Desert DroppingChapter 27B
- 3 years ago
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Cindy and her husband lived in the southeast part of Bloomington, in a development built on three sides of a common park that also held a clubhouse, a swimming pool and tennis courts. Their townhouse was one of a group of six at the far end of the development. It reminded Devlin of the row houses she'd once seen on a vacation to the East Coast.
The parking lot was nearly full, and more cars were pulling in all of the time. Devlin followed the steady stream of people; most of them were couples, and from the snatches of conversation she overheard there was a dance at the clubhouse. She wondered if there was a dance every Tuesday night. If so, it would be perfect cover for a lifestyle party. Nobody would notice a few extra cars in the parking lot and a few less people at the dance.
The path to the clubhouse wound around an artificial lake—currently covered with ice and snow—and through a large playground. The front door of Cindy's townhouse was around a corner and next to a single-car garage. The townhouse was light gray with white trim on the windows and doors, with only a number to distinguish it from all of the other townhouses.
Cindy opened the door almost right away. She was wearing a sleeveless yellow sheath dress imprinted with red flowers, and she practically dragged Devlin through the door. "It's cold out there tonight. How've you been? We missed you last week." The small entrance foyer was at the foot of a long flight of stairs. There were coats and boots to the left, and a door that had to open to the garage to the right.
"Yeah, well something happened and I couldn't come." She offered Cindy the bowl of fruit salad she'd bought at the grocery store. "I got this, I wasn't sure if you wanted something a little heavier."
"We'll put that in the kitchen. Everybody brings something, so there's plenty of food if you get the munchies. Now let's get upstairs where it's warm." She made sure the main door was locked and almost ran up the stairs to the main floor.
"That's the one trouble with winter," Cindy said when she pushed open the door to the living room. She rubbed her arms briskly. "There's no heat down by the front door, and I remember I should have worn a sweater only when I get down there." She pointed to a chair in the corner. "You can put your coat and muffler there."
There were already three couples standing in the living room talking. Everyone, Devlin noted, was conservatively dressed, the men in nice slacks and good shirts, the women mostly in cocktail dresses. It made her feel better about what she'd chosen to wear, good slacks and her white turtleneck sweater. She'd decided to wear that because it was an outfit nobody in the dorm would question.
"Everybody," Cindy said, "this is Devlin. She's Doug's partner." People nodded and returned to their talking. "The others should be arriving in a few minutes, everybody tries to be here before 7:00."
"Who's Doug?" Devlin asked as she followed Cindy into the kitchen. "And you said I'm his partner. What's that all about?"
"Doug is single," Cindy said as she put the salad on the counter. "We want a balance of male and female here, and that's why you're paired with Doug. Don't worry, nobody will force you to have sex with him. For one thing, he's gay, well, sort of."
"He's gay? And he's at a lifestyle party?"
"Only sort of." Cindy lowered her voice. "None of the other men are gay, or even bi-sexual..."
"Nothing new there." Devlin couldn't think of a single admitted gay man she'd met at a lifestyle party.
"Doug used to be married," Cindy continued, "and, well, things didn't work out and he and Lisa split up. That was a shame, they were a nice couple. Of course Lisa's a lesbian, so you can see there were a few difficulties."
"I guess. So what's he doing here?"
"He's after the same thing all men are. He might be gay, but he'll take a blow-job from a woman, and he'll eat you out afterwards."
"Sounds like he isn't that gay."
Cindy laughed. "He isn't. I'll let him explain it to you, it's complicated. Trust me, he's one of the few men you'll meet at a lifestyle party who won't be turned on by your body. You'll see when he gets here.
"All right, a couple of things." Cindy poured herself a cup of coffee and leaned back against the counter. "We pull the drapes and lock the door just after 7:00, and we generally wrap things up around 11:00 or a little after. There's no sleep-overs like at Emma's. After I pull the drapes most people get comfortable in some way. We have pillows and blankets in the bedrooms upstairs, and don't worry about leaving any messes on the beds, we have an industrial strength washer and dryer in the garage. There are two bedrooms upstairs, the master bedroom and a spare bedroom, and two bathrooms: the master and one at the end of the hall. The master bedroom has a balcony in back; I don't recommend you use it, it can be seen by the neighbors and they'd say something. In the summer my husband and I like to sleep with the balcony doors open. It gets rather stuffy upstairs and the air helps a great deal.
"One last thing, condoms are the rule here. I hope you brought some."
Devlin made a face. "I hate the taste a condom leaves on a guy's dick, but I can live with it. And, yes, I brought a box." She patted her purse.
"Good. I've always thought a good tasting spermicide would sell like crazy. Any questions?"
Devlin nodded. "Just a couple," she said. "Is it all nude all the time like at Emma's? And if not, where do we change?"
"All nude, that's up to you. Upstairs, yes. Downstairs, well, as the evening goes on you'll see more and more skin. As for a changing room, we don't have one, but we don't have the problem Emma does: nobody steals anybody's underwear. What did you decide to wear?"
"I was going to wear a chemise," Devlin said. "Instead I brought a black lace wrap. I have it in my purse."
"Sounds sexy. Maybe I should get one."
"They add sexiness without covering too much. And with the right accessories, say matching pan and maybe a push-up bra..."
"A push-up bra would work for you, I don't have that much to push up. Panties, though... I have these crotchless panties I've never quite dared wear. I've always thought them just a touch too revealing."
"They'd be perfect for this. A wrap lets you control just how much people see."
Cindy smiled. "You may have talked me into it. I'll have to look around. Where did you find yours?"
"Victoria's Secret, but most lingerie stores should carry wraps."
"That should be easy enough to remember."
Devlin glanced at the clock. "Should I change now, or circulate a bit?"
"Wait until after 7:00," Cindy said. "Rita, she's one of the gals here tonight, hosted the party once, and was wearing this sheer baby doll when some bible-thumpers came to the door." She laughed. "You can imagine how that went over."
The doorbell rang before she could say more. Cindy hurried off, leaving Devlin standing uncertainly in the kitchen. She poured herself a glass of iced tea and went to introduce herself.
She knew a couple of the people in the living room—she had met them at Emma's parties. The others introduced themselves in a blur of faces.
Cindy came upstairs with another couple and a man with permed blonde hair wearing a lavender suit. "Doug," she said, bringing him over, "this is Devlin."
Doug's handshake was a little soft. "Did Cindy explain about me?" he asked, smiling.
"Some. I know I have some questions." She noted that his hands were manicured, something she had never seen with a guy.
Doug drew her to one side. "Despite what people may tell you, I'm not really gay. I act like I am, but it's partly a professional thing."
"The two men who control the teaching assignments in the department are lovers. If you're male and not gay they can make your life miserable."
"So you're really straight?"
He shook his head. "No, I'm not a breeder, either. I'm not really sure what I am. I've tried it both ways and neither one did anything for me. How about you? Cindy said something about you having a woman lover."
"Just one woman, and that's sort of up in the air. We have a lot of issues to work out. Normally I'm fixed on men."
"Sort of like me." He sighed dramatically. "There's this one guy I could be gay with, but he's happily married, and he's definitely not gay. That can certainly make life miserable for some of us."
"Tell me about it," Devlin said.
The doorbell rang. In moments Cindy came back up the stairs with one last couple. She locked the door and then closed the front curtains. "Party time, everyone," she called.
"Thank God," said a woman in a dark red cocktail dress. She reached behind her and pulled down the zipper. She was wearing a black thong, a black lace push-up bra, and a black garter belt with black thigh-high nylons underneath it. She unzipped a guy's pants, reached in and took hold of his cock. "C'mon, I can't wait."
"There goes Cherie," someone said as the couple climbed the stairs. "I wonder if she'll give him a chance to get his pants off."
"Does she ever," another woman said with a laugh. She began unbuttoning her blouse.
"Cherie and Jack are having an affair," Doug said in a low voice. "Everyone knows it."
"An affair?" Devlin looked surprised. "That's... different. You don't often see that at a lifestyle party."
"This is the only place where they get together. While they'll be consummating themselves, their spouses will be in the next room pretending nothing's happening." He turned back to look at Devlin. "So, what can you tell me about yourself."
"There's not much to tell. I'm a student, I'm not staff or faculty."
"That makes you unique. Everyone else is staff or faculty."
"I've been in the lifestyle for a while."
"How long is 'a while'?"
She laughed. "I'm not telling. Along with my weight and age, that question is off-limits."
"Fair enough. I won't tell you my age or weight, either."
Enough people were undressing in the living room that Devlin began to feel a little self-conscious. "Hang on a bit," she said. "It looks like it's time to get comfortable."
"I always wondered about that phrase," Doug said as he took off his jacket. "I'm comfortable in this suit."
Devlin pulled off her sweater and bra, piling them on the kitchen counter. "If you had to wear a bra all day you'd know where the phrase came from."
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It was a flat November morning, a morning when colours run and the mist hung in the jaws of the estuary above the liver-coloured flott. A slatternly wind was ruffling the tussocks of coarse grass that grew along the littoral, doing nothing to shift the grey curtain. The air smelt of salt and older, darker things. Even the normally raucous gulls were muted, their endless carping muffled by the damp air. No horizon was discernible. The sky coalesced into the iron water, leaching all colours into...
I managed to sneak in a Val kiss before the cramps ran me out the door. Who ever was running the program had rearranged my closet. Then I remembered. I couldn’t use the portal where it was, hung out in the middle of space ... so to speak, so ... they moved it ... to my closet. Where my 16 year old sister found me coming out and tattled. “Mom! He’s hiding out in the closet! He smells like sex!” She ... Grace... The rail stuck her tongue out and gave me the raspberry. If you have a...
Previously in "Gluteus Maximus" - Chapter Ten"Josh, I'm inviting your ass over. You want to come or not?" he askedmatter of factly."Um, and like have sex with other guys?" I asked stupidly."Ugh, I'm tired of this Little Bo Peep shit. Look man, I don't want toupset your little white bread sensibilities, but I'm going to be over herewith a couple of my peeps and we're going to be fucking and sucking all dayand into the night, you get that?" he asked authoritatively."Um, yeah." I answered...
I woke up tired and feeling like crap. I'd had the most severe magical work-out, since leaving Markus. I checked the spells that remained, and noticed they were either frayed, or fading. I canceled them. I would do a whole new set shortly. But first, I wanted a shower. I am not sure how long I was in the shower, when I heard a pounding on my door. I turned off the shower, and grabbed my robe. I was pulling it on as I walked towards the door. It broke open before I got there. "Police! Get...
Seth reclined in his litter, borne upon the shoulders of four servants as they elevated him above the crowded marketplace. He stared up at cloudless blue sky while they made their stuttering, stop-and-start way through the throng and toward the slave pens. He'd ventured out with a mission today. A particular need had overcome him, a rather... insatiable craving, and his usual methods of indulgence were proving wanting of late. The brothels and the infrequent liaisons with other lords barely...
Gay MaleJune would often give her kids a quick kiss before she left for work. One day, as June went to kiss Bree on her cheek, Bree turned and kissed her mother right on her lips. June was surprised, to say the least. Bree whispered, "Nice." The next several days, the kissing on the lips was repeated! On Friday, Bree was sitting at the kitchen table when June was leaving for work. "Mother, aren't you forgetting something?" "If you want your kiss, you will have to come over here...
I'd taken my mate to the out patients of a local hospital, they told me to come and collect him in a couple of hours. As I was feeling hungry I decided to go and look for something to eat, there was a parade of shops a mile up the road, as I was looking for a sandwich shop I found a chemist, I went in to see if they had a chocolate bar or something.A chubby lady of around 60 served me, she said "There isn't anything round here to eat", shame I said in a flirty way, which made her blush. "You...
100% fiction! Take one step forward, you have crossed over into Millie’s Vast Expanse. Meet Scarlett, age 18. Occupation: Student, education, incomplete. Hobbies, boys, music, boys, TV, boys, movies, and of course, boys. A girl filled with a deep seated longing, a need to be needed, she desires to love and be love. She is a flower waiting on a bee. Meet Jackson, Occupation, none, lives off an inheritance. A man that is a lover of the young. A seemingly permeant fixture wherever the youthful...
First TimeNatasha Nice and her stepdaughter, Hazel Moore, are with Vanessa Sky, a therapist they have recently been going to. As they settle in, it’s clear right from the start that Natasha and Hazel have NOT been getting along, which is why they need Vanessa’s help. In fact, the more they talk, the more obvious it is that they are poor communicators. Because of this, they just get even more frustrated with each other. Natasha and Hazel reflect on how they’ve been talking less, which...
xmoviesforyouIt was beginning to get dark when Cindy woke up. She roused the others, and quickly got dressed."Gracious me", exclaimed Ms. Alsover when she realized what time it was. "You have to hurry up my dear, your mother will be worried".Somehow, Cindy had her doubts about that, but she did not want any more trouble at home. She packed up her things, kissed her grandma, and went for the door."Wait a minute", said Timothy, and he was pulling on his t-shirt. “I will take you home.”Cindy was glad for the...
Scarlit takes a chance and visits a sex therapist. Since her break up with her cheating ex, she’s been struggling to have an orgasm. She’s been told Piper is a miracle worker, and Piper assures her there are techniques to relieving our emotional stressors that are often unknowingly at the root of our sexual tensions. Nervous but willing to try, Scarlit gets undressed and lies down for a full body oil massage. Piper’s calm and trusting energy loosens up her buckling knees and, slowly but surely,...