" I blushed, and said, "Oops! I guess we did get carried away a bit!" She said, "Not a problem; more power to you! I'm...

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The Woman on The Corner

Copyright© 2003 For four years almost every time I travelled the side street to gain entry to the main road there is a plump woman who waves to me. Her house is on the corner and she is either sitting on her porch, feeding the birds, hand watering her garden, from early in the morning to midafternoon. Always the same smile and wave, if she was elderly I could accept this as being normal, but this woman is in her late thirties early forties and not the type of activity one expects at her...

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Degraded Assets Parts 1 and 2

General standard generic disclaimer: If you are offended by sex, rape, men being turned in to women, sodomy or homosexuality; if reading such material is illegal in your area or you are under age, then do not read this story. General standard generic end to general standard generic disclaimer - you have been warned. "If you don't stand for something, You'll fall for anything." - A slogan I once saw on a button "Degraded Assets" Part 1 of 6 - "Pride came first - it was the...

4 years ago
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Re Breeding

My Girlfriend and her 3 daughters aren't being cucked, but myself being an avid pumper/stretcher has them all getting fucked by me with no protection. My cock is 14 in long with a girth of 13 in, and my balls hang to just above my knees. My girlfriend, 37 year old, and her 21, 20, and 18 yo daughters are very much into having me pump my cum into them as often as possible. I work at home, so am able to perform for them often, and my girlfriend has my pump on my cock and my balls weighted when...

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Always in My Life Ch 03

Hi all, Sorry it took so long for this chapter to be posted but I had to travel for work. Unfortunately, that means being stuck in the middle of nowhere Western Australia. But I finally have some internet, it was a hassle but that’s a story for another day. Thanks to Kayli1001 who edited this chapter for me. And also thanks to those who are thoughtful enough to send me feedback. I’m really surprised at the response I am getting. So thanks and keep it coming! Enjoy! AlwaysAlone1986 * We...

3 years ago
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Bathtime Blunder

Fuck Chicago, I thought bitterly. The City of Winds, yes ... and sudden, wildly inconvenient snowstorms in the middle of winter. I had been planning on flying out to tropical Fiji on a business convention for pharmacy assistants, all expenses paid there and back- but in my case, I was going to stay on a week longer. I'd been especially looking forward to soaking up the sun and enjoying some kava before returning to the icy grip of home. But no. We couldn't have that, could we? So out of...

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Aarti The Parnter Of Divorce

It’s been a long, I were busy in my hectic work schedule. And thanks for your kind support and request which inspire me for writing stories. This is a whole new story,I am Ravi 47 year old banker, who had mange to be single for nearly some 7-8 years . I were in a good married life before being divorce, I have 2 son, both of them were in school know. My Ex wife is also a banker, After the divorce both of my son stay with her, though I pay there school fee and extra money regularly on monthly...

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