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The early morning light filled the hospital room, gently enveloping the three women standing guard over the man in the bed. He laid silently, his once muscular body now withered in pain, eaten from the inside out by cancer.

A late-fortyish, petite brunette cradled the man’s hand next to her cheek. Her curly, shoulder length hair hid her pretty, tearstained face. Sitting beside her was a late-twenties version of the woman.

On the other side of the bed was a thirtyish, tall attractive blonde, who bore many of the same facial features as the man lying in the bed. Lovingly she carefully wiped her father’s now bald head.

Their silent vigil was interrupted by a soft knock on the door. A tall, blonde man stuck his head in.

“Sis, is he awake?” he whispered to the blonde.

“Not right now, Tim,” replied Angie. “He’s only awake for short amounts of time. The morphine keeps putting him to sleep.”

“Molly?” he said gently, turning to the older brunette. “May we come in?”

She looked up at him, smiled weakly and nodded.

He stepped back and opened the door. A very attractive woman in her early fifties sheepishly entered the room. Her long hair was a heavy mixture of blonde and silver streaks that flowed loosely about her shoulders. Even at her age she still had a body women twenty years younger envied.

“Molly,” she softly greeted.

“Gwen, please come in.”

Angie stood up and looked over at Molly. Molly smiled reassuringly and nodded. The young blonde turned back to the guest.

“I guess you can sit here, Mom.”

“Thank you, Angie.”

What ensued was a human chess match. Each move by one of the human chess pieces caused a move by another piece. Each advancement toward the king resulted in a defensive counter move to protect him.

Finally the room settled. Gwen now sat on the other side of the bed from Molly and her daughter, Jessica. Angie had moved to a chair in one corner while Tim sat in the other corner chair.

“Thank you for allowing me to come today,” Gwen said softly. “When the kids told me Joe was going to spend whatever time was left at home, I had to ask to see him.”

“It was the right thing to do,” Molly replied wearily. “I talked it over with Joe and he agreed. He doesn’t want any visitors once we get him home later today, so I’m glad you were able to make it here before he’s released.”

He softly groaned as his eyes slowly opened. Eyes that hadn’t looked into each other for over a decade now became locked.

“Gwen?” he croaked softly.

“I’m here, Joe,” she whispered.

“Where’s Molly?”

“I’m right here, honey,” his wife said gently, patting his hand.

He smiled weakly gazing into his wife’s soft brown eyes. Looking around the room he took note of everyone there.

“We are gathered here today...” he said, smirking as he heard several chuckles.

Closing his eyes he sighed deeply. He cleared his throat and stared at his ex-wife.

“Okay Gwen,” he said weakly. “Say ... what you need to say. I’m sorry if I doze. I can’t seem ... to stay awake.”

“I understand, Joe,” Gwen said. “I’ll keep it brief but if you fall asleep please don’t worry. Most of what I need to say is for our kids anyway.”

He nodded and she took a deep breath.

“Joe, I just wanted to tell you goodbye.”

“Already said that ... ten years ago.”

“Yes,” she said with a slight tremor in her voice. “I remember. But when I heard you were dying, I knew I still had some things I needed to say to you.”

“Forgive me,” she intensely whispered. “Please Joe, tell me you forgive me.”

They stared at each other silently for a minute before Joe sighed.

“You’re forgiven,” he said softly.

Gwen sat back obviously surprised by his response.

“Just like that?” she questioned.

He snorted.

“No ... not just like that. Took years ... to say that and mean it. Molly was ... key.”

He winced in pain and let out a muffled groan. Reaching over he pushed the button on his morphine drip. Within seconds, his breathing deepened and his face visibly relaxed. Minutes later he was asleep.

“I’m sorry, Gwen,” Molly said gently “he’ll be out for a while. I know it probably wasn’t what you hoped it would be.”

Gwen shook her head.

“Actually it was more than I’d dared hoped for. I could only dream of him saying he forgave me. I know I have you to thank for that.”

“No,” Molly said gently, shaking her head. “I could never talk Joe into doing something he truly doesn’t want to do. Oh, I know he’ll do things for me he prefers not to, but never something he didn’t feel was right.”

“Well I’m still thankful he found someone like you after I lost his love.”

“You didn’t lose his love, Mother,” Angie spat, “you threw it away.”

“I know, Angie,” Gwen replied sadly, “and that’s something I’ll regret for the rest of my life. You have regrets too, don’t you?”

Angie snorted and then sat quietly, lips pursed tightly, looking as if she’d sucked on a lemon.

“Sweetheart we all have regrets, things we wished we hadn’t done or things we’d hoped would’ve turned out differently. Some of those things we had no control over while others ... we brought upon ourselves. My greatest regret is that I allowed myself to go insane during those months.”

“Don’t try to excuse—” Angie snapped.

“No, I didn’t say I wasn’t responsible for my actions. Only that my thinking was severely messed-up during that time. There were a lot of things happening back then. Things I doubt either you or Tim were aware of. I know neither your father nor I ever told you details of everything that happened. Joe chose not to do that because he felt I’d betrayed him and not you two since you were both already out of the house. I never told you about it because ... well because it would’ve made you hate me even more than you already do.”

“I don’t hate you mother,” Angie said coldly. “I hate what you did, not you. However I’ll never sit quietly and listen to anyone downplay the magnitude of destruction and pain your cheating caused.”

“Angie, Tim, please believe me when I say I never considered the amount of pain my actions would cause.”

“How could you not, Mom?” Tim said calmly from his chair. “You had to know that cheating on Dad would hurt him. You and our family were the world to him.”

Gwen nodded.

“You’re right I did know what I was doing was wrong but I ignored the possible consequences. When I did let myself think, I immediately knew the danger I’d put my marriage in. Unfortunately that realization didn’t come until I was already in the affair. By then, it was far too late.

“During the divorce everyone asked me why I’d done such a horrible thing. I wish I would’ve had a better explanation other than the pathetic excuses I came up with back then. I’ve had ten years to dissect my actions and I believe I now have a better idea of what happened.

“This isn’t an excuse,” she said staring coldly at her daughter, “just an explanation of how it happened. Up until now I’ve never wanted to admit the reasons because they make me look as selfish and shallow as I was. Simply stated, several things happened at the same time that presented me the opportunity to cheat on Joe and I arrogantly and foolishly walked right into it.”

“Gwen,” Molly said gently, “you’re a very beautiful woman. I’m sure you had many opportunities to break your marriage vows over all the years you two were married.”

Gwen smiled weakly at her ex-husband’s wife.

“Thank you and you’re right I had lots of opportunities but not like this. Joe had started traveling again after he’d accepted a large contract. I knew he took it to help pay for Angie and Tim’s college and we’d discussed it and were in agreement. It was only for six months but it affected me worse than I’d ever dreamed it would. When he’d traveled earlier in our marriage, I’d had the kids there to help me deal with it. With both of them in college, I was by myself. I felt so old and alone.

“Then at work a handsome younger man began pursuing me. I knew Douglas was just in it for the sex but having a good-looking, rising corporate star giving you attention is flattering.”

Angie snorted as Tim’s pained look of disappointment was written plainly on his face. Gwen quickly continued.

“Like I said,” she said calmly as she looked at her children, “I was arrogant and selfish. I know it doesn’t excuse what I did but hopefully you’ll see how I allowed it to happen. I want you to know it was never anything that your father did or didn’t do. It was my fears and then my ego that opened the door. I never stopped loving him, even during the affair.”

“How can you say that, Mother?” Angie sneered. “You were sleeping with another man!”

“I know you don’t believe it but it’s true. The problem wasn’t that I didn’t love your father because I did. The problem was I loved myself more! During that time I put my needs and wants ahead of the family and your father’s needs. For four months, I used my unhappiness to justify my betraying my marriage vows. When I finally came to my senses, I broke off the affair. But the seeds of destruction had already been planted. I’d hoped I could live with it and spare your father the pain of finding out his wife was a cheating slut. I knew there was a good chance he’d divorce me if he ever found out.”

“Then why tell him, Mom?” Tim said sadly.

“Was it just to ease you own guilt?” Angie interjected.

“No sweetheart, that wasn’t the only reason. Yes my guilt was eating me alive. I knew your father could tell things were different after that contract. That year after my affair, things between us were so tense at times. I realized then sooner or later I was going to have to confess to him. However fate stepped in to make it sooner than I’d hoped.

“When I broke off the affair with Douglas, I knew neither of us wanted anyone to know about it. He actually had more to lose than I did. He was married to the daughter of one of our Board of Directors and was our corporation’s star project manager. He was on course to be our youngest corporate vice president. So when I ended the affair I made one stipulation, he wasn’t ever to have contact with Joe or work on any project with him.

“My corporation had contracted with your father’s company several times in the past and I couldn’t bear the thought of Joe answering to Douglas. Douglas would always have the secret knowledge he’d slept with me and he might’ve somehow held that over your father. I couldn’t take the chance he’d disrespect Joe.

“Sounds silly, right? After I’d disrespected your father for those months? Douglas agreed of course. Things seemed like they were going to be okay if I could just get past the guilt ... then that damn government contract came along!

“It was potentially worth millions and I knew Douglas would head up any GSA project if we won it. I also knew Joe’s company was going to be deeply involved with it as well. It was after we won the bid my fears were realized. It was announced Joe would be heading up the engineering team that was an essential element to the project. He, of course, would be answering to the project manager, Douglas!

“I confronted Douglas and reminded him about our agreement but he told me business was business and refused to step aside. I don’t think he believed I’d go through with my threat ... he was wrong.

Gwen paused and took a deep breath. The tears streaming down her face attested to the pain the memories caused.

“Your father handled my confession like I expected he would. He sat stoically and listened, asking several clarifying questions. I could see him gathering the information he needed before making a decision. When I saw a tear begin to run down his cheek, I knew it would end badly for us.

“The next day he removed himself from the team. I don’t know if he was trying to take the high road and protect his company’s interest or if he suspected what would happen when he stepped down. Either way it couldn’t have worked out any better for your father since all hell broke loose!

“He was a key part to that team so when he tried to step down it got everyone’s attention, including the bigwigs in both our companies. When they started asking questions, their assistants started digging for answers. It didn’t take them long to uncover Douglas and my affair. That’s when the nightmares that had tormented me for the past year became a reality.

“As I expected, the dollar sign outweighed any clout Douglas had and he was removed from the project. It worked out well for Joe and his company though. The embarrassment of the situation prompted my corporate leadership to offer a larger percentage of the contract’s profits to his company and he ended up getting promoted. Douglas and I didn’t fair near as well.

“Why would you have expected too?” Tim commented coldly.

“I didn’t, sweetheart,” Gwen said softly. “Not even back then.”

The shame of her confession was etched in her usually pretty face. It was obvious she’d carried this burden for many years.

“What I could never imagined was how bad things were about to get. Douglas and I both tried to find other employment only to find we were effectively blacklisted. Apparently Douglas’ father-in-law took his family and daughter’s embarrassment very personal.

“Douglas ended up getting assigned to every nasty project in some of the worst third world countries. After spending several years jumping from one armpit of the world to the next he finally gave up. He gave his wife her divorce and crawled away with nothing. Last I heard he was selling insurance in Detroit.

“Since he was a couple levels above me on the corporate latter, he was still considered one of my supervisors. I know the company feared a lawsuit, so they promoted me. They promoted me right back into some office that never sees the light of day. I guess I shouldn’t complain, the money is decent but my career is essentially over.”

She paused and looked into the eyes of each individual in the room as if she was trying to assess how they were receiving her confession. Jessica had a pinched look on her face as she was obviously annoyed to hear how her stepfather had been betrayed. Molly looked concerned and guarded. It was easy to tell she already knew most of this.

It was Tim and Angie’s looks that caused her to falter. The hurt and disappointment in their eyes seemed like it was more than she could bear. Slowly she gathered herself and continued.

“If I’d thought things were bad at work then what was happening at home was a living hell. My marriage was collapsing and there was wasn’t anything I could do to stop it.

“Joe sat down and talked to me a few times after he filed for divorce. I apologized until I was blue in the face. I told him that none of it was his fault, that it was me who’d destroyed our wonderful marriage.

“He said it couldn’t have been too wonderful if it wasn’t enough to keep me out of Douglas’ bed. That hurt. I understood why he was bitter and why he’d said it but it still hurt. Joe then asked me why I’d cheated. My answer was just a string of excuses. After that, he broke off all communication with me.

“At first I was angry and frustrated. I was mad at myself for bringing all this down on us and I was frustrated at Joe for not trying to help save the marriage.”

“Oh please, Mother!” Angie scolded. “If Daddy would’ve cheated on you, would you have forgiven him and fought for the marriage?”

Gwen slowly shook her head and smiled sadly.

“We both know the answer to that, sweetheart. I would’ve been much more vindictive and would have tried to inflict much more pain than your father did.

“Angie I said I was disappointed, not that I didn’t understand why he was reacting that way. I didn’t really blame him. I was angry because I saw our twenty year marriage circling the drain. I knew I’d pulled the plug, but I was infuriated that I couldn’t stop it. Only Joe had the ability to save it and he chose not to. You know if he’d really wanted to make my life a living hell, he would’ve taken me back.”

There were several small gasps.

“You’ve always had a way with words, haven’t you, Mother,” Angie sneered.

“That’s not what I meant and you know it, Angie,” she said with tears beginning to fill her eyes.

“What did you mean, Mom?” Tim asked gently from behind her.

“I would’ve done anything to show your father how sorry I was for destroying us. I would’ve degraded myself in ways that would’ve shamed an old, Tijuana whore if he could’ve somehow found a way to love me again.

“But I knew the night I told him about my affair that it would never happen. Even through my tears, I could see how deeply I’d wounded the man I claimed to love. I swear I saw his love for me die right there in front of me. Our marriage was over right then, I saw it in his eyes.”

“He had to move on, Mom,” Tim said softly. “We all did.”

“Yes, I know. I also know I’m still having some difficulties doing that. You kids have been a great help to me in those areas. Oh I know you were angry with me at first ... no furious was more like it. You had every right to be but you didn’t abandon me. I’m not sure I could’ve survived that. I’m thankful Joe didn’t turn you against me.”

“Dad would’ve never done that,” Tim stated calmly.

“No,” Gwen said shaking her head, “no, that wouldn’t have been him.”

She smiled sadly at her son and then turned towards Molly.

“Did you know I prayed that somehow some way I could get my marriage back? I begged and pleaded with God to somehow change Joe’s heart and mind and give me another chance. I know I didn’t deserve it, but it’s what I wanted.

“I held on to that dream for over a year. Then Angie told me he’d started seriously dating you, Molly. That was when I knew my prayers weren’t going to be answered.

“It wasn’t until after you and Joe got married that I seriously tried to get on with my life. I started dating again and that was when I found out just what kind of a marriage I’d had before I destroyed it. We’d had something very good but I’d forgotten how special it was.

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me n my dad r good friend anybody see us will tell we r not father n son the way we talk. I always wanted to fuck my sexy mom she has a nice body big boobs round ass she always wear shree at home or we go out one day me n my dad were drinking I asked my dad that I wanted to fuck mom he said ok but my sure don't tell any one I said ok I well not tell any one than he said nobody will be home tomorrow so we can have some fun I will ask her at night ok n let u now I said ok so I want in my room n...

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MyFamilyPies Sweet Sophia Stepsister Cant Sleep

Sweet Sophia is having a lot of trouble sleeping. She goes to her stepbrother Brick Danger’s room to see if he has any ideas. Irritated, he suggests warm milk. Sophia tries that, but when she can’t immediately sleep she returns to pester Brick. Climbing into bed with her stepbro, Sophia asks him what else he does when he can’t sleep. He tells her that sometimes he masturbates to get sleepy. Sophia likes the idea, but she wants Brick to masturbate alongside her. Sticking her...

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danny phantom series 2 by jay rich

As Ember’s hair begins to flare up into flames, Tucker thinks quickly, trying to find a way out of this situation. “WAIT! You don’t want to kill you’re biggest fan, do you?” Ember begins to loosen her grip, as she looks at Tucker strangely. “You’re…my biggest fan?” “Yeah, you Rock…out loud!” Tucker says, trying to appeal to her vanity side. “That’s why I was onstage singing one of your songs.” Ember’s a little wary of believing him. “So why do you hang with the Snow-Haired Pinhead?” “Uh…so I...

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Ron and Ronnie Chapter 10 Bringing Gary home

I arrived at Ron’s place the next afternoon at six o’clock again. It was starting to become a routine for me. Ron had been telling me the story of the sexual adventures of him and his wife, Ronnie which he felt had led to their eventual separation.As usual, Ron was very well organized and when I arrived the kids were fed and dressed for bed. I had picked up a few beers on the way over and I put them in his fridge as I knew that Ron would not drink alcohol in front of the youngsters.After...

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Took Sakshi For A Cock Ride In New Car

Sometimes, we feel depressed and negative thoughts keep on running in our brain. We don’t know what to do and what not to. I am experiencing the same currently, so I started writing this story to divert my thoughts from negativity. My warm wishes to all the readers of ISS. I am Prince from Delhi and in this story, I will explain my recent experience of lovemaking. This happened on the 7th of August when I purchased a new car. I went directly to Noida to show it to Sakshi, who is my friend from...

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First Impressions

First Impressions.I had been separated from my wife of 3 months and was semi living with my friends in the House they were renting, when I met her. She came over to the house with her friend Nissa that was seeing my Pal Mike. She was cute average build and brown shoulder length hair and Brown eyes and a little southern twang to her voice. Mike introduced us, “Will this is Shay, Shay this is will” I Looked at her and thought Yeah I could Hit that, but I wasn’t really wanting to make a move...

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My Fantasies No 2 The SeeSaw

This story is a fantasy I have enjoyed since the age of 16. Before I go into the details, it may help my readers if I put it into context, and provide some background, as the origins of this fantasy are based upon a real situation, which I subsequently developed in my own mind.   This all began when I was 16, with a chance encounter at the small playground   on our village green. The incident I am about to describe is completely factual, and formed the basis of my fantasy, which I will go on...

2 years ago
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Blood Letting

Vlad woke well before dawn. It had been many hours since he had fed and the hunger now pained him. Drawing in a deep breath he felt the dryness in his mouth, he was thirsty too. Carefully folding back the satin bed linens he climbed from his bed, walked to the window and lifted the blackout shade to peek outside. Beneath some distant clouds he saw the horizon as a silhouette against a faint light. He was glad to be safely inside. He was the first one to awaken so he took a moment to enjoy the...

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That One Night in Vegas

That One Night in Vegas By Brindle Chase It’s amazing what a little anonymity can stir up. I like to think everyone has one of those moments we excuse as college experimenting. Most of them don’t actually happen during college, but we all have one. Don’t we? Mine was on vacation in Las Vegas. Could there ever be a more fitting place to say farewell to an inhibition? Or three? Brad and I had only been married two years and recently graduated from the newlywed syndrome. We still had sex. A lot....

Group Sex
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BSC08 How Jack and Susan Became NudistsChapter 38 Where Daydreams and Reality Merge

“Wow, that was awesome” said Jack. “You were amazing. You might not have won the big prize but you were terrific all the same. I could just fuck you here and now and I don’t know why I don’t. We are all Lifestyle Nudists after all.” Before Jack could decide otherwise he was thrown down onto a section of lawn at the front of someone’s house. Susan had grabbed him as she stood up and was pushing him down onto the grass as she fell down again herself. As she did this she cried out, “Well then,...

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Felicity Ch 44

They were as unlikely as any couple to ever become lovers. He was a big redheaded man, nearly six-five and at least two hundred twenty pounds. He was very reserved and many thought he was unfriendly but he liked people well enough. However except in the line of work he just would not speak to anyone unless spoken to first. The conversations were friendly and polite but rarely lasted sixty seconds on his end. Questions asked about him were given short answers then he asked a question in...

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The United Kingdom of Zoo A fake BBC documentary seriess7e16 Susan Morgan 22

Series 7, Episode 16: Susan Morgan (22), from Loughborough Fade up on a mini-montage of various young people playing tennis – young boys and girls, and teenagers, playing hard, practicing, being coached – at a large complex of tennis courts. A little cutaway to a sign shows us that we are at “The DAN MASKELL Tennis Centre”. We end the montage watching a particular young lady – slightly older, and considerably more ‘developed’ than the other young ladies we’ve seen playing. The focus of our...

4 years ago
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Hobo mania

You scratch your filthy face. It is swollen and itchy. You feel the sore parts of your feet roll under your lazy gait. The sun is almost up, and you stretch out on the dusty floorboards, each yawn drawing an answer in creaking from the wooden planks beneath you. You have slept badly, another night in this abandoned office building. Sunlight filters, fresh and golden now, through the openings in the rickety window frame. You move to the window and survey your territory. Today is the day you...

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Twin Exposure Ch 03

Chapter 03: Searching for Sky Blue and Cloud The next day at work was bad, I was only a bit hung over, but tired as hell. That was bad enough, but then I had to listen to Richard about missing ‘the best game I could ever have hoped to see.’ ‘Hell man, it was amazing, bottom of the ninth, two outs and we score six runs. Then came extra innings, we’d give up a few in the top of the inning and then pull it out in the bottom of the inning, tying it from behind like four or five times.’ I then...

4 years ago
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Strapon br 2

‘What you doing today?’ ‘Fucking you. All day.’ I’m a doctor and work shifts, so despite being mid week I had a day off. Unfortunately my husband did not. ‘Afraid not – I’m working all day.’ ‘I’m so fucking horny.’ ‘You’ve been horny since Annie fucked you up the arse. She really got you.’ ‘Annie fucked me up the arse because I was so horny. Come on, a quickie?’ ‘I really have to go – I’m already late.’ ‘Spoilsport. Pass me a dildo then.’ ‘Front or back?’ He’d pass me a smaller one if...

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The Suite Life on Deck Episode 3

Bailey Pickett sat in her room, crying. She was sprawled back on her bed, with a box of tissues in one hand and a tissue in her other, which was held up to her nose. There was a trash can besides the bed, which was already half-full of used tissues. She blew her nose, and tossed that tissue in the trash. There was a knock on her door, and she called out “Who…who is it?” Her voice sounded stuffy and clogged up, as if she’d been crying for hours. Which she had. “Its Janice and Jessica,”...

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Defending My FosterSister

I grew up in the foster system, but unlike so many stories, my life wasn't all that bad. I lucky in that the handful of families I was placed with were kind, generous and quite loving. The last family I was with was especially wonderful. They had a daughter that was a few years older than me, but we became as close as sisters very quickly. To this day we still consider each other sisters. In fact, I'm currently living with her and her husband. One thing my time in the foster system instilled in...

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the Dance Party

    The club was packed, and Kristi and I were stuck up against the wall, but that didn’t stop us from having a good time.   The band was in the middle of their set, and with the music blaring loudly from speakers that were positioned directly over our heads, Kristi spent most of the time grinding into me, pressing her ass right onto my cock.   Moving in sync with the band, it felt great.   Thankfully it was dark enough that nobody took notice of our own private dance, but the...

Group Sex
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Classy ConversionsChapter 9

Monday-Monday David awoke with Margaret wrapped around him like a snuggly blanket. It was early, even before the alarm went off, but David went from sound asleep to wide-awake. He had been dreaming of scaffolds, ropes and a host of other projects, in addition to running the business. And dealing with the competitors and the MAB was going to take up a lot of his morning. Kissing Margaret on top of the head, he extracted himself from her and wandered to the bathroom, checking the mail on the...

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Aunty ko choda jee bar Ke

Hello friends, I had write my first story,” Delhi’s hottest gigolo” and i had got very good response and with that response i’m writing my second story. This is also my true story. Char sal pahle main dubai business ke silsile main gaya tha. Vaha muje 2 3 sal rukna tha, main 2 mahine vaha rehta tha or 1 mahine ke liye india ata mai mere ek uncle rehte hai.usne muje kaha ki tum mere ghar par hi raho. So main unke ghar par rehta tha. Uncle ke ghar me unki wife or ek ladka tha jo ki...

4 years ago
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The Kings Temporary SlaveChapter 9 Punished for a night out

"And keep her out of the sun Fahid," Sapphire instructed the man who was to be my boss for the day, "She's got to be back on harem duty the day after tomorrow and they will want to see nice white flesh, not skin blotched with red sunburn. Otherwise you can treat her like your other two girls except she isn't used to hard manual work. She has permission to photograph you and the others at work so allow her to do that." Sapphire went on to explain why I was there while I shivered in the...

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Bucket List Anal

Sex Bucket List Rules. A list of sexual fantasies to complete before we kick the bucket! We each have our own list. We take turns to choose from our lists Fantasies can be as simple or as complicated as you like. If a fantasy needs props then it’s the owner of the fantasies job to provide them. If you have a fantasy you’re not allowed to introduce it in bed before bucket night! If you’re not comfortable with the fantasy you can say No. No involvement of other people without mutual...

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The Trouble Maker

As always, thank you to my editors, LadyCibelle and Techsan, for making my story a much better read. I remember years back when I was a kid. We had all our traditions and the Holidays meant so much. Family and friends were there to enjoy the good times with us. As teenagers they were still fun but a little different. Other than the actual holiday like Thanksgiving or Christmas we wanted to spend more time with our friends. Eventually we all grow up and meet our mates and start our own...

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Sarah has a magnificent ass with thighs to match. She is of French descent, bilingual, fluent in both French and English and as I recently discovered with a little prompting from me, bi-sexual, though she didn’t need a great deal of prompting. She is a very talented and exciting lover with a very strong sex drive. One of her favorite turn ons - and mine - is sex with an audience, male and or female. And she loves being licked and teased. We had met Pauline socially a few weeks previously and...

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Nicole The Pizza Shop BBW Part 2

After our amazing 69 and both of us cumming, we cuddled together in bed. Softly caressing each other, eventually we began kissing and after about 20 minutes we were getting pretty hot and heavy again. I was sucking on her nipples, which were now hard, nearly 3/4" long like a pencil eraser. Every time I would lightly bite her nipples she would squeal with delight. Soon she was rubbing my stiffening cock and my fingers were exploring her still, very wet pussy. I climbed between her legs, as she...

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Dirty Grandpa

Ted was a good grandpa, or at least he tried to be. His grandaughter Shelli and grandson Nick were fun to be with when they were kids, and made him feel younger when he could play with them. As they got older, they really didn't come around as much, but he still enjoyed the time when they did.Nick was now eighteen, and on his way to college, and so he stopped coming to see Ted. So when little Shelli began coming around with her friend Sydney, and they hung around and played at this house, he...

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The Gift

I gaze at the tree, smiling. It really is beautiful with all the baubles and lights glowing and blinking. Turning, I look in the mirror and see the glow on my skin from the lights. I smooth my hands down my waist, cinched in by the lush corset you gifted me at Christmas. My breasts pushed up and almost bare, the nipples barely covered. I look over the table once more, ensuring that everything is in place, just how you like it. Gently touching each implement as a small twinkle enters my eye. The...

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New dorm neighbor

My neighbor down the hall of the dorm my freshman year always stared at me. One day he finally made a pass at me and we made our way to a storage room in the building's basement. They kept the old furniture from previous tenants in there. I sat down on an old futon and spread my legs as far as I could. He could totally see my cock and sack hanging out of the leg of my shorts. I began stroking until it was rock hard and beads of pre-cum dripped onto the bare concrete. I could hear his breathing...

Gay Male
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Stuart part 8

"Mmph," I moan as I feel a gentle breeze blow on my left ear, worsening the thumping headache caused by the alcohol I drank last night. "Wake up," a familiar voice whispers, before the breeze on my ear resumes. "Stop that," I moan. "I'm on holiday, I don't want to wake up..." "WE'RE on holiday," my fianc?e reminds me, her blowing turning from a gentle breeze into a hurricane as she blows directly into my earhole. "Ugh," I moan. "Can I at least shift this hangover first?" "Tell y...

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Maggie Mae Techsan

I'd been lying awake for a couple of hours, watching the light of dawn slowly creep in around the blinds that covered her bedroom windows. Recently I had been pondering my life and the direction — or misdirection — it seemed to be taking. As the first rays of sunlight peeked through the slats, I turned my head to stare at my companion, who was still lost deep in her night's sleep. The sunlight really wasn't very complimentary to Maggie. She was 41 years old, more than twice my 20 years. She...

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Healing Cousin George 15

The Birthday Party Debbie got her wish and come Wednesday we were off for our regular shopping trip. This one however turned out to be that little bit different. I know now why she did it but at the time I was a bit surprised. We arrived in Glasgow unloading Melissa as usual into her buggy but as we approached the shopping galleries Debbie sprung her surprise. "Ok Alex, off you go," she said gently removing my hands from the handles of Melissa's buggy she eased herself between me...

3 years ago
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Wife Screws Two Young Guys in Front of You

You are in the living room reading the news one day when your wife comes in with two young guys in their early twenties who you recognize from the neighborhood. They are giggling uncontrollably as they enter and your wife has a chagrined look on her face. ‘Hello,’ you say as they file in. ‘Hello, dear, you know Tom and Jim, don’t you,’ she says. ‘Sure, I think you guys helped out with the yard work last year, didn’t you?’ you ask. One of the boys gains control of himself and straightens up...

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