GreeniesChapter 27B free porn video

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Eden General Hospital was a bit of a contrast to the celebrations in the street. It was packed to well beyond capacity, the overflow having spilled out into two adjoining office buildings. Harried doctors, nurses, and other technicians move frantically here and there. Every available floor space was filled with cots in which wounded MPG soldiers or wounded WestHem soldiers were being housed and cared for. Scores of uniformed MPG soldiers — undoubtedly on the same mission as Xenia, Belinda, and Jeff, wandered here and there. A large line of them had formed before a main desk terminal that was staffed by four security guards.

"We'll never find anyone in here," Belinda cried. "Look how many people there are."

"Yeah," Jeff said, looking at some of the soldiers in the lobby cots. He saw people with arms and legs missing, with horrible facial injuries, people on ventilators, with holes drilled in their necks. "I had no idea there were so many."

"Come on," Xenia said, pointing to the line of troops. "Let's get in line. They should be able to tell us where to go."

They waited in the line for more than forty minutes before making it to the front. Once there they gave Zen's name to the security guard. He looked it up on his computer. "He's in the Bangkok Building next door. Second floor, sector Bravo six. The notation says he's able to have visitors."

"How about Matt Mendez?" Jeff asked. "I commed his dad and he told me he was here too."

"You know his date of birth or his social?"

Matt rattled off his date of birth.

"Upstairs," the guard told him. "Fiftieth floor, nephrology wing. He's accepting visitors as well."

"Right," Jeff said. "Thanks."

"You wanna go visit your friend first?" Xenia asked.

"Yeah," he said. "If you don't mind."

"You want us to come with you?" Belinda asked.

"You're my bitches now, aren't you?" he asked them. "Of course I want you to come with me. We'll be quick."

They walked to the elevator and had to wait another twenty minutes before being able to board one of the cars. The trip up to the fiftieth floor took another ten minutes. They emerged into a sterile hallway and followed the signs to the Nephrology Department. It was a small ward that had been designed for perhaps twenty patient beds. Currently it was housing well over a hundred. Most of the patients had visitors with them, adding to the overcrowding. Still the mood seemed more festive than somber and the smell of marijuana smoke could be detected even here.

They wandered up and down the rows for a few minutes until Jeff recognized Andrew and Carla Mendez — Matt's parents — sitting in one of the chairs. He headed over, his two companions trailing behind. Andrew saw him first. His eyes lit up and he stood, rushing over to greet him. Jeff was startled to see how much weight Matt's dad had lost. He looked almost fit now.

"Jeffery Creek, you little punk dust runner!" Andrew said, holding out his hand for the traditional Capitalist handshake.

Jeff gave it to him and then pulled him into a hug. "How the fuck are you, pops?" he asked. "What you been doing? Working out or something?"

Carla came forward and gave him a hug as well. "We've been working in the agricultural fields ever since you two dumb-asses signed up for the MPG," she said. "We figured we might as well see what this whole working thing is all about."

"Goddamn right," Andrew said. "We got almost four hundred of them credits in the bank now. Thanks to you and Matt, they'll still be worth something tomorrow."

"We kicked their fuckin' asses, didn't we?" Jeff asked. He broke the embrace and walked over to the bed, looking down at his best friend since childhood. "What the fuck happened to you?"

"Just a little skin off my ass is all," Matt told him, leaning forward. They hugged, forgoing the Capitalist handshake by unspoken consent. "How the fuck are you? Glad to see you made it. We heard you ground pounders took a hell of a beating out there."

"I'm too fuckin' smart to die out in the field," Jeff said, releasing him. "I'm glad to see you made it too." He stood up. "Let me introduce you to some really static people I met. This is Xenia and Belinda. They were on one of the tank crews in my ACR."

Matt nodded at them and told them he was pleased to make their acquaintance. He then turned back to Jeff. "Are these two the reason you smell like you've been bathed in pussy?"

Jeff actually blushed a little. Xenia answered for him. "We're the reason," she confirmed. "We couldn't contain ourselves on the train ride over here and... well... you know how it is?"

"I know how it is," he said. "The nurses and even a few of the doctors have been real thankful to me since I got here."

"Hell," said Andrew, "I even got a blowjob from one and I'm just his dad."

"No sense in bragging, Andy," Carla said with a frown.

"The fuck there ain't," Andrew shot back.

They talked for a few minutes, telling their tales of their part in the war. Jeff was amazed that such a minor wound had almost killed his friend and had resulted in the death of both of his kidneys.

"So what happens now?" he asked him. "You doing that dialysis thing?"

"Yep," Matt confirmed. "Once every two days for two hours. It sucks ass. They tell me that once things settle down around here they're gonna grow me some new kidneys."

"How much is that gonna cost you?" Jeff asked.

"Not a fuckin' thing, they say. According to Laura Whiting, all healthcare for soldiers is free."

"She's even saying she wants to make it that way for everyone," Andrew put in.

"Free health care?" Xenia said. "Goddamn. She is a fuckin' radical, isn't she?"

They parted ways a few minutes later after much hugging, handshaking, and profane declarations of their fighting prowess. They promised to get together as soon as possible once things settled down. The three of them then made their way back to the elevators and down to street level where they entered the Bangkok Building.

They found Zen Valentine in an equally crowded room on the second floor. He was lying on a sheet, shirtless, a large bandage covering a good portion of his back and chest. Two intravenous lines were dripping into his arms and a tube snaked out from his side. Sitting next to his bed was an elderly woman wearing denim shorts and a cropped half-shirt.

Zen saw them approaching and his eyes lit up. "Xenia! Creek! Belinda!" He leaned forward. "You made it through the war!"

"Fuckin' aye, we did," Xenia said, leaning in and giving him a big hug and then slipping him some tongue in the finest Martian tradition.

"You taste like pussy," he said knowingly. "Does that mean you made your choice?"

"My choice was not to choose," she said. "I'm stuck with both of them."

"No shit?" he asked, raising his eyebrows a bit.

"No shit," Belinda said. She leaned and gave him a hug and some tongue as well.

Jeff gave him a hug. He held back on the tongue portion. Zen didn't seem to mind.

The elderly woman coughed politely. "Not to interrupt this little reunion," she said. "But don't you think some introductions are in order, Zenny?"

"Zenny?" Jeff said with a smirk.

"Not a fuckin' word about that to anyone," he warned, blushing.

Belinda and Xenia chuckled.

"Guys," said Zen, "I'd like you to meet my grandmother, Dr. Marjorie Valentine. Gram, this is Xenia, Jeff, and Belinda. Jeff here is one of the infantry guys we fought with in the gap. X and B were in my tank with me. They're the ones who hauled my ass out of the wastelands and got me to the medics."

"You're the ones," Marjorie said, beaming at the two women. "I thank you for what you did, for the planet and especially for my Zenny." She hugged each of them furiously, kissing them on the lips. She then turned to Jeff. "You're a hot piece of ass, ain't you? Let me thank you for your service." And before he realized what was happening, her lips were on his and her tongue was in his mouth. He was squeamish at first until he realized she was an extremely good kisser.

"Thanks," he said, a little breathless, once she released him.

"Anytime," she said, gazing at him lustfully. "And in any case, I'm not Dr. Valentine anymore. The WestHem fucks took my license away back in 2108. I'm just plain old Marjorie now."

"I heard about how you got fucked," Xenia said. "Just like those corporate assholes, ain't it?"

"It was the way of the solar system," Marjorie replied. "At least until now. Now you youngsters have given Mars a brand new chance. We're free because of you and everyone like you. Free to pursue our own course. I never thought I'd live to see it, but now that I have, I'm determined to live to see what becomes of us next. I think this Laura Whiting bitch has got us on the right path."

"So you don't think she's Queen Laura the First?" Belinda asked.

"Setting herself up to be just like the old bosses?" Marjorie asked.

"Yeah," Belinda replied. "That's what some of the people are afraid of. That we'll end up even worse off then we were before the revolution."

"An interesting question," she said, pondering, seemingly pleased that they were trying to tap into her wisdom. "Why don't we burn one and talk about that?"

"Burn one?" Jeff asked.

"Fuckin' aye," she said, reaching into her pocket and pulling out a silver case. She opened it and pulled out a fat joint. "I hope everyone likes Libby Lowdown. I've always been partial to that shit." She pulled out a laser lighter, sparked up the joint, and took a tremendous hit of it. While holding the hit in her lungs she passed the joint to Jeff. "Here you go, lover," she squeaked.

"Wow," Jeff said, taking it. He took a hit of his own, drawing deeply of the sweet smoke. Halfway through Marjorie hit him in the shoulder.

"Watch the spit on the end of the joint," she yelled. "If I want your spit I'll suck it off your tongue again."

"Sorry," Jeff squeaked, blushing.

"Youngsters these days," Marjorie huffed. "Always using pipes and bongs to smoke their shit. There's no fucking joint etiquette anymore. They really should teach that in school."

The joint was passed around until it was but a roach. Everyone watched his or her spit at the end, not wanting to incur the wrath of Marjorie. It was very good shit, almost as good as Agricorp Green. All five of them were in the stratosphere.

"Now then," Marjorie said after putting the roach into a separate case full of other such roaches. "You were concerned about the Queen Laura thing. I won't deny it's possible that we're dealing with a potential fascist dictator here. I won't deny that everything she has done to this point could have been an elaborate plan to seize power from the WestHems and set herself up as supreme ruler of this planet. It is possible that we could end up worse off than we were before."

"That's kind of a depressing thought, Gram," Zen said. "I thought you were in favor of Laura Whiting."

"I was and I am," Marjorie said. "My God, what I wouldn't give for a nice glass of Chardonnay right now. Oh well... the price of being free. Anyway, I was just trying to point out the worst-case scenario from this chain of events Laura Whiting has set in motion. I don't think we'll come to that. I can't explain why I feel what I do but I trust our governor. She is different. She actually seems to care about us. If this has all been a power scheme for her, it was an elaborate and far-reaching one. I honestly think that she is exactly what she seems to be."

"That's a relief to hear you say that," Belinda said.

"Well, don't be too relieved," Marjorie said. "Even if Whiting is exactly what she purports to be, we're still in for some rankin times in the next few years."

"What do you mean?" Jeff asked.

"The quest for power and for rule is a very powerful narcotic," Marjorie said. "There is a power vacuum in place on Mars right now. Laura Whiting is the governor of this now free planet. She has twenty-two former legislature members who joined her at the beginning of the revolt. These twenty-three people are all who are running the planet now. Others are going to try to get in on this ruling thing. Many of them will have nothing but their own self-interest in mind. And, if I read my history correctly, those who are the most charismatic will be the ones who are actually the most snake-like. We Martians are going to have to be very careful to avoid letting any of these people obtain positions of high power."

"What can we do to avoid that?" asked Belinda, terrified at the images that Marjorie was invoking.

"You can be diligent, you can use your common sense, and you can speak your mind when you need to," Marjorie replied. "You need to realize that there will be attempts to betray this revolution by small groups of people or individuals who just want to rule. You have to filter through their lies, examine every political person who tries to insert themselves into the power structure in your name. History is full of betrayed revolutions. I hope before all that is holy that you people who won this one for us won't let it be betrayed as well."

Martian Capital Building, New Pittsburgh

September 25, 2146

0900 hours

Governor Laura Whiting — who was technically only the acting Governor — called the meeting of the fledgling Martian government to order. They were in the legislature chambers, which had been designed to seat one hundred members in comfort and had accommodations for up to six hundred visitors in bleacher style seating in the rear. With only twenty-three people present, the large chambers seemed almost empty.

"Good morning," she told everyone from her podium at the front of the room. "The first order of business on the agenda is the reply to our offer to open negotiations for an armistice we received from the WestHem Executive Council early this morning. I'm sure you can all guess what the jest of that reply is."

A chuckle traveled through the seats. Yes, they could all guess. Laura had sent her message to Earth four days ago, offering to open negotiations for a permanent armistice and peace treaty with WestHem. In the request Mars offered to immediately resume food and steel shipments and to begin negotiating a POW exchange. Mars' terms for such actions were public WestHem recognition of Mars as an independent nation and the extradition of General Wrath and General Browning on war crimes charges. Instead of responding right away WestHem had cut and edited the message until it seemed like Laura was taunting the WestHem public, expressing hatred for all things Earthling, and threatening to kill even more hostages. This edited tape had been playing non-stop on all three of the big three for three days now.

"In any case," Laura said, "I'll go ahead and play that reply now for the record. I'll also release a copy to MarsGroup so they can start playing it as well." She tapped a few buttons on her podium screen and the video file opened up, both before her and on the large screen behind her. She pushed the "play" tab.

The face of Loretta Williams appeared, looking years older than it had in the beginning of the conflict. "This is in reply to the offer of negotiation of armistice that was sent to us by the terrorist leader Laura Whiting of Mars. I will make this short and very clear. There will be no armistice of any kind with you thugs that are holding Mars hostage. To even call this conflict a war is insulting to all those brave marines who participated in it. You are illegally holding a WestHem colony against the will of the people who live there and we will not rest until Mars is liberated and its people allowed to live out their lives in democratic peace. All terrorists we captured during Operation Martian Hammer are being returned to Earth where they will be tried for their crimes and executed if found guilty of murder or treason. In addition, when our next task force arrives and liberates that planet Laura Whiting, Kevin Jackson, and any soldier who picked up arms against us will also be tried on charges of murder, treason, and crimes against humanity. You would be well advised to spare your people further bloodshed and surrender yourselves now. Only if you agree to this term and to unconditional surrender of Mars back to WestHem rule will we agree to speak with you in any way."

The screen went blank as the message ended.

"So then," Laura said, sipping from her tea, "the usual WestHem blathering bullshit. I'm afraid that is pretty much what we were expecting all along. It looks like we're going to have to fight them again at some point."

This caused some tittering among the legislature. One of the members, Steve Hotbox of Eden, asked to be recognized. Laura did so.

"Like all of you here, I'm extremely proud of what the MPG did to keep this planet in our hands during the war," he said. "I myself have a son who has been in the MPG for years. He served with the 5th Heavy Artillery Battalion in Eden and was nearly killed when the WestHem air strike took out his gun. We lost a lot of people in this war and we just barely hung in there. As General Jackson said in his briefing, the marines were within thirty minutes of taking Eden from us when they decided to turn back. It was only their loss of morale that saved us."

"That is true, Steve," Laura said. "What is it that you're trying to say here?"

"I'm wondering what's going to happen the next time they send troops after us. We beat them because they underestimated us and because we had some pretty good tricks up our sleeve. I'm not trying to take anything away from the MPG or General Jackson. Both performed brilliantly. But now the WestHems know just how they should estimate our abilities and they know all of our tricks. Won't they send twice as many men and machines next time? Won't they focus on a single city instead of splitting their forces? I'm wondering whether it's wise of us to take such a hard line with WestHem on this armistice."

"I take it that Jack Strough has been visiting your office?" Laura asked.

Hotbox sputtered a little. "Well... yes, but I had my doubts about this long before Mr. Strough entered the picture."

Laura sighed. Jack Strough, the president of the cargo handler's union, the man who had been a constant thorn in the side of the revolution ever since they first took the planet from WestHem, was now expanding his pain-in-the-ass status into Martian politics. In the past two weeks he had organized nearly every labor union on Mars into a loose alliance of laborers and was using this power to project his wishes into the Governor's office and into the offices of the remaining legislature members. "I have listened to Mr. Strough's proposals myself," she said. "He is suggesting that we accept 'de facto' independence from WestHem but that we allow their corporations to retain control of the various industries on the planet."

"That is correct," Hotbox said. "And I believe that Mr. Strough makes a lot of sense. WestHem is never going to accept losing Mars. They are going to keep sending more and more troops here until they take it back and condemn all of us to an ongoing military occupation. Those of us who fomented the revolt will be tried and executed."

"Our troops did not fight and die out there for de facto independence, Steve," Laura said angrily. "They fought and died so we could be free — completely free — of the WestHem system of government. What he is suggesting puts us right back under WestHem control."

"No, that's where you're wrong," Hotbox argued. "We get to elect our own leaders and the MPG gets to stay intact. They won't send any more troops to Mars to try to liberate it. The corporations get to keep their holdings but the Martian Federation of Labor that Strough is proposing will set all wages and working conditions for every Earth based corporation. In addition, we'll be free to continue trading with EastHem, something we were not allowed to do under the previous system. This will allow the expansion of the agricultural fields and the steel fields and open up a prosperity that will last for generations."

"And we would still be on WestHem's system of currency," Laura said, "and subjected to their corporate mentality." She shook her head. "That is not what we were fighting for, Steve."

"I understand that, Laura," Hotbox said. "Honestly I do. But I don't think we're going to be able to hold this planet indefinitely. A lot of the workers out there are in favor of this plan — more every day."

"We will hold this planet forever if we remain unified," Laura said. "As we speak right now, our factories are churning out tanks, guns, APCs, bullets, aircraft, and every other supply needed to fight a war. General Jackson plans to increase MPG manpower by more than two hundred percent in the next six months and to beef up every aspect of our defensive capabilities. If this is allowed to go forth, the WestHems will be soundly defeated out in the wastelands again no matter what they send here. Their one chance to take this planet back from us has come and gone — unless we fail to remain unified and that is exactly what Jack Strough is trying to do. He is pitting our vital labor force against those of us who are trying to keep them free. And when you allow him into your office and bring his seditious drivel into these chambers you are helping him."

Same as Greenies
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Lately, every morning seemed more exciting than the last. First the ship was done and we could go see it. Then we got a chance to play with everything. Today was the day we’d actually leave the dock with it. I hadn’t so much as commanded a pleasure boat on a lake before all this, and here I was the actual captain of a spaceship. The anticipation made it hard to stay asleep at night and gave me a ton of nervous energy every morning, and every morning it seemed I was more anxious than the last....

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So you want to be part of Taylor Swifts Girl

Michelle Trachtenberg couldn't believe her eyes when they wandered along the letters on her phone's screen. 'Hey Michelle. So you want to be part of Taylor's Girlsquad? She is in town right now. Her and I have talked about it. She would like to meet you. Hyatt Hotel, presidential suite, be there between 9:45 and 9:50 PM or don't be there at all. - xoxo, Karlie'For a few moments Michelle breathed deeply, wondering if Karlie was just messing with her, if this was all just an intricate joke. This...

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Married Housewife

Hello everyone let me tell first make clarify that whatever you are going to read its true incident and the names will be changed for security reasons, Call me Big Dick, I am from Bangalore, 5’8 in height, athletic body, with 8 inch cock, let me cut short the unnecessary things and come to story, it all happened when I was studying 12th standard, by that time I came to know A to Z about sex as me and some of my friends used to bunk classes and go for morning show to watch blue movies, every...

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The House At The End of the Street

God forbid! Brought up, the eldest of four children within a typically strict Catholic Maybe it had something to do with my having married so young - at just eighteen, to a family, I had little inclination, let alone opportunity, to stray from the fold as it were. boy I met in my first year at the University of Toronto. Conrad had swept me off my feet - changed my entire perspective on life in fact. At the point he proposed to me that night at the theater, echoing those ultimately...

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SistersChapter 15 Of The Mighty And The Weak

Linda entered the imposing room with its paintings by old masters hanging on oak paneling, and its bookcases of old law books. Randolph West was writing, comparing files and documents, looking left and right and then right and left, a caricature of the man of success in his field. He looked up at Linda over the top of his glasses, and waved at her, "Come... come..." as if she were a dog or a little child. "Sit down," he said, with a commanding voice, still busy with his papers. A few...

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Hanas gloryhole visit

It had been months since the last Omnic attack now. Korea had been on the watch for weeks upon weeks, but with no current omnics being seen across the Ocean, Hana Song was finally dispatched from her service and was to partake in normal activities again.Not being the best student, and instead spending most of her life becoming the professional gamer that she was known to be, the military had assigned her to take some complimentary classes, however still mandatory for someone of her status and...

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The Worlds First Futa 11 Futas Wild Presidency Chapter 4 Futas First Sensual Contest

Chapter Four: Futa's First Sensual Contest By mypenname3000 Copyright 2018 April 17th, 2047 “For the next year or so, you had a good string of diplomatic success,” Adelia said as we neared the end of our interview on my life. As much fun as it was to talk about my life on my forty-eighth birthday, I was eager to finish this last segment. I needed a break. But I still had to be positive and sexy, to let the world see me answer her questions without showing my fatigue. I had to be in...

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Continuing Story of My Wife Carollina the Offic

My wife was the best thing that had ever happened in my life. She was a beautiful, sweet, intelligent, and sexy girl with a very hot luscious body, and she can fuck like the best porn star. All the qualities I was looking for in a woman and more, but with the added ingredient of now becoming a slut which I made allowances for because I know that body was too good to tie down and the freedom allows her to be happy and I love keeping her happy. It was just something that happened through no fault...

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eating cum filled pussy

We first met Mike on the Internet. We agreed to meet him in a lounge at a local Holiday Inn. Mike was a handsome young man in his early thirties. Mike looked at me directly and said, “Do you want me to fucks your wife tonight, I think she does”? After three years this cuckolding was becoming a reality. I guess I didn’t expect it to happen so fast. I looked at Anne nervously to see what she wanted to do. Anne kind of laughed and said sure. Mike looked at me then and said, “Go get a room then...

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Recluse and GhostChapter 34

Who is this in my bed? A hand was maneuvering my maleness into a position that was definitely more than sleeping next to each other. My hand was over a full breast, but it traveled over a rounded belly as I almost slipped into a warm moist cavern. Something stopped me before I completed the stab into a welcoming place. I somehow resisted, and turned over to hug Millie. It was as if she knew my need, and I was instantly inside her without thrusting, but just gently lying there with her as we...

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DAALS invade the Krabber

Every year, the DAALS a Black Femdom organization invade a city to form white slave and establish a place where dominant Black Woman could live their life as they see fit. Not all Black women in life are dominant. It's an idea some people love to share even if it's not right at all but there's some with bad intention. Being Dominant don't mean they are bad people, some dominant are great person and treat their submissive the right way but most of the DAALS loved to humiliate their slave...

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Oh Big Brother

“Alright mom, I’m off,” I shouted going down the stairs to the front door. “Alright honey, see you la-“ she called out as I walked out the front door and into my car. Which was a black Camaro, I worked so many hours, I forgot what else there was to life. I sped down the street and headed towards my personal hell, or high school, whatever you want to call it. I parked in my usual parking spot, which wasn’t too far from the front entrance, but like every other student, I had to walk through...

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Breaking Sarahs Will with my Friends Help Part I ReCut

When the skies turn cloudy on a cold november day, theres not much left for a boy in his late teens like myself to do, which is why I was sitting down infront of my computer. Sitting down infront of my computer jerking off to images of hot blonde women being hogtied and fucked, that is. I had my best friend, John, to thank for those images - He was always fond of emailing the very best he could find to me. Earlier in the day John and another friend, Rowan, had called to see if they could...

1 year ago
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Dorm Room BBC GangBang

I go to fuck one guy and end up taking on 8 BBCs. The Dorm Room GamgbangHello my name id Jordan and I go to college in Cali. I'm 5'9 Double D boobs, thick, with a big ass. I've tried 3 ways with girls and guys. Had sex with a few black boys and a few white. My fav porn is multiple guys on one girl aka gangbang. I'm not the type of girl to mess around but I'm a freak in the sheets. I'm here to tell you on how I went from fucking one guy to eight. It started off by thsi one guy asking me for my...

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brother AND sisterJACK AND JANIE

Jack parked his bicycle on the back porch of the house he shared with his sister, Janie, after spending most of the evening working on a term paper at the campus library.After two years of junior college, Jack was getting the hang of life at a big university. But the work was a lot more than he'd experienced at junior college, and that hadn't left much time for a social life. Still, he was looking forward to kicking back with a cold beer and a hot doobie with his sister, who was a year ahead of...

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vidhi bhabhi a modal

Hi mara nam vidhi ha ma 24 sal ki hu ,mari sadhi abhi 1 sal phala hi hui ha ,mara pathi mumbai ma ma ratha ha ,or waha pa mara ak davar bhi ha .us ka nam bunty ha or who 22 sal ka ha who ak fashin photo graphar ha or ak malti nasnal company ma god karta ha .waha pa who models ki photo kichta ha .tho mari bachpan sa hi icha the ki ma modal banu .tho mana bunty ko apni icha bataye ,tho bunty bola .bunty-bhabhi ya bhot hi karab line ha app iss ma nahi ja payghi .i-par koye ma javan ho khoobsurat...

3 years ago
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Wishes Granted Inc The Big Breasts

Wishes Granted: The Big Breasts By Roy Del Frink Jack Phelps was just an ordinary 25-year-old male. An ordinary horny 25-year-old male obsessed with breasts, that is. He wanted to go out with big-breasted women, but his gawky manner and arrogant personality made ANY woman want to avoid him altogether. He didn't have much of a life or identity, outside of the big-breasts magazines, books, and photos in his room, and the big-breast Internet sites and gifs on his computer. Jack just...

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The Knight and the Acolyte Book 7 Illusory PassionChapter 6 What Shadows Hide

Thanks to b0b for beta reading this! Knight-Errant Angela – The Halani Desert “Oh, I am going to spank that slut,” Angela fumed as she pulled the final piece of hide over the frame of their tent. “Where did Sophia get to?” “Snuck off with my wife,” Chaun answered, lounging on a pile of supplies. He strummed his lyre. Angela frowned as she straightened up, fixing him a hard stare. “I see you managed to avoid work.” “It is a skill of...” His words trailed off as he straightened, cocking...

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Cockatoo Part 3

Maybe things could have been different, I don’t know, but I found myself in a taxi on the way to Samui airport. I was struggling to come to terms with what had happened and I felt physically sick at what I had heard. I had to get the taxi driver to stop so I could retch at the side of the road. I managed to buy a ticket on the next flight to Bangkok and by mid afternoon I was back in the city. I booked into a hotel close to Nana Plaza and sent a couple of hours stewing in my room, drinking the...

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RawAttack Leah Winters Slutty Young Leah Winters Loves Fuck

Young Leah Winters has a great and sparkly personality, as well as huge energy to sex!! This tattooed babe knows how to enjoy life and she only thinks about being fucked. So while we are talking about, this slutty doesn’t stop to touching her hairy pussy, so I please her as a gentleman does, I bring to the action a vibrator to keeping satisfy her until I introduce my hard cock in her warm and wet cunt, this kinky doll is just lust and she receives what she deserves a hot cum all over her...

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Donna Kevin Go to the Zoo

Winter had ended and spring was in full bloom on the Friday morning when Kevin O’Brien looked at the calendar in the kitchen of the apartment where he and his family lived in loving closeness. It was April 15, probably the hardest working day of the year for him, as managing partner at the local branch of the big CPA firm where he had worked since graduating from college. He also noted the following Friday, April 22, was Earth Day, and decided the day following that, since it would be Saturday,...

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Divorcing My Vibe

Anna walked in the door, shutting it with force just short of what could be considered a slam. She absently tossed her purse on the coffee table, and headed straight for the shower. She felt as if she had a cloud of stale cigarette smoke hovering around her auburn hair from the bar, and she reeked of beer because some drunk had spilled it all over her while delivering the worst pick-up lines she’d ever heard. One more night of the world proving to her that all the men were married, gay,...

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Lawfully Wedded NymphChapter 5

Mona was unsure just how long she lay there. She stared at the roof of the tent, feeling the wetness of her husband's release trickling from the lips of her vagina and running down her thighs. She shuddered. For the first time in her life, she felt used and degraded. The fluids of Frank's climax felt dirty on and within her. Never had she seen sex to be anything but a beautiful experience shared by a man and a woman. Now... now... she felt no better than a whore. No, not even a whore; at...

4 years ago
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That Kind of Girl

© March 2004 - all rights reserved or Woman's Best Friend It was Friday morning, the time was coming up to ten o'clock. It was unusual for Vanessa to be still in bed, but the school building, the place where she would normally be at this time of day, had suffered minor damages during the thunderstorm which had passed through the area on Wednesday night. The storm had affected only a small number of classrooms, but the people in charge had decided to close the whole school on Friday,...

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Fucking Incidence In Marriage At Amritsar 8211 Part 1

Hi I am Vineet back again with a new incident happened a few days back, for those who r reading my story for the first time, I am Vineet from jalandhar (punjab). Dikhne main slim hun age 22 hai or height 6 feet hai , vaise to smart hun , ladkiyan or bhabhiya mujhe dekh ke jaldi fas jaati hai, meri recent stories ” fucking newly wed bhabhi in train ” and “fucking punjabi neighbur bhabhi” pe aap sabke kaafi ache ache comments aaye, u can mail me @() Main kaafi time se ghar par hi tha, colleges...

4 years ago
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The Accidental SpyChapter 12

My daughter Ruth proved to be quite the little geek when it came to texting and using the internet. She must have spent a lot of her time learning all the little tricks to find things and use the different software. At least she wasn't screwing around with horny boys in the back seat of cars or on a beach under a concealing blanket. Well, I didn't know that she was not doing those things also but at least I could hope she wasn't. Elena was showing a lot of interest in two of the ship's...

2 years ago
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Meet The Haitian Goddess Deux

Sebastien Renard looked at himself in the mirror. A tall, ruggedly handsome, big and bulky young Black man looked back at him. He smiled to himself. He looked really good in a red silk shirt and Black silk pants. He was getting ready for church. His grandmother Cecilia was already waiting. Although they lived exactly three hundred meters from the Catholic Church of Quartier Morin, she always insisted they went early. Today, he was in the mood to accommodate her. For there was someone at church...

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FamilyStrokes Sasha Sparrow Stepsister Dreams Cum True

Dark haired hottie Sasha Sparrow is a super sexual nubile. When she is home alone, she is not shy about sticking her hand in her pants and offering herself the love and attention she deserves. There is nothing hotter than when she feels her own clit on her fingertips. Her pussy gets wet and she covers herself in her juices, getting more and more turned on as she touches herself. Sasha can get lost in her own world of pleasure any time she would like. And today, she is planning on having a long,...

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My new toy day 5

I have been wearing a cock cage on and off for a few days now. This morning I was woken by the pressure of a morning woody straining at the confines of my cage. Maybe a shower will bring down the swelling. Moments after jumping in the shower, my key holder comes into the bathroom. She pulls me toward her by the lock on my cock. She unlocks and removes my cage. "We'll need to wash your cage a few times a week. I'll supervise your showers when we do this."Ah, freedom. She has her back towards me...

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BangBrosClips Val Steele Squirt Wars

Val Steele had some plumbing issues and when the plumber showed up, he wanted to charge her one thousand dollars to fix a leaky pipe. After she found out that he was trying to rip her off, she snuck behind her and started masturbating until she squirted all over him. The plumber kept thinking that it was just the pipes leaking. So he continued working. Later, once he had moved to the bathroom, it was her time to surprise him again. She peeked from behind the shower curtains and started spraying...

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Officer Mercer

There I was sitting in my favorite hole in the wall coffee shop scanning the sports section. I was not on duty today but I visited this place daily. I was as much a fixture here as the worn table that I was sitting at. I see Mindy walking over and am sure that she has some quick witted comment ready for me. She always seems to know when my guard is down and catches me totally in a defenseless position, always springing it on me at a total random moment. “Why hello officer Mercer will it be your...

Straight Sex
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The Day I met Deb

Hi,Just thought I would tell about my experience shagging some else's wife.Went to stay with friends a couple of days ago, during a social event at my mates house. During the night a mature couple arrived, we were introduced and straight away I quite fell for Deb. She was about 50 ish, slim with small tits. She was really good looking too. Eventually we got talking and as the night went on she started getting flirty. We could not make a move on each other becuase her hubby was near bye. As the...

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A Threesome To Remember

I love sex. I love having my pussy licked. I love riding a nice, big dick. I always wanted to fuck a girl and a guy at the same time, and I got that opportunity my freshman year of college. It was spring. My roommate and I were on our way to a frat party downtown. I was wearing a tight red dress with black heels. I’m a curvy girl, five foot six inches with a round ass and 36DD boobs. I have long brown hair, brown almond-shaped eyes, and full lips. Guys always tell me that they’d love to see my...

College Sex
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GunfighterChapter 11

A few days later, I got a package from the governors office. Among other things, it contained a shiny new sheriff's badge and a fancy paper saying that I was, indeed, the sheriff of Chaves County, NMT, by appointment from the governor. Included in the papers was a statement that I reported directly to the governor and no one else. There was also the name of a District Attorney I was supposed to cooperate with and the name of a District Judge who was to handle the court cases I was involved...

4 years ago
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Nude Day What is Nude Day Really

This is a Nude Day contest story. Please vote. Writer ponders Nude Day. Is it just about not wearing clothes one day out of the year? * Nude Day to many is the one day a year that we celebrate being naked in public. Those who cannot bear to wear nothing but skin, but who still want to celebrate the Nude Day holiday, can do so in the privacy of their homes. Then, just as there as those of us who use the holiday to legally expose themselves where and when permissible, there are those of us...

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Dennis Gets Tested Part 1 of 2

I sat in the waiting room. Basically, Brie had told me that if I really was as much of a manwhore as she suspected I was in my last year of high school and in the fall (yesiree), then I had to get tested before we had any more sex. She’d actually rebuffed me a day before, my right hand on her bra, my tongue having just been stuck in her mouth, and told me the terms and conditions. Before Brie, I would have just ditched whatever chick asked me this and found pussy elsewhere. I wasn’t sure what...

3 years ago
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A Video Game Humiliation II

Welcome to the REMASTERED Edition of this archived story. Trusted authors will be able to add their chapters AUTOMATICALLY. Non-trusted authors will have all chapters vetted by me before they are made public. You must read the rules branch below before publishing a chapter. Those rules will be enforced. Categories may be added if deemed necessary but do not add any yourself. If a category does not exist for the character you want to use, just put in the alphabetical categories instead. The...

2 years ago
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Kamesh Poonam Sunita Ko Choda Or Doodh Piya 8211 Part 2

Hlo guys, this is Chowmeen again ? but is baar mai 20 saal ka nahi ab mai 22 saal ka ho gya hu or mera lund b aaj b meri un 3 biwiyo k liye hmesha khda h. Meri pehli chudai story 2 saal purani h or uske liye meri email id pe kaafi achhe response b aaye thanks so much for that. To story thi ki kaisi maine apni aunty sunita ko choda tha or unse shaadi ki thi. Aaj mai jo aapko btaane ja raha hu us story me maine apni pehle no. Wali chachi yaani ki kamlesh ko choda or shaadi ki. Kamlesh chachi...

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