My Shallow Regret, Chapter 11 - Reversion free porn video

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"Andrew, get your lazy ass out of bed!" My head was pounding as I heard my mother's scream reverberate throughout the house. The last thing I'd remembered was Bryce's punch landing solidly against my head, so I had no idea how I got home. I sat up in bed and started rubbing my temples to shake off this headache, and thought maybe I'd misheard my mother, but then she stormed into my room with a basket of laundry and dumped it on the floor. "Dammit, Andrew," she said as she shook the last pieces of clothing out of the basket. "I asked you to get your laundry out of the dryer last night and you couldn't even do that. What are you gonna do when I'm not there to clean up after you?" I looked at her confused. It was clearly my mother, but she wasn't talking to me like I was her daughter. She was talking to me like I was ... oh, shit. I sprung up from bed and ran to the floor-length mirror in the corner of my room, only there was no mirror there. "What the hell is wrong with you?" my mom asked, growing increasingly agitated by my behavior. "Everything," I said. "Everything's wrong." "Well, we finally can agree on something," she said, as she picked up a shirt off the floor and tossed it at me. "Now get dressed. I'm taking you to look at apartments in an hour." She stormed out, still clearly upset with my inability to do a basic chore and I was left alone to try and piece together what had happened. For the second time in a little more than a week, I'd woken up in a different life from the day before. As I looked around the room, everything started to come into focus. This was my room - the room as I'd left it when I was Andrew. It had the same queen mattress and box spring stacked on the floor, the same MacBook Pro on the desk, the same dirty T-shirts strewn about - not even accounting for the pile of clothes my mother had just left me to put away - and even the same Super Bowl poster on the wall. This was Andrew's room. And, once again, I was Andrew. The T-shirt my mother had tossed me was another clue - it was a New England Patriots shirt, identical to the one I'd been wearing when I fell asleep before waking up as Alana. I slipped it on, and though it was soft and baggy, it felt like a cage. I'd spent my first few days as Alana trying to get back to this life, and just when I'd finally become comfortable in my new life, I had it ripped away from me in an instant. Being back to my far more familiar gender was hardly a consolation, because I was more confused than ever. Had everything I'd been through as Alana been nothing more than a dream? No. I don't know how to explain it, but I knew in my core that it wasn't a dream. It was real. It was more real than anything I'd ever experienced before. I asked for a reboot, I got it, and it turned out to be the best thing that ever happened to me. Now I just needed to get it back. Looking around the room for some kind of answer, I spotted my computer again. As crazy as it still sounded to me, wiping it clean and starting over had started this whole process, so it was worth trying again. I booted up the computer and discovered that it was still basically freshly wiped, almost as I'd left it 10 days ago. That certainly made the process easier, as I navigated to the utilities folder to start the re-install process. As the computer ran through the initial set-up steps, I got dressed, wearing a plain black T-shirt, baggy jeans, and my Air Jordan 11s - the same ones I'd gotten so pissed to see on Bryce's feet. I should've been comfortable in these clothes, but instead they felt terribly unfamiliar. I wanted to put on a dress, but looking at myself in the mirror I quickly realized how horrible that would look on me. The mental image of my 6- foot-3, 300+ pound frame in a cocktail dress made me laugh, which was the first time all morning I'd felt remotely happy about anything. My mother was downstairs in the kitchen making some coffee when I went down to get some breakfast. She seemed more stressed than usual, which wasn't a total surprise, given what she was going through with the divorce. I went into the fridge and looked past the bottles of soda and beer, taking a bottle of water instead. "Are you hung over again?" my mother asked. "God, I just wanted a bottle of water," I said, a little more snippy than I should have. I took a sip, and then apologized to my mother. "I'm sorry," I said. "For what?" she asked, as if she was completely caught off guard by me apologizing for anything. "For snapping at you just now," I said. She just looked at me, with that look that mothers give you when they know you're not telling them everything, but they also know you won't tell them if they ask. And dammit if that look didn't work every time. I had to remember it if I ever got back to being Alana, so I could use it on my future child. "I guess," I continued, "for not being more supportive, more helpful, while you're going through a tough time. I mean, it's not like I should be picking sides between you and dad..." "I'd never ask you to do that," she interjected. "I know," I said, "but it doesn't have to be just about picking sides. I mean, I'm 25. I should be living my own life. But here I am still at home, still making things hard on you, when you should be focusing on yourself and Ali." I took another sip of water and a deep breath before continuing. "I guess what I'm saying is, I need to get my life together, and thank you for showing me that, even if it wasn't want I wanted to hear." "Who are you?" my mom asked. "I'm... I'm Andrew," I said. "I think." "You can't be my son," she said. "My son would never say something that smart." "I'm trying to change," I said, meaning it in more ways than one. "Look," she said, taking a sip of her coffee, "I don't know if this is some kind of trick or something, but I'm not really in the mood to take you apartment hunting and it seems like you're at least willing to try it yourself." She reached into one of the kitchen drawers and pulled out my car keys. "Just promise me you'll really try today," she said. "I will," I said. "I just have to take care of one thing first." She reluctantly handed the keys over to me and continued drinking her coffee as I walked out the back door. It was strange to see my backyard sans pool again, but refreshing to see my black Dodge Charger sitting in the driveway. I went to plug my phone into the USB port, but as I started the car, the radio came on and a Taylor Swift song started playing. A few days ago I might not have even recognized it other than to know I didn't like it, but rather than put on my own music, I left it playing. It made me feel somewhat connected to my life as Alana. The song was "You Belong With Me," which felt fitting, because that's what I was going to tell Sara. I didn't know if she'd recognize me or even know who I was, but I had to take the chance that if I was going to be stuck like this that I could at least be stuck like this with the woman I loved. Eventually the Taylor Swift song ended and I put on my own music as I got closer to the mall, but I couldn't stop thinking about how much my time as Alana had affected me. I'd been Andrew for 25 years and Alana for 10 days, and yet sitting in this car at this moment, I felt more like Alana than Andrew. For all her faults and mistakes, she was the best version of me, the me I was meant to be. And a large part of that was being with Sara. I pulled into the mall parking lot and turned off my car, but just sat there for a few minutes, trying to gather my thoughts. I had no memory of Andrew's last 10 days, but given what I knew of my life before the change I found it highly unlikely that I'd said anything to Sara about my feelings for her in the time I spent as Alana. I started to think about being stuck in this life, but more specifically being stuck in a life without Sara. I'd dated as Andrew, and I'd been in relatively serious relationships - though certainly not in a long time - but I'd never felt the way I felt about Sara with anyone else. Not even close. And the more I sat in my car and dwelled on my current reality, the more I became concerned that I'd never get to feel that way ever again. But just sitting here dwelling on things wasn't getting me any closer to anything I wanted, so I finally mustered up the courage to go inside and try and talk to her. Walking into Panera Bread, I saw her standing behind the counter pouring a drink for a customer, but she didn't notice me. I wouldn't have expected her to, but part of me was hoping she would. That she'd see me standing in the entrance way, drop the cup and run to me, and we'd kiss and everything would be perfect again. But this wasn't a movie. Life didn't work like that. So she just kept on working, and I just kept standing there like a big fat idiot. Eventually I made my way up to the counter, where I was standing face to face - or as close as I could, given my renewed height - with Sara. She looked up at me in line, and I looked into her eyes, hoping to see a glimmer of recognition, but there was nothing there. "Can I help you?" she asked in a flat tone that suggested I was just another in an endless line of customers she'd have to help in a mindless job that had no relation to what she wanted to do with her life. "You..." I started to say, hesitating, unsure if I should even bring anything up. "You don't recognize me, do you?" "Oh, hey," she said, perking up a bit. It gave me a brief moment of hope, but then in an instant it was ripped away. "Smokehouse Turkey Panini guy, right? Sorry, I didn't recognize you without your Apple shirt." "I'm Ahhh..." I caught myself before I finished accidentally introduced myself as Alana, which would've been incredibly difficult to explain. "Andrew," I said, continuing, trying to play it off as if I hadn't nearly messed up my own name. "You can call me Andrew." "Hey, Andrew," she said. "So, can I get you the usual?" "Actually, Sara, I kind of wanted to talk to you," I said, as I fidgeted in place. I couldn't remember a time in my life when I'd been this nervous. Not even before my final football game against our crosstown rival which I was pretty certain would be the last time I stepped on a football field as a player. "You," she said, confused, "you know... do we know each other?" "That's kind of a complicated question," I said. "Is there somewhere we can go and talk?" "Well, I'm kind of stuck here for the next few hours," she said. I could sense her hesitance. She clearly had no idea who I was and now I was just some random creeper who somehow knew her name and I was freaking her out. So, for some idiotic reason, my brain - rather than telling me to back away and salvage my dignity - decided to go all in with the freak out. "Look, Sara, you're probably not going to believe this, but we do know each other," I said. "Or we did. It's hard to explain. But I know you, even if you don't know me or remember that you do." She just looked at me with a look on her face that was half confused and half scared. "You're a songwriter," I said, trying to prove that I knew her from somewhere other than our brief encounters across the Panera Bread counter. "A good one. I've heard your music. It's incredible." "I'm sorry," she said, shaking her head. "You must be thinking of someone else. I don't do anything with music. I just work here. For two years now." I didn't know if she was lying to me because she was scared of me or if she really didn't write music in this reality, but either way I knew this wasn't the Sara I knew. "This was a mistake," I said, as I started to back away, with my heart sinking in my chest. She didn't say anything to me as I turned toward the door. Then, just before I was out the door, she yelled out. "Wait," I heard her say. I turned around hopeful. Was this it? Was this the big Hollywood moment where she said she remembered everything and we kissed with the music swelling and the sun breaking through the clouds and shining down on us and then smash cut to our perfect wedding? Of course not. "You forgot your phone," she said, holding it up and waving it so I'd see. I reached in my pockets, as if to confirm that in fact I didn't have my phone, and made the embarrassing walk back to her, silently putting my hand out to take my phone from her. "Here you go Andrew," she said as she handed it to me. "It was nice to meet you." "Nice to meet you too," I said, flatly, trying to hide my emotional disappointment. She gave me a half-hearted smile as I turned and left the restaurant. Deep down I wondered if I ended up stuck in this life, would this be the last time I ever saw Sara? I'd never dealt with awkward situations very well in the past - not that anyone does, otherwise they wouldn't be awkward - and it'd be easy for me to just stop coming in here for lunch. It'd probably hurt to not see her every day, but I think it'd hurt more to see her and see the way she looked at me like she just had. I trudged down the hall and rode the escalator up to the second floor to drop in on Mark at the store. With our regular schedules, I knew he'd be working today, and he'd be on back-of-house duty, which meant we could talk without having to worry about customers interrupting us. It was early, but the store was already busy and packed with customers, the angriest of whom had congregated around the Genius Bar. One of my co- workers tried to signal to me, probably to ask if I could help out, or even punch in on my day off, but I blew right past them and straight into the back, where I saw Mark sitting at one of the repair benches filling out some paperwork. "Hey," he said, not even looking up. "I didn't think you were coming in today." "I wasn't," I said, "but I needed to talk to you." "What's up," he said, as he put down the papers and spun his chair around toward me. I stood in the doorway, unsure of what to say next. I didn't want to tell him about everything I'd been through as Alana - especially not the whole kissing him thing, because that'd open up a whole crazy can of worms - but I couldn't just stand here and act like nothing had changed. Because no matter what life I ended up in, I knew my life was never going to be the same. "I've been thinking," I said, before hesitating. "That's never good," he said, half-jokingly. "I'm serious," I said. I decided to sit down at the bench opposite him, to try and get more comfortable for what was going to be an uncomfortable conversation. "I need to make some changes in my life." "Is this about your mom kicking you out?" he asked. "It is," I said, "But it's not just that. I mean, is this really the life I'm supposed to be living? I'm 25 years old, I live at home, I have a dead-end job, no girlfriend, no ... just nothing." Looking over at Mark, I could tell he was getting bummed out by my pity party, so I decided to shift the conversation - if not in tone, then in time. "Man, look, I shouldn't be hitting you with all this at work," I said. "Why don't we get a drink tonight?" "I can't," he said, as he began to shuffle through the papers again, clearly trying to avoid a touchy subject. "Why not?" I asked, trying to be gentle about prodding, but coming across more defensive than I would have liked. "It's Monica," he said. He put the papers back down and leaned back in his seat, looking up at the ceiling. Great, so in every reality, Monica wants to keep me and Mark apart, only here it's me who's the problem. At least as Alana, I had Monica's trust and could help re-build a bridge between me and Mark, eventually getting her to cross it. But here? There wasn't going to be any changing of Monica's mind, at least not without a miracle. And I'd already gotten my fair share of those for a lifetime. Multiple lifetimes, in fact. "I know she doesn't like me," I said, "but I just don't get why." "It's not that she doesn't like you," Mark said, trying to soften the truth. But he was a terrible liar. At least that was consistent in every reality. "She just doesn't know you like I do. "But it's not even about that," he continued. "So what is it about?" I asked. This time I wasn't even trying to be diplomatic. I just said it, angrily, because I could tell Mark was avoiding something with me, and I wasn't in the mood for games. "She's pregnant," he said. I expected my jaw to drop, but a different reflex kicked in instead: I started biting my lower lip. I wasn't sure why I was doing it at first, but then I felt a tear well up in my left eye. This wasn't the reaction of a friend who just found out his best friend was about to become a father. This was the reaction of a woman who was hearing about someone else's baby for the first time and just now realizing that her baby was gone. No, not her baby. My baby. Twenty-four hours ago I was ready to tell the world about my pregnancy, and now I was back in this life where a child wouldn't remotely be part of my future. It was killing me inside, and compounding that pain was the fact I couldn't tell anyone about it. I knew I wasn't going to be able to hold back the tears much longer, and it'd be hard to explain to Mark why I was sobbing if I started crying in front of him, so I just quickly got up and headed to the door as quickly as I could. "Dude, is everything okay?" Mark asked. "Congratulations," I said, my voice cracking. "I just... I gotta go." Mark, clearly confused by my sudden shift in behavior, got up, but I continued down the hall and out the door to the sales floor as quickly as I could, then used the sea of customers to run interference as I left the store and ran into one of the public bathrooms down the hall. I just sat in a stall for a couple minutes crying, thinking about the baby I might have lost, before composing myself with a renewed resolve to return to my life as Alana by any means necessary. And I knew the next best place to start. By talking to Alana. I drove home as fast as I could without risking getting pulled over, and rushed upstairs, only to find that my sister wasn't even home. As I looked in at her empty room, I saw the telltale signs of the sister I thought I'd left behind when I became Alana - stealing her name in the process. The ash tray on her counter, the cracked mirror with the leather jacket draped over it, the discarded boxers peeking out from under the bed that belonged to a guy who was probably at least five years older than her, these were all things Alexis never would've had in her room, and in her life. Rather than wait around and have Alana find me rummaging through her room, I went back to mine, where my computer was prompting me to reboot to complete the installation process. I wanted to wait to try and talk to my sister, but I also wanted to get back to being Alana as quickly as possible, so I closed my eyes, hit enter and braced myself. I took a deep breath and waiting, hoping when I opened my eyes I'd be back in my life as Alana, but instead after about 30 seconds I heard the telltale tune of a Mac starting up with a fresh operating system for the first time. The reboot hadn't changed anything. I sat on the floor by the end of my bed, despondent. I really believed for some crazy reason that this software reboot thing would reboot my life again, and couldn't figure out what I'd done wrong this time - or what I'd done right the time before to make it happen in the first place. I was banging the back of my head against my mattress in a futile effort to re-induce the head trauma that had snapped me back into my life as Andrew when I heard a knock at my open door. "What the hell are you doing?" I looked up to see my sister standing in the doorway. I'd still been holding out hope that I'd see Alexis, or something similar, but of course I had no such luck. This was the same Alana I'd left behind 10 days ago, the one with the dyed-black hair and the nose and lip rings and the smell of cigarettes wafting off her skin. "Let me guess," she continued. "You fell down and you're too fat to get up on your own." "Why do you hate me so much?" I asked. "Because there's so much of you to hate," she responded bitingly. OK, I walked into that one. But I seriously wanted to talk to her about this - not because I thought she'd have any answers on how to fix my situation, but because I needed to know if there was anything I could've done as Andrew to have a relationship with Alana like the one Alana had with Alexis. "Is that it?" I asked. "You just hate me because I'm fat?" I expected another joke from Alana, but she hesitated in her answer. "Well, no," she eventually said, trying to avoid eye contact with me. "So what is it?" I asked, pressing the issue. "What is it about me that makes you hate me so much." "I don't... I mean... It's not..." she said, fumbling for what to say. Then, out of nowhere, there was a shift in the tone of her voice. "Why do you think I hate you?" The way she said it, she almost reminded me of Alexis - which shouldn't have been so much of a surprise since technically they were the same person, just very different in the lives they'd lived. She seemed almost hurt by the accusation that she hated me. "I mean, isn't it obvious," I said. "The fat jokes, the vagina jokes, the way you mock me and cut me down every chance you get." "That's just stupid sibling stuff," she said. "I never mean anything by it. And besides, it never seemed to bug you before." "Oh, it always did," I said, "but I guess maybe now I'm just growing - save your fat joke - and I don't want our relationship to be like this. I know we'll always be brother and sister, but I want us to be friends too." Again, I braced myself for the mocking that was sure to come from my sister, but instead she sat down next to me on the floor. I instinctively recoiled a bit from the smell of cigarette smoke, but tried not to let her see that. This was the first time in years she'd been anything but cold and mean toward me, and I didn't want to ruin it just because she didn't smell like the lilac perfume Alexis had been wearing the past few days. "You think mom and dad are getting divorced because of us, don't you," she said. Admittedly, the thought crossed my mind, even before I became Alana, but I knew deep down that while we hadn't helped the situation, there's no way my parents were getting divorced solely because my sister and I didn't get along. "No," I said, "it's not our fault. But that doesn't mean we can't try to get along better. Even if just for our sake." "Well, it'll probably be easier when you move out," she said. "I mean, we won't be up in each other's business all day, so maybe that'll help, right?" "I guess," I said. "But it's also possible that we just end up drifting further apart and never talking to each other at all. And I don't want that to happen." "Neither do I," she said. "Sure, I give you shit all the time ... like ALL the time ... but you're still my brother. I can't imagine my life without you." "It'd be better," I said reflexively, without even thinking about it. "You don't know that," she said, trying to cheer me up. "I guarantee you that your life would be better if you had an older sister instead of me," I said. Alana probably thought I was speaking hypothetically, but I knew better. I knew she deserved the sister she'd had in my other life - and the only way to give her that was to get back to that life. I could've taken everything I'd learned as Alana and applied it to being a better sibling, but it wouldn't undo the damage that was already done. "Maybe," she said, "but I don't have an older sister. I have you. And I need to be better about appreciating that." "Thanks," I said. Then I gave her a hug. "You're welcome," she said. "And you're still fat." "And you still stink like cigarettes." We laughed and continued to embrace, when my mom walked in. "Who are you?" she asked. "What," my sister said to her, as we stopped hugging. "You look like my children," my mom said, "but you can't be. You're not being mean to each other." "About that," I started to say to my mom, as Alana and I both got up from sitting on the floor. "We're gonna try to be better," she said, finishing my thought. "Yeah," I said. "We know things are hard on you right now, and you don't need us making them harder." My mom seemed genuinely surprised by our sudden change of heart, though I'd imagine if she knew what I'd lived through over the past 10 days, she'd get it. "Wow, that's really sweet," she said. Then she turned directly toward me and added "but don't think this is buying you any more time here. I still want you in your own place by the end of the month." "I know," I said. "In fact, I'm going out to look at a place later this afternoon." "That's great," she said. "Maybe your sister can use her newfound understanding toward you to help you pack." "Yeah, that's not happening," Alana said as she blew past us and headed into her room. My mother just gave me a shrug as if to say "I don't get her either" then went back downstairs to continue whatever she'd been doing before finding us up in my room. Meanwhile, I went back to my computer to try anything I could think of to try and reboot myself back into my life as Alana. I did software updates and rebooted. I removed software and rebooted. I forced a hard reboot. None of it did anything. Eventually the afternoon turned into evening, and I was growing more and more frustrated with every passing failed attempt. I was just about ready to give up when I decided to try one last thing: restoring my data from backup, the only thing I hadn't done the first time I restored my computer last week. That was another process that was going to take a while, so rather than sit here and wait for it, all the while getting increasingly impatient, I went out to get a drink. There were plenty of places in town I could've gone, but somehow I found myself at Plan B, where I'd had my awkward encounter with Bryce and Monica. And yet this was more awkward - I was sitting alone at the end of the bar, by myself, with no one within three seats of me. And yet it seemed like the rest of the bar was full of people. It was like I'd created a bubble of sadness around me, and no one dared to come close to penetrating it. I sipped the last of my vodka martini - a drink I'd ordered to try and seem cooler than I was - and looked around the room to see if there was anyone I knew, who I might be able to go talk to and make this whole situation less depressing. But the only familiar face I saw, strangely enough, was Gwen. She was at a corner table happily chatting away with a few other girls, completely oblivious to my presence. I thought about going up to them and saying hi, but given what had happened with Sara earlier today, I figured that wouldn't end well. The night went on and I had a couple more drinks, all the while saying nothing to no one. I was about to call it a night and head home when I turned to the door and saw the last person I ever expected to see that night: Sara. She walked up to the bar and waited to place an order. I tried not to look over too much, but couldn't help but notice that not only was she wearing the same leather jacket she'd given to me just a day ago, but around her neck was a black string necklace with an ankh pendant, remarkably similar to the one I'd worn when I saw her perform a week ago. Had I been more optimistic - or still Alana - I would have taken it as a sign that the universe was trying to bring us together. Instead, I took a swig of my martini and tried to signal to the bartender that I wanted to close out my tab before she saw that I was there. My attempts to get the bartender's attention were failing about as miserably as everything else in my life, when I heard a loud, obnoxious voice break through the din of white noise that was the conversation in this bar. "Hey baby," he said, not talking to me, but talking near enough to me that I could hear every slimy word perfectly clearly. And each word was like nails on a chalkboard, if that chalkboard was next to a megaphone. "That jacket looks great on you. I bet it looks even better off you." I swiveled in my chair hoping my instincts were wrong and this was just some random asshole I didn't know. Of course, given how my day had gone, I should have known I'd have no such luck. I let out a deep sigh as I saw Bryce with his arm on the bar, leaning up against Sara, who was doing whatever she could to wriggle her way out of this situation - literally. She tried being polite, but Bryce wasn't getting the message, and even in this reality Sara wasn't the type of girl who would throw a drink in a guy's face. So, against my better instincts, I decided to intervene. "I don't think you're her type," I said, causing Bryce to turn his head with a dismissive look. "Oh, what, and you are, fatso," he said. It wasn't remotely the cleverest putdown he could have come up with, but I didn't really expect witty banter from him. I stood up and got right in his face, staring him down - and as much as I'd struggled to adjust to my change back to being Andrew, being able to literally look down on someone in this moment was certainly helpful. He didn't back away, but took his arm off the bar to square up to me. "This is none of your business, big guy, so why don't you just sit back down and stuff another burger in your face before I fill it with a knuckle sandwich," Bryce said, trying to sound tougher than he was. That said I knew from experience that he wouldn't hesitate to throw a punch, and as much as I wanted to hit him back, getting in a bar fight was probably the last thing I needed right now, so I tried to take the situation in a different direction. "I'm just trying to help you out, bro," I said in my own "bro-iest" voice possible. "I know this chick and she's a real bitch. You're just wasting your time and money with her. You want to score, check out the hotties in the booth over there." I pointed in Gwen's direction. I felt mildly bad pawning Bryce off on her, but she was there with at least three other girls as far as I could tell, and it seemed more likely that the group of them could deal with his bullshit much more easily than Sara could by herself. "For real?" Bryce asked. "You know it, bro," I said. "Yo, good lookin' out, bro," Bryce said. He started to walk away, then turned back to Sara and said, "enjoy drinking alone, bitch." As soon as Bryce had completely turned away, I rolled my eyes hard. After that awful conversation, I wanted to vomit. Where was my morning sickness when I needed it? "I'm sorry about that," I said to Sara as I took my seat again at the end of the bar. "I just know that guy is a total asshole and I figured you didn't need to deal with that tonight." "Thanks, I think," she said hesitantly. "Oh, hey, it's Andrew, right?" "Yeah, you're Sara, right," I said, trying to play it off as if I wasn't madly in love with her. "What are you drinking?" "I'll have a vodka tonic," she said to the bartender, who'd come over when it looked like Bryce and I might start throwing punches and breaking things. "And I'll have a Macallan, neat. Put them both on my tab," I quickly added. "You really don't need to do that," she said, but the bartender had already started to make the drinks. "It's fine," I said. "Besides, I owe you after calling you a bitch and being all weird at the store today." "Well, I know you didn't mean the bitch thing," she said. "And, weirdly, I've been thinking about you ever since I saw you this afternoon." "Well if some creepy guy I'd never met came up to me at work and pretended he knew me, I'm not sure I could stop thinking about it all day either." I didn't know what to say about this whole messed-up situation, so falling back on self-deprecating humor seemed to be my best option. Or at least the one I was most comfortable with. "No, it was something you said." Looking at her, I expected her to be nervous about sitting next to me, but she seemed at ease, much more so than she'd been at the store. It was almost like I was looking at the Sara I'd come to know over the past few days, rather than the one who barely knew me at all. "How'd you know I wrote music?" she asked. I didn't have a good answer for her, at least not one that didn't make me seem insane. And while telling Sara the truth about my dual life had gone well - incredibly well - when I was Alana, I didn't think it was worth pressing my luck again. So I fumbled for an answer that would sound at least somewhat reasonable. "I thought someone had told me something like that, but I guess they were thinking about someone else," I said. "That's the thing, though," she said as the bartender put her drink down in front of her. She took a sip - okay, it was more like a swig - then continued. "I did write music. Or at least I tried to. But it never went anywhere, and I never told anyone about it." "Well, obviously you told someone," I said. "Unless you know my freshman year History of Music teacher, then I doubt that's how you found out," she said. "But you knew. And you said my music was good. That's not something you'd say just because someone told you." "It was good," I said. "But how?" she asked. "I mean, I seriously never did anything with the songs I wrote, and I've never seen you outside of the mall." "I can't explain it," I said. Then, without thinking about it, I started reciting lyrics from one of the songs I'd heard on Sara's demo tape. "Your eyes were dangerous but they shined like stars/and I knew that I shouldn't but I couldn't help but like it when we made out in your car..." She gasped, stunned to hear her words coming out of my mouth. Then, in the softest, sweetest voice, she picked up the song and started singing. "And I was Rachel and you were Ryan and we were meant to be/I didn't think that you'd end up disappointing me..." "It's great," I said. "Just perfect, really." Her eyes were wide as she stared at my face, unable to grasp any explanation for what was happening. And maybe what was happening defied explanation. Maybe it was just that we were meant to be, across dimensions, across lives, and this was our connection. She reached out and touched my cheek, rubbing her finger along my three- day-old stubble. "You remind me," she started to say. She was barely speaking above a whisper, but I could hear her clearly, as if the rest of the noise in the bar was being muted my some unseen force. "I think I met you in a dream once. But you were different." She couldn't possibly be remembering when I was Alana, could she? "Does the name Alana mean anything to you?" I asked. I could feel the hope swelling inside me. I wanted to push it back down - a wise man once said in a movie, "hope is a dangerous thing." But with every passing moment, I could feel us getting closer to a connection. "I think," she said. I could see her struggling to remember. It was like that moment right when you wake up, and you think you remember exactly what you were dreaming about, but the more you try to focus on the details the further away they seem, until it's all just a cloudy fog of forgotten memories. I didn't want to be Sara's forgotten dream. I wanted to be her future. I grabbed the whiskey in front of me, my last drink of the night, and poured it down my throat as quickly as possible. "Screw it," I said, as I went for it. I pulled Sara in and kissed her. I expected her to recoil, or push away, and at first she did put her hand on my chest as if that's exactly what she wanted to do. But then she slid her hand around to my back, and it wasn't just that I was kissing her - instead we were kissing. And we kept kissing, and as we did, I closed my eyes. And, again, in an instant, everything went black.

Same as My Shallow Regret, Chapter 11 - Reversion Videos

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A Cheaters Regret Chapter 2

Jesus, if I had known it would be so cold today I wouldn't have worn a skirt. I escape the chilly cold of winter as I step back into my dorm building. I reach my door and slide my key into the lock. I walk into the cold darkness. My roommate Melanie is gone. Probably out partying with her bimbo friends. The door swings shut with a bang behind me and I almost jump through the ceiling. Looks like Melanie forgot to close the window. Why would that dumb bitch even open it in the first place? It's...

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My Shallow Regret Chapter 7 Revelation

"C'mon, just pick up the damn phone." No luck. I'd been calling Monica every waking hour on the hour since yesterday afternoon, but she hadn't answered once. I finally stopped leaving voicemails after the fourth or fifth call. I wasn't even sure why I was still trying to get through to her, or what I'd even say if she answered. We were supposed to go see the fireworks together last night, but she didn't show up, and I ended up leaving after about 20 minutes so I could continue...

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My Shallow Regret Chapter 12 Celebration

"Hey, I think she's waking up." She's?! Did this mean I was back? I looked down at myself and saw Alana. Me. I was Alana again. And unlike the first time it happened, I couldn't have been happier about it. Sara and Mark were standing in my room looking over me as I began to feel more awake. My head was still buzzing with a killer headache, and the side of my face was sore as all hell. I reached up to feel where the pain was and quickly pulled my hand back, as it hurt to...

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Good Medicine Junior YearChapter 68 Im Probably Going To Regret This

February 19, 1984, Cincinnati, Ohio “Hi, Mike!” Anna exclaimed when she opened the door to her parents’ house. “Hi.” “Come on in. You remember Kyle, I’m sure!” “I do,” I replied, then set my bag down and knelt on the floor. “Hi, Kyle!” “Hi!” I held out my hand and he put out his little hand and we shook, then I stood up. “This is my sister, Gina.” “Hi,” I said. “Not quite the greeting he gives Steve, is it?” Gina said. “I miss Steve!” Kyle declared. “The guy from Milford I was...

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Regretful Encounter Part 8211 2

Hey ISS readers! I’m Jon again and as I’ve promised… I’m back with the 2nd part of my story ‘Regretful Encounter’.. I’m happy with the kind of support you’ve given to my previous story.. ‘Regretful Encounter -making love with lonely mom’I received lots of e-mails appreciating my work.. I’m thankful to all those who liked my story and also to those who’ve been critical of it…please please let me know your thoughts so that I could improve my without further ado..I shall...

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Tenchi Muyo All Good ThingsChapter 6 Regrets

Smiling, his mind in a whirl Tenchi was yet again, wondering ... He was still uncertain exactly what had made that moment any different from countless others, but having no real regrets. What was more, it had all come so natural, instinctively. like he had done it before ... Had he? It was after all just a kiss. Mechanically it wasn't 'brain science' or even 'rocket surgery', but at the end of any day, is a kiss just as kiss? He'd always wondered also ... Well, what Ryoko would taste...

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Another completely true storyregretably so I must

I start by saying that I am a happily married woman. married … years in fact to a man I adore. With that said, I have made some Ill advised decisions due to the fact that I am probably the horniest woman alive. No joke, my sex drive is more like a mans. I love to fuck and my husband and I are perfectly matched freaks. My desires would flare up at work a lot though and the hours until I would be home to mount his cock were too much to take. I work with mostly men and many would tell me how sexy...

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My Shallow Regret Chapter 1 Introduction

AUTHOR'S NOTE: A few years ago, I tried to put out my first TG serialized story, but I ended up abandoning it after about 2 1/2 chapters. Last year I decided to revisit it, and after doing some serious reworking on what I'd already done, I managed to put together a complete story. I'm releasing it here for the first time (well, second time for the early chapters) in pieces, but the entire thing is done, so I promise that you won't have to start reading this and be left hanging. This...

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My Daughters Best Friend Chapter 5 No Regrets

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Lavender Regret

I tip the last book into place, standing on my toes to reach the top shelf. The library is quiet, it’s the middle of the afternoon and most students are in the commons having lunch outside. It’s nice out, the sky is diamond blue and the sun is a bright pinprick high overhead. I look out the window, distracted. ‘What’re you looking at?’ I startle, then scowl. I hate being snuck up on. ‘Nothing.’ I shove the empty book cart down the aisle with my foot. The creaking wheels don’t carry it far. I...

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I Think I May Regret This Part 1

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FICTION OR TRUE YOU DECIDE,My biggest regret.My name Clair Andrews I’m 42 years of age and have a son of 16 years Kevin,I have been married for over 20 years to Tom but we are currently separated due to my husband having an affair with one of our friend’s wife, My son still see’s his father every week so we do talk when he come’s,I think he would like us to get back together as he tells me the affair is now over,I still cannot forgive him for what he has done but we are working on it, My son...

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LUST OR REGRET YOU DECIDEI was 24 when I had my first job at a law firm it was what I had studied to do in the last 4 years,I was really pleased to be able to work as a defense lawyer for the next few years it was always my intentions to one day have my own law firm,While working in the office there was always opportunities to date some of the office girls in fact it was so easy for me to chat them up as a single man I was always told that I was very good looking young man, Over the coming...

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You Will Regret That

John Appleton did not need to be told, but his wife told him anyway, "You will regret that," and he knew that in the not too distant future he would have a very sore backside.John was aged fifty-six and he had been married to Lorraine, also fifty-six, for more than thirty years, and since very early in their marriage, she had been very much the dominant partner. She did not always assert her dominance physically - sometimes it was verbal or perhaps sex denial - but when it was physical, John...

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Regrets Ive Had A Few

There are only two kinds of regrets; regrets for things you’ve done, of course, but also for things you could have done but didn’t, for whatever reason.You might regret any number of things you’ve done; foolish, painful, or hurtful things, or maybe things that have cost you a lot of money or much of your dignity or both. Possibly impulsive things you simply didn’t think through ahead of time, or that ended other than as you might have imagined, or even just mental coin-flip decisions that came...

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No Names No Regrets

No Names, No Regrets I hadn’t been out of town on business in several years. Back then I used to sow my wild oats but since then I had settled down, gotten married to a wonderful woman, and had two lovely daughters. As I flew non-stop from New York City to Portland, Oregon my mind wandered back to the old days when I would try to pick up a girl in every bar that I entered. That brought back some memories. The woman across the aisle from me was staring at my crotch so I looked down....

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My Shallow Regret Chapter 2 Awakening

"Hi honey. We're headed out. There's fresh fruit on the table. Your bathing suit is hanging up on the deck. Don't forget about the barbecue tonight." My mother gave me a kiss on the forehead before closing the door to my bedroom and heading downstairs. I groggily rolled over underneath my oversized comforter and rubbed my eyes as I looked at my alarm clock. It was 7:30 in the morning. Did I really sleep all afternoon and night? And why was my mom being super-nice to me? And when the...

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My Shallow Regret Chapter 3 Kisses

Three hours went by before my mom finally knocked on my door, breaking up my research session. "I brought your suit up," she said through the closed door. "You should probably get ready. People will be arriving soon." "Thanks," I said, as I opened the door to get my bikini from her. "You've been awfully quiet up here," she said. "Is everything alright?" "Yeah, everything's fine mom," I said, lying through my teeth. "Just catching up on my reading." "OK, well get dressed and...

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My Shallow Regret Chapter 8 Vacation

"I look ridiculous." I stared at myself in the mirror in this airplane bathroom and immediately regretted every wardrobe decision I'd made. This bandage dress was too tight and too revealing. These four-inch strap heels were too high and made me feel like I was going to fall over every time I took a step - not that I could even take long steps in the dress. My eyes were lined with black eyeliner and accented with a dark shadow matching my hair, while my lips were coated in a shiny...

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Winters BladeChapter 3 Regret

Alex's breathing slowed. He pushed the thought that he'd just 'done it' with a stranger out of his mind; he much preferred the feeling of connection and contentment. Em's body felt so soft and warm pressed up against his -- he didn't want to think about anything right now. So what happened next took him a while to process. Em straightened up and kissed him on the forehead. "Thanks," she breathed, "that was amazing." And then she pulled away. Alex blinked. Where did his lover go?...

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Meeting Amanda Tommys Starts To Regret What Happened Chapter 3

He was glad that he didn’t bother to lock the door when they went to the pool because he would have had a hell of a time trying to unlock it with Amanda in his arms. Once he got inside he carried her to his bedroom and laid her on his bed. Her swim suit was still wet so he decided to change her into something dry. He went to the bathroom where she had left her bag with her clothes and found her panties, and a t-shirt to put on her. When he returned to his bedroom he gently started to...

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A Cheaters Regret Chapter 1

I tremble with anticipation as I sit in the bleak waiting room. There are several other people here, including some red-haired girl I think I've seen at school before, but I feel alone. Alone and unprotected. No one is talking – the silence is broken only by the near-deafening tick tock of the clock hanging on the pain white wall across from me. Feeling the ache from the hard metal chair beneath me, I shift my legs nervously under my skirt. My only company are the tropical fish swimming...

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My Shallow Regret Chapter 5 Examination

"Oh, shit. What the hell did I do?" I wasn't reacting to the vomit in the toilet -- that had become almost routine at this point. Well, as "routine" as any of this madness could be. As I looked up at my reflection in the mirror, the unfamiliar female face that looked back at me looked very concerned. Thankfully, when I'd woken up this morning, I still had all my clothes on. That was the good news. The bad news was that Mark -- the man I knew as my best friend but who in this reality...

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My Shallow Regret Chapter 6 Regression

"I'm dead." I looked at myself in the mirror, and I certainly appeared to be alive, but being dead seemed like the only logical explanation. I'd obviously died Tuesday afternoon in my bedroom, and everything that had happened since then had been me experiencing some kind of hell, a punishment for failing to be a good person in my life. Because there was no way I was pregnant. None. But the plus sign on this stupid stick I was holding confirmed what a more professional and accurate...

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My Shallow Regret Chapter 9 Confrontation

"What are you doing here?" The woman sitting at my vanity with her back to me didn't turn around, even as I started talking to her. I wasn't expecting anyone to be in my room, and I didn't recognize this woman, so I was a bit confused. "Excuse me," I said, forcefully but politely, "but you're in my room." "No," she said, spinning around in my chair, "you're in my room." I couldn't believe what I was seeing. It was me. Or rather, Alana, though her hair was longer and redder. She...

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My Shallow Regret Chapter 13 Conclusion

"Are you sure that's all you need?" My mom looked at the small pile of boxes packed into the back of Sara's silver Jeep Grand Cherokee. "Yes, mom," I said as I closed the back door. "Most of my stuff was clothes, and most of those aren't going to fit me soon, so I'm just taking the basics. And Cash and Ron already took the furniture down in the van to get us set up. Besides, the shoot is only eight weeks. After that I'll come back for the rest of my things." "Like your car?" she...

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My Shallow Regret Chapter 14 Epilogue

"Oh my God, I love you." I signed the CD and handed it back to the young girl, then happily obliged as we took a selfie together. It surprised me that a girl her age still even bought CDs, but it still felt really amazing to sign one of my own. It'd been nearly two years since I started on this journey and I still remember waking up in a life that wasn't my own like it was yesterday. But now it's my life, and what a life it's been. The movie that I starred in wasn't much to write...

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I hiked out of the park. At the trail head was a car-camp where I had left my Honda. There was a family camped there, a mom and a dad and two eight year old twins, a boy and a girl. They were in a big green Kelty family tent. It was getting on towards dusk and I was very tired. I had hiked all day. Maybe I wouldn't have done what I did if I hadn't been so tired. But I was and I did. As I hiked down, I was still very open, unprotected. I walked into the emotion of their argument and didn't...

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An Ordinary Teenage Sex Life 2Chapter 21 Chapters End

JULY 2002, SUMMER CAMP Dawn, Adrienne, and I decided to skip this morning's hike. We were just too wiped out from the previous evening's post-dance orgy, me especially. And so it was that the two girls hung out in the main lounge at the lodge, chatting with each other while I reclined out on the deck, just resting my weary body. It was still quite cool in the morning, enough to require a sweater, so there wasn't anyone else outside with me. I enjoyed the solitude and the quiet sounds of...

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Regretful Encounter Making Love With My Mom

Hey guys, this is my first story..I am jon and I am here to share with you my experience of having sex with my mom. I believe that one should enjoy life to the fullest and making love with your dear ones is the best way of showing them that you care for them..After all..Zindagi na milega dobara! My dad and mom are both working as professionals..I was good in my studies and managed to get an admission in a good college for engineering..My dad never used to be with us as he was always busy with...

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No Regrets

By Julie O Edited By Amelia R. Special Thanks to Bob Arnold Chapter 1 "Hey, Chucky, your skills are required in the men's room," announced TJ with a slight snicker. Even though Charles Maddox hated being called Chucky, he just rolled his eyes; he knew it was pointless to correct the large...

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My Wife Would Live To Regret Her Unfaithfulness

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You have the softest skin I have ever felt in my life. To this day, I can close my eyes and remember how my hands felt rough against your skin, like gliding over satin. The memory makes my fingers tingle in anticipation, my breath deepens as the memory takes over my consciousness and I can feel my heart start to ache from the knowledge that it is only a memory…and like a mirage in the hot desert it slowly fades away as I open my eyes with a feeling of sorrowful regret lumped in my throat. I...

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My Only Regret

It looked like rain. Great. Damn you Tom Summers! You and your lies! It is not sunny with a gentle breeze. It is chilly with swirling dark clouds and a considerable squall. Weatherman my foot! You get me all excited for a nice day and look what I get. Freaking storm clouds. Christian better make this worth my while. He better propose. If I make another trip up her for nothing hell will break loose. AHHHH finally! My exit. MINE! Oh joy, oh rapture. GOD yes! No, NO! GET OUT OF MY WAY YOU FUCKING...

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I think I may regret this Part 2

We slept for a couple of hours. Buster and Sadie finally woke us when it was past due for them to be fed. My little darling rolled over smiling at me as Sadie placed her muzzle on her side of the bed and whimpered."I like your doggies, daddykins." She grinned.I smiled back at her sweet face, "I'm glad you do. But, why do you like calling me "daddykins"? It's a bit odd, I think."She frowned, "I don't know. I just like it. I don't really have a dad, and you're older and really nice to me. If it...

Straight Sex
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My Biggest Regret

My name Clair Andrews I’m 42 years of age and have a son of 16 years Kevin,I have been married for over 20 years to Tom but we are currently separated due to my husband having an affair with one of our friend’s wife My son still see’s his father every week so we do talk when he come’s.I think he would like us to get back together as he tells me the affair is now overI still cannot forgive him for what he has done but we are working on it my son would love us to get back together and be a family...

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My Biggest regret

My biggest regret.My name Sally Andrews I’m 42 years of age and have a son of 16 years named Kevin,I have been married for over 20 years to Tom but we are currently separated due to my husband having an affair with one of our best friends wife, My son still see’s his father every week so we have time to talk about our son when he come’s,I think he would like us to get back together as he tells me the affair is over,I still cannot forgive him for what he has done to me and as yet but we are...

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An Evening I Now Regret

In March my divorce was final and my best friend suggested a trip to Las Vegas to celebrate. We made plans and in early April we took our trip. It was my friend, her 24 year old son and myself. Once in Vegas we spent the first couple of days visiting the different casinos and just relaxing. The middle of the week we made plans to attend a show in the evening. Around an hour before we were to leave for the show my friend called my room to say she wasn't feeling well and didn't think she could...

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regret of not fucking sons freind

one day my son had his friend’s round they were out playing football for a while when they came back in they were watching TV I walked in with drinks for them all I saw one of his friends staring at me he was good looking only 18 i then walked out and went in the bath. i was in 5-10 minutes when i got out i went to my room with only my towel around me i heard a knock at the door i though it was my son wanting something so i said come in his friend came i the handsome one that had been staring...

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I cheated on my loving wife and I dont regret it Cheating Sex Stories

I am married for almost eight years now. I am Robert, a lawyer in Oklahoma. My marriage to Olivia has been the definition of perfect conjugal life. One kid, a dog, a home in a noteworthy neighborhood, busy social and professional life, a loving wife and sex that doesn’t get boring even after all these times. I have it all. It is not like I never fantasized other women before but acting upon it has always been off the table. I could not even think of it. I love her so much and so does she, but I...

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There and BackChapter 112 No Regrets

“If you wanted to run your hands through my hair, my dear Leliana, you had only to ask, yes?” Leliana sprang away from the blond elf like someone had hit her with a taser. It might have been hilarious, if it hadn’t been so shocking and serious and horrific a moment before. As it was, not one of us didn’t gasp, twitch, jump, fall over, scream, or otherwise express horror, which rapidly transmuted into humour, as the reality of Zevran’s survival sank in. Aedan leapt out of my arms, lunging...

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The early morning light filled the hospital room, gently enveloping the three women standing guard over the man in the bed. He laid silently, his once muscular body now withered in pain, eaten from the inside out by cancer. A late-fortyish, petite brunette cradled the man’s hand next to her cheek. Her curly, shoulder length hair hid her pretty, tearstained face. Sitting beside her was a late-twenties version of the woman. On the other side of the bed was a thirtyish, tall attractive blonde,...

2 years ago
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UC Last Regrets

This story is set a week or two after the events of the story "Natural Affection". It can be read independently, but I recommend reading the other story first. (Link: =1485298405603389174 ) * * * * * * * * * * Brad swallowed hard as he stood before her door. He had stood before it several times and none of those ended well. Behind this door lives Sarah. He had a crush on her for years. A few months back he hatched the...

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Earths CoreChapter 2 Fifty Three Regrets

Zetsa's dark gold aura began to emit wild contrasting temperatures, like oil and water, cold and heat that exchanged places unceasingly. Though she made progress in the past three years and advanced to the Advanced phase of the Mist Lord level, Zetsa was still stuck in the Radical Fiery Icy Provocation Qi refining technique's last phase of the third stage. However, by taking a step farther from the first two phases of the third stage and reaching the state of merging the characteristic of...

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RegretsChapter 2

I knew that Darcy was now starting to date and went out with the girls at work. She didn't go out a lot or try to flaunt it. I guess she was trying to start over. I decided to go out and have a few dates myself. I dated probably twice a month with women who were probably as lonely for companionship as I was. I had sex with them but it wasn't love; it was just sex. One night I was in the store downstairs from where I lived and in came Alice. "Hi there, stranger, long time no see. Still...

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A Teen Sluts SagaChapter 2 Regrets Ive Had a Few

The morning after her dad had fucked her, Amy awoke feeling terribly hung over, terribly sad, and terribly ashamed. She'd been raped by her dad. It hadn't been a dream. She felt sick. She'd been terrified about what he might do to her when she got home. Earlier in the evening, when Amy had begun to drink, her older friends had assured her they'd have her home by sunset. Amy had never gotten drunk before, but she'd been high a few times so she had figured it'd be roughly the same thing....

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RegretsChapter 2

You're probably wondering why I had a life long obsession for a girl, now a woman of my own age, that I've only made love to once. True it was my first time ... but it remained ever afterwards my best time too! I was spoiled by receiving miraculously fantastic sex right out the starting gate, and every encounter afterwards was something of a disappointment. Army girls, Middle Eastern girls, 'Company' girls and even local Virginia girls, the net result remained the same, slightly...

3 years ago
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RegretsChapter 3

First of all, neither Ed nor I ever figured out what pringle wearing Met cunt got the bright idea of sending Anne and Holly right back straight to their own home, the moment after I delivered Holly into the happy arms of the tact-team. The damned DCI, Superintendent or Commissioner responsible needs their bollocks or coonts kicked, repeatedly. If this wasn't quite obvious enough to the bad guys where Anne was, they'd even stationed a constable right outside her front door! Bloody...

2 years ago
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RegretsChapter 4

The whole of the short drive back to Alfie's, Ed kept trying to convince me that I'd done the right thing by sending Holly off with his secretary Katie. Sure she had worked for MI:5 and Her Majesty for nearly as long as Ed had, and this was far from the first time that she'd been entrusted with a package that must be safeguarded at all costs. "Look!" Ed told me with exasperation as we prepared to climb once more down into the sewers, "Katie is very nearly licensed to kill, and has the...

4 years ago
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RegretsChapter 5

I suppose I was lucky that by ducking and spinning, the heavy ebony wood bludgeon hadn't quite completely crushed in my skull, but it had received a really decent dent and maybe some fractures. When I opened my eyes they just saw flame and about three of everything in the room, including the back end of a pair of feet just inches in front of me. By the look of the shoes, these belonged to the second mate I'd met upstairs, who was now discussing the situation in Arabic with another officer,...

2 years ago
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RegretsChapter 6

The takedown of the entire Falcon Shipping terrorist organization had gone well. Better than well ... it went bloody brilliantly with not a single lost hidden cargo sent to the bottom the sea or ocean! The Dutch Unit Interventie Mariniers (Unit Intervention Marines, or UIM), probably took top prize, if anyone was keeping score ... and trust me, the international spec-ops community is fairly small and everyone is always keeping score. The Haytham-Azraq (or the Blue Falcon) was quietly taken...

3 years ago
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Shutter ReleaseChapter 24 The Regrets of a Fool

Carmen was disappointed but seemed understanding when I called her to let her know that we didn’t have room for her after all. It was a bit strange to talk to her on the phone, something that I didn’t think I’d ever done before. Odd, considering we were together for a while. Then again, this fact was testament to how messed up that time had been for me. Saturday evening arrived, and it was not without some anxiety that we packed the gear into Colin and Shannon’s vehicles. While my moms...

4 years ago
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The Regretful Fuck with My Cousin

You know the saying; it is things you never do that you regret not the things you did. Well that is bullshit I regret fucking with my cousin. It is the middle of June and it must be the hottest summer on record, the dogs sit in the corners panting while the family sits in the living room but the company doing little to distract us from our discomfort. It was my uncle who had the idea to have a family reunion on his farm and to get everyone to take a week off from work. Over the years the...

3 years ago
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A Swapped Life Chapters 2527

A SWAPPED LIFE, Chapters 25 - 27 A young male engineer goes to an engineering conference and gets swapped with a teen unwed mother who did not finish high school. Story discusses how the new woman makes new friends, and copes with motherhood, her new parents and sister, her former boyfriend, and eventually with love and marriage. Story also discusses the struggles of the new man, whose family and educational background did not give him the tools to fit into the world of men, and of...

4 years ago
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A Swapped Life Chapters 1224

A SWAPPED LIFE, Chapters 22 - 24 A young male engineer goes to an engineering conference and gets swapped with a teen unwed mother who did not finish high school. Story discusses how the new woman makes new friends, and copes with motherhood, her new parents and sister, her former boyfriend, and eventually with love and marriage. Story also discusses the struggles of the new man, whose family and educational background did not give him the tools to fit into the world of men, and of...

3 years ago
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Footrints In The Sea Chapters 3 and 4

Footprints In The Sea - Chapters 3 & 4 By Frances Penwiddy Copyright © Frances Penwiddy 2015 Footprints in the sea is a work of fiction and any similarity to persons living or dead is coincidental. This novel is not considered suitable material for minors and is rated X Shipwrecked on an island in the South Pacific region known as the Desert and more than one thousand miles from the nearest known habited land and located between New Zealand and South America,...

2 years ago
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No Regrets

They say that University is the best time in your life to experiment and push the boundaries. I left Uni earlier this year and can safely say that I made the most of that experimentation. Of course, learning about life isn’t just about sex, but to neglect that aspect would have been a missed opportunity.Having now left, I realise that I have changed and take a different view of my relationships, but during that time I was fairly wild, if not a little promiscuous, although that’s for others to...

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