RegretsChapter 3 free porn video

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First of all, neither Ed nor I ever figured out what pringle wearing Met cunt got the bright idea of sending Anne and Holly right back straight to their own home, the moment after I delivered Holly into the happy arms of the tact-team. The damned DCI, Superintendent or Commissioner responsible needs their bollocks or coonts kicked, repeatedly. If this wasn't quite obvious enough to the bad guys where Anne was, they'd even stationed a constable right outside her front door! Bloody brilliant!

Alfie, or perhaps even Ollie, now had her whereabouts posted and nearly lit-up with neon lights. Maybe they'd decide that she was too hot to touch now ... but more likely they'd consider some more extreme measures to close up this particular loose end.

This possibility became a certainty in my mind when Alfie's body was found in a deserted Southwark alleyway a few hours later. The dumbfuck had been shot in the front of the head once and twice again in the back of the head just to make sure. No loose ends ... Ollie was going to clean house on this particular little fringe bit of the operation. He seemed to be a smart man and would figure that since Anne had been the gang's partybird for quite awhile, that she might know more than was healthy for her.

In actuality, Anne knew little more than what we had already surmised; Alfie was a very small fish in a big crime pond. He fenced swag mostly to a few bigger middlemen, distributed the odd drug or two for his friends, pimped a few slappers in his dumpy third-rate club, and bagged up the odd dollybird for gifting over to Ollie in return for a bundle of the old-ready, if they needed the quid. Anne had been his virtual prisoner for several years, submissively spreading her minge for the quicktime trade, the local punters, or his lads or their chav friends, all in the hopes of keeping her daughter safe until the day that she could escape. She'd heard rumors that girls that pissed off Alfie got sent to his mate Ollie ... and never returned. She'd also heard rumors that some girls that were sent out of the country, ending up in Muslim North Africa for prostitution or destined for some harem, but these were just that, rumors, innuendo and hearsay.

It wasn't all that great of a reunion, especially after a wait of nearly twenty years.

At thirty-six years old, she was still as beautiful as a girl barely into her mid-twenties. No wonder Alfie still wanted her even though their were young birds half of her age to be readily had. My old flame still had it ... and in spades. The long golden honey hair still casually caressed her face and back and I wanted desperately the opportunity to do the same. Her eyes had changed a little; they were still the same violet blue but they were sadder now, and the only part of her face that revealed her true age. Leslie, who was a similarly pretty woman of about the same age but with darker hair and features, appeared quite ready for a complete nervous breakdown, and would have liked nothing better than to beat all of us out of her home with a broomstick or a fireplace poker. Frankly I didn't blame her one bit!

My first love did indeed remember me ... clearly and vividly, but I could tell that this was not the time for old friends to get reacquainted. I casually mentioned that I just happened to be in town on business and had just finally tracked down one of her old previous addresses and had just come to pay a friendly call, but this particular innocent undercover act didn't fool anyone. They'd seen Ed's MI:5 badge, and a Chief Superintendent from Scotland Yard had called me 'Sir', and with considerable deference. No one had mentioned 'The Company' yet, but the women could probably smell 'government spook' even upwind.

Off and on there were as many as nine of us at one time all crammed around the small kitchen dining in Anne and Leslie's flat all of that evening. The two women, both scared half out of their minds and desperately holding each other's hand in a death-grip. No male ex-lovers wanted today, thank you very much! Ed and I tried slowly and with extreme gentleness to drag anything useful from Anne's very unwilling memory, while various bigwigs from the Yard, MI:5 and 6, not to mention a rotating horde of Met female constables, constantly trying to comfort the victims, or offer us tea and biscuits every three minutes until even jolly Ed was considering doing them some severe bodily harm.

Holly, after a very brief appearance shortly after I arrived, disappeared into her room and stayed there. I didn't blame her for that either, not one little bit. Still after awhile of listening to Anne repeat her story for about the eighth time while her lover was blatantly eye-balling the kitchen knives in a hint to drive us out, I decided to make myself scarce for awhile. The 'Ace Tomato Company' and 'Universal Exports' cover identities had worn tissue thin hours ago. I decided that before I left for the night, I'd at least like to check on Holly one last time but she didn't seem to be in her room. After checking with a few constables who swore that the girl had never left her room even once, I chuckled and decided that Anne had borne a fairly sharp witted young lady!

A more than casual search of her bedroom revealed that there was really no place the girl could have hidden herself. She was tall for her age but slender, and probably could have curled herself up in a space not much larger than a half-dollar, but I was an old hand and experienced at finding secret hidey-holes and with a few trivial clues I knew right where she was at. Holly had hidden herself behind a loose wall panel, inside the wall of the flat behind her wardrobe. There was just a slight wrinkle of the floor rug underneath the wardrobe, making it just slick enough that the slim girl could pull the wardrobe almost but not quite back into place as she closed the wall panel.

Clever going! I had to laugh with approval ... the smart young lady had lived around dangerous company for long enough to know how to protect herself a little. When threatened, like her pet turtle on the shelf by her bedroom window, she pulled into her protective shell.

"Hello Holly? This is Leonard, a very old friend of your mother's from the time that she was just a young woman not very much older than you are now. We met earlier this afternoon, down in the sewers, an experience which I am very sure that you mostly eagerly like to completely forget. The wardrobe trick is very nice but it leaves an obvious wrinkle in the rug as you can't from inside the wall panel, pull the wardrobe quite flush with the wall. Try a very strong wire coat hanger next time and see if that will do the trick."

There was several minutes of silence, so I gave it one last try.

"Well, I just came in to say goodnight Holly and that I hope things will be happier for you soon. Your mom and her friend are going to need your love and support because she has been through a very bad time."

"It's all her own fault!" A sharp muffled cry sounded out from inside of the wall behind the wardrobe. "She knew Alfie was a bad man but she let him ruin her life anyway! Stupid coont!"

"That's no way to talk about your own mother ... beside, you really need to forgive her for what she did, because she did it all, everything, to help protect you and keep you safe. That's what mothers do ... protect their children, even if it means that bad things will happen to them as a result."

"Bollocks! Alfie was going to take me away from her and send me to a man that would pimp me just like Alfie pimped mom! If Leslie hadn't hid me then, I'd have disappeared and no one would have ever found me!"

"Which is exactly why, when your mother learned of this, that she escaped from him and Leslie helped to hide you both! She needed to make sure that you were in fact safe, before she could reappear again to fight and to protect and keep you safe. I really wish I'd had such a mother that would have fought, even at the very real risk of death to love you and keep you protected from harm.

"Maybe..." A tiny whispering voice sniffled from it hiding place.

"I don't expect you to understand today, but don't ever forget for a moment that your mum lived a life of hell so that you could be safe, or as very nearly so as was possible at them time. You can hold a little grudge if you need to, but you need to hug her and tell her that you in fact love her ... that is the comfort that she needs right now more than anything else in the world. Much than more policewomen, endless cups of tea, or even old friends from America."

"Are you from Texas? I hear that everyone there has horses and big ranches and girls get to grow up to be cowgirls and snog handsome tall and strong cowboys! Do you have a horse?" She asked with intense interest, the sniffles now quite forgotten for the moment.

"Sorry no, but my father was born in Oklahoma and was half-Cherokee Indian. I got to ride horses often as boy, but while away at summer camp. At the moment I live in a tiny apartment in Virginia that's even smaller than your mum's flat."

"Oh..." She said in a rather small and disappointed tone of voice.

"But," I quickly added, "I have a friend who has a big ranch and he lets me ... and my very special friends, ride his horses whenever I come visit him. If your mum would like to pay me a visit sometime later when things settle down, I'd be happy to teach you how to ride, either Western or English saddle style ... if you'll now come out for just a moment and give me a hug goodnight. I've had rather a rough day too."

Holly nearly exploded out of her hiding place and nearly crushed herself into my arms and put her head deep into my chest and had a good long sniffle. She was too tough of a girl to cry and I thought she might make a pretty darned good cowgirl someday.

"Are you really an old friend of my mother's?" She suspiciously inquired.

"Honest Injun!" I swore, reciting an old Cherokee oath I'd learned from my father, who didn't know more than a handful of words in the language. I'd learned a few more out of book, but I never met anyone from that side of the family tree. From what little I knew, they'd all gone 'modern' a long time ago.

"Are you and your friend some sorts of government agents or spies? That whole bit in the sewer was very James Bond." Heh, it didn't seem that anyone believed much of my weak-ass cover story.

"Sort of. Bond and his like all work for MI:6, the international group of spooks, and my employers work with them a lot sometimes, but I spend most of my life now looking into computer screens, drinking too much Mountain Dew soda and eating snack food out of ghastly vending machines! Honest, I'm on vacation and just came into town to say 'Hi' to your mum, but arrived just in time to help get you both out of trouble. I'm going to try and help her a little bit more, but I'm going to need you to be strong and try and keep your mum and Leslie safe for me for the next few days. Can you do that for me?" She nodded yes and gave me another clinching hug. One tough and smart girl, and if her eyes (same as her mums) were any indication, she was going to be beautiful heartbreaker of a looker in a few more years!

I bid Anne and Leslie goodnight now as well, and while I had hoped for a small hug I had to settle for a rather weak handshake while our eyes delved into each others. Oh yes, there were some old happy memories being stirred up now, but like her daughter, she seemed to think that my sudden long-overdue reappearance was far from a coincidence, and I now didn't object to her suspicion. I didn't believe in coincidences either, especially not in the counter-terrorism game, and my fallback story of a pestering guardian angel wasn't going to cut the mustard either, no matter how true it might be.

Ed and I called it quits for the night, and I went to my near skidrow hotel to ponder possibilities on that well worn-out bed all that long night, without sleep. I'd thought about making a midnight run back down the sewers to pay some of Ollie's henchmen a surprise nocturnal visit, but I decided that I ought to get some rest first. Well, I didn't ... I just couldn't shut my brain off at all, but by dawn's all too early light my solitary skull session had shuffled around a few more puzzle pieces into a vague sort of order.

I don't understand the good old-fashioned British 'fry-up' breakfast. I'd eaten dozens of unsavory and unlikely things for breakfast over the years, especially while undercover in various terrorist camps, but baked beans on toast is just plain disturbing! I asked the assclown that masqueraded as the fry chef at the local Taste-E-Bite if he could just find a couple of English muffins, some plain eggs without any ghastly sauce, or at least a toasted bagel or two for me, but he just glared at me. Fancy not being able to find an English muffin in England! Probably the same luck as finding french fries (chips) in Paris, except at a McDonalds.

Ed had kept the Home Office phones burning, and he'd tracked down a reasonable accurate (and accordingly highly classified) map of the sewers. Overlaying a satellite map of Southwark on top, and with a bit of dual-laptop queries into public and secret government databases, we tracked the ownership and alleged use of every single building that directly crossed the sewer path I had taken while rescuing Holly. We tagged every building and ended up with a long laundry list of over two dozen possible hideouts.

Scotland Yard had sent a pair of Detective Inspectors' down into the tunnel at first light, retracing my path, but at about the point I had dispatched the two kidnappers, they ran into an unexpected gunfight. Quite unarmed, they skedaddled at the first blasts from a pair of hidden gunmen armed with AK-47's, and neither of us blamed them. Ollie was a very smart cookie and knew that one of his underground routes had been compromised. While he had some of his gunsels guarding all of the approaches, he would be securing that underground secret entrance, and I was pretty sure that the right ladder entrance would no longer have that tell-tale white dot anymore. Just another plain entrance to the surface world, one of hundreds or maybe even thousands in the area. By the time the Yard could send the Army down there all trace of them would be gone, and soon!

The possible identity of Oliver, or 'Ollie' wasn't very useful either. That name didn't match any of the probable property owners of the dozens of buildings that we had flagged for further investigation. In his place, as a smart middleman, I'd live my life off of the grid too, keeping my assets hidden under dummy corporations or disposable bagmen. Of the 'Ollies' with even nominal criminal records that fit our profile, the Met computer churned out a listing of nearly three hundred names. With better search criteria, Ed was sure he could narrow it down to a dozen or two, in another week or so, but this wasn't going to be a slam-dunk. Ollie lived in the shadows, perhaps even under a fake identity with a squeaky clean record, and frankly I wasn't as optimistic as Ed was about our chances.

Last night Met had turned Alfie's place inside out and had come up with nadda. No convenient misplaced business cards with Ollie's disposable cell phone number, alas. Bollocks!

For now, we decided to leave Alfie's private club alone, but a Met stakeout was photographing everyone entering and leaving, and hopefully a wiretap was already set upon the normal business phone. They'd use disposable cells, of course, but maybe we'd be lucky and someone would get stupid. I wanted to let Alfie's remaining chums relax and think that they were safe, that no one knew about his club. Ed and I were going to save this little gem for an emergency, to be saved as a last resort if no other leads to Ollie came forward. I wasn't sure how much business Alfie did there with his middlemen crime organization superiors, and I frankly suspected that the two fish that had escaped from the raid out the back door were very small fry indeed, probably with absolutely no knowledge of Ollie at all. Still, it was the only unturned over leaf that we had and I was willing to wait a little while longer to see if it would grow us a flower.

After a significantly less ghastly lunch (I could live happily on a regular diet of fish and chips), we decided that since every other stone was being turned for unlikely clues, that we'd pay another visit to Anne and Leslie, and of course Holly, who hung around our kitchen table conversation for the majority of the afternoon.

Both women were only just slightly happier to see us today, and their protection detail now consisted of just a pair of constables, one outside the front door and the other one inside their flat. For some reason this disturbed me more than the gang infestation of last night.

"Look Anne..." I pleaded for at least the third time. "I'm abjectly sorry that I chose this particular time to reenter your life! I'm sure we both would have preferred a more peaceable and private meeting, and quite a few years earlier. I'm delighted that you've found happiness with Leslie ... cheers to you both – but from the moment I walked of the plane, I've been certain that something disturbingly unpleasant was about to happen, and that feeling is still there! Ok, some prat in a hidden corner has off'd your old douche-nozzle of an ex-boyfriend, and we'd probably all want to give the blaggard the Victoria Cross for doing it, except that I'm sure he sees you as his one remaining last loose end! Constables or not, this house isn't safe! Let me get you all into a hotel under an assumed name until we find this cockbite ... or even better, I think I can stash you all away in the American Embassy for a week or two. Hell, want a trip down to Brighton? It's all better and safer than staying here!"

I might as well have been trying to chat up Holly's wardrobe!

Three hours later, and with nothing but a screaming headache to show for my time and effort, we left the ladies to the tender mercies of their keepers and we shuffled off to Ed's favorite pub to get potted. He fed me dinner sometime that evening, but I can't say I remember where or what we ate.

We were banging it around in the wee hours of the morning in some flash nightclub when both of our cell phones went off at once and with a sinking and very sobering feeling my stomach I knew it was bad news even before I answered the call.

Exactly as I had feared, Ollie's thugs had paid an early morning visit to Anne's house and quietly knifed the male police constable stationed at the door, drug him quietly inside and then slit his throat, fairly expertly. A small bloodstain in the hall matched the relatively scarce bloodtype of the other female constable guarding the ladies inside. A photograph of the constable in question revealed her to be fairly young, very blonde, and quite Ollie's sort of type. So, PC Johnson was missing from the house, as was Anne and Leslie, and they hadn't run off to the local Taste-E-Bite for an early morning fry-up either.

Motherfucking mother of a fucking arsehole motherfucker! I bellowed, and Ed helped to augment my quite adequate collection of Brit obscenities.

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I came home as quickly as I could after my wife called to tell me that her friend Bruce would be joining us for dinner. She'd been talking about him for some time but I'd never met him. Her eyes would wander off as she told me about his latest project or how he'd helped her with her work or helped her solve a problem. There were times when I wondered if she was having an affair with him, but I was sure that was just wishful thinking. I often found myself fantasizing about sharing her with...

2 years ago
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My first non internet hookup

If you are new to my stories, all me stories are true. I write the stories to document my past sexual exploits. Some of the details have been changed to protect the guilty.In my first job after college, I lived in a far suburb of a major city. There wasn't much to do in my town so I often traveled to the city for fun. On one particular weekend, my company had a work function in the city. My roommate and I decided to make it a weekend and to get a room in the city. A lot of my coworkers had the...

3 years ago
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Aprils GiftChapter 12

Ron sat at the kitchen table with Mattie and stacks of pennies and dimes. “What is thirteen?” he asked. Mattie puzzled over the coins and slid a dime and a penny toward her. “Think about it -- try to visualize it.” Mattie slid two more pennies toward her. “This.” “Right! Thirteen is ten and three. What if you add eight to thirteen?” Mattie bit her lip and, one at a time, slid eight pennies toward her. “There.” “How many pennies?” She counted. “Eleven.” “If we have more than ten pennies,...

1 year ago
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Andersonville 15 The Rich Bitch

Mark Merrick's store was located in one of the older buildings of Peace River. Although the construction date indicated the building had been build over 100 years ago, it's condition made it appear to be less then a year old. Over the door was a sign with the words 'Mercury Connections' printed in big, bold letters. It was my first time to Mark's shop, at least the one in Peace River, and I peered through the large storefront window with mild interest. Lining the display case...

4 years ago
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Southend subs part two

So having had my fill of him so to speak, we chilled out for a while having coffee etc, they explained that they tried to dom each other in turn as they both felt they were sub but found it just did not work for them, they needed someone in their lives who did not have the emotional attachment as they put it and could deal with them accordingly. so about a hour or so had passed and i said to them both that she would be next , her face was a picture , she instantly began the blush and looked...

3 years ago
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Odd JobChapter 9

Wednesday morning George didn't come into the office. He was meeting up with Henry and making the final adjustments to the plans for the court appearance. But Jennie, Jeff and Neil were at work. Jennie saw this as a golden opportunity to get to know a little more about the company's - and George's - recent past. Neil was happy to tell her about it, only she understood very little. When she had made it clear to Neil that she really had difficulties with his accent, he relented and switched...

2 years ago
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Bad Hair Day

Young Billy grew up to find out that sports wasn't the only way to meet girls. In his formative youth, while some kids tied up their little sister's hair into knots, Billy made his sister pigtails or a beautiful ponytail. For some reason, nature gave Billy "the touch", and he found out that even in grade school, he was quite the little ladies man for his braid technique, his trims, and his scalp massages. Billy's fetish (if you will) was that he liked the touch and smell of long clean...

3 years ago
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Granny was very sexy for her age and she loved sex. She still had nice firm tits and a great tight cunt. She loved to fuck any one any time. She regularly fucked her grandsons. She had ten and they all had used her cunt. She taught every one how to fuck and eat pussy. She had done 3somes and 4somes with the boys many times. She began sucking their cocks when they were young and worked them into hardcore fucking. They did bondage and light dom. Today she had showered and douched her ass and cunt...

1 year ago
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Traffic Jam

The holiday season has come and gone. Resolutions have been made with all the sincerity of a paid witness. Yet… its still my most joyous time of year. Let me begin by telling you that I don't consider myself to be a very woman. I don't date all that often because of the demand on my time at work, and occasional sex is far less frequent. good sex is rarer still. I'd pretty much settled into a routine of romance novels and masturbation as a means of sexual gratification. With a vivid imagination,...

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part 2

dear Master having not heard from you in a while i realiseyou must be hope this cheers you..x  slut felt the vehicle come to a stopthen more muffled voices....the airin he sarcophagus was becoming staleand she had to gasp through her ventedgag to feed her compressed lungs . sluts skin was covered in sweat...and the straps binding her legs and ankleswere hurting...her stockingedfeet began to cramp from wearing the balletboots....her mouth now dry with fear...tryingto salivate....whore...

1 year ago
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A very good view 2 P Very good these videos, very thanks for who have loaded them, also at me is happened a very good view like in these videos, in the car, with my nice sister,...

3 years ago
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Susans Forfeit

My husband David likes me to play sexy games; He (and other men) says I’ve got a great body and he likes me to dress provocatively and tease him and his mates and any other males watching. We’ve played this game almost from when we started going out. Essentially a dare I can bottle out of, but will cost be points. And a forfeit will burn up those points. So an example, A dare:- in a restaurant with 2 or 3 other couples and I have to let my dress slip till one whole nipple (or maybe breast...

1 year ago
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Brookdale Ch 1

BrookdaleThe community of Brookdale is unique in so far as the normal accepted patterns of behaviour do not apply. The town has been built up on the basis similar to that of Stepford (The Stepford Wives novel) but, whereas Stepford was very much an idea that was concealed from the outside world, Brookdale has evolved so that outsiders are also aware of the premise that applies to the community.Brookdale is a town where, except for certain individuals, the majority of the women are openly...

3 years ago
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Carters Exploits part three The Dirty Mob Boss Girl

Two Weeks Later It had been too long for Carter to go without Julia. He had barely managed to masturbate in the time she had been away. It just wasn’t the same. Her fleshy folds around his cock. The feel of her juices as they exploded on his length. Her strangled screams as she shattered atop him. It made him throbbing hard and needy for the real thing that instant. ‘I miss you, Julia…’ Carter whispered under his breath as he looked to the bulge in his pants. He missed her so much that it stuck...

1 year ago
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Student spanked 1

Little did Lisa realise what more would be up for her, after she agreed that she deserved that spanking she was about to get from me. Her first ever. She knew it was going to happen, when she opened her door for me. Her shy smile told me.The smart student seemed to suffocate by the idea of writing her MA thesis. She started to seek my support, but several sessions lead to no parts on paper.I felt I was waisting my time, so I proposed an ultimatum: either you show me something written or you...

2 years ago
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I taught my teacher

Hey Guys/aunties/gals…..Let me start off by introducing myself, I am Sunjay (Name changed) working with a MNC in a high position… this incident happened when I started my career as a school teacher say 6-7 years back.. Oops!!! I am 27 now, so it’s obvious that I started my career pretty earlier than guys usually do… thanks to my family’s financial condition…i am a regular iss reader but never dared to submit anything only because i am afraid of certain consequences , then i finally decided to...

2 years ago
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Step inside my office

The rhythmic tapping of your designer heels telegraphs your arrival into the office. I hear your cheerful  "good afternoon," exchanges with each person you pass all fantasizing about you, no doubt. Male, female....makes no difference. So close to my office now, that the tapping is accompanied by the swish of your skirt against your nylon stockings. I feel my cock beginning to strain against the fabric of my trousers. Sauntering in, you slowly close and lock the door behind you with a sly...

Quickie Sex
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Ed BiggersChapter 23

Ling, Kelly, Leroy, Betsy, Linda, Dan, Claire, and the entire staff were waiting for William Redman Carter to return home. Much to everyone’s surprise, he walked into the house and headed directly to Linda without pausing long enough for anyone to hug him. He stopped in front of his mother and, after a pregnant pause, said, “It’s time to get you to the hospital.” “What?” asked Linda as a sudden spasm passed through her abdomen. Her eyes grew large when she realized what he meant. “I told...

1 year ago
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A Getaway to Remember Part Five

Alessandra had taken a job with the cleaning staff in the quaint boutique hotel where Jessica and Nicole were staying. She was barely seventeen and had decided to move into the coastal town away from the small farming community where her family had lived and worked for several generations. Although her parents were disappointed that she didn't want to stay and help her two brothers run the successful family business and worried that their beautiful innocent daughter would be taken advantage of...

1 year ago
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Morning Blowjob

It was no surprise that I woke up ridiculously early, so I took out a book I packed and started reading. My date was still fast asleep and snoring faintly. As I turned the pages of my book, I gently touched the arm that slinged over me and pressed my lips against his skin. I rubbed my legs against his and waited for another snore. It dawned on me that his skin was really smooth, and it felt nice against mines. I put my book away and watched him still deeply asleep. I was usually so shy and...

2 years ago
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Allies Coming Out Part 1

Allie's coming out! By Robin Y. My life under the thumb...I mean guidance of strong women has been exciting, interesting and very fulfilling. I have learned so much that I feel like I have an advantage over most males....I have some idea what it feels like to be a girl....I am not female, so I can't ever know exactly, but compared to other males I am quite the diligent student of femininity. Some people might call me a sissy....but that is a label that only conveys a very small part...

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Asian Massage Fun

I'd been married for about 15 years when I got a job transfer and my wife and I moved to Hawaii. We moved to the outskirts of Honolulu and enjoyed living in paradise. However our life at home had become a little stale, especially in the bedroom. She had always wanted to move to HI and now that she was here, the heat in the bed seemed to get turned down to a simmer. Sex was once a week if I was luckky and it was straight missionary. Basically she would lay back, spread her legs, and wait for me...

3 years ago
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Semper FiChapter 2 The Hooks

The water wasn't just warm, it felt smooth and silky, the minerals in the spring making his rough skin take on a softness it had not known since childhood. It made him feel slick all over. Hitch floated on his back, nude, staring up at the clouds gathering overhead. He let his body drift in a lazy circle around the pool as the spring offered a steady flow upwards, spilling out to where it met the rushing creek nearby. Miller was washing himself with soap when movement up the trail caught...

1 year ago
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Siblings always stick together

Hey buddy. First a word of warning. At first, this story is a SLOW BURNER. That's important. I've left a lot of room for character development in this story. It's not really getting hot in the first few chapters and if you prefer it fast and wild, no problem. I can totally understand. Just please don't expect so much from this story in this direction. At least not at the beginning. Sex plays a big role here, but only after you have got to know the people involved a little better. I wanted to...

1 year ago
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Nine O clock Fuck time

Note : This story is completely fictional! Hello guys this is your sexy cock and its busy in business, Boy I got to tell you about my mom. To me my father is the luckiest person in the world of sex. She is a sexy monster for him. Her face is attractive that even the dumbest person in this world would like to kiss her in her lips. Moving down was her neck in she always wore a diamond necklace that adds fire to sex. Lowering our topic is the most beautiful tit one can imagine in this world. It is...

3 years ago
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Aunt Linda and I Part 3

It had been a couple of weeks since my aunt Linda gave me the best BJ I ever had. On several occasions I tried to get closer to her, but for some reason she rejected all of my attempts. For the first couple of days I felt strange and confused, but I kept myself busy with all kinds of stuff.After my final attempt and her rejection, I called it quits and went to friends house for a few days. When I returned, my mom told me to get changed and help her get the rest of aunt Lindas stuff to the car....

3 years ago
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Couples Fantasy Fulfilled To The Brim

I received a lot of emails and messages from my readers; one such was Prasanna Kamat. Our initial exchange of emails was normal. He expressed his liking for the story and I thanked him. For the next fifteen days, there was no mail from Kamat and I even forgot him.He sent a “Hi” on the hangout and we started our introductory chatting. Kamat was happily married, aged 40 and lives near Pandavapura (a village close to Mysore). He belonged to a Brahmin big combined family with only relatives crowded...

2 years ago
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Dear Season

1“Dear Season”by The TechnicianBDSM   F/self M/F     BDSM, Bound in public, discoveredMy name is Laura.  The Technician is a friend of mine who makes some of the equipment I use - for a price.  The price is that I have to tell him everything that happens.Actually, knowing that I will be writing it all down for him has always been part of the thrill.  When I write it down, it is almost like reliving it, and then when he posts my story on the net I can reread it knowing that hundreds, if not...

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Next Door DEE1

Hi all, This is my first story so if I make any mistake/s please bear with me.ME.......My name is Kamal and I'm the only c***d of my parents. I'm a 50 years young/old man now but this sexident took place when I was 21.I'm an average looking guy slim 5ft8 a college student and with an average size COCK 6 inches in length but bit thicker.STORY.....Next door to us lived a working couple in their 30s Jeet and Dee and their two daughters 3 and 4 years old. I used to call Dee... Bhabhi ( sister in...

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Honey Dew pt 4

Paul came out of his office and told Dena it was time to go. It was time for “lunch”. He hailed a taxi and took her to an upscale part of town. When the taxi let them out, she found herself outside a very luxurious apartment building. Guiding her inside, Paul remained silent. They took the elevator to the 15th floor. Getting off, Dena noticed they didn’t walk into a hallway, as she anticipated. Instead, they walked into a huge room surrounded by floor to ceiling windows. “The entire...

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Sister and Half Brother

Well my name is Robert I just got out of high school, and yes I got my diploma. A month after I got out of high school I told my mother that I was moving to my father’s house down in Florida because my parent left each other three years earlier so my father could marry his bitch of a girlfriend. But anyway I was just a normal country boy that also was a geek, which in today’s world is just wrong, but I was from South Carolina and I knew a lot about computers. My really plan was to move to my...

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One Summer Day

However, my wife never truly got along with her sister. Cara was…careful with their money with her own family, but freely spend it with friends and her husband’s family. She would also spend time with her friends weekly, but only went to her parent’s house once or twice a month for dinner. My wife has always taken care of her parents better than Cara did. The animosity between them was obvious though, and if they weren’t siblings, they would’ve never spoken to each other. Lucky for me...

2 years ago
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A Night At The Sub Shop

This experience is from the summer between my graduation from high school and my entry into college. During this time I worked at the sub shop on the edge of town. It wasn't a very well known one, and if you weren't from our town, you never would've heard of it. This caused us to have slow periods, where we would be left to our own devices. Only two people ever worked at a time, and I often found myself working with Chyanne on the 4pm to midnight shift. The uniforms we had to wear were a red...

Straight Sex
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MaybellineChapter 4

When we looked up from the table and saw the smile on Cujo's face as she approached us, we knew Mike at least would also be joining us. Bob too was grinning, and I couldn't help but notice the now very obvious bulge in his pants as he stood next to her. "Well?" "Mike will be here in about twenty..." she said. "Gave him your room number, told him to meet us there. Only thing, he said he'd like to use your shower first after he arrives. Told him that shouldn't be a problem, and no...

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