Rey Of Jakku's No Good Really Bad Awful Week free porn video

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Rey had known it was going to bad week by the simple fact that it was always a bad week on Jakku – but emerging from a crippled hammerhead destroyer with a sack full of busted power couplers to find that three sand-scutters were sprinting towards a pair of speeders with at least two days worth of back breaking labor on their scrawny backs.

“Hey!” Rey shouted, dropping the couplers and sprinting – her feet pounding across the rough, blaster and sand scarred hull plating that served as the ramp from the desert floor to the bridge of the long dead Republic starship. Her feet hit the sand and she felt the familiar shifting, swallowing motion beneath her feet, which made walking or running anywhere that wasn’t trampled flat by hundreds of other people feel like running in a nightmare. But this nightmare was real: Every sprinting stride she took left her father behind the scutters, who had scrambled onto the speeder. They jabbered at one another in Huttese, and one actually turned back to give her a jaunty wave as the engines kicked on and the speeds shot away, throwing up a spray of white sand.

Rey growled as she hurled her junk staff like a spear. It landed in the sands about ten meters away, thumping down point first before slumping, defeated into the desert. She panted, slowly, as the sound of the speeders and the laughing scutters faded. She turned back and saw that the power couplers had also stopped moving: They had spilled down the destroyer, leaving their glass and electrical components smeared along the hull like stains of blood.

Rey picked one up and winced as only half of the coupler came off the ground – the rest remained sitting in the desert. She looked down the jagged pipe at the snarled guts, and then scowled to herself.

She would not scream.

It wouldn’t be dignified.

But she dearly wanted too.

The speeder ride back to Plutt’s junkyard was spent with Rey’s head ducked forward and her eyes narrowed behind her goggles. She craned herself left and right, taking every chance to skim along dunes rather than between them. It was a risk – it left her more visible, and on Jakku, there was nothing to stop some low down crook from shooting someone off their bike. Often times, a bike was more valuable than even a slave. After all, a slave you need to feed and water. But soaring along the ridges of the dunes let her see if there was any scrap she had missed. But while there were distant, triangular mountains of metal – ancient Imperial Star Destroyers, each one holding riches enough to make her wealthy beyond her wildest dreams – all of them were false hope.

She didn’t have the team of fifteen thousand engineers, nor the plasma cutters and gravity-manipulators and cargo ships it’d take to wring profit out of those hulks. And she definitely didn’t have the three days it’d take to roam their guts for smaller salvage.

But maybe – maybe she’d...


She saw the junkyard far before she saw anything of value. Rey kicked out the stand to her speeder and slid off of the red bike. Her hand rested along the side, feeling the thrum of the machine. She started to remove the components that’d keep thieves from being able to simply steal it. Even so, she parked it where she’d be able to keep her eye on it while she waited for her chance to ... turn in what she had and to hope. It was a grim, pathetic hope. But it was hope.

Her plan ran into a sang.

That snag was two and a half meters tall, nearly a meter wide, and made entirely out of fur and exquisite muscle. Thick, slab like muscle beneath thick, curly golden fur. Rey’s eyes widened as she slowly traced the lines of those muscles in that bared back. She had never seen anything that radiated pure strength like this ... wall that stood before her. Not even large ore haulers made her feel quite the same mixture of wary respect and faint awe. As she looked at the creature’s chest, she heard a faint shifting sound – the sound of feet on the sand – and Rey forced herself to look up and saw that the creature had turned back and looked over his shoulder at her.

His face was broad, with a pair of thick, saber sharp tusks, and his eyes were black and filled with an intelligence that made Rey reconsider her first impression – she had thought this might have been some beast of burden or something. No. No, that was foolish. He was wearing pants. With a tool belt. And a chest as muscular as his shoulders and back. He looked down at her, then grunted. “What are you looking at, girl?”

Rey lifted her chin. Never show weakness. Never. She looked him square in his eyes and said: “Just waiting to drop off my load.”

The alien grunted.

He began to dicker with Plott. The bloated, fishy-like creature who had been the central axis that Rey’s life had orbited for far, far, far too long started to dicker right back. Rey perked up her ear, but her head kept getting distracted by wondering about this furred beast. What had brought him to this particular spec of nowhere? ... was his fur soft. Was his voice really as deep as it sounded or ... was it just his size that was misleading her. She shook her head, clenching her jaw – and managed to actually hear: “You don’t expect us to only take ten thousand credits?”

“I don’t expect you to think you can squeeze blood from a stone,” Plott said, his thick, gloppy voice sending Rey’s hackles rising up. “If you think that you can extort money from me, you can leave. Thank you. Good day.”

The furred wall snorted, then turned. As the immense alien walked past Rey, she heard him growling: “Fucking asshole.”

She stepped forward as Plott turned to face her. He smirked that ugly little smirk that showed he knew that she had had a bad day. She set down what little bits hadn’t been stolen, opening up the bag to show Plott. She looked at him. Plott’s entire face seemed to swell up ever so slightly, his eyes narrowing. He leaned forward, then glared at her. “Is this a joke?” he asked, his voice low.

“It’s what I found,” Rey said, clenching her jaw. She wouldn’t beg. She wouldn’t grovel.

Plott shook his head. “One tenth.”

“One tenth!?” Rey exploded. “That won’t be enough for a day, let-”

Plott waved his hand. “Be happy it’s anything at all, you useless jetsam. Now leave. Go!”

He slapped down the pitiful single ration pack, which skidded across the counter to her. Rey snatched it up, half tempted to throw it into his face. Her hands clenched into fists, to hide their shaking. She turned and stalked off, her head held high. She wouldn’t give him the satisfaction. She wouldn’t. She would-

A furred wall blocked her way again.

“Human,” the alien from before said.

Rey nearly walked into that barrel chest. She forced herself to take a step back, blinking as she actually had to crane her head backwards to look into those dark eyes. “Rey,” she said. “My name is Rey. Yours?”

“Baktet,” the alien rumbled. “I’m a freight captain and it looks like our ship’s going to be stuck here haggling with that bloated mound of fat” He grinned, toothily. “I hear that you and he had an argument about payment. He clearly doesn’t pay you nearly enough. And definitely not for the right job.” He chuckled, quietly.

Rey rolled one of her shoulders, slowly, measuring her response. Part of her wondered if ... maybe ... no. Even if he was offering a position on his ship, as a mechanic, well ... how would he know she was a good mechanic? Even if he saw her fiddling with her bike. And if he wasn’t interested in her mechanical skills, what in the universe could he be thinking of. She tried an ever so slight smile. “And what job is that?”

Baktet chuckled. “On your back, with your legs spread and your panties in orbit.” His hand cupped his crotch and Rey’s eyes almost popped out of her head in utter shock. She felt as if she had been slapped – a heat flared across both her cheeks. And ... elsewhere. She shook her head, forcing her self to grip onto the simmering anger that was now boiling in her gut. She grabbed her staff, then thrust the point into Baktet’s chest, his fur and his muscular body absorbing the sharp prod as if she had barely touched him.

“If you ever come near me again, I’ll break your fucking knees,” Rey snarled, then turned and stalked towards her speeder bike, her spine ram rod stiff and her chin in the air. The alien watched her go, and she could feel his eyes drinking in her body. She had never felt so ... aware of her slender form. Of her pale skin. Of the tautness of her behind, and of the way that her leggings clung to the curves of her back. She clenched her jaw even harder and ignored the alien as best she could. She started to plug the bike’s control unit back in.

“It’ll pay more than just rations and water you know,” Baktet called. “And our ship’s in the junkyard. If you’re curious.”

Rey ignored him and shot off to her home.

Rey lay in bed, looking at the ceiling of the canted AT-AT walker she used for her shelter in the frigid night of Jakku. Her stomach was knotting with hunger pangs. She had to go out into the desert, and scavenge. Find something. Anything to sell to Plott. She licked her lips, her eyes half closing. She could do it. But as she considered which ship she’d try to search first, her stomach knotted again and she groaned. Whimpered, really. She had been hungry before – but never this hungry. And ... never this...


On your back. Legs spread. Panties in orbit.

The sound of Baktet’s voice echoed in her head. Rumbling through her like a seismic vibration, the feelings that it stirred in her was a horrifying, sickening mixture of disgust ... and ... wonder. She had never ... gone that far before. There had been other bad days, bad weeks, and she had needed to get on her knees and take a smelly human cock in her mouth. She had always made it fast, spat out what was left, and then taken the food rations and never looked at the man again. Since they were always off-world traders, it had worked.

But Baktet wasn’t human.

And hadn’t been asking for just...

He’d been asking for...

She squirmed in her bed. Her stomach knotted.

Rey groaned quietly.

She’d just go and search a ship now. She’d check a ship and she’d see if she could find something. That was why she was getting her helmet on and adjusting her goggle. Then she’d fly to a ruined ship and she’d make some food. She swung her leg onto her speeder and started, casually, to pick up speed as she accelerated through the desert. And ... well, she might ... check the ships near the junkyard. She wasn’t actually going to go to Baktet’s freighter. And as Rey drove, she found herself slowly adjusting the heading of her bike, getting closer and closer to the junkyard. Well. She was just going to see if she could ... maybe ambush Plott and beat money out of him. Yeah.

She wasn’t going to Baktet’s freighter.

The speeder came to a stop near the parked freighters that lined around the canvas shrouded junkyard. The harsh, cold wind of a desert at night caused canvas to crack and snap, rippling in undulating movements. And her eyes fell on the huge hauling ship – the green hull plating turning nearly midnight black in the gathering dusk. She licked her lips slightly. She wasn’t going to speak to Baktet. She was simply...

Going to...

For her curiosity.

Rey swung her leg off her bike, then started to walk towards the freighter. No. She was here because she was angry. Offended. He had thought she was some common ... common space walker? Yeah. That was why. She clenched her fists as she came to the airlock of Baktet’s freighter. She lifted her hand, ready to hammer it on the metal. But then she stopped. Her head felt like it was spinning. Her stomach had knotted with hunger even more – and suddenly, her mouth filled with spittle. Standing near the airlock door, she could smell the scent of cooking.

Real cooking.

Actual food.

Rey whimpered, lowering her hand.

Which was when the airlock door opened and she found herself looking into the broad, scaled, muscular expanse of a Tradoshan’s chest. The Tradoshan had emerald green and bright gold scaling. His triangular head was split into a wide snarl, and his eyes glittered as he tilted his snout forward to glare down at Rey. He was dressed in an opened vest, leggings, and nothing else, which left his scaled feet and his scaled forearms and his scaled belly entirely exposed, which only reinforced just how well muscled and dangerous he was. He held a blaster pistol in one hand, and he leveled it at Rey.

“You here to steal?” he hissed, his voice deadly. Like a snake.

Rey scowled at him. “I am not!” she said.

“Thrash!” Baktet called out from deeper in the ship. “What’s going on out there?”

“Some human bitch is out here,” Thrash said, his free hand scraping a set of claw-marks into the wall of the airlock, adding an uneasy screech to his voice.

Baktet’s thumping footsteps filled the air a moment later. Then he was there, standing behind Thrash. The Tradoshan was nowhere near as tall as whatever race Baktet was, and he stepped aside sullenly as Baktet gently pushed him away. But it was the smug expression on Baktet’s expression that nearly sent Rey stalking away into the night. His grin. His glittering eyes. His quiet purr. “Well, well, well, look whose here...” he said.

Rey sniffed. This was a mistake. This filled her nose with the scent of cooking. She tried to sound strong. “I want to discuss terms, first.”

“Come in,” Baktet said, jerking his head.

Rey narrowed her eyes.

“Girl, I won’t lay hand on you until you agree,” Baktet said, grinning, which made Thrash perk up ever so slightly. His iridescent eyes widened and his teeth flashed as he grinned. Rey ignored him. She was here for Baktet and his offer. And so, she followed the broad shouldered alien into the freighter proper. She saw that the interior was cleaner than she had expected. The walls were smooth, and the doors were well oiled. They walked past several corridors that led into the cargo hold proper before coming to a kitchen. Two other aliens were there. One was lounging around on the couch in the corner of the room – a blue-furred lupine who wore nothing but a loincloth that rested only lightly across quite a prominent bulge. The other alien was tending to the simmering pots and cauldrons that were cooking the alien’s meals.

This fellow was a race that Rey recognized: A besalisk. A large, four armed lizard-like creature with a pronounced crest on their head and broad, trunk-like legs. Unlike many besalisks, this one wasn’t overly fond of his own cooking. He wasn’t fat and chubby. If anything, he was nearly as muscular and fit as Baktet, who gestured with his hand. “That’s our cook, Kells, and that lazy furrball is our porter, Xoan.”

Xoan flipped Baktet off.

“R-right,” Rey said, then stood up straighter. “Where’s your offices?”

“Offices?” Baktet asked. “Girl, this is where we discuss all our business. And here’s how it goes. For every day in port, you get food, water, and twenty five credits. In exchange, any of us can fuck you at any time. We want your cute little lips to suck, you suck. We want you to put your ass up so we can lube it and fuck it, you put your pretty little ass up and beg for more. We want to fill your human pussy with so much alien cum that your belly’s as round as Kells, then you spread your fucking legs and smile. That’s the offer. Take it. Or...” He jerked his hand over his shoulder, towards the airlock. “Leave it.”

As he had spoke, Rey felt as if her head had grown lighter and lighter, her eyes widening more and more. Her mouth was opened into a perfect O, and she found herself jerking her gaze away from Baktet and to the others. She saw Xoan looking at her with a wide, toothy grin. His loincloth ... she had thought it had bulged before. Now, she saw that his bulge had only started to show. Her mouth felt dry. Her stomach growled. And she tried to think through the calculations. A week of this would be enough to not worry about Plott for weeks.

Rey’s tongue darted out. “A hundred a day,” she said, her voice husky.

“Fifty,” Baktek said.

“Sixty,” Rey shot back.

“Deal,” Baktet said. Rey didn’t have time to feel anything but faint shock before Baktet grabbed her shirt ... and tore. Rey let out a single squeak as the tatters of her shirt fell to the ground around her feet, some few scraps sticking to her sweat slicked skin. Her breasts bounced ever so slightly as she jerked back, her shoulders drawing back as she opened her mouth to say something. She wasn’t quite sure what she would have said, had Baktet not put his large, furred hand to her cheek and slid his thumb into her mouth. Rey’s eyes half closed as she made a muffled noise in the base of her throat as Baktet’s rough, blunt claw-tip pressed to her tongue. It felt like she was a piece of meat, being examine. Tested.

He grunted, then pushed her to her knees, one hand on her shoulder, the other still in her mouth. Rey made a quiet, angry noise – but then his hand was drawing back and she could speak. “I haven’t been fed yet!” she said, trying to sound like she wasn’t terrified. She hadn’t imagined that he’d be like this. So...


“That’s something I’m about to fix,” Baktet said, chuckling – and other laughs came from the room. Rey glanced around and wasn’t sure if it was more or less frightening that neither of the other aliens were paying particular attention to her. The utterly blasé attitude that oozed from both the cook and the porter impressed on her that ... that ... Rey’s eyes widened. Baktet had slid down his leggings and underneath were trunk-like furred thighs and a thick sheath, like a canid. But emerging from that sheath was a cock nearly as thick around as her wrist, and it was still growing longer and harder. The color was a nearly midnight black, slick and faintly reflective, while the tip was nearly tube-shaped. A thick strand of pale white liquid dripped from it, spackling onto her breasts, nearly sizzling hot. Rey gulped, loudly.

And breathed in.

Her head spun. She had never been quite so hungry in her life – and right now, nothing had smelled quite as good as this male’s cock. Her nose slowly bumped against the side of the thick, black member, and her tongue darted out, tasting the side of his cock. Salty. She drew her head back, forcing herself to look at the cock, to look attentive and focused. Not ... drunk. “What race are you, anyway?” she asked, her voice tight. Brusque. Her hand closed around the base of his cock. It was just like sucking off a human – save that her fingers didn’t reach her palms, by the Force. She looked up. And up. And up.

God he was tall. And muscular.

Baktek chuckled. “You never seen a Yuzzem before, girl? Now...” He grabbed her hair. Not roughly, but ... firmly. His fingers slipped through her brown locks and he squeezed enough to get the message across – though Rey could feel the iron hard strength in his palm. “Open your lips. I haven’t been blown in six standard fucking weeks.” He growled as Rey opened her mouth – to respond. To breathe. But Baktek didn’t care. He pressed the tip of his cock against her lips, then pushed forward. Rey made a little noise at the base of her throat, her eyes closing as she tried to go slack, her jaw hanging open as Baktet felt the resistance, then pushed forward a bit more. His large, furred balls slapped her chin and Rey’s eyes half closed, tears brimming at the corners of her eyes.

Holy fuck, she thought, feeling her throat stretch.

Then Baktet started to actually move. He thrust and thrust and thrust, grunting low in his throat as he held her head in place. Rey closed her eyes, trying to focus on the simple mechanics. To not think that she was being throat fucked by a two meter tall alien she had never met, who had bought her. Like a speeder bike. Like a droid.

She tried, desperately hard, to not think about the heat beginning to grow between her legs. She instead put her fingers onto the floor, her palms going flush. She tightened her grip against the floor, her knuckles going white as she focused only on the movement. The faint slap slap slap of balls against her chin. The loud, slurping wet noises of his cock plunging into her throat again and again. The tiny gasps of air she managed to get when her nose wasn’t mashed into his thick, golden fur, when his cock wasn’t filling her throat. Her head was spinning. She was so...

No. This is just a job, she thought, focusing. Just like selling scrap.

Then Baktet let out a tiny roar. It wasn’t ear shattering, nor was it building shaking, but it was still unmistakably a roar. His body tensed and his hands squeezed the sides of her head as he pushed himself deeper into her throat. This time, he didn’t draw back. This time, he loosed. Cum started to splash down her throat. She couldn’t taste it, but she could feel it dumping into her belly. Warm. Not quite filling, but considering how little she had eaten today, Rey was shocked at how nice it felt. Her eyes closed and she nuzzled against his chest ... and then started to feel a moment of worry. Then a bigger one. Then a flurry of panic. Because Baktet was still holding her close, his hips twitching with the aftershocks of his orgasm. Her nose flared, but air refused to go into her lungs. She slapped at his thigh, weakly, her eyes half opened. She could only see the dim light that escaped past the fur nestled against her face.

It was so soft...

But he was so hard...

And then Baktet slid her back. Rey nearly coughed herself into a fit, her hand going to her mouth, her eyes closed. She wobbled, breathing in deep. Deep. Her head spun and then began to pound. Then, slowly, the pain faded, leaving her only with ... with...


She should have felt sordid. Used. Pathetic.

A-And she did! And nothing else.

Baktet sighed, then tousled her hair, grinning toothily down at her. “Nice job, girl.”

Rey stood, slowly, her hand going to her mouth. It was still slick with his ... she wasn’t sure what had slicked his cock up. Her spittle, definitely. But ... there was something more, something that tasted masculine. Her tongue slipped along her lips, and then she grabbed a napkin from the table in the mess hall. She wiped her mouth quickly, then glared at Baktet. “What am I supposed to wear when I’m-”

“Wear?” Baktet laughed. “Girl, we bought you. You’re not wearing a damn thing. Xoan, deal with her pants.”

Xoan grinned and reached out with one blur furred paw. Claws snicked out and Rey kicked instinctively. Her foot caught his wrist and sent it jerking up and away from her. She backed away from him, flushing. Xoan clutched his wrist, hissing. “Ow!” he said, then laughed. “You have some kick, girl!”

Rey grinned, ever so slightly. Then behind her a pair of hands cupped her breasts while a second pair grabbed her leggings. She froze, too shocked by the sudden feeling of slightly slick, slightly cool, slightly scaly hands caressing her chest to move as her belt was undone and her leggings were shoved down. She kicked her legs as her pants hit the floor, trying to keep them on. Instead, this merely sent them off. The creature gripping her – it had to be Kells, the cook – laughed, his lower left hand sliding between her legs.

“She’s nearly as fuzzy down here as you are, Xoan!” he said, laughing as his fingers caressed the thick, brown down of Rey’s pubic hair. Rey’s cheeks flushed. She had never been more mortified in her life. She knew that the Core Worlds preferred women to be ... bare down there. But this was as far from the shining center of the galaxy as it ha been likely to get. And she had never ... met ... anyone who she’d actually want to ... well ... she had never bothered. And hearing the coarse laugh of the aliens around her – seeing the wicked grin on the wolfish Xoan’s face – all of it combined to make her cheeks turn as red as her speeder bike. But she wouldn’t let them cow her.

“If you want me to shave, then that’ll cost extra,” she said, gritting her teeth.

“I’ll chip in,” Xoan said, immediately. “I don’t fuck humans to feel fuzzy.”

“You still have money?” Kells asked, the two upper hands still fondling and squeezing her breasts. The pressure, the caressing, it ... felt ... oddly good. Rey squirmed and then gasped as his thick fingers found and gently tweaked her nipples. Her whole spine tried to arch and she bit her lower lip as hard as she could. She wouldn’t moan.

Xoan grinned. “I got the money for this.”

Thirty minutes, one shave, one meal, and one more quick throat fucking from an eager Baktet later, Rey had to admit (if only to herself) that she did like the feel of her bare thighs gliding against one another. The feeling of the ship’s cool air breezing between her legs sent tingles along her spine. So far, being shaved and naked and fed was ... far from the worst thing that had happened to her. If this was what things were going to be like with these aliens ... well maybe the week wouldn’t be so bad. None of the others had even-

A scaled tail wrapped around her waist as she walked past a workshop. Rey squeaked as she was yanked in, then yelped as she was flung down onto the table. Her breasts pressed to cool metal, her thighs thrusting up into the air as a hand grabbed onto her shoulders and pressed her down. She flushed, her feet skidding along the ground as she tried to clap her legs together, to close herself up. But that tail grabbed one ankle and yanked her wider apart as a hot, hot breath slid along her neck. Someone loomed over her – and craning her head back, she saw that it was Thrash, the Tradoshan. He was buck naked and ... and...

His cock was nearly as large as Baktet’s monster. And red. And ridged. He grinned down at her, his long, long tongue lolling from his mouth as he licked her neck with lascivious eagerness. His eyes were closed to slits and he churred. “I’m gonna have fun fucking you, girl,” he purred. His cock pressed to her sex and without preamble, without giving Rey a chance to open her mouth, draw breath, or ready herself, he slammed into her. Rey let out a loud, piercing scream. It had hurt.

Not as much as stories said. She was a virgin, but she was also athletic. She had hurt herself more slamming her knee into some out-thrust piece of metal. But it was still a shocking feeling, to feel her body so ... filled. The sensory overload that burned through her mixed with her own incoherent thoughts – the feeling of the cock, fusion hot and hard as steel, filling her tight, virginial pussy. The feeling of that wet tongue, still slurping and slithering along her neck, as if the Tradoshan wanted to lick her every pore, taste every inch of her skin. The feeling of his hot breath, buzzing against her neck, against her hair. And the ... stark contrast with her dreams.

She had always imagined her first time on Coruscant or on Hosninan Prime, or Canto Bight. Or ... somewhere. Somewhere fantastical and glittering and beautiful. There would have been candles, scented bed-sheets, and some handsome, human paramour who had swept her off her feet. It sounded so silly now ... and the stark contrast with what was actually happening struck her like battering ram. She was being fucked – not made love to, not tenderly romanced, but fucked – by an alien. An alien she barely knew. An alien who was paying her in scraps of food and credits. And she was being fucked bent over a workshop table, like some...

Common whore, she thought.

And as Thrash started to slam into her, snarling hotly in her ear as his cock plunged into her soaked pussy again and again and again and again, Rey felt herself beginning to rock back against him. Her hands grabbed onto the edge of the table to give herself some purchase. She rocked her hips and gritted her teeth, her eyes closed to slits. She grunted quietly as she felt a building tension between her legs, one that started to radiate slowly through her body. She gasped out, unable to stop the pleasure from filling her voice as Thrash fucked her harder and faster, his hips slamming into her fiercely enough to cause the table to rock.

Rey felt herself nearly crest, nearly peak ... and then Thrash let out a low, satisfied hiss and she felt a sudden rush of hot, hot cum filling her. Her eyes widened and her pleasure felt as if it had been torn apart. “H-Hey!” she said, her voice tight, even as cum started to settle into her womb. She could picture it coating the inside of her body, filling her with an almost delirious heat. The Tradoshan’s hands squeezed her shoulders one last time before he slid out of her. Just as casually as he had entered into her, he left her feeling empty and not quite ... peaked.

“Damn, that was nice,” Thrash sighed. Then, grinning. “Oi! Xoan! Her pussy is fucking great.”

Rey started to stand and turn – ready to tell Thrash exactly how she felt about having someone cum in her pussy when Xoan walked into the room. He was already naked. His brilliant red, knotted cock was already thrust into the air. Knotted? Rey’s eyes bugged out and her mouth opened in shock as she saw just how exactly similar to a canid he was. The knot looked nearly as thick as a small fist, and she stepped back against the table, her rump catching as Xoan swaggered towards her, then knelt down. He grabbed her ankles, then lifted, causing Rey to squeak in alarm as she was lifted and set down onto the table.

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Uncle Leon had left after showing me how a boy who dresses as a girl will be treated by men. Looking back at what happened I realized that I not only loved wearing sexy girl clothes I enjoyed sucking cock and being fucked.When Mom and Beth returned from their shopping, I told them about Uncle Leon’s visit and what we did. Mom asked, ”Did you enjoy doing what you and Leon did?”“Yes,” I replied. "I was not sure how to suck a cock, so I did what you and Beth do when you suck me. I really liked...

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My love of cross-dressing began at an early age, barely over sixteen. We were a family of three, Mom, my older sister Beth, and me. One of my chores was doing the laundry. It was a laundry day, and I was home alone. As I sorted the dirty clothes, I came across a pair of Mom’s panties. She did not, as a rule, put her lingerie in the clothes hamper. I assumed that she had put them in the dirty clothes without thinking. The panties were purple and felt very silky. My sister’s lingerie was usually...

5 years ago
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Shreya Aunty Ne Mujhe Apna Pati Mana

Doston yeh meri dusri kahani hai. Hope aap logon ko pasand aayegi. Mera naam Shubham Sharma hai aur main North India ka rehne vala hoon. Mera mailed hai Yeh ek dam sachi story hai. Main ek engineer hoon. Maine IIT se engineering kari hai aur ek MNC mey kaam karta hoon aur navi Mumbai mey rehta hoon. Mujhe aksar foreign tour par bheja jata hai. Mera pehla sex ka experience maine aap logo se 2 saal pehle share kiya tha. Uss story ke baad mujhe bohut se logon ke mail aaye. Ussme se ek mail tha...

3 years ago
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Shreya Dominated By Strangers In Bondage

Hello everyone, this is Ricky back with another experience with my cute little cousin Shreya. This story is about meeting a couple in a theatre and later had kinky fun with them. This was the first time Shreya experienced dominated bondage, and boy did she like it. Even the couple admitted they had never fucked anyone like they fucked Shreya. For people who are reading my sex stories for the first time, let me introduce you to Shreya and myself. I am Ricky living in Mumbai. I am a 5’11″ tall,...

2 years ago
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Shreya Fingered By Strangers In A Train

Hello everyone, this is Ricky back with another experience with my cute little cousin, Shreya. This encounter happened recently about a few weeks ago when we were traveling to Nagpur by train. This incident is about how we had fun with two complete strangers we met during our journey. For people who are reading my sex stories for the first time, let me introduce you to Shreya and myself. I am Ricky living in Mumbai. I am 5’11″ tall, decent looking, 21-year-old guy. I am a gentleman kinda person...

4 years ago
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Apni Badi Didi Ki Help Ke Badle Chudaai

Mein Delhi mein rehta hoon, aur mere ghar main mere mummy papa, teen bhai aur 2 behne hai, meri didi sabse badi hai aur ek behan sabse chhoti hai, meri didi ki umar 40 saal ki hai meri umar 28 ki hai. Meri didi ki shaadi hue 14 saal ho gaye hain unka ek beta aur ek beti hai. Meri didi ka figure aaj bhi bahut hi attractive hai, wo sanwali hain lekin chehre pe bahut sex apeal hai. Jab mein kuch samajhdaar hua to mujhe pata chal chuka thaki meri didi sex ki bahut bhukhi hai, aur kai logon se uske...

3 years ago
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The Awful Truth

I thought that the world would tumble down around my ears when I told my wife the awful truth. It’s strange how reality is sometimes such a relieving disappointment compared to our worst imaginings. Contrary to my anxious visions, there was no look of horror, no rush to pack my bags and heave me out on the street. ‘Well, it’s not like you would ever do something like that,’ she said. ‘People think about funny things. If you knew some of the things that pass through my brain, you’d think I was...

4 years ago
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The Awful Truth

I thought that the world would tumble down around my ears when I told my wife the awful truth. It's strange how reality is sometimes such a relieving disappointment compared to our worst imaginings. Contrary to my anxious visions, there was no look of horror, no rush to pack my bags and heave me out on the street. "Well, it's not like you would ever do something like that," she said. "People think about funny things. If you knew some of the things that pass through my brain, you'd think I was...

2 years ago
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Aubrey Black 1200 250000

Aubrey Black is your consummate MILF. She has all the tell-tale signs. Her tits are enhanced to the point of nearly popping, her ass implant is visible through her flesh, her lips are blown up like she chewed on a bag of wasps, and she still has a bit of cum in her hair.Jerking John SmithHowever, Aubrey Black came into Milfdom through some unique means. Aubrey was raised Mormon and even raised her own two kids as Morman for a long time. In her thirties, she worked as a photographer and graphic...

Twitter Porn Accounts
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Freya and the Micro Part 7

Three weeks went by and Ben’s impromptu video matinee starring Freya almost seemed ancient, almost. Freya was still unsure what Ben was thinking and even less sure about he wanted sexually. She was determined to give him everything he desired, but Ben’s responses to her questions, did not satisfy her curiosity. *** The Wood-Ewe lounge was a bar and steak house across town from the clinic. It was a destination for those who wanted something different. The upper level of the lounge usually went...

3 years ago
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Shreya Aunty 8211 Part 2 Fucked The Sexy Milf

Hello ISS readers.Welcome to the story. This is the continuation of a story named Shreya aunty – Part 1.Read and enjoy. I was surprised and I still said that I will sleep in the hall itself. She insisted and took my pillow and kept on the bed. I was happy but somewhere inside I was afraid too. She slept beside me turning away from me and I can see her lower back between her shirt and track pants. Her butt cheeks tempted me through that track pant. I waited for a long time to make sure that she...

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Shreya Aunty 8211 Part 1 My Friend8217s Mom

Hello ISS readers. Welcome to the story.  First of all, I don’t want to brag that this is a true story and all but it happened to me. Its a matter of time that I got close to her. It was not easy. I tried my best to describe it in short without much lag in the story. I split it into parts for your convenience. Read and enjoy. This is Arjun and I am 21 years old. This semester all my friend’s chose to do internships and left to different cities. I was left alone in my 1 BHK flat near my...

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“So the question is,” Reyna said as she got into my car for the first time, “’is she wearing any underwear?’”I met Reyna through an online adult dating service. She was totally into sex and good jazz. Short and somewhat stocky, her body would’ve gone unnoticed at the beach. Her breasts weren’t huge, but about a handful. She was Filipino-Chinese, with short hair. What she lacked in body appeal though, she made up for in sexual adventurousness.“Ok then,” I said, “put the seat back down…it’s the...

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Freya And The Micro 1 Part Two

Freya’s second date with the young golf pro was more relaxed than the first. She was familiar with his technique and knew what to expect. Danny was an expert at cunnilingus. It was a talent he developed with considerable help from a few others in the MILF category. It seemed that he liked to take lessons in hip placement after he gave lessons in hand placement on shafts of various kinds. Danny tongue-attacked Freya’s pussy from every angle and she responded by providing him access from every...

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Freya and the Micro Part 3

Ben caressed Freya's cheeks, kissed her nipples and nuzzled her neck and Freya played along. Ben’s concentration on gentleness left him no clue about Freya’s wandering mind. She tilted her head to view the wetness coating Ben’s thick cock. It was naughty and exciting because she knew it was more than just her wetness. Yet Freya wondered if Ben could ever get past missionary sex. She fantasized about fleeing and re-engaging in wild sex and she imagined this as her prelude. Freya wished Ben could...

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Freya and the Micro Part 6

Freya’s clothes lay strewn across the front room marking a trail leading to the master bedroom. Freya beckoned with an almost musical tone, “I feel much better. Could you help me with something?” “What’s the problem? It’s kind of late, can’t it wait till morning?” Ben played stupid. “I think you need to take a closer look,” Freya anxiously raised her voice. “Be there in a minute,” Ben borrowed the verbiage Freya had used many times to stall or dissuade him. The tactic usually caused him to give...

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Aubrey Kate 2800 355000

Aubrey Kate was born in Las Vegas, Nevada, on November 7th, 1992. After graduating high school, she began hormonal treatments to become a woman and attended university. But as I'm sure you all know, school is expensive in the states. They have to keep us retarded, or we'll stop buying Big Macs and voting for mentally disabled nazis.The Vegas to Porn HighwaySo, to help make ends meet, like any good denizen of Las Vegas, she became a dancer at several local strip clubs. Being a trans dancer...

Twitter Porn Accounts
4 years ago
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Freya and the Micro 1

Freya and the Micro 1 Freya’s grip pulled rivulets into the sheet and wadded the mattress pad. She strained to maintain her balance while teetering on the edge of the bed. Freya's slim body arched her bottom upward to meet the thrusts and accommodate Danny’s muscular torso. For a few seconds Freya nearly whimpered in pain. She had no idea Danny had such ample equipment hidden in those loose fitting shorts. The young golf pro was not gentile as she would have preferred. Sweat beads formed all...

3 years ago
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Looking for fuck in Hyderabad Secundrabad

Hi friends, Any Aunty/Gals …or anyone like to loose virginity its 100% Assurance dont worry mail me on ( ) This is Rah(26) from hyderabad writing my experience when i had been to madras.In madras i had been to a supermarket where i found a girl called sirisha(20) doing Bcom final. And coming to sirisha, she was fair,5’5″ and very good structure with long hair and in one word just sexy. I was entering the supermarket in madras and she with her grandmom was coming out of supermarket in perambur...

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Freya and the Micro Part 4

After hurrying home, Freya was anxious to investigate her new toys and put them away before Ben got there. Freya placed the gift boxes on her bed and for a few moments, stared at them pondering the previous week. If this really could change her life would it be an improvement? With only two hours before Ben was due home, Freya thought, she could complete her first “homework” assignment. Freya opened the booklet marked, “Try These Exercises, First,” and read the suggested preparations: Soft...

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Freya and the Micro Part 5

 Doc, Deege and Ben meet in Doc’s office. “Ben, we need to talk to you.” Doc offered Ben the client chair. Deege was sitting at his desk and Doc picked up his clipboard and leaned against the desk. “Ben we all have certain shortcomings and some weaknesses. Some of us have multiple problems and others only a couple however, no one escapes and no one is perfect. In our clinic addressing certain issues has been rewarding, sometimes it has also been disappointing. You know we are always working to...

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“CAW!” Brett looked at the window. A large crow was there eyeing him, cocking its head before flying off. Hmph, he must not like my guitar playing. Brett restarted the song. He was half way through the first stanza when the phone rang. “Hello.” “Hi Brett, It’s Deirdra.” “Hi sweetie, what’s up?” “The kids and I are moving in with Steve.” What the FUCK? “Are you sure that’s what you want?” I must be some type of fucking loser. She won’t marry me, but, she’ll move in with that sleazy...

4 years ago
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“Did he have an erection for you in he showers? Did you have an erection for him? Did he proposition you? I want to know.” “Yes, to all your questions Sarah, he wants to have both of us,” I reply. “He had his hand on my erection when he told me he and I had the most impressive cocks in the gym.” “Are you happy to share him with me?,” Sarah asked that night as we pleasured each other with our tongues. “Yes, he expects some of his friends to share us also,” I tell Sarah. “Let’s set a target...

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Badi Behen Ko Diya Bada Lund

I am Karan from Ludhiana, meri age 23 hai, main ek accha good looking Punjabi munda hu, generally mujjhe bhabiya bahut pasand hai. So yeh baat 6 months pehle ki hai, jab meri badi sister ke liye rishta aaya.. Meri badu behen ek dum model lagti hai super-duper hot figure.. But hai kafi seedhi..Hum log bahut modern family hai. Mere ghar mein mom dad me and badi sister rehte hai, meri azar hamesha se badi behen pe thi,jab vo mini skirt pehenti thi uuuuffff kyaaa lagti thi…Gori gori...

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Students from Islamabad

My two students from Islamabad From Sulaimaan Khan Two and a half years ago I came to Islamabad from Peshawar, looking for job. For nearly two months I kept walking on the wide, tree lines avenues of Islamabad, seeking and applying for job in government or private sector. I had taken my master degree in English literature and also had a flair for Philosophy. It was quest for knowledge, which held a strong old over my mind, at the same time I was sexually depraved and perverse, sometime...

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The Count of Monte CristoChapter 31 Italy Sinbad the Sailor

Towards the beginning of the year 1838, two young men belonging to the first society of Paris, the Vicomte Albert de Morcerf and the Baron Franz d'Epinay, were at Florence. They had agreed to see the Carnival at Rome that year, and that Franz, who for the last three or four years had inhabited Italy, should act as cicerone to Albert. As it is no inconsiderable affair to spend the Carnival at Rome, especially when you have no great desire to sleep on the Piazza del Popolo, or the Campo...

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Behen Ke Bad Behen Ki Badi Nanad

Hi App ne meri pichli kahani padi hogi(). Mere badi behan ke saural me unki 2 nand hai. Ek badi sadi suda hai lagbag 34-35 sal ki hogi aur dusri 25-26 ki hai. Is kahani me aap ko bataunga ki kaise main un dono behano ko choda. Aap logo to ko bata du ki meri badi behan aur meri beech sarik saband han. Jo ki kamer bachpan se start hua aur abhi tak chal raha hai. Is liye meri behan mere se baut si sex ki baati sare karti rehti hai. Usne mujhe bataya ki uski badi nanad ke pati ka kisi dusri aurat...

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Huma and Me islamabad

My name is rehan, I m 21 year old, my star is scorpio..16 November. I m doing ACCA from skans. I live in islamabad, Pakistan. Now I wud like to start my story.agar kor larki/aunty nere sath sex karna chahtin hain ya kisi tarah ka bi relation rakhna chati hain mukamal raazdari k sath islamabad ,rawalpindi ya nearby places mein … to kisi b waqt muje mail kareen at relation ki mukamal raazdari hogi.aur jab tak ap ko tasali na ho…hum sex nahi karenge.. take care For those readers who cant...

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Islamabad Se Peshawar Tak

Hello every buddy!I m rehan from age is 23 .my id is Today am going to share a true incident which happened to me. This is my third story. Today on the request of two of my very good friends (two sisters) from Islamabad Ill narrate my true incident in Urdu & English, which I already mailed them but they said its hot and very sexy one, so it should be online for everyone coz it will really make every one hot. So here it is just for you all sex lovers, on my friends request. Tu...

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The forgotten island of Barbados

This story begins in the middle of nowhere ‘can you picture it? In the middle of the sea is where you are thinking about, right? If you are thinking about the middle of the sea turn right by 78 degrees and go forward 2 nautical miles. If you do that you will stumble across the island of Barbados. The island was found by a Englishman whose boat had sunk and he was the only survivor, when he got back to England he try to tell everyone about the island but they though the sun had driven him crazy...

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Helena and Anita alone at Barbados

That evening after dinner Ana smiled and asked me if I would mind if she and her girlfriend Helena would take a vacation together.I said not at all, knowing I could not take a single vacation day for the next three months. So, my sweet wife had the right to enjoy some days for herself, even in the company of that slutty bitch…But the worst thing was to know that they were planning to go to Barbados. It would be just five nights there; but I knew Helena could fuck a dozen well hung black guys in...

3 years ago
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I Got A Mighty Mighty Goodman

I've always been a fan of John Goodman, mostly because he has that rear fatso beauty. One day I decided to sneak inside a set of a movie he was shooting. I wanted to get into his trailer, but found out he has left to his hotel, and decided to go there. I managed to steal a key to his suite. I dressed up like the room-service guy and went to his room. I carried honey, remembering he said in an interview he can't resist it. I knocked on his door and he told me to come in (God, he has the...

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It was winter break of my sophomore year of college and I wasn’t exactly eager to be spending the next few weeks at home. Sure, I missed my family and my neighborhood friends but college had changed me. I had filled out both physically and mentally and wasn’t ready to suddenly fall back in line with my parent’s rules. Long hours at the gym and long nights under Kayla, a horny sorority girl who lived in the same dorm, made sure of that. Going home would be fun at first but I knew all too well...

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Islamabad Mein Pyar

My name is rehan, I m 21 year old, . I m doing ACCA from skans.i m a well educated guy. I live in islamabad..agar koi larki/aunty /married /un married pakistan mein especially rawalpindi and islamabad mein mere sath kisi b tarah ka relation ,phone sex,real sex mukamal raazdari k sath rakhna chati hain to muje mail kareen at so howa youn kay main shroo hi say apni cousin per khuwaar hon she is such a smart girl 38 will be figure so u can just imagine but i have tested aik din main apni nani kay...

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‘Kaitlyn?’ Recognizing a familiar voice behind me, I turned around. ‘Susanne! What are you doing here?’ She was a friend of my parents’, and I had gone to school with her kids. But what she was doing here, in the hallway outside my dorm room, I had no idea. ‘I’m here to help Geoffrey move in – right down the hall from you, it looks like!’ It was a challenge, but I managed to contain my honest reaction (which I’ll share with you in a moment) and simply replied, ‘Oh, great. Well, I have to...

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Corey passes my body around

I told everyone in a previous story about my encounter with Corey, and how I ended up begging him to let me be his . After being with Corey, all I could ever think about was having his big dick inside me, and tasting his amazing cum as he shot it all over my face and in my mouth. I love the taste of his cum! This particular incident happened about a week ago: I was staying the week at Corey's house (he has his own place), and whenever I am at Corey's house, I am not allowed to wear any...

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Coreys Coming

Corey’s coming, no more sad stories coming My midnight-moonlight-morning-glory’s coming aren’t you girl? And like I told you, when she holds you She enfolds you in her world. By Harry Chapin (December 7, 1942 — July 16, 1981) He is missed. * Old John Joseph was a man with two first names. The railroad left him in the station when they took away the trains. John found me practicing a little vandalism on some of his abandoned freight cars. Instead of turning me over to the authorities, he...

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Corey gets what he wants

I've already told all of you about my relationship with Corey, and how I begged him to let me be his sex slave. Now, to tell you about some of our adventures ... We were at school, in 2nd period, and Corey sent me a text message telling me to meet him in the bathroom. Since I'm his bitch, I did as I was told. When I walked in, it was empty except for Corey, who was waiting in one of the big stalls. I walked up to him and asked "What if someone walks in?" He told me not to worry, that I was his...

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Kumar Apartment Season 2 Part 861 Bhawna ke ghar patiyo ki adlabadli

Narrated by Bhawna Hi, main Bhawna. mein hamare sach ugalwane ke khel mein mujhe Akash ne ek aisa sawaal poocha jiska jawaab main dene se katra gayi. Usne mujhse poocha ki kya kabhi mere sasur, Neetu ke papa ne mujhe kabhi bina kapdo ke dekha hai ya nahi. Neetu mujhe hairani ke sath dekh boli: Kya hua, tu itna soch kya rahi hai? Main: Hmmm, chalo main ye sawaal taal rahi hun. Akash: Hahaha! Matlab haan! Neetu: Seriously Bhawna! Amit: Ye kab hua? Teeno mujhpar sawal ke khanjar phek diye....

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Freya Gets Naughty

Sat back in a poolside chair, Freya let her long wavy, brown hair fall around shoulders. She reached for the SPF and squeezed a dollop onto her finely manicured hand. She started slowly over her toned arms, rubbing the lotion into her sun-kissed skin. She wore a light peach and turquoise blended bikini that only just seemed to cover her perfectly round boobs. The colour made her aquamarine eyes pop.At nineteen-years-old she was quite a beautiful young woman. She was also an athletic swimmer...

5 years ago
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Mazedar Badla

Hello dosto, main aapke liye ek nayi mast kahani le kar hazir hoon. “Ussne mujhe bahut peeta, Bhai jaan, bahut mara! Maine bas itna hi kaha tha, ki mujhe apne bhai se milne jana hai aur Ashraf ne mujhe ghar se bahar niukal diya. Bhai jaan ab mera koi thikana nahin hai. Main kahan jaun, bhai. Ashraf mujhe roz marta hai, dekho mere jism par ye nishan” Tahira baji mujh se lipatate huye roti hui keh rahi thee. Hum dono bhai behan mere ghar mein mere bedroom mein khade thay. Mere haath Tahira baji...

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A Goody Two Shoes Really Isnt So Good

Apparently I'm a goody two shoes, and I'm uptight. I agree with the fact that I'm uptight, but I'm not a goody two shoes. I'm not perfect, I swear that to you. My boyfriend thinks that I am, and that I need to "chill the fuck out; do something stupid." Well, fuck him. Last time I checked, intelligence goes a bit farther then stupidity. I may not seem like I do dumb things, but honestly I do. I keep them to myself though. I'll get into that in a bit. First the basics about me. My name is Aryana...

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Meri bua ka badla Part 8211 2

Thanks indian sex stories dot net friends jo aap sabne meri first story meri bua ka badla ko like kiya ab mai meri bua ka badla ke second part ke sath hu Meri bua jo ki mare maa se badla lane ke liye mera use kar rahi thi meri maa meri bua ka use karti thi apni aag thandi karne ko aur meri bua meri meri bua badla badhta ja raha tha ek raat ja mai unki chut chaat raha tha to oh boli ki meri gand ko bhi chato maine nahi bua please mujhe ghin aati hai bua boli sale maderchod chat jaldi se teri...

3 years ago
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Audrey and her first ever bondage session

As with all my stories these are truthful recollections of things past, except for the ones which are fantasies (lol) - you choose which you think they are! Names are real in the hope that the people involved will read about themselves and get in touch, (except where because of reasons that should be obvious, it could cause the person to be put in an embarrassing situation)If you enjoy them please give them the thumbs up; if you really like them please comment and if you REALLY like them mail...

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IslamabadRawalpindi Encounter

I am 24/m from Islamabad/ Pakistan.To tell u about my self, I am not a casanova. I am 5.9? well built but a little overweight and very horney. The experience, I am telling u has happend just 2 weeks ago. I would say that this happening is not a story of a Resputiene and Russion Queen, but between a normal 34 years man and a plump lady of 30. I was in Super market, for some shopping,when I saw a fat woman wresteling with a flat tyre of her car. I observed few boys laughing at her, for her...

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Islamabad mein Choudai

Hi This is Ali I live in Islamabad I am very big fan of human digest and I have been reading stories for about 3 years this is my first story ever I told to any body and this is 100% true story which happened to me. My English is bit on weaker side so please don’t mind and I don’t know that way to write my story but here is my little effort to let u know about my sex experience with a sexy lady First let me tell u about myself I am a typical Pakistani guy with a fair looks I had 6 feet height...

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Jinnah super Islamabad

Hello .my name is taraq from islamabad, i am again with my personal experience. It all happened one day when i was just goofing off in jinnah super market islamabad one day, i noticed couple of girls sitting in a car and talking to each other while looking at me, i started circling their car like a shark and after a while one came out and said you look familiar are you rehan i said no i am not rehan,she said ok how about a ride with us, i hesitated for a while and then said...

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Sweet Islamabad8217s aunty

Hello all, I m Bilal from Islamabad and I m now 27 years old. I m 5’10 in height, have a wheatish complexion. I have completed my studies and now a days I m running ma own business. We are just three family members, my younger brother is a student and my mom is housewife and my dad has left us for good. Though we live here in Islamabad but (as many people) we are also not originally from here. I am also a regular reader of sex stories on the internet. Today I have finally decided to tell you...

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Islamabad ka waqeya

Hello dear readers This is me, marriam peerzada again. After quite some time I m back with my new story, it’s the real story and all characters are alive and few are very close to me, let me start it then. As u know me m marriam that time I was 19 years old I was living in Lahore, but I had to move to live with my tayyaba baji in Islamabad. She works for a firm that gets contracts from army so she actually has a flat in an army area (can’t.). I moved with her because she fell ill and there was...

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Godawful Gothic Girlfriend

Dean Fawkes was a bit of a loser in high school with no friends and especially no girlfriends. This caused him to drift into an outsider and toughens up to fit what society had deemed him to be. His luck changed one day in his senior year when he was visited by a girl during lunch. Beatrix Winters, a very attractive junior girl, saw the tough unwanted boy and sought to show him love and affection. Their relationship blossomed and remained to this day three years later. But it seemed as though...

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Ahmadabad Aunty

I have been a regular reader of ISS and I have published two stories earlier. I am Arjun, now in Ahmadabad. Now I want to tell you what happened 10 days back. Once I came to Ahmadabad, there was not much people whom I know. I have taken a flat in a luxurious apartment and there I met a family. Uncle, Aunty and their son. Let me tell you about aunty, Her name is Deepa (name changed). She is now 35 years old, well built with 36-32-38. I met them in the lobby one day and after talking to them, I...

2 years ago
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Dost Ka Ne Meri Mom Ko Chodkar Mujhse Badla Liya

Hi friends mera naam Ankit Sharma hai.Ye story bilkul true incident hai.Aur ye story meri mom aur mere friend ke bare me hai ki kese mere dost ne mujhse badla lene ke liye meri mom ko choda. Phle me apko apni mom ke bare me btata hu meri mom ki age 42 years hai pr wo dekhne me bilkul 30 ki lagti hai jiski wajah yoga hai .Mom roz subah yoga krti hai. Mom ki boobs 38 aur gand 40 hai. Ab zyada time na waste krte hue story pr aate hain. To bat tabki hai jb main 12th me padta tha mera ek best friend...

2 years ago
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Pyar Mai Dokha Ka Badla

By : Sidi007 Hi to all ISS readers, I’m Sidhanth Sethi pyar se log mujhe Sid kehte hai. I’m from Punjab. Punjab mai Jalandhar se hu mai aaj jo mai story aapko sunane ja raha hu ise na he fully sex story kaha ja skta hai n na he fully love story, aap jo kahe ise mai maan lunga mai yeh nahi kahunga k I’m very hamdsome ya muscular body etc. kuki mai jaisa bhi hu acha hu meri age 21 hai BCA kr rha hu. tory par aate hai dosto. Jaisa k sad boys n girls n aaj kal toh bacche bhi jante hai k 18+ hone...

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