Sujata My Mother My Wife Pt 01
- 4 years ago
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The takedown of the entire Falcon Shipping terrorist organization had gone well. Better than well ... it went bloody brilliantly with not a single lost hidden cargo sent to the bottom the sea or ocean!
The Dutch Unit Interventie Mariniers (Unit Intervention Marines, or UIM), probably took top prize, if anyone was keeping score ... and trust me, the international spec-ops community is fairly small and everyone is always keeping score. The Haytham-Azraq (or the Blue Falcon) was quietly taken at her dock just as she arrived, so that the incoming cargo of bomb making materials, and trained Hadji how knew how to make them, and also complete with delivery instructions to several local mosques, was seized before any alarm went out. Pleased with their success, they disguised themselves as the crew and hung around for the better part of the next week, as various criminal accomplices arrived offered this month's catch of stolen military material, and close to one hundred young women, kidnapped off of the streets in Europe.
The large packets of cash and gold from their European criminal enterprises, intended to fund the terrorists, was a very nice catch too. The other teams did nearly as well, including our own CIA SSB team that hit the docks of Annaba, Algeria and put the home corporate office of Falcon Shipping right out of business before their local political protection had a clue what was going on. My bosses, bosses boss got a Presidential Medal and the 'atta-boys' did flow downhill far enough to reach me.
Within about 72 hours, Falcon Shipping pretty much to the best of our records, ceased to exist. The intel we had all gathered gave us a pretty comprehensive listing of their top bad boys, and where to find them. The anti-terror units would remain busy for the next month or two. Their terrorist training camps would get cluster-bombed and the big jihadist organizers would soon find themselves off on a one-way trip to Gitmo ... or worse. Not bad for a week of vacation!
Before shuffling back home, I met Ed for drinks the last night I was to be in-town. I owed my mate and now one of my very best pals that and a lot more. I had a proposition in mind for him, but I needed to make sure.
"Ed, tell me the truth. How bad did this whole business fuck you over? We both thought I was just hunting down an old bird and maybe poking a bit into a few slightly dimly lit corners. Instead we screwed up royal, and blew open perhaps the largest single modern white slavery ring in England, and the entire financing operation behind a large and very crazy organization of jihadists. If this were a Bond film we'd now be drinking expensive champagne in a flash casino somewhere, but since we're both mid-level flunkies, our bosses are going to reap all of the glory for this whole operation – what should have been the crowning achievement of our careers."
"Aye, Mate." He murmured as we nursed our pints in a very quiet corner of the pub. "I think I'm getting a wee bit of a promotion, and a touch more salary, but no corner office for me. I'm 'too valuable' they say now for a corner office, so it's back to the field for me. Tying up Ollie's pickups and deliveries, and what local mosques or Muslim Youth Groups the bombs and guns might have been sent to. No raids though, too politically sensitive. Probably won't get to make a single arrest even, not of anyone who matters. Can't frighten the do-gooders at the Home Office by taking explosives away from local Hadji who might want to use the stuff on us, and probably soon. Peace and love between all of the children of the book, as they would say. They were already horrified beyond words that we raided the boat! If this operation had gone through channels they would have dithered until long after the boat had sailed and locked us both away for extreme terminal political incorrectness!"
"Ouch. We'll maybe you can clear the bottom level street gangs that had been snatching the girls. Lots of leads there and if you can knock out enough links of that chain, the other radical groups will have to fund their jihad in other ways."
"Aye. Some of that will do, I suppose. I think though that I'll just keep my head down and count the months to my retirement. I've really got two years to go, but with ministry cutbacks they're handing out early pensions to anyone that asks. I think I'll be a good lad and stay away from Hadji until after next spring and then put in my papers. I can't say I'd miss the job."
"How's the pension? Enough to travel down to Texas on occasion and visit."
"It's not generous, but I've put a bit aside and I can scrimp on what'll come. Are you serious about the ranch in Texas?"
"Very. I told one of my oldest school friends to find for me the most remote and time-forgotten chunks of real estate he could, and he told me last night on the phone that he's closing on a two hundred acre ranch near a sleepy little southern Texas town called Lovett. Slow, quiet and down-right lethargic, he says ... nearly forgotten by time and anyone who could possibly give a shit. Sounds good to me! Since my cover is blown and my photo is now in every Hadji picture reference book, the Company wants to give me an early retirement package with the option to continue doing my analyst job remotely via a secure Internet sat connection. All of the fun and none of the drawbacks! I'd be retired from field work and far enough away from the puzzle palace that the upstairs politics won't piss me off nearly as much. It beats being in witness protection, I guess."
Ed agreed. The way his shoulders hunched told me clearly that his own retirement didn't seem nearly as rosy as mine. Much as I had figured. Now I could spring one last final surprise before I skipped town. Secrets aren't really any fun unless you can eventually share them ... or one of them anyway.
There was still absolutely nothing special about the Haytham-Afra, now renamed the Tiger Lily. For the moment she was flagless, her seizure now pending in Admiralty Court. She could never be resold and if some spook agency didn't want her then she'd get sunk somewhere to keep her cleverly hidden smuggling bays out of the hands of some new enterprising captain.
The ship had been re-docked, correctly this time, and only one lone Scotland Yard constable was on duty at the gangplank. We showed our badges and sniffed our noses as if we were quite upper-management and too posh for this sort of low rent sightseeing. The rather bored constable didn't look at us twice and soon we had the entire run of the ship to ourselves.
Ed wasn't too terribly surprised. "You smirking bastard! You just couldn't go whoring it about and you kept something private, just for us to look at!" He looked and sounded ticked, but he actually laughed and began to smirk along with me.
"Alright," he added, "just what didn't you want our betters to find, or put their eyemarks or fingers all over?"
Sure, I had found two major smuggling holds on that near identical ship in the Red Sea, but I was sure that the mate had been holding something back for us. With a little private interrogation, I learned his secret, that the captain also had a small private place to keep his own personal swag. That particular Egyptian captain hadn't accumulated much ... but this particular Algerian captain seemed to be a bigwig and records indicated that he'd been making this run, or similar voyages elsewhere for at least a decade. I was sure that his private little stash was going to be worth a look.
Tapping my fingers against a bulkhead near the front of the ship, in the wet stinky anchorwell, I posed my pal Ed a very hypothetical question.
"Assuming for laughs, that you could retire next year under slightly more favorable financial circumstances, what would you do with your life?" I asked.
"Bollocks! Assuming that an old mate in the colonies didn't bore me to tears during my visits with stories about his very weird sex life, I'd be courting a certain widowed aunt of PC Emilie Johnson, named Goldie. Emilie was rather grateful that we'd rescued her and she's been trying to fix the two of us up together ever since. We both sort of hit it off, but neither of us ever has much more than a tenner in our pockets at any given time. Her widow's pension plus my meager one might do us alright in the end, but I'd wish to do better for her!"
"Well, just hold that thought! I'm not even fifty percent sure that what's in here is worth the drama, or even half of the hassle of getting to, but it is the last unexplored bit of this ship, and my fingers are prickling a bit with some anticipation."
To open this small panel required two separate mechanisms, first pressing one fake rivet in and then pushing and sliding the hidden door panel. It opened easily, a good sign that it had been used fairly frequently. Inside was a small cramped room that I could barely stand up inside, especially since it seemed full to about waist high with various sacks and crates. Plundered loot, or as they say on this side of the pond, lovely swag!
The real surprise was when I showed Ed that there was yet one more set of moveable panels, which opened a square access escape route into the river, just a few feet below us. A desperate man seeking escape at all costs could hide here, squeeze out the hidden porthole and inflate a rubber raft just outside the ship, fleeing in darkness with ones life ... and a few handy bars of gold.
Our late and unlamented ship's captain liked gold. Oh there were a few bags of American and British banknotes but most of the real wealth was in gold. At over $1500 an ounce at the time, just a few pounds of gold were enough to make a very comfortable escape back home. While there was other odd stuff, a bit of art, some coin silver and some nice looking old sterling dishes and tableware, but the gold alone, in one, five and ten pound bars, and quite a few mint sacks of Sovereigns, was enough to set up a man for life. I guess our captain had very definite ideas about the level of comfort he wanted for his retirement.
We didn't even try to count the stuff. Ed ran a few numbers up in his head and then winced. 'A lot!" Was his final calculation more or less, and I didn't disagree. If I'd been in the captain's shoes, I'd have quit a few years back. It doesn't pay to trust to ones luck for too long. Luck can be a very fickle goddess indeed!
I grabbed a double handful of gold sovereigns, just on principle for the souvenir and petty cash value and smiled at Ed evilly as I stuffed them into my pockets.
"Look Mate ... you've got two choices and I'm not going to be around to influence you either way. You can either make a 'surprise discovery', get another pat on the back and a hearty handshake from some Sir or Lord who would rather cut off his own hand rather than invite your for tea at his private club. Her Majesty's Government will undoubtedly claim the goodies. I don't Good Beth will ever hear a word about it, or get to roll naked in the loot on her royal bed, and your bosses will all get nice new wood paneling and carpeting in next years budget. Probably if it went into the Thames now, it would serve a more useful purpose."
"And the other choice would be the more obvious one, I take care it?" He laughed.
"Much too obvious for me to discuss even a moment further ... wink, wink, nudge, nudge. Especially if you could manage to find a nice sturdy riverboat and a trusting lad or two help you lift some of the heavier crates into the boat. Might take you a few nocturnal visits over a week or two, but you seem to be an unusually clever and enterprising gent! Look! I'm off on a plane tomorrow and I don't think more than a handful of anything is going to fit onto my carry-on bag! What happens from now on is on your watch!"
We winked at each other and laughed. Ed grabbed a handful of sovereigns for the road as well, and we locked up everything tight and secure. If they ever scuttled that ship, a fortune was going to go down with her!
We made the tour of Ed's five or six favorite pubs and I was none too steady by the time I was dropped off back at the Embassy. We'd tossed down more than a few pints, and quite a few whisky chasers. Needless to say there was no further discussion about PC Johnson's Aunt Goldie and her lovely endless shining golden tresses!
I flew out the next morning early, business class and looking every bit the normal traveling middle-management businessman. Annie, Leslie and Holly were back in tourist and not quite getting all of the free booze that one could toss down and remain civil while at 35,000 feet over the Atlantic. It was safer for them back there, playing tourist, and they understood the game ... except for Holly, who paid me a great many visits up front to keep an eye on me.
My head still hurt and would doing so for another month or two, and last night's drinking did make the pain temporally go away ... until I was again mostly sober, when it tried to make up for lost time. As for my leg and shoulder, they were both fine. I hurt myself worse once while falling out of a HumVee in Afghanistan.
A quick look once back towards Annie and Leslie showed the two ladies to be whispering with their heads together as thick as thieves. Holly hinted that they were discussing 'what to do about me', as if some sort of horse-trading or arrangement was being made. Holly refused to be pumped for important operational intel and she stuck her tongue out at me and skipped all of the way back to Tourist section.
Whatever the women had in mind, I wasn't going to find out anytime soon. I had a Company car complete with a pair of handlers waiting for me the moment I stepped off the plane and I spent the next entire week making reports and giving briefings that went the entire way up to the top of the spook food chain.
The main problem with my cover story of intuiting a link between London east end criminal gangs and our international War on Terror ™ was that there really wasn't a shred of physical evidence that should have led me on this wild vacation crusade. Fortunately, I had somewhat of a reputation for being a genius even before all of this, and now I had more than lived up to it. I just sniffed a lot at the questions they asked me and muttered BS like "Well, it was clearly obvious to me..."
Since I had been unfortunately out'ed, the idea of me taking very early retirement and 'consulting' from my new ranch in Texas appealed to everyone. Even with my six years of military service (which also counts for government civil service time) I still didn't even have twenty years completed, but the proposed month pension check didn't seem to reflect this – it wasn't much less than my previous monthly paycheck. The proposed consulting salary sounded like more than even my boss had made, and the sour look on his face alone was enough to make me nod my head in agreement.
I didn't even waste the time to blink, and just signed all of the paperwork quickly, before they could change their minds. My small staff was already madly photocopying every physical file they thought I'd ever need, and boxing up my small office for secure shipment to Texas.
I'd requested a month of two of peace and quiet to get established and settled in my new home, but already I could tell that they had projects for me already lined up. Consulting looked like it was going to be way more profitable than being a cubicle minion for another fourteen years until normal retirement!
As for the ladies, a semi-legitimate tourist service loosely affiliated with the Company picked them up from the airport and kept them busy for the next week seeing the sights. I think they all spent a full day being debriefed in Langley as well, just to see if our boys could mine yet one tinier nugget of info that our Brit counterparts had missed. In any case, this made everyone feel important. Their new American identities still needed a little bit of extra touch-up, creating false credit histories, employment records and even a prior school transcript record for Holly that could withstand close scrutiny.
I looked everything over myself twice before we left Langley; it was a very good, and even much better than usual cover identity job. No missing puzzle pieces – these new identities could survive even FBI or Secret Service investigations and with our new life in sleepy rural Texas, it would take a miracle for Hadji to ever get a whiff of our new lives. They'd try though ... they're vengeful bastards and my face is now a known link to the Falcon raids. Let them try!
At first glance, the quiet South Texas town of Lovett seemed exactly made to order! Except for a large computer gaming corporation just east of the Town Centre, nothing within ten miles looked like it had changed a bit in decades. The pace of living here was slow, almost glacial, except for a couple of miles of nude beach along the coast that partied daily like it was still 1999. The townsfolk's were an odd lot, alternately reserved but yet sociable, and strangers stuck out nearly immediately like a sore thumb ... exactly the trait we needed for our new refuge. I started to figure out quickly that nothing in Lovett is exactly as it appears to be, and initial concern quickly gave way instead to amusement. There is nothing a spy loves more than secrets ... and this town seemed to have them in spades!
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(Hello readers, it's my 2nd story on this site, and I'm currently busy with some paid job. but I'll be always around and soon fully back on this site. like the last one, this story is also a work of pure fiction and not copied from anywhere. unlike my other stories, this one includes many death scenes and some sex scenes that might be disturbing for you. but I'll always give a spoiler before going ahead on that path. you'll find nearly every fetish(es) in this story and I'll be looking forward...
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"Hello." I said into the telephone, waiting for a reply from the other end. "Daddy, it's me." My sweet daughter Chantal said with happiness. She had been away to college the last two years. "I'm sorry!" she began to sob like a baby. We hadn't said a word to each other in two long years. The night before she left for college, my sweet daughter wanted me to make love to her and for some reason, I refused her. Hell she was one of the sexiest women I had ever laid eyes on. Her light,...
Susan had a few days to reflect. She thought about her young neighbor and how Nadine appeared strong and overpowering. Sue could practically feel the young woman standing in front of her and staring into her bewildered eyes. A shiver went up her back when Sue recalled how easily Nadine seduced and gained complete control over her. She remembered Nadine's parting remarks after the sexual episode the other night. The young woman ordered Sue to refer to her as Mistress when they were alone or...
Hello friend mai laghbhag 5 saal say is site par stories padta hun aur enjoy bhi karta hun bhout story to fake hoti hai our ik si hoti hai jo padhtay he samj mai aa jata hai ki jai fake hai sab se badi baat se site par sab ka lund 9 inch ka hota hai khair mera lund normal size 6 inch ka hai Abb mai story par ata hun je story meri mere dost our uski sister ke wich ki hoyi chudi ki hai mera name arman hai mai punjab mai ludhiana ka rahne wala hu meri height 6ft hai normal body colour white hai...
My beloved wife Anita had made arrangements for a Saturday night hook up with Jerome; her Black Master.The guy was a real asshole; but Ana was happy enjoying that huge black dick he carried between his legs…They set up this latest hook up at a local motel near to his house.I was given permission once again to be there; because Jerome sometimes wanted to have some privacy when he fucked my wife.With or without me; Ana always arrived to her appointment one hour before Jerome, to get ready for a...
I would like to start out that as a 40 year old male, I have always had a fairly perverse mind while my wife is more on the prudish side. Over the years I have slowly gotten my wife to go from only making love in the dark and missionary style to introducing toys and talking about fantasies. Our sex life has gotten better and my mind has gotten more perverted the further we have come. A few years back, I was walking into the locker room at the gym I belong to and a black guy was changing. He was...
As Mrs. O and I sat down and recapped our great morning together, there was so much running through my mind of what was to come next in our eventful day. I explained to Mrs. O that back in high school I was never one to be in relationships with girls, let alone have sex with any of them. After about an hour of chatting and eating lunch with Mrs. O, it was time to get our sex fest going again. “Hey, Joe, before we clean up, I have a question for you about our next adventure. You would you be...
School was an escape route for Arrian. Thoran High School was an adequate school. It was a very nice campus, modern while still classic somehow. The cluster of buildings were a pale gray color. The campus cafeteria stood out the most. It was a big blue building housing room for around 2500 students, in addition to faculty. They had a brand new gym, fresh bleachers, new basketball backboards and rims. Along with that came the new wooded floors with their mascot decal on it: Max, The Bear....
The story is all about making love with my friend lucky. Coming to story I am krishna from nelore and lucky is my childhood friend. We both stay side by side houses. This incident took place when I was studying my 10th class. Let me describe lucky she is 5’2 and little dark in color sexy figure with perfect boobs and beautiful back hips any male will get tempted seeing her back. Till that day we both never had such intention for each other. When our final exams are happening we use to get 1...
I responded immediately. Then he asked what I was doing for lunch. Lunch? I never take a lunch break I thought. So I said “hopefully sucking your cock” Within seconds he responded “meet me at the air park and I’ll show you my airplane and we can catch up”. It’s a date! I exclaimed and went back to work. The long drive to the air park gave me lots of time to think about to all the fun we had had years ago. I arrived and eventually spotted his red truck... same truck from 17 years earlier. I...
Business Matters… Saturday “Typical fucking kid”, snorted Bobby. The snort was more of a grunt as a result of his nearness to spurting his cum into a newly stolen pair of customers’ panties. In back of his shop he had found the undies caught up in a bath towel and when he sniffed them, besides the heady aroma of pussy juice his nose was assailed by the stench of days-old male cum. Desperately he singled out an area of the fabric that smelled more strongly of pussy, then pulled out his cock and...
Introduction: This is my first story so please comment and let me know what you think I was standing at the bus station waiting for him to arrive. I was very anxious for his arrival after all these years. As he got off the bus and I first saw him my knees went weak. This is the man that I waited for all my life. As far as I was concerned he was the true father of my children. No he was not there during actual conception, but I knew right way that he would be their dad. When he first seen me he...
This Story is going to be in parts and I will post each part in one day. I would like to hear your response friends. Add me at or (yahoo). Please do reply to me through email. I am 21 now and this incident happened to me at age of 18. Chapter One From the age of 5 I had been living with my brother and his beautiful wife after the death of my parents. They died in a car accident. Since that day my bhabhi and bhaiya had been like my parents to me. But fate had something else in its...
IncestDriving down the interstate the sign said Rest Area one mile. My heart skipped a beat and there was slight stiffing of my male meat in anticipation of events to unfold. This interstate rest area was always packed full of eighteen wheelers as many as forty. Surely one or two of these truck drivers would be horny enough to over look the fact that this slut had a little something extra a top her nylon covered legs. I had a black merry widow corset on that pulled my waist in a nice four inches. ...
This is the true story of my first relationship with another woman. Ironically, it all started with me trying to please a man... After almost ten years of marriage, the passion that had existed between my husband and I had started to diminish. We both tried to rekindle the magic in various ways, but it became obvious that something was missing. I maintained an unrelenting sex drive that I increasingly satisfied with fantasies, porn and my vibrator which I took with me everywhere I went. One...
Hailey sat in business stats class and seethed as the professor belittled the young man in the back of the room. She was already in a bad mood. She had talked to Phil the day before and it was obvious that he didn’t share her concerns about the motives of Skyler McKay and Grace Karstens. He said they had invited him out to a club after the game but he had finally convinced them he wasn’t interested. Hailey knew what happened in the clubs around Heilman. She could only imagine what...
I was really getting tired of waking up from a strange nothingness as it felt exceptionally weird each time it happened. You would think I would have at least dreamed something while I was out, but, alas, I was not so fortunate. It seemed like only a moment had passed since I had lost consciousness and once again, I found myself waking up in a barely lit room. I was disoriented and a little woozy, with no idea where I was this time. Unlike before, I was not lying on the ground when I came to...
All names and details described were given to me by Jessica, and I am already working hard on the next installment based on her story and ongoing updates I am receiving. Whether this riveting sexual tale is true or not, though I strongly believe at least some of it is, I cannot safely say and will let each reader decide. As always, comments are appreciated, along with questions either to me, or ones that i will forwarded to Jessica. Wishing you health and all the best in these difficult...
Friday night was a Technicolor blur, a hot and dirty frenzied fuck that spilled hungrily over into Saturday morning. She had met him at the motel door with a lopsided smile and a rodeo hug and a long sloppy wet kiss that lasted only until he had time to lift her and turn and throw her at his feet. He fell on top of her and closed the door with a clumsy kick. They fucked ravenously on the hardwood floor, trying to kiss as they fucked but unable to meet each other’s mouths in the feverish...
Straight SexHay friends my name is john. I am from kerala. now I am working here me 25 . Now I will tell about my experience. This happened 7 years back. First I will tell about my family. My father I in gulf and I have one sister and my sweet mom. My sister is married and she is in her husband home. My dad will come only alternate 2 years. So while this happen I am at the age of 18 years.Now I will tell about my mom. Mom age is 50. it this happen when mom was 44. mom is little fat but she looks very nice...
IncestMind Games Book 3 By Paradox I676 West, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania A sudden, full-body jolt had me bolting awake and looking around wildly for the source of whatever was coming after me. I was just starting to curl my fingers closed in preparation to try and conjure up an energy knife when I realized that what I took for an attack was just the bus striking a pothole. It was probably a good thing that my nap had made me sluggish because suddenly outing myself as a mutant...
Susan, Sandra, Alex, and Jessica stopped by the Haywards on their way for a long weekend getaway. They brought along Jessica’s pet Papillion, Jessie, to stay with them. The women had met Lisa before but not her girls, Hanna and Jennifer who were out walking Sarg and Major. Dan came from his bedroom wearing his lounger pants and hoodie. He smiled at his girls paying a visit. Susan mentioned they were going away for a few days together. “Have I been replaced by a woman?” he joked. “Never!”...
I AM SATISFIED THOUGH MY WIFE IS A CHEAT I am Banti Kumar, a resident of Himachal Pradesh. I am a fan of ISS. Today I am going to describe a real story. You believe it or not, it is true. I got married in the year 2005 to Santidevi. She was beautiful & sexy. We have one daughter and one son. We had a very peaceful and satisfactory sex life. I like to fuck. Hence, I fuck minimum thrice in a week. My wife liked to be fucked. It means we were a fuck loving couple. I was tired of one type of sex...
After Trevor Christian got up from the bed in which he had copulated with Tehanee, the lovely Pitcairn Island lass who was still fast asleep on it, arms and legs akimbo, after her tiresome and strenuous first fuck during which she had given up her virginity to Trevor, her lord and master, to whom she had been gifted earlier that day by her Grandma, Trevor covered her nude and sweat filmed and cum with blood stained body with a large coverlet, and after putting on his briefs went towards the...
Erotic Fiction“Around seven years ago, after thinking they couldn’t have any more children, my mother ... became pregnant and was really excited, so was I ... but the baby girl was stillborn. If she had survived, she would be about Kalista’s age. I almost had a baby sister and with my mom’s red hair, she could have likely looked a lot like Kalista.” Claire held me close. “I am so sorry, Charles. That’s really sad,” she said putting her hand on my face. Gosh, that felt nice. The whistle went off...
This is on ISS and I love the response I get it to post submitting the story. I have seen dressing up since so many years, I also wished God granted me a wish to a girl by myself. But I know that won’t be possible. It was a while since I dressed up since I last visited Goa in February. But I was badly waiting for a few chances to meet someone but failed to meet. A guy named ‘P’ wrote to me on my email, saying that he liked my story. We were chatting a lot of times. He was replying very very...
Gay Male