GreeniesChapter 27B free porn video

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Eden General Hospital was a bit of a contrast to the celebrations in the street. It was packed to well beyond capacity, the overflow having spilled out into two adjoining office buildings. Harried doctors, nurses, and other technicians move frantically here and there. Every available floor space was filled with cots in which wounded MPG soldiers or wounded WestHem soldiers were being housed and cared for. Scores of uniformed MPG soldiers — undoubtedly on the same mission as Xenia, Belinda, and Jeff, wandered here and there. A large line of them had formed before a main desk terminal that was staffed by four security guards.

"We'll never find anyone in here," Belinda cried. "Look how many people there are."

"Yeah," Jeff said, looking at some of the soldiers in the lobby cots. He saw people with arms and legs missing, with horrible facial injuries, people on ventilators, with holes drilled in their necks. "I had no idea there were so many."

"Come on," Xenia said, pointing to the line of troops. "Let's get in line. They should be able to tell us where to go."

They waited in the line for more than forty minutes before making it to the front. Once there they gave Zen's name to the security guard. He looked it up on his computer. "He's in the Bangkok Building next door. Second floor, sector Bravo six. The notation says he's able to have visitors."

"How about Matt Mendez?" Jeff asked. "I commed his dad and he told me he was here too."

"You know his date of birth or his social?"

Matt rattled off his date of birth.

"Upstairs," the guard told him. "Fiftieth floor, nephrology wing. He's accepting visitors as well."

"Right," Jeff said. "Thanks."

"You wanna go visit your friend first?" Xenia asked.

"Yeah," he said. "If you don't mind."

"You want us to come with you?" Belinda asked.

"You're my bitches now, aren't you?" he asked them. "Of course I want you to come with me. We'll be quick."

They walked to the elevator and had to wait another twenty minutes before being able to board one of the cars. The trip up to the fiftieth floor took another ten minutes. They emerged into a sterile hallway and followed the signs to the Nephrology Department. It was a small ward that had been designed for perhaps twenty patient beds. Currently it was housing well over a hundred. Most of the patients had visitors with them, adding to the overcrowding. Still the mood seemed more festive than somber and the smell of marijuana smoke could be detected even here.

They wandered up and down the rows for a few minutes until Jeff recognized Andrew and Carla Mendez — Matt's parents — sitting in one of the chairs. He headed over, his two companions trailing behind. Andrew saw him first. His eyes lit up and he stood, rushing over to greet him. Jeff was startled to see how much weight Matt's dad had lost. He looked almost fit now.

"Jeffery Creek, you little punk dust runner!" Andrew said, holding out his hand for the traditional Capitalist handshake.

Jeff gave it to him and then pulled him into a hug. "How the fuck are you, pops?" he asked. "What you been doing? Working out or something?"

Carla came forward and gave him a hug as well. "We've been working in the agricultural fields ever since you two dumb-asses signed up for the MPG," she said. "We figured we might as well see what this whole working thing is all about."

"Goddamn right," Andrew said. "We got almost four hundred of them credits in the bank now. Thanks to you and Matt, they'll still be worth something tomorrow."

"We kicked their fuckin' asses, didn't we?" Jeff asked. He broke the embrace and walked over to the bed, looking down at his best friend since childhood. "What the fuck happened to you?"

"Just a little skin off my ass is all," Matt told him, leaning forward. They hugged, forgoing the Capitalist handshake by unspoken consent. "How the fuck are you? Glad to see you made it. We heard you ground pounders took a hell of a beating out there."

"I'm too fuckin' smart to die out in the field," Jeff said, releasing him. "I'm glad to see you made it too." He stood up. "Let me introduce you to some really static people I met. This is Xenia and Belinda. They were on one of the tank crews in my ACR."

Matt nodded at them and told them he was pleased to make their acquaintance. He then turned back to Jeff. "Are these two the reason you smell like you've been bathed in pussy?"

Jeff actually blushed a little. Xenia answered for him. "We're the reason," she confirmed. "We couldn't contain ourselves on the train ride over here and... well... you know how it is?"

"I know how it is," he said. "The nurses and even a few of the doctors have been real thankful to me since I got here."

"Hell," said Andrew, "I even got a blowjob from one and I'm just his dad."

"No sense in bragging, Andy," Carla said with a frown.

"The fuck there ain't," Andrew shot back.

They talked for a few minutes, telling their tales of their part in the war. Jeff was amazed that such a minor wound had almost killed his friend and had resulted in the death of both of his kidneys.

"So what happens now?" he asked him. "You doing that dialysis thing?"

"Yep," Matt confirmed. "Once every two days for two hours. It sucks ass. They tell me that once things settle down around here they're gonna grow me some new kidneys."

"How much is that gonna cost you?" Jeff asked.

"Not a fuckin' thing, they say. According to Laura Whiting, all healthcare for soldiers is free."

"She's even saying she wants to make it that way for everyone," Andrew put in.

"Free health care?" Xenia said. "Goddamn. She is a fuckin' radical, isn't she?"

They parted ways a few minutes later after much hugging, handshaking, and profane declarations of their fighting prowess. They promised to get together as soon as possible once things settled down. The three of them then made their way back to the elevators and down to street level where they entered the Bangkok Building.

They found Zen Valentine in an equally crowded room on the second floor. He was lying on a sheet, shirtless, a large bandage covering a good portion of his back and chest. Two intravenous lines were dripping into his arms and a tube snaked out from his side. Sitting next to his bed was an elderly woman wearing denim shorts and a cropped half-shirt.

Zen saw them approaching and his eyes lit up. "Xenia! Creek! Belinda!" He leaned forward. "You made it through the war!"

"Fuckin' aye, we did," Xenia said, leaning in and giving him a big hug and then slipping him some tongue in the finest Martian tradition.

"You taste like pussy," he said knowingly. "Does that mean you made your choice?"

"My choice was not to choose," she said. "I'm stuck with both of them."

"No shit?" he asked, raising his eyebrows a bit.

"No shit," Belinda said. She leaned and gave him a hug and some tongue as well.

Jeff gave him a hug. He held back on the tongue portion. Zen didn't seem to mind.

The elderly woman coughed politely. "Not to interrupt this little reunion," she said. "But don't you think some introductions are in order, Zenny?"

"Zenny?" Jeff said with a smirk.

"Not a fuckin' word about that to anyone," he warned, blushing.

Belinda and Xenia chuckled.

"Guys," said Zen, "I'd like you to meet my grandmother, Dr. Marjorie Valentine. Gram, this is Xenia, Jeff, and Belinda. Jeff here is one of the infantry guys we fought with in the gap. X and B were in my tank with me. They're the ones who hauled my ass out of the wastelands and got me to the medics."

"You're the ones," Marjorie said, beaming at the two women. "I thank you for what you did, for the planet and especially for my Zenny." She hugged each of them furiously, kissing them on the lips. She then turned to Jeff. "You're a hot piece of ass, ain't you? Let me thank you for your service." And before he realized what was happening, her lips were on his and her tongue was in his mouth. He was squeamish at first until he realized she was an extremely good kisser.

"Thanks," he said, a little breathless, once she released him.

"Anytime," she said, gazing at him lustfully. "And in any case, I'm not Dr. Valentine anymore. The WestHem fucks took my license away back in 2108. I'm just plain old Marjorie now."

"I heard about how you got fucked," Xenia said. "Just like those corporate assholes, ain't it?"

"It was the way of the solar system," Marjorie replied. "At least until now. Now you youngsters have given Mars a brand new chance. We're free because of you and everyone like you. Free to pursue our own course. I never thought I'd live to see it, but now that I have, I'm determined to live to see what becomes of us next. I think this Laura Whiting bitch has got us on the right path."

"So you don't think she's Queen Laura the First?" Belinda asked.

"Setting herself up to be just like the old bosses?" Marjorie asked.

"Yeah," Belinda replied. "That's what some of the people are afraid of. That we'll end up even worse off then we were before the revolution."

"An interesting question," she said, pondering, seemingly pleased that they were trying to tap into her wisdom. "Why don't we burn one and talk about that?"

"Burn one?" Jeff asked.

"Fuckin' aye," she said, reaching into her pocket and pulling out a silver case. She opened it and pulled out a fat joint. "I hope everyone likes Libby Lowdown. I've always been partial to that shit." She pulled out a laser lighter, sparked up the joint, and took a tremendous hit of it. While holding the hit in her lungs she passed the joint to Jeff. "Here you go, lover," she squeaked.

"Wow," Jeff said, taking it. He took a hit of his own, drawing deeply of the sweet smoke. Halfway through Marjorie hit him in the shoulder.

"Watch the spit on the end of the joint," she yelled. "If I want your spit I'll suck it off your tongue again."

"Sorry," Jeff squeaked, blushing.

"Youngsters these days," Marjorie huffed. "Always using pipes and bongs to smoke their shit. There's no fucking joint etiquette anymore. They really should teach that in school."

The joint was passed around until it was but a roach. Everyone watched his or her spit at the end, not wanting to incur the wrath of Marjorie. It was very good shit, almost as good as Agricorp Green. All five of them were in the stratosphere.

"Now then," Marjorie said after putting the roach into a separate case full of other such roaches. "You were concerned about the Queen Laura thing. I won't deny it's possible that we're dealing with a potential fascist dictator here. I won't deny that everything she has done to this point could have been an elaborate plan to seize power from the WestHems and set herself up as supreme ruler of this planet. It is possible that we could end up worse off than we were before."

"That's kind of a depressing thought, Gram," Zen said. "I thought you were in favor of Laura Whiting."

"I was and I am," Marjorie said. "My God, what I wouldn't give for a nice glass of Chardonnay right now. Oh well... the price of being free. Anyway, I was just trying to point out the worst-case scenario from this chain of events Laura Whiting has set in motion. I don't think we'll come to that. I can't explain why I feel what I do but I trust our governor. She is different. She actually seems to care about us. If this has all been a power scheme for her, it was an elaborate and far-reaching one. I honestly think that she is exactly what she seems to be."

"That's a relief to hear you say that," Belinda said.

"Well, don't be too relieved," Marjorie said. "Even if Whiting is exactly what she purports to be, we're still in for some rankin times in the next few years."

"What do you mean?" Jeff asked.

"The quest for power and for rule is a very powerful narcotic," Marjorie said. "There is a power vacuum in place on Mars right now. Laura Whiting is the governor of this now free planet. She has twenty-two former legislature members who joined her at the beginning of the revolt. These twenty-three people are all who are running the planet now. Others are going to try to get in on this ruling thing. Many of them will have nothing but their own self-interest in mind. And, if I read my history correctly, those who are the most charismatic will be the ones who are actually the most snake-like. We Martians are going to have to be very careful to avoid letting any of these people obtain positions of high power."

"What can we do to avoid that?" asked Belinda, terrified at the images that Marjorie was invoking.

"You can be diligent, you can use your common sense, and you can speak your mind when you need to," Marjorie replied. "You need to realize that there will be attempts to betray this revolution by small groups of people or individuals who just want to rule. You have to filter through their lies, examine every political person who tries to insert themselves into the power structure in your name. History is full of betrayed revolutions. I hope before all that is holy that you people who won this one for us won't let it be betrayed as well."

Martian Capital Building, New Pittsburgh

September 25, 2146

0900 hours

Governor Laura Whiting — who was technically only the acting Governor — called the meeting of the fledgling Martian government to order. They were in the legislature chambers, which had been designed to seat one hundred members in comfort and had accommodations for up to six hundred visitors in bleacher style seating in the rear. With only twenty-three people present, the large chambers seemed almost empty.

"Good morning," she told everyone from her podium at the front of the room. "The first order of business on the agenda is the reply to our offer to open negotiations for an armistice we received from the WestHem Executive Council early this morning. I'm sure you can all guess what the jest of that reply is."

A chuckle traveled through the seats. Yes, they could all guess. Laura had sent her message to Earth four days ago, offering to open negotiations for a permanent armistice and peace treaty with WestHem. In the request Mars offered to immediately resume food and steel shipments and to begin negotiating a POW exchange. Mars' terms for such actions were public WestHem recognition of Mars as an independent nation and the extradition of General Wrath and General Browning on war crimes charges. Instead of responding right away WestHem had cut and edited the message until it seemed like Laura was taunting the WestHem public, expressing hatred for all things Earthling, and threatening to kill even more hostages. This edited tape had been playing non-stop on all three of the big three for three days now.

"In any case," Laura said, "I'll go ahead and play that reply now for the record. I'll also release a copy to MarsGroup so they can start playing it as well." She tapped a few buttons on her podium screen and the video file opened up, both before her and on the large screen behind her. She pushed the "play" tab.

The face of Loretta Williams appeared, looking years older than it had in the beginning of the conflict. "This is in reply to the offer of negotiation of armistice that was sent to us by the terrorist leader Laura Whiting of Mars. I will make this short and very clear. There will be no armistice of any kind with you thugs that are holding Mars hostage. To even call this conflict a war is insulting to all those brave marines who participated in it. You are illegally holding a WestHem colony against the will of the people who live there and we will not rest until Mars is liberated and its people allowed to live out their lives in democratic peace. All terrorists we captured during Operation Martian Hammer are being returned to Earth where they will be tried for their crimes and executed if found guilty of murder or treason. In addition, when our next task force arrives and liberates that planet Laura Whiting, Kevin Jackson, and any soldier who picked up arms against us will also be tried on charges of murder, treason, and crimes against humanity. You would be well advised to spare your people further bloodshed and surrender yourselves now. Only if you agree to this term and to unconditional surrender of Mars back to WestHem rule will we agree to speak with you in any way."

The screen went blank as the message ended.

"So then," Laura said, sipping from her tea, "the usual WestHem blathering bullshit. I'm afraid that is pretty much what we were expecting all along. It looks like we're going to have to fight them again at some point."

This caused some tittering among the legislature. One of the members, Steve Hotbox of Eden, asked to be recognized. Laura did so.

"Like all of you here, I'm extremely proud of what the MPG did to keep this planet in our hands during the war," he said. "I myself have a son who has been in the MPG for years. He served with the 5th Heavy Artillery Battalion in Eden and was nearly killed when the WestHem air strike took out his gun. We lost a lot of people in this war and we just barely hung in there. As General Jackson said in his briefing, the marines were within thirty minutes of taking Eden from us when they decided to turn back. It was only their loss of morale that saved us."

"That is true, Steve," Laura said. "What is it that you're trying to say here?"

"I'm wondering what's going to happen the next time they send troops after us. We beat them because they underestimated us and because we had some pretty good tricks up our sleeve. I'm not trying to take anything away from the MPG or General Jackson. Both performed brilliantly. But now the WestHems know just how they should estimate our abilities and they know all of our tricks. Won't they send twice as many men and machines next time? Won't they focus on a single city instead of splitting their forces? I'm wondering whether it's wise of us to take such a hard line with WestHem on this armistice."

"I take it that Jack Strough has been visiting your office?" Laura asked.

Hotbox sputtered a little. "Well... yes, but I had my doubts about this long before Mr. Strough entered the picture."

Laura sighed. Jack Strough, the president of the cargo handler's union, the man who had been a constant thorn in the side of the revolution ever since they first took the planet from WestHem, was now expanding his pain-in-the-ass status into Martian politics. In the past two weeks he had organized nearly every labor union on Mars into a loose alliance of laborers and was using this power to project his wishes into the Governor's office and into the offices of the remaining legislature members. "I have listened to Mr. Strough's proposals myself," she said. "He is suggesting that we accept 'de facto' independence from WestHem but that we allow their corporations to retain control of the various industries on the planet."

"That is correct," Hotbox said. "And I believe that Mr. Strough makes a lot of sense. WestHem is never going to accept losing Mars. They are going to keep sending more and more troops here until they take it back and condemn all of us to an ongoing military occupation. Those of us who fomented the revolt will be tried and executed."

"Our troops did not fight and die out there for de facto independence, Steve," Laura said angrily. "They fought and died so we could be free — completely free — of the WestHem system of government. What he is suggesting puts us right back under WestHem control."

"No, that's where you're wrong," Hotbox argued. "We get to elect our own leaders and the MPG gets to stay intact. They won't send any more troops to Mars to try to liberate it. The corporations get to keep their holdings but the Martian Federation of Labor that Strough is proposing will set all wages and working conditions for every Earth based corporation. In addition, we'll be free to continue trading with EastHem, something we were not allowed to do under the previous system. This will allow the expansion of the agricultural fields and the steel fields and open up a prosperity that will last for generations."

"And we would still be on WestHem's system of currency," Laura said, "and subjected to their corporate mentality." She shook her head. "That is not what we were fighting for, Steve."

"I understand that, Laura," Hotbox said. "Honestly I do. But I don't think we're going to be able to hold this planet indefinitely. A lot of the workers out there are in favor of this plan — more every day."

"We will hold this planet forever if we remain unified," Laura said. "As we speak right now, our factories are churning out tanks, guns, APCs, bullets, aircraft, and every other supply needed to fight a war. General Jackson plans to increase MPG manpower by more than two hundred percent in the next six months and to beef up every aspect of our defensive capabilities. If this is allowed to go forth, the WestHems will be soundly defeated out in the wastelands again no matter what they send here. Their one chance to take this planet back from us has come and gone — unless we fail to remain unified and that is exactly what Jack Strough is trying to do. He is pitting our vital labor force against those of us who are trying to keep them free. And when you allow him into your office and bring his seditious drivel into these chambers you are helping him."

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I want to Daniel's house for the weekend. We were talking about current events and activities that going on at the pool. Daniel said he just cleaned his bathroom and was getting ready to take a shower when he said "I wish I can just take a bath and soak, but it is boring though." I said, "I can join you and we can talk if you want?" He said "I don’t know, it might be boring for you just sit in there as I bathe." I then said "I not going to sit and watch you, I am taking a bath too."...

4 years ago
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Wharton Lane

I moved to this neighborhood a couple of years ago. I work at home and tend to be a homebody, so I really never have gotten to know any of my neighbors save the ones on either side of me and across the street. Being a homebody, I'd gotten kind of lazy, and when I noticed my Levis getting a bit tough to button, I decided enough was enough. I had to do something - no way was I going to turn into some single spinster cat lady as big as the side of a house, so I decided to start walking. At...

3 years ago
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Winning the Worlds

A field of golden grass. A tree at least a hundred times the size of anything you've seen before. A woman's voice. "You are chosen." This is everything our hero sees, hears, feels. "Take this gift." The woman appears. Her glows with an earthy green. Her eyes as dark as the forest but full of life and love. Her golden, sun-kissed skin shines with radiance. Her name resonates through your head. Gaia. Mother Nature. The goddess who created the earth and all life on it.

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Proud to be a Straight Ally

Driving down the road, sitting in the driver's seat, your newest best friend, Patricia, is going on tour with you. It's just the best of fun to go out on the backroads and explore places you have never been when the weather permits. You smile as her fingers reach across to eagerly caress your hard-on. He is always out and free when the two of you are alone together.You've not been friends long, but it seems you have known her forever. In your heart you have. And you praise the gods for her...

4 years ago
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this is part two

"It looks like you've got a little competition for Nick's cock." This was Lily's response when I told her about the ass patting incident that I had witnessed. She was stretched out on my bed with her laptop open and one hand inside her panties. "What the fuck are you looking at?" I asked after a few moments of watching my girlfriend masturbating herself and rose from where I previously sat and sank down on the bed beside her. On the monitor screen was the classic shot of Britney Spears...

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Bosom Buddies Ch 6

“And you turned her down?!” Amy sat bolt upright, her jaw hanging open in shock. I just nodded, glancing around the room to take in the equally disbelieving reactions of Talia, Stephanie, and Elizabeth. Reeling from what had just transpired, I’d called the four of them over to my house immediately upon getting home from my fight with Corrine. While the others assaulted me with questions, Elizabeth calmly scooted over to my side and gave me a calming, comforting hug. Little by little, I started...

4 years ago
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Sonia The Very Very Caring Staff Member From Chester Hill Respite House

This support can be provided through a number of ways. There are a number of avenues this support can occur though. The two main ways are financial and human resources. Now carers are classified as human resources. Now the carers provide support from the basic needs of a human to going away. The truth is that without the carers in the various communities there would be very little “quality of life” so to speak. Now for the actual story, the time came for me to engage the...

4 years ago
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The Ceremony Part 2

The Ceremony - Part 2Gilly was the first girl scheduled for a Ceremony this week. Gilly had nylon come of age last week.She was a true ginger, fine red hair and pale white skin. Her face blossomed with freckles.Gilly was painfully thin, pipe cleaner arms and gangly legs.What fuelled the whispers in he school was her pairing with Mr Smith.Or Mr Horse Cock to give him the nickname the girls use... For you see Mr Smith is magnificently well endowed,as have many girls found out. His cock is a good...

3 years ago
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Jack and Dianne

Jack Morgan's trusty old F150 bounced down the nearly impassable trail and bounced through the last dry wash before he reached his destination. He could see the trail of dust hanging in the still air behind. It was a typical mid August day in Southwest Missouri. It was hot and dry with no real chance of rain for some time. When Jack had left home to go to college seven years ago he swore he would never return for more than a short visit. Now it looked like he might never leave again. He had...

2 years ago
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Pauline The Slut Part 17 Performing

They arrived at noon. I was shocked when I went outside. Beth was driving my car. She insisted on taking pictures of me posing across the front of the car. I was forced to smile and spread my legs wide. She was enjoying herself. We eventually left with me in the back seat. When we got out off town I was ordered to take the dress off. As we approached a truck I had to open the window and stick my head and breasts out giving the driver a big smile and shaking my breasts at him. I had to do this...

3 years ago
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Long Life and TelepathyChapter 18

I noticed Loni's raised eyebrow, a signal that told me she wanted me to connect with her. Hi, baby doll, I said. Come sit here next to me. Put Terry on your right, she said. How are you feeling? I'm fine. Really. I feel better this evening than I did this morning. I'm excited about the show Owen has planned. Terry and I got settled next to Loni and Philip. We sat in air-conditioned comfort in a viewing clubhouse overlooking the lighted dressage arena. I got the idea of a clubhouse...

2 years ago
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A Chance Reunion

A Chance Re-union After I left the Navy all thoughts about my bi romp in New York were pushed to the back of my mind. I married a lovely girl, we had two adorable c***dren and settled into a life of married bliss. Some years later I was working in London’s Soho district when I saw a guy who I thought I recognised. I followed him into a local pub, as he got to the bar he turned so that he was facing me. It was Dave my New York gay friend, he looked at me and recognition filled his face. We...

2 years ago
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a morning of flashing

guys first my phone/camera is broken so i will not be able to upload anymore videos :'(.... now for the morning of flashing, so this morning around 5 a.m. i am on my way back towards the house and i think since im passing all these bus stops and its this early why not wait for some ladies to come to the stops... idk if luck was with me or what but i flashed about 6 women in the course of an hour and maybe a half.... so im at the first bus stop (this is a busy bus route and i am in) and there is...

4 years ago
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Love and Jealousy

Love and Jealousy I have had a very interesting and intense relationship with a tall and attractive woman - I dated Jackie (not her real name) for about three years. With her sex was absolutely amazing as she was one of those multi-orgasmic female who could have one orgasm after another one and if very excited she could go on for hours (to the point that it was hurting her the next day). Being a highly sexual person, she could get excited very easily: for instance just talking of...

3 years ago
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The Rogues Harem Book 3 Rogues Passionate HaremChapter 14 Corrupted Love

Note: Thanks to WRC 264 for beta reading this! Princess Ava – Echur, Princedom of Kivoneth, The Strifelands of Zeutch My lusts quieted down. My jade beetle proxy didn’t have sexual organs. It didn’t have a pussy to feel that aching need to be fucked by my father. I shuddered in my current form, frightened by the powerful lust that seized me. I ... I wanted to be bred by my father so badly, I didn’t care about anything but taking his seed in me. I only needed his seed. Only he could...

1 year ago
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A Casualty of Chance Part 3

Kelli showers with her new friends Kelli assumed her next stop would be one of the unmade beds as she crashed on the nearest one, her wobbly and unstable legs struggling to support her the moment Gerald let go of her. She buried her face in the cheap,filthy pillow which reeked of sweat but at that moment it felt like heaven as she basically passed out from emotional and physical exhaustion, the events that had just occurred twirling around in her mind as she proceeded through the most surreal...

Cheating Wife
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An early bi encounter

I contacted a bi couple at an online contact site and after a few e-mails between us we decided to meet and see if we were compatible. We arranged to meet at a bar in town but due to some confusion I went to one bar any they went to another. I thought I’d been stood up as did they. They did, though, have my mobile number and I got a call asking where I was. I let them know and they advised me where they were so I exited my bar and headed to theirs. I had’t actually seen facial pictures of them...

3 years ago
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Mother and daughter enjoy a movie at the adult movie theatre but they soon find themselves living it

With her husband out of town for the month, Mary and her daughter Sue had gone out shopping for the weekend. Sue was in her mid 20s and Mary was going on 45. When Sue suggested they go to an adult theatre at first she was shocked but then laughed at the thought. She had never seen one and why not. They were both adults. She knew Sue must have masturbated a lot since she never brought any boys over and so she didn’t want to make a scene. Besides, it was better to get off on a movie then...

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Junior YearChapter 10 Alpha Male Unleashed

When I got up, Duke and I went to the kitchen and found Mom and Dad making breakfast. Things had seemed to settle down some in the past couple of weeks, and this weekend was planned so they could have some alone-time without me under their feet. I had no idea what that meant; and, to be honest, I didn’t want to know. “I visited Tim in the hospital, yesterday. His surgery found more damage than they’d hoped. He won’t be able to play until next season,” Mom said. I’d seen the hit, and it had...

4 years ago
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PRISCILLA’S FIRST CANING. PART VIFurther instructions by Dr. Stanton himself THE ADMINISTRATION OF AN ACTUAL CANING: INTERACTION WITH THE MISCREANTThe considerable detail in which we have discussed the management of the cane so far will prove, I hope, sufficient to ensure that when it comes to the actual event you will manage it smoothly and effectively. There remain, however, some additional points to be made.As you proceed with a caning, however, additional problems may arise and we will...

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A date with my wife

We get in the car, me driving, my wife in the passenger seat, and you in the backseat. You lean forward continuing our conversation. Looking in the rear view I see you staring at my wifes cleavage as we chat. Her slinky black dress is low cut showing her full D cup breasts nicely. For several minutes you perv on my wifes tits until you glance up and make eye contact with me. I smile as if to say "caught you" and you grin drunkenly. My wife is looking out the window totally unaware. You take...

2 years ago
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California CrewChapter 17

The first football game of the season. The first cheer leading show of the season. After school finished that Thursday, we all headed to the locker rooms. We all paused to give the guys a good luck make out, then went to get ready. The game started at four thirty. The cheerleaders were meeting at three fifty for stretching, prepping, and maybe a run through. I headed to my locker, and dropped my bags down next to it. I spun the dial, put in my combination, and grabbed a towel. I headed to...

1 year ago
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Behan Ki God Bhari

Hi I am Huma, I am glad that readers have appreciated my recent stories greatly. My present story is a hot one in which husband offers his wife to be impregnated by her real brother. A hot sister brother incest with lots of vulgar dialogues is a dish I am offering you. Post your comments at ” AUR JOR SE CHODO MUJHE MERE RAJA, MERI CHOOT KAB SE TARAS RAHI HAI TERE LUND KO. KAHAN THAY ITNE BARSON SE MERE BHAIYA, MERE SAINYA, MERE MALIK, APNI BEHAN KO CHOD KAR NIHAL KAR DO AAJ MUJHE CHOD LO APNI...

4 years ago
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The Gift

Cara could feel the cool tip of the plastic cock as it pressed against the heat of her pussy. She didn’t move a muscle, just waited obediently. She’d never been fucked by a strapon and her heart was racing from the nervous excitement. “Are you ok, love?” the woman’s voice asked firmly from behind her.“Y-y-yes, I think so,” Cara’s voice stammered as she answered. “Good, then we shall proceed.” On all fours, Cara turned to look behind. Her eyes panned but, before she could make out her lovers...

3 years ago
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The Game

The game was played at the conference center in downtown Clanton every third Saturday of the month. The game was called "Your Number is up". It was a voluntary hanging game that had six women contestants, two who would hang themselves and the other four remaining women and their families were paid a cash prize of $100,000. It was one of the highest rated shows in the Valley. The object of the game was that the women would stand nude on small stools with a noose around their necks on the...

2 years ago
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Jokes and Giggles Part TwoChapter 212

A city girl was driving back to town after attending a family funeral when she ran out of gas. It was getting late so she asked two good ol’ boys sitting on the stoop of a mobile home where she could get some gas. “Well,” said one, “the fillin’ station ain’t open ‘till tomorrie, but I reckon you kin stay the night with me & Billy-Bob here.” She accepted, only to be told that there was only one bed, which both Billy-Bob & Billy-Ray slept in. Thinking it might be fun, she went ahead...

1 year ago
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My Innocent Addiction Chapter Four

Her dad's tongue was deep in her clit, licking her labia and tasting her juices. Her own atheltic, tall, prudish businessman...was rapidly eating her out, making her feel better than she had ever felt...despite the pain from losing her virginity, Rebecca was dangerously close to orgasming in her dad's mouth. She was trying so hard to fight it, enraged at herself for her body's betrayal. Cecil and Freddy were both looking on avidly. Her dad began rubbing her cunt as he tongued...

1 year ago
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What We Would Both Miss

It was the final night of our weeklong canoeing trip. In the morning, we would have just three more miles to travel on the river until we arrived at the public campground where my fiancée’s sister would be meeting us to take us back to reality, back to society and bills and jobs and traffic jams and innumerable rude people in the city. I was not looking forward to that return. I was also not really looking forward to wearing actual clothing again. For the entirety of our journey, my...

2 years ago
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Old Country

I was drifting ... peacefully; just enjoying the simple pleasure of a warm summer day, lying on the floating platform anchored in the middle of the small lake. I was enjoying the quiet of no cars or crowds around there at the State Park near my uncle's house. Our family went there at least three times each summer when I was growing up. At least we had until I had gone off to college. But ... that was years ago. Why am I out on that floating platform now? And that soft beeping sound I keep...

2 years ago
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Just One HourChapter 13

Up until now Stacey had felt unsure and a bit scared. She had hoped that this man would have just had his fun and left. The Boss although menacing had been almost affectionately polite to her; and though a lot older he had a certain animal charm. Even after he'd called her a bitch and been so arrogant she had rationalised it all until it virtually made sense. It had to be done for the house, for her lifestyle and well even for her useless husband. But now her gut twisted, and her chest rose...

1 year ago
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FamilyStrokes Jillian Janson Second Cousin Loving

Bambino walked into his bathroom only to find the sexy ass Jillian Janson in there. He had no idea who she was, but damn did she have a nice ass! Bambino went to his mom downstairs to ask why there was a strange girl in his bathroom. She told him that she was not strange at all, she was his second cousin! Boy has she grown. She grew so much that she even showed cousin Bambino how her tits have been coming in. Very nice! At this point neither of them could help themselves and they started...

3 years ago
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Got Interested With Mommy 8211 Part V

Dad is supposed to come tomorrow. It was so exciting to know that I will be alone with Mom tonight, especially after the sex with her this afternoon. When Mom called me to go to her room to study while she did her wardrobe, I suggested that we sit nude. Mom agreed for it, but as she had warned me earlier that it’s not possible for two adults to sit nude without doing anything, we ended up having sex. Oh! I fucked Mom this afternoon. This makes me so excited every time and I recall it. She was...

4 years ago
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58 Dawn s rugby passion

58. Dawn `s rugby passion.[a true story]Dawns surprise trip to Paris for the rugby. Arrived home from a working trip, tired as usual but well satisfied with the deals I had negotiated, it was Friday and I was looking forward to a relaxing weekend. I was met at the door by my beloved hubby, he kissed me told me to “shower and change, the master wants us both for a whole weekend and says to be ready in an hour!” “Shit!” He then said “he had already packed, picked my clothes and that he hoped...

4 years ago
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Forced aunt

To all ISS readers and especially incest readers, this is my true life story and I want to thank this website for introducing me about the great feeling of having an incest relationship and that too with my own aunt. The incident happened just a week ago. My name is Sunil and could say the youngest boy who gets entangled in the incest web at the age of 16. There might be even younger boys than me but as far as I know, mine is a 100% true story. My first encounter happened with my aunt who is my...

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Taffy 3 Part One Scene 1Jacks Having a Bad Morning

This scene opens with a 1954 baby blue Jaguar XK 120 motoring down a highway. Inside the car, which has a piece of clear plastic over the roof bows, which are normally used to hold the 'drop head' convertible top, a very properly mustached British officer with a thermos bottle full of coffee for company is driving along through the dark, which is pretty damn 'deserted road at 4 or 5 am' and inside the car is a cardboard box on the passenger side and a suitcase is on the outside of the car...

2 years ago
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Humans and Homesteads

You live in the modern day world! There are no flying cars or dragons, no, simply look out your window if you want to imagine what the lay of the land is for this story. One key note and important distinction: your universe has been altered for some reason! Women are more prevalent than men, splitting it 70% to 30% and in your high school specifically the ratio is more like 80% to 20%! What a strange plot devi- I mean, “phenomenon”… You are 18 years old and attend the local public high school....

Mind Control
1 year ago
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Cat my teeny virgin

I was in a bad mood,I`d let the freezer run low and now I was having to drive this shopping trolly that had a mind of its own round the local ASDA store at 8 at night, the only compensation being I had a chance to speak to young Cat,a rather attractive young lady of about 18 or 19 ,who happened to work checkout 12 or 15(depending on her shift) Cat (That was on her name label) was 5ft 7in tall 36-26-32 I estimated ,beautiful deep brown eyes and a cute slightly snubbed nose,her butt was two tight...

First Time
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Dads Best Friend 3

“Mike! Open up.” Came my fathers voice from the other side of the door. “What are we going to do?” I asked quietly. “I don’t know baby. Maybe he doesn’t suspect anything. Just, I guess, finish getting dressed in the bathroom and I’ll stall him. Just hurry.” He whispers kissing me on the for head as I grabbed my clothes and ran down the hall to the bathroom. As I was trying my best to get my clothes on with shaky hands, I could hear Mike opening the door. “Hey Tom! What brings you out this...

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