Cletus Tucker(4)Chapter 13 free porn video

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New Mexico Territory, September, 1876

Word of Custer's defeat at The Battle of The Little Big Horn swept the country. In most ways, it was more important, psychologically, to the Indians than to the Whites. The battle encouraged the Indians to fight and this proved very troublesome for all of the ranchers and townspeople west of the Mississippi River.

With the buffalo practically gone in many areas, the Indians turned to the cattle ranches as a substitute. Most of the trouble with the Indians might well not have happened if the Indian Agents on the reservations had been more honest in their treatment of their charges. Most agents saw their appointment as a way to get rich, thus they stole the money that the government had provided for the purchase of beef for the Indians.

This resulted in a lot of hungry Indians, and a hungry Indian was a dangerous Indian. Many men left the reservations, looking for food for their families. They naturally gravitated toward the ranches with the most cattle, and Tunstall owned a lot of cattle. This made problems for Cletus!

With cold weather coming on, Cletus planned to increase the number of patrols back to 4 per week. This would involve hiring a lot more men, but there were a lot of Mexicans looking for work, so the manpower was available. The Mexican vaqueros made excellent candidates for Cletus' force; they had no compunction about taking orders from a Negro and they followed those orders.

Cletus organized his men into 4 patrols of 12 men and a leader. He kept a reserve of 24 men to use as a relief and rescue force. Two patrols left the main ranch complex each week, on Monday and Thursday. The patrols were out for two weeks, since it took this long to do an adequate patrol of the entire ranch. The men not on patrol were used as guards for the supply wagons which met each patrol after it had been out for 7 days. This resulted in a steady flow of wagons and men across the ranch which also served to discourage cattle rustling. The men were kept busy with all this activity, plus the extra duty of occasionally guarding the wagon trains bringing in supplies for the general store in Lincoln. Cletus looked forward to a very busy winter season.

Ramon Velásquez was one of Cletus' more dependable patrol leaders, so it was well that it fell to him to meet the first Indian rustlers. There were about 15 Indians who were trying to rustle more stock than they could handle. The Indians were so inexperienced in driving cattle that Ramon's patrol was overcome by laughter when they first saw the Indians trying to herd the cattle. Ramon reminded his men that they were there to stop rustling, not enjoy comic entertainment.

With that admonition, the men returned to business. Ramon wisely realized he need a plan if he was to recover the cattle from this many Indians without losing some of his own men. He decided to let the Indians alone for now to tire themselves out with the cattle. He expected the Indians to camp for the night and he was sure that then would be the best time to attack the Indians. He had his men pull back well out of sight and sent two men to act as scouts. The scouts could spy on the Indians from a safe distance and report back when the Indians had finally camped for the night.

As darkness approached, one of the scouts returned with the news that the Indians had finally decided to abandon most of the cattle and take just one each as their spoils from the raid. Ramon decided that this was really a reasonable exchange, as he sympathized with the starving women and children back on the reservation. The patrol camped for the night and, the next morning, rounded up the wandering cattle and herded them back to their appointed place on the ranch. The rest of Ramon's patrol was uneventful and they returned to the ranch complex in a very good mood.

Cletus found that he could expect an Indian raid similar to the one experienced by Ramon's patrol every two or three weeks. So far, the ranch had been losing about one steer per Indian and Tunstall didn't begrudge the Indians that amount of thievery. He expected to lose more than that from accidents and the weather over the winter, so the loss of a few more cattle to the Indians was no great worry. In fact everybody at the ranch considered it sort of a Christmas present to the suffering Indian families.

This whole exercise of maintaining what amounted to a private militia tended to generate a certain esprit de corps felt even by those who were not actually part of the troops. Unfortunately, this caused a certain swagger to develop among the younger men and older boys on the ranch, which could lead to trouble when they encountered perceived rivals, such as The House gang.

The resulting saloon brawls and rare gun or knife duels were ignored by the authorities as long as outsiders were not dragged into the conflict. This level of engagement between the two groups continued through the winter and into the spring.

Then the situation began to turn ugly! Tunstall ordered Cletus to hire "tougher" men for his troops, now called the "Regulators." Several killers and other criminals were hired to "stiffen the backbone" of the Regulators, and these men became impossible for Cletus to control. Cletus finally quit his job at Tunstall's ranch rather than become involved with criminals. It was shortly after Cletus left that the Lincoln County War grew to a full blown fight.

Cletus wandered the territory for a while, but found that he could not get decent employment because of his skin color. People would hire him as just another gun hand, but Cletus was not satisfied with this. He had become used to responsibility in his working life and found that he was just not happy without it. Thus, he began to cast a wider search for employment. Cletus had been successful in his stint with the Mormon wagon train years before; perhaps he could find a wagon train where he could be the scout. Therefore, he headed to Santa Fe and took the Santa Fe Trail back toward Missouri.

Somewhere in the middle of Kansas, Cletus happened upon a small wagon train that was under attack from some Indians. The Indians didn't seem really interested in capturing the train or killing all the Whites; it looked like they were mostly having some fun and letting off steam. The wagons were not circled, but were still in line and spaced too far apart for mutual support. The Indians were riding around and around the train as fast as their horses could carry them and firing their rifles seemingly at random. Cletus saw that a little organization in the defense would have quickly driven off the Indians.

Cletus saw that there was a chance that he could break up the attack by suddenly approaching the Indians from an unexpected quarter. If he could down a few braves, the rest would probably abandon the attack as being no longer fun. Cletus had recently purchased two of the new Schofield cavalry model .45 caliber revolvers, so he was much better armed than any of the Indians. His horse was trained to move under knee pressure; the reins weren't required. Cletus held a revolver in each hand and charged at the Indians.

The Indians were so intent on the wagons that they didn't notice him joining their circus. As soon as he was close enough, Cletus shot the first Indian with the revolver in his left hand. He then rode down the line of Indians, shooting alternately with his right and left hands until he had used all ten rounds in his pistols. With eight dead Indians and two badly wounded, the remaining Indians decided that a tactical retreat was in order; in other words, they ran like Hell!

The shooting stopped when the Indians rode off, so Cletus quickly reloaded and holstered his guns. He rode up to one of the wagons and asked who was in charge. Cletus was directed to the first wagon in line where he found a man, a woman, and three children. Cletus tipped his hat to the woman and said to the man, "Good day, sir. My name is Cletus Tucker and I'm looking for the wagon master."

"Good day, Mr. Tucker. I'm Aaron Glueck and I'm in charge because we don't have anyone else. Thank you for saving us. I don't know what we would have done without you."

Cletus suggested that the wagon train move on about a mile to a good camping spot with plenty of water and grass. Meanwhile, he retrieved his pack horse and rode ahead to the recommended spot to wait for the train.

When they arrived, Cletus suggested that they "circle" the wagons into a square shape with three wagons on a side and picket the horses inside the wagons with the people. There was some objection by a few of the wagon folk about the poor sanitation conditions this would impose, but they did as Cletus suggested. Cletus agreed with the potential sanitation problem, but they had no choice if they wanted to protect their horses from the Indians.

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I don't know Jenny, it's just like he doesn't care about me anymore. He's more worried about his job. When we have sex, he only takes care of himself and then he goes to sleep. I haven't had an orgasm in years."My ears went on full alert when I heard this. I have been trying to find a way to fuck Mrs. Hudson since I was 13. She has been my fantasy when I jack off or have sex for years. Mrs. Hudson, or Stacy, as she liked to be called, is 36, about 5'4", and looks to be a 36"-24"-36". She has...

3 years ago
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Dulcie and DeliaChapter 7

Time passed; in church, the green of the ordinary season gave way to the purple of Lent. The raw, east-coast wind continued to bite, but the days were getting longer, as they do, and the first signs of spring were appearing. Gerry Westwood appeared at random intervals for a day or two before returning to his unit; he'd consult with his solicitor and an accountant, chat to Delia and share a meal with her, but no more. Delia tried to dismiss the fluttery feelings in her middle when he came...

3 years ago
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Cross Dressing to go to Girls School

As a boy I was slim and in some ways feminine looking. For example it used to annoy me when I went into a shop with the hood of my coat up because of the weather to be addressed as “hen” rather than “son” – these being terms used in the Glasgow area back then. I went to a co-educational school and had a great time with the girls I met there, all the way from my first day in “primary one” to the sixth form. I did have a fling with one of the PE teachers there brought on by too much to drink...

2 years ago
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week of school directions

I had a week of school and Mistress Sami gave me things she wanted me to do while I stayed in the hotel for the week. Monday I texted her to tell her I made it ok and that I had everything she wanted me to have. Mistress Sami replied and told me she would text me with instructions for later. While sitting in class Mistress Sami texted me and I had to wait to break to see what she wanted. On break I checked my message and it read “at lunch go to your truck and get the nipple clamps and then...

2 years ago
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GreeniesChapter 27D

MarsTrans Intercity Passenger Terminal January 3, 2147 1123 hours "Look at all these fucking people," said Lisa Wong as she stared at the crowd that had gathered to see Laura Whiting off. "This is a goddamn security nightmare." "I can't believe she actually announced on MarsGroup what time she was leaving," said Horishito, who was standing next to her, posing as her husband on this particular assignment. Both of them were wearing frumpy civilian clothes — Lisa a pair of loose...

4 years ago
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Ned Kellys Trying Times

Ned lay in bed with his hands behind his head staring at the ceiling. He had, over the years, spent some time analysing the cracks in the ceiling, but had always been unable to work out whether they showed the outline of Australia or an unknown, perhaps treasure, island. He was being no more successful on this occasion and his mind wandered off on to other things. The previous evening, Friday, he had missed the school bus once again and had had to use the service bus. The usual crew had been...

4 years ago
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Introducing Georgina Part One

Introducing Georgina My name is George Harrington, and I work in the UK porn industry. There, I’ve said it. And do you know what? I’m not in the slightest bit embarrassed or ashamed of that statement. I’ll confess that there have been times (especially at the start) when I seriously wondered if I was doing the right thing, but even now when my “sordid secret” (their words) has been exposed by a national newspaper as a matter of so-called public interest, I don’t feel a single pang of guilt...

1 year ago
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New Beginnings Adams StoryChapter 6

I don't want to make this tale a daily diary or anything like that. I could but it would get boring after a bit, and I also don't want to go on and on about the sex; while fun and most certainly enjoyable for all involved, especially me, it would become repetitious for anyone reading this tale. So I will try to move things along, when possible. Unfortunately, the first week on the new planet was an important one so let me continue for a bit, relating how we settled in and what we...

3 years ago
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Living a CAP Based PresentChapter 23 So Many Square Pegs

Chastity followed me as I walked over to the table. When I stopped to look around the room I could see a very nervous look on her face. “Problem?” I asked. “That orientation makes the ship seem very complex,” Chastity said. “It is. It has to be in order to allow us to travel into space,” I replied. “But I can’t even understand why I have the CAP to be a citizen. I always hated fighting. My parents were always fighting. I got into acting because there was a small theater group in my...

3 years ago
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29 December 2006Chapter 1

Dan and Karen decided to have their symbolic last night of freedom though they’d been living together with their three kids since the end of November. While Ben and Scott took Dan to the Go Go strip club in Belleville for his bachelor party, Vicky hosted the women at Karen’s spacious home. Pete and Derek were home for the Christmas break from their hockey teams, and Scott arranged for them to host Brad, Jake, and his brother Timmy. Action movies and junk food were the themes for their...

2 years ago
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I'm obsessed. I admit it, I embrace it and I revel in the fact that I'm obsessed. Obsessed with the male member known as a penis, a cock, a schlong, a Johnson, Mr. Happy, A DICK. All kinds, slender ones, thick ones :-), short ones, long ones, average ones, as long as they are shaped with that wonderfully velvet soft head that has the wider collar, and a stiff shaft. Don't ask me where this obsession came from. I just fell into it. I wish it was ON it but that will come. Often and with much...

3 years ago
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Keep Me Up

I watched the rain, slide gently down the black umbrella. Dance on the corner of the edge, and finally as if finding a place like heaven, jumped into the ground near her feet. Obsessing over small discrete things that happened around her was, you could say a pastime of mine. She stood at this bus stop every day from 5:16 – 5:25 coming straight from her job, which was at the local camera house. Catching the 42 to the city. I caught the 19 which came 3 minutes after hers. She, was the woman of...

2 years ago
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The Final Flourish

Gary's words made me spring into action. Time was going to be at a premium, so I first contacted Ufuk and confirmed another gangbang at his place that evening -Tuesday.Nihan's extraordinary cock was the next thing on my mind, so I sent him a message telling him I wanted to meet him wherever he was. I was that keen that I would have driven the six hours to his hometown if I needed to.He replied, telling me that he was in Antalya on Thursday. That's just three hours away, so a date was fixed up...

Group Sex
1 year ago
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Recon mission turned upside down

"Computer, scan the station," I told the shuttle, "I want a full analysis." " Unable to comply," The shuttles computer replies, "Sensors are being jammed from the statio-" "Computer? Computer respond?" I call out as the computer core stops mid-sentence. Suddenly the shuttle rocks and EPS and power relays blew up in your face, forcing me backwards, burning my federation uniform until I managed to put the small fire out, that's when it dawned on me, the fire and burned through not only the front...

3 years ago
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A Walk Not in the Park

Earlier today I went there and let the dogs off once we were safely away from the main street and they ran off as usual. The lot itself is heavily wooded and very secluded from the main street and I always wondered why more people didn’t bring their dogs here but I had never seen a soul there. This time, however, when I got to the back of the lot where the dogs were, I saw someone sitting on an old stump. At first I thought someone else might be there with their dogs as well but a quick...

4 years ago
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Summer in California

This is a story about my junior year in high school and two incredible sisters that made my life interesting that year. First a bit about me. My name is John and I live in California. I’m now 52 years old and recently divorced. I have never been overweight and am 6 foot tall dark eyes brown hair. It was the 1970’s and I was having what I thought was the time of my life. Hey I had a car, a part time job, was still living at home, school was fun, and I was playing a lot of baseball. Oh and...

First Time
3 years ago
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House Girl X Mongolia

The quorum of Chinese officials that greeted us spoke in the regional Ordos dialect of Mongolian. All four were from the region, their hooded eyelids and broad flat faces were indigenous characteristics. We all bowed and nodded in the Eastern custom of greeting and finished when I extended my hand in the western custom. The lead officer took my hand as a courtesy. Within seconds I could understand Mongolian like a native and speak it without a western accent. I mentally suggested that it...

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