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Please note that I am an aspiring author with a specific story to tell, of which this submission is a significant part. I greatly appreciate comments regarding style, composition, and similar related feedback as I am trying to hone (if not just plain develop) my writing skills.

The following is a true story from our life.


Some situations in life are nearly impossible to find words for, even much later after they are long passed. My wife and I both found ourselves in such a place early in the morning hours one day when we were walking down a somewhat dim-seeming but still well-lit clean, crisp hospital hallway as I held our infant son in my arms.

Our lives had changed a lot in the preceding 11 days, and we hadn’t yet begun to realize just how much. Barbara was expecting our third child, our son, a baby brother for his two older sisters, Elizabeth, 11, and Christina, 3. The day of his birth arrived, right about on the originally scheduled date. Barbara’s obstetrician had later pushed her expected due date back about 2 weeks because she didn’t gain as much weight as soon as projected, but at the time nobody took this to be a clue of anything more serious, and all the normal diagnostics appeared to come back as expected.

Our son’s birth was, if anything, easier than his sisters births because he was smaller than they were, and the birth process was otherwise unremarkable…not that I dismiss any of the trauma of a birth lightly, ladies. Having had several bouts of kidney stones myself, I have a really good clue about the pain and trauma that women endure during childbirth – and lest any of you ladies doubt the veracity of my statement, the nurse who admitted me to the hospital ward for my first kidney stone episode later told me that she’d done both childbirth and kidney stones too, and she’d volunteer for childbirth twenty times more before wanting to deal with another kidney stone! …but I digress.

As I cut his umbilical cord, he gave a weak cry and was taken over to the nearby table to be evaluated and his Apgar scores determined. His initial scores were good. As the nurse was cleaning him up as I watched, hovering nearby, I was the first to notice his left hand. There was an extra partial digit on that hand attached to the right side of his left thumb. I mentioned it aloud. As the nurse confirmed my observation the doctor, who was working with my wife while sitting on his rolling stool, stopped his ministrations to her and quickly slid over towards the nurse and I. He took a brief peek at our son, and as he wheeled himself back to my wife, he said softly to the nurse assisting him to go get another doctor, the on-duty geneticist, to examine our son – and to do it pronto.

After a few very quick moments when we introduced our son to his mother, this time from the outside, and then he was swiftly swept away into the nursery unit so the doctors could give him a very careful and thorough exam. An hour or so later, he was brought back to us, and sometime later, the other doctor, the geneticist, came in to my wife’s room to both observe him and her as Barbara was attempting to give him his first feeding, largely unsuccessfully. He just didn’t seem to have the energy to nurse properly from her ample and experienced bosom.

The doctor told us the results of her examination of our son, who by then we had named Ryan William (there were no other Ryan’s in the family on either side, and we prefer to hand down the middle names from our preceding generations, so like my father and I, William was handed down to our son as his middle name).

The doctor told us that any geneticist worth their salt knows the 2500 or so most typical mutations, genetic anomalies and syndromes on sight, and that Ryan was none of these. She went to say that the next 1500-2500 or so more common but less typical syndromes could, with some checking on their reference materials, be easily and quickly identified. But, Ryan was none of those either.

She went on to say that when babies are born, geneticists take a quick look at them, and expect to see those one or two minor differences that most people have – birthmarks, minor oddities and the like, and that when they see one or two of those little differences in a baby, they know they can usually quickly move on to another patient as nothing much is usually amiss.

However, once they see that third little thing that’s different about a baby, they know to take a much closer look. She went on to list about 8 or 10 things about our little Ryan William that were clues to her that there was much more to his story. His birth weight and size were in the lower normal range, 5 lbs. 2 oz. at birth (a bit less after he pooped) and he was 18 inches long. By comparison, his sisters were both over 8 lbs. and over 21 inches in length, and all 3 were full term babies. She mentioned the extra digit on his left thumb as being highly unusual. Usually if extra digits were present they were extra fingers on the outer edge of the hand, or between the thumb and pointer finger, or between the pointer finger and middle fingers.

Ryan’s root or origin point for the swirl pattern of the hair on his head was positioned farther around on the back of his head, rather than on the top as most ‘normal’ people have it. His ears were a slightly low set and tilted back from the norm, both of which were separate points. His eyes were set wide, with a slightly wider bridge of the nose then is typical. She listed a few other things about Ryan too, like a significant muscular Antonia, or weakness of his musculature, but none of these things were severe or profoundly affected his appearance.

However, as far as being able to make a diagnosis about what his overall issues were, or what sort of syndrome he may fall under, she could make no definitive diagnosis. She simply said that he was a ‘special one’, and that the next step would be to do a full chromosomal workup on him to see if they can get more clues about him from his genetic makeup directly.

For the immediate future, he would be kept on the neonatal ICU when he was not with Barbara for her attempts to nurse him, and we’d have to see how things went in the coming days beyond that. Barbara and I shared a few quiet moments after the doctor left, and we basically said to each other that we did not care what may be different or special about our son we were just going to love him just as we did his sisters. There was not even any significant thought given to any other course of action or different viewpoints from either of us. As far as we were concerned, God sent this little boy to us, and we were his parents, period. (We found out much later that this is not the way some people react in these kinds of situations, thoughts which deeply saddened us when we learned of the far too frequent and heartrending reality of those situations.)

In the next 24-48 hours as Barbara was released from the hospital, and I informed my boss about Ryan’s condition, I was given one of the greatest blessings I could have ever received. My boss told me to go and be with my family and our son for as long as was needed, but to keep him informed, and that my job would be there when I came back. He even said I would be paid during that time too. I still say thanks to God for that wonderful man’s attitude and actions in those days. He was both a prince and hero for us when we suddenly needed one very badly. We didn’t even realize just how badly it would be right then, but he took the everyday worries of life off my plate for us at a time when we were too stunned by developments to put any normal perspective on things together. It would take quite a bit longer for me to do that for myself than I realized, and in some ways I continue working through that to this day.

In the next few days, Barbara had to pump her milk to feed to little Ryan because he could not sustain the effort to suckle from the tap long enough to take in enough nourishment. The nurse
s tried to bottle feed him with much the same results. They soon resorted to tube-feeding him via a nasal canula to properly hydrate and strengthen him.

On his second or third day, at night, one of the nurses picked up on a new symptom, and could not get a good pulse reading as his little heart was racing. They hooked him up to cardiac monitors, and were alarmed to find his heart would jump to periods of 270-290 beats per minute, and as they were preparing to intervene, medicate and treat him, it would spontaneously revert to a more normal 120-140 beats per minute pace. He did not seem to be in distress or discomfort when this happened. Barbara and I were both quite distressed – and more than just a bit shell-shocked by everything, but Ryan wasn’t. His doctors wisely decided not to overreact or overmedicate or intervene until they got more information about his condition.

After observing these episodes of tachycardia for a half a day or so, they called in a pediatric cardiologist to take a much closer look. He came in a day or so later, and examined Ryan. The pediatric cardiologist had to take his time and then brought in a special pediatric cardiac echo machine and gave Ryan a very thorough cardiac workup. We arrived back in the hospital early that afternoon just as he was finishing up his exam of Ryan, and he said the ominous words which ring today with infamy for us: ‘We have to talk.’

He said that Ryan had some severe cardiac anomalies. He had multiple cardiac septal defects, or holes between the left and right sides of the heart. He had a large Atrial septal defect, which wasn’t that huge a concern – at least for now, and 3 separate Ventricular septal defects. This in itself was very highly unusual, because in the vast majority of cases where ventricular septal defects occur, there is only one. The position of his ventricular septal defects was also very unusual, occurring towards the top, bottom, and rotated around somewhat towards the rear part of the heart, rather than in the middle of the septum as is much more typically seen. He used the palm of his curved hand to illustrate this to us, tracing on his palm where normal ventricular defects are seen (between the ring in middle fingers, typically), and where Ryan’s were instead (up towards the fingertips, down towards the heel of the palm, and along the fold of the knuckles over towards the pinky finger more). Keep in mind that Ryan was a 5 lbs. infant with a heart about the size of one of your adult fingertips, so just being able to diagnose this condition so precisely was a significant and inspiring accomplishment of our modern medical technology.

He said that if there was just one ventricular septal defect and if it was small enough, it might be initially handled with some medications, but larger ones, went to surgery very quickly. In Ryan’s case, with 3 defects, there was to be no option but surgery, and it would be surgery of the most dire and critical sort. It did not have to be immediate, as in that day, but it would certainly need to be very soon. If Ryan did not undergo surgery to fix the holes in the cardiac septum, his fate was already sealed. He would weaken, turn into a ‘blue baby’ and die – likely within 2 months, 3 months at the outside, and quite possibly even sooner.

He immediately recommended that Ryan be transported in the next 18-24 hours to the A.I DuPont Hospital for Children in Wilmington, Delaware, and placed under the care of Dr. Charles Norwood, who we were told was a world-renowned doctor with special skill and experience in dealing with patients like Ryan. He added that if Ryan were his own son, this is what he would do.

To say that we were stunned at the doctor’s pronouncements about Ryan would put far too mild a face on it. We had, in a matter of a few exhaustingly condensed days, gone from happy parents expecting the joyous birth of a son, a boy to proudly carry on the family name, to nervous parents, uncertain of what was to come next. Now, our little son was certain to die – and soon, unless surgeons could save him. Somehow Barbara and I held it together through that meeting, and gave our consent to his treatment plan and transport to Dr. Norwood’s hospital in Delaware. The subjects of money and insurance didn’t even enter our minds at that point. Had we needed to wrestle with those weighty issues just then, I’m sure we would have melted down into overwhelmed and useless puddles of emotional goo.

Our family, both Barbara’s and mine, rallied to help us immediately, our church family too, offered to step forward and assist with anything we asked. We were too stunned to appreciate the things being done for and offered to us immediately. We reacted out of habit in caring for our girls, explaining as best one can to an 11 year old and a 3 year old what was going on with their new little brother. As the next few days came and went, both sets of grandparents alternately went with us to the hospital to see Ryan, or stayed home with the girls. Church families brought in dinners and meals for all of us.

Ryan was transported via an advanced life-support-equipped ambulance with a cardiology specialist and nurse accompanying him from our local hospital in Camden County, NJ to the A.I. DuPont hospital in Wilmington, Delaware, a 45 minute drive from our home.

We were amazed at the differences from any other hospital ever we’d seen to the facilities there. Dr. Norwood was given a blank check by the DuPont family’s heirs years earlier to return from Europe (we later learned that he’d gone to Switzerland after making pediatric cardiac surgical history at the Childrens’ Hospital of Philadelphia – CHOP – in the 1980s, and the DuPont people later lured him to return) and build, from scratch, exactly the kind of facility he wanted, the building design was his to orchestrate, the operational planning was his to determine, the personnel and policies his to implement. In Dr. Norwood’s decades in the field, he had seen repeatedly firsthand how the stresses on the families of ones so young as his patients suffered daily due to inadequate-room-size-enforced separations of parents and children. The emotional toll this wreaked on both children and parents to separate every night because there was not enough room for them to stay together put more dangerous stress on his little patients. He built his ward in the hospital so that parents, both of them, had beds in the same rooms as their children, so that there were no tearful nightly separations, and so that the wear and tear on patients, their parents, and extended families could be minimized. He saw that it made a difference in the outcomes of his tiny patients for whom the proximity of parents is a vital component of stress which can kill those in dire health situations.

When we arrived, we were greatly comforted to know that we would not be separated from our son, nor he from us for any longer than was absolutely necessary for his surgery and immediate post-operative recovery. After all, we knew then that our time with him would be very brief unless the doctors, together with ample outflowing of blessings from above, could extend their miraculous skills and talents and save him. So, every moment spent with him was a precious gift to us.

Ryan’s condition was evaluated most carefully and monitored closely in the following days, and on his 10th day, Dr. Norwood and his surgical team decided that the following morning was to be the day to operate on Ryan’s multiple cardiac septal defects.

That next morning dawned early for us. Ever since the pediatric cardiologist said those awful words: ‘We have to talk’ we knew this moment was coming, but it was a theoretical, future moment. However, this morning, it was here, before us, right now.

Ryan was now just 11 days old – or would be in a few hours, if he were to live that long. We took him form our room, held him, kissed him, and we walked slowly and silently down the hospital hallway, my wife Barbara holding loosely on to my right arm where our son lay nestled. We
somberly went through a set of double doors that opened automatically before us, walked further, turned right around a corner to face another double doorway which also opened for us automatically. We went through those doors too, increasingly nervous on the inside, but yet outwardly very calm, turned to our left and went a few more paces and turned right again to face another double doorway. These doors were open, and a woman, a nurse, dressed from hair to toe in green surgical garb awaited us.

‘Do you want to take a few more moments with him?’ she asked. Though her question was asked nicely, and her tone was compassionate, it rang with the weight of additional ominous words she omitted, like ‘final’ or ‘last’ – for that is what we all literally faced in that weighty and ominous moment. These could easily be the last few moments we would ever see our infant son still alive as the surgery he was about to undergo was absolutely life-threatening in and of itself.

Barbara and I both turned towards one another to look down lovingly, and nervously, at our infant son who rested quietly, still slumbering, in my arms. We each stroked the hair on his tiny little head once or twice more, kissed him a few times gently, savoring the warmth of his head against our lips. Then, after a few too-brief moments, Barbara and I looked at one another, sighed quietly, and I turned once more towards the nurse and I stretched our son towards her as she reached out for him.

He snuggled too quickly and too quietly into her arms, (it seemed to me that he should have protested this transfer from us to her, but he quietly rested throughout it) she bounced him ever so slightly, and for the life of me, I can’t seem to remember her exact words right then, but whatever her actual words were, her tone struck me as too light and somewhat too artificially cheery for the ominous occasion that this moment was – at least for us. She unhurriedly turned away into the double-doorway behind her with our infant son and began walking slowly away from us towards the operating suite.

I wanted so badly to stop her, but knew I shouldn’t. I began to lift my arm as if to motion to stop her and tell her ‘Wait! We’re not ready for this!’ – or some similar protesting thought. …But I said nothing, my arm only making a feeble and aborted move towards her, as those automatic double doors slowly closed behind her.

We stood there for several more moments, staring after them, even after the doors had fully closed and we heard the electric latches loudly click shut automatically. And it is this moment I can find no adequate word for: Nervous? Anxious? Fearful? Agitated? Alarmed? Excited? Aghast? Sad? Angry? Concerned? Confused? Dejected? Depressed? Distressed? Befuddled? Discombobulated? …and perhaps just plain lost. All these feelings and thoughts – among a good many others flowed through our minds. Also, some happy and hopeful thoughts too, as hope for good results of the open heart surgery Ryan was about to undergo were realistic, even if in some considerable doubt.

All these thoughts and feelings were simultaneously in play, but none can adequately describe the feelings of this moment to me, though perhaps ‘bereft’ comes closer than any of the other words do by themselves.

‘Did I just hand my innocent infant son over to be saved – or killed?’ …was probably the most sobering – and frightening – of those many jumbled thoughts and feelings just then. As it turned out, that day we would not get to know any answers to that question for many hours.

One thing is certain to me, nothing in all the normal life experiences of growing up, and growing older, getting married and having healthy older children will adequately prepare you to deal with the emotional weight of such a moment as we shared standing before that horrible just-closed doorway the nurse has just walked through as she took our son away from our empty arms.

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Lawfully Wedded NymphChapter 5

Mona was unsure just how long she lay there. She stared at the roof of the tent, feeling the wetness of her husband's release trickling from the lips of her vagina and running down her thighs. She shuddered. For the first time in her life, she felt used and degraded. The fluids of Frank's climax felt dirty on and within her. Never had she seen sex to be anything but a beautiful experience shared by a man and a woman. Now... now... she felt no better than a whore. No, not even a whore; at...

4 years ago
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Lawfully Wedded NymphChapter 6

Linda Jefferies awoke shortly before dawn. She glanced around her tent to find her stepcousin Karen still soundly sleeping. She smiled, grateful that the girl still slept. This time, before everyone in the two families awakened, was her time. The forest just before the dawn was something special, something she had discovered the first morning of their vacation. Now she cherished this time, relishing the peaceful solitude it provided. Each morning she rose and slipped from her tent and walked...

1 year ago
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Lawfully Wedded NymphChapter 7

Jason and Linda heard the voices as they returned to camp. Hastening their steps they quickly walked from the woods. At the center of camp, Frank stood, his face violet with anger, veins standing out on neck and forehead. He faced Bret and Karen. The young couple stood close together, holding each other's hands. Bret stared at the elder, his restraint more than apparent, while Karen's head was lowered, her eyes cast on the ground. Glancing at each with uncertainty, Jason and Linda moved...

3 years ago
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Lawfully Wedded NymphChapter 8

Frank had upset all of them. They were quiet that night as they gathered around the fire for dinner and would have probably remained so, if Bret hadn't suddenly spoken up. "I think I should say something about this afternoon..." he began. It was obviously hard for him to talk and at first he was awkward. But he said it all, explaining everything that had happened between Karen and himself. Had it stopped there, it would have been a completely lost effort, but Mona then explained her...

3 years ago
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Lawfully Wedded NymphChapter 10

"You and me?" Karen blinked at her stepcousin. "Are you sure?" "Of course, do you think I'd ask you otherwise?" Linda answered, a wide wicked grin on her face. "Of course, if you don't want to..." "I don't know," the brunette shook her head. "But I do admit it sounds sexy. But what will your father think? He made love to you, but what about me? I think he's as sexy as they come, but what will he think of me?" "We won't give him a chance to think," Linda replied. "We'll...

3 years ago
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Lawfully Wedded NymphChapter 11

Mona was alone in the tent. She stared at the pack standing before her on the floor. Fifteen minutes ago, she had entered the tent with every intention of packing and preparing for the hike back. Now she just sat there gazing at the half-finished packing job she had started. Despite her talks with Jason and Liz last night, Frank still plagued her mind. She supposed it was a normal reaction to what had happened, but it still hurt. Hurt a lot. She wished the pain would go away, but it...

3 years ago
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Lawfully Wedded NymphChapter 12

Mona's leadened eyes opened. Above her was the top of the tent. She smiled, remembering. She glanced beside her. Phil was still there. His eyes were closed and his young chest rose and fell gently. He was asleep. The last thing she remembered was just lying there beneath her son, basking in the feel of their bodies so closely pressed together. Then? She wasn't sure. She must have drifted off in the total relaxation that had suffused through her body after their love making. It had been...

4 years ago
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Unlawful affair

Hi friends, I am Sucheeta here, I am posting my confession here, as I am ardent reader of this site from many years. Let me tell you myself Sucheeta, I am aged 34, I am married, mom of two kids, and working in a private company as a chief coordinator. I am fair looking lady, bit plump but I know guys think me sexy as I have attractive curves I measure 35/30/36, sexually I am a happy women as my husband gives me enough love, peaceful life, pleasure and satisfaction. This happened last august...

4 years ago
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Unlawful StopsChapter 2

When Steve and Thomas came back from the bar, Tiffany was forced to have her first threesome. She was still lying on the bed nude. After quickly undressing, they got her on her hands and knees. Thomas got a handful of her hair and pulled her head up. He then forced his hard cock between her lips and into her mouth as Steve shoved his cock into her pussy from the rear. They rocked her sexy body between them as they fucked her. Thomas ejaculated in her mouth first. She choked and gagged, but...

2 years ago
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Unlawful StopsChapter 3

After the bachelor party gangbang, Tiffany had had all she could take, she wanted out and away from prostitution. She wanted away from Steve and Thomas. She wanted a new life and to have kids one day. Tiffany knew that she couldn’t tell Steve that she was leaving him. He would just beat her into submission, and she’d be trapped. Tiffany called Angie Holloway, her best friend that she had had in high school and had been her maid-of-honor at her wedding six months earlier. She told her that...

1 year ago
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Unlawful StopsChapter 4

After a couple of weeks of her completely ignoring Keith, Angie’s anger was beginning to subside some, but she still refused to have sex with him, and flatly refused to discuss what happen with Phil and Stan. Angie knew that she had to have been drugged. She also knew that Keith did it, or let one of the others do it. Angie considered leaving Keith, but she had to admit that she still loved him, even with all his faults. It took several weeks for things to settle down. She was relieved that...

4 years ago
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Unlawful StopsChapter 5

Leo and Floyd took Debra into the bedroom in Leo’s condo. At 5’5” and 115lbs she knew she couldn’t fight them off. She would have to let them have their way with her. She noticed immediately there was a video camera, on a tripod, pointing toward the bed. “I’ll cooperate, but ... please don’t record it,” Debra begged. “We need it to show your husband, just how willingly, you let two men fuck you. That is, if you were to decide to tell your husband some cockamamie story that you were raped,”...

3 years ago
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Unlawful StopsChapter 6

Holly could not believe it when, suddenly, red and blue lights were flashing in her rearview mirror. Wondering what she had done wrong, she slowed down, turned on her right turn signal, and turned onto the next side street where there was little or no traffic. Holly then pulled her red Mustang over to the curb and stopped. She was getting out her driver’s license and insurance card as Leo walked up to her door. The beautiful nineteen-year-old rolled down her window and handed Officer Ortiz...

2 years ago
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Unlawful StopsChapter 7

By the time the wedding day came, Holly’s body had completely recovered from the rapes. She had even managed to put them out of her mind. Clint took her on a weeklong honeymoon. Holly didn’t want to get pregnant right away, so she had started taking birth control. It was their wedding night and Clint eased on top of his new bride. As she spread her legs for him, he lined his hard cock up with the entrance of her pussy. He had been waiting months to finally fuck Holly. He, however, got a...

2 years ago
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Unlawful StopsChapter 8

It was a Wednesday and Holly was relaxing at her and Clint’s apartment. She had been at the Starlight Motel earlier, but Tomas didn’t have any johns scheduled for her to service, so after he had the beautiful brunette give him a blowjob, he let Holly go home. Said he would call her if her services were required. The young wife was tempted to tell Tomas about her husband’s boss being one of her johns, but then decided not to for fear of what Tomas might do. She had tried to call her sister,...

3 years ago
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Unlawful StopsChapter 9

When Holly got back to her apartment after she left the Starlight Motel, she took a long hot relaxing bath. Her ass was still a little sore from having the man’s hard cock shoved in it. She wanted to be calmed down before Clint got home. It was a good thing, because her husband wanted sex that night. Even though she didn’t really want to have sex that night, Holly reluctantly performed her wifely duty and fucked Clint, taking his load of cum in her pussy. “You didn’t seem very much into it...

4 years ago
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Unlawful StopsChapter 10

Gary had gotten dressed and Madeline, while still restrained, was softly whimpering when Leo and Floyd returned. “Man! Fucking her ass was fantastic. If any of your clients are ass men, they’re really going to like her. You may have to do some obedience training to convince her to take it in the ass without being tied down,” Gary said, as Madeline laid there crying. “She seems like she is pretty damn defiant, but a good shot of heroin and cocaine will calm her down nicely,” Leo said. “I’ll...

4 years ago
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Unlawful StopsChapter 11

Now that the beautiful sexy blonde eighteen-year-old was performing oral sex for Leo, Floyd, and Tomas, along with fucking them without any resistant now that she was addicted to cocaine, they had decided it was time for her to start earning her keep. Tomas had Madeline on her knees giving him a blowjob. She was moving her pretty blonde head up-and-down letting his hard cock slip in-and-out of her hot mouth as she sucked him. “You have gotten very good at sucking cock,” Tomas said, as he...

2 years ago
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Unlawful StopsChapter 12

Now that Gabriela had finished performing oral sex for Leo, and he had moved away from her, Floyd got up. Grabbing a handful of her long black hair, he pulled her to her feet as he said, in a demanding voice, “Get your ass in the bedroom. I’m gonna try out that hot pussy of yours.” The Mexican beauty slowly walked to the bedroom where she had been staying ever since she had taken the nanny job. Floyd had followed behind her checking out her fabulous tight ass in her jeans as she walked ahead...

4 years ago
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Unlawful StopsChapter 13

When Debra got back to Tomas’s apartment, he was waiting on her and said, “Mr. Johnson called. It seems he was very pleased with you. I’m glad to see that you’re going to fit in here nicely. While Holly is in Room 5 with a client, I’ll show you your new apartment.” “My new apartment! You’re going to make me live here?” Debra asked, shockingly. “Yes. Now that you’re divorced, you will be living here,” Tomas said, firmly. “Do I have a choice?” Debra asked, in a low subdued voice, even though...

2 years ago
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Unlawful StopsChapter 14

Leo and Floyd were out patrolling one Friday night when they decided to go check out a secluded area that local teens sometimes used as a make-out spot. To keep from being noticed, Leo turned out all the lights on the police car. There was just enough light from the moon that it allowed them to easily move the car around safely. They had almost given up when they spotted a late model Cadillac pulled up and partially hidden by a clump of bushes. Not wanting to alert the occupants, Leo stopped...

3 years ago
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Unlawful StopsChapter 15

It had been a couple of weeks since Leo and Floyd had fucked Judy Collins when they spotted her mother’s $70,000.00 Audi sports sedan. Janet Collins was on her way home from a campaign rally for her reelection to the City Council. She was a virtual shoo-in, but she still had to make appearances on behalf of her campaign. Janet appeared to be alone. It was hard to tell for sure because of the tinted windows of the Audi. They knew she had had a campaign rally that evening and probably was not...

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Unlawful StopsChapter 16

Now that Debra was living at the Starlight, she had many men that regularly paid for her services. She also had numerous strangers that enjoyed her sexy body for a price. After Holly’s divorce, she also was living at the Starlight. Now that her husband was out of the way, Holly was put to work turning tricks fulltime. Now, with no husband to worry about, she was free to be used as entertainment at parties where she was often gangbanged by numerous men. Occasionally, she and Debra were...

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Unlawful StopsChapter 17

When her mother had gotten home, Vicki was too ashamed and too afraid of her father’s repercussions to tell her mother about the sexual abuse. Her father acted like nothing had happen between them. As a result, the teen had set herself up for further abuse by her father. Unbeknown to Evelyn, after that day, anytime her husband thought he had enough time and he and Vicki were home alone, he would force the teen to undress while he watched. Then after getting naked himself, he would force the...

3 years ago
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The Perfect Erotic Momento

The memories flashed through his mind as he was sitting by the window finishing a round of sex with her whom he proudly called his. A gorgeous lady was on the bed in her birth suit looking gracious as the days of the setting sun fell on her. She looked completely satisfied by him. He was 29 years old, an introvert who always used to be shy while speaking to women but that day changed it all. Finishing his tasks for the day which included a dinner meeting with his best friend, he boarded the...

3 years ago
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Thats a Deal

Frances was 16 and an only c***d from a typical middle class family with both her parents doing 9-5 jobs to keep the family in a stable condition,her mother Karen was a manager at the local leisure centre and her father Robert was a construction worker who travelled the country from job to job mostly coming home for long weekends at a time.Frances was of small build with large tits and mousey brown shoulder length hair which acompanied her outgoing personality and she had just started an art...

4 years ago
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Thats Never Forget Me

I am.change my real name am i Sarasi(its not my real name).i leaving with my mum & dad get after thats my mum get 2nd marriage.mum age 38 his age is 34 so my age is 16 steady at OKI inter:girls school .ok Thats story is tow month mum get lion club award its function held at Hotel Hilton.thats day my 2nd dad dint go with us .he go to the funeral at Kandy.tits day night at 10.30 mum told me baby u well go home with Driver becoz.tomorrow yore exeam.i came home...

1 year ago
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Thats My Wife

Introduction: What would you do if you saw pictures of your wife nude on the Internet? Fbailey story number 504 Thats My Wife I stumbled upon a web site where pictures of girlfriends and wives get posted for the entire World to view. I looked through the previous weeks worth of postings and found one girlfriend that was the spitting image of my wife. I said to myself, Thats my wife. Then I wondered&hellip,if she is my wife, then who took the pictures and posted them. I decided to check back...

2 years ago
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Momentum by T:M in 2005 Kennen Sie diese besondere Situation? Oh nat?rlich, wie dumm von mir! Wie k?nnen sie wissen wovon ich rede, wenn ich es ihnen nicht erkl?rt habe? Ich meine diese Art von Moment, die sich ereignet, wenn einem etwas pl?tzlich in den Sinn schie?t. Etwas, dass man eigentlich schon vor Stunden h?tte tun oder denken sollen. Mir pers?nlich ist das in der Schule sehr oft passiert. Da hat man irgendwo in der Pause einen schmutzigen, durch und durch unsittlichen Witz aufg...

2 years ago
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A Fresh StartChapter 104 Momentum

The campaign continued to gain momentum after the diner incident. During the next month I picked up another fourteen endorsements from various local police chiefs and fire department captains. We were on a roll! Okay, the Sun had endorsed Stewart, but everyone had known that was going to happen. He was a Democrat, and the Sun was a city paper, which heavily favored the Democrats, and they had endorsed him for every election he had run to date. It wasn’t an issue for us; we didn’t expect it to...

3 years ago
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Thatll Teach You

That'll teach you! - Halloween 1999 Story Competition. Written by Kathy Core. * Disclaimer: Permission is granted to Fictionmania to archive this story, but anyone else should know better than to publish muck like this around the internet. This story (c)1999 Kathy Core - Do not reproduce without consent. * (i.) Storm clouds brewed overhead, a typical October night. The yellow ochre and burnt umber of the season scattered far and wide, tinting the landscape in every...

3 years ago
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Small Moments

Sometimes I don't know how to say things. It's always been a problem of mine, meaning the people who get close to me think that I can see the outsides of things and never the mysterious textures beneath. I can see them, the countless shapes of things inside that spiral and collide with one another and constantly form anew. I can see them and feel the energies they are made from. But the words, once formed, have trouble leaving my mouth. I think we say things in other ways, the unseen things...

Love Stories
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Katey The Moment

Katey was my sister’s best friend.   She always seemed to have a smile for me when she came to our house and I guess I kinda just grew up knowing her.   She was only two years older than me but always seemed much older, as girls do.   Katey was always kind to me as I grew up, sympathizing with me when my sister didn’t, throwing a ball with me when there was no one else around.   I always thought it was because she didn’t have a little brother of her own.   It never crossed my mind that she...

3 years ago
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Katey The Moment

Katey was my sister’s best friend.   She always seemed to have a smile for me when she came to our house and I guess I kinda just grew up knowing her.   She was only two years older than me but always seemed much older, as girls do.   Katey was always kind to me as I grew up; sympathizing with me when my sister didn’t, throwing a ball with me when there was no one else around.   I always thought it was because she didn’t have a little brother of her own.   It never crossed my mind that...

Straight Sex
4 years ago
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In That Moment

“You can't save her Paul. You need to understand this. No matter how much you want it to happen, no matter how hard you try to make it happen, you can't stop it. Clara can't be brought back. This is not what I'm offering you. I'm sorry.” Paul sat on the sofa and leaned forward burying his face in his palms. He breathed through his fingers and then sobbed once...but his tears had dried up long ago. He was spent and raw inside. He curled his hands into fists then rapped his knuckles against his...


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